God and God Are Two Case Sensitive Words

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Meanings Of God and god.

God and god are two diferent words ,if not in spellings then in the case
sensivity of its frst letter.
The are the frst case sensitive words in English.
God (pl :GODS).(First letter Capital)
1] A Being Ascribed with !per"acy. A !pre"e Being.
#] An Al"ighty,!pre"e, $ost %ighand &ns!bordinate Being.
'] A Being (hich &s !pre"e, overeign,A!tocratic,All )owerf!l
*+"nipotent],+"nifc,)erfect and ,eserveth To Be (orshipped
and To Be )rayed To.
-] As a proper no!n of !pre"e Being../ee note -0
god *g+,,frst letter s"all] 1pl2 gods.3
1] A being ascribed with s!periority.
#]A being which so"e e4traordenary b!t li"ited powers and deserves to be
']A being which so"e e4traordenary b!t li"ited powers which "ay or "ay
not deserves to be worshipped.
-] A general word for God or a god *in the second "eaning of the word god
*frst letter is s"all].
Gra""ar25 The word God *frst letter capital] is !sed with o!t any English
article whether ,efnite or indefnite, in general
!nless and otherwise the a!thor wants to !se any one of the" for so"e of his
own reasons.
The word god re6!ires an article whether defnite or indefnite, in general
!nless the a!thor wants to !se it with o!t the"
for his own reasons.
&n the begening of a sentence when the frst letter of the word god is in
capital for" there is an a"big!ity which can be only
solved by st!dying the de"and of conte4t.
God is not a god in the second "eaning of the word god *frst letter s"all not
God*frst letter capital] is a god in the forth "eaning of the word god *frst
letter s"all].
The verbs ascribed to God "ay also have their frst letter capital. The sa"e
"ay be e4tended to verbs to be
)rono!ns ,A!4ilary 7erbs /Both ,eceptive li8e 9an,$ay, and :on ,eceptive
li8e ,o,%ave0 and prepositions *eg +f]
as well.
&n the case if all the letters of the words God or god are bloc8ed letters then
an a"big!ity is generated.
G+, "ay "ean God or god.
&n other lang!ages s!ch case sensitive words do not e4ist.
&n )ersian ;h!da "ay "ean God or god.
&n Gree8 Theos "ay "ean God or god.
&n <atin ,e!s "ay "ean God or god.
&n %ebrew Elohe" "ean God or god *Gods or gods.]
&n Arabic =&lah "ay "ean God or god.
a"e is tr!e for the pl!rals in these lang!ages.
They either "ean Gods or gods.
&n Athanasian 9hristianity The word God "ay be !sed for any one of the
%ypostasis in the Godhead *+!sia] of God
*!pre"e Being]. with the condition that the pl!ral of the word God i.e Gods
"!st not be !sed for the" even if %ypostases
are "ensioned collectively.
:otes 25
1] There are "ore then one %ypostases in the +!sia +f God as according to
#]A %ypostasis is 1)ere e 3!bsistent &ndivid!al (hich &s &"possible To E4ist
(ith +!t An +!sia.
'] A n!"ber of religions deney %ypostases in ,ivine +!sia.
-] A n!"ber of Gra""arians opine that God *frst letter capital] is a proper
Their arg!"ent is that this word does not !se articles *a,the] as if it is a
proper no!n, where a co""on no!n
is li8ely to !se the". B!t this is a wea8 arg!"ent since either it is a special
case or an e4ceptional case.
o"e other arg!"ents ref!ting the "ensioned above arg!"ent "ay also be
presented b!t this is s!>cient.
The dropping is "ay also be d!e to the $a?esty.
&n any case if it is also a proper no!n of !pre"e Being then one "ay say25
Proper Noun Of God Is God.
The first word God is in any one of thr three meanings stated above the second Time the word God
is a Proper Noun.
-] o"e people li8e to !se th or eth for"s for the sing!lar verbs when
referred to the word God, instead of s or es
when a third person gra""atical sing!lar ordanary verb is !sed.The sa"e is
tr!e for verbs li8e ,oeth,,oth,%ath etc.
@] A n!"ber of )hilosophers opine that the idea of "ore than one !pre"e
Beings contradict one each other, b!t this
not the do"ain of Gra""ar. +ne "ay sentence as follow25
Plurality Of Gods is Impossible.
Een in t!is senten"ed senten"e t!e #ord Gods is used as a
plural of t!e #ord God.
'ritis! Englis! !as done a marelous (ob by ma)ing t!e first "ase
sensitie #ord .
%#o #ords distin"t only due to "ase sensiity * and not in
%!e #ord God is a "ommon noun for ++ , Supreme 'eing---- et".
see aboe.
%!is is (ust a resear"! one may ma)e posatie "omments.

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