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Holy Family Catholic Church

830 Main Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818

Telephone: 422-1135 Fax:423-0389
Email: and
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3, 2014
Mass Schedule
Monday-Saturday: 7:15 AM
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM &
7:00 PM

1st SundaySamoan Mass-2 PM

3rd Sunday-Pohnpeian Mass-2 PM

Confessions Saturday:
4:004:45 PM
and after daily Masses

First Friday of the Month
After 7:15 am Mass




Come Follow me.

Matthew 4:19

We begin the month of August with an Invitation from
the Lord to come to the waters. The Scripture Read-
ings during this Month will encourage us to take bold
steps in encountering with God, through Jesus Christ.
During the last month we were advised to develop
proper attitudes that would help us attune ourselves to
the call of God. If we have the proper dispositions and
do make a positive move towards God and accept Him
personally into our lives, we shall surely enjoy life.

We need food and drink to sustain us daily. God is going
to provide that good food. We can all eat as much as we
want and be satisfied. Saint Paul explains that whoever
realizes the importance of getting closer to God, will not
allow anything to hinder his/her approach to God.

In the Gospel, Jesus not only multiplies the Bread and
Fish, but He teaches the disciples to provide food for the
starving people. The disciples were astounded, because
they had no reserve food, and whatever they had was lit-
tle compared to the number of people present. Jesus
command was to make them and us realize that we have
enough to share. We must not find even valid excuses,
but go out of our way to share what we have with others.
When we share, we actually enrich ourselves and grow
in the likeness of God.

We have become a materialistic and selfish society that
pursues happiness by acquisition of wealth. Jesus
teaches us to share everything in the name of God and be
happy and free. Fr. Sebastian

NEW PARISHIONERS: Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to par-
ticipate in all parish activities and ministries. Registration forms are available in the back of the Church.
How God is Present in Us

We have taken it for granted that God, then, is present somehow in the soul by grace. We have now to con-sider
what sort of a presence this really is. Do we mean absolutely that God the Holy Spirit is truly in the soul Himself, or
do we, by some metaphor or vague expres-sion, mean that He is merely exerting Himself there in some new and spe-
cial way? Perhaps it is only that, by means of the sevenfold gifts, He has a tighter hold on us and can bring us more
completely under the sweet dominion of His will.

All that is true, but it is not enough, for we do absolutely mean what we say when we declare that, by grace, the
Holy Spirit of God is present within the soul. Scripture is exceedingly full of the truth of this and is always insisting
on this presence of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul, especially, notes it over and over again, and in his letter to the Romans
repeats it in very forcible language: But you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if it be that the Spirit of God
dwells in you.And he goes on in that same chapter to imply that this presence is a part of grace.

To some it will seem curious to find that the Fathers of the Church in earliest ages were not only convinced of the fact of this
presence, but appealed triumphantly to it as accepted even by heretics. When, in the early days, a long controversy raged as to
whether the Holy Spirit was really God or not, the Fathers argued that since this indwelling of the Spirit was acknowledged on
all hands, and since it was proper to God only to dwell in the heart of man, the only possible conclusion was that the Holy Spirit
was divine.
This presence, then, of God in the soul is a real, true presence, as real and true as the presence of Our Lord Himself in the
Blessed Sacrament of the

How God is Present in Us

We have taken it for granted that God, then, is present somehow in the soul by grace. We have now to con-sider
what sort of a presence this really is. Do we mean absolutely that God the Holy Spirit is truly in the soul Himself, or
do we, by some metaphor or vague expres-sion, mean that He is merely exerting Himself there in some new and spe-
cial way? Perhaps it is only that, by means of the sevenfold gifts, He has a tighter hold on us and can bring us more
completely under the sweet dominion of His will.

All that is true, but it is not enough, for we do absolutely mean what we say when we declare that, by grace, the
Holy Spirit of God is present within the soul. Scripture is exceedingly full of the truth of this and is always insisting
on this presence of the Holy Spirit. St. Paul, especially, notes it over and over again, and in his letter to the Romans
repeats it in very forcible language: But you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if it be that the Spirit of God
dwells in you.And he goes on in that same chapter to imply that this presence is a part of grace.

To some it will seem curious to find that the Fathers of the Church in earliest ages were not only convinced of the fact of this
presence, but appealed triumphantly to it as accepted even by heretics. When, in the early days, a long controversy raged as to
whether the Holy Spirit was really God or not, the Fathers argued that since this indwelling of the Spirit was acknowledged on
all hands, and since it was proper to God only to dwell in the heart of man, the only possible conclusion was that the Holy Spirit
was divine.
This presence, then, of God in the soul is a real, true presence, as real and true as the presence of Our Lord Himself in the
Blessed Sacrament of the Eucha-rist. We look on all that mystery as very wonderful, and indeed it is, that day by day we can be
made one with God the Son by receiving His body and blood; we know the value of visits to His hidden presence, the quiet and
calm peace such visits produce in our souls; yet so long as we are in a state of grace, the same holds true of the Holy Spirit
within us.

