Folio Chemistry Chapter 9

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Name : Muhammad Faiz Syimeer Bin Mohd

College Number: 13451
Class : 4Geology(2013)

All the objects that exist around us are made up of
chemical substances. Theseobjects exist an element,
compound or mixture. All these objects contribute
beneft tohumankind. As time goes on, human has done
many researches to ensure all thesechemical substances
will be enough for the use of themselves.Chapter
of !orm " syllabus introduces the students
with manufacturedsubstances in industry. This is
important for the students to appreciate the knowledge
of chemistry that is still new for themselves. #ersonally,
$ think that this chapter is aninteresting chapter as it
revealed the way of scientist produces the material
around me. $talso gives me new knowledges of the uses
of chemical substances that $ usually found inthe
laboratories.$ hope, by learning this chapter, $ will be
more interested in learning chemistry asit will help me
in the future. All the e%uations from this chapter make
me moreunderstand of the previous chapters
9.1 Sulphuric Acid
Uses of sulphuric acid
1. Sulhuri! a!id i" u"ed #o manufa!#ure almo"# all rodu!#". Some of #he e$amle are %
&ain# igmen#
Syn#he#i! fi(re"
)le!#roly#e in !ar (a##erie"
*leaning me#al"
+#her !hemi!al"
2. Sulhuri! a!id i" al"o u"ed in la(ora#ory in "!hool a" follo,"%
-" drying agen#
-" dehydra#ing agen#
-" !a#aly"#
-" "#rong a!id
Manufacture of sulphuric acid in industry
Stage 1: Combustion of Sulphur
.n #he furna!e/ mol#en "ulhur i" (urn# in dry air #o rodu!e "ulhur dio$ide/ S+2. 0he
ga" rodu!ed i" urified and !ooled.
S(l) 1 +2(g) S+2(g)
Stage 2: Conersion of sulphur dio!ide to sulphur trio!ide in the conerter
.n #he !on2er#er/ "ulhur dio$ide/ S+2 and e$!e"" o$ygen ga"/ +2 are a""ed o2er a
fe, la#e" of 2anadium (3) o$ide/ 32+5 !a#aly"# a# 4500* #o rodu!e "ulhur
#rio$ide/ S+3.
2S+2(g) 1 +2(g) 2S+3(g)
-(ou# 44.55 of #he "ulhur dio$ide/ S+2 i" !on2er#ed in#o "ulhur #rio$ide/ S+3
#hrough #hi" re2er"i(le rea!#ion.
Stage ": #roduction of sulphuric acid in absorber and diluter
.n #he a("or(er/ #he "ulhur #rio$ide/ S+3 i" fir"# rea!#ed ,i#h !on!en#ra#ed "ulhuri!
a!id/ 62S+4 #o form a rodu!# !alled oleum/ 62S2+7.
S+3(g) 1 62S+4(l) 62S2+7
0he oleum/ 62S2+7 i" #hen dilu#ed ,i#h ,a#er #o rodu!ed !on!en#ra#ed "ulhuri!
a!id/ 62S+4 in large 8uan#i#ie".
62S2+7(l) 1 62+(l) 262S+4(l)
0he #,o rea!#ion" in #he #hird "#age are e8ui2alen# #o adding "ulhur #rio$ide/ S+3
dire!#ly #o ,a#er.
S+3(g) 1 62+(l) 62S+4(l)
$nironmental pollution by sulphuric acid
1. Sulhur dio$ide i" an a!idi! and oi"oinou" ga" #ha# ollu#e" #he en2ironmen#.
2. 0he "our!e" of "ulhur dio$ide %
3. Sulhuri! a!id i" formed (y a#mo"heri! o$ida#ion of "ulhur dio$ide in #he
re"en!e of ,a#er. .# al"o rodu!e" "ulhurou" a!id.
