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1) The representation of identifiers are in the form of

(order details)
[ order details]

2) Creation of stored procedure can be done by using
sql enterprise manager,sql statement
only thru sql statements
only thru enterprise manager

3) hat is the importance of !ie" creating "ith encryption
u cant see the result set in query analy#er
u cant modify the !ie" in enterprise manager
u cannot se alter the !ie"

$) %atabases can be shrin&ed by using the follo"ing statement
%C'C shrin&database
%'CC shrin&database
%CC' shrin&database
CC%' shrin&database

() The follo"ing sql statement deletes all the duplicate ro"s and sorts them in order
sort by asc

)) *ggregate function are used by "hat statement
group by
group by "ith ha!ing
order by
compute by

+) ,nde-ing can be done on
Tables, .ie"s, /tored 0rocedures
.ie"s, /tored 0rocedures
Tables and .ie"s

2) pac&ages are used to
to e-ecute sqlstatements
importing and e-porting data
e-ecute a !ie"
e-ecute a inde-

3) /45 /er!er pro!ides certain methods of searching ro"s in a table

16) Clustered inde- is one "hich stores information
5ogically, 0hysically

11) * constraints to ensure that no duplicate !alues are entered in specific columns that
do not participate in a primary &ey7

primary &ey

12) hich is the &ey"ord used to retrie!e the specified column from a table

13) ,n /458/er!er "hen a user is &no"n a !alid user of /458/er!er not a "indo" then
it is

,ntegrated 9ode
9i-ed 9ode
indo" 9ode
/45:/er!er 9ode

1$) hene!er a query contains another query "ithin it is termed as
/elect /tatement
/ub 4uery

1() * integrity defines a ro" as a unique entity for a particular table
a %omain

1)) * integrity allo"s you to define specific business rules that do not fall into one of
the other integrity categories

a %omain

1+) %efaults are created "ith the help of
%efault /tatement
9odify /tatement
*lter /tatement
Create %efault

12) /458/er!er tool "hich is used to publish data on net7
eb *ssistant i#ard
<nterprise 9anager7

13) !ie"s can be used to partiton data across multiple databases or instances of
sqlser!er to impro!e performance these types of !ies are &no"s as

partitioned !ie"s
modify !ie"s
only !ie"

26) Triggers maintain tables &no"n as
,nserted, %eleted

21) /ystem %atabase "hich is used to store the database and user information
1orth "ind

22) * inde- determines the physical order of data in a table
Clustered ,nde-
1on Clustered

23) /elect A from /tudent "here stud:name li&e B-y# support
Cori#ontal Diltering
.ertical Diltering

2$) * integrity is the !alidity of entries for a gi!en column

2() * inde- in "hich data is stored in one place, the inde- in another, "ith pointers to
the storage location of the data

Clustered ,nde-

2)) /45 /er!er stores information to an e-tent of these pages
2 0ages
$ 0ages
2 0ages
( 0ages

2+) "hich is the statement used to retrie!e the data from the cursor into !ariables

22) hich fla!or of *1/,, /45 is /upported by /458/er!er 2666 E
/45 A plus

23) hich /tatement is not a %%5 /tatement in follo"ing /tatements E

36) hat is the &ey"ord "hich is used "hile Foining t"o tables

1) The representation of identifiers are in the form of
(order details)
[ order details]

2) Creation of stored procedure can be done by using
sql enterprise manager,sql statement
only thru sql statements
only thru enterprise manager

3) hat is the importance of !ie" creating "ith encryption
u cant see the result set in query analy#er
u cant modify the !ie" in enterprise manager
u cannot se alter the !ie"

$) %atabases can be shrin&ed by using the follo"ing statement
%C'C shrin&database
%'CC shrin&database
%CC' shrin&database
CC%' shrin&database

() The follo"ing sql statement deletes all the duplicate ro"s and sorts them in order
sort by asc

)) *ggregate function are used by "hat statement
group by
group by "ith ha!ing
order by
compute by

+) ,nde-ing can be done on
Tables, .ie"s, /tored 0rocedures
.ie"s, /tored 0rocedures
Tables and .ie"s

2) pac&ages are used to
to e-ecute sqlstatements
importing and e-porting data
e-ecute a !ie"
e-ecute a inde-

3) /45 /er!er pro!ides certain methods of searching ro"s in a table

16) Clustered inde- is one "hich stores information
5ogically, 0hysically

11) * constraints to ensure that no duplicate !alues are entered in specific columns that
do not participate in a primary &ey7

primary &ey

12) hich is the &ey"ord used to retrie!e the specified column from a table

13) ,n /458/er!er "hen a user is &no"n a !alid user of /458/er!er not a "indo" then
it is

,ntegrated 9ode
9i-ed 9ode
indo" 9ode
/45:/er!er 9ode

1$) hene!er a query contains another query "ithin it is termed as
/elect /tatement
/ub 4uery

1() * integrity defines a ro" as a unique entity for a particular table
a %omain

1)) * integrity allo"s you to define specific business rules that do not fall into one of
the other integrity categories

a %omain

1+) %efaults are created "ith the help of
%efault /tatement
9odify /tatement
*lter /tatement
Create %efault

12) /458/er!er tool "hich is used to publish data on net7
eb *ssistant i#ard
<nterprise 9anager7

13) !ie"s can be used to partiton data across multiple databases or instances of
sqlser!er to impro!e performance these types of !ies are &no"s as

partitioned !ie"s
modify !ie"s
only !ie"

26) Triggers maintain tables &no"n as
,nserted, %eleted

21) /ystem %atabase "hich is used to store the database and user information
1orth "ind

22) * inde- determines the physical order of data in a table
Clustered ,nde-
1on Clustered

23) /elect A from /tudent "here stud:name li&e B-y# support
Cori#ontal Diltering
.ertical Diltering

2$) * integrity is the !alidity of entries for a gi!en column

2() * inde- in "hich data is stored in one place, the inde- in another, "ith pointers to
the storage location of the data

Clustered ,nde-

2)) /45 /er!er stores information to an e-tent of these pages
2 0ages
$ 0ages
2 0ages
( 0ages

2+) "hich is the statement used to retrie!e the data from the cursor into !ariables

22) hich fla!or of *1/,, /45 is /upported by /458/er!er 2666 E
/45 A plus

23) hich /tatement is not a %%5 /tatement in follo"ing /tatements E

36) hat is the &ey"ord "hich is used "hile Foining t"o tables

1) The term Einner FoinE refers toG

;oins bet"een t"o tables
in the same schema

*n equality Foin based
on one column from
each table

* table Foined "ith itself
* Cartesian product Foin

2) 7::::::::::: is an association among se!eral entities

3) the *5T<= T*'5< comand lets you

adding integrity

creating ne" columns

modifying e-isting

all the abo!e

$) %ata in the database that represent a description of the database structure are calledG
@ser %ata
*pplication metadata

() Co" does you represent a Emay8beE relationship in <8= diagram
/olid line
%ashed line

)) *d!antages of %'9/7 hich statement is trueE (i) security (ii) =edundancy is
controlled (iii) 0ro!iding bac&up and reco!ery (i!) 0ro!iding multiple user interfaces7

(i) and (ii)
(iii) and (!i)
(i),(ii),(iii) and not (i!)
(i),(ii),(iii) and (i!)

+) :::::: is a process of con!erting a relational design into an equi!alent design in the
desired form7

de normali#ation

2) The data in the database that cannot be remo!ed by other process until and unless it
is requested is

0ersistent data
Transient data
,n consistent data

3) * table

does not define logical
order of records

orders record by &ey
field in a record

orders records by the
first field of a record

imposes a logical order
on record

16) *n attribute or attributes that uniquely identify each ro" in a relation is called a(n)
field pointer
primary &ey7
foreign &ey7

11) The information about the tables created by the %ata %efinition 5anguage (%%5)
statements are recorded in theG

9eta data
%ata file
%ata dictionary

12) hich of the follo"ing is a Table le!el constraint i) 0=,9*=H I<H ii) @1,4@<
iii) D>=<,J1 I<H i!) CC<CI !) 1>T 1@55

i) and i!) only
i!) and !) only
i),ii),iii) only
i),ii),iii),i!) and !)

13) hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct regarding normali#ationE

,t do not reduce update

,t increases insertion

,t minimi#es redundancy7

There in no #ero normal
form relations7

1$) The information about data in a database is called :::::
9eta data
Tera data
hyper data

1() ::::::::::command is used to delete ro"s in the table

1)) @0%*T< command is a

1+) The situation that occurs "hen different di!isions, functional areas, and groups in
an organi#ation independently collect the same piece of information best describes


data redundancy
lac& of fle-ibility7
poor security

12) The file "hich records the physical structure of the database is
%ata files
=edo 5og files
Control files

13) 888888888888 restricts the !alues that may present in a data base

26) hat are the reasons for a record structure to be de8normalisedE (a) hen too many
tables are generated due to normali#ation (b) Dor efficiency purposes (c) hen too
many Foins are necessary to access frequently used data (d) hen =elational *lgebra is
inefficient in locating data

a and b
a,b and c
b,c and d
a nd c

21) the follo"ing are the roles of data base designer7
schema definition

storage structure and
access method definition

schema and physical

all the abo!e7

22) hich of the follo"ing /45 command(s) is (are) correct "ith respect to database

C=<*T< T*'5<
defines a ne" table "ith
its columns7

*5T<= T*'5< allo"s
adding ne" columns7

*%% T*'5< allo"s
adding ne" tables to
database at any time

both a K b

23) "hat are the ad!antages of the !ie"s7

To protect some of the
columns of a table from
other users7

To hide comple-ity of a

To hide comple-ity of

all the abo!e

2$) /chema obFects include i)tables ii)!ie"s iii)sequences i!)synonyms !)inde-es
i) , ii) only
i) and i!) and !) only
i),ii) and iii) only
i),ii), iii), i!) and !)

2() hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) true for database management

0ro!ide protection for
data against une-pected
loss, damage or

*llo" maintenance of
high quality, consistent
and up to date data7

Ieep data and the
programs that
manipulate it together7

both a K b

2)) 'enefits of normalisation includeG (a) <nsuring that attributes are placed in proper
relations7 (b) ,ncreasing data redundancy7 (c) ,ncreasing update anomalies7 (d)
9a-imising the stability of the data model7

b and d
a and d
a,b and d
b,d and e

2+) The schema = is di!ided into =1, =2 "here =1, =2 are ha!ing the similar schema
of =7 This is called as

schema refreshment
schema dependency
schema diligence
schema refinement

22) hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to a !ie" in /45E (a)
* !ie" is a single table that is deri!ed from other tables7 (b) * !ie" can be deri!ed from
pre!iously defined !ie"s7 (c) * !ie" is updatable if it is defined on multiple tables using
Foins7 (d) * !ie" is not updatable if it is defined using grouping and aggregate functions7

a,b only
b,c only
a,b and d
a,b and c

23) "hat is the process controlled introduction of anomalies into the data base

36) * ::::::::: is a logically coherent collection of data "ith some inherent meaning,
representing some aspect of real "orld

%ata dictionary

1) The term Einner FoinE refers toG

;oins bet"een t"o tables
in the same schema

*n equality Foin based
on one column from
each table

* table Foined "ith itself
* Cartesian product Foin

2) 7::::::::::: is an association among se!eral entities

3) the *5T<= T*'5< comand lets you

adding integrity

creating ne" columns

modifying e-isting

all the abo!e

$) %ata in the database that represent a description of the database structure are calledG
@ser %ata
*pplication metadata

() Co" does you represent a Emay8beE relationship in <8= diagram
/olid line
%ashed line

)) *d!antages of %'9/7 hich statement is trueE (i) security (ii) =edundancy is
controlled (iii) 0ro!iding bac&up and reco!ery (i!) 0ro!iding multiple user interfaces7

(i) and (ii)
(iii) and (!i)
(i),(ii),(iii) and not (i!)
(i),(ii),(iii) and (i!)

+) :::::: is a process of con!erting a relational design into an equi!alent design in the
desired form7

de normali#ation

2) The data in the database that cannot be remo!ed by other process until and unless it
is requested is

0ersistent data
Transient data
,n consistent data

3) * table

does not define logical
order of records

orders record by &ey
field in a record

orders records by the
first field of a record

imposes a logical order
on record

16) *n attribute or attributes that uniquely identify each ro" in a relation is called a(n)
field pointer
primary &ey7
foreign &ey7

11) The information about the tables created by the %ata %efinition 5anguage (%%5)
statements are recorded in theG

9eta data
%ata file
%ata dictionary

12) hich of the follo"ing is a Table le!el constraint i) 0=,9*=H I<H ii) @1,4@<
iii) D>=<,J1 I<H i!) CC<CI !) 1>T 1@55

i) and i!) only
i!) and !) only
i),ii),iii) only
i),ii),iii),i!) and !)

13) hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct regarding normali#ationE

,t do not reduce update

,t increases insertion

,t minimi#es redundancy7

There in no #ero normal
form relations7

1$) The information about data in a database is called :::::
9eta data
Tera data
hyper data

1() ::::::::::command is used to delete ro"s in the table

1)) @0%*T< command is a

1+) The situation that occurs "hen different di!isions, functional areas, and groups in
an organi#ation independently collect the same piece of information best describes


data redundancy
lac& of fle-ibility7
poor security

12) The file "hich records the physical structure of the database is
%ata files
=edo 5og files
Control files

13) 888888888888 restricts the !alues that may present in a data base

26) hat are the reasons for a record structure to be de8normalisedE (a) hen too many
tables are generated due to normali#ation (b) Dor efficiency purposes (c) hen too
many Foins are necessary to access frequently used data (d) hen =elational *lgebra is
inefficient in locating data

a and b
a,b and c
b,c and d
a nd c

21) the follo"ing are the roles of data base designer7
schema definition

storage structure and
access method definition

schema and physical

all the abo!e7

22) hich of the follo"ing /45 command(s) is (are) correct "ith respect to database

C=<*T< T*'5<
defines a ne" table "ith
its columns7

*5T<= T*'5< allo"s
adding ne" columns7

*%% T*'5< allo"s
adding ne" tables to

database at any time
both a K b

23) "hat are the ad!antages of the !ie"s7

To protect some of the
columns of a table from
other users7

To hide comple-ity of a

To hide comple-ity of

all the abo!e

2$) /chema obFects include i)tables ii)!ie"s iii)sequences i!)synonyms !)inde-es
i) , ii) only
i) and i!) and !) only
i),ii) and iii) only
i),ii), iii), i!) and !)

2() hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) true for database management

0ro!ide protection for
data against une-pected
loss, damage or

*llo" maintenance of
high quality, consistent
and up to date data7

Ieep data and the
programs that
manipulate it together7

both a K b

2)) 'enefits of normalisation includeG (a) <nsuring that attributes are placed in proper
relations7 (b) ,ncreasing data redundancy7 (c) ,ncreasing update anomalies7 (d)
9a-imising the stability of the data model7

b and d
a and d
a,b and d
b,d and e

2+) The schema = is di!ided into =1, =2 "here =1, =2 are ha!ing the similar schema
of =7 This is called as

schema refreshment
schema dependency
schema diligence
schema refinement

22) hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to a !ie" in /45E (a)
* !ie" is a single table that is deri!ed from other tables7 (b) * !ie" can be deri!ed from
pre!iously defined !ie"s7 (c) * !ie" is updatable if it is defined on multiple tables using
Foins7 (d) * !ie" is not updatable if it is defined using grouping and aggregate functions7

a,b only
b,c only
a,b and d
a,b and c

23) "hat is the process controlled introduction of anomalies into the data base

36) * ::::::::: is a logically coherent collection of data "ith some inherent meaning,
representing some aspect of real "orld

%ata dictionary

17 Trigger can be classified as follo"ingG
a7 %%5,%95,/tatic
b7 =estricted,/mart
c7 /mart triggers,@n restricted, Triggers,restricted Triggers
d7 Iey:Trigger,9ouse:triggers
*ns 3
27 * Cartesian product isG
a7 * group function
b 0roduced as a result of a Foin select statement "ith no "here clause7
c >nly a!ailable in >racle 27
d 1ot *1/,, compatible
*ns 3
37 /elect empcode, sum(basic) from empmasterE Can you create a !ie" based on the abo!e selectE
a Hes
b 1o
c Can create if sum aggregate function is not there
d Can create if empcode is not there in select
*nsG 2
$ hich of the follo"ing correctly describes ho" to specify a column alias
a7 0lace the alias at the beginning of the statement to describe the table7
' 0lace the alias after each column, separated by "hite space7
C 0lace the alias after each column, separated by a comma
d 0lace the alias at the end of the statement to describe the table7
*nsG 2
(7 The command to open a C@=/>= D>= loop is
a7 >pen b Detch c %eclare d 1o command is required
*ns $
)7 *fter referencing 1<LT.*5, the !alue in C@==.*5 of a sequence is
a @nchanged
b ,ncremented by 1
c ,s equal to 1e-t .al
d 1o Change
*ns 2
+7 Co" do "e Foin t"o or more tablesE
* @se the K >perator
' @se the MM >perator
C @se the B >perator
% *ny of the abo!e
*ns 3
27 hat is the minimum number of shared columns to Foin t"o tables in a select statementE
* >ne ' T"o C Three % Nero
*ns 1
3 hich of the follo"ing t"o are used in the >=%<= 'H clause of a /<5<CT statementE
*) */<C ') */C C) %</C %) * K C
*ns $
16 hich of the follo"ing are 1>T !alid comparison operatorsE
* KltOB
' B
C KgtOKgtO
% PB
*ns 3
11 hen entering a /<5<CT statement from the /45 prompt the command is terminated "ith "hich characterE
* KampO
' O
C ?
% There is no special Character =equired *nsG8 3
12 hich of the follo"ing is a character functionE
* to:number()
' sqrt()
C round()
% min()
*ns 1
13 >nce defined, ho" long "ill a !ariable remain in /45A0lusE
* @ntil the session Completes
' @ntil the database is shutdo"n
C until the instance is shutdo"n
% @ntil the statement completes
*ns 1
1$ 1ot 1ull is "hich type of constriantE
* =estriction ' Chec& C 1ull % =eferential
*ns 2

1( To create a database trigger, the user must ha!e the :::::::: pri!ilege7
* Create trigger
' %'* 0ri!ilages
C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
% 1one >f The *bo!e
*ns 1
1) hich operator finds common ro"s from 2 or more different queries7
* /ub 4uery
' ,ntersect
C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
% 1one >f The *bo!e
*ns 2
1+ Doreign &ey constraint can be enforced by using :::::::::constraint7
* 0rimary Iey ' Chec& C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges % =eferences
*ns $
12 The 1.5() function is used to
a Dinding 1ull !alues
b substitute a ne" !alue
c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
d insert a null !alue
*ns 2
13 The ma-imum si#e of 5>' is ::::::::::7
* 2 J' ' ) J' C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges % 2 J'
*ns 1
26 9a-imum ho" many constraints can enforce on a single column
a >ne b T"o c Three d Dour
*ns $
21 05?/45 stands for
a 0rocedural 5anguage <-tension of /45
b 0rogramming 5anguage <-tension of /45
c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
d 0rocedural 5anguage of /45
*ns $
22 hich 0rocedure produces output on the screen
a %'9/:>@T0@Tb 0@T:5,1< c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d %'9/:5>'
*ns 2
23 Trigger is fired
a implicitly b e-plicitly c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d none
*ns 1
2$ * primary &ey constraint cannot be added on the column of "hich datatype
a Clob b 5ong c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d 'lob
*ns 2
2( The::::::: comprises set of files that protect altered database data that has not been "ritten to datafiles
* Control Diles ' *rchi!er C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges % =edo 5og
*nsG $
2) hich one of the follo"ing is not applicable on ,1/T<*% >D Trigger
a *!ailable at the statement le!el b Can be applied on !ie"s
c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d Can be applied on tables
ansG $
2+ ,n >racle 2, a char database can hold upto ::::::::::: bytes
a 1666 b 2666 c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d $666
ansG 2
22 The ,nde- created by the 0rimary &ey column is called :::::::::::::::
a 0rimary ,nde- b @nique ,nde- c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d Composite ,nde-
ansG 2
23 The ::::::::: operation cannot be performed using !ie"s "hen the !ie" definition includes more than on table
a *lter b ,nsert c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d %elete
ansG 2
36 The :::::::::parameter cannot be changed "hile altering a sequence
a Cycle b 9a- .alue c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d /tart "ith n
ansG $
31 ,n 05?/45 bloc& :::::::::::: is the default !alue of the !ariable
a 6 b 1@55 c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d @ndefined
ansG 2
32 Dind output of the fallo"ing ( /elect substr( QRchristmasQR , $,3) from dual)
a stm b ist c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d istm
ansG 2
33 The ::::::::::: attribute in the create sequence synta- specifies that the sequence continues to generate !alues
from the beginning after reaching either its ma- or min !alue
a increment by n b cycle c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d cache
ansG 1
3$ The ::::::::: parameter is used to pass initial !alues to the sub program "hen in!o&ed and also it returns updated
!alues to the caller
a ,1 b ,1 >@T c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d /<5D
ansG 2
3( =estriction on triggers can be achie!ed using ::::::::clause
a >n b hen c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d >rder by
ansG 2
3) >uter Foins retrie!es::::::::::::
a un matched and matched ro"s b matched ro"s c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
d no ro"s "ill be selected
ansG 1
3+ =ole is:::::::::::::::
a Jranting permissions to !arious users b group of pri!ilages
c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d 1one
ansG 2
32 @sing 05?/45, "hich e-ception is raised "hen a di!ision by #ero is attemptedE
* .*5@<:<==>= ' >@T:>D:'>@1%/ C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges % 1one
ansG $
33 hich constraint type ensures that each ro" in a table contains an entry that uniquely identifies that ro" from any
* primary &ey ' foreign &ey C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges % chec&
ansG 1
$6 hat is a Cartesian productE
* * feature of >racle 2717(
' The product of a select statement "hich has more than one table, and no "here clause
C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
% * alphanumeric function
ansG 2
$1 The %<C>%<() function is similar to (E)7
a * "hile [condition] do 777 done construct
b a do 777 until construct
c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
d if 777 then 777 else construct
ansG $
$2 hich of the follo"ing are used to determine the order of an >=%<= 'H clauseE
* */C ' */C<1%,1J C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges % C>55*T<
ansG 1
$3 hat column heading is displayed for the follo"ing queryE/<5<CT C>@1T(<1*9<) Count D=>9 <90
a Count b C>@1T c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d 1one
ansG 2
$$ Co" is the command /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< <901>BKL7$( interpreted if 123 is entered as a !alue for
a /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< <901>B
b /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< <901>B123$(O
c 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges
d /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< <901>BQS123$(QS
ansG 2
$( hat structure is used to pre!ent more than one user from updating the same data in a table at the same timeE
* latches ' loc&s C 1ormal @ser 0ri!ileges d commits
ansG 2
$) /elect trunc(133733) from dual
a 133 b 266 c 133733 d 1one >f The *bo!e
ansG 1
$+ The clause in the sql command that helps in computing count of ro"s is
a Count b 1umber c 'oth 1 K 2 d 1one
ansG 1
$2 The elements, "hich are mandatory for a 05?/45 bloc&s are
a %eclare b 'egin K <nd c <-ception d 1one
ansG 2
$3 The concatenation operator in 05?/45 is
a BT b GB c MM d U
ansG 3
(6 %ata can be retrie!ed into !ariables using "hich of the follo"ing options
a select into b insert into c fetch d 1 K 3
ansG $
(1 hich of the follo"ing does a cursor Dor 5oop do
17 open a cursor 27 fetch 37 close cursor
a 1 K 2 b 2 K 3 c 1 K 3 d *ll
ansG $
(2 To chec& the partition type :::::::::: data dictionary can be used7
* user:partitions ' user:tab:partitions C user:source % user:part:tables
ansG 2
(3 05?/45 is a :::::: structured languageE
* 'loc& structured ' Control structure C 1on structured % 1one
ansG 1
($ ::::::is called trigger action
a Dor each ro" b Dor each statement c >n table name d 'efore and after
ansG $
(( hich one of the follo"ing is applicable on ,1/T<*% >D Triggers
a Comple- !ie" b Dorce .ie" c 1ormal !ie" d 1one
ansG 1
() The ::::::::: attribute pro!ides a record type that represents a ro" in a table
a Vro" b Vtype c Vfoundd Vnotfound
ansG 2
(+ Dor iteration to proceed do"n"ards from upperbound to lo"erbound "e can use the optional &ey"ord ::::::::in a
for loop
a ma- b min c a!g d re!erse
ansG $
(2 The ::::::::: e-ception is used "hen all e-ceptions are to be trapped
a) "hen no:date:found b) "hen too:many:ro"s c) "hen others d) 1one
ansG 3
(3 The conditions can be gi!en at the ::::::::::: clause for grouped result
a >rder by b Jroup by c a K b d none
ansG 2
)6 ;oining a table to itself is called ::::::: Foin
a <qui b >uter c /elf d 1on <qui
ansG 3
)1 ,f inner query in subquery returns more than one ro" then ::::::operator is used
a ,1 b *1% c >= d 1>T
ansG 1
)2 .ie"s can be defined "ith up to (E) columns7
* )$ ' 2($ C 2() % (12
ansG 2
)3 hich of the follo"ing are 1>T !alid comparison operatorsE
* BB (t"o equal signs) ' PB C WT % TB
ansG 1
)$ The default length for char datatype is
a T"o b Three c Nero d >ne
ansG $
)( The output of ltrim (WbTQR',55 C5,1T>1QR,'*55W?bT) is
a C5,1T>1 b ,5,1T>1 c ,1T>1 d ,55 C5,1T>1
ansG $
)) The output of substr (QRC=<*T<QR,3,3) is
a *T< b <*T c C=< d 1>1<
ansG 2
)+ ,n an outer Foin (U) sign is placed on the
a 5C/ b =C/ c %eficient Table side d 1one
ansG 3
)2 ,f "here clause is not specified in an update statement then
a 1o ro"s updated b *ll ro"s updated c only fe" d 1one
ansG 2
)3 Triggers can call in subprograms
a Correct b ,ncorrect c 1one d *ny of both
ansG 2
+6 The 1@55 columns do not participate in arithmetic computations
a Correct b ,ncorrect c 1one d *ny of both
ansG 1
+1 Hou cannot create more than one trigger per table7
* Correct ' ,ncorrect C 1one % *ny of both
ansG 2
+2 The data type of an image item is
a C5>' b 'D,5< c '5>' d 5>1J
ansG 3

