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M: Good morning!
W: Good morning! How can I help you?
M: I understand that the school organizes umm trips to di!!erent
W: "es# We run !i$e e$ery month three during wee%ends and two Wednesday a!ternoon trips#
M: What sort o! places?
W: Well# &'$iously it $aries 'ut always places o! historical interest and also which o!!ers a
$ariety o! shopping 'ecause our students always as% a'out that# (nd then we go !or ones
where we %now there are guided tours 'ecause this gi$es a good !ocus !or the $isit#
M: )o you tra$el !ar?
W: Well we are luc%y here o'$iously 'ecause we are a'le to say that all our $isits are less than
three hours dri$e#
M: How much do they cost?
W: (gain it $aries 'etween * and 1* pounds a head depending on distance#
M: (h ha
W: &h and we do o!!er to arrange special trips i! you %now there are more than 1+ people# M:
&h right# I,ll %eep that in mind# (nd what are the times normally?
W: We try to %eep it pretty !i-ed so that the students get to %now the pattern# We lea$e at .#/0
a#m# and return at 1 p#m# We !igure it,s 'est to %eep the day !airly short#
M: &h yes and then how do we reser$e a place?
W: "ou sign your name on the notice 'oard# )o you %now where it is?
M: (h ha# I saw it this morning#
W: (nd we do as% that you sign up three days in ad$ance so we %now we,$e got enough people
interested to run it and we can cancel i! necessary with !ull re!und o! course#
M: 2hat,s !ine# 2han%s#
M: (nd what $isit su' plan !or this term?
W: 3ight# Well# I,m a!raid the schedule hasn,t 'een printed out yet# 4ut we ha$e con!irmed the
dates and planed the optional e-tra $isits which you can also 'oo% in ad$ance i! you want to#
M: &h that,s all right# (nd i! you can 5ust gi$e some ideas o! the wee%end ones so I can you
%now wor% out then to see !riends and such I
W: &h sure# Well err the !irst one is 6t# I$es# 2hat,s on the 1/th o! 7e'ruary and we will ha$e
only 11 places a$aila'le 'ecause we,re going 'y mini 'us# (nd that,s the day in town with the
optional e-tra o! $isiting the Hepworth Museum#
M: (ll right# "es ah# 2hat sounds good#
W: (nd then there,s a 8ondon trip on the 11th o! 7e'ruary# (nd we will 'e ta%ing a medium size
coach so there will 'e 9* places on that# (nd let,s see the optional e-tra is the 2ower o! 8ondon#
M: &h I,$e already 'een there#
W: "am# (!ter that is 4ristol on the /rd o! March#
M: Where?
W: 4ristol# 4:3:I:6:2:&:8#
M: &%ay#
W: 2hat,s in a di!!erent mini 'us with 1. places a$aila'le# &h and the optional e-tra is $isit to
the 6#6# Great 4ritain#
1 ; +0


M: &%ay#
W: We,re going to 6alis'ury on the o! March# (nd that,s always the popular one 'ecause
the optional e-tra is 6tonehenge# 6o we,re ta%ing the large coach with *0 seats#
M: &h good#
W: (nd then the last one is to 4ath on the +/rd o! March#
M: &h yes is 4ath the 3oman city?
W: "es that,s right# (nd that,s in the 11 seats mini 'us#
M: (nd where,s the optional $isit?
W: It,s to the (merican Museum well worth $isit#
M: &%ay that,s great# (nd than%s all that#
W: My pleasure# &h 'y the way i! you want more in!ormation a'out any o! the trips ha$e a
loo% in the student newspaper#
M: &%#
W: &r ha$e a word with my assistant# Her name is <ane "ento'# 2hat,s ":=:>:2:&:4#
M: (ll right# I,$e got that# 2han% you $ery much !or all your help#
W: "ou,re welcome# I hope you,ll en5oy the trips#
Good a!ternoon e$ery'ody and welcome to 3i$erside Industrial ?illage# 2o start your $isit I@m
5ust going to gi$e you a 'rie! account o! the history o! the museum 'e!ore letting you roam
a'out on your own# I won@t %eep you long# &A?
>ow !rom where we@re standing you@$e got a good $iew o! the ri$er o$er there# (nd it was
'ecause o! this !ast !lowing water that this site was a natural place !or manu!acturing wor%s#
2he water and the a$aila'ility o! raw materials in the area li%e minerals and iron ore and also
the a'undance o! local !uels li%e coal and !irewood all made this site suita'le !or industry !rom
a $ery early time#
Water was the main source o! power !or the early industries and some o! the water wells were
!irst esta'lished in the twel!th century would you 'elie$e? (t that time local cra!tsmen !irst
'uilt an iron !orge 5ust 'ehind the $illage here on the 'an% near the ri$er# 4y the se$enteenth
and eighteenth centuries the region@s ri$ers supported more than 110 water mills and many o!
these continued to operate well into the nineteenth century# 4ut then the steam engine was
in$ented and then the railways came and the centres o! industry were a'le to mo$e away !rom
the ri$ers and the countryside and into the towns# 6o industrial $illages li%e this one 'ecame
$ery rare#
6o that@s the history !or you# I! you@d li%e any more in!ormation you can as% me some
Buestions or you can read !urther in our e-cellent guide'oo%#
>ow I,m going to gi$e you a plan o! the site and I,d 5ust li%e to point out where e$erything is and
then you can ta%e a loo% at e$erything !or yoursel!# I,$e already pointed out the ri$er which is
on the le!t# (nd o! course running along the 'ottom is Woodside 3oad# Got it? &% now we are
standing at the entrance# 6ee at the 'ottom and immediately to our right is the tic%et o!!ice#
"ou won,t need that 'ecause you,$e got your group 'oo%ing 'ut 5ust pass it are the toilets
always could to %now where they are# In !ront o! us is the car par% as you can see# (nd to the
le!t 'y the entry gate is the gi!t shop that is where you can get copies o! the guide li%e this one
here# >ow 'eyond the car par% all the 'uildings are arranged in a hal! circle with a yard in the
middle# 2he 'ig stone 'uilding at the top is the main wor%shop# 2hat,s where the !irm is and
where all the metal was melted and tools were cut as you will 'e a'le to see# >ow in the top
right hand corner that 'uilding with 'igger windows is the show room where samples o! all the
tools that were made through the ages were on display# In the top le!t corner is the grinding
shop where the tools were sharpened and !inished# (nd on one side o! that you can see the
engine room and on the other is the ca!C which isn,t too antiBue you would 'e pleased to
%now though they do ser$e $ery nice old !ashion teas# 2he lower 'uildings you can see on the
le!t are the cottages# 2hese were 'uilt !or the wor%s towards the end o! the eighteenth century
and they are still !urnished !rom that period so you can get a good idea o! ordinary people li$ing
conditions# (cross the yard !rom them you can see the 6ta'les where the horses were %ept !or
transporting the products# (nd the separate 'uilding in !ront o! them is the Wor%s &!!ice and
that still has some o! the old accounts on display# 3ight# I! anyone wants a guided tour then I
am starting at the engine room# I! you,d li%e to come along this way please ladies and
W: =-cuse me )r# <ohnson# May I spea% to you !or a minute?
M: 6ure# Dome in#
W: I,m Melanie Gri!!in# I,m ta%ing your course in population studies#
M: 3ight so well Melanie how can I help you?
W: I,m ha$ing a 'it trou'le with the second assignment and it,s due in 1+ days#
M: What,s the sort o! trou'le are you ha$ing? Is the assignment Buestion a pro'lem?