4. Sulhuri! a!id and "ulhurou" a!id are !on"#i#uen#" of a!id rain.
5. -!id rain !an !au"e many effe!#" "u!h a"%
i. *orrode" !on!re#e (uilding" and me#al "#ru!#ure
ii. 'e"#roy" #ree" and lan#"
iii. 'e!rea"e #he 6 of #h "oil and ma9e i# (e!ome a!idi!
i2. -!id rain flo," in#o #he ri2er" and in!rea"e" #he a!idi#y of ,a#er and 9ill
a8ua#i! li2ing #hing".
:. 6en!e/ ,e mu"# redu!e #he "ulhur dio$ide from #he a#mo"here (y%
i. ;"e lo, "ulhur fuel" #o redu!e #he emi""ion of "ulhur dio$ide in e$hau"#
ii. <emo2e "ulhur dio$ide from ,a"#e air (y #rea#ing i# ,i#h !al!ium
!ar(ona#ed (efore i# i" relea"ed
iii. =eu#rali"e #he a!idi! "oil and ,a#er (y #rea#ing #hem ,i#h !al!ium o$ide/
!al!ium hydro$ide and !al!ium !ar(ona#e.
9.2 Ammonia and %ts Salts
Uses of ammonia
1. -mmonia i" rodu!ed indu"#rially a" an in#ermedia#e !omound and a" ra, ma#erial
for many o#her !hemi!al ro!e""e".
2. 0he main u"e" of ammonia are a" follo," %
0o manufa!#ured ni#rogenou" fer#ili"er" needed for lan# gro,#h
-" ra, ma#erial for #he manufa!#ured of ni#ri! a!id
-" !ooling agen# in refrigera#or"
0o rodu!e ammonium !hloride u"ed a" ele!#roly#e in dry !ell"
0o re2en# !oagula#ion of la#e$
0o ma9e "yn#he#i! fi(re" "u!h a" nylon
-" "melling "al#" #o re2i2e eole ,ho ha2e fain#ed
Ma9ing of e$lo"i2e"
#roperties of ammonia
1. -mmonia i" a !o2alen# !omound ,i#h #he follo,ing hy"i!al roer#ie" %
Manufacture of ammonia in industry
1. &ases mi!ed and scrubbed
6a(er ro!e"" !om(ine" =2 ga" from #he air ,i#h 62 ga" from na#ural ga" #o form
=63. 0he #,o ga"e" are mi$ed. 0he mi$#ure i" "!ru((ed #o ge# rid of imuri#ie".
2. Compressor
+ne 2olume of =2 ga" and #hree 2olume of 62 ga" i" !omre""ed #o a re""ure of 200
> 500 a#m
=2(g) 1 362(g) 2=63(g)
". Conerter
0hen/ i# goe" #o #he !on2er#er. .# i" #hen a""ed #hrough layer" of iron !a#aly"# ,i#h
aluminium o$ide a" a romo#er a# a #emera#ure of 4500* > 5000*
'. Cooler
- mi$#ure of #hree ga"e" lea2e" #he !on2er#er. .# i" !ooled un#il #he ammonia
!onden"e". 0he ni#rogen and hydrogen are umed (a!9 #o #he !on2er#er for ano#her
!han!e #o rea!#.
(. Storage tan)s
=63 i" formed and #hen li8uefy and "eara#ed #o ge# a (e##er yield. 0he =63 i" run
in#o #an9" and "#ored a" a li8uid under re""ure.
Ammonium *ertilisers
1. =i#rogen i" u"ed (y lan# #o ma9e ro#ein. &ro#ein i" imor#an# for #he gro,#h of
lan#". +#her nu#rien#" needed (y lan#" in!lude ho"horu"/ o#a""ium/ !al!ium and
2. =i#rogenou" !omound" are remo2ed from #he "oil (y #he lan#". Some are rela!ed
na#urally (y (a!#eria. 0o re"#ore #he (alan!e/ ni#rogenou" fer#ili"er" are added #o #he
3. =i#rogenou" fer#ili"er" !on#ain ammonium ion".
4. .n #he "oil/ #he ammonium ion" are !on2er#ed #o ni#ra#e ion" (y #he (a!#eria. 0hi" i"
(e!au"e ni#rogen !an only (e a("or(ed (y lan#" in #he form of "olu(le ni#ra#e ion".
