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Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 1

Internet Search Questions

Submitted by
Hanem A. Ibrahim

ILS 504- Fall 2009

Dr. Elsie Okobi

Date of submission
November 21, 2009
For this Assignment I searched the internet for the answers of 6 questions using the relevant
directories for web resources like IPL, or library spot, or other directories which were very
helpful to find web resources that are suitable for answering all these questions.
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 2

1- Business are classified under SIC Codes. What does SIC mean? I need a web resource
that will provide access to SIC.
Analysis of the question, what type of question, what resources needed?
This is one of the ready reference questions which could get complicated if we didn’t get
the result as quickly and easily as we can. It has two parts; the first one could be easy if
there is a web dictionary that will define this acronym and then we could get the meaning
from that dictionary or from general or Business encyclopedia to identify what the
abbreviate (SIC) stands for, and to know the meaning of it in Business. The second part
is to get a web resource that provide us with an access to whatever SIC is.
Justification of the resource
– The best way to search for a web dictionary that provide us with definition to a subject
terms (Business) is to search for it through one of the web directories that provide us
with web reference resources like (Search Engine Colossus or, …)
– I first searched for resources in Business through “Search Engine Colossus" which is a
web directory that organized by subjects, I received a meta search engine (
that meta search engine provides resources in Business.
– From ( I searched for” resources in SIC “one of the results was , it’s general web dictionary, but I searched there for” SIC code” it
referred me to results from; because there was not a match on
for SIC.
– The first result I received about it was the main page of NAICS which is one of the US
census Bureau organization, from there I got all the answers I need, first the definition
or the meaning of SIC, and with a click on the hyperlinked term(SIC) it referred me to
an access to all SIC system divisions, from
– The second web resources directory I used to get the answer was the reference desk of at I searched for
(SIC)Abbreviations and Acronyms of the U.S. Government I received results from
Researching an Industry. The results led me to the same (SIC) manual at: .
If we know from the beginning that SIC is part from US. Census Bureau, It would be
easy to look for it from their website on the net directly. Also I could get that answer to
what’s the meaning of” SIC code+ Business) directly from web site.
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 3

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by
Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of
collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
NAICS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), and adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
1- By clicking on the hyperlinked term above, it led me to another website with all the access to
links to SIC division. Some of them as followed:
SIC Division Structure
[ SIC Search]

A. Division A: Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing

Major Group 01: Agricultural Production Crops
Major Group 02: Agriculture production livestock and animal specialties
Major Group 07: Agricultural Services
Major Group 08: Forestry
Major Group 09: Fishing, hunting, and trapping
B. Division B: Mining
Major Group 10: Metal Mining
Major Group 12: Coal Mining
Major Group 13: Oil And Gas Extraction
Major Group 14: Mining And Quarrying Of Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels
Division C: Construction

The answer to the question through

Industry codes are used to describe a company's line of business. The current standard is the 6-
digit North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) code, but many company and
industry directories continue to use the older, 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
Searchable online North American Industry Classification Systems, 2007 (NAICS) codes:
Industry Research Questions (and Answers!)

• What are industry codes?

○ SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) and NAICS (North American Industry
Classification System) are the two main industry classification codes. The SIC
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 4

came into use in the 1930s, but has had no updates since 1987. The NAICS was
born in 1997. Despite being newer and more up-to-date, NAICS is by no means
the default industry code system, as many resources still reference SIC.
Conversion between the two is available at the U.S. Census Bureau’s NAICS-SIC
Correspondence Tables.
• How can I find the code for a given industry?
○ Business and Company Resource Center provides easy browsing of both SIC and
NAICS codes. From the main page, click on the Industry icon, then under Enter
Industry Description, select the appropriate code you wish to browse.
Business and Company Resource Center also allows you to find the SIC and NAICS
codes for companies. On the main page, do a Company Search by company name or
ticker symbol, and on the Company Profile results page will be listed both SIC and
NAICS codes for your company, about halfway down the page
The URLs of the answer.
1- I need a gazetteer for information on the Demographic and other types of information
about states in the US.
Analysis of the question, what type of question, what resource?
This is type of ready reference questions that could be searched from IPL, directory
which could lead us to a gazetteer for US which should provide us with all the
demographic and other information about any state in USA. It could be answer quickly
from, but if the question specify a gazetteer, that should be one of the
resources available in IPL.

