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FACTS: Anselmo and Marcelo Pesigan transported in te e!ening o"
April #$ 1%&# t'ent()si* cara+aos and a cal" "rom Camarines S,r 'it
-atangas as teir destination. Te( 'ere pro!ided 'it tree certi"icates:
1. a ealt certi"icate "rom te pro!incial !eterinarian$ #. permit to
trans"er or transport "rom te pro!incial commander/ and 0. tree
certi"icates o" inspections. In spite o" te papers$ te cara+aos 'ere
con"iscated +( te pro!incial !eterinarian and te to'n1s police station
commander 'ile passing tro,g Camarines Norte. Con"iscation 'as
+ased on E*ec,ti!e 2rder No. 3#3)A 'ic proi+its transportation o"
cara+aos and cara+ee" "rom one pro!ince to anoter.
ISS4E: 5eter or not E*ec,ti!e 2rder No. 3#3)A$ pro!iding "or te
con"iscation and "or"eit,re +( te go!ernment o" cara+aos transported
"rom one pro!ince to anoter$ dated 2cto+er #6$ 1%&7 is en"orcea+le
+e"ore p,+lication in te 2""icial Ga8ette on 9,ne 1:$ 1%&#.
;4LING: No. Te said order isn1t en"orcea+le against te Pesigans on
April #$ 1%&# +eca,se it1s a penal reg,lation p,+lised more tan #
monts later in te 2""icial Ga8ette. It +ecame e""ecti!e onl( "i"teen da(s
terea"ter as pro!ided in A# o" te Ci!il Code and <11 o" te ;e!ised
Administrati!e Code. Te 'ord =la's in article # incl,des circ,lars >
reg,lations 'ic prescri+e penalties. P,+lication is necessar( to apprise
te p,+lic o" te contents o" te reg,lations and ma?e te said penalties
+inding on te persons a""ected tere+(. Common'ealt Act No. 30&
re@,ires tat all Presidential E*ec,ti!e 2rders a!ing general
applica+ilit( so,ld +e p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette. It pro!ides tat$
e!er( order or doc,ment 'ic sall prescri+e a penalt( sall +e
deemed to a!e general applica+ilit( and legal e""ect. Tis applies to a
!iolation o" E*ec,ti!e 2rder No. 3#3)A +eca,se its con"iscation >
"or"eit,re pro!ision or sanction ma?es it a penal stat,te. It res,lts tat
te( a!e ca,se o" action "or te reco!er( o" te cara+aos. Te
s,mmar( con"iscation 'asn1t in order. Te recipients o" te cara+aos
so,ld ret,rn tem to te Pesigans. Ao'e!er$ te( cannot transport te
cara+aos to -atangas +eca,se te( are no' +o,nd +( te said
e*ec,ti!e order. Neiter can te( reco!er damages. Boctor Miranda and
Cenerosa acted in good "ait in ordering te "or"eit,re and dispersal o"
te cara+aos.
P,+lication is necessar( to apprise te p,+lic o" te contents o" te
reg,lations and ma?e te said penalties +inding on te persons a""ected
ere+(. 9,stice and "airness dictate tat te p,+lic m,st +e in"ormed o"
tat pro!ision +( means o" te p,+lication on te Ga8ette.
FACTS: Pri!ate respondent -enito Go -io$ 9r. 'as carged 'D !iolation
o" -P ##. -e"ore e co,ld +e arraigned$ Go -io$ 9r. "iled a Motion to
E,as te in"ormation on te gro,nd tat te in"o$ did not carge an
o""ense$ pointing o,t tat at te time o" te alleged commission o" te
o""ense$ 'Dc 'as a+o,t te second 'ee? o" Ma( 1%F% Gdate o" iss,e o"
te cec?.$ -P ## as not (et ta?en e""ect. Te prosec,tion opposed te
motion contending$ among oters$ tat te date o" te disonor o" te
cec?$ Septem+er #3$ 1%F%$ is te date o" te commission o" te o""ense.
;esol!ing te motion$ te co,rt granted te same and eld tat -P ##
cannot +e gi!en a retroacti!e e""ect to appl( to te case. Aence$ tis
petition "or re!ie' on certiorari$ te petitioner s,+mitting "or re!ie' te
respondent 9,dgeHs dismissal o" te criminal case.
AELB: 5en pri!ate resp. Go -io$ 9r. committed te act complained o"
in Ma( 1%F% Gat te time e iss,ed te cec?)) te la' penali8es te act
o" ma?ing or dra'ing and iss,ance o" a +o,ncing cec? and not onl( te
"act o" its disonor.$ tere 'as no la' penali8ing s,c act. Follo'ing te
special pro!ision o" -P ##$ it +ecame e""ecti!e onl( on 9,ne #%$ 1%F%.
Te cop( editor o" te 2G made a certi"ication tat te penal stat,te in
@,estion 'as made p,+lic onl( on 3D1:DF% and not on te printed date
:D%DF%. Bi""erentl( stated$ 3D1:DF% 'as te date o" p,+lication o" -P ##.
-e"ore te p,+lic ma( +e +o,nd +( its contents especiall( its penal
pro!isions$ te la' m,st +e p,+lised and te people o""iciall( in"ormed
o" its contents. For$ it a stat,te ad not +een p,+lised +e"ore its !iod$
ten$ in te e(es o" te la'$ tere 'as no s,c la' to +e !iolated and$
conse@,entl( te acc,sed co,ld not a!e committed te alleged crime.
Te e""ecti!it( cla,se o" -P ## states tat ITis Act sall ta?e e""ect 16
da(s a"ter p,+lication in te 2""icial Ga8ette.I Te term Ip,+licationI in
s,c cla,se so,ld +e gi!en te ordinar( accepted meaning$ i.e.$ to
ma?e ?no'n to te people in general. I" te legislat,re ad intended to
ma?e te printed date o" iss,e o" te 2G as te point o" re"erence$ ten it
co,ld a!e so stated in te special e""ecti!it( pro!ision o" -P ##.
FACTS: In!o?ing te rigt o" te people to +e in"ormed on matters o"
p,+lic concern as 'ell as te principle tat la's to +e !alid and
en"orcea+le m,st +e p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette$ petitioners "iled "or
'rit o" mandam,s to compel respondent p,+lic o""icials to p,+lis andDor
ca,se to p,+lis !ario,s presidential decrees$ letters o" instr,ctions$
general orders$ proclamations$ e*ec,ti!e orders$ letters o"
implementations and administrati!e orders.
Te Solicitor General$ representing te respondents$ mo!ed "or te
dismissal o" te case$ contending tat petitioners a!e no legal
personalit( to +ring te instant petition.
ISS4E: 5eter or not p,+lication in te 2""icial Ga8ette is re@,ired
+e"ore an( la' or stat,te +ecomes !alid and en"orcea+le.
;4LING: Art. # o" te Ci!il Code does not precl,de te re@,irement o"
p,+lication in te 2""icial Ga8ette$ e!en i" te la' itsel" pro!ides "or te
date o" its e""ecti!it(. Te clear o+Kect o" tis pro!ision is to gi!e te
general p,+lic ade@,ate notice o" te !ario,s la's 'ic are to reg,late
teir actions and cond,ct as citi8ens. 5ito,t s,c notice and
p,+lication$ tere 'o,ld +e no +asis "or te application o" te ma*im
ignoratia legis nominem e*c,sat. It 'o,ld +e te eigt o" inK,stice to
p,nis or oter'ise +,rden a citi8en "or te transgression o" a la' 'ic
e ad no notice 'atsoe!er$ not e!en a constr,cti!e one.
Te !er( "irst cla,se o" Section 1 o" CA 30& reads: tere sall +e
p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette. Te 'ord =sall terein imposes ,pon
respondent o""icials an imperati!e d,t(. Tat d,t( m,st +e en"orced i" te
constit,tional rigt o" te people to +e in"ormed on matter o" p,+lic
concern is to +e gi!en s,+stance and !alidit(.
Te p,+lication o" presidential iss,ances o" p,+lic nat,re or o" general
applica+ilit( is a re@,irement o" d,e process. It is a r,le o" la' tat +e"ore
a person ma( +e +o,nd +( la'$ e m,st "irst +e o""iciall( and speci"icall(
in"ormed o" its contents. Te Co,rt declared tat presidential iss,ances
o" general application 'ic a!e not +een p,+lised a!e no "orce and
FACTS: Petitioner arg,es tat since te decision in Mancester ad not
(et +een p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette 'en its complaint 'as "iled$
te r,ling terein 'as ine""ecti!e/ tat said r,ling ma( not +e gi!en
retroacti!e e""ect +eca,se it imposes a ne' penalt( "or its non)
o+ser!ance/ te dismissal o" te complaint "or 'ant o" K,risdiction/ and$
tat it so,ld not appl( to te present case +eca,se te petitioner erein
Gplainti"" in te trial co,rt. ad no "ra,d,lent intent to depri!e te
go!ernment o" te proper doc?eting "ee$ ,nli?e te Mancester case
'ere enormo,s amo,nts o" damages 'ere claimed in te +od( o" te
complaint$ +,t te amo,nts 'ere not mentioned in te pra(er tereo"$ to
mislead te cler? o" co,rt in comp,ting te "iling "ees to +e paid.
AELB: P,+lication in te 2""icial Ga8ette is not a prere@,isite "or te
e""ecti!it( o" a co,rt r,ling e!en i" it la(s do'n a ne' r,le o" proced,re$
"or Iit is a doctrine 'ell esta+lised tat te proced,re o" te co,rt ma(
+e canged at an( time and +ecome e""ecti!e at once$ so long as it does
not a""ect or cange !ested rigts.I
FACTS: 2n Ma( #F$ 1%&&$ te Pilippine Coast G,ard sei8ed %777 +ags
D sac?s o" re"ined s,gar$ 'ic 'ere +eing ,nloaded "rom te MDV
Taclo+an$ and t,rned tem o!er to te c,stod( o" te -,rea, o"
C,stoms. 2n 9,ne F$ 1%&& te Bistrict Collector o" C,stoms ordered te
release o" te sei8ed s,gar to te petitioner Lao?asin.
2n 9,l( 16$ 1%&&$ te Collector o" C,stoms re!ersed is order to release
te sei8ed s,gar since it is still s,+Kect "or re!ie' +( te Commissioner o"
C,stoms since it is ad!erse to te go!ernment citing te C,stoms
Memorand,m 2rder No. #7)&F. Tis CM2 implements Sec 1# o" te
Integrated ;eorgani8ation Plan$ 'ic is ,nder P.B. No. 1$ dated
Septem+er #:$ 1%F#. Tis Section 1# states tat a decision o" a Collector
o" C,stoms in sei8,re and protest cases ad!erse to te go!ernment is
s,+Kect to re!ie' +( te Commissioner o" C,stoms or te Secretar( o"
Finance. 5en no decision is rendered a"ter 07 da(s +( eiter
commissioner or secretar($ te decision o" te Collector o" C,stoms sall
+ecome "inal and e*ec,tor(.
Te petitioner o+Kected te applica+ilit( o" te Sec. 1# o" te
reorgani8ation plan and te CM2 No. #7)&F on te gro,nd tat te( ad
not +een p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette.
ISS4E: 5eter te en"orcement o" te Sec. 1# o" te Integrated
;eorgani8ation Plan and terea"ter CM2 No. #7)&F !alid 'en tese
la's a!e not +een p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette.
;4LING: Les. CM2 and Sec 1# o" te Integrated ;eorgani8ation Plan is
en"orcea+le. Te re@,irement o" Art. # o" te Ci!il Code does not appl(
to CM2 No. #7)&F since it is onl( an administrati!e order o" te
Commissioner o" C,stoms to is s,+ordinates$ namel( te c,stoms
collectors. Also in te Common'ealt Act No. 30&$ 'ic en,merates
'at sall +e p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette$ states tat administrati!e
orders and proclamations sall +e p,+lised e*cept 'en tese a!e no
general applica+ilit(. CM2 No. #7)&F re@,iring collectors o" c,stoms to
compl( strictl( 'it Section 1# o" te Plan$ is an iss,ance 'ic is
addressed onl( to partic,lar persons or a class o" persons$ ence no
general applica+ilit( tere"ore need not +e p,+lised in te 2""icial
FACTS: ;esponds$ ;a"aela ;odrig,e8$ et al.$ cildren and eirs o" te
deceased Emiliana Am+rosio$ commenced a ci!il case to reco!er "rom
te petitioner te possession o" te land and its impro!ements granted
+( 'a( o" omestead to Emiliana Am+rosio.
Te parties entered into a contract o" mortgage o" te impro!ements on
te land ac@,ired as omestead to sec,re te pa(ment o" te
inde+tedness "or P1$777 pl,s interest. In cla,se V$ te parties stip,lated
tat Emiliana Am+rosio 'as to pa($ 'Din : 1D# (ears$ te de+t 'D interest
tereon$ in 'ic e!ent te mortgage 'o,ld not a!e an( e""ect/ in
cla,se VI$ te parties agreed tat te ta* on te land and its
impro!ements$ d,ring te e*istence o" te mortgage$ so,ld +e paid +(
te o'ner o" te land/ in cla,se VII$ it 'as co!enanted tat 'Din 07 da(s
"rom te date o" te contract$ te o'ner o" te land 'o,ld "ile a motion in
te CFI o" -ataan as?ing tat cert. o" title no. 0#6 +e cancelled and tat
in lie, tereo" anoter +e iss,ed ,nder te pro!isions o" ;A :%3/ in
cla,se VIII te parties agreed tat so,ld Emiliana Am+rosio "ail to
redeem te mortgage 'Din te stip,lated period o" : 1D# (ears$ se 'o,ld
e*ec,te an a+sol,te deed o" sale o" te land in "a!or o" te mortgagee$
te petitioner$ "or te same amo,nt o" te loan incl,ding ,npaid interest/
and in cla,se IN it 'as stip,lated tat in case te motion to +e presented
,nder cla,se VII so,ld +e disappro!ed +( te CFI)-ataan$ te contract
o" sale o" sale 'o,ld a,tomaticall( +ecome !oid and te mortgage 'o,ld
s,+sist in all its "orce.
2ne (ear a"ter te e*ec,tion o" te mortgage deed$ it came to pass tat
Emiliana Am+rosio 'as ,na+le to pa( te stip,lated interest as 'ell as
te ta* on te land and its impro!ements. For tis reason$ se and te
petitioner entered into anoter !er+al contract 'ere+( se con!e(ed to
te latter te possession o" te land on condition tat te latter 'o,ld not
collect te interest on te loan$ 'o,ld attend to te pa(ment o" te land
ta*$ 'o,ld +ene"it +( te "r,its o" te land$ and 'o,ld introd,ce
impro!ements tereon.
AELB: Te possession +( te petitioner and is receipts o" te "r,its o"
te land$ considered as integral elements o" te contract o" anticresis$
are illegal and !oid agreements$ +eca,se s,c contract is a lien and as
s,c is e*pressl( proi+ited +( Sec 113 o" Act No. #&F:$ as amended.
Te CA eld tat petitioner acted In -F in ta?ing possession o" te land
+eca,se e ?ne' tat te contract e made 'D EA 'as an a+sol,te sale$
and ",rter$ tat te latter co,ld not sell te land +eca,se it is proi+ited
+( Sec. 113 o" Act #&F:.
*** OAP person is deemed a possessor in +ad "ait 'en e ?no's tat
tere is a "la' in is title or in te manner o" its ac@,isition$ +( 'ic it is
Te @,estion to +e ans'ered is 'Dn te petitioner so,ld +e deemed a
possessor in GF +eca,se e 'as ,na'are o" an( "la' in is title or in te
manner o" its ac@,isition +( 'Dc it is in!alidated. Ignorance o" te "la' is
te ?e(note o" te r,le. From te "acts as "o,nd +( te CA$ 'e can
neiter ded,ce nor pres,me tat te petitioner 'as a'are o" a "la' in is
title or in te manner o" its ac@,isition$ aside "rom te proi+ition
contained in Sec. 113. Tis +eing te case$ te @,estion is 'itin good
"ait ma( +e premised ,pon ignorance o" te la's.
Gross and ine*c,sa+le ignorance o" te la' ma( not +e te +asis o"
good "ait +,t e*c,sa+le ignorance ma( +e s,c +asis Gi" it is +ased
,pon ignorance o" a "act.. It is a "act tat te petitioner is not con!ersant
'it te la's +eca,se e is not a la'(er. In accepting te mortgage o"
te impro!ements e proceeded on te 'ell)gro,nded +elie" tat e 'as
not !iolating te proi+ition regarding te alienation o" te land. In ta?ing
possession tereo" and in consenting to recei!e its "r,its$ e did not
?no'$ as clearl( as a K,rist does$ tat te possession and enKo(ment o"
te "r,its are attri+,tes o" te contract o" anticresis and tat te latter$
as a lien$ 'as proi+ited +( Sec. 113. T,s$ as to te petitioner$ is
ignorance o" te pro!isions o" sec. 113 is e*c,sa+le and ma( +e te
+asis o" good "ait.
Te petitioners +eing in good "ait$ te respondents ma( elect to a!e
te impro!ements introd,ced +( te petitioner +( pa(ing te latter te
!al,e tereo"$ P0$777$ or to compel te petitioner to +,( and a!e te
land 'ere te impro!ements or plants are "o,nd$ +( pa(ing tem its
mar?et !al,e to +e "i*ed +( te co,rt o" origin$ ,pon earing te parties.
FACTS: Te oppositor appellee AleKandra A+ellera Gs,+stit,ted ,pon er
deat +( Bomondon. 'as te o'ner o" te s,+Kect #)ectare parcel o"
land sit,ated in -ag,io Cit($ a land 'ic 'as pre!io,sl( part o" te
p,+lic domain +,t 'as titled p,rs,ant to ;A %01. In anoter case
;ep,+lic !. Pio Marcos$ te S,preme Co,rt declared tat all titles iss,ed
,nder ;A %01 are n,ll and !oid since te said Act 'as applica+le onl( to
places co!ered +( cadastral proceedings$ and not to te Cit( o" -ag,io
'ic 'as co!ered +( a to'n site reser!ation.
Tis same r,ling 'as s,+se@,entl( incorporated into a la'$ P.B. 1#F1
'it te title IAn act n,lli"(ing decrees o" registration and certi"icates o"
title co!ering lands 'itin te -ag,io To'n Site ;eser!ation p,rs,ant to
;A %01 'ic too? e""ect on Becem+er ##$ 1%FF. PB 1#F1 considered
as !alid certain titles o" lands tat are aliena+le and disposa+le ,nder
certain conditions and "or oter p,rposes. Aence$ te lot in @,estion 'as
re!erted to te p,+lic domain.
Te s,+Kect lots 'ere sold in an a,ction sale d,e to te non)pa(ment o"
ta*es. Petitioner too? interest and s,+se@,entl( 'on te +id. A (ear
a"ter$ a certi"icate o" sale 'as iss,ed. In tis connection$ te petitioner
"iled a case to consolidate is o'nersip o" te lots. Mean'ile$
Bomondon "o,nd o,t a+o,t te a,ction sale and "iled an opposition to
te petition "or consolidation "iled +( petitioner. Te trial co,rt r,led tat
said a,ction sale is n,ll and !oid and tat te assessments 'ere illegall(
made. Tis 'as a""irmed +( te Co,rt o" Appeals. Aence tis petition
'it petitioner contending tat te ta* assessments 'ere !alid and tat
PB 1#F1 as a c,rati!e e""ect.
ISS4E: 5eter or not PB 1#F1 can +e applied retroacti!el(
;4LING: Les. Article : o" te Ne' Ci!il Code proi+its te retroacti!e
application o" la's ,nless e*pressl( pro!ided terein$ s,c r,le allo's
some e*ceptions and PB 1#F1 "alls ,nder one o" te e*ceptions. Te
intent o" PB 1#F1 is necessaril( to ma?e s,c titles !alid "rom te time
te( 'ere iss,ed. Tis implies tat te intent o" te la' is to recogni8e
te e""ects o" certain acts o" o'nersip done in good "ait +( persons
'it Torrens titles iss,ed in teir "a!or +e"ore te c,t)o"" date stated$
onestl( +elie!ing tat te( ad !alidl( ac@,ired te lands. And s,c
'o,ld +e possi+le onl( +( !alidating all te said titles iss,ed +e"ore 01
9,l( 1%F0$ e""ecti!e on teir respecti!e dates o" iss,e. Ao'e!er$ te
!alidit( o" tese titles 'o,ld not +ecome operati!e ,nless and a"ter te
conditions stated in PB 1#F1 are met.
%. M;CA VS. CA
FACTS: Petitioner arg,es tat since te decision in Mancester ad not
(et +een p,+lised in te 2""icial Ga8ette 'en its complaint 'as "iled$
te r,ling terein 'as ine""ecti!e/ tat said r,ling ma( not +e gi!en
retroacti!e e""ect +eca,se it imposes a ne' penalt( "or its non)
o+ser!ance/ te dismissal o" te complaint "or 'ant o" K,risdiction/ and$
tat it so,ld not appl( to te present case +eca,se te petitioner erein
Gplainti"" in te trial co,rt. ad no "ra,d,lent intent to depri!e te
go!ernment o" te proper doc?eting "ee$ ,nli?e te Mancester case
'ere enormo,s amo,nts o" damages 'ere claimed in te +od( o" te
complaint$ +,t te amo,nts 'ere not mentioned in te pra(er tereo"$ to
mislead te cler? o" co,rt in comp,ting te "iling "ees to +e paid.
AELB: It is a 'ell)esta+lised r,le o" stat,tor( constr,ction tat stat,tes
reg,lating te proced,re o" te co,rts 'ill +e constr,ed as applica+le to
actions pending and ,ndetermined at te time o" teir passage.
Proced,ral la's are retrospecti!e in tat sense and to tat e*tent.
17. -PI VS. IAC
FACTS: Te original parties to tis case 'ere ;i8ald( T. Csornac? and
te Commercial -an? and Tr,st Compan( o" te Pilippines Oerea"ter
re"erred to as IC2MT;4ST.IP In 1%&7$ te -an? o" te Pilippine
IslandsGerea"ter re"erred to as -PI a+sor+ed C2MT;4ST tro,g a
corporate merger$ and 'as s,+stit,ted as part( to te case.
AELB: Since te mere sa"e?eeping o" te green+ac?s$ 'ito,t selling
tem to te Central -an? 'itin one +,siness da( "rom receipt$ is a
transaction 'ic is not a,tori8ed +( C- Circ,lar No. #7$ it m,st +e
considered as one 'ic "alls ,nder te general class o" proi+ited
transactions. Aence$ p,rs,ant to Article 6 o" te Ci!il Code$ it is !oid$
a!ing +een e*ec,ted against te pro!isions o" a mandator(Dproi+itor(
la'. More importantl($ it a""ords neiter o" te parties a ca,se o" action
against te oter. I5en te n,llit( proceeds "rom te illegalit( o" te
ca,se or o+Kect o" te contract$ and te act constit,tes a criminal o""ense$
+ot parties +eing in pari delicto$ te( sall a!e no ca,se o" action
against eac oter. . .I OArt. 1:11$ Ne' Ci!il Code.P Te onl( remed( is
one on +eal" o" te State to prosec,te te parties "or !iolating te la'.
FACTS: Tis is a case o" "irst impression 'ere+( petitioners @,estion
te constit,tionalit( o" te a,tomatic appropriation "or de+t ser!ice in te
1%%7 +,dget. Te said a,tomatic appropriation "or de+t ser!ice is
a,tori8ed +( P.B. No. &1$ entitled IAmending Certain Pro!isions o"
;ep,+lic Act N,m+ered Fo,r To,sand Eigt A,ndred Si*t($ as
Amended G;e: Foreign -orro'ing Act.$I +( P.B. No. 11FF$ entitled
I;e!ising te -,dget Process in 2rder to Instit,tionali8e te -,dgetar(
Inno!ations o" te Ne' Societ($I and +( P.B. No. 1%3F$ entitled IAn Act
Strengtening te G,arantee and Pa(ment Positions o" te ;ep,+lic o"
te Pilippines on Its Contingent Lia+ilities Arising o,t o" ;elent and
G,aranteed Loan +( Appropriating F,nds For Te P,rpose. Te
petitioner see? te declaration o" te ,nconstit,tionalit( o" P.B. No. &1$
Sections 01 o" P.B. 11FF$ and P.B. No. 1%3F. Te petition also see?s to
restrain te dis+,rsement "or de+t ser!ice ,nder te 1%%7 +,dget
p,rs,ant to said decrees.
Petitioners arg,e tat te said a,tomatic appropriations ,nder te
a"oresaid decrees o" ten President Marcos +ecame ",nct,s o"icio 'en
e 'as o,sted in Fe+r,ar($ 1%&3/ tat ,pon te e*piration o" te one)
man legislat,re in te person o" President Marcos$ te legislati!e po'er
'as restored to Congress on Fe+r,ar( #$ 1%&F 'en te Constit,tion
'as rati"ied +( te people/ tat tere is a need "or a ne' legislation +(
Congress pro!iding "or a,tomatic appropriation$ +,t Congress$ ,p to te
present$ as not appro!ed an( s,c la'/ and t,s te said P&3.& -illion
a,tomatic appropriation in te 1%%7 +,dget is an administrati!e act tat
rests on no la'$ and t,s$ it cannot +e en"orced. Moreo!er$ petitioners
contend tat ass,ming arg,endo tat P.B. No. &1$ P.B. No. 11FF and
P.B. No. 1%3F did not e*pire 'it te o,ster o" President Marcos$ a"ter
te adoption o" te 1%&F Constit,tion$ te said decrees are inoperati!e
,nder Section 0$ Article NVIII.
AELB: Te Co,rt is not pers,aded. Section 0$ Article NVIII o" te
Constit,tion recogni8es tat IAll e*isting la's$ decrees$ e*ec,ti!e orders$
proclamations$ letters o" instr,ctions and oter e*ec,ti!e iss,ances not
inconsistent 'it te Constit,tion sall remain operati!e ,ntil amended$
repealed or re!o?ed.I
Tis transitor( pro!ision o" te Constit,tion as precisel( +een adopted
+( its "ramers to preser!e te social order so tat legislation +( te ten
President Marcos ma( +e recogni8ed. S,c la's are to remain in "orce
and e""ect ,nless te( are inconsistent 'it te Constit,tion or$ are
oter'ise amended$ repealed or re!o?ed.
Te Co,rt$ tere"or$ "inds tat ;.A. No. :&37$ as amended +( P.B. No.
&1$ Section 01 o" P.B. 11FF and P.B. No. 1%3F constit,te la'",l
a,tori8ations or appropriations$ ,nless te( are repealed or oter'ise
amended +( Congress. Te E*ec,ti!e 'as t,s merel( compl(ing 'it
te d,t( to implement te same.
FACTS: -ot parties agree tat on te 11t da( o" Septem+er$ 1%7&$
Carmen 2ng de Martine8$ 'as riding a carromata in Ermita$ Manila.
5en a deli!er( 'agon o'ned +( te de"endant 'ic 'as ,sed "or te
transportation o" "odder and to 'ic t'o orses are attaced$ 'as
coming "rom te opposite direction$ te carromata in 'ic te plainti""
'as seated 'ent close to te side'al? in order to let te deli!er( 'agon
pass +(. Ao'e!er$ instead o" passing +($ te orses ran into te
carromata occ,pied +( te plainti"" 'it er cild and o!ert,rned it$
ca,sing a serio,s c,t ,pon te plainti""Qs ead and inK,ring te
carromata. Ao'e!er$ te de"endant contends tat te cocero$ 'o 'as
dri!ing is deli!er( 'agon at te time o" te accident$ 'as act,all( a
good ser!ant and 'as considered a sa"e and relia+le cocero. Ae also
claims tat te cocero 'as tas?ed to deli!er some "orage at Calle
Aerran$ and "or tat p,rpose te de"endantQs emplo(ee tied te dri!ing
lines o" te orses to te "ront end o" te deli!er( 'agon "or te p,rpose
o" ,nloading te "orage to +e deli!ered. Ao'e!er$ a !eicle passed +(
te dri!er and made noises tat "rigtened te orses ca,sing tem to
r,n. Te emplo(ee "ailed to stop te orses since e 'as tro'n ,pon
te gro,nd.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te emplo(er$ 'o as ",rnised a gentle and
tracta+le team Go" orses. and a tr,st( and capa+le dri!er$ is lia+le "or
te negligence o" s,c dri!er.
;4LING: It 'as eld tat te cocero o" te de"endant 'as not negligent
in lea!ing te orses in te manner descri+ed +( te e!idence in tis
case. It is +elie!ed tat acts or per"ormances 'ic$ in a long time$ a!e
not +een destr,cti!e and 'ic are appro!ed +( te societ($ are
considered as c,stom. Aence$ te( cannot +e considered as
,nreasona+le or impr,dent. Te reason '( te( a!e +een permitted
+( te societ( is tat te( are +ene"icial rater tat preK,dicial. 2ne co,ld
not easil( old someone negligent +eca,se o" some act tat led to an
inK,r( or accident. It 'o,ld +e ,n"air tere"ore to render te cocero
negligent +eca,se o" s,c circ,mstances.
Acts$ te per"ormance o" 'ic as not pro!en destr,cti!e or inK,rio,s
and 'ic a!e +een generall( ac@,iesced in +( societ( "or so long a
time as to a!e ripened into a c,stom$ cannot +e eld to +e
,nreasona+le or impr,dent and tat$ ,nder te circ,mstances$ te dri!er
'as not g,ilt( o" negligence in so lea!ing is team 'ile assisting in
,nloading is 'agon.
10. A;MIG2S VS. CA
FACTS: Te pri!ate respondent$ Cristito Mata$ "iled a complaint against
te erein petitioner 'it te M,nicipal Co,rt o" Bigos Ba!ao del S,r$ "or
te collection o" damages and attorne(Hs "ees. A"ter trial$ K,dgment 'as
rendered in "a!or o" te pri!ate respondent and against te erein
petitioner. A cop( o" te decision 'as recei!ed +( te petitioner on &
9,ne 1%FF$ and te "ollo'ing da($ % 9,ne 1%FF$ e "iled a notice o"
appeal 'it te said m,nicipal co,rt$ and on #: 9,ne 1%FF$ e completed
te oter re@,irements "or te per"ection o" an appeal$ incl,ding te "iling
o" an appeal +ond and te pa(ment o" te appellate co,rt doc?et "ee.
Ao'e!er$ 'en te case 'as ele!ated to te CFI "or te consideration o"
te appeal$ te presiding K,dge tereo" r,led tat te appeal 'as "iled
+e(ond te reglementar( period/ conse@,entl($ e dismissed te appeal.
PetitionerQs contention: tat "rom & 9,ne 1%FF$ 'en e recei!ed a cop(
o" te decision o" te m,nicipal co,rt$ to #: 9,ne 1%FF$ 'en e
per"ected is appeal$ onl( "i"teen G16. da(s ad elapsed so tat te
decision o" te Co,rt o" First Instance o" Ba!ao del S,r$ dismissing is
appeal "or a!ing +een "iled +e(ond te reglementar( period$ is
erroneo,s and contrar( to la'. Te petitioner contended tat te
comp,tation o" te period to appeal so,ld commence on te o,r e
recei!ed cop( o" te decision$ so tat te "irst o" te 16)da( period
comprising #: o,rs is "rom ::77 oHcloc? p.m. o" % 9,ne 1%FF to ::77
oHcloc? p.m. o" 17 9,ne 1%FF and te last da($ "rom ::77 oHcloc? p.m. o"
#0 9,ne 1%FF to ::77 oHcloc? p.m. o" #: 9,ne 1%FF.
AELB: Ba( is s(non(mo,s 'it Bate/ conse@,entl( te 6t da( sall +e
te 16 da(s a"ter te appeal regardless o" te time 'en it 'as
s,+mitted. Te r,le stated in Article 10 o" te Ci!il Code to te e""ect tat
IIn comp,ting a period$ te "irst da( sall +e e*cl,ded$ and te last da(
incl,dedI is similar$ +,t not identical to Section : o" te Code o" Ci!il
Proced,re 'ic pro!ided tat I4nless oter'ise speciall( pro!ided$ te
time 'itin 'ic an act is re@,ired +( la' to +e done sall +e comp,ted
+( e*cl,ding te "irst da( and incl,ding te last/ and i" te last +e S,nda(
or a legal olida( it sall +e e*cl,dedI$ as 'ell as te old ;,le #& o" te
;,les o" Co,rt 'ic stated tat prescri+ed or allo'ed +( te ;,les o"
Co,rt$ +( order o" a co,rt$ or +( an( oter applica+le stat,te$ te da( o"
te act$ e!ent or de"a,lt a"ter 'ic te designated period o" time +egins
to r,n is not to +e incl,ded. Te last da( o" te period so comp,ted is to
+e incl,ded$ ,nless it is a S,nda( or a legal olida($ in 'ic e!ent te
time sall r,n ,ntil te end o" te ne*t da( 'ic is neiter a S,nda( or a
legal olida(.I In appl(ing tis r,le$ te Co,rt considered te da( as
s(non(mo,s 'it te date and 'e "ind no cogent reason to adopt a
di""erent !ie'.
FACTS: 2n 2cto+er 1:$ 1%66$ te CFI)Manila rendered K,dgment in a
ci!il case$ Price Sta+ili8ation Corp. !s. Tecson$ et al. Cop( o" tis
decision 'as$ on 2cto+er #1$ 1%66 ser!ed ,pon de"endants in said case.
2n Becem+er #1$ 1%36$ NAMA;C2$ as s,ccessor to all te properties$
assets$ rigts$ and coses in action o" Price$ as plainti"" in tat case and
K,dgment creditor terein$ "iled 'it te same co,rt$ a complaint against
de"endants "or te re!i!al o" te K,dgment rendered terein. Be"endant
Tecson mo!ed to dismiss said complaint$ ,pon te gro,nd o" prescription
o" action$ among oters. Te motion 'as granted +( te co,rt. Aence$
te appeal to te Co,rt o" Appeals 'ic 'as certi"ied to te S,preme
Co,rt$ ,pon te gro,nd tat te onl( @,estion raised terein is one o"
la'$ namel($ p,rs,ant to Art. 11:: G0.$ NCC$ an action "or K,dgement
m,st +e +ro,gt 'itin 17 (ears "rom te time te K,dgment so,gt to +e
re!i!ed as +ecome "inal. Tis in t,rn$ too? place on Becem+er #1$ 1%66
or 07 da(s "rom notice o" te K,dgment )) 'ic 'as recei!ed +(
de"endants on 2cto+er #1$ 1%66 )) no appeal a!ing +een ta?en
tere"rom. Te iss,e is t,s con"ined to te date on 'ic te 17 (ears
"rom Becem+er #1$ 1%66 e*pired. Plainti"" alleges tat it 'as 1#D#1D36$
+,t appellee maintains oter'ise$ +eca,se 'en te la' spea?s o" (ears
*** it sall +e ,nderstood tat (ears are o" 036 da(s eacI)) and$ in 1%37
and 1%3: +eing leap (ears$ so tat 17 (ears o" 036 da(s eac$ or an
aggregate o" 0367 da(s$ "rom Becem+er #1$ 1%66$ e*pired on Becem+er
1%$ 1%66. Plainti"".)appellant ",rter insists tat tere is no @,estion tat
'en it is not a leap (ear$ 1#D#1 to 1#D#1 o" te "ollo'ing (ear is one
(ear. I" te e*tra da( in a leap (ear is not a da( o" te (ear$ +eca,se it is
te 033t da($ ten to 'at (ear does it +elongR Certainl($ it m,st +elong
to te (ear 'ere it "alls$ and tere"ore$ tat te 033 da(s constit,te one
ISS4E: 5eter or not te present action "or te re!i!al o" a K,dgment is
+arred +( te stat,te o" limitations.
AELB: Te !er( concl,sion t,s reaced +( appellant so's tat its
teor( contra!enes te e*plicit pro!ision o" Art. 10 limiting te
connotation o" eac I(earI ) as te term is ,sed in o,r la's ) to 036 da(s.
OTe action to en"orce a K,dgment 'ic +ecame "inal on Becem+er #1$
1%66 prescri+es in 17 (ears. Since te Ci!il Code comp,tes I(earsI in
terms o" 036 da(s eac$ te action as prescri+ed on Becem+er 1%$
1%66$ since te t'o inter!ening leap (ears added t'o more da(s to te
comp,tation. It is not te calendar (ear tat is considered.P
FACTS: Te plainti"" and de"endant 'ere +ot citi8ens o" te Pilippines$
married > li!ed togeter "rom 9an,ar( 1%1% ,ntil Spring o" 1%#3. A"ter
'ic te( !ol,ntar( separated and a!e not li!ed togeter as man and
'i"e$ te( ad : minor cildren togeter.
A"ter negotiations$ +ot parties m,t,all( agreed to allo' Man,ela
-arretto Gplainti"". "or er > er cildrenQs s,pport o" P677 G"i!e ,ndred
pesos. montl( 'ic to +e increased in cases o" necessit( > illness$
and tat te title o" certain properties +e p,t in er name. Sortl( a"ter
te agreement$ A,g,sto Gon8ales Gde"endant.$ 'en to ;eno$ Ne!ada >
sec,red in tat K,risdiction an a+sol,te di!orce on te gro,nd o"
desertion dated No!em+er #&$ 1%#F. 2n tat same date e 'ent tro,g
te "orms o" marriage 'it anoter Filipino citi8en as 'ell > ad 0cildren
'it er.
5en Gon8ales le"t te Pilippines$ e red,ced te amo,nt e ad
agreed to pa( montl( "or te s,pport o" Man,ela -arretto and er
cildren > as not made te pa(ments "i*ed in te ;eno di!orce as
Gon8ales came +ac? to te Pilippines in A,g,st 1%#& and sortl( a"ter$
-arretto +ro,gt an action at te CFI)Manila re@,esting to con"irm and
rati"( te decree o" di!orce iss,ed +( te co,rts o" Ne!ada$ in!o?ing Sec
% o" Act #F17. S,c is re@,ested to +e en"orced$ and deli!er to te
G,ardian ad litem te e@,i!alent o" 'at 'o,ld a!e +een d,e to teir
cildren as teir legal portion "rom respecti!e estates ad teir parents
died intestate on No!em+er #&$ 1%#F$ te( also pra(ed tat te marriage
e*isting +et'een -arretto > Gon8ales +e declared dissol!ed > Gon8ales
+e ordered to pa( -arretto P677 per mont$ co,nsel "ees o" P6777 > all
te e*penses inc,rred in ed,cating te 0 minor sons. Te g,ardians o"
te cildren also "iled as inter!enors in te case.
ISS4E: 52N an( "oreign di!orce$ relating to citi8ens o" te Pilippine
Islands$ 'ill +e recogni8ed in tis K,risdiction$ e*cept it +e "or a ca,se$
and ,nder conditions "or 'ic te co,rts o" te Pilippine Islands 'o,ld
grant a di!orce.
;4LING: Art % and Art 11 o" te Ci!il Code > Te Bi!orce La' o" te
Pilippines does not allo' s,c to +e done$ te e""ect o" "oreign di!orce
in te Pilippines sa(s tat litigants cannot compel te co,rts to appro!e
o" teir o'n actions or permit te personal relations o" te Citi8ens o" te
Pilippines to +e a""ected +( decrees o" di!orce o" "oreign co,rts in
manner 'ic o,t go!ernment +elie!es is contrar( to p,+lic order > good
Article % o" te 2ld Ci!il Code$ no' in Art 16 sa(s tat =La's relating to
"amil( rigts > d,ties or to stat,s$ condition$ and legal capacit( o"
persons$ are +inding ,pon Spaniards e!en to,g te( reside in a
"oreign co,ntr( . And te last part o" Art 11 o" te 2ld Ci!il Code$ no' in
Art 1F also states =...te proi+iti!e la's concerning persons$ teir acts >
teir propert($ and tose intended to promote p,+lic order > good
morals$ sall not +e rendered 'ito,t e""ect +( an( "oreign la's or
K,dgements or +( an(ting done or an( agreements entered into in a
"oreign co,ntr(.
FACTS: Tenca!e8 and Escano entered into a secret marriage +e"ore
Catolic caplain$ Lt. Moises La!ares. A"ter teir marriage 'as re!ealed$
te( 'ere separated as Tenca!e8 'ent +ac? to Manila to 'or? 'ile
Escano sta(ed in Ce+, ten Misamis. 5ile in Misamis$ Escano as?ed
"or petition to ann,l er marriage +,t tis 'as dismissed +eca,se o" er
non)appearance at earing. A"ter'ards$ se 'ent to te 4S 'ito,t
in"orming Tenca!e8 and sec,red a di!orce on gro,nds o" e*treme
cr,elt( and mental in caracter in Ne!ada. ;espondent ten married
again to ;,ssell Moran$ ad cildren and +ecame a 4S Citi8en. 2n 9,l(
07$ 1%66 Tenca!e8 "iled te proceedings "or legal separation and
damages against 'i"e and parents in la'.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te di!orce in Ne!ada 'as legal.
;4LING: No$ te di!orce and te second marriage are not recogni8ed as
!alid. As stated in Art. 16$ since marriage 'as contracted +( Filipinos in
Pilippines$ onl( competent ci!il co,rt can ann,l it$ t,s remaining !alid.
Te Ci!il code does not admit a+sol,te di!orce and is not e!en part o"
te code$ instead o" di!orce/ legal separation is ,sed$ 'erein marriage
is still recogni8ed. To recogni8e a decree o" di!orce o" "oreign co,rts
'o,ld +e !iolation on p,+lic polic( and Article 1F o" Ci!il Code.
Proi+iti!e la's concerning persons$ teir acts$ or propert( and tose
'ic a!e "or teir o+Kect p,+lic order$ polic($ and good c,stoms sall
not +e rendered ine""ecti!e +( la's or K,dgments prom,lgated$ or +(
determinations or con!entions agreed ,pon in "oreign co,ntr(. It 'o,ld
also discriminate in "a!or o" 'ealt( persons 'o can get di!orced
else'ere. It 'o,ld not ma?e an( di""erence i" Tenca!e8 'as also in te
co,rt o" Ne!ada 'en di!orce 'as "iled since mere appearance can1t
con"er K,risdiction on co,rt 'ic ad none. Tenca!e8 no' as gro,nds
to di!orce respondent since se ad interco,rse 'it someone oter
tan er ,s+and$ entitling im to as? "or legal separation ,nder +asis o"
ad,lter(. As res,lt$ te petitioner as gro,nds to "ile "or legal separation$
and ma( reco!er #6$777 +( 'a( o" moral damages and "ees.
1F. VAN B2;N VS. ;2MILL2
FACTS: Alice ;e(es Van Born$ a Filipino Citi8en and pri!ate respondent$
;icard 4pton$ a 4S citi8en$ 'as married in Aong Mong in 1%F%. Te(
esta+lised teir residence in te Pilippines and ad # cildren. Te(
'ere di!orced in Ne!ada$ 4SA in 1%&# and petitioner remarried$ tis time
'it Teodore Van Born. A s,it against petitioner 'as "iled on 9,ne &$
1%&0$ stating tat petitionerQs +,siness in Ermita Manila$ te Galleon
Sop$ is a conK,gal propert( 'it 4pton and pra(ed terein tat Alice +e
ordered to render an acco,nting o" te +,siness and e +e declared as
te administrator o" te said propert(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te "oreign di!orce +et'een te petitioner and
pri!ate respondent in Ne!ada is +inding in te Pilippines 'ere
petitioner is a Filipino citi8en.
;4LING: Pri!ate respondent is no longer te ,s+and o" te petitioner.
Ae 'o,ld a!e no standing to s,e petitioner to e*ercise control o!er
conK,gal assets. Ae is estopped +( is o'n representation +e"ore te
co,rt "rom asserting is rigt o!er te alleged conK,gal propert(.
F,rtermore$ aliens ma( o+tain di!orces a+road$ 'ic ma( +e
recogni8ed in te Pilippines$ pro!ided te( are !alid according to teir
national la'. Petitioner is not +o,nd to er marital o+ligations to
respondent +( !irt,e o" er nationalit( la's. Se so,ld not +e
discriminated against er o'n co,ntr( i" te end o" K,stice is to +e
FACTS: Imelda M. Pilapil$ a Filipino citi8en$ 'as married 'it pri!ate
respondent$ Eric E??eard Geiling$ a German national +e"ore te
;egistrar o" -irts$ Marriages and Beats at Friedens'eiler$ Federal
;ep,+lic o" German(. Te( a!e a cild 'o 'as +orn on April #7$ 1%&7
and named Isa+ella Pilapil Geiling. ConK,gal disarmon( e!ent,ated in
pri!ate respondent and e initiated a di!orce proceeding against
petitioner in German( +e"ore te Scone+erg Local Co,rt in 9an,ar(
1%&0. Te petitioner ten "iled an action "or legal separation$ s,pport and
separation o" propert( +e"ore te ;TC Manila on 9an,ar( #0$ 1%&0.
Te decree o" di!orce 'as prom,lgated on 9an,ar( 16$ 1%&3 on te
gro,nd o" "ail,re o" marriage o" te spo,ses. Te c,stod( o" te cild
'as granted to te petitioner.
2n 9,ne #F$ 1%&3$ pri!ate respondent "iled # complaints "or ad,lter(
+e"ore te Cit( Fiscal o" Manila alleging tat 'ile still married to Imelda$
latter =ad an a""air 'it 5illiam Cia as earl( as 1%&# and anoter man
named 9es,s C,a sometime in 1%&0 .
ISS4E: 5eter pri!ate respondent can prosec,te petitioner on te
gro,nd o" ad,lter( e!en to,g te( are no longer ,s+and and 'i"e as
decree o" di!orce 'as alread( iss,ed.
;4LING: Te la' speci"icall( pro!ided tat in prosec,tion "or ad,lter(
and conc,+inage$ te person 'o can legall( "ile te complaint so,ld
+e te o""ended spo,se and no+od( else. To,g in tis case$ it
appeared tat pri!ate respondent is te o""ended spo,se$ te latter
o+tained a !alid di!orce in is co,ntr($ te Federal ;ep,+lic o" German($
and said di!orce and its legal e""ects ma( +e recogni8ed in te
Pilippines in so "ar as e is concerned. T,s$ ,nder te same
consideration and rationale$ pri!ate respondent is no longer te ,s+and
o" petitioner and as no legal standing to commence te ad,lter( case
,nder te impost,re tat e 'as te o""ended spo,se at te time e "iled
FACTS: ;ape o" a 1#)(r)old girl allegedl( +( appellant 'o inserted a
"oreign o+Kect into er !agina ca,sing er deat. A criminal case and a
ci!il case 'as "iled against te de"endant
AELB: Moral and e*emplar( damages are a'arded to te !ictim1s eirs
despite ac@,ittal o" acc,sed on gro,nds o" reasona+le do,+t.
F,rtermore$ it does not necessaril( "ollo' tat te appellant is also "ree
"rom ci!il lia+ilit( 'ic is impliedl( instit,ted 'it te criminal action. Te
doctrine in 4r+ano ! IAC$ 'erein a person 'ile not criminall( lia+le$
ma( still +e ci!ill( lia+le$ is applica+le.
#7. ;2E VS. 5ABE
FACTS: ;oe Gpetitioner.$ a pregnant single 'oman$ +ro,gt a class
action s,it callenging te constit,tionalit( o" te Te*as a+ortion la's.
Tese la's made it a crime to o+tain or attempt an a+ortion e*cept on
medical ad!ice to sa!e te li"e o" te moter. 2ter plainti""s in te
la's,it incl,ded Aall"ord$ a doctor 'o "aced criminal prosec,tion "or
!iolating te state a+ortion la's/ and te Boes$ a married co,ple 'it no
cildren$ 'o so,gt an inK,nction against en"orcement o" te la's on
te gro,nds tat te( 'ere ,nconstit,tional. Te de"endant 'as co,nt(
Bistrict Attorne( 5ade Gde"endant..
A tree)K,dge Bistrict Co,rt panel tried te cases togeter and eld tat
;oe and Aall"ord ad standing to s,e and presented K,sticia+le
contro!ersies$ and tat declarator( relie" 'as 'arranted. Te co,rt also
r,led o'e!er tat inK,ncti!e relie" 'as not 'arranted and tat te BoesQ
complaint 'as not K,sticia+le. ;oe and Aall"ord 'on teir la's,its at trial.
Te district co,rt eld tat te Te*as a+ortion stat,tes 'ere !oid as
!ag,e and "or o!er+roadl( in"ringing te Nint and Fo,rteent
Amendment rigts o" te plainti""s. Te Boes lost$ o'e!er$ +eca,se te
district co,rt r,led tat inK,ncti!e relie" against en"orcement o" te la's
'as not 'arranted.
Te Boes appealed directl( to te S,preme Co,rt o" te 4nited States
and 5ade cross)appealed te district co,rtQs K,dgment in "a!or o" ;oe
and Aall"ord.
1. Bo a+ortion la's tat criminali8e all a+ortions$ e*cept tose
re@,ired on medical ad!ice to sa!e te li"e o" te moter$ !iolate
te Constit,tion o" te 4nited StatesR
#. Boes te B,e Process Cla,se o" te Fo,rteent Amendment to
te 4nited States Constit,tion protect te rigt to pri!ac($
incl,ding te rigt to o+tain an a+ortionR
0. Are tere an( circ,mstances 'ere a state ma( enact la's
proi+iting a+ortionR
:. Bid te "act tat ;oeQs pregnanc( ad alread( terminated
nat,rall( +e"ore tis case 'as decided +( te S,preme Co,rt
render er la's,it mootR
6. 5as te district co,rt correct in den(ing inK,ncti!e relie"R
1. Les. State criminal a+ortion la's tat e*cept "rom criminalit( onl(
li"e)sa!ing proced,res on te moterQs +eal"$ and tat do not
ta?e into consideration te stage o" pregnanc( and oter
interests$ are ,nconstit,tional "or !iolating te B,e Process
Cla,se o" te Fo,rteent Amendment.
Les. Te B,e Process Cla,se protects te rigt to pri!ac($
incl,ding a 'omanQs rigt to terminate er pregnanc($ against
state action.
Les. To,g a state cannot completel( den( a 'oman te rigt
to terminate er pregnanc($ it as legitimate interests in
protecting +ot te pregnant 'omanQs ealt and te potentialit(
o" ,man li"e at !ario,s stages o" pregnanc(.
No. Te nat,ral termination o" ;oeQs pregnanc( did not render
er s,it moot.
Les. Te district co,rt 'as correct in den(ing inK,ncti!e relie".
Te Co,rt eld tat$ in regard to a+ortions d,ring te "irst trimester$ te
decision m,st +e le"t to te K,dgment o" te pregnant 'omanQs doctor. In
regard to second trimester pregnancies$ states ma( promote teir
interests in te moterQs ealt +( reg,lating a+ortion proced,res related
to te ealt o" te moter. ;egarding tird trimester pregnancies$ states
ma( promote teir interests in te potentialit( o" ,man li"e +( reg,lating
or e!en proi+iting a+ortion$ e*cept 'en necessar( to preser!e te li"e
or ealt o" te moter.
Te S,preme Co,rt eld tat litigation in!ol!ing pregnanc($ 'ic is
=capa+le o" repetition$ (et e!ading re!ie'$ is an e*ception to te general
r,le tat an act,al contro!ers( m,st e*ist at eac stage o" K,dicial re!ie'$
and not merel( 'en te action is initiated.
Te Co,rt eld tat 'ile #& 4.S.C. < 1#60 does not a,tori8e a part(
see?ing onl( declarator( relie" to appeal directl( to te S,preme Co,rt$
re!ie' is not "oreclosed 'en te case is +ro,gt on appeal "rom
speci"ic denial o" inK,ncti!e relie" and te arg,ments on te iss,es o"
+ot inK,ncti!e and declarator( relie" are necessaril( identical.
Te BoesQ complaint see?ing inK,ncti!e relie" 'as +ased on
contingencies 'ic migt or migt not occ,r and 'as tere"ore too
spec,lati!e to present an act,al case or contro!ers(. It 'as ,nnecessar(
"or te Co,rt to decide Aall"ordQs case "or inK,ncti!e relie" +eca,se once
te Co,rt "o,nd te la's ,nconstit,tional$ te Te*as a,torities 'ere
proi+ited "rom en"orcing tem.
0)3 monts Gtrimesters./ stages o" +irt is e@,al to a cild1s
In te 4S$ a "et,s is not a person$ as compared to te Pilippines
FACTS: Nita Villan,e!a came to ?no' te de"endant GAntonio Gel,8. "or
te "irst time in 1%:& S tro,g er a,nt Pa,la Lam+ot. In 1%67 se
+ecame pregnant +( er present ,s+and +e"ore te( 'ere legall(
married. Besiring to conceal er pregnanc( "rom er parent$ and acting
on te ad!ice o" er a,nt$ se ad ersel" a+orted +( te de"endant.
A"ter er marriage 'it te plainti""$ se again +ecame pregnant. As se
'as ten emplo(ed in te Commission on Elections and er pregnanc(
pro!ed to +e incon!enient$ se ad ersel" a+orted again +( te
de"endant in 2cto+er 1%60. Less tan t'o (ears later$ se again +ecame
pregnant. 2n Fe+r,ar( #1$ 1%66$ accompanied +( er sister P,ri"icacion
and te latterHs da,gter L,cida$ se again repaired to te de"endantHs
clinic on Carriedo and P. Gome8 streets in Manila$ 'ere te tree met
te de"endant and is 'i"e. Nita 'as again a+orted$ o" a t'o)mont old
"oet,s$ in consideration o" te s,m o" "i"t( pesos$ Pilippine c,rrenc(.
Te plainti"" 'as at tis time in te pro!ince o" Caga(an$ campaigning "or
is election to te pro!incial +oard/ e did not ?no' o"$ nor ga!e is
consent$ to te a+ortion.
