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Megan Hardy Frankosky

2024 Stonepond Ln. ! Raleigh, NC 27603

Phone: 336.469.2054 ! E-Mail: ! Web:

My passion is designing elegant, engaging, intuitive, immersive, and seamless experiences for end users.
The Friday Institute NC State University, Graduate Researcher August 2011 Present
Project 1: Engage As a leader on the game development team, I design game content and conduct user
experience research to ensure usability of the game and instructional resources. I lead the and organize
usability testing, focus groups and workshops, plan study implementation, select evaluation metrics, analyze
data, and write reports for this National Science Foundation (NSF) funded research project that focuses on the
cognitive and affective components of learning within a game based environment for middle school students.

Project 2: InVis Conducted need analysis, created mockups, and leveraged design heuristics to redesign the
interface and provide user centered design recommendations for this information visualization software.

Project 3: MOOC-Ed In this self-sought out project I made theory and data driven design recommendations
for a massive online course through the use of educational data mining to research participation patterns. I
investigated and compared analytic methods, including clustering techniques.

Project 4: JavaTutor Organized the study administration, and recruited participants for an NSF funded project
to research and design an intelligent tutoring systems to teach Java. I processed and analyzed physiological
data using Matlab and statistical techniques such as multiple regressions, t-tests, and multi-level modeling.

Project 5: Leonardo Recruited for this project to plan analyses, research and select software for conducting
qualitative and quantitative data analysis using SPSS, SAS, and Atlas-Ti of student responses to science
related questions for this NSF funded project. I also developed use documentation and led individual training
sessions for fellow researchers to learn the Atlas-Ti program used to code data.

LACELab/Gains Through Gaming Lab, Undergraduate Research Assistant August 2010 May 2011
Made process improvements in lab activities including video transcription and data entry. I was also
responsible for cognitive test administration in an assisted living facility for a project that investigated the
relationship between playing video games and cognitive functioning in adults and older adults.

LearningRx, Cognitive Trainer May 2010 June 2011
Trained children ages 6 to 12 to develop processing skills, build confidence, and raise self-esteem. Adhering to
a program designed to increase reading comprehension, auditory and visual processing speed and improve
memory I worked towards making improvements in the students academic and social lives.

Webassign, Editorial Administrative Assistant / Graphics Editor Dec. 2006 April 2009
Worked in quality assurance project management for an online course content development company.
Conducted training sessions and developed online resources for graphics procedures.
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Ph.D. Psychology - Human Factors & Applied Cognition (expected May, 2015)
M.S. Psychology - Human Factors & Applied Cognition (May 2014)
Thesis Topic: Perceptions of Interactivity - The Roles of User Control and Feedback
B.A. Psychology (May, 2011)
B.S. Business Management (May 2009)
Megan Hardy Frankosky
2024 Stonepond Ln. ! Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: 336.469.2054 ! E-Mail: ! Web:

Non-Technical: user experience research and methodologies, game design, interface design, instructional
design, independent and creative problem solver, self-sufficient team member, ability to learn new concepts
quickly, strong motivation to succeed and constantly improve, excellent written and verbal communication,
amiable personality, outstanding organizational skills, ability to focus on details and the big picture.

Technical: Photoshop, Illustrator, Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, Access, SPSS, SAS, HTML, CSS.
Some knowledge of R, Rapid Miner, PHP, and JavaScript.
Relevant Coursework
User Experience, Usability, & Design:
Performance Assessment, Game Design, Human Factors
Cognition, Perception, & Learning:
Training & Skill Acquisition, Cognitive Processes, Perception, Physiological Psychology
Statistics & Data Analytics:
Quantitative Research Methods, Multivariate Statistics, Multi Level Modeling, Educational Data Mining
Professional Leadership Experience
NCSU Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (HFES) Student Chapter President (2013), Vice President (2012)
NCSU Graduate Association of Students in Psychology (GrASP) Human Factors Program Rep, (2012-13)
Journal Articles & Conference Proceedings
Hardy, M., Wiebe, E.N., Buffum, P., Boyer, K., (currently under review). Spatial Ability and Other Predictors of Gameplay
Time: Understanding Barriers to Learning in Game-based Virtual Environments.

Hardy, M., London, J., Thompson, I., Behrend, T., Wiebe, E.N. (currently under review). Data Analytics for Modeling User
Behavior within MOOCS: a Comparison of Clustering Techniques.

Wiebe, E. N., Lamb, A., Hardy, M., & Sharek, D. (2014). Measuring engagement in video game-based environments:
Investigation of the User Engagement Scale. Computers in Human Behavior, 32, 123-132.

Buffum, P. S., Martinez-Arocho, A. G., Frankosky, M. H., Rodriguez, F. J., Wiebe, E. N., & Boyer, K. E. (2014).
CS principles goes to middle school: learning how to teach" Big Data". In SIGCSE (pp. 151-156).

Hardy, M., Grafsgaard, J., Wiebe., E., Boyer, K., Lester., J. (2013). Physiological Responses to Events
during Training: Use of Skin Conductance to Design Adaptive Learning Systems. Proceedings of the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 57.

Hardy, M., & Gillan, D. (2012). Voluntary Task Switching Patterns in Everyday Tasks of Different Motivational
Levels. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56, 2128, 2132.

Wiebe, E, Carter, M., Patterson, L., Sheffield, W., Hardy, M., Smaxwell. M. (2013). Electronic Science Notebooks
and Argumentation: Analysis of Student Writing. AERA.

Wiebe, E., Shelton. A., Patterson, L., Hardy, M., Carter, M., & Sheffield, C. (2013). Elementary Students Use of
Argumentation and Evidentiary Support in Science Notebooks. NARST.

Hardy, M., Grafsgaard, J., Wiebe., E., Boyer, K., Lester., J. (2012). Integrating Affective Computing and Adaptive
Training: An Exploratory Analysis to Link Postural Data and Learner Engagement to Knowledge Acquisition.
Unpublished paper presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

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