Name: Sagar Kapoor ROLL NUMBER: 7114233721 Class: Bca 6 Sem, Sec C '

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Request And Response Objects

What Is ASP?
Creating An ASP Document
How Does ASP Works?
What Is request Obect In ASP
!arious "equest #etho$s
What Is "es%onse Obects In ASP
"O'' N)#.E", /001233/20
C'ASS, .CA 4
Sem5 Sec 6C 7
S).#ITTED TO , 'ect8 "OHIT
ASP Stands for Active Server Pages (ASP), also known as Classic ASP or ASP
Classic, was Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web
pages !nitially released as an add-on to !nternet !nformation Services (!!S) via
t"e #indows $% &' (ption Pack, it was s)bse*)ently incl)ded as a free component of
#indows Server (since t"e initial release of #indows +''' Server) !t "as now been
s)perseded by ASP$,%
-eveloping f)nctionality in ASP websites is enabled by t"e active scripting engine's
s)pport of t"e Component (b.ect Model (C(M), wit" eac" ob.ect providing a related
gro)p of fre*)ently-)sed f)nctions and data attrib)tes !n ASP +' t"ere were si/ b)ilt-
in ob.ects0 Application, ASP,rror, 1e*)est, 1esponse, Server, and Session
ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow
programmers to b)ild dynamic web sites, web applications and web services !t was first
released in 2an)ary +''+ wit" version 3' of t"e $,% 4ramework, and is t"e s)ccessor
to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) tec"nology ASP$,% is b)ilt on t"e Common
5ang)age 1)ntime (C51), allowing programmers to write ASP$,% code )sing any
s)pported$,% lang)age %"e ASP$,% S(AP e/tension framework allows ASP$,%
components to process S(AP messages
Most ASP pages are written in 67Script, b)t any ot"er Active Scripting engine can be
selected instead by )sing t"e 85ang)age directive or t"e 9script lang)age:;lang)age;
r)nat:;server;< synta/ 2Script (Microsoft's implementation of ,CMAScript) is t"e ot"er
lang)age t"at is )s)ally available PerlScript (a derivative of Perl) and ot"ers are
available as t"ird-party installable Active Scripting engine
Creating an ASP doc)ment is easy %o begin coding ASP yo) need only two t"ings0 a
simple-te/t editor like notepad or %e/tpad or ,ditpl)s and t"e dedication to follow o)r
t)torial= $otepad is t"e most basic of simple-te/t editors and yo) will probably code a
fair amo)nt of >%M5 wit" it
#"en a browser re*)ests an ASP file, !!S passes t"e re*)est file to t"e ASP engine
%"e ASP engine reads t"e corresponding ASP file, line by line, and e/ec)tes t"e scripts
in t"e file 4inally, t"e ASP file is ret)rned to t"e browser as plain >%M5 format
ASP can connect to databases, dynamically format t"e page, e/ec)te statements, and
m)c" more ?o) may )se 67Script, 2avaScript, Perl Script, and Pyt"on Script wit"in
Active Server Pages, wit" 67Script set as t"e defa)lt scripting lang)age #e
recommend t"at yo) )se 67Script as t"is s"o)ld do everyt"ing yo) need and is t"e
most commonly )sed
%"e appearance of an Active Server Page depends on w"at is viewing it An Active
Server Page looks .)st like a normal >%M5 page to t"e #eb browser t"at receives it !f
a visitor to yo)r #eb site views t"e so)rce code of an Active Server Page, t"at's w"at
t"ey see0 a normal >%M5 page >owever, t"e file located in t"e server looks very
different ?o) also see server-side scripts %"is is w"at t"e Active Server Page looks like
to t"e #eb server before it is processed and sent in response to a re*)est
>ow does an asp file, f)ll of calls to t"e ASP intrinsic ob.ects and ot"er components,
get translated into an >%M5 page t"at a standard browser can view (and e/ec)te)@ !n
fact, t"e process is reasonably simple0
%"e client re*)ests an ASP page by sending an >%%P Aet or Post 1e*)est to t"e
server All t"ings being e*)al, one of two t"ings will "appen "ere !f t"e server cannot