It is te tird and last a+ortion tat constit,tes plainti""Hs +asis in "iling tis
action and a'ard o" damages. 4pon application o" te de"endant Gel,8
'e granted certiorari.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te plainti"" a!e te rigt "or damages in +eal"
o" is ,n+orn cild.
;4LING: Since an action "or pec,niar( damages on acco,nt o" personal
inK,r( or deat pertains primaril( to te one inK,red$ it is eas( to see tat
i" no action "or s,c damages co,ld +e instit,ted on +eal" o" te ,n+orn
cild on acco,nt o" te inK,ries it recei!ed$ no s,c rigt o" action co,ld
deri!ati!el( accr,e to its parents or eirs. In "act$ e!en i" a ca,se o"
action did accr,e on +eal" o" te ,n+orn cild$ te same 'as
e*ting,ised +( its pre)natal deat$ since no transmission to an(one can
ta?e place "rom on tat lac?ed K,ridical personalit( Gor K,ridical capacit(
as disting,ised "rom capacit( to act.. It is no ans'er to in!o?e te
pro!isional personalit( o" a concei!ed cild Gconcept,s pro nato a+et,r.
,nder Article :7 o" te Ci!il Code$ +eca,se tat same article e*pressl(
limits s,c pro!isional personalit( +( imposing te condition tat te cild
so,ld +e s,+se@,entl( +orn ali!e: Ipro!ided it +e +orn later 'it te
condition speci"ied in te "ollo'ing articleI. In te present case$ tere is
no disp,te tat te cild 'as dead 'en separated "rom its moterHs
FACTS: Carmen E,imig,ing$ s,ing tro,g er parents$ Antonio and
9aco+a Ca+ilin$ so,gt an appeal "rom te orders o" Cam+oanga CFI$
'ic dismissed er complaint "or s,pport and damages and re@,est "or
amendment o" complaint. E,imig,ing a!erred tat te ten alread(
married Feli* Icao s,cceeded in a!ing se*,al relations 'it er tro,g
"orce and intimidation. As a res,lt$ se +ecame pregnant despite e""orts
and dr,gs s,pplied +( Icao and ad to stop st,d(ing. Se ten claimed
"or montl( s,pport$ damages and attorne(Qs "ees. Te de"endant)
appellee$ o'e!er$ mo!ed to dismiss in ligt o" E,imig,ingQs "ail,re to
allege te "act tat a cild ad +een +orn in er complaint. Te lo'er
co,rt dismissed te case and s,+se@,entl( denied ",rter amendment to
te complaint$ r,ling tat no amendment 'as allo'ed "or "ail,re o" te
original complaint to state a ca,se o" action.
ISS4E: 5'eter or not te plainti"")appellants can as? "or s,pport and
damages "rom de"endant despite "ail,re to allege "act o" +irt in
;4LING: Les. Te Co,rt r,led tat plainti"")appellant ad rigt to s,pport
o" te cild se 'as carr(ing and an independent ca,se o" action "or
Tis is +eca,se te Ci!il Code GArt. :7. recogni8es te pro!isional
personalit( o" te ,n+orn cild$ 'ic incl,des its rigt to s,pport "rom its
progenitors$ e!en it is onl( =en !entre de sa mere. Article F:# o" te
same Code olds tat$ K,st as a concei!ed cild$ it ma( recei!e
donations tro,g persons tat legall( represent it. ;eadings o" Articles
:7$ &6: o" te Ci!il Code and Article #% o" te Spanis Code also ",rter
strengten te case "or re!ersal o" order.
Additionall($ ="or a married man to "orce a 'oman not is 'i"e to (ield to
is l,st *** constit,tes a clear !iolation o" te rigts o" is !ictim tat
entitles er to claim compensation "or damage ca,sed per Article #1 o"
te Ci!il Code$ a pro!ision s,pported +( Article ##1%$ 'ic pro!ides
moral damages "or !ictims o" sed,ction$ a+d,ction$ rape or oter
lasci!io,s acts.
FACTS: Antonia Loanco$ a li?el( ,nmarried girl #7 (ears o" age 'as a
casier in a +ar+er sop o'ned +( te de"endantQs +roter in la' Vicente
Mendo8a. Cesar S(@,ia$ te de"endant$ #0 (ears o" age and an
,nmarried scion o" a prominent "amil( in Manila 'as acc,stomed to a!e
is airc,t in te said +ar+er sop. Ae got ac@,ainted 'it Antonio and
ad an amoro,s relationsip. As a conse@,ence$ Antonia got pregnant
and a +a+( +o( 'as +orn on 9,ne 1F$ 1%01. In te earl( monts o"
AntoniaQs pregnanc($ de"endant 'as a constant !isitor. 2n Fe+r,ar(
1%01$ e e!en 'rote a letter to a re!erend "ater con"irming tat te cild
is is and e 'anted is name to +e gi!en to te cild. To,g e 'as
o,t o" te co,ntr($ e contin,o,sl( 'rote letters to Antonia reminding er
to eat on time "or er and =K,niorQs sa?e. Te de"endant as? is "riend
Br. Tala!era to attend at te +irt and ospital arrangements at St.
9osep Aospital in Manila.
A"ter gi!ing +irt$ S(@,ia +ro,gt Antonia and is cild at a Ao,se in
Camarines Street Manila 'ere te( li!ed togeter "or a+o,t a (ear.
5en Antonia so'ed signs o" second pregnanc($ de"endant s,ddenl(
departed and e 'as married 'it anoter 'oman at tis time. It so,ld
+e noted tat d,ring te cristening o" te cild$ te de"endant 'o 'as
in carge o" te arrangement o" te ceremon( ca,sed te name Ismael
Loanco to +e gi!en instead o" Cesar S(@,ia 9r. tat 'as "irst planned.
ISS4ES: 5eter or not te note to te padre in connection 'it te
oter letters 'ritten +( de"endant to Antonia d,ring er pregnanc( pro!es
ac?no'ledgement o" paternit(.
;4LING: Te letter 'ritten +( S(@,ia to ;e!. Fater ser!es as
admission o" paternit( and te oter letters are s,""icient to connect te
admission 'it te cild carried +( Antonia. Te mere re@,irement is tat
te 'riting sall +e ind,+ita+le. =Te la' "i*es no period d,ring 'ic a
cild m,st +e in te contin,o,s possession o" te stat,s o" a nat,ral
cild/ and te period in tis case 'as long eno,g to re!eal te "aterHs
resol,tion to admit te stat,s . S,preme Co,rt eld tat te( agree 'it
te trial co,rt in re",sing to pro!ide damages to Antonia Loanco "or
s,pposed +reac o" promise to marr( since action on tis as no
standing in ci!il la'. F,rtermore$ tere is no proo" ,pon 'ic a
K,dgment co,ld +e +ased re@,iring te de"endant to recogni8e te
second +a+($ Pacita Loanco. Finall($ SC "o,nd no necessit( to modi"(
te K,dgment as to te amo,nt o" maintenance allo'ed to Ismael Loanco
in te amo,nt o" P67 pesos per mont. Te( li?e'ise pointed o,t tat it
is onl( te trial co,rt 'o as K,risdiction to modi"( te order as to te
amo,nt o" pension.
FACTS: Fragante "iled an application "or a CPC to install$ maintain and
operate an ice plant in San 9,an. Pending application 'it te P,+lic
Ser!ice Commission GPSC.$ Fragante died and e 'as s,+stit,ted +( te
legal representati!e o" is estate. Te PSC granted te application.
Petitioner contends tat te PSC erred 'en it allo'ed te s,+stit,tion o"
te legal representati!e o" te estate o" Fragante as te part( applicant
in te case pending +e"ore te commission.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te estate o" Fragante can +e considered as a
=person .
;4LING: Tere 'o,ld +e a "ail,re o" K,stice ,nless te estate is
considered a =person . 5itin te "rame'or? and principles o" te
constit,tion itsel"$ ,nder te +ill o" rigts it seems clear tat 'ile te ci!il
rigts g,aranteed terein in te maKorit( o" cases relate to nat,ral
persons$ te term =person ,sed in section 1 G1. and G#. m,st +e deemed
to incl,de arti"icial or K,ridical persons. It 'as te intent o" te "ramers to
incl,de arti"icial or K,ridical$ no less tan nat,ral$ persons in tese
constit,tional imm,nities and in oter o" similar nat,re. Among tese
arti"icial or K,ridical persons "ig,re estates o" deceased persons. Aence$
te Co,rt eld tat 'itin te "rame'or? o" te constit,tion$ te estate o"
Fragante so,ld +e considered an arti"icial or K,ridical person "or te
p,rposes o" te settlement and distri+,tion o" is estate 'ic incl,de
te e*ercise d,ring te K,dicial administration tereo" o" tose rigts and
te ",l"ilment o" tose o+ligations o" is 'ic s,r!i!ed a"ter is deat.
FACTS: 9,dgement "or Ci!il Case T)33# 'as rendered on Fe+r,ar( #&$
1%3# ordering de"endants Soli!en$ Pedro 2ria$ La,rencio$ S,mal+ag and
Barang to pa( solidarit( E,alit( Plastics te s,m o" P0$33F.70 pl,s legal
rate o" interest "rom No!em+er 1%6& +e"ore its decision +ecame "inal or
else E,alit( Plastics is ere+( a,tori8ed to "oreclose te +ond.
Be"endants "ailed to pa( te amo,nt +e"ore te limit gi!en. 2riaHs land$
'ic 'as co!ered +( 2riginal Certi"icate o" Title No. #&F0# and as an
area o" nine and si*)tents ectares$ 'as le!ied ,pon and sold +( te
seri"" at p,+lic a,ction on Septem+er #:$ 1%3# 'ic e as gi!en as
sec,rit( ,nder te +ond. Apparentl($ 2ria died on April #0$ 1%6% or long
+e"ore 9,ne 10$ 1%37. E,alit( Plastics 'as not a'are on 2riaQs deat.
Te s,mmons and copies o" complaint 'as personall( ser!ed on 9,ne
#:$ 1%37 +( a dep,t( seri"" to Soli!en 'ic te latter ac?no'ledged
and signed in is o'n +eal" and is co)de"endants. Bionisio$ Fa,sta$
Amado and -enKamin$ all s,rnamed B,mlao and all testamentar( eirs in
2riaHs d,l( pro+ated 'ill$ s,ed E,alit( Plastic Prod,cts$ Inc on Marc 1$
1%30 "or te ann,lment o" te K,dgment against 2ria and te e*ec,tion
against is land GT)&F0.. Bionisio also s,ed in is capacit( as
administrator o" 2riaQs testate estate.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te K,dgment against 2ria and e*ec,tion against
is land +e ann,lled on te gro,nd o" lac? in K,ridical capacit(.
;4LING: E,alit( Plastics ,pon recei!ing te s,mmons on T)&F0 K,st
learned tat 2ria 'as alread( dead prior case T)33# 'as "iled. Te
B,malaosQ agreed in teir stip,lation tat indeed E,alit( Plastics 'as
,na'are o" 2riaQs deat and tat te( acted in good "ait in Koining 2ria
as a co)de"endant. Ao'e!er$ no K,risdiction 'as ac@,ired o!er 2ria$
t,s$ te K,dgment against im is a patent n,llit(. Lo'er co,rtQs K,dgment
against 2ria in T)33# is !oid "or lac? o" K,risdiction o!er is person as "ar
as 2ria 'as concerned. Ae ad no more ci!il personalit( and is K,ridical
capacit( 'ic is te "itness to +e te s,+Kect o" legal relations 'as lost
tro,g deat. Te "act tat B,mlao ad to s,e E,alit( Plastics in order
to ann,l te K,dgment against 2ria does not "ollo' tat te( are entitled
to claim attorne(Qs "ees against te corporation.
FACTS: Vitaliana VargasQ +roters and sisters ,na'are o" te "ormerQs
deat on A,g,st #&$ 1%&& "iled a petition "or Aa+eas Corp,s on
Septem+er #F$ 1%&& +e"ore te ;TC o" Misamis 2riental alleging tat
se 'as "orci+le ta?en "rom er residence sometime in 1%&F and 'as
con"ined +( te erein petitioner$ Tomas E,genio in is palacial
residence in 9asaan$ Misamis 2riental. Te co,rt ten iss,ed a 'rit o"
a+eas corp,s +,t petitioner re",sed to s,rrender te VitalianaQs +od( to
te seri"" on te gro,nd tat a corpse cannot +e s,+Kected to a+eas
corp,s proceedings. Vitaliana$ #6 (ear old single$ died o" eart "ail,re
d,e to to*emia o" pregnanc( in E,genioQs residence. Te co,rt ordered
tat te +od( so,ld +e deli!ered to a ",neral parlor "or a,tops( +,t
E,genio assailed te lac? o" K,risdiction o" te co,rt.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te petitioner can claim c,stod( o" te deceased.
;4LING: Te co,rt eld tat te c,stod( o" te dead +od( o" Vitaliana
'as correctl( a'arded to te s,r!i!ing +roters and sisters p,rs,ant to
Section 1170 o" te ;e!ised Administrati!e Code 'ic pro!ides tat
=Persons carged 'it d,t( o" +,rial) i" te deceased 'as an ,nmarried
man or 'oman or a cild and le"t an( ?in/ te d,t( o" te +,rial sall
de!ol!e ,pon te nearest ?in o" te deceased. Al+eit$ petitioner claims
e is te spo,se as contemplated ,nder Art. #%: o" te Ci!il Code$
Pilippine la' does not recogni8e common la' marriages 'ere =a man
and a 'oman not legall( married 'o coa+it "or man( (ears as
,s+and and 'i"e$ 'o represent temsel!es to te p,+lic as ,s+and
and 'i"e$ and 'o are rep,ted to +e ,s+and and 'i"e in te comm,nit(
'ere te( li!e ma( +e considered legall( ma,led in common la'
K,risdictions . In addition$ it re@,ires tat te man and 'oman li!ing
togeter m,st not in an( 'a( +e incapacitated to contract marriage.
5ereas$ te petitioner as a s,+sisting marriage 'it anoter 'oman$
legal impediment tat dis@,ali"ied im "rom e!en legall( marr(ing
#F. 92AE4IN VS. NAVA;;2
FACTS: 2n Fe+. 3$ 1%:6: +attle o" li+eration o" Manila$ 9oa@,in Na!arro$
Sr.$ F7$ 'i"e Angela 9oa@,in$ 3F$ da,gters Pilar G0#)00.$ Concepcion$
and Nati!idad G#0)#6.$ son 9oa@,in Na!arro$ 9r.$ 07 and is 'i"e Adela
Conde so,gt re",ge on te gro,nd "loor o" German Cl,+ -,ilding. Te
+,ilding 'as set on "ire and 9apanese started sooting itting te tree
da,gters 'o "ell. Na!arro Sr. decided to lea!e +,ilding. Ais 'i"e didnQt
'ant to lea!e so e le"t 'it is son$ is sonQs 'i"e and neig+or
Francisco Lope8. As te( came o,t$ 9r. 'as it and "ell on te gro,nd te
rest la( "lat on te gro,nd to a!oid +,llets. Te German Cl,+ collapsed
trapping ma( people pres,ma+l( incl,ding Angela 9oa@,in. Sr.$ Adela
and Francisco so,gt re",ge in an air raid selter 'ere te( id "or
tree da(s. 2n Fe+. 17$ 1%:6$ on teir 'a( to St. Teresa Academ($
te( met 9apanese patrols$ Sr. and Adela 'ere it and ?illed.
Te ;TC claims tat te moter$ nat,ral cild o" petitioner 9oa@,in$
s,r!i!ed te son/ te son d(ing "irst +e"ore te moter. CA claimed te
re!erse. I" te son died "irst$ petitioner 'o,ld reap te +ene"its o"
s,ccession. I" te moter died "irst$ te respondent Antonio$ son o" 9N$
9r. +( is "irst marriage$ 'o,ld inerit.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te disc,ssion o" section 3% Gii. o" ;,le 1#0 o" te
;,les o" Co,rt a!ing repealed Art. :0 o" te CC or not is rele!ant to te
case at +ar.
;4LING: No$ neiter o" te t'o pro!isions is applica+le. -ot pro!isions$
as teir lang,age implies$ are intended as a s,+stit,te "or "acts$ and so
are not to +e a!aila+le 'en tere are "acts.
4pon te iss,e o" 'o +et'een te moter and son died "irst$ in ligt o"
te conditions painted +( Francisco Lope8$ a "air in"erence can +e
arri!ed at tat 9oa@,in Na!arro 9r. died +e"ore is moter. Te
pres,mption tat Angela 9oa@,in died +e"ore er son 'as +ased on
spec,lations$ not e!idence. Ga,ged +( te doctrine o" preponderance o"
e!idence +( 'ic ci!il cases are decided$ tis in"erence so,ld pre!ail.
E!idence o" s,r!i!orsip ma( +e G1. direct G#. indirect G0. circ,mstantial
or G:. in"erential.
Art. :0 Spea?s a+o,t resol!ing do,+t 'en # or more persons are called
to s,cceed eac oter as to 'ic o" tem died "irst. In te Ci!il Code$ in
te a+sence o" proo"$ it is pres,med tat te( died at te same time$ and
tere sall +e no transmission o" rigts "rom one to anoter. In te ;,les
o" Co,rt$ in cases o" calamit($ tere is a ierarc( o" s,r!i!orsip.
FACTS: Smit$ -ell > Co. is a corporation organi8ed and e*isting ,nder
te la's o" te Pilippine Islands/ maKorit( o" te stoc?olders are -ritis.
It is te o'ner o" a motor !essel ?no'n as te -ato$ +ro,gt to Ce+, "or
te p,rpose o" transporting Smit$ -ell > Co.Qs mercandise +et'een
ports in te islands. An application "or registration 'as made at Ce+, at
te Collector o" C,stoms$ +,t 'as denied. Tis is +eca,se te( 'ere not
citi8ens o" te 4S or te Pilippines. -ased on Act #3F1$ Sec. 11F# o"
te Certi"icate o" Pilippine ;egister/ ,pon registration o" a !essel o"
domestic o'nersip$ and o" more tan 16 tons gross$ a certi"icate o"
Pilippine register sall +e iss,ed "or it. I" te !essel is o" domestic
o'nersip and o" 16 tons gross or less$ te ta?ing o" te certi"icate o"
Pilippine register sall +e optional 'it te o'ner. Bomestic o'nersip$
as ,sed in tis section$ means o'nersip !ested in te Ga. citi8ens or
nati!e ina+itants o" te Pilippine Islands/ G+. citi8ens o" te 4S residing
in te Pilippine Islands/ Gc. an( corporation or compan( composed
'oll( o" citi8en o" Pilippines$ or 4S$ or +ot. Plainti""Qs contends tat
Act No. #3F1 depri!es te corporation o" its propert( 'ito,t d,e process
o" la' +eca,se +( te passage o" te la'$ te compan( 'as
a,tomaticall( depri!ed o" e!er( +ene"icial attri+,te o" o'nersip o" te
-ato and tat te( are le"t 'it a na?ed title te( co,ld not ,se.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Smit$ -ell > Co. 'ere denied o" te d,e process
o" la' +( te Pilippine Legislat,re in its enactment o" Act #F31.
;4LING: No. GK,dgment is a""irmed$ and plainti"" canQt +e granted
registr(.. Act No. #F31$ in den(ing to corporations s,c as Smit$ -ell >
Co. Ltd.$ te rigt to register !essels in te Pilippine Coast'ide trade$
"alls 'itin te a,tori8ed e*ceptions. Speci"icall( 'itin te p,r!ie' o"
te police po'er. Literall( and a+sol,tel($ steamsip lines are te
arteries o" te commerce in te Pilippines. I" one +e se!ered$ te
li"e+lood o" te nation is lost. I" tese are protected$ sec,rit( o" te
co,ntr( and general 'el"are is s,stained.
#%. -A;LIN VS. ;AMI;EC
FACTS: Te de"endant ;amire8$ a!ing +een appointed +( te plainti""
paris priest$ too? possession o" te c,rc on 9,l( 6$ 1%71. Ae
administered i" as s,c ,nder te orders o" is s,periors ,ntil No!em+er
1:$ 1%7#. Ais s,ccessor a!ing +een ten appointed$ te latter made a
demand on tis de". "or te deli!er( to im o" te c,rc$ con!ent$ and
cemeter($ and te sacred ornaments$ +oo?s$ Ke'els$ mone($ and oter
prop. o" te c,rc. Te de".$ +( a 'ritten doc,ment o" tat date$ re",sed
to ma?e s,c deli!er($ stating tat Ite to'n o" Lagono($ in conK,nction
'D te paris priest o" tereo"$ as seen "it to se!er connection 'D te
Pope at ;ome and is representati!es in tese Islands$ and to Koin te
Filipino C,rc$ te ead o" 'Dc is at Manila.
In 9an,ar( 1%7:$ te plainti"" +ro,gt tis action against de"endant.$
alleging in is amended complaint tat te ;oman Catolic C,rc 'as
te o'ner o" te c,rc +,ilding$ te con!ent$ cemeter($ te +oo?s$
mone($ and oter properties$ +elonging tereto$ and as?ing tat it +e
restored to te possession tereo" and tat te de". render an acco,nt o"
te properties 'ic e ad recei!ed and 'ic 'as retained +( im$
and "or oter relie". Te CFI)Am+os Camarines r,led in "a!or o" te
AELB: It is s,ggested +( te appellant tat te ;oman Catolic C,rc
as no legal personalit( in te Pilippine Islands. Tis s,ggestion$ made
'it re"erence to an instit,tion 'Dc antedates +( almost a to,sand (ears
an( oter personalit( in E,rope$ and 'Dc e*isted I'en Grecian
elo@,ence still "lo,rised in Antioc$ and 'en idols 'ere still
'orsipped in te temple o" Mecca$I does not re@,ire serio,s
FACTS: 2n Becem+er 16$ 1%7&$ 9,an Codina Arenas$ 'it one oter
persons as principals$ along 'it Vicente Si*to Villan,e!a$ 'o 'it t'o
oters as s,reties$ ass,med te o+ligation to pa( Kointl( and se!erall(
Standard 2il Co. 2n April 6$ 1%7%$ Standard 2il s,ed "or pa(ment o" te
de+t. 2n Ma( 1#$ 1%7%Villan,e!a 'as declared to +e in de"a,lt. Te 'i"e
o" Villan,e!a$ declared 'ile te K,dgement 'as in e*ec,tion/ G1. tat
er ,s+and 'as declared insane on 9,ne #:$ 1%7% +( ManilaQs Co,rt o"
First Instance/G#. tat se 'as appointed as g,ardian on 2ct. 11$ 'it
a,torit( to instit,te legal proceedings "or ann,lment o" +onds gi!en +(
er ,s+and 'ile insane/ G0. tat er ,s+and 'as alread( permanentl(
insane 'en e ga!e te +ond to Standard 2il an 'as insane and
,na+le to de"end imsel" d,ring te litigation and "or tis reason as?ed
te co,rt to reopen te trial to allo' "or te introd,ction o" e!idence "or
Villan,e!a regarding is incapacit( to act at te time e ga!e te +ond.
Te co,rt reopened te trial +,t concl,ded tat Villan,e!a ad capacit(
to act at te time e ga!e te +ond on Bec. 16$ 1%7&.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Villan,e!a$ appellant$ 'as incapa+le o" entering
into contract at te time te +ond 'as e*ec,ted on Becem+er 16$ 1%7&.
;4LING: No$ e 'asnQt. =Capacit( to act m,st +e s,pposed to attac to
a person 'o as not pre!io,sl( +een declared incapa+le$ and s,c
capacit( is pres,med to contin,e so long contrar( is not pro!ed$ tat is$
at te time o" is acting e 'as incapa+le$ cra8( or o,t o" is mind/
'ic$ in te opinion o" te co,rt$ as not +een pro!ed in tis case.
Tere 'as no direct proo" tat so'ed tat at te date o" te gi!ing o"
te +ond$ Becem+er 16$ 1%7&$ te appellant 'as incapa+le o" acting
+eca,se o" insanit(. Te 'itnesses 'o as p(sicians$ testi"ied tat te(
o+ser!ed insane periods in Villan,e!a t'ice prior to 1%70$ once on 1%7&$
+,t none at te time o" te e*ec,tion o" te said +ond on Becem+er 16$
1%7&. It 'as also so'n tat te 'i"e ne!er +e"ore so,gt to legall(
depri!e er ,s+and management o!er is estate ?no'ing ",ll 'ell tat
e 'as insane.
FACTS: Tis case is a+o,t te signing o" a deed o" sale in 'ic t'o o"
te "o,r parties 'ere minors 'it age 1&$ and 1%. 2n te date o" sale$
tese minors presented temsel!es tat te( 'ere o" legal age at te
time te( signed it$ and te( made te same mani"estation +e"ore te
notar( p,+lic. Te plainti""s alleged tat as te sole eirs$ along 'it teir
t'o sisters$ to a :& ectare tract o" land 'ic +elonged to teir moter
te sister o" te de"endant. Te de"endant caKoled$ ind,ced$ and
"ra,d,lentl( s,cceeded in getting te plainti""s to sell teir land "or a s,m
o" P:77 as opposed to its original !al,e. Te plainti""s demand te
ann,lment o" te sale$ te ret,rn o" te land$ and te rem,neration o" te
ting +ene"ited +( te de"endant.
According to te Be"endant$ te plainti""Qs moter ad sold a portion o"
te original land to te de"endant "or a s,m. Te plainti""Qs "ater
s,+se@,entl($ mortgaged te remaining parcel to te de"endant "or a
s,m to co!er is cildrenQs 'el"are a"ter is 'i"eQs deat. Te plainti""s
ad alleged temsel!es o" legal age and rati"ied te a+sol,te and
perpet,al sale o" te land in consideration o" te P:77. Cross)complaint
"iled "or damages d,e to te malicio,s and ,n"o,nded complaint +( te
ISS4E: 5eter or not te deed o" sale is !alid 'en te minors
presented temsel!es tat te( 'ere o" legal age.
;4LING: Te co,rts laid do'n tat s,c sale o" real estate 'as still !alid
since it 'as e*ec,ted +( minors$ 'o a!e passed te ages o" p,+ert(
and adolescence$ and are near te ad,lt age$ and tat te minors
pretended tat te( ad alread( reaced teir maKorit(.
Article 0&. Minorit($ insanit( or im+ecilit($ te state o" +eing a dea")m,te$
prodigalit( and ci!il)interdiction are mere restrictions on te capacit( to
act$ and do not e*empt te incapacitated person "rom certain o+ligations$
as 'en te latter arise "rom is acts or "rom propert( relations$ s,c as
Also$ tese minors cannot +e permitted a"ter'ards to e*c,se temsel!es
"rom compliance 'it te o+ligation ass,med +( tem or see? teir
ann,lment. Tis is in accordance 'it te pro!isions o" te la' on
0#. L24NG VS. TECS2N
AELB: Misrepresentation made +( a part( as to is age does not estop
im "rom den(ing tat e 'as o" age or "rom asserting tat e 'as ,nder
age$ at te time e entered into te contract$ "or te +reac o" 'Dc an
action is +ro,gt. 4nder te principle o" estoppel$ te lia+. res,lting "rom
misrepresentation as its K,ridical so,rce in te capacit( o" te person
ma?ing te misrepresentation to +ind imsel". I" te person ma?ing te
misrepresentation cannot +ind imsel" +( contract$ e cannot also +e
+o,nd +( an( misrepresentation e ma( a!e made in connection
tere'it. A person entering into a contract m,st see to it tat te oter
part( as s,""icient capacit( to +ind imsel".
Te mere "act tat one mont a"ter te e*ec,tion o" te contract$ te
minor in"ormed te oter contracting part( o" is minorit($ does not a""ect
te case/ s,c s,+se@,ent in"ormation is o" no moment$ +eca,se is
pre!io,s misrepresentation as alread( estopped im "rom disa!o'ing
te contract.
FACTS: Petitioner Isidro -am+alan$ a minor$ o'ned a piece o" land. Ae
'as "orced +( is moter Pa,la Prado to sell te land to Geno!ena
M,erong$ since se 'as treatening Pa,la o" imprisonment d,e to te
loan Geno!e!a ga!e Pa,la. To a!e te doc,ment o" te sale
ac?no'ledged$ te respondent e!en p,rcased te ced,la o" te
petitioner. Isidro didn1t tr( to conceal is age/ in "act te respondent 'as
'ell a'are tat Isidro 'as a minor.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te sale o" te piece o" land in @,estion !oid or
;4LING: Te sale o" te land is !oid +eca,se Isidro is incapacitated to
enter into s,c contracts$ and +eca,se te land 'asn1t e!en registered
and ence$ cannot +e sold. Te decision in Mercado !s. Espirit, cannot
+e ,sed since te petitioner didn1t tr( to ide is age
Art. 0& NCC pro!ides tat minorit($ insanit( or im+ecilit($ te state o"
+eing a dea")m,te$ prodigalit( and ci!il interdiction are mere restrictions
on capacit( to act Gaptit,de "or te e*ercise o" rigts.$ and do not e*empt
te incapacitated person "rom certain o+ligations$ as 'en te latter
arise "rom is acts or "rom propert( relations$ s,c as easements.
Te land in @,estion 'asn1t e!en registered in te ;egister o" Beeds/ te
sale o" te land cannot +e e*ec,ted 'ito,t registration as pro!ided in
section 67 o" Act. :%3.
FACTS: ;,"ino Alcantara and sons Gincl,ding respondent ;amon.
e*ec,ted a deed o" sale dated A,g,st 0$ 1%01$ con!e(ing "i!e parcels o"
land to petitioner Sia S,an. A "e' da(s later G'itin te mont a"ter te
sale o" te parcels o" land.$ ;amonQs co,nsel 'rote to S,anQs ,s+and$
Ga' Ciao$ disa!o'ing te contract on te gro,nd tat ;amon 'as a
minor 'en te signing too? place. A"ter Ga' Ciao responded to te
letter$ ;amon 'ent to te o""ice o" Ga' CiaoQs co,nsel to rati"( te sale.
A"ter rati"ication$ ;amon recei!ed Pp 677.77 "rom Ga' Ciao$ as
pa(ment "or te sold parcels o" landD Mean'ile$ Sia S,an sold te
parcels o" land to Nicolas A8ores/ is son Antonio inerited it.
Nine (ears later$ ;amon "iled a case at te Co,rt o" First Instance o"
Lag,na$ pra(ing tat te deed o" sale ma( +e ann,lled on te gro,nd o"
is minorit( at te time o" its sale to Sia S,an and Ga' Ciao/ action
'as denied and Sia S,an$ Ga' Ciao$ ;amonQs "ater and +roter$
Nicolas and Antonio A8ores 'ere a+sol!ed. ;amon +ro,gt case to te
Co,rt o" Appeals 'ic re!ersed te CFI Becision.
ISS4E: 5eter or not ;amon AlcantaraQs e*ec,tion o" te deed o" sale
is !alid$ despite +eing a minor at te time o" its e*ec,tion.
;4LING: ;amon ma( not +e allo'ed to e*ec,te deed o" sale$ +,t d,e to
is act o" rati"ication$ te contract 'as gi!en its +inding e""ect. Te deed
o" sale is +inding on ;amon$ +eca,se e rati"ied it. ;amon is not allo'ed
to ann,l s,c deed$ +eca,se e alread( rati"ied it. Mercado doctrine is
applica+le in tis case. ;amon ma( a!e e*ec,ted is acts in +ad "ait/
e earned mone( "rom Ga' Ciao as a res,lt o" te sale and its
rati"ication$ (et e s,mmons te co,rts to ann,l te sale +eca,se e
e*ec,ted it 'ile still a minor. =Tpre!io,s misinterpretation as alread(
estopped im "rom disa!o'ing te contract . Te Co,rt o" Appeals said
tat ;amon ma( not +e stopped +eca,se o" te letter$ (et te S,preme
Co,rt olds tat e is alread( stopped +( is misrepresentation in te
deed o" sale$ d,e to is minorit(. Te S,preme Co,rt is o" te opinion
tat Sia S,an and Ga' Ciao is ere+( a+sol!ed$ 'ito,t inc,rring an(
costs on teir part. 4nder te doctrine laid do'n +( Mercado ! Espirit,$
erein "ollo'ed$ to +ind a minor 'o represents imsel" to +e o" legal
age$ it is not necessar( "or is !endee to act,all( part 'it cas$ as long
as te contract is s,pported +( a !alid consideration. Te circ,mstance
tat a+o,t one mont a"ter te date o" te con!e(ance$ te appellee
in"ormed te appeallants o" is minorit($ is o" no moment$ +eca,se
appellee1s pre!io,s misrepresentation ad alread( estopped im "rom
disa!o'ing te contract.
FACTS: ;osario -ragan8a and er sons loaned "rom Be Villa A+rille
PF7$777 in 9apanese 'ar notes and in consideration tereo"$ promised in
'riting to pa( im P17$77 U #V per ann,m in legal c,rrenc( o" te
Pilippines # (ears a"ter te cessation o" te 'ar. -eca,se te( a!e no
paid$ A+rille is s,ed tem in Marc 1%:%. Te Manila co,rt o" "irst
instance and CA eld te "amil( solidaril( lia+le to pa( according to te
contract te( signed. Te "amil( petitioned to re!ie' te decision o" te
CA 'ere+( te( 'ere ordered to solidaril( pa( Be Villa A+rille P17$777
U #V interest$ pra(ing "or consideration o" te minorit( o" te -ragan8a
sons 'en te( signed te contract.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te +o(s$ 'o 'ere 13 and 1& respecti!el($ are
to +e +o,nd +( te contract o" loan te( a!e signed.
;4LING: Te SC "o,nd tat ;osario 'ill still +e lia+le to pa( er sare in
te contract +eca,se te( minorit( o" er sons does not release er "rom
lia+ilit(. Se is ordered to pa( 1D0 o" P17$777 U #V interest.
Ao'e!er 'it er sons$ te SC re!ersed te decision o" te CA 'ic
"o,nd tem similarl( lia+le d,e to teir "ail,re to disclose teir minorit(.
Te SC s,stained pre!io,s so,rces in 9,rispr,dence W =in order to old
te in"ant lia+le$ te "ra,d m,st +e act,al and not constr,cti!e. It as
+een eld tat is mere silence 'en ma?ing a contract as to is age
does not constit,te a "ra,d 'ic can +e made te +asis o" an action o"
Te +o(s$ to,g not +o,nd +( te pro!isions o" te contract$ are still
lia+le to pa( te act,al amo,nt te( a!e pro"ited "rom te loan. Art.
10:7 states tat e!en i" te 'ritten contract is ,nen"orcea+le +eca,se o"
teir non)age$ te( sall ma?e restit,tion to te e*tent tat te( ma(
a!e pro"ited +( te mone( recei!ed. In tis case$ #D0 o" PF7$77$ 'ic
is P:3$333.33$ 'ic 'en con!erted to Pilippine mone( is e@,i!alent
to P1$133.3F.
03. 4S VS. VAE4ILA;
FACTS: E!aristo Va@,ilar 'as "o,nd g,ilt( o" ?illing is 'i"e and is
da,gter$ as 'ell as inK,ring oter persons 'it a +olo. E(e'itnesses
testi"ied tat te de"endant appeared to +e insane prior to te
commission o" te crimes. Te( also testi"ied tat te appellant 'as
complaining o" pains in is ead and stomac prior to te ?illing. Te
'itnessesQ e!idence "or insanit( incl,de:
X =appellants e(es 'ere !er( +ig and red 'it is sigt penetrating
at te time e 'as ?illing is 'i"e.
X =e loo?ed at me e 'as cra8( +eca,se i" e 'as not$ e
'o,ldnQt a!e ?illed is "amil(
X at te moment o" c,tting tose people$ =e loo?ed li?e a
madman/ cra8( +eca,se e 'o,ld c,t an(+od( at random
X sister said$ =Tten e p,rs,ed meT.e m,st a!e +een cra8(
+eca,se e c,t me
ISS4E: 5eter or not tese pieces o" e!idence are s,""icient to declare
te acc,sed as insane$ tere"ore e*empt "rom criminal lia+ilit(.
;4LING: Te e!idence is ins,""icient to declare im insane. Te
appellantQs cond,ct 'as consistent 'it te acts o" an enraged criminal$
not o" a person 'it an ,nso,nd mind at te time e committed te
crimes. Te "act tat a person acts cra8( is not concl,si!e tat e is
insane. Te pop,lar meaning o" =cra8( is not s(non(mo,s 'it te legal
terms =insane . Te cond,ct o" te appellant a"ter e 'as con"ined in Kail
is not inconsistent 'it te actions o" a sane person Gnot sa(ing a 'ord in
te cell$ cr(ing o,t lo,d at nigt. 'o as re"lected and "elt remorse a"ter
te commission o" te crime.
Te co,rt ",rter eld tat mere mental depra!it($ or moral insanit(
'ic res,lts not "rom an( disease o" te mind$ +,t "rom a per!erted
condition o" te moral s(stem 'ere te person is mentall( sane$ does
not e*empt one "rom criminal responsi+ilit(. In te a+sence o" proo" tat
te de"endant ad lost is reason or +ecame demented a"ter a "e'
moments prior to or d,ring te perpetration o" te crime$ it is pres,med
tat e 'as in a normal state o" mind.
FACTS: Te S2CNL s,ed te 6 de+tors "or pa(ment$ incl,ding te
appellant Vicente Villan,e!a 'o acted as s,ret( to te loan. Te CFI o"
Manila ordered te de"endants to pa( Kointl( and se!erall( to te plainti""s
S2CNL. 5ile te K,dgment 'as in te co,rse o" e*ec,tion$ Elisa
Villan,e!a$ 'i"e o" Vicente appeared and alleged tat er ,s+and 'as
declared insane on 9,l( #:$ 1%7%$ and tat on 2ct. 11$ se 'as
a,tori8ed +( te co,rt as g,ardian to instit,te te proper legal
proceedings "or te ann,lment o" se!eral +onds gi!en +( er ,s+and
'ile in a state o" insanit(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not s,""ering "rom monomania o" 'ealt necessaril(
'arrants te concl,sion tat te person does not a!e capacit( to act.
;4LING: Te co,rt a""irmed te trial co,rt decision tat Villan,e!a
possessed te capacit( to act. Te SC eld tat tere is no e!idence to
'arrant te concl,sion$ in a K,dicial decision$ tat a person s,""ering "rom
monomania o" 'ealt is reall( insane and tere"ore is deranged and
incapa+le o" +inding imsel" in a contract. From te testimon( o" is
'i"e$ it seemed tat Vicente as te li+ert( to go 'ere!er e 'ised$
tat e ad propert( o" is o'n and 'as not depri!ed o" its management$
as 'ell as te "act tat e ad ne!er s@,andered an( large s,m o"
FACTS: Estelita ;ona(a 'as onl( 1: (ears old and 'as ired as a
o,se?eeper +( te moter o" te acc,sed. Acc,sed Policarpio ;a"anan
and is "amil( li!es 'it is moter. 2n Marc 13 1%F3 in te e!ening$
a"ter dinner$ Estelita 'as sent to elp te acc,sed in te store. At 11pm$
te acc,sed called Estelita to elp im close te door o" te store and e
s,ddenl( p,lled er inside and said = come$ let ,s a!e se*,al
interco,rse in 'ic Estelita said se donQt li?e. Bespite te str,ggle o"
Estelita$ Policarpio 'as a+le to rape er and told er not to tell an(one or
else e 'o,ld ?ill er. -,t someo'$ te "amil( o" te acc,sed 'as a+le
to "ind o,t 'ic made Estelita lea!e te o,se. Estelita 'as cr(ing on
er ome and told er moter a+o,t 'at appened. B,ring trial$ te
acc,sed pleaded not g,ilt( +,t in te end e 'as con!icted. Ae ten
appeal to te co,rt.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te acc,sed 'as insane d,ring te commission
o" te crime.
;4LING: Sci8oprenia is not an e*empting circ,mstance. I" tere 'as
impairment o" te mental "ac,lties$ s,c impairments 'as not so
complete as to depri!e te acc,sed o" intelligence or te conscio,sness
o" is acts. Te testimonies negate complete destr,ction o" intelligence
at te time o" te commission o" te crime. Te "act tat te appellant
treatened Estelita 'it deat re!eals to te co,rt tat te acc,sed 'as
a'are o" is act. Te la' pres,mes e!er( man to +e sane. A person
acc,sed o" a crime as te +,rden o" pro!ing is a""irmati!e allegation o"
insanit( and te acc,sed 'as not a+le to pro!e it. Alto,g it is not a
e*empting circ,mstance ,nder art 1# o" ;e!ised Penal Code$ it is a
mitigating circ,mstance ,nder te art 10 o" ;PC.
FACTS: Initiall($ Sil!estre dela Cr,8 G-enKamin A+ella 'as allo'ed to
inter!ene. "iled a petition 'it te C2MELEC to dis@,ali"( petitioner
Larra8a+al "rom r,nning as go!ernor o" Le(te on te gro,nd tat se
misrepresented er residence in er certi"icate o" candidac( as Mananga$
Le(te.It 'as alleged tat se 'as in "act a resident o" 2rmoc Cit( li?e er
,s+and 'o 'as earlier dis@,ali"ied "rom r,nning "or te same o""ice.
Te C2MELEC granted te petition. Ao'e!er$ 'en te Commission
granted te decision$ Larra8a+al 'as alread( proclaimed te Go!ernor$
ence$ 'en se 'as dis@,ali"ied$ A+ella$ 'o gatered te second
igest !otes in te said area$ so,gt to ta?e is oat as go!ernor o"
Mananga$ Le(te.
Te petitioner$ o'e!er$ a!ers tat te C2MELEC decision is erroneo,s
'en it relied on te pro!isions o" te Famil( Code to r,le tat te
petitioner lac?s te re@,ired residence to @,ali"( er to r,n "or te
position o" go!ernor o" Le(te. Se opines tat ,nder Ite Election La'$
te matter o" determination o" te =residence is more on te principle o"
=intention $ te anim,s re!ertendi rater tan an(ting else. In tis
regard se states tat ... Ier s,+se@,ent p(sical trans"er o" residence
to 2rmoc Cit( terea"ter$ did not necessaril( erased Gsic. or remo!ed er
Mananga residence$ "or as long as se ad te anim,s re!ertendi
e!idenced +( er contin,o,s and reg,lar acts o" ret,rning tere in te
co,rse o" te (ears$ alto,g se ad p(sicall( resided at 2rmoc Cit(.I
AELB: In te instant case$ tere is no e!idence to pro!e tat te
petitioner temporaril( le"t er residence in Mananga$ Le(te in 1%F6 to
p,rs,e an( calling$ pro"ession or +,siness. 5at is clear is tat se
esta+lised er residence in 2rmoc Cit( 'it er ,s+and and considers
ersel" a resident terein. Te intention o" anim,s re!ertendi not to
a+andon er residence in Mananga$ Le(te tere"or$ is nor present. Te
"act tat se occasionall( !isits Mananga$ Le(te tro,g te (ears does
not signi"( an intention to contin,e er residence terein. It is common
among ,s Filipinos to o"ten !isit places 'ere 'e "ormerl( resided
speciall( so 'en 'e a!e le"t "riends and relati!es alto,g "or intents
and p,rposes 'e a!e alread( trans"erred o,r residence to oter places.
FACTS: In te K,stice o" te peace co,rt o" -as,d$ Camarines Norte$
Felipe Ca+ag,e and is son Geronimo s,ed te de"endant Matias
A,*ilio and is da,gter Socorro to reco!er damages res,lting "rom
de"endantsH re",sal to carr( o,t te pre!io,sl( agreed marriage +et'een
Socorro and Geronimo.
Te complaint alleged$ in sort: Ga. tat de"endants promised s,c
marriage to plainti""s$ pro!ided te latter 'o,ld impro!e te de"endantsH
o,se in -as,d and spend "or te 'edding "east and te needs o" te
+ride/ G+. tat rel(ing ,pon s,c promises plainti""s made te
impro!ement and spent PF77/ and Gc. tat 'ito,t ca,se de"endants
re",sed to onor teir pledged 'ord.
AELB: Te ,nderstanding +et'een te plainti""s on one side and te
de"endants on te oter$ reall( in!ol!es t'o ?inds o" agreement. 2ne$
te agreement +et'een Felipe Ca+ag,e and te de"endants in
consideration o" te marriage o" Socorro and Geronimo. Anoter$ te
agreement +et'een te t'o lo!ers$ as Ia m,t,al promise to marr(I. For
+reac o" tat m,t,al promise to marr($ Geronimo ma( s,e Socorro "or
damages. Tis is s,c action$ and e!idence o" s,c m,t,al promise is
admissi+le. Ao'e!er Felipe Ca+ag,eHs action ma( not prosper$ +eca,se
it is to en"orce an agreement in consideration o" marriage. E!identl( as to
Felipe Ca+ag,e and Matias A,*ilio tis action co,ld not +e maintained
on te teor( o" Im,t,al promise to marr(I. Neiter ma( it +e regarded as
action +( Felipe against Socorro Ion a m,t,al promise to marr(.I
FACTS: Plainti"" alleged tat e and te de"endant entered into a
contract +( !irt,e o" te terms o" 'ic e 'as to pa( to te de"endant a
certain amo,nt ,pon te marriage o" is son 'it te da,gter o" te
de"endant/ tat e as completed is o+ligation ,nder said contract +(
pa(ing te stip,lated amo,nt/ tat not'itstanding said agreement$ te
da,gter 'as Koined to a la'",l 'edloc? 'it anoter man not is son/
tat immediatel( ,pon learning o" te marriage$ e demanded te ret,rn
o" te pa(ment e as made. Te trail co,rt rendered a K,dgment in
"a!or o" te plainti"" and against te de"endant.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te !er+al contract entered into +( te plainti""
and te de"endant in regard to te deli!er( o" te mone( +( reason o" a
prospecti!e marriage is !alid and e""ecti!e.
;4LING: Plainti"" in!o?es paragrap 0 o" section 006 o" te Code o"
Proced,re in Ci!il Action and$ appellant arg,es tat te !er+al contract$
not a!ing +een red,ced to 'riting$ plainti"" cannot reco!er. Te section
relied ,pon +( te does not render oral contracts in!alid. I" te parties to
an action$ d,ring te trial o" te ca,se$ ma?e no o+Kection to te
admissi+ilit( o" oral e!idence to s,pport contracts li?e te one in @,estion
and permit te contract to +e pro!ed$ +( e!idence oter tan a 'riting$ it
'ill +e K,st as +inding ,pon te parties as i" it ad +een red,ced to
FACTS: Soledad Cagigas$ a teacer and petitioner$ 'o 'as almost ten
G17. (ears (o,nger tan se$ ,sed to go aro,nd togeter and 'ere
regarded as engaged$ alto,g e ad made no promise o" marriage
prior tereto teir intimac( de!eloped among tem Soledad ad!ised
petitioner tat se 'as in te "amil( 'a($ 'ere,pon e promised to
marr( er. Teir cild$ Cris Aermosisima$ 'as +orn. Ao'e!er de"endant
married one ;omanita Pere8.
ISS4E: 5eter or not moral damages are reco!era+le$ ,nder o,r la's$
"or +reac o" promise to marr(.
;4LING: 5en te 'oman +ecomes pregnant and s,+se@,entl(
deli!ers. Alto,g se cannot reco!er moral damages "or te +reac$
ne!erteless se can reco!er compensator( damages "or medical and
ospitali8ation e*penses as 'ell as attorne(Qs "ees. -eca,se o"
de"endant)appellantHs sed,ction po'er$ plainti"")appellee$ o!er'elmed
+( er lo!e "or im "inall( (ielded to is se*,al desires in spite o" er age
and sel")control$ se +eing a 'oman a"ter all$ 'e old tat said
de"endant)appellant is lia+le "or sed,ction and$ tere"ore$ moral
damages ma( +e reco!ered "rom im ,nder te pro!ision o" Article ##1%$
paragrap 0$ o" te ne' Ci!il Code.
FACTS: Franciso Vele8 and -eatri8 5assmer$ "ollo'ing teir m,t,al
promise o" lo!e$ decided to get married and set Septem+er :$ 1%6: as
te +ig da(. 2n Septem+er #$ 1%6: Vele8 le"t a note to er tat te(
a!e to postpone teir 'edding +eca,se is moter opposed it. And on
te ne*t da( e sent er te "ollo'ing telegram =Noting canged rest
ass,red ret,rning !er( soon apologi8e mama papa lo!e Pa?ing .
Terea"ter Vele8 did not appear nor 'as e eard "rom again$ s,ed +(
-eatrice "or damages$ Vele8 "iled no ans'er and 'as declared in de"a,lt.
Te record re!eals tat on A,g,st #0$ 1%6:$ plainti"" and de"endant
applied "or a license to contract marriage$ 'ic 'as s,+se@,entl(
iss,ed. In!itations 'ere printed and distri+,ted to relati!es$ "riends and
ac@,aintances. Te +ride)to)+eQs tro,ssea,$ part( dresses and oter
apparel "or te important occasion 'ere p,rcased. Bresses "or te maid
o" onor and te "lo'er girl 'ere prepared$ +,t t'o da(s +e"ore te
'edding e ne!er ret,rned and 'as ne!er eard "rom again.
ISS4E: 5eter or not in te case at +ar$ is a case o" mere +reac o"
promise to marr(.
;4LING: S,rel( tis is not a case o" mere +reac o" promise to marr(.
As stated$ mere +reac o" promise to marr( is not an actiona+le 'rong.
-,t to "ormall( set a 'edding and go tro,g all te a+o!e)descri+ed
preparation and p,+licit($ onl( to 'al? o,t o" it 'en te matrimon( is
a+o,t to +e solemni8ed$ is @,ite di""erent. Tis is palpa+l( and
,nK,sti"ia+l( contrar( to good c,stoms "or 'ic de"endant m,st +e eld
ans'era+le in damages in accordance 'it Article #1 a"oresaid. Te
lo'er co,rtQs K,dgment is ere+( a""irmed.
FACTS: Petitioner Apolonio TanKanco co,rted respondent Ara,lli Santos$
e e*pressed and pro"essed is ,nd(ing lo!e and a""ection to'ards er
'ic se e!ent,all( reciprocated. For one (ear "rom Bec. 1%60 to Bec.
1%6:$ petitioner s,cceeded in a!ing carnal access to er$ +eca,se o"
is protestation o" lo!e and promise o" marriage. Se got pregnant$ "or
'ic se resigned "rom er 'or? as I-M secretar( to a!oid
em+arrassment. Ae re",sed to marr( er or to gi!e s,pport. T,s$ se
"iled "or an action +e"ore te trial co,rt to compel im to recogni8e te
,n+orn cild and pro!ide s,pport. Te complaint 'as dismissed "or
"ail,re to state te ca,se o" action. 4pon appeal$ te CA r,led tat ca,se
o" action e*isted "or damages as premised on Art. #1.
ISS4E: 5eter or not +reac o" a promise to marr( is an actiona+le
;4LING: Te case ,nder Art. #1$ cited as an e*ample +( te Code
Commission$ re"ers to a tort ,pon a minor 'o as +een sed,ced. Te
essential "eat,re is sed,ction$ 'ic in la' is more tan se*,al
interco,rse$ or a +reac or promise o" marriage/ it connotes essentiall(
te idea o" deceit$ enticement$ s,perior po'er or a+,se o" con"idence on
te part o" te sed,cer$ to 'ic te 'oman as (ielded. 5ere "or one
'ole (ear$ a 'oman o" ad,lt age maintained an intimate se*,al
relationsip 'it a man$ s,c cond,ct is incompati+le 'it te idea o"
sed,ction. Plainl($ tere is !ol,ntariness and m,t,al passion. Aence$
no case is made ,nder Art. #1$ and no oter ca,se o" action +eing
alleged$ no error 'as committed +( CFI in dismissing te complaint.
In 4S !. -,stamante$ #F Pil 1#1: To constit,te sed,ction$ tere m,st in
all cases +e some s,""icient promise or ind,cement and te 'oman m,st
(ield +eca,se o" te promise or oter ind,cement. I" se consents
merel( "rom carnal l,st and te interco,rse is "rom m,t,al desire$ tere is
no sed,ction. Becision o" CA re!ersed/ tat o" CFI a""irmed.
FACTS: Petitioner Gasem Soo?at -a?s 'as an Iranian citi8en$
e*cange st,dent ta?ing a medical co,rse in Bag,pan Cit($ 'o co,rted
pri!ate respondent Marilo, Gon8ales$ and promised to marr( er. 2n te
condition tat te( 'o,ld get married$ se reciprocated is lo!e. Te(
ten set te marriage a"ter te end o" te scool semester. Ae !isited
Marilo,Qs parents to sec,re teir appro!al o" marriage. In A,g,st 1%&F$
e "orced er to li!e 'it im$ 'ic se did. Ao'e!er$ is attit,de
to'ard er canged a"ter a 'ile/ e 'o,ld maltreat and e!en
treatened to ?ill er$ "rom 'ic se s,stained inK,ries. 4pon
con"rontation 'it te +aranga( captain$ e rep,diated teir marriage
agreement$ sa(ing tat e 'as alread( married to someone li!ing in
Marilo, ten "iled "or damages +e"ore te ;TC. -a?s denied te
acc,sations +,t asserted tat e told er not to go to is place since e
disco!ered er stealing is mone( and passport. Te ;TC r,led in "a!or
o" Gon8ales. Te CA a""irmed te ;TC decision.
ISS4E: 5eter or not +reac o" promise to marr( is an actiona+le
;4LING: Mere +reac o" marriage is not p,nisa+le +( la'. Ao'e!er$
since te respondent 'as pro!ed to a!e a good moral caracter$ and
tat se ad K,st let er !irginit( +e ta?en a'a( +( te petitioner since
te latter o""ered a promise o" marriage$ ten se co,ld as? "or pa(ment
"or damages. F,rtermore$ since se let er lo!er$ te petitioner$
=de"lo'ered er since se +elie!ed tat is promise to marr( 'as tr,e$
and not d,e to er carnal desire$ ten se co,ld a!e er claims against
te petitioner.