W: Well that,s part o! the pro'lem# I,m also ha$ing 'een ha$ing trou'le getting hold o! the
'oo%s# I,$e 'een to the li'rary se$eral times and all the 'oo%s were out#
M: It sounds li%e you should start 'orrowing the 'oo%s a 'it earlier#
W: Well I ha$e really a 'ig assignment due !or another course and I ha$e 'een spending all my
time on that and I thought
M: (nd you might get an e-tension o! time to !inish your assignment !or me?
W: I! that,s possi'le# 4ut I don,t %now
M: Well# "es it,s possi'le# 4ut e-tensions are normally gi$en only !or medical or compassionate
reasons# &therwise that,s really a Buestion o! organizing your study and we don,t li%e gi$ing an
e-tension to a student who simply didn,t plan the wor% properly# What did you get !or your !irst
W: I got .E percent#
M: Fmm# "es you did $ery well indeed# 6o o'$iously you can produce good wor%#
W: I don,t thin% I need too much e-tra time as long as I can get hold o! some important
re!erences# M: Well since you did so well in your !irst assignment I,m prepared to gi$e you an
e-tra two wee%s !or this one# 6o that will mean you need to su'mit it a'out a month !rom now#
W: &h than% you#
M: >ow what a'out the reading materials? 6o you chec% out the 5ournal articles in the list?
W: &h no not yet# 2here were a'out twenty o! them I wasn,t sure which ones should 'e most
use!ul or all important#
M: Well they,re all use!ul 'ut I don,t e-pect anyone to read them all 'ecause a num'er o! them
deal with the same issues# (nd let me gi$e you some suggestions# 2he article 'y (nderson and
Haw%er is really worth reading#
W: 3ight# I,ll read that one#
M: "ou should also read the article 'y <ac%son 'ut 5ust loo% at the part at the research
methodology how they did it#
W: &% <ac%son I got that#
M: (nd i! you ha$e time the one 'y 3o'erts says $ery a lot o! things although it,s not essential#
W: &%# I! it,s use!ul I,ll try with that one#
M: >ow the one 'y Morris# I wouldn,t 'orrow with that at this stage i! I were you#
W: &% I won,t 'orrow with Morris# &h now someone told me that the article 'y Dooper is
important# M: &h yes 'ut 5ust loo% at the last part where it discusses the research result#
W: (nd last there,s 7orster# I can,t thin% why I included that one# 2hat,s not 'ad and could 'e
some help 'ut not that much#
M: >ow let,s deal with the assignment Buestion# What,s the pro'lem there?
W: It,s graph !rom page +#
M: It seems to 'e the pro'lem is 5ust a'out the 'ar graph showing reasons why peoples change
where they li$e#
W: Well I,$e got a photocopy 'ut the reasons at the 'ottom are missing#
M: &%# 8oo% at the !irst 'ar on the graph# >ow that indicates the num'er o! people who mo$e
'ecause they want more space#
W: &h I see# 4ar one# &% now what,s a'out the ne-t 'ar?
M: 4ar two is to do with the people who li$e near'y distur'ing them so they chose to mo$e
away to somewhere Buieter# >ow let,s loo% at 'ar >o#/# (nother reason people change their
places o! li$ing is 'ecause they want to 'e closer to the city#
W: &%# Gro-imity to the city is the issue#
M: >ow 'ar >o#9 re!ers to pro'lems when the owner o! the property won,t help !i- things go
wrong# In other words the owner is not help!ul and so the tenants mo$e out#
W: &% now what a'out 4ar *#
M: 4ar * is a'out those people who mo$e 'ecause they need a 'us or train to get among the
city or to go to wor%#
W: &% and 4ar 1?
M: 4ar >o#1 is mid:resting# 2hat reason was gi$en Buite a lot# Geople mo$e in 'ecause they
wanted to 'e in a more attracti$e neigh'ourhood#
W: &h yes# 2han% you $ery much#
Good day ladies and gentlemen# I@$e 'een as%ed today to tal% to you a'out the ur'an
landscape# 2here@re two ma5or areas that I@ll !ocus on in my tal%: how $egetation can ha$e a
signi!icant e!!ect on ur'an climate and how we can 'etter plan our cities using trees to pro$ide
a more com!orta'le en$ironment !or us to li$ing#
2rees can ha$e a signi!icant impact on our cities# 2hey can ma%e our cities as a whole a 'it less
windy or a 'it more windy as that what you want# 2hey can ma%e it a 'it cooler i! it@s a hot
summer day in an (ustralian city or they can ma%e it a 'it more humid i! it@s a dry inland city#
&n the local scale that is a particular area within the city trees can ma%e the local area more
shady cooler more humid and much less windy# In !act trees and plantings o! $arious o! %inds
can 'e used to ma%e city streets actually less dangerous in particular areas#
How do trees do that you@ll as%? Well the main di!!erence 'etween a tree and a 'uilding is a
tree has got an internal mechanism to %eep the temperature regulated# It e$aporates water
through its lea$es# (nd that means the temperature o! the lea$es is ne$er $ery !ar !rom our
own 'ody temperature# 2he temperature o! a 'uilding sur!ace on a hot sunny day can easily 'e
+0 degrees more than our temperature# 2rees on the other hand remain cooler than 'uildings
'ecause they sweat# 2his means they can humidi!y the air and cool it a property which can 'e
e-ploited to impro$e the local climate#
2rees can also help 'rea% the !orce o! the winds# 2he reason that high 'uildings may %eep
windier at ground le$el is that as the wind goes higher and higher it goes !aster and !aster#
When the wind hits the 'uilding it has to go somewhere# 6ome o! it goes o$er the top and
some goes around the sides o! the 'uilding !orcing those high le$el winds down to ground
le$el# 2hat doesn@t happen when you ha$e trees# 2rees !ilter the wind and considera'ly reduce
it pre$enting those $ery large strong gusts that you so o!ten !ind around tall 'uildings#
(nother pro'lem in 'uilt:up areas is the tra!!ic noise is intensi!ied 'y tall 'uildings# 4y planting a
'elt o! trees at the side o! the road you can ma%e things a little Buieter 'ut much o! the $ehicle
noise still goes through the trees# 2rees can also help reduce the amount o! noise in the
surroundings although the e!!ect is not as large as people would li%e to thin%# 8ow !reBuency
noise in particular 5ust goes through the trees as that they aren@t there#
(lthough trees can signi!icantly impro$e the local climate they do howe$er ta%e up a lot o!
space# 2here@re route system to consider and 'ranches 'loc%ing the windows and so on# It may
there!ore 'e di!!icult to !it trees into the local landscape# 2here@s not a great deal you can do i!
you ha$e what we call a street canyon a whole set o! high:rises enclosed in the narrow street#
2rees need water to grow# 2hey also need some sunlight to grow and you need room to put
them# I! you ha$e the chance o! %noc%ing 'uildings down and replacing them then suddenly
you can start loo%ing at di!!erent ways to design the streets and to introduce###H=ndI
W: &h Geter there you@re# It@s 'een ages# What catches so long?
M: 6orry I@m so late 6ally# Ha$e you 'een waiting long?
W: Hal! an hour# 4ut it doesn@t matter# I had a co!!ee and I had 'een reading this guide'oo% !or
tourists# 6it down#
M: Fmm#
W: "ou loo% $ery hot and tired# What would you li%e to drin%?
M: I@d lo$e really chill mineral water or something# Would you ha$e another co!!ee?
W: "es I@ll# 2he waitress will 'e 'ac% in a moment# Why are you so late# )id something happen?
M: "es# "ou %now I went to the 'an% to cash something tra$eller@s cheBues# Well the e-change
rate was loo%ing $ery healthy 'ut I went to the teller they told me that the computer system
was temporarily down# 6o they couldn@t do any transactions# 2hey said the pro'lem would 'e
!i-ed in a !ew minutes so I waited# (nd then I started tal%ing to another guy in the 'an% and I
!orgot the time#
W: &h really? 6omeone you met in the 'an%# )oes he wor% there?