5. )$amle" of ammonium fer#ili"er" are %
-mmonium ni#ra#e
-mmonium "ulha#e
-mmonium ho"ha#e
:. 0he effe!#i2ene"" of ammonium fer#ili"er" i" de#ermined (y #he er!en#age of ni#rogen
(y ma"" in #hem.
7. 0he fer#ili"er" ,i#h a higher er!en#age of ni#rogen i" more effe!#i2e for gro,#h #han
#ho"e fer#ili"er" ,i#h a lo, er!en#age of ni#rogen.
?. 0he er!en#age of ni#rogen (y ma"" !an (e !al!ula#ed from #he formulae of #he
fer#ili"er" u"ing #he follo,ing formula.
9." Alloys
#ure Metal
0yi!al ure me#al" ha2e #he follo,ing hy"i!al roer#ie" %
6igh den"i#y
6igh mel#ing and (oiling oin#"
Good !ondu!#or" of hea# and ele!#ri!i#y
2. &ure me#al" are ,ea9 and "of# (e!au"e #he arrangemen# of a#om" in ure me#al" ma9e
#hem du!#ile and mallea(le.
3. - ure me#al !on#ain" a#om" of #he "ame "ize arranged in a regular and organized
!lo"edAa!9ed "#ru!#ure.
4. &ure me#al" are "of# (e!au"e #he orderly arrangemen# of a#om" ena(le"
#he layer" of a#om" #o "lide o2er ea!h o#her ea"ily ,hen an e$#ernal for!e
i" alied on #hem. 0hi" ma9e" #he me#al" du!#ile and !an (e
dra,n #o form long ,ire".
5. 0here are imerfe!#ion" in #he na#ural arrangemen#" of me#al a#om".
)m#y "a!e e$i"# in #he "#ru!#ure" of ure me#al". Bhen hammered or
re""ed/ grou" of me#al a#om" may "lide in#o ne, o"i#ion" in #he
em#y "a!e". 0hi" ma9e" me#al" mallea(le/ a(le #o (e made in#o
differen# "hae" or re""ed in#o #hin "hee#".
:. 0he "#rong for!e" of a##ra!#ion (e#,een me#al a#om" re8uire" high energy #o o2er!ome
i#. 6en!e/ mo"# me#al" ha2e high mel#ing oin#".
7. 0he !lo"eAa!9ed arrangemen# of me#al a#om" re"ul#" in #he high den"i#y of me#al".
1. -n alloy i" a mi$#ure of #,o or more elemen#" ,i#h a !er#ain !omo"i#ion in ,hi!h #he
maCor !omonen# i" a me#al.
2. .n #he ro!e"" of alloying/ one or more foreign elemen#" are added #o a mol#en me#al.
Bhen #he alloy harden"/ #he o"i#ion" of "ome of #he me#al a#om" are rela!ed (y #he
a#om of foreign elemen#"/ ,hi!h "ize may (e (igger or "maller #han #he original me#al
3. .n an alloy/ #he"e a#om" of foreign elemen#" di"ru# #he orderly
arrangemen# of #he me#al a#om" and al"o fill u any em#y "a!e in #he
me#al !ry"#al "#ru!#ure.
4. 6en!e/ #he layer" of me#al a#om" are re2en#ed from "liding o2er ea!h
o#her ea"ily. 0hi" ma9e" #he alloy harder and "#ronger/ le"" du!#ile and le""
mallea(le #han i#" ure me#al".
5. 0he roer#ie" of a ure me#al are #hu" imro2ed (y ma9ing #hem in#o alloy".
:. 0here are #hree aim" of alloying a ure me#al%
a) 0o in!rea"e #he hardne"" and "#reng#h of a me#al
() 0o re2en# !orro"ion or ru"#ing
!) 0o imro2e #he aearan!e of #he me#al "urfa!e
+he Composition, #roperties and Uses of Some Alloys
Alloy Composition #roperties Uses
?05 !oer
205 #in
6ard/ "#rong/ doe" no#
!orrode ea"ily/ "hiny
Medal"/ "#a#ue"/ monumen#"/
705 !oer
305 zin!