Moreo!er$ te "ater o" te respondent ad alread( loo?ed "or pigs and
cic?en "or te marriage reception and te sponsors "or te marriage$
and ten damages 'ere ca,sed +( te petitioner against te
respondents$ 'ic @,ali"ied te claims o" te respondent against te
FACTS: AleKandro and 9,ana Mapala s,+scri+ed a contract +e"ore
notar( p,+lic Elias -orromeo. ;espondent cooperated te ine*ec,tion o"
te doc,ment alto,g e ma( not ",ll( ,nderstand te content o" te
doc,ment. Te s,+stance o" te doc,ment permits te ,s+and and te
'i"e to li!e in an ad,ltero,s relationsip 'ito,t an( opposition.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te contract sanctioned an illicit and immoral
;4LING: Les$ te contract contained a pro!ision 'ic is contrar( to
la'$ morals and p,+lic order and as a conse@,ence not K,diciall(
recogni8a+le. In is instance$ i" te spo,se so,ld retain teir present
"rame o" mind$ no prosec,tion o" eiter one +( te oter co,ld +e
e*pected. Ne!erteless$ it is "ar "rom te p,rpose o" te Legislat,re to
+ar to legali8e ad,lter( and conc,+inage.
Te agreement +et'een AleKandro and 9,ana prior to marriage 'ere
contrar( to la'$ morals and p,+lic order$ as conse@,ence not K,diciall(
FACTS: Ernest -ani@,it$ 'o 'as li!ing ten separatel( "rom is 'i"e
Soledad Colares "or nine (ears$ so,gt te legal ad!ice o" respondent
Att(. Santiago$ a notar( p,+lic in Negros 2ccidental. Santiago ass,red
-ani@,it tat e co,ld sec,re a separation "rom is 'i"e and marr( again$
and told te latter to +ring is 'i"e tat a"ternoon to process te
doc,ment 'ic a,tori8ed eac oter to marr( again and 'ai!e
'ate!er rigt o" action one migt a!e against te part( so marr(ing.
;el(ing on te !alidit( o" te doc,ment$ -ani@,it on 9,ne 11$ 1%0%$
contracted a second marriage$ 'it Trinidad A,relio.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te contract prepared +( a notar( p,+lic ann,ls a
marriage o" -ani@,it to is G"irst. 'i"e.
;4LING: Te contract e*ec,ted +et'een ,s+and and 'i"e ,pon te
ad!ice$ prepared and ac?no'ledged +( a la'(er and notar( p,+lic is
contrar( to la' and morals$ and tends to s,+!ert te !ital "o,ndation o"
te "amil(. Te ad!ice gi!en +( te respondent as 'ell as te preparation
and ac?no'ledgement +( im o" te contract constit,te malpractice
'ic K,sti"ies dis+arment "rom te practice o" la'.
FACTS: 2n No!em+er #1$ 1%F#$ respondent K,dge AleKandro Mendo8a
prepared and rati"ied a doc,ment e*traK,diciall( li@,idating te conK,gal
partnersip o" complainant Sat,rnino Selano!a and is 'i"e$ A!elina
Ceni8a. Te contract$ signed +( te spo,ses and t'o 'itnesses +e"ore
te c,lpa+le K,dge$ di!ided te t'o pieces o" conK,gal assets o" te
spo,ses +et'een tem$ and licensed eiter spo,se to commit an( act o"
in"idelit(/ and 'itdra' te complaint "or ad,lter( or conc,+inage 'ic
eac ad "iled against te oter.
ISS4E: 5eter or not an e*traK,dicial agreement +et'een spo,ses to
dissol!e teir marriage is !alid.
;4LING: Te agreement in @,estion is !oid +eca,se it contra!enes te
pro!ision ,nder Art. ##1 o" te Ci!il Code$ 'ic state tat te "ollo'ing
sall +e !oid and o" no e""ect: G1. an( contract "or personal separation
+et'een ,s+and and 'i"e/ G#. e!er( e*traK,dicial agreement$ d,ring
marriage$ "or te dissol,tion o" te conK,gal partnersip o" gains or o" te
a+sol,te comm,nit( o" propert( +et'een ,s+and and 'i"e.
E!en +e"ore te appro!al o" te Ci!il Code$ te S,preme Co,rt eld tat
te e*traK,dicial dissol,tion o" te conK,gal partnersip 'ito,t K,dicial
appro!al 'as !oid. An agreement +et'een ,s+and and 'i"e 'ic
permits te ,s+and to ta?e a conc,+ine and "or te 'i"e to li!e in
ad,ltero,s relationsip 'it anoter man$ is !oid. 5ile ad,lter( and
conc,+inage are pri!ate crimes$ te( still remain crimes$ and a contract
legali8ing teir commission is contrar( to la'$ morals and p,+lic orders$
and as a conse@,ence not K,diciall( recogni8a+le.
Te K,dge a!ing +ecome a la'(er in 1%:&$ 'o 'as in good "ait and
'it onest intent to terminate te marital con"lict$ since e 'as not
a'are o" Art. ##1 o" te Ci!il Code$ 'as merel( reprimanded.
FACTS: 2n 2cto+er 1&$ 1%3%$ pri!ate respondent 9ose Vicente Be Leon
and petitioner S(l!ia Lica,co Be Leon 'ere ,nited in 'edloc? +e"ore
te M,nicipal Ma(or o" -inangonan$ ;i8al. In 2cto+er$ 1%F#$ a de "acto
separation +et'een te spo,ses occ,red d,e to irreconcila+le marital
di""erences. 2n No!em+er #0$ 1%F0$ S(l!ia "iled 'it te S,perior Co,rt
o" Cali"ornia$ Co,nt( o" San Francisco$ a petition "or dissol,tion o"
marriage and "iled "or distri+,tion o" marriage +,t 9ose Vicente 'as a
Filipino ;esident. 2n Marc 13$ 1%FF$ S(l!ia s,cceeded in entering into
a Letter)Agreement 'it er moter)in)la'$ pri!ate respondent Macaria
Be Leon. Said agreement contained te pa(ment s,m o" P177$ 777 and
trans"er o" lots con!e(ed to er 'o Macaria did. 2n Marc 07$ 1%FF$
S(l!ia and 9ose Vicente "iled +e"ore te ten Co,rt o" First Instance o"
;i8al a Koint petition "or K,dicial appro!al o" dissol,tion o" teir conK,gal
partnersip. Macaria inter!ened tat te properties in distri+,tion 'ic
se paid 'as er properties and assailed tat te p,rpose o" !alidit( and
legalit( o" te Letter)Agreement is te termination o" marital relationsip
+et'een S(l!ia and 9ose Vicente 'ic states:
In consideration "or a peace",l and amica+le termination o"
relations +et'een te ,ndersigned and er la'",ll( 'edded ,s+and$
9ose Vicente Be Leon$ (o,r son$ te "ollo'ing are agreed ,pon:
AELB: Te Letter)Agreement is in!alid$ +eca,se te ,se o" te 'ord
IrelationsI in te letter agreement is am+ig,o,s and s,+Kect to
interpretation since Macaria +elie!ed it to +e dissol,tion o" marriage +,t
"or S(l!ia it is onl( dissol,tion o" propert( relations and tat S(l!ia and
9ose +ot "iled in te co,rt "or te dissol,tion o" teir conK,gal
Also$ ,nder Article ##1 o" te Ne' Ci!il Code:
Te "ollo'ing sall +e !oid and o" no e""ect:
G1. An( contract "or personal separation +et'een ,s+and and
G#. E!er( e*tra)K,dicial agreement$ d,ring marriage$ "or te
dissol,tion o" te conK,gal partnersip o" gains or o" te
a+sol,te comm,nit( o" propert( +et'een ,s+and and 'i"e/
Te letter agreement is an e*tra)K,dicial agreement prepared d,ring
marriage +( S(l!ia so it is !oid and agreement m,st +e entered +( te
spo,se and not to a tird part(.
FACTS: Te plainti"" claims participation in te said properties on te
gro,nd tat te same 'ere ac@,ired +( im and te deceased Maria C.
Ferrer$ 'it 'om plainti"" contracted marriage in 9an,ar($ 1%13 and 'o
died on Fe+r,ar( 11$ 1%0:. Te de"endants ;a"ael$ Mig,el$ Soledad$
Clara$ Constancia and Ga+riel$ all s,rnamed Trias are te cildren o" te
deceased Maria C. Ferrer 'it er "irst ,s+and Mariano Trias$ 'ile te
de"endants Teo"ilo P,geda and Virginia P,geda are cildren o" te
plainti"" 'it said deceased Maria C. Ferrer. Te plainti"" alleges tat
d,ring te li"etime o" te marriage +et'een imsel" and te deceased
Maria C. Ferrer$ te( ac@,ired 'it conK,gal partnersip ",nds lots Nos.
#F0$ #367$ #3&7$ #F1& and #F3: o" te San Francisco de Mala+on
estate 'it te "ollo'ing interest terein/ F1V in lot No. #F0$ &#V in lot
No. #367$ FFV in lot No. #36#$ FFV in lot No. #7&7$ 3:V in lot No. #F1&
and F3V in lot No. #F3:/ tat plainti"" is te o'ner o" one)al" o" te said
interest in te lots a+o!e)mentioned/ tat ,pon te deat o" Maria C.
Ferrer in 1%0: plainti"" and de"endants +ecame co)o'ners o" said
properties and de"endants managed te properties in tr,st as co)o'ners
tereo". Plainti"" pra(s tat te properties a+o!e descri+ed$ ac@,ired as
conK,gal properties +( te plainti"" and deceased Maria C. Ferrer$ +e
partitioned )and one)al" tereo" +e gi!en as sare terein o" plainti"".
Te de"endants @,estioned te marriage o" te plainti""$ 'en te(
prod,ced a potostatic cop( o" te record o" marriages o" te
M,nicipalit( o" ;osario$ Ca!ite "or te mont o" 9an,ar( 1%13$ to so'
tat tere 'as no record o" te alleged marriage.
AELB: E!idence consisting o" te testimonies o" 'itnesses 'as eld
competent to pro!e te marriage. Indeed$ alto,g a marriage contract is
considered primar( e!idence o" marriage$ "ail,re to present it is not proo"
tat no marriage too? place. 2ter e!idence ma( +e presented it to proo"
Testimon( +( one o" te parties to te marriage$ or +( one o" te
'itnesses to te marriage$ as +een eld to +e admissi+le to pro!e te
"act o" marriage. Te person 'o o""iciated at te solemni8ation is also
competent to testi"( as an e(e'itness to te "act o" marriage.
FACTS: Appeal "rom a decision o" CFI Ba!ao declaring te t'o
marriages cele+rated one a"ter anoter on April #&$ 1%:% n,ll and !oid
on te gro,nd o" plainti""Qs consent 'as o+tained tro,g "orce and
intimidation emplo(ed ,pon er +( er "ater. Morning o" April #&$ 1%:%$
a ci!il 'edding +e"ore 9,dge Bel"in Ao"ilena o" MC o" Ba!ao/ and on te
a"ternoon$ te( remarried in accordance 'it rites o" ;ep,+lic o" Cina
+e"ore Cinese Cons,l S.T. Mi in o""ice in Ba!ao Cit(. Te plainti""Qs
testimon( pro!ides tat te de"endant ne!er 'ooed er and tat te
'edding 'as arranged +( er "ater. Aer "ater 'ipped er o"ten as
se opposed marriage and resorted in to +eating er. Se ten ran a'a(
"rom ome +,t "o,nd +( "ater and promised se 'ill not "orce er again.
-,t 'en te s,+Kect o" marriage 'as rene'ed$ e anded er a ?ni"e
telling er to coose +et'een er li"e o" is$ +eca,se o" "ear tat er
"ater migt ?ill er$ so se agreed to te marriage
Te testimon( corro+orated +( er moter and Epi"ania del ;io$ a
relati!e o" er moter. Se li!ed 'it er ,s+and in is parentQs ome
+,t considered im a stranger since se doesnQt lo!e im. Se 'as ?ept
a prisoner in te o,se/ se ne!er occ,pied te same +ed 'it ,s+and.
Te co,ple ne!er ad se*,al interco,rse e*cept on 9,ne 1$ 1%:% a!ing
+een "orced +( er ,s+and ,sing a ?ni"e. Se m,stered co,rage to
escape "rom er ,s+andQs ome. Mean'ile$ te de"endant claims tat
te marriages 'ere reg,lar and legal$ and entered "reel( and !ol,ntaril(.
Tat se 'as not ?ept as a prisoner and tat se 'o,ld as? er "ater in
la' to gi!e er and er ,s+and teir o'n o,se and +,siness. And onl(
once e slapped er S 'en se ran a'a( 'it P1#77 and 'en as?ed
'ere se came "rom se retorted it 'as none o" is +,siness.
AELB: Te CFI "o,nd te plainti""Qs marriage cons,mmated onl( +(
intimidation and "orce and tat plainti"" ne!er "or a moment ac@,iesced to
te stat,s o" a 'i"e to te de"endant and declared t'o marriages
+et'een tem n,ll and !oid/ de"endant ordered to ret,rn te P1#77 and
'ate!er personal +elongings te plainti"" ad le"t in teir o,se.
S,preme Co,rt a""irmed tat 'ile it is tr,e tat it is te polic( o" te la'
to maintain te marriage ties$ 'en it is ampl( pro!ed tat te
marriage is e""ected tro,g d,ress and intimidation and 'Do te consent
and against te 'ill o" one o" te parties$ tere are no ties to +e
preser!ed and te marriage so,ld conse@,entl( +e ann,lled. And also
a""irmed tat tere 'as no !ol,ntar( coa+itation on te 'i"eQs part.
FACTS: In te general elections eld on No!em+er 10$ 1%61$ Pedro V.
Vilar and Ga,dencio V. Paraiso 'ere among te candidates registered
and !oted "or te o""ice o" ma(or o" ;i8al$ N,e!a EciKa. a"ter te can!ass
'as made$ Vilar o+tained 1$:3F !otes 'ile Paraiso garnered 1$67%$ and
as a res,lt te m,nicipal +oard o" can!assers proclaimed te latter as
te ma(or d,l( elected 'it a pl,ralit( o" :1 !otes. Ao'e!er$ contending
tat Paraiso 'as ineligi+le to old o""ice as ma(or +eca,se e 'as ten
a minister o" te 4nited C,rc o" Crist in te Pilippines and s,c 'as
dis@,ali"ied to +e a candidate ,nder section #1F6 o" te ;e!ised
Administrati!e Code$ Vilar instit,ted te present @,o 'arranto
proceedings pra(ing tat Paraiso +e declared ineligi+le to ass,me o""ice
and tat is proclamation as ma(or)elect +e declared n,ll and !oid. Ae
also pra(ed tat e +e declared d,l( elected ma(or o" ;i8al$ N,e!a
EciKa$ in lie, o" respondent Paraiso.
;espondent in is ans'er denied is ineligi+ilit( and claimed tat e
resigned as minister o" te 4nited C,rc o" Crist in te Pilippines on
A,g,st #1$ 1%61$ tat is resignation 'as accepted +( te ca+inet o" is
c,rc at a special meeting eld in Polo$ -,lacan on A,g,st #F$ 1%61$
and tat e!en i" respondent 'as not eligi+le to te o""ice$ petitioner co,ld
not +e declared elected to ta?e is place
AELB: Paraiso 'as dis@,ali"ied 'en e ran "or ma(or 'ile e 'as still
olding a religio,s position granting im te po'er to solemni8e
Te importance o" resignation cannot +e ,nderestimated. Te p,rpose o"
registration is t'o)"old: to in"orm te p,+lic not onl( o" te a,torit( o" te
minister to discarge religio,s ",nctions$ +,t e@,all( to ?eep it in"ormed
o" an( cange in is religio,s stat,s. Tis in"ormation is necessar( "or
te protection o" te p,+lic. Tis is speciall( so 'it regard to te
a,torit( to solemni8ed marriages$ te registration o" 'ic is made +(
te la' mandator( GArticles %#)%3$ ne' Ci!il Code.. It is no arg,ment to
sa( tat te d,t( to sec,re te cancellation o" te re@,isite resignation
de!ol!es$ not ,pon respondent$ +,t ,pon te ead o" is organi8ation or
,pon te o""icial in carge o" s,c registration$ ,pon proper so'ing o"
te reason "or s,c cancellation$ +eca,se te la' li?e'ise imposes ,pon
te interested part( te d,t( o" e""ecting s,c cancellation$ 'o in te
instant case is te respondent imsel".
FACTS: Petitioner Mercedita Mata Aranes carged respondent 9,dge
2cciano 'it gross ignorance o" te la'. 2cciano is te presiding K,dge
in Co,rt o" -alatan$ Camarines S,r. Ao'e!er$ e solemni8ed te
marriage o" Aranes and Bominador 2ro+ia on Fe+r,ar( 1F$ #777 at te
co,pleQs residence in Na+,a$ Camarines S,r 'ic is o,tside is
territorial K,risdiction and 'ito,t te re@,isite o" marriage license.
It appeared in te records tat petitioner and 2ro+ia "iled teir application
o" marriage license on 9an,ar( 6$ #777 and 'as stamped tat it 'ill +e
iss,ed on 9an,ar( 1F$ #777 +,t neiter o" tem claimed it. In addition$
no record also appeared 'it te 2""ice o" te Ci!il ;egistrar General "or
te alleged marriage.
-e"ore 9,dge 2cciano started te ceremon($ e care",ll( e*amined te
doc,ments and "irst re",sed to cond,ct te marriage and ad!ised tem
to reset te date considering te a+sence o" te marriage license.
Ao'e!er$ d,e to te earnest pleas o" te parties$ te in"l,* o" !isitors and
"ear tat te postponement o" te 'edding migt aggra!ate te p(sical
condition o" 2ro+ia 'o K,st s,""ered "rom stro?e$ e solemni8ed te
marriage on te ass,rance o" te co,ple tat te( 'ill pro!ide te license
tat same a"ternoon. 2cciano denies tat e told te co,ple tat teir
marriage is !alid.
ISS4E: 5eter 9,dge 2cciano is g,ilt( o" solemni8ing a marriage
'ito,t a d,l( iss,ed marriage license and cond,cting it o,tside is
territorial K,risdiction.
;4LING: Te co,rt eld tat =te territorial K,risdiction o" respondent
K,dge is limited to te m,nicipalit( o" -alatan$ Camarines S,r. Ais act o"
solemni8ing te marriage o" petitioner and 2ro+ia in Na+,a$ Camarines
S,r tere"ore is contrar( to la' and s,+Kects im to administrati!e
lia+ilit(. Ais act ma( not amo,nt to gross ignorance o" te la' "or e
allegedl( solemni8ed te marriage o,t o" ,man compassion +,t
noneteless$ e cannot a!oid lia+ilit( "or !iolating te la' on marriage .
5AE;EF2;E$ respondent 9,dge Sal!ador M. 2cciano$ Presiding 9,dge
o" te M,nicipal Trial Co,rt o" -alatan$ Camarines S,r$ is "ined
P6$777.77 pesos 'it a STE;N 5A;NING tat a repetition o" te same
or similar o""ense in te ",t,re 'ill +e dealt 'it more se!erel(.
FACTS: Plainti"" ;osalia Martine8 commenced tis action "or te
cancellation o" te cert. o" marriage and "or damages. Plainti"" claimed
tat 'at too? place +e"ore te K,stice o" te peace did not constit,te a
legal marriage ,nder Gen. 2rders No. 3&$ Sec. 3$ INo partic,lar "orm "or
te ceremon( o" marriage is re@,ired$ +,t te parties m,st declare$ in te
presence o" te person solemni8ing te marriage$tat te( ta?e eac
oter as ,s+and and 'i"e.I CFI "o,nd "or te de"endant.
AELB: Te parties addressed a signed petition to te K,stice o" te
peace stating tat te( ad agreed to marr($ and as?ing te K,stice o" te
peace to marr( tem. -e"ore te K,stice o" te peace$ te( stated ,nder
oat tat te( rati"ied te contents o" teir petition and insisted on 'at
te( as?ed "or. Tis statement 'as signed +( tem$ in te presence o"
'itnesses tat te( prod,ced. A certi"icate 'as ten made o,t +( te
K,stice o" te peace$ signed +( im and te 'itnesses$ stating te parties
ad +een married +( im. -ot te parties ?ne' te contents o" te
doc,ment 'Dc te( signed. 4nder te circ,mstances$ 'at too? place
+e"ore te K,stice o" te peace amo,nted to a marriage.
FACTS: E,logio de Leon and Fla!iana Pere8$ man and 'i"e$ ad +,t one
cild$ Bomingo de Leon. Te 'i"e and son s,r!i!ed E,logio de Leon$
'o died in te (ear 1%16. B,ring er 'ido'ood$ Fla!iana Pere8 li!ed
'it Pedro MadrideKo$ a +acelor. Te registr( o" +irts o" te
m,nicipalit( o" Siniloan$ Lag,na$ so's tat on 9,ne 1$ 1%1F$ a cild 'as
+orn to Pedro MadrideKo and Fla!iana Pere8$ 'ic 'as named Melecio
MadrideKo$ te necessar( data +eing ",rnised +( Pedro MadrideKo. 2n
9,ne 1F$ 1%1F$ a #:)da( old cild o" Siniloan$ Lag,na$ as a son o"
Fla!iana Pere8$ no mention +eing made o" te "ater. 2n 9,l( &$ 1%#7$
Fla!iana Pere8$ +eing at deatHs door$ 'as married to Pedro MadrideKo$ a
+acelor$ 07 (ears o" age$ +( te paris priest o" Siniloan. Se died on
te "ollo'ing da($ 9,l( %$ 1%#7$ lea!ing Bomingo de Leon$ er son +(
E,logio de Leon$ and te plainti"")appellee Melecio MadrideKo$ as 'ell as
er alleged second ,s+and$ Pedro MadrideKo. Bomingo de Leon died
on te #nd o" Ma($ 1%#&. Lo'er Co,rt r,led tat te marriage o"
MadrideKo and Pere8 'as !alid and te Melecio MadrideKo 'as
legitimated +( tat marriage. Appellant GGon8alo de Leon. contends tat
trial co,rt erred in declaring tat te marriage in @,estion 'as !alid and
tat Pedro MadrideKo 'as legitimated +( tat marriage.
ISS4ES: 5eter or not te marriage o" Fla!iana Pere8 to Pedro
MadrideKo is !alid$ and 'eter or not te marriage s,+se@,entl(
legitimated Melecio MadrideKo.
;4LING: 5it regard to te "irst assignment o" error$ te mere "act tat
te paris priest o" Siniloan$ Lag,na$ 'o married Pedro MadrideKo and
Fla!iana Pere8$ "ailed to send a cop( o" te marriage certi"icate to te
m,nicipal secretar( does not in!alidate te marriage in artic,lo mortis$ it
not appearing tat te essential re@,isites re@,ired +( la' "or its !alidit(
'ere lac?ing in te ceremon($ and te "or'arding o" a cop( o" te
marriage certi"icate is not one o" said essential re@,isites.
In te second iss,e$ it is e!ident tat Melecio MadrideKo as not +een
ac?no'ledged +( Pedro MadrideKo and Fla!iana Pere8$ eiter !ol,ntaril(
or +( comp,lsion$ +e"ore or a"ter teir marriage$ and tere"ore said
marriage did not legitimate im.
FACTS: Aerminia -orKa)Man8ano 'as te la'",l 'i"e o" te late Ba!id
Man8ano a!ing +een married on Ma( #1$ 1%33 in San Ga+riel
Arcangel Paris in Caloocan. Te( ad "o,r cildren. 2n Marc ##$
1%%0$ er ,s+and contracted anoter marriage 'it L,8!iminda Pa(ao
+e"ore respondent 9,dge. Te marriage contract clearl( stated tat +ot
contracting parties 'ere =separated t,s$ respondent 9,dge o,gt to
?no' tat te marriage 'as !oid and +igamo,s. Ae claims tat 'en e
o""iciated te marriage o" Ba!id and Pa(ao$ e ?ne' tat te t'o ad
+een li!ing togeter as ,s+and and 'i"e "or se!en (ears as mani"ested
in teir Koint a""ida!it tat te( +ot le"t teir "amilies and ad ne!er
coa+it or comm,nicated 'it teir spo,ses d,e to constant @,arrels.
ISS4E: 5eter te solemni8ation o" a marriage +et'een t'o
contracting parties 'o +ot a!e an e*isting marriage can contract
marriage i" te( a!e +een coa+itating "or 6 (ears ,nder Article 0: o"
Famil( Code.
;4LING: Among te re@,isites o" Article 0: is tat parties m,st a!e no
legal impediment to marr( eac oter. Considering tat +ot parties as
a s,+sisting marriage$ as indicated in teir marriage contract tat te(
are +ot =separated is an impediment tat 'o,ld ma?e teir s,+se@,ent
marriage n,ll and !oid. 9,st li?e separation$ "ree and !ol,ntar(
coa+itation 'it anoter person "or at least 6 (ears does not se!ere te
tie o" a s,+sisting pre!io,s marriage. Clearl($ respondent 9,dge
Sance8 demonstrated gross ignorance o" te la' 'en e solemni8ed
a !oid and +igamo,s marriage.
FACTS: Pepito Ninal 'as married to Teod,l"a -ellones on Septem+er
#3$ 1%F: and te( ad "i!e cildren 'o are te petitioners in tis case.
T'el!e (ears later G1%&6.$ Pepito sot Teod,l"a 'ic res,lted in er
deat. A (ear and & monts a"ter te said deat GBec. 1%&3.$ Pepito
married te respondent Norma -ada(og 'ito,t a marriage license
claiming tat te( 'ere e*empt "rom te re@,irement +eca,se te( ad
alread( coa+ited 'it eac oter "or "i!e (ears as ,s+and and 'i"e.
Pepito died in a car accident on Fe+r,ar( 1%%F gal!ani8ing petitioners$
te cildren "rom is "irst marriage$ to "ile a declaration o" n,llit( o" te
s,+se@,ent marriage claiming tat it 'as !oid "or lac? o" a marriage
ISS4E: 5eter or not te "i!e (ear coa+itation as ,s+and and 'i"e in
tis case can +e considered to a!e s,""icientl( met te re@,irement to
+e e*empt "rom ac@,iring a marriage license.
;4LING: Te marriage o" Pepito and Norma is !oid "or a+sence o" te
marriage license. Te( cannot +e e*empted e!en to,g te( instit,ted
an a""ida!it and claimed tat te( coa+it "or at least 6 (ears +eca,se
"rom te time o" PepitoQs "irst marriage 'as dissol!ed to te time o" is
marriage 'it Norma$ onl( a+o,t #7 monts ad elapsed. Al+eit$ Pepito
and is "irst 'i"e ad separated in "act$ and terea"ter +ot Pepito and
Norma ad started li!ing 'it eac oter tat as alread( lasted "or "i!e
(ears$ te "act remains tat teir "i!e)(ear period coa+itation 'as not
te coa+itation contemplated +( la'. Aence$ is marriage to Norma is
still !oid.
Void marriages are deemed to a!e not ta?en place and cannot +e te
so,rce o" rigts. It can +e @,estioned e!en a"ter te deat o" one o" te
parties and an( proper interested part( ma( attac? a !oid marriage.
6%. ;EP4-LIC VS. 2-;ECIB2
FACTS: Cipriano 2r+ecido III 'as married 'it Lad( M(ros Villan,e!a
on Ma( #:$ 1%&1 at te 4nited C,rc o" Crist in te Pilippines in
28amis Cit(. Te( ad a son and a da,gter named Mristo""er and
Mim+erl($ respecti!el(. In 1%&3$ te 'i"e le"t "or 4S +ringing along teir
son Mristo""er. A "e' (ears later$ 2r+ecido disco!ered tat is 'i"e ad
+een nat,rali8ed as an American citi8en and learned "rom is son tat
is 'i"e sometime in #777 ad o+tained a di!orce decree and married a
certain Stanle(. Ae terea"ter "iled 'it te trial co,rt a petition "or
a,torit( to remarr( in!o?ing Paragrap # o" Article #3 o" te Famil(
ISS4E: 5eter or not 2r+ecido can remarr( ,nder Article #3 o" te
Famil( Code.
;4LING: Te co,rt r,led tat ta?ing into consideration te legislati!e
intent and appl(ing te r,le o" reason$ Article #3$ Par. # so,ld +e
interpreted to incl,de cases in!ol!ing parties 'o$ at te time o" te
cele+ration o" te marriage 'ere Filipino citi8ens$ +,t later on$ one o"
tem +ecomes nat,rali8ed as a "oreign citi8en and o+tains a di!orce
decree. Te Filipino spo,se so,ld li?e'ise +e allo'ed to remarr( as i"
te oter part( 'ere a "oreigner at te time o" te solemni8ation o" te
Aence$ te co,rtQs ,nanimo,s decision in olding Article #3$ Par. # +e
interpreted as allo'ing a Filipino citi8en 'o as +een di!orced +( a
spo,se 'o ad ac@,ired a citi8ensip and remarried$ also to remarr(
,nder Pilippine la'.
37. PE;IB2 VS. PE;IB2
FACTS: L,cio Perido married t'ice d,ring is li"etime. Ais "irst 'i"e 'as
-enita Talorong$ 'it 'om e +egot tree G0. cildren: Feli*$ Ismael$
and Margarita. A"ter -enita died L,cio married Marcelina -alig,at$ 'it
'om e ad "i!e G6. cildren: E,se+io$ 9,an$ Maria$ So"ronia and
Gon8alo. 2n A,g,st 16$ 1%37 te cildren and grandcildren o" te "irst
and second marriages o" L,cio Perido e*ec,ted a doc,ment
denominated as IBeclaration o" Aeirsip and E*tra)K,dicial Partition$
I'ere te( partitioned among temsel!es lots inerited +( tem "rom
L,cio Perido. Te cildren +elonging to te "irst marriage o" L,cio Perido
"iled a complaint in te Co,rt o" First Instance against te cildren o" te
second marriage$ to ann,l te IBeclaration o" Aeirsip and E*tra)
9,dicial PartitionI. Petitioners alleged tat te cildren +elonging to te
second marriage 'ere illegitimate. Te trial co,rt eld tat te 6 cildren
o" Perido 'ere all legitimate and it ann,lled te IBeclaration o" Aeirsip
and E*tra) 9,dicial PartitionI. Te plainti""s appealed to te Co,rt o"
Appeals$ alleging tat te trial co,rt erred G1. in declaring tat te 6
cildren 'ere and G#. in declaring tat L,cio Perido 'as te e*cl,si!e
o'ner o" Lots +eca,se te said lots 'ere te conK,gal partnersip
propert( o" L,cio Perido and is "irst 'i"e$ -enita Talorong.F.Te co,rt o"
Appeals a""irmed te decision o" te lo'er co,rt. No'$ te instant
AELB: Te +asis o" ,man societ( tro,go,t te ci!ili8ed 'orld is tat
o" marriage. Marriage is a ne' relation$ an instit,tion in te maintenance
o" 'ic te p,+lic is deepl( interested. E!er( intendment o" te la'
leans to'ard legali8ing matrimon(. -eca,se i" te( are not married$ te(
'o,ld e li!ing in te constant !iolation o" decenc( and o" la'. A
pres,mption esta+lised +( o,r Code o" Ci!il Proced,re is Itat a man
and 'oman deporting temsel!es as ,s+and and 'i"e a!e entered
into a la'",l contract o" marriage.I Te petitionerQs 'itnessQs "ailed to
pro!e te illegitimac( o" second marriage.
AELB: A man and 'oman not legall( married 'o co)a+it "or man(
(ears as ,s+and and 'i"e$ 'o represent temsel!es to te p,+lic as
,s+and and 'i"e$ and 'o are rep,ted to +e ,s+and and 'i"e in te
comm,nit( 'ere te( li!e ma( +e considered legall( ImarriedI in
common la' K,risdictions +,t not in te Pilippines.
FACTS: Art,ro Mendo8a and 9o!ita de Asis 'ere married on A,g. 6$
1%03 in Mari?ina. 5ile te marriage 'as still s,+sisting$ Mendo8a got
married to 2lga Lema in Manila on Ma( 1:$ 1%:1. de Asis died on Fe+.
#$ 1%:0. Ten$ Mendo8a contracted anoter marriage 'it Carmencita
Panlilio in Calam+a$ Lag,na on A,g. 1%$ 1%:%. Ae 'as s,ed and
con!icted o" +igam( "or te second marriage.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Mendo8a is lia+le "or +igam(.
;4LING: No. Ac@,itted. Sec. #%$ Marriage La' Act 0310 pro!ides: =An(
marriage s,+se@,entl( contracted +( an( person d,ring te li"etime o"
te "irst spo,se sall +e illegal and !oid ,nless "irst marriage as +een
ann,lled$ dissol!ed or "irst spo,se as +een a+sent "or F consec,ti!e
(ears 'ito,t ne's i" eDse is still ali!e. 9,dicial declaration o" n,llit( is
onl( necessar( "or tird case. T,s$ is marriage 'it Lema is n,ll and
!oid 'ito,t need "or K,dicial declaration. Tird marriage 'as contracted
a"ter te deat o" te "irst spo,se$ t,s not +igamo,s.
FACTS: Proceso ;osima contracted marriage 'it Gorrea. 5ile is
marriage 'it te latter s,+sist$ e contracted a canonical marriage 'it
Faicol. Gorrea is sta(ing in Ce+, 'ile Faicol is in Iloilo. Ae 'as a
tra!eling salesman t,s$ e comm,ted +et'een Iloilo and Ce+,. 5en
Gorrea died$ e +ro,gt Faicol to Ce+, 'ere te latter 'or?ed as
teacer)n,rse. Se later on s,""ered inK,ries in er e(es ca,sed +(
p(sical maltreatment o" ;osima and 'as sent to Iloilo to ,ndergo
treatment. 5ile se 'as in Iloilo$ ;osima contracted a tird marriage
'it Maglasang. CFI)Ce+, "o,nd im g,ilt( o" +igam(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te tird marriage is n,ll and !oid.
;4LING: Te action 'as instit,ted ,pon te complaint o" te second
'i"e 'ose marriage 'it ;osima 'as not rene'ed a"ter te deat o" te
"irst 'i"e and +e"ore te tird marriage 'as entered into. Aence$ te last
marriage 'as a !alid one and prosec,tion against ;osima "or contracting
marriage cannot prosper.
FACTS: Amado Tolentino 'as married to Sera"ia G. Tolentino on 9,l(
01$ 1%:0. 5ile marriage 'as still s,+sisting$ e contracted anoter
marriage 'it Ma. Clemente at Paom+ong$ -,lacan on No!. 1$ 1%:&. Ae
'as con!icted 'it +igam(. A"ter ser!ing is sentence$ e contin,ed
li!ing 'it Clemente ,ntil e died on 9,l( #6$ 1%F:. Ma. Clemente 'as
te s,r!i!ing spo,se indicated in is deat certi"icate. Tolentino claims
tat se is te rigt",l s,r!i!ing spo,se and petitions "or correction o" te
deat certi"icate. Lo'er co,rt dismissed petition "or lac? o" p,+lication.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Paras is te rigt",l s,r!i!ing spo,se o"
;4LING: Les. Petition granted. Se needs to o+tain K,dicial declaration
"rom co,rt "irst +e"ore se can re@,est "or te correction o" te entr(.
P,+lication not necessar( +eca,se all te parties in!ol!ed are part o" te
case. Co,rt so,ld order te p,+lication. Con!iction o" Tolentino "or
+igam( is +est proo" tat is second marriage is n,ll and !oid t,s$
Paras is still is rigt",l spo,se. No need "or K,dicial declaration o" n,llit(
"or !oid marriages. Certi"icate entries to,g pres,med to +e correct
m,st (ield to positi!e e!idence esta+lising teir inacc,rac(.
FACTS: Marl 5iegel 'as married to Lilia 5iegel on 9,l( 1%F&. Lilia 'as
married 'it a certain Ed,ardo Ma*ion in 1%F#. Marl ten "iled a petition
in te 9,!enile and Bomestic ;elations Co,rt "or te declaration o" n,llit(
o" is marriage 'it Lilia on te gro,nd o" latterQs "ormer marriage.
Aa!ing +een allegedl( "orce to enter into a marital ,nion$ se contends
tat te "irst marriage is n,ll and !oid. Lilia li?e'ise alleged tat Marl 'as
married to anoter 'oman +e"ore teir marriage.
ISS4E: 5eter MarlQs marriage 'it Lilia is !oid.
;4LING: No$ it is !oida+le. Petition dismissed. Presence o" "orce onl(
ma?es a marriage !oida+le$ not !oid. GCC A;T. &6. It is !alid ,ntil
ann,lled and since tere 'as no ann,lment$ marriage is still !alid. E!en
i" marriage is !oid$ K,dicial declaration o" n,llit( is still needed especiall(
"or p,rposes o" remarriage.
It 'as not necessar( "or Lilia to pro!e tat er "irst marriage 'as !itiated
'it "orce +eca,se it 'ill not +e !oid +,t merel( !oida+le. S,c marriage
is !alid ,ntil ann,lled. Since no ann,lment as (et +een made$ it is clear
tat 'en se married Marl$ se is still !alidl( married to er "irst
,s+and. Conse@,entl($ er marriage to Marl is !oid. Li?e'ise$ tere is
no need o" introd,cing e!idence on te prior marriage o" Marl "or ten
s,c marriage to,g !oid still needs a K,dicial declaration +e"ore e can
remarr(. Accordingl($ Marl and LiliaQs marriage are regarded !oid ,nder
te la'.
33. B2NAT2 VS. L4NA
FACTS: An in"ormation "or +igam( against petitioner Leonilo Bonato 'as
"iled on 9an,ar( #0$ 1%F% 'it te lo'er co,rt in Manila. Tis 'as +ased
on te complaint o" pri!ate respondent Pa8 A+a(an. -e"ore te
petitionerQs arraignment on Septem+er #&$ 1%F%$ Pa8 "iled 'it 9,!enile
and Bomestic ;elations Co,rt o" Manila$ a ci!il action "or declaration o"
n,llit( o" er marriage 'it petitioner contracted on Septem+er #3$ 1%F&.
Said ci!il case 'as +ased on te gro,nd tat Pa8 consented to entering
into te marriage 'ic 'as BonatoQs second since se ad no pre!io,s
?no'ledge tat Bonato 'as alread( married to a certain ;osalinda
Mal,ping on 9,ne 07$ 1%F&. Bonato de"ensed tat is second marriage
'as !oid since it 'as solemni8ed 'ito,t a marriage license and tat
"orce$ !iolence$ intimidation and ,nd,e in"l,ence 'ere emplo(ed +(
pri!ate respondent to o+tain petitionerHs consent to te marriage. Prior to
te solemni8ation o" te second marriage$ Pa8 and Bonato ad li!ed
togeter as ,s+and and 'i"e 'ito,t te +ene"it o" 'edloc? "or 6 (ears
pro!en +( a Koint a""ida!it e*ec,ted +( tem on Septem+er #3$ 1%F& "or
'ic reason$ te re@,isite marriage license 'as dispensed 'it
p,rs,ant to Article F3 o" te Ci!il Code. Bonato contin,ed to li!e 'it
Pa8 ,ntil No!em+er 1%F& 'ere Pa8 le"t teir ome ,pon learning tat
Bonato alread( pre!io,sl( married.
ISS4E: 5eter or not a criminal case "or +igam( pending +e"ore te
lo'er co,rt +e s,spended in !ie' o" a ci!il case "or ann,lment o"
marriage pending +e"ore te K,!enile and domestic relations co,rt on te
gro,nd tat latter constit,tes a preK,dicial @,estion.
;4LING: Petitioner Leonilo Bonato canQt appl( r,le on preK,dicial
@,estion since a case "or ann,lment o" marriage can onl( +e considered
as a preK,dicial @,estion to te +igam( case against te acc,sed i" it 'as
pro!ed tat petitioners consent to s,c marriage and 'as o+tained +(
means o" d,ress !iolence and intimidation to so' tat is act in te
second marriage m,st +e in!ol,ntar( and cannot +e te +asis o" is
con!iction "or te crime o" +igam(.
Accordingl($ tere +eing no preK,dicial @,estion so'n to e*it te order
o" denial iss,ed +( te respondent K,dge dated April 1:$ 1%&7 so,ld +e
s,stained. 5AE;EF2;E$ in !ie' o" te "oregoing$ te instant petition is
ere+( BISMISSEB "or lac? o" merit. 5e ma?e no prono,ncement as to
3F. TE;;E VS. TE;;E
FACTS: Borot( Terre 'as ten married to a certain Merlito -ercenillo$
er "irst co,sin. Att(. 9ordan Terre s,ccess",ll( con!inced Borot( tat
er marriage 'as !oid a+ initio "or te reason o" p,+lic polic( and tat
te( are "ree to contract marriage. Te( got married in 1%FF 'ere e
'rote single ,nder Borot(Qs stat,s. A"ter getting Borot( pregnant$ Att(.
Terre a+andoned tem and s,+se@,entl( contracted anoter marriage to
Aelina Malicdem in 1%&3. Att(. Terre 'as carged 'it a+andonment o"
minor and +igam(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Att(. TerreQs marriage 'it Borot( is n,ll and
;4LING: Borot(Qs "irst marriage is indeed !oid a+ initio considering tat
Merlito is er "irst co,sin/ tere+( against p,+lic polic(. Ao'e!er$ se
did not "ile an( declaration "or te n,llit( o" teir marriage +e"ore se
contracted er marriage 'it Att(. Terre t,s$ er second marriage is
!oid. Article :7 states tat te a+sol,te n,llit( o" a "ormer marriage ma(
+e in!o?ed "or te p,rposes o" remarriage on te +asis solel( o" a "inal
K,dgment declaring s,c pre!io,s marriage !oid.
3&. 92NES VS. A2;TIG4ELA
FACTS: 9ones married Escano in Becem+er 1%1: and ad a cild 'it
er named Angelita. Fo,r (ears later 9ones sec,red a passport to go
a+road and 'as ne!er eard "rom again. Escano instit,ted proceedings
to a!e er ,s+and K,diciall( declared an a+sentee. Te co,rt iss,ed
an order 'ic 'o,ld ta?e e""ect si* monts a"ter p,+lication GBec.
1%1%.. Later$ Escano married Aortig,ela in 1%#F. Escano died intestate
lea!ing er 'ido'er Aortig,ela as K,dicial administratri* and +ot
Aortig,ela and Angelita as sole eirs. Propert( 'as di!ided accordingl(.
Ao'e!er$ ,pon AngelitaQs marriage and er reacing te age o" maKorit($
se "iled a complaint claiming tat se 'as te onl( eir o" er moter
since te marriage +et'een Escano and Aortig,ela 'as !oid +eca,se
onl( si* (ears and "o,rteen da(s a!e elapsed prior to te solemni8ation
o" te second marriage.
ISS4E: 52N te s,+se@,ent marriage can +e considered !oid.
;4LING: No. It is not necessar( tat te "ormer spo,se +e K,diciall(
declared an a+sentee. Te la' onl( re@,ires tat te "ormer spo,se as
+een a+sent "or se!en consec,ti!e (ears at te time o" te second
marriage or te "ormer spo,se is rep,ted to +e dead and tis is te +elie"
o" te spo,se present. Te a+sence o" 9ones +egins on te date 'en
te latest ne's a+o,t im 'as recei!ed W 9an. 17$ 1%1&. Aence$ te
more tan nine (ears a!e elapsed prior to te present spo,se
contracting te s,+se@,ent marriage.
3%. IN ;E SCAT;25
AELB: Te disp,ta+le pres,mption esta+lised +( te r,le o" e!idence
tat a person not eard "rom in se!en (ears is dead ma( arise and +e
in!o?ed eiter in an action or in a special proceeding$ 'ic is tried or
eard +($ and s,+mitted "or decision to$ a competent co,rt.
Independentl( o" s,c an action or proceeding$ te pres,mption o" deat
cannot +e in!o?ed nor can it +e made te s,+Kect o" an action or special
FACTS: Te case at +ar callenges te decision o" CA a""irming te
marriage o" te respondent ;oridel Molina to ;e(naldo Molina !oid in te
gro,nd o" ps(cological incapacit(. Te co,ple got married in 1%&6$ a"ter
a (ear$ ;e(naldo mani"ested signs o" immat,rit( and irresponsi+ilit( +ot
as ,s+and and a "ater pre"erring to spend more time 'it "riends
'om e s@,andered is mone($ depends on is parents "or aid and
assistance and 'as ne!er onest 'it is 'i"e in regard to teir "inances.
In 1%&3$ te co,ple ad an intense @,arrel and as a res,lt teir
relationsip 'as estranged. ;oridel @,it er 'or? and 'ent to li!e 'it
er parents in -ag,io Cit( in 1%&F and a "e' 'ee?s later$ ;e(naldo le"t
er and teir cild. Since ten e a+andoned tem.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te marriage is !oid on te gro,nd o"
ps(cological incapacit(.
;4LING: Te marriage +et'een ;oridel and ;e(naldo s,+sists and
remains !alid. 5at constit,tes ps(cological incapacit( is not mere
so'ing o" irreconcila+le di""erences and con"liction personalities. It is
indispensa+le tat te parties m,st e*i+it inclinations 'ic 'o,ld not
meet te essential marital responsi+ilites and d,ties d,e to some
ps(cological illness. ;e(naldoQs action at te time o" te marriage did
not mani"est s,c caracteristics tat 'o,ld comprise gro,nds "or
ps(cological incapacit(. Te e!idence so'n +( ;oridel merel( so'ed
tat se and er ,s+and cannot get along 'it eac oter and ad not
so'n gra!it( o" te pro+lem neiter its K,ridical antecedence nor its
inc,ra+ilit(. In addition$ te e*pert testimon( +( Br Sison so'ed no
inc,ra+le ps(ciatric disorder +,t onl( incompati+ilit( 'ic is not
considered as ps(cological incapacit(. Te "ollo'ing are te g,idelines
as to te gro,nds o" ps(cological incapacit( laid set "ort in tis case:
+,rden o" proo" to so' n,llit( +elongs to te plainti""
root ca,ses o" te incapacit( m,st +e medicall( and clinicall(
s,c incapacit( so,ld +e in e*istence at te time o" te
s,c incapacit( m,st +e gra!e so as to disa+le te person in
compl(ing 'it te essentials o" marital o+ligations o" marriage
s,c incapacit( m,st +e em+raced in Art. 3&)F1 as 'ell as Art
##7$ ##1 and ##6 o" te Famil( Code
decision o" te National Matrimonial Appellate Co,rt or te
Catolic C,rc m,st +e respected
co,rt sall order te prosec,ting attorne( and te "iscal assigned
to it to act on +eal" o" te state
FACTS: Leni Coa and Al"onso Coa got married in 1%&1. Te( a!e #
cildren namel( Cer(l L(nne and Al+r(an. In 1%%0$ Al"onso "iled an
ann,lment o" is marriage to Leni. A"ter'ards$ e "iled an amended
complaint "or te declaration o" n,llit( o" teir marriage +ased on
ps(cological incapacit(. Te case 'ent to trial and te trial co,rt ",rter
eld tat Al"onso presented @,ant,m e!idence tat Leni needs to
contro!ert "or te dismissal o" te case.
Al"onso claimed tat Leni carged im 'it perK,r($ conc,+inage and
deportation 'ic so's latterQs ps(cological incapacit( +eca,se
according to im it clearl( so'ed tat is 'i"e not onl( 'anted im
+eind +ars +,t also to +anis o,tside te co,ntr(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Al"onso C,a presented @,ant,m e!idence "or
te declaration o" n,llit( o" is marriage 'it Leni on te gro,nd o"
ps(cological incapacit(.
;4LING: Te co,rt eld tat doc,ments presented +( Al"onso d,ring te
trial o" te case do not in an( 'a( so' te alleged ps(cological
incapacit( o" is 'i"e. Te e!idence 'as ins,""icient and so's gra!e
a+,se o" discretion +ordering on a+s,rdit(. Al"onso testi"ied and
complained a+o,t tree aspects o" LeniQs personalit( namel( lac? o"
attention to cildren$ immat,rit($ and lac? o" an intention o" procreati!e
se*,alit( and none o" tese tree$ singl( or collecti!el($ constit,tes
ps(cological incapacit(.
Ps(cological incapacit( m,st +e caracteri8ed +( gra!it($ K,ridical
antecedence$ and inc,ra+ilit(. It m,st +e more tan K,st a di""ic,lt($ a
re",sal or a neglect in te per"ormance o" marital o+ligations. A mere
so'ing o" irreconcila+le di""erences and con"licting personalities does
not constit,te ps(cological incapacit(.
F,rtermore$ te testimonial e!idence "rom oter 'itnesses "ailed to
identi"( and pro!e root ca,se o" te alleged ps(cological incapacit(. It
K,st esta+lised tat te spo,ses ad an incompati+ilit( or a de"ect tat
co,ld possi+l( +e treated or alle!iated tro,g ps(coterap(. Te
totalit( o" e!idence presented 'as completel( ins,""icient to s,stain a
"inding o" ps(cological incapacit( more so 'ito,t an( medical$
ps(ciatric or ps(cological e*amination.
FACTS: ;espondent Tadeo and petitioner Biana 'ere legall( married
,nion +egot "i!e cildren. 2n #% Marc 1%%6$ pri!ate respondent Tadeo
;. -eng8on G=respondent Tadeo. "iled a Petition "or Ann,lment o"
Marriage against petitioner Biana M. -arcelona G=petitioner Biana.. Te
petition ",rter alleged tat petitioner Biana 'as ps(cologicall(
incapacitated at te time o" te cele+ration o" teir marriage to compl(
'it te essential o+ligations o" marriage and s,c incapacit( s,+sists
,p to te present time. Te petition alleged se!eral non)complied marital
o+ligations. B,ring teir marriage$ te( ad "re@,ent @,arrels d,e to teir
!aried ,p+ringing. ;espondent$ coming "rom a ric "amil($ 'as a
disorgani8ed o,se?eeper and 'as "re@,entl( o,t o" te o,se. Se
'o,ld go to er sister1s o,se or 'o,ld pla( tennis te 'ole da(. 5en
te "amil( ad crisis d,e to se!eral miscarriages s,""ered +( respondent
and te sic?ness o" a cild$ respondent 'itdre' to ersel" and
e!ent,all( re",sed to spea? to er ,s+and. 2n No!em+er 1%FF$ te
respondent$ 'o 'as "i!e monts pregnant 'it Cristina Maria and on
te prete*t o" re)e!al,ating er "eelings 'it petitioner$ re@,ested te
latter to temporaril( lea!e teir conK,gal d'elling. In is desire to ?eep
peace in te "amil( and to sa"eg,ard te respondent1s pregnanc($ te
petitioner 'as compelled to lea!e teir conK,gal d'elling. Te
respondent at te time o" te cele+ration o" teir marriage 'as
ps(cologicall( incapacitated to compl( 'it te essential o+ligation o"
marriage and s,c incapacit( s,+sisted ,p to and ,ntil te present time.
S,c incapacit( 'as concl,si!el( "o,nd in te ps(cological e*amination
cond,cted on te relationsip +et'een te petitioner and te respondent.
Biana claims tat petitioner "alls sort o" te g,idelines stated in Molina
case and tere is no ca,se "or action.
ISS4E: 5eter or not petitioner stated a ca,se o" action against Biana.
;4LING: Biana contends tat te # petition o" is ,s+and is de"ecti!e
+eca,se it "ails to allege te root ca,se o" te alleged ps(cological
incapacit(. It is not de"ecti!e since te ne' r,les do not re@,ire te
petition to allege e*pert opinion on te ps(cological incapacit($ it "ollo's
tat tere is no need to allege in te petition te root ca,se o" te
ps(cological incapacit(. Gonl( e*perts can determine te root ca,se and
at times te( co,ldnQt determine it.. 5at te ne' ;,les re@,ire te
petition to allege are p(sical mani"estations indicati!e o" ps(cological
incapacit(. Second petition o" Tadeo complies 'it tis re@,irement
FACTS: Lolita E,intero)Aamano "iled a complaint in 1%%3 "or declaration
o" n,llit( o" er marriage 'it Tosio Aamano$ a 9apanese national$ on
te gro,nd o" ps(cological incapacit(. Se and Tosio started a
common)la' relationsip in 9apan and li!ed in te Pilippines "or a
mont. Terea"ter$ Tosio 'ent +ac? to 9apan and sta(ed tere "or al"
o" 1%&F. Lolita ten ga!e +irt on No!em+er 13$ 1%&F. In 1%&&$ Lolita
and Tosio got married in MTC)-acoor$ Ca!ite. A"ter a mont o" teir
marriage$ Tosio ret,rned to 9apan and promised to ret,rn +( Cristmas
to cele+rate te olida(s 'it is "amil(. Tosio sent mone( "or t'o
monts and a"ter tat e stopped gi!ing "inancial s,pport. Se 'rote im
se!eral times +,t ne!er respondent. In 1%%1$ se learned "rom er "riend
tat Tosio !isited te co,ntr( +,t did not +oter to see er nor teir
Tosio 'as no longer residing at is gi!en address t,s s,mmons
iss,ed to im remained ,nser!ed. Conse@,entl($ in 1%%3$ Lolita "iled an
e* parte motion "or lea!e to e""ect ser!ice o" s,mmons +( p,+lication.
Te motion 'as granted and te s,mmons$ accompanied +( a cop( o"
te petition$ 'as p,+lised in a ne'spaper o" general circ,lation gi!ing
Tosio 16 da(s to "ile is ans'er. Tosio "iled to respond a"ter te lapse
o" 37 da(s "rom p,+lication$ t,s$ Lolita "iled a motion to re"er te case to
te prosec,tor "or in!estigation.
ISS4E: 5eter Tosio 'as ps(cologicall( incapacitated to per"orm is
marital o+ligation.
;4LING: Te Co,rt is mind",l o" te 1%&F Constit,tion to protect and
strengten te "amil( as +asic a,tonomo,s social instit,tion and
marriage as te "o,ndation o" te "amil(. T,s$ an( do,+t so,ld +e
resol!ed in "a!or o" te !alidit( o" te marriage.
