Durarara! Vol. 7

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%n m' previous books( % have written in great #etail about the )holi#a's) o* our cit'.
+o#a'( as a change o* pace( let)s talk about the holi#a's o* those who live in this cit'(
shall we,
-aturall'( we tell ourselves that we must rest in or#er to relieve our bo#ies.
.owever( this is not the case.
Particularl' on their #a's o**( people will make a point o* going somewhere *ar awa'(
getting lost in their merriment( immersing themselves in pastimes( an# repeate#l'
spen#ing more energ' than the' usuall' woul#.
/ou probabl' know what %)m talking about.
0on)t 'ou,
1ell( no matter i* 'ou #on)t.
1e)ll call this m' mistake.
% apologise.
% am sorr'.
% misun#erstoo# humans.
% un#erestimate# them.
Please( *orgive me2... % beg o* 'ou2...
3 1ell( now that we have that over an# #one with( how about % continue the stor' *or
those o* 'ou who no##e#( an# sai# )+hat)s right.),
%t coul# be sai# that( those who tire themselves out on their #a's o* rest( are actuall'
seeking something more than an ever'#a' li*e.
%t ma' #eviate slightl' *rom the original meaning o* the wor#( but perhaps to these
people( )relie*) is actuall' *in#ing a temporar' escape *rom the monotonous li*e that
the' lea#.
-ot to rest their bo#'.
-ot to rest their min#.
-o( not the bo#' or the min#... 4ut to give a rest to that ver' state, which we call
5o that when the' return to their normal li*e( the' can savour that taste all the more.
6eall'( it)s the same thing...
+he same as when 'ou)re eating a goo# meal( an# #rink water to cleanse 'our
5o( what #o those who are always living an abnormal li*e #o on their #a's o**,
0oes the wor# )holi#a') even exist *or urban legen#s like the 4lack 6i#er,
%t)s a tough "uestion.
0o people who usuall' eat onl' strong savour' *oo#s( onl' #rink water on their
holi#a's, 7r #o the' chug bottles o* so' sauce,... 1ait... +hat was ust an example(
an# one 'ou shoul#n)t *ollow( ok, %t woul#n)t work out well *or 'ou. +o be more
speci*ic( 'ou woul# #ie.
1ell( *or those whose ever'#a' is abnormal( perhaps their holi#a's bring them so *ar
be'on# strange that the' become sel*8#estructive( an# seriousl' consi#er #eath b'
%n the *irst place( #o people like that even have #a's o**, 7r perhaps ever' #a' is a
#a' o** *or them.
+his is a "uestion that coul# onl' be answere# b' the subect themselves.
%n an' case( the cit' itsel* can make no real #istinction between the routine #a's(
abnormal #a's( work #a's( an# rest #a's o* these people.
9t the en# o* the #a'( the ones who watch an# #eci#e are the humans.
+he cit' #oesn)t #iscriminate between people. %t merel' consumes. :onsumes ever'
act an# #ee# #one b' its subects.
9lthough( like so' sauce( eating too much at a time can be ba# *or 'ou.
1ell( this cit' ma' have a much stronger stomach than people think.
9n excerpt *rom the *orewor# o* ;%kebukuro 4ites 4ack < 3: 9
+raveller=s >ui#e to %kebukuro?.
1ritten b' 5hinichi +sukumo'a( publishe# b' @e#ia1hacks Aapan.
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes
:hapter 1
Stranger Days Patient's Polka
@a' 5
( +ohoku 6egion( Bnknown .ospital.
;@r. 7rihara( it)s time *or 'our check8up.?
+he voice o* a 'oung nurse resoun#s through the hospital room.
9 white hospital room( with a slightl' sweet scent < o* *lowers or *ruit perhaps <
mingling amongst the smell o* assorte# me#ical pro#ucts.
This is my private room, so that smell must be a get-well gift for the patient next-door.
+he 'oung man l'ing on the be# < %za'a 7rihara < #etermines the origin o* that
sweet scent( as he "uietl' stirs awake.
Ah, that's right.
This is a hospital, huh.
%za'a looks to the un*amiliar nurse in *ront o* him( an# begins to con*irm his sel*8
in#uce# state.
;-urse( woul# 'ou happen to have the time,?
;Bmm( looks like it)s about 9P@. 9h( %)m going to change 'our %C bag( ok,?
+he *emale nurse procee#e# to briskl' roll up the sleeves o* %za'a)s hospital garb(
check the state o* his nee#le( an# set about changing his bag o* %C *lui#.
Bpon seeing the state he was in( %za'a remembere# a #eep pain near his stomach.
%za'a s"uinte# as he en#ure# the intense pain( but ma#e no soun#.
.e ha# recalle# clearl'( ust how he manage# to *all to this point.
%t was aroun# 24 hours prior to now.
.e ha# been stabbe# b' someone, an# collapse# in the mi##le o* a certain +ohoku
cit'. +he next thing he knew( he was alrea#' l'ing on top o* this be#.
+his must have been his thir# check up since then( or was it the *ourth,
+he police ha# arrive# sometime be*ore #awn.
+he patient with the slashe# stomach looke# up at the nurse changing his %C bag(
an# remembere# his conversation with the #etectives.
+o the #etectives who aske# %za'a "uestions about this an# that( he merel' insiste#
that )% thought % ha# ust su##enl' bumpe# into someone( then % looke# #own an#
bloo# was spurting out o* m' stomach.)
+he #etectives aske# *or trivial #etails( like his backgroun#( but *rom the start the'
ha# been calling him )@r. 7rihara)( so the' must have at least known his #etails to
some #egree be*ore con#ucting the interview.
.e was out on a walk b' himsel*( as he was wont to #o( an# )some lunatic slasher)
su##enl' attacke# him.
%za'a a#amantl' continue# to assure the #etectives that this was the truth.
;Please( not *or me( but *or the sake o* those who live in this town < so that the' can
live here in sa*et' < please "uickl' catch that lunatic.?
%n retrospect( perhaps he shoul#n)t have been grinning so wi#el' while he sai# all o*
%za'a 7rihara knew the assailant( not as ;an unknown somebo#'?( but as a man
calle# Ainnai /o#ogiri.
7* course( this was because the man ha# taken the time to call %za'a an# tell him so(
be*ore stabbing him.
.owever( he #i#n)t tell that part o* the stor' to the #etectives.
.e wante# to avoi# an' stupi# commotion that might ensue when the' aske# about
his relation to that man. 9lso he #i#n)t believe that Ainnai was the t'pe o* gu' to be so
easil' caught b' the police.
%za'a ha# thought he might be able to get awa' with his )innocent victim) act( but he
ha# no wa' to con*irm i* that business #istrict ha# ::+C cameras installe#( or i* there
were an' witnesses.
%* he ma#e a ba# move un#er those circumstances( things coul# get hair' later on i*
he was *oun# out.
4ut o* course( it was too late to worr' about that.
%za'a)s mouth *orme# a bitter smile as he remembere# the looks that the #etectives
were giving him.
%t was not the look o* a person *eeling s'mpath' *or a poor victim. %t was the ever
vigilant gaze o* an unrelenting hunter.
I can probably assume that this means they found the knife in the hidden pocket of
my coat.
+he #etectives ha#n)t brought it up( but i* it came to it( the' coul# likel' charge %za'a
*or breaking the 9rms :ontrol Daw.
.e ma' have presentl' been pla'ing the victim( but that #i#n)t change the *act that in
the e'es o* the police( he was a suspicious character.
I guess I should get out of this place tonight.
.e ha# learnt about the state o* his woun#s #uring the ver' *irst check up.
@iraculousl'( there were no signi*icant inuries to an' internal organs. Eor now( there
is no wa' to tell whether the attacker was aiming *or them or not.
If I'm unlucky, I might end up owing a debt to hinra for the first time in a while...
%za'a)s *ace *orme# a sickl'( bitter smile as he imagine# leaving the care o* his
woun#s in the han#s o* that *rien# o* his( the un#ergroun# #octor.
!ot even that guy can tell the future.
Bpon thinking this *ar( it looke# as though the nurse ha# *inishe# her check up.
;7k( %)m all #one now. /ou)re looking a lot better( at this rate we shoul# be able to
#ischarge 'ou *airl' soon.?
%za'a returne# a businesslike smile to the 'oung( smiling nurse.
;1ell that)s a shame isn)t it, +his hospital)s service is so cos' %)# starte# to hope that
% might be able to sta' *or a little longer.?
;:omplimenting me won)t get 'ou an'where( 'ou know. 9t an' rate( % won#er i* 'ou)re
recovering so "uickl' because 'ou)re 'oung... /ou were so livel'( even on the #a'
a*ter 'ou were stabbe# with a kni*e2?
;+hat)s all thanks to 'ou an# the other sta**.?
Fven though he showe# a smile on the outsi#e( insi#e( %za'a was *ar *rom serene.
-aturall'( he was still *eeling pain *rom the woun#( but it was the wor#s o* the nurse
that brought that man)s *ace back into his min#.
In this world, there are even monsters like him, who can only be stabbed about "
millimetres deep.
9s he thought about that ol# *rien# o* his( who alwa's wears a barten#er uni*orm( he
casuall' "uerie# the nurse.
;:ome to think o* it( when % was stabbe#( was there an'thing about it on the news( or
in the paper,?
;....@m. -ow that 'ou ask( % think % remember seeing something on )1e)re 6olling2
@orning -ews). 7n that +C Ging channel. %)m prett' sure 'our name even came up...
%s that a problem,?
;... % see. -o problem( % ust thought that % ma' have worrie# somebo#'.?
T# $ing, huh%
+C Ging( the local broa#cast station *or the Fmpire +C :orporation.
)1e)re 6olling2 @orning -ews) is one o* Fmpire +C)s nationall' broa#cast news
Bpon con*irming that his news ha# *lowe# all across eastern Aapan( %za'a ha# one
imme#iate concern.
If I assume that this news was broadcast this morning...
Those who are fastest to mobilise, should be arriving here any time now...
@a' J
( 29@
+he hospital a*ter lights8out( was *righteningl' "uiet.
.ere( %za'a la' on his be#( "uietl' waiting.
&ell then.
&ho will it be%...
'r was my intuition off the mark%
Fver'thing that %za'a ha# cause# be*ore he ha# been stabbe# *loate# into his min#.
5uppl'ing in*ormation to that 6ussian #uo( while reall' tr'ing to use them to get ri# o*
two monstrous hin#rances. :reating hostilit' between that barten#er uni*orme# beast
an# the 9wakusu Eamiglia( an# tr'ing to remove the #emon8bla#e8wiel#ing girl *rom
the stage completel'.
5imultaneous to this plan( he was ha# also been *lickering aroun# between the
9wakusu Eamiglia( 9suki >roup an# var'ing gangs( like a bat.
5ome people ma' have even been aware o* the wa' that he use# the gran##aughter
o* the 9wakusu Eamiglia boss.
9si#e *rom all o* this( in his work as an %n*ormation 4roker( he ha# provoke# a lot o*
gru#ges against himsel* in the past. 9ll while taking hol# o* the weaknesses o*
countless amounts o* people.
%n essence( this man coul# never create an'thing himsel*.
%n essence( the %n*ormation 4rokers usuall' use# b' police or un#ergroun#
organisations are likel' the barkers at a cabaret club( or the bo#'guar# o* a bar.
@ostl'( the' are people who work in occupations that allow them to naturall' ac"uire
in*ormation( like sha#' hostess clubs( an# treat in*ormation brokerage as a kin# o*
4ut %za'a is not like them.
.e woul# connect all o* those )part8time) brokers( an# sometimes even control them
himsel*( an# turn all o* the in*ormation o* that cit' into network almost like a spi#er)s
.e woul# manipulate that web( an# all o* the in*ormation within it( in or#er to stir the
atmosphere o* the cit'.
+his man coul# never create an'thing himsel*.
4ut( he could make mone'.
%za'a un#erstoo#.
.e un#erstoo# that what he #i# < passing aroun# rumours an# then #eman#ing
mone' *or them < was a vile line o* work.
.e also knew that this worl# was teeming with people even more #espicable( who
woul# reoice in han#ing over mone' to somebo#' like him( ust to hear the
+his was simpl' his wa' o* living. %t was not( however( his entire goal in li*e.
%za'a 7rihara)s goal in li*e was simple < To love all human beings.
%n his own wa'( in a wa' that onl' he coul# appreciate.
!ow then, I wonder who it will be...
%n this #im hospital room( lit onl' b' what leake# in *rom un#er the #oor( an# the stars
in the win#ow. %n this completel' silent place( the 'oung man broke into a broa#
(aybe he will be the first to come running over here after seeing the news.
+hinking about that monster in the barten#er)s vest onl' brought about unpleasant
memories( but his expression so*tene# nonetheless.
It might be nice if he came raging through the hospital and ended up spending years
behind bars for his heinous crimes...
That is, if I survive of course.
If not him, then perhaps Anri onohara%
he could probably eviscerate me easily while I'm like this.
'r maybe somebody unexpected, like (asaomi $ida, or !amie )agiri will be the
*ossibly those two +ussians%
I can't rule out the possibility of a bullet from the Awakusu being my first visitor,
'f course, if nobody came, that in itself would be acceptable. I'd have to savour my
good luck.
%za'a)s heart was *luttering with excitement( like that o* a chil# on the #a' be*ore an
+he inur' to his stomach throbbe# in s'nc with his rising heartbeat( but even that
pain was onl' serving to spice up the situation even *urther *or him right now.
9*ter an hour o* this ha# passe#( when even %za'a was *inall' starting to *eel #rows'(
a certain strange noise entere# his ears.
They've come.
%t was not the soun# o* the night8shi*t nurse( but the *ine *ootsteps o* somebo#' tr'ing
to keep their existence unknown.
.owever the' were not able to completel' erase their own soun#( an# it resoun#e# in
%za'a)s ears as a pleasant rh'thm.
&ho will it be%
If it were him( he wouldn't be sneaking around like this, and that +ussian duo would
never make a sound in the first place.
%n that case( it must be someone *rom the 9wakusu( or perhaps the @asaomi ki#.
9s %za'a thought this( the #oor to his hospital room slowl' opene#.
9n# then( a sha#ow slowl' wriggle# its wa' into the room.
9 girl with a #ark sha#ow covering her *ace appeare#.
0espite the #ark #owncast look on her *ace( the girl gaze# intensel' at %za'a( who
was bathe# in the starlight.
;%)ve *inall'... Eoun# 'ou...?
%n response to this girl with an expression *ille# with complicate# emotions: hatre#(
an# the o' o* *inall' encountering her enem'.
;Bmm... 9h...?
%za'a tilte# his hea# to the si#e( an# murmure# in a #eepl' con*use# soun#ing voice.
;...... 1ho are 'ou,?
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes
:hapter 2
Everyday Life A Tryst Bolero
@a' 5
( @orning( 5omewhere in 5hinuku.
;... 5o he #i#n)t come back a*ter all.?
+he woman murmure# this as she stoo# in *ront o* the boiling hot pot.
+he woman with sleek black hair *luttering slightl' in the steam rising *rom the hot pot
in *ront o* her.
+his woman < -amie /agiri < thought about the 'et8to8return master o* this
apartment( in a certain multi8purpose buil#ing situate# close to the 5hinuku :entral
3 4ut that laste# onl' a *ew secon#s.
;+o#a')s stew is a lot better than % thought it woul# be. %* he isn)t going to come home(
perhaps % shoul# take some to 5eii.?
+he person who came to min# as she checke# the *lavour o* the broth with a small
tasting plate( was her most belove# bo'( whom she ha# le*t in %kebukuro.
9s she imagine# tackling the stew with the one she most love#( 5eii( -amie)s usual
sti** expression turne# ust slightl' pink.
5eeing her in this wa'( one ma' conclu#e that this woman was "uite chil#ish *or her
Bnless the' knew her )most8belove#) was actuall' her biological brother.
Bnless the' knew that the love she *elt was not *amilial love( but the raw passion that
one ma' *eel *or the opposite sex.
-amie turne# o** the heat *or the stew( an# picke# up the +C remote.
Fven sitting #own on the so*a( she was captivating( an# although she hersel* #i#n)t
realise it( she ra#iate# glamour across the otherwise empt' room.
&hat is this.
This T# is even bigger than the one in his last apartment, isn't it%
5he turne# her hea# slightl'( an# scowle# at her torpi# looking surroun#ings.
-amie acte# like she live# there( but the *act was( it ha#n)t even been 2 #a's since
she ha# arrive# at the apartment.
7riginall'( she ha# been living in a #i**erent apartment in 5hinuku as a secretar' *or
an in*ormation broker.
4ut that apartment was currentl' unoccupie#( #ue to various circumstances.
+he in*ormation broker ha# prepare# this apartment as a hi#ing place *rom a certain
barten#er uni*orm wearing man. 4ut( *or some reason the broker in "uestion was
currentl' hi#ing his existence even *rom -amie hersel*.
.e ha# sai# that he woul# contact her once( at night time( but that call never came.
;+hat gu' is missing at this important time( so ma'be he got caught an# beaten to
#eath b' his little bu##'.?
5he murmure# this to hersel* as she switche# +C channels repeate#l'.
9s she watche# the *ortune telling segment o* a program she like#( -amie su##enl'
thought about her little brother)s *ace( an# her own *ace became enchantingl'
.owever in the next moment( she hear# a ver' *amiliar name coming *rom the +C.
;... @r. 7rihara( on a travel holi#a' *rom +ok'o( is now blee#ing *rom his ab#omen < ?
9 su##en( shocking #evelopment was coming *rom the +C)s speakers.
'rihara... I-aya%,
I must have misheard, or it could be a different person with the same surname.
.er curiosit' pi"ue#( she "uietl' listene# to the announcer)s next wor#s.
;... 9ccor#ing to e'e8witnesses( @r. 7rihara su##enl' collapse# while blee#ing
pro*usel'( on the roa# o* a shopping centre nearb' the station. @r. 7rihara is
currentl' receiving treatment in a local hospital( an# is thought to have su**ere# a
stab woun# to his ab#omen. +he police believe this to be the crime o* a ran#om
roa#si#e slasher( but are waiting until @r. 7rihara recovers to ask him *or #etails < ;
Bpon seeing the on8screen text sa'ing ;5eriousl' 1oun#e#: %za'a 7rihara?( -amie)s
thoughts were con*irme#( an# she let out that "uiet exclamation.
+he news ha#n)t inclu#e# a picture o* the victim( but the %za'a the' were talking
about was most likel' the ver' same %za'a who she was currentl' un#er the
emplo'ment o*. +here coul#n)t be too man' people with the exact same name as him
in this area.
.owever( even upon seeing the name o* her emplo'er sprea#ing all across Aapan on
the news( -amie)s *ace remaine# completel' apathetic.
o, he got himself stabbed.
-amie thought this to hersel*( then change# the channel.
5he trie# to *in# *urther con*irmation on man' other channels( but the' were onl'
airing i#ol shows or earl' morning anime( nothing particularl' newsworth'.
&ell, I suppose it isn't all that surprising, he probably .ust got into a fight with one of
his little punk friends....
)eah, must have been something like that.
9s his assistant( -amie un#erstoo# *ull' well ust how much trouble %za'a was apt to
get himsel* into.
Fven i* she woul# have pre*erre# not to( she un#erstoo# that much. 4ut she also
like# to prevent getting hersel* caught up in an' o* that trouble( so she ha# trie# har#
to become particularl' sensitive to an' in*ormation regar#ing it.
5till( she coul# think o* so man' suspects that she coul#n)t reall' see this as being
something out o* the or#inar'.
.er cell number was registere# in %za'a)s phone as )Pizza 5tore)( so even i* the
police searche# his phone( she probabl' woul#n)t be receiving a call *rom them.
5urel' the' woul#n)t go as *ar as to veri*' ever' single phone number in his cell
phone( one b' one( even i* he ha# been murdered. -o( the' woul#n)t go that *ar *or
an assault resulting in inur' then( woul# the',
(ore importantly, I wonder if he'll be ok%
-amie ha# realise# that although it ma' be a simple inur' now( within the next *ew
#a's( it coul# turn into mur#er.
5eeing as this ha# all been broa#cast( with %za'a being taken to a hospital
somewhere near the scene o* the crime... %* that 'oung barten#er that %za'a is so
craz' about saw it... 7r i* some other rival o* his saw it.
9s she realise# that her emplo'er ma' be in serious #anger o* losing his li*e < -amie
sai# to hersel* with a serious *ace.
;Fither wa'... % take it this means that *rom to#a' onwar#s( % can have a small
4' the time she ha# turne# o** the gas stove( an# put a li# on the barel' eaten stew(
she ha# alrea#' #riven the *ace o* her emplo'er into the back o* her min#.
%n *act( perhaps the entire problem ha# been completel' erase# *rom her min#(
inclu#ing his prolonge# sa*et' Kor lack thereo*L.
9s she sai# that to hersel*( -amie looke# out o* the win#ow into the night( as i* in a
9lmost as i* she coul# see her belove# little brother somewhere in that night scener'.
@a' J
( noon( somewhere in %kebukuro( an apartment buil#ing *aca#e.
5omewhere in that girl)s *ace( there was a #eep( hi##en beaut'.
.er *ace( an# her gloss' black hair ha# a certain *oreign aura about them.
5he was a girl who( more than ust seeming #i**erent *rom most Aapanese( almost
seeme# #i**erent *rom most humans( an# gave o** the *eeling o* a painting.
5urroun#ing her neck like a choker( was a conspicuous( strange scar.
%t was as i*( through some bizarre surger'( a once severe# hea# ha# been reattache#
at the neck.
5he was such a suspicious existence that i* one stoo# next to her( the' ma' start to
worr' that the' ha# become lost in some *antas' worl#.
+here are probabl' some who have *allen in love at *irst sight over this *eeling.
4ut <
;>oo# morning2 5eii2?
< with that en#lessl' bright voice( she manages to completel' ruin the atmosphere
that she normall' gives o**.
.er voice was like that o* somebo#' with not a care in the worl#( who believes that
the entire worl# is her all'.
+he 'oung man exiting the apartment buil#ing shows a light smile as he replies to
that voice.