Justification of the resource

– From IPL I searched for Gazetteer for US , I received a list of a web gazetteer
Worldwide Gazetteer at
The World Gazetteer at
The Columbia Gazetteer of North America at
U.S. Gazetteer at
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 5

– I tried the gazetteer specialized in USA, The US Gazetteer is the only one could
provide specific answer about demographic information in certain State in U.S this
internet Gazetteer published as one of Census US Bureau online, it could be searched
by the place inside US, but I couldn’t get any answer either dead link, or some
Authorization problem with that site.
– I tried the search key at the bottom of that page it referred me to a searchable box in
Census US Bureau, from there I searched for (Demographic Connecticut), I received a different
results, the first one about Connecticut linked to, which
provides statistical demographic information about any state in US.
– If we need short information about the whole country we could use the World Gazetteer
which provides general information of each country without maps, but if we need more
detailed information about USA for example there is a link to CIA World Factbook
through The world wide gazetteer at . The World Factbook is
powered by CIA available at
factbook/geos/us.html , it provides information about each country and map.
The answer to the question The answer from
S2502. Demographic Characteristics for Occupied Housing Units
Data Set: 2005-2007 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimate
Survey: American Community Survey NOTE. For information on confidentiality
protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see Survey Methodology

Owner- Renter-
occupied occupied
Occupied housing Margin housing Margin housing Margin
Subject units of Error units of Error units of Error
Occupied housing
1,323,431 +/-3,411 922,957 +/-5,288 400,474 +/-5,292
One race --
White 83.2% +/-0.2 89.7% +/-0.3 68.2% +/-0.6
Black or African
8.5% +/-0.1 5.0% +/-0.2 16.6% +/-0.5
American Indian and 0.2% +/-0.1 0.2% +/-0.1 0.4% +/-0.1
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 6

Owner- Renter-
occupied occupied
Occupied housing Margin housing Margin housing Margin
Subject units of Error units of Error units of Error
Alaska Native
Asian 2.8% +/-0.1 2.3% +/-0.1 3.9% +/-0.2
Native Hawaiian and
0.0% +/-0.1 0.0% +/-0.1 0.0% +/-0.1
Other Pacific Islander
Some other race 4.0% +/-0.2 1.9% +/-0.1 9.0% +/-0.5
Two or more races 1.1% +/-0.1 0.8% +/-0.1 1.8% +/-0.2

Hispanic or Latino
9.0% +/-0.1 4.7% +/-0.2 18.7% +/-0.5
White alone, not
78.6% +/-0.2 87.1% +/-0.3 59.2% +/-0.6
Hispanic or Latino

Under 35 years 17.0% +/-0.2 10.2% +/-0.2 32.5% +/-0.7
35 to 44 years 21.6% +/-0.2 21.7% +/-0.2 21.6% +/-0.6
45 to 54 years 22.9% +/-0.2 25.3% +/-0.2 17.4% +/-0.5
55 to 64 years 17.0% +/-0.2 19.6% +/-0.2 10.9% +/-0.4
65 to 74 years 10.3% +/-0.1 11.6% +/-0.2 7.4% +/-0.4
75 to 84 years 8.0% +/-0.1 8.6% +/-0.2 6.6% +/-0.3
85 years and over 3.1% +/-0.1 2.9% +/-0.1 3.7% +/-0.3


Less than high school
11.3% +/-0.2 7.6% +/-0.2 19.7% +/-0.6
High school graduate
27.5% +/-0.4 25.2% +/-0.4 33.0% +/-0.8
(includes equivalency)
Some college or
25.0% +/-0.3 25.3% +/-0.4 24.2% +/-0.7
associate's degree
Bachelor's degree or
36.2% +/-0.4 41.9% +/-0.5 23.0% +/-0.5


Moved in 2000 or later 47.1% +/-0.3 35.2% +/-0.4 74.7% +/-0.7
Moved in 1990 to
24.6% +/-0.3 27.6% +/-0.4 17.7% +/-0.6
Moved in 1980 to
11.8% +/-0.2 15.1% +/-0.3 4.3% +/-0.3
Moved in 1970 to
7.7% +/-0.2 10.3% +/-0.2 1.6% +/-0.2
Moved in 1969 or
8.8% +/-0.2 11.8% +/-0.2 1.8% +/-0.2
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 7

Tiny URL of the answer.:

1- I have just changed my living room carpet and my pet has stained it badly, can you
find me some information on stain removal?
Analysis of the question, what type of question, what resource
This is also one of the ready reference questions that need to be answered without major
searching problems. The answer to that question could be easily found by a web any web
manual or handbook, or web encyclopedia specialized in how to do things or how stuff
Justification of the resource
Through IPL I searched for a these terms (How thing works), I received lots of these type
of web references, like, through its searching box I entered these
terms (pet, stain, remover, carpet), I received the answer right there, also there are also
lots of stain remover adds, and the answer need to use one of these stain removal items.
– If we need tips in how to remove this stain manually without these product, I found
these tips at which is one of Google results for (pet carpet stain
removal)they are good tips , and I have to included even if it ‘s from Google, and
Google is one of the great internet searching engines
The answer to the question
➢ Answer from Howstuffworks:
How to Remove Pet Stains
by the Editors of Consumer Guide
Follow these steps to remove pet stains from carpet:
1- After removing solids, apply cleaners such as Spot Shot Carpet Stain Remover, Stain-X
Carpet Stain Remover, or Up & Out (do not use Up & Out on wool). Be sure to follow
the label directions for special instructions and any precautions.
2- An alternate method is to scrape to remove the solids, being careful not to push stain into
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 8

3- Sponge the area with a solution of 1 teaspoon mild non-alkali detergent and 1 pint
lukewarm water.
4- Blot the stain with an absorbent pad.
5- Continue the sponging and blotting until no more stain is removed.
6- If any stain persists, sponge the area with a solution of 1 tablespoon ammonia to 1 cup
warm water. (Do not use ammonia on wool carpet.)
7- Blot excess liquid, and continue treatment until no more stain is removed.
8- Place an absorbent pad over the damp area and weight it down.
9- When no more liquid is absorbed, remove the pad and allow area to thoroughly air dry.
➢ Answer from
Things You'll Need:
• Ammonia
• Mild Liquid Laundry Detergent
• Vacuum
• White Vinegar
• Baking Soda
• Spoon Or Spatula
• White Rags And/or Paper Towels
• Nose Clips
• Heavy, nonfading object
Urine on carpet and upholstery
1. Step 1 Soak up excess moisture with a white rag or paper towels.
2. Step 2 Blot on a solution of 1/4 tsp. mild liquid laundry detergent and 1 cup (8 fl oz/250
ml) warm water. Repeat until there is no more stain transferring to a towel or rag.
3. Step 3 Blot with a solution of 2 tbsp. ammonia and 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) water. Rinse
with warm water. Repeat. Blot dry.
4. Step 4 Blot the area with a solution of 1 cup (8 fl oz/250 ml) white vinegar and 2 cups
(16 fl oz/500 ml) water. Rinse.
5. Step 5 Cover with several layers of paper towels weighed down with a heavy,
nonfading object. Continue changing paper towels until the carpet is dry.
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 9

6. Step 6 If you can't remove the stain, consider recovering the furniture item or replacing
the carpet. (For details on how to replace a section of carpeting, see How to Remove
Burn Marks on Rugs.) This might also be a good time to invest in a dog trainer.
Feces on carpet and upholstery
7. Step 1 Gently scoop up excess with a spoon or spatula.
8. Step 2 Blot with an ammonia solution (see step 3, above). Let it soak in for several
9. Step 3 Blot, then repeat until the stain is removed. Rinse with cold water. Blot dry.
10. Step 4 To remove lingering carpet odors, sprinkle baking soda on the spot. Let it sit
overnight, then vacuum.
The URL of the answer

1- List some of the daily newspapers in Nigeria.

Analysis of the question, what type of question, what resource.
This is easy ready reference question could be answered directly from IPL through the
searching box of that directory, or among the searchable tools of other web resources
directories like refDesk. We just have to look for “Newspaper” we’ll be able to get access
to many online newspapers in the world.
Justification of the resource
– As I entered ( newspaper , Nigeria at the searching box of IPL I received a web page
of a searchable index of news papers in USA, and also an alphabetical index with
hyperlinked letters to choose the first letter of the country we want to search for its
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 10

– I chose the letter N for Nigeria, and got a list of the news papers there, from the list I
could recognize the daily newspaper published in Nigeria. There are also information
about each newspaper like the language, the website, Geographic coverage and its
– I also searched . Newspapers in another web resources directory ( and from
NEWSPAPERS - USA AND WORLDWIDE I found the answer, but I couldn’t identify
the frequency of these newspapers in Nigeria.
The answer to the question : 3 of the Newspapers of Lagos- Nigeria :

