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Maternity B.V.M.

Israel Molina
I have chosen to volunteer my services to help Maternity BVM update
their internet presence, and bring their website to the modern age of
Over the next few months, I would like to do research and come up with a plan
to reinvent Maternity BVMs website. The process will be long, but it will be very
thourough and will address the needs of the church, school and community.
Creating this website is more than adding flash and color to a page, its about
research and creative thinking. Its about gathering information from everybody and
organizing it in a way that makes sense. It is about simplifing the online experience,
yet being extensive enough to cover the needs of Maternity BVM and the users.
Maternity B.V.M.
Maternity BVM needs to communicate in the same language as
the people in the community, both literally and digitally.
The website needs to be fully bilingual, because it is located
in a large hispanic location.
75% of low income hispanic families view the web on
mobile devices, yet- the Maternity BVMs website is not
made for mobile.
A clear division between Maternity BVMs church and school
needs to be astabolished.
The website can be used to bring the community together
by envolving the local businesses within the site.
It is important to do this now, because this is
what your users need. Technology has evolved
the world to a digital age where everybody is
connected around the globe through the internet.
And the way they access the internet has evolved
from viewing it on a desktop at work/home/
school, to mobile devices like phones, laptops
and tablets. Just like the church adapted from
word of mouth, to written scripture, to a typed
book... we need to evolve to todays digital
standard of communicating.
Maternity B.V.M.
Stakeholders Interview 2 weeks
Observation 2-3 weeks
Focus Groups 3-4 weeks
Putting it all together 2-3 weeks
Site Map 1-2 weeks
Vision Plan
Holding Stakeholders Interviews will
give me a clear view on what the
stakeholders are expecting to be in
the website. It will also let me know
common problems and their input to
the solution.
This project is pretty complex
because it has a variety of diferent
users and important content varies
based on those users needs. In order
to break this down I would need to
see how each diferent user would
use the site.
Once all of research is complete,
its time to place what I knew or
assumed with what I had learned.
My wall of knowledge should have a
clear and direct concept on what to
do with the website.
This process is used to
organize the important
content such as what will go
inside the navigation tabs.
Making sure that everything
makes sense and is easy to
find for the user.
This is a visual concept of
what the website layout
would look like.
Wireframes will not
show color, or style
but would rather focus
on composition and
organization of the
website giving the client
a good idea of what to
expect from the website.
Again, the users and stakeholder vary because of the two
seperate areas, church and school. A lot of research would
have to go into understanding the users, their technological
background and their habits. Focus groups for parents,
parishiners, clergy and teahcers.
Wireframes 2 weeks
Maternity B.V.M.
Wall of
Maternity B.V.M.
About Adults Youth Gallery Contact
Prayer & Devotion
Holy Communion
Want to be Catholic?
Services Alter Services
Mass Times
Anointing of Sick
Holy Orders
Funeral Arrang.
Eucharistic Minist. Confirmations Photos
Lectors Quinceaneras Videos
Music Infant Baptism
Ushers 1st Eucharist/Recon.
Baptism Youth Ministry
Adult Confirmation
Parish Groups
Communion to Saints
Site Map
Maternity B.V.M.
School Classes Account Gallery Contact
Faculty and Staf
Schedule Tuition Photos
Assignments Scholarship Info Videos
Discussion Sponsorship
Supplies Payment History
Book Store
Site Map 2
Maternity B.V.M.

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