;>oo# morning( @ika.?
+he 'oung man she calle# 5eii( although he was covering himsel* in casual clothes(
ha# the kin# o* *ace that gave awa' the *act that he was still in senior high school.
7n the other han#( the girl that he calle# @ika ma' have looke# 'oung( but an' who
saw her woul# get the impression that she was somehow more o* an a#ult than in
+hat is( o* course( while she was not talking.
;1here will we go to#a', 9n'where is *ine as long as % can be with 'ou( 5eii2?
%nnocent wor#s.
5ai# in a pure voice.
+he' were wor#s that one woul# not o*ten hear even between newl'8*orme# couples(
an# it ha# alrea#' been over a 'ear now since @ika an# 5eii ha# starte# #ating.
1hen the' ha# ust met( @ika spoke to 5eii in excee#ingl' *ormal wor#s( but 5eii
re"ueste# that she stop( an# so she now a##resse# him entirel' naturall'.
%n that girl)s e'es were love( hope( an# an a#amant belie* in her relationship with her
partner( almost as i* the' ha# met onl' minutes ago( an# it was a meeting o* *ate.
.owever( the 'oung man himsel* was extremel' compose#( an# approache# the
girl)s passionate gaze like he ha#n)t even notice# it.
;.mm let)s see... .ow about we go see a movie to#a',?
5eii gave a so*t smile( an# gentl' place# his han# on the girl)s shoul#er.
@a' 5
( noon( unknown restaurant.
9 restaurant that exu#e# a high8class atmosphere( locate# in a basement area( in the
vicinit' o* a large electrical appliance store.
9 restaurant mainl' use# *or small business meetings( or *or *rien#s an# lovers to
spen# their time together in com*ort.
+he bright voice o* a high8school girl echoe# in one corner o* that luxurious
;9n# then( when he put his han# on her shoul#er( @ika8senpai went )G'aa) an#
starte# clinging onto 5eii8senpai)s arm2 5eii8senpai sai# ):ome on( 'ou)re making it
har# *or me to walk.)( but he #i#n)t look all that anno'e#2 6eall'( those two an# their
little lover)s tr'sts...?
;...... KPassionL Dove'8#ove'......?
+he energetic girl with the glasses was interrupte# b' the #rear' soun#ing girl.
9part *rom their hairst'les an# e'e8wear( these two girls looke# exactl' the same(
although the' ha# completel' #i**erent moo#s.
+he one listening in on the stor' o* the stor' o* those strange twins was <
-amie( #resse# in a *emale business suit.
-amie was "uiet in the *ace o* those twins( speaking as i* it was an' o* their
7verwhelmingl' silent.
;... -amie8san,?
+he girl in the glasses ha# notice# this( an# en"uire# with her hea# turne# to the
-amie)s expression showe# no sign o* an' emotion in particular.
.owever( in those e'es was a stare with enough intimi#ation to *reeze the
surroun#ings. Fven that care*ree glasses8girl *elt chills #own her spine.
;-amie8san( what)s wrong,?
;9bsolutel' nothing. :ontinue 'our stor'( Gururi 7rihara( @airu 7rihara.?
;9h( it)s kin#a scar' when 'ou call us b' our *ull names( -amie8san2?
;...... KEearL 5o scar'......?
+he twins hu##le# together upon realising the aura *loating aroun# their conversation
%n or#er to keep #own the col# *ear slowl' rising up insi#e o* her( the bespectacle#
twin( @airu( *orce# a smile an# continue# her )report).
;9n# so( a*ter that the' went to a movie theatre in the cit' to watch ;Campire -ina
5aizou :armilla < 4eginning?( an# still are2 6ight now2 9h( but... %t might be about to
*inish( ma'be,?
;...... K@erel'L 1! more minutes......?
;% see.?
-amie( a*ter making this in#i**erent response( grace*ull' #rank *rom her co**ee cup.
;1ell( *or now( % appreciate 'our observation an# report. .ere)s a small rewar# *or
'our e**orts.?
1ithout looking at all grate*ul( -amie took out a small car#.
%t was a cash8car# *or some bank.
;%)ve trie# to make it untraceable( but % can)t guarantee it 1!!M( so once 'ou)ve
with#rawn it all( make sure to #ispose o* this car#. +he P%- is !1J4. 9s promise#( it
hol#s 3!!(!!! 'en.?
;%)ve been won#ering since the last time 'ou aske# us a *avour( but is it reall' ok to
be giving us this much,?
6ather than *eeling ba# about it( @airu was genuinel' curious about this.
;7* course. 1h'( #o 'ou have a problem with it,?
-amie( seemingl' unable to un#erstan# the problem( tilte# her hea# as she aske#
this. +his action showe# o** her a#ult si#e( but the expression on her *ace coul#
easil' *reeze the spines o* an' who saw it.
;4ut( % mean... >etting this much ust to stan# aroun# watching 'our little brother(
then reporting to 'ou...?
;1hat a stupi# "uestion. +o begin with( % coul# never put a price on being able to
hear ever'thing about 5eii)s movements. /ou can ust think o* that mone' as being
the wages % take *rom %za'a 7rihara in the time that % save b' listening to 'our
reports. /ou #on)t have to worr' about it.?
.earing this *rom -amie( the twins "uietl' whispere# to each other.
;I-aya-nii is paying !amie-san big time for her work, huh%/
;33 0Trial1 It's his first time 2222 03oncern1 4e probably didn't know22/
9lthough -amie ha# hear# the girls( without a shre# o* agitation in her voice( she
simpl'( in#i**erentl'( without an' *eeling( merel' continue# to speak.
;%* 'ou ask me( % #eserve much more than that. 4ab'sitting 'our moo#' big brother is
a much har#er ob than % ha# imagine# it woul# be.?
9*ter sa'ing so( -amie su##enl' realise# something( an# aske# a "uestion o* the
twins in *ront o* her.
;/ou two... .ave 'ou not hear# about what happene# to %za'a 7rihara,?
+he response <
;9hh( our bro went an# got himsel* stabbe#( right,?
;...... KFarl'L +his morning...... K4ureauL the police...... K%n*orme#L contacte# us......?
;7ur #a# an# mum are both overseas *or work( so the' thought it woul# be easiest to
contact our place. % sai# )+ell him to spit on it( an# he)ll be *ine2 Aust let him be.)( but
the policewoman on the phone got angr' an# sai# )/ou shoul#n)t talk that wa' about
'our precious *amil'.)?
;...... KEoolL %sn)t that obvious......?
Gururi scol#e# her sister( but her *ace showe# no genuine worr' or anger over her
*amil' member being attacke#.
Perhaps to those two( their big brother was not actuall' that important o* an
-amie ha# absolutel' no interest in their *amil' matters( so she #eci#e# to change
the topic as "uickl' as possible.
;...... 9n'wa'( there is one small #etail o* 'our report that % woul# like to con*irm.?
;.uh, 1hat, 7ur report ma' have been a little subective( but we #i#n)t make
an'thing up2?
;...... +hat girl... 1hat #i# 5eii call her( usuall',?
-ot un#erstan#ing where this was lea#ing( the twins looke# at each other again in
1ithout reall' thinking( @airu gave her answer.
5he went an# sai# it...
;Frm( % believe he calle# her b' her *irst name( )@ika)( usuall'. 9n# @ika8senpai
hersel* is weir#l' *ormal aroun# ever'one else( but latel' she has become prett'
*rank when she)s aroun# 5eii8senpai. % onl' hear# this *rom some other seniors( but it
seems like recentl'( because it)s been a 'ear since the' starte# #ating( the' might
have starte# #ropping honori*ics in commemoration......?
@airu was tr'ing her best to continue her stor'( but she was su##enl' interrupte# b'
a strange soun#.
9long with a #r' snapping soun#( the co**ee cup in -amie)s han# starte# *alling.
+he cup bounce# o** -amie)s knee( straight to the *loor.
9s the cup was alrea#' empt'( nothing spille# onto -amie)s clothes( or the *loor.
4ut Gururi an# @airu)s *ocus was not on that( as their e'es were concentrating on
-amie)s han#.
+his was because in her han#( were the crumble# remains o* the *ormer grip o* her
;1e #eepl' apologise( #ear customer2 9re 'ou inure# at all,?
5eeing the *allen cup( an emplo'ee o* the restaurant rushe# over to their table. +he'
seeme# to believe that it must have been some *ault in the cup( an# that the *ault ha#
cause# the cup to break all b' itsel*.
;...... %t)s ok( #on)t worr' about it.?
-amie maintaine# her col# expression as she shooe# awa' the emplo'ee who was
still tr'ing to apologise a*ter cleaning up the cup( an# slowl' #rank *rom her glass o*
9s usual( she move# with grace( but Gururi an# @airu ha# alrea#' realise# that the
cup ha#n)t broken because it ha# a crack in it.
+he' knew that -amie ha# cleanl' broken the han#le o* the ceramic cup to pieces(
with ust her *inger strength.
;-a.... -amie8san,?
;...... K@'ster'L 9re 'ou ok......,?
+he twins( *eeling the aura o* hatre# 8 so strong that it was almost soli# 8 in *ront o*
them( move# slightl' awa' *rom -amie( an# "uestione# her.
.owever( it was har# to tell i* -amie was even listening to the girls( as she glare# at
some *ar awa' place( an# sai# un#er her breath.
;...... never......?
+he next thing the girls hear# *rom -amie was in some wa's( an obvious truth( but
*rom it the' coul# strongl'( strongl' *eel the ma#ness o* the woman in *ront o* them.
;5eii..... 5eii has never calle# me b' m' *irst name..... -ever......?
+he girls coul# clearl' *eel it.
+he strong killing intent( an# bottomless ealous' that ran through the woman)s
+hat( an# the *act that it was likel' something that no or#inar' person woul# ever be
able to un#erstan#.
3! minutes later( at a cinema lobb'.
N )% shall explain2
5aizou :armilla is a vampire nina2
1ith a vampire *ather( an# a human mother( he is an 9gent o* 0arkness( who utilises
nina techni"ues2
1hile #etesting the vampiric bloo# that *lows insi#e o* him( he continues to *ight the
*orces o* the 0ark 5i#e( all to protect the peace o* -eo +ok'o2
9*ter saving F#o < the town that woul# become -eo +ok'o < in the previous two
*ilms( this thir# *ilm has him travel through a +ime 5lip *or the secon# time2
.is #estination( a me#ieval 6omania2
9 meeting with his *ather( who in this time( still hate# humans.
9 new enem' appears.
Passing through space an# time( on the e#ge o* li*e an# #eath( 5aizou learns the
truth about himsel* <) O
1hile rea#ing this on the *irst page o* a movie pamphlet( 5eii /agiri spoke to the girl
besi#e him.
;0i# 'ou like it,?
;%t was soo amazing2 4eing able to sit next to 'ou that whole time( 5eii2?
1ith a naPve smile on her *ace( @ika .arima linke# her wrist aroun# 5eii)s arm.
;% wasn)t asking about that( 'ou know.?
+hough he was con*use# b' @ika)s response( he still showe# a thin smile as he
looke# into her e'es.
.e wasn)t smiling about what she ha# sai# to him.
.e was smiling because he coul# see on her *ace( that she was happ'.
5eii /agiri was a man who live# onl' *or love.
.e was the kin# o* man who woul# *ace a tank( bare8han#e#( *or the sake o* the girl
he love#.
%* he was tol# that he must gouge out his own heart in exchange *or that girl)s li*e( <
o* course( assuming that this was actuall' true < he was likel' to #o so( without
+he smiling girl clinging to his arm( innocent( 'et with some sort o* #ark si#e(
was not the one who he love# like that.
+o put it more accuratel'( it was her )*ace).
1hat 5eii was in love with( was the part o* the bo#' known as @ika .arima( usuall'
calle# the hea#.
%* the salesperson working at the ticket counter o* this movie theatre ha# the exact
same hea#( 5eii woul# probabl' love her ust as easil'.
-ow( is something like that reall' love,
+here are likel' some people who woul# be able to sa' the' onl' love girls *or their
*ace( o* course.
4ut( putting asi#e whether or not that coul# be calle# love( 5eii)s case coul# be sai#
to be slightl' #i**erent than ust loving a girl *or her exterior looks.
.e wasn)t u#ging her on her entire bo#')s exterior.
Eor example( i* a girl much more beauti*ul than @ika appeare# be*ore him( 5eii
woul# most likel' not be taken in b' her.
5eii( a*ter having his entire li*e turne# upsi#e #own *or a single girl)s hea#( an#
through man' twists an# turns( was currentl' #ating @ika .arima as her partner an#
+hat is( until he coul# *in# the actual owner o* that *ace that he ha# been searching
5eii /agiri continue# to act out this *alse love.
5o that ever' time he looke# at @ika .arima( he coul# remember the actual woman
that he love#.
.e wholl' believe# that this was his own love.
@ika .arima was a girl who live# onl' *or love.
1hat she love# most( was being in love with somebo#'.
+his meant she #i#n)t reall' think about the circumstances o* her partner.
Eor the sake o* her own passion( she coul# easil' sneak into the house o* her
partner( an# woul# even consi#er setting up bugs in the room o* her #earl' belove#.
Fven i* 5eii was to *all in love with another girl( she woul# probabl' not hol# a
Fven i* 5eii was to throw violent verbal abuse at her( she woul# probabl' not hate
Fven un#er those circumstances( she woul# continue to love( as the most important
thing to her was to be in love.
Ear( *ar more important than the *eelings o* the obect o* her love( 5eii.
9n# so( she woul# continue to love 5eii /agiri. Erom the bottom o* her heart( with
en#less purit'( to an alarming extent.
< ;I don't love you./
5he coul# remember them even now( clearl' insi#e her hea#.
+hose wor#s o* con*ession( sai# to her b' 5eii.
< ;5ut, as long as I am looking at you, I can remember my love for her, and my
determination. o I will accept your love. That is, until the day that I take her back./
9*ter this( 5eii hel# her close.
.e completel' embrace# her.
%t was enough.
Aust that( was enough *or her to love 5eii /agiri.
4e accepted me for who I am.
4e accepted my love for what it is.
9n# so( she thought.
5he thought about the girl that he love# through her.
+he original )owner) o* this *ace.
5he woul# *in# that woman along with 5eii( an# right in *ront o* him( she woul# crush
that hea#( an# consume it entirel'( without leaving behin# a #rop o* bloo#( or a stran#
o* hair. %* she #i# that( 5eii)s love woul# belong to her.
5eii ma' en# up killing her in a *it o* rage.
5he knew that was a possibilit'.
4ut something so trivial #i# not matter to her.
+he girl calle# @ika .arima believe# this( *rom the bottom o* her heart.
5he ha# *aith.
5he ha# *aith that those *eelings( that a or#inar' person woul# believe to be
abnormal( were trul' love.
9n# the owner o* that hea# that was swimming in the thoughts o* those two lovers(
was itsel* a slightl' strange existence.
9*ter all( the hea# o* this woman itsel* was...
3 :ontinuing to live( even while completel' separate# *rom the bo#' o* its )owner).
5he was not a human.
5he was a t'pe o* *air' *rom 5cotlan# an# %relan# commonl' re*erre# to as a
)0ullahan)( who woul# go aroun# visiting the resi#ences o* people who were close to
passing awa'( an# in*orm them o* the time the' ha# le*t.
5he woul# visit them while carr'ing her own hea# un#er her arm( an# ri#ing a coach
#riven b' a hea#less horse known as the :oiste84o#har. 9n' who were *oolish
enough to open their #oors as she passe#( woul# have a bucket o* bloo# poure#
over them... +his was the #rea#e# legen# o* the 0ullahan( which ha# been passe#
#own throughout the histor' o* Furope along with that o* the 4anshee.
9n# the hea# originall' carrie# aroun# b' that knight( was 5eii)s one an# onl' love.
7ne 'ear ago( 5eii ha# stolen an )experiment specimen) *rom the pharmaceutical
compan' owne# b' his *amil'.
%t was that which he ha# come to a#mire as a s'mbol o* beaut'( since his chil#hoo# <
the hea# o* the 0ullahan.
+hrough the man' twists an# turns o* li*e( he ha# eventuall' en#e# up parting with
the hea#.
%n it)s place( be*ore him appeare# @ika .arima( a girl who ha# been ma#e to have
the exact same *ace as that 0ullahan( through surger'.
@ika( who was so close to that visage he love#( thanks to the power o* plastic.
5eii was unable to #istinguish between those two *aces.
9t the same moment that he realise# this( he hear# those scorn*ul wor#s that broke
his heart to pieces.
< ;&ell, it's not like you could tell the difference between the original and the fake,
.e coul# not remember whose wor#s the' were.
%t ma' have been somebo#' that 5eii #i#n)t even know.
4ut those wor#s became his bon#s( an# completel' tore his i#eas o* love to pieces.
< ;To be frank, this .ust means that the 'love' you thought you had for that head was
pretty low grade, right% 6ood effort./
9t that moment( 5eii)s *eelings were broken apart.
.owever( he woul# not give up on them.
1hat was once broken( coul# be men#e#.
+he reason he was keeping @ika b' his si#e( was so that he woul# not *orget those
9n#( as a warning to himsel*.
%n 5eii)s e'es( @ika .arima was nothing more than a rela' point < a terminal(
through which he coul# show his love *or that *ace.
9n# to#a'( 5eii was continuing to act out this *alse love with a girl he ha# no *eelings
*or( all in or#er to con*irm that his love was the real #eal.
9 *ew minutes later( %kebukuro.
9*ter exiting the movie theatre( the two ha# #eci#e# to take a stroll aroun# the cit'.
1ithout an' real #estination( the two walke# #own 5unshine J! 6oa#( in the #irection
o* the +ok'o .an#s buil#ing.
Perhaps because it was a holi#a'( the town was more livel' than usual.
+he people o* urban +ok'o came in man' #i**erent colours( #epen#ing on the part o*
the cit' 'ou were in.
Dike with 5hibu'a an# 9kihabara( these )colours) were #i**icult to put into wor#s( but
5hinuku an# %kebukuro each ha# their own t'pes o* crow#s( that each ha# a #i**erent
atmosphere about them.
5eii an# @ika were o*ten *loating aroun# amongst that peculiar atmosphere( but
to#a'( the excitement o* the holi#a's easil' hi# that strange *eeling *rom sight.
;1hat #i# 'ou think about 5aizou)s time para#ox thing,?
;.mm( well... %t was the same in the secon# movie( but it #i#n)t look like the *uture
ha# reall' change# all that much( so ma'be that wasn)t the real past( but that o* a
parallel worl#, Fven then( we got to see a bit about the past o* 5aizou)s *ather.....
+hat)s what % thought( an'wa'. .ow about 'ou 5eii,?
;9hh...... /eah % thought it might be that too.?
;6eall'2, 9wesome2?
5eeing -amie smiling brightl'( 5eii casuall' sai# something pertaining to their
normal lives.
;...... 5eeing monsters an# vampires an# stu**( remin#s me o* that.?
;...... +hat hea#( 'ou mean.?
+he' ma' have been in the mi##le o* a bus' cit'( but 5eii #i#n)t hesitate to bring up
that conversation.
9gain( the 'oung man brought his e'es to the *ace o* the girl besi#e him.
+his girl( @ika .arima( was certainl' not a plain i#iot.
5eii ha# come to un#erstan# this.
.is *irst impression o* her inner personalit'( was that @ika was a stalking *ool o* a
girl( who #i#n)t care to listen to what people sai# to her.
4ut a*ter he starte# #ating her( he began to un#erstan# that while the #eviant(
perverte# si#e was one aspect o* @ika .arima( she also coul# be cunning( an#
intellectual when she nee#e# to be.
4ut there was a lot more that he still #i#n)t un#erstan# about her.
&hy me%
5eii was thinking.
:ertainl'( he ha# save# that girl an# her *rien# *rom a group o* #elin"uents aroun# a
'ear ago.
.e ha# also hear# that be*ore this( #uring their exam perio#( she *ell in love with him
at *irst sight.
4ut( even so...
Fven so...
Aust because she like# him at *irst sight( an# he save# her *rom some losers.
7r even because she believe# in some sort o* )*ate).
1as all o* that trul' worth putting her li*e on the line in so man' wa's,
5eii ha# once slice# this ver' girl)s neck.
%n absolute col# bloo#.
Fven then( @ika .arima continue# to show her a**ection *or 5eii /agiri.
+hough she was hal*8*orce# into it( through mostl' her own will( she ha# a *ake scar
sewn in aroun# her neck. 7ne that was likel' to be there her whole li*e. 5he ha# the
*ace given to her b' her parents completel' remo#ele#.
9n# she #i#n)t regret it in the least.
+his was what 5eii coul#n)t un#erstan#.
%* he was aske# i* he was able to put his li*e on the line *or the sake o* love( he woul#
answer )'es).
4ut he ha# never actuall' been in a situation #angerous enough that he coul# test
that. +hinking on it now( he ha# been in real #anger o* #eath once be*ore( when he
picke# a *ight with a gu' wearing a barten#er uni*orm( but at the time he was so
a#renaline8*ille# that he #i#n)t have the *ree#om to be thinking about his own sa*et'.
Eor example( i* he was put through some terrible torture( woul# he still be able to
keep his belie* in love,
.e believe# that he coul#( but he coul#n)t know something like that *or sure without
actuall' having receive# such torture.
4ut that girl < @ika .arima( woul# likel' continue to love him through whatever
torture she *ace#.
+hat was what he *elt.
9t this point( an extremel' conceite# person might reach the conclusion that )+hat)s
ust how amazing % am). 7r ma'be the' woul# ust be content that their love remaine#
mutual. %* it were some hal*8bake# relationship( the' might even harbour some *ear o*
her love.
.owever( to 5eii( @ika was nothing more than a simple rela' point *or his love.
Dooking at it obectivel'( one can *in# nothing but problems with this situation.
&hat does that girl even see in someone like me%
Bp till now( 5eii ha# thought this several times.
4ut ever' time he starte# worr'ing about @ika)s unknown motives( he woul#
remember his real obective( an# think )-o point worr'ing about that) while #riving it
out o* his min#.