6arder #han !oer
Mu"i!al in"#rumen#/
9i#!hen,are/ door 9no("/
(ulle#" !a"e"/ de!ora#i2e
ornamen#"/ ele!#ri! ar#"
755 !oer
255 ni!9el
Beau#iful "urfa!e/
"hiny/ hard/ doe" no#
!orrode ea"ily
445 iron
15 !ar(on
6ard/ "#rong
Building"/ (ridge"/ (ody of
!ar"/ rail,ay #ra!9
Stainless steel
745 iron
?5 !ar(on
1?5 !hromium
Shiny/ "#rong/ doe" no#
*u#lery/ "in9"/ ie"/ "urgi!al
435 aluminium
35 !oer
35 magne"ium
15 mangane"e
@igh#/ "#rong
Body of air !raf#"/ (ulle# #rain"/
ra!ing (i!y!le"
4:5 #in
35 !oer
15 an#imony
Shiny/ "#rong/ doe" no#
-r# o(Ce!#"/ "ou2enir"
505 #in
505 lead
6ard/ "hiny/ lo,
mel#ing oin#
Soldier for ele!#ri! ,ire" and
9/carat gold 37.55 gold
51.55 !oer
Shiny/ "#rong/ doe" no#
115 "il2er
9.' Synthetic #olymers
1. &olymer" !an (e defined a" large mole!ule" !omo"ed of numerou" "maller/ reea#ing
uni#" 9no,n a" monomer" ,hi!h are Coined (y !o2alen# (ond".
2. &olymeri"a#ion i" #he !hemi!al ro!e"" (y ,hi!h #he monomer" are Coined #oge#her #o
form #he (ig mole!ule 9no,n a" #he olymer".
3. 0here are #,o #ye" of olymeriza#ion ro!e""%
a) -ddi#ion olymeriza#ion
.n2ol2e" monomer" ,i#h #he !ar(onA!ar(on dou(le (ond" (e#,een #he !ar(on
a#om" "maller and "imle mole!ule" "u!h a" ,a#er.
() *onden"a#ion olymeriza#ion
.n2ol2e" #he Coining u of monomer" ,i#h #he forma#ion of o#her
4. - olymer i" a 2ery (ig mole!ule (ma!romole!ule). 6en!e/ #he rela#i2e mole!ular
ma"" of a olymer i" large.
5. 0he roer#ie" of olymer are differen# from i#" monomer".
:. &olymer" !an (e di2ided in#o #,o #ye"%
Naturally occurring polymers
0hi" #ye of olymer e$i"#" in li2ing #hing" in na#ure li9e #he lan#" and
)$amle" of na#urally o!!urring olymer" are%
=a#ural ru((er
=a#urally o!!urring olymer" are formed (y #he Coining of monomer" (y
Synthetic polymers
0he"e #ye" of olymer are manAmade (y !hemi!al ro!e"" in #he la(ora#orie".
0he ra, ma#erial" for "yn#he#i! olymer" are o(#ained from e#roleum.
0he #ye" of "yn#he#i! olymer" in!lude%
1. &la"#i!" are made from #he rodu!#" of !ra!9ing of e#roleum fra!#ion" "u!h a"
al9ene" mole!ule" #hrough addi#ion olymeri"a#ion.
2. &la"#i!" are #he large"# grou of "yn#he#i! olymer" ,i#h #he follo,ing roer#ie" %
*an (e ea"ily moulded and !oloured
@o, den"i#y
.ner# #o !hemi!al"
.n"ula#or" of hea# and ele!#ri!i#y
Monomers, #roperties and Uses of Some Commonly #lastic
Name of polymer Monomers #roperties Uses
#olythene )#hane
'ura(le/ ligh#/
imermea(le/ iner# #o
!hemi"#ry/ ea"ily mel#/
Shoing (ag"/ la"#i!