We are not indeed made one with the Holy Spirit in a substantial union, such as united God with man in the sacred
Incarnation; nor is there any overpowering of our personality so that it is swamped by a Divine Person, but we retain
it absolutely. The simplest com-parison is our union with our Lord in the Holy Eucha-rist, wherein we receive Him
really and truly and are made partakers of His divinity. By grace, then, we re-ceive, really and truly, God the Holy
Spirit and are made partakers of His divinity. If, then, we genuflect to the tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament
is re-served and treat our Communions as the most solemn moments of our day, then equally we must hold in rev-
erence every simple soul in a state of gracethe souls of others and our own.

The fact, then, of this presence has been established and its nature explained. It is a real presence, a real union be-
tween the soul and God the Holy Spirit. We have, however, a further point to elucidate: the mode whereby this pres-
ence is effected. Now, this is twofold insofar as this presence of the Spirit affects the mind and heart of man.
First, then, we take the knowledge of God that is generated in the soul by this presence. From natural knowledge we
can not only deduce the existence of God, but in some way also deduce His nature. Not only do we know from the
world which He has made that He certainly must Himself have a true existence, but from it we can even, gradually
and carefully, although certainly with some vagueness, discover Gods own divine attributes. His intelligence is
evident, as are His power, His wisdom, His beauty, His Provi-dence, and His care for created nature. The pagans,
merely from the world about them, painfully, and after many years and with much admixture of error, could yet in
the end have their beautiful thoughts about God, and by some amazing instinct have stumbled upon truths which
Christianity came fully to establish. The writings of Plato and Aristotle, of some Eastern teachers, and of some of the
kings and priests of Egypt are evidence of the possibility of the natural knowl-edge about God.
Transfiguration of the Lord

All three Synoptic Gospels tell the story of the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36). With remarkable
agreement, all three place the event shortly after Peters confession of faith that Jesus is the Messiah and Jesus first prediction of
his passion and death. Peters eagerness to erect tents or booths on the spot suggests it occurred during the Jewish weeklong, fall
Feast of Booths. In spite of the texts agreement, it is difficult to reconstruct the disciples experience, according to Scripture
scholars, because the Gospels draw heavily on Old Testament descriptions of the Sinai encounter with God and prophetic visions
of the Son of Man. Certainly Peter, James and John had a glimpse of Jesus divinity strong enough to strike fear into their hearts.
Such an experience defies description, so they drew on familiar religious language to describe it. And certainly Jesus warned
them that his glory and his suffering were to be inextricably connecteda theme John highlights throughout his Gospel. A feast
in honor of the Transfiguration was celebrated in the Eastern Church from about that time. Western observance began in some
localities about the eighth century. At his Transfiguration Christ showed his disciples the splendor of his beauty, to which he
will shape and color those who are his: He will reform our lowness configured to the body of his glory
Church Bulletin: EditorJoe Padron, Phone 423-2439. Bulletin deadline is Tuesday 12:00 noon. Please
email notice and picture if applicable to
Our Weekly Offerings
July 27, 2014
Thank you for your generous
contribution for the past weekend.

5:00 PM $1,292.47
8:30 AM $1,655.20
11:00 AM $1,115.23
7:00 PM $1,384.50

TOTAL $5,447.40
(Adults), CONFIRMATION (Youth). Sign-up
forms are available after every Mass. Please help us
with your early registrations, as we need to order
books and materials on time. Please read the article
on the left of this column. Thank you.

thank Mrs Chris Malins and the Staff for their hard
work in putting together a great program on Thurs-
day, August 31. We thank all those who partici-
pated for your cooperation and good-will. If you
have any suggestions please email Mrs Malins or
Father Sebastian. We shall improve on our experi-
ences through constructive feed-back. Thank you.

The Month of August. During this month we re-
member Our Blessed Ladys Assumption on the
15th and the dropping of the Atomic Bombs in Ja-
pan. Let us recite the Rosary, as Our Lady has per-
sonally instructed u at Fatima for Peace in the

Welcome to The Staff, Teachers and Stu-
dents of HFCA and ELC as you commence
another Year of Studies beginning on Monday, Au-
gust 4.
The mortal remains of Saint Marianne Cope
have returned to Hawaii and is together with that of
Saint Damien at the Our Lady of Peace Cathedral
which has been recently proclaimed by the Holy
Father to be a MINOR BASILICA.