9gain an# again( he woul# #o this.
.e ha# even aske# @ika #irectl' be*ore( when his min# was #welling on it too much.
Bpon #oing so( without *ail she woul# answer )%t)s because it)s 'ou( 5eii8san2).
Datel' she ha# become a bit more *rank with him( an# woul# instea# sa' ):oz it)s
'ou( 5eii2)( but either wa'( that wasn)t a ver' help*ul answer.
+hough it ha# been more than a 'ear since the' starte# #ating( to#a' 5eii aske# her
the same "uestion.
;% keep sa'ing this( but 'ou are not the one % love( @ika.?
;...... % know.?
;%* 'ou know( then wh' #o 'ou still love me,?
;4ecause it)s 'ou. % #on)t nee# an' other reasons.?
9s he thought( he got the same answer as alwa's.
1hile breathing out a sigh( he #eci#e# to put that "uestion to rest *or now( an#
move# onto another subect.
;%t)s been more than a 'ear now since m' sister went missing...... % think she probabl'
knows where that hea# has gone to.?
;...... 5o 'ou)re worrie# about 'our big sister then,?
;.uh, 1h',?
;% mean... 5he)s probabl' being chase# b' a lot o* people...... 5he coul# be in real
#anger right now......?
@ika rarel' sai# an'thing so commen#able( an# 5eii ha# a bitter smile on his *ace as
he answere# her.
;@' sister isn)t that *ragile. 7n top o* being tough( she)s actuall' one o* the ba# gu's.?
-ot reall' wanting to continue that conversation( 5eii cracke# his neck( looke# at the
surroun#ing scener'( an# muttere#.
;% guess we shoul# go *or lunch soon( huh,?
9s the' stoo# on a street *ull o* *ast *oo# stores( ca*es( an# restaurants( with si#e
streets packe# with +aiwanese *oo# an# ramen shops( 5eii place# his han# on
@ika)s hea#( an# so*tl' sai# to her.
;%s there an'thing particular 'ou want to eat,?
;1hatever 'ou like is *ine with me( 5eii2?
+hat was another or#inar' exchange *or those two.
I think I remember seeing it written in some book once, '6irls that lack any sense of
independence are detestable'.
&ell, whatever.
If it were the real head talking, I would accept any type of personality.
1hile thinking those strange( i#ealistic thoughts to himsel*( 5eii #eci#e# on their
#estination base# on his own moo#( like alwa's.
;1ell( % guess % coul# go *or some sushi once in a while.?
9n# so( the' turne# towar#s a shop next to a bowling alle'( calle# )6ussian 5ushi).
1hile the' move# towar#s 6ussian 5ushi( 5eii)s e'es were #rawn to a certain point.
;...... .uh,?
Bpon seeing a *amiliar *ace walking in *ront o* him( 5eii raise# his voice without
;@ika#o... %sn)t that @ika#o,?
+he one who turne# towar#s them with a puzzle# look in his *ace( was a bo' who
looke# like a chil#.
+he bo' he ha# calle# @ika#o( smile# a*ter seeing 5eii an# @ika)s *aces.
;9h( he' 5eii8kun( @ika8san. /ou on a #ate,?
;/eah...... 3.... .uh, 1hat)s that on 'our *ace,?
+he bo' who was their schoolmate at 6aira Private 9ca#em'( @ika#o 6'uugamine
ha# a ban#8ai# stuck to his *ace( an# part o* it was slightl' swollen an# bruise#.
;@m.... % ha# bit o* a tumble. % *ell straight #own the stairs o* m' apartment.?
5eii ha# a strange sense o* #iscom*ort about @ika#o as he smile# an# laughe#( but
seeing @ika#o)s *ace( he #eci#e# that even i* he aske# about it he woul# be unlikel'
to get an answer( so instea# he sent back the appropriate response.
;% see... /ou shoul# be more care*ul( man.?
@ika#o showe# his gratitu#e( an# still with an innocent smile( sai# so*tl'.
;...... 5till( it)s been over a 'ear since then( hasn)t it,?
;.m...., 9hh.?
5eii ha# realise# what @ika#o was talking about.
+here was a time( when 5eii was still in possession o* that hea#( that he ha# cause#
a lot o* trouble *or this bo'. +o be exact( it was his big sister who ha# #riven @ika#o
into that #angerous situation... 4ut whether or not 5eii ha# an'thing to #o with it( he
was *elt shame *or his past sel*.
;%)m... reall' thank*ul *or what 'ou #i# back then.?
;% #i#n)t #o an'thing. /ou have ever'bo#' in 0ollars to thank *or that.?
;% guess so.?
;/ou an# @ika8san are part o* 0ollars as well now( so #on)t worr' about it.?
9t this point( 5eii realise# what *elt wrong.
It's pretty rare for (ikado to be talking like this about 7ollars.
0ollars( a group similar to the :olour >angs( who chose to sa' their team colour was
):olourless)( an# who operate# aroun# %kebukuro.
5eii knew that the bo' in *ront o* him was part o* 0ollars.
.e also coul# somehow tell *rom the things that happene# back then( an# *rom the
aura surroun#ing the bo'( that he hel# a somewhat special position in the group.
4ut 5eii #i#n)t go as *ar as to investigate exactl' what kin# o* position he hel#.
.e #i#n)t care( as long he coul# keep loving that *ace.
%t wasn)t because he *elt an obligation towar#s 0ollars an# @ika#o( he ust #eci#e#
that even i* he *oun# out that bo')s true colours( it probabl' woul#n)t bring him an'
closer to the location o* the hea# he was searching *or.
5ince then( he ha# come across @ika#o ever' now an# then < *or some reason( he
was even invite# to that part' in the apartment o* that .ea#less 6i#er( an# the'
seeme# to have some strange sort o* colli#ing *ates. +he' were not ver' close
*rien#s( but their relationship was basicall' that o* slightl' intriguing schoolmates.
.owever( even with their relationship( or perhaps because o* their relationship( 5eii
harboure# some suspicions.
5uspicions about wh' the bo' in *ront o* him ha# sai# the name 0ollars.
;/eah..... % won)t *orget an'thing that happene# that night either.?
Fxactl' who ha# @ika#o #irecte# those wor#s towar#s...
9s 5eii thought that he was probabl' #irecting them at himsel*( @ika#o ha# alrea#'
taken a step back( an# was waving his han# at them.
;%)ll c'a later 5eii8kun( @ika8san. %* 'ou have an' problems( *eel *ree to talk to me
;.uh, 9hh... 7k then.?
:on*use# at being tol# something like that( 5eii gave such a weak response( but...
%n 5eii)s stea#( @ika strongl' spoke that bo')s name( without her usual smile.
;/ou)# better not make 9nri8chan cr'( ok,?
@ika#o *ell into silence( an# 5eii showe# a look o* pure con*usion.
5eeing those two( @ika)s serious expression *ell awa'( an# she coul#n)t help but
laugh as she wave# back to @ika#o.
;%)ll see 'ou at school( ka',?
;9h..... 'eah. :'a later.?
9*ter seeing o** @ika#o with a slight smile( 5eii an# @ika continue# their walk
towar#s 6ussian 5ushi.
;...... 1as there something.... o** about him ust now,?
1ithout an' change to her visage( @ika looke# up at 5eii as he calml' aske# this
;/eah. .e somehow #i#n)t seem like the usual @ika#o8kun( huh,?
;.is woun# looke# prett' ba# too( % won#er i* there)s something wrong with him,?
5eii looke# back at the #irection @ika#o ha# le*t( but @ika took his han# an# pulle#
him back on the path to the sushi shop.
;1ell( there)s no point in us worr'ing about him2 Det)s get going.?
;Fh......, 9hh( well. % guess 'ou)re right.?
I guess I can ask him about it at school if something happens.
5eii settle# with this( an# let himsel* be #ragge# b' @ika #own the roa# o* 5unshine
9ll while *eeling something was slightl' out o* place about the unusuall' assertive
1atching them *rom the sha#ows( was a single woman.
;...... 5eii......?
-amie( watching her little brother)s back with a look approaching ecstas'.
5eeing 5eii looking "uite well( her *ace brightene# in relie*( an# her bo#' was
brimming with excitement.
Ahh...... That damn girl. 4ow can she look so cute, when I can't even see her face.
1atching the *igure o* her little brother)s back( it almost seeme# to -amie like he was
ra#iating light.
-aturall'( on this roa# there were at least ten other 'oung men who looke# almost
exactl' the same as 5eii *rom a*ar( but a*ter coming to this location given to her b'
the twins( -amie was able to spot her little brother in less than a secon#.
7* course( this meant that at the same time( the girl walking next to him also entere#
her *iel# o* vision.
;...... @ika....... .arima......?
9s she muttere# that name( -amie lightl' bit the insi#e o* her cheek.
5he bit until eventuall' she broke through the *lesh( an# the taste o* bloo# sprea#
throughout her mouth.
9s she starte# to smell the scent o* metal in the back o* her mouth( -amie silentl'
narrowe# her e'es.
This taste...... The blood of that thieving cat will taste the same......
%t appeare# as i* the image o* biting into @ika)s neck was running through her min#.
-amie was biting her own cheek in or#er to eventuall' make that #elusion a realit'.
1hile onl' making worse her lunatic love *or her brother an# hatre# *or her rival in
love( -amie continue# tailing the two.
;.eee' little la#'( 'ou got a secon#,?
1hether the' were hitting on her( or perhaps the' were talent scouts o* some sort( in
the last *ew minutes( there ha# been a *ew men calling her out like this( but <
;...... -uisance.?
Fver' time the' trie#( -amie woul# sa' this while looking at them with the col# e'es
o* a killer.
%* she ha# looke# towar#s them with an angr' expression( an# scorn in her e'es( the
men woul# likel' get angr' themselves. %nstea#( she simpl' tol# them the truth( that
the' were a )nuisance)( in a col#( businesslike voice.
1ith this( the men woul# realise.
+he' woul# realise that this woman likel' woul#( like it was ust part o* business( kill a
9n# the *act that they were the target o* her )business).
;...... Bm( so sorr'2?
.owever( the men calling out to her were use# to things like this( an# as soon as the'
*elt an' #anger *rom their target( the' woul# "uickl' with#raw to go an# *in# a
#i**erent woman to accost.
9s -amie taile# them #own the roa# like that( she con*irme# that the' ha# eventuall'
entere# a certain sushi shop. -amie then turne# aroun# an# walke# against the *low
o* the crow#( till she *inall' le*t 5unshine J!( *or the time being.
9s she walke#( her e'es hel# a look o* *rozen ma#ness( an# her bo#' ra#iate# the
heat o* a passion as hot as magma.
%nsi#e 6ussian 5ushi
;.eere)s 'our crab sushi( thanks *or waiting. 1e got raw( we got boile#( we got
grille#( we got people( we got the cit'( we got goo# *oo#( 'es, :rab makes the worl#
go roun#2?
;5urel' 'ou mean )mone' makes the worl# go roun#),?
;7hh( it)s no goo# to be so worrie# about mone' at 'our age2 @one' generation(
'es, 4ut( 'ou)re right. %* crabs go roun#( mone' goes aroun#. +he crab o* m' shop(
an# the mone' o* m' boss switching aroun#( 'es, 9roun# an# aroun#( like a merr'8
go8roun#( 'es, 6ussian crab( an# Aapanese mone'( switching aroun#( 'es, 5ushi8
go8roun#2 Dots o* pro*it2?
1hile bringing a crab8*ille# rice ball to his mouth( 5eii shook his hea# with a resigne#
look on his *ace.
%t was a well8known eating spot( known to be eccentric even b' %kebukuro)s
stan#ar#s( calle# )6ussian 5ushi).
%n that peculiar atmosphere o* Aapanese architecture sprinkle# with 6ussian
#ecorations( the :aucasian shopkeeper( an# his black emplo'ee were #oing a *ine
ob o* spinning their customers aroun#.
5eii ha# come here with @ika man' times in the past( so the' were well a"uainte#
with the people working there < or so he thought.
;.e' 5imon8san( who is that,?
+o#a'( there was an un*amiliar *ace.
%t was a 'oung :aucasian woman( wearing a similar uni*orm to 5imon.
+he #i**erence between the two was almost strangel' arousing( an# her *ace was
cast in such a wa' that most Aapanese people woul# likel' call her )"uite beauti*ul)(
however <
7n the woman)s *ace was a look *ille# with #ispleasure( an# she was stan#ing in a
corner o* the store( not even tr'ing to help. 5he was glaring into space( with a
bloo#thirst' look in her e'es( an# customers were currentl' too scare# to call out to
her to be waite# on.
;7hh( 5eii m' 'oung man( are 'ou intereste# in that girl, +hat one is calle# Carona(
'es, +aking her home with 'ou( is 7G. /oung bo'( 'ou coul# have 'our girl*rien#( an#
a lover. 9 *lower in each han#2 6ice gets more #elicious when 'ou eat with people
'ou love2 1! people have taken her home with their sushi be*ore( 'es,?
5imon has sai# this as a oke( but hearing it( the woman spoke with some #isgust.
;...... -egative. % have no obligation to save 'our business b' selling m' bo#'. % will
bo'cott this operation. .owever( i* 'ou)re telling me to #o this at the re"uest o* a
client( % shall acce#e.?
;7hh( is this one o* the Aapanese sexual harassment trials, 5exual harassment is
ba#( 'es, People who #o that must remove their stomachs2 +ake out 'our stomach(
an# 'ou can not eat sushi an' more( 'ou will sen# me bankrupt2?
9*ter 5imon ha# returne# to the kitchen( 5eii continue# to watch the woman he ha#
calle# Carona.
;.e' 5eii( no looking at other women like that2?
1ith a pout on her *ace( @ika lightl' pulle# on 5eii)s arm.
;.m, 9hh( 'ou)re right.?
1hile he agree# with @ika( 5eii ha# one #oubt about the situation.
That's rare.
!ormally, she would .ust think 'I'm cuter, so who cares,' and move on.
(aybe because she's a foreigner%
3... That head was also originally from some other country, so maybe that had her
It's a needless concern, though.
5eii onl' ha# that much concern *or the slightl' unusual actions o* his *alse lover.
@ika ha# also move# on( an# was as usual clinging to 5eii)s arm while eating her
@ika( who acte# like the' were an innocent couple who ha# onl' ust starte# #ating(
an# 5eii( who #ealt with her calml'( an# woul# never be cruel to her.
9lthough the' gave o** a strangel' *ake atmosphere( *rom a stranger)s e'es the'
woul# onl' be seen as a *airl' happ' couple.
9*terwar#s( 5eii saw the woman calle# Carona talking about something with the
shop owner( an# then walk into the inner room o* the shop with a scowl on her *ace.
4ut b' that point( 5eii ha# alrea#' stoppe# worr'ing about her.
;...... 4ut man( isn)t he awesome, /uuhei .aneima( the gu' in all the )5aizou
:armilla) *ilms. % mean( he)s alrea#' earning so much that he reall' #oesn)t nee# to
act in weir# roles like that( but % hear# he alrea#' gave the 7G to appear in the next
;%n the next one( % think % hear# that his rival( 5asuke 0racul gets revive#.?
;/eah( that)s right. % mean( it)s a prett' stupi# *ilm( but the special make8up the' use
*or +enin Rakuro'a is prett' awesome( right, % was reall' gla# the' use# some
uni"ue make8up *or 6uri .iiribe in the *irst one though.?
;+hat 6uri .iiribe is #ating /uuhei .aneima at the moment( right,?
+wo people continue# this mean#ering conversation while eating.
;9hh( even a gu' like me can tell that /uuhei .aneima is one hot gu'. +he general
population seems prett' #ivi#e#( but % personall' think the')re a prett' goo# couple.?
;1ell in m' opinion( rather than /uuhei .aneima( 5eii is much more < ?
9s usual( @ika was starting to turn the conversation into one8si#e# complimenting(
N@ika( 'our phone. @ika 'our phone.O
.er phone ha# starte# to ring using 5eii)s voice as it)s ringtone( an# @ika grabbe# it
out o* the #epths o* her bag.
;+hat ringtone reall' is a bit creep'( isn)t it,?
;6eall', %)m per*ectl' ok with it.?
;1hen #i# 'ou even recor# that( an'wa',......?
@ika turne# towar#s the #ispla' o* her phone( as 5eii sat besi#e her grumbling some
)Private :aller)
-arrowing her e'es at the wor#s #ispla'e#( @ika presse# the receive button( an#
brought the speaker to her ear.
;...... .ello,?
9n#( *rom that one phone call( @ika)s holi#a' began a trans*ormation.
;...... /eah( that)s *ine. >ive me a sec( ok,?
@ika( with a smile on her *ace( slowl' rose *rom her seat.
;5orr'( 5eii. % got a call *rom a *rien#( so %)m hea#ing outsi#e *or a secon#( ka',?
;9hh( ok then.?
.earing 5eii)s blunt response( @ika wave# to him an# le*t the sushi shop( then
restarte# her phone conversation.
1hile seeing @ika o** with a si#ewar#s glance( stare# at the sushi menu( an#
(ika doesn't get calls from friends very often.
Anri, maybe% Ah probably not, I think I remember seeing her and (ikado talking
about needing to buy new phones for some reason or another.
peaking of which, I don't really understand the relationship between those two.
I know that (ikado likes Anri at least, seeing as I asked him towards the end of our
first year at school. 5ut I haven't really asked if anything happened between them
since then.
@ika#o 6'uugamine was on *airl' goo# terms with @ika)s *rien#( 9nri 5onohara.
+hat( at least( was well known throughout their school( but whether or not the' were
a couple( seeme# like it was a *airl' sensitive subect.
+he' were close enough that stu#ents who weren)t ver' close to them woul# think
)Fh, @ika#o an# 9nri are #ating( aren)t the',)( but not too long ago( there was one
other stu#ent who was alwa's with them.
Actually, I wonder if (ikado would know why (asaomi ended up having to drop out
of school%
@asaomi Gi#a( 5eii)s *ormer schoolmate( who le*t school at the en# o* last 'ear.
+he' weren)t in the same class( so 5eii never reall' ha# much o* a chance to talk to
him( but he knew that @asaomi woul# hang aroun# with @ika#o an# 9nri most o* the
+here ha# been a rumour *loating aroun# the school that he le*t because he coul#n)t
han#le seeing @ika#o an# 9nri sticking together so much( but #ue to those two never
reall' making their relationship clear( that rumour *a#e# as "uickl' as it ha# come.
5eii himsel* ha# never believe# it *rom the start( an'wa'.
5ut Anri is basically (ika's only true friend, as far as I can tell.
5he ma' have been @ika)s *rien#( but even she never reall' calle# @ika ver' o*ten.
.e knew that 9nri was onl' tr'ing to let them have their space out o* consi#eration(
an# she ha# never reall' interrogate# @ika about them. 4ut these *acts onl' ma#e
this phone call even more unusual.
9*ter a while( @ika came back insi#e( winke# an# looke# apologeticall' towar#s 5eii.
;5orr' 5eii...... % was ust #iscussing something with a *rien#( an# now % kin#a have to
go meet up with them.?
@ika apologise# while bowing her hea#( as 5eii looke# towar#s her an# in"uire#.
;@m...... 4' )a *rien#)( 'ou mean 9nri,?
*robably something like last time, when she was asked to go over and teach them all
how to cook fish properly.
+o 5eii( who aske# this in#i**erentl'( @ika smile# an# no##e#.
;+hat)s right( she sai# something about nee#ing a#vice about her *amil'. 6eall'( %)#
rather sta' with 'ou( 5eii( but......?
;% #on)t reall' min#. % was actuall' ust thinking that 'ou probabl' nee# to spen# a bit
more time on 'our *rien#s( @ika.?
;Fhh( but as long as % have 'ou 5eii( % #on)t min# aban#oning all o* m' *rien#s.?
;0on)t sa' stu** like that. >o on( go help her out.?
5eii sai# this with a sigh( so @ika sa#l' lowere# her hea# an# answere# him
;7k then( see 'ou tomorrow( 5eii2?
9*ter that simple exchange( @ika walke# up to the counter an# place# three 1!!!
'en bills there( then le*t the sushi shop at a "uick pace.
;9h( wait. % was gonna pa' that( heeee'.?
5eii grabbe# the mone' *rom the counter as he hurrie# to call out to her( but @ika
must not have hear# him( as she le*t the shop without stopping.
.e starte# to chase a*ter her( but...
;.eere)s 'our crab an# miso soup( thanks *or waiting2?
+he #ark8skinne# emplo'ee was carr'ing 5eii)s or#er over to him.
5eii hesitate# *or a *ew secon#s.
'h well, I can .ust pay her back tomorrow.
9n# so( he #eci#e# not to worr' about it( an# continue# to eat b' himsel*.
15 minutes later( unknown area o* the cit'( insi#e a warehouse.
;....... .ello,?
9t the corner o* a highwa'( awa' *rom the shopping #istrict.
@ika( a*ter parting wa's with 5eii( ha# entere# a buil#ing labelle# )/agiri
Pharmaceuticals 8 6aw @aterials 1arehouse 3).
Eor a warehouse( it was kept "uite neat an# ti#'( so much so that an outsi#er ma'
even believe it to be some sort o* research *acilit'.
7n the pure8white *aca#e o* the buil#ing( there was an entrance( similar to that o* a
.owever( this was onl' its outwar# appearance.
%nsi#e( it was ver' much a warehouse( with a space about as large as a small
g'mnasium at its centre( an# a corri#or surroun#ing it( line# with a *ew *acilities.
+hese inclu#e# small( compact( expensive looking rooms( toilets( an# even an o**ice
+he huge space o* the warehouse was almost lab'rinthine( with its man' rooms
#ivi#e# b' partitioning screens( which hel# various raw materials an# me#ical
supplies pile# aroun# each other.
.owever( *rom its current state( with spi#er webs in its corners( an# thick la'ers o*
#ust( it seeme# as i* the buil#ing ma' have ha# ver' *ew visitors recentl'.
+here was light shining through the entrance)s glass #oors *rom outsi#e o* the
buil#ing( but none o* the electric lighting insi#e was turne# on. 9s the location o* the
switch *or the lights was unknown( the insi#e o* the buil#ing remaine# envelope# in
an ominous #arkness.