!u" and la#e/ #oy"
#olypropene &roene
'ura(le/ ligh#/
imermea(le/ iner# #o
!hemi"#ry/ ea"ily mel#ed/
in"ula#or/ !an (e moulded
and !oloured
Bo##le"/ furni#ure/ (a##ery
!a"ing/ ie"/ #oy"
#olystyrene &henyle#hene
6ea# in"ula#or/ ligh#/ !an
(e moulded/ imermea(le
'i"o"a(le !u" and
la#e"/ a!9aging
ma#erial"/ #oy"/ hea#
0ran"aren#/ "#rong/ ligh#
<ela!emen# for gla"".
@en"e"/ o#i!al fi(re"
+eflon 0e#rafluoroe#hene
'ura(le/ nonA"#i!9/
!hemi!ally iner#/ "#rong/
*oa#ing for nonA"#i!9
an"/ ele!#ri!al in"ula#or"
Adantages of synthetic polymers
S#rong and ligh#
-(le #o re"i"# !orro"ion
.ner# #o !hemi!al rea!#ion"
)a"ily moulded or "haed and (e !oloured
*an (e made #o ha2e "e!ial roer#ie"
$nironmental pollution caused by synthetic polymers
-" mo"# of olymer" are nonA(iodegrada(le/ #hey ,ill no# de!ay li9e o#her organi!
Burning of olymer" relea"e harmful and oi"onou" ga"e".
Methods to oercome the enironmental pollution caused by synthetic
<edu!e/ reu"e and re!y!le "yn#he#i! olymer"
'e2elo (iodegrada(le olymer"
9.( &lass and Ceramics
1. 0he main !omonen# of (o#h gla"" and !erami! i" "ili!a or "ili!on dio$ide/ Si+2.
2. Bo#h gla"" and !erami! ha2e #he "ame roer#ie" a" follo, %
6ard and (ri##le
.ner# #o !hemi!al rea!#ion"
.n"ula#or" or oor !ondu!#or" of hea# and ele!#ri!i#y
Bi#h"#and !omre""ion (u# no# "#re#!hing
*an (e ea"ily !leaned
@o, !o"# of rodu!#ion
3. 'ifferen!e" (e#,een gla"" and !eremen# are/ gla"" i" #ran"aren#/ ,hile !erami! i"
oa8ue. *erami! !an ,i#h"#and a higher #emera#ure #han normal gla"".
4. 0ye" of gla"" are %
a) Fu"ed gla""
.# i" !on"i"# mainly of "ili!a or "ili!on dio$ide
.# ha" high hea# re"i"#an!e
() Soda lime gla""
.# !anno# ,i#h"#and high #emera#ure"
!) Boro"ili!a#e gla""
.# !an ,i#h"#and high #emera#ure
d) @ead gla""
6igh refra!#i2e inde$
5. ;"e" of imro2ed gla"" for "e!ifi! uro"e
a) &ho#o!hromi! gla""
.# i" "en"i#i2e #o ligh# in#en"i#y
() *ondu!#ing gla""
.# !ondu!#" ele!#ri!i#y
:. *erami! i" a manufa!#ured "u("#an!e" made from !lay/ ,i#h #he main !on"#i#uen# of
alumino"ili!a#e ,i#h "mall 8uan#i#y of "and and feld"ar.
7. Suer!ondu!#or i" one imro2ed !erami!" for "e!ifi! uro"e".
1. Gla"" i" made u from "and.
2. 0he maCor !omonen# of gla"" i" Si+2.