+37 there is no restriction on ho" many entities in either class are associated "ith a single entity in the other this
relationship is called:::::::::::::::::
a) one to one b) many to many c) many to one d) none
*nsG8 b
+$7 ,n inner Foin "hich of the follo"ing are required:::::::
a) common column b) foreign &ey c) equal operator d7both a K c
*1/ d
+(7 "hich ot the follo"ing operators are used to add more Foining conditons in a multi table query
a) 1>T b) >= c) *1% d) both b K c
*1/ d
+)7 /ub queries cannot contain a ::::::: clause
a) Ca!ingb) >rder by c) Jroup by d) "here
*1/ b
++7 The :::: Foin is used to select a ro" forcefully "hich cannot be selected using <qui8Foin
a) Cartesian b) ,nner c) <qui d) >uter
*1/ d
+27 "hat is used to collect information from more than one table
a) /elect b) ;oin c) ,ntersection d) 1one
*1/ b
+37 The clause "hich "ill automatically remo!e child records "hene!er parent records are remo!ed
a) >1 %=>0 C*/C*%< ') >1 %<5<T< C*/C*%< C) >1 T=@1C*T< C*/C*%<
%) >1 T=@1C C*/C*%<
ans b
267 /tored procedures are
a) The method of encapsulating database logic b) The method of abstracting the database logic c) ,t is used to store
the database d) 1one of the abo!e
*1/ a
217 /tored procedures and stored functions are same
a) true b) false c) canXt say d) 1one of the abo!e
*1/ b
227 hat is a !ie"
a) *n /45 !ie" is a ro"set "hich generates its ro"s from an /45 statement
b) 5ogical structure of a table
c) hich is able to change the main table
d) 1one of abo!e
*1/ a
237 The correct e-ample ot a .,< is
*) C=<*T< .,<" 1ameT [" Column listT] */ W4uery <-pressionT [,TC CC<CI >0T,>1]
') *5T<= .,<" 1ameT[" Column listT] */ W4uery <-pressionT [,TC CC<CI >0T,>1]
C) C=<*T< .,<" 1ameT [" Column listT]
%) C=<*T< .,<" 1ameTW4uery <-pressionT [,TC CC<CI >0T,>1]
*ns a
2$7 e create a !ie" .,<1 on the table T*'5<17 ,f "e drop the T*'5<1
a) The !ie" also dropped
b) The table canXt drop because there is relation "ith the .,<1
c) /till the .,<1 e-ists
d) /45 error occurs
*1/ c
2(7 hat is not true about !ie"s
a) * !ie" is a !irtual table b) <!ery !ie" has a 4uery attached to it
b) .ie"s do not contain any data d) 1one of the abo!e
*1/ d
2)7 %o the !ie" contain or !ie" can store the data
a) yes b) no c) CanXt say d) none
*1/ b
2+7 hat are the ad!antages of .ie"s
i) 0ro!ide an additional le!el oQf table security, by restricting access to a predetermined set of ro"s and columns
of table7
ii) Cide data comple-ity
iii) /implify commands for the user
i!) 0resent the data in a different perspecti!e from that of the base table
!) /tore comple- queries
a) i), ii) only b) i) , i!) and !) only c) i), ii) and iii) only d) all of the abo!e
*1/ d
227 *n optional structure associated "ith a table to ha!e direct access to ro"s, "hich can be created to increase
the performance of data retrie!al
*) .ie" b) ,nde- c) synonym d) sequence
*1/ b
* table is gi!en asG 0=>J=*99<=

5<J<1% G
01*9<G8 0rogrammer 1ame, 0=>D1G8 0roficiency 1, 0=>D2G8 0roficiency 2, /*5G8 /alary, %>'G8 %ate of 'irth,
%>;G8 %ate of Foining
237 hat is the a!erage salaryE
a) /<5<CT *.J /*5 D=>9 0=>J=*99<= b)/<5<CT*.J(/*5)D=>90=>J=*99<=
c) 'oth * K ' c) 1one
*1/ a
367 Co" many people dra" (666 to +(66
a) /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /*5 '<T<<1 (666 *1% +(66
b) /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /*5 ,1 '<T<<1 (666 *1% +(66
c) 'oth * K '
d) 1one
*1/ a
317 The follo"ing are the le!els of abstraction
a) 0hysical le!el b) 5ogical le!el c) !ie" le!el d) all
*1/ %
327 The follo"ing are the type of data independence
a) physical data independence b)logical data independence c) conceptual data independence d) 'oth aKb
*1/ d
337 ,dentify the correct statement for deleting a table
a) %<5<T< T*'5< Ytable:nameZ b) %=>0 T*'5< Ytable:nameZ c)%=>0 Ytable:nameZ
d) none
*1/ b
3$7 ::::::is a rule that restricts !alues to a column in a table
a) referential integrity b) integrity constraints c) sa!e points d) none
*1/ b
3(7 To modify the data type of a column, the prerequisite is::
a) the column should be empty b) the column should be full
c) itXs not dependent on "hether the column is empty or not d) none
*1/ a
3)7 hich of the /45 commands is?are correct "ith respect to database
a) C=<*T< T*'5< defines a ne" table "ith its columns b) *5T<= T*'5< allo"s adding ne" columns
c) *%% T*'5< allo"s adding ne" tables to database at any time d) both a K b
*1/ d
3+7 select Fob, count(A) from emp group by Fob
a) displays only Fobs b) displays number of employees under each Fob
splays number of employees
c) displays number of employees d) 1one
*1/ b
327 hich function is used to ta&e end date of the month
a) =ound() b) Ceil() c) 5ast:%ay d) *dd:month()
*1/ c
337 ::::::::: is a set of commands that is used to control a database "hich include security
a) %95 b) %%5 c) %05 d) %C5
*1/ d
1667 The *5T<= T*'5< command lets you
a) adding integrity constraints b) creating ne" columns c) modifying e-isting columns d) all of abo!e
*1/ d
1617 5,I< operator can be used by the follo"ing symbols
a) A b) : c) V d) both b K c
*1/ d
1627 hich function is used to trim specified characters from a string
a) 5T=,9 b) /@'/T= c) =T=,9 d) both a K c
*1/ d
1637 %%5 consists of commands to create obFects li&e
a) tables b) !ie"s c) inde-es d) all of abo!e
*1/ d
16$7 hich of the follo"ing are character functions
a) trun& b) initcap c) concat d) both a K c
*1/ d
16(7 hich of the follo"ing are general functions
a) greatest b) least c) n!l d) all the abo!e
*1/ d
16)7 hat are the anomies "hich can be present due to un8normalised relationsE
a) insertion b) selection c) deletion d) update
*) a and b ') a, b and c C) a, c and d %) a and c
*1/ C
16+7 9aFor components of the table is
i) Table 1ame ii) %efinitions of its columns iii) %efinitions of its constraints
a) i) and ii) only b) i) and iii) only c) i), ii) and iii) d) none of the abo!e
*1/ c
1627 hich command "ill remo!e all the data from table and not able to rollbac& E
* %elete ' %rop C Truncate % *ll the abo!e
*ns G c
1637 The query gi!en belo" is
/<5<CT <7<1*9<BZ<905>H<<Z,97<1*9<BZ9*1*J<=Z D=>9 <90 <, <90 9 C<=<
* ,nner Foin ' outer Foin C self Foin % none
*nsG c
1167 .ie" le!el is also &no"n as G
* ,nternal le!el ' <-ternal le!el C Conceptual le!el % 0hysical le!el
*nsG b
1117 1ame the buffer in "hich all the commands that are typed in are stored7
* <%,T buffer ' /T>=< buffer C both * K ' % none
*ns G *
1127 C5>' data type accommodates character information upto
* 2 J' ' 2 J' C 2666 bytes % $ J'
*ns G %
1137The columns containing primary &ey are automatically defined as:::::::
* 1>T 1@55 ' 1@55 C ,/ 1@55 % 1>1<
*nsG *
11$7 ::::::::::: operator is used to return multiple ro"s
* ,1 ' 5,I< C <4@*5/ % 1>1<
*nsG *
11(7 hat is the return !alue of <L,/T/ clause
* '>>5<*1 ' ,1T<J<= C CC*=*CT<= % 1>1<
*nsG *
11)7 ::::::: clause is used to specify a condition for columns
* C<=< ' C*.,1J C >=%<= 'H % 1>1<
*nsG *
11+7 here are the integrity constraints stored in the data dictionary
* @/<=:T*'5<:C>1/T=*,1T ' @/<= T*'5</ C
@/<=:0=,./ % @/<=:C>1/T=*,1T/
*nsG %
1127 Co" to access current !alue from a sequence
* sequence name7C@==.*5 ' C@==.*5 C /<4@<1C<:C@==.*5 % 1one
*nsG *
113 The length of => ,% is :::::: characters
* 12 ' 13 C 26 % 21
*nsG *
126 hich date function is used to find the difference bet"een t"o dates
* 9>1TC/:,1 ' 9>1TC/:D=>9 C 9>1TC/ % 9>1TC/:'<T<<1
*nsG %
1) The::::::: comprises set of files that protect altered database data that has not been "ritten to datafiles
1 Control Diles 2 *rchi!er 3 %ispatcher $ =edo 5og
=ight *ns ) $

2) ,n 05?/45 assignment operator is replaced using the reser!ed "ord
1 Dorce 2 define
3 default
$ pragma
=ight *ns ) 3

3) ::::::::is an obFect that is completely contained "ith in another
1 Column obFect
2 =o" obFect
3 =eference obFect
$ <mbedded >bFect
=ight *ns ) $

$) "hen the user is trying to assign !alues to the attributes of an uninitiali#ed obFect, "hich of the fallo"ing e-ception
is raised
1 C>55<CT,>1:,/:1@55
2 .*5@<:<==>=
3 /T>=*J<:<==>=
$ *CC<//:,1T>:1@55
=ight *ns ) 2

() * query in /4505@/ usually ends "ith the /45 terminator ::::::
1 O
2 ?
3 7
$ G
=ight *ns ) 1

)) hen you insert, update or delete data from the database, you can re!erse or undo the "or& don using7
1 =ollbac&
2 @ndo
3 *utocommit
$ =e!erse
=ight *ns ) 1

+) The %*T< datatype can be used to store ::::::
1 >nly dates7
2 'oth date and time7
3 >nly day K month7
$ >nly time7
=ight *ns ) 2

2) hich of the follo"ing are used to determine the order of an >=%<= 'H clauseE
1 */C
2 */C<1%,1J
3 %</C<1%,1J
$ C>55*T<
=ight *ns ) 1
*ssociate *ns) 1
4uestion ,%) 36)(

3) ;oining a table to itself is called ::::::: Foin
1 <qui
2 outer
3 /elf
$ 1on equi
=ight *ns ) 3

16) hich statement finds the ro"s in the C@/T>9<=/ table that do not ha!e a postal codeE
1 /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code C>1T*,1/ 1@55O
2 /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code B S::::::::SO
3 /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code ,/ 1@55O
$ /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code B 1@55O
=ight *ns ) 3

11) Dollo"ing is the synta- to drop t"o columns *J< and 0*H from the <905>H<< table7
1 *5T<= T*'5< <90 %=>0(*J<, 0*H)
2 *5T<= T*'5< <90 %=>0 C>5@91/(*J<, 0*H)
3 *5T<= T*'5< <90 %=>0 C>5@91/ *J<, 0*H
$ *5T<= T*'5< <90 %=>0 C>5@91/ *J< *1% 0*H7
=ight *ns ) 1

12) 0rocedures,functions and pac&ages are stored
1 5>C*55H
2 ,n the database as obFects
3 ,n the table
$ none of the abo!e
=ight *ns ) 2

13) =estriction on triggers can be achi!ed using ::::::::::: clause
1 "hen no:date:found
2 here
3 >n
$ >rder by
=ight *ns ) 1

1$) ,n cursors fetch command is used for
1 Detching the information from table to cursor
2 Detch the information from cursor to !ariable
3 Detch the information from !ariable to cursor
$ none of the abo!e
=ight *ns ) 2

1() The ::::::::: e-ception is used "hen all e-ceptions are to be trapped
1 "hen no:data:found
2 "hen too:many:ro"s
3 "hen others
$ 1one
=ight *ns ) 3

1)) /elect /@'/T=(S*@/T=*5,*S, +) from dualO
1 5,*
2 5
3 *@/T= *5
$ 5*
*ns )1

1+) hich constraint type ensures that each ro" in a table contains an entry that uniquely identifies that ro" from any
1 primary &ey
2 foreign &ey
3 not null
$ chec&
=ight *ns ) 1

12) .ie"s can be defined "ith up to (E) columns7
1 )$
2 2($
3 2()
$ (12
=ight *ns ) 2

13) To chec& the partition type :::::::::: data dictionary can be used7
1 user:partitions
2 user:tab:partitions
3 user:source
$ user:part:tables
=ight *ns ) 2

26) =estriction on triggers can be achie!ed using ::::::::clause
1 >n
2 hen
3 here
$ >rder by
=ight *ns ) 2
*ssociate *ns) 3
4uestion ,%) 36(3

21) hich Clauses restricts =o"s
1 order by
2 group by
3 "here
$ distinct
=ight *ns ) 3

22) hat pri!ilege is used so that other user can share the same procedure
1 J=*1T =@1 >1 0=>C<%@=< T> @/<=
2 J=*1T <L<C@T< >1 0=>C<%@=< T> @/<=
3 '>TC 1 K 2
$ none of the abo!e
=ight *ns ) 2

23) =ole is:::::::::::::::
1 Jranting permissions to !arious users
2 group of pri!ilages
3 re!o&ing permissions from users
$ 1one
=ight *ns ) 2

2$) hen an unsuccessful fetch occurs "hich cursor attribute e!aluates to T=@<E
1 V,/>0<1
2 V1>TD>@1%
3 VD>@1%
$ V=>C>@1T
=ight *ns ) 2

2() :::::::::procedure produce output on the screen
1 %'9/:>@T0@T
2 %'9/:5>'/
3 0@T:5,1<
$ 0@TD
=ight *ns ) 3

2)) hich of the follo"ing 05?/45 constructs must return a !alueE
1 anonymous bloc&
2 stored function
3 stored procedure
$ database trigger
=ight *ns ) 2
22) ,n 05?/45 runs out of memory, then, a:::::::::::: prodefined e-ception is raised
1 0rogram:<rror
2 .alue:<rror
3 /torage:error
$ 1umeric:error
=ight *ns ) 3

23) hich of the follo"ing is an illegal C<=< clauseE
1 C<=< <mpnoB2
2 C<=< J=<*T</T(/*5,C>99) B 5<*/T (/*5,C>99)
3 C<=< /*5*=H (T) 2666
$ C<=< 9*L(/*5) (T) 166
=ight *ns ) $

36) The =*,/< statement is used in "hich section of a 05?/45 bloc&
1 header
2 declarati!e
3 e-ecutable
$ e-ception
=ight *ns ) 3

1) * query in /4505@/ usually ends "ith the /45 terminator ::::::
1 O
2 ?
3 7
$ G
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 223$

2) 'y default, >racle stores table and column names in its intermal data dictionary in
1 @00<= C*/<
2 5><= C*/<
3 9,L<% C*/<
$ ,nitcaps7
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 2232

3) ;oining a table to itself is called ::::::: Foin
1 <qui
2 outer
3 /elf
$ 1on equi
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2++1

$) :::::: do not contain any data in them "here as :::::: contain data
1 !ie"s, tables
2 tables, !ie"s
3 9ateriali#ed !ie"s, !ie"s
$ Tables, 9ateriali#ed !ie"s
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 223(

() %uring database creation, "hich of the follo"ing database users require setting their pass"ordE
1 dbadmin?sys
2 scott?system
3 sys?system
$ root?sys
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 36)6

)) hich function is used to find difference bet"een t"o dates
1 1<LT:%*H()
2 T>:%*T<()
3 5*/T:%*H()
$ 9>1TC/:'<T<<1
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 2+63

+) ,n >racle 2, a char datatype can hold upto ::::::::::: bytes
1 1666'ytes
2 2666'ytes
3 29'
$ $666'ytes
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 226(

2) hich function "or&s on group of ro"s
1 C<,5()
2 /@'/T=()
3 C>@1T()
$ ,1/T=()
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+33

3) The ,nde- created by the 0rimary &ey column is called :::::::::::::::
1 0rimary ,nde-
2 @nique ,nde-
3 1on Cluster ,nde-
$ Composite ,nde-
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 363+

16) * function used to con!ert a null !alue to !alue is
1 decode
2 1@55
3 To:char
$ translate
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 2223

11) hat is a Cartesian productE
1 * feature of >racle 2717(
2 The product of a select statement "hich has more than one table, and no "here clause
3 * numeric function
$ * alphanumeric function
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 36)1

12) * sequence can be modified using
1 *lter table
2 =eplace sequence
3 *lter sequence
$ 'oth 2 K 3
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+63

13) select translate (SFac& and FueS,SFS,SblS) from dualO
1 blac& and blue
2 bac& and bue
3 blac& and bue
$ none of the abo!e
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 32+)

1$) hich of the fallo"ing are *1/, reser!ed "ords
1 Cluster
2 .archar2
3 ,nde-
$ <lse
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 36$6

1() C5>' data type accommodates character information upto
1 <ight J'
2 T"o J'
3 T"o thousand 'ytes
$ Dour J'
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 2332

1)) hich function is used to change date formats
1 T>:1@9'<=()
2 %<C>%<()
3 T>:CC*=()
$ C*/<
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2)36

1+) hich statement finds the ro"s in the C@/T>9<=/ table that do not ha!e a postal codeE
1 /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code C>1T*,1/
2 /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code B S::::::::SO

3 /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code ,/ 1@55O

$ /<5<CT customer:id, customer:name D=>9 customers C<=< postal:code B 1@55O

*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+23

12) >uter Foins retrie!es::::::::::::
1 un matched and matched ro"s
2 matched ro"s
3 un matched ro"s
$ no ro"s "ill be selected
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 2222

13) The command to see the user name
1 %,/05*H @/<=
2 J<T @/<=
3 /C> @/<=
$ none of the abo!e
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+16

26) The ::::::::: parameter is used to pass initial !alues to the sub program "hen in!o&ed and also it
returns updated !alues to the caller
1 ,1
2 ,1 >@T
3 >@T
$ /<5D
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 36(6

21) hich clause "ould you use in a /<5<CT statement to limit the display to those employees "hose
salary is greater then (666E
1 >=%<= 'H /*5*=H (T) (666
2 J=>@0 'H /*5*=H (T) (666
3 C*.,1J /*5*=H (T) (666
$ C<=< /*5*=H (T) (666
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 3622

22) ,f inner query in subquery returns more than one ro" then ::::::operator is used
1 ,1
2 *1%
3 >=
$ 1>T
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 2++2

23) ::::::::::::: is a !alid pseudo column
1 1ull
2 %ual
3 /equence
$ 0ass"ord
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 36$3

2$) select round(to:date(S2689*H8266( 11G(3G(3S,Sdd89>1TC8yyyy hh2$GmiGssS)) from dualO
1 2189*H86(
2 2689*H86(
3 2689*H8266(
$ 2189*H8266(
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 322(

2() ,n 05?/45 assignment operator is replaced using the reser!ed "ord
1 Dorce
2 define
3 default
$ pragma
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 363(

2)) hich of the follo"ing are 1>T number functionsE
1 /4=T()
2 1.5()
3 T>:%*T<()
$ =>@1%()
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+$)

2+) hen you insert, update or delete data from the database, you can re!erse or undo the "or& don
1 =ollbac&
2 @ndo
3 *utocommit
$ =e!erse
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 22$3

22) The default format of Constraint name gi!en by the system is
1 sys:con
2 /H/:C
3 /H/:def:n
$ /H/:C>1:n
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 3233

23) ::::::::: is the character to print thousand indicator
1 t
2 tho
3 ,
$ 7
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 3232

36) /elect /@'/T=(S*@/T=*5,*S, +) from dualO
1 5,*
2 5
3 *@/T= *5
$ 5*
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 22$2

31) The :::::::::parameter cannot be changed "hile altering a sequence
1 Cycle
2 9a- .alue
3 Cache
$ /tart "ith n
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 2212

32) ,n oracle any obFect name it should start "ith ::::::::and it should not e-ceed ::::characters
1 1umeric K 2(
2 Character K 2(
3 Character K 36
$ 1umeric K 36
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+26

33) >racle 3i is
1 =%'9/
2 %'9/
3 >=%'9/
$ none of the abo!e
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 3662

3$) The default !alue of the cache option for the sequence
1 36
2 $6
3 16
$ 26
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 323$

3() The dual table contains ::::::::::column and ::::::::::ro"7
1 single K single
2 double K double
3 9uOtiple K 9ultiple
$ 1one
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 2++3

3)) 9ore frequent chec&points reduce the time needed to (E)7
1 commit
2 rollbac&
3 reco!er
$ update
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 36)2

3+) Ca!ing clause is used only "hen
1 "e use single ro" functions in the condition
2 *ttributes are used in the condition
3 Jroup functions are used in the condition
$ none of the abo!e
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2322

32) hen "e pass column as function argument in C>@1T()
1 ,t counts all the ro"s
2 ,t counts only e!en ro"s
3 ,t counts no ro"s
$ ,t counts only ro"s "here there is no null !alue
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 23+3

33) ::::::::: and ::::::: are the pseudocolumn used to refer to a sequence
1 5e!el K ne-t!al
2 1e-t!al K /ysdate
3 Cur!al K 1e-t!al
$ uid K le!el
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2++(

$6) To display single "ord names
1 ,1 operator is used for comparison
2 5,I< operator is used for comparision
3 ,1 and 5,I< can bu used for comparision
$ none of the abo!e
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 366)

$1) The ::::::::: operation cannot be performed using !ie"s "hen the !ie" definition includes more
than on table
1 *lter
2 ,nsert
3 /elect
$ %elete
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 3632

$2) The %*T< datatype can be used to store ::::::
1 >nly dates7
2 'oth date and time7
3 >nly day K month7
$ >nly time7
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 22$1

$3) hich of the follo"ing are 1>T !alid comparison operatorsE
1 BB (t"o equal signs)
2 PB
3 WT
$ TB
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 36+2

$$) ::::::::::: is the range operator in 05?/45
1 G
2 range
3 E
$ 77
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 3233

$() The ability of obFect to ta&e more than one form is &no"n as :::::::::::::
1 inheritance
2 data hiding
3 encapsulation
$ 0olymorphism
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 36$(

$)) ::::::::is used to insert and update into table using select statement and condition
1 ,nsert all
2 Dorall
3 @nion all
$ 9erge
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 3166

$+) :::::: command remo!es all the records in a table "ithout remo!ing the tables definition from the
1 %<5<T<7
2 %=>07
3 T=@1C*T<7
$ %=>0 *55
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 316+

$2) To remo!e the primary &ey from table
1 "e ha!e to use *lter Table ith 9odify option
2 "e ha!e to use *lter Table ith drop column option
3 "e ha!e to use *lter Table ith disable constraint option
$ "e ha!e to use *lter Table ith drop constraint option
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 366+

$3) hat structure is used to pre!ent more than one user from updating the same data in a table at the
same timeE
1 latches
2 loc&s
3 rollbac&s
$ commits
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 36+3

(6) hich of the follo"ing is true for implicit cursorE
1 ill attempt one fetch only
2 ill process one ro" only
3 *llo"s the programmer to control the number of ro"s processed
$ 0rocesses all the ro"s that are returned7
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 3623

(1) Dind output of the fallo"ing ( /elect substr( SchristmasS , $,3) from dual
1 stm
2 ist
3 rist
$ istm
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 221+

(2) ,f a column is defined as %*T< data type, "hich of the follo"ing components you "ill not be able
to store in the columnE
1 hours
2 minutes
6 3 milli seconds
$ seconds
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 2+36

(3) "hen the user is trying to assign !alues to the attributes of an uninitiali#ed obFect, "hich of the
fallo"ing e-ception is raised
1 C>55<CT,>1:,/:1@55
2 .*5@<:<==>=
3 /T>=*J<:<==>=
$ *CC<//:,1T>:1@55
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 36$)

($) hich function is used to change date formats
1 T>:1@9'<=()
2 %<C>%<()
3 T>:CC*=()
$ C*/<
*ns ) 3
4uestion ,%) 23+)

(() .ie"s can be defined "ith up to (E) columns7
1 )$
2 2($
3 2()
$ (12
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 2+33

()) hat column heading is displayed for the follo"ing queryE/<5<CT C>@1T(<1*9<) Count
D=>9 <90
1 Count
2 C>@1T
3 <90
$ 1one
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 36)+

(+) hich constraint is used to define reference &ey
1 0rimary
2 @nique
3 on delete cascade
$ =eferences
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 2+66

(2) hen you insert, update or delete data from the database, you can re!erse or undo the "or& don
1 =ollbac&
2 @ndo
3 *utocommit
$ =e!erse
*ns ) 1
4uestion ,%) 3112

(3) The %*T< datatype can be used to store ::::::
1 >nly dates7
2 'oth date and time7
3 >nly day K month7
$ >nly time7
*ns ) 2
4uestion ,%) 3116