find t"e file t"en it responds wit" t"e familiar >%%P &'& $ot 4o)nd message !f t"e file is
fo)nd, it will be recogniBed as an Active Server Page beca)se of its .asp e/tension and
sent to t"e ASP Scripting engine to be parsed (All t"ings not being e*)al, t"en
somet"ing )ntoward C like a Server ,rror C may occ)r)
%"e Scripting >ost, located in asp.dll, can now do two t"ings0
!f t"is is t"e first ASP page to be sent to t"is client from t"e server, t"is means a new
session, and possibly a new application too, "as beg)n and it will c"eck globalasa for
anyt"ing to do before it gets to t"e re*)ested page (nce t"at "as been done, or if t"is
is not t"e first ASP page t"e client "as re*)ested, t"e "ost t"en e/ec)tes all t"e server-
side scripting code in t"e page as delimited by eit"er 9D D< or 9SC1!P%
1E$A%:SERVER> ... <SCRIPT> tags (nce t"is "as been done, t"e engine passes
back one of t"ree t"ings0 an error page, an ob.ect moved stat)s code, or an >%M5
!f eit"er an error page or a correctly-formed >%M5 page is passed back, it is t"en
displayed !f t"e ASP page contained a call to 1esponse.1edirect, t"e server will pass
back to t"e client t"e >%%P code F'+ telling it t"at t"e page re*)ested "as moved
temporarily $ote t"at if response b)ffering "ad previo)sly been set to tr)e, it will seem
to t"e client t"at t"e server a)tomatically transferred "im to t"e new location of t"e
page !f response b)ffering is set to false, w"ic" is t"e c)rrent ASP defa)lt, t"ey will see
an error page telling t"em t"e page t"ey wanted "as moved temporarily
W!t "s Request Object In ASP?
%"e 1e*)est ob.ect retrieves t"e val)es t"at t"e client browser passed to t"e server
d)ring an >%%P re*)est !t is )sed to get information from t"e )ser Esing t"is ob.ect,
yo) can dynamically create web pages and perform vario)s server-side actions based
on inp)t from t"e )ser
#"en we s)rf to an address t"at begins wit" >%%P, t"e server we are visiting treats t"at
as an ;>%%P re*)est;G yo) are in fact ;re*)esting; t"at a partic)lar web page is
displayed to yo) %"e same applies to any "ttp "yperlinks t"at yo) click A lot more
information is being passed back and fort", between yo)r PC and t"e server of t"e site
yo)'re visiting, t"an yo) may be aware of %"is c")nk of data is called a ;re*)est
ob.ect; Along wit" t"e E15 we "ave re*)ested, information abo)t yo)r browser, !P
address, t"e last E15 we visited and more is being sent along wit" o)r re*)est to view a
partic)lar web page (n t"e flip side, in addition to t"e web page we re*)ested, t"e
server also sends back server-related information in t"e same re*)est ob.ect
All t"is data gets passed in t"e >%%P re*)est (aka 1e*)est (b.ect) #"et"er it was
posted via an online form yo) filled in or embedded in t"e E15 as name-val)e pairs, it
all ends )p in t"e 1e*)est ob.ect >ow does t"at "appen, yo) wonder@ %"at's a "elpf)l
feat)re of Microsoft !!S (internet information services), w"ereas systemsHlang)ages
s)c" as Eni/HPerl m)st parseHe/tract t"at information man)ally
%o make life a little simpler, t"e 1e*)est (b.ect "as several ;collections; A collection is
.)st a fancy word for gro)ping, segregating or classifying all of t"e information t"at's
being e/c"anged 4or e/ample, inp)t-capable fields on a form t"at is sent via
;met"od:post; end )p in collection ;4orm;, w"ile name-val)e pairs sent in t"e E15 (or
from a form sent via ;met"od:get;) end )p in collection ;I)eryString;, etc
%"e synta/, collections, properties and met"ods of t"e ASP 1e*)est ob.ect are as
Co##ect"ons Desc$"pt"on
ClientCertificate %"e ClientCertificate collection provides access to t"e certification
fields from a re*)est iss)ed by t"e web browser Commonly, it
is )sed w"en t"e client is re*)esting sec)re pages t"ro)g" SS5
