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Doc. No. POS-QP-30

Rev. No. 0
Blasting & Painting
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CLIENT: SPX Cooling Technologies

Controlled Copy
Uncontrolled Copy

Address: Nhon Trach Industrial Zone
Dong Nai Province, Viet Nam
Tel No.: +84 (0) 613 560 869
Fax No.: +84 (0) 613 560 871

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Approved by

Doc. No. POS-QP-30
Rev. No. 0
Blasting & Painting
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0. Revision history Page 3
1. Scope Page 4
2. Applicable standard Page 4
3. Surface preparation Page 4
4. Coating condition and application Page 6
5. Application responsibility Page 10
6. Inspection requirements Page 10
7. Standard and method for inspection Page 11
8. Coating systems Page 12
9. Painting report Page 12
10. Attachment Page 12

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Rev. No. 0
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0. Revision history
Rev no. Description Date
0 Initial issue 07-April-2014

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Rev. No. 0
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1. Scope
This procedure covers the requirement governing the selection and application of the
coating system to be used on the surface of Ducting of AIN ARNAT Project.
Individual equipment specifications and/or drawing furnished are to be used with
this procedure. If conflict exists, the individual specifications and/or drawing
furnished shall govern.
2. Applicable Standard
All works shall be conformed to specification, instruction and applicable code, in
- SA 2.5 Near white blast cleaning
- SSPC SP1 Solvent cleaning
- SSPC SP2, SSPC SP3 Hand tool, power tool cleaning
- SSPC PA2 Measurement of dry film thickness with magnetic gauges
- ASTM D4752
Standard test method for measuring MEK resistance of ethyl
silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primer by solvent rub
- Paint manufacturers technical data sheet and particular application instruction.
3. Surface Preparation
3.1 Shop Preparation
3.1.1 Prior to commencement of surface preparation, all surface defects likely to be
detrimental to the protective painting system shall be removed. All fins at saw cuts,
burrs and sharp edges shall be similarly removed.
3.1.2 Prior to blast cleaning, all grease and oil contamination shall be removed by wiping or
scrubbing the surface with rags or brushes wetted with solvent followed by a wipe
down with clean dry cloths. Alternatively, proprietary emulsifying agents may be
used and where this method of cleaning is employed, the surface shall be thoroughly
washed with clean water and then dried before proceeding.

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3.1.3 Surface preparation shall achieve the SA2.5. The amplitude of the profile of the
blast-cleaned surface shall be 40-75 microns unless otherwise specified for a
particular coating.
3.1.4 All blast cleaned surfaces shall be primed before visible re-rusting occurs or within
four hours after blasting. If more than the specified time elapses or visible re-rusting
occurs the metal surfaces shall be lightly re-blasted and where necessary washed to
remove rust blooming and accumulation of soluble salts. Spent abrasive shall be
completely removed from the prepared surface by either vacuum cleaning or
stiff-brush sweeping.
3.1.5 The abrasive used for blast cleaning shall be free of grease, oil, moisture and soluble
3.1.6 Abrasive size shall be selected to best suit the type of priming material and to satisfy
the paint manufacturer's recommendation.
3.1.7 The compressed air supply used for blast cleaning shall be free from water and oil.
Suitable air filters, separators and traps shall be provided and installed in the coolest
part of the system. Accumulations of oil and moisture shall be removed from the air
receiver by regular purging. Air compressor shall not supply air at a temperature in
excess of 110C.
3.1.8 Nozzles shall be discarded and replaced when 50% worn.
3.2 Field Preparation
3.2.1 All the provisions for shop surface preparation shall be applicable for field
preparation. If the specified requirements are impractical because of field conditions,
the revised paint system shall be submitted according to these field conditions for
approval prior to commencing work.
3.2.2 Prior to preparation and application of priming paint the metal surface or damaged
area of shop coating shall be solvent cleaned or thoroughly washed with clean water
to remove all soluble salts and dried in a manner which will not re-deposit
contaminations on to the cleaned surface.

