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PowerPoint Skill Check

Please tick the areas of excel that you are competent in:
Your name -
Introduction Level
PowerPoint Basics
Exploring the PowerPoint environment
Help options
Closing presentations and closing PowerPoint
Building New Presentations
Creating new presentations
Saving presentations
Working in the outline tab
earranging and deleting slides
!sing slides from other presentations
Formatting and Proofing
"ext formatting
#oving and copying text
Setting tabs and alignment
Talor !ason Training
Chancery Court$ %incolns &nn$ %incolns oad$ High Wycombe$ HP'( )E
T- "#$%$ &&'("() * + www,talormasontraining,co,uk
!* egister of %earning Providers #ember +umber: ',,),--($ Company eg +umber ,.(-/((0
!sing the spelling checker
Examining 1utoCorrect and the style checker
!sing 2rawing "ools
2rawing ob3ects
!sing 1utoShapes
*orking with te-t in o./ects
Enhancing ob3ects
Working with Word1rt and Clip 1rt
Working with Word1rt
1dding clip art
0sing Ta.les and Charts
Working with tables
Creating and enhancing charts
Creating organi4ation charts
1nhancing Presentations
!sing templates
Working with the slide master
Working with multiple slide masters
1dding transitions and timings
1dding speaker notes and footers
Talor !ason Training
Chancery Court$ %incolns &nn$ %incolns oad$ High Wycombe$ HP'( )E
T- "#$%$ &&'("() * + www,talormasontraining,co,uk
!* egister of %earning Providers #ember +umber: ',,),--($ Company eg +umber ,.(-/((0
2elivering Presentations
unning presentations
Printing presentations
Exporting to other formats
Saving presentations for web delivery
3dvanced Level
Building Custom Presentations
#odifying templates
5uilding custom templates
5uilding custom slide masters
1dvanced slide master techni6ues
0sing !ultimedia in Presentations
1dvanced clip art and drawing techni6ues
1dding movies and sound
!sing animations
!sing scanned images
0sing 4rganisation Charts and Ta.les
1dvanced organisation chart options
Talor !ason Training
Chancery Court$ %incolns &nn$ %incolns oad$ High Wycombe$ HP'( )E
T- "#$%$ &&'("() * + www,talormasontraining,co,uk
!* egister of %earning Providers #ember +umber: ',,),--($ Company eg +umber ,.(-/((0
7ormatting and modifying tables
3dvanced Presentation Techni5ues
1dding special effects
Working with slide show options
Setting up review cycles
3dvanced Presentation 2eliver 46tions
Working with shared workspaces
Working with the package for C2 feature
1dvanced delivery techni6ues
Customising the 1nvironment
Customising and creating toolbars
1utomating your work
!icrosoft 4ffice Integration
Working with Excel
Working with Word
Talor !ason Training
Chancery Court$ %incolns &nn$ %incolns oad$ High Wycombe$ HP'( )E
T- "#$%$ &&'("() * + www,talormasontraining,co,uk
!* egister of %earning Providers #ember +umber: ',,),--($ Company eg +umber ,.(-/((0
8nce completed please send back to "aylor #ason "raining and one of our team will
inform you of the level or combination of levels best suited to your skill set9
Talor !ason Training
Chancery Court$ %incolns &nn$ %incolns oad$ High Wycombe$ HP'( )E
T- "#$%$ &&'("() * + www,talormasontraining,co,uk
!* egister of %earning Providers #ember +umber: ',,),--($ Company eg +umber ,.(-/((0

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