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1. Among the following pea plants properties, which are not used by Mendel in his experiments?

a. leaf size c. plants high

b. seed shape d. seed color
2. Mendel used a pea plant as object of research because it has the advantages as follow, except...
a. short age c. slightly generations
b. easily maintained d. easily obtained
3. In the process of gamete formation, the same allele genes will segregate freely. his is the explanation
a. Mendel I c. Mendel III
b. Mendel II d. Mendel I!
4. Individuals whose genotype is homogenous are indicated by...
a. AA b. Aa c. aA d. Ab
5. Intermediate individuals indicated by...
a. AA b. Aa c. aa d. Ab
6. he result of a cross between two individuals who have two different properties is called...
a. Monohybrid b. dihybrid c. trihybrid d. tetrahybrid
7. Individuals whose genotype is Aa"b will produce ...#inds of gametes
a. $ b. % c. & d. '
8. he number of gametes formed from individual with genotype Aa""(d is...
a. $ b. & c. ' d. )
9. In order that phenotype ratio in *$ + % ,-, then both parents must have the genotype of...
a. Aa and aa b. Aa and Aa c. Aa and AA d. AA and AA
10. If the individual with genotype t is crossed with genotype of tt then the phenotype ratio is...
a. - , - b. $ , - c. % , - d. & , -
11. he number of *$ genotypes from the result of crossing between individuals AA"" and aabb is...
a. % b. & c. ' d. .
12. he number of *$ phenotype from the result of crossing between the Individuals AA"" and aabb are...
a. $ b. & c. ' d. )
13. Individual "" is crossed with individual ttbb then the phenotype ratio in *$ is...
a. - , $ , - b. - , & , - c. . , ' , - d. . , % , % , -
14. he traits of an individual covered others individual/s trait in crossing is called...
a. recessive b. intermediate c. codominant d. dominant
15. 0hen Mendel conducted his experiments, he needed to transfer pollen grains from a male reproductive
organ to a female reproductive organ in a plant. his process is called...
a. cross polination b. monohybrid c. recessive d. heredity
16. 0hat is the genotype ratio for the offspring in this 1unnet s2uare?
a. & , $ t , - tt b. $ , - t , $ tt c. - , $ t , - tt d. $ , - t , - tt
17. *emale and male sex cells are called...
a. hybrids b. gametes c. alleles d. genotypes
18. 0hich of the following statements is not true?
a. a hybrid is the offspring of two parents that have different forms of a trait
b. the way an organism loo#s and behaves is called its genotype
c. if an organism has two alleles for a trait that are the same, it is said to be homozygous for that trait
d. dominant alleles are represented with uppercase letters
19. 3enes located on the same chromosome are said to be...and are often inherited together
a. codominant b. shared c. lin#ed d. genotypes
20. In a first generation cross of true breeding plants, Mendel found that only one of each pair of traits was
invisible. 4e called this trait the....trait
a. filial b. generational c. recessive d. dominant
21. 0hich of these statements is a symptom of haemophilia?
a. 5uts that ta#e a long time to stop bleeding
b. 6ome degree of mental retardation
c. Inability to differentiate between shades of red and green
d. issue damage from bloc#ed blood flow
22. 0hich of the following is not true?
a. Males inherit the allele for haemophilia on the 7 chromosome from their mother, if she is a carrier
b. A #aryotype is a chart of chromosome pairs generated on a computer
c. 6ic#le8cell disease causes abnormal red blood cells, shaped li#e sic#le, to bloc# small blood vessels
d. 9ueen victoria of :ngland was a carrier of the sex lin#ed trait for haemophilia
23. 0hich of these could be flood type of a child with a father of blood type IaIa and a mother blood type
a. ; b. " c. A" d. A
24. <ed Mirabilis Jalapa flower is crossed with the white color one. *- generation produces -==> pin#
flowers. 1henotype ratio in *$ is...
a. - , $ ,- b. % ,- c. . , % , % , - d. - , -
25. If genotype 1- is ""44 x bbhh, then the posibility that *$ genotype is ""44 is...
a. -?-' b. %?-' c. .?-' d. -$?-'

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