9.call Management

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PAGE: 8- 1
Call Management
Mobile To Land Call Scenario (Mobile Origination)
Phases of Mobile To Land Call
The following, liss he !h"ses of " Mo#ile To L"n$ C"ll
Re!est for ser"ices# The MS %e&'ess o se'! " ("ll
A!thentication # The MSC)*LR %e&'ess he AUC fo% "'heni("ion
!"%"+ee%s, 'sing hese !"%"+ee%s he MS is A'heni("e$,
Ci$hering # Using he !"%"+ee%s, whi(h we%e +"$e "-"il"#le e"%lie% $'%ing
he "'heni("ion, he '!lin. "n$ he $ownlin. "%e (i!he%e$
E!i$ment %alidation # The MSC)*LR %e&'ess he EIR o (he(. he IMEI
fo% -"li$i/
Call set!$ # The MSC es"#lishes " (onne(ion o he MS,
Call release# The s!ee(h !"h is %ele"se$
The 'se% ene%s he $igis of he ele!hone wih STD (o$e in("se of l"n$
line o% wiho' STD (o$e in("se of +o#ile "n$ !%esses he 0sen$0 .e/ "fe% "ll
$igis h"-e #een ene%e$
MS %"ns+is " (h"nnel %e&'es +ess"ge o-e% he R"n$o+ A((ess
On(e he 3SS %e(ei-es he Ch"nnel Re&'es +ess"ge, i "llo("es " S"n$-
"lone De$i("e$ Con%ol Ch"nnel1SDCCH2 "n$ fo%w"%$s his (h"nnel
"ssign+en info%+"ion o he MS o-e% he "((ess G%"n Ch"nnel1AGCH2,I is
o-e% he SDCCH h" he MS will (o++'ni("e wih he 3SS "n$ MSC 'nil "
%"ffi( (h"nnel is "ssigne$,
The MS %"ns+is " se%-i(e %e&'es +ess"ge o he 3SS o-e% he SDCCH,
In(l'$e$ in his +ess"ge is he MS TMSI "n$ Lo("ion A%e"
I$enifi("ion1LAI2,The 3SS fo%w"%$s he se%-i(e %e&'es +ess"ge o he
PAGE: 8- 2
E!i$ment %alidation#
The Mo#ile E&'i!+en 1ME2 -"li$"ion !%o(ess is he +e"ns #/ whi(h "
s!e(ifi( !ie(e of ME ("n #e i$enifie$ o !%e-en he 'se of solen, 'n"'ho%i4e$
o% +"lf'n(ioning e&'i!+en in he newo%., E"(h e&'i!+en is 'ni&'el/
i$enifie$ #/ "n Ine%n"ion"l Mo#ile E&'i!+en I$eni/ 1IMEI2 (o$e, IMEI whi(h
is in(o%!o%"e$ ino ME #/ he +"n'f"('%e%, h"s h%ee (o+!onens, s'(h "s
T/!e "!!%o-"l (o$e 1TAC2
Fin"l Asse+#l/ Co$e 1FAC2
Se%i"l N'+#e% 1SNR2
The IMEI (o$e is se('%e "n$ !h/si("ll/ !%oe(e$ "g"ins 'n"'ho%i4e$ (h"nge,
The E&'i!+en I$eni/ Regise%1EIR2 is %es!onsi#le fo% so%ing he IMEI (o$es
h" i$enif/ he +o#ile-e&'i!+en $e!lo/e$ in he GSM s/se+,
PAGE: 8- 3
Ste$s in E!i$ment %alidation
A his !oin in i+e, he MS h"s #een "'heni("e$ "n$ he %"$io (h"nnel
is #eing en(%/!e$, The MSC will ine%%og"e he MS fo% is e&'i!+en n'+#e%
"n$ (he(.s he e&'i!+en "g"ins info%+"ion in he E&'i!+en I$eni/
The MSC %"ns+is " %e&'es o he MS %e&'esing i o %es!on$ wih is IMEI