9t the entrance area o* this buil#ing( which was *ar *rom the usual h'gienic image
given b' most me#ical workplaces( @ika continue# to call out with a sti** expression
on her *ace.
;...... .eee8llooo8oooo,?
@ika)s voice echoe# throughout that hospital8like entrance area.
%n this place without a reception #esk( there stoo# a large #oor( through which @ika
coul# see car#boar# boxes stacke# up like a wall.
@ika took a step towar#s the #oor( an# looke# #own the corri#ors to the le*t an# right(
but( at least to the nearest corners she coul#n)t see an' signs o* movement. %t was as
i* this place was completel' cut o** *rom the rest o* the cit'.
@ika( while sta'ing alert to her surroun#ings( took one more step through the open
9s she #i# <
9 clanking soun# coul# be hear# echoing through the entrance.
@ika turne# aroun#( an# saw the *igure o* a woman( locking the large glass #ouble8
#oors that were the entrance to the buil#ing.
9 woman with long black hair *lowing #own her back( an# a sanitar' image.
7* course( @ika knew the *ace o* this woman well.
;%)ve been waiting..... -o( % guess 'ou were the one waiting...... @ika .arima.?
.earing her speaking those relaxe# soun#ing wor#s( @ika thought.
+he atmosphere this woman gave o**( almost *elt like burning ice.
%n this wa'( the emotions packe# into -amie)s voice were col#l' burning up.
;% must apologise. % *orce# 'ou into seeing a long( long #ream...... 7ne that coul#
never come true.?
+he emotions enshrou#ing it were so overwhelmingl' clear( that hearing that voice
was enough to un#erstan#.
.owever( @ika .arima was not a*rai#.
6ather( she looke# at the woman in *ront o* her as i* she was accepting the
;Dong time no see...... 4ig sis.?
9 strange soun# was reverberating aroun# the entrance area.
@ika ha# recognise# it( as the soun# o* -amie grin#ing her teeth.
-amie( stan#ing in *ront o* the glass #oor. Fxactl' what kin# o* expression was that
woman showing( lit *rom behin# as she was.
@ika coul# not see *rom where she was stan#ing( but she #i#n)t reall' care.
Aust *rom that soun# o* grin#ing teeth( one coul# make a guess at ust how much
#anger was surroun#ing that woman.
5he ma' have even been smiling < at least on the sur*ace.
7r she ma' have even been genuinel' smiling.
@ika thought that might be what it was.
;7ne 'ear......?
+he next wor#s that -amie spat towar#s her( were trul' tinte# with a some amount o*
;%t has alrea#' been one 'ear( an# one month since % #isappeare# be*ore 5eii)s
e'es. 5ince then( we)ve both been living in #reams. Eor me( it was a nightmare( 'et
'ou ha# the momentar'( *leeting 0ream o* 6osei...... 7hoh( but % won#er( woul# one
as unculture# as 'oursel* even un#erstan# the term )6osei)s 0ream),?
;...... Please #on)t ust assume %)m unculture#.?
;7h, 1ell( personall' % can)t believe that somebo#' who tries to *orce their #elusions
onto a person who #oesn)t want them( an# who woul# even #o something as
shameless as picking a lock to sneak into that person)s house( coul# ever be seen as
being a civilise# person.?
+he' were wor#s *ille# with sarcasm.
4ut @ika smile#( an# respon#e# without a shre# o* hesitation.
;/ou were going to #ispose o* m' )corpse)( until 'ou realise# that % was alive( an#
#eci#e# to use me an# gave me plastic surger'. % #on)t reall' think 'ou can talk.?
;4ut reall'( %)m grate*ul to 'ou( big sis. 4ecause( thanks to 'ou giving me this *ace......
5eii an# % were able to be together.?
9 particularl' lou#( strange soun# echoe# aroun# the entrance.
5he ma' have been 5 metres awa' *rom -amie( but the killing intent that the woman
was releasing was viscousl' coiling aroun# @ika)s bo#'.
.owever( @ika looke# #own on -amie with unsettling e'es( an# spoke with wor#s
*ille# with provocation towar#s the woman.
;+o begin with( i* it means % can)t love 5eii the wa' that % want to( % #on)t want to be
+he soun# o* grin#ing teeth ha# alrea#' stoppe#.
-amie ha# remove# her han#s *rom where the' ha# been( on her hips( an# slowl'
raise# them overhea#.
;...... %)# pre*er it i* 'ou stoppe# calling me )big sis)......?
+he obect she was hol#ing in her han#s < was a large pair o* scissors( usuall' use#
*or surger'.
;...... 9n# %)# pre*er...... i* 'ou stoppe#....... calling 5eii....... b' his *irst name222?
9s she shoute# this( -amie( without a hint o* hesitation( threw the scissors at @ika.
+he pair o* scissors came *l'ing straight towar#s @ika)s *ace( like a #art.
+he pair o* scissors cut straight through the heav' atmosphere between the two( with
an abnormal amount o* *orce.
+he next moment( a #istorte# soun# coul# be hear# throughout the room.
1hat ha# brought @ika .arima to this place( was a single call to her mobile phone.
+he *irst wor#s o* this phone call that she receive# while eno'ing her meal at
6ussian 5ushi were.
;....... I want to seak wit! you rivately a"out you and Sei#i. I'd rat!er !e didn't
!ear$ if t!at's fine wit! you%&
+he voice o* a woman stating her business without even giving her name *irst.
.owever( it seeme# that @ika knew the i#entit' o* the caller even without asking( an#
she respon#e# appropriatel' while 5eii was still within hearing range.
;...... /eah( that)s *ine. >ive me a sec( ok,?
9*ter she ha# le*t the sushi shop( she returne# to her call with the woman on the
;...... 'ou de(eived !i) *uite easily. Dear )e$ lying to Sei#i$ you really are t!e
worst$ aren't you%&
;9s are 'ou( tampering with m' *ace to tr' an# *ool 'our own little brother. 9m %
@ika continue# the conversation a*ter con*irming who she was speaking to.
-amie( not *ol#ing to her provoking wor#s( respon#e#.
;It's not t!at I lied to Sei#i$ I was si)ly s!owing )y love.&
9*ter muttering those nonsensical wor#s( -amie returne# to the business at han#.
;T!at !ead t!e you and Sei#i !ave "een sear(!ing for...... I (an give it to you.&
;+n one (ondition...... I'd first like to seak wit! you fa(e to fa(e. Alone.&
9 lie.
9n'bo#' who ha# an'thing to #o with that woman woul# be able to tell instantl'( that
what she ha# sai# through the phone( was a plain lie.
;....... 0o 'ou reall' think that % believe that,?
;I') a(tually in a "it of a "ind$ )yself...... I've "een told t!at if I !and t!e !ead
over to so)e foreign (ororation$ t!ey'll "e a"le to kee )e rote(ted fro) t!e
oli(e$ and 'agiri P!ar)a(euti(als...... But I'd like to t!ink of t!at as a last
;But if I give t!e !ead to Sei#i$ !e'll "e stolen fro) )e forever. I want to avoid
t!at at least. If t!ere is one t!ing t!at we "ot! (an agree on$ it would "e t!at$
(orre(t% So...... I wanted to talk to you on(e again$ a"out w!at s!ould "e done
wit! t!e !ead. ,it!out Sei#i knowing$ of (ourse.&
-ot a shre# o* con*i#ence coul# be *elt towar#s -amie)s wor#s.
4ut still( @ika bravel' accepte# the challenge.
9n# so( at -amie)s re"uest( she ha# come to this place b' hersel*( without letting
5eii know.
9s a result( there was now a pair o* scissors *l'ing straight towar#s the girl)s *ace.
7* course( @ika was not stupi# or innocent enough to come unprepare#.
.owever( her )preparations) were...
1ell( *or a high school girl( the' were "uite strange.
9 metallic( )clink) soun#( resoun#e# through the room.
+he next moment( the scissors were stuck in the ceiling( an# in @ika)s right han#(
something silver was shining #iml'.
;...... 1hat is that,?
-amie narrowe# her e'es( tr'ing to see what was hel# in that han#.
;)1hat,)...... :an)t 'ou tell b' looking, 5ure 'ou aren)t the unculture# one here,?
-amie seeme# unconcerne# about the provoking wor#s( an# she answere# @ika.
;7* course % can tell. 1hat %)m tr'ing to ask is( wh' on earth are 'ou walking aroun#
with something like that,?
1hat @ika hel# in her right han#( re*lecte# in -amie)s narrowe# e'es( was a certain
%t was something 'ou might see in a househol# vegetable gar#en. 9 single shovel(
with a sharpene# tip.
1hen she *irst saw its size( an# silver lustre( -amie ha# thought it might be a
cooking kni*e( but upon closer inspection( it was un"uestionabl' a one8han#e#
%t looke# completel' out o* place when seen with @ika)s attire( the location( an# the
current situation.
4ut the truth was( the moment she starte# wiel#ing that( the scissors -amie ha#
thrown at @ika ha# been sent *l'ing.
&hy the hell is she walking around with something like that%
9n'bo#' woul# have some #oubts upon seeing this state o* a**airs.
%n a warehouse without an' signs o* li*e( stoo# two women.
7ne ha# thrown scissors( an# the other ha# #e*lecte# them with a shovel.
%t was an obviousl' irregular scene.
.owever( the girl at the centre o* it all( smile# lightl' an# sai# something even more
;% actuall' believe# 'ou( a little.?
;% mean( % knew it woul# be a trap o* course( but % thought that 'ou might en# up
han#ing the hea# over to me( i* 'ou ha# some sort o* plan. /ou are 5eii)s big sister(
a*ter all.?
@ika smile# slightl'.
4ut her e'es were not smiling at all.
;%sn)t that nice, Aust because 'ou( big sis( are part o* 5eii)s *amil'( 'ou gaine# a tin'(
little bit o* m' trust2 /ou shoul# be reall'( reall'( reall' thank*ul to 5eii2 /ou reall'
shoul# thank go# as well. %n m' opinion( 'ou shoul# be so( so( so( soooo thank*ul
that 'our *ate was to be born in the same *amil' as 5eii22?
;Fnough o* 'our okes. %)m asking 'ou( wh' #o 'ou have that shovel,?
.earing -amie)s wor#s( @ika turne# her hea# slightl'( an# sai#( with a twiste# smile.
;1ell...... %* % reall' #i# get m' han# on that hea#( % woul# nee# it( woul#n)t %,?
;+hinking about the size( % won#ere# )#o % have a watermelon or something l'ing
aroun#,)( an# en#e# up testing it out on a *ew things. % #i# some experiments b'
putting stu** like bones( an# #i**erent t'pes o* meat insi#e o* #i**erent things.?
;...... 1hat..... 9re 'ou talking about,?
-o sense o* #isor#er coul# be hear# in her wor#s.
Eeeling this( -amie realise#. 5he realise# that the girl be*ore her was b' no means
blu**ing( or making an'thing up.
@ika was simpl'( in#i**erentl' stating the truth.
;Eor something like a hea#...... % thought a shovel o* this size woul# be ust per*ect. 7*
course( % haven)t reall' trie# to imagine the taste( but % mean( who coul# ever imagine
the taste o* a 0ullahan)s hea# in the *irst place( right,?
-amie coul# *eel a col# win# *l'ing through her *rom behin#.
%* she were a normal person( it might have taken her longer to un#erstan# what the
girl was tr'ing to sa'.
4ut -amie hersel* ha# steppe# well into the territor' o* the abnormal( an#
comprehen#e# @ika)s wor#s in mere secon#s.
4ecause( i* she were in the girl)s position( she woul# probabl' #o the same.
This girl......
)eah, that's right.
;9re 'ou sa'ing 'ou want to become one with that hea#, /ou)re speaking nonsense.?
.earing those wor#s( an# con*irming that -amie ha# un#erstoo# what she was tr'ing
to sa'( @ika "uickl' spoke( with an innocent smile on her *ace.
;+hat)s right. 1h'( #o 'ou have a problem with that,?
;....... %t)s not reall' about whether % have a problem or not.?
:losing her mouth slightl'( -amie /agiri began to think.
/es( she woul# #o the same.
%* she were in @ika)s position( she woul# be thinking the same thing.
%* 5eii is so in love with that hea#( then simpl' erasing it woul# #o her no goo#.
0oing that woul# onl' make the hea# eternall' exist insi#e 5eii)s heart.
9n# so( % must become that hea#.
-o matter how absur# or illogical her metho# was( she woul# become one with that
If it were me, I would probably remove it's face, and stitch it onto my own.
%n *act( -amie even ha# the resources an# *acilities to #o so.
+he onl' reason she ha# not alrea#' #one so( was the )pri#e) she ha# built up as his
sister over the 'ears. 5he coul#n)t throw awa' the love that the' ha# accumulate# as
siblings till now.
-amie un#erstoo# this weakness insi#e hersel*.
4ecause she un#erstoo# it( she coul# never approve o* this girl name# @ika .arima.
;...... %)ve change# m' opinion o* 'ou.?
1ith her han#s reaching behin# her back( -amie)s *ingers touche# something
attache# to her belt( an# slowl' wrappe# aroun# it.
+hen( the item that she brought out *rom the case attache# to her back( appeare# as
a strange silhouette in @ika)s *iel# o* vision.
;% ha# thought o* 'ou as a simple nuisance( but...... Erom this moment on( 'ou will be
m' rival in love.?
+he item -amie hel# in her han#( was a slightl' ruste#( age#8looking surgical bone8
5he then starte# to spee# towar#s @ika in a *lowing movement( as her *ootsteps
pro#uce# a satis*'ing soun# throughout the room.
+he tool she hel# became an extremel' #angerous weapon( when cla# in the
#istorte# love -amie *elt *or her brother.
+hat moment( she ha# trans*orme# into a pure hunter( an# @ika .arima was her
;1ell( either wa'...... 1hat % must #o #oesn)t change at all.?
+ens o* minutes earlier( the subect o* a phone call( between two subects.
;.ello( 0r. Gishitani( correct, %t)s been a while.?
;A!!. A!!$ a!!. It really !as$ !asn't it. Do you )ind if I (ongratulate you on still
"eing alive%&
;...... % #on)t nee# 'our sill' greetings. % calle# to ask i* 'ou coul# come over to the
/agiri -o. 3 1arehouse *or an emergenc' surger' sometime to#a', -ebula still
haven)t starte# sorting that place out 'et( so we shoul# be able to get in easil'
;+! dear$ you !aven't "een s!ot "y so)e"ody$ !ave you% T!oug!$ fro) your
voi(e you see) fine$ at least.&
;...... % want 'ou to #o the same kin# o* surger' as last 'ear. %)# like 'ou to change the
*ace o* a certain girl. %t)s the same girl as last time( so it shoul#n)t be too har#( right,?
;...... A!$ well$ t!at s!ouldn't "e too )u(! trou"le$ "ut (an we leave it till
to)orrow nig!t%&
;7h( 'ou can)t #o it right now,?
;/nfortunately$ I') off today$ and I') a(tually outside of Tokyo at t!e )o)ent.&
;% see...... +hat)s too ba# % guess. Eor her.?
;...... 0or !er%&
;...%t means that %)ll have to chop her *ace up m'sel*...... %t)ll probabl' en# up hurting
her a lot( %)# sa'.?
;As a fellow !u)an$ I s!ould ro"a"ly re(o))end t!at you don't do t!at.&
;%t)s too late to stop me now. 9n'wa'( 'ou aren)t reall' the t'pe to be bothere# b' this
kin# o* thing( right,?
;,ell$ t!at girl is kinda 1elty's (ooking tea(!er$ so...&
;9hh( #on)t worr'. %* %)m ust killing her( % #on)t reall' nee# 'our help *or ever' little
-amie stoppe# the call there( an# murmure# to hersel* while looking at her phone.
;1ell( *or the sake o* that #octor...... % suppose % can leave her alive( with her tongue
an# her right han# intact.?
Present( insi#e the warehouse.
;/ou shoul# reall' cut that out...... % ha# inten#e# to leave 'ou with 'our tongue an#
right han# intact at least...... 4ut i* 'ou keep running aroun# like that( % can)t
guarantee it.?
%t was a simple maze( *orme# out o* mountains o* small containers( car#boar# boxes(
an# crates.
%nsi#e that maze( hol#ing a bone8saw( -amie spoke.
;%)m kin# o* a novice at plastic surger'( 'ou see.?
+he hi#e an# seek game these women ha# been pla'ing( ha# gone on *or almost 1!
minutes now.
+he aura ra#iate# b' the seeker( -amie( coul# trul' be sai# to be that o* a #emon.
9*ter #e*lecting her *irst attack with the shovel( @ika ha# knocke# -amie over( an#
then run *urther insi#e the warehouse.
Erom behin# one o* the walls o* that gloom' maze( lit onl' b' the light leaking in *rom
the corri#or( @ika)s slightl' nervous voice echoe#.
;+hat)s surprising2 % reall' thought 'ou were coming at me to kill me2?
;%* that were the case( % woul# have leake# poison gas or something into the buil#ing
the moment 'ou entere#.?
-amie walke# aroun# maesticall'( as i* she were the ealous ruler o* the maze.
Bpon closer inspection( the case aroun# her waist which ha# hel# the bone8saw was
e"uippe# with a pouch( which was #ivi#e# into man' #i**erent pockets.
;% #on)t reall' want 'ou to #isappear entirel'( % ust want 'ou to regret ever tr'ing to
steal 5eii awa' *rom me. 4esi#es..... %* 'ou went missing( 5eii might en# up
searching *or 'ou( right, .e)s such a nice ki#...... % #on)t want to have him wasting so
much time on 'ou( but % #on)t reall' want to have to show him 'our corpse either( i* %
can help it.?
-amie)s bo#' "uivere# slightl' as she thought about her little brother)s *ace
;...... +hat bo' is so kin#( even though 'ou coul# never be a real substitute( i* 'ou
#ie# he woul# still *eel a #eep sa#ness( #on)t 'ou think, 7* course( 'ou shoul#n)t
mistake that compassion *or a**ection.?
;.ahaha( 5eii is #e*initel' ver' kin#( with that % can agree2?
;...... 5top..... :alling him b' his *irst name.S
-amie)s voice lowere# in anger( an# she starte# to spin her bo#' <
9n# #rove her *oot into a pile o* car#boar# boxes stacke# on a steel cabinet( in a
roun#house kick that brought to min# the *orce o* a large wrecking ball.
+he boxes *lew *rom the cabinet as i* the' were rag8#olls.
5he hear# the soun# o* somebo#' taking a short breath *rom be'on# another wall o*
he moved, huh.
-amie was not particularl' goo# at an' martial arts( an# she certainl' #i#n)t possess
the same superhuman strength as somebo#' like 5hizuo .eiwaima.
.owever( she ha# learne# a small amount o* sel*8#e*ence when she was 'ounger(
an# that < mixe# with her current emotional status < seeme# to have temporaril'
release# her bo#')s limiter( an# enable# her to #raw out that kick with great strength.
+he truth was( that kick was strong enough that she coul# have en#e# up with a
broken *oot. Fither wa'( b' tomorrow( her muscles an# oints woul# likel' be
screaming at her.
%n an' case( -amie wasn)t going to let this goo# chance slip b' her.
5he imme#iatel' kicke# o** *rom the *loor( an# leapt towar#s a hole she saw in the
wall o* boxes < in other wor#s( the escape route to the other si#e o* the wall.
5he looke# like g'mnastics athlete( or perhaps a phantom thie*( *leeing while eva#ing
%t was something that an' person woul# be able to #o( but not something that an'
person would #o( without an' hesitation.
%t was an act which coul# result in great inur' i* #one poorl'( but -amie #i# it without
an ounce o* *ear.
9*ter sli#ing her wa' through the hole( -amie "uickl' looke# aroun# her
surroun#ings( *ille# with *allen over boxes.
4ut <
he's gone,%
I was sure I heard that gasp of breath from behind here. It's only been a few seconds
since then.
5he looke# #own the arti*icial corri#ors create# b' the materials stacke# up like
walls( but she coul#n)t see an'thing.
+he moment she thought this( some sort o* scraping soun# was caught b' the ears o*
this tense woman.
-ot *rom behin# or in *ront( an# not to her le*t or right < *rom #irectl' above her.
;...... 5h<2?
1hile looking upwar#s( she trie# to step back( but she was alrea#' too late.
@ika( who ha# remaine# hi##en insi#e o* the cabinet even a*ter her gasp o* breath
almost got her caught( was vigorousl' *l'ing towar#s -amie( like she wante# to ri#e
&hat is this idiot trying to do......
-amie let out a small shriek as she was *orce# to the *loor.
@ika ha# kept *l'ing straight towar#s -amie( an# was now sitting on top o* her torso(
as i* mounting her.
@ika)s thighs( an# -amie)s chest touche#( an# separate# onl' b' their clothing( their
so*t *lesh moul#e# aroun# one another)s.
%* one saw onl' the positions that the two were in( the' woul# see it as a terribl'
obscene spectacle.
+he shovel pointe# towar#s -amie)s throat spoile# this scene entirel'( however.
;...... Please #on)t move( ka' ?
1hile she grinne# sl'l'( the little #emon looke# #own at the witch below her.
@ika slowl' pro##e# -amie)s throat with the tip o* the shovel.
@atching her breathing( -amie)s chest rose an# *ell( rubbing against @ika)s thighs
an# clothing. Eeeling this( @ika murmure# with a bitter smile.
;...... 4ig sis( 'ou have a much nicer bo#' than % thought 'ou #i#( hahaha.?
5he ma' have been lightl' oking( but @ika)s e'es were not smiling.
-o( the' were smiling.... 4ut somehow( it was a smile *ille# with ma#ness( "uite
clearl' #i**erent *rom a normal )smile).
;5o( what will 'ou #o, /ou)ll tell me.... where the hea# is..... won)t 'ou,?
Pressure was slowl' being applie# to the shovel at her neck.
%n this state( with her li*e "uite clearl' in #anger( the *irst thing -amie #i# was to
commen# her opponent.