M: >o he was a tourist !rom >"# His name is Henry# (nd he@s 'een here !or a wee% 'ut he@s
mo$ing on to Germany tomorrow# He@s an architect and he@s spending !our wee%s tra$elling
along =urope# W: <ust li%e us?
M: "es 5ust li%e us# He told me the names o! some places where we should eat# Great !ood and
not too e-pensi$e he said# &h and he also ga$e me this map o! the 'uses to me he said he
didn@t need it anymore#
W: 2hat@s use!ul# 4ut he@s mo$ing on tomorrow# "es here@s the waitress# 8et@s order# )o you
want something to eat? &r should we 5ust ha$e a drin%?
M: Well# I@m hungry# (nd we@$e got a lot o! sightseeing to do# 6o let@s 5ust ha$e a snac% and
drin%# W: It sounds good to me#
M: Well# 8et@s decide what we@ll see today# I guess the 'est place to start is the Dathedral and
then the Dastle# What@re the opening times !or those two?
W: Well according to this guide'oo% the Dathedral is only open !rom J#/0 in the morning until
midday# H(h###I >o hang on# 2hat@s the Dathedral Museum# H&h!I 2he Dathedral itsel! is open
morning and a!ternoon# 2he Dastle is 5ust open !rom 1 to * so we can@t go there until a!ter
lunch# I really want to spend some time on the (rt Gallery 'ecause they@$e got this wonder!ul
painting 'y 3em'randt that I always want to see#
M: What else should we see?
W: Well the guide'oo% says the 4otanical Gardens worth spending some time in# (nd there@re
open all day !rom . to 1 so we go there anytime# H=n###I I@d li%e to go to the mar%ets near the
ri$er too# 4ut ### &h no way that@s only in the mornings too#
M: (s well as today and tomorrow we can see some other places on Monday you %now# 4ut I
don@t thin% the mar%ets will 'e open then# 2hey only open on 2hursdays# 6o we miss them !or
this wee%# May'e we can go to the Dathedral today 'ecause it@s 6unday tomorrow# (nd e$en
though it@s open e$ery day it might 'e di!!icult to get in tomorrow 'ecause the chair ser$ices#
W: 2hat is true# 4ut the (rt Gallery isn@t open on 6undays at all# 6o we@ll ha$e to go there today#
H=nI 2he Dastle is open e$ery day e-cept Monday# 6o it@ll o%ay there# (nd the Gardens o! course
is only closed at night#
M: (re all these places !ree? &r do we ha$e to pay to go in? What does the guide'oo% say?
W: I thin% there@s a charge !or all o! them e-cept the 4otanical Gardens# &h and the mar%ets# &!
course you don@t pay to go in#
M: &%ay well let@s ha$e a loo% at our plan at this# We@ll go to see the painting you li%e !irst
that the 3em'randt then ha$e lunch then we go on to the Dastle a!ter that and then the
W: &%ay# It says here that the roo! o! the Dathedral is really 'eauti!ul#
M: Is that right? 4ut I really want to do with the Dathedral is clim' the tower# 2he $iew is
supposed to 'e spectaculous!
W: &%ay well that@ll 'e more than enough today# (nd tomorrow let@s go to the 4otanical
Gardens and ha$e a picnic# H=n!I I want to sit 'y the ri$er and watch the swans# 2he city@s
!amous !or them# test+_section+
6o the Dounselling 6er$ices we are !or dealing with any pro'lems arising !rom your studies or in
your li!e outside the uni$ersity#
8et@s ta%e academic counselling# I! you con!use a'out su'5ects or how to com'ine them o! your
degree we can ad$ise you and discuss the career you are aiming !or so that you can see it all in
conte-t# We can also chase up your tutor i! you@re not getting proper !eed'ac% on how you will
'e getting on your su'5ects#
4esides help with academic pro'lems you may also need personal counselling# I! you thin%
you@re already under stress well 5ust wait to classes 'egin ne-t wee% you@ll ha$e to start
ad5usting to teaching and learning methods that may 'e un!amiliar to you as well as the
mounting pressures the deadline !or that !irst assignment creates upon you#
(nd o! course you@ll ha$e to cope with all these without your usual social networ% you %now
the social contacts !amily and !riends you can normally rely on !or help# (ll o! this causes
an-iety# 6tudying o$erseas can trigger a personal crisis# "ou may ha$e le!t a lot o! or you might
call un!inished 'usiness 'ac% in your own country# &r you may ha$e interrupted personal
relationships or e$en sometimes 'ro%en them o!! to come o$erseas# (nd so students o!ten !eel
so lonely unhappy unmoti$ated and una'le to concentrate on study# &r there may 'e other
things 'othering you# &ur resident chapel can o!!er you spiritual guidance i! that what you want
or we can put you in touch with community groups that can pro$ide you with social contacts
and !riendship#
What a'out e-am stress? It e!!ects nearly e$ery one to some e-tent 'ut especially o$ersea
students li%e yoursel$es# 2here may 'e a huge amount o! !amily pressure on you to succeed#
(nd i! you !ail a su'5ect or drop o!! a course 'ecause it@s too di!!icult then your sel!:esteem can
su!!er 'ut it@s not the end o! the world i! you don@t pass an e-am# I had a reset !irst year
anthropology so I can certainly o!!er you a sympathetic hear# (nyway e-am !ailure can lead
$arying changes in the way you normally 'eha$e#
"ou may also 'e o!! your !ood or you may ha$e dietary pro'lems 'ecause the local !ood is not
to your li%ing and upset you and this can a!!ect your health and studies# Glenda 3o'erts is our
dietician in the health ser$ice and we can put you onto her#
(nd we all ha$e money pro'lems don@t we? 4ut remem'er !ull:time students can get a low
interest loan o! up to 100 dollars to 'uy 'oo%s and !or similar study related e-penses# 2hat@s
right# (nd you can get a dou'le that amount i! you can@t a!!ord an item or eBuipment you need
!or your course so musical instrument !or e-ample# 2hat doesn@t stop there# When you mo$e
into a !lat starting:up e-penses including !urniture a!!ord can 'e co$ered 'y a loan through the
wel!are ser$ice# 6ee <ill 7reeman !or details#
Dan we help you? Well last academic year in spite o! sta!! cuts we counselled +90 international
students !or a total o! +100 hours@ counselling# (nd !inally we won all the 5ust one o! the twel$e
appeals that we launched on 'eha$es o! the students# >ot too 'ad !or an understa!! ser$ice
don@t you thin%? 2hat@s all !or me# 2han% you#
W:&h there you are good# 6orry I@m a 'it late# 2here was a long Bueue# 6o ha$e you wor% out
how to do with the assignment then?
M1:>ot yet# We@$e 'een here only a couple o! minutes oursel$es#
W: Dan you 5ust remind me what the tas% is e-actly?
M+: Well there@re two err no three parts to it# 2he !irst we ha$e got to write an essay a'out
ways o! collecting data then###
W: What@s the title o! the essay e-actly?
M1: I@$e got a here# (ssess the two main methods o! collecting data in social science research#
W: (nd how much do we need to write?
M1: 1*00 words# 2hat@s the essay# 2hen !or the second part o! this assignment we ha$e to
choose one method o! data collection and carry out a small:scale study ma%ing appropriate use
o! the method chosen to get data !rom at least * su'5ects#
W: (nd then we ha$e to write a report on the study?
M+: 2hat@s right# It@s three to !our thousands words#
W: )id you get as !ar as discussing which !orm o! data collection we should go !or?