REGISTRATION for parish Religious Education
classes will be held each weekend following
the Saturday evening and Sunday morning and
evening Masses - Aug. 2/3 and Aug. 9/10. Please
make sure you get your registration forms in no
later that Aug. 10.

Catechists are also needed, so you may volunteer
with anyone at the registration desk outside of
church. For more information - contact Diane
Fujinaga @ 256-7343. MAHALO!!!

Take time to pray
It can be extremely

to Buy or Sell Real Estate
PHONE: 722-9678
Ten Reasons to Rejoice

St. Paul exhorts us in his letter to the Philippians to re-
joice, not just once but twice: Rejoice in the Lord; I say
it again: rejoice in the Lord. (Phil. 4:4). Pope Francis
Apostolic exhortation reiterates the same themeThe
Joy of the Gospel. St. Francis de Sales remarks on spiri-
tual progress commenting that after sin the worse thing is
sadness. St. Ignatius agrees, warning us that when we are
in a state of desolationthat is to say sadness and dis-
couragementthat is the moment that we are a prime tar-
get for the fiery arrows of the devil.

Why then should we be constantly living in a state of joy?
There are many reasons, but we would like to offer eight-
simple reasons to be rejoicing constantly and exultantly.

1. Baptismal Graces. Once baptized we receive so many
graces that we can barely count them. However of primary
importance is that through Baptism we establish a deep
Friendship with three Divine Personsthe Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. In Baptism God becomes our Father;
Jesus becomes our elder Brother; the Holy Spirit becomes
both the Sweet Guest of our soul and our best Friend. Re-
joice in Gods Friendship!
2. Sanctifying Grace. If we can strive to live in the state of
sanctifying grace then the Friendship with God is con-
stant. We are never alone; loneliness becomes alien to our
lifestyle. We can close our eyes and seek the God within
the depths of our souls. How happy this should make us!

3. Mercy! Even if we fall one hundred times a day, we
know that our God is slow to anger and rich in mercy. As
soon as our heart beats with the words
Jesus mercy, Jesus forgive me; Jesus I love youthen once
again this treasure of His Friendship is restored and it is
sealed in the sacrament of Confession. Give thanks to the
Lord for He is good; His mercy endures forever.
4. The Blessed Sacrament. What overflowing and immense
joy we should experience in knowing that Jesus said that He
would be with us even until the end of the world. Where is
He? Response: in the Church. However, most especially He
is truly Present (The Real Presence) in the consecrated Host
present in all of the Tabernacles of the world. Let us rejoice
and come let us adore Him.

5. St Raphael. An invitation: Why not delve into your Bible
and go to the Old Testament where you will find a short but
truly inspiring book from the Wisdom literature with the
title of the Book of Tobit. In this spiritual masterpiece you
will find a heart-warming Friend; he is actually one of the
three Archangels mentioned in the Bible. His name is
Raphael, meaning God heals. One of his special gifts is to
befriend us and to fill us with joy. Why not invoke this holy
angel every day for nine days (a novena) and you will notice
that your sadness will melt as the snow exposed to the mid-
day sun.

6. Saints. Not only should we walk and talk with the Arch-
angel Raphael but we should be in constant contact and
communion with the saints. While on earth the saints were
the most joyful men and women. However in heaven their
joy is boundless. Still they so earnestly long to share their
joy, which is their Friendship with God, with us on earth.
Call out to them now! By the way, who are your three favor-
ite saints? Beg them to share the joy they experience with
you now. Your joy will abound.

7. Heaven. The reality of the existence of Heaven and the
knowledge that Jesus has already gone there to prepare a
place for you should cause an explosion of joy in your soul
right now. Listen to Jesus words: I go now to prepare a
place for you so that where I am you also might be. In my
Fathers house there are many mansions. Wow! Jesus has
not only prepared a place for you, but a huge, beautiful, spa-
cious, ineffable mansion for you for all eternity. No cracks,
dust, ants, cockroaches, leaks, mildewnone of these, but
the best of resting places, all this is yours if you simply per-
severe in grace. Mary, full of grace pray for us!
8. Prayer. If you wanted to talk to some celebrity, Presi-
dent, star, hero, high-class dignitary most likely it would
take a year and a day to possibly set up a short meet-
ing. How extraordinary is Gods love for us that in any
time, any place, any circumstance that we want to we can
talk to God and He is ready to listen and respond. Too of-
ten people are too busy and simply do not have time for
ussad to say, even those who should be closest to us! Not
so with God the Father,

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