TosioQs act o" a+andonment 'as do,+tlessl( irresponsi+le +,t it 'as
ne!er alleged nor pro!en to +e d,e to some ?ind o" ps(cological illness.
Alto,g as r,le$ act,al medical e*aminations are not needed$ it 'o,ld
a!e greatl( elped Lolita ad se presented e!idence tat medicall( or
clinicall( identi"ied TosioQs illness. Tis co,ld a!e +een done tro,g
an e*pert 'itness. It is essential tat a person so' incapa+ilit( o" doing
marital o+ligation d,e to some ps(cological$ not p(sical illness.
Aence$ Tosio 'as not considered as ps(cologicall( incapacitated.
FACTS: L,cio Morigo and L,cia -arrete 'ere +oardmates in -ool.
Te( lost contacts "or a 'ile +,t a"ter recei!ing a card "rom -arrete and
!ario,s e*canges o" letters$ te( +ecame s'eetearts. Te( got
married in 1%%7. -arrete 'ent +ac? to Canada "or 'or? and in 1%%1 se
"iled petition "or di!orce in 2ntario Canada$ 'ic 'as granted. In 1%%#$
Morigo married L,m+ago. Ae s,+se@,entl( "iled a complaint "or K,dicial
declaration o" n,llit( on te gro,nd tat tere 'as no marriage
ceremon(. Morigo 'as ten carged 'it +igam( and mo!ed "or a
s,spension o" arraignment since te ci!il case pending posed a
preK,dicial @,estion in te +igam( case. Morigo pleaded not g,ilt(
claiming tat is marriage 'it -arrete 'as !oid a+ initio. Petitioner
contented e contracted second marriage in good "ait.
ISS4E: 5eter Morigo m,st a!e "iled declaration "or te n,llit( o" is
marriage 'it -arrete +e"ore is second marriage in order to +e "ree
"rom te +igam( case.
;4LING: MorigoQs marriage 'it -arrete is !oid a+ initio considering tat
tere 'as no act,al marriage ceremon( per"ormed +et'een tem +( a
solemni8ing o""icer instead te( K,st merel( signed a marriage contract.
Te petitioner does not need to "ile declaration o" te n,llit( o" is
marriage 'en e contracted is second marriage 'it L,m+ago.
Aence$ e did not commit +igam( and is ac@,itted in te case "iled.
FACTS: Tene+ro contracted marriage 'it AncaKas in 1%%7. Te t'o
li!ed togeter contin,o,sl( and 'ito,t interr,ption ,ntil te latter part o"
1%%1$ 'en Tene+ro in"ormed AncaKas tat e ad +een pre!io,sl(
married to a certain Ailda Villare(es in 1%&3. Petitioner terea"ter le"t te
conK,gal d'elling 'ic e sared 'it AncaKas$ stating tat e 'as
going to coa+it 'it Villare(es. In 1%%0$ petitioner contracted (et
anoter marriage 'it a certain Nilda Villegas. AncaKas terea"ter "iled a
complaint "or +igam( against petitioner. Villegas co,ntered tat is
marriage 'it Villare(es cannot +e pro!en as a "act tere +eing no
record o" s,c. Ae ",rter arg,ed tat is second marriage$ 'it
AncaKas$ as +een declared !oid a+ initio d,e to ps(cological
incapacit(. Aence e cannot +e carged "or +igam(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Tene+ro is g,ilt( o" +igam(.
;4LING: Te prosec,tion 'as a+le to esta+lis te !alidit( o" te "irst
marriage. As a second or s,+se@,ent marriage contracted d,ring te
s,+sistence o" petitionerQs !alid marriage to Villare(es$ petitionerQs
marriage to AncaKas 'o,ld +e n,ll and !oid a+ initio completel(
regardless o" petitionerQs ps(cological capacit( or incapacit(. Since a
marriage contracted d,ring te s,+sistence o" a !alid marriage is
a,tomaticall( !oid$ te n,llit( o" tis second marriage is not per se an
arg,ment "or te a!oidance o" criminal lia+ilit( "or +igam(. Pertinentl($
Article 0:% o" te ;e!ised Penal Code criminali8es =an( person 'o
sall contract a second or s,+se@,ent marriage +e"ore te "ormer
marriage as +een legall( dissol!ed$ or +e"ore te a+sent spo,se as
+een declared pres,mpti!el( dead +( means o" a K,dgment rendered in
te proper proceedings . A plain reading o" te la'$ tere"ore$ 'o,ld
indicate tat te pro!ision penali8es te mere act o" contracting a second
or a s,+se@,ent marriage d,ring te s,+sistence o" a !alid marriage.
FACTS: Teresita Laptinca( Gpetitioner. as?ed te Pasa( Cit($ ;i8al$
CFI to appoint er$ "irst$ as Special Administratri* and ten as reg,lar
administratri* o" te estate o" Isidro L. Laptinca( 'o died in Aong?ong
on 9,l( F$ 1%36 alleging tat Isidro ad li!ed 'it er contin,o,sl($
openl( and p,+licl( as ,s+and and 'i"e "or 1% (rs G1:3)3:STa"t A!e.$
Pasa( Cit($ and Q3:)Q36S;,ssel A!e.$ Pasa( Cit(.. Isidro died 'ito,t a
'ill and le"t an estate in Pilippines$ AM and oter places 'it estimated
!al,e o" a+o,t P677M/ and le"t 0 da,gters: Virginia$ Mar( and As,ncion.
2n 9,l( F$ & and 11$ 1%36$ certain parties carted a'a( "rom te
residences a"oresaid personal properties +elonging to Isidro togeter
'it oters e*cl,si!el( o'ned +( Teresita. CFI granted s,c
appointment 'ile 9ose"ina L. Laptinca($ te alleged legitimate 'i"e$
and Ernesto L. Laptinca( and oter cildren$ o" te deceased opposed
sa(ing tat Teresita$ not +eing an eir o" te decedent$ ad no rigt to
instit,te te proceeding "or te settlement o" te latterHs estate$ m,c less
to proc,re appointment as administratri* tereo"/ and tat a!ing
admittedl( coa+ited 'it te deceased "or a n,m+er o" (ears said
petitioner 'as not @,ali"ied to ser!e as administratri* "or 'ant o" integrit(.
Also$ oppositors co,nter)petitioned "or te appointment o" Virginia$ as
special administratri* and o" 9ose"ina$ as reg,lar administratri*.
AELB: Te petitionerHs claim o" o'nersip pres,ma+l( +ased on te
pro!isions o" Art. 1::$ CC cannot +e decisi!e. Art. 1:: sa(s tat: I5en
man and a 'oman li!e togeter as ,s+and and 'i"e$ +,t te( are not
married$ or teir marriage is !oid "rom te +eginning$ te propert(
ac@,ired +( eiter or +ot o" tem tro,g teir 'or? or ind,str( or teir
'ages and salaries sall +e go!erned +( te r,les on co)o'nersip.I -,t
stoc? m,st +e ta?en o" te "act tat te creation o" te ci!il relationsip
en!isaged in Art. 1:: is circ,mscri+ed +( conditions$ te e*istence o"
'ic m,st "irst +e so'n +e"ore rigts pro!ided tere,nder ma( +e
deemed to accr,e. 2ne s,c condition is tat tere m,st +e a clear
so'ing tat te petitioner ad$ d,ring coa+itation$ reall( contri+,ted to
te ac@,isition o" te propert( in!ol!ed. 4ntil s,c rigt to co)o'nersip
is d,l( esta+lised$ petitionerHs interests in te propert( in contro!ers(
cannot +e considered te Ipresent rigtI or title tat 'o,ld ma?e
a!aila+le te protection or aid a""orded +( a 'rit o" inK,nction. For$ te
e*istence o" a clear positi!e rigt especiall( calling "or K,dicial protection
is 'anting. InK,nction indeed$ is not to protect contingent or ",t,re rigts/
nor is it a remed( to en"orce an a+stract rigt.
FACTS: Marl 5iegel "iled "or a declaration o" n,llit( o" is marriage 'it
Lilia 2li!a on te gro,nd o" LiliaQs pre!io,s e*isting marriage to one
Ed,ardo Ma*ion. Lilia admitted to te pre!io,s marriage +,t claimed tat
it 'as n,ll and !oid since se 'as "orced to enter te said ,nion. In te
pre)trial tat ens,ed$ +ot parties agreed tat te iss,e 'as 'eter te
pre!io,s marriage 'as !oid or merel( !oida+le. Lilia as?ed te co,rt "or
an opport,nit( to present more e!idence +,t te respondent K,dge
denied te petition. Lilia appeals to te SC in opes o" modi"(ing te
=agreed "acts and to allo' er to present e!idence in er "a!or.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te prior marriage 'as !oid or !oida+le.
;4LING: Te petition is de!oid o" merit. Tere is no need to pro!e tat
er marriage 'as !itiated +( "orce. Ass,ming$ o'e!er tat tis is so$ it
'o,ld still +e irrele!ant since te pre!io,s marriage 'asnQt !oid +,t
merel( !oida+le Gtere"ore !alid$ ,ntil ann,lled.. Since no ann,lment 'as
made$ er c,rrent marriage is tere"ore !oid.
F&. TE;;E VS. TE;;E
FACTS: Te man$ a la'(er$ p,rs,ed a 'oman despite ?no'ing tat se
'as alread( married. Ae con!inced er to marr( im and tat te "irst
marriage 'as !oid +eca,se te 'oman married er "irst co,sin$ and 'as
t,s !oid a+ initio. Since it 'as !oid$ according to te la'(er$ it 'as no
longer necessar( to go to co,rt to declare it as s,c. Se agreed to
marr( im. A"ter te +irt o" te "irst cild$ te la'(er disappeared and
contracted a second marriage 'ile claiming tat is marriage to te
'oman 'as !oid "rom te +eginning since se ad alread( married er
"irst co,sin.
ISS4E: 5eter or not an action "or K,dicial declaration o" n,llit( o" te
prior marriage is necessar( +e"ore entering a s,+se@,ent marriage.
;4LING: Les. E!en i" te "irst mista?e 'as contracted in good "ait$ te
la'(er 'o,ld still +e lia+le "or +igam( a"ter e contracted is second one.
It 'as deemed tat te moral caracter o" te respondent 'as deepl(
"la'ed and t,s$ so,ld +e dis+arred and str,c? o,t "rom te ;oll o"
F%. 92CS2N VS. ;2-LES
FACTS: ere te second 'i"e "iled an action "or ann,lment$ and te
,s+and also assailed te !alidit( o" te marriage claiming e 'as
coerced to marr( er +( er parents and +roters$ and "iled a motion "or
s,mmar( K,dgment s,pported +( a""ida!its o" te plainti""Hs "ater and
+roters to tis e""ect$ and te plainti"" also s,+mitted te case "or
K,dgment on te pleadings.
AELB: Te co,rt correctl( denied te motion "or s,mmar( K,dgment in
!ie' o" pro!isions o" te Ci!il Code e*pressl( proi+iting te rendition o"
a decree o" ann,lment o" marriage ,pon a stip,lation o" "acts or a
con"ession o" K,dgment. Te a""ida!its o" te 'i"eHs "ater and +roters
practicall( amo,nts to tese metods not co,ntenanced +( te Ci!il
FACTS: 5ere te ,s+and "iled a case "or ann,lment on te gro,nd o"
concealment o" pregnanc($ and te 'i"e "ailed to "ile a responsi!e
pleading$ te co,rt re"erred te case to te "iscal "or in!estigation.
Ao'e!er$ te ,s+and re",sed to so' is e!idence nor +e interrogated
+( te "iscal.
AELB: Te co,rt correctl( dismissed te complaint "or ann,lment. Te
in!estigation o" te "iscal is a prere@,isite to te ann,lment o" marriage
'ere de"endant as de"a,lted.
&1. -4CCAT VS. -4CCAT
FACTS: Petitioner met de"endant in 1%0& and married er te same
(ear. Eigt( nine da(s into te marriage$ de"endant ga!e +irt to a cild.
It is "or tis reason tat petitioner is see?ing te ann,lment o" teir
marriage. Ae said se claimed to +e a !irgin entering into te marriage.
Te co,rt decided in "a!or o" te de"endant despite te "act tat se did
not appear. Te co,rt "o,nd it ,ntena+le tat petitioner did not notice tat
de"endant 'as pregnant at te time o" marriage +eca,se se 'as a+o,t
3 monts pregnant ten. 4pon appeal$ said decision 'as a""irmed.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te marriage can +e declared ann,lled +ased on
te e!idence add,ced.
;4LING: Te co,rt a""irmed te decision o" te lo'er co,rt. Tis is d,e
to te "act tat it 'as impossi+le "or a person 'ose intelligence cannot
+e @,estioned$ +eing a "irst (ear la' st,dent$ to not a!e noticed te
se!ere stage and ad!anced stage tat te person e 'as marr(ing 'as
in at tat time. Ais claim o" de!eloped a+domens +eing normal is not
someting te co,rt can accept +eca,se it 'as not K,st a normal
de!eloped a+domen +,t one in an ad!anced and se!ere stage o"
pregnanc(. Te co,rt cannot accept tat tere is "ra,d.
FACTS: Tis is a petition "or re!ie' o" te decision o" te Co,rt o"
Appeals. Concita Beli8o married Fernando A@,ino in 1%6: 'ile se
'as pregnant. A@,ino no' claims tat er pregnanc( 'as concealed
"rom im +eca,se it 'as o" anoter man 'ile Beli8o claims tat it 'as
teir cild o,t o" 'edloc?. A@,ino "iled a petition "or n,lli"ication o"
marriage +( reason o" "ra,d. Ae presented te marriage contract 'ile
Beli8o did not present an(. Te co,rt r,led in "a!or o" Beli8o and did not
in!alidate te marriage +eca,se te concealment o" te pregnanc( does
not constit,te te "ra,d tat 'o,ld in!alidate a marriage. A@,ino tried to
reopen te case +,t it 'as denied and te CA e!ent,all( a""irmed te
lo'er co,rtQs decision sa(ing tat it 'as impossi+le "or im not to a!e
noticed tat te girl 'as pregnant. A motion "or reconsideration 'as "iled
or cance to present ",rter e!idence to te lo'er co,rt 'ic e did.
Tese e!idences 'ere is +roterQs statement tat e imsel" "atered
te cild and id tis "act "rom petitioner and so'ed pict,res o" Beli8o
sa(ing se 'as nat,rall( pl,mp. Te petition 'as denied.
ISS4E: 5eter or not concealment o" pregnanc( constit,tes "ra,d tat
co,ld ann,l te marriage.
;4LING: Te co,rt r,led in te a""irmati!e. In te Famil( Code$ te la'
incl,des "ra,d as gro,nds "or n,lli"ication o" a marriage. In te present
case$ te pregnanc( 'as concealed "rom petitioner at te time o" te
marriage and said cild 'as o" anoter man. Tis constit,tes "ra,d and
can K,sti"( an ann,lment. Petitioner 'as a+le to so' tat te girl 'as
nat,rall( pl,mp or "at 'ic does not ma?e it o+!io,s tat se is
pregnant. It as +een so'n tat pregnanc( is ,s,all( o+!io,s on te 3
mont 'en te ro,ndness act,all( appears. Te case 'as ten
remanded "or a ne' trial.
FACTS: A,rora Ana(a and Fernando Palaroan 'ere married in 1%60.
Palaroan "iled an action "or ann,lment o" te marriage in 1%6: on te
gro,nd tat is consent 'as o+tained tro,g "orce and intimidation.
Te complaint 'as dismissed and ,peld te !alidit( o" te marriage and
granting A,roraQs co,nterclaim. 5ile te amo,nt o" co,nterclaim 'as
+eing negotiated$ Fernando di!,lged to er tat se!eral monts prior to
teir marriage$ e ad pre)marital relationsip 'it a close relati!e o" is.
According to er$ te non)di!,lgement to er o" s,c pre)marital secret
constit,ted "ra,d in o+taining er consent. Se pra(ed "or te ann,lment
o" er marriage 'it Fernando on s,c gro,nd.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te concealment to a 'i"e +( er ,s+and o" is
pre)marital relationsip 'it anoter 'oman is a gro,nd "or ann,lment o"
;4LING: Te concealment o" a ,s+andQs pre)marital relationsip 'it
anoter 'oman 'as not one o" tose en,merated tat 'o,ld constit,te
"ra,d as gro,nd "or ann,lment and it is ",rter e*cl,ded +( te last
paragrap pro!iding tat =no oter misrepresentation or deceit as to..
castit( sall gi!e gro,nd "or an action to ann,l a marriage. Aence$ te
case at +ar does not constit,te "ra,d and tere"ore 'o,ld not 'arrant an
ann,lment o" marriage.
FACTS: Plainti"" re@,ests te ann,lment o" er marriage on te gro,nd
tat is consent 'as gi!en ,nder d,ress. Ais 'i"e$ 'om e ad
premarital relations$ +ore a cild. 5en te cild 'as +orn$ te "ater o"
is 'i"e allegedl( approaced im 'it a ?ni"e and in te compan( o" a
la'(er. Te la'(er treatened is entrance to te +ar.
AELB: Petition cannot +e granted +eca,se te petitioner ad se!eral
cances o" escape +e"ore te marriage and +eca,se is 'i"e +ore is
o'n cild. 5ere a man marries ,nder treat o" or constrain "rom la'",l
prosec,tion "or sed,ction or +astard($ e cannot a!oid marriage on te
gro,nd o" d,ress. Proo" o" +odil( arm m,st +e s,""icientl( so'n.
Treat to o+str,ct admission to te +ar does not constit,te d,ress. 2nl(
i" te treat is so gra!e tat te person is not acting in is o'n "ree'ill
tat a marriage +ecomes !oid.
&3. SA;A2 VS. G4EVA;A
FACTS: 2n te da( o" te marriage o" te plainti"" and te de"endant$ te
marriage 'as not cons,mmated +eca,se te de"endant complained o"
pains. Te de"endant 'as operated on and er ,ter,s and o!aries 'ere
s,rgicall( remo!ed. Te remo!al rendered te de"endant incapa+le o"
procreation as s,c$ plainti"" 'ants is marriage 'it te respondent
AELB: Impotenc( is not ina+ilit( to procreate +,t ina+ilit( to cop,late.
Ina+ilit( to cop,late cannot +e a gro,nd "or ann,lment and a temporar(
or occasional incapacit( cannot +e ,sed as a gro,nd to n,lli"( a
FACTS: 9oel 9imene8$ te petitioner$ "iled a petition "or te ann,lment o"
is marriage 'it ;emedios Cani8ares on te gro,nd tat te ori"ice o"
er genitals or !agina 'as too small to allo' te penetration o" a male
organ "or cop,lation. It as e*isted at te time o" te marriage and
contin,es to e*ist tat led im to lea!e te conK,gal ome t'o nigts and
one da( a"ter te marriage. Te co,rt s,mmoned and ga!e a cop( to te
'i"e +,t te latter did not "ile an( ans'er. Te 'i"e 'as ordered to s,+mit
ersel" to p(sical e*amination and to "ile a medical certi"icate 'itin 17
da(s. Se 'as gi!en anoter 6 da(s to compl( or else it 'ill +e deemed
lac? o" interest on er part and tere"ore rendering K,dgment in "a!or o"
te petitioner.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te marriage can +e ann,lled 'it onl( te
testimon( o" te ,s+and.
;4LING: Te 'i"e 'o 'as claimed to +e impotent +( er ,s+and did
not a!ail o" te opport,nit( to de"end ersel" and as s,c$ claim cannot
+e con!incingl( +e concl,ded. It is a 'ell)?no'n "act tat 'omen in tis
co,ntr( are s( and +as",l and 'o,ld not readil( and ,nesitatingl(
s,+mit to a p(sical e*amination ,nless compelled +( competent
a,torit(. S,c p(sical e*amination in tis case is not sel")incriminating.
Se is not carged 'it an( o""ense and li?e'ise is not compelled to +e
a 'itness against ersel". Impotence +eing an a+normal condition so,ld
not +e pres,med. Te case 'as remanded to trial co,rt.
&&. 92CS2N VS. ;2-LES
FACTS: Petitioner re@,ests tat se +e declared te sole eir o" te
intestate estate o" Marciana Escano$ er moter. Prior to te motion$ at
te time 'en petitioner 'as still a minor$ respondent 'as a'arded a
"i*ed rate o" P17$777"or te administration o" te estate o" te deceased.
Petitioner alleged tat 'en er moter remarried in Ma( 1%#F$ te
K,dicial declaration o" te a+sence o" er "ater 'as not (et e""ecti!e. As
s,c$ te marriage o" te deceased and te respondent 'as n,ll and
AELB: Petition denied. A+sence o" one spo,se sall +e co,nted "rom
te last da( o" comm,nication or "rom te reception o" te last ne's
regarding te a+sent spo,se. In tis case$ te "irst spo,se 'as a+sent
"or % (ears.
%1. L4M-AN VS. ;EP4-LIC
FACTS: Lo,rdes L,?+an and Francisco C,idian got married in 1%00
and a"ter a !iolent @,arrel e le"t L,?+an and as not +een eard o"
since ten. Se diligentl( loo?ed "or im as?ing te parents and "riends
+,t no one ?ne' is 'erea+o,ts. Se +elie!es tat ,s+and is alread(
dead since e 'as a+sent "or more tan #7 (ears and +eca,se se
intends to marr( again$ se desires to a!e er ci!il stat,s p,t in order to
+e relie!ed on an( lia+ilit( ,nder te la'.
ISS4E: 5eter L,?+an needs to sec,re declaration o" pres,mpti!e
deat +e"ore se can remarr(.
;4LING: Te co,rt r,led tat L,?+an does not need to sec,re
declaration o" pres,mpti!e deat o" er ,s+and +eca,se Ci!il Code
pre!ails d,ring teir marriage in 1%00. It pro!ides tat ="or te p,rposes
o" te ci!il marriage la'$ it is not necessar( to a!e te "ormer spo,se
K,diciall( declared an a+sentee. Te declaration o" a+sence made in
accordance 'it te pro!isions o" te Ci!il Code as "or its sole p,rpose
to ena+le te ta?ing o" te necessar( preca,tions "or te administration
o" te estate o" te a+sentee. For te cele+ration o" ci!il marriage$
o'e!er$ te la' onl( re@,ires tat te "ormer spo,se as +een a+sent
"or se!en consec,ti!e (ears at te time o" te second marriage$ tat te
spo,se present does not ?no' is or er "ormer spo,se to +e li!ing$ tat
eac "ormer spo,se is generall( rep,ted to +e dead and te spo,se
present so +elie!es at te time o" te cele+ration o" te marriage.
%#. G4E VS. ;EP4-LIC
FACTS: Tis is an appeal "rom an order o" te CFI Manila dismissing te
petition o" Angelina G,e. 2n 2ct 11$ 1%:: Angelina 'as married to
5illiam G,e and ad a cild Anton( G,e$ and anoter cild named
E,logio. 2n 9an,ar( 6$ 1%:3 er ,s+and le"t Manila and 'ent to
Sangai Cina +,t since ten ad not +een eard o"$ neiter ad e
'ritten to er nor in an( 'a( comm,nicated 'it er and se "ailed to
locate im despite o" er e""orts and diligence. Te( ad not ac@,ired
an( propert( d,ring te marriage. Se as?ed te co,rt "or a declaration
o" te pres,mption o" deat o" 5illiam G,e. Te Co,rt o" First Instance$
a"ter p,+lication and earing$ iss,ed te order o" dismissal sa(ing tat no
rigt ad +een esta+lised +( te petitioner ,pon 'ic a K,dicial decree
ma( +e predicated and tis action is not "or settlement o" te estate o"
te a+sentee as it is clear e did not lea!e an(
AELB: A K,dicial pres,mption e!en i" "inal and e*ec,tor$ 'o,ld still +e a
prima "acie pres,mption onl( and it still disp,ta+le$ it is "or tis reason
tat it cannot +e a s,+Kect o" a K,dicial prono,ncement or declaration$
proo" o" act,al deat 'o,ld still a!e to +e determined. Te pro!isions o"
Art 0%7 o" te Ne' Ci!il Code $ a+sence o" F (ears$ "or s,ccession sall
not +e pres,med dead till a"ter an a+sence o" 17 (ears.
FACTS: Tis is an action "or di!orce on te gro,nd o" a+andonment and
ad,lter(. Te ans'er carged te plainti"" 'it ad,lter($ denied te
ad,lter( imp,ted to de"endant$ and as?ed "or di!orce. Te( 'ere married
in 9,l( 1&%1 ,ntil A,g,st 1&%#$ and li!ed appil( togeter. Te de"endant
s,ddenl( 'ito,t an( pre!io,s 'arning too? is 'i"e to te o,se o" er
parents$ le"t er tere and ne!er li!ed 'it er a"ter'ards. Te plainti"":
complains tat ,s+and committed ad,lter( 'it one Gregoria -ermeKo
in 1&%#. Te CFI granted te di!orce to plainti"" and &1$7:#.F3 pesos as
er sare o" te conK,gal propert(. Te co,rt ass,med tat te
pro!isions o" te ci!il code relating to di!orce contained in Title : o" -oo?
1 are still in "orce. Te petitioner arg,es te po'er o" te Go!ernor
General$ 'ito,t s,c order to s,spend te operation o" te code. And
tat te order o" s,spension is inoperati!e$ "or it did not mention te
-oo? o" tis Code in 'ic te s,spended Titles : and 1#$ 'ere to +e
"o,nd. Te Title : relates to marriage and di!orce$ 'ile Title 1# re"ers to
Ci!il ;egistr( G-oo? 1..
Te S,preme Co,rt declared s,c as an error. 2n 9,l( 01$ 1&&%$ te
Ci!il Code as it e*isted in te penins,la 'as e*tended to te Pilippines
and too? e""ect on Bec &$ 1&&%. 2n Bec 01$ an order 'as p,+lised
'ic states tat Titles : and 1# o" te CC are s,spended in te
arcipelago$ to,g no decree can +e "o,nd p,+lised in te Gaceta.
Te istor( o" La' o" Ci!il Marriage o" 1&F7 is 'ell ?no'n. As a
conse@,ence o" te religio,s li+ert( proclaimed in te Constit,tion o"
1&3%$ te 'ole o" te la' 'as in "orce in te penins,la. -,t tat +asis
'as 'anting in tese islands$ and prior to te prom,lgation o" te CC in
1&&%$ no part o" te la' 'as in "orce ere$ e*cept Articles :: to F& 'ic
'ere prom,lgated in 1&&0. It is claimed tat i" tese are s,spended$ te
onl( marriages in te islands 'o,ld +e canonical and te onl( co,rts
competent to declare a di!orce 'o,ld +e ecclesiastical. Tere can +e no
do,+t tat te order o" s,spension re"ers to Titles : and 1# o" -oo? 1
and it as al'a(s +een ,nderstood$ it "ollo's tat Arts :#)17F o" te CC
'ere not in "orce ere. Te canon la' ad not as s,c an( +inding "orce
o,tside te c,rc$ o'e!er$ an( part o" te canon la' 'ic +( proper
action o" te ci!il a,torities ad +ecome a ci!il la' stood ,pon same
"ooting as an( oter la' in Spain. As ordered +( te Co,ncil o" Trent$
tese decrees a!e$ in Spain$ te "orce o" a ci!il la'. It ma( +e do,+ted i"
tese decrees$ e!en i" considered as e*tended to te Pilippines and in
"orce ere$ ",rnis an( aid in te sol,tion o" te @,estion. Canonists
s,ggest declaring ad,lter( to +e a gro,nd "or di!orce$ o'e!er$ te
ca,ses "or di!orce is no'ere distinctl( stated terein. Te la's o" te
c,rc 'ic do state 'at tese ca,ses are a!e not te "orce o" ci!il
la's. Te decretal la' pro!ides a+olising in te penins,la te special
K,risdictions 'as e*tended to te Pilippines. It states tat ecclesiastical
co,rts sall contin,e to ta?e cogni8ance o" matrimonial and
eleemos(nar( ca,ses and o" ecclesiastical o""enses in accordance 'it
pro!isions o" canon la' and a!e K,risdiction o!er ca,ses o" di!orce and
ann,lment o" marriage as pro!ided +( te Co,ncil o" Trent$ +,t incidents
'it respect to te deposit o" a married 'oman$ alimon($ s,it mone( and
oter temporal a""airs sall pertain to ordinar( co,rts. Te Partidas
contain pro!isions relating to te s,+Kect o" di!orce$ it states tat 'en
spo,ses are separated +( la'$ it is not ten considered tat man
separates tem$ +,t te 'ritten la' and te impediment e*isting +et'een
tem. T'o "orms o" separation 'it t'o reasons: one is religion and te
oter te sin o" "ornication. ;eligion i" on desires to ta?e ol( orders and
te oter so,ld grant permission$ 'it a,torit( o" te c,rc/ 'ile
Bi!orce d,e to Ad,lter( or Fornication$ +ro,gt +e"ore te K,dge o" te
ol( c,rc$ incl,des spirit,al "ornication. In ere te spo,ses are
separated +,t te marriage still s,+sists$ neiter one o" tem can
contract second marriage at an( time e*cepting in te case o" separation
granted +( reason o" ad,lter( in 'ic case te s,r!i!ing spo,se ma(
remarr( a"ter te deat o" te oter. No oter person +,t te spo,ses
temsel!es can ma?e an acc,sation "or s,c a ca,se and it o,gt +e
made +e"ore te +isop or te ecclesiastical K,dge eiter +( te parties
temsel!es o" teir attorne(s. Tis di!orce did not ann,l te marriage.
Tat eiter spo,se as +een g,ilt( o" ad,lter( is a de"ense to is or er
s,it so is te "act tat se as pardoned erSi" a"ter a di!orce as +een
granted to te ,s+and$ e commits ad,lter($ tere is a 'ai!er o" te
ISS4E: 5eter tese pro!isions o" te Partidas 'ere in "orce in te
islands prior to 1&&%R
;4LING: Te general r,le 'as tat la's o" te Penins,la did not r,le in
te colonies ,nless te( 'ere e*pressl( e*tended to tem$ as to certain
la's$ tis res,lt 'as$ o'e!er$ accomplised in anoter 'a(.
;ecopilacion de laas Le(es de Indias pro!ides =and as to all matters not
pro!ided "or +( te la's o" tis compilations$ te la's o" te compilations
and te Partidas o" tese ?ingdoms o" te Castile sall +e "ollo'ed in te
decisions o" ca,ses in accordance 'it te "ollo'ing la'. -( te
operation o" tis la' GT2;2.$ "irst enacted in 1607$ tose la's o" te
Partidas erein +e"ore re"erred to relating to di!orce$ ,pon te disco!er(
and settlement o" te Pilippines +ecame at once e""ecti!e terein$ te(
a!e remained in "orce since all ci!il la's o" te state as disting,ised
"rom la's o" te c,rc. -eing in "orce on A,g,st 10$ 1&%&$ te(
contin,ed to +e in "orce 'it oter la's o" a similar nat,re. Te Partidas
recogni8ed ad,lter( as a gro,nd "or di!orce$ tere"ore according to te
ci!il as 'ell as canonical la' in "orce in a,g,st 10$ 1&%&$ te commission
o" te o""ense ga!e te inK,red part( te rigt to a di!orce. Tat pro!ision
o" te s,+stanti!e ci!il la' 'as not repealed +( te cange o"
so!ereignt(. Te complete separation o" te c,rc and te state ,nder
te American go!ernment 'ile it canged te tri+,nal in 'ic tis rigt
so,ld +e en"orced$ co,ld not a""ect te rigt itsel". Te "act tat
ecclesiastical co,rts no longer e*ercise s,c po'er is not important. Te
K,risdiction "ormerl( possessed +( tem is no' !ested in CFI +( !irt,e o"
ACT no. 103.
As te res,lt$ te co,rts o" CFI a!e K,risdiction to entertain s,it "or
di!orce. For tat te onl( gro,nd tere"ore is ad,lter( and tat te action
on tat gro,nd can +e maintained +( ,s+and$ and tat te decree does
not dissol!e te marriage +ond. Te CFI o" Iloilo tere"ore$ committed no
error in ass,ming te K,risdiction o" tis case. Te ad,lter( o" te
de"endant 'as ",ll( pro!ed. Te ad,lter( o" te plainti"" is o'e!er$
plainl( and mani"estl( against te 'eigt o" te e!idence$ 'ic is te
letter so'ing con"ession o" g,ilt.
2n te main iss,e o" Ad,lter($ te lac? o" e!idence destro(s te teor(
o" te co,rt +elo' and o" te appellee tat te de"endant e*pelled te
plainti"" "rom is o,se +eca,se e 'as tired o" er and desired te
compan( o" oter 'omen. It is not ade@,ate to e*plain te s,dden
termination o" teir marital relations. Te testimon( o" te de"endant
correctl( e*plained te teor(Se stated tat on is ret,rn "rom an
inspection o" one is estates is 'i"e1s maid ga!e im a letter in te
and'riting o" is 'i"e and directed to er lo!er$ a Spanis Corporal o"
te ci!il g,ard$ named Ca+al. Se admitted te gen,ineness o" te letter$
"ell ,pon er ?nees and implored im to pardon er$ tat same da( e
too? er to te ome o" er parents$ told 'at ad occ,rred and le"t er
tere. Tat te plainti"" is g,ilt( and te de"endant as condoned te
o""ense$ to,g no "act,al e!idence on tis claim. La' 3 $ Title % Partida
: pro!ides tat te 'i"e can de"eat te ,s+and1s s,it "or di!orce +(
pro!ing tat e as pardoned er$ +,t no la's in te Partidas sa(s tat
te e""ect o" te pardon 'o,ld +e so "ar)reacing as to entitle er to a
di!orce against im in a case li?e tis present one. Tere"ore$ neiter o"
te part( is entitled to a di!orce$ +ot committed ad,lter(. 9,dgment is
tere"ore re!ersed.
FACTS: Al+ano a m,nicipal K,dge prepared and notari8ed a doc,ment
pro!iding "or personal separation o" Valentina Andres and G,illermo
Maligta and te e*traK,dicial li@,idation o" teir conK,gal partnersip. It
pro!ides tat i" eiter spo,se so,ld commit ad,lter( or conc,+inage$ as
te case ma( +e$ ten te oter so,ld re"rain "rom "iling an action
against te oter. Te( did tis since te( 'ere separated "or a long time
and to "orestall !iolent incidents +et'een ,s+and and 'i"e.
ISS4E: 5eter or not 9,dge Al+ano can notari8e a personal
;4LING: No. Te la' considers as !oid Ian( contract "or personal
separation +et'een ,s+and and 'i"eI and Ie!er( e*traK,dicial
agreement$ d,ring te marriage$ "or te dissol,tion o" te conK,gal
partnersip. A notar( so,ld not "acilitate te disintegration o" a marriage
and te "amil( +( enco,raging te separation o" te spo,ses and
e*traK,dicall( dissol!ing te conK,gal partnersip. Famil( Code #3$ Par #
pro!ides tat 'ere a marriage +et'een a Filipino citi8en and a "oreigner
is !alidl( cele+rated and a di!orce is terea"ter !alidl( o+tained a+road
+( te alien spo,se capacitating im or er to remarr($ te Filipino
spo,se sall a!e capacit( to remarr( ,nder Pilippine la'.
%3. IN ;E: ATTL ;4FIL2 -4CANA
FACTS: 2n No!em+er 17$ 1%F6$ -,cana notari8ed an Agreement
e*ec,ted +( te spo,ses Gon8alo -alta8ar and L,isa Sorongon 'erein
te( agreed tat in case an(one o" tem 'ill remarr($ +ot parties o""er
no o+Kection and 'ai!e all ci!il and criminal actions against tem. It
'o,ld allo' tem to a!e a conc,+ine$ and e*tra)marital a""airs. As is
de"ense$ it is said to a!e +een prepared +( is cler? and e onl( signed
it o,t o" negligence.
ISS4E: 5eter or not e committed gra!e act o" miscond,ct in
notari8ing agreement
;4LING: Les$ e is g,ilt( o" malpractice. It is "or te notar( to in"orm
imsel" o" te "acts to 'ic e intends to certi"( and to ta?e part in no
illegal enterprise. Te notar( p,+lic is ,s,all( a person 'o as +een
admitted to te practice o" la'$ and as s,c$ in te commingling o" is
d,ties notar( and la'(er$ m,st +e eld responsi+le "or +ot. 5e are led
to old tat a mem+er o" te +ar 'o per"orms an act as a notar( p,+lic
o" a disgrace",l or immoral caracter ma( +e eld to acco,nt +( te co,rt
e!en to te e*tent o" dis+arment.
FACTS: Tenca!e8 and Escano entered into a secret marriage +e"ore
Catolic caplain$ Lt Moises La!ares. A"ter teir marriage 'as re!ealed$
te( 'ere separated as Tenca!e8 'ent +ac? to Manila to 'or? 'ile
Escano sta(ed in Ce+,$ ten Misamis. In Misamis$ Escano as?ed "or
petition to ann,l er marriage +,t tis 'as dismissed +eca,se o" er
non)appearance at earing. A"ter'ards$ se 'ent to te 4nited States
'ito,t in"orming Tenca!e8 and sec,red a di!orce on gro,nds o"
e*treme cr,elt( and mental in caracter in Ne!ada. ;espondent ten
married again to ;,ssell Moran$ ad cildren and +ecame a 4S Citi8en.
2n 9,l( 07$ 1%66 Tenca!e8 "iled te proceedings "or legal separation
and damages against 'i"e and parents in la'.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te di!orce in Ne!ada 'as legal
;4LING: No$ te di!orce and #nd marriage are not recogni8ed as !alid.
As stated in Art 16$ since marriage 'as contracted +( Filipinos in
Pilippines$ onl( competent ci!il co,rt can ann,l it$ t,s remaining !alid.
Te Ci!il Code does not admit a+sol,te di!orce and is not e!en part o"
te code$ instead o" di!orce$ legal separation is ,sed$ 'erein marriage
is still recogni8ed. To recogni8e decree o" di!orce o" "oreign co,rts 'o,ld
+e !iolation on p,+lic polic( and article 1F o" Ci!il Code. Proi+iti!e la's
concerning persons$ teir acts$ or propert( and tose 'ic a!e "or teir
o+Kect p,+lic order$ polic($ and good c,stoms sall not +e rendered
ine""ecti!e +( la's or K,dgments prom,lgated$ or +( determinations or
con!entions agreed ,pon in "oreign co,ntr(. It 'o,ld also discriminate in
"a!or o" 'ealt( persons 'o can get di!orced else'ere. It 'o,ld not
ma?e di""erence i" Tenca!e8 'as also in co,rt o" Ne!ada 'en di!orce
'as "iled since mere appearance can1t con"er K,risdiction on co,rt 'ic
ad none. Tenca!e8 no' as gro,nds to di!orce respondent since se
ad interco,rse 'it someone oter tan er ,s+and$ entitling im to
as? "or legal separation ,nder +asis o" ad,lter(. Tere"ore$ petitioner as
gro,nds to "ile "or legal separation$ reco!er #6$777 +( 'a( o" moral
damages and "ees.
%&. VAN B2;N VS. ;2MIL2
FACTS: In 1%F#$ Alice ;e(es)Van Born a Filipino and ;icard 4pton a
4S citi8en married in Aong?ong. Te( esta+lised teir residence in te
Pilippines. 2n 1%&#$ te( o+tained a di!orce in Ne!ada$ 4S. Petitioner
remarried in Ne!ada to Teodore Van Born. 4pton is contesting "or is
sare in Galleon Sop 'ic e contends is conK,gal propert(.
Petitioner contends tat respondent is estopped "rom la(ing claim on te
alleged conK,gal propert( +eca,se o" te representation e made in te
di!orce proceedings +e"ore te American Co,rt tat te( ad no
comm,nit( o" propert(/ tat te Galleon Sop 'as not esta+lised
tro,g conK,gal ",nds$ and tat respondentHs claim is +arred +( prior
For is part$ respondent a!ers tat te Bi!orce Becree iss,ed +( te
Ne!ada Co,rt cannot pre!ail o!er te proi+iti!e la's o" te Pilippines
and its declared national polic(/ tat te acts and declaration o" a "oreign
Co,rt cannot$ especiall( i" te same is contrar( to p,+lic polic($ di!est
Pilippine Co,rts o" K,risdiction to entertain matters 'itin its K,risdiction.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Filipino La's 'o,ld still pre!ail.
;4LING: No. It is tr,e tat o'ing to te nationalit( principle em+odied in
Article 16 o" te Ci!il Code$ onl( Pilippine nationals are co!ered +( te
polic( against a+sol,te di!orces te same +eing considered contrar( to
o,r concept o" p,+lic police and moralit(. Ao'e!er$ aliens ma( o+tain
di!orces a+road$ 'ic ma( +e recogni8ed in te Pilippines$ pro!ided
te( are !alid according to teir national la'. In tis case$ te di!orce in
Ne!ada released pri!ate respondent "rom te marriage "rom te
standards o" American la'$ ,nder 'ic di!orce dissol!es te marriage.
FACTS: 2n Sept. F$ 1%F%$ Imelda Pilapil$ a Filipino$ married Eric
Geiling$ a German in Federal ;ep,+lic German(. Te( later resided in
Malate$ Manila. 2n 9an. 1%&0$ te( as?ed "or di!orce 'ic 'as
o+tained on 9an. 16 1%&3. -( 9,ne #F$ 1%&3$ Geiling "iled t'o complaints
o" ad,lter( 'it 5illiam Cia and 9es,s C,a.
ISS4E: 5eter or not e can still "ile "or ad,lter( a"ter German di!orce
;4LING: No. Article 0:: o" ;PC pro!ides tat onl( o""ended spo,se
ma( +ring case o" ad,lter( to co,rt and so,ld still +e spo,se 'en
complaint 'as "iled. Since e "iled it a"ter e di!orce 'as decree e is
no' not considered a spo,se. It 'o,ld +e a+s,rd to +ring action
determined +( is stat,s +e"ore or s,+se@,ent to commencement o"
ad,lter(. Marriage in is part 'as alread( e*ting,ised t,s e cannot
s,e as spo,se an(more.
FACTS: A Filipino G;ecio. 'as married to Edita Samson$ an A,stralian
citi8en in 1%&F. In 1%&%$ a decree o" di!orce p,rportedl( dissol!ing te
marriage 'as iss,ed +( an A,stralian "amil( co,rt. 2n 1%%#$ ;ecio
+ecame an A,stralian citi8en and married a Filipina GGarcia. in
Ca+anat,an Cit(. Te application "or marriage license so'ed tat ;ecio
'as single and a Filipino. Late 1%%6$ co,ple started li!ing separatel(. 2n
Ma( 1%%3$ conK,gal assets 'ere di!ided in accordance 'it Stat,tor(
Beclarations sec,red in A,stralia. 2n 1%%&$ Garcia "iled a complaint to
n,lli"( te marriage on te gro,nd o" +igam($ claiming tat ;ecio ad a
s,+sisting marriage 'en te( 'ere married and tat se onl( +ecame
a'are o" tis on No!em+er o" te preceding (ear. ;ecio sa(s oter'ise
and claims tat is "irst marriage 'as dissol!ed +( te A,stralian di!orce
decree$ 'as legall( capacitated to marr($ and tat Garcia 'as a'are o"
tis as earl( as 1%%0. 2n 1%%&$ "i!e (ears a"ter te co,ple1s 'edding and
'ile te s,it "or te declaration o" n,llit( 'as pending$ respondent
'asa+le to sec,re a di!orce decree "rom a "amil( co,rt in A,stralia. ;TC
declared te marriage dissol!ed +eca,se te A,stralian di!orce ad
ended te marriage. Garcia "iled c,rrent petition in te SC.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te di!orce +et'een ;ecio and Samson 'as
;4LING: Te di!orce decree +et'een respondent and Edita Samson
appears to +e an a,tentic one iss,ed +( an A,stralian "amil( co,rt.
Ao'e!er$ appearance is not s,""icient/ compliance 'it te
a"orementioned r,les on e!idence m,st +e demonstrated. Fort,natel( "or
respondent1s ca,se$ 'en te di!orce decree o" Ma( 1&$ 1%&% 'as
s,+mitted in e!idence$ co,nsel "or petitioner o+Kected$ not to its
admissi+ilit($ +,t onl( to te "act tat it ad not +een registered in te
Local Ci!il ;egistr( o" Ca+anat,an Cit(. Te trial co,rt r,led tat it 'as
admissi+le$ s,+Kect to petitioner1s @,ali"ication. Aence$ it 'as admitted in
e!idence and accorded 'eigt +( te K,dge. Indeed$ petitioner1s "ail,re to
o+Kect properl( rendered te di!orce decree admissi+le as a 'ritten act
o" te Famil( Co,rt o" S(dne($ A,stralia. Compliance 'it te @,oted
articles G11$ 10 and 6#. o" te Famil( Code is not necessar(/ respondent
'as no longer +o,nd +( Pilippine personal la's a"ter e ac@,ired
A,stralian citi8ensip in 1%%#. Nat,rali8ation is te legal act o" adopting
an alien and cloting im 'it te political and ci!il rigts +elonging to a
citi8en. Nat,rali8ed citi8ens$ "reed "rom te protecti!e cloa? o" teir
"ormer states$ don te attires o" teir adopti!e co,ntries. -( +ecoming an
A,stralian$ respondent se!ered is allegiance to te Pilippines and te
!inc,l,m K,ris tat ad tied im to Pilippine personal la's.
FACTS: 2n 9an. F$ 1%16$ te parties 'ere legall( married +,t a"ter a
mont te 'oman le"t +eca,se o" gross acts +( er ,s+and. As to te
marriage$ a contract in so "ar as ci!il e""ects are concerned re@,iring
consent o" parties pro!ides tat a"ter te marriage ceremon($ a conK,gal
partnersip is "ormed +et'een te t'o. ;eciprocal rigts arise and legal
e*istence +ecomes one$ and tat te termination o" it so,ld res,lt in
some relie".
ISS4E: 5eter or not Art. 1:% is a+sol,te and tere"ore can1t grant 'i"e
an( s,pport since se 'as te one 'o le"t ome
;4LING: No$ separation is di""erent "rom s,pport gi!en to 'i"e as agreed
,pon in te contract te( entered into 'en te( got married 'en
,s+and promised to s,pport 'i"e. Te 'i"e is still part o" conK,gal
domicile e!en i" se doesn1t li!e in o,se an(more. Tere"ore$ te
,s+and so,ld pa( s,pport.
FACTS: 2n #% Ma( 1%&3$ Teresita Gandionco$ te legal 'i"e o" te
petitioner$ "iled 'it te ;egional Trial Co,rt o" Misamis 2riental
complaint against petitioner "or legal separation$ on te gro,nd o"
conc,+inage$ 'it a petition "or s,pport and pa(ment o" damages. 2n 10
2cto+er 1%&3$ pri!ate respondent also "iled in M,nicipal Trial Co,rt$
General Santos Cit( a complaint against petitioner "or conc,+inage. -(
1: No!em+er 1%&3 pri!ate respondent "iled "or s,pport o" pendent lite
'ic 'as granted on 17 Becem+er 1%&3. Petitioner contends tat ci!il
action "or legal separation and its conse@,ences so,ld +e s,spended in
ligt o" criminal carge o" conc,+inage ,nder Sec. 0 o" te 1%&6 ;,les
on Criminal Proced,re. It is said tat a"ter a criminal action as +een
commenced te pending ci!il action arising "rom te same o""ense sall
+e s,spended$ in 'ate!er stage it ma( +e "o,nd$ ,ntil "inal K,dgment in
te criminal proceeding as +een rendered.
ISS4E: 5eter or not oter actions so,ld +e s,spended d,e to
criminal action o" conc,+inage
;4LING: Te S,preme Co,rt eld in negati!e. 2n te iss,e o"
separation: ci!il action "or legal separation$ +ased on conc,+inage$ ma(
proceed aead o"$ or sim,ltaneo,sl( 'it$ a criminal action "or
conc,+inage$ +eca,se said ci!il action is not one Ito en"orce te ci!il
lia+ilit( arising "rom te o""ense . Te go!erning r,le is no' Sec. 0$ ;,le
111$ 1%&6 ;,les on Criminal Proced,re$ 'ic re"ers to ci!il action "or
te reco!er( o" ci!il lia+ilit( arising "rom te o""ense carged. 5ereas$
te old Sec. 1 Gc.$ ;,le 17F simpl( re"erred to ICi!il action arising "rom
te o""ense.I Te action "or legal separation is not to reco!er ci!il lia+ilit($
+,t is aimed at te conK,gal rigts o" te spo,ses and teir relations to
eac oter. An tat a decree o" legal separation on gro,nd o"
conc,+inage ma( +e iss,ed 'ito,t criminal con!iction o" conc,+inage
t,s no need to 'ait. 2n te iss,e o" s,pport$ it can +e a!ailed o" in an
action "or legal separation$ and granted at te discretion o" te K,dge.
Aence$ petition is dismissed.
17:. M4N2C VS. -A;;I2S
FACTS: Married in 1%:#. A,s+and G-arrio. and 'i"e GM,no8. ad
"re@,ent @,arrels. B,ring tese @,arrels$ ,s+and maltreated te 'i"e.
4na+le to stand te maltreatment se s,""ered$ se li!ed separatel( "rom
er ,s+and. A"ter te( li!ed separatel($ t'o more incidents o"
maltreatment occ,rred. Se "iled "or a petition see?ing legal separation$
c,stod( and cild s,pport. 4pon te testimonies o" 'itnesses it 'as
esta+lised tat te maltreatment o" te 'i"e consisted o": +o*ing in te
"ace or a+domen$ air)p,lling and t'isting er nec?.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te maltreatment in tis case is a gro,nd "or legal
;4LING: No. Prior to te e""ecti!it( o" te Famil( Code$ maltreatment
s,""ered +( te 'i"e does not constit,te attempts on er li"e. Intent to ?ill
m,st +e esta+lised 'it clear and con!incing e!idence.
FACTS: In Sept. 1%3#$ "amil( dri!er told Elena Contreras tat er
,s+and Macaraig 'as li!ing 'it anoter 'oman. Se "ailed to !eri"(
te r,mor "rom er ,s+and. In April 1%30$ se eard r,mors tat er
,s+and 'as seen 'it anoter 'oman 'o 'as pregnant. In Ma( o" te
same (ear se once more "ailed to ascertain te !eracit( o" te
allegations +eca,se se 'as a"raid tat it 'o,ld precipitate a @,arrel and
dri!e im a'a(. Ao'e!er se "inall( "o,nd o,t a+o,t er ,s+andQs
mistress and te +irt o" te latterQs cild. In Becem+er 1%30$ 'i"e "inall(
met 'it er ,s+and and pleaded im to gi!e ,p is mistress and ret,rn
to te conK,gal ome$ ass,ring im tat all 'o,ld +e "orgi!en. Ae
declined. In te same mont$ se "iled s,it "or legal separation +,t te
case 'as dismissed +eca,se prescription ad$ according to te co,rt$
alread( ta?en place "rom Sept. 1%3# 'en se ad "o,nd o,t a+o,t er
,s+andQs illicit relationsip "rom te "amil( dri!er. Te CA dismissed te
complaint +eca,se o" prescription.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te period o" prescription is co,nted "rom Sept.
1%3# or "rom Becem+er 1%30.
;4LING: Becem+er 1%30. Tis 'as te onl( time 'en se +ecame
tr,l( cogni8ant o" er ,s+andQs in"idelit(. Aearsa( in"ormation 'o,ld not
a!e +een legall( s,""icient as a +asis "or legal separation.
173. LAP4C VS. E4FEMI2
FACTS: 2n A,g,st 1&$ 1%60$ Camen Lap,8 S( "iled a petition "or legal
separation against E,"eimo S. E,"emio. 2n Septem+er #1$ 1%0:$ a Ci!il
Marriage 'as cele+rated$ 'ile on Septem+er 07$ 1%0: a Canon
Marriage too? place. Te( li!ed togeter ,ntil 1%:0 'en E,"emio
a+andoned Lap,8. Te( ad no cildren. Lap,8 "o,nd o,t E,"emio 'as
coa+iting 'it Go Aio? on or a+o,t Marc 1%:%. Petitioner ten pra(ed
"or iss,ance o" legal partnersip and tat E,"emio so,ld +e depri!ed o"
is sare o" te conK,gal partnersip o" pro"its. E,"emio1s ans'er states
declaration o" n,llit( a+ initio o" is marriage 'it Lap,8 on te gro,nd o"
is prior and s,+sisting marriage$ cele+rated according to Cinese la'
and c,stoms 'it Go Aio? alias Ngo Aio?. B,ring te pendenc( o" case$
Lap,8 died in a !eic,lar accident GMa( 01$ 1%3%.. 2n 9,ne %$ 1%3%$
E,"emio mo!ed to dismiss petition "or legal separation on # gro,nds:
"irst$ tat te petition "or legal separation 'as "iled +e(ond te one)(ear
period pro!ided "or in Article 17# o" te Ci!il Code$ and tat te deat o"
Carmen a+ated te action "or legal separation. 2n 9,ne #3$ 1%3% te
co,nsel "or Lap,8 mo!ed to s,+stit,te te deceased +( er "ater$
Macario. 2n 9,l( #%$ 1%3%$ te Co,rt dismissed te case$ r,ling tat
Carmen Lap,81s ca,se o" action as not s,r!i!ed$ and it did not act on
te motion "or s,+stit,tion. E,"emio ac@,iesced in te dismissal o" said
co,nterclaims +( pra(ing "or te a""irmance o" te order tat dismissed
not onl( te petition "or legal separation +,t also is co,nterclaim to
declare te E,"emio)Lap,8 marriage to +e n,ll and !oid a+ initio.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te deat o" te plainti"" +e"ore "inal decree$ in an
action "or legal separation$ a+ate te actionR I" it does$ 'eter or not
a+atement also applies i" te action in!ol!es propert( rigtsR
;4LING: Les$ te action "or legal separation is p,rel( personal$ it ma(
+e made +( te innocent spo,se and can still stop proceedings i" te(
reconcile. Te deat o" one part( to te action ca,ses te deat o" te
action itsel".