3. 0here are four #ye" of gla"" ,hi!h are a" follo," %
Fu"ed gla""
SodaAlime gla""
Boro"ili!a#e gla""
@ead !ry"#al gla""
Composition, #roperties and Uses of 0ifferent +ypes of &lass
Name of glass #roperties Composition Uses
*used glass
6igh mel#ing
Sili!on dio$ide
-r! #u(e" in lam"
6igh !hemi!al
<e"i"#an# #o
#hermal "ho!9
0ran"aren# #o
ul#ra2iole# and
infrared ligh#
0ele"!oe mirror"
+#i!al fi(re"
Soda/lime glass
@o, mel#ing
6igh #hermal
'oe" no#
,i#h"#and hea#
*ra!9" ea"ily
,i#h "udden
!hange in
Good !hemi!al
)a"y #o mould
and "hae
0ran"aren# #o
2i"i(le ligh#
Sili!on dio$ide
Sodium o$ide
*al!ium o$ide
*on#ainer" "u!h a"
(o##le"/ Car" and
Fla# gla""
@igh# (ul("
.ndu"#rial and ar#
-orosilicate glass
0ran"aren# #o
2i"i(le ligh#
<e"i"#an# #o
@o,er #hermal
<e"i"#an# #o
#hermal "ho!9
*an ,i#h"#and
,ide range of
Sili!on dio$ide
Boron o$ide
Sodium o$ide
*al!ium o$ide
Gla"" ieline"
)le!#ri!al #u(e"
2ead crystal glass
Sof# and ea"y #o
0ran"aren# #o
2i"i(le ligh#
6igh den"i#y
6igh refra!#i2e
Sili!on dio$ide
@ead(11) o$ide
Sodium o$ide
-r# o(Ce!#"
1. *erami!" are made from !lay and !omo"ed of aluminium "ili!a#e mi$ed ,i#h "and.
2. 0he ,hi#e !lay u"ed #o !erami!" i" 9aolin ,hi!h i" in ri!h in 9aolini#e or hydra#ed
3. <ed !lay !on"i"#" of iron(...) o$ide ,hi!h gi2e" #he red !olour.
4. Bri!9/ #ile"/ mug" and !lay o#" are "ome e$amle" of #radi#ional !erami!"
5. 'uring #he ma9ing of !erami!"/ #he "haed o(Ce!#" are hea#ed #o 2ery high
#emera#ure. 0hey undergo a "erie" of !hemi!al rea!#ion" and are hardened #o form
:. 0he"e !hemi!al rea!#ion" are irre2er"i(le and #he !erami!" !anno# (e mel#ed and
3o1 Ceramic are Made
1. Be# !lay !an (e "haed ea"ily (e!au"e #he #iny !ry"#al" in i# !an "lide o2er ea!h o#her.
*lay ha" a la"#i! roer#y. Bhen #he !lay drie" u/ i# 9ee" i#" "hae a" #he !ry"#al"
are no, "#u!9 #oge#her.
2. Bhen hea#ed #o a(o2e 1500
*/ a "erie" of !hemi!al rea!#ion rodu!e o#her !hemi!al"
and gla"" ,hi!h a!9" #he #iny mineral !ry"#al" #oge#her.
3. 0he o(Ce!# i" no, glazed and hea#ed again. 0he rea!#ion" in #he glaze !au"e #he
"urfa!e #o (e ,a#erroof.
#roperties of Ceramics
3ery "#rong and hard
*hemi!ally iner# and doe" no# !orrode
Good in"ula#or of ele!#ri!i#y and hea#
3ery high mel#ing oin# and hea# re"i"#an!e
&orou" (u# !an (e made imer2iou" (y glazing
Uses of Ceramics
#roperty Uses $!amples
6ard and "#rong Building ma#erial"
0ile"/ (ri!9"/ roof"/ !emen#/
a(ra"i2e for grinding
-##ra!#i2e/ ea"ily moulded
and glazed
'e!ora#i2e ie!e" and
hou"ehold i#em"
3a"e"/ or!elain ,are/ "in9"/
*hemi!ally iner# and nonA
Di#!hen,are *oo9ing o#"/ la#e"/ (o,l"
3ery high mel#ing oin# and
good in"ula#or of hea#
@ining of furna!e/ engine
)le!#ri!al in"ula#or"
.n"ula#ing ar#" in ele!#ri!al
Sar9 lug"/ in"ula#or" in
o2en" and ele!#ri! !a(le"
.ner# and nonA!omre""i(le Medi!al and den#al aara#u" -r#ifi!ial #ee#h and (one"
9.4 Composite Materials
1. *omo"i#e ma#erial i" a "#ru!#ure ma#erial #ha# i" formed (y !om(ining #,o or more
differen# "u("#an!e" li9e me#al"/ alloy"/ gla""/ !erami!" and olymer". ;"ually/ #he
ne, !omo"i#e ma#erial" formed ha2e roer#ie" #ha# are "uerior #o #ho"e of #he
original !omonen#".