;...... -ot hal* ba#. % #i#n)t think 'ou woul# have the re*lexes *or something like this.?
;% guess it)s because % have so much experience *rom climbing the walls an# *ences
o* that apartment so man' times.?
;9re 'ou reall' boasting about 'our crimes, Gi#s these #a's... >o an# write about it
on 'our blog or something. +hen go break up with 5eii an# kill 'oursel*.?
@ika #i#n)t *alter *rom those provoking wor#s *ille# with ri#icule an# killing intent(
instea# choosing to appl' more o* her bo#')s weight to the shovel at -amie)s throat.
5lowl'( slowl'.
4ut( her movements were su##enl' stoppe#( an# the shovel starte# to *all *rom her
;1ha....., .8huh......2,?
+he shovel *ell *rom -amie)s throat( an# lan#e# on the groun# with a clattering
;1h'..... can)t move..... m' han#s......?
;1ell well( looks like it starte# taking e**ect.?
-amie heave# a sigh an# broke *ree( then hel# out her le*t han# in *ront o* @ika.
%n the place o* the bone8saw( -amie hel# another obect in her han#( which must
have been brought out *rom the pouch on her back.
;% got this a while ago *rom -ebula( it)s the newest mo#el o* sel*8anaesthesis s'ringe.
6ather than *eeling a prick( 'ou probabl' ust su##enl' *eel like 'our legs aren)t
attache# to 'our bo#'( right,?
9*ter telling her this much( -amie threw the sel*8anaesthesis s'ringe to the *loor.
+hen( turning the powerless @ika aroun#( she brought them to the same positions as
the' were previousl'( but with their roles swappe#.
;%t)s ust an anaesthetic that % #evelope# a while ago. /ou won)t #ie or an'thing( #on)t
0i**erent *rom @ika( she took a position on top o* the girl)s waist( an# began staring
intentl' into her e'es.
;/ou reall' #o.... have such an anno'ing looking *ace. +hat un#ergroun# #octor reall'
#oes his ob well( #oesn)t he,?
5he so*tl' stroke# the girl)s cheek as she spoke in a hoarse voice.
;....... 4' the wa'( 'ou an# 5eii...... how *ar have 'ou two gone,
-amie su##enl' starte# asking "uestions as i* the' were *rien#l' high school
.er *ace however( was nothing like that o* a happ' high school girl. 5he was not
smiling at all.
;Please #on)t make me sa' such embarrassing things.?
-amie continue# to "uestion @ika( who ha# turne# her e'es awa'.
;...... % won#er( have 'ou kisse#( at least,?
%n response to her "uestion( @ika turne# her *ace towar#s -amie)s( onl' to turn awa'
;...... /ou #i#( #i#n)t 'ou.?
-amie #eci#e# *rom @ika)s reaction that the two must have alrea#' kisse#.
9n# then <
;%* we ha#...... what woul# 'ou #o...... mmgph2,?
-amie brought her bo#' *orwar#( an# put her lips to @ika)s.
;@m22 @mngh<2,?
@ika was tr'ing to shake *ree with her arms an# legs( but her bo#' woul# not move
as she wante# it to.
9*ter a *ew secon#s that seeme# like an eternit'( -amie slowl' brought her *ace
awa' *rom @ika)s mouth.
9*ter this( she threw a col# look *ille# with hatre# an# #isgust towar#s @ika( an# sai#.
;% cannot *orgive the *act...... that the sensation o* 5eii)s kiss was still remaining on
'our lips...... 9n# *rankl'( kissing a girl #isgusts me...... 4ut i* % think o* it as an in#irect
kiss with 5eii( this might remain a goo# memor' *or me.?
-amie took the time to smile lightl' an# relish her memor'( perhaps because she
knew her opponent coul# no longer move.
+hen( -amie)s smile turne# even more cruel( as she pro#uce# a small me#ical vial
*rom the pouch on her back.
;...... % reall' woul# have like# to cut 'ou up with that bone8saw( but( oh well.?
+he vial was a #ark brown colour( an# ha# no label attache#( an# -amie starte# to
tell her about what was insi#e.
;-ow...... This one( was not #evelope# b' me..... 4ut % suppose 'ou coul# sa' it was
ma#e to burn through a person)s skin( without actuall' killing them. % coul# have ust
use# sulphuric aci# or something( but %)m not entirel' sure how to use that without
killing somebo#'( so % went with this.?
;6eall'( there are some sick people in this worl#( aren)t there,...... 4ut % suppose this
per*ectl' suits someone like 'ou.?
-amie)s e'es showe# no exaggeration( nor an' sign o* threat. +he' were the e'es o*
somebo#' honestl' telling the simple truth.
@ika ha# conclu#e# this.
+his woman was( *rom now( trul' going to begin #estro'ing her *ace completel'.
5he was con*i#ent o* it( but her bo#' was still unable to move.
;:ome on( panic more. %)m looking *orwar# to seeing 'our *ace twiste# in *ear.?
-amie waite# *or a *ew secon#s( with the vial in her han#( but @ika #i#n)t scream or
plea# *or *orgiveness.
5ighing( -amie move# her han# to the li# o* the vial.
;...... %s there an'thing 'ou)# like to sa' to me( while 'ou still have 'our *ace intact,?
1hether -amie was asking this out o* compassion( or simpl' a #emonstration to
reassure her own #ominance o* the situation( was unknown.
9t an' rate <
+hat "uestion( brought the ugl' truth to the *ore*ront o* @ika .arima)s min#.
;6osei)s 0ream...... is a stor' which expresses the ups an# #owns....... o* li*e.?
;...... .uh,?
.earing @ika)s answer( without thinking( -amie narrowe# her e'es( an# stoppe#
@ika)s smile in response( was so relaxe# that it almost looke# like it was cause# b'
the same thing that was relaxing the rest o* her muscles( an# her voice when she
next spoke( was the same.
;1hen % *irst...... walke# into the buil#ing( 'ou aske# me...... i* someone like me even
un#erstoo#...... the meaning o* )6osei)s 0ream)...... 4ut..... % knew...... Fven %......
know something like that.?
;......, /ou)re *ine with those as 'our last wor#s( then,?
5he was simpl' preten#ing to be strong as some sort o* vain resistance.
-amie believe# this... 7r she wante# to believe this.
5he wante# to believe that the chilling *eeling rising up insi#e o* her( was ust her
4ut with @ika)s next wor#s( -amie realise# that she was mistaken.
;)Ganra)( is %za'a 7rihara.?
Eor a moment( -amie coul#n)t make sense o* what she ha# sai#.
Ganra.... 1as the han#le8name use# b' her emplo'er( in a certain online chat room.
5ut, that means.......
5u##enl'( she thought.
This little bitch....... 4ow does she know I-aya's handle%
&ait, in the first place, has she even met I-aya%.... urely not.......
;+arou is...... @ika#o8kun.?
;)5etton) is...... :elt'8san. )5aika) is...... 9nri8chan. )4'akura) is...... @asaomi8kun. )@ai)
an# )G'o) are %za'a 7rihara)s little sisters( @airu an# Gururi.?
9s @ika continue# to speak( her wor#s manage# to bring a chill #own -amie)s spine.
+he han#le that %za'a 7rihara...... an# 'ou( big sis( use when 'ou are tr'ing to *ool
people is....... )-akura)?
;1ait a secon#.......?
;@ika#o8kun is....... 9 *oun#er o* 0ollars...... 9nri8chan is possesse# b' the #emon8
bla#e( 5aika...... @asaomi8kun is the lea#er o* the /ellow 5carves. 4ut( the' probabl'
know about each other)s secrets.?
-amie wante# to stop her( but her bo#' woul#n)t move.
0ue to instinct( or ma'be curiosit'. 7r perhaps out o* pure *ear.
;/ester#a'...... an# the #a' be*ore...... 9nri8chan was attacke#....... b' a #uo o*
6ussians...... Carona( an# 5lon...... %n Fnglish( their names mean ):row) an#
)Flephant)...... +he' were re"ueste#...... 4' %za'a 7rihara......?
4ow does she know all of this%
+his "uestion ha# gra#uall' *orme# in -amie)s min#( an# ha# slowl'( slowl'( sti**ene#
her bo#'.
4ow much does she know%
;5lon..... knows %za'a 7rihara slightl' better...... than Carona #oes. 5o %za'a hear#
*rom 5lon about the #etails o* his work *or the 9wakusu Eamiglia...... an# trie# to lure
5hizuo .eiwaima8san...... into a trap. 9n# then( last night( %za'a was stabbe# b'
somebo#'( an# taken to hospital.?
;..... 1h<2?
Fver' wor# she sai#( was a blow to -amie.
+hat last piece o* in*ormation was something that -amie hersel* ha# hear# that
morning on the news( but there was no wa' that @ika shoul# have known the things
she sai# up till then.
;.ow..... .ow #o 'ou know all this,?
;7h come one..... % ust #i#...... what % alwa's #o. 6ight now( bugs are reall'
cheap...... an# reall'( reaaall' tin'...... 'ou know, 5o...... o* course...... % ust set them
up aroun# an'bo#' who % think 5eii might interact with...... people who he knew.
9lso...... % learne# a little bit...... about how to crack computers.?
;+he bugs % put in %za'a...... 7rihara)s place( got *oun# prett' soon( but...... as long as
% ha# the phones o* the people he was talking to bugge#...... % coul# hear what he
was up to...... 1oul# 'ou like me to talk about somebo#' else, Eor instance( last
night( @ika#o8kun..... use# a ball8pen to......?
;...... +hat)s enough( be "uite.?
That's impossible....
-amie ust coul# not accept the truth( an# her bo#' still woul#n)t move.
;1hat #o 'ou think,...... +here are a lot o* other things % know...... Dike the *act that(
asi#e *rom the 9wakusu Eamiglia( 'ou an# %za'a....... are also involve# with the 9suki
;...... /ou)re l'ing...... /ou)ve never acte# like this be*ore...... +hat)s right( i* 'ou)re
tr'ing to sa' that 'ou reall' knew all o* this...... /ou shoul# have been able to stop
those things2?
;%)m talking about 'our *rien#s2 +he time that i#iot( %za'a use# 'our *rien#s to turn this
cit' upsi#e8#own....... %* 'ou knew all o* this( i* 'ou even knew all about )5aika)2......
/ou shoul# have been able to stop something like that2 +hat stupi# "uarrel2 4e*ore
@asaomi Gi#a got hurt so ba#l'2
%n response( @ika looke# slightl' regret*ul as she sai#.
;9nri8chan #i#n)t know..... that % knew about her...... 5he probabl' #i#n)t know that %
ha# bugge# her( an# @ika#o8kun)s rooms...... Aust like % #i# with 5eii)s.?
;1hat #oes..... that have to #o with it.....?
;%* % tol# her that % knew ever'thing...... an# helpe# her out...... %)# get caught up in that
whole *uss( woul#n)t %, %)m the onl' one who)s still *ine. % #on)t reall' want to en# up
being hate# b' 9nri8chan an# @ika#o8kun( an# % #on)t reall' want to be caught b' the
police. 4ut......?
@ika close# her e'es *or ust a moment. -amie coul# un#erstan# what she wante# to
sa'( ust *rom that short silence.
9n# then( @ika sai# exactl' what -amie ha# imagine# she woul#.
;%* 5eii learne# about what was going on with @ika#o in the sha#ows( he surel' sa'
something about nee#ing to pa' back his #ebt( an# tr' to get himsel* involve#..... 5o(
he coul#n)t know. 5eii ma' seem prett' blunt sometimes..... 4ut reall'( he)s a reall'
kin# person...... Dike that time when he save# 9nri8chan an# % *rom those
;9n# so...... so( % investigate# the people aroun# 5eii. % investigate#( an#
investigate#( an# investigate#( an# investigate#( an# investigate#( an# investigate#
them...... 5o that 5eii woul# never get involve# in their problems......?
@ika *ell into silence.
-amie was also silent( an# the insi#e o* the warehouse *elt as i* it ha# been *rozen in
4ut <
;...... % un#erstan# 'our *eelings. 9n# % un#erstan# that 'ou are a *ar more capable
person than % gave 'ou cre#it *or..... 9n# a *ar more abnormal person as well.?
-amie muttere# this( an# then slowl' continue# to open the li# o* the glass vial.
5eeing this( @ika smile# thinl'( an# thought to hersel*.
I wonder if I can take her face along with mine, if I blow really hard when she starts to
pour that li9uid.
3... Actually, who cares...
ei.i would probably be sad if I hurt someone from his family, huh.
1ithout knowing what @ika was thinking about( -amie continue# to twist o** the cap
o* the vial.
4ut then( even i* she ha# hear# those brave thoughts( -amie likel' woul#n)t have
stoppe# her han#s.
4ut( ust as she was trul' about to open the li# o* the vial( -amie)s han# was
%t wasn)t that she stoppe# it o* her own will. 5u##enl'( a *amiliar han# ha# appeare#
*rom her si#e( an# grabbe# her wrist tightl'.
;...... +hat)s enough( sister.?
.earing that voice( -amie *elt as i* not onl' her han#( but her heart as well might
+he reason she was so shocke#( was ma'be her impatience( or happiness( or
perhaps because o* her twiste# *orm o* love.
;5eii2......? ;5eii2,?
-amie an# @ika( the two women both opene# their e'es wi#el' in shock.
1h' was he here.
@ika aske# in a voice o* #oubt.
-amie( with actions that sai# she thought "uestions were meaningless( threw awa'
the me#ical vial( an# tightl'( tightl' hugge# 5eii)s bo#'.
;5eii..... 9hh( 5eii2 %)m so gla#...... 5o 'ou can still call me )sister) a*ter all o* this2......?
;1ait< 5is( 'ou)re hurting me.?
9*ter tearing his sister awa' *rom him( 5eii walke# towar#s @ika.
;9re 'ou ok( @ika,?
;% see. +hat)s goo#.?
1ith this simple response( 5eii turne# to his sister again.
;...... 5e8...5eii.?
1ith her *ormer *orm o* a witch lost somewhere( -amie was now looking up at 5eii
like a pupp' lost in the rain.
+o his sister( 5eii breathe# a sigh( an# sai#.
;...... % #on)t know what)s going on between 'ou two...... 4ut 'ou know that 'ou went
too *ar( #on)t 'ou sister,?
;%* 'ou ha# hurt @ika)s *ace ust now...... % woul# have probabl' en#e# up hating 'ou(
5he knew this.
5he ha# acte#( knowing that this coul# be the result.
.owever( she ha# been ma#e to realise ust how little she ha# been prepare# *or it.
+his *ear ran straight through -amie)s bo#'.
;.8how long have 'ou been watching,.....?
;...... Erom about the point where 'ou kisse# @ika.?
+he one who showe# a look o* surprise on her *ace( was actuall' @ika.
5he ha# been tr'ing to keep the secrets she knew about @ika#o an# the rest hi##en
*rom 5eii. 4ecause o* this( he ha# now hear# ever'thing.
+he *act that she ha# plante# bugs not onl' in 5eii)s room( but those o* all o* his
*rien#s( ha# been *oun# out.
;9h( ahhhhh......?
;5eeing 'ou gu's kissing( % #i#n)t reall' know what was going on( so % sta'e# back to
see what woul# happen...... 4ut things su##enl' starte# looking #angerous( so %
came to stop it.?
5eii ha# a sti** look on his *ace( an# in the #arkness o* the warehouse( it was har# to
tell i* he was amaze#( or angr'.
5eeing that expression o* his( @ika an# -amie both nervousl' looke# awa'.
Fventuall' -amie coul# no longer bear the situation( an# aske# 5eii.
;.8... .ow #i# 'ou know we were here,......?
;3... 9*ter % le*t the sushi shop( an# starte# hea#ing home...... % ran into 9nri8chan in
*ront o* an ol# secon#8han# tool store.?
;5o( % aske# her( but she sai# she ha#n)t gotten an' calls *rom @ika recentl'. 5o %
trie# calling @ika m'sel*( got the answering machine( an# starte# to worr' a little. %
starte# going through the *rien#s in m' )contacts) list( calling them one b' one.......
an# when that #i#n)t work( % calle# up some o* the people % met at that hot pot part'
we went to be*ore.....?
5eii stoppe# talking *or a moment( then scratche# his cheek an# murmure#.
;0r. Gishitani sai#... %)# probabl' be able to *in# 'ou here.....?
.earing his clear( simple answer( -amie thought o* the *ace o* the man she ha#
calle# an hour ago.
That...... That damn four-eyed freak,......
Ah, ahhh, that guy, that guy, I'm going to destroy him, and that 5lack +ider,.....
9s she glare# with e'es like boiling magma( -amie thought about how best she
coul# make that un#ergroun# #octor s"ueal( 4ut<
.er lips( trembling with anger( were su##enl' close# b' something.
Fver'thing in *ront o* her su##enl' turne# #ark.
5he coul# *eel something touching not onl' her lips( but her cheeks an# nose as well.
9 gasp o* breath( lou#er than that o* @ika *rom be*ore( coul# be hear#.
7pening her e'es( she coul# see 5eii)s *ace slightl' #istant *rom her own.
;5ee, .aving someone who isn)t 'our lover( #o something like this to 'ou( reall'
sucks( #oesn)t it, 5o( sister( 'ou have to apologise to @ika< 3....... Erom the
start........... sis........ 'ou)ve alwa's........ 9n' time that % ma#e a *emale *rien#.........
/ou)# alwa's #o stupi# stu** like this to them..........?
5eii was sa'ing something( but not even hal* o* it was reaching -amie)s brain at this
6ealising that the sensation she ha# *elt a moment ago( was a kiss *rom 5eii...
3...2 2, , 2 2 2,
-amie /agiri( realising this( "uickl' ran *rom that location.
;9h2, 5ister( wait2 % still haven)t aske# where that hea#......2?
5eii "uickl' trie# to call her back( but -amie coul# no longer hear him.
9 passionate shock ha# explo#e# insi#e o* her( passing through her heart(
contracting ever' muscle in her bo#'.
-amie /agiri( who ha# become like a living engine( was....
:ontinuing to sprint with *ull *orce( till *ive minutes later( when she collapse# *rom
5 minutes later( somewhere in %kebukuro.
;1h' are 'ou so ma#,?
;% am not ma#.?
;/ou are so ma#.?
5eii an# @ika repeate# that exchange in a place separate *rom the /agiri
Pharmaceuticals 1arehouse.
@ika was still *eeling some o* the e**ects o* the anaesthetic( an# 5eii( looking out *or
her( was waiting *or a taxi to pass( but...
(ika has been acting kind of strange for a while now.
;% get it( ok, % get that 'ou)re not ma#. 5o( tell me( what have % #one wrong,?
;...... 5eii( 'ou)re so ba# at un#erstan#ing a woman)s heart.?
Einall' being able to move her neck properl'( @ika looke# towar#s 5eii( pu**e# out
her cheeks an# push her *ace onto his shoul#er.
;% know 'ou sa' it)s not me( but m' *ace that 'ou love...... % know 'ou sa' that 'ou
love that hea#..... 4ut even so... -o( because o* that( because 'ou have somebo#'
that 'ou reall' love( 'ou can)t go aroun# kissing 'our big sister like that( ok,.....?
7r#inaril'( @ika woul#n)t care i* 5eii talke# to other women( but *or some reason( this
time she *elt a #i**erent emotion than usual.
Perhaps it was because this time( the woman he was with was her rival( -amie
3... I suck.
!ow that he knows my secret, I'm sure ei.i is a lot more mad than I am.
.ating hersel* *or thinking those toxic thoughts( @ika burie# her hea# in 5eii)s back(
an# almost began to cr'( but...
;% #i#n)t.?
5eii( with a blank( con*use# look on his *ace( expose# the trick behin# his actions.
;9s % was pulling m' sister towar#s me( % put m' *ingers in the space between our
mouths( like this.?
Dike he was using chopsticks( 5eii brought his *ingers together( an# turne# them on
their si#e.
9*ter he brought his *ingers to his lips like that( 5eii turne# to look at @ika an# sai#.
;+hough( somehow it seems like m' sister mistook it *or a real kiss...... 6unning awa'
like that( % guess it was because she was so grosse# out. Fven though she)s been
hugging me like that since *orever......?
@ika( staring vacantl' with her mouth open a*ter hearing 5eii grumble his
complaints( was about to ask a "uestion( but < she slowl' close# her mouth( then
mumble# to hersel*.
;..... +hat)s prett' harsh too.?
;/ou think so,?
;/eah. +hat was prett' unreasonable o* 'ou.?
.earing @ika sulk like that( 5eii su##enl' broke into a smile.
;...... 5omething *unn',?
;Einall'( 'ou sai# something like that.?
;..... Fh,?
5eii talke# over his shoul#er to @ika( as she looke# up at him.
5eeming to be in a slightl' better moo# than usual( 5eii sai#.
;Bsuall'( 'ou ust smile an# answer )'es( 'es) to whatever % sa'. +o be honest( this is
kin#a..... 6e*reshing.?
;9n# to#a'( 'ou)ve surprise# me in a *ew other wa's too.?
;...... 2?
9gain( @ika)s bo#' became sti**.
.e was talking about the *act that @ika ha# been sp'ing on his ac"uaintances( in
or#er to keep 5eii awa' *rom #anger.
+he part o* her that he must not know about( the part that even she knew was not
@ika .arima #i# not think that there was an'thing wrong with sneaking into the home
o* the one she love#( an# placing bugs there. .owever( she #i# know that #oing the
same to people she #i# not love woul# be seen as something "uite abnormal.
+here was a vague boun#ar' between normal( an# abnormal. 9n# she ha# trea# that
boun#ar' base# on morals that onl' she coul# un#erstan#. %n an' case( 5eii ha#
been ma#e aware o* the abnormalit' that she ha# brought about.
5he knew she ha# to sa' something( but no wor#s woul# come out. -ormall'( she
coul# simpl' reassure 5eii o* her unrelenting love *or him( but in times like this( she
ha# no i#ea what to #o.
4ut 5eii was the *irst to open his mouth( long be*ore @ika.
;%)m sorr'.?
