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AND its
Submitted by:-
Amar Kondear ! "-#$
Sunny C%%an&ani ! A-'(
Manasi So%ani ! A-$#
)ayes% Mis%ra ! A-*'
At%ar+a Institute O, mana&ement and

Mumbai's posh Colaba area land (about 3800 square meters) with the
complicity of military officers was given to a private housing societiy !ut
army too" no action in this regard because several army officials#
including former army Chief $eepa" %apoor himself# had flats in this
society &!'( did the special investigation on this )his *(+storey building
has been built in Mumbai's Colaba 'avy 'agar area !ut no one "nows
how army gave the permission to build a housing society on this land
)he building was constructed at a place where there used to be %hu"ri
par"# inaugurated by ,ield Marshal Cariappa -ince *000 the army used to
maintain the par" but after that some army officers attempted to grab this
land Maharashtra .overnment /evenue $epartment issued an order in
*003# in which it was written that the government has decided to hand
over this land occupied by the army to the housing society at a fi0ed
government rate 1owever# it was not stated anywhere that the army+
occupied land has been handed over to the housing society
)he 2darsh society# formed in 3445# had (3 members that included
retired top 2rmy officials and Maharashtra bureaucrats who became a
part of the society with a fee of /s 60#000 each )he society claims it has
necessary clearances but questions are being raised as to how a
residential building with permission for 30 storeys come up near 'avy
'agar# essentially a cantonment and why the 2rmy chose to maintain a
stoic silence
Chief Minister 2sho" Chavan7s "ith and "in are not the only beneficiaries
of the scam involving allotment of flats in the 2darsh Co+operative
1ousing -ociety in Colaba )hree former CMs 8 9ilasrao $eshmu"h#
-ushil"umar -hinde and 'arayan /ane 8 all of whom have been#
ironically enough# potential contenders for Chavan7s post and at some
point served as the sanctioning authority for the pro:ect# also stand
accused of owning flats under ;benami7 names in 2darsh
$eshmu"h# who is currently the union minister for heavy industries#
reportedly owns three apartments 8 each one a 3+!1% of 3#0(< sq ft
carpet area 8 on the 36th floor )he flats (360*# 3603 and 3605) are in
the names of =ttam .ha"are# %iran !hadange and 2mol %harbari 8 real
or fictitious individuals whose relationship with $eshmu"h is not clear
=nion power minister -ushil %umar -hinde is said to own a 3+!1% flat in
the name of Ma:or '> %han"ho:e# while former state revenue minister
-hiva:irao ?atil 'ilenga"ar allegedly owns two flats in the name of $r 2run
9 $awle and -ampat / %hidse (flat no *<0*)
)he 2darsh gravy train has more members on board@ Maharashtra
revenue minister 'arayan /ane too is accused of owning two 3+!1% flats
on the 3(th floor# in the name of .irish ?ravinchandra Mehta and /upali
1arishchandra /aorane 2lso# 2rchana )iwari# a doctor with !ombay
1ospital# reportedly got a flat in 2darsh by virtue of being a good friend of
/atna"ar .ai"wad# commissioner of Mumbai Metropolitan /egional
$evelopment 2uthority (MM/$2)
)he pro:ect had been approved by Chavan himself in *00* when he was
the revenue minister $eshmu"h# as the then CM# had given the initial
permissions for the construction of 2darsh -ociety# while -hinde# when he
was the CM in *005# gave the final sanction for the pro:ect
&f one loo"s at the initial list of society members of the 2darsh Co+
operative 1ousing -ociety# it comprised 50 members and included mostly
defence personnel 'ow the list stands at 303# out of which only 3(
members belong to the army and :ust three members have anything to do
with the %argil war
Some o, t%e bureau-rats and .o/iti-ians 0%o are
a--used o, ,raudu/ent/y obtainin& ,/ats ,or t%emse/+es or
t%eir re/ati+es:
2sho" Chavan# chief minister#
Maharashtra Aaira: ?hata"# e0+municipal commissioner (flat in the
name of his son %anish"a A ?hata")
/amanand )iwari# state information commissioner (in the name of
son# Bn"ar )iwari)
-uresh ?rabhu# -hiv -ena (own name)
?radeep 9yas# e0+collector# Mumbai ( in the name of his wife and
fellow &2- officer -eema 9yas)
Aitender 2whad# 'C? (own name)
&ndris %undan# e0+ollector# Mumbai (own name)
%anhaiyalal .idwani# Congress (along with * sons# %ailash and 2mit)
=ttam %hobragade# !C-) .M (in the name of daughter# $evyani# an
&ndian ,oreign -ervice official)
!abasaheb %upe"ar# Congress (own name)
$% -an"aran# C0+chief secretary (in the name of daughter# $evyani)
-hriniwas ?atil# 'C? (own name)
C- -angitrao# e0+collector# suburban (in the name of son# /an:it
%rishnarao ?atil# Congress -C $eshmu"h#
Collector# ?une (own name) 2run ?awar# e0+income ta0
commissioner (own name)
?9 $eshmu"h# secretary# urban development (own name)
Army1s A-tions on Adars% S-am
2mid growing anger over the 2darsh 1ousing -ociety scam# the 2rmy is
all set to begin its own probe into the controversial allotment of flats to its
retired and serving officers
)he 2rmy# for now# has sought legal opinion on setting up a Court of
&nquiry (Co&) into the issue and will li"ely issue orders for the same in a
day or two
)he 2rmy probe will focus on the role of some 50 officers
)here are also reports that the 2rmy has already submitted a preliminary
probe report to the Ministry of $efence and is awaiting its nod to ta"e the
investigation further

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