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3.2.3 Surface preparation with power tool or hand tools shall be achieved a level of
cleanliness in accordance with SSPC SP2 and SP3.
3.2.4 The use of grinding discs may be included to achieve the removal of tightly adhering
weld splatter, but great care shall be taken to ensure that surfaces shall not be
polished nor left with a detrimental roughness.
4. Coating Condition and Application
4.1 Weather condition
4.1.1 Surface preparation and painting shall not be undertaken in conditions, which are
favorable to surface condensation when temperatures are below 10
C or the relative
humidity is above 85%.
Surface preparation and painting shall not be undertaken when there is the likelihood of
a change in weather conditions within 4 hours of the application, which would result in
air temperatures below those specified, or the deposition of moisture upon the surface.
4.1.2 Paint materials shall not be applied over metal surfaces having temperatures less
than 3
C above the dew point or in excess of 40
4.1.3 Paint materials shall not be applied to steel when ambient temperatures are expected to
fall to 5
C before the paint has dried.
4.1.4 Paint materials shall not be applied in rain, fog or mist, nor to wet or damp surfaces.
4.2 Paint Storage
4.2.1 Paint batches should be recorded on receipt and noted on the inspection records
when using this will ensure shelf life is not exceeded.
4.2.2 All containers of coating material shall remain in unopened original manufacturers
containers until required of use.
4.2.3 Coating material, which has jelled or otherwise deteriorated during storage, shall not
be used.
4.2.4 Coating material shall be stored / handled under condition such as temperature,
humidity in accordance with the manufacturers instruction.

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4.3 Mixing and Thinning
4.3.1 Paint material shall be thoroughly mixed immediately prior to application. Mixing
shall be by means of mechanical stirrers, paddle mixers, can vibrators or can shakers.
4.3.2 Constant mechanical agitation shall be maintained in the paint reservoir throughout
paint spraying operations.
4.3.3 Paint component shall be mixed in the proper ratio as supplied by the paint
manufacturer in proportional containers. Where required, the paint manufacturer
indicated induction time should be observed. Mixed paint exceeding the pot life shall
not be used.
4.3.4 Thinners shall only be added strictly in accordance with the paint manufacturers
4.3.5 The type of thinner shall comply with the paint manufacturer's instructions.
4.3.6 When thinners are permissible, they shall be added during the paint mixing process.
4.4 Film Thickness
4.4.1 The applied DFT over any square meter shall have average readings that are not less than
minimum thickness specified. At any point, the average of three readings shall not be less
than 80% of the nominal.
4.4.2 The total dry film thickness for a multicoated system shall not be less than the added total
specified dry film thicknesses.
4.4.3 Inadequate film thickness shall require the further application of an additional complete
coat over the whole area until the dry film thickness is sufficient to meet the specified
nominal. Excessive thick coats shall be removed completely by blast cleaning, and shall be
re-coated according to this Project Standard.
4.4.4 The dry film thickness of each coating applied shall be checked by means of an Elcometer
digital dry film thickness gauge.
4.4.5 Film thickness measuring shall not include thickness of pre-fabricating primers. In the
absence of pre-fabricating primer film thickness records, 25 microns shall be allowed for

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pre-fabrication primers whilst checking further film coat thicknesses.
4.4.6 The dry film thickness of individual coats shall not exceed the manufacturers
recommended maximum thickness and prove detrimental, i.e. wrinkling, mud cracking,
general softness etc., to both the coating and/or the total system.
4.5 Application
4.5.1 Paint materials shall only be applied by the paint manufacturer's recommended
method. Care shall be taken to select paint materials to suit the intended application
4.5.2 Spray guns shall be held perpendicular to the surface being coated at a maximum
distance of 300 mm from the surface and no closer than 200 mm to the surface.
4.5.3 Material and air pressure on the spray guns shall be regulated to achieve optimum
atomization of the paint with the lowest possible pressures to avoid spray ricochet
from the surface being painted.
4.5.4 Overlapping horizontal passes shall be made for each spray coat to obtain uniform
application. Particular care shall be exercised to ensure that a uniform, complete wet
coat is applied. Semi-dry spraying results in poor flow-out with excessive pinholes
and shall be avoided.
4.5.5 Coats of paint shall be uniformly applied without sags, runs, spots, damage or
contamination; such irregularities shall be removed and the affected area recoated.
4.5.6 Each coat of paint shall be in a proper state of cure or dryness before the application
of the succeeding coat.
4.5.7 Coatings that have weathered for more than six months shall be thoroughly inspected
prior to application of further coats to prevent inter-coat adhesion problems.
4.5.8 To minimize inter-coat contamination, succeeding coats shall be applied with a
minimum time lapse consistent with proper drying time, work and erection