Kuestionnaire or inter$iew isn@t it?
M1: "es I thin% we should do a Buestionnaire# 2hat would 'e so much less time consuming than
organizing inter$iews I recommend# &nce we@$e agreed on the wording we only ha$e to send it
out and wait !or the responses#
W: "es###I thin% it pro'a'ly would 'e Buic%er# 4ut what that are the article ga$e us last wee% say
a'out the Buality o! data !rom Buestionnaires
M1:I@m pretty sure recommended Buestionnaires are source o! highly relia'le data as long as
you design the Buestionnaire properly in the !irst place the data will 'e !ine#
W: >o# I@m sure it tal%s a'out draw'ac%s as well doesn@t it something a'out the response rate
and the pro'lems you get i! it is too low#
M1: "es 'ut we only need data !rom * su'5ects anyway#
W: &h I suppose so# (nother draw'ac% I remem'er it mentions was that Buestionnaire data
tends not to re$eal anything une-pected 'ecause it is limited to the Buestions !i-ed in ad$ance
'y the researcher# M1: Dome on 3ose# 2his is only a practice# It seems not a real research is it?
W: Well I@m sure a'out that#
W: May'e I@ll 'e 'ac% through the article again# <ust to 'e sure# Dan you remem'er what was
called? M: 6ample sur$eys and social science research I thin% 'y Mehta#
W: M:=:H:2:(?
M: "ep# (nd he also recommended a more reasona'le called 6ur$ey research 'y 4elle I thin%#
It@s an art series pu'lished 'y 8ondon Fni$ersity#
M+: (nd i! we try to use inter$iews instead I saw a 'oo% in the departmental li'rary that will 'e
help!ul !or this it is called Inter$iews that wor% 'y Wilson pu'lished in &-!ord in 1J..#
W: 3ight# &h I ha$e got a tutorial now# Dan we meet up again later this wee%# What a'out
7riday morning?
M: 6uits me# 11 o@cloc%?
W: 7ine#
M: 4e!ore 7riday I thin% we should all loo% though the reading list#
6o !ar in these lectures we@$e 'een loo%ing at crimes li%e ro''ery and murder 'oth !rom
$iew o! point and also in contemporary society# (nd we@$e seen the preoccupation o! western
societies with crime and with lawlessness is a pile o! long and continuous tradition rather than
something which is null and uniBue to modern society#
4ut o$er the past E0 years or so there@s 'een a massi$e increase in one type o! crime which
was what@s %nown as corporate crime# Dorporate crime is crime which as the name suggests is
connected with companies with 'usiness organizations# It includes illegal acts leader
indi$iduals or a group within a company# 4ut what is important is that these actors normally in
accordance with the goals o! the company# 2hey@re !or the good o! the company rather than
the indi$idual# It@s 'een de!ined as Buote crime which is committed !or the corporate
organization the company not against it unBuote# 6o crimes li%e the!t 'y employees things
li%e### err### em'ezzlement or !raud against one@s actual employer are e-cluded according to
this de!inition# 2he employees may'e in$ol$e 'ut they@re acting in the !irst place !or the
company# 2hey may not e$en realize that they commit a crime or they may realize 'ut they !eel
it@s e-cusa'le 'ecause it@s policy or 'ecause otherwise they may lose their 5o's# 6o here we@re
really tal%ing a'out the lin%s 'etween power and crime#
>ow this is one area that much less generally %nown a'out the con$entional or traditional
crime# It@s 'een relati$ely ignored 'y the mass media# 7or e-ample it tends to 'e
underreported in comparison with con$entional crime in news 'roadcasts and in crime series o!
!ilms and so on# 2hey $ery rarely deal with corporate crime# (nd it also tends to 'e ignored in
academic circles as 'eing !ar more research on con$entional crime and !ar more data is
2here@re se$eral reasons !or this lac% o! interest in corporate crime compared with other types
o! crime# It@s o!ten $ery comple- whereas con$entional crime it@s usually possi'le to !ollow
what@s going on without specialist %nowledge# (s well as this whereas con$entional crime has a
lot o! human interest corporate crime o!ten has much less# 2he third reason and possi'ly the
most signi!icant one is that $ery o!ten that $ictims are unaware# 2hey thin% their mis!ortune is
an accident or that is the !ault o! no one in particular# 2hey@re unaware that they@$e 'een
$ictims o! a crime#
6o when we loo% at the e!!ects o! corporate crime we may !ind it@s $ery di!!icult to assess the
costs 'ut these costs can 'e $ery considera'le in 'oth their economic and social aspects#
8et@s loo% at the economic costs !irst# 7or e-ample i! a company is producing !ruit 5uice and it
dilutes its product so that@s 5ust a little 'elow the concentration it should 'e many millions o!
people may 'e paying a small amount o! e-tra !or their carrot orange 5uice# >ow some amounts
li%e this may seem insigni!icant !or indi$idual customers too small to worry a'out# 4ut !or the
company this deception might result in massi$e illegal pro!it# Howe$er all our studies o!
corporate crime agree that the indi$iduals are in !act depri$ed o! !ar more money 'y such crime
than they@re 'y con$entional crime li%e ro''ery and the!t#
In addition to this we ha$e to consider the social costs o! corporate crime# (nd these are again
$ery di!!icult to assess 'ut they@re considera'le# 2hey@re important 'ecause they can undermine
the !aith o! the pu'lic in the 'usiness world# (nd also more importantly 'ecause the main
group o! people they@re in !act e!!ected not the richer section o! the society 'ut the poorer# 6o
here companies are ro''ing the poorer then 'ene!it the rich#
2here@re two more points to do with corporate crime# 2hen I@d li%e to illustrate with the
re!erence to a paci!ic e$ent which occurred se$eral years ago# 2his was an e-plosion o! a large
oil tan%er which cost the loss o! more than !i!ty li$es o! the crew# It was an e-plosion which
ne$er should ha$e happened and the su'seBuent inBuiry laid the 'lame not on anyone who@s
actually 'een on the tan%er at the time 'ut on the owners o! the tan%er# 2hey had deli'erately
decided not to carry out necessary repair wor% on the tan%er as it was due to 'e sold# (nd it
was this lac% o! repair wor% which was directly responsi'le !or the e-plosion#
>ow this illustrates two points to do with corporate crime# 7irst o! all that it@s not had to 'e
intentional# 2he owners o! the tan%er certainly did not intend it to e-plode 'ut $ery serious
conseBuence can result !rom people or organizations not considering the possi'le results are
their actions seriously enough# 2he main crime here was indi!!erence to the human results
rather than actual intention to harm anyone# 4ut that didn@t ma%e the results any less tragic#
(nd this leads to my second point# 2hat corporate crime can ha$e $ery se$ere conseBuences#
It@s not 5ust a matter o! companies ma%ing 'ig pro!its they should do 'ut o! o!!ense which may
a!!ect the li$es o! innocent people# (nd here@re $ery o!ten companies 'ecause they say they
didn@t intend to harm anyone can a$oid ta%ing responsi'ility !or the results o! their actions and
that has 'een a $ery dangerous slop hole in the law#
>ow !urther e-ample o! corporate crime was the###
W: 6arah I@$e heard that you want to mo$e into a home:stay !amily is that correct?
6: "es that@s right# I@$e 'een staying with my aunt and now my cousin is arri$ing !rom 6ingapore
and my aunt need ser$e room !or him#
W: &h that@s 'ad luc%# Well I@ll need to get some particulars !irst# =rr 6arah what@s your !ull
name? 6: 6arah 8him and that@s 6arah with 8him
W: =n how old are you 6arah?
6: +/ only 5ust# It was my 'irthday on the +1st o! (ugust#
W: (h happy 'irthday !or yesterday# How long ha$e you 'een in (ustralia?