Les$ it is solel( te e""ect o" te decree o" legal separation/ ence$ te(
cannot s,r!i!e te deat o" te plainti"" i" it occ,rs prior to te decree. Art
173 o" ci!il code pro!ides "or rigts and disa+ilities tat$ +( te !er(
terms o" te Ci!il Code article$ are !ested e*cl,si!el( in te persons o"
te spo,ses t,s cannot +e trans"erred to an(one a"ter teir deat. Te
rigts are mere e""ects o" decree o" separation$ teir so,rce +eing te
decree itsel"/ 'ito,t te decree s,c rigts do not come into e*istence$
so tat +e"ore te "inalit( o" a decree$ tese claims are merel( rigts in
e*pectation. Te en,meration o" te actions tat s,r!i!e "or or against
administrators in Section 1$ ;,le &F$ o" te ;e!ised ;,les o" Co,rt do
not en,merate actions "or legal separation or "or ann,lment o" marriage
E!en in actions o" +igam($ 'en one as died all actions cease. Te
action "or ann,lment so,ld +e +ro,gt d,ring te li"etime o" an( one o"
te parties in!ol!ed @,estions o" propert( are no' carried o,t not in
n,llit( o" marriage proceedings +,t intestate proceedings.
FACTS: Socorro Mat,+is and Coilo Pra*edes 'ere married on 9an. 17$
1%:0. -,t "rom Ma( 07$ 1%:: te( li!ed separatel( "rom eac oter. Te(
ad an agreement on April 0$ 1%:& tat te( relin@,is teir rigts o!er
eac oter as ,s+and and 'i"e$ and tat te( cannot prosec,te eac
oter "or conc,+inage or ad,lter($ +( 'a( o" condonation. Te( also
agree tat eac is no longer entitled to s,pport "rom te oter spo,se
and tat neiter can claim an(ting "rom eac oter. 2n 9an 1%66$ Coilo
coa+ited 'it As,ncion ;e+,lado 'o ga!e +irt on Sept. 1%66 and
recorded as Coilo1s. te( also p,+licl( appeared as ,s+and and 'i"e.
Socorro ten "iled on April #:$ 1%63 at te CFI Camarines S,r "or legal
separation and cange o" s,rname against ,s+and d,e to
a+andonment and conc,+inage. Te trial co,rt declared tat Coilo1s acts
constit,tes conc,+inage +,t dismissed complaint d,e to:

CC 17# said action "or legal separation can onl( +e "iled a (ear
a"ter s,c gro,nds a!e arisen. Socorro said to a!e ?no'n
coa+itation o" Coilo since 9an 1%66 +,t action 'as "iled on
:D#:D63 'ic 'as o,tside reglementar( period/ and
CC 177 legal separation can +e in!o?ed +( innocent spo,se$ i.e.
tat tere 'as no condonation. -,t agreement +et'een Coilo
and Socorro so'ed tat tere 'as condonation GE*i+it - o"
teir agreement.

ISS4E: 5eter or not te trial co,rt erred in sa(ing tat petitioner "iled
er case "or legal separation o,t o" time and cannot claim it since se is
not an innocent spo,se
;4LING: Les$ petitioner ?ne' o" legal separation on 9an 1%66 +,t onl(
made te complaint on April #:$ 1%63. Art. 17# o" NCC pro!ides "or time
one can "ile "or legal separation. As so'n in te agreement se
condoned and consented to G1. li!ing separatel( G#. can commit gro,nds
"or legal separation li?e conc,+inage. Condonation and consent are
e*pressed t,s cannot claim to +e innocent spo,se 'ic la' pro!ides
"or GNCC 177..
FACTS: 2n A,g,st #F$ 1%:%$ -,ga(ong married Gine8. -,ga(ong 'as a
ser!iceman in te 4S Na!(. -,ga(ong +egan recei!ing letters "rom is
sister)in)la' in"orming im o" alleged acts o" in"idelit( o" is 'i"e. 2n
2cto+er 1%61$ -,ga(ong so,gt te ad!ice o" Na!( caplain as to te
propriet( o" a legal separation. 2n A,g,st 1%6#$ -,ga(ong 'ent to
Pangasinan and so,gt "or is 'i"e. -,ga(ong and Geni8 proceeded to
te o,se o" Pedro -,ga(ong Gco,sin. and sta(ed and li!ed togeter "or
# nigts and 1 da( as ,s+and and 'i"e. Te( repaired -,ga(ong1s
o,se and again passed te nigt terein as ,s+and and 'i"e. 2n te
second da($ -,ga(ong tried to !eri"( "rom is 'i"e te tr,t o" te
in"ormation e recei!ed tat se ad committed ad,lter(. Instead o"
ans'ering$ Geni8 pac?ed ,p and le"t$ 'ic -,ga(ong too? as a
con"irmation o" te acts o" in"idelit( imp,ted on er. 2n No!em+er 1&$
1%6#$ -,ga(ong "iled a complaint "or legal separation against Geni8.
Geni8 !eementl( denied te a!erments o" te complaint and "ile a
motion to dismiss on te "ollo'ing gro,nds:

Ass,ming arg,endo te tr,t o" te allegations o" te

commission o" Iacts o" ran? in"idelit( amo,nting to ad,lter(I$ te
ca,se o" action$ i" an($ is +arred +( te stat,te o" limitations/
Tat ,nder te same ass,mption$ te act carged a!e +een
condoned +( te plainti""),s+and/ and
Tat te complaint "ailed to state a ca,se o" action s,""icient "or
tis co,rt to render a !alid K,dgment.
se*,al interco,rse a"ter se as ",ll ?no'ledge o" te ,s+andHs g,ilt$
er consent so,ld operate as a pardon o" is 'rong. In tis case$ e
slept 'it er "or # nigts and 1 da( a"ter almost ten monts a"ter e
came to ?no' o" te acts o" in"idelit( amo,nting to ad,lter(. T,s$ "alling
,nder e*emptions in Article 177 o" NCC: Te legal separation ma( +e
claimed onl( +( te innocent spo,se$ pro!ided tere as +een no
condonation o" or consent to te ad,lter( or conc,+inage.
Co,rt ordered te dismissal o" te case on te #nd gro,nd
Gcondonation.. Assignment o" errors 'as +ro,gt to CA +ased on
premat,re dismissal o" case/ in "inding tat tere 'ere condonation on
-,ga(ong1s part/ and in entertaining condonation as a gro,nd "or
dismissal inasm,c as same 'as not raised in te ans'er or in a motion
to dismiss. Case 'as li"ted to SC +ased on @,estion o" la'.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te act o" sleeping 'it 'i"e "or t'o da(s 'as
alread( a sign o" condonation to te in"idelit( se allegedl( committed
;4LING: Les$ condonation is de"ined as conditional "orgi!eness or
remission$ +( a ,s+and or 'i"e o" a matrimonial o""ense 'ic te latter
as committed/ "orgi!eness o" a marital o""ense constit,ting a gro,nd "or
legal separation$ it ma( +e e*press or implied. 4S K,rispr,dence so's
tat one single act o" se*,al interco,rse implies condonation.
Condonation is implied "rom se*,al interco,rse a"ter ?no'ledge o" te
oter in"idelit(. S,c acts necessar( implied "orgi!eness. It is entirel(
consonant 'it reason and K,stice tat i" te 'i"e "reel( consents to
17%. LANGC2 VS. ;A2BE
FACTS: A complaint "iled +( Victorina 2+in against petitioner pra(ing
se +e declared la'",l 'i"e o" said Langco$ se +e granted di!orce$ and
allo'ance o" alimon( and attorne(1s "ees. L,is contested declaration o"
marriage since tere 'as not 'itness to it. Gi!ing o" alimon( 'as granted
e!en i" tere 'as still do,+t as e*pressed +( K,dge.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te K,dge ad K,risdiction to grant alimon( or
s,pport to Victorina 2+in.
;4LING: No. tere is a need to so' doc,ments or circ,mstances o"
relationsip to allo' one spo,se to as? "or s,pport. In tis case$
e!idence so,ld +e te canonical certi"icate. Tis case$ onl( claimed to
+e te 'i"e and K,dge 'o iss,ed te s,pport said e iss,ed it 'it
do,+t. 2ne cannot as? "or s,pport 'ito,t necessar( e!idence.
2ne SC 9,stice dissents tat one so,ld gi!e s,pport to 'i"e$ "or it 'o,ld
+e ,n"air to er. Co,rt o" First Instance ad te K,risdiction to ear and
determine te iss,es ,pon 'ic te rigt to alimon( depended$ and
'eter te remed( +( an appeal "rom an erroneo,s e*ercise o" tis
K,risdiction is a plain$ speed($ and ade@,ate remed( tat ad +een
pro!ided$ and i" cases occ,r in 'ic it does not a""ord ade@,ate relie" it
is te de"a,lt o" te legislati!e po'er and it rests 'it it to pro!ide
additional remedies. Article 3& o" te Ci!il Code pro!ides tat a"ter a
petition "or a n,llit( o" marriage or "or a di!orce as +een interposed and
admitted certain pro!isions sall +e adopted d,ring te pendenc( o" te
s,it$ among 'ic is a pro!ision "or te s,pport o" te 'i"e and s,c
cildren as do not remain ,nder te po'er o" te ,s+and.
FACTS: Narcisa Geopano "iled a complaint in te Co,rt o" First Instance
an action "or di!orce/ partition o" te conK,gal propert($ and alimon(
pendente lite in te s,m o" P:77Dmont. Action is +ased ,pon te
"ollo'ing gro,nds:
1. Ad,lter($ and 'erein te ,s+and eKected er "rom conK,gal
ome and t,s se esta+lised er residence in Iloilo$ tat se
ad no means o" s,pport and 'as onl( li!ing at te e*pense o"
one o" er da,gters.
#. A preliminar( inK,nction$ restraining er and proi+iting er
,s+and "rom conK,gal propert( since de"endant 'as tr(ing to
alienate or enc,m+er said propert(.
CFI granted preliminar( inK,nction +,t respondent appealed claiming tat
CFI Iloilo as no K,risdiction since 'i"e so,ld "ollo' is domicile and tat
te K,dge as e*ceeded is po'er in granting te preliminar( inK,nction.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te 'i"e ma( o+tain a preliminar( inK,nction
against te ,s+and restraining and proi+iting im "rom alienating or
enc,m+ering an( part o" te conK,gal propert( d,ring te pendenc( o"
te action.
;4LING: Les. Plainti"" contends tat ,s+and is granted po'er to
alienate and enc,m+er te conK,gal propert( 'ito,t te consent o" te
'i"e. Tis onl( olds tr,e as long as a armonio,s relationsip e*ists.
5en s,c relation ceases$ te ,s+andQs po'ers o" administration
so,ld +e c,rtailed d,ring te pendenc( o" action to protect te interests
o" te 'i"e.
FACTS: Petitioner "iled action against is 'i"e "or legal separation on te
gro,nd o" ad,lter(. Te de"endant "iled an omni+,s petition to sec,re
c,stod( o" teir tree minor cildren$ a montl( s,pport o" P6777 "or
ersel" and said cildren and te ret,rn o" er passport to enKoin plainti""
"rom ordering is irelings "rom arassing and molesting er as 'ell as
pa( "or attorne(1s "ees. Plainti"" denied miscond,ct imp,ted to im and
alleging tat de"endant as a+andoned te cildren and tat te conK,gal
properties 'ere 'ort onl( P&7$777. Also contends tat de"endant is not
entitled to te c,stod( o" te cildren as se as a+andoned tem and
ad committed ad,lter($ tat +( er cond,ct se ad +ecome ,n"it to
ed,cate er cildren$ +eing ,nsta+le in er emotions and ,na+le to gi!e
te cildren to lo!e$ respect and care o" a tr,e moter and 'ito,t
means to ed,cate tem. Te CFI granted c,stod( o" te cildren to
de"endant and a montl( allo'ance o" P#077 "or s,pport "or er and te
cildren$ P077 "or a o,se and P#777 as attorne(1s "ees/ reconsideration
AELB: 5rit pra(ed "or is iss,ed and te respondent K,dge or 'osoe!er
ta?es is place is ordered to proceed on te @,estion o" c,stod( and
s,pport pendent elite in accordance 'it tis opinion. Te co,rt1s order
"i*ing te alimon( and re@,iring pa(ment is re!ersed.
Te main reason gi!en +( K,dge "or re",sing plainti""1s re@,est tat
e!idence +e allo'ed to +e introd,ced is +( Art 170 o" CC$ pro!ides "or 3
monts allo'ance as cooling o"" period. Te pro!ision o" te code is
mandator($ co,rt ,nderstands tat te introd,ction o" an( e!idence$ +e it
on te merits o" te case or on an( incident$ is proi+ited$ stat,s @,o is to
+e preser!ed "or tis time. It ma( +e noted tat since 3 monts a!e
elapsed since te "iling o" te petition ma( not +e allo'ed$ reasons "or
granting te preliminar( inK,nction so,ld +e gi!en at te scope o" te
article cited ma( +e e*plained. Te cooling o"" period is to ma?e possi+le
a reconciliation +,t tis practical e*pedient$ is necessar( to carr( o,t
legislati!e polic( does not a!e te e""ect o" o!erriding oter pro!isions
s,c as te determination o" te c,stod( o" cildren and alimon( and
s,pport pendent elite according to te circ,mstances. Te la' e*pressl(
enKoins tat tese so,ld +e determined +( te co,rt according to te
circ,mstances$ i" tese are ignored or te co,rts close teir e(es to
act,al "acts$ ran? in K,stice ma( +e ca,sed.
FACTS: 2n 9,ne 1&$ 1%F1$ petitioner L,c( Samosa "iled "or legal
separation "or conc,+inage and attempt against er li"e. Se also so,gt
"or 'rit o" preliminar( mandator( inK,nction "or te ret,rn to er o" 'at
se claimed to +e er parapernal and e*cl,si!e propert( G,nder admin
and management o" pri!ate respondent.. Clemente ;amos Gpri!ate
respondent. opposed s,c sa(ing tat earing te petition "or inK,nction
'o,ld onl( ma?e te prospect o" reconciliation dim. CFI 9,dge Vamenta
9r granted s,c motion to s,spend earing on te inK,nction$ and t,s
tis certiorari.
ISS4E: 52N preliminar( mandator( inK,nction applied "or as an ancillar(
remed( on e*cl,si!e propert( o" 'i"e tat is c,rrentl( +eing administered
+( er ,s+and can +e tried in co,rt e!en +e"ore te 3)mont period
allotted in cases o" legal separation
;4LING: Les. Article 170 te Ci!il Code is not an a+sol,te +ar to te
earing motion "or preliminar( inK,nction prior to te e*piration o" te si*)
mont period. Art 170 pro!ides tat in cases 'ere co,rt deems proper$
it can appoint anoter to manage propert( +et'een ,s+and and 'i"e. In
tis case$ er parapernal propert($ 'o,ld so' tat it is not an
aggra!ating circ,mstance to te prescri+ed 3)mont period deemed as
te cooling o"" period. In an( case$ more tan 3 monts a!e alread(
passed t,s co,rt can ear +ot legal separation and mandator(
FACTS: Aro,nd Ma( 1%61$ Lerma Gpetitioner. and Bia8 Gpri!ate
respondent. got married. 2n A,g,st 1%3%$ Lerma "iled a complaint "or
ad,lter( !s. Bia8 and er lo!er Teodoro ;amire8. -( No!em+er 1%3%$
respondent "iles "or legal separation and D or separation o" properties$
c,stod( o" cildren and s,pport pendente lite Gd,ring pendenc( o" action.
"or (o,ngest son$ Gregor( on te gro,nds o" conc,+inage and attempt
against er li"e. Te CFI said tat respondent is entitled to s,pport
pendente lite "rom te date o" respondent1s "iling o" te complaint$ and
tat te amo,nt 'o,ld +e a montl( s,pport o" Pp1$&#7. Petitioner
raised te case to te CA. Te CA$ initiall( iss,ing a preliminar(
inK,nction on te decision o" te lo'er co,rt to gi!e te respondent te
opport,nit( to present e!idence to te lo'er co,rt$ te CA dismissed te
petition a"ter te respondent as?ed "or a reconsideration sa(ing tat e
'ere not as?ing "or a cance to present e!idence to te lo'er co,rt. 2n
1%F#$ te CFI r,led tat respondent and ;amire8 are con!icted o"
ad,lter($ tis decision 'as appealed to te CA. Petitioner ten "iles a
ne' case o" ad,lter( against respondent and er ne' lo!er$ Manila
policeman 9ose Gocangco. Petitioner raises te petition against te
gi!ing s,pport pendente lite to te SC$ claiming$ among oters$ tat
respondent did not as? "or te en"orcement o" te CFI orders ,ntil e
"iled a second ad,lter( carge against er.
ISS4E: 5eter or not respondent can still claim "or s,pport e!en
to,g se as alread( +een con!icted o" ad,lter(.
AELB: No. Ad,lter( is recogni8ed as a de"ense "or s,pport. CC Article
070 ) o+ligation to gi!e s,pport sall cease I'en te recipient$ +e e a
"orced eir or not$ as committed some act 'ic gi!es rise to
disineritance. CC %#1 ) one o" te ca,ses "or disineriting a spo,se is
I'en te spo,se as gi!en ca,se "or legal separation . I" allo'ed one
'o,ld onl( need to "ile a case o" legal separation no matter o'
gro,ndless in order to get s,pport. Mere "iling 'o,ld not set Art #%# o"
FC to action. Still precl,de loss o" s,c rigt in certain cases.
FACTS: Socorro Mat,+is and Coilo Pra*edes 'ere married on 9an. 17$
1%:0. -,t "rom Ma( 07$ 1%:: te( li!ed separatel( "rom eac oter. Te(
ad an agreement on April 0$ 1%:& tat te( relin@,is teir rigts o!er
eac oter as ,s+and and 'i"e$ and tat te( cannot prosec,te eac
oter "or conc,+inage or ad,lter($ +( 'a( o" condonation. Te( also
agree tat eac is no longer entitled to s,pport "rom te oter spo,se
and tat neiter can claim an(ting "rom eac oter. 2n 9an 1%66$ Coilo
coa+ited 'it As,ncion ;e+,lado 'o ga!e +irt on Sept. 1%66 and
recorded as Coilo1s. te( also p,+licl( appeared as ,s+and and 'i"e.
Socorro ten "iled on April #:$ 1%63 at te CFI Camarines S,r "or legal
separation and cange o" s,rname against ,s+and d,e to
a+andonment and conc,+inage. Te trial co,rt declared tat Coilo1s acts
constit,tes conc,+inage +,t dismissed complaint d,e to:

CC 17# said action "or legal separation can onl( +e "iled a (ear
a"ter s,c gro,nds a!e arisen. Socorro said to a!e ?no'n
coa+itation o" Coilo since 9an 1%66 +,t action 'as "iled on
:D#:D63 'ic 'as o,tside reglementar( period/ and
CC 177 legal separation can +e in!o?ed +( innocent spo,se$ i.e.
tat tere 'as no condonation. -,t agreement +et'een Coilo
and Socorro so'ed tat tere 'as condonation GE*i+it - o"
teir agreement.

ISS4E: 5eter or not te trial co,rt erred in sa(ing tat petitioner "iled
er case "or legal separation o,t o" time and cannot claim it since se is
not an innocent spo,se
AELB: Les$ petitioner ?ne' o" legal separation on 9an 1%66 +,t onl(
made te complaint on April #:$ 1%63. Art. 17# o" NCC pro!ides "or time
one can "ile "or legal separation. As so'n in te agreement se
condoned and consented to G1. li!ing separatel( G#. can commit gro,nds
"or legal separation li?e conc,+inage. Condonation and consent are
e*pressed t,s cannot claim to +e innocent spo,se 'ic la' pro!ides
"or GNCC 177..
FACTS: Mariano Vent,ra and 4rs,la Sansano got married and ad a
cild. Sortl( a"ter tat$ Mariano disappeared to Caga(an and
a+andoned is "amil(.)5i"e did not a!e an( means o" s,r!i!al so se
resorted to coa+iting 'it Marcelo ;amos. Aro,nd 1%#:$ Mariano
ret,rned and "iled "or ad,lter($ to 'ic +ot Sansano and ;amos 'ere
sentenced. A"ter con!iction$ 4rs,la +egs "or "orgi!eness and "or Mariano
to ta?e er +ac?. Te latter denied and told er to go do 'at se 'ants
to do$ so se ret,rned to ;amos 'ile e 'ent to Aa'aii. Mariano 'ent
+ac? to "ile "or di!orce G,nder Act#F17.
ISS4E: 52N ,s+and consented to ad,lter( and tere"ore +arred "rom
AELB: Les. -eca,se e ga!e 'i"e "reedom to do 'ate!er se 'o,ld
li?e to do. Vent,ra consented to te ad,ltero,s relations o" is 'i"e. Ae is
tere"ore +arred "rom instit,ting a case "or ad,lter(. Te sole p,rpose o"
"iling te carge is to ,se it as a gro,nd "or legal separation.
Te ,s+and 'as onl( ass,ming a mere pose o" an =o""ended spo,se .
Ae consented to te ad,ltero,s relations o" is 'i"e and ;amos and is
t,s$ tere"ore +arred "rom instit,ting an( criminal proceeding. E!en i" e
'as still in a "oreign co,ntr($ e 'o,ld a!e still +een a+le to ta?e action
against te acc,sed +,t since e didnQt ta?e tis option$ it so'ed a
considera+le lac? o" gen,ine interest as te o""ended part(.
FACTS: 2n Marc 13$ 1%#3$ te acc,sed ;odol"o A. Scnec?en+,rger
married te compliant Elena ;amire8 Cartagena and a"ter se!en (ears
o" martial li"e$ te( agreed$ "or reason o" alleged incompati+ilit( o"
caracter$ to li!e separatel( eac oter and on Ma( #6$ 1%06 te(
e*ec,ted a doc,ment 'ic in part recites as "ollo's:
E,e am+os comparecientes con!ienen en !i!ir separados el ,no del otro por el
resto de s, !ida ( se comprometen$ ( o+ligan reciprocamente a no molastarse ni
inter!enir ni me8clarse +aKo ning,n concepto en la !ida p,+lica o pri!ada de los
mismos$ entre si$ @,endado cada ,no de los otorgantes en completa li+ertad de
accion en cal@,ier acto ( todos concepto.
2n 9,ne 16$ 1%06$ te acc,sed Scnec?en+,rger$ 'ito,t lea!ing te
Pilippines$ sec,red a decree o" di!orce "rom te ci!il co,rt o" 9,are8$
-ra!os Bistrict$ State o" Ci,a,a$ Me*ico. 2n Ma( 11$ 1%03$ e
contracted anoter marriage 'it is co)acc,sed$ 9,lia Medel$ in te
K,stice o" te peace co,rt o" Mala+on$ ;i8al$ and since ten te( li!ed
togeter as ,s+and and 'i"e in te cit( o" Manila. -eca,se o" te n,llit(
o" te di!orce decreed +( te Me*ico Co,rt$ complaint erein instit,ted
t'o actions against te acc,sed$ one "or +igam( in te Co,rt o" First
Instance o" ;i8al and te oter conc,+inage in te co,rt o" First Instance
o" Manila. Te "irst c,lminated in te con!iction o" te acc,sed. 2n te
trial "or te o""ense o" conc,+inage acc,sed interposed te plea o"
do,+le Keopard($ and te case 'as dismissed/ +,t$ ,pon appeal +( te
"iscal$ tis Co,rt eld te dismissal +e"ore te trial to +e premat,re tis
'as ,nder te "ormer proced,re and 'ito,t deciding te @,estion o"
do,+le Keopard($ remanded te case to te trial co,rt "or trial on te
merits. Acc,sed 'as con!icted o" conc,+inage tro,g rec?less
impr,dence and sentenced to a penalt( o" t'o monts and one da( o"
arresto ma(or.
AELB: As te term IpardonI ,n@,estiona+l( re"ers to te o""ense a"ter its
commission$ IconsentI m,st a!e +een intended agreea+l( 'it its
ordinar( ,sage$ to re"er to te o""ense prior to its commission. No logical
di""erence can indeed +e percei!ed +et'een prior and s,+se@,ent
consent$ "or in +ot instances as te o""ended part( as cosen to
compromise 'it isDer disonor$ eDse +ecomes ,n'ort( to come to
co,rt and in!o?e its aid in te !indication o" te 'rong. For instance$ a
,s+and 'o +elie!ers is 'i"e anoter man "or ad,lter($ is as ,n'ort($
i" not more$ as 'ere$ ,pon ac@,iring ?no'ledge o" te ad,lter( a"ter its
commission$ e sa(s or does noting. 5e$ tere"ore$ old tat te prior
consent is as e""ecti!e as s,+se@,ent consent to +ar te o""ended part(
"rom prosec,ting te o""ense.
FACTS: -,ga(ong 'as a ser!iceman o" te 4S Na!(. Ae 'as married
on 1%:% to Gine8 'ile on ",rlo,g lea!e. -e"ore e reported +ac? to
d,t($ te( made arrangements as to 'ere te 'i"e 'o,ld sta(. In 9,l(
1%61$ te ,s+and recei!ed letters in"orming im o" is 'i"eQs in"idelities.
In A,g. 1%6#$ e so,gt is 'i"e and a"ter "inding er$ te( li!ed togeter
as ,s+and and 'i"e "or t'o nigts and one da(. Te nigt a"ter$ te(
contin,ed to li!e togeter +,t te ne*t da($ 'en e @,estioned er
a+o,t er illicit a""airs$ se deserted im. Ae too? tis as con"irmation o"
er in"idelities. 2n No!em+er$ e "iled a complaint "or legal separation.
Te co,rt ordered te dismissal o" te action +ased on 'i"eQs motion to
dismiss. Ae appealed +,t te CA ",rtered te case$ since it constit,ted
@,estions o" la'$ to te SC.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te cop,lation 'ic transpired a"ter te ,s+and
?ne' a+o,t is 'i"eQs alleged in"idelities can +e considered an act o"
AELB: Les. Condonation is te conditional "orgi!eness or remission o"
one part( o" a matrimonial o""ense 'ic te oter part( committed.
According to American K,rispr,dence$ an( coa+itation and se*,al
interco,rse 'it te g,ilt( part( a"ter te commission "or te o""ense and
'it ?no'ledge o" te o""ense 'ill amo,nt to e!idence o" condonation.
;es,mption o" marital coa+itation as a +asis o" condonation is in"erred.
11&. -;25N VS. LAM-A2
FACTS: -ro'n alleges tat 'ile e 'as interned +( te 9apanese "rom
1%:# to 1%:6$ is 'i"e ad engaged in ad,ltero,s relationsips "rom
'ic se +egot a cild. Ae learned o" it a"ter is release. From ten on
te( decided to li!e separatel( "rom eac oter and e*ec,ted$ to tis
e""ect$ an agreement li@,idating conK,gal partnersip$ e!en gi!ing te
erring 'i"e a sare. 2n 9,l($ e "iled a s,it "or legal separation pra(ing
"or con"irmation o" said agreement$ c,stodial rigts and dis@,ali"ication o"
'i"e "rom s,ccession o" plainti"". Aer 'i"e 'as declared in de"a,lt "or not
a!ing ans'ered on time. 5en cross)e*amined +( te assistant cit(
"iscal$ it 'as re!ealed o'e!er tat -ro'n$ a"ter te li+eration "rom te
internment$ ad also li!ed 'it anoter 'oman 'it 'om e as
+egotten cildren. Te co,rt re",sed to grant te petition on te +asis o"
prescription$ commission o" similar o""ense +( petitioner$ and
in!ol!ement o" consent and conni!ance.
ISS4E: 5eter or not proceedings "or legal separation can still +e
instit,ted 'en +ot spo,ses are o""enders.
AELB: No. Ais petition cannot prosper "or t'o reasons: G1. prescripti!e
period is o!er since e learned o" is 'i"eQs relations in 1%:6 and onl(
"iled a complaint a"ter ten (ears/ and G#. Ais coa+itation 'it anoter
'oman +ars im "rom claiming legal separation. Fail,re o" te 'i"e to set
,p a de"ense ma( +e considered circ,mstantial e!idence o" coll,sion
+et'een tem. Consent and conni!ance no longer need to +e pro!en
tere +eing t'o esta+lised stat,tor( gro,nds to grant te decree o" legal
11%. -;25N VS. LAM-A2
ISS4E: 5eter or not "indings o" Cit( Fiscal ;a"ael 9ose tat -ro'n
li!ed 'it anoter 'oman a"ter 'ar and ad cildren 'it er can stop
im "rom legal separation proceedings.
AELB: Les. Coll,sion as de"ined is te act o" married persons in
proc,ring a di!orce +( m,t,al consent$ 'eter +( preconcerted
commission +( one o" a matrimonial o""ense$ or +( "ail,re$ in p,rs,ance
o" agreement to de"end di!orce proceedings. It is legitimate "or te Fiscal
to +ring to ligt an( circ,mstances tat co,ld gi!e rise to te in"erence
tat te 'i"eHs de"a,lt 'as calc,lated Gempasis o" marriage as more
tan mere contract.. Te NCC Art 177 no' +ars im "rom "iling legal
separation since e is also g,ilt( o" conc,+inage. NCC Article 17# also
+ars im since e "iled o,t o" time. -ro'n did not petition "or legal
separation proceedings ,ntil ten (ears a"ter e learned o" is 'i"eHs
ad,lter($ 'ic 'as ,pon is release "rom internment in 1%:6. It cannot
+e "iled e*cept 'itin one G1. (ear "rom and a"ter te plainti"" +ecame
cogni8ant o" te ca,se and 'itin "i!e (ears "rom and a"ter te date
'en s,c ca,se occ,rred.
FACTS: 9ose 2campo 'as married to Florenciano and ad se!eral
cildren togeter 'o are li!ing 'it te ,s+and. In Marc 1%61$ te
,s+and disco!ered on se!eral occasions tat is 'i"e 'as a!ing illicit
relations 'it one 9ose Arcalas. 2n 9,ne 1&$ 1%66$ plainti"" again
s,rprised te 'i"e and "o,nd er engaging in oter illicit relations 'it
Nestor 2r8ame. 2n 9,l( 6$ 1%66$ ,s+and "iled a petition "or legal
separation 'it te 'i"e con"orming to te carge pro!ided tat se isnQt
criminall( carged. -eca,se te 'i"e did not ans'er te carge$ te ;TC
declared er in de"a,lt. Te CA$ o'e!er$ eld tat te ,s+andQs rigt
to legal separation on te gro,nd o" te 'i"eQs relations 'it Arcalas ad
alread( prescri+ed and it also interpreted te "acts to mean tat a
con"ession o" K,dgment on te part o" te 'i"e agreeing 'it te ,s+and
signi"ied coll,sion +et'een te parties and t,s +ars te rigt to
proc,ring a separation.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te CA interpreted Art. 171$ 'ic proi+its a
decree o" legal separation ,pon a con"ession o" K,dgment$ properl(.
AELB: No. Con"ession o" K,dgment ,s,all( appens 'en te de"endant
appears in co,rt and con"esses te rigt o" plainti"" to K,dgment or "iles a
pleading e*pressl( agreeing to te plainti""Hs demand. Tis did not occ,r.
Let$ e!en s,pposing tat te a+o!e statement o" de"endant constit,ted
practicall( a con"ession o" K,dgment$ inasm,c as tere is e!idence o"
te ad,lter( independentl( o" s,c statement$ te decree ma( and
so,ld +e granted$ since it 'o,ld not +e +ased on er con"ession$ +,t
,pon e!idence presented +( te plainti"". 5at te la' proi+its is a
K,dgment +ased e*cl,si!el( or mainl( on de"endantHs con"ession. I" a
con"ession de"eats te action ipso "acto$ an( de"endant 'o opposes te
separation 'ill immediatel( con"ess K,dgment$ p,rposel( to pre!ent it.
Coll,sion in di!orce or legal separation means te agreement IT
+et'een ,s+and and 'i"e "or one o" tem to commit$ or to appear to
commit$ or to +e represented in co,rt as a!ing committed$ a matrimonial
o""ense$ or to s,ppress e!idence o" a !alid de"ense$ "or te p,rpose o"
ena+ling te oter to o+tain a di!orce. Tis agreement$ i" not e*press$
ma( +e implied "rom te acts o" te parties. It is a gro,nd "or den(ing te
di!orce.I Gri""its !. Gri""its$ Sando8 !. Sando8.
In tis case$ tere 'o,ld +e coll,sion i" te parties ad arranged to ma?e
it appear tat a matrimonial o""ense ad +een committed alto,g it 'as
not$ or i" te parties ad conni!ed to +ring a+o,t a legal separation e!en
in te a+sence o" gro,nds tere"ore.
FACTS: ;osario Mat,te 'as "o,nd g,ilt( o" ad,lter( and a decree o"
legal separation 'as granted to Armando Medel$ a'arding c,stod( o" te
cildren to te latter. Medel 'ent to te 4S lea!ing cildren 'it is
sister in 'ose o,se ;osario s,+se@,entl( li!ed in order to +e 'it er
o""spring. Armando ret,rned late 1%6:. 5it is permission$ ;osario
+ro,gt te cildren to Manila to attend te ",neral o" er "ater on te
condition tat te cildren 'o,ld +e ret,rned a"ter t'o 'ee?s. Se ne!er
ret,rned and instead "iled a motion to regain c,stod( on te gro,nd tat
te cildren did not 'ant to go +ac? to teir "ater and tat te "ater 'as
li!ing 'it anoter 'oman. Armando opposed tis motion and co,ntered
'it a petition to declare and p,nis ;osario "or contempt o" co,rt Gin
!ie' o" er "ail,re to ret,rn te cildren.. 9,dge Macadaeg a+sol!ed te
;osario "rom contempt +,t denied er motion "or c,stod( and ordered
er to ret,rn te cildren. ;osario ten "iled an action o" certiorari and
proi+ition 'it preliminar( inK,nction against te Armando and te
9,dge. Preliminar( inK,nction 'as granted a"ter "iling.
ISS4E: 5eter or not moter can regain c,stod( o" er cildren a"ter
te iss,ance o" a degree o" legal separation.
AELB: No. A decision rendering c,stod( o" minor cildren is ne!er
"inalT +,t ,ntil it is re!ie'ed and modi"ied$ s,c a decision m,st stand.
In te present case$ ;osario merel( o+tained permission "rom te legal
parental a,torit( 'o is te "ater. Ae ma( tere"ore demand teir
ret,rn at an( time. 9,dge 'as 'ell 'itin is K,risdiction 'eter or not
e cose to K,dge te oter 'a(. It is 'itin is po'er to grant c,stod( or
not. No gra!e a+,se o" discretion occ,rred.
FACTS: Elisea Laperal married Enri@,e Santamaria. Te( are no'
legall( separated. Elisea 'ants to res,me te ,se o" er maiden name.
Petition 'as opposed +( te Cit( Attorne( on te gro,nd tat it !iolates
Art. 0F# o" te CC and tat is not sanctioned +( te ;,les o" Co,rt. Te
lo'er co,rt originall( dismissed te petition +,t canged its mind and
granted it on te gro,nd tat it 'as merel( "or a cange o" name. It also
reasoned tat te ,se o" te married name 'o,ld gi!e rise to con",sion
in te 'omanQs "inances and te e!ent,al li@,idation o" te conK,gal
ISS4E 5eter or not a 'i"e can ,se er maiden name a"ter a decree o"
legal separation as +een granted.
AELB: No. Legal Separation alone is not a gro,nd "or 'i"eQs cange o"
name. Art 0F# speci"icall( mandates te 'i"e to contin,e ,sing name and
s,rname emplo(ed +e"ore te legal separation. Aer marriage stat,s is
,na""ected +( te separation. ;,le 170 Gpro!ision "or a cange o" name
in general. does not pre!ail o!er te mandator( pro!ision o" Art. 0F#.
FACTS: Spo,ses 'ere married on Ma( 1%61. Ten te( 'ent to
Cam+oanga$ and a"ter te ,s+and le"t te 'i"e 'it er parents "or a
'ile 'it te promise tat se 'o,ld go +ac? to Manila$ 'ic didnQt
come tr,e. 2n Sept 07 1%60$ Atilano "iled "or s,pport o" #77Dmont
against er ,s+and in te premise tat te( 'ere li!ing separatel( since
2cto+er 1%6# d,e to teir +ic?ering. Te ,s+and replied tat e
pre"erred to s,pport er in teir o'n conK,gal ome in Manila. Se 'as
a'arded F6Dmont +,t 'it te o+ser!ation tat separation 'as d,e
more to in)la's tan an(ting else and er demand to mo!e to a
di""erent o,se "rom tem.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te 'i"e can +e compelled to ret,rn and li!e in
teir conK,gal d'elling.
;4LING: Mis,nderstandings 'it a tird)part( is not seen +( te la' as
a K,st ca,se to lea!e te conK,gal ome. Te 'i"e cannot +e compelled
to li!e 'it er ,s+and +,t s,pport can +e denied to te spo,se 'o
le"t. In tis case$ te ,s+and as option 'eter to s,pport er or not.
Te ,s+and as e*pressed tat e is 'illing to esta+lis a conK,gal
ome separate "rom is parents.
FACTS: L,isa Goitia ( de la Camara$ petitioner$ and 9ose Campos (
;,eda$ respondent$ 'ere married on 9an,ar( F$ 1%16 and ad a
residence at 116 Calle San Marcelino Manila. Te( sta(ed togeter "or a
mont +e"ore petitioner ret,rned to er parentQs ome. Goitia "iled a
complaint against respondent "or s,pport o,tside te conK,gal ome. It
'as alleged tat respondent demanded er to per"orm ,ncaste and
lasci!io,s acts on is genital organs. Petitioner re",sed to per"orm s,c
acts and demanded er ,s+and oter tan te legal and !alid
coa+itation. Since Goitia ?ept on re",sing$ respondent maltreated er
+( 'ord and deed$ in"licting inK,ries ,pon er lops$ "ace and di""erent
+od( parts. Te trial co,rt r,led in "a!or o" respondent and stated tat
Goitia co,ld not compel er ,s+and to s,pport er e*cept in te
conK,gal ome ,nless it is +( !irt,e o" a K,dicial decree granting er
separation or di!orce "rom respondent. Goitia "iled motion "or re!ie'.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Goitia can compel er ,s+and to s,pport er
o,tside te conK,gal ome.
;4LING: Te o+ligation on te part o" te ,s+and to s,pport is 'i"e is
created merel( in te act o" marriage. Te la' pro!ides tat te
,s+and$ 'o is o+liged to s,pport te 'i"e$ ma( ",l"ill te o+ligation
eiter +( pa(ing er a "i*ed pension or +( maintaining er in is o'n
ome at is option. Ao'e!er$ tis option gi!en +( la' is not a+sol,te.
Te la' 'ill not permit te ,s+and to e!ade or terminate is o+ligation
to s,pport is 'i"e i" te 'i"e is dri!en a'a( "rom te conK,gal ome
+eca,se o" is 'rong",l acts. In te case at +ar$ te 'i"e 'as "orced to
lea!e te conK,gal a+ode +eca,se o" te le'd designs and p(sical
assa,lt o" te ,s+and$ se can tere"ore claim s,pport "rom te
,s+and "or separate maintenance e!en o,tside te conK,gal ome.
1#6. A;;2L2 VS. VASE4EC BE A;;2L2
FACTS: Mariano Arro(o and Bolores Va8@,e8 de Arro(o a!e +een
married "or 17 (ears 'en Bolores decided to lea!e teir domicile 'it
te intention o" li!ing tence"ort separate "rom er ,s+and. Mariano
t,s initiated an action to compel er to ret,rn to te matrimonial ome
and li!e 'it im as a d,ti",l 'i"e. Te de"endant ans'ered tat se ad
+een compelled to lea!e +( cr,el treatment on te part o" te ,s+and
and t,s se "iled a cross complaint tat as?s "or a decree o" separation$
a li@,idation o" conK,gal partnersip$ and an allo'ance "or co,nsel "ees
and permanent separate maintenance. Te trial K,dge$ ,pon
consideration o" te e!idence$ concl,ded tat te contin,ed ill)treatment
o" er ",rnised s,""icient K,sti"ication "or er a+andonment o" te
conK,gal ome and te permanent +rea?ing o"" o" marital relations 'it
im. T,s$ te K,dge ga!e K,dgment in "a!or o" te de"endant. Te
plainti"" appealed.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te ,s+and is entitled to a permanent
mandator( inK,nction to compel te 'i"e to ret,rn to te matrimonial
ome and li!e 'it im as is d,ti",l 'i"e.
;4LING: Alto,g te ,s+and is entitled to a K,dicial declaration tat
is 'i"e as a+sented ersel" 'ito,t s,""icient ca,se and tat it is er
d,t( to ret,rn$ te Co,rt is disinclined to sanction te doctrine tat an
order$ en"orcea+le +( process o" contempt$ ma( +e entered to compel
te restit,tion o" te p,rel( personal rigt o" consorti,m. T,s$ tat te
plainti"" in tis case is not entitled to te ,nconditional and a+sol,te order
"or te ret,rn o" te 'i"e to te marital domicile$ 'ic is so,gt in te
petitor( part o" te complaint.
It 'as eld tat te K,dgment appealed "rom in respect +ot to te
original complaint and te cross)+ill$ it is declared tat Bolores as
a+sented ersel" "rom te marital ome 'ito,t s,""icient ca,se/ and se
is admonised tat it is er d,t( to ret,rn. Plainti"" a+sol!ed "rom cross)
1#3. ;AMI;EC)C4ABE;N2 VS. C4ABE;N2
FACTS: Lo,rdes ;amire8)C,aderno Gpetitioner. and Angel C,aderno
Grespondent. separated "rom eac oter on No!em+er 1F$ 1%63.
;espondent in"licted +odil( inK,ries on petitioner. Ae ten too? er to er
parentsQ ome 'ere se as?ed mone( "rom er ,s+and at "irst$ and
e!ent,all( stopped "rom accepting an( later. Te petitioner ten "iled a
complaint 'it te 9,!enile and Bomestic ;elations Co,rt as?ing "or
s,pport on te +asis o" maltreatment and a+andonment. ;espondent
claims tat se le"t te domicile and 'as not entitled to said s,pport. Te
9B;C granted petitioner s,pport in te amo,nt o" P167 per mont. -,t
te CA re!ersed te decision and te t'o 'ere admonised to li!e
togeter as ,s+and and 'i"e$ on te +asis o" ,s+andQs testimon(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te co,rts a!e te a+ilit( to "orce a ,s+and and
'i"e to coa+it +( legal mandate.
;4LING: No. It 'o,ld +e ,nrealistic "or te co,rt to compel or ,rge te
co,ple to li!e togeter 'en$ at least "or te present$ te($ speciall( te
,s+and$ are spea?ing o" te impossi+ilit( o" coa+itation. Marriage
entitles +ot parties to consorti,m or coa+itation$ +,t m,t,al a""ection
m,st +e te ca,se o" tis rigt$ and not an( legal mandate. Tis is an
inerent caracteristic o" marriage in tis K,risdiction. Te separation
sta(s ,ntil a di""erent sit,ation e*ists +et'een te parties.
FACTS: Sil!estre dela Cr,8 G-enKamin A+ella 'as allo'ed to inter!ene.
"iled a petition 'it te C2MELEC to dis@,ali"( petitioner Larra8a+al "rom
r,nning as go!ernor o" Le(te on te gro,nd tat se misrepresented er
residence in er certi"icate o" candidac( as Mananga$ Le(te. It 'as
alleged tat se 'as in "act a resident o" 2rmoc Cit( li?e er ,s+and
'o 'as earlier dis@,ali"ied "rom r,nning "or te same o""ice. Te
C2MELEC granted te petition. Ao'e!er$ 'en te Commission granted
te decision$ Larra8a+al 'as alread( proclaimed te Go!ernor$ ence$
'en se 'as dis@,ali"ied$ A+ella$ 'o gatered te second igest
!otes in te said area$ so,gt to ta?e is oat as go!ernor o" Mananga$
Le(te. Te petitioner$ o'e!er$ a!ers tat te C2MELEC decision is
erroneo,s 'en it relied on te pro!isions o" te Famil( Code to r,le tat
te petitioner lac?s te re@,ired residence to @,ali"( er to r,n "or te
position o" go!ernor o" Le(te. Se opines tat ,nder Ite Election La'$
te matter o" determination o" te ;ESIBENCE is more on te principle
o" INTENTI2N$ te anim,s re!ertendi rater tan an(ting else.I In tis
regard se states tat ... Ier s,+se@,ent p(sical trans"er o" residence
to 2rmoc Cit( terea"ter$ did not necessaril( erased Gsic. or remo!ed er
Mananga residence$ "or as long as se ad te ANIM4S ;EVE;TENBI
e!idenced +( er contin,o,s and reg,lar acts o" ret,rning tere in te
co,rse o" te (ears$ alto,g se ad p(sicall( resided at 2rmoc Cit(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te petitioner is a registered !oter o" Mananga$
;4LING: For te p,rpose o" r,nning "or p,+lic o""ice$ te residence
re@,irement so,ld +e read as legal residence or domicile$ not an( place
'ere a part( ma( a!e properties and ma( !isit "rom time to time. Te
Ci!il Code is clear tat HOFPor te e*ercise o" ci!il rigts and te ",l"illment
o" ci!il o+ligations$ te domicile o" nat,ral persons is te place o" teir
a+it,al residence. Art. 3& pro!ides tat te ,s+and and 'i"e are
o+liged to li!e togeter$ o+ser!e m,t,al lo!e$ respect and "idelit($ and
render m,t,al elp and s,pport. 5ile Art. 3% pro!ides tat te ,s+and
and 'i"e sall "i* te "amil( domicile. In case o" disagreement$ te co,rt
sall decide. Te co,rt ma( e*empt one spo,se "rom li!ing 'it te oter
i" te latter so,ld li!e a+road or tere are oter !alid and compelling
reasons "or te e*emption. Ao'e!er$ s,c e*emption sall not appl( i"
te same is not compati+le 'it te solidarit( o" te "amil(. A,s+and and
'i"e as a matter o" principle li!e togeter in one legal residence 'ic is
teir ,s,al place o" a+ode.
FACTS: 2n #7 Fe+r,ar( 1%63$ Feli* Mata+,ena e*ec,ted a Beed o"
Bonation inter !i!os in "a!or o" Petronila Cer!antes d,ring te time te(
'ere li!ing as ,s+and and 'i"e in a common la' relationsip. Te(
'ere later married on #& Marc 1%3#. Feli* died intestate on 10
Septem+er 1%3#. Cornelia Mata+,ena$ +eing te sole sister and nearest
and nearest relati!e to Feli*$ @,estioned te !alidit( o" te donation
claiming tat te +an on donation +et'een spo,ses d,ring a marriage
applies to a common)la' relationsip. Se ad te land declared on er
name and paid te estate and ineritance ta*es tereon on !irt,e o" an
a""ida!it o" sel")adK,dication e*ec,ted +( er in 1%3#. 2n #0 No!em+er
1%36$ te lo'er co,rt ,peld te !alidit( o" te donation as it 'as made
+e"ore Cer!antes1 marriage to te donor. Aence$ te appeal.
ISS4E: 5eter te Article 100 o" te ci!il code appl( to donations
+et'een li!e)in partners.
;4LING: 5ile Article 100 o" te Ci!il Code considers as !oid a
donation +et'een te spo,ses d,ring te marriage$ polic( considerations
o" te most e*igent caracter as 'ell as te dictates o" moralit( re@,ire
tat te same proi+ition so,ld appl( to a common)la' relationsip$ as
it is contrar( to p,+lic polic(. Te la' proi+its donations in "a!or o" te
oter consort and is descendants +eca,se o" "ear o" ,nd,e and
improper press,re and in"l,ence ,pon te donor$ a preK,dice deepl(
rooted in ancient la'. 5ate!er omission ma( +e apparent in an
interpretation p,rel( literal o" te lang,age ,sed m,st +e remedied +( an
aderence to its a!o'ed o+Kecti!e. It is a principle o" stat,tor(
constr,ction tat 'at is 'itin te spirit o" te la' is as m,c a part o" it
as 'at is 'ritten. 2ter'ise te +asic p,rpose discerni+le in s,c codal
pro!ision 'o,ld not +e attained.
FACTS: From te time o" April 1&%1 ,ntil Bec 1%7%$ Nicolas Beli8o 'as
married to ;osa Villas"er$ 'o ten later died. B,ring 2ct 1%11 ,p to
Ma( 1%6F$ e ad a second marriage$ to Borotea de 2campo ,ntil e
imsel" died. Te petitioners and respondents are "igting o!er te land
o'ned +( Nicolas Beli8o 'eter it +elongs to te conK,gal propert( o"
te "irst or second marriage. Te trial Co,rt "irst partitioned te land to
te "irst marriage1s eirs since tere 'as no li@,idation o" conK,gal
propert( o" "irst marriage t,s te co)conK,gal partnersip 'as con!erted
into one o" co)o'nersip +et'een Nicolas Beli8o and is cildren o" te
"irst marriage. Te K,dgment 'as appealed +( petitioners "rom te
second marriage. Co,rt o" Appeals r,led tat Caana'an lands 'ere
ac@,ired d,ring te "irst marriage and te "act tat lands 'ere registered
,nder =Nicolas married to Borotea is merel( descripti!e o" is ci!il
stat,s. To,g it did not agree 'it te partition o" Trial Co,rt 'en it
eld tat Y o" conK,gal propert( "rom "irst marriage is ,s+and1s o'n
separate propert( 'en e remarried again. It also eld tat since it 'as
at te time o" te second marriage tat te land 'as c,lti!ated$ it is
entitled to reim+,rsement "or te increase in !al,e o" te :F ectares.
T,s Y tat is gi!en to te "irst marriage1s eirs m,st +e ded,cted +( te
impro!ements made +( second marriage. It declared partition as "ollo's:
2ne)al" o" te Caana'an propert( to sare o" ;osa Villas"er or 1D3
tereo" "or eac cild o" te "irst marriage/ and #7V o" all te oter
properties or 1D16 tereo" "or eac s,c cild. Y to Nicolas Beli8o
descending to is eirs +ot in te "irst and second marriage.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te partition o" lands made +( CA is correct.
;4LING: No. Lands ac@,ired in "irst marriage 'ere "rom te Aomestead
Act and at te time o" te 1st marriage$ te lands 'eren1t o'ned +(
Nicolas Beli8o (et since e did not ",l"ill te re@,irements o" te p,+lic
land la' "or te ac@,isition o" s,c lands. Act %#3 pro!ides te rigt o"
te omesteader to te patent does not +ecome a+sol,te ,ntil a"ter e
as complied 'it all te re@,irements o" te la'$ t,s Caana'an lands
'eren1t conK,gal propert( o" "irst marriage d,e to non)compliance. T,s
eld tat land properties so,ld +e di!ided +et'een te t'o conK,gal
partnersips in proportion to te d,ration o" eac partnersip since to
lea!e te eirs "rom te "irst marriage o,t 'o,ld onl( enance discord
and not promote "amil( solidarit(.
101. 92CS2N VS. C24;T 2F APPEALS
FACTS: Petitioner Moises 9ocson and ;espondent Ag,stina 9ocson)
Vas@,e8 are te onl( s,r!i!ing o""springs o" te spo,ses Emilio 9ocson
and AleKandra Po+lete. AleKandra predeceased er ,s+and 'ito,t er
intestate estate +eing settled. Emilio 9ocson con!e(ed +( sale almost all
o" is properties to Ag,stina 9ocson$ incl,ding is 1D0 sare in te estate
o" is 'i"e. Moises sa(s tat it so,ld +e partitioned +et'een im and
Ag,stina tere"ore declaring te said doc,ments n,ll and !oid.
Be"endant Moises sa(s tat te "irst doc,ment 'as signed tro,g "ra,d
and deceit. Same 'it te second and tird doc,ment. Moreo!er$ e
said tat tere co,ld +e no sale +et'een "ater and da,gter on te
same roo"$ and te ,nli@,idated conK,gal propert( also cannot +e sold.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te propert( in @,estion is conK,gal.
;4LING: No. -e"ore tac?ling te main iss,e$ it m,st considered tat
Moises said tat Ag,stina didn1t a!e eno,g ",nds$ +,t ten Ag,stina is
in a +,( and sell +,siness/ and te p,rcase price 'as e!en more tan
te assessed price. Lastl($ Certi"icates o" Title in ins,""icient to pro!e tat
a certain propert( is conK,gal$ it does not at all pro!e tat te properties
'ere gained in te spo,ses li"etime. ;egistration and Ac@,isition o" title
are t'o di""erent acts. In te contrar($ it is clear tat Emilio 9ocson is te
o'ner o" te properties$ +eca,se it 'as registered in is name alone.
FACTS: 4pon te e*press g,arantee o" te Fidelit( and S,ret( Compan(
o" te Pilippine Islands$ te Pilippine Tr,st Compan( granted Agcaoili
a credit in c,rrent acco,nt not to e*ceed #7$777. Angel Ansaldo in t,rn
agreed to indemni"( Fidelit( and S,ret( Compan( "or an( losses and
damages "rom te o+ligations o" Agcaoili to Pilippine Tr,st Compan(.
Agcaoili de"a,lted ence Fidelit( and S,ret( Compan( +ro,gt an action
against Ansaldo "or te reco!er( o" 1%M$ and ca,sed te seri"" to le!(
on te Koint sa!ings acco,nt o" Ansaldo and is 'i"e. Ansaldo said tat
te( le!ied on a conK,gal propert($ ence not lia+le to Ansaldo1s personal
o+ligations. Ansaldo "iled action in te CFI to declare it n,ll and !oid. It
'as granted +( te CFI.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te Koint sa!ings acco,nt is lia+le "or te pa(ment
o" te personal o+ligations o" te ,s+and.