The MS '!on %e(ei-ing his %e&'es, %e"$s is e&'i!+en se%i"l n'+#e% "n$
%e'%ns his -"l'e o he MSC
The MSC hen %e&'ess he EIR o (he(. he IMEI fo% -"li$i/, The EIR will
fi%s (he(. o see if he IMEI -"l'e is wihin " -"li$ %"nge ,If so, i hen (he(.s o
see if he IMEI is on " s's!e( o% .nown lis of in-"li$ e&'i!+en
The EIR %e'%ns o he MSC he %es'ls of he IMEI -"li$"ion, If he %es'ls
"%e neg"i-e, he MSC +igh "#o% he ("ll o% !ossi#l/ le he ("ll (onin'e #'
info%+ he newo%. se%-i(e !%o-i$e% of he e-en, In his s(en"%io we will "ss'+e
h" he IMEI is -"li$
PAGE: 8- 4
Ste$s in call set!$ $hase
The ("ll is se'! wih he MS, A -oi(e !"h is (%e"e$ #eween he MS "n$
he MSC #/ "llo("ing " %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel "n$ " -oi(e %'n.,
The MS %"ns+is " ("ll se'! %e&'es +ess"ge o he MSC)*LR "fe% i h"s
(i!he%e$ he %"$io (h"nnel, In(l'$e$ in his %e&'es +ess"ge "%e he $i"le$
$igis, The MSC '!on %e(ei-ing he ("ll se'! %e&'es +ess"ge, will %e&'es he
*LR o s'!!l/ s'#s(%i#e% !"%"+ee%s ne(ess"%/ fo% h"n$ling he ("ll, The *LR
will (he(. fo% ("ll #"%%ing (on$iions, s'(h "s he MS #eing #"%%e$ f%o+ +".ing
s!e(ifi( o'going ("lls 1e,g, ine%n"ion"l ("lls2 o% !ossi#l/ if so+e s'!!le+en"%/
se%-i(es "%e "(i-e whi(h !%e-en he ("ll f%o+ #eing g%"ne$, If he *LR
$ee%+ines h" he ("ll ("nno #e !%o(esse$, he *LR will !%o-i$e he %e"son o
he MSC, In his s(en"%io, we will "ss'+e h" his !%o(e$'%e is s'((essf'l, The
*LR %e'%ns " +ess"ge o he MSC (on"ining he se%-i(e !"%"+ee%s fo% he
!"%i('l"% s'#s(%i#e%,
The MSC info%+s he MS h" he ("ll is !%o(ee$ing,
PAGE: 8- 5
%oice Path Establishment
The ne5 fo'% se!s in-ol-e es"#lishing " -oi(e !"h #eween he
MSC "n$ he MS
The MSC "llo("es " %'n. o he 3SS ('%%enl/ se%-ing he MS, The MSC
sen$s " +ess"ge o he 3SS s'!!l/ing i wih he %'n. n'+#e% "llo("e$ 1TN2,
"n$ %e&'ess he 3SS o "llo("e " %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel1TCH2 fo% he MS
The 3SS "llo("es " %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel "n$ %"ns+is his "ssign+en o
he MS o-e% he SDCCH
The MS 'nes o he "ssigne$ %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel "n$ %"ns+is "n
"(.nowle$ge+en o he 3SS,
The 3SS (onne(s he %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel o he "ssigne$ %'n. of he MSC,
Sin(e " s+"ll !o%ion of " %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel is "-"il"#le fo% o'-of-#"n$