6: ( year in (delaide and 1 months in 6ydney# I pre!er 6ydney# I@$e got more !riends here#
W: What@s your address your aunt@s house?
6: 7lat 1 */J 7orest 3d# Danter'ury and the post code is +0/1#
W: &%ay# What@re you studying now?
6: I was studying general =nglish in (delaide# (nd now I@m doing academic =nglish 'ecause I@m
trying to get into medicine ne-t year#
W: 2hat sounds good 'ut it@ll ta%e you a long time# When would you li%e to mo$e out !rom your
6: My cousin arri$es on 7riday morning# 6o I@d 'etter to 'e out on 2hursday#
W: What### the Eth o! 6eptem'er#
6: "es that@s right#
W: 2hat doesn@t lea$e us much time# 3ight o%ay# I need to %now what %ind o! accommodation
you@d li%e so I can get you something suita'le#
10 ; +0

6: Dan I share room with someone else# I@$e 'een alone in my room o! my aunt@s and I@$e always
shared with my sister and I li%e that#
W: "es# 7ine# 2hat@ll sa$e you money too# Would you li%e to li$e with the !amily or do you thin%
that a single person will 'e 'etter !or you# I@$e lots o! $ery nice single people on my 'oo%s#
6: )o you ha$e any women li$ing alone retired women?
W: "es I@$e Buite a !ew whose children ha$e grown up and le!t home# In !act I ha$e some really
lo$ely retired ladies li$ing 'y themsel$es who 5ust lo$e the accompany o! students# Most o!
them li$ing in !lats 'ut that@s not a pro'lem !or you isn@t it?
6: >ot at all# I@m used to that# My aunt li$es in a !lat too remem'er? I@m not used to a 'ig house
with a golden swimming pool pets song on that#
W: &%ay !ine# I %now Buite a 'it a'out what you want now# I should let you %now that your rent
will 'e 110 dollars a wee%# I@ll ha$e to pay me /+0 dollars as a deposit 'e!ore you mo$e in# 2he
deposit is as insurance in case you 'rea% something# "ou need to pay monthly to me 'y cash or
cheBue I don@t mind# "ou don@t need to pay !or gas li%e electricity or water# 4ut you@ll need to
pay your proportion o! the phone 'ill# Most !amilies do that on their own system 'ut you ha$e
to wait and see# Ha$e you got any more Buestions !or me?
6: When will you %now where I can go?
W: I@ll wor% on it now# 6o come and see me tomorrow and I should ha$e some news !or you
then# 6: 2han%s a lot#
W: Good'ye see you tomorrow# (!ter lunch will 'e 'etter !or me#
6: &%ay see you then# 4ye#
G=&773=": Good e$ening and in this wee%@s edition o! @7ocus on the (rts@ <ane Hemmington is
going to !ill us in on what@s in store !or us at this year@s 6ummer 7esti$al# &$er to you <ane#
<ane: 2han% you Geo!!rey# 2his year the 6ummer 7esti$al is the 'iggest we@$e e$er seen so
there should 'e something !or e$ery'ody# 2his is the third year they@$e run it and the timing@s
slightly di!!erent: !or the last couple o! years it@s 'een around the !i!th to se$enteenth 'ut this
year they wanted to allow e$eryone enough time to reco$er !rom the !irst o! <anuary
cele'rations and they@$e put it at the end o! the month#
2he programme has sensational theatre dance and also a large num'er o! art e-hi'itions 'ut
the thing the 7esti$al is most !amous !or is its great street music# 7or today@s report though
Geo!!rey I@m loo%ing at some o! the theatrical e$ents that you might li%e to seeL in particular at
this year@s theme :: circuses#
I@m going to tell you a'out two circus per!ormances 'ut there@re plenty o! others in the
programme# I@$e chosen these 'ecause they represent distinct mo$ements within circus
per!ormance# 2he !irst is the Dircus 3omano !rom Italy# (s this is a tra$elling circus it !ollows a
long tradition 'y per!orming in a marBuee which is really li%e a can$as porta'le 'uilding
usually put up in a green space or car par% rather than in a theatre or stadium#
In spite o! this Dircus 3omano isn@t at all li%e the traditional circuses I grew up with# 2here are
no animals 5ust $ery talented clowning and acro'atic routines# 2he show has a lot o! $ery !unny
moments especially at the 'eginning 'ut the 'est part is the music and lighting# 2hey@re
magical# (t !orty:!i$e dollars it@s $ery e-pensi$e anyway# It@s really !or adult tastes# In !act much
o! it would 'e wasted on children so I suggest you lea$e them at home#
2he second circus per!ormance is Dircus =lectrica at the 6tudio 2heatre# 2he purists are
suggesting that this isn@t a circus at all# It@s a showcase !or s%ills in dance and magic rather than
the usual one you e-pect in a circus# With only si- per!ormers it@s a small production which
suits the $enue well :: the 6tudio only seats a'out two hundred people# 7or my money it@s the
aerial displays which are outstanding as well as the magical tric%s :: !eatures which are missing
!rom Dircus 3omano# (n interesting !eature o! the show is the per!ormers are so young :: the
youngest is only !ourteen# 4ut it@s still well worth seeing a good one !or the whole !amily#
(nd !inally as it@s summer you may wish to see some o! the 7esti$al per!ormances that are
'eing presented outdoors# 8i%e the !amous Me%ong Water Guppet 2roupe per!orming in the
Dity Garden this wee%# >ow water puppetry is amazing# It@s large puppets on long stic%s
controlled 'y puppeteers standing waist deep in the la%e# 2he puppets do comedy routines and
there is some terri!ic !ormation dancing# 2his is a !antastic show and the 'est one comes at the
end :: seeing the puppeteers# When the troupe wal%s up out o! water you get this amazing
!eeling# It@s really hard to 'elie$e it what you@$e 'een watching is li!eless wood and cloth# (s an
adult I had a great time 'ut I did note that other older people in the audience weren@t Buite as
ta%en with as I was# It@s a must !or young children though and that@s the audience it@s really
aimed at#
Well that@s all I@$e time !or today 'ut I@ll 'e 'ac% ne-t wee% with more news o! what@s worth
seeing and what it@s 'est to miss#
&!!icer: Hello# =r I@m )awn Matthews#
6tudent: "es hello# I@$e 'een re!erred to you 'ecause I@m enBuiring a'out the re!resher courses
that you run# I@d li%e to !ind out a 'it more a'out them#
&!!icer: &A# Well we run Buite a !ew di!!erent short courses !or students who are either
returning to study or studying part:time# Fm tell me a'out your situation#
6tudent: Well I thin% I really need some help in preparing !or the coming semester especially
to 'uild up my con!idence a 'it and help me study e!!ecti$ely 'ecause you see I@$e 'een out in
the wor%:!orce !or nearly twenty years now so it really is a long time since I was last a student#
&!!icer: "es it can seem li%e a long time can@t it? Fm well let me start 'y telling you what
courses we ha$e that might suit you# (re you an undergraduate or postgraduate? (rts or
6tudent: Fndergraduate and I@m in the 4usiness !aculty#
&!!icer: 3ight then# 7irst o! all there@s our intensi$e M6tudy !or 6uccessM seminar on the !irst and
second o! 7e'ruary# It@s aimed at students li%e you who are uncertain a'out what to e-pect at
college and loo%s at a !airly wide range o! approaches to uni$ersity learning to moti$ate you to
'egin your study and 'uild on your own learning strategies#
6tudent: Mm that sounds good# What@re some o! the strategies that are presented#
&!!icer: Well we try to co$er all aspects o! study# 6ome o! the strategies in writing !or e-ample
would 'e impro$ing your planning !or writing organising your thin%ing and 'uilding some
techniBues to help you write more clearly# With reading there will 'e sessions aimed at getting
into the ha'it o! analysing material as you need it and tips help you record and remem'er
what you ha$e read# It really is $ery important to 'egin reading con!idently right !rom the
6tudent: Mm#
&!!icer: 2here@s also ad$ice on how to get the most !rom your lectures and practice in gi$ing
con!ident presentations as well as how to prepare !or e-ams#
6tudent: What a'out the moti$ational side o! things?