;4LING: No. It m,st +e pro!en tat te "r,its o" te parapernal propert(
+ene"ited te "amil( to pro!e tat it is conK,gal. In tis case$ tere 'as no
e""ort to pro!e tat te o+ligations contracted +ene"ited te "amil( o"
100. CAST;2 VS. MIAT
FACTS: Moises and Miat +o,gt t'o parcels o" land$ one in Parana@,e
and one in Paco. Moises ten 'anted te Parana@,e propert( to imsel"
+,t 'o,ld lea!e te t'o properties to is sons. Moises and Concordia
+o,gt te propert( on installment +asis on 1%FF$ and it 'as onl( on
1%&: it 'as "inised. Ale*ander agreed to sell te said lot to ;omeo.
Ao'e!er$ ;omeo "o,nd o,t tat te propert( 'as sold to Castro +(
Moises. Moises +o,gt te propert( tro,g mortgage "rom Castro.
Ale*ander recei!ed #D0$ Moises 1D0$ ;omeo recei!ed none. Te Co,rt o"
Appeals rendered a decision n,lli"(ing deed o" sale +et'een Moises and
Castro and ordered tem to recon!e( te land to ;omeo "or P03$777.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te Paco propert( is te capital propert( o"
;4LING: No$ it is a conK,gal sare. Since it 'as ac@,ired tro,g Koint
",nds$ Moises and Concordia +o,gt te propert( d,ring te marriage.
Tere 'as e!en a letter "rom Moises to ;omeo con!e(ing te land.
Moreo!er$ Castro is not a +,(er in good "ait. Since te( ?ne' tat tere
'as an ad!erse claim.
FACTS: 2n 9,ne #7$ 1%1& PN- granted te de"endants a credit to te
amo,nt o" P01$ #&: to 'ic de"endants mortgaged stoc?s "rom -PI$
CompaZia Na!iera$ Ba!ao Agric,lt,re and Commercial Compan(. In te
doc,ment$ it did not clearl( so' tat te( 'ere ,s+and and 'i"e$
e*cept in teir ci!il stat,es. It also does not so' tat te( +o,nd
temsel!es solidaril( to te de+t inc,rred. A complaint 'as ten "iled
re@,iring Mr. Ansaldo to pa( is de+t. Be"endants claim tat teir de+t is
not o" a solidar( nat,re and so,ld t,s onl( +ind one to te e*tent o"
teir sare in te o+ligation t,s so,ld not +e carged to teir conK,gal
partnersip. Petitioner raises Art 1:7& o" NCC tat pro!ides all de+ts
inc,rred +( +ot ,s+and and 'i"e d,ring te marriage are cargea+le to
te conK,gal partnersip t,s Margarita Ansaido$ te 'i"e$ is part o" te
o+ligation as er ,s+and as te legal manager o" te conK,gal
partnersip is lia+le "or te de+t. S,preme Co,rt eld tat conK,gal
partnersip so,ld +e ,sed to pa( "or te de+t inc,rred as 'ell as pri!ate
propert( o" eac o" tem since te( are +ot o+ligated. 4pon Motion "or
;econsideration$ te co,rt reasserts tat conK,gal propert( is lia+le "or
te de+t te( inc,rred as ,s+and and 'i"e.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te( are Kointl( lia+le "or te de+ts inc,rred
tro,g conK,gal partnersip
;4LING: Les$ te Ci!il Code e*pressl( states tat partners are not
solidaril( lia+le 'it respect to te de+t o" te partnersip. Also Article
110F pro!ides solidarit( 'ill e*ist onl( 'en it is e*pressl( determined. A
partner cannot +e solidarit( lia+le "or te de+ts o" te partnersip$
+eca,se$ tere is no legal pro!ision imposing s,c +,rden ,pon one.
Properties o" te conK,gal partnersip o" te de"endants are lia+le "or te
de+t to te plainti""$ and in de"a,lt tereo"$ te( are Kointl( lia+le "or te
pa(ment tereo".
FACTS: Te Laperals so,gt "or reco!er( o" mone( e!idenced +(
promissor( notes made +( Matig+a? and "or te reco!er( o" Ke'elr( tat
Matig+a? 'as s,pposed to sell. 2n No! 1$ 1%67 te Trial Co,rt ordered
Matig+a? to pa( +ac? te Laperals and ret,rn te Ke'elr(. 2n Bec 1%67
Matig+a? and E!elina Mala' "iled "or K,dicial separation o" propert( and
separate administration 'ic 'as granted. -( Fe+ 1$ 1%66 te Laperals
"iled complaint tat te separation o" propert( so,ld +e ann,lled and
so,ld +e deemed as conK,gal propert(. 2n Bec. #F$ 1%6& te S,preme
Co,rt rendered K,dgment tat 'ile te conK,gal propert( so,ld +e ,sed
to pa( te de+t o" Matig+a?$ te parapernal propert( o" Mala' so,ldn1t.
As te case 'as remanded te Trial Co,rt rendered K,dgment tat
Mala'1s propert( 'as indeed parapernal.
ISS4E: 5eter or not propert( +eing contested is part o" conK,gal
;4LING: No. Art. 137 o" te Ci!il Code pro!ide properties ac@,ired
d,ring marriage are deemed conK,gal propert( ,nless it is pro!en tat it
+elongs e*cl,si!el( to ,s+and and 'i"e. It 'as so'n tro,g tat G1.
title is in name o" 'i"e alone G#. ,s+and ga!e is marital consent to teir
+eing mortgaged +( is 'i"e G0. 'i"e is "inanciall( a+le to +,( propert(. In
tis case$ pro!ed tat moter o" E!elina +o,gt te contested propert(
"or er$ it 'as ,nder E!elina1s name$ ;amon Matig+a? iss,ed a
mani"estation 'ere e stated e ad no interest in te propert($
,s+and co,ld not a!e a""orded to +,( it. Te land is tere"ore
parapernal and t,s can1t +e s,+Kect to te de+ts o" Matig+a?.
FACTS: GSIS recogni8ed Pasc,al -erciles as an ac?no'ledged nat,ral
cild and oter pri!ate respondents Maria L,isa -erciles Vallreal$ Merc(
-erciles Patacsil and ;oda -erciles as illegitimate cildren o" 9,dge
Pasc,al -erciles 'it Flor F,ente+ella and t,s a!e rigts to is
retirement +ene"its. Tis 'as contested +( is 'i"e Il,minada Ponce and
teir cildren.
ISS4E: 5eter or not GSIS 'as correct in ,polding teir stat,s as a
nat,ral cild and illegitimate cildren
;4LING: No. Art. #&F o" te Ne' Ci!il Code sa( tat illegitimate cildren
oter tan nat,ral are entitled to s,pport and s,c s,ccessional rigts
are granted in te code$ +,t "or tis article to +e applica+le tere m,st +e
admission or recognition o" paternit( o" illegitimate cild. Tere 'as no
e!idence o" admission. Tere 'as no e!idence tat e inter!ened 'en
is name 'as p,t in te +irt certi"icate o" Pasc,al -erciles$ t,s is part
in te +irt certi"icate is n,ll and !oid. Te +aptismal certi"icate as no
'eigt as 'ell and li!ing togeter does not pro!e "iliation$ also$ pict,res
are not proo" o" "iliation. Teir moter 'as not recogni8ed to +e married
to te deceased. ;etirement +ene"its are distri+,ted e@,all( to te "i!e
recogni8ed eirs "rom is marriage to Il,minada Ponce 'o is also an
eir. Tis is in corollar( 'it Art. %33 o" te Ne' Ci!il Code tat pro!ides
i" a 'ido' or 'ido'er and legit cildren or descendants are le"t$ s,r!i!ing
spo,se as in te s,ccession te same sare as tat o" eac o" te
cildren. And$ +( Art. %&7 o" Ne' Ci!il Code$ cildren o" deceased sall
al'a(s inerit "rom im in teir o'n rigt$ di!iding te ineritance in
e@,al sares.
FACTS: Plainti"" commenced an action to reco!er o" te de"endant te
possession o" a certain parcel o" land togeter 'it te s,m o" P1#6 per
mont. Be"endant ans'ered and "iled a co,nterclaim "or ser!ices
rendered +( te deceased to te plainti"" and reco!er( o" certain Ke'elr(
alleged to +e in te possession in te plainti"". Te Ke'els in @,estion
+e"ore te possession o" te same 'as gi!en to te plainti"" +elonged to
te de"endant personall( and tat se ad inerited te same "rom er
moter. Be"endant L,cia is te 'ido' o" Bomingo Franco and a"ter te
deat o" er ,s+and se 'as appointed as te administratri*. A sort
time +e"ore te deat o" Bomingo e +orro'ed "rom plainti"" mone( and
ga!e as sec,rit( te Ke'elr(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Ke'elr( is conK,gal propert(.
;4LING: It 'as contended tat te Ke'elr( 'as ne!er deli!ered to
Plainti"". It 'as so'n tat te ?e( to te +o* 'ere te Ke'elr( 'as ?ept
remained 'it te deceased. Be"endant no' denies tat se ?ne' tat
er ,s+and ad pa'ned er Ke'els or tat se promised to redeem te
same +( pa(ing te amo,nt d,e. ;ecord so's tat te Ke'els 'ere te
sole and separate propert( o" te 'i"e ac@,ired "rom er moter. It is part
o" er parapernal propert(. As s,c se e*ercised dominion o!er te
same. Se ad te e*cl,si!e control and management o" te same$ ,ntil
and ,nless se ad deli!ered it to er ,s+and$ +e"ore a notar( p,+lic$
'it te intent tat te ,s+and migt administer it properl(.GArticle 10&:$
Ci!il Code.. Tere is no proo" in te record tat se ad e!er deli!ered
te same to er ,s+and$ in an( manner$ or "or an( p,rpose.
FACTS: Amailia Plata p,rcased land 'ic e ten sold te propert( to
Celso Saldana +,t e resold it to er se!en monts a"ter 'en se 'as
alread( married to Ga,dencio -egosa. 2n Sept 1%6&$ Amalia mortgaged
to Cesarea Villan,e!a te propert( in consideration o" a loan o" 0$777.
Ga,dencio also signed te deal. Amalia and Ga,dencio "ailed to pa(
mortgage and te land 'as ten sold to Cesarea and ,s+and Gregorio.
Te( ten s,ed Ga,dencio -egosa alone "or illegal detainer 'ic 'as
granted. Ao'e!er$ Amalia resisted all e""orts eKecting er "rom te part(
since se is claiming tat land 'as er o'n parapernal propert( and not
conK,gal propert(
ISS4E: 5eter or not Amalia is +o,nd +( te detainer K,dgment against
Ga,dencio -egosa.
;4LING: No$ S,""icientl( pro!ed tat propert( contested is er o'n
e*cl,si!e parapernal propert( since se o'ned it +e"ore marriage and
e!en i" Saldana did gi!e it +ac? to er 'en se 'as alread( married it
did not trans"orm it to conK,gal propert( since tere 'as no proo" tat
te( mone( paid to Saldana came "rom common or conK,gal ",nds. And
since Cesarea and Gregorio 'ere also a'are tat propert( 'as
parapernal as clearl( stated in land records$ illegal detainer K,dgment
against te ,s+and alone doesn1t a""ect te parapernal propert( o"
Amalia. T,s se ad a rigt to ignore te K,dgment o" e!iction against
er ,s+and. Te S,preme Co,rt can1t decide at te moment 'eter
propert( is !alidl( con!e(ed to Cesarea and Gregorio it 'as ten
remanded to Co,rt o" First Instance o" E,e8on Cit(.
FACTS: Ailario Lim died intestate in 1%70$ 'it an estate !al,ed at
P67$777. It 'as alleged in te in!entor( +( te administrator$ L,is Lim$
tat e!er(ting +,t a o,se and lot$ P17? Gparapernalia. and PF77
Gac@,ired as pa(ment "or te land tat e sold. 'ere te conK,gal
propert( o" Ailario and is 'i"e$ Isa+el Garcia. Te administrator
contends tat te said properties 'ere te separate properties o" Ailario
+eca,se e allegedl( +ro,gt tem into te marriage alone. Te tree
parcels o" land 'ere onl( con!e(ed to Isa+el as a gi"t or "or !al,a+le
consideration +( Ailario d,ring te co!ert,re/ ence$ it is a !oid donation.
Te PF77 'as te price e ad recei!ed "or te sale o" a certain lot.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te parcels o" land 'ere conK,gal propert(.
;4LING: No$ te e!idence so' tat te properties 'ere not ac@,ired +(
Isa+el +( con!e(ance "rom Ailario +,t +( tird parties +( 'a( o"
e*cange "or a certain propert( se ad inerited "rom er "ater1s
estate. Aence$ te( are er separate properties according to Ci!il Code
Art. 10%3 G0. since te( 'ere ac@,ired +( e*cange o" er separate
properties. 5ile te ;TC eld tat te( 'ere part o" er do'r($ te
record did not pro!e tat it 'as so and e!idence strongl( s,pported te
pres,mption tat it 'as and contin,ed to +e part o" er separate estate.
;egarding te PF77 Gte +alance o" te price recei!ed "or te lot. and te
+,ildings constr,cted tereon$ S,preme Co,rt eld tat te( 'ere part o"
te conK,gal properties since te +,ildings 'ere constr,cted o,t o" te
conK,gal partnersip ",nds. E!en i" te land sold 'as te separate
propert( o" Ailario$ Ci!il Code 1:7: olds tat te +,ildings$ erected
d,ring co!ert,re on a land +elonging to one o" te spo,se$ 'ill +e
considered as conK,gal partnersip propert($ tat is =a"ter allo'ing te
o'ner o" te land te !al,e tereo".
FACTS: Plainti"" commenced an action to reco!er o" te de"endant te
possession o" a certain parcel o" land togeter 'it te s,m o" P1#6 per
mont. Be"endant ans'ered and "iled a co,nterclaim "or ser!ices
rendered +( te deceased to te plainti"" and reco!er( o" certain Ke'elr(
alleged to +e in te possession in te plainti"". Te Ke'els in @,estion
+e"ore te possession o" te same 'as gi!en to te plainti"" +elonged to
te de"endant personall( and tat se ad inerited te same "rom er
moter. Be"endant L,cia is te 'ido' o" Bomingo Franco and a"ter te
deat o" er ,s+and se 'as appointed as te administratri*. A sort
time +e"ore te deat o" Bomingo e +orro'ed "rom plainti"" mone( and
ga!e as sec,rit( te Ke'elr(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te Ke'elr( needs to +e ret,rned to te
;4LING: Te record so's tat te Ke'els 'ere te sole and separate
propert( o" te 'i"e$ ac@,ired "rom er moter$ and in te a+sence o"
",rter proo"$ 'e m,st pres,me tat te( constit,ted a part o" er
parapernal propert(. As s,c parapernal propert( se e*ercised
dominion o!er te same. GArticle 10&#$ Ci!il Code.. Se ad te
e*cl,si!e control and management o" te same$ ,ntil and ,nless se ad
deli!ered it to er ,s+and$ +e"ore a notar( p,+lic$ 'it te intent tat te
,s+and migt administer it properl(. GArticle 10&:$ Ci!il Code.. Tere is
no proo" in te record tat se ad e!er deli!ered te same to er
,s+and$ in an( manner$ or "or an( p,rpose. Tat +eing tr,e$ se co,ld
not +e depri!ed o" te same +( an( act o" er ,s+and$ 'ito,t er
consent$ and 'ito,t compliance 'it te pro!isions o" te Ci!il Code
a+o!e cited.
FACTS: A,tori8ed as te special co)administrator o" te testate estate
o" Clara Tam+,nting de Legarda$ Vicente Legarda sold #&7 s@.m. o" te
Legarda Tam+,nting S,+di!ision to Br. A+elardo L,cero "or P07Ds@.m.$
pa(a+le on an installment +asis. L,cero paid te initial amo,nt o" P#77
and Legarda iss,ed a receipt and deli!ered te propert( to im. Alto,g
e 'as ordered +( te CFI to sell te S,+di!ision$ Legarda "ailed to
e*ec,te te necessar( doc,mentDs and to s,+mit te same to te Co,rt
"or appro!al as e 'as ordered. Ae did not e*ec,te and register a deed
o" sale in a p,+lic instr,ment. Mean'ile$ L,cera s,+se@,entl( leased
te propert( on 1%60 to si* tenants$ 'o paid montl( rentals and
constr,cted teir o,ses tereon. 2n 9,l( 01$ 1%63$ CFI a,tori8ed
Pilippine Tr,st Compan( as administrator o" te estate to sell te
s,+di!ision at te earliest possi+le time. Aence$ it sold te same portion
o" te propert( to Manoto? ;ealt($ Inc. Alto,g te propert( 'as
ad!ertised "or sale$ L,cera "ailed to appear in te estate proceedings.
Instead$ e 'aited "or Legarda$ 'o 'as no longer a special co)
administrator$ to send im te "ormal contract in order "or im to ma?e
",rter pa(ments. In 1%6F)1%6&$ PTC re",sed to entertain L,cero 'en
e "inall( 'ent to tem "or pa(ment o" te propert( +eca,se te estate
'as ten in!ol!ed in litigation. Conse@,ent to te litigation$ a deed o"
sale 'as ten iss,ed to Manoto? ;ealt($ Inc. on Marc 10$ 1%6%/ te
same 'as appro!ed +( te Co,rt. 2n 9an. 1%33$ Manoto? ;ealt($ Inc.
demanded te s,rrender o" te act,al and material possession o" te
propert( and on Marc :$ 1%33$ it "iled a complaint "or eKectment.
Alto,g s,mmonses 'ere ser!ed to L,cero and tenant SoKio$ L,cero
instead e*ec,ted a deed o" assignment o" te lot in "a!or o" is lessees.
5en ;TC "a!ored Manoto? ;ealt($ Inc.$ L,cero alleged on appeal to
CA tat te sale made +( Legarda 'as !alid +eca,se Legarda 'as
a,tori8ed to do so and ence$ tere 'as no need "or te appro!al o" te
pro+ate co,rt.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te sale +et'een Legarda and L,cero 'as !alid.
;4LING: No$ te Co,rt directed Legarda to sell te s,+di!ision +(
e*ec,ting te necessar( doc,mentDs and s,+mitting it to te Co,rt "or
appro!al 'ic Legarda "ailed to do especiall( 'ere te sale 'as on
installment +asis. Moreo!er$ te receipt does not con"orm to te legal
re@,irements o" contracts o" sale since it 'as neiter e*ec,ted in a
p,+lic instr,ment nor registered 'it te ;egistr( o" Beeds. -( !irt,e o"
Sec. 1$ ;,le F0 GEstate o" 2la!e !. ;e(es. and Sec. :$ ;,le &% GVda. de
Gil !. Cancio. o" te ;,les o" Co,rt$ te Co,rt as a pro+ate co,rt is
a,tori8ed to appro!e sales o" immo!a+le properties +elonging to an
estate o" a decedent. Aence$ te sale 'as in!alid and ,nen"orcea+le
Gagainst tird parties.. L,cero and SoKio 'ere also "o,nd to a!e acted in
+ad "ait since te latter 'aited a long time +e"ore going to PTC$ ignored
te Co,rt s,mmons$ and instead e*ec,ted a deed o" assignment$ 'ile
te latter constr,cted a o,se 'en e 'as a mere lessee.
FACTS: Emiliano -oncan Lap +orro'ed P1:? "rom te International
-an?ing Corporation in order to constr,ct a o,se. Ae ten con!e(ed te
o,se to is 'i"e$ AleKandra Palanca de -oncan$ on Sept. #7$ 1%7:$
'ic te latter accepted$ as a g,arant( "or te pa(ment o" is de+t to
I-C. 5en Smit$ -ell > Co. later o+tained a K,dgment and 'rit o"
e*ec,tion against Emiliano "or te collection o" mone( and e "ailed to
pa($ te propert( 'as le!ied. AleKandra "iled "or declaration tat te
propert( 'as er e*cl,si!e propert( and demanded its possession and
te dissol,tion o" te le!(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te propert( is AleKandra1s e*cl,si!el(.
;4LING: No$ +eca,se te +orro'ed P1:? o" Emiliano 'as made ,pon
credit o" te propert( o" is 'i"e$ te mone( +ecame conK,gal propert( +(
!irt,e o" Ci!il Code 1:71 G0.. Te s,+se@,ent ,se o" te mone( to te
constr,ction o" te o,se also made te o,se conK,gal propert( and
lia+le to te pa(ment o" is de+ts +( !irt,e o" Ci!il Code 1:7&.
1::. T2;ELA VS. T2;ELA
FACTS: 2n Becem+er #1$ 1%#%$ Becree No. ::716F 'as iss,ed in "a!or
o" Felimon Torela$ married to Graciana Gallego$ decreeing tat e is te
o'ner o" a certain parcel o" land GLot No. 0FF7.. -( Marc 6$ 1%6&$
Felimon Torela$ "iled a Motion E*)Parte alleging tat Lot No. 0FF7 o" te
Ca,a(an Cadastre a!ing +een ac@,ired +( im +( 'a( o" ineritance
prior to is marriage to is "irst 'i"e. Ae$ tere"ore$ pra(ed tat te co,rt
order te ;egister o" Beeds o" Negros 2ccidental to cange is
Gmo!antHs. ci!il stat,s$ appearing on te "ace o" te original certi"icate o"
title$ I"rom Felimon Torela$ married to Graciana Gallego to Felimon
Torela$ married to Marciana GepanagoI. Ae ten e*ec,ted a de"inite
deed o" sale 'ere+($ "or and in consideration o" P0$777.77$ e sold Lot
No. 0FF7 o" te Cadastral S,r!e( o" Ca,a(an to Marcos P. Mail,m and
Maria L,na Mail,m. Te cildren claim tat te land 'as conK,gal
propert( and te( 'ere entitled to te proceeds. Te( claim tat 'ile in
teir (o,t te( ad seen teir "ater Felimon and teir moter Graciana
Gallego clean te lot in @,estion. Felimon Torela declared tat e and
is "irst 'i"e Graciana 'ere married in 1%16 and te land in @,estion 'as
decreed in te name o" Felimon Torela$ married to Graciana Gallego.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te parcel o" land erein in!ol!ed is a conK,gal
propert( o" te spo,ses Felimon Torela and Graciana Gallego Gplainti""sH
;4LING: Te propert( in @,estion is not one o" tose en,merated in
Article 1:71 o" te 2ld Ci!il Code. 2n te oter and$ as it 'as inerited
+( Felimon "rom is parents and +ro,gt to te marriage 'it is "irst
'i"e$ te same is deemed is separate propert( GArt$ 10%3$ 2ld Ci!il
Code.. For tese reasons$ de"endant Felimon Torela ad la'",ll(
disposed o" is propert( to te e*cl,sion o" is cildren +( is "irst
marriage. Becree No. ::716F 'ic con"irmed te o'nersip o" Felimon
Torela o!er te land in @,estion descri+ed im as married to Graciana
Gallego 'as merel( descripti!e o" is ci!il stat,s at tat time and cannot
+e ta?en as proo" tat te land 'as ac@,ired d,ring teir co!ert,re. Te
",rter circ,mstance tat te land 'as registered d,ring teir marriage
cannot in itsel" constit,te proo" tat it 'as ac@,ired d,ring teir marriage
"or land registration ,nder Act No. :%3$ as amended$ does not con"er
title/ it merel( con"irms a title alread( e*isting and 'ic is registera+le.
FACTS: Te s,+Kect o" te action is 07 parcels o" land 'ic te( claim
to +e te conK,gal propert( o" te spo,ses Bonata Montema(or and
Clod,aldo Vit,g o" 'ic te( claim a sare o" #D11 o" 1D# tereo". Te(
assailed te mortgage to te PN- and te p,+lic a,ction o" te
properties as n,ll and !oid. Te( in!o?ed te case o" Vit,g !s.
Montema(or$ L)6#%F decided +( tis Co,rt on 2ct. #7$ 1%60 'ic is an
action "or partition and li@,idation o" te said 07 parcels o" land 'erein
te properties 'ere "o,nd to +e conK,gal in nat,re.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te properties +elong to te one spo,se alone.
;4LING: 5en te propert( is registered in te name o" a spo,se onl(
and tere is no so'ing as to 'en te propert( 'as ac@,ired +( said
spo,se$ tis is an indication tat te propert( +elongs e*cl,si!el( to said
spo,se. And tis pres,mption ,nder Art. 137 o" te Ci!il Code cannot
pre!ail 'en te title is in te name o" onl( one spo,se and te rigts o"
innocent tird parties are in!ol!ed.
FACTS: ;espondents instit,ted a case against Martin Lacerna to compel
partition o" a parcel o" land to 'ic Martin ad per"ected a claim +(
omestead. ;espondents claiming to te common cildren o" Martin and
is 'i"e$ E,sta@ia$ 'o died in 1%60$ asserted a rigt to Y o" te land as
teir moterQs sare in er conK,gal partnersip 'it Martin. Be"endant
denied marriage to E,sta@ia alto,g e admitted li!ing 'it er 'ito,t
+ene"it o" marriage. Trial Co,rt "o,nd tat Martin 'as indeed married to
E,sta@ia and te respondents 'ere teir cildren. Te Trial Co,rt ",rter
"o,nd tat Martin ad +eg,n 'or?ing te omestead$ and is rigt to a
patent to te land accr,ed$ d,ring is co!ert,re 'it E,sta@,ia. 2n te
+asis o" tese "indings$ te plainti""s 'ere declared entitled to te al" o"
te land claimed +( tem. It appears tat at te time te case 'as
+ro,gt no certi"icate o" title as +een iss,ed to Martin alto,g e ad
complied 'it te re@,irements necessar( to te grant. Te 2CT 'as
onl( iss,ed 'ile LacernaQs appeal 'as pending in te IAC. It states on
its "ace tat it is iss,ed in te name o" I ... MA;TIN LACE;NA$ Filipino$
o" legal age$ married to Epi"ania Magallon ...$I te latter +eing te present
petitioner. IAC r,led in "a!or o" respondents t,s a 'rit o" e*ec,tion 'as
ISS4E: 5eter or not te propert( is o'ned +( Martin and Petitioner.
;4LING: No. Te land in @,estion$ 'ic rigt",ll( pertained to te
conK,gal partnersip o" Martin Lacerna and E,sta@,ia Pican$ te
plainti""Hs moter$ and so,ld a!e +een titled in te names o" said
spo,ses$ 'as$ tro,g "ra,d or mista?en$ registered in te names o"
Martin Lacerna and petitioner erein$ Epi"ania Magallon In s,c a
sit,ation$ te propert( so,ld +e regarded as impressed 'it an implied$
or a constr,cti!e$ tr,st "or te part( rigt",ll( entitled tereto. Te
petitioner erein$ as te tr,stee o" a constr,cti!e tr,st$ as an o+ligation
to con!e( to te pri!ate respondents tat part o" te land in @,estion to
'ic se no' claims an ostensi+le title$ said portion rigt",ll( pertaining
to te respondentsH deceased moter as er sare in te conK,gal
partnersip 'it Martin Lacerna. Te prase Imarried to Epi"ania
Magallon 'ritten a"ter te name o" Martin Lacerna in said certi"icate o"
title is merel( descripti!e o" te ci!il stat,s o" Martin Lacerna$ te
registered o'ner$ and does not necessaril( pro!e tat te land is
IconK,galI propert( o" Lacerna and petitioner. Neiter can petitioner
in!o?e te pres,mption esta+lised in Article 137 o" te Ci!il Code tat
propert( ac@,ired d,ring te marriage +elongs to te conK,gal
partnersip$ tere +eing no proo" o" er alleged marriage to Martin
Lacerna e*cept tat 'ic arises +( implication "rom te a"orestated
entr( in te certi"icate o" title and "or te "ar more compelling reason tat
te omestead claim on te land 'as so'n to a!e +een per"ected
d,ring Martin LacernaHs marriage to E,sta@,ia Pican$ moter o" te
pri!ate respondents.
FACTS: ;espondents 'ere legitimate cildren o" Agripino C,enca and
Maria -angaon$ +ot deceased$ o'ners o" te s,+Kect parcels o" land.
Te( allege tat some o" te parcels are parapernal propert( o" Maria
'ile all oters are conK,gal. Te( also allege tat Engracia -asadre and
Agripino 'ere not legall( married +eca,se at te time te( li!ed togeter
Agripino 'as married to a certain 9es,sa Pagar. Petitioners denied
legitimac( o" te marriage +et'een Agripino and Maria as 'ell as te
legitimac( o" te respondents. Te( claimed tat Agripino and teir
moter Engracia -asadre 'ere legall( married and tat te( are te
legitimate cildren tereo". Te( also contend tat s,+Kect parcels o" land
are conK,gal properties o" Agripino and Engracia. Te Appellate Co,rt
eld Agripino$ in is li"etime$ e*pressed in te e*traK,dicial settlement o"
te estate o" Maria -angaon$ proo"s tat properties in @,estion +elong
e*cl,si!el( to Maria as er parapernal propert(. Ta* declarations 'ere
presented +( petitioners are not real e!idence to pro!e o'nersip or
possession. Petitioners 'anted to present ne' e!idence to pro!e: tat
Engraciaand Agripino 'ere legall( married/ tat oter petitioners 'ere
te legitimate cildren$ and/ tat s,+Kect parcels o" land 'ere conK,gal
properties o" Agripino and Engracia.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te s,+Kect parcels o" land 'ere conK,gal
properties o" Agripino and Engracia.
;4LING: No. Art. 137 o" NCC: all propert( o" te marriage is pres,med
to +elong to te conK,gal partnersip$ ,nless it +e pro!ed tat it pertains
e*cl,si!el( to te ,s+and or te 'i"e. Te pres,mption re"ers onl( to
te propert( ac@,ired d,ring marriage and doesn1t operate 'en tere is
no so'ing as to 'en propert( alleged to +e conK,gal 'as ac@,ired.
Boc,ments so,gt to +e presented do not so' tat te claims to te
s,+Kect parcels consisting o" omestead lands 'ere per"ected d,ring te
marriage o" Agripino and Engracia. Pres,mption cannot pre!ail 'en te
title is in te name o" onl( one spo,se and te rigts o" innocent tird
parties are in!ol!ed. Boc,ments so' tat 6 o,t o" & parcels co!ered are
titled in te name o" eiter respondent Meladora or ;etit,to Pres,mption
cannot pre!ail$ tere"ore petition 'as dismissed.
FACTS: Tis case is a+o,t te o"")loading o" ;a"ael C,l,eta "rom is
"ligt +ac? to te Pilippines. ;a"ael C,l,eta$ along 'as is 'i"e and
da,gter$ 'as tra!eling "rom 5a?e island$ going +ac? ome to Manila.
5ile 'aiting "or te "ligt$ Mr. C,l,eta 'ent to relie!e imsel"$ +,t "or
some 'eird reason$ did not go into one o" te & restrooms in te
terminal$ +,t 'ent to a secl,ded spot in te +eac o,tside some :77
(ards "rom te terminal. 4pon is ret,rn$ e 'as late$ and te captain o"
te plane$ Capt. Centner 'as alread( +eing arrogant. As s,c tere 'as
an altercation +et'een Centner and C,l,eta. Conse@,entl($
Capt.Centner ad C,l,etaQs l,ggage o"" loaded$ +,t onl( 0 o" te :
s,itcases 'ere "o,nd$ and te last piece o" l,ggage remained on te
"ligt to Manila. 2riginall($ E!en Mrs. and Ms. C,l,eta 'ere s,pposed to
+e o""loaded$ +,t Mr. C,l,eta 'as a+le to negotiate a compromise to
allo' tem to sta( on te plane +ac? to Manila. 4pon reacing Manila$
'i"e tried as?ing local Pan)Am o""ice to +ring er ,s+and ome +,t te(
re",sed. 5en C,l,eta s,ed$ trial co,rt a'arded tem damages 'ic
te SC red,ced te amo,nt ,pon appeal +( Pan)Am. 4pon$ motion "or
reconsideration initiated +( +ot parties Gcase at and.$ C,l,eta 'ants
te trial co,rtQs decision to +e a""irmed in toto 'ile Pan)Am 'ants te
amo,nt o" damages red,ced.0# 5ile 'aiting "or te res,lts o" te
appeal$ Mr. and Mrs. C,l,eta$ "or reasons o" teir o'n$ separated "rom
eac oter. Mrs. C,l,eta ten entered into a compromise agreement 'it
Pan)Am$ settling "or P67$777.77. Motion to dismiss$ as "ar as se 'as
concerned an('a($ 'as "iled +,t 'as s,+se@,entl( denied +( te SC on
te gro,nd tat te 'i"e cannot +ind te conK,gal partnersip 'ito,t te
,s+andQs consent$ e*cept in case cases pro!ided +( la'.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te damages in!ol!ed are part o" te conK,gal
;4LING: Les. Plainti""s Mr. and Mrs. C,l,eta entered into a contract o"
carriage 'it de"endant$ one 'ic 'as ,ltimatel( +reaced +( te
o""loading o" Mr. C,l,eta. Te a'ard o" damages tere"ore 'as done
collecti!el(. Since Mr. C,l,eta$ a!ing acted in is capacit( as
administrator$ entered into contract 'it PanAm and paid "or tis 'it
",nds "rom te ConK,gal ",nds$ damages inc,rred +( +reac o" contract
o" carriage nat,rall( 'o,ld +e conK,gal.
FACTS: Ponciano ;e(es and 9,lia de ;e(es 'ere married in 1%16.
Te( 'ere a+le to ac@,ire t'o parcels o" land in EC$ pl,s +,ildings
erected tereon "rom Araneta Inc. sometime in Fe+. 1%:F on installment
+asis. Te( ad to +orro' mone( "rom te ;ea+ilitation Finance
Corporation G;FC. to pa( te installments G# Koint loans o" P1#$777 and
P&$777 ac@,ired on 1%:& and 1%6# respecti!el(.. In te deed o" sale$ te
!endee named is 94LIA de ;ELES$ 'it marital consent "rom Ponciano.
Te trans"er certi"icates in te ;egister o" Beeds 'ere also in er name.
Te spo,ses +,ilt a o,se and camarin on te lots 'ic 'ere
e!ent,all( leased to E"ren and Inocencia Mendo8a Gappellees. 'o
trans"ormed te camarin into a mo!ie o,se. No!em+er 1%6&$ te ;e(es
spo,ses ad to as? "or an e*tension o" 6 (ears "rom te Be!Qt -an? o"
te Pil Gs,ccessor o" te ;FC. "or te pa(ment o" te mone( te(
+orro'ed$ as pa(ment "or te o,tstanding +alance o" te lots. 2n Marc
0$ 1%31$ 9,lia sold te lots to te Mendo8a co,ple 'ile Ponciano 'as in
Pampanga$ attending to is "arm. Te co,ple ainQt cool 'it one anoter
an(more. Te sale 'as made 'ito,t te consent o" Ponciano. te
contract 'as entered into ,sing ",nds "rom te conK,gal partnersip$ i"
te rigt o" redemption pertains to te 'i"e$ it ma( ma?e te propert(
redeemed$ in tis case te damages$ not conK,gal. in tis case o'e!er$
since tis rigt o" redemption 'as not pro!en$ tere remains a
pres,mption tat te damages are part o" te conK,gal propert(. In te
end$ petitions 'ere dismissed. Trans"er certi"icates 'ere iss,ed to
Mendo8as. Ponciano "iled a case in te CFI "or te ann,lment o" te
sale. Te Mendo8as and 9,lia allege tat te lots 'ere parapernal
properties o" 9,lia$ and te p,rcase 'as done in good "ait. Te CFI
r,led in "a!or o" 9,lia and te Mendo8as. Te Co,rt o" Appeals re!ersed
te decision$ declaring te sale n,ll and !oid 'it respect to te Y sare
o" 9,lia to te lots in @,estion.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te properties in @,estion conK,gal or
;4LING: Co,rt sa(s conK,gal. Te Co,rt applied Art. 160 o" te Ci!il
Code GArt.11F o" te FC par.1.$ declaring tat te properties are ac@,ired
+( onero,s title d,ring te marriage. ;ecords so' tat te ",nds came
"rom loans o+tained +( te ;e(es spo,ses "rom te ;FC. Alto,g 9,lia
'as contending tat te mone( came "rom er personal ",nds and "rom
te donations o" er moter$ !ario,s records so' oter'ise GIncome
Ta* ;et,rns W declaring conK,gal partnersip.$ and se did not den( te
tr,t o" tese statements.
FACTS: Mercedes Calimlim)Can,llas Gpetitioner. and Fernando Can,llas
'ere married Bec 1%$ 1%3#. Te( +egot 6 ?ids. Te( li!ed in a o,se on
te residential land in @,estion$ located at -aca+ac$ -,gallon$
Pangasinan. A"ter FernandoQs dad died in 1%36$ e inerited te land. In
1%F&$ Fernando a+andoned tis "amil( and li!ed 'it Cora8on Bag,ines
Gpri!ate ;espondent. B,ring te pendenc( o" tis appeal$ te( 'ere
con!icted o" conc,+inage +( te CFI$ 'ic K,dgment ad +ecome "inal.
2n April 16$ 1%&7$ Fernando sold te s,+Kect propert( 'it te o,se
tereon to Cora8on Bag,ines "or te s,m o" P#777. In te deed o" sale$
Fernando descri+ed te o,se as =also inerited +( me "rom m(
deceased parents . Cora8on o'e!er 'as ,na+le to ta?e possession o"
te o,se and lot +eca,se o" Mercedes$ so se initiated a complaint
against Mercedes "or te @,ieting o" title and "or damages. Mercedes
claims tat te o,se in disp,te 'ere se and er cildren 'ere
residing$ incl,ding te cocon,t trees on te land$ 'ere +,ilt and planted
'it conK,gal ",nds and tro,g er ind,str(/ se also claims tat te
sale o" land togeter 'it te o,se and impro!ements to Cora8on 'as
n,ll and !oid +eca,se te( are C2N94GAL P;2PE;TIES and se ad
N2T GIVEN C2NSENT to te sale. Te original K,dgment declared
Cora8on as te la'",l o'ner o" te land in @,estion as 'ell as te Y o"
te o,se erected on said lands. 4pon reconsideration pra(ed "or +(
Mercedes$ respondent co,rt amended te prior decision and resol!ed
tat te plainti"" GCora8on. is Gstill. te tr,e o'ner o" te land in @,estion
and te 17 cocon,t trees$ G+,t. declared te sale o" te conK,gal o,se
to plainti"" incl,ding 0 cocon,t trees and oter crops planted d,ring te
conK,gal relation +et'een Fernando Can,llas and is legitimate 'i"e
GMercedes.. Aence tis case.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te constr,ction o" a conK,gal o,se on te
e*cl,si!e propert( o" te ,s+and ipso "acto ga!e te land te caracter
o" conK,gal propert(.
;4LING: Les. A correct interpretation o" Art 16&06 (ields tat: -ot te
land and te +,ilding +elong to te conK,gal partnersip +,t te conK,gal
partnersip is inde+ted to te ,s+and "or te !al,e o" te land. Te
spo,se o'ning te lot +ecomes a creditor o" te conK,gal partnersip "or
te !al,e o" te lot$ 'ic !al,e 'o,ld +e reim+,rsed at te li@,idation o"
te conK,gal partnersip. Fernando co,ld not a!e alienated te o,se
lot to Cora8on since Mercedes ad not gi!en er consent to said sale.
161. MA;AM-A VS. L2CAN2
FACTS: In 1%:&$ plainti"" Maram+a "iles a complaint "or te collection o"
a s,m o" mone( "rom spo,ses Nie!es and Pasc,al Lo8ano. Tis 'as
granted +( te co,rt. 2n 1%37$ not satis"ied 'it te K,dgment$ Lo8ano
appealed to te CA 'o dismissed appeal +eca,se it 'as not "iled on
time. ;ecord o" te case 'as ten remanded to te co,rt a @,o and a
'rit o" e*ec,tion 'as iss,ed. 2n A,g. 1&$ 1%37$ a le!( on a parcel o"
land in te name o" Nie!es Lo8ano 'as made. A notice o" a sale at a
p,+lic a,ction 'as also made and sced,led "or Sept. 13$ 1%37.
Ao'e!er$ Lo8ano ad made a partial pa(ment +( ten and as?ed "or an
adKo,rnment o" te sale to 2cto+er #3. B,ring tis time$ er ,s+and
died. Se ten pra(ed "or a restraining order on te sale o" te lot "or
sale +eing er parapernal propert(. Se also pra(ed tat er lia+ilit( +e
ten "i*ed at Y o" te amo,nt a'arded in te K,dgment. Te sale
proceeded an('a(. 2n 9,ne #&$ 1%31$ trial co,rt granted te motion o"
Nie!es Lo8ano. Te sale on er propert( 'as allo'ed to proceed to
satis"( er lia+ilit( 'ic is onl( al" no' "rom te original. G"rom
P0$677.7F to P1$F67.7:.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te K,dgment de+t co,ld +e satis"ied "rom te
proceeds o" te properties sold at te p,+lic a,ction.
;4LING: It cannot. Tis is onl( on properties ac@,ired d,ring te
marriage. In tis case$ it is esta+lised tat te propert( is parapernal to
te 'i"e alone. Te co,rt as pre!io,sl( stated tat te constr,ction o" a
o,se at conK,gal e*pense on te e*cl,si!e propert( o" one o" te
spo,ses does not a,tomaticall( ma?e it conK,gal.
Te o'nersip remains te same ,ntil te !al,e is paid +,t pa(ment can
onl( +e demanded in te li@,idation o" te partnersip. Since tere 'as
no li@,idation (et in te conK,gal partnersip o" Nie!es and Pasc,al$ er
e*cl,si!e propert( cannot +e made to ans'er "or te lia+ilit( o" te oter
de"endant. 5ile te( ma( +ot ,se te +,ilding constr,cted in
parapernal land$ o'nersip is still 'it er ,ntil li@,idation o"
partnersip pa(s "or it.
16#. 9AVIE; VS. 2SMENA
FACTS: Florentino Collantes$ ,s+and o" Petrona 9a!ier$ +ecame
inde+ted to te estate o" Tomas 2smena. Seri"" e*ec,ted K,dgment o"
de+t +( selling at p,+lic a,ction all te rigt$ title$ interest or sare 'ic
te Collates ad or migt a!e in t'o parcels o" impro!ed real estate and
especiall( te ,s,"r,ct,ar( interest terein o" Pasc,ala Santos$ te
s,r!i!ing 'ido' o" Feli* 9a!ier$ 'ic interest 'as ac@,ired +( Petrona
9a!ier G'i"e.. Speci"icall( te land inerited +( Petrona "rom er parents
and te ,s,"r,ct,ar( rigt ac@,ired "rom Petrona1s "ater1s second 'i"e
"or te s,m o" P0$777 Gamo,nt 'as +orro'ed gi!ing as sec,rit( "or te
loan an mortgage on te propert( se ad inerited.. Petrona 9a!ier
claimed tat Collantes ad no rigts in said properties or in te
,s,"r,ct,ar( interest and "iled "or ann,lment o" sale. Te 2smena estate
admitted e*cl,si!e rigt o" o'nersip/ claimed tat te mone( 'ic said
,s,"r,ct,ar( interest 'as p,rcased +elonged to te conK,gal
partnersip and tere"ore te rigt o" ,s,"r,ct +elonged to said conK,gal
partnersip. Te CFI: ann,lled onl( te sale o" # properties.
ISS4E: 5eter or not "r,its o" parapernal propert( so,ld +e ,sed to
pa( o"" te de+t inc,rred +( te ,s+and
;4LING: Les. Art 1:71 o" Ci!il Code pro!ides tat "r,its$ re!en,e$ or
interest collected d,ring marriage coming "rom partnersip propert( o"
"rom tat 'ic +elongs to eiter o" te spo,ses is comm,nit( propert(.
T,s$ "r,its o" parapernal propert( "orm part o" assets o" conK,gal
partnersip and are lia+le "or pa(ment o" marriage e*penses. 5i"e
manages parapernal propert( +,t te "r,its o" s,c are managed +( te
,s+and as te administrator o" conK,gal propert(. Be+t e inc,rred in
tis case 'as to meet te o+ligations o" te conK,gal partnersip and
'ere "or te +ene"it o" te "amil( in is e*ercise o" pro"ession or ind,str(.
T,s conK,gal partnersip can +e ,sed to pa( it o""
FACTS: PCI- is te administrator o" te estate o" te deceased C.N.
Aodges. PCI- "iled "or te reco!er( o" a parcel o" land GLot 1#6&)G.
p,rcased +( ;amon Sta. ;omana "rom C.N. Aodges. Seri"" le!ied on
te rigts and interests o" ;amon Sta. ;omana o!er Lot 1#6&)F and
impro!ements$ also p,rcased "rom C.N. Aodges. A tird part( claim
'as "iled +( Emilio Sta. ;omana 'o claimed tat Lot 1#6&)F and its
impro!ements ad +een sold to im. Te ;TC rescinded te contract
and ordered ret,rn o" possession o" Lot 1#6&)G. Te CA a""irmed
decision. Te trial K,dge iss,ed a 'rit o" e*ec,tion and te seri"" iss,ed
a notice o" sale at p,+lic a,ction o" te rigts and interests o" ;amon
Sta. ;omana o!er Lot 1#6&)F. ;amon ;omana died intestate$ petitioner
Socorro L. Vda. Be Sta. ;omana$ s,r!i!ing spo,se$ "iled a motion to
@,est te 'rit o" e*ec,tion. Petitioner pra(ed tat te 'rit o" e*ec,tion
and le!( on e*ec,tion made on Lot 1#6&)F and te impro!ements
e*isting tereon +e ann,lled inso"ar as er Y sare in te said
properties. ;espondent mo!ed to dismiss on gro,nd o" res K,dicata and
te CFI granted te motion to dismiss.
ISS4E: 5eter or not 'i"e so,ld get Y o" propert( o" ,s+and 'o
died 'en te land in @,estion is ,sed to pa( o"" de+t.
;4LING: No. As long as conK,gal partnersip s,+sists$ tere can +e no
Y sare o" ,s+and or 'i"e. 2nl( 'en conK,gal partnersip is dissol!ed
+et'een ,s+and and 'i"e can te( claim it. An( le!( on conK,gal
partnersip propert( to satis"( monetar( K,dgment against ,s+and is
n,ll and !oid. In tis case$ te a,ction 'as made +e"ore te conK,gal
propert( 'as dissol!ed t,s 'i"e can1t claim it. Also so'ed tat te de+t
'as "or te +ene"it o" te conK,gal partnersip. Non)incl,sion o" 'i"e in
s,it to en"orce o+ligation is immaterial. Need not +e Koined +( 'i"e in s,it
against conK,gal partnersip Gsection :$ r,le 0o" r,les o" co,rt and Art
110 o" CC.
16:. B-P VS. ABIL
FACTS: Spo,ses Patricio Con"esor and 9o!ita Villa",erte o+tained an
agric,lt,ral loan "rom te B-P in te s,m o" P#$777.77 in a promissor(
note 'ere+( te( +o,nd temsel!es Kointl( and se!erall( to pa( te
acco,nt in ten G17. e@,al (earl( amorti8ations. Te o+ligation remained
o,tstanding and ,npaid. Con"esor$ 'o 'as +( ten a mem+er o" te
Congress o" te Pilippines$ e*ec,ted a second promissor( note on April
11$ 1%31 e*pressl( ac?no'ledging said loan and promising to pa( te
same on or +e"ore 9,ne 16$ 1%31. Te( de"a,lted in pa(ment$ prompting
B-P to "ile a complaint. In"erior co,rt ordered pa(ment +,t te CFI o"
Iloilo re!ersed te order.
ISS4E: 5eter or not conK,gal partnersip ma( +e ,sed to pa( de+t in
promissor( note 'en ,s+and 'as te onl( one 'o signed it.
;4LING: Les. Article 136 o" te Ci!il Code$ te ,s+and is te
administrator o" te conK,gal partnersip. All de+ts and o+ligations
contracted +( te ,s+and "or te +ene"it o" te conK,gal partnersip$ are
cargea+le to te conK,gal partnersip.
In tis case$ respondent Con"esor signed te second promissor( note "or
te +ene"it o" te conK,gal partnersip. Aence te conK,gal partnersip is
lia+le "or tis o+ligation.
FACTS: L,8on S,ret( granted a crop loan to Ca!e8 +ased on a s,ret(
+ond e*ec,ted in "a!or o" Pilippine National -an?. Garcia 'as one o"
te g,arantors o" te indemnit( agreement. 2n April 1%6F$ PN- "iled
complaint against L,8on S,ret(. Tis s,+se@,entl( prompted L,8on
S,ret($ on A,g,st o" te same (ear$ to "ile a complaint against te
g,arantors Gone o" 'ic 'as Garcia.. Te lo'er co,rt r,led in "a!or o"
PN- in te "irst case and ordered te g,arantors in te second case to
pa( L,8on S,ret(. 9,l( 07$ 1%37$ CFI iss,ed a 'rit o" e*ec,tion "or
Garcia to pa( te amo,nt o" P0$&0%. 2n A,g,st$ te seri"" le!ied is
s,gar @,edans$ conK,gal propert( o" te Garcia spo,ses. Te Garcias
"iled a s,it o" inK,nction 'ic te lo'er co,rt "o,nd in teir "a!or +ased
on Art. 131 o" te CC. L,8on S,ret( appealed to te CA 'ic a""irmed
te lo'er co,rtQs decision. ;e!ie' tro,g SC.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te signing o" te indemnit( agreement
redo,nded to te +ene"it o" te "amil( and t,s$ so,ld "all ,nder te
lia+ilities o" te conK,gal partnersip.
;4LING: No. Te administratorQs o+ligations are onl( cargea+le to te
conK,gal propert( i" e +elie!es it is done "or te +ene"it o" te "amil(. No
proo" 'as presented tat Vicente Garcia$ acting as s,ret( or g,arantor$
did so "or te +ene"it o" te "amil(. L,8on S,ret( claims tat te s,ret(
did +ene"it te "amil( +eca,se it added to GarciaQs rep,tation as +eing
tr,st'ort( and enanced is standing in te comm,nit(. Tis is too
remoteD"anci",l a +ene"it to +e considered in terms o" 'at is pro!ided "or
in Art. 131.
FACTS: 2ne Ma($ A,g,sto a+andoned is 'i"e and cildren. 2n 9,l( 1$
1%F6$ A,g,sto L,lo sec,red loan "rom -A Finance Corp. as e!idenced
+( a promissor( note e signed in o'n +eal" and as representati!e o"
A>L ind,stries 'ic is managed +( is 'i"e$ Lil( ;,lo 'om e said
ga!e im a,torit( to proc,re loan and sign te promissor( note.
A,g,sto "ailed to pa( loan. T,s -A Finance "iled a complaint against
te spo,ses. Lil( L,lo contended to,gt tat te( 'ere alread(
separated 'en promissor( note 'as e*ec,ted$ tat er signat,re 'as
"orged$ and se 'as te sole proprietor o" A>L and ne!er ga!e A,g,sto
an( a,torit( to sign te promissor( note and said +,siness alread(
closed. -ot te TC and CA dismissed petitioner1s complaint and
ordered tem to pa( Lil( damages.
ISS4E: 5eter or not A,g,sto and Lil( can +e made ans'era+le "or
o+ligations since it is part o" te conK,gal partnersip o" spo,ses.
;4LING: No. 5ile A,g,sto and Lil( is part o" conK,gal propert($ it can1t
+e made lia+le since te o+ligation contracted +( A,g,sto is not "or te
+ene"it o" te conK,gal partnersips GArt 131 o" CC.. E!idenced +( is
a+andonment t'o monts prior to 'en e contracted te promissor(
note. Made it appear tat 'i"e ga!e im a,torit( to proc,re s,c loan.
16F. CA;L2S VS. A-ELA;B2
FACTS: 2n 2ct. 01$ 1%&%$ Aonorio Carlos iss,ed a cec? 'ort [#6?$ in
te name o" P,ra ValleKo$ against is personal acco,nt in -an?er1s Tr,st.
It 'as allegedl( a loan to is da,gter Maria Teresa and er ,s+and
Man,el A+elardo "or te p,rcadse o" a o,se and lot "rom ValleKo in
order to elp tem in teir married li"e. ValleKo iss,ed an
ac?no'ledgement receipt. Te "ail,re o" te spo,ses to pa( led Aonorio
to "ormall( demand te pa(ment. Maria Teresa ac?no'ledged teir
de+t to er "ater +,t claimed tat it 'as pa(a+le on a staggered +asis.
Bespite tis ac?no'ledgement and te e!idence o" Aonorio1s -an?1s
Tr,st Cec? Gte one paid to ValleKo. and is "ormal demand$ Man,el
denied te nat,re o" te mone( as a loan. Ae claimed$ instead$ tat te
amo,nt gi!en 'as is sare in income "rom Aonorio1s +,siness$ A. L.
Carlos Constr,ction. Ae e!en presented 17 -PI cec?s against te
acco,nt o" ALCC to pro!e tat e ad +een recei!ing pro"it "rom ALCC.
Ao'e!er$ e is not incl,ded in ALCC1s Articles o" Incorporation or
2rgani8ational Pro"ile as stoc?older$ o""icer$ emplo(ee$ or agent.