)6) The range bet"een "hich "e can gi!e our o"n error numbers for raise:application:error procedure
1 26,666 to 26333
2 826,666 to U26333
3 826,666 to 826,366
$ 826,666 to 826,333
*ns ) $
4uestion ,%) 3362
/45 is :::::::::::::::::
*7 %ata base programming language
'7 1on procedural language
C7 'oth * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
27 *5T<= command is a
*7 %%5
'7 %95
C7 %C5
%7 TC5
*1/ G *
37 @0%*T< command is a
*7 %%5
'7 %95
C7 %C5
%7 TC5
*1/ G '
$7 ::::::::::::::::commands come under TC5
*7 Commit
'7 ,nsert
C7 @pdate
%7 *ll the abo!e
*1/ G *
(7 %C5 commands perform ::::::::::: functions7
*7 Create and maintain databases7
'7 Create and maintain partitions7
C7 *ssign users to databases and tables7
%7 *ll the abo!e
*1/ G %
)7 The rule that a foreign &ey must appear as a !alue of some specific table is called :::::
*7 Cadidate &ey constraint7
'7 0rimary &ey constraint7
C7 =eferential constraint7
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
+7 The process of combining t"o tables in a relational data base is &no"n as
*7 a =elate
'7 a Construct
C7 a ;oin
%7 a Combine7
*1/ G C
27 The notation for the difference bet"een t"o sets * and ' is
*7 '8*
'7 'U*
C7 *U'
%7 *8'
*1/ G %7
37 hen querying a relational data base "hich actions are important
*7 %eleting data
'7 4uerying data
C7 9odifying data
%7 *dding and inserting data
17 >nly *
27 >nly '
37 'oth * K '
$7 *,',%
*1/ G $
167The set of rules that go!ern the internal !alidity and consistency of data in a relational data base are &no"n as
*7 rules of referential integration
'7 rules of referential integrity
C7 rules of data integration
%7 rules of data integrity
*1/ G '
117 ,n =elational %atabase terminology "hich of the follo"ing is true
17 * &ey field is called a unique attribute
27 * ro" (i7e7 a record) is called a tuple
37 * table is called a relation
$7 * column (i7e7 a field) is called an attribute
*7 'oth 1 K 2 '7 'oth 2 K 3
C7 'oth $ K 3 %7 2,3,$7
*1/ G %7
127 ,n relational algebra the @1,>1 of t"o sets (set * and /et ')7 This corresponds to
*7 * U '
'7 * or '
C7 * [ '
%7 * and '7
*1/ G '
'ecause the union of t"o sets is the member ship of both of the sets7
137 ,n relational algebra the ,1T<=/<CT,>1 of t"o sets (set * and /et ')7 This corresponds to
*7 * or '
'7 * and '
C7 * [ '
%7 * U '
*1/ G '7
1$7 =elational databases
17 /a!e dis& storage space
27 <nable one RfactR to be stored in Rone place
37 >nly "or& in a "indo"s en!ironment
$7 ,ncur a processing o!erhead "hen carrying out queries
*7 1 only '7 'oth 2 K $
C7 1,2,$ %7 1one7
*1/ G C
1(7 The model for a relational database "as first proposed in the
*7 1336Xs
'7 1326Xs
C7 13+6Xs
%7 13)6Xs
*1/ G C
1)7 * one to many relationship (of table * to Table ') is
*7 here each record in Table ' is required to ha!e a match in table *
'7 here each record in table ' can ha!e one or more matching records in table *
C7 here each record in table * can ha!e one or more matching records in table '
%7 here each record in table * is required to ha!e a match in table '
*1/ G C
1+7 *ssume that Table * is Foined to Table '7 * one to one Foin (an inner Foin or equiFoin)
*7 displays all ro"s (records) for table * and only those in table ' that ha!e a matching !alue
'7 displays all ro"s (records) for table ' and only those in table * that ha!e a matching !alue
C7 displays ro"s (records) only "hen the !alues of the Iey in table * and the foreign &ey in table ' are equal7
%7 is "hen table ' contains only one matching record for each &ey in table *7
*1/ G C7
127 * relational database is
*7 one that consists of t"o or more tables that are Foined in some "ay
'7 one that consists of t"o or more tables
C7 a database that is able to process tables, queries, forms, reports and macros7
%7 the same as a flat file database
*1/ G *
137 * many to many relationship (Foin)
*7 is a "ay of Foining three tables
'7 is use only "hen all of the tables is in third normal form
C7 ,s a "ay of Foining t"o tables
%7 is not allo"ed in a practical implementation of a relational design
*1/ G %
267* query can
*7 not be used in conFuction "ith a set of Foined (related) tables
'7 only be based directly on one data table
C7 be based on a set of other queries
%7 be based on a set of Foined (related) tables
*1/ G %
217/45 stands for
*7 /tructured 4uestion 5anguage
'7 /equential question language
C7 /tuctured query language
%7 1one
*1/ G C
227 /45 "as de!eloped as an integral part of
*7 =elational database
'7 Dlat file database
C7 %ata"arehouse
%7 1one
*1/ G *
237 hich of the follo"ing are elements of /45
17%ata modification language
27 %ata query language
37 %ata manipulation language
$7 %ata definition language
*7 only 1 '7 'oth 2,$
C7 1,2,3 %7 2,3,$
*1/ G %
2$7 Consider the table (STUDREC)7
hich of the follo"ing statements "ill list all columns and all ro"sE
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 studrecO
'7 /<5<CT D=>9 studrec A
C7 /<5<CT D=>9 studrec AO
%7 /<5<CT A D=>9 studrec
*1/ G *
2(7 Consider the table (STUDREC)7
hich of the follo"ing statements "ill list columns ,1,T, /1*9< and %>' (in that order) for all ro"s7
*7 /<5<CT init, sname, dob D=>9 studrecO
'7 /<5<CT dob, sname, init D=>9 studrecO
C7 /<5<CT init, sname, dob D=>9 studrec
%7 /<5<CT init sname dob D=>9 studrecO
*1/ G *
2)7 ::::::::::command signals the successful end of a transaction7
*7 C>99,T
'7 =>55'*CI
C7 /*.<0>,1T
%7 1>1<
*1/ G *
2+7 ::::::::::command signals the unsuccessful end of a trnsaction7
*7 Commit
'7 =ollbac&
C7 /a!epoint
%7 1one
*1/ G '
227 ::::::::::command is used to chec& the table description
*7 /elect
'7 *lter
C7 %escribe
%7 9odify
*1/ G C
237 ::::::::::command is used to delete ro"s in the table
*7 %rop
' 7 %elete
C7 =emo!e
%7 1one
*1/ G '
367 ::::::::::command is used to remo!e a table from the database
*7 %rop
'7 %elete
C7 =emo!e
%7 1one
*1/ G *
317:::::::::command can store the result of a query in a file as "ell as print and display them on screen7
*7 0rint
'7 /pool
C7 /tore
%7 1one7
*1/ G '
327 :::::::::::clause specifies the tables containing the data to be retrie!ed by a query7
*7 select
C7 order by
%7 group by
*1/ G '
337 ::::::::: clause selects the ro"s to be included in the query results by applying a search condition to ro"s of the database7
*7 "here
'7 from
C7 select
%7 none
*1/ G *
3$7 hen a single entity is related to itself then the relationship is termed as
*) >1< [T>8>1<
') >1<8T>89*1H
C) =<C@=/,.<
%) 9*1H8T>89*1H
*1/ G C
3(7:::::::::::::: means allo"ing obFects of different types to be considered as e-amples of higher le!el set
*) *JJ=<J*T,>1
') /0<C,*5,N*T,>1
C) J<1<=*5,N*T,>1
%) %<C>90>/,T,>1
*1/ G C
3)7 The primary characteristic of a &ey field as that it must be
*) * 1*9<
') T<LT
C) @1,4@<
%) *55 >D TC< >TC<= >0T,>1 5,/T<% D>= TC,/ 4@</T,>1
*1/ G C
3+7 hat &ind of relationship e-ist bet"een customers and salespersons if each customer may ha!e one or more salespersons, and
each salesperson may ha!e one or more customersE
*) one8to8one
') one to many
C) many to many
%) many to one
*1/ G C
327 The follo"ing is a !alid /<T operation7
*) ;oin
') ,nsert
C) /elect
%) %ifference
*1/ G %
337 * relation = is said to be in :::::::::::::::: if it is in 'C1D and there are non8tri!ial multi !alued dependencies7
*) 1st 1D
') 2nd 1D
C) 3rd 1D
%) $th 1D
*1/ G %
$67 * occurs "hen a "ea& entity does not ha!e a candidate &ey and its instances are indistinguishable "ithout a relationship "ith
another entity7
*) <-istence dependency
') ,dentifier dependency
C) =eferential dependency
%) 1one
*1/ G C
$17 is ? are sample(s) of data model7
*) =elational
') =ational
C) <ntity8 relationship
%) 1one
*1/ G 'oth * K C
$27 ,n hierarchical database,
*) There is one to many relationship
') * child may ha!e more than one parent
C) * parent may ha!e more than one child
%) There is no restriction on the number of parents a child may ha!e or the number of children a parent may ha!e
*1/ G C
$37 The term Yinner FoinZ refers toG
*) ;oins bet"een t"o tables in the same schema7
') *n equality Foin based on one column from each table7
C) * table Foined "ith itself7
%) * Cartesian product Foin7
*1/ G '
$$7 hich type of Foin is used in this queryE
/<5<CT last:name Y1ameZ, hire:date YCire %ateZ, loc Y5ocationZ
D=>9 employee, department
C<=< employee7deptno B department7deptno7
*) >uter Foin
') /elf Foin
C) <quiFoin
%) 1on8equiFoin
*1/ G C
$(7 * sales database has t"o table [ /*5</0<=/>1 and C@/T>9<=/ as belo"G
snum 1@9'<=
sname .*=CC*=2(16)
snum 1@9'<=
cname .*=CC*=2(16)
The management "ants to &no" the mapping of salespersons to their customers "ithout e-cluding those salespersons that are not
currently assigned7 hat "ould be the most appropriate condition, "hich can be applied on the 4uery to accomplish the abo!e tas&E
*) salespeople7snum(U) B customers7snum
') salespeople7snum B customers7snum(U)
C) salespeople7snum B customers7snum
%) salespeople7snum(U) B customers7snum(U)
*1/ G *
$)7::::::::::::: Foin returns those ro"s from a table "hich ha!e no direct match in the other table7
*) >uter Foin
') inner Foin
C) <quiFoin
%) /elf Foin
*1/ G %
$+7:::::::::: are standard aggregate functions7
*7 a!g
'7 min
C7 ma-
%7 all the abo!e
*1/ G %
$27 "hich of the follo"ing commands are auto commit commands
*7 %95
'7 %%5
C7 %C5
%7 TC5
*1/ G '
$37hich of the follo"ing commands are not auto commit commands7
'7 create
C7 delete
%7 drop
*1/ G C
(67 hich of the follo"ing commands is not a TC5 command
*7 Commit
'7 =ollbac&
C7 /a!epoint
%7 /a!e
*1/ G %
(17hat is the difference bet"een T=@1C*T< and %<5<T<
*7 T=@1C*T< cannot be rolled bac&, %<5<T< can be rolled bac&
'7 T=@1C*T< can be rolled bac&, %<5<T< cannot be rolled bac&
C7 1o difference
%7 1one7
*1/ G *
(27 ::::::::::::: is a subquery "hich has reference to the main query7
*7 =elated subquery
'7 Correlated subquery
C7 'oth * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G '
(37 hat is the fastest "ay of accessing a ro" in a table7
*7 @sing ;>,1/
'7 @sing correlates subqueries7
C7 @sing column id constraints7
%7 @sing ro" id constraints7
*1/ G %
($7 hy does the follo"ing command gi!es compilation error %=>0 T*'5< KT*'5<:1*9<O
*7 ,nstead of drop delete should be used7
'7 Table name is not starting "ith an alpabhet7
C7 'oth * K '
%7 1one
*1/ G '
((7 "hich system table contains information about the pri!ileges granted and pri!ileges obtained7
*7 @/<=:T*':0=,./:9*%<7
'7 @/<=:T*':0=,./:=<C%7
C7 'oth * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
()7 "hich system table contains information on constraints on all tables created7
*7 @/<=:T*':C>1/T=*,1T/7
'7 @/<=:C>1/T=*,1T/7
C7 'ot* K '7
%7 1one7
*1/ G '
(+7 /tate true or false, <L,/T/, />9< ,*1H are all operators in /457
*7 true
'7 false
C7 cannot be determined
%7 data insufficient
*1/ G *7
(27 hat "ill be the output of the follo"ing query7
/<5<CT =<05*C< (T=*1/5*T< (5T=,9( =T=,9( XPP *TC<1 PPX,XPX),XPX)
X*1X,XAAAX),XAX,XT=>@'5<X) D=>9 %@*5O
*7 T=>@'5<TC<T=>@'5<
'7 TC<T=>@'5<T=>@'5<
%7 1>1<7
*1/ G *
(37 "hat does the follo"ing query do7
/<5<CT /*5 U 1.5(C>99,6) D=>9 <90O
*7 displays salary of employees and the null !alues in the commission column "ill be replaced by 67
'7displays salary of employees and the null !alues in the commission column "illnot be replaced by 67
C7 displays null !alues7
%7 none7
*1/ G *
)67 "hat is the ad!antage of specifying grant option in the grant command7
*7 The pri!ilege recei!er can grant the pri!ileges to any other user7
'7 The pri!ilege recei!er is gi!en "ith the pri!ileges permanently and the o"ner cannot re!o&e them bac&7
C7'oth * K '7
%7 1one7
*1/ G *
)17 "hich command e-ecutes the contents of a file7
*7 /T*=T WfilenameT
C7 both * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
)27 "hich command displays the sql command in the sql buffer and then e-ecutes it7
*7 =@17
'7 <L<C@T<7
%7 1>1<7
*1/ G *7
)37"hich command is used to getbac& the pri!ileges gi!en by J=*1T command7
*7 =<J=*1T
'7 @1J=*1T
C7 =<.>I<
%7 ,1.>I<
*1/ G C
)$7 "hich date function is used to find difference bet"een t"o dates7
*7 9>1TC/:,1
'7 9>1TC/
C7 9>1TC/:D=>9
%7 9>1TC/:'<T<<17
*1/ G %7
)(7 "hat operator performs pattern matching7
*7 ,1
'7 5,I<7
C7 <4@*5/
%7 1>1<
*1/ G '
))7"hat operator tests column for the absence of data
*7 1@55
'7 1>T 1@55
C7 ,/1@55
%7 1>1<7
*1/ G C
)+7 "hat is the use of %=>0 option in *5T<= table command7
*7 used to drop constraints specified on the table7
'7 used to drop constraints specified on the column7
c7 both * K '7
%7 1one7
*1/ G *7
)27 "hich function is used to find the largest integer less than or equal to the specific !alue7
*7 floor7
'7 ceil
*1/ G *
)37 "hat is the subset of sql commands used to manipulate oracle database stuctures , including tables7
*7 %%5
'7 %95
C7 %C5
%7 TC57
*1/ G *
+67"hat command is used to create a table by copying the structure of another table7
*7 C=<*T<T*'5< as /<5<CT C>99*1%7
'7 C=<*T<C>99*1% */ /<5<CT T*'5<
C7 '>TC * and '
%7 1>1< >D TC< *'>.<
*1/ G *
+17T=@1C*T< T*'5< <90O %<5<T< D=>9 <90O
ill the output of the abo!e commands differ7
*7 H</
'7 1>
C7 data not sufficient
%7 none7
*1/ G '7
'oth "ill result in deleting all the ro"s in the table <907
+27"hat are the "ild cards used forsingle character pattern matching7
*7 : ( underscore)
'7 V
C7 'oth * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
+37 "hat are the "ild cards used for multi character pattern matching7
*7 V
'7 : (underscore)
C7'oth * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G *
+$7 "hat is the parameter substitution symbol used "ith ,1/<=T ,1T> command7
*7 K
'7 V
C7 P
%7 none
*1/ G *
+(7 "here are the integrity constraints stored in the data dictionary7
*7 @/<=:T*'5<:C>1/T=*,1T/
'7@/<= T*'5<
%7 @/<=:C>1/T=*,1T/7
*1/ G %
+)7ho" to access current !alue from a sequence7
*7 sequence name C@==.*57
'7 C@==.*5
C7 /<41*9<:C@==.*57
%7 none7
*1/ G *
++7 ho" to access ne-t !alue from a sequence7
*7 1<LT.*5
'7 /<41*9<:1<LT.*5
C7 sequence name 1<LT.*5
%7 none7
*1/ G C
+27 it is possible to access the current !alue in a session before accessing the ne-t !alue7
*7 true
C7 cannot be determined
%7 data insufficient
*1/ G '
+37 ::::::::::: are used to subdi!ide the transaction into smaller parts7
*7 sa!e points
'7 chec& points
C7 di!ision points
%7 none7
*1/ G *
267 a ma-imum of ho" many sa!e points can be used in a transaction7
*7 2
'7 )
C7 +
%7 (
*1/ G %
217 the length of => ,%7 ,s :::::::: characters7
*7 12
'7 13
C7 26
%7 21
*1/ G *
227 ho" many long columns are allo"ed in a table7
*7 only one
'7 more than one7
C7 t"o
%7 three
*1/ G *
237 it is possible to use 5>1J C>5@91/ in C<=< or >=%<= 'H
*7 true7
'7 false7
C7 cannot be determined
%7 data insufficient
*1/ G '
2$7if an unique &ey constraint on a %*T< column is created, "ill it !alidate the ro"s that are inserted "ith /H/%*T<7
*7 H</
'7 1>
C7 cannot be determined
%7 data insufficient
*1/ G ' 'ecause /H/%*T< format contains time attached "ith it7
2(7 "hat are the data types allo"ed in a table7
*7 CC*=
'7 .*=CC*=2
C7 5>1J=*
%7 all the abo!e7
*1/ G %
2)7"hat is the ma-imum si#e allo"ed for CC*=7
*7 2((
*1/ G *
2+7 "hat is the ma-imum si#e allo"ed for .*CC*=27
*1/ G '
227 can a primary &ey contain more than one column7
*7 yes
'7 no
C7 cannot be determined
%7 data insufficient
*1/ G *
237 "hat are the !arious pri!ileges that a user can grant to another user7
*7 /<5<CT
'7 C>11<CT
C7 =</>@=C</
%7 *55 TC< *'>.<
*1/ G %
367"hat is the difference bet"een =<1*9< and *5,*/7
*7 =<1*9< is a permanent name gi!en to a table or column and *5,*/ is a temporary name7
'7 =<1*9< is a temporary name gi!en to a table or column and *5,*/ is a permanent name7
C7 '>TC are false
%7 1one7
*1/ G *
317 "hat are !arious constraints used in /457
*7 1@55
'7 1>T 1@55
C7 %<D*@5T
%7 *55 TC< *'>.<7
*1/ G %
327 "hich data type is used for storing graphics and images7
*7 =*
'7 5>1J =*
C7 ,9*J<
%7 1>1<7
*1/ G '
337:::::::::: clause is used "hen "e "ant to specify a condition for a group function7
*7 C<=<
'7 C*.,1J
C7 >=%<= 'H
%7 1>1<
*1/ G '7
3$7 :::::::::: clause is used to specify a condition for columns
*7 C<=<
'7 C*.,1J
C7 >=%<= 'H
%7 1>1<
*1/ G *
3(7 "hat is the return !alue of <L,/T/ clause
*7 '>>5<*1
'7 ,1T<J<=
%7 1>1<7
*1/ G *
3)7 "hat &ey"ord is used to a!oid duplicate records in a query7
*7 @1,4@<
'7 %</C=,'<
C7 /0<C,*5
%7 %,/T,1CT
*1/ G %
3+7 a table can ha!e ::::::: number of primary &eys7
*7 only one
'7 more than one
C7 t"o
%7 three
*1/ G *
327 a table can ha!e :::::::: number of unique &eys7
*7 one
'7 t"o
C7 any number of unique &eys
%7 none7
*1/ G C
337 the columns containing primary &ey are automatically defined as ::::::::::
*7 1>T 1@55
'7 1@55
C7 ,/ 1@55
%7 1>1<7
*1/ G *
1667 ::::::::::operator is used to return multiple ro"s
*7 ,1
'7 5,I<7
C7 <4@*5/
%7 1>1<
*1/ G *
Drom the table gi!en belo" ans"er the follo"ing queries7
Table 1 : STUDIES
01*9< (.*=CC*=), /05*C< (.*=CC*=), C>@=/< (.*=CC*=), CC>/T (1@9'<=)
LEGEND :01*9< [ 0rogrammer 1ame, /05*C< [ /tudy 0lace, CC>/T [ Course Cost,
1617 %isplay the names of those "ho ha!e done the 0J%C* course
*7 /<5<CT 01*9< D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< C>@=/< B S0J%C*SO
'7 /<5<CT 01*9< D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< C>@=/< PB S0J%C*SO
C7 /<5<CT 01*9< D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< C>@=/< 5,I< S0J%C*SO
%7 both * K C
*1/ G %
1627 %isplay the lo"est course fee
*7 /<5<CT 9,1(CC>/T) D=>9 /T@%,</O
'7 /<5<CT 9,1 CC>/T D=>9 /T@%,</O
C7 /<5<CT 9,1(C>/T) D=>9 /T@%,</O
%7 none
*1/ G *
1637 Co" many programmers ha!e done the %C* course
*7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< C>@=/< B S%C*SO
'7 /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< C>@=/< B S%C*SO
C7 both * K '7
%7 none
*1/ G *
16$7 Co" many programmers studied at 0entafour
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< /05*C< B S0<1T*D>@=SO
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< /05*C< 5,I< S0<1T*D>@=SO
C7 both * K '7
*1/ G C
16(7 Co" many programmers studied at 0=*J*TC,E
*7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< /05*C< B S0=*J*TC,SO
'7 /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< /05*C< B S0=*J*TC,SO
C7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< /05*C< 5,I< S0=*J*TC,SO
%7 both * K C7
*1/ G %
16)7 Co" many programmers paid 16666 to 1(666 for the courseE
*7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< CC>/T '<T<<1 16666 *1% 1(666O
'7 /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 /T@%,</ C<=< CC>/T '<T<<1 16666 *1% 1(666O
C7 both * K '7
%7 none7
*1/ G *
16+7 hat is the a!erage course feeE
*7 /<5<CT *.J(CC>/T) D=>9 /T@%,</O
'7 /<5<CT *.J CC>/T D=>9 /T@%,</O
C7 /<5<CT *.J(C>/T) D=>9 /T@%,</O
%7 none7
*1/ G *
T*'5< G 2Drom the table gi!en belo" ans"er the follo"ing queries7
Table 2 G />DT*=<
01*9< (.*=CC*=), T,T5< (.*=CC*=), %<.,1 (.*=CC*=), /C>/T (1@9'<=), %C>/T (1@9'<=), />5%
5<J<1% G
01*9< [ 0rogrammer 1ame, CC>/T [ Course Cost, %<.,1 [ %e!eloped in, /C>/T [ /oft"are Cost, %C>/T [
%e!elopment Cost
1627 Dind out the selling cost a!erage for pac&ages de!eloped in >racle
*7 /<5<CT *.J(/C>/T) D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< %<.,1 B S>=*C5<SO
'7 /<5<CT *.J /C>/T D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< %<.,1 B S>=*C5<SO
C7 /<5<CT *.J(/C>/T) D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< %<.,1 5,I< S>=*C5<SO
%7 both * K C7
*1/ G %7
1637 hat is the highest number of copies sold by a pac&ageE
*7 /<5<CT 9*L(/>5%) D=>9 />DT*=<O
'7 /<5<CT 9*L />5% D=>9 />DT*=<O
C7 both * K '7
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1167 %isplay the details of soft"are de!eloped by =a&esh
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< 01*9< B S=*I</CSO
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< 01*9< 5,I< S=*I</CSO
C7 both * K '7
%7 none7
*1/ G C
111 hat is the price of costliest soft"are de!eloped in .'E
*7 /<5<CT 9*L(/C>/T) D=>9 />DT*=< J=>@0 'H %<.,1 C*.,1J %<.,1 B S.'SO
'7 /<5<CT 9*L /C>/T D=>9 />DT*=< J=>@0 'H %<.,1 C*.,1J %<.,1 B S.'SO
C7 both * K '7
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1127 Co" many pac&ages "ere de!eloped in >racle E
*7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< %<.,1 B S>=*C5<SO
'7 /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< %<.,1 B S>=*C5<SO
C7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 />DT*=< C<=< %<.,1 5,I< S>=*C5<SO
%7 both * K C7
*1/ G %
From the table given below answer the following questions
Table 3 G 0=>J=*99<=
01*9< (.*=CC*=), %>' (%*T<), %>; (%*T<), /<L (CC*=), 0=>D1 (.*=CC*=), 0=>D2 (.*=CC*=), /*5
5<J<1% G
01*9< [ 0rogrammer 1ame, 0=>D1 [ 0roficiency 1, 0=>D2 [ 0roficiency 2, /*5 [/alary, %>'8 %ate of birth, %>; [ date
of Foining7
1137 %isplay the names, ages and e-perience of all programmers
*7/<5<CT 01*9<,T=@1C(9>1TC/:'<T<<1(/H/%*T<,%>')?12) R*J<R,
T=@1C(9>1TC/:'<T<<1(/H/%*T<,%>;)?12) R<L0<=,<1C<R D=>9 0=>J=*99<=O
'7 /<5<CT 01*9<,T=@1C(9>1TC/:'<T<<1(/H/%*T<,%>')?12) R*J<R, R<L0<=,<1C<R D=>9
C7 /<5<CT 01*9<, T=@1C(9>1TC/:'<T<<1(/H/%*T<,%>;)?12) R<L0<=,<1C<R D=>9 0=>J=*99<=O
%7 none7
*1/ G *
11$7%isplay the names and date of birth of all programmers born in *pril
*7 /<5<CT 01*9<, %>' D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< %>' 5,I< SV*0=VSO
'7 /<5<CT 01*9<, %>' D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< %>' 5,I< S:*0=:SO
C7 both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
11(7 %isplay the details of programmers &no"ing C7
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< 0=>D1 B SCS >= 0=>D2 B SCSO
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< 0=>D1 B C >= 0=>D2 B CO
C7 both * K '
%7 none
*1/ G *
11)7 Co" many programmers &no" either C or 0ascalE
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< 0=>D1 ,1 (SCS,S0*/C*5S) >= 0=>D2 ,1 (SCS,S0*/C*5S)O
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< 0=>D1 ,1 (C,0*/C*5) >= 0=>D2 ,1 (C,0*/C*5)O
C7 both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
11+7 Co" many programmers donXt &no" C and CUUE
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< 0=>D1 1>T ,1 (SCS,SCUUS) *1% 0=>D2 1>T ,1 (SCS,SCUUS)O
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< 0=>D1 1>T ,1 SCS,SCUUS *1% 0=>D2 1>T ,1 SCS,SCUUSO
C7 both * K '7
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1127Co" many female programmers are thereE
*7 /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /<L B SDSO
'7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /<L B SDSO
C7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /<L B DO
%7 none7
*1/ G '
1137hat are the languages &no"n by the male programmers
*7 /<5<CT %,/T,1CT(0=>D1) D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /<L B S9SO
'7 /<5<CT %,/T,1CT 0=>D1 D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /<L B 9O
C7 both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1267hat is the a!erage salaryE
*7 /<5<CT *.J /*5 D=>9 0=>J=*99<=O
'7 /<5<CT *.J(/*5) D=>9 0=>J=*99<=O
C7 both * K '7
%7 none7
*1/ G '7
1217Co" many people dra" (666 to +(66E
*7 /<5<CT C>@1T(A) D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /*5 '<T<<1 (666 *1% +(66O
'7 /<5<CT C>@1T A D=>9 0=>J=*99<= C<=< /*5 ,1 '<T<<1 (666 *1% +(66O
C7 both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1227 the follo"ing are the phases of transaction7
*7 analysis phase
'7 redo phase
C7undo phase
%7 all the abo!e7
*1/ G %
1237 ::::::: is a user command that is used to interact "ith the data base
*7 program
'7 code
C7 language
%7 query7
*1/ G %
12$7"hat are the unary operators in relation algebra
*7 proFection
'7 selection
C7 both * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
12(7 "hat is the output of /<5<CT T=@1C(123$7()+2,82) D=>9 %@*5G
*7 123$
'7 1266
C7 ()+2
%7 none7
*1/ G '
Drom the table gi!en belo" ans"er the follo"ing queries
Table 1 : DET
%<0T1> (1>T 1@55 , 1@9'<=(2)), %1*9< (.*=CC*=2(1$)),
5>C (.*=CC*=2(13)
Table 2 : E!
<901> (1>T 1@55 , 1@9'<=($)), <1*9< (.*=CC*=2(16)),
;>' (.*=CC*=2(3)), 9J= (1@9'<=($)), C,=<%*T< (%*T<),
/*5 (1@9'<=(+,2)), C>99 (1@9'<=(+,2)), %<0T1> (1@9'<=(2))
9J= is the empno of the employee "hom the employee reports to7 %<0T1> is a foreign &ey7
12)7 5ist all the employees "ho ha!e at least one person reporting to them7
*7 /<5<CT %,/T,1CT(*7<1*9<) D=>9 <90 *, <90 ' C<=< *7<901> B '79J=O
'7 /<5<CT <1*9< D=>9 <90 C<=< <901> ,1 (/<5<CT 9J= D=>9 <90)O
C7 'oth * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G C
12+7 5ist the employee details if and only if more than 16 employees are present in department no 167
*7 /<5<CTAD=>9 <90 C<=< %<0T1> ,1 (/<5<CT %<0T1> D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H %<0T1> C*.,1J
C>@1T(<901>)T16 *1% %<0T1>B16)O
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< %<0T1> ,1 (/<5<CT %<0T1> D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H %<0T1> C*.,1J
C>@1T(<901>)T16 *1% %<0T1>B16)O
C7both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G C
1227 5ist the name of the employees "ith their immediate higher authority7
*7 /<5<CT *7<1*9< R<905>H<<R, '7<1*9< R=<0>=T/ T>R D=>9 <90 *, <90 ' C<=< *79J=B'7<901>O
'7 /<5<CT *7<1*9< R<905>H<<R, '7<1*9< R=<0>=T/ T>R D=>9 <90 *, <90 ' C<=< *79J=B'79J=O
C7 both * K '
%7 none
*1/ G *
1237 5ist all the employees "ho do not manage any one7
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< <901> ,1 ( /<5<CT <901> D=>9 <90 9,1@/ /<5<CT 9J= D=>9 <90)O
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< <901> ,1 ( /<5<CT <901> D=>9 <90 @1,>1 /<5<CT 9J= D=>9 <90)O
C7 both *K'
%7 none
*1/ G *
1367 5ist the employee details "hose salary is greater than the lo"est salary of an employee belonging to deptno 267
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< /*5 T ( /<5<CT 9,1(/*5) D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H %<0T1> C*.,1J %<0T1>B26)O
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< /*5 T ( /<5<CT 9,1 /*5 D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H %<0T1> C*.,1J %<0T1>B26)O
C7 both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1317 5ist the details of the employee earning more than the highest paid manager7
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< /*5 T ( /<5<CT 9*L(/*5) D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H ;>' C*.,1J ;>' B 9*1*J<= )O
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< /*5 T ( /<5<CT 9*L /*5 D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H ;>' C*.,1J ;>' B S9*1*J<=S )O
C7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< /*5 T ( /<5<CT 9*L(/*5) D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H ;>' C*.,1J ;>' B S9*1*J<=S )O
%7 none7
*1/ G C
1327 5ist the highest salary paid for each Fob7
*7 /<5<CT ;>', 9*L(/*5) D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H ;>'O
'7 /<5<CT ;>', 9*L /*5 D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H ;>'O
C7 both * K '
%7 none
*1/ G *
1337 Dind the most recently hired employee in each department
*7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< (%<0T1>, C,=<%*T<) ,1 (/<5<CT %<0T1>, 9*L(C,=<%*T<) D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H
'7 /<5<CT A D=>9 <90 C<=< (%<0T1>, C,=<%*T<) ,1 (/<5<CT %<0T1>, 9*L C,=<%*T< D=>9 <90 J=>@0 'H
C7 both * K '
%7 none7
*1/ G *
13$ the follo"ing are the le!els of abstraction7
*7 physical le!el
'7 logical le!el
C7 !ie" le!el
%7 all the abo!e7
*ns G %
13(7 the follo"ing are the types of data independence
*7 physical data independence
'7 logical data independence
C7 conceptual data independence
%7 both * K '7
*ns G %
13)7 hen implementing security in a %'9/, "hich of the follo"ing is 1>T supported by the J=*1T commandE
a7=emo!ing pri!ileges of other people7
b70ro!iding %<5<T< pri!ileges7
c7/upporting the de!olution of access control to non8%'*s7
d7Changing pass"ords7
*ns G a
13+7/<5<CT a,b D=>9 c,d "here c has 16 records and d has 16 records results in
a7* table "ith 6 records
b7* table "ith 16 records
c7* table "ith 166 records
d7The number of records cannot be predicted7
*ns G d
1327 The standard language /45 contains features to perform "hich of the follo"ing functionsE
a7specifying user pass"ords
b7specifying dis& geometry
c7specifying frequency of bac&ups
d7specifying user access rights
ans G d
The following database contains weather measurements for a number of stations around the UK. Each
station is in a region, each station records a value for rainfall in cm and sunshine in hours.
region(regionid, name)
station(stationid, rainfall, sunshine, region)
1 BO!E"
# $%$E
& 'OT(%)*
1 1+ # 1
# 11 , 1
& -- + &
, #& 1 &
- 1. / #
/ 11 , #
. ,1 & #
The following "0' is intended to return the details of 1ust the weather station in $%$E.
"E'E2T 3 $O4 region, station 5(EE name '%KE 6$%$E67
"elect the TUE statement
a. The '%KE clause must include a wild card.
b. The result will include unwanted rows.
c. The result will be as intended.
d. 8ero row will be returned.
)ns 9 b
1$67 Continuing from the pre!ious question7
/elect the /45 statement "hich results in a list of the a!erage rainfall for each regionG
a7/<5<CT *.J(name), rainfall D=>9 region, station C<=< regionid B station7region J=>@0 'H rainfallO
b7/<5<CT name, *.J(rainfall) D=>9 region, station C<=< regionid B station7region J=>@0 'H nameO
c7/<5<CT *.J(rainfall) D=>9 station J=>@0 'H stationidO
d7/<5<CT *.J(name) ,*.J(rainfall) D=>9 region, station C<=< regionid B station7region J=>@0 'H rainfallO J=>@0 'H
*ns G b
1$17 * database can be left in an inconsistent state due to
a7 inaccurate data is entered into the database7
b7 deadloc&7
c7 roll8for"ard after a failure7
d7 a transaction fails and its changes are applied to the database7
*ns G d
1$27 identify the correct synta- of /<5<CT statement7
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR
b7 /<5<CT Rtable:nameR D=>9 Rcolumn:nameR
c7 both * K '
d7 none
ans G a
1$37 identify the correct synta- of %,/T,1CT clause
a7 /<5<CT %,/T,1CT Rtable:nameR D=>9 Rcolumn:nameR
b7 /<5<CT %,/T,1CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR
c7 /<5<CT %,/T,1CT D=>9 Rtable:nameR
ans G b
1$$7 identify the correct synta- of C<=< clause7
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< RconditionR
b7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR
c7 /<5<CT Rtable:nameR D=>9 Rcolumn:nameR C<=< RconditionR
d7 none
ans G a
1$(7 identify the correct synta- of ,1 operator7
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR ,1 (S!alue1S, S!alue2S, 777)
b7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR ,1 (!alue1, !alue2, 777)
c7 both a K b
d7 none
ans G a
1$)7 identify the correct synta- of '<T<<1 operator
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR '<T<<1 !alue1 *1% !alue2
b7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR '<T<<1 S!alue1S *1% S!alue2S
c7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rtable:nameR '<T<<1 S!alue1S *1% S!alue2S
d7 none7
*ns G b
1$+7 identify the correct synta- of 5,I< operator7
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR 5,I< ]0*TT<=1^
b7 /<5<CT Rtable:nameR D=>9 Rcolumn:nameR C<=< Rcolumn:nameR 5,I< ]0*TT<=1^
c7 both a K b
d7 none7
*ns G a
1$27 "hat is the order of J=>@0'H, C*.,1J and >=%<='H
a7 J=>@0'H, C*.,1J and >=%<='H
b7 C*.,1J , J=>@0'H and >=%<='H
c7 >=%<='H, C*.,1J and J=>@0'H
d7 none7
*ns G a
1$37 identify the correct synta- of >=%<= 'H clause
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR [C<=< RconditionR] >=%<= 'H Rcolumn:nameR [*/C, %</C]
b7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR D=>9 Rtable:nameR >=%<= 'H Rcolumn:nameR [*/C, %</C]
c7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:nameR [C<=< RconditionR] >=%<= 'H Rcolumn:nameR [*/C, %</C]
d7 none
ans G a
1(67 identify the correct synta- of C>@1T operator
a7 /<5<CT C>@1T(Rcolumn:nameR) D=>9 Rtable:nameR
b7 /<5<CT C>@1T D=>9 Rtable:nameR
c7 both a K b
d7 none
ans G a
1(17 identify the correct synta- of J=>@0 'H clause
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:name1R, /@9(Rcolumn:name2R) D=>9 Rtable:nameR J=>@0 'H Rcolumn:name1R
b7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:name1R, /@9(Rcolumn:name2R) J=>@0 'H Rcolumn:name1R
c7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:name1R, /@9(Rcolumn:name2R) D=>9 Rtable:nameR J=>@0 'H
d7 none7
*ns G a
1(27 identify the correct synta- of C*.,1J clause7
a7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:name1R, /@9(Rcolumn:name2R) J=>@0 'H Rcolumn:name1R C*.,1J (arithematic function condition)
b7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:name1R, /@9(Rcolumn:name2R) D=>9 Rtable:nameR J=>@0 'H Rcolumn:name1R C*.,1J (arithematic
function condition)
c7 /<5<CT Rcolumn:name1R, /@9(Rcolumn:name2R) D=>9 Rtable:nameR C*.,1J (arithematic function condition)
d7 none
ans G b
1(37 identify the correct synta- for creating a table7
a7 C=<*T< T*'5< Rtable:nameR (Rcolumn 1R Rdata:type:for:column:1R,Rcolumn 2R Rdata:type:for:column:2R,
777 )
b7 C=<*T< T*'5< (Rcolumn 1R Rdata:type:for:column:1R, Rcolumn 2R Rdata:type:for:column:2R,
777 )
c7 both a K b
d7 none
ans G a
1($7 identify the correct synta- for deleting a table7
a7 %<5<T< T*'5< Rtable:nameR
b7 %=>0 T*'5< Rtable:nameR
c7 %=>0 Rtable:nameR
d7 none7
*ns G b
1((7 identify the correct synta- for inserting !alues into a table7
a7 ,1/<=T ,1T> Rtable:nameR (Rcolumn1R, Rcolumn2R, 777) .*5@</ (R!alue1R, R!alue2R, 777)
b7 ,1/<=T ,1T> Rtable:nameR .*5@</ (R!alue1R, R!alue2R, 777)
c7 both a K b
d7 none
ans G a
1()7::::::::::: is a rule that restricts !alues to a column in a table
a7 referential integrity
b7 integrity constraints
c7 sa!e points
d7 none7
*ns G b
1(+7 to add a column "ith not null constraint the table should be ::::::::
a7 empty
b7 non empty
c7 its not dependent on "hether the table is empty or not7
d7 none7
*ns G a
1(27 to modify the data type of a column the prerequisite is ::::::::
a7 the column should be empty7
b7 the column should be full7
c7 its noe dependent on "hether the column is empty or not7
%7 none7
*ns G a
1(37<901> <1*9< /*5
*222 =*9*/*9H 3(66
*212 1*=*H*1 (666
*3+3 @9</C
*(66 '*5*;, (+(6
@sing the abo!e data
/elect count(sal) from <mp "ill retrie!e
a] 1
b] 6
c] 3
d] 1one of the abo!e
*ns G C
1)67 ,f an @1,4@< I<H constraint on %*T< column is created, "ill it accept the ro"s that are inserted "ith /H/%*T< E
a] ill
b] onSt
C7 cannot be determined
%7 data insufficient
*ns G b
1)17 Consider the follo"ing /45 statementG
J=*1T /<5<CT, @0%*T<(%esignation) >1 <mployee T> *mali,Ciruni ,TC J=*1T >0T,>1O
hat does this /45 statement doE
(a) Jrant permission to *mali,only to retrie!e data from <mployee table and grant permission to Ciruni, only to update the
designation from <mployee table7
(b) Jrant permission to *mali K Ciruni to retrie!e data from <mployee table7
(c) Jrant permission to *mali K Ciruni to update designation of employees in the <mployee table7
(d) both b K c
*ns G d
1)27 hich of the follo"ing /45 command(s) is (are) correct "ith respect to database definitionsE
(a)C=<*T< T*'5< defines a ne" table "ith its columns7
(b)*5T<= T*'5< allo"s adding ne" columns7
(c)*%% T*'5< allo"s adding ne" tables to database at any time7
(d) both a K b
*ns G d
1)37 "hen subquery returns more then one !alue then
a7 B operator is used for comparision
b7 desc is used for comparision
c7 ,1 operator is used for comparision
d7 all the abo!e7
*ns G c
1)$7 to display single "ord names7
a7 ,1 operator is used for comparision7
b7 5,I< operator is used for comparision
c7 both a K b
d7 none
ans G b
1)(7 select Fob, count(A) from emp group by Fob7
a7 displays only Fobs7
b7 displays number of employees under each Fob
c7 displays only number of employees
d7 none
ans G b
1))7 "hich function is used to ta&e end date of the month
a7 =ound()
b7 Ceil()
c7 5ast:%ay()
d7 *dd:month()
ans G c
1)+7 "hen "e use group by in the /45 statement
a7 it places the ro"s in shado" page and groups the data7
b7 it places the ro"s in order and then groups7
c7 it groups the information "ithout using the order7
d7 none
ans G b
1)27 C*.,1J clause is used "hen
*ns 7 Jroup functions are used in condition7
1)37 a query in /45 plus usually ends "ith the /45 terminator
a7 O
b7 ?
c7 Q
d7 none
ans G a
1+67 ::::::::::: is a set of commands that is used to control a database "hich include security
a7 %95
b7 %%5
c7 %05
d7 %C5
ans G d
1+17 in a /45 statement "hich of the follo"ing statements indicate "hich ro"s are to be selected
a7 /<5<CT
b7 D=>9
c7 C<=<
d7 J=>@0 'H
ans G c
1+27 a query can be :::::::::
a7 based on a set of Foined tables7
b7 not to be used in conFunction "ith set of Foined tables7
c7 only be used directly on one data table
d7 be based on set of other queries7
*ns G a
1+37 C*.,1J clause is associated "ith :::::::
*7 C<=<
b7 J=>@0 'H
c7 /<5<CT
d7 >=%<= 'H
ans G b
1+$7 during a transaction the result is not !isible to other transactions this is
a7 *tomicity
b7 Consistency
c7 ,solation
d7 %urability
ans G c
1+(7 dropping table "ill cause associated inde-es and :::::::::::::::: granted to be
a7 pri!ileges
b7 modification
c7 altering
c7 none
ans G a
1+)7 the *5T<= T*'5< comand lets you
a7 adding integrity constraints
b7 creating ne" columns
c7 modifying e-isting columns
d7 all the abo!e
ans G d
1++7 ::::::::::: allo" de!elopers to build po"erful commands out of simple ones
a7 sub queries
b7 double queries
c7 inner queries
d7 outer queries
ans G a
1+27 5,I< operator can be used by the follo"ing symbols
a7 A
b7 :
c7 V
d7 both b K c
ans G d
1+37 "hich functions accept arguments of any data type
a7 /@'/T=
b7 1.5
c7 /,J1
d7 both b K c
ans G d
1267 "hich function is used to trim specified characters from a string
a7 5T=,9
b7 /@'/T=
c7 =T=,9
d7 both a K c
ans G d
1217 multiple queries can be put together and their output can be combined using :::::::: clause
a7 ha!ing
b7 "here
c7 union
d7 group by
ans G c
1227 the subquery "hich "ill e-ecute once for each ro" returned by the outer query is
a7 sub queries
b7 correlated subqueries
c7 comple-ed queries
d7 nested queries
ans G b
1237 :::::clause is used to force a subquery to generate a single !alue7
a7 distinct
b7 1.5
c7 unique
d7 sum
ans G a
12$7 "hich of the follo"ing statements are &ey features of /45
a7 non unified language
b7 procedural language
c7 common language for all relational databases
d7 english li&e language
ans G c
12(7 "hich of the follo"ing /45 statements in %C5 are not permanent
a7 commit
b7 sa!e point
c7 rollbac&
d7 none
ans G b
12)7 ho" is the e-ecution of %45 query perform "hen it is ha!ing Foins
*7 first ro" of the tables
b7 last ro" of the tables
c7 middle ro" of the tables
d none
ans G a
12+7 %%5 consists of commands to create obFects li&e
a7 tables
b7 !ie"s
c7 inde-es
d7 all
ans G d
1227 ::::::::::clause can ha!e multiple !alues
a7 ,1
b7 <L,/T/
c7 both a K b
d7 none
ans G a
1237 "hich of the follo"ing are character functions
a7 trunc
b7 initcap
c7 concat
d7 both b K c
ans G d
1367 "hich of the follo"ing are general functions
a7 greatest
b7 least
c7 n!l
d7 all the abo!e
ans G d
1317 Consider the follo"ing diagram depicting a &ind of a relationship type "here L and N are entities and H is
a relationship typeG
/elect the correct statement(s) from among the follo"ing on the abo!e diagram7
(a) The relationship type H is of cardinality ratio 1 G 17
(b) The relationship type H is of cardinality ratio 1 G 17
(c) The participation of L in the H relationship type is total7
(d) The participation of N in the H relationship type is partial7
*nsG b
1327 7 Consider the relation = "ith four attributes *,',C and % and the functional dependencies (*,') (C,%) and C % 7
hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correctE
(a) C is a &ey for relation =7
(b) = is in 31D7
(c) Dunctional dependency C % !iolates 31D7
(d) = is in 'C1D7
*nsG c
1337 Consider the follo"ing relation and its sample data7 (Consider that these are the only tuples for the gi!en
<mp1o %ept1o 0roF1o
1661 61 12
1661 61 13
1662 61 12
1663 61 1$
hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correctE
(a) The functional dependency (<mp1o, %ept1o) 0roF1o holds o!er =7
(b) The functional dependency %ept1o 0roF1o holds o!er =7
(c) The functional dependency <mp1o %ept1o holds o!er =7
(d) The functional dependency 0roF1o %ept1o do not holds o!er =7
*nsG c
13$7 Consider the relation _0roperty (0roperty,d, .illage1ame, 5ot`, *rea)X "ith the follo"ing functional dependencies7
(i)7 0roperty,d ( .illage1ame, 5ot`, *rea)
(ii)7 (.illage1ame, 5ot`) (0roperty,d, *rea)
(iii)7 *rea .illage1ame
hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to the information gi!en abo!eE
(a) The relation _0ropertyX is in 31D7
(b) The functional dependency (.illage1ame, 5ot`) (0roperty,d, *rea) !iolates 21D7
(d) The relation _0ropertyX is in 'C1D7
(e) The functional dependency *rea .illage1ame !iolates 31D7
*nsG a
13(7 hich of the follo"ing sets of operations represent a complete set of relational algebra operationsE
(a) ] a, b, }
(b) ] c , - ^
(c) ] a, b, d ^
(d) ]b , d, a, 8^
*nsG a
13)7 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to the t"o relations gi!en belo"E