&!!icer: (r well there@s a range o! moti$ational e-ercises that we do to help student !eel
positi$e and enthusiastic a'out their study# 2he process o! learning and e-ploring a su'5ect can
lead to a whole new way o! loo%ing at the world and the study s%ills and techniBues you 'uild
up can 'e applied in all sorts o! di!!erent ways#
6tudent: (ctually I### I@m $ery e-cited a'out the whole thing o! ta%ing up study again 'ut you
%now I@m a little ner$ous a'out whether I@ll manage to get e$erything done# I suppose it@s the
same !or all mature students?
&!!icer: &! course it is# 2wo o! the %ey components o! the course are time management and
o$ercoming procrastination# Geople disco$er that once they learn to plan their days all the
wor% can 'e accomplished and there@ll still time 'e !or leisure#
6tudent:Is there an enrolment !ee?
&!!icer:Well er oh 5ust a minute let@s see### (h the cost is /0 pounds which includes all cost
materials and morning tea# "ou ha$e to arrange your own lunch#
6tudent: 2hat won@t 'e a pro'lem# =r I already ma%e sandwiches !or my three %ids and my wi!e
and mysel! e$ery day# I won@t ha$e to change my routine#
&!!icer: >o# >ow I need to tell you that this is a $ery popular course and it@s essential that you
'oo% well ahead o! time# In !act the Dourse Don$enor tells me that there@re only !i$e places le!t#
6tudent: What other course might 'e good !or me?
&!!icer: 2here@s one other that you can 'ene!it !rom# It@s simply called @8earning 6%ills !or
Fni$ersity 6tudy@ and is on three consecuti$e mornings starting on a Monday !rom J to 1+ and
costs +* pounds# 2his is aimed at upgrading the study s%ills most school:lea$ers ha$e and help
them cope with the increased demands o! uni$ersity study# It !ocuses mainly on ma%ing student
more responsi'le !or their own success#
6tudent: What sort o! things are co$ered in this course?
&!!icer: Well 'asically it@s more ad$anced thin%ing note ta%ing reading and writing strategies
'ut also some input a'out stress management#
6tudent:I thin% I@d 'etter o!! starting !rom the 'asics and loo%ing at all the strategies don@t you?
&!!icer: "es !rom what you@$e told me I thin% that@s more in line with your situation#
6tudent: (lright then um can I 'oo% a place on the @6tudy !or success@ seminar course now?
&!!icer:"es let me 5ust get out a registration !orm and ta%e down your details#
We@re $ery grate!ul that the Dommittee has agreed that a representati$e !or the 6tudents@
Fnion can present students@ suggestions a'out the design !or the proposed new Fnion 'uilding#
We appreciate that some o! our ideas may not 'e !easi'le in the circumstances# 4ut we do !eel
that it is important that the ultimate 'ene!iciaries o! the !acilities should ha$e some say in its
I! I could start 'y 'rie!ly e-plaining what steps were ta%en to !ind out student opinion and how
we ha$e arri$ed at conclusions# 7irstly a meeting was held in the current Fnion !or our 6F
committee to e-plain the options# 2hen we in$ited all students to su'mit written suggestions
!or the design placing cards in a suggestion 'o-# 2heses suggestions then pro$ided the 'asis !or
the design o! a Buestionnaire which was completed 'y appro-imately two thousands o! the
Dollege students o$er a period o! three wee%s# 7inally the 6F Dommittee collected the results
and drew up a report# I! I can 5ust hand around a copy o! that report# 2his presentation is
essentially a summary and discussion o! the %ey points o! this report#
6o in 'road terms the consensus was as !ollows# 7irstly regarding the crucial matter o! the
site we presented the three options that you ha$e proposed# &ne: in the city centre near the
7aculty o! =ducationL two: on the outs%irts o! the city near the par% and three: out o! town
near the halls o! residence# We as%ed students to cite reasons !or and against these sites and
#### and there was remar%a'le agreement on all three# 6ite &ne was unpopular 'ecause o! tra!!ic
and par%ing pro'lems# 6ite 2wo had a num'er o! supporters mainly 'ecause it was close to
most lecture rooms# (nd 6ite 2hree out o! town near the halls o! residence was clearly the
most popular 'ecause o! access !rom li$ing Buarters# It was clear that the Fnion was mainly to
'e used a!ter lectures# It was also !elt the larger site would allow more room !or a choice o!
&ur second area o! interest was o'$iously the !acilities# 2here was minimal interest in ha$ing a
li'rary on the premises# 4ut one option seemed to 'e a reading room instead more use!ul# We
would li%e the current ta'le games room to 'e replaced with a small gym and i! possi'le small
swimming pool not o! course &lympic size# 2here was a large num'er o! respondents in
!a$our o! a tra$el agent@s and insurance centre# We also reBuest that there 'e the o!!ices o! the
6tudent Dounselling Dentre mo$ing this !rom the 3e!ectory# 2here was howe$er much
disagreement a'out whether to 'uild a drama theatre# <ust o$er !orty percent o! the
respondents were in !a$our 'ut largish minority were strongly against it claiming that it is
elitist and a waste o! !unds# =ssentially the 5ury is out on that#
7inally gi$en a num'er o! un!ortunate incidents in the current Fnion o$er the past !ew months
a strong point was repeatedly made a'out security# 2he recommendations would 'e at least
$ideo sur$eillance and security personnel who would chec% 6tudent Fnion cards on reBuest#
We dou't i! it would 'e !easi'le to ha$e a chec% reception o! all people coming in#
Well this is the summary o! the $iews o! student population# (s I say !urther details are gi$en
in our report 'ut I@m happy to ta%e any Buestions i! you ha$e them###
W: Hi 2ony# 2han%s e$er so much !or coming# "ou %now we@$e 'een as%ed to organise
something !or <ohn@s !arewell#
M: "es sure# It@s a'out time we started wor%ing out details#
W: =-actly# We don@t want to lea$e it so late that it@s dou'le the wor%#
M: 3ight# )o you want me to ta%e notes?
W: 2hat will 'e great# 2han%s#
M: Well !irst thing is when is the 'est time to hold it?
W: Well he lea$es on the +9th o! )ecem'er#
M: 6o what a'out the ++nd?
W: "es I thin% that@s a'out right# We want it Buite near the time don@t we?
M: 6ure and what a'out the $enue? In college? ( hotel?
W: I thin% a hotel will pro'a'ly wor% out rather e-pensi$e and I@$e 'een loo%ing at the Dollege
)inning 3oom# 2hat seems pretty reasona'le#
M: 7ine yeah why not?
W: (nd then we ought to 'e thin%ing a'out in$itations### Who we mustn@t !orget to in$ite?
M:&'$iously <ohn and his wi!e#
M:(nd the )irector# 2he o!!ice sta!!#
W:(nd all the teachers and all the students?
M:(nyone else?
W:7aculty heads?
M:>o 'etter draw the line I don@t thin% it@s necessary#
W:"es you@re right#
M:I don@t mind writing in$itations# When shall we get them out !or?
W:=nough time 'ut not too early# What a'out the !i!teenth o! )ecem'er?