sign"ling, he SDCCH is no longe% 'se$ fo% sign"ling #eween he 3SS "n$ MS,
The 3SS $e-"llo("es he SDCCH, The 3SS hen %"ns+is " %'n. "n$ %"$io
"ssign+en (o+!lee +ess"ge o he MSC
PAGE: 8- 6
Ste$s in call set!$ $hase 'ith Land Net(or)
A his !oin in i+e " -oi(e !"h h"s #een es"#lishe$ #eween he MS
"n$ he MSC, The MS 'se% he"%s silen(e he (o+!lee -oi(e !"h h"s no /e
#een es"#lishe$, The l"s !h"se of seing '! " +o#ile-o%igin"e$ ("ll in-ol-es
he MSC es"#lishing " -oi(e !"h f%o+ he MSC o he 6'#li( Swi(he$
Tele!hone Newo%. 16STN2,
The MSC sen$s " newo%. se'! +ess"ge o he 6STN %e&'esing h" " ("ll
#e se'!, In(l'$e$ in he +ess"ge "%e he MS $i"le$ $igis 1DD2 "n$ $e"ils
s!e(if/ing whi(h %'n. sho'l$ #e 'se$ fo% he ("ll
The 6STN +"/ in-ol-e se-e%"l swi(hing e5(h"nges #efo%e fin"ll/ %e"(hing
he fin"l lo("l e5(h"nge %es!onsi#le fo% "!!l/ing he %inging one o-e% he %'n.,
o% se%ies of %'n.s 1if se-e%"l ine%+e$i"e swi(hing e5(h"nges "%e in-ol-e$2 o
he MSC, A his !oin in i+e he MS will he"% %inging one, The 6STN noifies
he MSC wih " newo%. "le%ing +ess"ge when his e-en o(('%s,
6h"ses of Mo#ile To L"n$ C"ll
PAGE: 8- 7
Ste$s in Release Phase*MS +nitiated
Un$e% no%+"l (on$iions, he e%+in"ion of " ("ll is MS inii"e$ o%
newo%. inii"e$ , In his s(en"%io we will "ss'+e h" he MS inii"es he
%ele"se of he ("ll, A newo%. inii"e$ %ele"se is ill's%"e$ in he l"n$-o-+o#ile
("ll s(en"%io in he '!(o+ing !"ges,
The +o#ile 'se% inii"e$ he %ele"se of " ("ll #/ !%essing he 0en$0
#'on1he #'on +igh #e l"#ele$ wih " $iffe%en e%+2 on he MS, The MS
sen$s " Dis(onne( +ess"ge o he MSC
The ohe% !"%/1The 6STN !"%/2 is noifie$ of he e%+in"ion of he ("ll #/
%ele"se +ess"ge f%o+ he MSC, The en$-o-en$ (onne(ion is e%+in"e$,
7hen MSC $ee%+ines h" he ("ll h"s no +o%e %e"son o e5is1no si$e
"s.s o (o+!lee, e,g (h"%ging in$i("ion2 " Rele"se +ess"ge is sen o he MS
The MS "nswe%s #"(. wih " Rele"se (o+!lee +ess"ge, A his s"ge he
lowe% (onne(ions "%e %ele"se$ 'nless he/ "%e 'se$ fo% so+ehing else !"%"llel
The -oi(e %'n. #eween he MSC "n$ he 3SS is %ele"se$, The %"ffi(
(h"nnel is (le"%e$, The %ele"se of he %eso'%(es is (o+!lee$,
PAGE: 8- 8
Land*to*Mobile Call scenario
The following "#le liss he !h"ses of " l"n$ -o-+o#ile ("ll
Ro!ting Anal,sis 8 The MS e%+in"e$ ("ll is %o'e$ o he -isie$ MSC
'sing info%+"ion f%o+ HLR "n$ *LR
Paging 8 The MSC inii"es " (o++'ni("ion wih he MS
A!thentication 8 The MSC)*LR %e&'ess he ACC fo% "'heni("ion