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4.5.9 Interface adhesion problems shall be avoided by following the paint manufacturers
recommendations and advice on preparation procedures i.e. removal of zinc salts,
'mist' coats, tie coats, etc. when commencing touch-up and/ or over-coat paint work.
4.5.10 When paints are applied by brushing, brushes shall be of a style and quality that will
permit proper application of the material. Brushing shall be done so that a smooth
coat as nearly uniform in Thickness as possible is obtained.
4.6 Repair
4.6.1 In general, damage to each coat of paint shop/field applied shall be repaired by
preparing the affected surface, in accordance with the preparation as specified and as
originally carried out, cleaning and spot priming before succeeding coats of paint are
applied. The extent of repair to the damaged area shall extend 50 mm into sound
paintwork. The sound paintwork shall be lightly prepared to etch the surface. No
succeeding coat of paint shall be applied before preceding coat of paint is thoroughly
In case of damages on inorganic zinc coat, repairs shall be done with zinc epoxy
primer on surfaces with operating temperature up to 120
C and with silicone-based
coating for higher temperature.
4.6.2 Where shop/field paint has been damaged in handling, all damage and loosely
adhering paint shall be removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned by wire brush.
The breaks shall be cleaned within 50 mm, and the designated number of primer of
finish coats applied to the thickness according to manufacturer specification.
4.6.3 Defects in the primer coat resulting damage, poor application technique or surface
preparation shall be re-coated in accordance with repeat of the above steps of this
procedure prior to application of top coats.
4.6.4 Where superficial damage to top or intermediate coats has exposed the underlying
steel to the atmosphere, such may be repaired by touch up painting after removing
surface contaminants and preparation of the surface.

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4.6.5 The top and intermediate coats that show poor inter-coat or other faults shall be
wholly removed by abrasive in accordance with section 4.
5. Application Responsibility
5.1 All paint application shall be carried out in a neat, thorough and workmanlike
5.2 All cracks or crevices between structural components shall be filled with paint, if
5.3 Identification mark shall not be removed until checking with and receiving
authorization from client.
5.4 Painted product shall be protected against damage to abutting property, vehicles,
pedestrians and other portions of the structure, due to the painting operations.
5.5 The working environment shall be maintained clean and neat during the paint
application work.
5.6 Paint materials must be kept in store. Storage conditions (i.e. temperatures,
ventilation, etc.) shall meet the paint manufacturer's requirements.
5.7 Paint Manufacturer shall be in position to provide technical support and assist to
producer during surface preparation and application of its products in the various
locations. Paint Manufacturer local technical representatives shall be certified to an
acceptable level.
6. Inspection Requirement
6.1 Surface preparation shall be checked using pictorial standards in accordance with SA
2.5. Surface profile shall be compared visually with a surface roughness comparator
or by replica tape.
6.2 The presence of oil and grease may be visually checked by rubbing a clean white cloth
on steel surface to detect oil and grease or by sprinkling water on the steel surface.
6.3 Wet film thickness shall be measured at the start of application of each coat to ensure
the correct dry film thickness is achieved.

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6.4 Measurement of thickness of individual paint coatings and the total system shall be in
accordance with the procedures of SSPC PA2.
6.5 The first and succeeding field coats shall not be applied before the cleaned surface, or
the preceding applied coats have been inspected and approved. Any damaged or
defective coatings shall be repaired as specified and approved before proceeding with
any additional coats.
7. Standard and Method For Inspection
7.1 Surface cleanliness:
After abrasive blasting, applicable to all areas:
Requirement: SA 2.5
Method : Visual assessment
After hand tool, power tool cleaning, where permitted only:
Requirement : SSPC SP1, SP2, SP3
Method: Visual assessment
7.2 Surface profile after blasting:
Applicable to the blast cleaned area
Requirement: 40 to 75 m
Method: Visual assessment + Surface comparator or Replica tape
7.3 Dry film thickness:
Applicable to all painted areas, after each coat is sufficiently dry and over complete
system once sufficiently dry.
Requirements: As specified for each coat and completed system in this
procedure. The applied DFT over any square meter shall have average readings
that are not less than minimum thickness specified. No readings shall be less than
80% of the nominal.
Equipment / Standard: Digital coating thickness gauge/ SSPC PA2

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Rev. No. 0
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Remark: Calibration requirements from equipment manufacturer shall be closely
followed. Calibration shall be made over actual bare surface to be inspected.
7.4 Adhesion test:
On the painted area where system curing is complete either in single or multi
coatings, tape adhesion test X-cut shall be carried out on primer coating in
accordance with ASTM D3359.
8. Coating Systems (For shop application)
Coat Paint Type
SA 2.5
Inorganic ethyl zinc silicate
(Solids by volume min 58%)
Epoxy Polyamide
(Solids by volume min 51%)
Aliphatic Polyurethan
(Solids by volume min 58%)
50 RAL 9002
Site welding
SA 2.5 PC Weldable primer 15~25

Kephos 253

9. Painting Report
POSCO E&C Vietnam QC shall make out a report after each inspection. All inspection
reports shall be handed out to Client/Evapco at time of provisional work acceptance.
10. Attachment

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