M:Well there@re e-ams on the si-teenth 'etter a$oid them#
M:"eah that should do it#
W:6o what does that lea$e? &h yes a present#
M:Would you mind doing that?
W:>o not at all# We usually get around with en$elope during co!!ee 'rea% don@t we?
M:Do!!ee 'rea%@s always the 'est time 'ecause people ha$e got their money handy#
W:"es e-actly# )o we suggest an amount? &r does it seem a 'it un!air?
M:>o I thin% people welcome it# We suggested si- dollars last time# Is that &%?
W:"es plenty I would ha$e thought which should lea$e us with a'out ninety dollars?
M:Ha$e you any ideas !or presents?
W: Well I@$e 'een ha$ing a little thin%# I thought you %now he lo$es music#
M: "eah and 'oo%s#
W:6o I thought I@d chec% on prices !or well perhaps D) players?
M:"es# 2hat@s a good idea and also I thought may'e you %now a set o! dictionaries# I heard him
say he needed a good one#
W:2he other thing he was saying last wee% was that his computer printer had 'ro%en#
M:>o I@d 'e really !rightened a'out getting the wrong type# 2he other thing is something !or
the home# <ill suggested a co!!ee ma%er#
W:"es I@ll certainly !ind out what they cost# &% ha$e you got all that done?
W:>o we need to thin% a little more a'out the money# I %now we@$e got a set amount !rom the
6ocial 7und#
M: 3ight# What does that co$er?
W:It@s meant to co$er the cost o! the room#
W:(nd a certain amount !or !ood#
M:(nd also drin%s?
W:&h yeah certainly#
M:4ut will it 'e enough?
W:What we@$e done in the past is to as% guests to 'ring some snac%s#
W:We don@t as% them to 'ring more drin%s# 4ecause we !igure that@s that should come !rom
the 6ocial 7und#
M:&%# (nything else !or the guests to 'ring?
W:Well oh some music# 4ecause there@ll 'e a tape dec% there in the room# (nd we can ha$e
some dancing later on#
M:(nything else?
W:Well# It@s 5ust a thought# 4ut a couple o! years ago that we had a really good party where we
set up you %now some simple games#
M:"eah great# Wasn@t it 'ased on photos !rom the students and teachers?
W:2hat@s right#
M:6o we should as% the guests to 'ring photos# &% I@ll put it on the in$itations#
W:>ow the last thing is who shall we as% to do the speech?
M:)on@t you thin% it might 'e nice to ha$e one o! the students?
W:Well then the 6tudent 8eader?
M:"es much 'etter than the )irector gi$ing speeches again#
W:&% then I@ll as% her# 8o$ely so is that all?
M:8oo%s li%e it#
W:Great# 2han%s e$er so much# !ade out
spea%er 12han% you !or calling the !ree 2ra$elite 2ra$el (gency In!ormation 8ine#"ou will not
'e charged !or this call#
In order to deal with all calls e!!ecti$ely we o!!er you a num'er o! options#Glease listen
care!ully and press your reBuired num'er at the appropriate timeor dial a new num'er#I! you
want to hera a'out special o!!ersplease press one#I! you want to hear our latest price
listsplease press two#I! you want to ma%e a complaintplease press three#I! you want
in!ormation a'out our new wal%ing holidaysplease press !our now#
spea%er +2han% you !or calling our 2ra$elite Wal%ing Holidays 8ine#We ha$e 'een o!!ering a
wide $ariety o! wal%ing holidays to suit all tastes !or 5ust three years'ut already we ha$e won
two awards !or e-cellence in this !ield#We o!!er guided wal%ing tours to suit the discerning
tra$eller in twel$e di!!erent centres throughout the whole o! Western =urope#We are planning
to open our !irst centre outside this area in the coming yearso watch out !or de$elopments#
4ut the pride o! 2ra$elite is the le$el o! guidance and support we o!!er on our wal%s#(ll are
plannedin detail 'y our highly trained guideswho all wor% in a $ariety o! di!!erent 2ra$elite
locationsso we can guarantee standards#=ach day we o!!er three separate wal%s catering !or all
s%ills and !itness le$els#
We also pride oursel$es on our !riendly ser$iceparticularly important !or the increasing
num'ers o! people who choose to holiday alone#Fnli%e almost all tra$el operators who happily
charge large supplements !or single roomswe guarantee that no single client will pay
moree$en when only dou'le rooms are a$aila'le !or them#(nd the day doesn@t end with the
return to 'ase###a!ter our dinner at communal ta'les designed to ma%e all our guests !eel part
o! a !amily atmosphere###entertainment is laid on nearly e$ery night with tour leaders on hand
to organise lecturesgamesBuizzes and respond to any special reBuests !rom guests#
2he !ollowing is a summary o! costs and special inclusi$e o!!ers on holidays !or the coming
summer#We ha$e three lengths o! holiday:three:dayse$en:day and !ourteen:day#2he three:day
holiday costs one hundred and eighty dollars !or all accommodation!ood and wal%ingand !or
the !irst time this year we are including in that price###the cost o! pic%ing you up !rome the
nearest station#2he se$en:day holiday costs three hundred and !i!ty dollars per person andas
well as including the o!!ers o! the three:day holidayalso includes a magni!icent 'oo% gi$ing the
local history#&n top o! thatwe are a'le to include !ree maps###!or you to 'etter en5oy the
wal%ing and e$en plan in ad$ancei! you wish# 7or the !ourteen:day holidayour special price is
si- hundred and ninety dollars per person and that includes all the o!!ers !or the three: and
se$en:day holiday plus###mem'ership o! a local wal%ing clu'###so you can 'etter en5oy the !ull
!la$our o! the local li!e#
7or !urther in !ormationplease contact your local tra$el agent#2han% !or you calling the
2ra$elite 2ra$el (gency In!ormation 8ine###H!ade outI
MIA=: Hi 6ue#
6F=: Hi Mi%eso what happened to you last wee%?
MIA=: &hI was sic% with the !lu#What@s this I hear a'our a 'ig assignment we@$e got to do?
6F=: Well'asicallywe@$e got to !ind two science e-periments to do with a group o! eight:year:
old children at the local primary schooland we@$e got to complete it 'y the end o! the wee%#
MIA=: &hthat sounds li%e hard wor%#Where are we supposed to get the ideas !or these
e-periments !rom?
6F=: WellI managed to get hold o! two 'oo%s !rom the li'rary#
MIA=: &hwell done!
6F=: How a'out i! we ta%e a loo% at the e-periments in this 'oo% !irst and see i! anthing loo%s
suita'le? I can ma%e notes as we goa'out eBuipment and the purpose o! the e-periments#
MIA=: &Alet@s seeumthe !irst e-periment is called NMa%e your own ho$ercra!t@which sounds
$ery am'itious!Mind youyou only need twenty 'alloons and a ta'le:you don@t need any special
engines or anything li%e that!
6F=: What do you do with it all?
MIA=: =ryou 'low up the 'alloons and you 'alance the ta'le on themupside down o!
courseand the %ids get to ride around on it"ou %nowthe other %ids sort o! push them around
the room#2he main purpose is to show how ho$ercra!ts wor%and how things ho$er around on
5ust a cushion o! air# 6F=: &Athat doesn@t sound too 'ad#
MIA=: &Aready !or num'er two?
6F=: Hmmhmm#
MIA=: >ow this one is called NFnusual Measures o! 8engths@and you 'asically use lots o!
paperclips#2he %ids go around the class measuring things : you %nowhow long the des% isand
that sort o! thingumand then they all compare their answers=rand'asically'ecause not all
paperclips are the same lengthsthey should come up with some strange answers#It@s supposed
to demonstrate the importance o! ha$ing !i-ed units o! measuremen#
6F=: Hmmyesthat@s not 'ad#
MIA=: &Anow !or num'er three you need roc% salt or copper sulphate#
6F=: &hI@m not sure a'out that!