The Guardian (English)
Geographic coverage: Nigeria--Lagos--Lagos
Frequency: Daily
Features: Arts, Sports, Business, News - National, Science/Technology, News
- Local, Politics, Features/Lifestyles
This Day (English)
Geographic coverage: Nigeria--Lagos--Lagos
Frequency: Daily
Features: Business, News - National, Editorial, News - Local
Vanguard (English)
Geographic coverage: Nigeria--Lagos--Lagos
Frequency: Daily
Features: Sports, Business, News - National, Editorial, News - Local, Politics
The URLs of the answer.

1- Provide me with the front page news in New York Times on the day you were born
Analysis of the question, what type of question, what resource
– This question could be a ready reference question if we find the access to website
Archive of American newspapers, but if we need a full- text article that published in
archived newspaper, we have to look for sites that provide an access to full-text and
images of any page of any past issues of these newspapers. We could search for
newspapers in the web directories like IPL, or. Library, from there we could
search for The New York Times, to see if they offer any services like that. We could
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 11

also go to Front Pages which allows copying the front page of the available newspapers.
But this site doesn’t have NYT front pages.
– If we need to find only the front page news of NYT on 09/26/1967 then, I will start from to search in their newspapers for the NYT.
Justification of the resource
– Through the searching box in the website of the NYT I searched for these terms
(09/26/1967, AND front page news) I limited the answer from the pull down menu to
the archive from 1850-1980. I received a list of the news articles that published on that
date. There is no available the front page images for free.
– If there is no free access to full text to these articles from the front page of this specific
issue of the NYT, then we have to work in finding an access to a web database that
allow this services only through the subscription of a database that allows searching
through the archives of NYT newspaper for specific date to get article or any headlines
in past issues.
– Through the internet I learnt about ProQuest Historical Newspapers, it is -the definitive
digital archive-offers full-text and full-image articles for significant newspapers dating
back to the 18th Century. As part of the ProQuest Historical Newspapers™ program,
every issue of each title includes the complete paper-cover-to-cover, with full-page and
article images in easily downloadable PDF format. If your library already subscribes to
the historical New York Times, the addition of the Index will provide all the benefits
available through this database.
– I tried to search through the dot- com website of ProQuest, but I couldn’t also get any
result, the searching box there allow searching through the contents of this site only not
the database itself, and there is ability to search the database from this site only for
– I searched through Buley library databases to see if they have an access to ProQuest
Newspaper database, I found it through the index of database.
– From Buley library Databases, I chose ProQuest Newspaper database, where I could
search for a full text on that specific date September 26 1967( my date of birth) through
the simple searching boxes I entered ( page 1), and from the drop down menu I chose
searching in News- The Historical New York Times database. It allows searching by
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 12

specific date, I entered my date of birth. I received 10 documents found for: (page 1)
AND PDN(9/26/1967)
These are the articles that were published at that date” Tuesday September 26,1967” on
the front page, Each one of these articles could be displayed in many ways, I tried them
all till I got a picture of the front page, the choices are Article image PDF, or abstract,
or page map, I clicked on PDF image first , I received a PDF image of that article, then I
clicked on the page map , I received the picture of the whole front page of that date, I
copied it , and paste. I included the results of the titles of the news article published on
the front page, also I included a screen shot of the front page as well.
The answer to the question:
This is a screen shot from what I received from the NYT Archive “the News of the front
page of NYT on September 26th , 1967”

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09/26/1967 front page new s NYT Archive 1851-1980

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Front Page Shop The NY Times Store! Reprints Of Front Pages, Photos & More.
1967 Discover Anything From 1967 In Old Newspapers From Any State!
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• Your search has been narrowed to results published on September 26, 1967.
Switch to results containing the phrase "09/26/1967 front page news".
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 13


