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Speclal SLaLe

8ally lssue
-!uly 2014
1he MonLhly newsleLLer of 8lders WlLh A urpose
ChapLer #1211 of Lhe
ChrlsLlan MoLorcycllsLs AssoclaLlon

Who are we? 8lders WlLh A urpose-#1211
As a parL of Lhe ChrlsLlan MoLorcycllsLs AssoclaLlon, we are an lnLerdenomlnaLlonal mlnlsLry Lo oLher
blkers. As wlLh Lhe CMA, our mlsslon ls changlng Lhe world, one hearL aL a Llme." We meeL every 3

SaLurday aL 8u's Amerlcan Crlll~1426 LancasLer lke (8L. 272) Cuarryvllle, A~SouLh of Lhe 8uck, !oln us!
resldenL & newsleLLer 1reasurer- karen SLlllman rayer Chaln-!aneL Maldonado
-kenL 8russLar SecreLary- Mary 8russLar Chaplalns- nell unlacke, 8ud SLlllman
vlce resldenL-!ohn lreeman 8oad CapLaln -!ohn Zook WebmasLer-uave Maldonado

Cver 300 ALLend CMA/A
SLaLe 8ally aL SeyferL Camp
lellowshlp CpporLunlLles aL
Lhe A SLaLe 8ally
Cver 300 CMA members from
across Lhe sLaLe were ln aLLendance aL
Lhe annual SLaLe 8ally, Lhls year, held aL
Lhe SeyferL Camp MeeLlng grounds ln
8lrdsboro A. 1he 8ally ran from !uly
24-27 wlLh loLs of acLlvlLles for
everyone. 8lders WlLh A urpose
members !ohn Zook, kenL and Mary
8russLar, !ake and Lynne CrlesL, 1he
lreemans (!ohn, 8eLh and Lmlly), 8ud
and karen SLlllman, and kaLle unlacke
were among Lhose aLLendlng Lhls
memorable evenL. Some camped ln
8v's, some ln LenLs, and oLhers sLayed ln
cablns LhaL make up parL of Lhe SeyferL
complex. CLhers commuLed beLween
Lhe 8ally and nearby hoLels or even
We called on local chapLers Lo
Lake on speclflc [obs Lo make Lhe 8ally
happen," sald Area 8ep, !lm Cuoss.
1hey really rose Lo Lhe occaslon. 1hls
was a greaL rally."
lor our parL, 8WA was asked
Lo serve as greeLers. !azz could have
en[oyed noLhlng beLLer LhaL meeLlng
and greeLlng each arrlval aL Lhe rally

Lvenlng campflres, llke Lhe one shown
above, were [usL some of Lhe numerous
fellowshlp opporLunlLles aL Lhe SLaLe
8ally Lhls year. 1here were even hoLdogs
and s'mores, moJe to otJet for anyone
wlLh a cravlng! ln addlLlon Lhere was
fellowshlp ln campslLes, aL mealLlme ln
Lhe dlnlng hall, and on Lhe paLlo"
ouLslde of cbotlottes web, Lhe snack
shop aL SeyferL Camp. 1he paLlo was
one of Lhe favored hangouLs" for
members of 8lders WlLh A urpose.
WheLher sneaklng a bowl of lce cream,
havlng a burger, or playlng games whlle
slpplng lemonade or soda, members of
our chapLer could ofLen be found here
geLLlng Lo know one anoLher beLLer.
Worshlp was led, and muslc
performed by members of our
nelghborlng chapLers-Llons of !udah and
1rlbe of uavld. AL Lhls wrlLlng, Lhe
group had noL declded on a name.
(uavld's 1rlbe of Llons...of !udah ??)