connection 7efore )sing t"is collection, yo) m)st config)re yo)r #eb
server to re*)est client certificates
Cookies %"e Cookies collection allows yo) to retrieve t"e val)es of t"e
cookies sent in an >%%P re*)est
4orm %"e 4orm collection allows yo) to retrieve t"e data inp)t into an
>%M5 form posted to t"e >%%P re*)est body by a form )sing t"e
P(S% met"od
I)eryString %"e I)eryString collection allows to retrieve t"e val)es of t"e
variables in t"e >%%P *)ery string 4or e/ample, it parses t"e val)es
sent by a form )sing t"e A,% Met"od %"e I)eryString collection is
less capable t"an t"e 4orm collection, since t"ere is a limit to t"e
amo)nt of data t"at can be sent in t"e "eader of an >%%P re*)est
Server6ariables %"e Server6ariables collection contains t"e val)es of predefined
environment variables pl)s all of t"e >%%P "eader val)es sent from
t"e client browser to t"e web server
P$ope$t"es Desc$"pt"on
%otal7ytes %"e %otal7ytes property is a read-only property t"at specifies t"e total
n)mber of bytes sent by t"e client in t"e >%%P re*)est body !t is
important w"en preparing to read data from t"e re*)est body )sing
t"e 7inary1ead met"od of t"e 1e*)est ob.ect
Metods Desc$"pt"on
7inary1ead %"e 7inary1ead met"od retrieves t"e data sent to t"e server from t"e
client as part of a P(S% re*)est and stores it in a SafeArray A
SafeArray is a special variant array t"at contains, in addition to its
items, t"e n)mber of dimensions in t"e array and t"e )pper bo)nds of
t"e array

1esponse ob.ect is )sed to re*)est information eit"er from t"e )ser (by means of form)
or from t"e server%"ere are many met"ods assigned to itSome of t"em t"at are )sed
mostly are0
!" Request'(o$)*+p!$!)ete$+,
%"is is )sed to get information passed from a 4(1M wit" t"e met"od of ;P(S%;
9form name:;formMname; met"od:;post; action:;t"isMpageasp;<
9inp)t type:;te/t; name:;c)stomerMname; val)e:;;<
9inp)t type:;password; name:;c)stomerMpassword; val)e:;;<
9inp)t type:;s)bmit; name:;b)tton; val)e:;S)bmit;<
%" Request'que$-st$"n.*+p!$!)ete$+,
7asically,#e will find t"at t"is statement is same as re*)estform(;parameter;) %"e
difference is t"at t"is can be obtained not only from 4(1M wit" t"e met"od of ;A,%; b)t
also from direct )rl typing
9form name:;formMname; met"od:;get; action:;t"isMpageasp;<
9inp)t type:;te/t; name:;c)stomerMname; val)e:;;<
9inp)t type:;password; name:;c)stomerMpassword; val)e:;;<
9inp)t type:;s)bmit; name:;b)tton; val)e:;S)bmit;<
/, Request'se$0e$0!$"!b#es*+p$ede("ned1se$0e$10!$"!b#e+,
Enlike t"e ot"er two above,we donNt "ave to get some val)es first before retrieving
server variables All t"ese information are located at server, available for re*)est
anytime we need it, s)c" as 4ollows00
a.&ro'ser infor$ation
(.)ocal IP Address
c. *R)
d Re+,est $et-od
e. .ile na$e
%"e 1esponse ob.ect in ASP is )sed to send o)tp)t to t"e client from t"e web server
%"e 1e*)est ob.ect retrieves t"e val)es t"at t"e client browser passed to t"e server
d)ring an >%%P re*)est !t is )sed to get information from t"e )ser Esing t"is ob.ect,
we can dynamically create web pages and perform vario)s server-side actions based
on inp)t from t"e )ser !ts collections, properties, and met"ods are described below0
Collection -escription
Cookies Sets a cookie val)e !f t"e cookie does not e/ist, it will be created, and
take t"e val)e t"at is specified
Property -escription
7)ffer Specifies w"et"er to b)ffer t"e page o)tp)t or not
Cac"eControl Sets w"et"er a pro/y server can cac"e t"e o)tp)t generated by
ASP or not
C"arset Appends t"e name of a c"aracter-set to t"e content-type "eader
in t"e 1esponse ob.ect
Content%ype Sets t"e >%%P content type for t"e 1esponse ob.ect
,/pires Sets "ow long (in min)tes) a page will be cac"ed on a browser
before it e/pires
