Tim LaHaye - The Role of The USA in End Times Prophecy

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Tim LaHaye’s Perspective – August, 1999


As I sat on an American Airlines flight, I heard the attendant welcome us to

the Global Alliance Airlines, a consortium of AA and several other foreign

carriers. Again I was reminded that this world is rapidly moving to globalism on

many fronts. We hear about the global internet, global banking, global economy, a

global monetary system, a global defense system, and the list goes on.

One frightening thing the educators are advancing is “global education,”

which is part of what Education 2000 is about. After successfully ruining the best

educational system in the world – now one third of our students cannot read,

another third are not reading well, and the majority cannot discern between right

and wrong – they want to make their amoral socialistic form of “education” global.

These liberal educrats with dictator-type control over our nation’s schools have

successfully revised American history until it has become not the facts as they

really occurred but it’s their interpretation of world history. Now they would like

to do the same for the world.

In the meantime the global government (or “One World Government”

obsession enthusiasts of the UN-controlled world) is working tirelessly to usher in

the next World Empire. That is not surprising to Christians, for we who read the
prophetic Scriptures know from our studies of Daniel and Revelation that there is

going to be one world empire in the last days and it will be headed by the

Antichrist. Any thinking person can see it could happen within a short time.

The big question often is “Where does the United States fit in these end time

events?” Or, “Does the United States have a place in end time prophecy?” My

first response is no, there is nothing about the U.S. in prophecy! At least nothing

that is specific. There is an allusion to a group of nations in Ezekiel 38:13 that

could apply, but even that is not specific. The question is why? Why would the

God of prophecy not refer to the supreme super power nation in the end times in

preparation for the One world government of the Antichrist? One very easy

answer is that the United States may soon surrender her national sovereignty in the

name of “world peace” to the United Nations, or she may implode by corruption

and betrayal. (All it would take is another eight years of liberalism in the White

House and a liberal majority in the Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court; the

election of 2000 will determine that!) This country cannot survive another

unaccountable administration that betrays our national security by giving our

missile secrets to communist China and our other mortal enemies, so that when

Russia goes down against Israel just before the Tribulation, the U.S. is no longer

equipped to make more than a diplomatic objection. One thing is clear when
taking all of Bible prophecy together, the United States does not seem to be an end

times player.

Russia, Israel, the former Roman Empire nations, China, Germany, Turkey,

and the Arab alliance are all referred to; but there is no mention of the United

States. All of which leads me to conclude that something dreadful is going to

happen to either render the world’s only super power impotent in the last days or at

best nullify her influence. Actually, there are several rather dreadful possibilities:

1. America’s foreign policy of protection for Israel could change. That would

remove God’s hand of blessing on this country for being good to the Jews and

result in the judgment of God on our nation as never before. Let’s hope that the

Bible believing Christians of this nation will prevent that scenario by refusing

to vote for politicians who will not continue our policy of protecting and

providing for Israel in these last days.

2. The liberal mindset of the media could continue to attack Christian values and

beliefs to so effectively destroy our youth with the help of the awesomely

influential entertainment and education industries that our entire culture would

collapse from within in less than a decade, creating the kind of anarchy in the

streets foretold about the tribulation period.

3. The majority of church members could continue to practice their pacifist ways

of refusing to vote in general elections and allow liberal secular humanists (who
are socialists at heart) to be elected to increase the size and scope of

government until “big brother” dominates the religious, economic, and personal

lives of our children. And that possibility is not remote. Just suppose that only

48 percent of the Christian community goes to the polls in 2000 – the way they

did in 1996. It won’t make any difference who the Republicans nominate. Al

Gore amassed a voting record of 4 percent while a Senator (on a scale: liberal =

0, conservative = 100). This man has admitted in his book that he worships

Gia, the mother earth goddess, and loves big government and high taxes. But

he can be elected easily if Christians don’t get involved. Too many pastors pull

their sanctimonious clerical robes around them claiming “I never get involved

in politics,” or “I believe in separation of church and state just the way the

ACLU wants me to,” or “I don’t believe in becoming controversial,” or “I don’t

want to offend anyone, after all I might drive them away from the church,” as

they did in ’92 and ’96. It is these pastor shepherds who will bear the

responsibility of refusing to come to the aid of their country at a time of moral

crisis and of losing our religious freedoms. If they again stand idle at election

time and permit these intolerant socialists who today masquerade as “liberals”

or “moderates” (like Bill Clinton who talks moderate and acts liberal) to gain

control of both the congress and the White House because of evangelicals’

apathy, our children and grandchildren will suffer the needless loss of freedom.
In addition, those non-participating pastor shepherds will bear the responsibility

for the loss of the freedom for American Christians to preach the gospel around

the world during the third millennium.

The reason I say it is the pastors’ responsibility is because we

evangelical Christians are so numerous in this country that if only 20 percent

more of us (from 48% to 68%) were taught and practiced our Christian civic

responsibilities of voting for those candidates who best represent our moral

values (something that would take .0005% of our time) we could elect enough

pro-moral, pro-family, and pro-life candidates to return this country to the

values it was originally founded on. Just as much of the responsibility of the

holocaust can be laid at the feet of the German clergy of the ’30s because they

refused to speak out against moral injustice, so will the silent evangelical clergy

in American bear the responsibility for the coming loss of freedom to America.

4. Liberal Socialist politicians in leadership will turn the control of the

United States over to the United Nations, using the vast resources of this

country to implement the One World Government that they envision as the only

hope for “peace” in this world.. That cannot happen without the aid and

support of the United States. Already the minipotentates at the UN look on the

vast resources of the USA as their resources needed to implement their agenda
of world dominance. It is frightening that a large number of liberal socialists in

both congress and the vast government bureaucracy agree with them.

We have no way of knowing for sure if this or the next decade is indeed the one

that sees the rapture of the church and the ushering in of end time events. Many

fulfilled signs would indicate we are getting close, which suggests we had better

“occupy till He comes.” That should, of course, include intensifying our

evangelistic outreach, for the Savior could “shout from Heaven” at any time. But

it should also inspire us to accept our civic citizenship responsibilities of voting

and getting every member of our churches to do the same. I am convinced that the

church is the only body in America that will determine if we will go into a socialist

dominated government before or after the Rapture. We know it will be after the

Rapture. Whether we become just another socialist state before the Rapture

depends on our nation’s pastor-shepherds.

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