(a) The t"o relations are not union8compatible since their attribute names differ7
(b) The t"o relations are union8compatible since they ha!e the same type of tuples7
(c) The set operations such as C*=T</,*1 0=>%@CT and %,.,/,>1 can be applied on these
t"o relations7
(d) To find out the students "ho are not instructors, it is necessary to perform the operation
/tudent c ,nstructor7
*nsG b
13+7 Consider the follo"ing table obtained using /tudent and ,nstructor relations7
hich relational algebra operation could ha!e been applied on the pair of relations /tudent and ,nstructor
to obtain the abo!e dataE
(a) /tudent d ,nstructor
(b) ,nstructor c /tudent
(c) /tudent [ ,nstructor
d) ,nstructor [ /tudent
*nsG d
1327 Consider the sequence of operations gi!en belo" on the relation
<mployee (<mp1o, 1ame, *ddress, 'date, Jender, /alary, /uper1o, %1o)7
(i)7 %<0(:<90/ (a%1oB( ( <mployee))
(ii)7 =</@5T1 b<mp1o(%<0(:<90/)
(iii)7 =</@5T2(<mp1o) b/uper1o(%<0(:<90/)
(i!)7 =</@5T =</@5T1 =</@5T2
hat "ill the abo!e sequence of operations performed on the gi!en relation produceE
(a) <mp1o of the %1o ( "ho "or& either as an employee or a super!isor7
(b) <mp1o of the employees "ho "or& in %1o ( along "ith the employees of %1o ( "ho "or& as super!isors7
(c) <mp1o of the %1o ( employees "ho "or& as super!isors7
(d) <mp1o of the employees "ho either "or& in %1o ( or super!ise an employee "ho "or&s in %1o (7
*nsG d
1337 ,f , L, H and N are attributes of a relation, "hich of the follo"ing inference rules for functional dependencies is?are correctE
(a) ,f L H then H L7
(b) ,f L H then (L, N) (H,)7
(c) ,f L (H,N) then L H7
(d) ,f (L, N) H then L H and N H7
*nsG c
2667 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct, regarding a relation of the relational modelE
(a) <ach relation in a database schema has a unique a name7
(b) There can be multi8!alued attributes in a relation7
(c) <ach ro" is identified uniquely7
(d) The sequence of columns is significant7
*7)a and b '7)a and c C7)a,b and c %7) *ll
2617 Dollo"ing is a mapping of instances of 5<CT@=<= and /@';<CT entities related by the relationship named YteachZ7
hich of the follo"ing business rules is?are true for the mapping of the abo!e relationE
(a) <!ery 5ecturer teaches a subFect7
(b) * lecturer may teach more than one subFect7
(c) <!ery /ubFect has a 5ecturer7
(d) * 5ecturer may or may not teach a subFect7
*7)a and b '7)a and d C7)a,b and c %7) *ll
*nsG '
2627 Consider the follo"ing relations and the functional dependencies gi!en thereafter7
0roFect (0roF:1um, 0roF:1ame)
<mployee (<mp:1um, <mp:1ame, ;ob:class, Chg:hours)
*ssign (0roF:1um, <mp:1um, Cours)
D%1G 0roF:1um, <mp:1um Cours
D%2G <mp:1um <mp:1ame, ;ob:class, Chg:Cours
D%3G 0roF:1um 0roF:1ame
D%$G ;ob:class Chg:Cours
hich of the follo"ing is?are correct in relation to the stated normal formsE
(a) 0roFect is in 11D7 (b) <mployee is in 21D7 (c) 0roFect is in 21D7
(d) *ssign is in 31D7
*)a and b ')a,b and c ')a,b,c and d %)a nd c
*nsG C
2637 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct regarding normali#ationE
(a) ,t do not reduce update anomalies7
(b) ,t increases insertion anomalies7
(c) ,t minimi#es redundancy7
(d) There in no #ero normal form relations7
26$7 hat are the reasons for a record structure to be de8normalisedE
(a) hen too many tables are generated due to normali#ation
(b) Dor efficiency purposes
(c) hen too many Foins are necessary to access frequently used data
(d) hen =elational *lgebra is inefficient in locating data
*)a and b ')a,b and c ')b,c and d %)a nd c
26(7 hat are the anomalies "hich can be present due to un8normalised relationsE
(a) insertion
(b) selection
(c) deletion
(d) update
*)a and b ')a,b and c ')a,c and d %)a nd c
26)7 Consider the follo"ing statements about relational algebra7
(i) =elational algebra is usually di!ided into t"o groupsO one group includes set operations from mathematical set theory, and the other
group consists of operations de!eloped specifically for relational databases7
(ii) The 0=>;<CT operation is used to select a subset of tuples from a relation that satisfies a selection condition discarding some of
the ro"s7
(iii) =elational algebra is non8procedural7
(i!) The %,.,/,>1 operation selects certain ro"s from a table and discards the other ro"s7
(!) @1,>1 and ,1T<=/<CT,>1 are t"o relational algebra operations "hich require the participating relations to be _union
hich of the abo!e statements is?are correctE
(a) (i)
(b) (ii)
(c) (iii)
(d) (i!)
*nsG a
26+7 Consider the follo"ing relationsG
/tudent (sno, name, age, address)
/ubFect (sub:no, name, lecturer)
=esults (sno, sub:no, mar&s, grade)
hich of the follo"ing instructions can be used to retrie!e the names of all the students "ho scored o!er 2( mar&s for any subFectE
(a) * b (/ubFect) sub:no
(b) e a (=esults) (mar&sT2()
(c) ' ;>,1 /tudent and * (o!er sno )
(d) b (f) name
*)a and b ')a,b and c ')b,c and d %)a nd c
Consider the follo"ing relationG
"ttribute # "ttribute $ "ttribute % "ttribute & "ttribute '
*1 '2 C1 %$ <3
*3 '2 C3 %2 <$
*1 '3 C1 %1 <2
*2 '$ C1 %$ <(
hat are the functional dependencies "hich apply to the abo!e relationE
(a) *ttribute 1 *ttribute 3
(b) *ttribute $ *ttribute (
(c) *ttribute 3 *ttribute (
(d) *ttribute 1 *ttribute 3
(e) *ttribute $ *ttribute 2
*nsG a
Consider the follo"ing sample data in the relation 0*=T/8/@005,<=7
artNo Des(ri)tion *en+orName *en+or"++ress artUnitri(e
13$1 26 J' C%89a-tor <5<CT=>1 1222,Colombo 6( 3(66766
%*T*>=5% $32,Colombo 63 3266766
13$( 0,. 0rocessor817+ <5<CT=>1 1222,Colombo 6( 1)666766
0C/C>0 1)3(,Colombo 6+ 1+666766
%*T*>=5% $32,Colombo 63 1)(66766
13$) 17$$ Dloppy %ri!e 0C/C>0 1)3(,Colombo 6+ 11(6766
hich of the follo"ing is?are true for the abo!e 0*=T/8/@005,<= relationE
(a) The relation 0*=T/8/@005,<= is in first normal form7
(b) ,nsertion of a ne" part does not require the insertion of the related !endor details7
(c) The relation 0*=T/8/@005,<= is in unnormalised form7
(d) .endor1ame,.endor*ddress and 0art@nit0rice are multi !alued attributes7
(e) 0art1o is the &ey of the relation 0*=T/8/@005,<=7
*7) a,c and d '7) c, d and e C7)b and e %)d,e and b
*nsG '
Consider the follo"ing relation and its functional dependencies, namely,
*=<C>@/<("8code, p8code, p8name, p8qty, m8code, m8name)
(i) p-code p-name,
(ii) m-code m-name,
(iii) w-code m-code, m-name,
(i!) "8code, p8code p8qty7hich of the follo"ing is?are true for the abo!e relationE
(a) The composite &ey w-code, p-code determines a unique record in the relation7
(b) Transiti!e dependency e-ists bet"een m-code and m-name7
(c) Dully functional dependency does not e-ist bet"een p-code and p-name7
(d) The relation is in the 2
normal form7
(e) The relation is in the 3
normal form7
*7) a,b and c '7) c, d and e C7)b and e %)d,e and b
*nsG *
2117 hich of the follo"ing is?are true about a relationE
(a) <ach relation in a database should ha!e a unique name7
(b) ,ntersection of each ro" and column is single !alued7
(c) 0rimary &ey of a relation should be the first column7
(d) <ach attribute "ithin a relation has a unique name7
*7) a,b and c '7) c, d and e C7)a,b and d %)d,e and b
*nsG C
2127 hich of the follo"ing is?are true for the relational data structureE
(a) Cardinality of a relation is the number of columns in a relation7
(b) <!ery attribute of a relation must be defined on e-actly one underlying domain7
(c) * foreign &ey cannot contain null !alues7
(d) %egree of a relation is the number of columns in a relation7
*7) a,b and c '7) c, d and e C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG C
9atch the follo"ing =elational *lgebra concepts of column L "ith column H7
Column , Column -
(*) 0roduct (i) =eturn all requested results but !alues of the common columns are included only once7
(') 1atural8Foin (ii) =eturn all !alues in one of the tables included in the Foin, regardless of "hether a match e-ists or
(C) >uter8Foin (iii)=eturn all requested results including the !alues of the common columns7
(%) 0roFect (i!) 'uilds a relation from t"o specified relations consisting of all possible combinations of ro"s, one
from each of the t"o relations7
(<) <qui8Foin (!) 0roduces a ne" relation and remo!es duplicate tuples7
,dentify the correct matching pairs7
(a) (*)"ith (i!), (') "ith (i), (C) "ith (ii), (%) "ith (!) and (<) "ith (iii)7
(b) (*) "ith (!), (') "ith (ii), (C) "ith (i), (%) "ith (i!) and (<) "ith (iii)7
(c) (*) "ith (i!), (') "ith (i), (C) "ith (!), (%) "ith (ii) and (<) "ith (iii)7
(d) (*) "ith (!), (') "ith (iii), (C) "ith (ii), (%) "ith (i!) and (<) "ith (i)7
*ns a
* relational database system consists of the follo"ing t"o tables7
/upplier(supplier:no, supplier:name, address, phone:no7)
,tem(item:no, supplier:no, item:name, quantity:in:hand, reorder:le!el)
hich of the follo"ing /45 statement(s) "ill get the addresses of suppliers of the items of "hich the quantity in hand is less than
(a) SELECT supplier_no, address FROM Supplier WHERE supplier_no
IN (SELECT supplier_no FROM Item
WHERE quantity-in_hand<reorder_level);
(b) SELECT supplier_no, address FROM Supplier WHERE supplier_no
=(SELECT supplier_no FROM Item
WHERE quantity-in_hand<reorder_level);
(c) SELECT quantity_in_hand <reorder_level FROM Supplier, Item
WHERE Supplier.supplier_no=Item.supplier_no;
(d) SELECT b.supplier_no, b.address FROM Supplier a, Item b WHERE
a.supplier_no=b.supplier_no AND quantity_in_hand <reorder_level;
*nsG a
21(7 Consider the follo"ing /45 statement7
/<5<CT A D=>9 employee
C<=< surname 5,I< _0::risX *1% department:no ,/ 1>T 1@55
>=%<= 'H salary, employee:noO
/elect the correct statement(s) from the follo"ing "ith respect to the abo!e /45 statement7
(a) The only possible output for the query is salary7
(b) *ll employees ha!ing the surname as 0eiris "ill be include in the output7
(c) The employees "ho are not yet assigned to a department "ill not be included in the output7
(d) The query output "ill contain all the information dra"n from the employee and department tables7
*nsG c
21)7 Dollo"ing Y9ar&sZ relation is a part of a relational database schema7
=esults (student:no, subFect:no, mar&s)
/45 statements ha!e been "ritten to do !arious tas&s7 ,dentify the /45 statement(s) that "ill produce the gi!en result7
(a) To retrie!e the number of students "ho ha!e scored more than the a!erage mar& for subFect _*661X
/<5<CT C>@1T(student:no) D=>9 =esults C<=< mar&sT (/<5<CT *.J(mar&s) D=>9 =esults)O
(b) To retrie!e the a!erage mar&s for each subFect
/<5<CT *.J(mar&s) D=>9 =esults J=>@0 'H student:noO
(c) To get a list of student numbers and mar&s for subFect _*662X in descending order of mar&s7
/<5<CT mar&s D=>9 =esults C<=< subFect:noB*662 >=%<= 'H mar&sO
(d) hat the subFect(s) is?are for "hich the students had scored the highest mar&s
/<5<CT %,/T,1CT subFect:no D=>9 =esults C<=< mar&s ,1 (/<5<CT 9*L(mar&s ) D=>9 =esults)O
*nsG d
21+7 The information about the tables created by the %ata %efinition 5anguage (%%5) statements are recorded in theG
(a) /chema (b) 9eta data (c) %ata file
(d) %ata dictionary
*nsG d
2127 hich of the follo"ing should al"ays be true for attributes in a relational modelE
(a) /ynonyms may be used in naming attributes of different relations7
(b) Comonyms may be used in naming attributes of the same relation7
(c) * foreign &ey can be defined on attributes used as homonyms7
(d) %efault !alues can be assigned to any attribute7
2137 * ban& has sa!ings accounts7 * customer may open many sa!ings accounts and the ban& does not allo" Foint sa!ings accounts7
The diagram belo" identifies this information7
hich of the follo"ing is (are) the most suited relation(s) if the abo!e diagram is mapped into a relational model7
(a) Customer(name, address)
(b) /a!ings(accno, interest, balance)
(c) *ccount(name, accno, dateopened)
(d) Customer(name, address, accno, dateopened)
(e) /a!ings(accno, interest, balance, name, dateopened)
*7)a and e '7) a, d and e C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG *
2267 'enefits of normalisation includeG
(a) <nsuring that attributes are placed in proper relations7
(b) ,ncreasing data redundancy7
(c) ,ncreasing update anomalies7
(d) 9a-imising the stability of the data model7
*7)b and d '7) a and d C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG '
2217 The follo"ing diagram describes that an order consists of se!eral items and a single customer places an order7
name addres
order no
item no
1 1
* customer is located in an area identified by the areacode7 @sing the areacode "e can determine the areaname7 <ach item ordered has
a description and a quantity, "hich is identified by the itemno7 hich of the follo"ing best describes the normal form of the entities
Customer(name, areacode, areaname) and
>rder(orderno, ]itemno, description, quantity^) E
(a) Customer in 31D, >rder not in 11D (b) Customer in 31D, >rder in 11D
(c) Customer in 21D, >rder not in 11D (d) Customer in 21D, >rder in 11D
*nsG c
Consider the relation 0atient:info presented belo"G