;%..... % #on)t #o it because %)m a goo# person( % guess it)s ust because %)m nos'. %*
someone % know is in trouble( % usuall' en# up sa'ing something stupi#( an# getting
m'sel* caught up in it.?
&hy is ei.i the one apologising%
@ika trie# to sa' something.
4ut as i* he was tr'ing to stop her( 5eii continue# to speak.
;4ut...... 1hat 'ou #i# *or me @ika( % won)t reect it.?
;% #on)t know exactl' what love is an' more. 9ll % know( is that m' *eelings o* love *or
that hea#( are the truth. % can)t explain it. %t)s not even logical. +hat)s all that % can sa'.
% #on)t love 'ou( @ika( an# % onl' love m' sister as her little brother. +hough % #on)t
reall' know how she *eels about me.?
;/eah...... % know.?
+he' were wor#s she ha# hear# man' times up till now.
5eii)s wor#s were as blunt as ever( but there was no #ishonest'.
5eii( a*ter a short pause( began to speak again.
;4ut...... % at least won)t reect 'ou. % ma' tr' to stop 'ou( but %)ll never reect 'our
actions. % can reall' respect 'our t'pe o* )love). 1hether % can accept it or not is a
#i**erent matter( o* course.?
;...... 5<2?
;Eor the sake o* 'our love *or me( 'ou reall' #i# some troublesome things...... 4ut %
have no right to stop 'ou. /ou brought up something about @ika#o be*ore( an# some
other names % #on)t know( Ganra an# 5aika an# the like( but *or now( %)ll preten# %
#i#n)t hear an'thing.?
4e isn't in love with me.
;1ell( % can ask 'ou the #etails later. Det)s talk about what we)ll #o *rom now...... %t)s
possible that one o* those people 'ou #i#n)t want me getting close to( ma' have
something to #o with the real hea#.?
;...... /eah.?
5ut ei.i will forgive me for loving him.
9s @ika no##e# with a smile( 5eii aske# in #isbelie*.
;...... %)m sa'ing such sel*ish things( seriousl'( what #o 'ou even like about me,?
+he same "uestion as alwa's.
4ut to#a'( @ika ha# a #i**erent answer *or him.
;%)ll tell 'ou( but onl' i* 'ou sa' love me2?
;%s it ok i* % sa' )as a *rien#),?
;-ope( as lovers.?
;+hen % guess %)ll never know.?
5he coul# live an unre"uite# love.
Eor @ika( that woul# be enough.
1hat was important to her( was not 5eii)s *eelings. %t was her *eelings towar#s 5eii.
+he strange love( o* a twiste# girl.
.owever( 5eii taking the love o* the girl he ha# no *eelings *or( an# who he knew was
twiste#... %t coul# be sai# that he himsel* was almost as twiste# as her.
Eor now( @ika *elt that her love ha# been blesse# b' the go#s.
+hat was o* course( onl' *or now.
9s the sun began to set over their cit'( 5eii slowl' continue# to walk( while carr'ing
@ika on his back.
+he' continue# to talk to each other( pa'ing no attention to the mocking looks o*
passers8b'( an# slowl'( relaxe#l' spent their time together.
;/ou still can)t walk,?
;/ou)re l'ing.?
;1ell( whatever...... % guess % misse# m' chance...... to ask m' sister about the hea#.?
;% #on)t think she knows an' more( probabl'.?
;...... /ou think, 5o % guess that )%za'a 7rihara) gu' 'ou were talking about has it now.
%)ve hear# his name come up in a lot o* rumours( an# % *eel like % might have met him
be*ore( somewhere...... 1ell( % guess %)ll tr' *in#ing his apartment an# sneaking in or
;9ctuall'( 'ou #on)t nee# to bother.?
;%)ve alrea#' *oun# three o* his apartments( an# looke# aroun# them a*ter sneaking
m' wa' in...... 4ut the hea# was nowhere in sight.?
;...... 6eall', 1ell then( % guess % won)t bother.?
;9lso( 'ou probabl' shoul#n)t sneak aroun# people)s houses like that.?
;%* 'ou *oun# the hea# be*ore % #i#( what woul# 'ou have #one,?
;Faten it.?
;%* % became one with that hea#( 'ou)# love me( woul#n)t 'ou 5eii,?
;Probabl' not. 9n'wa'( there)s a *ault in 'our plan.?
;%* 'ou trie# to #o something like that( % woul# #e*initel' stop 'ou.?
;Fven i* 'ou ha# to kill me,?
;% thought so...?
;...... 0o 'ou hate me now,?
;.uh( wh' woul# %,?
;-o( #on)t worr'...?
;9part *rom m'.... *ace( what #o 'ou think about me( @ika .arima, 0o 'ou hate me,?
;-ope( not reall'.?
;Fh2, +hen( 'ou love me2,?
;-ope( not reall'.?
;9www.? ;1hat are 'ou )awww)ing *or,?
;@m( % was l'ing. +hat )awww) was a lie.? ;1hat #oes that even mean.?
;......? ;......?
1ith that en#less exchange( the two #isappeare# into the hustle an# bustle o* the
+he girl)s love( was abnormal.
+he sister)s love too( was abnormal.
4ut the bo' who turne# asi#e their love( with an' change in expression... %n some
wa's( he was the most abnormal o* them all.
4ut that which consume# even their strange love triangle...
+he cit' o* %kebukuro to#a'( as alwa's( continue# to pla' its tune.
9s i* being swallowe# b' a great current.
5lowl'( leisurel'( maesticall'.
-ight( an apartment somewhere in 5hinuku.
%nsi#e the apartment( whose owner was still missing( -amie the *ree8loa#er was
%t was a name that *or the last #a'( -amie ha# whispere# to hersel* man' times.
Fven ust #uring this shower( she ha# sai# it almost a hun#re# times.
9*ter pressing on her own lips( -amie starte# to embrace hersel*.
!ow that I think about it, that was the first time that I've kissed a male......
+he reason she ha# restricte# it to )males)( ma' have been because she was
counting the kiss she ha# with @ika ust be*ore it( or perhaps she ha# ha# some
other kin# o* experiences with women be*ore.
Fither wa'( all that was in her hea# at this point( was the *ace o* her belove# little
9s i* she was tr'ing to cool #own her burning bo#'( -amie continue# her col#
%* she #i#n)t( she *elt as i* her entire reason ma' begin to crumble.
;.ehe( hehehe( aha..... ahahahah.....
Fven though all she was thinking about was the name( 5eii( insanel' lou# laughter
spilt *orth *rom her mouth.
+he' sa' that )love lasts 3 'ears( marriage onl' 3 #a's.) but the concept o* )lasting)
seeme# eternall' irrelevant regar#ing -amie)s love *or her brother.
7* course( there was a reason that her love never ran out.
+o -amie( loving her brother was as natural as taking a breath.
9n# surel' it woul# be har# to *in# a person who woul# ever get sick o* breathing.
5o( like breathing( i* she were to stop loving( -amie woul# likel' be unable to
continue living.
9s she alwa's ha#( -amie woul# continue to live b' taking #eep breaths o* love.
+omorrow( an# the next #a'...
Bntil the ver' #a' that 5eii #isappears *rom this worl#.
7r perhaps even a*ter that.
.er breath became the sigh o* a twiste# love( an# blew with passion( through the
night8cit' o* %kebukuro.
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes
:hapter 3
Everyday Life B 2agrant's 1on(erto
J 'ears earlier( %kebukuro.
&hat am I seeing right now%
+hat man was onl' goo# at *ighting.
Fven *or a person who was part o* the t'pe o* organisation that was known to be a
)violent gang)( this man exhibite# extraor#inar' amounts o* violence.
+he rumours were that he was power*ul( an# he believe# in that strength o* his.
+he truth was( the man ha# been wan#ering aroun# the #ark si#e o* the worl# with
onl' his own strength.
9 strong *ighter.
1ith onl' that( he was able to continue living. .e was able to hol# pri#e in his wa' o*
.e #i#n)t care about things like intelligence gangs( or the 9nti8:rime Daws.
7* course( he ha# to go along with things like that( but in the en#( i* he was ma#e
light o*( it was the en# *or him.
9ll he coul# #o( was push on #own his own path.
5everal 'ears earlier( upon hearing that the subor#inates o* a person in the same
business( who was rumoure# to be his rival( were taken #own b' a ki# in a baker'(
*eelings o* pit'( contempt( an# anger all rose insi#e him at the same time. .e became
suspicious( an# believe# it to be some sort o* oke.
.e ha# no wa' o* knowing that in the *uture( that chil# woul# begin #ressing himsel*
in barten#er)s clothes( an# become somewhat o* an urban legen# in %kebukuro.
5o( simpl' in or#er to teach those colleagues the basics o* *ighting( he continue# his
.e *ought( an# *ought( an# *ought.
1ith ust his overwhelming strength( the man trie# to make ever'thing he coul# see(
become his.
.e knew that it was impossible.
4ut he #i#n)t stop.
.e coul#n)t stop.
.e coul#n)t stop the impulses that woul# rise up insi#e o* him.
.is intoxication with violence.
.e coul#n)t live without being able to test the strength that he ha# tempere#( the
techni"ue that he ha# polishe#( in real battle.
.e coul#n)t live without #ispla'ing it.
Fven i* he knew that all that awaite# him was #estruction( the man went with his
#esires( an# swung aroun# his power like a bla#e.
+hen( one #a'.
.e met a monster.
&hat is this...
%t was not the .ea#less 6i#er( who ro#e a black bike that ma#e no engine noise( an#
ha# o*ten been rumoure# about recentl'.
%t was another recentl' starte# rumour( about a 6ipper 0emon( wiel#ing a Aapanese
&hat am I seeing,%
9t the time( nobo#' reall' knew.
+here was no wa' the' could know.
Fven now( other than him( the people who knew the truth were *ew in number.
Is this even real%......
+he 6ipper 0emon was < in ever' sense o* the wor# < a )monster).
9 re#8e'e# monster( with superhuman movements( who coul# grow a bla#e out o*
an' part o* its bo#'.
+he man #i# not know the name o* that monster.
+he name o* that bla#e( who love# humans. )5aika).
;/ou( what the *uck are 'ou2, 0ammiiitt2?
1ithout respon#ing to the shouting man.
+he e#ge o* the #emon8swor#( hel# b' the re#8e'e# human( cut through a part o* the
man)s bo#'.
9n# so( time passe#...
Present time( @a' 4
( late night( somewhere in the cit'( at a certain night8club.
5ensual music( an# lights blen#e# together throughout the room.
Bn#er the criteria o* the 4usiness 6egulation Daws( it was registere# as a )ca*e)( but
in truth( it looke# more like a night club( or like the )#iscos) *rom long ago.
Fver' night there was some sort o* event( with various entertainment businesses on
rotation( hiring out a space in the hall.
/oung men an# women woul# #ance about in this lou#( livel' environment( an#
in#ulge in various pleasures.
+hese 'oung people)s bo#ies an# hearts woul# tremble with the #eep bass
resoun#ing in this #arkness.
5ome woul# move their bo#ies with the music( an# some let their bo#ies be taken b'
the taste o* alcohol( an# the beat o* the bass. 9n# some( their hearts *ille# with
#esire( woul# call out to the opposite sex.
+he various movements o* these 'oung people( moving to the beat o* the music(
burning un#er the *lickering lights.
.owever( in this club( there were some 'oung people who were not being in*luence#
b' the music( an# who were making no particular movement.
%nsi#e the men)s8onl' toilet o* the club( where the soun# was less than hal* as lou#.
;:ome on..... /ou brought the stu** #i#n)t 'ou, Tuickl'.?
;1e)ve got the mone' 'ou wante#( so come on. 7k,?
>irls in heav' make8up spoke in voices mixe# with impatience.
%t ma' have been a male toilet( but those girls ha# walke# straight in( without
7n the opposite si#e to the girls( were three brawn' looking men.
9roun# the necks o* the three men( the' ha# tattoos o* a particular #esign( an#
seeme# to be in their earl'8twenties. .owever( the' were surroun#ing the girls who
were 'ounger than themselves( an# emitting a strange intimi#ating aura.
9s the' #i# this( the smallest o* the men grinne#( an# brought his *ace close to the
;/eah( 'eah. :alm #own. 1e brought it( ok,?
+he girls looke# relieve# to hear these wor#s.
4ut their *aces were absolutel' pale( an# a la'er o* col# sweat ha# *orme# on their
;4ut( there)s ust one thing( 'ou see( this stu** is prett' popular right now( an# that
makes it prett' #amn har# to get 'our han#s on( get it, /ou un#erstan#( right, 5o(
well.... 1e can leave the pa'ment till later( but... Eor now( it means we nee# to #o
+he man brought a vin'l pack out *rom somewhere( with a zip attache#( an# *lashe#
it in *ront o* the girls. %nsi#e it( there were a *ew white pills.
7ne o* the girls looke# at the contents( an# her *ace became paste# with a look o*
;-o wa'( but... +hat)s not even hal* the usual amount......?
;1ell( reall' % was thinking about letting one o* our other regulars take this( but 'ou
girls were ust breakin) m' heart. 6eall'( even people like us can)t watch a girl in pain(
'ou know,
;...... 5o... i* we.. i* we pa' #ouble... we)# get the normal amount.....,?
+he wor#s the girl ha# sai# #i#n)t reall' match the wa' that she was so out o* breath.
5ince a while ago( she ha# been gulping constantl'( as i* she ha# a #r' throat.
+he man continue# to talk( as he patte# the cheeks o* each o* the girls.
;%t)s oka'( it)s oka'. 1e)ll even help 'ou *in# some work. % #on)t wanna see 'ou girls
with such sa# *aces. @ka',?
+he man ha# kept waving the vin'l bag in *ront o* the girl)s *aces( an# smiling as he
9lmost like he was waving a carrot in *ront o* a horse.
.owever( the carrot was su##enl' caught( an# carrie# o** b' a crosswin#.
1husssh. +he soun# o* water being *lushe# #own a toilet in one o* the close# o**
+he men *rowne# as the' looke# towar#s that stall.
%t was the stall closest to the entrance. 1hen the' ha# walke# in( there ha# #e*initel'
been no8one insi#e.
9lso( the girls #i# not know this( but outsi#e the entrance( two guar#s ha# been
poste#( an# tol# to in*orm an'bo#' other than )customers) an# colleagues( that the
toilet was )currentl' being cleane#).
.e *irst thought it might have been one o* the guar#s who ha# come in to go to the
toilet( but then( until now the' ha#n)t *elt an' presence( nor hear# the soun# o* the
#oor closing.
;.e8he'( "uickl'......?
;5hut up.?
+he man looke# with precaution towar#s the #oor( while silencing the girls.
7nl' a *ew secon#s passe#( but to the men it *elt like several times that.
1hat the' were looking out *or( was somebo#' like a cop.
%* it was ust a customer who ha# acci#entall' walke# in while one o* the guar#s
wasn)t looking( then the' coul# easil' act naturall' till the' le*t( or beat them up an#
#rive them out themselves.
%n the *irst place( the' ha#n)t even hear# the soun# o* somebo#' #oing their business
in there( or even the soun# o* toilet paper being rolle#.
@eaning.... +hat the person in the stall( ha# onl' *lushe# the toilet.
5eeing the #oor begin to open( the men con*irme# that the person was not simpl'
about to use the toilet.
+his meant that the person ha# taken the time to enter the stall( an# then *lush the
toilet... Fxactl' wh' ha# the' #one that,
+o think the' ha# ust *lushe# the toilet a*ter onl' spitting( was overl' optimistic.
+o them( the *act that an outsi#er was even able to enter the stall was completel'
be'on# their expectations.
+he' woul# *re"uentl' come to places like this to make push a certain )illegal #rug)(
so it seeme# that the reason the' were this war'( was simpl' *rom their experience
as #rug #ealers.
;.e'( who)s there, .e'.?
1hile sa'ing this in an intimi#ating voice( the men took one step towar#s the hal*8
opene# #oor.
9s the' #i#( the #oor opene#( an# a man appeare# *rom the stall.
4ut the person who ha# appeare#( was not the police #etective the' ha# expecte#.
.aving sai# that( the' still were not an or#inar' person at all.
.e was a curious man.
;/ou 'oung people( well( % guess... %t)s goo# to see 'a)ll so energetic.?
.e was a tall man( wearing a #ress8suit with a *lash' print.
.e looke# to be somewhere in his thirties.
Erom his appearance( he was not 'oung( but he also coul#n)t be sai# to be mi##le8
.e ma' have been tall an# thin( but thanks to the scar on his *ace( he certainl' #i#n)t
look weak.
.e was wearing a pair o* obviousl' high8class( tinte# glasses( an# hel# a cane in his
han#( with an elaborate #esign on it. %t almost *elt as i* he ha# escape# *rom the set
o* some movie *rom long ago.
.e ma' have been hol#ing a cane( but that #i#n)t necessaril' mean he ha# a ba#
9s he smile# lightl'( he slowl' walke# out o* the toilet stall.
9t the appearance o* this strange man( the 'oung( tattooe# men looke# at each
other( an# then two o* them sai#( with ri#icule in their voices.
;1ha##a'a want( ol# man,? ;1e)re eno'in) ourselves at the moment( woul# 'a
kin#l' bugger o**,?
4ut( the other 'oung man was looking at the *ace o* the ol#er man( an# seeme# to
have something on his min#.
+he girls( on the other han#( were *ranticall' tr'ing to grab the vin'l case that one o*
the men was hol#ing onto.
1hile one man hel# them o** with his back( the other two *earlessl' steppe# towar#s
the ol#er man.
;+his toilet is bein) cleane# right now( so get the hell outta here.?
;1ell( well. Gi#s these #a's reall' are hot8bloo#e# now( ain)t the', Bh8oh( 'ou won)t
start pulling out m' *ront tooth *or sa'ing that( will 'a, 7h( % meant that as a oke( #o
ki#s 'our age get that one( % won#er,?
;1hat the hell are 'ou talkin) about( ol# man, 7i.?
;9hh( ok( it)s *ine( it)s *ine. % thought 'ou might rea# manga or somethin). Gi#s shoul#
sta' ki#s( not get all worn out like little ol# me. /ou nee# to sta' pure( believe in the
powers o* perseverance( *rien#ship( an# victor'2?
>rinning wi#el'( the man cracke# his neck( then hel# out the han# that was not
hol#ing his sta**.
+he 'ounger men stoppe# moving.
+he item in the ol#er man)s han#( was exactl' the same as the vin'l case that the'
ha# been showing to the girls( ust be*ore.
.owever( this case ha# nothing insi#e o* it.
+he smiling ol# man with the glasses continue# to speak to the bo's( who)s
expressions ha# turne# sti**.
;9hh( so sorr' *or intru#ing. +he big gu's that were at the entrance( the' ha# some
'uck' looking stu** insi#e this here bag( so % thought % shoul# *lush it #own the toilet
*or them. Disten( *or unk like this( 'ou have to properl' #isin*ect it( or *lush it #own the
toilet( right, 1ell( 'ou shoul#n)t reall' *lush it i* it looks like it won)t go #own( % guess.
4ut % reckon this unk)ll probabl' #issolve #own nicel'.?
;.....2 /ou bastar#2?
4e*ore the' worrie# about the *ate o* the guar#s the' ha# place# outsi#e( the
muscular 'oung men went to grab the neck o* the ol#er man.
;:ome now( 'ou shoul#n)t #o something like that( bo's.?
:rack. 9 soun# like a #amp( woo#en pole being snappe# in hal*.
;/ou shoul#n)t be grabbing people)s necks like that.?
5lowl' moving his bo#'( the grinning man saw be*ore himsel*...
+he bo#' o* the man who ha# trie# to grab his neck( spinning( an# #rawing a grace*ul
traector' through the air.
9n# the *ingers which ha# been aiming *or his neck went against the spinning motion
o* the bo#'( *orming a twiste# angle.
4ut the spinning man #i# not raise a scream.
+he 'oung man( his *ingers broken( continue# to spin with vigour( till his hea#
*orce*ull' hit the groun#.
;2, ng8..... mmph82 2, , 2?
.is lungs were in no state *or talking.
%t was as i* ever' bloo# cell in his bo#' ha# been stolen o* all o* its ox'gen( an#
carbon #ioxi#e.
9 mixe# sensation o* pain an# numbness rose up *rom his *ingers( an# as i* it were a
*inishing blow( he then receive# a violent impact to his 9#am)s apple.
+he cane hel# b' the ol#er man( ha# been thrust towar#s the *allen man)s throat.
.is min# turning clou#' *rom the pain an# shock( the 'oung man lost consciousness.
;%t)s a goo# thing % never learnt me an' martial arts( ain)t it, /ou coul# get awa' with
ust a broken *inger.?
5eeing what ha# happene# be*ore them in onl' a *ew secon#s( the remaining two
'oung men ha# stoppe# moving.
%n this room where it almost seeme# that time ha# stoppe# moving( the *irst to raise
their voices were the girls.
;.e8 he'( what are 'ou #oing2, Tuick( sell us the stu**2?
;1e)ve got nothing to #o with this *ight2?
4ut to the shouts o* the girls( one o* the tattooe# men onl' shoute# back( angril'.
;5hut it2?
+he 'oung man ha# elbowe# the girl *ace( who ha# been attempting to grab the vin'l
bag *rom behin# him( but when he turne# aroun#...
;+hat wasn)t nice.?
4e*ore him( was the *ace o* the m'sterious man.
9n# re*lecte# in the lenses o* the man)s glasses( he saw his own( shocke# e'es
staring back at him.
1ithout thinking( an# without an' techni"ue( the 'oung man threw a punch( but the
onl' thing that the power*ull' swung *ist hit was air.
;/a know( 'ou reall' shoul#n)t be elbowing girls like that. /a nee# to treat them nice
an# kin#l'.?
+he next moment( the 'oung man)s ear was grabbe# strongl'( an# pulle#
;1ai8...... 5to8...... %t)ll brea8.......?
Eeeling the impen#ing #anger o* losing his ear( without thinking( the 'oung man
naturall' brought his bo#' towar#s the groun#.
Dike this( his *eet were easil' swept *rom un#erneath him b' the man with tinte#
glasses( an# he was ma#e to vigorousl' kiss the *loor o* the toilet.