!"%"+ee%s, Using hese !"%"+ee%s he MS is "'heni("e$
Ci$hering 8 Using he !"%"+ee%s whi(h we%e +"$e "-"il"#le e"%lie% $'%ing
he "'heni("ion he '!lin. "n$ he $ownlin. "%e Ci!he%e$
E!i$ment %alidation 8 The MSC)*LR %e&'ess he EIR o (he(. he IMEI
fo% -"li$i/,
Call set!$ 8 The MSC es"#lishes " (onne(ion o he MS
Call release 8 The s!ee(h !"h is %ele"se$-
O$tional Phases
PAGE: 8- 9
The "'heni("ion (i!he%ing, e&'i!+en -"li$"ion "n$ h"n$o-e% !h"ses
"%e o!ion"l, The se%-i(e !%o-i$e% +"/ $e(i$e h" so+e of hese !h"se +igh
no ".e !l"(e in " l"n$-o-+o#ile ("ll
The following is " s(en"%io of " +o#ile-e%+in"ing ("ll, I is "ss'+e$ h"
he MS is "l%e"$/ %egise%e$ wih he s/se+ "n$ h"s #een "llo("e$ "
Te+!o%"%/ Mo#ile I$eni/ N'+#e%1TMSI2,I is "lso "ss'+e$ h" " l"n$
s'#s(%i#e% $i"ls he $i%e(o%/ n'+#e% of he +o#ile s'#s(%i#e% "n$ he ("ll ene%s
he GSM newo%. -i" " G"ew"/ MSC1GMSC2
The 6STN %o'es he ("ll o he GMSC of his $i%e(o%/ n'+#e%, #"se$ on he
Mo#ile S'#s(%i#e% ISDN N'+#e%1MSISDN2
The GMSC no .nowing whehe% his MS is %o"+ing in is own se%-i(e "%e" o%
no sen$s " +ess"ge wih he MSISDN in i o he HLR
The HLR %e&'ess he MSC)*LR o !%o-i$e %o'ing info%+"ion "#o' his
The MSC)*LR %e'%ns o he GMSC -i" he HLR " $i%e(o%/ n'+#e% whe%e
he MS ("n #e %e"(he$ whi(h is %efe%%e$ o "s he MS Ro"+ing N'+#e%1MSRN2
The ("ll is %o'e$ f%o+ he GMSC o he -isie$ MSC
PAGE: 8- 10
Ste$s in Paging Phase
The MSC 'ses he lo("ion "%e" i$eni/, !%o-i$e$ #/ he *LR o $ee%+ine
when 3SSs sho'l$ !"ge he MS, The MSC %"ns+is " +ess"ge o e"(h of
hese 3SSs %e&'esing h" " !"ge #e !e%fo%+e$, In(l'$e$ in he +ess"ge is he
TMSI of he MS,
E"(h of he 3SSs #%o"$("ss he TMSI of he +o#ile in " !"ge +ess"ge on
he !"ging (h"nnel
7hen " MS $ee(s is TMSI of he Mo#ile in " !"ge +ess"ge on he !"ging
On(e he 3SS %e(ei-es he Ch"nnel %e&'es +ess"ge, i "llo("es " S"n$-
"lone De$i("e$ Con%ol Ch"nnel1SDCCH2 "n$ fo%w"%$s his (h"nnel
"ssign+en info%+"ion o he Ms o-e% he A((ess G%"n Ch"nnel1AGCH2,I is
o-e% he SDCCH h" he MS will (o++'ni("e wih he 3SS "n$ MSC 'nil "
%"ffi( (h"nnel is "ssigne$,
The MS %"ns+is " !"ge %es!onse +ess"ge o he 3SS o-e% he SDCCH,
In(l'$e$ in his +ess"ge is he MS TMSI "n$ Lo("ion A%e" I$enifi("ion
The 3SS fo%w"%$s he !"ge %es!onse +ess"ge o he MSC, The MSC
info%+s is *LR h" " !"%i('l"% MS is %es!on$ing o " !"ge
PAGE: 8- 11
A!thentication. Ci$hering and E!i$ment %alidation Phases