2. 0he !omo"i#e ma#erial" rodu!ed are harder/ "#ronger/ ligh#er/ more re"i"#an# #o hea#
and !orro"ion and al"o for "e!ifi! uro"e".
3. Bhen !omo"i#e ma#erial i" formed/ #he ,ea9ne"" of #he !omonen#" ,ill no# e$i"#
Comparison of the #roperties bet1een Composite Materials 1ith +hose of
+heir 5riginal Components
5riginal Composite
*on!re#e 6ard/ lo, #en"ile "#reng#h/
doe" no# ru"h/ high
6igh #en"ile "#reng#h/
#ough/ doe" no# !ra!9
!omre""ion "#reng#h/
(ri##le/ fireroof/
,a#erroof/ ea"y #o
main#ain and !hea
ea"ily/ rela#i2ely !hea/
!an (e moulded ea"ily/
2ery lo, (uilding !o"#
and need" 2ery li##le
Good #en"ile "#reng#h/ ru"#/
Ei#rium o$ide/
(arium !ar(ona#e/
!oer(...) o$ide
=onA!ondu!#or ,i#h high
re"i"#an!e #o ele!#ri!i#y
3ery good !ondu!#or
,i#h 2ery li##le
*ibre optic
6igher refra!#i2e inde$/
0ran"aren#/ !heaer in
ma#erial" !o"#/ mu!h
#hinner/ ea"ily (end and
ligh#er/ le"" "u"!e#i(le
#o in#erferen!e/ mu!h
grea#er (and,id#h/ !arry
more da#a/ !hemi!ally
more "#a(le #han me#al
,ire" and da#a i"
#ran"mi##ed digi#ally
@o,er refra!#i2e inde$/
&la"#i! Sof#/ fle$i(le/ lo, den"i#y
6ard/ "#rong/ den"i#y
Gla"" Bri##le/ "#rong/ hard
0ran"aren#/ no# "en"i#i2e #o
0ran"aren# and
"en"i#i2e #o in#en"i#y of
Sil2er !hloride/
Sil2er (romide
Sen"i#i2e #o in#en"i#y of
We must appreciate these various synthetic industrial materials. One of
the way is bydoing continuous research and development ( R & D ) to
produce better materials used toimprove our standard of living. As we
live in a changing world our society is getting more comple!. "ew
materials are re#uired to overcome new challenges and problems weface
in our daily lives. $ynthetic material are developed constantly due to the
limitationand shortage of natural materials. "ew technological
developments are used by scientiststo ma%e new discoveries. "ew
materials for clothing shelter tools and communication to improve our
dailylife are developed continuously for the well&being of man%ind. "ew
needs and new problem will stimulate the development of new synthetic
materials. 'or e!ample the newuse of plastic composite material will
replace metal in the ma%ing of a stronger andlighter car body. (his will
save fuel and improve speed. )lastic composite materials mayone day
used to ma%e organs for organ transplant in human bodies. (his will
becomenecessity with the shortage of human organ donors.(he
understanding of the interaction between different chemicals is important
for both the development of new synthetic materials and the disposal of
such syntheticmaterials as waste. A responsible and systemic method of
handling the waste of syntheticmaterials and their by&product is
important to prevent environmental pollution. (herecycling and
development of environmental friendly synthetic material should
a. +an 7in +oon, 2oh 8ai 2eng, +an 5n +in, 299:, SUCC$SS
Chemistry S#M,5!ford *a;ar Sdn.-hd.
b. 8ebsite http:<<
c. 8ebsite http:<<111.1i)
d. $ng Nguan 3ong, 2im $ng 8ah, 2im 7ean Ching, 2999,
*5CUS AC$ S#M,#enerbitan #elangi Sdn.-hd.

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