;4legh...... /ou basta8....... 4g'uh2,?
1ith an angr' voice( he trie# to stan# back up( but that #ream woul# not come true.
9 kick *rom above brought his hea# to the *loor with such *orce that his nose( an#
*ront teeth broke... 9*ter which the 'oung man trul' went into a #ream worl#( taking
his own consciousness with him.
5eeing his two companions in this state( the remaining 'oung man)s *ace tremble# in
I remember now.
.is *ear however( was not brought about *rom the violent acts o* the man in *ront o*
Tinted glasses, patterned suit, and holding a cane.
%t was because as he ha# remembere# the true i#entit' o* the man in *ront o* him( he
ha# also remembere# the )organisation) he was a part o*.
!o mistake.
Akabayashi......This guy, is the Awakusu's Akabayashi,
;P8please( wait2 %)m sorr'2 % am seriousl' sorr'2?
1hen the man wearing tinte# glasses looke# towar#s him( the last 'oung man was
alrea#' prostrating himsel* on the *loor.
;.e'( he'. @ister( that)s #irt'. Puttin) 'a han#s on the toilet *loor like that.?
1hile he was pushing the *ace o* another man into the *loor with his *oot( the man in
tinte# glasses < 9kaba'ashi smile# lightl'.
;9n# an'wa'( #on)t be slamming 'our *ace to the groun# like that( when a man hasn)t
even tol# 'a to. 9n# reall'( % mean( come on. 0o 'a reall' think little ol# me wants to
see somethin) like that,?
9s 9kaba'ashi ri#icule# the prostrating man in a light8hearte# tone( the 'oung man(
sweating all over( spat out his next wor#s through shaking( pale lips.
;58s8seriousl'( %)m sorr' man2 %8% mean( % #i8#i#n)t know 'ou were *rom the 9wakusu2
5orr' *or picking a *ight with 'ou......?
;-ah( nah( 'a #on)t nee# to be apologising *or somethin) like that. % mean( i* an' o* us
was pickin) a *ight( it was little ol# me( right,?
9kaba'ashi continue# to smile light8hearte#l'( but...
9s he s"uatte# #own( his smile *a#e# slightl'( an# he spoke in a low voice.
;%* 'a gotta apologise( it)s *or somethin) else entirel'. 6ight,)
9kaba'ashi picke# up the vin'l bag that one o* the man ha# #roppe#( an# brought it
in *ront o* this 'oung man)s *ace.
;+his club( right... 7ur compan'( we got allota business relations goin) on with this
club. 5o( an# % know 'a probabl' hear# this be*ore( but... 1ho #o 'a get this stu**
*rom( hm, 1ho)s 'a supplier, .m, 1h' #on)t 'a tell little ol# me.?
;9h...... -o( %......?
9kaba'ashi turn his hea#( but his e'es never le*t the 'oung man)s *ace.
;+hat is...... %8......2?
Eaintl' seeing 9kaba'ashi)s e'es *rom behin# his tinte# glasses( the 'oung man)s
entire bo#' once again became sti**.
;%8%..... % #8#i#n)t know an'thing about this being 9wakusu)s tur*2 %8%)ll pa' m' taxes
next time( % swear2......?
Erom insi#e the men)s toilets( a *alse8soun#ing laugh coul# be hear#.
;9hh( 'ou crack me up2 /ou reall' know absolutel' nothin)( #o 'a mister,?
;/a #on)t even know the law, %n Aapan( this stu** % have here is illegal( 'ou know,
1ell( % mean( there was a chance this stu** was ust lemon can#' or something( so
be*ore % came( m' little ol# *rien#s #i# some investigating *or me.?
9kaba'ashi shook his hea# exaggerate#l'( an# brought his *ace closer to the man.
;+his place that little ol# me looks a*ter( 'ou know( it #oesn)t reall' have an'(
wha##a'a call em, Docal rules, Det)s sa' it)s a #rug8*ree business.?
&hat the hell%
I've never heard anything like this,
9kaba'ashi shook his in#ex *inger in *ront o* the sweating 'oung man.
;1ell( either wa'( #i#'a reall' think we were the kin#a hal*8asse# group that woul# let
'ou o** ust *or s"uealing )%)ll pa' m' taxes next time( % swear2)( as soon as 'ou got
*oun# out, Dittle ol# me an# m' people,?
;98.... ahh.....?
;5o( let)s choose.?
;:8..... c8choose,.....
+he 'oung man ha# notice# that his breathing ha# starte# to become rough.
.e ha# no i#ea what the man in *ront o* him was talking about( but he ha# realise#
that he ha# begun to not onl' *ear the 9wakusu >roup( but the happil' smiling man
6emembering the kni*e in his breast pocket( the man thought.
5houl# he use it( or not,
&ill it work% 4e's from the )aku-a. o, nope.
It's not like they know my face. As long as I kill him, I can run away.
!ope. I won't be able to run away from the )aku-a. 5ut, maybe if they don't know...
7ammit, &hy did this even happen,% I wasn't told about this,
&ait, in the first place, would it even work on this old guy% (y knife...
4e's probably carrying one himself, or maybe even a
gun. !ope. !o.
7ammit... 7ammit,... 7amn, damn, damn, damn, dammit,......
1ithin these various thoughts( there was not a trace o* positivit'.
;1ell 'a see( little ol# me( %)m "uite the h'pocrite. 7* course it)s all part o* business
'ou know( settling taxes *rom gambling parlours( managing li"uor stores( brokering
tra#es *or crab *rom some suspicious sources. % #o lotsa ba# things( right, 4ut #rugs(
'ou know( well( personall' % ust #on)t like )em. /eah( % guess %)m ust *uss'. 5o( 'ou
*eel *ree to call little ol# me a )h'pocrite) as much as 'ou like.?
9kaba'ashi took o** his tinte# glasses( an# slowl' move# his *ace closer an# closer
towar#s the 'oung man)s.
5eeing those e'es( the 'oung man realise# something was out o* place.
&ait, one of his eyes... Is strange......
3... A fake eye%......
7* course( b' the time he ha# realise# it( that little *act #i#n)t reall' mean an'thing to
;9 long time ago( there was a broa# % was in love with( an# her husban#( 'ou see( he
was into this kin#a stu**. 9n# because o* him( she ha# some rough times. % reall'(
reall' hate this stu**. +his white crap. +he reason little ol# me took up with the
9wakusu >roup( is reall' ust because the' were so #amn accommo#ating towar#s
m' )pre*erences).?
).ahaha)( 9kaba'ashi continue# to laugh light8hearte#l'( but...
5u##enl' he stoppe# laughing( an# his smile became slightl' less visible as he
spoke lowl'.
;...... 5o( % guess it)s about time we talke# about what 'ou)re gonna choose...... 5o(
which #o 'ou pre*er,?
;1h8...... what,?
;...... 1oul# 'ou pre*er i* we o* the 9wakusu( han#e# 'ou over as a nice little present
to the chie* o* police( or woul# 'ou pre*er i* % smashe# both o* 'our arms to pieces
right here( right now, 1hich will 'ou choose,?
, , ,
+he breath o* the 'oung man reach the peak o* roughness( an# a *ew secon#s
+he man be*ore him( was sa'ing that he woul# use the 'oung man as an item to
tra#e with the police.
%* he re*use#( both o* his arms woul# be crushe#.
5eeing what ha# happene# to his companions be*orehan#( he knew it was no lie.
;5t8.....st8...... s8...... wai8....... %)m sorr'2 %)m so sorr'2?
9s the 'oung man scrubbe# the *loor with his hea#( an# begge# in a voice next to
tears( 9kaba'ashi shook his hea# with a bitter smile.
;9 gu' with enough guts to get a tattoo like that( reall' shoul#n)t be #oing somethin)
so shame*ul. /ou)ll make 'our ink8pusher cr'.?
;+h8this is ust a #ecal2 %t)s *ake2 %)m not that kin#a gu'2 1e)re n8normal gu's( w8we
were ust aske# to #o this( *or like( a bit o* cash2 %t wasn)t me2 %8% was ust tol# to #o
this2 5o please( *orgive me2 Please( let me go2?
;98hah8hah. 1ell i* that)s the case( 'ou)re making whoever ma#e that #ecal cr'......
Fven so( this is tough one...?
9kaba'ashi smile#( starte# to stan#( an# snappe# his *ingers.
1hen he #i#( *rom the entrance o* the toilet( appeare# 'oung men wearing suits.
;Fh, Fh,?
;%* there)s someone pulling 'our strings( then we really nee# to hear about that.?
%n *ront o* the 'oung man( 9kaba'ashi wave# his han# towar#s the suite# men.
;5o( we)re gonna have to ab#uct 'ou. % guess %)ll ust leave the rest to Gazamoto8
;/up.? ;-ice work( 9kaba'ashi8san.?
9s he hit the *loor with a click8clack soun#( 9kaba'ashi spoke along with the rh'thm(
to the men wearing suits.
;/eah( 'ou gu's know ust how ba# little ol# me is( at torture an# the like.?
%n the *ace o* 9kaba'ashi( who ha# use# wor#s like )torture) much too lightl'( the
'oung man kneeling on the groun# began to stan# up in panic.
I have to run.
1hat woul# happen to him i* he was taken to their place...
.e ma' have onl' been the t'pe o* #ealer that ha# to use a *ake tattoo to intimi#ate
customers( but even he coul# imagine what might happen to him.
.e brought the kni*e out o* his breast pocket( an# while waving it about( began to run
;9h( that little prick2? ;0amn( stop2?
9kaba'ashi)s black8suite# subor#inates 'elle# out to him( but o* course the 'oung
man running awa' was not going to listen.
5eeing the re*lection o* the toilet)s electric light re*lecting o** o* the wil#l' *lailing silver
bla#e( the girls who ha# retreate# to the corner o* the room let out a scream.
;>et the hell outta m' wa'2 %)ll reall' stab 'ou( % swear2?
1hile his movements clearl' sai# that he was going to stab somebo#'( the tattooe#
man seeme# so con*use# that he #i#n)t even know what he was sa'ing.
9kaba'ashi let out a short breath.
-ot a sigh.
Aust *or a secon#( he breathe# inwar#s.
1ithout hesitating( the 'oung man ha# trie# to run *rom 9kaba'ashi( who stoo# in the
centre o* the room.
+he 'oung man who ha# been running awa'( while waving his kni*e aroun#( ha#
receive# a small shock to his han#.
Erom the #arkness( the blin#8spot o* the 'oung man)s vision( some kin# o* c'lin#rical
obect ha# sent kni*e *l'ing.
A cane%
4' the time he ha# realise#( it was alrea#' too late( an# the tip o* cane 9kaba'ashi
hel# ha# alrea#' le*t his *iel# o* vision.
1ith *lowing movements( as i* he was sli#ing along the *loor( the tip o* 9kaba'ashi)s
cane appeare# *rom an# entirel' #i**erent #irection than the last attack.
%t was hel# with both han#s( like a spear( but there was not much length past
9kaba'ashi)s le*t han#( so the 'oung man)s instinct tol# him that it woul# not be able
to reach his bo#' *rom this #istance.
7* course( thinking about it rationall'( this coul#n)t be true... 4ut the optical illusion
that was create# b' the visual in*ormation he ha# receive# woul# prove to be his
.e ha# pushe# the other en# o* the cane with his right han#. +his was all that he #i#(
but with that movement( the tip o* the cane seeme# to su##enl' stretch( in the e'es
o* the 'oung man.
9 surprise# cr'( an# a moan *rom the impact both escape# his lips at almost the
same time.
+he tip o* the cane hit the man)s throat( an# impacte# his 9#am)s apple *rom above
the skin.
%n ust moments( the 'oung man)s e'es shook violentl' be*ore turning white( an# he
crumble# to the *loor o* the toilet like a puppet that ha# lost it)s strings.
;7k( take him awa'( take him awa'.?
9kaba'ashi smile# his usual smile as he gave or#ers to the men in black suits.
9*ter con*irming that the *ainte# 'oung men ha# been taken awa'( 9kaba'ashi turne#
his attention back to the #epths o* the toilet.
;5o( about 'ou girls...?
;Fe8.....? ;B8umm......?
+he' ma' have been thirsting *or #rugs onl' moments ago( but with the scene in *ront
o* them an# what ha# ust happene#( even these novice girls ha# probabl' realise#
exactl' who the man in *ront o* them was.
+heir e'es ha# turne# *rom those o* #esire( to those o* *ear( an# the' ha# gra#uall'
starte# to shake as the' hu##le# up to each other.
;9www( 'a #on)t have to look so a*rai#. /ou see( little ol# me onl' ust got here( *rom
making a prett' little 6ussian girl cr'( about an hour ago now. 6ight now( %)m ust
a little nervous( ok,?
5miling lightl'( he brought a han#kerchie* out o* his breast pocket( an# han#e# it to
one o* the girls.
;9ctuall'( 'a nose is blee#ing right, Erom that elbow be*ore, /ou ok( sweetie, /a
probabl' shoul# get to the hospital.?
;Fh( ah( umm...... +8thank 'ou ver' much.?
;/ou know( 'ou shoul# get to the hospital right now( reall'. 1ant us to take 'a there,
Fither wa'( 'ou)re all lookin) prett' pale.?
;Fh( a........ -8no( thanks..... 1e)ll be *ine.?
+he girls( not un#erstan#ing where this was lea#ing( turne# their e'es awa' *rom him
an# continue# to shake.
;P8please... Please let us go. 1e..... 1e)ll #o an'8....... an'thing....... s8so2?
7ne o* the shaking girls looke# as i* she was about to cr' as she sai# this.
;9hh. +his is no goo#. 0oes little ol# me reall' look that scar' to 'ou,?
9kaba'ashi smile# as i* mocking himsel*( as his cane tappe# against the *loor with a
;/ou little girls are prett' luck'( huh, %* someone other than little ol# me was looking
a*ter this place( wh'( 'ou)# alrea#' have been intro#uce# to some no good shop( or
some no good #ispatch service( or some no good *ilm stu#io( probabl'.?
.earing him sa' all this so in#i**erentl'( as he continue# to smile( the girls onl' shook
more strongl' than be*ore.
;9hh( no( no( %)m not tr'ing to make 'ou *eel like 'ou owe me( or an'thing. Dittle ol#
me( %)m a bit o* a h'pocrite( remember, % won)t #o an'thing nast' to 'ou 'oung
la#ies( but % will have to me##le ust a little bit( % think.?
+hen( 9kaba'ashi chose what woul#( in some wa's( be perhaps the worst kin# o*
)me##ling) *or those girls.
;7h( #on)t worr'. 9ll %)m gonna #o is escort 'ou 'oung la#ies home( an# then %)ll tell
them all about what kin# o* me#icine 'ou)ve been taking. /our mothers an# *athers(
that is.?
;9*ter that( it becomes a *amil' matter( % spose. Fither wa'( % reckon 'ou might en# up
in hospital( no,?
;9hh( also...... 1ell( #epen#ing on the circumstances( % guess m' people might nee#
to sit #own an# have a nice little chat with 'our *amilies...?
5everal minutes later( insi#e a taxi.
9kaba'ashi le*t the club( alone( a*ter giving or#ers to his subor#inates.
%nsi#e the taxi( he relaxe# his bo#'( an# sai# to himsel*.
;@aking a girl cr' reall' #oes leave a ba# a*ter8taste( huh,?
.earing this monologue( the nos' taxi #river spoke back.
;7h, @ister( #i# 'ou have a *ight with 'our girl*rien#,
;4asicall'. 1ell( nobo#' threw an' punches( but % guess % ma#e some sa# memories
*or her.?
9s 9kaba'ashi shook his hea#( seeming sa# himsel*( the ol#er taxi #river laughe#
an# sai#.
;+hat)s no goo#. /ou nee# to treat 'our girl nice.?
9 *ew minutes ha# passe# since then( when 9kaba'ashi)s phone starte# to ring.
.is ringtone was the newest hit *rom the popular i#ol( 6uri .iiribe.
;9h( is that the girl 'ou were talking about( mister,?
;98hah8hah( 'ou know( % wish.?
Daughing as he respon#e# to the taxi #river( 9kaba'ashi presse# the )receive) button
on his phone.
;/es( hello. %t)s little ol# me.?
;-ey$ it's )e. 1ut out t!e gross greetings.&
%t was the voice o* one o* his co8workers... 7ne o* the 9wakusu)s top8#ogs( 9ozaki.
+he' ha# onl' a *ew hours ago #one a ob regar#ing a certain 6ussian #uo( so
9kaba'ashi thought the call ma' be relate# to that.
;9h( it)s ust 'ou 9ozaki8san. 5omething up with our little 6ussian customers *rom
;3o$ t!at's not it. Did you !ear a"out w!at !aened wit! our Prin(ess%&
;9hh( about how that .eiwaima la##' an# the 4lack 6i#er save# her, @iki'a8san(
being the wa' he is( is probabl' lecturing the little runawa' Princess right now( even
though he)s *eeling relieve#( right,?
+he )Princess) the' were talking about( was the gran##aughter o* the 9wakusu)s
boss( 0ougen 9wakusu( an# #aughter o* their un#erboss( @iki'a 9wakusu.
.e ha# been in*orme# that the 'oung girl name# 9kane 9wakusu ha#( in the last *ew
#a's( run awa' *rom home( been ki#nappe# b' the a*orementione# 6ussian #uo an#
gotten wrappe# up in various t'pes o* trouble( be*ore being returne# sa*el' that
;Sort of...... A"out t!at$ t!ere see)s to "e so)et!ing strange going on.&
;...... ,ell$ I only !eard t!is fro) so)eone else$ so I don't really know t!e full
details$ and really$ I kinda don't (are to eit!er$ "ut... 'ou've known t!e Prin(ess
sin(e s!e was retty s)all$ rig!t%&
;+rue. 9hh( well( %)ll ask @iki'a8san about it tomorrow..... %n an' case( isn)t it rare *or
'ou to be worrie# about somethin) like this, 9ren)t 'ou suppose# to be the gu' that
hates @iki'a8san,?
%n response to 9kaba'ashi)s teasing( a low voice coul# be hear# through the mobile
;'ou s!ouldn't say stuid stuff like t!at$ Aka"ayas!i. +f (ourse$ I don't really
arove of 4ikiya5san$ "ut Prin(ess Akane is t!e "oss' granddaug!ter$ you
know% If s!e !ears so)et!ing s!e s!ouldn't it )ig!t start a war. 'ou need to
wat(! your )out!.&
;9re 'a sure 'ou #on)t actuall' want that to happen, 9ozaki8san.?
;...... I told you$ don't say stuid stuff like t!at. 'ou useless "astard.&
:licking his tongue with a sneer( 9ozaki cut o** the phone call( *rom his si#e.
9kaba'ashi put awa' his phone while sighing to himsel*.
9s he #i#( the taxi #river opene# his mouth.
;.e' mister( is here *ine,?
;9h( 'ep. +hat corner there)ll be ok.?
;Pleasure #oin) business.?
0i**erent *rom be*ore( the taxi #river)s smile was now somehow sti**.
%t seeme# *rom that phone calle#( he ha# gathere# that 9kaba'ashi)s business was
somehow )not respectable).
;.e'( sorr' % #i#n)t nee# to go too *ar. .ere( 'a can keep the change.?
;9h( no wa'2 % can)t take 1!(!!! 'en *or ust this2?
;%t)s *ine( it)s *ine.?
.al*8*orcing the 1!(!!! 'en note on the #river( 9kaba'ashi slowl' le*t the taxi behin#.
9s he cracke# his neck( he looke# up at the starr' night sk'( blurre# b' the neon
lights o* the cit'.
;4ut( man... +his place has been strange recentl'.?
+he 4lack 6i#er.
+he revival o* the 6ipper 0emon.
+he newl' *oun# prosperit' o* the organisation calle# )0ollars).
+he trouble with 6uri .iiribe.
Ainnai /o#ogiri.
9n# most recentl'( this case involving 9kane an# the 6ussian #uo.
;1ell( % guess #angerous stories like that have happene# in other cities too( since
ages ago.?
1hile murmuring this to himsel*( 9kaba'ashi walke# towar#s the apartment where he
was sleeping.
8ven so, it's like... 4ow to say it...
It's like, recently, the normal world and the underground are mixing together... or
It's kinda like the people of the normal world aren't able to keep themselves there
any more.
+hinking there was no point in him worr'ing about it( 9kaba'ashi once again looke#
to the star *ille# sk'.
+he lights o* the cit' an# the #arkness o* the night mixe# together( an# in this blurre#
space( the light o* the stars was almost lost.
5eeing that vague space in the sk'( 9kaba'ashi whispere# to himsel* once more.
;...... 5uch an unpleasant night sk'.?
;@ake up 'our #amn min#( are 'a #ark( or are 'a light,?
J 'ears earlier.
9gain( to#a' the man staine# in violence( was woun#ing somebo#'.
Fver' time he saw somebo#' with a scar( or inur' that he ha# cause#( the man went
into a trance.
That scar. That is me.
Th blood that flows from them, the red colour of the flesh I force out of them, the
sound of their bones breaking. &ithout a doubt, these are what make me the human
that I am.
6ather than being his pri#e( or his belie*s( these thoughts were simpl' a kin# o*
#a'#ream( or #elusion.
%* he wasn)t able to hurt people( he woul# break.
+hese #elusions that he ha# create# *or himsel*( #'e# his instincts in a colour o*
+he scars he ma#e in people( were scratches in the *lesh o* the cit'.
+he 'oung man was intoxicate# with his own reputation( which increase# ever' time
he #ispla'e# his violence.
9s i* it was his obective in li*e( to never tire o* it( an# to never look back at his past in
1hat eventuall' became the turning point in this man)s li*e( was the time when he
took on a certain ob.
+he owner o* a certain shop ha# taken out a loan( an# the organisation that the
'oung man was a part o* ha# #eci#e# to bu' the #ebt he owe#.
%t was somewhat *ar *rom the central business #istrict( but that #i#n)t change the *act
that it stoo# in the heart o* the cit'.
%t was an eas' ob. 5houl#er their #ebt( then take over their plot o* lan#.