1he worshlp Leam dld an amazlng [ob,
especlally conslderlng how ofLen Lhey
performed: lrlday evenlng, SaLurday
mornlng and evenlng, and Sunday
erhaps Lhe hlghllghL of each
worshlp servlce was Lhe message
dellvered by CMA 8eglonal LvangellsL
8lck SLeffy. Lach sesslon broughL
applause and shouLs of Amen" from
Lhe membershlp aLLendlng as 8lck
shared scrlpLure wlLh us LhaL Cod lald
on hls hearL as lL relaLed Lo our mlnlsLry
ln Lhe CMA. 8lck had a flLLlng closlng
sesslon for us, sendlng us on our way
wlLh Lhe words of lsalah (6:8) l heard
Lhe volce of Lhe Lord, saylng, 'whom
shall l send, and who wlll go for us?' And
l sald, 'Pere l am, send me'"
CLher acLlvlLles aL Lhe rally
lncluded a 8rlng & 8llng" for Lhe ladles,
allowlng Lhem Lo add sparkle Lo Lhelr 1-
shlrLs and accessorles. lor men Lhere
was a coffee rlde Lo lrench Creek
SLaLe ark wlLh devoLlons and donuLs!
A prayer walk, scavenger hunL,
semlnars, an lce cream run and blke
games rounded ouL Lhe weekend.

klcksLands up! 8lders WlLh A urpose !uly, 2014
8lders WlLh A urpose-8lde and LvenL Calendar
nC1L: 8ldes usually follow all regular meeLlngs!
^ lndlcaLes evenLs aL whlch we wlll be seLLlng up our LenL" and CMA lnfo booLh.
llke us Oo locebook. www.

AugusL 3 Church vlslL (norLheasL Mu) 3 M MeeL aL Mussers-Servlce beglns 4 M
AugusL 6 8WA Cfflcers MeeLlng 7 M 1he 8russLars
AugusL 9 Splna 8lflda-Covered 8rldge 8lde 9 AM new rovldence 8apLlsL Church
AugusL 16 8reakfasL/8egular MeeLlng 8AM/9AM 8u's Amerlcan Crlll, 81 272, C'vllle
SepLember 10 8WA Cfflcers MeeLlng 7 M 1he 8russLars
SepLember 14 8lker Sunday 10 AM Llvlng SLones lellowshlp, each 8oLLom
SepLember 20 8reakfasL/8egular MeeLlng 8AM/9AM 8u's Amerlcan Crlll, 81 272, C'vllle
SepL. 17-19 Solanco lalr^ Man Lhe 8ooLh, help park cars 9-9 dally Solanco lalrgrounds, Cuarryvllle
CcLober 11 !lm 1horpe 8lde 18A
CcLober 12 8lde lor Camps 8eneflL 18A
llnd us Cn 1he Web!
8lders WlLh A urpose
1ooLy-1a! Pere's Lhe deal. Lach chapLer was
Lo come up wlLh a candldaLe" for Lhe blg
1ooLy-1a" number durlng Lhe SaLurday
evenlng servlce. ConLalners were seL ouL for
each chapLer, and LlckeLs were sold for $1.
1he Lop 10 wlLh Lhe mosL LlckeLs collecLed
won" Lhe opporLunlLy Lo perform. nelLher
8lck SLeffy, nor uale 8rubaker would accepL
any responslblllLy for Lhe evenL, buL Area
8ep !ohn lleece was proud Lo yell, l'm
responslble!" Cver $2100 was ralsed for 8lS
ln Lhe evenL, and Pap Mlller led Lhe pack wlLh
over 300 LlckeLs/voLes!

llrsL Ald for 8lkers Semlnar
Cne of Lhe semlnars avallable
aL Lhe SLaLe 8ally was a blker-speclflc
flrsL ald class. AbouL 30 people
aLLended Lhe class led by our own kaLle
unlacke. ALLendees wlLnessed a few
very soberlng
vldeos of acLual
accldenLs, and
Lhen learned Lhe
baslcs Lo beLLer
prepare Lhem ln
Lhe evenL of an
accldenL ln Lhelr
own group.
Givin it all away...
Open Doors to receive $809,530.07
Missionary Ventures - $809,530.07
JESUS Film Project - $809,530.07
Home Missions - $1,619,060.14
2014 Run for the
Son Total
as announced at
the CMA
National Rally,
June 19, 2014

Cooh, almosL! Whlle Lhey were noL
successful ln placlng any of Lhe balls on Lhe
cones as requlred...

Pere's !azz and xxxxxx. 1he ob[ecL of Lhe
game ls Lo place Lhe ball on Lhe cone...

...1hey dld succeed ln flaLLenlng many
of Lhe cones! Ch well, lL was sLlll fun!

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