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Amigurumi Snail

*...* = repeat from * to * for the rest of the round

Rd = round
ch = chain
sc = single crotchet
st = stitch
sctog = single crotchet two together
Head, body and shell (1x):
start with colour for head and body
1. Rd: ch 2
2. Rd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from the hook 6
3. Rd: 2 sc in eery st around 12
!. Rd: 2 sc in eery 2nd st around 1"
#. Rd: 2 sc in eery 3rd st around 2!
6. Rd: 2 sc in eery !th st around 3$
%.&". Rd: 3$ sc 3$
'ow is a good time to fi( the eyes if you are using safty eyes )between Rd # * 6 oder 6 * %+ leae
# sc between eyes, - buttons could be sewed on later.
.. Rd: *3 sc+ 2 sctog* 2!
start stuffing the head
1$. Rd: *2 sc+ 2 sctog* 1"
11. Rd: *1 sc 2 sctog* 12
stuff the head nicely firm - go on stuffing as you work
12./3$. Rd )1" Rounds,: 12 sc 12
00from Rd 2! on stuff only lightly. 1he body will be rolled up - too much stuffing will be hindering
change to colour for the shell
31. & 32. Rd: 12 sc 12
33. Rd: 2sc in eery 3rd st 16
3!./!%.: 16 sc 16
!". Rd.: sc around and on the inside )the side facing the head, 1( 2 sctog 1#
!../#2.: 1# sc 1#
#3. Rd.: sc around and on the inside )the side facing the head, 1( 2 sctog 1!
#!./#%.: 1! sc 1!
#". Rd: sc around and on the inside )the side facing the head, 1( 2 sctog 13
#../62. Rd.: 13 sc 13
63. Rd.: sc around and on the inside )the side facing the head, 1( 2 sctog 12
6!./6.. Rd.: 12 sc 12
%$. Rd: 6( 2 sctog 6
%1.: 3( 2 sctog 3
bind off and weae in the end
Antenna (2x):
1. Rd: ch 2
2. Rd: 6 sc in 2nd from the hook 6
3. Rd: 2 sc in eery 2nd st .
!. Rd: . sc .
#. Rd: *1 sc+ 2 sctog* 6
6./11. Rd )# Rounds,: 6 sc 6
roll up the body and sew it
fi( antennas )and in case you are using buttons: eyes,.
2et me know if you3e got problems with the pattern or find a mistake:

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