The A'heni("ion "n$ Ci!he%ing !h"ses h" +igh #e !e%fo%+e$ he%e o
se'! " +o#ile-o-l"n$ ("ll "%e he s"+e "s seen #efo%e in he lo("ion '!$"e
s(en"%ios, The E&'i!+en *"li$"ion !h"se is $one in he s"+e w"/ "s in he
+o#ile-o-l"n$ s(en"%io The ("ll wih he +o#ile is se'!9 " -oi(e !"h is (%e"e$
#eween he MS "n$ he MSC #/ "llo("ing " %"$io %"ffi( (h"nnel "n$ " -oi(e
Afe% he MSC %e(ei-es " se'! " -oi(e !"h is (%e"e$ #eween he MS is
info%+e$ h" " ("ll will #e se'! -i" " se'! +ess"ge
The MS '!on %e(ei-ing '!on %e(ei-ing " se'! +ess"ge, !e%fo%+s
(o+! "#ili/ (he(.ing #efo%e %es!on$ing o he se'! +ess"ge, I is !ossi#le h"
he MS +igh #e in(o+!"i#le fo% (e%"in /!es ("ll se'!, Ass'+ing h" he
!"sses (o+! "#ili/ (he(.ing i "(.nowle$ges he ("ll se'! wih " se'! (onfi%+
In his s(en"%io i is "ss'+e$ h" he +o#ile s'#s(%i#e% "nswe%s he !hone,
The MS in %es!onse o his "(ion so!s "le%ing "n$ sen$s " (onne( +ess"ge
o he MSC
The MSC %e+o-es "'$i#le o he 6STN "n$ (onne(s he 6STN %'n. o he
3SS %'n.1e%%es%i"l (h"nnel2 "n$ sen$s " (onne( +ess"ge -i" he GMSC o
he 6STN, The ("lle% "n$ ("lle$ !"%/ now h"-e " (o+!lee "l. !"h, This e-en
/!i("ll/ $enoes he #eginning of he ("ll fo% #illing !'%!oses
The MSC sen$s he MS " (onne( "(.nowle$g+en +ess"ge
Ste$s in release $hase net(or) imitated
The %ele"se %igge%e$ #/ he l"n$ 'se% is $one in " si+il"% w"/ "s he %ele"se
%igge%e$ #/ he +o#ile 'se%
The MSC %e(ei-es " Rele"se +ess"ge f%o+ he newo%. o e%+in"e he
en$-o-en$ (onne(ion
This ("'se he sen$ing of " $is(onne( +ess"ge ow"%$ he MS
The MS "nswe%s #/ " %ele"se +ess"ge, The MSC %ele"se he (onne(ion o
he 6STN,
The +o#ile-o-+o#ile ("ll is es"#lishe$ 'sing he s"+e !h"ses
PAGE: 8- 12
"s seen e"%lie%
The o%igin"ing +o#ile !"% whe%e he !h"ses "%e he s"+e "s hose of "
+o#ile-o-l"n$ ("ll e5(e! h" he ("ll se'! !h"se is !"%i"ll/ !e%fo%+e$, 7hi(h
+e"ns h" onl/ he ("ll se'! wih Mo#ile is $one
The e%+in"ing +o#ile !"% (onsis of he s"+e !h"ses "s he l"n$-o-
+o#ile ("ll s(en"%io e5(e! "g"in h" he ("ll se'! !h"se !e%fo%+s onl/ he ("ll
se'! wih +o#ile
Orginating Mobile
The 6h"ses of O%igin"ing Mo#ile
Re&'es fo% se%-i(e, A'heni("ion1o!ion"l2,Ci!he%ing1o!ion"l2,E&'i!+en
-"li$"ion1o!ion"l2,("ll se'!, %ele"se
Terminating Mobile
The 6h"ses of Te%+in"ing Mo#ile
Ro'ing "n"l/sis, 6"ging, A'heni("ion 1o!ion"l2,Ci!he%ing1o!ion"l2,
E&'i!+en -"li$"ion1o!ion"l2,("ll se'!, %ele"se
PAGE: 8- 13

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