This table is subFect to update anomalies7 ,f patient and disease is the primary &ey of the table and 0atient, %isease and %octor are
foreign &eys, "hich attributes are subFect to update anomaliesE
(a) 0atient (b) %isease (c) *ge
(d) *ddress (e) %octor
*7)b and d '7) c and d C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG '
2237 hich of the follo"ing is (are) true for the relational modelE
(a) %egree of a relation is the number of ro"s in a relation7
(b) Candidate &ey is any set of attributes that could be chosen as a primary &ey of a relation7
(c) 1ull !alue is a blan& or #ero !alue gi!en to an attribute !alue "hen its !alue is inapplicable or its !alue is un&no"n7
(d) Comple- &ey is a &ey consisting of more than one attribute7
(e) Constraint is a rule that restricts the !alues in a database7
*7)b and e '7) c and d C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG *
22$7 hich of the follo"ing is a (are) feature(s) of the relational modelE
(a) Dacility to issue declarati!e queries7
(b) *bility to deal "ith unstructured data for C*%, C*9 applications7
(c) /upports aggregation relationships7
(d) 0ro!ide a procedural language for query, data manipulation, definition and control7
*nsG a
22(7 The follo"ing 3 relations are part of a relational database schema
/tudent(sno, sname, age, degree)
Course(cno, cname, lecturer)
0erformance(sno, cno, mar&, grade)
,t is necessary to e-press the query Yfind the names of all students "ho ha!e obtained (6 or more mar&s for the course named %'9/Z
in =elational *lgebra7
hich of the follo"ing statements "ill assist in retrie!ing the required information, if relational algebra operators are performed on
these relationsE
(a) 0=>;<CT cname D=>9 Course
(b) =</T=,CT Course C<=< cname B S%'9/S
(c) ;>,1 Course and 0erformance (o!er cno)
Patient Disease Age Address Doctor
17 %ias Cigh blood
$3 Colombo ( 97 /il!a
17 %ias Cigh cholesterol $3 Colombo ( ;7 0erera
T7 *l"is /tomach ache 36 Colombo + 97 /il!a
=7 /oysa /tomach ache $2 Colombo ) *7 /il!a
(d) =</T=,CT 0erformance C<=< mar& T B (6
(e) %,.,%< 0erformance by Course
*7)b and e '7) b,c and d C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG '
22)7 hich of the follo"ing is (are) true for relational calculusE
(a) =elational calculus uses an entirely different approach than relational algebra7
(b) *ny query sol!ed in relational calculus language cannot be sol!ed in relational algebra language7
(c) The e-istential quantifier states that at least one instance of a particular type of thing e-ists7
(d) The uni!ersal quantifier states that some condition applies to all or to e!ery ro" of some type7
(e) =elational calculus is based on a branch of mathematical logic called predicate calculus7
*7)b and e '7) a,c ,d and e C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
*nsG '
22+7 0roduct(0rod:,%) and /ales(/al:,%, 0rod:,%) are t"o relations containing the follo"ing data G
hat is (are) the /al:,% !alues if "e apply the relational operator di!ide (?) on /ales by 0roduct (i7e7 /ales?0roduct)E
(a) 116, 123, 233, 33+ (b) 116 (c) 233
(d) 1ull
*nsG C
2227ith respect to the /45 commands, select the correct statement(s)G
(a) %ata %efinition 5anguage (%%5) consists of commands used to define a database including creating, altering, dropping
tables and establishing constraints7
(b) %ata 9anipulation 5anguage (%95) is the set of commands used to maintain and query a database including updating,
inserting, modifying and retrie!ing data7
(c) %ata Control 5anguage (%C5) commands are used to control a database, including administering features and security of
(d) To create a database %%5 commands are optional, but %95 and %C5 command are compulsory7
(e) *ll the commands used in %%5, %95, and %C5 end "ith a colon7
*7)a,b and c '7) a,c ,d and e C7)a,b and d %)b,d and e
2237ZThe primary &ey cannot ha!e null !alueZ 7hich integrity rule specifies this7
*nsG '
2367 Doreign Iey can be either a 1@55 !alue or should be 0rimary Iey !alue of other relation77 hich integrity rule specifies this7
Sal_ID Prod_ID
*nsG *
2317::::::::: is the number of tuples present at any instance
*7 <-tension
'7 ,ntension
C7 >peration
%7 1one of the abo!e
2327 ::::::::::is a constant !alue that gi!es the name, structure of table and the constraints laid on it77
*7 <-tension
'7 ,ntension
C7 >peration
%7 1one of the abo!e
2337 The number of attribute of its relation schema is &no"n as ::::::::: of relationship7
*7 <-tension
'7 ,ntension
C7 >peration
%7 %egree
23$7 The collection (or set) of similar relationships is &no"n as :::::::::
*7 <-tension
'7 ,ntension
C7 =elation set
%7 %egree
23(7 ::::::::::defines a set of associations or a relationship set among a gi!en set of entity types7
*7 <-tension
'7 ,ntension
C7 =elation set
%7 =elationship type7
23)7::::::::::: the number of entity type participating7
*7 <-tension
'7 %egree of relationship
C7 =elation set
%7 =elationship type7
23+7 * data base schema is specifies by a set of definitions e-pressed by a special language called :::::::
*nsG a
2327 :::::::specifies user !ie"s and their mappings to the conceptual schema7
*nsG d
2337 This language is to specify the internal schema7
2$67 ::::::::: translates %95 statements in a query language into lo"8le!el instruction that the query e!aluation engine can
*7%95 compiler7
'7 4uery ,nterpreter
C7 4uery >ptimi#er
%7 1one of the abo!e
*ns G *
2$17:::::::::: e-ecutes lo"8le!el instruction generated by compiler7
a7)4uery e!aluation engine7
b7)4uery ,nterpreter7
c7)4uery >ptimi#er7
*nsG a
2$27:::::::: consists of a set of operations that ta&e one or t"o relations as input and produce a ne" relation77
a7)=elational tuples
b7)=elational algebra
c7)=elational Trigonometry7
*nsG b
2$37::::::::: is a process of analysing the gi!en relation schemas based on their Dunctional %ependencies (D%s) and primary &ey to
achie!e the properties G 9inimi#ing redundancy, 9inimi#ing insertion, deletion and update anomalies77
%7 0yrolysis
*ns G'
2$$7 The domain of attribute must include only atomic (simple, indi!isible) !alues7 This is
2$(7 * relation schema = is in ::::: if it is in :::: and e!ery non8prime attribute * in = is fully functionally dependent on primary
*nsG b
2$)7 * relation schema = is in :::::::if it is in ::::::and satisfies an additional constraint that for e!ery D% L88T*, L must be a
candidate &ey77
d7)'C1D, 31D
*nsG d
2$+7 The description of data is stored in a collection of relations maintained by the system called :::::::
a7)9eta %ata
b7)%ata %ictionary
c7)a and b
*nsG c
2$27 >nce the %'9/ informs the user that a transaction has successfully completed, its effects should persist e!en if the system
crashes before all its changes are reflected on dis&7 This property is called :::::::::7
*7 *cidity
'7 Consistency
C7 %urability7
%7 ,ntereoperability
*ns G '
2$37 *::::: is one, "hich &eeps its 0hysical /tructure hidden from user7
*7 /torage %'9/
'7 Transparent %'9/
C7 'uffer %'9/
%7 Dile %'9/
*ns G '
2(67 * :::::::is a program module that pro!ides the interface bet"een the lo"8le!el data stored in database, application programs
and queries submitted to the system7
a7)/torage 9anager
b7)Transaction 9anager
c7)'uffer 9anager
d7)Dile 9anager7
*nsG a
2(17 *:::::::is a program module, "hich is responsible for fetching data from dis& storage into main memory and deciding "hat
data to be cache in memory7
a7)/torage 9anager
b7)Transaction 9anager
c7)'uffer 9anager
d7)Dile 9anager7
*nsG c
2(27*:::::::: is a program module, "hich ensures that database, remains in a consistent state despite system failures and concurrent
transaction e-ecution proceeds "ithout conflicting7
a7)/torage 9anager
b7)Transaction 9anager
c7)'uffer 9anager
d7)Dile 9anager
*nsG b
2(37 * :::::::is a program module, "hich manages the allocation of space on dis& storage and data structure used to represent
information stored on a dis&77
a7)/torage 9anager
b7)Transaction 9anager
c7)'uffer 9anager
d7)Dile 9anager
*nsG d
2($7 Tables deri!ed from the <=%
a) *re totally unnormalised
b) *re al"ays in 11D
c) Can be further denormalised
d) 9ay ha!e multi8!alued attributes
*nsG b
2((7 Dor referential integrity to be maintained7
*7 <!ery foreign &ey !alue must ha!e a corresponding primary?unique &ey !alue
'7 1o foreign &ey should ha!e a corresponding primary &ey !alue7
C7 There should be an inde- on the tables7
%7 The tables should be in different schemas of the database7
*nsG *
2()) The data8sub language "hich supports the definition and declaration of the database obFects
a) %%5 b) %95 c) %C5 d) TC5
ans G a
2(+) hich schema specifies a set of attributes of a relation and any relation that fallo"s that schema must ha!e the same
a) /45 schema b) Table /chema c)=elational schema d)none of the abo!e
ans G c
2(2) hich schema defines that a database containing different relations and each relation may ha!e different set of attributes
a) /45 schema b) Table /chema c)=elational schema d)none of the abo!e
ans G a
2(3) 9aFor components of the Table is
i) Table name
ii) %efinitions of its columns
iii) %efinitions of its table constraints
a) i) and ii) only b)i) and iii) only c) i),ii) and iii) d) none of the abo!e
ans G c
2)6) The basic primiti!es of the column definition is
i) Column name
ii) %omain of the column
iii) %efault !alues and
i!) Column constraint
!) table constraints
a) i) and ii)and iii) b)i) and iii) only c) i),ii) and iii) d) i),ii),iii) and i!)
ans G d
2)1) The data type in the /45 "hich specifies the e-act numeric !alue
a) ,1T<J<= b) ,1T c)/9*55,1T d) all the abo!e
ans G d
2)2) The data type in the /45 "hich specifies the *ppro-imate !alue
i) D5>*T
ii) =<*5
iii) %>@'5< 0=<C,/,>1
i!) 5>1J %>@'5< 0=<C,/,>1
a) i) and i!) only b) ii),iii) and i!) c) i),ii),iii) only d) i),ii),iii) and i!)
ans G c
2)3) The data type in the /45 "hich specifies the fi-ed length Character
a) CC*=(n) b) .*=CC*=(n) c)CC*= .*=H,1J(n) d) all the abo!e
ans G a
2)$) The data type in the /45 "hich specifies the !ariable length Character
a) CC*=(n) b) .*=CC*=(n) c) CC*=*CT<=(n) d) all the abo!e
ans G b
2)(7 Can you store a image in oracle
a) Hes b) 1o c) CanXt say d) *ll are rong
ans G a
2))) 'y "hich data type "e can store the image
a) CC*=(n) b) .*=CC*=(n) c) CC*=*CT<=(n) d) '5>'
ans G d
2)+) 'y using '5>' data type up to ho" much memory did "e store
a) 2gb b) )gb c)2 gb d)$gb
ans G d
2)2) ,n any character representation at the end of representation the Y(n)Z represents
a) the minimum number of characters
b) the ma-imum number of characters
c) it represents the precision
d) none of the abo!e
ans G b
2)3) hich data type represents the date
a) %*T</T*90 b)T,9< c) T,9</T*90 d)%*T<
ans G d
2+6) hich data type represents the time
a) %*T</T*90 b)T,9< c) T,9</T*90 d)%*T<
ans G b
2+1) The %ate should be in the format of
a) %%8998HH b) 998%%8HH c) %%89998HHHHH d) HHHH8998%%
ans G d
2+2) The Time should be in the format of
a) CCG99G// b) //G99GCCc) 'oth a and b d) none of the abo!e
ans G a
2+3) hich of the follo"ing is a Column le!el constraint
a) 0=,9*=H I<H b) @1,4@< c) D>=<,J1 I<H %)CC<CI
ans G d
2+$) hich of the follo"ing is a Table le!el constraint
i) 0=,9*=H I<H
ii) @1,4@<
iii) D>=<,J1 I<H
i!) CC<CI
!) 1>T 1@55
a) i) and i!) only b) i!) and !) only c) i),ii),iii) only d) i),ii),iii),i!) and !)
ans G c
g =ead the follo"ing passage and ans"er the follo"ing questions (1+813)
,n The relation <90 the attributes are <90:,%, <90:1*9<, <90:;>', <90:*J<, and <90:C,TH7 The relation is ha!ing a
primary constraint on <90:,%7
2+(7 To insert an attribute into this relation <90 "here the employee name is =*JC@, "hich of the follo"ing statement is true
a) ,1/<=T ,1T> <90 C<=< <90:1*9< ,/ Y=*JC@ZO
b) ,1/<=T ,1T> <90 .*5@</ ( Y=*JC@Z)O
c) ,1/<=T ,1T> <90 .*5@</ ( 2(61(,Y=*JC@Z )O
d) 1>1< >D TC</<
*ns G c
2+)) hich one of the follo"ing is correct to put a column le!el constraint for the abo!e relation <90
a) *5T<= T*'5< <90 C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T *J<:C>1/T=*,1T(CC<CI <90:*J< W 21)O
b) C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T CC<CI <90:*J< W 21O
c) >nce the Creation of relation is o!er "e r not able to create any constraints
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G a
2++) To Create a 1>T1@55 constraint on <90:;>' to the =elation <90, "hich one is correct
a) C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T 1>T1@55 <90:;>'O
b) *5T<= T*'5< <90 C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T ;>':C>1/T=*,1T(<90:;>' 1>T 1@55)O
c) *5T<= T*'5< <90 C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T <90:;>' 1>T 1@55O
d) *55 TC< *'>.<
*ns G b
2+2) To delete the constraint from a table is
a) %=>0 C>1/T=*,1T W C>1/T=*,1T 1*9< T D=>9 WT*'5< 1*9<T
b) *5T<= T*'5< WT*'5< 1*9<T %<5<T< C>1/T=*,1T W C>1/T=*,1T 1*9< T
c) *5T<= T*'5< WT*'5< 1*9<T %=>0 C>1/T=*,1T W C>1/T=*,1T 1*9< T
d) 1>1< >D TC</<
*ns G b
2+3) ,n a table it has a primary constraint and there are some tupples are there7 1o" "e "ant to change the primary constraint7
a) "e can change it "hen e!er "e "ant
b) ,f "e "ant to change the primary &ey constraint "e must change all tupples also
c) e cant change after creation of a relation
d) 1one of these
*ns G c
226) ,n The relation <90 the attributes are <90:,%, <90:1*9<, <90:;>', <90:*J<, and <90:C,TH7 ,n the abo!e
table "hich one can act as a primary &ey7
a) <90:1*9< b) <90:;>' c) <90:C,TH d) <90:,%
*ns G d
221) ,n a relation an attribute is a T<5<:1@9'<=7 To put an unique constraint on this the query is
a) C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T @1,4@< T<5<:1@9'<=O
b) *5T<= T*'5< WT*'5< 1*9< T C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T 1@9:C>1/T=*,1T(T<5<:1@9'<= @1,4@<)O
c) *5T<= T*'5< WT*'5< 1*9< T C=<*T< C>1/T=*,1T T<5<:1@9'<= @1,4@<O
d) *55 TC< *'>.<
*ns G b
/CC<9* 2
g =ead the follo"ing passage and ans"er the follo"ing questions (2$82+)
The relation ;>' is ha!ing the attributes as ;>':1*9< and 4@*5,D,C*T,>17 *nd another relation is <90 "ith the attributes
<90:,%, <90:1*9<, <90:;>', <90:*J<, and <90:C,TH7
222) hich one is a "ea& entity
a) ;>' b) <90 c) '>TC d) '>*TC are 1>T
ans G a
223) hat is "ea& entity
a) the entity "hich can form a primary &ey
b) the entity "hich can not form a primary &ey
c) the entity "hich depends on another entity
d) none of these
*ns G b
22$) ,n the abo!e relation "hich is "ee& and strong entities
a) ;>' and <90 b) <90 and ;>' c) both are "ee& d)both are strong
ans G a
22() ,n <90 relation "hich attribute refer the ;>' relation
a)<90:,%b) <90:1*9< c)<90:;>' d)<90:*J<
ans G c
22)) hich &ey specifies the =<D<=<1T,*5 ,1T<J=<TH
a) /@0<= I<H b) 0=,9*=H I<H c) D>=<,J1 I<H d)C*1%,%*T< I<H
ans G c
22+) hich column le!el constraint consider the conditions
a) 0=,9*=H b)@1,4@< c) CC<CI d) >1 @0%*T<
*ns G c
222) hich clause tells the system if the tupple to "hich the foreign &ey points to is deleted
a) CC<CIb) >1 @0%*T< c) >1 %<5<T< d)%<5<T<
ans G c
223) To delete the /chemas by using "hich command
a) %<5<T< b) >1 %<5<T< c) %=>0 d) *55 TC< *'>.<
ans G c
236) hich of the follo"ing are correct statementsE
a) *5T<= T*'5< /T@%<1T *5T<= 5*/T:1*9< .*=CC*=2(36)O
b) *5T<= T*'5< /T@%<1T *5T<= J0* %=>0 %<D*@5TO
c) *5T<= T*'5< /T@%<1T *5T<= J0* /<T %<D*@5T 6766O
d) *55 TC< *'>.<
*ns G d
231) To add a column ;>,1:%*T< in the relation /T@%<1T7 The correct statement is
a) *5T<= /T@%<1T *%% ;>,1:%*T< O
b) *5T<= T*'5< /T@%<1T *%% ;>,1:%*T< O
c) *5T<= T*'5< /T@%<1T *%% ;>,1:%*T< %*T< O
d) 1>1< >D TC< *'>.<
*ns G c
232) ,n a %>9*,1 if "e doesnXt gi!e any !alue to an attribute
a) the column doesnXt filled
b) it ta&es the default !alue "hich the domain specifies
c) >racle error appears
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G b
233) To delete a column from a table the command "hich "e use
a) %<5<T< b) @0%*T< c) 9>%,DH d) *5T<=
ans G d
23$7 Conditional retrie!al of ro"s from a grouped result is possible "ith the :: clause7
a7 Ca!ing
b7 >rder by
c7 Jroup by
d7 here
*ns"er G8 (a)
23(7 The operators "hich are e!aluated first follo"ed by the logical operators are::::::::: operators7

a7 Comparison
b7 *rithmetic
c7 5ogical
d7 =elational
*ns"er G8 (a)
23)7 The e-tensions for the J=>@0'H clause are rollup and :::::::::

a7 =ect
b7 Cube
c7 =oll do"n
d7 =oll bac&
*ns"er G8 (b)
23+7 hen "e need to select ro"s from a table "ith a condition that depends on the data in table itself :::::::::: sub query is useful
a7 Comple-
b7 Correlated
c7 1ested
d7 Complicated
*ns"er G8 (c)
298. 'y ta&ing ::::::::::::::, the %'9/ can reduce the amount of "or& to be done during restart in the e!ent of subsequent
*7 sa!e points
'7 chec& points
C7 points
%7 none
*ns G '
2337 hich set of operators represents the complete set for relational algebraE
(a) @nion, %ifference, 0roFection, /election, Cartesian 0roduct
(b) CCC
(c) Cartesian 0roduct, 0roFection, /election, %ifference, ,ntersection
(d) ;oin, @nion, 0roFection, /election, %ifference
*ns G a
3667 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) true for the /45 relational query languageE
(a) ,n a nested /45 query, the results of the inner query is passed to the outer query
(b) ;oin operation can be used to implement a selection operation
(c) *ttributes of different relations cannot ha!e the same name
(d) C=<*T< T*'5< command can be used to create a !irtual relation
*ns G a
3617 a function returns
a7 more than !alue
b7 one !alue
c7 any number of !alues
d7 none
ans G b
3627 "hen "e pass a column as function argument in C>@1T()
a7 it counts all the ro"s
b7 it counts only e!en ro"s
c7 it counts no ro"s
d7 it counts only ro"s "here ro" is not null7
*ns G d
3637 "e can call one obFect through other obFect
a7 1>
b7 H</
c7 not allo"ed
d7 cant say7
*ns G b
36$7 data can be retrie!ed from data base using ::::::::: language7
a7 control
b7 manipulation
c7 definition
d7 query
ans G d
36(7 the output of the query floor(2(733) from dual is
a7 2)
b7 2(
c7 2(7(
d7 2)7(
ans G b
36)7 the output of the query concat( Xcric&etX,concat(XisX,XreligionX)) from dual is
a7 is cric&et religion
b7 cric&et religion
c7 cric&et cric&et is
d7 cric&et is religion
ans G d
36+7 :::::::::::: and :::::::::::::: are pseudo columns used to refer to a sequence
a7 le!el K ne-t!al
b7 ne-t!al K sysdate
c7 cur!al K ne-t!al
d7 none
ans G c
3627 "hich &ey"ord is used to indicate "hether a subquery returns ro"s
a7 any
b7 e-ists
c7 count
d7 contains
ans G b
3637 "hich of the follo"ing correctly specifies ho" to indicate a column alias
a7 place the alias at the begining of the column
b7 place the alias after each column
c7 both a K b "ill "or&
d7 none
ans G b
3167 after referencing ne.tval the !alue in the (urrval of a sequence is
a7 unchanged
b7 incremented by 1
c7 is equal to ne.tval
d7 none
ans G b
3117 hat "ill be the output of the fallo"ing /<5<CT statementE
SELECT count(*) FROM emp Where exist (select ! From "ept #here "ept$n%me &Stores %n"
a) /elect total number of employees belonging to department R stores RO
b) /elect all employees belonging to department RLRO
c) /elect all employees belonging to department RstoresRO
%)/elect total number of employees belonging to department RLRO
*ns G a
3127 Co" many columns are retrie!ed from this query "here the table ha!ing 16 tupplesO
/<5<CT address1 MM S,S MMaddress2 MMS,SMMaddress3 R*ddressR D=>9 BemployeeO
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 6
ans Gd
3137 hat is the is the result of the fallo"ing Code 0iece
,nsert into table * !alue(a1)G
C=<*T< T*'5< ' */ /<5<CT A D=>9 *O
a) Table ' gets created "ith the ro" inserted in the first statement7
b) Table ' is not created
c) Table ' gets created , but no ro" gets inserted into Table *
d) =ollbac& thro"s up an e-ception7
*ns Ga
31$7 The &ey "ord used in >racle for string searching
a) />@1%<L b) %<C>%< c) 5,I< d)C*.,1J
*ns Gc
31(7 hat does the =>55'*CI statement "ill do in the follo"ing of the code
0=>J=*9 /T*=T/ C<=<
/>9< %95 /T*T<9<1T/7
/>9< %95 /T*T<9<1T/7
/>9< %95 /T*T<9<1T/7
a) =ollbac& %ml changes to sa!e point 1
b) =ollbac& %ml changes to sa!e point 2
c) =ollbac& %ml changes of the last %95 statements7 ;ust before =ollbac& statements7
d) =ollbac& %95 changes to the place "here the program starts
*ns G b
31)7 hich clause use to e-clude the ro"s before grouping themE
a) group by b) ha!ing c) "here d) 9inus
*ns G c
31+7 ,ntermediate mar&ers for long transactions that contain many /45 statements are
a) brea&s b) segment c) e-tent d) sa!e points
ans G d
3127 /elect name from employee "here salaryBsalary7 >ut put of the query is
a) /elected employee salary "ill displayed
b) The query is in !alid
c) ,t "ill display the entire details of that employee
d) 1one of the abo!e
ans G b
17 hat is a ;>,1
*7 @sed to Foin t"o tables7
'7 @sed to intersect t"o tables7
C7 * query "hich retrie!es ro"s or columns from multiple tables7
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
27:::::::: Foin is used to Foin the table "ith itself7
*7 /elf Foin
'7 <qui Foin
C7 >uter Foin
%7 1one
*1/ G *
37 hat are different types of outer Foin7
*7 5eft outer Foin
'7 =ight outer Foin
C7 'oth * K '
%7 1one7
*1/ G C
$7 "hat are the !arious ;>,1/ used "hile "riting sub queries7
*7 self Foin
'7 equi Foin
C7 outer Foin7
%7 all the abo!e7
*1/ G %