,/piresAbsol)te Sets a date and time w"en a page cac"ed on a browser will
!sClientConnected !ndicates if t"e client "as disconnected from t"e server
Pics Appends a val)e to t"e P!CS label response "eader
Stat)s Specifies t"e val)e of t"e stat)s line ret)rned by t"e server
Metod Desc$"pt"on
Add>eader Adds a new >%%P "eader and a val)e to t"e >%%P response
Append%o5og Adds a string to t"e end of t"e server log entry
7inary#rite #rites data directly to t"e o)tp)t wit"o)t any c"aracter conversion
Clear Clears any b)ffered >%M5 o)tp)t
,nd Stops processing a script, and ret)rns t"e c)rrent res)lt
4l)s" Sends b)ffered >%M5 o)tp)t immediately
1edirect 1edirects t"e )ser to a different E15
#rite #rites a specified string to t"e o)tp)t
1esponse (b.ect is one of t"e most important ob.ects in ASP !t is t"e ob.ect w"ic"
comm)nicates between t"e server and t"e o)tp)t w"ic" is sent to t"e client %o write an
ASP page, all we need to do is write a standard >%M5 page, p)tting in t"e Active Server
Pages script w"ere needed Active Server Pages script is denoted by t"e te/t
between 9D's and D<'s
%o send ASP to t"e client,we need to )se t"e 1esponse ob.ect %"e met"od of t"e
1esponse ob.ect w"ic" sends data to t"e client is t"e #rite met"od 4or e/ample, if yo)
write an >%M5 page w"ic" looks like0
9D8 5A$AEAA,:;67SC1!P%; D<
9D 1esponse#rite(;>ello, #orld=;) D<
if a )ser views t"e page wit" a standard browser, t"ey will see t"e te/t, ;>ello, #orld=;
on t"e screen !t's as if yo) "ad .)st written an >%M5 page wit" t"e words ;>ello,
#orld=; w"ere t"e 9D's t"e te/t between and t"e D<'s were (f co)rse, )nlike an >%M5
page w"ic" is sent directly to t"e client, t"is page "as passed t"ro)g" t"e server's
ASP-55, parsing it so t"at instead of t"e client seeing9D 1esponse#rite(;>ello,
#orld=;) D<, t"e client merely sees ;>ello, #orld=; ,ven if t"e )ser goes to 6iew So)rce
in t"eir browser, t"ey will only see t"e ;>ello, #orld=; %"is is beca)se t"e client is never
sent t"e preprocessed ASP script
we can in"erently invoke t"e 1esponse#rite met"od by )sing t"e e*)als (:) sign >ere
is an e/ample, w"ic" "appens to prod)ce t"e e/act same o)tp)t as above0
9D8 5A$AEAA,:;67SC1!P%; D<
9D:;>ello, #orld=; D<
As we notice, we .)st got rid of t"e 1esponse#rite( ), b)t left t"e st)ff in between
%"e : sim)lates 1esponse#rite
%"ere are also a few ot"er neat properties in t"e 1esponse ob.ect (ne is ,/pires,
w"ic" sets "ow soon o)r page e/pires Many modern browsers cac"e pages for *)icker
downloading times
#e can )se ASP to set "ow often t"e browser c"ecks to see if it needs to redownload
t"e page ?o) set it in terms on min)tes !f yo) want to browser not to cac"e t"e page,
yo) can set 1esponse,/pires : '

Active Server Pages (ASP) was Microsoft's first server-side script engine for
dynamically-generated web pages !t is also known as Classic ASP or ASP Classic !t
"as now been replaced by ASP$,% !t is a server side tec"nology t"at enables )s to
make dynamic and interactive web pages t"at are not affected by t"e type of browser
t"e web site visitor is )sing
%"e 1e*)est ob.ect retrieves t"e val)es t"at t"e client browser passed to t"e server
d)ring an >%%P re*)est !t is )sed to get information from t"e )ser Esing t"is ob.ect,
yo) can dynamically create web pages and perform vario)s server-side actions based
on inp)t from t"e )ser
%"e 1esponse ob.ect in ASP is )sed to send o)tp)t to t"e client from t"e web server
%"e 1e*)est ob.ect retrieves t"e val)es t"at t"e client browser passed to t"e server
d)ring an >%%P re*)est !t is )sed to get information from t"e )ser Esing t"is ob.ect,
we can dynamically create web pages and perform vario)s server-side actions based
on inp)t from t"e )ser

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