MIA=: Well5ust put down the roc% salt thenumapart !rom that you only need a 5ar o!
water#Fmand 'asically you dissol$e lots o! salt into the water and watch the crystals !ormso it
'asically teaches the %ids a'out growing crystals#
6F=: I suppose it would 'e nice to grow something#Hmm let@s mo$e on and ha$e a loo% at
num'er !our#
MIA=: &Athis one is called N6pinning colour wheel@It loo%s li%e you get some card'oard and
draw a circle on itdi$ide it into si- eBual segments and colour each one in using di!!erent
coloursthen you thread a piece o! string through the middle#
6F=: 6o we@d need some string as well#
MIA=: "essorry###um###and you spin the wheel around and i! you can get it spinning !ast
enoughhope!ully the colous all merge and show up as white#
6F=: &hI didn@t %now that#What@s the principle 'ehind it?
MIA=: Well it@s pretty elementary physicsreally#It teaches them a'out how white light or
ordinary light is made up#
6F=: Hmmwell that doesn@t sound too 'ad#>ow there@s only one more le!t in this 'oo% isn@t
there?What does that one say?
MIA=: Fmwell it@s another one where they@d get to ma%e something#
6F=: 6ounds $ery interesting#
MIA=: "ou need Buite a lot o! eBuipment actually:a hand drillan old recorda pin or
needlesome paper and a 'olt#
6F=: Hmmgo on what do they ha$e to do?
MIA=: Wellthey 'asically ma%e a record player#2he main idea is to teach them a'out recording
sound'ut hope!ully they@d also see that you need motion and an ampli!ier to ma%e the sound
heard# 6F=: &Awell it does sound interesting#6hall we go through all o! those again and decide
i! any o! them are going to 'e suita'le?
MIA=:3ightnum'er one#I thought this one sounded nice:there@d 'e lots o! acti$ity and it
doesn@t need too much in the way o! eBuipment#
6F=: "esthat@s true'ut don@t you thin% it@s a 'it ris%y to get a group o! eight:year:olds pushing
each other around a classroom li%e that?6omeone could get hurt>&#1 don@t li%e the sound o!
that one at all! MIA=:May'e you@re right#
6F=: What a'out num'er twowith the paperclips?It sound tame enough#
MIA=:"esa 'it too tame i! you as% me#I thin% it needs to 'e something a 'it more neti$e and
interesting than thatdon@t you?
6F=: "esI suppose you@re right#We won@t get a $ery good mar% i! the children don@t actually
en5oy the e-perimentsand I suppose we could turn them o!! science !or good!Wellwhat a'out
the ne-t onenum'er three?
MIA=:>ow#I Buite li%e the idea o! this one#
6F=: "esso do I'ut I seem to remem'er when we did it at high school we had to wait up to a
!ortnight 'e!ore we saw any hal!way decent results#
MIA=:&hyes wellthat won@t 'e any good then#We@ll only see the %ids !or one or two hours at
the most#
6F=: "esand we ha$e to do the e-periments and write up our results within a wee%so that one
won@t do at all#
MIA=:&Awellwhat did you thin% o! num'er !our?
6F=: I li%e the idea o! it'ut do you thin% it will 'e a 'it elementary !or them?
MIA=:Hmmmay'e you@re right#
6F=: 2hey might ha$e !un 'utI meancutting out a circle and colouring it in?
MIA=:&A#well#what a'out num'er !i$e?
6F=: I thought this one sounded a 'it too good to 'e true:great eBuipment!
6F=: 4ut don@t you thin% it@s a 'it am'itious !or this age group?I meanI don@t want to start o!!
something and then ha$e to a'andon it i! they 5ust can@t cope with it#I could see us ending up
doing 5ust a'out all o! the wor% !or them#
MIA=:I guess you@re right#&h wellmay'e we could store that idea away !or later#
6F=: "eplet@s hope this second 'oo% has something 'etter!
2oday we are going to loo% at one o! my !a$ourit !ish :the shar%#as you %now shar%s ha$e a
reputation !or 'eing $ery dangerous creatures capa'le o! in5uring or %illing humans#and I@d li%e
to tal% a'out shar%s in (ustralia#
6har%s are rather large !isho!ten growing to o$er ten metres#and longest shar%s caught in
(ustralia ha$e reached si-teen metres#shar%s $ary in weight with size and 'reed o! course'ut
the hea$est o! shar%s caught in (ustralia was a White Gointer#that weight se$en hundred
ninety:!i$e %ilograms:Buite a size!shar%s ha$e a di!!erent structure to most !ish :instead o!
s%eleton made o! 'one#they ha$e a tough elastic s%eleton o! cartilage#unli%e 'onethis !irm
plia'le material is rather li%e your noseand allows the shar%s to 'end easily as it swims#the
shar%@s s%in isn@t co$er with scales li%e other !ish :instead the s%in@s co$ered with 'ar's gi$eing
it a rough te-ture li%e sandpaper#as you %nownshar%s are $ery Buic% swimmers#this is made
possi'le 'y their !ins one set at the side and another set underneath the 'ody #and the tail also
help the shar% mo$e !orward Buic%ly# unli%e other !ish shar%s ha$e to %eep swimming i! they
want to stay at a particular depth# and they rarely swim at the sur!ace#mostlythey swim at the
'ottom o! ocean sca$enging and pic% up !ood that@s lying on the ocean !loor# while most other
animals including !ish hunt their prey 'y means o! their eyesight shar% hunt essentially 'y
smell#they ha$e $ery acute sense o! smell:and can sense the presence !ood long 'e!ore they
can see it#
in (ustralia where people spend a lot o! time at the 'each the go$ernment ha$e realised that it
is must pre$ent shar%s !rom swimming near it 'eaches#as a result they ha$e introduced a
'each:netting program 'each:netting or meshing in$ol$es setting large nets parallel to the
shore this means that the nets on >ew 6outh Wale 'eaches are set on one day #and then li!ted
and ta%en out the sea on the ne-t day#when shar%:netting !irst 'egan in 1J/J only the sydney
metropolitan 'eaches were meshed:these 'eaches were chosen 'ecause 'eaches near the city
usually the most crowed with swimmers#ten years laterin 1J9J systematic meshing was
e-tended to include the 'eaches to the south o! 6ydney#as a result o! the general seccess o! the
program in 6ydney#shar%:meshings was introduced to the state o! Kueensland around 1JE0#the
>ew Oealand authorities also loo%ed at it 'ut considered meshing unecomonical:asdid tahiti in
the Gaci!ic #at around the same time 6outh (!rica introduced meshing to some o! its most
popular swimming 'eaches#when meshing 'egan appro-imately !i!ty hundred shar%s was
cought in the !irst year#howe$er this declined the year that !ollowed#and since that
timea$erage annual catch has 'een only a'out one hundred !i!ty years#the ma5ority o! shar%s
are caught during warmest months#!rom >o$em'er to 7e'raury#when shar% are most acti$e
and when 'oth air and the ocean are at their ma-imum temperature#despite Buite large
catchessome people 'elie$e that the shar% meshing is not the 'est way to catch shar%s#it@s not
they thin% that the shar%s are a!raid o! nets#or 'ecause they eat holds in them#'ecause neither
o! these is true# 4ut meshing does appear to 'e less e!!ecti$e than some other mithods
especially when there are 'ig seas with high rolling wa$es and strong currents and anything lets
the sand mo$e:the sand that@s holing the nets down when this mo$es the nets will also 'ecome
less e!!ecti$e#

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