ColA ColB
) 1
2 ,
ColC ColD
2 #
! 1
! /
E /
: /
; .
Using the elation )lgebra "cenario, what is the cardinalit< of the resulting relation of9
$U'' OUTE ;O%*.2ol) = ".2ol2 "
a. /
b. +
c. >
d. #
)ns 9 a
Relation P
ColW ColX
) ,
) -
B ,
B -
2 /
Relation Q
ColY ColZ
B .
! ,
2 /
2onsider the relations ? and 0 above. "elect the number of rows in the table resulting from the following 1oin.
? %:(T OUTE ;O%*2ol@ = 2ol8 0
a. #
b. &
c. ,
d. -
)ns 9 c
The following "0' Aroduces a list of student names where the student had an B)B grade in the eCam. "elect
the relational algebra statement which best reAresents the "0'.
"E'E2T name
$O4 student, result
5(EE student.number = result.number
)*! result.grade = 6)67
a. Dname(student E@E (Fgrade = 6)6(result) ))
b. Fname(Dgrade = 6)6(student E@E result ))
c. Dname(student E@E (Dgrade = 6)6(result) ))
d. Dname(student E@Enumber=grade.number (Dgrade = 6)6(result) ))
)ns 9 d
27 /elect the statement(s) that is (are) correct "ith respect to the use of ;>,1
(a) * table can Foin to itself creating a self8referencing Foin called a /<5D8;>,17
(b) *n <4@,8;>,1 bet"een t"o tables in a /<5<CT statement returns only the ro"s that ha!e matching !alues in
the Foin columns7
(c) ,n an >@T<=8;>,1, all of the ro"s of the dominant table are retrie!ed regardless of "hether there are
corresponding ro"s in the other table7
(d) all the abo!e7
*ns G d
37 to select a common column from t"o different tables "hich operator is used for reference
a7 *1%
b7 8888
c7 %>T operator
d7 not possible
ans G c
167 self Foin can be used on
a7 t"o tables
b7 by creating a duplicate table
c7 gi!ing different alias name to same table
d7 cant say
ans G c
117 outer Foin retrie!es
a7 unmatched ro"s
b7 matched ro"s
c7 unmatched and matched ro"s
d7 none
ans G c
127 "hen multiple possible identifier e-ists each is a ::::::::::
a7 primary &ey
b7 foreign &ey
c7 candidate &ey
d7 none
ans G c
137 access to an obFect is gi!en through::::::::
a7 pri!ileges
b7 roles
c7 catalog
d7 none
ans G a
1$7 there is no restriction on ho" many entities in either class are associated "ith a single entity in the other this relationship is called
*7 one to one
b7 many to many
c7 many to one
d7 none
ans G b
1(7 in inner Foin "hich of the follo"ing are required :::::::::::
a7 common column
b7 foreign &ey
c7 equal operator
d7 both a K c
*ns"erG8 (d)
1)7 "hich of the follo"ing operators are used to add more Foining conditions in a multi table query
a7 1>T
b7 >=
c7 *1%
d7 both b K c
*ns"erG8 (d)
1+7 t"o distinct !alues are compared using ::::::::
a7 intersect
b7 union
c7 union all
d7 Foins
ans G d
127 ho" do "e Foin t"o or more tables
a7 use the K operator
b7 use the B operator
c7 both a K b can be used
d7 none
ans G b
137"hat is the minimum number of shared columns to Foin t"o tables using select statement
a7 one
b7 t"o
c7 three
d7 #ero
ans G a
267 "hich of the follo"ing t"o are used in >=%<= 'H clause of a /<5<CT statement
a7 */<C
b7 */C
c7 %</C
d7 both b K c
ans G d
217 hen no column is common in bet"een t"o tables then ::::: Foin is used7
a7 1on8equi
b7 <qui
c7 /elf
d7 >uter
*ns"er G8 (a)
227 The Foin "hich is useful in finding out all the possible combinations of columns from different tables is :::::::: Foin7
a7 /elf
b7 Cartesian
c7 ,nner
d7 Dull
*ns"er G8 (b)
237 /ub 4ueries cannot contain a ::::::::: clause7

a7 Ca!ing
b7 >rder by
c7 Jroup by
d7 here
*ns"er G8 (b)
2$7 The ::::::::: Foin is used to select a ro" forcefully "hich cannot be selected using <qui8Foin7
a7 Cartesian
b7 ,nner
c7 <qui
d7 >uter
*ns"er G8 (d)
2(7 hen a sub query returns more than one ro" "e need to use ::::::: comparison operator7
a7 9ulti %imensional
b7 9ulti Column
c7 9ulti .alued
d7 9ulti ro"
*ns"er G8 (d)
2)7 * relational operation that causes t"o tables to be combined into single table is ::::::::::
a7 %isFoin
b7 Foin
*ns"er G8 (b)
2+7 * Foin in "hich the Foining condition is based upon equality bet"een !alues in the common columns is
a7 >uter Foin
b7 1atural Foin
c7 ,nner Foin
d7 1one of the abo!e
*ns"er G8 (d)
28.______ is the concatenation of e!ery ro" in one relation "ith e!ery ro" in another7
*7 product
'7 Foin
C7 union
%7 intersection7
*ns G *
29.__________ is the concatenation of ro"s from one relation and related ro"s from another7
*7 product
'7 Foin
C7 union
%7 intersection
*ns G '
367 Co" many ;>,1 conditions are needed in ;>,1 query to a!oid a Cartesian 0roductE
a) 1o of tables U 1 b) 1o of tables [ 1 c) 1o of columns U 1 d) 1o of
columns [ 1
ans G a
317 hat is used to collect information from more than one table
a) /elect b) ;oin c) ,ntersection d)1one
ans G b
17 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to entity integrityE
(a) <ntity integrity constraints specify that primary &ey !alues can be composite7
(b) <ntity integrity constraints are specified on indi!idual relations7
(c) <ntity integrity constraints are specified bet"een "ea& entities7
(d) hen entity integrity rules are enforced, a tuple in one relation that refers to another relation must refer to an e-isting tuple7
*nsG b
27 /elect the correct statement(s) from among the follo"ing on referential integrity7
(a) =eferential integrity constraints chec& "hether the primary &ey !alues are unique7
(b) =eferential integrity constraints are specified bet"een t"o relations in a schema7
(c) =eferential integrity constraints chec& "hether an attribute !alue lies in the gi!en range7
(d) =eferential integrity constraints are specified bet"een entities ha!ing recursi!e relationships7
37 <mployee table has <mp:,% as the primary &ey and %ept:Code as the foreign &ey from the %epartment
table7 * department can be deleted only if there are no employees "or&ing in it7 hich one of the follo"ing
/45 segments is?are correct to denote the constraintE
(a) C>1/T=*,1T <mp:,%:0I 0=,9*=H I<H(<mp:,%)
(b) C>1/T=*,1T <mp:,%:0I 0=,9*=H I<H(<mp:,%), C>1/T=*,1T %ept:Code:DI
D>=<,J1 I<H(%ept:Code) =<D<=<1C</ %epartment(%ept:Code) >1 %<5<T<
(c) C>1/T=*,1T <mp:,%:0I 0=,9*=H I<H(<mp:,%), C>1/T=*,1T %ept:Code:DI
D>=<,J1 I<H(%ept:Code) =<D<=<1C</ %epartment(%ept:Code) >1 %<5<T<
(d) C>1/T=*,1T <mp:,%:0I 0=,9*=H I<H(<mp:,%), C>1/T=*,1T %ept:Code:DI D>=<,J1 I<H(%ept:Code)
=<D<=<1C</ %epartment(%ept:Code)
*nsG d
$7 Consider the t"o relations,
/upplier (/:no, /:name, Contact:1o, *ddress) and
/upply (/:no, ,tem:no)7
hich of the follo"ing statements gi!e(s) a list of supplier names supplying the item "ith ,tem:no _(((XE
(a) /<5<CT /:name D=>9 /upplier C<=< ,tem:noBX(((X
(b) /<5<CT /:name D=>9 /upplier, /upply C<=< /upplier7/:noB/upply7/:no *1% ,tem:noBX(((X
(c) /<5<CT /:name D=>9 /upplier C<=< /:no <L,/T/ (/<5<CT /:no D=>9 /upply
C<=< ,tem:noBX(((X)
(d) /<5<CT /:name D=>9 /upplier C<=< /:name <L,/T/ (/<5<CT /:name D=>9 /upply C<=< ,tem:noBS(((S)
*nsG b
(7 hich of the follo"ing strategies is?are used in implementing a !ie" for queryingE
(a) query assertion
(b) query optimi#ation
(c) query materiali#ation
(d) query incremental update
*nsG c
)7 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to a !ie" in /45E
(a) * !ie" is a single table that is deri!ed from other tables7
(b) * !ie" can be deri!ed from pre!iously defined !ie"s7
(c) * !ie" is updatable if it is defined on multiple tables using Foins7
(d) * !ie" is not updatable if it is defined using grouping and aggregate functions7
*)a,b only '7)b,c only C7)a,b and d %7)a,b and c
*nsG c
hich of the follo"ing is?are true in relation to mapping of entity relationships gi!en belo"E
(a) The primary &ey of entity * may become a foreign &ey of entity '7
(b) The primary &ey of entity C "ill become a foreign &ey of entity %7
(c) The primary &ey of entity % "ill become a foreign &ey of entity C7
(d) The primary &ey of entity < "ill become a foreign &ey of entity D7
(e) The primary &ey of entity D "ill become a foreign &ey of entity <7
*7)a and b '7)a ,b,d and c C7)a,b and e %7) a,b,c,d and e
*nsG C
27 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is?are true "ith respect to user !ie"sE
(a) @ser !ie"s are !irtual tables that are !isible to users7
(b) @ser !ie"s occupy a particular amount of storage space and contain query output data7
(c) 9ost of the /45 commands that can be performed on tables can be performed on !ie"s too7
(d) @ser !ie"s are a "ay of protecting data from unauthori#ed access7
(e) %=>0 .,< command "ill remo!e the !ie" table and its corresponding data7
*7)a,e and b '7)a and b C7)a,c and d %7) b,c and e
37 Consider the follo"ing C=<*T< .,< statement and the three statements (i), (ii) and (iii)7
C=<*T< .,< <mployee:payments */
/<5<CT <mp:no, %ept:name, <mp:name, 'asic:/alary, *llo"ances
D=>9 <mp:personal, %epartment
C<=< %ept:noB%ept:numberO
(i) <mp:personal need not be a !ie" table7
(ii) <mployee:payments is a !irtual table7
(iii) %epartment need not be a base table7
hich of the follo"ing is trueE
(a) (i) and (ii) only7
(b) (ii) only7
(c) (i) and (iii) only7
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii) only7
*nsG d
hich of the follo"ing is?are not an ad!antage of stored procedures7
(a) 0erformance is impro!ed for compiled /45 statements7
(b) 1et"or& traffic decreases as processing mo!es from the client to the ser!er7
(c) /tored procedures are portable7
(d) %ata integrity impro!es as multiple applications access the same stored procedure7
*nsG C
117 *:::::: may be thought of as a !irtual table
C75in&ed list"
*ns G %

127 * relation is said to be in :::::::if all constraints and dependencies that should hold on the the constraint can be enforced by
simply enforcing the domain constraint and &ey constraint on the relation7
*70artial Iey normal form
'7*lternate &ey normal form
C7%omain Iey 1ormal Dorm7(%I1D)
%7*rtificial &ey normal form
*ns G C
137 :::::::is a set of attributes that can uniquely identify "ea& entities and that are related to same o"ner entity7
a7)partial &ey
b7)*lternate &ey
c7)*rtificial &ey
d7)Compound &ey
*nsG a
1$7 *ll :::::::Ieys e-cluding the 0rimary Iey are &no"n as *lternate Ieys
a7)/uper &ey
b7)Compound &ey
c7)Candidate &ey
*nsG d
1(7 Combining multiple elements to create a unique identifier for the construct is &no"n as creating a ::::::::&ey7
a7)/uper &ey
b7)Compound &ey
c7)Candidate &ey
*nsG b
1)7:::::: is a technique for determining ho" quic&ly specific data can be found7
*nsG a
1+7>ne of the follo"ing is not a inde-ing technique7
a7)' tree ,nde-ing
b)Table inde-ing
c7),n!erted list ,nde-ing
d7)9erge ,nde-ing
*nsG d
127 hich of the follo"ing statements is not true about !ie"sE
*7 Hou can create an inde- on !ie"s
'7 .ie"s do not ha!e permanent data
C7 .ie"s can be based on one or more tables
%7 .ie"s can be dropped "ithout dropping tables
*nsG a
/olG /ince !ie" is !irtual "e cannot ha!e inde-es on !ie"s7
137 %ata "hich impro!es the performance and accessibility of the database are calledG
*7) ,nde-es
'7)@ser %ata
C7)*pplication metadata
*nsG *
267 ,f a system can enforce referential integrity, then this ensures that
a7 a foreign &ey attribute in a record al"ays refers to another record "hich does not contain nulls
b7 a foreign &ey attribute in a record al"ays refers to another record "hich contains nulls
c7 a non8null foreign &ey attribute al"ays refers to another record
d7 a record can ne!er contain a null !alue for a foreign &ey attribute7
*ns G a
217 ::::::::::: constraint is to be satisfied by e!ery desirable realtion instance7
a7 transiti!e dependency
b7 referential integrity
c7 functional dependency
d7 none
ans G c
227 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to entity integrityE
(a) <ntity integrity constraints specify that primary &ey !alues can be composite7
(b) <ntity integrity constraints are specified on indi!idual relations7
(c) <ntity integrity constraints specify that no primary &ey !alue can be null7
(d) both b K c
*ns G d
237 /elect the correct statement(s) from among the follo"ing on referential integrity7
(a) =eferential integrity constraints chec& "hether the primary &ey !alues are unique7
(b) =eferential integrity constraints are specified bet"een t"o relations in a schema7
(c) =eferential integrity constraints chec& "hether an attribute !alue lies in the gi!en range7
(d) =eferential integrity constraints are specified bet"een entities ha!ing recursi!e relationships7
*ns G b
2$7 null is :::::::
a7 #ero
b7 !alue un&no"n
c7 nothing
d7 none
ans G b
2(7 ::::::::::: constraint is not a table le!el constraint
a7 not null
b7 unique
c7 primary &ey
d7 chec&
ans G a
2)7 not null is "hat type of constraint
a7 restriction
b7 chec&
c7 unique
d7 referential
ans G b
2+7 a ma-imum of ho" many constraints can be enforced on a single column
b7 2
c7 3
d7 $
ans G d
227 "hich constraint is only a table le!el constraint
a7 primary &ey
b7 foreign &ey
c7 composite primary &ey
d7 not null
ans G c
237 The clause "hich "ill automatically remo!es child records "hene!er parent records are remo!ed is :::::::::
a7 >1 %=>0 C*/C*%<
b7 >1 %<5<T< C*/C*%<
c7 >1 T=@1C*T< C*/C*%<
d7 >1 T=@1C C*/C*%<
*ns"er G8 (b)
367 Dor "hich t"o constraints are inde-es created "hen the constraint is addedE
17 Chec& constraint 27 @nique 37 0rimary &ey

a7 1 and 2
b7 1 and 3
c7 2 and 3
d71 ,2 *1% 3

*ns"erG 8 (d)
317 ::::::::::: &ey made up of parts "hich "hen combined becomes a unique identifier7

a7 Candidate &ey
b7 Doreign &ey
c7 Composite &ey
d7 Concatenated &ey
*ns"er G8 (d)
327 ho" many clustered inde-es can be created on a table
a7 2
b7 3
c7 1
d7 $
ans G c
hen you create a clustered inde- on a table, all the ro"s in the table are stored in the order of the clustered inde- &ey 7
337 The declarati!e "ay to define a business rule for a column of a table is
b) integrity constraint
c) primary &ey constraint
d) unique constraint
e) all the abo!e
ans G d
3$7 Can an ,ntegrity Constraint be enforced on a table if some e-isting table data does not satisfy the constraint
a) Hes b) 1o c) canXt say d) none
ansG b
3(7 /tored procedures are
a7The method of encapsulating database logic7
b7The method of abstracting the database logic7
c7 ,t is used to store the database
d7 1one of the abo!e
*ns G a
3)7 /tored procedures and /tored functions are same
a) true b) false c) canXt say d) 1one of the abo!e
ans G b
3+7 %ifference bet"een the /tored procedures and /tored functions
a7 @nli&e stored procedures, they can be used in !ie"s, stored procedures, and other stored functions7
b7 ,n many databases they are prohibited from changing data or ha!e ddl?dml limitations7 1ote for databases such as
0ostJre/45 this is not true since the line bet"een a stored function and a stored procedure is !ery greyed
c7 They generally can not ta&e output arguments (arguments passed in by reference)7
d7 *ll the abo!e
*ns G d
327 The 1@55 is ::::::::::
a) ro" b) column c) table d) all the abo!e
ans Ga
1) ,nde- is ha!ing the components
a) Iey !alue b) 0ointer c) %elimiter d) both (a) and (b)
*ns G d
2) ,n the ,nde- the !alue that "e use to loo& up the tables is
a) Iey !alue b) 0ointer c) %elimiter d) both (a) and (b)
*ns G a
3) ,n ,nde- the bloc& number "here the data record is stored is
a) Iey !alue b) 0ointer c) %elimiter d) both (a) and (b)
*ns G b
$) The subset of attributes of the relation that is used to loo& up the records is called
a) Iey !alue b) 0ointer c) search &ey d) %elimiter
*ns G c
() /elect the files that "hich are used in inde-ing
a) inde- file b) data file c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the abo!e
ans G c
)) hich one is easy to "or&
a) inde- file b) data file c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the abo!e
ans G a
+) Di-ed length records are mostly used in
a) inde- file b) data file c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the abo!e
ans G a
2) The fields of an ,nde- file is
a) Iey !alue b) 0ointer c) %elimiter d) both (a) and (b)
*ns G d
3) The pointer in the ,nde- file refer to
a) absolute address b) relati!e bloc& number c) both (a) and (b) d) none
ans G c
16) /elect the right choice
Types of inde-es are
i) primary ii)secondary iii)clustering i!) multi le!el
a) i), ii) only b) i), iii) only c) ii), i!) only d) i), ii), iii) and i!)
ans G d
11) The inde- that is an ordered file "hose records are fi-ed length "ith t"o fields is
a) primary b)secondary c)clustering d) multi le!el
ans G a
12) The inde- file of the data file "here inde-ing is on any field other than the primary &ey is
a) primary inde- b)secondary inde- c)clustering inde- d) multi le!el inde-
ans G b
13) The field, "hich the file is ordered based on that field that is not the primary &ey field then the field on "hich file is
ordered does not uniquely distinguish the records is
a) primary field b)secondary field c)clustering field d) multi le!el field
ans G c
1$) The ,nde- file that is on the clustering field is
a) primary inde- b)secondary inde- c)clustering inde- d) multi le!el inde-
ans G c
*ns"er the follo"ings (1(81+)(The primary key is Roll number)
Roll number Stu+ent name D1/ Class -ear
16( 62621f6613 /7=agha!endra
1$86$81321 9C* ,,,
166( 62621f662) /ree =am 2)86381323 9C* ,,,
1666$ 62621f6626 Ch7=aFa
1386(81321 9C* ,,,
11666 62621f6661 H7*7/7Iiran 6386(81323 9C* ,,,
1() The 0rimary inde- of the table is
a) Hear b) =oll number c) /tudent name d) Class
ans G b
1)) The /econdary inde- of the Table is
a) Hear b) =oll number c) /tudent name d) Class
ans G c
1+) The Clustring field of the Table is
a) Hear b) =oll number c) /tudent name d) Class
ans G d
12) ,f the ,nde- file is too large and it is in the secondary storage memory then
a) binary searching of inde- requires se!eral see&
b) the searching operation slo" do"n
c) ,nserting and %eleting of records "ill become e-pensi!e
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G d
13) The solution for the large si#e ,nde- files is
a) Tree8structured inde- b) /econdary inde- c) Clustering inde- d) 9ulti le!el inde-
ans G a
26) * 'U tree is in the form of
a) 'alanced tree b) /panal tree c) 9inimul/panal Tree d) 1one of these
ans G a
21) ,n a 'U tree a single bloc& or the set of contiguous bloc&s are called
a) 'loc& b) Cluster c) 'uc&et d) 1one
ans G c
22) hen The buc&et is full if "e try to inserted a record in to the buc&et
a) @nder flo" b) >!erflo" c) ,t doesnXt allo" to inserted d)none
ans G b
23) hen The buc&et is empty if "e try to delete a record from the buc&et
a) @nder flo" b) >!erflo" c) ,t doesnXt allo" to inserted d)none
ans G a
2$) ,f o!erflo" occurs
a) "e concatenate t"o buc&ets
b) "e "ill spilt a buc&et into t"o
c) both or false
d) none of these
ans G b
2() ,f underflo" occurs
a) "e concatenate t"o buc&ets
b) "e "ill spilt a buc&et into t"o
c) both or false
d) none of these
ans G a
2)) /eparator is
a) hich separate t"o buc&ets
b) hich helps to sort the records
c) hich acts as a &ey field
d) hich helps us to locate a buc&et quic&ly for the query on names
*ns G d
2+) Dind the operations on 'U trees
a) search b) ,nsertion c) deletion d) all the abo!e
ans G d
22) %irect access of technique of a file organi#ation is
a) /tructured file b) /tructured file c) /tructured Tree d)1one
ans G b
23) The function "hich pro!ide the address e!ery time "e ga!e a &ey
a) Cash function b) 'atch Dunction c) 'oth (a) and (b) d) none
ans G a
36) * smallest logically meaning full unit of information of a file is
a) attribute b) tupple c) record d) field
ansG d
31) hat is a .,<
a) *n /45 !ie" is a ro"set "hich generates its ro"s from an /45 statement
b) 5ogical structure of a table
c) hich is able to change the main table
d) 1one of these
*ns G a
32) The correct e-ample of a .,< is
a) C=<*T< .,<" nameT [ W!ie" column listT]*/ Wquery e-pressionT [ ,TC CC<CI >0T,>1 ]
b) *5T<= .,<" nameT [ W!ie" column listT]*/ Wquery e-pressionT [ ,TC CC<CI >0T,>1 ]
c) C=<*T< .,<" nameT [ W!ie" column listT]
d) C=<*T< .,<" nameT */ Wquery e-pressionT [ ,TC CC<CI >0T,>1 ]
*ns G a
33) e create a !ie" .,<1 on the table T*'5<17 ,f "e drop the table1
a) The !ie" also dropped
b) The table canXt drop because there is relation "ith the .,<1
c) /till the .,<1 e-ists
d) /ql error occurs
Ans : c
3$7 "hat are the ad!antages of the !ie"s7
a7 To protect some of the columns of a table from other users7
b7 To hide comple-ity of a query7
c7 To hide comple-ity of calculations7
d7 all the abo!e7
*ns G d
3(7 a !ie" can be updated on "hat condition7
a7 if it has only one base table7
b7 if the !ie" is based on columns in one or t"o tables7
c7 its not dependent on the abo!e conditions
d7 none7
*ns G a
3)7 7 hich of the follo"ing is not correct about a .ie" E
a] To protect some of the columns of a table from other users
b] >cuupies data storage space
c] To hide comple-ity of a query
d] To hide comple-ity of a calculations
*ns G b
3+7 hich of the follo"ing statements is?are correct "ith respect to a !ie" in /45E
(a) * !ie" is a single table that is deri!ed from other tables7
(b) * !ie" can be deri!ed from pre!iously defined !ie"s7
(c) * !ie" is not updatable if it is defined using grouping and aggregate functions7
(d) all the abo!e7
*ns G d
327 * multi le!el inde- leads to a hhhhhhh
(a) 'inary Tree
(b) '8tree
(c) 9apping
(d) Transaction Dailure
*ns G b
337 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) correct "ith respect of e-ternal !ie"sE
(a) Cide data from unauthorised users7
(b) doesnot 0ermit the use of deri!ed attributes7
(c) doesnot *llo"s changing the unit of measurement of some stored data7
(e) all the abo!e
*ns G a
$67 a sequence can be modified using
a7 alter table
b7 replace sequence
c7 alter sequence
d7 both 2 K 3
ans G d
$17 command to delete sequence
a7 drop sequence
b7 delete sequence
c7 remo!e sequence
d7 "e cant remo!e a sequence
ans G a
$27 !ie"s can be defined "ith upto ::::::::::::::number of columns7
a7 2($
b7 2((
c7 2()
d7 2(+
ans G a
$37 "hen are inde-es selected
a7 during logical data modelling
b7 during physical data modelling
c7 both a K b
d7 neither a K b
ans Gb
$$7 "hich of the follo"ing operations are not possible through a !ie"
a7 Jroup 'y
b7 Ca!ing
c7 %istinct
d7 all
ans G d
$(7 the data accessible through a :::::::::::::is not stored in the data base
*s a distinct obFect
a7 table
b7 synonym
c7 !ie"
d7 sequence
ans G c
$)7 a !ie" "ith a clustered inde- is called :::::::::::
a7 inde-ed
b7 hashed
c7 Foin
d7 clustered
ans G a
$+7 hich of the follo"ing statements is not true about !ie"sE
f) Hou can create a inde- on !ie"
g) .ie"s do not ha!e permanent data
h) .ie"s can be based on one or more tables
i) .ie"s can be dropped "ithout dropping tables
*ns G b
$27 hat is not true about .ie"s
a) * !ie" is a !irtual table
b) <!ery !ie" has a 4uery attached to it7
c) .ie"s do not contain data7
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G d
$37 %o the !ie" contain or !ie" can store the data
*) yes
') no
C) canXt say
%) none
ans G b
(67 Can a .ie" based on another .ie"
*) yes
') no
C) none
%) canXt say
ans G a
(17 hat are the ad!antages of .ie"s
i) 0ro!ide an additional le!el of table security, by restricting access to a predetermined set of ro"s and
columns of a table7
ii) Cide data comple-ity7
iii) /implify commands for the user7
i!) 0resent the data in a different perspecti!e from that of the base table7
!) /tore comple- queries
a) i) , ii) only b) i) and i!) and !) only c) i),ii) and iii) only i!) i),ii), iii), i!) and !)
ans G d
(27 an optional structure associated "ith a table to ha!e direct access to ro"s, "hich can be created to increase the performance of
data retrie!al
a) .ie" b) ,nde- c)synonym d)sequence
ansG b
(37 hat are the different type of /egments
i) %ata /egment ii),nde- /egment iii)=ollbac& /egment
i!)Temporary /egment
a) i) , ii) only b) i) and ii) and i!) only c) i),ii) and iii) only i!) i),ii), iii) and i!)
ans G d
($7 the tableSs data is stored in the e-tents of its data segment
a) %ata /egment b),nde- /egment c)=ollbac& /egment
d)Temporary /egment
ans G a
((7 <ach ,nde- has :::::::::: that stores all of its data
a) %ata /egment b),nde- /egment c)=ollbac& /egment
d)Temporary /egment
ans G b
()7 * %atabase contains one or more :::::::::::::: to temporarily store RundoR information7
a) %ata /egment b),nde- /egment c)=ollbac& /egment
d)Temporary /egment
ans G c
2) >=*C5< database is comprised of
a) %ata files b) =edo 5og files c) Control files d) *ll the abo!e
ans G d
3) The components of 0hysical database structure of >racle %atabase is
i) %ata files ii) =edo 5og files iii) Control files i!) Table /pace
a) i) , ii) only b) i) and i!) only c) i),ii) and iii) only i!) i),ii), iii) and i!)
ans G c
$) The components of logical database structure of >racle %atabase is
i) %ata files ii) %ata base /chema >bFects iii) Control files i!) Table /pace
a) i) , ii) only b) ii) and i!) only c) i),ii) and iii) only i!) i),ii), iii) and i!)
ans G b
() * database is di!ided into 5ogical /torage @nit called
a) %ata files b) =edo 5og files c) Control files d) tablespaces
ans G d
)) /H/T<9 T*'5</0*/C< is
a) hich is automatically created "hen the database is created
b) hich is installed "ith oracle
c) There is no /H/T<9 T*'5</0*/C<
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G a
+) /H/T<9 tablespace al"ays contains
a) The data dictionary tables for the entire database7
b) The programs
c) *ll the redolog and control files
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G a
2) The relationship among %atabase, Tablespace
a) 'oth are related to physical database
b) 'oth are related to logical database
c) There is no relation ship at all
d) <ach databases logically di!ided into one or more tablespaces
*ns G d
3) The relationship among Tablespace and datafile
a) 'oth are related to physical database
b) 'oth are related to logical database
c) There is no relation ship at all
d) >ne or more data files are e-plicitly created for each tablespace7
*ns G d
16) "hat is schema
a) * schema is collection of database obFects of a @ser7
b) Collection of files
c) Collection databases
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G a
11) Can a Tablespace hold obFects from different /chemes
*) yes
') no
C) canXt say
%) none
ans G a
12) Can obFects of the same /chema reside in different tablespaces
*) yes
') no
C) canXt say
%) none
ans G a
13) %oes the /chema obFects directly refer to the databaseSs dataE
*) yes
') no
C) canXt say
%) none
ans G a
1$) /chema obFects include
i)tables ii)!ie"s iii)sequences i!)synonyms !)inde-es
a) i) , ii) only b) i) and i!) and !) only c) i),ii) and iii) only i!) i),ii), iii), i!) and !)
ans G d
1() hich generates a serial list of unique numbers for numerical columns of a databaseSs tables
a) /equence
b) /ynonym
c) %egree
d) >rder
*ns G a
1)) *lias for a table, !ie", sequence or program unit is
a) /equence
b) /ynonym
c) %egree
d) >rder
*ns G b
1+) hat are the type of /ynonyms
i) 0ublic ii) 0ri!ate iii) Constant
a) i) only b) ii) only c) i) and ii)i!) none
ans G c
12) public synonym
a) can be accessed only by the o"ner on the database
b) can be accessed by any user on the database
c) can be accessed only by the %'*
d) none
ans G b
13) 0ri!ate /ynonym
a) can be accessed only by the o"ner on the database
b) can be accessed by any user on the database
c) can be accessed only by the %'*
d) none
ans G a
26) hat are the types of %atabase 5in&s
a) 0ri!ate %atabase 5in&
b) 0ublic %atabase 5in&
c) 1et"or& database 5in&7
d) *ll the abo!e
ans G d
21) >=*C5< databaseSs data is stored in
a) e-tent b) bloc& c)segment d)lin&s
ans G b
22) /pecific number of Contiguous data bloc&s are called as
a) e-tent b) bloc& c)segment d)lin&s
ans G a
23) a set of e-tents allocated for a certain logical structure is
a) e-tent b) bloc& c)segment d)lin&s
ans G c
2$) The file "hich record all changes made to data is
a) %ata files b) =edo 5og files c) Control files d) tablespaces
ans G b
2() The file "hich records the physical structure of the database is
a) %ata files b) =edo 5og files c) Control files d) tablespaces
ans G c
2)) The control file contains
i) %atabase 1ame
ii) 1ames and locations of a databaseSs files and redolog files7
iii) Time stamp of database creation7
a) i) and ii) only b) i), ii) and iii) only c) ii) and iii) i!) none
ans G b
2+) ::::::::: store the most recently used bloc&s of database data7 ,t can also contain modified data that has not yet been
permanently "ritten to dis&
a) buffer b) segment c)e-tent d) none of those
ans G a
22) hat is the main use of ' K 'U trees in database
a) To maintain the database
b) To maintain the security
c) Dor queries
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G c
23) >racle 2i Cere _iX means
a) ,nterface b) ,nteraction c) ,nternet d) none of the abo!e
ans G c
36) %ata integrity can be maintained by
a) 0re8defined subsets of the e-isting tables ?/45 statements
b) >ccupy the dis& space
c) *ll the !ie"s are updatable
d) 'oth b) and c)
*ns G d
31) 5oc&s can be applicable for ::::::::::
a) !ie"s b) indices c) triggers d) *ll of the abo!e
ans G c
32) The *d!antages of the 1ormali#ation are e-cept
a) minimi#e storage redundancy
b) pro!ided optimum fle-ibilities
c) <nsure proper and meaning full %95 operations
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G d
33) hich of the follo"ing is not true about the data dictionary
a) @n8intentional query results
b) =e!eals ne" requirements in business
c) ,mpro!ed performance
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G c
3$) hich is mandatory for transaction complete
a) ,s an integrated set of system tables
b) ,s stored in regular tables
c) Can be maintained by the users
d) ,s accessed !ia !endor supplied !ie"s
*ns G c
3() "hich of the follo"ing are database obFects
a) * rollbac& or commit of the transaction is guaranteed
b) >beys user defined integrity constraints
c) 'oth a) and b)
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G c
3)) Tuple means
a) consume space b) impro!e 4uery performance c) reduce insert?update performance d) all the abo!e
*ns G d
3+) =%9/ is based on
a) Cierarchical model b) relational c) 1et"or& d) none of these
ans G b
32) *C,% properties stands for
a) *tomicity, Consistency, ,solation and durability
b) *tomicity, Creati!ity, ,solation and durability
c) *uthority, Consistency, ,solation and durability
d) 1one of the abo!e
*nsG a
33) ,f ,solation le!el is set to 0hantom =eads , hich of the follo"ing transaction integrity issues "ill resol!ed
a) /eriali#able b) %irty =eads c) 0hantom =eads d) 1on8=epeatable =eads
ans Gd
$6) hich of the follo"ing statements are for relational database
a) %ata is represented in ro"s and columns
b) The data is stored as '8tree
c) ,nde- and !ie"s are stored in =o"s and Columns
d) 1one
*ns G a
$1) Dind the !alid %95 statements
a) ,nsert, @pdate, <rase
b) ,nsert, @pdate, 9odify
c) ,nsert, %elete, @pdate
d) 1one
*ns G c
$2) hich are the follo"ing statements are true for primary &ey
a) 0rimary &ey used for performing chec& constraints
b) ,t canXt identify the ro"
c) ,t can uniquely identify the ro"
d) 1one
*ns G c
$3) hich are the follo"ing statements are true for foreign &ey
a) Doreign &ey used for performing chec& constraints
b) ,t canXt identify the ro"
c) ,t can uniquely identify the ro"
d) Doreign &ey maps al"ays to a !alid primary &ey
*ns G d
$$) >ne of the cause of the failure of file system
a) %ata a!ailability b) Di-ed records c) /equential records d) 5ac& of security
*ns G d
$() Transaction control means
a) Capability to manipulate the database
b) Capability to commit or rollbac&
c) Capability to change the structure of the table
d) 1one
*ns G b
$)) %ata integrity means
a) Column to maintain datatype specifies
b) Column to maintain length
c) Column to be not 1@55
d) Column to be unique
*ns G a
$+) hat is not a feature of Cierarchical model
a) Child ha!ing a parent
b) 0arent ha!ing parent
c) 0arent may ha!e any number of Childs
d) Child ha!ing more than one parent
*ns G d
$2) %ata concurrency means
a) *ccessing multiple table records
b) *ccess by multiple users
c) %oing sequential multiple deletes
d) %oing sequential multiple inserts
*ns G b
$3) 9ain cause of failure of net"or& model
a) ,mpossible modification of data design
b) Dailure to e-plain the many8many relation
c) Dailure to e-plain the one8many relation
d) Dailure to e-plain the many8all relation
*ns G a
(6) hat among is not implemented by C>%%Xs rule
a) <-istence of data is not in the table
b) %efining the constraints separately
c) 'oth the abo!e
d) 1one of these
*ns G b
(1) 1ormali#ation main important aim is
a) to remo!e the data redundancy bet"een the columns
b) to ha!e least redundancy dependency on primary &ey
c) to more fle-ible access
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G b
(2) %e81ormali#ation is required "hen
a) To ma&e strict data redundancy
b) To ma&e all column dependency on primary &ey
c) To create as many related tables
d) To more fle-ible access in order to a!oid lengthy Foins
*ns G d
(3) Chose the correct sequence regarding select clause
a) here8group by8ha!ing [order by
b) here [ha!ing8order by [ group by
c) Jroup by [ ha!ing [ "here [order by
d) Ca!ing 8 order by [ group by8"here
*ns G a
($) The function greatest?least "or&s on
a) 5ist of same field !alues
b) /et of different datatyped columns
c) /et of same datatyped columns
d) 1one of these
*ns G c
(() Co" does you represent a Ymay8beZ relationship in <8= diagram
a) /olid line b) %ashed line c) ellipse d) none
ans G b
()) "hich character function is used to return a specified portion of a character string
a) ,nitcap b) Concat c) /ubstring d) 5ength
ans G c
(+) hich dictionary !ie" gi!es the information of the tables of user
a) *ll tables b) @ser tables c) %'* tables d) *ll the abo!e
ans G b
(2) hat is default length of the CC*= datatype
a) 2() b) 122 c) 1 d) )$
ans G c
(3) hich of the follo"ing statements from database
a) set of tables K !ie"s b) set of clusters c) set of synonyms d) none of the abo!e
ans G a
)6) hich "ay of accessing information in the database is easy
a) primary &ey access b) Table access by =>,% c) access by foreign &ey d) none of these
ans G b
)1) hich command "ill remo!e all data from the table and not able to roll bac& is
a) %<5<T< b) %=>0 c) T=@1C*T< d) *55 TC< *'>.<
ans G c
)2) hen a user creates an obFect "ith out gi!ing table8space then "here it "ill stored
a) system table8space b) >racle table8space c) >racle <rror
d) %efault Table8space
ans G d
)3) hich character is used to continue the /45A plus
a) A b) ? c) U d) [
ans G d
)$) *ssume that today is 9onday of Fan 266) then "hat is the output of the query bello" /<5<CT T> CC*= (1<LT
%*H(/H/%*T< 9>1%*H, Y/@1%*HZ),D=>9 %@*5
a) 1+?61?6) b) 1+?Fan?6) c) 1+86186) d) 1+8;an86)
ans G d
)() /<5<CT =>@1% ()31712(6,2)
a) )31713 b) )73112(6 c))31127(6 d) none of the abo!e
ans G a
))) /<5<CT /@/T= (>=*C5< 2,3) D=>9 %@*5
a) >=* b) =*C c)C5< %) *C5
ans G b
)+) hich oracle command has the e-plicit commit statement
a) Jrant b) ,nsert c)%rop d) Create
ans G b
)2) hich type of ro" id for the propionate does the oracle global inde- uses
a) partial b) full c) restricted d) <-tend
ansG d
)3) hich function implements the ,D8TC<18<5/< statement
a) %ecode b) <ncode c) =eplace d) ,D8<5/<
ans G a
+6) The output of the query
/<5<CT =<05*C< ( =T=,9 ( _*1T,C,0*T,>1X,X>1X),XT,X,X/C@1X) D=>9 %@*5
a) *1T,C,0*/C@1>1 b) *1T,C,/C@1>10*T,>1
c) *1T,C,0*>1/C@1 d)1one
ans G a
+1) e can use any arithmetic operators in any clause of sql e-cept
a) here b) ha!ing c) from d) grouping
ans G c
+2) >n hich side the outer Foin condition the Foin symbol should be there
a) 'oth sides of the condition
b) <ither side of the condition
c) The side that is deficient condition in information
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G c
+3) Consider the follo"ing query
/<5<CT %1*9<, <1*9< D=>9 %<0T %, <90 < C<=< %7%<0T1>B<7 %<0T1> >=%<= 'H %1*9<, 1*9<
This Foin is called as
a) outer Foin b) inner Foin c) equi Foin d) normal Foin
ans G c
+$) hat is the number of the !alues a sub query using the in operator can return to the parent query
a) 1 b) 32$() c) 6 d) unlimited
ans G d
+() hen using the multiple table to query information , in "hich clause "e specify the names of tables
a) ha!ing b) grouping c) "here d)from
ans G d
+)) ith out any Foin condition the Foin becomes
a) eqi Foin b) self Foin c) outer Foin d) Cartesian Foin
ans d
++) The query gi!en bello" is
/<5<CT <7<1*9<BZ<905>H<<Z, 97<1*9<BZ9*1*J<=Z D=>9 <90 <, <90 9 C<=< 979J=B<7<901>
hat type of Foin is this
a) inner Foin b) outer Foin c) self Foin d) none
ans G c
+2) The operator "hich can hold multiple !alues is
a) ,1 b) B c) T d) W
ans G a
+3) The ad!antages that using the aliases are
a) ,t can used to refer the table
b) ,t effecti!ely impro!e the query performance
c) ,t allo"s to Foin t"o tables
d) 1one of these
*ns G b
26) hat is true regarding the co8related sub queries
a) <-ecution is slo" "hen compared to nested queries
b) Dirst the outer query and ne-t the inner query e-ecuted
c) 'ased on inner query result the outer query e-ecutes
d) 1one of the abo!e
*nsG c
21) ,f "e delete the record from the table %<0T is
a) %elete records for the table %<0T
b) %elete the record from both tables
c) =eferential integrity error occurs
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G c
22) * personXs name is an e-ample of
a7 =ecord7 b7 %atabase7 c7 'yte7 d7 <ntity7
*ns"erG d

