General Ledger Setup Steps in Oracle Applications

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General Ledger Setup Steps In Oracle Applications

Step 1 : Define GL Responsibility

System Administrator =>security=>responsibility.
Step2 : Define GL User
System Administrator => security=>user
Step :!Assi"n GL and Sysadmin Responsibility to User.
Step#:!select profile option $%R: User &ype' to %R (it) *ayroll User.
Step+: ,nable -urrency
Define -urrency and ,nable -urrency:!
GL Super User Responsibility =>setup=>currencies =>define.
Step .:! Define /r"ani0ation 12usiness Group 3 add 2usiness Group 4nformation Also.
5a6e your /r"ani0ation %R /r"ani0ation also.
Responsibility: 4ndia %R5S 5ana"er.
(or6 structure=>or"ani0ation=>Description
-reate Location 4f Re7uired.
Responsibility: 4ndia %R5S 5ana"er.
(or6 structure=>Location.
Add 2usiness Group 4nformation.
-reate -ompetence fle8 field structure re7uired to enter in 2usiness "roup information.
Step 9:! Set profile option %R Security *rofile.
Step ::! Define ;ey <le8 field $-)art /f Accounts 4n GL'.
Define =alue sets for se"ments.
Define se"ments and assi"n =alue sets.
Assi"n 7ualifiers to =alue sets.
<ree0e and compile.
Responsibility = > system administration => application => se"ments
<le8 field >ualifiers:!
-reatin" ?ALU, S,&S for se"ments and ,nter t)e Se"ment =alues:!
Step @:! -alendars.
Define calendars &ype.
GL Super User Responsibility =>setup=>financials=>calendars=>types
Define calendar Accountin".
GL Super User Responsibility =>setup=>financials=>calendars=>accountin".
Step 1A:! Define Set of 2oo6s.
GL Super User Responsibility => setup=> financials =>boo6s=>define.
Lin6 -)art of AccountB calendar 3 currency.
%ere Ce enter t)e Retained ,arnin"s Account C)ic)
means t)e profit and loss account.
Do user can pass t)e direct entry in t)is account.
Step 11:! Define /r"ani0ation $4ndia %R5S=> or"ani0ation => Description.'
Le"al ,ntity $also le"al entity additional information=>le"al entity accountin"
set to neCly created set of boo6s name'B /peratin" Unit.
Step 12 :! Set profile options.
System administrator => profile => system.
5/: /peratin" Unit
GL Set of 2oo6s Dame
Se7uential Dumberin".
Step 1:! /pen accountin" period.
/nce t)ese setup steps are performedB Ce can
,nter Eournals
*ost Eournals
Re=erse Eournals
,nter 5ass allocation.
-reate 2ud"ets
Use <SG $ financial statement Generator.'
GL Flow
1. -reatin" Eournal $2atc)B %eader and Lines'.
2. -reatin" -ode -ombinationB
. -reatin" Eournal Source
#. -reatin" Eournal -ate"ory
+. Understandin" Accountin" *eriodB
.. Understandin" ;ey <le8filedsB
9. Understandin" Descripti=e <le8 fields
:. Understandin" Setup of General Led"er
@. Understandin" Account 4n7uiry form
1A. Understandin" GL 4nterface *ro"ram ! Eournal 4mport
11. Understandin" -)art of Accounts.
12. Understandin" Set of 2oo6s
/nce you create a Fournal loo6 for t)e data in beloC mentioned tables
Eournal contains a 2atc) ! GLGE,G2A&-%,SB
%eader !GLGE,G%,AD,RS
Lines ! GLGE,GL4D,SB
/nce you create a -ode -ombination loo6 for t)e data in GLG-/D,G-/524DA&4/DS
/nce you understand Account 4n7uiry <orm loo6 for t)e data in
/nce you create a Eournal Source loo6 for t)e data in
/nce you create a Eournal -ate"ory loo6 for t)e data in GLGE,G-A&,G/R4,S
/nce you understand Accountin" *eriod t)en c)ec6 t)e data in
! GLG*,R4/DGS&A&US,SB /nce you understand -)art of Accounts structure t)en loo6 for t)e data inB!
/nce you understand Set of 2oo6s structure t)en loo6 for t)e data in
! GLGS,&SG/<G2//;S
/nce you understand GL 4nterface pro"ram t)en c)ec6 tables
! GLG4D&,R<A-,
! GLG45*/R&GR,<,R,D-,S
Go t)rou") t)e all t)e abo=e tables a"ain and a"ain and be con=ersant about t)e Foins.

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