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(A hymn of eight verses by

Totakacharya - disciple of Adi Sankara)
mahitOpanishatkathitArthanidhE |
hridayE kalayE vimalam charaNam
bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||
Oh, Thou, the knower of the entire ocean of milk of scriptures, He
ho teaches the truths found in the !reat treasure chest of the
"panishads # $ meditate on Thy faultless feet% &e Thou my refu!e,
Oh, 'aster (ankara%
karuNAvaruNAlaya pAlaya mAm
bhavasA!ara dukhkha vid"nahridam |
bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||
Oh, Thou Ocean of compassion # (ave me whose heart is tormented
by the misery of the sea of birth% 'ake me understand the truths of
all schools of philosophy # &e Thou my refu!e, 'aster (ankara #
bhavatA janatA suhitA bhavitA
nijabOdhavichAraNa chArumatE |
kalyEsvara j$vavivEkavidam
bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||
&y Thee the masses have been made happy, Oh, Thou of noble
intellect, skilled in the )uest of (elf*+nowled!e # Enable me to
understand the wisdom relatin! to ,od and the (oul% &e Thou my
refu!e, Oh, 'aster (ankara#
Totakashtakam -a!e . of / 52627886
bhava Eva bhavA niti mE nitarAm
samajAyata chEtasi kowtukitA |
mama vAraya mOhamahAjaladhim
bhava sankara dEsika mE saranam ||
+nowin! that Thou art verily the (upreme 9ord, overwhelmin!
bliss arises in my heart% -rotect me from the vast ocean of delusion%
&e Thou my refu!e, Oh, 'aster (ankara#
sukritE:a;dhikritE bahudhA bhavatO
bhavitA samadarsanalAlasatA |
atid$namimam paripAlaya mAm
bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam ||
<esire for the insi!ht in unity throu!h Thy ,race will !row only
when virtuous deeds are in abundance * and in all directions%
-rotect this e=tremely helpless person% &e Thou my refu!e, 'aster
(ankara #
ja!at$mavitum kalitAkritayO
vicharanti mahAmahasachalata1 |
ahimAmsurivAtra vibhAsi !urO
bhavasankara dEsika mE saraNam ||
Oh Teacher # >or the purpose of savin! the world the ,reat Ones
take various forms and wander in dis!uise% Of these !reat Ones,
?ou shine like the sun # &e Thou my refu!e, Oh, 'aster (ankara#
Totakashtakam -a!e 7 of / 52627886
!uru pun!ava pun!ava kEtanatE
samatAmayatAm nahi kOpi sudh$hi |
saraNA!atavatsala tattvanidhE
bhavasankara dEsikamE saraNam ||
Oh, &est of Teachers # (upreme 9ord ho has the sacred bull as
His banner # None of the wise Ones is e)ual to Thee# Thou are
compassionate to those who take refu!e in Thee# Thou treasure
chest of Truth# &e Thou my refu!e, Oh, 'aster (ankara#
viditA na mayA visadaikakalA
na cha kinchana kAnchana masti !urO |
drutamEva vidhEhi krupAm sahajAm
bhava sankara dEsika mE saraNam||
$ do not understand correctly even a sin!le @branch of knowled!e@%
$ do not possess even the least bit of wealth, Oh Teacher, )uickly
bestow on me Thy ,race% &e Thou my refu!e, Oh, 'aster (ankara#
Totakashtakam -a!e / of / 52627886

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