23) Collecti!ely, a course number, course title, and course description "ould be called
a7 record7 b7 field7 c7 file7 d7 database7
*ns"erG a
2$) * group of related files ma&es up
a7 master file7 b7 database7 c7 entity7 d7 attribute7 7
*ns"erG b
2() * characteristic or quality describing a particular entity is called
a7 record7 b7 file7 c7 attribute7 d7 pointer7
*ns"erG c
2)) hich of the follo"ing is an attributeE
a) a studentXs personal history record
b) a student database
c) a student personal history file
d) a studentXs social security number
*ns"erG d
2+) The field in a record that uniquely identifies instances of that record so that it can be retrie!ed, updated, or sorted best describes
a7 master &ey7 b7 master field7 c7 attribute7 d7 &ey field7
*ns"erG d
22) The smallest data element in the data hierarchy is aG
a7 byte7 b7 field7 c7 bit7 7 d7 file7
*ns"erG c
23) 0roblems "ith the traditional file en!ironment includeG
a7 data redundancy7
b7 poor data security7
c7 inability to share data among applications7
d7 all of the abo!e7
*ns"erG d
36) The situation that occurs "hen different di!isions, functional areas, and groups in an organi#ation independently collect the same
piece of information best describesG
a) program8data independence7
b) data redundancy7
c) lac& of fle-ibility7
d) poor security7
*ns"erG b
31) hich of the follo"ing is a group of filesE
a7 attribute b7 database c7 field d7 segment
*ns"erG b
32) * logical !ie" isG
a) the process of creating small stable data structures from comple- groups of data "hen designing a relational database7
b) a methodology for documenting databases illustrating the relationship bet"een !arious entities in the database7
c) an approach to data management that stores both data and the procedures acting on the data as obFects that can be
automatically retrie!ed and shared7
d) a representation of data as they "ould appear to an application programmer or user7
*ns"erG d
33) The language associated "ith a database management system that is employed by end users and programmers to manipulate data
in the database is theG
a) data definition language7
b) data presentation language7
c) data manipulation language7
d) data translation language7
*ns"erG c
3$) The most prominent data manipulation language today isG
a7 C>'>57 b7 %5?17 c7 ,9/7 d7 /457
*ns"erG d
3() hich of the follo"ing is an automated or manual tool for storing and organi#ing information about the data maintained in a
a7 ;*% b7 electronic Fournal c7 data dictionary d7 hypermedia
*ns"erG c
3)) * ro" or record in a relational database is called a(n)G
a7 field7 b7 pointer7 c7 file7 d7 tuple7
*ns"erG d
3+) ,n a relational database, the operation that creates a subset of data consisting of columns in a table, permitting the user to create
ne" tables that contain only the information required is theG
a7 Foin operation7 b7 proFect operation7 c7 section operation7
d7 select operation7
*ns"erG b
32) ,n the relational database, the operation that combines relational tables to pro!ide the user "ith more information than is
a!ailable in indi!idual tables is theG
a7 Foin operation7 b7 merge operation7 c7 select operation7
d7 gro" operation7
*ns"erG a
33) The logical database model that presents data to users in a treeli&e structure is theG
a7 obFect8oriented %'9/ b7 net"or& %'9/7 c7 relational %'9/7
d7 hierarchical %'9/7
*ns"erG d
166) The hierarchical %'9/ organi#es data elements intoG
a7 segments7 b7 data compartments7 c7 data units7
d7 obFects7
*ns"erG a
161) *n abstract model of the database from a business perspecti!e best definesG
a7 physical design7 b7 obFect design7 c7 organi#ational !ie"7
d7 conceptual design7
*ns"erG d
1617The process of creating small, stable data structures from comple- groups of data "hen designing a relational database
a7data decomposition7
b7data structuring7
c7data transcribing7
*ns"erG d
1627 hich of the follo"ing best describes a special organi#ational function for managing the organi#ationXs data
resources, concerned "ith information policy, data planning, maintenance of data dictionaries, and data quality standardsE
a7database administration
b7 information management
c7 data analysis
d7 data administration
*ns"erG d
1637 %ata administrationG
a7 establishes specific policies and procedures through "hich data can be managed as an organi#ational resource7
b7 establishes access rules and procedures7
c7 defines and organi#es database structure and content7
d7 maintains the database7
*ns"erG a
,ntroduction to %'9/G
17* collection of operations that performs a single logic function is called
d7)none of the abo!e
*nsG b
27* table
a7)does not define logical order of records
b7)orders record by &ey field in a record
c7)orders records by the first field of a record
d7)imposes a logical order on record
*nsG a
/olG =ecords are stored in table in same order as user inputs them7
37*tomicity means
1 7complete commit
27 complete rollbac&
37 partial commit
$7 partial roll bac&
a7)1 only b7)2 only c7)1 and 2 d7)3 and $
*nsG c
/olG *tomicity of a transaction means either to commit or roll bac& completely7
$7 hich of the follo"ing property ensures that the state of database is same "hen it ends as it "as began
a7) *tomicity
b7) Consistency
c7) ,solation
d7) %urability
*nsG b
/olG This is definition
(7 hat is isolation
a7)The operation of one transaction does not affect the operation of other transaction
b7)>nce a transaction is completed the results "ill persist
c7)The state of database is the same "hen it ends as it begins
*nsG a
)7,n strict relational terminology , an attribute is
a7) a record
b7) an entity
c7) a field
d7) a table
*nsG c
+7 ,n "hich of the model(s) strictly require the relationships be predefined7
17 1et"or& model
27 Cierarchial model
37 =elational model
$7 none
a7)1 only b7)2 only c7)1 and 2 d7)$
*nsG c
2 7The type of the datastrucure that is used in relational model is
a7) Table
d7)none of the abo!e
*nsG a
37 The data in the database that cannot be remo!ed by other process until and unless it is requested is
a7) 0ersistent data
b7) Transient data
c7),n consistent data
*nsG a
167 %ata integrity in a relational database requires that
17)it is not permitted to delete a record from a secondary table if there is corresponding record in the primary table
27)no &ey can be null
37)the &ey in a record must be unique
$7)a foreign &ey must match an e-isting record in the primary table
a7)1 only b7)2 only c7)2,3,$ d7)1,2,3 and $
ans G d
117 hich of the follo"ing statements is trueE
a7) * database must contain t"o or more tables
b7) * database must contain t"o data tables
c7) * database must contain at least one data table
d7) * database must contain one data table
*nsG c
127 * C>905<L I<H D,<5% is one "hich
a7) ,s capable of storing more than one data type in it
b7) <nsures that there cannot be more than one record in a table "ith the same &ey field !alues
c7) ,s made up of more than one field
d7) ,s a numerical data type
*ns G c
/olG itSs possible to choose a combination of fields in a table to be the &ey7
137 %ata .alidation is
a7) The practice of ensuring that only !alid data is input into a database
b7) The practice of running a chec& on e-isting data to confirm that there is no in!alid data
c7) * separate program that chec&s e-isting data for errors
d7) * process of filtering out in!alid data on a "ee&ly or monthly basis
*nsG a
/olG ,tSs good practice to pre!ent in!alid data being entered in the first place
1$7 * field is
a7) can store any type of data at any time
b7) capable of storing many facts
c7) the smallest amount of data %'9/ can store
d7) either true or false
*nsG c
/olG fields are said to be RatomicR
1(7 hich of the follo"ing is a !alid &ey field7
a7) ,nitialsUfamily name
b7) /tudent name
c7) Car registration number
d7) /treetname
/olG Car regno is unique 7/o it is !alid &ey field7
1)7 hich of the follo"ing is a !alid database7
17 * telephone directory
27 The northern college record system
37 bo- of flo"ers
a7)2 only b7)1 and 2 c7)2 and 3 d7)$
*nsG b
1+7 *ssume you are e-tending the design of The 1orthern College /tudent =ecords /ystem to include details on each classroom7 The
college is ne!er li&ely to ha!e more than ten classrooms and definitely not e!er going to ha!e more than 2( classrooms7 hat data
type "ould you select
a7) 1umeric8 ,nteger
b7) 1umeric [ 5ong ,nteger
c7) 1umeric [ 'yte
d7) 1umeric [ /ingle
*nsG c
/olG this "ill only store "hole numbers bet"een 6 and 2(( at the least e-pense in storage space (1 byte)
127 * %atabase 9anagement /ystem can
17%elete data
27 =etrie!e data
37 *dd ne" data
$7 <dit %ata
a7)1 and 2 b7)1,2 and $ c7)1,2 and 3 d7)1,2,3 and $7
*ns G d
137 * unique &ey field is
a7) ,s a special field that has to be a unique number
b7) ,s a special field that identifies a particular record in a data table
c7) ,s a special field that each database has to ha!e7
d7) none
*nsG b
267 ,nput 9as&s are
a7) only used "ith a =%'9/
b7) @sed to force user input into a particular form7
c7) @sed to pre!ent any data at all being entered into a particular field
d7) @se to ensure that numbers are &ept "ithin e-pected bounds

*nsG b
/olG for e-ample, "e can ensure that intials are stored in upper case regardless of "hether the user types in upper or lo"er case7
217* flat file %atabase management system is
a7) * %'9/ that can only ha!e one table in it
b7) * %'9/ that contains records that ha!e a large number of fields in them
c7) * %'9/ that can only ha!e simple data tables in it
d7) none of these
*ns G a
/olG a flat file %'9/ can only copy "ith simple situations7
227 * table
a7) Cannot be empty
b7) consists of ro"s and columns
c7) Consists of *lphanumeric data
d7)can only store data of one type7
*nsG b
237hich of the follo"ing statements are true
17 * character data type can contain 6,1,2,3,$,(,),+,2,3
27 /ome %'9/Xs can use %*T< data types
37 1umerical data can be stored in different formats
$7 * 5ogical data type can store three !alues, T=@<, @1I1>1 and D*5/<
a7)1 and 2 b7)1,2 and 3 c7)1,2 and $ d7)1,2,3 and $
*nsG c
2$7 hich of the follo"ing statements are true
17 *ll records in a data table need not necessarily ha!e the same fields in them
27 * data table is made up of records
37 Dields must contain specified types of data
$7 * record is made up of fields
a7)1,2 and $ b7)2,3 and $ c7)1,3 and $ d7)1,2,3 and $
*nsG b
2(7 This is the structure of table /T@%=<C

/=<D is equi!alent to /tudent id7
=</ means resident or non resident(=</ field "ill be either true or false)
hat datatype is =</7
*nsG b
2)7 hat is the unique I<H field in the table /T@%=<CE


* /=<DU %>'

' /=<D

C ,1,T U /1*9< (as a comple- &ey field)

% /1*9<

*nsG '
2+7The person "ho is ha!ing central control o!er data and programs accessing that data
b7)%atabase %esigner
*nsG a
227The users "ho use the database by "riting special database application programs are called
a7)/ophisticated end user
b7) /peciali#ed end user
c7) 1ai!e end user
d7)1ati!e end user
*nsG a
237The persons "ho interact "ith the system through %95 calls embedded in a program "ritten in host language
a7)/ystem de!elopers7
b7)/ystem analysts
d7)*pplication 0rogrammers
*nsG d
367This le!el of abstraction is concerned "ith the physical storage of the information7
i)0hysical le!el
ii)Conceptual le!el
iii).ie" le!el
a7)i only b7)i and ii c7)i,ii and iii d7)none
*nsG a
3170hysical le!el is also &no"n as
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)!ie" le!el
*nsG a
327/torage allocation and access paths are considered in this le!el7
i)0hysical le!el
ii)Conceptual le!el
iii).ie" le!el
a7)i only b7)i and ii c7)i,ii and iii d7)none
*nsG a
337The follo"ing schema hides the details of physical storage structures and concentrates on describing entities, data types and
a7)internal schema
b7)e-ternal schema
c7)conceptual schema
d7)!ie" schema
*nsG c
3$7hich !ie" is normally more stable
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)!ie" le!el
3(7The le!el "hich has the !ie" of "hole enterprise "ithout concern of physical storage
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)!ie" le!el
3)7* school prepared a timetable describing the entire details of teaches,hours etc7
This does not contain any allocation of rooms etc7,This comes under "hich le!el7
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)!ie" le!el
*nsGc" le!el is also &no"n as
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)physical le!el
327The follo"ing is a restricted !ie" of database
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)physical le!el
337/uppose in the time table prepared by a college,if a lecturer is interested to see only his classes and if a student is interested to see
only his lecturers,then this type of !ie" can be
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)physical le!el
*nsG b
$67The highest le!el of abstraction of data occurs in
a7)internal le!el
b7)e-ternal le!el
c7)conceptual le!el
d7)physical le!el
*nsG b
$17hich of the follo"ing schema defines the !ie" le!el
a7)internal schema
b7)e-ternal schema
c7)conceptual schema
*nsG b
$27hich of the follo"ing schema defines the physical le!el
a7)internal schema
b7)e-ternal schema
c7)conceptual schema
$37 hich of the follo"ing include definitions of each of the !arious types of data
a7)internal schema
b7)e-ternal schema
c7)conceptual schema
$$7The ability to modify the internal schema "ithout causing any change to the e-ternal schema
a7)0hysical data independence
b7)5ogical %ata independence
c7)<-ternal %ata independence
*nsG a
$( 7The ability to modify the conceptual schema "ithout causing any change to the application program
a7)0hysical data independence
b7)5ogical %ata independence
c7)<-ternal %ata independence
*nsG b
$)7hich of the follo"ing processes the query to identify the basic operators that are contained in query7
a7)query optimi#er
b7)query processor
c7)query analy#er
d7)query manager
*nsG b
$+7hich of the follo"ing arri!es at an correct e-ecution plan of sequence of basic operators77