Noneteless$ it is ,ndisp,ted tat a cec? o" [#6? ad +een iss,ed to
ValleKo against te personal acco,nt o" Aonorio and tat te same 'as
recei!ed +( te spo,ses and gi!en to ValleKo "or pa(ment o" a o,se and
lot tat +ecame teir conK,gal d'elling.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te conK,gal propert( so,ld pa( "or te loan o"
#6$ 777 e!en 'en ac?no'ledgement 'as not signed +( ,s+and
;4LING: Les. Art 1#1 o" FCC$ conK,gal partnersip is lia+le "or G1. de+ts
and o+ligations tat +ene"it te conK,gal partnersip o" gains made +(
+ot te spo,ses or one o" tem +,t 'it te consent o" te oter G#.
de+ts and o+ligations tat are 'ito,t consent " one o" te spo,se +,t
teir "amil( as +ene"ited. E!idence ere so's tat "amil( did +ene"it
since te( ,sed te loan to +,( te o,se 'ic +ecame teir conK,gal
FACTS: 2n 2cto+er 11$ 1%3# a K,dgment "inding Froilan Lagrimas g,ilt(
o" m,rder +ecomes "inal. A 'rit o" e*ec,tion to co!er te ci!il indemnit(
in te case 'as iss,ed and 11 parcels o" land in te name o" te
acc,sed 'ere sced,led "or a,ction on 9an. 6$ 1%36. 2n Becem+er #%$
1%3: te 'i"e o" Lagrimas "iles a motion to @,as te 'rits o" attacment
and e*ec,tion on te properties citing tat te( +elong to te spo,ses1
conK,gal propert( and t,s co,ld not +e eld lia+le "or te ,s+and1s
indi!id,al indemnit(. Te LC grants te petition 'ic is later re!ersed +(
a second K,dge o" te same co,rt onl( to +e rea""irmed +( a tird K,dge
r,ling "or te 'i"e o" te acc,sed on Marc 6$ 1%37. Te LC r,les tat
indemnities ma( +e imposed on te conK,gal properties o" te acc,sed
onl( a"ter te dissol,tion o" te conK,gal partnersip and te li@,idation o"
te assets tereo" p,rs,ant to A;T 131 o" te NCC.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te ci!il indemnities ma( +e ta?en "rom te
o""enderQs conK,gal properties e!en +e"ore te dissol,tion o" te conK,gal
partnersip and te li@,idation o" its assets.
;4LING: Les$ te Ci!il Code pro!ides tat indemnities ma( +e imposed
on te conK,gal propert( o" an o""ender 'en te o""ender1s e*cl,si!e
properties are ins,""icient to co!er te cost is indemnit(. In tis te la'
does not contemplate tat te conK,gal partnersip m,st +e dissol!ed
and its assets li@,idated +e"ore te indemnit( is to +e dra'n. It merel(
re@,ires tat te o""ending spo,se repa( te lia+ilities ta?en "rom te
conK,gal partnersip 'en s,c partnersip is to +e dissol!ed. Ao'e!er
it is a condition in te article tat te indemnities collecti+le "rom te CPG
m,st not eat in to te ",nds "or te maintenance o" te "amil( and te
ed,cation o" te cildren as it 'o,ld lead to inK,stice.
FACTS: 9,an Lsasi married Maria Aldecoa de Lsasi. 9,an conceded
tat Aacienda Man,cao)A is CPG. Since 1%:& spo,ses a!e +een
s,ttling +ac? and "ort "rom Pilippines to Spain G'ere te( also o'n
real estate. +,t 9,an tra!els more "re@,entl(. Aacienda Man,cao)A is
managed +( Valentin -il+ao G1%6#)1%36. +,t 9,an is te o!erall
administrator. In 1%36 9on Gson. too? o!er as manager. 1%33$ 9,an told
(o,nger son 9ose Mari to assist 9on +,t 9on re",sed to let 9ose Mari act
as casier$ dissension t,s de!eloped. S,c prompted 'i"e to lea!e
Spain GMa( 1%3F. to "i* pro+lem. Se +ro,gt letter "rom 9,an to sons
and a list o" matter tat se 'as to ascertain and report to ,s+and.
A,s+and ten contends tat se ne!er made an( report. 2n 9,ne 1%3F$
9on resigned 'ic 'as accepted +( 9,an 'o designated Valentin to
ta?e o!er. -,t ,pon Valentin1s arri!al in PI on A,g,st 1%$ 1%3F$ 9on
re",sed to and o!er acienda sa(ing tat is moter too? possession as
administrator. 5i"e "iled a petition on Septem+er 6$ 1%3F at te CFI
Negros 2ccidental 'ere se so,gt administration o" CPG or
separation o" propert($ pra(ing tat se +e appointed recei!er litis
pendentia on te gro,nds tat 9,an is not in te position to manage
since e is alread( o" old age GFF (ears old. and as a +lind le"t e(e. Te
a+andonment 'as 'ito,t K,st ca,se. Te ,s+and mo!ed to set aside
order appointing 'i"e as recei!er +,t se opposed. 2n Septem+er ##$
1%3F se ",rter pra(ed tat a disinterested person G-PI. +e assigned as
recei!er i" disp,te contin,es. ;espondent K,dge on 2cto+er F$ 1%3F
t,rned aside %D6 orders appointing er as admin. 9,an mo!ed "or a 'rit
o" prelim mandator( and pre!enti!e inK,nction to compel 'i"e and son to
t,rn o!er acienda to Valentin$ +,t 'i"e and son opposed. ;espondent
9,dge denied petition "or mandator( inK,nction on Becem+er ##$ 1%3F.
T,s petition 'ere ,s+and pra(s "or prelim mandator( inK,nction to
compel 'i"e and son to and o!er acienda.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te ,s+and ma( +e depri!ed o" conK,gal
partnersip o" properties ,pon allegations o" "ra,d and a+,se o" s,c
;4LING: No. Te code recogni8es a,torit( o" ,s+and to +e
administrator o" conK,gal propert( and mere allegations o" "ra,d ma( not
ta?e tis rigt a'a( "rom im. Te CA1s resol,tion o" p,tting acienda
into recei!ersip o" -PI 'o,ld destro( te ,s+and1s rigts 'en it
so,ld +e ,sed to preser!e and sec,re tem. Te respondents are
directed to t,rn o!er a,torit( to petitioner.
FACTS: Almosara and Ma*imo ac@,ired se!eral parcels o" land d,ring
teir marriage. 5i"e sold te lots 'ito,t te consent o" ,s+and.
AELB: Te sale is !oid. Te 'i"e cannot +ind te conK,gal partnersip +(
selling conK,gal propert( 'ito,t te consent o" er ,s+and.
FACTS: Lot :0:%)-)# is a 0%3s@.m co!ered +( TCT #76::6 in
-alinta'a? EC registered ,nder Spo,ses Vicente and Ignacia Ag,ilar)
;e(es$ p,rcased ,sing conK,gal ",nds d,ring con!ert,re Gincl,ding
apartments in te CPG.. Vicente married Ignacia in 1%37 +,t 'ere de
"acto separated since 1%F:. In 1%&:$ Ignacia learned tat on Marc 1$
1%&0 Vicente sold :0:%)-)# to MiKares spo,ses "or :7? and tere"ore
ne' TCT 0737&F 'as iss,ed. Se also "o,nd o,t tat Vicente "iled "or
administration and appointment as g,ardian o" teir 6 minor cildren at
te MTC EC NNI 'ere e misrepresented tat Ignacia died on 0D##D&#
and tat e and te 6 ?ids are te sole eirs. Vicente 'as appointed
g,ardian on Sept. #%$ 1%&0 and a,tori8ed on 2ct. 1:$ 1%&0 to sell
estate o" Ignacia. 2n A,g. %$ 1%&: se 'rote MiKares spo,ses to ret,rn
Y sares in lot. Terea"ter se "iled "or ann,lment o" sale. MiKares
spo,ses claimed to +e good "ait +,(ers and tat te sale 'as !alid d,e
to te co,rt1s appro!al. Vicente also contended tat 'at e sold 'as
onl( Y Gis sare. and le"t intact er sare$ tat e ne!er misrepresented
er. 2n Fe+. 16$ 1%%7 TC declared sale as n,ll and !oid. Tat p,rcase
price 'as 117? and ordered Vicente to ret,rn 66? to MiKares co,ple.
Ignacia "iled "or Motion "or modi"ication tat sale +e declared !oid in its
entiret( and tat MiKares reim+,rse to er te rentals "rom Marc 1
$1%&0. TC granted on 6D01D%7 and said tat te sale 'as !oid in entiret($
ordered Vicente to reim+,rse te ",ll 117?. TC on 3D#%D%7 amended te
pre!io,s order and directed te ;egister o" Beeds to iss,e ne' TCT in
te name o" Ignacia and Vicente and Vicente pa(ing 67? to Ignacia "or
damages. Pending appeal$ Ignacia died t,s 'as s,+stit,ted +(
comp,lsor( eirs$ te( 'ere contending tat rentals so,ld +e
reim+,rsed. 2n 1D#3D#777 CA re!ersed TC$ ,polding tat te MiKares
'ere in good "ait t,s te sale 'as !alid.
ISS4E: 5eter or not !oida+le deed o" sale o" propert( d,e to lac? o"
consent pertains to onl( 'i"e1s sare.
;4LING: No$ 'ole propert(. Go!erning r,les Art 133 and 1F0 o" CC.
133$ ,s+and can1t alienate real propert( o" conK,gal partnersip ,nless
'i"e as +een declared a spendtri"t$ or ,nder ci!il interdiction or in a
leprosari,m. 13F$ 'i"e ma( ann,l said contract 'itin ten (ears "rom
transaction @,estioned. And +ot la's 'ere complied 'it. Alienation
m,st +e ann,lled in its entiret( and not onl( in so "ar as te sare o" 'i"e
in te conK,gal propert( is concerned. Te limitation o"$ contract sall
preK,dice 'i"e 'as not spelled o,t in stat,te. ConK,gal partnersip is
lia+le "or man( tings 'en it is e*isting t,s ,s+and as to +e stopped
"rom disposing it 'ito,t consent o" 'i"e.
13#. BELA C;4C VS. BELA C;4C
FACTS: Bela Cr,8 +egan to li!e a'a( "rom is 'i"e and si* cildren. Ae
ne!er !isited te conK,gal ome "or tree (ears.
AELB: Since tere 'as no a+andonment +( te ,s+and$ tere is
noting to K,sti"( a separation o" conK,gal partnersip properties.
FACTS: Pri!ate respondents are re@,esting "or a Motion "or Allo'ance
"rom te estate o" deceased Pa+lo Pasc,al Glegitimate "ater o" pri!ate
respondents. 'ic 'as granted +( te CFI. Petitioners Galso legitimate
cildren o" Pasc,al 'it anoter 'oman. oppose te motion on te
gro,nds tat most o" te pri!ate respondents are alread( o" age. Neiter
o" te 'omen are legall( married to Pa+lo Pasc,al.
ISS4E: 5eter or not co,rt acted 'it gra!e a+,se o" discretion +(
granting te motion "or allo'ance.
;4LING: No$ petition lac?s merit. Art. #%7 Gs,pport "or cildren can appl(
e!en +e(ond te age o" maKorit(. and 1&& Grigt to allo'ance. appl(. It
doesn1t matter i" te( are o" age$ gain",ll( emplo(ed and married. Te
Ne' Ci!il Code entitles te cildren to allo'ance as ad!ances o" teir
sares in te ineritance "rom teir "ater$ Pa+lo. A s,+stanti!e rigt
cannot +e impaired +( a proced,ral one G;,le &0$ Sec. 0 o" te ;,les o"
FACTS: Spo,ses li!e separatel( "rom eac oter. 5i"e ass,med
complete management and administration o" te conK,gal partnersip.
AELB: Te 'i"e does not administer te conK,gal propert( ,nless 'it
te consent o" te ,s+and. In te e!ent o" s,c maladministration +(
te 'i"e$ te remed( o" te ,s+and doesnQt lie in a K,dicial separation o"
properties +,t in re!o?ing te po'er granted to te 'i"e and res,me te
administration o" te comm,nal propert( > te cond,ct o" te a""airs o"
te conK,gal propert(.
13F. 94ANICA VS. 92SE
1F1. CA;IN2 VS. CA;IN2
1F0. A;;2L2 VS. C24;T 2F APPEALS
1F&. PE;IB2 VS. PE;IB2
1&7. TAN VS. T;2CI2
1&1. M22;E VS. ;EP4-LIC
1&F. TAN VS. T;2CI2
1&&. 9A2 VS. C24;T 2F APPEALS
1&%. AM4;A2 VS. C24;T 2F APPEALS
1%:. CAST;2 VS. C24;T 2F APPEALS
1%3. ;AM2S VS. ;AM2S
1%&. ;ANAS VS. ;ANAS
#71. -AL4L2T VS. -AL4L2T
#7#. PATE;N2 VS. PATE;N2
#76. PE2PLE VS. ;IC2
FACTS: Concepcion Bimen noticed tat te stomac o" er ##)(ear old
mongoloid sister 'as +igger tan ,s,al. Se disco!ered tat se 'as
pregnant. Felicidad re!ealed tat ;i8o$ te ,s+and o" er (a(a ad
interco,rse 'it er in te +odega. ;i8o admitted tat e ad se*,al
interco,rse 'it Felicidad. 2n 2cto+er ##$ 1%&3$ Felicidad deli!ered a
+a+(. ;i8o did not con"irm nor den( tat e ad se*,al interco,rse 'it
er +,t "iled a motion to dismiss claiming ins,""icienc( o" e!idence. ;TC
"o,nd Felicidad to +e a competent 'itness and rendered K,dgment
against te acc,sed. ;TC also ordered ;i8o to recogni8e te o""spring
as is legitimate son despite te "act tat ;i8o is a married man.
ISS4E: 5eter or not ;i8o can +e compelled to recogni8e te o""spring
o" te crime.
;4LING: No. Te r,le is tat i" te rapist is a married man$ e cannot +e
compelled to recogni8e te o""spring o" te crime$ so,ld tere +e an($
as is cild$ 'eter legitimate or illegitimate. Tat portion o" te
K,dgment ordering im to recogni8e te cild as is legitimate son so,ld
tere"ore +e eliminated.
FACTS: 9analita ;apada coa+ited 'it 9oel Bempse( 'ito,t te
+ene"it o" marriage and Cristine Marie 'as +orn. Te cild recei!es
montl( s,pport "rom im in te s,m o" [167. 9analita see?s "or te
acc,sed to declare Cristina Marie as is dependent and a"ter is
American citi8ensip. Bempse( "reel( and !ol,ntaril( and spontaneo,sl(
entered a plea o" g,ilt( to te o""enses carged against im 'ic 'as
a+andonment and "ail,re to pro!ide ade@,ate s,pport "or te cild
to,g e ad te means to do so. M,nicipal Trial Co,rt "o,nd im to +e
g,ilt(. Ae appealed "or te penalt( o" imprisonment +e canged into a
"ine and not to +e ac@,itted. ;TC re!ersed te earlier decision.
#7&. PE2PLE VS. -A;;ANC2
FACTS: ;osalia -arranco G1%. 'as raped +( -artolome -arranco$ te
second co,sin o" er "ater 'o li!es 177 meters a'a( "rom er o,se.
2n Fe+ 17$1%&7. ;osalia 'as raped +( 'ile +eing treatened 'it
deat$ e 'as olding a +,tcer1s ?ni"e to er nec?. 2n Marc 1%$ 1%&7$
-artolome attempted rape +,t "oiled +eca,se ;osalia 'as a+le to "end
im o"" +( itting im 'it a piece o" 'ood. 2n te e!e o" te same da($
;osalia con"essed to er moter te rape. Te( 'ent to te police and
ad a p(sical e*am. T,rned o,t se 'as pregnant. 2n April 0$ 1%&1$
trial co,rt con!icted -art o" ;ape and sentenced im to recl,sion
ISS4E: 5eter or not te co,rt can order -artolome to ac?no'ledge
te cild.
;4LING: Te trial co,rt erred 'en it ordered tat te cild +e
ac?no'ledged as -art1s +eca,se te cild o" a sin cannot +e
ac?no'ledged +( a married man. Ao'e!er e is entitled to s,pport te
FACTS: 2n 9an. 10$ 1%F:: Br. Mariano M. La8atin died intestate$
s,r!i!ed +( is 'i"e$ Margarita de Asis$ and is adopted t'in da,gters$
respondents Nora and Irma. 2ne mont a"ter$ Margarita de Asis
commenced an intestate proceeding. 2n April 11$ 1%F:$ Margarita de
Asis died$ lea!ing a olograpic 'ill. -( No! ##$ 1%F:$ petitioner
inter!ened "or te "irst time in te proceedings to settle te estate o" Br.
Mariano La8atin$ as an admitted illegitimate cild. A,g. #7$ 1%F6$
petitioner "iled a motion to inter!ene in te estate o" Margarita de Asis as
an adopted cild$ on te +asis o" an a""ida!it e*ec,ted +( -enKamin
La8atin$ +roter o" te deceased Br. Mariano La8atin$ tat petitioner 'as
an =illegitimate son o" Br. La8atin and 'as lated adopted +( im. Tis
a""ida!it 'as later modi"ied on A,g. 1%$ 1%F6 to state tat petitioner 'as
adopted +( +ot Mariano and Margarita. ;espondent co,rt eart
petitioner1s motion to inter!ene as an adopted son in te estate o"
Margarita$ at 'ic earings petitioner presented no decree o" adoption
i is "a!or. Instead$ petitioner attempted to pro!e$ o!er pri!ate
respondents1 o+Kections$ tat e ad recogni8ed te deceased spo,ses
as is parents/ e ad +een s,pported +( tem ,ntil teir deat/ "ormerl(
e 'as ?no'n as =;enato La8atin +,t 'as compelled to cange is
s,rname to =Sta. Clara 'en te deceased spo,ses re",sed to gi!e
consent to is marriage to is present 'i"e. 2n Marc :$ 1%F3$
respondent Co,rt +arred te introd,ction o" petitioner1s e!idence and on
Marc 13$ 1%F3: petitioner "iled a motion to declare as esta+lised te
"act o" adoption. Te Co,rt denied motion
ISS4E: 5eter or not te respondent Co,rt erred in not allo'ing
petitioner to introd,ce ne' e!idence.
;4LING: No. Adoption is a K,ridical act$ a proceeding in rem$ 'ic
creates +et'een t'o persons a relationsip similar to tat 'ic res,lts
"rom legitimate paternit( and "iliation. Petitioner1s "lo' o" e!idence in te
case +elo' doesn1t lead ,s to an( proo" o" K,dicial adoption. No proo" o"
speci"ic co,rt o" competent K,risdiction rendered in an adoption
proceeding initiated +( te late spo,ses No K,dicial records o" adoption
or copies. Petitioner cannot properl( inter!ene in te settlement o" te
estate as an adopted son +eca,se o" lac? o" proo"
FACTS: Tis case is a petition "or 'rit o" a+eas corp,s "iled 'it tis
co,rt o!er te person o" te minor Angelie Anne Cer!antes. Mino 'as
+orn on Fe+. 1:$ 1%&F to respondents Conrado FaKardo and Gina
Carreon$ 'o are common)la' ,s+and and 'i"e. ;espondents o""ered
te cild "or adoption to Gina Carreon1s sister and +roter in la'$ te
petitioners. Petitioner spo,ses too? care and c,stod( o" te cild 'en
se 'as +arel( # 'ee?s old. An a""ida!it o" Consent to te adoption o"
te cild +( erein petitioners 'as also e*ec,ted +( respondent Gina.
Te appropriate petition "or adoption 'as "iled +( petitioenrs o!er te
cild. ;TC rendered a decision granting te petition. Angelie Anne
FaKardo 'as canged to Cer!antes. Sometime in Marc or April 1%&F$
petitioners recei!ed a letter "rom respondents demanding to +e paid
P167$777$ oter'ise$ te( 'o,ld get +ac? teir cild. Petitioners re",sed
to accede to te demand. 2n Sept. 11$ 1%&F: respondent Gina too? te
cild "rom er =(a(a at te petitioner1s residence on te prete*t tat se
'as instr,cted to do so +( er moter. Gino +ro,gt te cild to er
o,se. Petitioners demanded te ret,rn o" te cild +,t Gina re",sed
ISS4E: 5eter or not te 'rit so,ld +e granted.
;4LING: Les. ;espondent Conrado FaKardo is legall( married to a
'oman oter tan respondent Gina$ is open coa+itation 'it Gina 'ill
not accord te minor tat desira+le atmospere. Minor as +een legall(
adopted +( petitioners 'it ",ll ?no'ledge and consent o" respondents. A
decree o" adoption as te e""ect$ among oters$ o" dissol!ing te
a,torit( !ested in nat,ral parents o!er te adopted cild$ e*cept 'ere
te adopting parent is te spo,se o" te nat,ral parent o" te adopted
FACTS: Co,rt o" Appeals granted Caranto spo,sesQ petition "or adoption
o" Midael 'it pra(er "or te correction o" te minorQs "irst name "rom
Midael to Micael.
AELB: Te notice "or correction o" entr( m,st also +e p,+lised. 5ile
tere 'as notice gi!en +( p,+lication$ it 'as onl( a notice "or adoption.
Te local ci!il registrar$ an indispensi+le part( to te case 'as not
noti"ied. T,s correction o" entr( m,st not +e granted.
FACTS: Fe+ #$ 1%&&$ Cenaida -o+iles Gpri!ate respondent. "iled petition
to adopt 9ason Condat$ co,rt grants it gi!en tat all re@,irements "or
adoption are satis"ied. Petitioner appeals to CA 'o a""irms te trial co,rt
decision$ ence tis petition
ISS4E: 5eter or not te CA erred in a""irming te decision 'Dc granted
te petition in "a!or o" te spo,ses Bioscoro and Cenaida -o+iles.
;4LING: No. To,g Bioscoro 'as not named as a petitioner$ e did
pro!ide 'ritten consent tat e imsel" act,all( Koined is 'i"e in
adopting te cild$ 'ic is s,""icient to ma?e im a petitioner. Te ",t,re
o" te cild m,st not +e compromised +( insistence o" rigid aderence to
proced,ral r,les. Adoption stat,tes are li+erall( constr,ed to carr( o,t
te +ene"icent p,rposes o" te adoption instit,tions and to protect te
cild. 5el"are o" te cild is o" paramo,nt consideration. Te rigts
concomitant to and con"erred +( te decree o" adoption 'ill +e "or te
+est interest o" te cild. Te CA "o,nd te "ollo'ing in te petition and
correctl( appro!ed te adoption: Nat,ral parents ga!e consent D BS5B
recommended appro!al D Trial co,rt appro!ed D 5ritten consent o"
adopting parents
FACTS: Simplicio Santos and 9,liana ;e(es "iled petition "or adoption o"
Pa,lina Santos and A,rora Santos on 9,ne :$ 1%:%. 5it teir parents
'erea+o,ts ,n?no'n$ teir c,rrent g,ardian$ Crisanto de Mesa ga!e
is 'ritten consent$ Pa,lina +eing 1: (ears old li?e'ise ga!e consent.
Aence$ Co,rt granted petition. 2n 2ct #1$ 1%6F$ 9,liana dies$ Simplicio
"iles "or settlement o" intestate estate incl,ding Pa,lina and A,rora as
s,r!i!ing eirs. Gregoria Aran8anso$ alleges tat se is te "irst co,sin o"
9,liana "iles an opposition to te petition$ stating tat Simplicio1s
marriage to 9,liana 'as +igamo,s and t,s !oid and tat te adoption o"
Pa,lina and A,rora 'ere !oid "or tere is no 'ritten consent "rom nat,ral
parents. Bemetria Vent,ra$ alleging also tat se is te "irst co,sin o"
9,liana and adding tat se is te moter o" Pa,lina Santos$ li?e'ise
"iles as opposition. Te CFI sa(s tat !alidit( o" adoption cannot +e
attac?ed collaterall($ CA o'e!er ;EVE;SES and declares tat te
adoption is !oid "or lac? o" 'ritten consent. Petitioners "ile "or preliminar(
inK,nction against te CA orders and te Co,rt grants it ence tis
petition +( te respondents.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te respondents can assail in settlement
proceedings te adoption decree o" Pa,lina and A,rora Santos.
;4LING: No. I" nat,ral parents a!e a+andoned te cildren$ te
g,ardianQs consent s,""ices. F,rtermore$ te adoption co,rt made
s,""icient "indings tat te nat,ral parents o" tem minors co,ldn1t +e
located$ ence its order cannot +e attac?ed collaterall(. Aence te CA
erred in re!ie'ing$ ,nder collateral attac?$ te determination o" te
adoption co,rt tat te parents o" Pa,lina and A,rora Santos ad
a+andoned tem. E!en i" Simplicio 'ere married to anoter person Gnot
decided in tis case.$ te estate o" 9,liana +eing te s,+Kect matter$ te
adopted cildren stat,s o" Pa,lina and A,rora is not a""ected$ ence te(
s,cceed 9,liana. ;espondents cannot inter!ene in te settlement
proceedings and attac? te adoption. As te adoption is eld !alid$ and
in intestate s,ccession$ adopted cildren e*cl,de "irst co,sins$ te CA
decision is re!ersed.
FACTS: ;espondent spo,ses Antero and Amanda Agono( "iled petition
"or adoption o" te minor E,irino -onilla and 5ilson Marcos. Petitioners
minors ;oderic? and ;ommel Baoang assisted +( teir "ater$ "ile an
opposition claiming tat te Agono(s a!e a legitimate da,gter named
Estrella Agono( Gmoter o" ;oderic? and ;ommel.$ 'o died Marc 1$
1%F1$ t,s Agono(s are dis@,ali"ied to adopt ,nder NCC Art 006. Te
Trial Co,rt still granted te petition "or adoption
ISS4E: 5eter or not respondent spo,ses are dis@,ali"ied to adopt
,nder NCC Art. 006 par. 1.
;4LING: No. Art 006$ tose 'it legitimate$ legitimated$ ac?no'ledged
nat,ral cildren$ or cildren +( legal "iction cannot adopt. Te la' is
clear$ cildren mentioned terein do not incl,de grandcildren. Te
legislators o" te NCC o+!io,sl( intended tat onl( tose persons 'o
a!e certain classes o" cildren are dis@,ali"ied to adopt. Adoption is
,sed to +ene"it te adopter. Tis as since canged as no'/ te present
notion on adoption promotes te 'el"are o" te cild and te
enancement o" is opport,nities "or a app( li"e. 4nder te la' no' in
"orce$ a!ing legitimate$ legitimated$ etc cildren is no longer a gro,nd
"or dis@,ali"ication to adopt
FACTS: po,ses Ernesto and Matilde Magat reared as teir o'n cild
;o( S,mintac$ 'o is teir nepe'$ "rom is +irt ,ntil te spo,ses 'ent
to G,am to 'or? 'en te +o( 'as alread( "o,r (ears old. Te(
petitioned te co,rt to allo' tem to adopt ;o($ +,t te trial co,rt denied
tis$ on te gro,nd tat te( are non)residents o" te Pilippines and tat
te trial c,stod( as re@,ired ,nder P.B. No. 370 cannot +e e""ected.
Te( 'ent to te S,preme Co,rt to a!e te decision re!ie'ed.
ISS4E: 5eter or not residenc( in anoter co,ntr( dis@,ali"ies te
co,ple "rom adopting$ and 'eter or not te trial c,stod( is a mandator(
;4LING: Negati!e on +ot @,estions. Te "act tat te prospecti!e
adopters reside temporaril( in a "oreign co,ntr( does not dis@,ali"( tem
"rom adopting a minor cild.
2n te second iss,e$ te la' speci"icall( a,tori8es te co,rt$ eiter
,pon its o'n or on petitioner\]^s motion$ to dispense 'it te trial
c,stod( i" it "inds tat it is to te +est interest o" te cild. In tis case$ te
Minister o" Social Ser!ices and Be!elopment s,ggests tat trial c,stod(
is ,nnecessar( +eca,se te cild 'as alread( com"orta+le 'it te
co,ple and te co,ple 'as capa+le o" disciplining te cild.
FACTS: A 0)(ear old +a+( 'as gi!en +( is ,n'ed moter to Att(.
Velas@,e8. Att(. Velas@,e8 ten ga!e consent "or te B,ncan spo,ses
to adopt te cild.
AELB: Att(. Velas@,e8 is te proper part( re@,ired to gi!e consent to te
adoption. Te "aterQs consent is not re@,ired +eca,se te cild is
illegitimate. Te moterQs consent is not necessar( eiter$ +eca,se se
is deemed to a!e a+andoned te cild and as gi!en te cild to Att(.
Velas@,e8 "or g,ardiansip. GN-: I" ,nder ;A&66#$ Velas@,e8 is not a
proper part(. Pro!ision sa(s legal g,ardian.
FACTS: Spo,sess Aer+ert Cang and Anna Marie Cla!ano 'ere legall(
separated. Te +roter and sister)in)la' o" Cla!ano 'anted to adopt te
0 cildren o" te spo,ses Cang. Teir 1:)(ear old son signed te petition
"or adoption along 'it Cla!ano.
AELB: Te adoption ma( not +e granted. CangQs consent as te "ater is
necessar(. Bespite te "act tat Cang a+andoned is cildren$ it 'as
pro!en tat e contin,ed to send s,pport "or te "amil( "rom te 4S. It
'as mere p(sical estrangement tat e*isted. Cang did not mani"est a
settled p,rpose to "orego all parental d,ties and relin@,is all parental
claims o!er is cildren as to constit,te a+andonment.
#1&. -2-AN2VIC VS. M2NTES
FACTS: 2n 9,ne 1%$ 1%&3$ te Gordons so,gt to adopt te minor$
Anton( Gandi 2. C,stodio$ a nat,ral son o" Adoracion C,stodio. 2n
te date o" earing$ no+od( appeared to oppose te Petition$ 2SG "ailed
to send an( representati!e "or te State. E!idence esta+lised tat te
Gordons G-ritis spo,se. are allo'ed +( teir ome co,ntr( to adopt
"oreign +a+ies speci"icall( "rom te ;ep,+lic o" te Pilippines. Te
,s+and is emplo(ed at te B,+ai Ailton International Aotel as -,ilding
S,perintendent tere"ore "inanciall( sec,red. Anton(Hs moter$
Adoracion C,stodio$ ad gi!en er consent to te adoption reali8ing tat
er cild 'o,ld "ace a +rigter ",t,re. Te Case St,d( ;eport s,+mitted
+( te Social 5or?er o" te Trial Co,rt ga!e a "a!ora+le recommendation
as te nat,ral moter to,gt o" te +est "or er 1(r #mos cild. Trial
Co,rt declared Anton( te tr,l( and la'",ll( adopted cild o" te
Gordons. Te Gordons 'rote MSSB "or a tra!el clearance "or Anton(
on &D11D&3 +,t MSSB opposed e!en i" s,+poenaed$ sa(ing tat te
;eport o" te Co,rt Social 5or?er and tat o" te Pastor o" te
International Cristian C,rc o" B,+ai cannot ta?e te place o" a report
o" te MSSB or a d,l( licensed cild placement agenc(. And tat tere is
a re@,ired si*)mont trial c,stod($ 'ic ad not +een met nor 'ere te
reasons tere"or gi!en as re@,ired +( Article 06 o" te Cild and Lo,t
5el"are Code GP.B. No. 370.. Contended also tat te Gordons ad
gi!en P17$777.77 to te nat,ral moter$ 'ic is re"lecti!e o" te
,ndesira+le attit,de o" te Gordons to sop "or cildren as i" te( 'ere
sopping "or commodities. 4nder te M,slim La' GB,+ai.$ Anton(
cannot inerit "rom te adopting parents. Te Gordons ad "iled anoter
petition "or adoption o" a +a+( girl +e"ore te ;egional Trial Co,rt$
E,e8on Cit($ -ranc %:$ on #: 9,ne 1%&3 +,t +eca,se se died a mont
later te( tried to pass o"" anoter cild to 'om te( ga!e te same
name and represented tat se 'as te !er( same girl te( 'ere
adopting. Tere +eing no Memorand,m o" Agreement +et'een B,+ai
and te Pilippines tere is no g,arantee tat te adopted cild 'ill not
+e sold$ e*canged$ neglected or a+,sed.
ISS4E: 5eter or not tra!el clearance can +e 'iteld +( MSSB
"ollo'ing te o+Kections MSSB is raising
;4LING: N2. As te Trial Co,rt as eld$ it ordered te MSSB to iss,e
te tra!el clearance ,nder pain o" contempt and te Ministr( o" Foreign
A""airs to iss,e te corresponding passport sa(ing tat te Co,rt Social
5or?er ;eport co,ld ta?e te place o" a report "rom a d,l( licensed
placement agenc( or o" te MSSB. Co,rt ad also impliedl( dispensed
'it te si*)mont trial c,stod( considering tat te Gordons 'ere
"oreigners 'ose li!eliood 'as earned a+road. And tat te Becision
ad +ecome "inal and e*ec,tor(.
Te Trial Co,rt relied on te ;esol,tion o" tis Co,rt in Administrati!e
Matter No. &6)#)F103);TC den(ing te re@,est o" te MSSB "or a
S,preme Co,rt Circ,lar to all ;egional Trial Co,rt and te r,ling in
-o+ano!ic !s. Aon. Montes =IIn re",sing to grant te tra!el clearance
certi"icate$ respondent MSSB disco,nts and negates te e""ects o" a
!alid and "inal K,dgment o" te Co,rt regarding 'ic no appeal ad
e!en +een ta?en "rom G-o+ano!ic !s. Aon. Montes G.;. L)F10F7$ 9,l( F$
1%&3..I Te 17$777.77 gi!en +( Gordon spo,ses 'as onl( a "inancial
assistance to te nat,ral moter o" te cild. Te spo,ses also 'o,ld
'ant to adopt a +a+( girl +,t ,pon learning tat se1s mongoloid$ te(
t,rned er o!er to International Alliance "or Cildren$ 'ere se
,n"ort,natel( died. And "inall($ M,slim La's sall not appl( to tem$ te(
+eing -ritons.
FACTS: Te spo,ses "iled te petition +e"ore te co,rt a @,o on 9an,ar(
&$ 1%30$ pra(ing tat te minor Ed'in Villa ( Mendo8a$ : (ears old$ +e
declared teir GpetitionerHs. son +( adoption. It is esta+lised tat te
petitioners are +ot 0# (ears o" age$ Filipinos$ residing in te Cit( o"
Manila. Te( 'ere married in 1%6F and a!e maintained a conK,gal
ome o" teir o'n. Te( do not a!e a cild o" teir o'n +lood. Neiter
spo,se as an( legitimate$ legitimated$ illegitimate$ ac?no'ledged
nat,ral cild$ or nat,ral cild +( legal "iction$ nor as an( one o" tem
+een con!icted o" a crime in!ol!ing moral t,rpit,de. Ed'in Villa (
Mendo8a$ : (ears old$ is a cild o" Francisco Villa and Florencia
Mendo8a 'o are te common parents o" te petitioner)'i"e Edipola
Villa Santos and te minor. L,is E. Santos$ 9r.$ is a la'(er$ 'it +,siness
interests in a te*tile de!elopment enterprise and te I-A electric plant$
and is te general manager o" Medr( Inc. and te secretar()treas,rer o"
-earen Enterprises. Ais income is appro*imatel( P377.77 a mont. Ais
co)petitioner)'i"e$ is a n,rse +( pro"ession$ 'it an a!erage montl(
earning o" a+o,t P077.77. It 'as also so'n tat Ed'in Villa ( Mendo8a
'as +orn on Ma( ##$ 1%6&$ E*i+it C. Ae 'as a sic?l( cild since +irt.
B,e to te cildHs impairing ealt is parents entr,sted im to te
petitioners 'o reared and +ro,gt im ,p "or te (ears terea"ter$ and
as a res,lt$ tere de!eloped +et'een te petitioners and te cild$ a
deep and pro"o,nd lo!e "or eac oter. Te nat,ral parents o" te minor
testi"ied tat te( a!e !ol,ntaril( gi!en teir consent to te adoption o"
teir son +( te petitioners$ and s,+mitted teir 'ritten consent and
con"ormit( to te adoption$ and tat te( ",ll( ,nderstand te legal
conse@,ences o" te adoption o" teir cild +( te petitioners.
AELB: Article 006 o" te Ci!il Code en,merates tose persons 'o ma(
not adopt$ and it as +een so'n tat petitioners)appellants erein are
not among tose proi+ited "rom adopting. Article 00% o" te same code
names tose 'o cannot +e adopted$ and te minor cild 'ose
adoption is ,nder consideration$ is not one o" tose e*cl,ded +( te la'.
Article 00&$ on te oter and$ allo's te adoption o" a nat,ral cild +(
te nat,ral "ater or moter$ o" oter illegitimate cildren +( teir "ater
or moter$ and o" a step)cild +( te step)"ater or stepmoter. Tis last
article is$ o" co,rse$ necessar( to remo!e all do,+ts tat adoption is not
proi+ited e!en in tese cases 'ere tere alread( e*ist a relationsip o"
parent and cild +et'een tem +( nat,re. To sa( tat adoption so,ld
not +e allo'ed 'en te adopter and te adopted are related to eac
oter$ e*cept in tese cases en,merated in Article 00&$ is to precl,de
adoption among relati!es no matter o' "ar remo!ed or in 'ate!er
degree tat relationsip migt +e$ 'ic in o,r opinion is not te polic( o"
te la'. Te interest and 'el"are o" te cild to +e adopted so,ld +e o"
paramo,nt consideration. Adoption stat,tes$ +eing ,mane and sal,tar($
and designed to pro!ide omes$ care and ed,cation "or ,n"ort,nate
cildren$ so,ld +e constr,ed so as to enco,rage te adoption o" s,c
cildren +( person 'o can properl( rear and ed,cate tem GIn re
Aa!sgordHs Estate$ 0: S.B. 101$ 1:F N.5. 0F&..
FACTS: A Petition "or 5rit o" Aa+eas Corp,s "iled 'it tis co,rt o!er
te person o" te minor Angelie Anne Cer!antes. Mino 'as +orn on Fe+.
1:$ 1%&F to respondents Conrado FaKardo and Gina Carreon$ 'o are
common)la' ,s+and and 'i"e. ;espondents o""ered te cild "or
adoption to Gina Carreon1s sister and +roter in la'$ te petitioners.
Petitioner spo,ses too? care and c,stod( o" te cild 'en se 'as
+arel( t'o 'ee?s old. An a""ida!it o" Consent to te adoption o" te cild
+( erein petitioners 'as also e*ec,ted +( respondent Gina. Te
appropriate petition "or adoption 'as "iled +( petitioners o!er te cild.
Te ;egional Trial Co,rt rendered a decision granting te petition.
Angelie Anne FaKardo$ no' Cer!antes. Sometime in Marc or April 1%&F$
petitioners recei!ed a letter "rom respondents demanding to +e paid
P167$777$ oter'ise$ te( 'o,ld get +ac? teir cild. Petitioners re",sed
to accede to te demand. 2n Sept. 11$ 1%&F$ respondent Gina too? te
cild "rom er =(a(a at te petitioner1s residence on te prete*t tat se
'as instr,cted to do so +( er moter. Gino +ro,gt te cild to er
o,se. Te petitioners demanded te ret,rn o" te cild +,t Gina
ISS4E: 5eter te adoption 'o,ld +e gi!en e""ect.
;4LING: Te minor as +een legall( adopted +( petitioners 'it te ",ll
?no'ledge and consent o" respondents. A decree o" adoption as te
e""ect$ among oters$ o" dissol!ing te a,torit( !ested in nat,ral parents
o!er te adopted cild$ e*cept 'ere te adopting parent is te spo,se
o" te nat,ral parent o" te adopted$ in 'ic case$ parental a,torit(
o!er te adopted sall +e e*ercised Kointl( +( +ot spo,ses. Te
adopting parents a!e te rigt to te care and c,stod( o" te adopted
cild and e*ercise parental a,torit( and responsi+ilit( o!er im.
FACTS: A Petition "or 5rit o" Aa+eas Corp,s "iled 'it tis co,rt o!er
te person o" te minor Angelie Anne Cer!antes. Mino 'as +orn on Fe+.
1:$ 1%&F to respondents Conrado FaKardo and Gina Carreon$ 'o are
common)la' ,s+and and 'i"e. ;espondents o""ered te cild "or
adoption to Gina Carreon1s sister and +roter in la'$ te petitioners.
Petitioner spo,ses too? care and c,stod( o" te cild 'en se 'as
+arel( t'o 'ee?s old. An a""ida!it o" Consent to te adoption o" te cild
+( erein petitioners 'as also e*ec,ted +( respondent Gina. Te
appropriate petition "or adoption 'as "iled +( petitioners o!er te cild.
Te ;egional Trial Co,rt rendered a decision granting te petition.
Angelie Anne FaKardo$ no' Cer!antes. Sometime in Marc or April 1%&F$
petitioners recei!ed a letter "rom respondents demanding to +e paid
P167$777$ oter'ise$ te( 'o,ld get +ac? teir cild. Petitioners re",sed
to accede to te demand. 2n Sept. 11$ 1%&F$ respondent Gina too? te
cild "rom er =(a(a at te petitioner1s residence on te prete*t tat se
'as instr,cted to do so +( er moter. Gino +ro,gt te cild to er
o,se. Te petitioners demanded te ret,rn o" te cild +,t Gina
ISS4E: 5eter or not te 'rit so,ld +e granted.
;4LING: Les$ respondent Conrado FaKardo is legall( married to a
'oman oter tan respondent Gina$ is open coa+itation 'it Gina 'ill
not accord te minor tat desira+le atmospere. Minor as +een legall(
adopted +( petitioners 'it ",ll ?no'ledge and consent o" respondents. A
decree o" adoption as te e""ect$ among oters$ o" dissol!ing te
a,torit( !ested in nat,ral parents o!er te adopted cild$ e*cept 'ere
te adopting parent is te spo,se o" te nat,ral parent o" te adopted.
##0. PELAL2 VS. LA4;2N
FACTS: 2n te e!ening o" 2cto+er 10$ 1%73$ Br. Art,ro Pela(o 'as
called to te o,se o" Marcelo La,ron and 9,ana A+ella. Ae 'as as?ed
to gi!e +irt to teir da,gter)in)la'. Ae assisted in te deli!er( o" te
cild and 'as ?ept occ,pied ,ntil te ne*t da(. Ae !al,ed is "ee at P677
+,t Marcelo and 9,ana re",sed to pa( 'ito,t reason. 2n No!em+er #0$
1%73$ a Complaint +( Pela(o against La,ron and A+ella "or collection o"
mone( 'as "iled. La,ron and A+ella contends tat tat teir son and is
'i"e li!ed independentl( "rom tem and in a separate o,se and tat i"
se did sta( in teir o,se tat nigt$ it 'as d,e to "ort,ito,s
circ,mstances. Te( also allege tat teir da,gter)in)la' ad died d,e
to te cild+irt. 2n April 6$ 1%7F$ te ;egional Trial Co,rt eld La,ron
and A+ella a+sol!ed "rom te complaint d,e to lac? o" s,""icient e!idence
to esta+lis a rigt o" action against tem.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te ,s+and is +o,nd to pa( te +ill
;4LING: Les. Article 1:# and 1:0$ Ci!il Code pro!ides: M,t,al
o+ligations to 'ic te spo,ses are +o,nd +( 'a( o" m,t,al s,pport
'ic incl,des medical ser!ices in case o" illness. Also tat 'en eiter
o" tem +( reason o" illness so,ld +e in need o" medical assistance$ te
oter is ,nder te ,na!oida+le o+ligation to ",rnis te necessar(
ser!ices o" a p(sician in order tat ealt ma( +e restored. Also tat te
"ater and moter)in)la' are strangers 'it respect to te o+ligation tat
de!ol!es ,pon te ,s+and to pro!ide s,pport. Aence$ er ,s+and$ and
not er "ater and moter) in)la'$ is lia+le. It is o" no matter 'o called
te doctor and re@,ested is ser!ices "or tere 'as imminent danger to
er li"e and medical assistance 'as ,rgentl( needed.
FACTS: Feliciano Sance8 married 9ose"a Biego and ad a cild Mario
Sance8. 2n 1%0# Feliciano re",sed to s,pport 9ose"a and Mario and
ten a+andoned tem. 9ose"a and Mario a!e no means o" s,+sistence.
Feliciano recei!es a montl( pension o" P1F:.#7 "rom 4S Arm(. 9ose"a
Biego and Mario Sance8 so,gt montl( allo'ance "or s,pport and
s,pport pendente lite against Feliciano Sance8. Feliciano contends tat
9ose"a ad an a""air 'it Macario Sance8 'ic res,lted to Mario
Sance8. Also tat on 2cto+er #F$ 1%07$ 9ose"a a+andoned te conK,gal
ome. And as te illegitimate cild o" 9ose"a 'it Macario$ Mario is not
entitled to is s,pport. Ae as?ed "or an opport,nit( to add,ce e!idence in
s,pport o" tis de"ense 'ic ;egional Trial Co,rt and Co,rt o" Appeals
ISS4E: 5eter or not Macario and 9ose"a are entitled to s,pport
;4LING: No$ Ad,lter( on te part o" te 'i"e is a !alid de"ense against
an action "or s,pport o" te 'i"e or an action "or s,pport o" te cild 'o
is te "r,it o" s,c ad,ltero,s relations. Te de"ense so,ld +e
esta+lised and not merel( alleged$ and tat proo" m,st tere"ore +e
permitted. Aence$ Feliciano as a !alid de"ense and e as?ed "or an
opport,nit( to present e!idence to pro!e is allegations$ it 'as error to
den( im te opport,nit(.
FACTS: 2n 9an,ar( 1&$ 1%6&$ Man,el 9. C. ;e(es married Celia Il,stre)
;e(es and ad cildren. 2n Marc 17$ 1%F3$ Man,el attac?ed Celia +(
"ist +lo's$ +,mping er ead against te cement "loor$ p,sing er do'n
te 10)"ligt stairs and itting er in te a+domen tat "loored er al"
,nconscio,s. -( Ma( 11$ 1%F3$ se le"t teir o""ice. 2n Ma( #3$ 1%F3$
se ret,rned to get er o!ernigt +ag and Man,el demanded tat se
get o,t +,t se ignored im$ ence$ e do,sed er 'it grape K,ice$
?ic?ed er and attempted to it er 'it a steel tra( +,t 'as stopped +(
er dri!er. 2n 9,ne 0$ 1%F3$ Celia Il,stre);e(es "iled against Man,el 9.
C. ;e(es an action "or s,pport pendente lite$ and "or Legal Separation
'en e ad attempted to ?ill er. Man,el contends tat Celia committed
ad,lter( 'it er p(sician and tat se is t,s not entitled to s,pport
and i" se 'as$ te assigned amo,nt o" P:777 +( te Co,rt 'as
ISS4E: 5eter or not Celia is entitled to s,pport pendent lite
;4LING: Les. Ad,lter( o" te 'i"e is a de"ense in an action "or s,pport
+,t onl( i" pro!en. In "act$ ad,lter( is a good de"ense and i" properl(
pro!ed and s,stained 'ill de"eat te action +,t it m,st +e esta+lised +(
competent e!idence and not merel( alleged. B,ring earing o" te
application "or s,pport pendente lite$ Man,el did not present an(
e!idence to pro!e is allegation. B,ring earing o" te application "or
action "or legal separation$ Man,el did not present an( e!idence to pro!e
is allegation. Let Celia as?ed "or s,pport pending litigation "rom teir
conK,gal partnersip and not necessaril( "rom Man,el1s pri!ate ",nds.
Betermination o" Amo,nt ) Celia 'as ,nemplo(ed and 'ito,t ",nds$ all
teir conK,gal properties$ incl,ding corporations 'ere Man,el is
President$ Manager and Treas,rer$ are in te possession o" Man,el:
Standard Mineral Prod,cts earning P&6$36:.31/ Be!elopment and
Tecnolog( Cons,ltant Inc. earning P%&$&F%.&:/ Te Contra)Prop
Marine Pilippines$ Inc. Also tat tese companies a!e entered into
m,lti)million contracts in proKects o" te Ministr( o" P,+lic Aig'a(s. Te
amo,nt 'as red,ced "rom P6777 since teir cildren are in te c,stod(
o" Man,el. In determining te amo,nt to +e a'arded as s,pport
pendente lite: it is not necessar( to go ",ll( into te merits o" te case. It
is s,""icient tat te co,rt ascertain te ?ind and amo,nt o" e!idence
'ic it ma( deem s,""icient to ena+le it to K,stl( resol!e te application.
In !ie' o" te merel( pro!isional caracter o" te resol,tion to +e
entered$ mere a""ida!its or oter doc,mentar( e!idence appearing in te
record ma( satis"( te co,rt to pass ,pon te application "or s,pport
pendente lite.
FACTS: Petitioner Lerma and respondent Bia8 'ere married on 1%61.
2n 1%3%$ petitioner "iled a complaint "or ad,lter( against te respondent.
1%3%$ respondent ten "iled "or legal separation on te gro,nds o"
conc,+inage and attempt against er li"e. Moreo!er$ se 'anted s,pport
pending trial "or teir (o,ngest son. 2n 1%3%$ respondent 9,dge granted
respondents application "or s,pport pendente lite. Petitioner "iled "or a
preliminar( inK,nction 'ic 'as dismissed. Mean'ile$ in 1%F#$ te
Co,rt o" First Instance o" ;i8al "o,nd ;espondent and Teodor ;amire8
Gis paramo,r. g,ilt( o" ad,lter(.
ISS4E: 5eter or not ad,lter( is a good de"ense against te
respondents claim "or s,pport pendente lite.
;4LING: Les. Te rigt to separate s,pport or maintenance$ e!en "rom
te conK,gal partnersip propert($ pres,pposes te e*istence o" a
K,sti"ia+le ca,se "or te spo,se claiming s,c rigt to li!e separatel(.
Tere m,st +e a K,sti"ia+le ca,se "or te spo,se claiming s,c rigt to
li!e separatel( "or imDer to gain s,pport. In oter 'ords$ te rigt to
s,pport 'as lost +( te respondent 'en se 'as "o,nd g,ilt( o"
FACTS: 2n Sept. #F$ 1%3&$ te Co,rt o" Appeals rendered a decision
ordering de"endant to gi!e plainti"" a montl( s,pport o" P177.77
+eginning 'it 2cto+er 1%3:$ pa(a+le in ad!ance 'itin te "irst 6 da(s
o" eac mont. Said decision +ecame "inal and e*ec,tor( on 9an. #1$
1%3%. 2n 2ct. #:$ 1%3%$ an order o" e*ec,tion 'as iss,ed "or P#F$%77
"ollo' +( te 'rit itsel" on 2ct. #&$ 1%3%. Te 'rit 'as recalled and set
aside to ena+le Canoni8ado to correct te amo,nt terein stated. 2n
2ct. 3$ 1%3F$ Cristina Gda,gter. +ecame o" age +,t since se 'as still
st,d(ing ten$ er s,pport 'as "ormall( terminated onl( in April 1%3%.
Te total amo,nt d,e er as o" tis latter date 'as determined at
P13$167 "or te period "rom 2ct. 1%3: to April 1%3%. 5rits o" e*ec,tion
'ere again iss,ed on Fe+. 17 and Marc 07$ 1%F7/ +ot 'ere ret,rned
and ,nsatis"ied. 2n 9,l( 11$ 1%F0$ te petitioner and respondent entered
into an Agreement. Petitioner "iled a motion "or e*ec,tion and contempt
o" co,rt. -( A,g. 0$ 1%F3$ petitioner and respondent entered again into
an agreement. 2n 9an. 1#$ 1%&#$ petitioner "iled a motion to re@,ire te
respondent to pa( c,rrent s,pport +eginning Fe+ 1%F& +ased on te
decisions o" Sept. #F$ 1%3& and 9an. #1$ 1%3%. ;espondent "iled an
opposition on te gro,nd tat is o+ligation to s,pport as terminated.
ISS4E: 5eter or not 9,!enile and Bomestic ;elations Co,rt can +e
compelled +( mandam,s to act on te petitioner1s motion "or pa(ment o"
c,rrent s,pport.
;4LING: No. NCC 070: Te o+ligation to gi!e s,pport sall also cease:
G0. 'en te recipient ma( engage in a trade$ pro"ession$ or ind,str($ or
as o+tained 'or?$ or as impro!ed is "ort,ne in s,c a 'a( tat e no
longer needs te allo'ance "rom is s,+sistence. Tis doesn1t a""ect te
rigt to s,pport +et'een spo,ses +,t onl( te action to ma?e it
demanda+le s,+sists tro,go,t te period tat te marriage s,+sists.
;espondent can rigt",ll( "ile motion to oppose te pa(ment o" c,rrent
s,pport to terminate te demanda+ilit( o" te same "or te time +eing.
;espondent K,dge cannot +e compelled +( mandam,s to order
respondent to pa( c,rrent s,pport 'en te latter alleges tat a gro,nd
e*ists "or te s,spension o" s,c o+ligation. A K,dgment "or s,pport is
ne!er "inal in te sense tat not onl( can its amo,nt +e s,+Kect to
increase or decrease +,t its demanda+ilit( ma( also +e s,spended or re)
en"orced 'en appropriate circ,mstances e*ists
FACTS: Petitioner AleKandro Aonti!eros and pri!ate respondent -renda
Aernando are te "ater and moter o" an ac?no'ledged nat,ral cild
+orn on No!em+er #F$ 1%&1 named Marga,* Aonti!eros. From
No!em+er 1%&1 to 9,ne 1%&#$ te cild ad +een ,nder te care and
c,stod( o" -renda and AleKandro ,sed to ta?e te cild o,t d,ring
Sat,rda(s and ret,rn er Sat,rda( nigt. 2n 9,ne #1$ 1%&#$ AleKandro
pic?ed te ?id ,p and ne!er ret,rned er to te moter. Te moter ten
"iled a petition "or a+eas corp,s to reco!er c,stod( o" Marga,* 'ito,t
depri!ing te "ater o" is !isitorial rigts. At te earing cond,cted on
Septem+er %$ 1%&#$ te minor cild 'as =prod,ced +e"ore te Co,rt
and a settlement 'as reaced ,pon agreement o" te parties tat
Marga,* sall +e ,nder te c,stod( o" te petitioner "or F da(s e!er(
oter 'ee?. 2n Ma( #:$ 1%&0$ te petitioner "iled an ,rgent petition "or
iss,ance o" a 'rit o" preliminar( inK,nction to pre!ent te moter "rom
+ringing te ?id to te 4SA 'ere se is +o,nd "or.