Sponsors of Call Cite Growing 'Uneas... [PDF]
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25--A bipartisan group of 52 House members proposed today that Congress re-
examine the Administration's policies in Vietnam in order to determine if there was sufficient authorization
for the deepening American involvement in the war....View free preview
September 26, 1967 - By JOHN W. FINNEY Special to The New York Times - Front Page
2. A City Shows Scars Of the Nigerian War; A City Shows Scars of Nigerian Strife;
Ibo Stores Are Looted [PDF]
BENIN, Nigeria, Sept. 24 Nigeria's civil war has washed over this small, drab city and flowed on, but the
bitter divisions that brought federal and Eastern soldiers here in the first place have not died away....View
free preview
September 26, 1967 - By ALFRED FRIENDLY Jr. Special to The New York Times - Front Page
Sides to City Hall Cancels a Plan to... [PDF]
Mayor Lindsay called both sides in the school dispute to City Hall late yesterday afternoon as the school
system's emergency operations appeared to be on the verge of total collapse....View free preview
September 26, 1967 - By LEONARD BUDER - Front Page
What are Advertiser Links?

0 10 s period

09/26/1967 front page new s NYT Archive 1851-1980

Your Search:

And these are the results from ProQuest, only two news article are similar in both
search results
Top of Form
1.City Weighs Renting Bellevne to N.Y.U.; City Is Considering Leasing Bellevue to N.Y.U.
By MARTIN TOLCHIN. New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
Approve Plan Public Loan Compromise Is Passed Committee Votes to Give Charter To the Public in
Single Package
By RICHARD L. MADDEN Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep
26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
3- House Votes to Let Washington Elect Own School Board; CAPITAL WILL GET MORE SELF-RULE

By BEN A. FRANKLIN Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26,
1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
4- 52 IN HOUSE SEEK A CONGRESS STUDY OF POLICY ON WAR; Bipartisan Sponsors of Call
Cite Growing 'Uneasiness' on Vietnam Involvement HAWKS AND DOVES JOIN Do Not Challenge
Johnson's Course, but Ask if It Was Authorized Sufficiently 52 IN HOUSE SEEK A STUDY OF WAR
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 14

By JOHN W. FINNEY Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26,
1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
5.LEARY 'REALIGNS' TOP POLICE POSTS; One Job Is Abolished and One Created Attempt to
Undercut Garelik Denied Police 'Realign' Top Positions; Move Against Garelik Denied
By SYLVAN FOX. New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
Cancels a Plan to Urge Arbitration SUPERVISORS THREATEN Want All Classes Canceled Will
Dismiss Pupils to 'Protect' Them Lindsay Steps In as the School System Nears a Total Collapse
By LEONARD BUDER. New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
7.Poison in Milk Kills 10 Mexican Children; A POISON IN MILK KILLS 10 CHILDREN
New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
8-TRUCE DECLARED IN SOUTH ARABIA; Rival Nationalist Factions Call on Their Supporters to
Lay Down Arms Rival Nationalist Factions Agree To a Cease-Fire in South Arabia
New York Times (1857-Current file). Sep 26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
10.WILSON FORESEES A HOPEFUL PERIOD; But He Says Economy Will Have 'a Hard Winter'
By DANA ADAMS SCHMIDT Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-Current file).
Sep 26, 1967. p. 1 (2 pages)
The tiny URL of the answer
Screen shot
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 15
Internet reference Questions - Hanem Ibrahim 16

1- Who was the first female governor of any state in the U.S. that was elected to the post?
Analysis of the question, what type of question, what resource
– This is a ready reference question that needs a first fact web resource like U.S. almanac,
or website that provides us with events or specific firsts of women in America. I knew
from my practices in this course that has an almanac that provides
famous firsts in U.S., and the world, so that’s will be a good start to find the answer.
Justification of the resource
– From I searched for almanacs I found infoplease almanac the first
choice. I searched for these terms (First women governor) in its searching box, I
received different results, I tried the first one which was from Famous Firsts by
American Women, 1901–Present, the results are arranged by years, and if I don’t know
the year of that event, I had to brows all the included years to find the answer in 1925.
– I tried to use another site from the provided results which was the First in America, I
wanted to see if there is any special information, but again I had to brows all the firsts
till I found the first women elected as Governor. So there is no specific highlight or
index to the answer in both sites, I can’t find the answer easily without checking the list
from the beginning till I find it. And that’s not convenient. Its easier through Google
The answer to the question
– The answer from first in America.
Woman elected governor of a state: Nellie Tayloe Ross, Wyoming, 1925.
– The answer from women first.
Nellie Tayloe Ross becomes the first woman to serve as governor of a state, in Wyoming.
In the fall of 1924 she was elected to succeed her deceased husband, William Bradford
The URL of the answer.

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