a7)query optimi#er
b7)query processor
c7)query analy#er
d7)query manager
*nsG a
$27:::::::decides the portions of data that should be transferred from secondary storage to the primary storage
a7)file manager
b7)query manager
c7)buffer manager
d7)database manager
*nsG c
$37The information about data in a databse is called :::::
a7)9eta data
b7)Tera data
c7)hyper data
*nsG a
(67 The ::::::: ta&es care of accessing the physically stored file
a7)file manager
b7)query manager
c7)buffer manager
d7)database manager
*nsG a
(17>ne of the follo"ing is not a >bFect 'ased logical model
a7)<= model
b7)>bFect >riented model
c7)'inary 9odel
d7)1et"or& model
*nsG d
(27::::::::::: is an association among se!eral entities
(37>bFects that contain the same types of !alues and same methods are grouped into
*nsG b
($7This model has fi-ed format records
a7)<= model
b7)>bFect >riented model
c7)=ecord based logical model
d7)=elational model
*nsG c
((7hich model(s) is(are) implementation data model s
i)<= model
i!)Cierarchical model
a7)i only b) i and ii c)i ,ii and iii d)i ,ii ,iii and i!
*nsG a
()7 The collection of allocated memory and the running processes on the ser!er is called
c7)both a and b
*nsG c
(+7 The property of e-istence of data is called
*nsG a
(27 hich %'9/ allo"s a single database to be split apart such that its pieces reside at geographically separated sites7
a7)>bFect >riented %'9/
b7)<= model
c7)%istributed %'9/
d7)Centrali#ed %'9/
*nsG c
(37 To store both numbers and characters in database "hich data type u preferE
*nsG c
)67* ::::::::::: is a structure that stores and protects data7
*nsG d
)17* ::::::::::: is a sequence of database operations7
*nsG d
)27The follo"ing is not a le!el of abstraction
*nsG c
)37The net"or& model uses the concept of
*nsG a
)$7The relation model is truly a::::::::::::::: based model
ansG a
)(7hat is the language used for queries in =%'9/
*nsG c
))7The instance of a class used in >> model is
*nsG a
)+7/tate True or false , PB ,WT,jB denote the same operation
c7)Cannot say
*nsG a
)27The data model that is "idely accepted and used is
b7)1et"or& model
c7)Cierarchical model
d7)Cannot say
*nsG a
)37* ::::::::: is a collection of facts
*nsG b
+67 * :::::::::::::is a data repository along "ith a user interface pro!iding for the manipulation and administration of a database7
*nsG a
+17 * specific e-ample "here physical data independence "ould hold is
(i) "hen data file is changed from an unordered file to a sorted file7
(ii) "hen an additional access structure, (e7g7 an inde-) is created for a relation7
(iii) "hen %'* decides to store the data in a 'U tree7
(i!) "hen the user retrie!es data from the database7
(!) "hen the user "rites an application program to Foin tables7
a7)i,ii and iii b7),,ii,ii and i! c7)i! and ! d7)none
*nsG a
+27 * relation (from the relational database model) consists of a set of tuples, "hich implies that
(a) relational model supports multi8!alued attributes "hose !alues can be represented in sets7
(b) for any t"o tuples, the !alues associated "ith all of their attributes may be the same7
(c) for any t"o tuples, the !alues associated "ith one or more of their attributes must differ7
(d )all tuples in a particular relation may ha!e different attributes7
*nsG c
+37 ,f I is a foreign &ey in relation =1, then
(a) e!ery tuple of =1 has a distinct !alue for I7
(b) I cannot ha!e a null !alue for tuples in =17
(c) I is a &ey for some other relation7
(d) I is a composite &ey for =17
+$7 0ractitioners and @sers are in!ol!ed "ith database systems7 hich of the statements belo" is?are true
regarding themE
(a) /ystems %esigner is a user7
(b) %epartmental Ceads are users7
(c) ,nformation /ystems 9anager is a user7
(d) Clerical staff are practitioners7
*nsG a
+(7 hich of the follo"ing statements is a?are characteristic(s) of _0hysical data ,ndependenceXE
(a) ,t hides the database file structure and ,nde-es7
(b) ,t allo"s use of"sX7
(c) ,t allo"s changes to the physical storage structure, "ithout affecting the applications7
(d) ,t is not referred to in the *1/,?/0*=C 3 tier architecture7
(e) ,t insulates the conceptual schema from changes in the physical storage7
*7) a,b and c '7)a,c and e C7)a,b,c and e %)a,b,c,d and e
*nsG '
+)7 Components of a %'9/ includes
(a) a user query and reporting facility7
(b) a database access sub system7
(c) a security and integrity sub system7
(d)*ll the abo!e
*nsG d
++7 The blan&s of the follo"ing three statements ha!e to be filled7
The (i) le!el pro!ides the physical !ie" of the database7
The (ii) le!el gi!es a user oriented description of the data elements and relationships7
The (iii) le!el pro!ides all users information needs and definition of data items needs to meet them7
hich of the follo"ing "ill correctly fill the blan&sE
(a) (i) conceptual (ii) e-ternal (iii) internal
(b) (i) internal (ii) e-ternal (iii) conceptual
(c) (i) e-ternal (ii) conceptual (iii) internal
(d) (i) internal (ii) conceptual (iii) e-ternal
*nsG b
+27 0rotecting a database from unauthori#ed or malicious use is termed
(a) data integrity7
(b) concurrent processing7
(c) data security7
(d) data reco!ery7
*nsG a
+37 hich of the follo"ing closely resemble(s) an _<nterprise 5e!elX databaseE
(a) * large health care >rgani#ation that operates a group of hospitals7
(b) * soft"are de!elopment team maintaining a list of soft"are components7
(c) * studentXs C% collection database7
(d) * salesmanXs list of contacts7
*nsG a
267 hat are the tas&s "hich database administrators may be called upon to specifically performE
(a) To enter and?or delete data in the database
(b) 0erformance monitoring and maintenance
(c) %eciding the Jraphical @ser ,nterface (J@,) necessary for data entry
(d) <nhancing the /45 queries
*nsG b
217 hich of the follo"ing is an?are incorrect statement(s)E
(a) /ee&8time B The time ta&en to e-tend?retract the read?"rite head7
(b) =otational delay is also called 5atency7
(c) 'loc& transfer time is the time to locate and transfer an arbitrary bloc&, gi!en its address7
(d) The see& time and rotational delay "hen added is equal to 'loc& transfer time7
*nsG d
227 Y%ata =edundancyZ
(a) is a problem "ith traditional file systems7
(b) is reduced by normali#ation7
(c) has no effect on cost and maintenance of a system7
(d) can lead to inconsistency of data7
*7) a,b and d '7)a,c C7)a,b,c %)none
*nsG *
237 * data processing system is
(a) a system that uniquely identifies a record in a file7
(b) an automated system, "hich organi#es data to produce information7
(c) information on organi#ed or summari#ed data7
(d) an automated system for processing the data of an organi#ation7
*nsG d
2$7 Consider the follo"ing statements7
(i) Jlucorala is a company located in Colombo7
(ii) Total income of Jlucorala has increased by 17(V compared "ith that of the pre!ious year7
(iii) *7 Chandran is a supplier to Jlucorala and his email address is achan\yahoo7com7
(i!) *7 Chandran had supplied 2$V of the total sugar requirement of the company7
hich of the follo"ing is a?are true statement(s)E
(a) /tatements (i) and (ii) represent data "hile statements (iii) and (i!) represent information7
(b) /tatements (i) and (iii) represent data "hile statements (ii) and (i!) represent information7
(c) /tatements (i) and (i!) represent data "hile statements (ii) and (iii) represent information7
(d) /tatement (i) represents data and the other statements represent information7
*nsG b7
2(7 hich of the follo"ing is an?are incorrect statement(s)E
(a) 0ointer [ * data model "hich assumes that all data relationships can be structured as hierarchies
(b) %ata model [ * physical address "hich identifies "here a record can be found on a dis&
(c) Child record [ *n o"ner record in a hierarchical relationship
(d) 1et"or& model [ * data relationship in "hich a record can be o"ned by records from more than one type
(e) %ata model [ * conceptual method of structuring data
*7) a,b and d '7)a,b and c C7)a,b,c and e %)a,b,c,d and e
*nsG *
2)7 %ata transfer time refers to the
(a) amount of time required in transferring data from?to the dis& to?from primary memory7
(b) e-pected time to access a dis& address and transfer a bloc& of data7
(c) time required acti!ating a read?"rite head7
(d) time required for the dis& to rotate the sought8for record under the read8"rite head7
*nsG b
2+7 The functions of a database administrator include(s)G
(a) %efining database schema7
(b) %efining bac&up and reco!ery procedures7
(c) Jranting authori#ation for data access7
(d) 9anaging storage structures and access methods7
*7) a,b '7)b and c C7)a,b,c and d %)a,b,c,
*nsG C
227 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is?are true related to data, information and databasesE
(a) * database is designed, built and populated "ith data or information for a specific purpose7
(b) * list of students "ho ha!e scored more than fifty can be recognised as a set of data7
(c) 9eta data allo" database designers and users to understand "hat data e-ist, "hat the data mean, and their limitations7
(d) * sales person may include in his database, photographic images of customers and !ideo clips of discussions he has had
"ith the customer7
*7) a,b '7)a,b and c C7)c, d %)a,c and d
*nsG %
237 * database management soft"are (%'9/) includesG
(a) *utomated tools (C*/<) used to design databases and application programs7
(b) * soft"are application that is used to define, create, maintain and pro!ide controlled access to user databases7
(c) *pplication programs that are used to pro!ide information to users7
(d) %atabase that contains occurrences of logically organised data or information7
*nsG b
367 hich of the follo"ing closely describe the limitations of traditional file processing systemsE
(a) Dile descriptions of files are stored "ithin each application program that accesses those files7
(b) * duplication of certain columns of a file used by one department may appear in another file used by another department of
the organisation7
(c) %ifferent application programs used in different departments can easily ha!e inter8 program communication to share data7
(d) *ddition of a ne" attribute to a certain computer file requires forcible shut do"n of all applications that use the particular
*7) a,b and d '7)a,b and c C7)c, d %)b,d
*nsG *
317 ,n addition to the database management soft"are, the other possible types of soft"are a database system "ill ha!e are
(a) languages used for coding user interfaces and application programs7
(b) presentation soft"are for documenting the design of the database7
(c) computer8aided soft"are engineering tools (C*/<)7
(d) a fourth generation language such as <mbedded /tructured 4uery 5anguage7
*7) a,c and d '7)a,b and c C7)c, d %)b,d
*nsG *
327 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is?are correct in relation to database applicationsE
(a) *n enterprise database is intended to support organisation8"ide operations and decision8ma&ing7
(b)*n organisation can ha!e multiple databases "hich are separate departmental databases or as an enterprise database7
(c) @sually, "or& group databases are larger than departmental databases7
(d)%ata "arehouse is an integrated decision support database "hose content is deri!ed from the !arious operational databases7
*7) a,c and d '7)a,b and d C7)c, d %) b,d
*nsG '
337 hich of the follo"ing is?are describing the proper order of data access methods of =elational %atabase, Cierarchical %atabase
and the 1et"or& databasesE
(a) /upports direct access to a specific record and is difficult to access multiple records related to a single record7
(b) /upports access to multiple records related to a single record and is dependent on pre defined physical pointers7
(c) /upports hierarchical and non8hierarchical data relationships and is dependent on predefined physical pointers7
(d) /upports all logical data relationships and the logical data access, and is independent of physical implementation
*7) a,c and d '7)d, c and b C7) b, c and d %) d and b
*nsG '
3$7 hich of the follo"ing describe(s) the features of distributed databasesE
(a) These databases are stored on computers at multiple locations and are not interconnected by a net"or&7
(b) These databases form a single logical database that is spread physically across computers in multiple locations that are
connected by a data communication lin&7
(c) Comogeneous type of distributed databases use the same type of database management system at each location7
(d) *ll users access the database through one global schema or database definition7
*7) a,c and d '7)a, c C7)b, c and d %)d and b
*nsG C
3(7 ith respect to the database de!elopment process, identify function(s) applicable to the logical design stage7
(a) ,dentify scope of database requirements for the proposed information system7
(b) *nalyse in detail the transactions, forms, displays, and inquiries (database !ie"s) required by the business functions
supported by the database and integrate those !ie"s into conceptual data model7
(c) Transform the combined and reconciled data specifications into basic or atomic elements follo"ing "ell8established rules
for "ell8structured data specifications7
(d) ,dentify data integrity and security requirements and populate the repository7
*7) a,c and d '7)a, c C7) b, c and d %)d and b
*nsG C
3)7 hich of the follo"ing is?are true in relation to the database design processE
(a) ,dentification of entities, their attributes, relationships, and business rules is carried out at the conceptual design stage7
(b) * "ea& entity is an entity that e-ists independently of other regular entity types7
(c) =elationship instance is an association bet"een entity instances, "here each relationship instance includes e-actly one
entity from each participating entity type7
(d) Cardinality constraint specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be associated "ith each instance of another
*7) a,c and d '7)a, c C7) b, c and d %) d and b
*nsG *
3+7 Y* /er!ice centre for ser!icing !ehicles has a large number of employees7 <ach !ehicle that comes for ser!icing "ill pass through
se!eral sections of the ser!ice centre7 Therefore many employees of the ser!ice centre ser!ice each !ehicle7 Durther an employee
ser!ices many !ehicles coming to the ser!ice centreZ
hich of the follo"ing is?are true in relation to the abo!e descriptionE
(a) Three regular entities named <905>H<<, .<C,C5< and /<=.,C< can be identified7
(b) T"o entities named <905>H<< and .<C,C5< can be identified7
(c) /<=.,C< is an associate entity ha!ing attributes related to Fob done by "hom and to "hich !ehicle7
(d) =elationship bet"een <905>H<< and /<=.,C< is one to many and the relationship bet"een /<=.,C< and .<C,C5<
is many to one7
*7) a,c and d '7)a, c C7)b, c and d %) d and b
*nsG C
Consider the follo"ing t"o entity types identified at the analysis stage of an information system7
,f "e generalise these t"o entities by introducing a .<C,C5< entity, then "hich of the follo"ing best describes the characteristics
for each of the three entitiesE
(a) T=@CIG =eg1o, 9a&e, 0rice, 9a-5oad7
(b) '@/G =eg1o, 9a-0assengers7
(c) .<C,C5<G =eg1o, 9a&e, 0rice7
(d) '@/G =eg1o, 9a&e, 0rice, 9a-0assengers7
(e) T=@CIG =eg1o, 9a-5oad7
*7) a,c and d '7)a, c and e C7)b, c and e %)d,e and b
*nsG C
337 The data type of a field is usually one of the standard data types used in programming7 hich of the follo"ing data types may
result in use of !ariable8length recordsE
(a) Dloating point (b) 'oolean
(c) %ate and time (d) /tring of characters
*nsG d
1667 The follo"ing is a list of data types and possible e-ample !alues, e-cept for items (i!) and (!) "hich are references to data types7
hich of the abo!e statement(s) is?are correctE
(a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) iii
(d) (i!) (e) (!)
*7) a,c and d '7) c and e C7)b and e %)d,e and b
*nsG '
1617 hich of the follo"ing is (are) correct "ith respect to file systemsE
(a) * logical record is concerned "ith efficient storage of information in the secondary storage de!ices7
(b) The efficiency of a file system depends on ho" efficiently operations such as retrie!e, insert, update, delete may
be performed on the information stored in the file7
(c) * sequential file system turns out to be quite efficient for an application "here most of the storage and retrie!al
of records are performed sequentially and randomly7
(d) /ome physical organisations use pointers to record bloc&s to locate records on dis&7
*7) a,c and d '7) b and d C7)b and c %)d and a
*nsG '
1627 * file organisation essentially means organisation of records in the file7 hich of the follo"ing technique(s) is (are) used for
inde-ed file organisationsE
(a) Ceap (b) /equential (c) 'U tree
(d) ,/*9
*7) a,c and d '7) b and d C7)c,d %)d and a
1637 hich of the follo"ing step(s) is (are) true for sequential file organisation "hen attempting to insert a record
(i) 5ocate the record in the file that comes before the record to be inserted in search &ey order
(ii) ,f there is a free record (that is a space left after a deletion) "ithin the same bloc& as the located record insert the ne" record there7
>ther"ise, insert the ne" record in an o!erflo" bloc&
(iii) *dFust the pointers if the ne" record is inserted in an o!erflo" bloc&, other"ise do not adFust the pointers
(a) >nly (i) is true (b) >nly (i) and (ii) are true
(c) >nly (i) and (iii) are true (d) >nly (ii) and (iii) are true
*nsG b
16$7 0ractitioners are the people responsible for the database system and its associated application soft"are7 hich of the follo"ing
person(s) is a (are) practitioner(s)E
(a) /ystem %esigner (b) 0rogrammer?*nalyst
(c) %epartmental heads
(d) ,nformation /ystem 9anager
*7) a,c and d '7) c and d C7)a,b and d %)d and b
*nsG C
16(7 9ost database soft"are includesG
(a)special purpose database management soft"are called the %'9/7
(b)application soft"are that uses %'9/ facilities to manipulate the database to achie!e a specific business function7
(c) application soft"are that is al"ays "ritten using a fourth8generation language supplied "ith the %'9/7
(d) application soft"are that utilises the command language of the %'9/7
*7) a,c and d '7) c and b C7) b and d %)a and b
*nsG C
16)7 hich of the follo"ing closely describes a "or&group database applicationE
(a)* sales person &eeping trac& of his customer information "ith contact details7
(b)* soft"are de!elopment team maintaining a list of soft"are obFects7
(c)* personnel database that is designed to trac& data concerning employees, Fob s&ills and Fob assignments for a large
(d)* large healthcare organisation that operates a group of medical centres including hospitals, clinics and nursing homes7
*nsG b
%ata type .alue ?type
(i) ,nteger ,T 2361
(ii) =eal 16
(iii) %ouble 0recision 16666766
(i!) .*=CC*= =eference to a legal document
3v4 /L1/ Referen(e to a +igital image
16+7 The follo"ing are the three language components of a database management system (%'9/)7
(i) %ata %efinition 5anguage (%%5)
(ii) /ub8schema %%5
(iii) %ata 9anipulation 5anguage
T"o different types of people (users and practioners) are concerned "ith them7 hich of them do users of a %'9/ usually deal "ithE
(a) (i) only (b)(iii) only (c) (i) and (ii) only
(d) (ii) and (iii) only
*nsG '
1627 %ata ,ndependence refers toG
(a)Candling of data by the %'9/ soft"are entirely independent of the operating system7
(b),nsulating the application program from e-ternal changes such as inclusion of a ne" data item into an e-isting record
(c) /eparation of data descriptions from the application programs that uses the data7
(d)*llo"ing application programs to be e-ecuted at a node different to the database ser!er7
*nsG b
1637 hich of the follo"ing is (are) true "ith respect to data modelsE
(a) The net"or& data model "as introduced to o!ercome the main deficiencies in the use of files7
(b) The hierarchical data model uses a tree data structure7
(c) The obFect8oriented data model "as introduced to deal "ith non8traditional commercial applications such as Jeographical
,nformation /ystems (J,/)7
(d) The relational data model "as "idely accepted by most users from its inception in early 13+6s7
*7) a,c and d '7) c and d C7)b and c %)d and b
*nsG C
1167 * ::::::::: is a logically coherent collection of data "ith some inherent meaning, representing some aspect of real "orld
*7 %atabase
'7 data
C7 %ata dictionary
%7 none
*ns G *
1117 * :::::::::: is a collection of programs that enables user to create and maintain a database7
*7 %'9/
'7 %ata
C7 %ata dictionary
%7 none
*ns G *
1127 The database and %'9/ soft"are together is called as:::::::::
a7)%atabase collection
b)%atabase method
c)%atabase system7
d)%atabase repository7
*nsG c
1137 The follo"ing is ?are the *d!antage(s) of %'9/E
a7 =edundancy is controlled7
b7 @nauthorised access is restricted7
c7 0ro!iding multiple user interfaces7
d7*ll the abo!e
*nsG d
11$7 The le!el of abstraction that describes only part of entire database
*nsG b
11(7 The ability to modify the schema definition in one le!el should not affect the schema definition in the ne-t higher le!el is &no"n
as :::::::::::::
*7 %ata ,ndependence
'7 %ata dependence
c7)Conceptual ,ndependence
*ns G *
11)7 9odification in physical le!el should not affect the logical le!el7This is
a7)0hysical data independence
b7)5ogical %ata independence
c7)Conceptual ,ndependence
*nsG a
11+7 9odification in logical le!el should not affect the e-ternal le!el7This is
a7)0hysical data independence
b7)5ogical %ata independence
c7)Conceptual ,ndependence
*nsG b
1127 *:::::::::: collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships data semantics and constraints
*7 %ata model7
'7 >bFect oriented model
C7 both * K '
d7 none
*ns G *
1137 :::::::: model is based on collection of obFects
*nsG >bFect oriented model7
1267::::::: is an association among t"o or more entities7
*nsG =elation7
1217 *n attribute or attributes that uniquely identify each ro" in a relation is called a(n)
*) field pointer7
') column7
C) primary &ey7
%) foreign &ey7
*nsG c
1227 %ata modeling may be the most important part of the systems de!elopment process because
*) data characteristics are important in the design of programs and other systems components7
') The data in a system are generally more comple- than processes, and play a central role in de!elopment7
C) %ata are less stable than processes7
%) * and '7
*nsG %
1237 * database is an organi#ed collection of ::::: related data7
*) not
') badly
C) physically
%) logically
*nsG %
12$7 hich of the follo"ing is an entity type on "hich a strong entity dependsE
*) member7
') "ea&7
C) unary7
%) o"ner7
*nsG %
12(7 %isad!antages of traditional file processing systems include
*) reduced data duplication7
') program8data dependence7
C) limited data sharing7
%) ' and C7
*nsG %
12)7 *(n) ::::: specifies the number of instances of one entity that can be associated "ith the each instance of another entity7
*) ma-imum
') cardinality constraint
C) limit
%) counter constraint
*nsG '
12+7 %uplication of data in files may cause
*) data integrity problems7
') data items "ith the same names used for different purposes7
C) data items "ith different names in different files7
%) * and C
*nsG %
1227 hich of the follo"ing is 1>T an ad!antage of database systemsE
*) better data quality
') program8data independence
C) redundant data
%) standards enforcement
*nsG C
1237 hich of the follo"ing is 1>T a function of a %'9/E
*) data storage, retrie!al, and update7
') logical data dependence7
C) reco!ery ser!ices7
%) integrity ser!ices
*nsG b
1367 hich of the follo"ing is used to store the structure and format of user forms, reports, queries, and other application
*7)*pplication 9eta%ata
'7)=eport Table
C7)4uery 'y <-ample
*nsG *
1317 %ata in the database that represent a description of the database structure are calledG
*7) ,nde-es
'7) @ser %ata
C7)*pplication metadata
*nsG %
1327 The intermediary bet"een the design tools and run8time subsystems and data is calledG
*7) %'9/ engine
'7)%atabase schema
C7)>perating system
%7)@ser interface
*nsG *
1337 =estrictions on the business acti!ities that need to be reflected in the database and database application are &no"n asG
*7) %atabase schema
C7)'usiness rules
*nsG C
13$7 hich of the follo"ing is not a "ay in "hich a query can be e-pressedE
*7) 'y surrogate &eys
'7)4uery by form
C7)@se the data access language /45
%7)4uery by e-ample
*nsG *
13(7 hat is %atabaseE
a) Collection of ,nformation
b) Collection of meaningful real "orld data
c) hich stores %ata
d) *ll the abo!e
13)7 *d!antages of %'9/7 hich statement is trueE
(i) security
(ii) =edundancy is controlled
(iii) 0ro!iding bac&up and reco!ery
(i!) 0ro!iding multiple user interfaces7
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (iii) and (!i)
c) (i),(ii),(iii) and not (i!)
d) (i),(ii),(iii) and (i!)
13+7 1umber of tuples present in a table at any instance is called asE
a) intension b) e-tension c) integrity d) 1one of the abo!e
ans Gb
1327 Tables deri!ed from the <=%
a) *re totally normali#ed
b) *re al"ays in 11D
c) Can be further denormalised
d) 9ay ha!e multi8!alued attributes
ansG (b)
1337 hat is degree of a =elationE
a) ,t is the number of attribute of its relation schema
b) ,t is an association among t"o or more entities
c) The collection (or set) of similar relationships
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G a
1$67 hat is =elationshipE
a) ,t is the number of attribute of its relation schema
b) The collection (or set) of similar relationships
c) 1one of the abo!e
d) ,t is an association among t"o or more entities
*ns G d
1$17 The particular property "hich describes the entity is called as
a) ,ntegrity
b) Table
c) %atabase
d) *ttribute
*ns G d
1$27 hich language of database specifies user !ie"s and their mappings to the conceptual schema
a) /%5 (/torage %efinition 5anguage)
b) .%5 (.ie" %efinition 5anguage)
c) %%5 (%ata %efinition 5anguage)
d) %ata /torage 8 %efinition 5anguage
*ns G b
1$37hich translates %95 statements in a query languageE
a) %%5 ,nterpreter
b) 4uery e!aluation engine
c) %95 Compiler
d) 1one of the abo!e
*ns G c
1$$7 hich abstraction e-isting in the %'9/E
a) 0hysical le!el
b) 5ogical le!el
c) .ie" le!el
d) *ll the abo!e
*ns G d
1$(7 The SthingS in the real "orld "ith an independent e-istence is called as7
a) <ntity set
b) attributes
c) degree
d) entity
ans G d
1$)7 * database "ith single table structure is called a :::::::::
a7 Cierarchical data model
b7 =elational data model
c7 Dlat file structure
d7 1et"or& data model
*ns"er G8 (c)
1$+7 :::::::::::: data models are used to describe data at the lo"est le!el7
a7 5ogical data model
b7 0hysical data model
c7 1et"or& data model
d7 1one of the abo!e
*ns"er G8 (b)
1$27 The data type "hich contains ra" binary data other"ise the same as a 5>1J column is

a7 'D,5<
b7 C5>'
c7 '5>'
d7 5>1J=*
*ns"er G8 (c)
1$37 * :::::::::: pro!ides the data security7
a7 !ie"
b7 4ueries
d7 *ll of the abo!e
*ns"er G8 (a)
1(67 * :::::::: is an organi#ed collection of logically related data7
a7 Column
b7 Composite attribute
c7 %atabase
d7 *ll of the abo!e
*ns"er G8 (c)
1(17 >nce the %'9/ informs the user that a transaction has successfully completed, its effects should persist e!en if the system
crashes before all its changes are reflected on dis&7 This property is called7
*7 consistency
'7 isolation
C7 durability
%7 atomicity
*ns G C
1(27 1ame the buffer in "hich all the commands that are typed in are stored
*7 <%,T buffer
'7 /T>=< buffer
C7 both * K '
%7 none
*ns G *
1(37 Co" do you communicate "ith an =%'9/E
*7 using /45
'7 using >=*C5<
C7 using .CUU
%7 none7
*1/ G *
1($7 %eadloc& occurs "hen
a7 transactions compete for the same resource7
b7 the %'9/ cannot decide "hat to do ne-t7
c7 the user requests a cascade abort
d7 a transaction cannot decide "hat to do ne-t7
*ns G a
1((7 The role of a %'* includes "hich of the follo"ing topicsE
a7 @ser interfaces, salary budgeting, performance monitoring7
b7 /upporting all programming languages "hich might be used "ith a database7
c7 5oading data, e!aluating ne" database systems, performance monitoring7
d7 ,nstalling databases, CUU programming, user support7
*ns G c
1()7 *borting a transaction
a7 remo!es changes made so far in the current transaction7
b7 remo!es changes made in a transaction after it has committed7
c7 is only possible in 9icrosoft *ccess7
d7 results in deadloc&7
*ns G b
1(+7 interaction "ith the file manager is the responsibility of :::::::
a7 data base manager
b7 data base designer
c7 data base administrator
d7 none7
*ns G a
1(27 bac& up and reco!ery is the responsibility of :::::::::::
a7 data base manager
b7 data base designer
c7 data base administrator
d7 none7
*ns G c
1(37 ::::::::: is the person ha!ing central control o!er data and programs accessing that data7
a7 data base manager
b7 data base designer
c7 data base administrator
d7 none7
*ns G c
1)67 the follo"ing are the roles of data base designer7
a7 schema definition
b7 storage structure and access method definition
c7 schema and physical organi#ation modification
d7 all the abo!e7
ans G d
1)17 ma&ing a change in the conceptual schema by not effecting the e-ternal schema is called
a7 physical data independence
b7 logical data independence
c7 functional dependency
d7 none7
*ns G b
1)27/elect the correct statement?s from among the follo"ing on proper naming of schema constructsG
(a) <ntity type name applies to all the entities belonging to that entity type and therefore a plural
name is selected for entity type7
(b) ,n the narrati!e description of the database requirements, !erbs tend to indicate the names of
relationship types7
(c) The nouns arising from a database requirement description can be considered as names of
(d) *dditional nouns "hich are appearing in the narrati!e description of the database
requirements represent the "ea& entity type names7
*ns G b
1)37 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) true for database management systemsE
(a) 0ro!ide protection for data against une-pected loss, damage or destruction7
(b) *llo" maintenance of high quality, consistent and up to date data7
(c) Ieep data and the programs that manipulate it together7
(d) both a K b
*ns G d
1)$7 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) components of %'9/E
(a) %ata dictionary?directory subsystem7 (b)/ecurity and integrity subsystem7
(c) %atabase administrator7 (d) both a K b
*ns G d
1)(7 a table consists of ::::::::
a7 spread sheet
b7 tuples and attributes
c7 descriptors
d7 none
ans G b
1))7 an =%'9/ is:::::::::::::
a7 an approach intended to readily deal "ith many to many relationships
b7 an approach "hich logicaly !ie"s data as a collection of tables7
c7 an approach based on relational algebra
d7 both b K c
ans G d
1)+7 a t"o dimensional structure "ith data is called:::::
*7 set
b7 tables
c7 group
d7 spread sheet
ans Gb
1)27 obFect types are used to create
a7 ne" data type
b7 data base obFect
c7 schema
d7 meta data
ans G a
1)37 hich of the follo"ing statement(s) is (are) true "ith respect to data typesE
(a),1T<J<= data type can store decimal numbers e-ceeding that number 32,+)+7
(b).*=CC*= data type often reduces dis& storage "astage "hen compared toCC*= data type7
(c)'5>' data is streams of bytes of fi-ed length7
(d)'HT< data type cannot store any type of binary data7
*ns G b
1+67 C5>' datatype accomodates character information upto
a7 2 J'
b7 2 J'
c7 2666 bytes
d7 $ J'
ans G d
1+17 The characteristics of the database are
a) Can be sharable b) related logically c) can be protected d) all the abo!e
ansG d
1+27 The functionalities of the =%'9/ are
a) /tore data b) e-ecute transactions c) /ecurityd) all the abo!e
ans G d

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