ISS4E: 5eter or not petitioner is entitled to c,stod( o" is minor cild
;4LING: No. Article 030 o" te NCC pro!ides tat =no moter sall +e
separated "rom er cild ,nder se!en (ears o" age$ ,nless te co,rt "inds
compelling reasons "or s,c meas,re . Clearl($ -renda as a clear legal
rigt ,nder Art. 1F o" PB 370 to te c,stod( o" er minor cild$ tere
+eing no compelling reasons to te contrar(.
5ile te petitioner 'o,ld a!e te co,rt +elie!e tat pri!ate respondent
is ,n"it to ta?e care o" is cild$ it is too late in te da( to do so +eca,se
,nder te ;,les o" Co,rt$ onl( @,estions o" la' ma( +e raised in te SC.
##%. 4NS2N VS. NAVA;;2
FACTS: 4nson and Araneta 'ere married on April 1%$ 1%F1. Maria
Teresa$ teir cild 'o,ld sta( 'it petitioner d,ring scool da(s and
spend 'ee?ends 'it er moter +,t er moter 'o,ldnHt e!en +oter to
pic? er ,p d,ring non)scool da(s. B,ring earl( part o" 1%F&$ 4nson
"o,nd o,t tat Araneta as +een li!ing 'it er +roter in la' ;e(es.
;e(es and Araneta later +eget t'o ?ids and later em+raced a protestant
sect. Petitioner contends tat Maria Teresa 'as +orn and reared ,nder
te ;oman Catolic "ait and so,ld not +e e*posed to an en!ironment
alien to te Catolic 'a( o" li"e 'ic is te ,p+ringing and training er
"ater is committed to. Araneta claims tat te( ad an amica+le
arrangement and no speci"ic terms 'ere agreed and stip,lated ,pon +(
er and 4nson regarding c,stod( o" te cild and tat Maria Teresa 'as
al'a(s allo'ed to !isit and to +e pic?ed ,p at an( time +( petitionerHs
parents. Se admits er present circ,mstances at "irst impression migt
seem sociall( i" not morall( ,naccepta+le +,t Maria Teresa as +een
reared and +ro,gt ,p in an atmospere o" Cristian lo!e$ a""ection and
ISS4E: 5eter or not te c,stod( o" te cild so,ld +e gi!en to te
;4LING. No. It is in te +est interest o" te cild to +e "reed "rom te
o+!io,sl( ,n'olesome$ not sa( immoral in"l,ence$ tat te sit,ation in
'ic Araneta as placed ersel" migt create in te moral and social
o,tloo? o" Teresa 'o is no' in er "ormati!e and most impressiona+le
stage in er li"e. Se migt start getting ideas a+o,t te pec,liar
relationsip o" er moter 'it er o'n ,ncle)in)la'.
Te Co,rt as no alternati!e tan to grant Araneta no more tan !isitorial
rigts o!er te cild. An('a($ decisions e!en o" te SC on te c,stod( o"
minor cildren are open to adK,stment as te circ,mstances rele!ant to
te matter ma( demand in te ligt o" te in"le*i+le criterion.
FACTS: Bante Cap,no 'as a mem+er o" te -o( Sco,ts organi8ation
and a st,dent o" te -alinta'a? Elementar( Scool. Ae attended a
parade in onor o" 9ose ;i8al ,pon instr,ction o" te cit( scoolQs
s,per!isor. Ae +oarded a Keep$ too? old o" te 'eel and dro!e it 'ile
te dri!er sat on is le"t side. Te Keep t,rned t,rtle and t'o passengers
GIsidiro Caperina and Amado Tic8on. died. At te time tis appened$
BanteQs "ater$ Bel"in 'as not 'it im$ nor did e ?no' tat is son 'as
going to attend a parade. Bante 'as ten carged 'it do,+le omicide
tro,g rec?less impr,dence. A"ter con!iction +( te ;TC and CA$
petitioner Sa+ina E*conde Gmoter o" one o" te deceased. "iled a
separate ci!il action against Bante and Bel"in "or damages in te amo,nt
o" P#$%6%.77. Be"endants a!erred as a de"ense tat Bante so,ld +e te
onl( one ci!ill( lia+le +eca,se at te time o" te accident e 'as not
,nder te control$ s,per!ision$ and c,stod( o" Bel"in. Te lo'er co,rt
s,stained te de"ense$ and so E*conde appealed$ te case certi"ied to
te SC.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Bel"in can +e eld Kointl( and se!erall( lia+le 'it
is son Bante "or damages res,lting "rom te deat o" Isidro ca,sed +(
te negligent act o" is minor son Bante.
;4LING: Article 1%70$ 1st and 6t paragraps: =Te "ater$ and$ in case
o" is deat or incapacit($ te moter$ are lia+le "or an( damages ca,sed
+( minor cildren 'o li!e 'it tem. =Teacers and directors o" arts
and trades are lia+le "or an( damages ca,sed +( teir p,pils or
apprentices 'ile te( are ,nder teir c,stod(.
Te 6t paragrap onl( applies to an instit,tion o" arts and trades and
not to an( academic ed,cational instit,tion. Aence$ neiter te ead o"
te scool$ nor te cit( scoolQs s,per!isor$ co,ld +e eld lia+le "or te
negligent act o" Bante +eca,se e 'as not ten a st,dent o" an
instit,tion o" arts and trades as pro!ided +( la'.
Te ci!il lia+ilit( imposed ,pon te "ater and moter "or an( damages
tat ma( +e ca,sed +( te minor cildren is a necessar( conse@,ence o"
te parental a,torit( te( e*ercise o!er tem$ 'ic imposes ,pon
parents te =d,t( o" s,pporting tem$ ?eeping tem in teir compan($
ed,cating tem and instr,cting tem in proportion to teir means$ 'ile$
on te oter and$ gi!es tem te =rigt to correct and p,nis tem in
moderation. Te onl( 'a( to relie!e tem is i" te( pro!e tat te(
e*ercised all te diligence o" a good "ater o" a "amil(. Te de"endants
"ailed to do.
FACTS: Spo,ses "iled a case 'it te ;TC "or damages on te deat o"
teir son Bominador Palisoc inside Manila Tecnical Instit,te gro,nds
Gla+orator( room. against de"endants Antonio C. -rillantes Gmem+er o"
te -oard o" Birectors.$ Teodosio Valenton Gte President.$ Santiago M.
E,i+,l,e Ginstr,ctor o" te class.$ and Virgilio L. Ba""on Gco)st,dent and
assailant o" Palisoc.. Te deat o" te !ictim 'as +elie!ed to a!e +een
ca,sed +( te ea!( "ist +lo's to te +od( 'ic e ad inc,rred "rom a
"igt 'it Ba""on 'ic damaged is internal organs. Te lone 'itness to
te e!ent$ Besiderio Cr,8$ attested tat e and Ba""on 'ere "i*ing a
macine 'ile te !ictim 'as loo?ing on. A"ter a snide comment +(
Ba""on regarding is inaction$ te !ictim slapped im 'ic started te
"igt. Ba""on ten retaliated 'it "ist +lo's to te +od(. A"ter 'ic
Palisoc "ell do'n and "ainted a"ter 'ic e 'as +ro,gt to te ospital
'ere e later died "rom is inK,ries. Te TC "o,nd Ba""on g,ilt( "or te
@,asi delict ,nder Article #1F3 o" te NCC +,t a+sol!ed te oter
de"endants "rom lia+ilit( ,nder Article #1&7 o" te NCC. Te co,rt cited
tat te damages to inc,rred in te case 'o,ld not +e on te de"endant
"rom MTI since Article #1&7 o" te Ne' Ci!il Code contemplated a
sit,ation 'ere te p,pil li!es and +oards 'it te teacer$ s,c tat te
control or in"l,ence on te p,pil s,persedes tose o" te parents.
ISS4E: 5eter or not ,nder te "act,al "indings$ te trial co,rt erred in
a+sol!ing te de"endants)scool o""icials "rom ci!il lia+ilit( ,nder Art.
#1&7 o" te NCC.
;4LING: Les$ te SC eld te lo'er co,rt erred in its application o" Art.
#1&7 in as m,c as te( misconstr,ed te prase Hso long as te( Gte
st,dent. remain in teir Gte scool1s. c,stod(1$ to mean tat te scool
inc,rs lia+ilit( "or a st,dent1s actions onl( i" te st,dent act,all( +oards or
resides 'D tem Ga case 'ere teir in"l,ence o!er te st,dent
s,persedes tat o" te parentsGas eld in Mercado !s. Co,rt o"
Appeals..$ to co,nter tis te SC eld tat te mentioned prase act,all(
implied tat lia+ilit( arises not "rom te +oarding o" te st,dent 'D te
scool +,t "rom te protecti!e and s,per!isor( c,stod( tat te scool
and its eads and teacers e*ercise o!er te p,pils and st,dents "or as
long as te( are at attendance in te scool$ incl,ding recess time. As
s,c +eing tat te o""ense occ,rred in scool premises d,ring class
time 'itin te s,per!ision o" te scool. Te( so,ld +e eld lia+le
,nder #1&7 ,nless te( relie!e temsel!es o" s,c lia+ilit($ in
compliance 'it te last paragrap o" Article #1&7$ Ci!il Code$ +(
IGpro!ing. tat te( o+ser!ed all te diligence o" a good "ater o" a "amil(
to pre!ent damage.I 'ic te( did not do.
FACTS: Al"redo Amadora 'as sot +( a classmate$ Pa+lito Ba""on$ 'ile
in te a,ditori,m o" Colegio de San 9ose);ecoletos. Ae 'as in scool to
"inis a p(sics e*periment as a pre)re@,isite to grad,ating tat (ear. Ae
died at 1F. Te respondent scool and its "ac,lt( mem+ers s,+mit tat
te( cannot +e eld lia+le "or 'at appened +eca,se$ tecnicall($ te
semester ad alread( ended.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te( so,ld +e eld lia+le no' tat te semester
ad ended 'en te incident appened.
;4LING: No and te petition is ere+( denied. Art. #1&7 o" te Ci!il
Code states tat: =Lastl($ teacers or eads o" esta+lisments o" arts
and trades sall +e lia+le "or damages ca,sed +( teir p,pils and
st,dents or apprentices so long as te( remain in teir c,stod(. Tere
a!e +een cases in te past 'ere 'o 'as lia+le 'o,ld depend on 'Dn
te scool 'as academic or non)academic. I" it 'ere academic$ te
teacer)in)carge o" te st,dent 'o,ld +e lia+le$ 'ile i" it 'ere non)
academic$ te ead 'o,ld +e. GTe ratio o" tis +eing tat eads o"
scools o" arts and trade 'o,ld +e closer and more in!ol!ed 'it teir
st,dents$ 'o can +e considered teir apprentices.. Te Co,rt +elie!es
tat tis pro!ision so,ld appl( to ALL scools$ academic and non)
academic. E!en i" te st,dent 'as 'itin te scool gro,nds and
+asicall( doing noting$ e is still 'itin te scool c,stod( and s,+Kect
to te discipline o" scool a,torities. Ao'e!er$ in te case at +ar$ none
o" te respondents can +e clearl( said to a!e +een responsi+le "or 'at
appened to Amadora. Te scool itsel" cannot +e eld directl( lia+le
+eca,se according to te pro!ision$ it is onl( eiter te teacer)in)carge
or te ead o" te scool. Te rector$ dean o" +o(s or te ig scool
principal also ma( not +e eld lia+le +eca,se it is clear tat te( are not
teacers)in)carge. Al"redo1s p(sics teacer cannot +e eld lia+le
+eca,se e 'as not necessaril( te teacer)in)carge o" Ba""on.
FACTS: Te -ag,io Colleges Fo,ndation G-CF. is an academic
instit,tion and is also an instit,tion o" arts and trade. 5itin te premises
o" te -CF is an ;2TC 4nit$ 'ic is ,nder te ",ll control o" te Armed
Forces o" te Pilippines. 9imm(. -. A+on is its d,l( appointed armorer$
e 'as appointed +( te AFP and e also recei!es is salar( "rom te
AFP. Ae also recei!es is orders "rom te AFP. Ae is also a commerce
st,dent o" te -CF. 2n Mar. 0$ 1%FF: A+on sot Napoleon Castro$ a
st,dent o" te 4ni!ersit( o" -ag,io in te par?ing lot o" -CF 'it an
,nlicensed "irearm 'ic e too? "rom te armor( o" te ;2TC 4nit.
Aeirs o" Napoleon G;espondents. s,ed "or damages "rom A+on$ is
o""icer$ o""icers o" te -CF and -CF$ Inc. Te ;TC rendered teir
decision$ sentencing te de"endants to pa( Kointl( and se!erall( "or
damages. Te IAC a""irmed 'it modi"ications te decision o" te ;TC.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te petitioner can +e eld solidaril( lia+le 'it
9imm( A+on "or damages ,nder Art. #1&7 o" te Ci!il Code.
FACTS: From Fe+ 10)#7 1%%6$ St. Mar(1s cond,cted an enrollment
dri!e$ part o" 'ic 'ere scool !isits "rom 'ere prospecti!e enrollees
'ere st,d(ing. As a st,dent o" St. Mar(1s$ Ser'in Carpitanos Gson o"
respondent spo,ses. 'as part o" te campaign gro,p. Ser'in$ along
'it oter st,dents 'ere riding te Keep$ o'ned +( co)respondent
Vi!encio Villan,e!a$ dri!en +( 9ames Baniel$ 16 (ears old$ also a
st,dent$ allegedl($ e 'as dri!ing in rec?less manner res,lting te Keep
to t,rtle$ and Ser'in died as a res,lt o" inK,ries s,stained. A"ter trial$
;TC ordered St. Mar(1s to pa( te spo,ses Carpitanos "or damages. St.
Mar(1s appealed te r,ling to te CA$ +,t 'as denied$ ence tis appeal
ISS4E: 5eter or not te Co,rt o" Appeals erred in olding petitioner
lia+le "or damages "or te deat o" Ser'in.
;4LING: Les$ 4nder FC Art. #1&$ Scools a!e special parental
a,torit( GAPA. o!er a minor cild 'ile ,nder teir c,stod( ) s,c
a,torit( applies to "ield trips and oter a""airs o,tside scool 'ene!er
a,tori8ed +( te scools. 4nder te Famil( Code$ Art. #1%$ i" a person
,nder c,stod( is a minor$ tose e*ercising SPA are lia+le "or damages
ca,sed +( acts or omissions o" te ,nemancipated minor 'ile ,nder
teir c,stod(. For St. Mar( to +e lia+le$ tere m,st +e an act or omission
considered negligent and 'ic as pro*imate ca,se to te inK,r($ and
te negligence m,st a!e ca,sal connection to te accident.
;espondents "ail to so' tat te negligence 'as te pro*imate ca,se$
ence reliance on Art #1% is ,n"o,nded. ;espondents Spo,ses Baniel
Gparents o" dri!er. and Villan,e!a Go'ner o" te Keep. admit tat te
ca,se o" te accident 'as not negligence o" St. Mar(1s nor te rec?less
dri!ing o" 9ames +,t te detacment o" te steering 'eel g,ide o" te
Keep ) 'ic te Carpitons do not disp,te. Tere is li?e'ise no e!idence
tat St. Mar(1s allo'ed te minor 9ames to dri!e$ it 'as Ced Villan,e!a$
grandson o" te Keep o'ner 'o allo'ed 9ames to dri!e. Aence lia+ilit(
"or te accident 'eter ca,sed +( negligence o" te dri!er or
detacment o" steering 'eel g,ide m,st +e pinned on te minor1s
parents. Te negligence o" St. Mar(1s 'as onl( a remote ca,se. 5it te
e!idence presented +( St. Mar(1s and 'it te "act tat te Baniel
spo,ses mention te circ,mstance o" detacment o" steering 'eel$ it is
not te scool +,t te registered o'ner o" te !eicle 'o sall +e
;4LING: No. E!en i" A+on 'as enrolled in -CF$ te incident 'as aro,nd
& pm$ 9imm( A+on 'as s,pposed to +e in te ;2TC o""ice at tat time$
as ordered +( is Commandant$ 4ngos. A+on co,ld not a!e +een in te
c,stod( o" te scool at te time$ as e 'as ,nder direct orders to a!e
+een some'ere else. IAC decision is re!ersed.
FACTS: 2n Fe+. :$ 1%31$ petitioner Cenaida ga!e +irt to 9osep
Casero in Ma?a+ali Clinic$ Pampanga$ o'ned +( respondent
Bra.Venancia Ma?a+ali. Cenaida le"t te cild 'it Bra. Ma?a+ali "rom
is +irt$ and te latter reared 9osep as er o'n son. Cenaida ne!er
!isited te cild nor paid "or is e*penses ,ntil A,g o" 1%33 'ere se
claimed "or c,stod( o" te minor. Trial disclosed tat Cenaida li!ed 'it
Feliciano Casero 'it t'o oter cildren$ 'it te tolerance o" Casero1s
la'",l 'i"e 'o li!es else'ere. B,ring trial$ te minor addressed te
respondent as Mamm($ and e!en cose to sta( 'it te respondent.
5it Bra. Ma?a+ili ma?ing a promise to allo' te minor te "ree coice o"
'om to li!e 'it ,pon reacing te age o" 1: W te Co,rt eld tat it
'as "or te cild1s +est interest to +e le"t 'it te "oster moter.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te LC erred in ordering te minor to sta( 'it
te respondent.
;4LING: No$ petition dismissed. 5ile te la' recogni8es te rigt o"
parent to te c,stod( o" er cild$ Co,rts m,st not lose sigt o" te +asic
principle tat Iin all @,estions on te care$ c,stod($ ed,cation and
propert( o" cildren$ te latterHs 'el"are sall +e paramo,ntI GNCC Art.
030.$ and tat "or compelling reasons$ e!en a cild ,nder se!en ma( +e
ordered separated "rom te moter. Te rigt o" parents to te compan(
and c,stod( o" teir cildren is +,t ancillar( to te proper discarge o"
parental d,ties to pro!ide te cildren 'it ade@,ate s,pport$ ed,cation$
moral$ intellect,al and ci!ic training and de!elopment GCi!il Code$ Art.
063.. As remar?ed +( te Co,rt +elo'$ petitioner Cenaida Medina pro!ed
remiss in tese sacred d,ties/ se not onl( "ailed to pro!ide te cild 'it
lo!e and care +,t act,all( deserted im$ 'it not e!en a !isit$ in is
tenderest (ears$ 'en e needed is moter te most.
FACTS: Pri!ate ;espondent Maria Santos is an illegitimate cild o" te
petitioner Aoracio L,na$ 'o is married to is co)petitioner Li+ert( L,na.
Maria is married to Si*to Sal,m+ides$ and te( are te parents o"
Sirle($ 'o is te s,+Kect o" tis cild c,stod( case. Aro,nd #): monts
a"ter te +irt o" Sirle($ er parents ga!e er to te petitioners$ a
cildless co,ple 'it considera+le means 'o lo!ed Sirle( and raised
er as teir !er( o'n. Petitioners as?ed "or te respondents1 consent to
Sirle(1s application "or a 4S Visa +eca,se te( 'anted to +ring er to
Bisne(land +,t to no a!ail. Aence$ petitioner le"t Sirle( 'it te
respondents$ ,pon te latter1s re@,est$ +,t 'it instr,ctions tat teir
dri!er ta?e and "etc Sirle( to Mar(?noll College e!er( scool da(.
5en te petitioners ret,rned on 2cto+er #%$ 1%&7$ te( learned tat te
respondents ad trans"erred Sirle( to te St. Scolastica College. Te
pri!ate respondents also re",sed to ret,rn Sirle( to tem. Neiter did
te said respondents allo' Sirle( to !isit te petitioners. In !ie' tereo"$
te petitioners "iled a petition "or a+eas corp,s$ and te trial co,rt r,led
in "a!or o" tem. ;espondents appealed to CA$ 'o re!ersed te order.
Petitioners opposed te e*ec,tion o" te K,dgment and "iled a motion "or
reconsideration on gro,nds o" te s,+se@,ent emotional$ ps(cological$
and p(siological condition o" te cild Sirle( 'ic 'o,ld ma?e te
K,dgment preK,dicial to te cild1s +est interests. Sirle( made a mani"est
d,ring te earing tat se 'o,ld ?ill ersel" or r,n a'a( "rom ome i"
se so,ld e!er +e separated "rom er Mama and Papa$ te petitioners
erein$ and "orced to sta( 'it te respondents. ;egardless$ respondent
co,rt still r,led in "a!or o" te respondents
ISS4E: 5eter or not te petitioners is entitled to te rigt",l c,stod( o"
;4LING: Petition granted$ Sirle( goes to te petitioners. Sirle(1s
mani"estations tat se 'o,ld ?ill ersel" or r,n a'a( i" se 'ere ta?en
a'a( "rom te petitioners 'o,ld ma?e te K,dgment ,n"air$ ,nK,st$ i" not
illegal. NCC Art. 030 pro!ides tat @,estions relating to te care$
c,stod($ and ed,cation$ etc. o" cildren$ te latter1s 'el"are is paramo,nt$
ence +est interests o" te minor can o!erride proced,ral r,les ) e!en
te rigts o" te +iological parents. F,rtermore$ in er letters to te
mem+ers o" te co,rt$ Sirle( depicted er +iological parents as sel"is
and cr,el 'o +eat er o"ten. To ret,rn er to te pri!ate respondents
'o,ld +e tra,matic$ as re@,ested +( te cild ersel"$ let ,s not destro(
er ",t,re.
FACTS: 5en plainti""s 'ere minors$ teir moter sold parcels o" land
'ose title 'as ,nder teir names.
AELB: Sale o" minor cildrenHs propert( e*ec,ted +( te moter is !oid.
9,dicial appro!al is necessar( +eca,se te po'ers and d,ties as legal
administrator are onl( po'ers o" possession and management/ no po'er
to mortgage$ enc,m+er or dispose.
FACTS: Pacita C,a 'or?ed as a ostess and li!ed 'it C,a -en in
1%67. Te( ad a cild +,t died in in"anc(. Se ten coa+ited 'it S(
Sia La($ 'it ;o+ert and -ett( C,a S( as "r,its. A"ter -ett(1s +irt$ te(
separated. Se ten +ecame Victor Tan Villareal1s mistress in 1%37$ a
girl 'as +orn to er +,t ten te( separated and se ga!e te cild a'a(
to a comadre in Ce+,. 2n Ma(1%6&$ -artolome Ca+ang+ang and is
'i"e$ 'o 'ere ten cildless$ ac@,ired c,stod( o" -ett($ 'o 'as ten
"o,r monts old. Te( ad er +apti8ed as Grace Ca+ang+ang. 2n o'
Ca+ang+angs ac@,ired -ett(: according to Pacita$ it 'as Villareal d,ring
teir coa+itation$ 'o ga!e -ett( to Ca+ang+angs G"or "a!ors Villareal
recei!ed.. Se onl( ?ne' o" s,c 'en -ett( 'as tree (ears old and
'as +ro,gt to er +( Villareal$ 'o ten ret,rned -ett( to te
Ca+ang+angs d,e to treats. Te Ca+ang+angs sa( te( "o,nd er
'rapped in +,ndles at teir gates and ten treated er as teir o'n$ and
tat onl( 'en -ett(DGrace 'as 6 Y (ears old tat te contro!ers(
Trial Co,rt said tat -ett( 'as gi!en to Ca+ang+angs +( Villareal +,t
'it ?no'ledge and consent "rom Pacita. Pacita demanded te c,stod(
o" te cild. ;espondents 'ere te Ca+ang+angs and Villareal. A 'rit
'as iss,ed +( co,rt +,t te +od( o" cild 'as not prod,ced. Te Trial
co,rt e!ent,all( r,led tat "or te 'el"are o" te cild$ se so,ld remain
in te c,stod( o" te Ca+ang+angs
ISS4E: 5eter or not te cild so,ld +e 'it Pacita.
;4LING: No. Article 030 o" te Ne' Ci!il Code sa( tat minor ,nder
se!en (ears o" age sall not +e separated "rom moter$ +,t iss,e is no'
moot as Grace is alread( 11. Te co,rts ma($ in cases speci"ied +( la'$
depri!e parents o" teir OparentalP a,torit(.I And tere are indeed !alid
reasons$ as 'ill presentl( +e e*po,nded$ "or depri!ing te petitioner o"
parental a,torit( o!er te minor -ett( C,a S( or Grace Ca+ang+ang.
Petitioner did not at all ) not e!er ) report to te a,torities te alleged
disappearance o" er da,gter$ and ad not +een ta?en an( step to see
te cild 'en se allegedl( disco!ered tat se 'as in te c,stod( o"
te Ca+ang+angs.
FACTS: Cosima Naldo8a married Bionesio Bi!inagracia on Ma( 07$
1%F7. Te( ad t'o cildren: 9,nior and -om+i ;o+erto. Bionesio
a+andoned te conK,gal ome a"ter Cosima con"ronted im a+o,t is
pre!io,s marriage. Also$ e allegedl( s'indled 67$777 "rom ;ep.
Maglana and 17$777 "rom a certain Galagar. Classmates o" 9,nior and
-om+i 'ere teasing tem +eca,se o" teir s'indler "ater. To o+literate
an( connection +et'een er cildren and Bionesio Gtere+( relie!ing te
?ids o" te remar?s o" classmates.$ Cosima "iled at te Co,rt o" First
Instance o" -ool on April 17$ 1%F& a petition to cange s,rname o" er
t'o cildren "rom Bi!inagracia into Naldo8a Ger maiden name.. Trial
Co,rt dismissed petition sa(ing tat a"orementioned reasons Gs'indling$
a+andoning$ pre!io,s marriage o" Bionesio$ +,t teir marriage as not
(et +een ann,lled nor declared +igamo,s. 'ere not s,""icient gro,nds to
in!o?e s,c cange o" s,rname. F,rtermore$ cange o" name 'o,ld
gi!e "alse impression o" "amil( relations.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te t'o cildren1s pra(er to drop teir "ater1s
s,rname is K,sti"ied.
;4LING: No. Follo'ing te Ne' Ci!il Code Art. 03:$ since 9,nior and
-om+i are legitimate cildren$ tere"ore te( so,ld ,se teir "ater1s
s,rname. Said minors and teir "ater so,ld +e cons,lted a+o,t s,c$
moter1s desire so,ld not onl( +e te sole consideration. Cange o"
name is allo'ed onl( ,pon proper and reasona+le ca,se G;,le 170 Sec
6 ;2C.. Cange o" name ma( e!en redo,nd to te preK,dice o" te
cildren later on$ ma( ca,se con",sion as to te minor1s parentage and
migt also create te impression tat said minors are illegitimate
cildren$ 'ic is inconsistent 'it teir legal stat,s. In 2sita !.
;ep,+lic and in Al"on !. ;ep,+lic$ teir petition to cange names a!e
+een granted$ +,t petitioners in said cases a!e alread( attained mat,re
age. In tis case$ 'en tese minors a!e attained te rigt age$ ten
te( can alread( "ile said action "or temsel!es.
#:7. 92ANST2N VS. ;EP4-LIC
FACTS: 2n 9,ne #:$ 1%37: a Petition "or Adoption o" Ana Isa+el
Aenriette Antonio Concepcion Georgiana 'as "iled +( Isa+el Valdes
9onston. Te #)(r.)17)mo. old +a+( 'as ten ,nder te c,stod( o" te
orpanage Aospicio de San 9ose 'ose Moter S,perior consented to
te adoption. As alleged in te petition$ Isa+el 'as ten married to
;a(mond Art,r 9onston 'o also consented to te adoption. Te
adoption 'as granted +,t te s,rname o" te cild 'as canged to
=Valdes +eca,se it 'as eld as te s,rname o" te petitioner. 2n
2cto+er #:$ 1%37$ a Motion 'as "iled to cange te s,rname to =Valdes
9onston .
ISS4E: 5eter te adopted cild can ,se te s,rname o" adopter1s
;4LING: No$ +eca,se onl( Isa+el adopted Ana$ onl( er s,rname can
+e ,sed +( te cild.
NCC 0:1 G:.: Adopted minor is entitled to ,se te adopter1s
Te ,s+and o" Isa+el did not Koin in te adoption$ is consent to te
adoption did not a!e te e""ect o" ma?ing im an adopting "ater.
Aence$ is s,rname cannot +e ,sed +eca,se it 'o,ld gi!e te 'rong
impression tat e adopted Ana also and 'rongl( entitle Ana to te
stat,s o" is legitimate cild ,nder NCC 0:1 G1..
-,t '( =Valdes despite er marriage to 9onstonR -eca,se =Valdes
remains to +e as er o'n s,rname. 4se o" te s,rname o" te ,s+and
is onl( an addition to te s,rname o" te 'i"e and it does not cange te
latter. NCC 0F7 G1. allo's a married 'oman to add to er s,rname er
,s+andHs s,rname +,t se as a s,rname o" er o'n to 'ic er
,s+andHs s,rname ma( onl( +e added i" se so cooses.
FACTS: Atanacia Llaneta 'as married 'it Sera"in Ferrer 'om se
ad a cild named Victoriano Ferrer. Sera"in died and a+o,t "o,r (ears
later Atanacia ad a relationsip 'it anoter man o,t o" 'ic Teresita
Llaneta$ erein petitioner$ 'as +orn. All o" tem li!ed 'it Sera"inQs
moter in Manila. Teresita 'as raised in te o,seold o" te FerrerQs
,sing te s,rname o" Ferrer in all er dealing e!en er scool records.
Se ten applied "or a cop( o" er +irt certi"icate in Sorsogon as it is
re@,ired to +e presented in connection 'it a scolarsip grant.
S,+se@,entl($ se disco!ered tat er registered s,rname 'as Llaneta
and tat se 'as te illegitimate cild o" Atanacia and an ,n?no'n
"ater. Se pra(ed to a!e er name canged "rom Teresita Llaneta to
Teresita Llaneta Ferrer since not doing so 'o,ld res,lt in con",sion
among persons and entities se dealt 'it and 'o,ld entail endless and
!e*atio,s e*planations o" te circ,mstances.
ISS4E: 5eter Teresita can a!e er s,rname canged to Ferrer.
;4LING: Te Co,rt r,led in "a!or o" Teresita and granted er petition to
cange er name to Teresita Llaneta Ferrer. In s,pport to er petition$
te moter o" Sera"in Ferrer and is t'o remaining +roters a!e come
"or'ard in earnest s,pport and 'ere pro,d to sare te s,rname o"
Ferrer 'it er. F,rtermore$ ade@,ate p,+lication o" te proceeding
as not elicited sligtest opposition "rom te relati!es and "riends o"
Sera"in Ferrer.
FACTS: Petition "or certiorari to re!ie' te decision o" te Co,rt o"
Appeals. 2n Fe+r,ar( &$ 1%01 W ;espondent Cons,elo Ba!id married
Art,ro Tolentino. Ten on Septem+er 16$ 1%:0 W Marriage 'as dissol!ed
and terminated p,rs,ant to te la' d,ring te 9apanese occ,pation +( a
decree o" a+sol,te di!orce on te gro,nds o" desertion and
a+andonment +( te 'i"e "or a t least 0 contin,o,s (ears Art,ro
Tolentino married P,lar Adora+le +,t se died soon a"ter te marriage.
Constancia married Art,ro Tolentino on April #1$ 1%:6 and te( a!e 0
cildren. Constancia Tolentino is te present legal 'i"e o" Art,ro
Tolentino. Cons,elo Ba!id contin,ed ,sing te s,rname Tolentino a"ter
te di!orce and ,p to te time tat te complaint 'as "iled. Aer ,sage o"
te s,rname Tolentino 'as a,tori8ed +( te "amil( o" Art,ro Tolentino
G+roters and sisters.. Trial Co,rt r,led tat Cons,elo Ba!id so,ld
discontin,e er ,sage o" te s,rname o" Tolentino. -,t te Co,rt o"
Appeals re!ersed te decision o" te Trial Co,rt.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te petitioner can e*cl,de +( inK,nction Cons,elo
Ba!id "rom ,sing te s,rname o" er "ormer ,s+and "rom 'om se
'as di!orced.
;4LING: Pilippine la' is silent 'eter or not a di!orced 'oman ma(
contin,e to ,se te s,rname o" er ,s+and +eca,se tere are no
pro!isions "or di!orce ,nder Pilippine la'. Tere 'as a commentar( +(
Tolentino 'it regards to Art. 0F7 o" te CC: te 'i"e cannot claim an
e*cl,si!e rigt to ,se te ,s+andQs s,rname. Se cannot +e pre!ented
"rom ,sing it/ +,t neiter can se restrain oters "rom ,sing it. Art 0F1 is
not applica+le +eca,se it contemplates ann,lment 'ile te present
case re"ers to a+sol,te di!orce 'ere tere is se!erance o" !alid
marriage ties. E""ect o" di!orce more a?in to deat o" te spo,se 'ere
te deceased 'oman is contin,ed to +e re"erred to as Mrs. 2" te
,s+and e!en i" e as remarried.
I" te appeal 'o,ld +e granted te respondent 'o,ld enco,nter
pro+lems +eca,se se 'as a+le to pro!e tat se entered into contracts
'it tird persons$ ac@,ired properties and entered into oter legal
relations ,sing te s,rname Tolentino. Petitioner "ailed to so' te se
'o,ld s,""er an( legal inK,r( or depri!ation o" rigt. Tere is no
,s,rpation o" te petitionerQs name and s,rname. 4s,rpation implies
inK,r( to te interests o" te o'ner o" te name. It consists 'it te
possi+ilit( o" con",sion o" identit(
FACTS: Cora8on Legamia li!ed 'it Emilio N. ;e(es "or 1% (ears "rom
No!em+er &$ 1%66 to Septem+er #3$ 1%F:$ 'en Emilio died. B,ring
teir li!e)in arrangement te( prod,ced a +o( 'o 'as named Micael
;apael Ga+riel L. ;e(es. Ae 'as +orn on 2cto+er 1&$ 1%F1.
From te time Cora8on and Emilio li!ed togeter ,ntil te latterQs deat$
Cora8on 'as ?no'n as Cora8on L. ;e(es/ se st(led ersel" as Mrs.
;e(es/ and Emilio introd,ced er to "riends as Mrs. ;e(es.
Emilio 'as -ranc Claim Manager Naga -ranc$ o" te Agric,lt,ral
Credit Administration 'en e died. 2n 2cto+er #%$ 1%F:$ or sortl( a"ter
EmilioQs deat$ Cora8on "iled a letter in +eal" o" Micael 'it te
Agric,lt,ral Credit Administration "or deat +ene"its. Te letter 'as
signed =Cora8on L. ;e(es. Te !o,cer e!idencing pa(ment o"
MicaelQs claim in te amo,nt o" P#$3:&.F3 'as also signed =Cora8on L.
For ,sing te name ;e(es alto,g se 'as not married to Emilio$
Felicisima ;e(es 'o 'as married to Emilio "iled a complaint 'ic led
to Cora8onQs prosec,tion.
AELB: It is not ,ncommon in Pilippine societ( "or a 'oman to represent
ersel" as te 'i"e and ,se te name o" te man se is li!ing 'it despite
te "act tat te man is married to anoter 'oman. Te practice$ to +e
s,re$ is not enco,raged +,t neiter is it ,nd,l( "ro'ned ,pon. A n,m+er
o" 'omen can +e Identi"ied 'o are li!ing 'it men prominent in political$
+,siness and social circles. Te 'oman p,+licl( olds ersel" o,t as te
manQs 'i"e and ,ses is "amil( name +litel( ignoring te "act tat e is
not er ,s+and. And (et none o" te 'omen as +een carged o"
!iolating te C.A. No. 1:# +eca,se o,rs is not a +igoted +,t a tolerant
and ,nderstanding societ(. It is in te ligt o" o,r c,lt,ral en!ironment
tat te la' m,st +e constr,ed.
In te case at +ar$ Cora8on ad +een li!ing 'it Emilio "or almost #7
(ears. Ae introd,ced er to te p,+lic as is 'i"e and se ass,med tat
role and is name 'ito,t an( sinister p,rpose or personal material gain
in mind. Se applied "or +ene"its ,pon is deat not "or ersel" +,t "or
Micael 'o as a +o( o" tender (ears 'as ,nder er g,ardiansip.
S,rel($ te la'ma?ers co,ld not a!e meant to criminali8e 'at Cora8on
ad done especiall( +eca,se some o" tem pro+a+l( ad teir o'n
#::. ;ELES VS. ALE9ANB;2
FACTS: In a petition "iled on 2cto+er #6$ 1%3% Erlinda ;e(noso pra(ed
"or te declaration o" te a+sence o" er ,s+and ;o+erto L. ;e(es
alleging tat er ,s+and ad +een a+sent "rom teir conK,gal d'elling
since April 1%3# and since ten ad not +een eard "rom and is
'erea+o,ts ,n?no'n. Te petition ",rter alleged tat er ,s+and le"t
no 'ill nor an( propert( in is name nor an( de+ts.
Te e!idence presented +( petitioner in s,pport o" er petition
esta+lised tat se and ;o+erto L. ;e(es 'ere married on Marc #7$
1%37/ tat sometime in April 1%3# er ,s+and le"t te conK,gal ome
d,e to some mis,nderstanding o!er personal matters/ tat since ten
petitioner as not recei!ed an( ne's a+o,t te 'erea+o,ts o" er
,s+and/ tat te( a!e not ac@,ired an( properties d,ring teir
marriage and tat te( a!e no o,tstanding o+ligation in "a!or o" an(one/
tat er onl( p,rpose in "iling te petition is to esta+lis te a+sence o"
er ,s+and$ in!o?ing te pro!isions o" ;,le 17F o" te Ne' ;,les o"
Co,rt and Article 0&: o" te Ci!il Code.
ISS4E: 5eter or not ;o+erto m,st +e K,diciall( declared a+sent.
;4LING: No. Te p,rpose o" te declaration is to pro!ide an
administrator o" te propert(. ;,le 17F o" te ;,les o" Co,rt is +ased on
te pro!isions o" Title NIV o" te Ne' Ci!il Code on a+sence. Te
pro!ision is concerned 'it te interest or propert( o" te a+sentee. Te
p,rpose o" te declaration is to pro!ide an administrator o" te propert(.
Te reason and p,rpose o" te pro!isions o" te Ne' Ci!il Code on
a+sence GArts. 0&1 to 0%3. are:
1. Te interest o" te person imsel" 'o as disappeared/
#. Te rigts o" tird parties against te a+sentee$ especiall( tose
'o a!e rigts 'ic 'o,ld depend ,pon te deat o" te
a+sentee/ and
0. Te general interest o" societ( 'ic ma( re@,ire tat propert(
does not remain a+andoned 'ito,t someone representing it
and 'ito,t an o'ner.
In tis case$ since tere 'ere no properties to spea? o"$ te dismissal o"
te Co,rts is !alid.
FACTS: 2n 2cto+er 01$ 1%F%$ Capt. 9,lio 9. L,cero$ 9r. 'as appointed
as captain o" te sip EASTE;N MINIC2N o" eastern sipping lines.
4nder te contract$ is emplo(ment 'as good "or one G1. ro,nd trip onl($
meaning te contract 'o,ld a,tomaticall( terminate ,pon arri!al o" te
!essel at te Port o" Manila$ ,nless rene'ed. It 'as ",rter agreed tat
part o" te captainHs salar($ 'ile a+road$ so,ld +e paid to Mrs.
9osepine L,cero$ is 'i"e$ in Manila.
Captain L,cero sent tree distress messages to te compan( on te
"ollo'ing dates: Fe+r,ar( l3$ 1%&7 Fam/ Fe+r,ar( l3$ 1%&7 0:07pm/
Fe+r,ar( 13$ 1%&7 %:67pm Gon te tird message e stated tat
sea'ater 'as entering te !essel and te( 'ere preparing to a+andon
sip.. Te compan( noti"ied te coast g,ard. Searc res,lts 'ere
negati!e. Te ins,rers o" te compan( con"irmed te loss o" te !essel.
Terea"ter$ te Compan( paid te corresponding deat +ene"its to te
eirs o" te cre' mem+ers$ e*cept respondent 9osepine L,cero$ 'o
re",sed to accept. 2n 9,l( 13$ 1%&7$ Mrs. L,cero "iled a complaint "or te
pa(ment o" te accr,ed salar( allotment o" er ,s+and 'ic te
Compan( ad stopped since Marc 1%&7 and "or contin,ed pa(ment o"
said allotments ,ntil te MDV Minicon sall a!e ret,rned to te port o"
Manila. Se contended tat te contract o" emplo(ment entered into +(
er ,s+and 'it te Compan( 'as on a !o(age)to)!o(age +asis$ and
tat te same 'as to terminate onl( ,pon te !esselHs arri!al in Manila.
Te compan( re",sed to pa(. Te National seamen +oard ,peld te
complaint and te decision 'as a""irmed +( te NL;C
ISS4E: 5eter or not Mrs L,cero 'as entitled to te accr,ed salar(.
;4LING: Te NL;C +ased its K,dgment on Art 0%1 regarding te
pres,mption o" deat at sea. Te( arg,e tat it 'as too earl( to pres,me
tat Mr. L,cero as died +eca,se ,nder te la'$ "o,r G:. (ears a!e not
(et passed. Art. 0%1 NCC: Te "ollo'ing sall +e pres,med dead "or all
p,rposes$ incl,ding te di!ision o" te estate among te eirs: G1. A
person on +oard a !essel lost d,ring a sea !o(age$ or an aeroplane
'ic is missing$ 'o as not +een eard o" "or "o,r (ears since te loss
o" te !essel or aeroplane. Te S,preme Co,rt r,led o'e!er tat a
preponderance o" e!idence "rom te telegrap messages and te "act
tat te !essel 'as not eard o" again so' tat it can +e logicall(
in"erred tat te !essel as s,n? and te cre' perised. As te Co,rt
said in 9oa@,in !s. Na!arro: I5ere tere are "acts$ ?no'n or ?no'a+le$
"rom 'ic a rational concl,sion can +e made$ te pres,mption does not
step in$ and te r,le o" preponderance o" e!idence controls.I Aence te
NL;C decision is re!ersed/ o'e!er$ deat +ene"its so,ld +e paid.
#:3. T2L)N2E4E;A VS. VILLAM2;
FACTS: Becem+er 1%&3$ Ba(a Maria Tol Gsee?ing administration o" te
estate. alleged tat se 'as te ac?no'ledged nat,ral cild o" ;emigio
Tol$ 'o ad +een missing since 1%&: and a certain Biosdado Tol ad
"ra,d,lentl( o+tained a title o" ;emigio1s propert(. Biosdado co,ntered
tat Ba(a Maria 'as not an ac?no'ledged nat,ral cild o" te a+sentee
and te title 'as originall( in is name.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Ba(a Maria Tol can +e appointed administratri*
'en ;emigio 'as not (et declared pres,mpti!el( dead.
;4LING: It is not necessar( tat a declaration o" a+sence +e made in a
proceeding separate "rom and prior to a petition "or administration. Te
p,rpose o" te cited r,les is te protection o" te interests and propert(
o" te a+sentee$ not o" te administrator.
Te rele!ant la's on te matter are "o,nd in te "ollo'ing pro!isions o"
te Ci!il Code:
Art. 0&1. 5en a person disappears "rom is domicile is 'erea+o,ts
+eing ,n?no'n$ and 'ito,t lea!ing an agent to administer is propert(
te K,dge$ at te instance o" an interested part($ a relati!e$ or a "riend$
ma( appoint a person to represent im in all tat ma( +e necessar(.
Tis same r,le sall +e o+ser!ed 'en ,nder similar circ,mstances te
po'er con"erred +( te a+sentee as e*pired.
Art. 0&#. Te appointment re"erred to in te preceding article a!ing
+een made$ te K,dge sall ta?e te necessar( meas,res to sa"eg,ard
te rigts and interest o" te a+sentee and sall speci"( te po'ers$
o+ligations and rem,neration o" is representati!es$ reg,lating tem
according to te circ,mstances$ +( te r,les concerning g,ardians.
Art. 0&0. In te appointment o" a representati!e$ te spo,se present sall
+e pre"erred 'en tere is no legal separation.
I" te a+sentee le"t no spo,se$ or i" te spo,se present is a minor$ an(
competent person ma( +e appointed +( te co,rt.
FACTS: AC ser!ed o!er te +od( o" Vitaliana Vargas 'o allegedl( died
on te #&t o" a,g,st 1%&& +,t 'as onl( made ?no'n to te co,rts on
Septem+er o" 1%&& a"ter te AC petition o" Vitaliana1s +roters and
sisters$ 'it te allegation tat Tomas E,genio ,nd,l( too? a'a( teir
sister sometime in 1%&F and made er reside in is palacial residence in
Misamis 2riental. Tomas E,genio 'as arg,ing tat AC so,ld not
go!ern te dead +od($ and +esides e 'as alread( Gallegedl(. a+le to
sec,re a +,rial permit to +,r( er at te gro,nds o" P-CM o" 'ic e is
te ead. Te +roters and sisters o" Vitaliana 'ere arg,ing tat Tomas
doesn1t +elong to te list o" persons 'o are mandated +( te la'
GAccording to NCC 076 and 07&. to +,r( er Ge +eing K,st a common)
la' ,s+and$ tere"ore la'",ll( as no relations 'it er..
ISS4E: 5eter or not te +roters and sisters are te la'",l c,stodians
o" er +od( Grigt to +,r( te deceased.
;4LING: Les. S,preme Co,rt decided "or te sisters and +roters o"
Vitaliana$ gi!en tat Tomas 'as K,st te common)la' ,s+and o" te
deceased. Te rigt to +,r( er tere"ore remains on te nearest ?in o"
Vitaliana$ 'o are te respondents erein.
#:&. ;EP4-LIC VS. SAL2
FACTS: ;amon Tan -iana$ 9r. 'as +orn on 9an,ar( %$ 1%6# in N,e!a
Vi8ca(a as te "i"t legitimate cild o" is parents. Te n,rse erroneo,sl(
reported to te Local Ci!il ;egistrar tat is and is parentsH citi8ensip
as Cinese instead o" Filipino. Ae no' claims tat e and is parents are
Filipino citi8ens. Copies 'ere ",rnised to te 2""ice o" te Pro!incial
Fiscal$ te 2""ice o" te Solicitor General and te Local Ci!il ;egistrar.
Cop( o" te notice o" earing 'as posted and it 'as also p,+lised in a
ne'spaper o" general circ,lation p,+lised once a 'ee? "or tree
consec,ti!e 'ee?s. Te TC ten proceeded to recei!e e!idence "or te
petitioner 'it te 2""ice o" te Pro!incial Fiscal representing te
ISS4E: 5eter or not te proced,re "ollo'ed satis"ied te re@,irements
o" =appropriate ad!ersar( pro)proceedings .
;4LING: Les. It is tr,e tat i" te s,+Kect matter o" a petition is not "or
te correction o" clerical errors o" a armless and innoc,o,s nat,re$ +,t
one in!ol!ing nationalit( o" citi8ensip$ 'ic is indisp,ta+l( s,+stantial
as 'ell as contro!erted$ a""irmati!e relie" cannot +e granted in a
s,mmar( proceedings. Ao'e!er it is also tr,e tat a rigt in la' ma( +e
en"orced and a 'rong ma( +e remedied as long as te proper remed( is
-iana$ 9r. s,+mitted te "ollo'ing: a !oters IB o" is "ater$ a decision o"
te -,rea, o" Immigration so'ing tat is "ater is a nat,ral son o" a
Filipino citi8en and tat is moter$ +eing a legal 'i"e 'as also a
Pilippine citi8en$ a certi"ication iss,ed +( a te -,rea, o" Immigration
stating tat te "ater is a Filipino citi8en$ te +irt certi"icate o" is
+roter stating tat e is te son o" Pilippine citi8ens and is VoterHs IB.
FACTS: Leonor Valencia in +eal" o" er minor cildren -ernardo and
9essica Go "iled a petition "or te cancellation andDor correction o" entries
o" teir +irt in te Ci!il ;egistr( in te Cit( o" Ce+,. Te TC iss,ed an
order directing te p,+lication o" te petition and te date o" earing in a
ne'spaper o" general circ,lation in te cit( and pro!ince o" Ce+, once a
'ee? "or tree consec,ti!e 'ee?s and notice 'as d,l( ser!ed on te
Solicitor General te Local Ci!il ;egistrar and Go Eng. Te petition
see?s to cange te nationalit( or citi8ensip o" -ernardo and 9essica
"rom Cinese to Filipino and teir stat,s "rom Legitimate to Illegitimate
and canging also te stat,s o" te moter "rom married to single. Te
Local Ci!il ;egistrar a!ers tat te corrections so,gt are not merel(
clerical +,t s,+stantial$ in!ol!ing as te( do te citi8ensip and stat,s o"
te minors and te stat,s o" te moter. Te Trial Co,rt granted te
ISS4E: 5eter or not te proceedings tat too? place co,ld +e
regarded as proper s,it or appropriate action "or cancellation andDor
correction o" entries in te ci!il register.
;4LING: Les. Te persons 'o m,st +e made parties to a proceeding
concerning te cancellation or correction o" an entr( in te ci!il register
are)G1. te ci!il registrar$ and G#. all persons 'o a!e or claim an(
interest 'ic 'o,ld +e a""ected tere+(. 4pon te "iling o" te petition$ it
+ecomes te d,t( o" te co,rt to)Gl. iss,e an order "i*ing te time and
place "or te earing o" te petition$ and G#. ca,se te order "or earing
to +e p,+lised once a 'ee? "or tree G0. consec,ti!e 'ee?s in a
ne'spaper o" general circ,lation in te pro!ince. Te "ollo'ing are
li?e'ise entitled to oppose te petition: GI. te ci!il registrar$ and G#. an(
person a!ing or claiming an( interest ,nder te entr( 'ose
cancellation or correction is so,gt.
I" all tese proced,ral re@,irements a!e +een "ollo'ed$ a petition "or
correction andDor cancellation o" entries in te record o" +irt e!en i" "iled
and cond,cted ,nder ;,le 17& o" te ;e!ised ;,les o" Co,rt can no
longer +e descri+ed as Is,mmar(I. Tere can +e no do,+t tat 'en an
opposition to te petition is "iled eiter +( te Ci!il ;egistrar or an(
person a!ing or claiming an( interest in te entries so,gt to +e
cancelled andDor corrected and te opposition is acti!el( prosec,ted$ te
proceedings tereon +ecome ad!ersar( proceedings. Te decision o"
te Trial Co,rt 'as a""irmed +( te S,preme Co,rt.
#67. ;EP4-LIC VS. MA;C2S
FACTS: Pang Ca E,en$ a Cinese national married Al"redo Be la Cr,8$
a Filipino citi8en. Se ad a pre!io,s marriage to a Cinese citi8en Sia
-ian 'o "atered er cild$ Ma( Sia alias Manman A,ang. Se
registered er da,gter as an alien ,nder te name Mar( Pang$ 'ic is
er maternal s,rname +eca,se te cild1s "ater as a+andoned tem.
No' Pang Ca E,en pra(s tat er da,gter1s name +e canged to
Mar( Pang Be la Cr,8 since Al"redo as gro'n to lo!e er as is o'n
da,gter. 9,dge Marcos granted s,c petition.
ISS4E: 5eter or not te name o" Mar( Pang can +e canged to Mar(
Pang Be la Cr,8.
;4LING: No. Firstl($ te rep,+lic pointed o,t tat te petition to cange
te name did not incl,de =Mar( Pang +,t onl( Ma( Sia and Manman
A,ang. Te omission o" er oter alias IMar( PangI in te captions o"
te co,rtHs order and o" te petition de"eats te p,rpose o" te
p,+lication. Te general r,le is tat a cange o" name so,ld not +e
permitted i" it 'ill gi!e a "alse impression o" "amil( relationsip to anoter
'ere none act,all( e*ists. F,rtermore$ Mar( Pang is te onl( one 'o
can pra( "or te cange o" er name. Tis cannot +e done +( er moter
"or er.
#61. LA-AL2);25E VS. ;EP4-LIC
FACTS: Emperatri8 La+a(o);o'e "iled a petition "or te correction o"
entries in te ci!il registr( 'it te ten Co,rt o" First Instance o"
Pampanga. Se as?ed te co,rt to order te Local Ci!il ;egistrar o" San
Fernando$ Pampanga to correct te entries in te +irt certi"icates o" er
cildren Vicente L. Miclat$ 9r. and Victoria Miclat especiall( 'it regard to
petitionerHs name 'ic appears in +ot certi"icates as I-eatri8 La+a(o)
La+a(, and as regards er ci!il stat,s and date o" marriage 'ic
appears in te +irt certi"icate o" Victoria Miclat as ImarriedI 'it te (ear
appearing I1%60 -,lan.I Se claimed tat se 'as ne!er married to
Vicente Miclat and tat se 'as no' married to an American citi8en$
5illiam ;o'e. Aer petition 'as granted canging er ci!il stat,s "rom
married to single in te +irt certi"icate o" Victoria.
ISS4E: 5eter or not Emperatri8 can cange er ci!il stat,s "rom
married to single in Victoria1s +irt certi"icate.
;4LING: No. Te petition "or correction o" entries in te ci!il registr(
does not onl( in!ol!e te correction o" petitioner La+a(oHs name and
s,rname registered as I-eatri8 La+a(oD-eatri8 La+a(o in te +irt
certi"icates o" er cildren. Te petition also see?s te cange o" er
stat,s "rom ImarriedI to Inot marriedI at te time o" er da,gterHs +irt$
tere+( canging te stat,s o" er cild Victoria Miclat "rom IlegitimateI
to Iillegitimate.I Te rigt o" te cild Victoria to inerit "rom er parents
'o,ld +e s,+stantiall( impaired i" er stat,s 'o,ld +e canged "rom
IlegitimateI to Iillegitimate.I Moreo!er$ se 'o,ld +e e*posed to
,miliation and em+arrassment res,lting "rom te stigma o" an
illegitimate "iliation tat se 'ill +ear terea"ter.

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