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Vocabulary Euthanasia

1. Palliative care - area of health-care that focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of
patients / palliative care is appropriate for patients in all disease stages, including those
undergoing treatment for curable illnesses
2. Issues - important topic; problems
3. Terminal - the end of something; deadl
!. "dvanced - progress; ver modern
#. $linicians - " health professional, such as a phsician, pschiatrist, pschologist, or nurse
%. Parallel - together &ith; in the same direction
'. $oncern - something that relates to something; affect or involve
(. $ontroversial - public disagreement; prolonged debate
). Proponent - propose; those &ho &ere in favor
1*. "utonom - freedom of action; right of self - government
11. +ntitles - to give someone the right to do or receive something
12. ,iolates - brea- a rule or a formal agreement
13. Tenet - a principle or a belief
1!. Philosopher - person &ho studies philosoph
Philosoph is the stud of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected
&ith realit, e.istence, -no&ledge, values, reason, mind, andlanguage.
1#. $oined - introduced the ne& &ord or e.pression
1%. /ree- - from /reece
1'. 0ignified - the meaning or idea e.pressed
1(. "dministration - verb to administer - to give b in1ection
1). 2ethal agent - sufficient to cause death; ver harmful or destructive
2*. Purpose - reason
21. 3elieving - release someone from pain
22. Intolerable - unbearable
23. Incurable - cannot be cured; cannot be treated
2!. 4otive - a reason for doing something
2#. 4erciful - graceful e.g 5er death &as a merciful release.
2%. Intended - planned or meant
2'. Performed - to carr out a tas- or to fulfill
2(. Phsicians - a person 6ualified to practice medicine, especiall one &ho speciali7es in
diagnosis and medical treatment
2). 8eliberatel - done intentionall; done on purpose
3*. Pertains - related
31. 9ith-holding - suppress; refuse to give something
32. 9ithdra&ing - remove or ta-e bac-
33. 3e6uest - as- politel or nicel
3!. Intent - intention or purpose
3#. Process - a series of changes
3%. Position - in a state
3'. 4edications - a medicine or a drug
3(. Theoretical - theor
3). +thical - a set of moral principles
!*. 8istinctions - differences
!1. 0ubtle - so delicate and so precise delicate - fragile; sensitive
!2. 0ignificant - indicating something
!3. "ccess - allo&ed to enter or go in
!!. Potentiall - capable
!#. 8istinguished - different from; compare
!%. 5igh-dose - 2arge 6uantit
!'. 5asten - move 6uic-l
!(. Premised - based or basis
Pro-life arguments (against Euthanasia)
4an pain -illing drugs can no& help a patient die &ith dignit.
" ding patient ma not be able to ma-e a rational decision.
" patient ma have said the &ant euthanasia &hen the &ere no&here near death; ho&ever, &hen
faced &ith death the ma change their mind but be incapable of telling anone.
5ippocratic :ath; doctors must tr to preserve life. If euthanasia &as legali7ed, the relationship of
trust bet&een doctors and patients can be destroed.
People might be pushed into saing the &ant euthanasia b relatives &ho do not &ant to loo-
after them.

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