.owever( ever'thing #i#n)t go as planne#( as the shop owner ha# been supplie#
*un#s somehow( an# manage# to pa' the #ebt o** himsel*.
%* that was all though( the' coul# pass it o** as ba# luck on their part...
Perhaps he ha# gone craz'( but the shop owner ha# starte# telling the man)s
organisation to han# over mone' to him.
.e threatene# them( sa'ing that he woul# take them to court *or their illegal actions.
%t seeme# like the shop owner)s thoughts were "uite #ishonest.
9s the shop owner woul#n)t respon# to an' #iscussion( a )ob) was passe# on to the
Punish him appropriatel'.
9 pure( simple ob.
%t seeme# that the shop owner ha# a *amil'( so i* necessar'( he was also allowe# to
la' his han#s on them.
9lso( it woul# all be *or naught i* it was *oun# out that the #ee# was #one b' their
organisation( so the' ha# #eci#e# that the man was to hol# back *rom killing them(
an# make it look like the' ha# simpl' been mugge#.
7n the night o* a new moon( the man put on a balaclava an# set out *or his
#estination( the shop.
9n anti"ues shop( on the outskirts o* %kebukuro.
+he name o* this shop.... )5onohara 9nti"ues).
Present time( @a' 5
( morning( @iki'a 9wakusu)s resi#ence.
+he mansion owne# b' @iki'a 9wakusu( un#erboss o* the 9wakusu >roup.
%t was on the outskirts o* %kebukuro( an# at *irst glance( one woul# not be able to
#i**erentiate between it an# an' other mansion. People who #i#n)t know an' better(
coul# onl' believe that it was the househol# o* a normal person( living an honest li*e.
-o( perhaps some suspicious people woul# believe that )%t)s such a nice house that
the gu' living in it has got to be #oing some sort o* #irt' work *or that kin# o* mone').
%t was that sort o* elegant mansion.
+aking a step insi#e o* that house...
)Patter( patter) went cute the soun# o* small *eet( as a 'oung girl ran up to
;Bncle 9kaba'ashi2?
;.e'( little Princess. Dong time no see.?
%n *act( it actuall' ha# been a *ew 'ears since the last time 9kaba'ashi ha# shown his
*ace here.
/ears ago( he woul# show up to pla' ever' now an# then( but since 9kane 9wakusu
ha# entere# her *inal 'ears o* primar' school( an# @iki'a ha# begun to worr' about
her knowing about the work that her *amil' was #oing( 9kaba'ashi ha# begun to tr'
to visit as little as possible.
.owever( it seeme# that his attempts to be consi#erate ha# en#e# in *ailure( an#
9kane ha# en#e# up learning about their line o* work.
.e ha# hear# that this was the reason she ha# trie# to run awa' *rom home( but the
most important thing was that she ha# returne# sa*el'.
;...... 5o( % hear 'ou have something to tell little ol# me about,?
9kane energeticall' respon#e# to 9kaba'ashi)s "uestion.
+he *act that she was over*lowing with vitalit' the #a' a*ter she ha# ust been
ki#nappe# was in itsel*( *airl' strange.
9t *irst( he ha# planne# to leave a*ter talking to the un#erboss( @iki'a( but...
7nce 9kaba'ashi ha# shown up to their group)s workplace( @iki'a ha# sai# to him.
;...... %t seems m' #aughter wants to speak with 'ou. 1ill 'ou come with me,?
;1ith me, 0o 'ou know wh',?
;+hat)s what % wanna know( but she woul#n)t tell me.?
!ow, that's certainly 'something strange'.
9s he remembere# last night)s phone conversation with 9ozaki( 9kaba'ashi turn his
hea#. %n the en#( he #eci#e# to put o** his plans *or that a*ternoon( instea# choosing
to meet up with 9kane.
9n# now( 9kane)s e'es shone as she saw 9kaba'ashi)s *ace( an# she starte# to pull
him b' his sleeve.
;% have something % wanna tell 'ou Bncle 9kaba'ashi( in private2 0o 'ou min# coming
to m' room,?
;7i( 9kane......?
;9hh( it)s all goo#( boss. % #on)t min# at all.?
1aving to @iki'a( who ha# been tr'ing to scol# her( 9kane ran towar#s her room(
an# 9kaba'ashi trie# his best to keep up.
.owever( his arm was grabbe# again( this time b' @iki'a.
;% shoul#n)t have to tell 'ou this( but #on)t give her an' stupi# i#eas.?
;% know that.?
;9n# #on)t 'ou touch her( either.?
;...... 6eall'( @iki'a8san( how ol# #o 'ou think 'our #aughter is,?
Bn#erstan#abl' amaze# b' what @iki'a was tr'ing to sa'( 9kaba'ashi turne# his
hea# with a wr' smile.
;98ah( % see( sorr'. % was sure that 'ou were into that sort o* thing......?
;...... -o( @iki'a8san. -o( % am not )into that sort o* thing).?
;-o...... %)m sorr'. /ou know( a *ew 'ears ago( how 'ou were looking a*ter some little
girl *rom somewhere( right, % thought that must be 'our particular pre*erence...... -o(
% #unno what % was thinking. 5orr'. % guess it #oesn)t reall' matter i* 'ou come into
contact with a little ki# like her.?
;9hh( it)s reall' no problem. %t)s not like % have a wi*e or lover or an'thing( there were
even rumours that % was ga'( at some point. .aha.?
-ot looking particularl' bothere#( 9kaba'ashi le*t @iki'a there( an# starte# hea#ing
towar#s 9kane)s room.
9s soon as he entere# her room( 9kane looke# at 9kaba'ashi with a serious *ace(
an# sai# in a low voice.
;Bmm( what % wanna talk about( % want 'ou to keep it a secret *rom *ather an#
mother...... :an 'ou #o that,?
;/eah( 'eah. % got it.?
9s i* to reassure the 'oung girl( 9kaba'ashi smile#( an# bent over into a bow.
+o this top8#og o* the 9wakusu >roup...
;Frrr( umm....... .ow......?
9kane sai# something unthinkable.
;.ow can %...... become better at killing people,?
5eeing the serious( innocent e'es o* the girl( 9kaba'ashi thought to himsel*.
&ell, this is gonna be tough.
9 rare col# sweat *orme#( as 9kaba'ashi took a trouble# breath.
+he onl' thing that #i#n)t change was his light smile.
This seems like..... It's gonna turn into something beyond 'something strange', huh.
3! minutes later( insi#e a vehicle.
;...... 1hat were 'ou gu's talking about, +he last thing 9kane sai# was ):'a later)(
'ou plannin) to meet her again to#a' or somethin),?
;:ome on( we were ust chatting. +hough she #i# sa' % ha# to keep some o* it a
%n the back seat o* a luxur' vehicle( hea#e# *or the o**ices o* the 9wakusu >roup.
-ext to the 'oung lea#er @iki'a( sat 9kaba'ashi( with his usual *lippant smile.
;...... 9kaba'ashi.?
;6eall'( it was nothing special...... %t seeme# like she coul#n)t get what happene#
'ester#a' out o* her min#. 5o she sai# she wante# to train her bo#'. 1ell( a *rien# o*
mine runs a #oo( no( % guess it)s ust a sports g'm( an# he has a program where he
even teaches sel*8#e*ence to 'ounger ki#s. % tol# her % coul# intro#uce her later on
;...... 9hh( that was all( huh...... 4ut( wh' #i# she ask 'ou speci*icall',?
;.aha( that)s kin#a a *unn' stor'.?
9s he sai# this( 9kaba'ashi took out his phone( an# starte# #oing something with it.
;7i( what are 'ou......?
;0o 'ou know exactl' how the little Princess came to know about our work,?
;...... -o.?
;+his is wh'.?
7n the screen o* the phone he was shown( there was the home page o* a certain
;...... 9hh( this( huh.?
0ispla'e# there( was an internet base# #ictionar'.
'0uguru)a 'ouki'
%t was an internet enc'clopae#ia( similar to 1ikipe#ia( where normal people coul#
gather in*ormation( which was currentl' accumulating "uite a large #atabase.
7* course( there were cases o* misin*ormation( *alse in*ormation( an#
misun#erstan#ing( but there were plent' o* people who woul# work on amen#ing
these mistakes( whether the' #i# it ran#oml'( or because the' were writing a page *or
something relate# at the time.
;+he 'oungsters have correcte# the #angerous bits consi#erabl'.?
1ith no regar#s to their public image( there was even an article on the 9wakusu
>roup( inclu#ing entries with #etails about their )operations) an# the names o* their
5eeing his own name come up on the #ispla' o* the phone( @iki'a curve# his mouth
in anno'ance.
;...... 5he saw this on her phone or something, +his worl# is becoming har#er an#
har#er to live in peace*ull'.?
;%t)s 'our *ault *or not thinking( an# giving her a phone that can so easil' access the
internet( isn)t it, 1ell( the cat)s out o* the bag( we can)t put it back in. %t)s reall' none
o* m' business to be honest.?
>laring at the ever8smiling 9kaba'ashi( @iki'a continue# to look at the article... 9n#
there he saw 9kaba'ashi)s name( also recor#e#.
9mong the man' pro*iles plainl' liste# there( one ha# written )3 along with the
a*orementione# 9ozaki( the' *orm a violent #uo with man' stories about them. +he'
also manage the martial arts section( an# are known as )+he 6e# an# 4lue 0emons
o* the 9wakusu).
;@an( the' reall' make us soun# scar'( #on)t the', +he little Princess saw this written
about a gu' she ha# been talking to so much since she was little( an#( well % guess
that)s wh' she aske# me to teach her some sorta sel*8#e*ence.?
%n contrast to the wr'l' smiling 9kaba'ashi( a sour look sta'e# stuck to @iki'a)s *ace.
;...... 1ell( % guess %)m gla# she calle# 'ou instea# o* 9ozaki...... % still wish 9kane ha#
come to her mother or % *or a#vice *irst.?
;.aha( she probabl' ust #i#n)t want to worr' 'ou an' more than she alrea#' ha#(
#on)t 'ou think, Dike the goo# little Princess that she is.?
;%t actuall' makes me worr' even more( when m' own #aughter is looking out *or me
like that...... 5o( this sports g'm( or #oo or whatever( can the' be truste#,?
;/eah( the')re prett' well8respecte#. %t)s that place( 'ou know, +he one next to the
Roushiga'a :emeter'. Frrm( 'ou know that >erman martial artist( +raugott
>eissen#or*er, %t)s like a series o* that ol# gu')s #oos( almost like a global
%nsi#e the luxur' car( this conversation continue#.
9t the time( 9kaba'ashi was not completely l'ing.
4ut he certainl' ha# le*t out an important piece o* in*ormation.
7* course( it was also likel' that 9kane ha#n)t tol# 9kaba'ashi ever'thing in the *irst
place. Fven 9kaba'ashi himsel* knew this.
.e knew( but he #i#n)t pull her up on it... 4ut it was certain( that 9kane ha# been
)broken) b' somebo#'.
5ighing on the insi#e( 9kaba'ashi thought to himsel* that what 9kane nee#e# right
now( was to come into contact with mo#est( honest people( which was wh' he
recommen#e# the #oo o* his ac"uaintance.
&ell, there are a heap of younger girls at that place as well.
Eor now( 9kaba'ashi won#ere# whether it woul# be best *or him to ask *or more
#etails *rom 9kane this a*ternoon( or to sta' out o* it( an# watch *rom the si#elines.
-ext to him( @iki'a lost all expression *rom his *ace( an# broache# a completel'
#i**erent subect.
;...... Dast night( 'ou close# o** the business o* some pusher ki#s( right,?
;/eah( about that( % le*t the rest up to Gazamoto.?
;...... 5omething strange happene# a*ter that.?
@iki'a ha# onl' ust been worr'ing about his #aughter( but now( as i* all that was a
lie( he starte# speaking in an in#i**erent tone.
;+hose gu's( % thought the' must have been backe# b' a group *rom somewhere......
but it seems the' weren)t. +urns out it was ust some universit')s )club activities).?
;+hose gu's( the')re stu#ents at 6aira Bniversit'..... 9n# on the outsi#e( the')re ust
normal stu#ents( but... +he gu's 'ou beat the crap out o*( the' all ha# the same
sticker on their necks( right, +he same #esign o* tattoo.?
;/eah( the' #i#.?
9long with the #etails o* the night be*ore( 9kaba'ashi ha# almost stoppe# bothering
to remember the *aces o* the ki#s *rom the night be*ore( but now he was recalling
+he' ha# seeme# to have the same gau#' tattoo on the nape o* their necks( though
accor#ing to them( it seeme# that the' were onl' *ake tattoos.
;6aira Bni( that place usuall' has prett' high stan#ar#s( #oesn)t it, % guess there are
i#iots in an' school.?
;+hat)s right. +hat stu** the' ha#( the' actuall' cultivate# an# ma#e it all themselves.
Gi#s these #a's are prett' creative( #on)t 'ou think,?
9kaba'ashi shook his hea#( with a bitter smile.
@iki'a knew that 9kaba'ashi)s e'es showe# no sign o* a smile( an# looking over at
the phone 9kaba'ashi was hol#ing( he began to talk.
;+he' were cra*t'( %)ll give )em that much. +hose gu's( the' were onl' using phones
to communicate. Dooks like the' woul# change their numbers perio#icall'( so the'
were probabl' using stealth8phones.?
5tealth8phones( are mobile phones which woul# register un#er pseu#on'm when
calling. %t was a trick which involve# *orming phone contracts with man' people as
part o* a rewar#( or cre#it. +hese contracts were then use# to circumvent an'
+he' re"uire# no *ee( an# while the' woul# stop working as soon as the police
starte# to notice them( man' remittance *rau# groups woul# use them( an# simpl'
change to a new phone whenever this happene#.
7* course( @iki'a an# his people ha# starte# to use these stealth8phones more an#
more o*ten recentl'.
;Gazamoto manage# to get the number o* their stealth8phone #ealer out o* those
gu's( but whether or not our #ealer will be able to *in# the centre o* their operations
*rom that( we #on)t reall' know 'et. 1e)re prett' certain that their lea#er is a uni
stu#ent too.?
Fxpressionlessl'( @iki'a clicke# his tongue.
;+hings are har#( these #a's. 1hen little brats who look per*ectl' straight can use the
internet or whatever( an# easil' get themselves mixe# up in things like our business.
%ntelligence8gangs have been aroun# *or a while( % know( but these gu's reall' ust
look like normal people( on the outsi#e.?
;+rue( those gu's *rom 'ester#a'( apart *rom the *ake tattoos( ust looke# like well8
built crumbs.?
;..... 4' the wa'( 'ou hear# o* those ki#s calling themselves )0ollars),?
;1ell now( that)s a bit out o* the blue.?
9kaba'ashi answere# without #enial or a**irmation upon hearing the name o* the
organisation that he himsel* ha# secretl' signe# up as a member to.
;1ell..... +he gu' that Gazamoto )talke#) to last night( soun#s like he went on an# on
about a whole lot o* stu**...... 4ut it seems like he)# hear# something interesting *rom
some o* the top8#ogs o* his group( who he)# onl' ever spoken to over the phone.....?
;9pparentl' the' took their inspiration *rom those )0ollars) or whatever the' call
themselves. 1hen the' ma#e their naught' little online pharmac'( that is.?
5ame time( 9wakusu >roup .ea#"uarters.
+he 9wakusu >roup was commonl' re*erre# to as a )violent gang).
+he' were a large organisation( an# as a branch the @e#ei :onglomerate( the' were
a ke' group amongst their e"uals.
+he exact amount o* members the' ha# was not known to normal people( but even in
%kebukuro( the' were recognise# a being a s'mbol o* )power).
%nsi#e an o**ice buil#ing( which was the hea#"uarters o* this organisation. 9 serious
voice echoe# through this space( that was almost #evoi# o* people( but still *elt
strangel' important.
;9hh( about that. %t)s no problem.?
Erom his voice( one woul# think he was "uite an ol# man.
.owever( in that voice was over*lowing amounts o* energ'( an# one coul# also *eel
the intimi#ating air o* a rock' mountain( towering rugge#l' above all.
;+he wa' % see it( % #on)t reall' want our relationship with them going sour. .owever(
we cannot clean this matter up with our own han#s. 9t this time( when our #eal with
the 9suki >roup is almost coming to a hea#( mur#er amongst comra#es woul# onl'
bring about unnecessar' rumours. 1hether or no he #i# something that stupi#( the'
want their revenge now.?
%t seeme# he was on the phone( as there was no au#ible response to the man)s
;4ut..... % have promise# that no matter how the' go about it( we o* the 9wakusu
>roup will not inter*ere. 9s long as he #ies *rom an )acci#ent)( or simpl' )#isappears)(
this won)t become a weakness that the 9suki >roup can use against us.?
+he owner o* the voice with a polite expression( was neither abasing himsel*( nor
looking #own on the other part'.
.e simpl' continue# to state his opinion in a businesslike voice that hi# an' emotion.
;...... 4ut an' movements the' might make towar#s our group are entirel' useless. %
ask that 'ou simpl' be prepare#( in case the' tr' to involve somebo#' other than
)him). 1hether it be someone *rom our group( or a relative.?
9*ter speaking a *ew more wor#s( it seeme# the owner o* this voice ha# *inishe# his
call... 9s a #eepl' wrinkle# han# reache# out to place the receiver back in its cra#le.
.e gave o** an air o* composition( as he complete# the phone call without a single
#isturbance in his voice.
;+hese..... )phone) things( no matter how long the')ve been aroun# *or( % can never
get use# to them.?
1hile breathing what seeme# like a sigh( the moo# o* the man)s voice change#
+he room was *urnishe# with paper lanterns an# a househol# shrine( an# amongst
the hea#"uarters that ha# been #isguise# as some sort o* broker)s o**ice( it ha# an
atmosphere o* )the room o* a chivalrous chie*)( in complete contrast to the other
rooms in the buil#ing.
9n# in the #epths o* this room( the owner o* the voice sat with a )thu#) into a cow8hi#e
leather chair.
1ith this soun#( the room su##enl' *elt as i* it was relieve# o* some o* the previous
pressure it was un#er.
+he man sat behin# a beauti*ull' graine#( woo#en stu#' #esk( an# began to talk
while showing his teeth in a smile.
;@ost o* m' teeth)ve got crowns( 'ou know, 9n# % got bolts all over the bones in m'
back... %)m almost like( 'ou know( what)s it calle#... a c'borg, 7r that 6obocop gu'(
right, % can onl' think go# ma#e some sorta mistake when he ma#e me so ba# with
+hen( while patting the receiver o* the phone which was no longer in use( he sai#.
;.ow )bout 'ou( 9ozaki, /ou like )em, Phones( % mean.?
+hose wor#s were #irecte# at the large man stan#ing near the entrance to the room.
+he onl' two people insi#e the room were the ol# man talking( an# that large man.
+he well8built man calle# 9ozaki( bowe# his hea# an# spoke in a #eep voice.
;%* 'ou tol# me to( % coul# easil' break m' own phone to pieces( boss.?
%t ma' have soun#e# like a oke( but 9ozaki)s voice was the incarnation o* sincerit'.
+he ol# man that he ha# calle# )boss)( 0ougen 9wakusu let out a laugh while shaking
his hea#.
;7i oi( 'ou gotta start calling me )chairman)( else @iki'a an# 5hiki won)t shut up about
+he ol#er man looke# as i* he might be in his earl'8sixties.
.is precise age was unknown( but the white bear# that grew on his *ace gave the
impression that he was well8seasone#.
4ut his pure8white bear# was clearl' well8kempt( an# rather than a rough ol# wizar#
*rom a *air' tale( he gave o** more o* a )5anta :laus) impression.
+o this ol# man( the lea#er o* martial arts management o* the 9wakusu >roup(
respon#e# humbl'.
;%t)s not like an'one can hear us. 9n'wa'( boss( that phone call ust now( was about
something else,?
;.m, 9hh( 'eah. /ou mean somethin) other than what 'ou were talking about,?
;/eah( it surprises me that those #amn le*tovers are still a*ter that gu'. %t also
surprises me that the' ha# the balls to call 'ou #irectl'( boss. /ou know( ust sa' the
wor# an# % can crush them within a #a'.?
1hile he #i# use some rough vocabular'( his respect towar#s the ol# man was clear
1hile he was usuall' overbearing towar#s an'bo#' else( an# even slighte# the
'oung un#erboss @iki'a( 9ozaki ha# nothing but pure #evotion to the )boss) in *ront
o* him.
;.aha( %)m sure it woul# be possible *or 'ou. %* the 4lue 0emon o* the 9wakusu
actuall' trie#.?
;Please #on)t call me that. People will start to think %)m bu##ies with that other )6e#
;%s that such a problem, Fven 'ou recognise 9kaba'ashi)s skill( #on)t 'ou,?
;/eah( the man can *ight( %)ll give him that. 4ut in *ront o* a whole organisation( that
means nothin). /eah he might have a *ew little gangs o* protVgVs( but in the *irst
place( that gu' isn)t suite# *or something like an organisation.?
9ozaki stoppe# talking *or a moment( an# narrowe# his e'es as he looke# towar#s
the ceiling.
:5o( it might turn out exactl' the same as last time.?
9wakusu 0ougen laughe# be*ore respon#ing to 9ozaki)s murmur.
:@a'be. Erom the e'es o* those i#iot le*tovers( the' ust nee# to whack 9kaba'ashi
an# ever'thing will be *ine.?
:1hich group are those gu's hi#ing un#er the wings o* at the moment,?
:7i( 'ou #i#n)t even know that much when 'ou sai# 'ou)ll )crush them within a
#a'),...... 1ell( % guess that)s ust like 'ou( huh.?
0ougen leane# *orwar# in his chair( an# place# both elbows on top o* the #esk.
+hen( while he tappe# the #esk with the in#ex *inger o* his right han#( a cruel smile
rose to his *ace.
:% ust hear# that some o* the gu's who le*t have ban#e# together an# *orme# their
own( new group. 9n# their *aca#e seems to be a small real estate agenc'.?
:+he')re persistent.?
:/eah( well we can)t reall' #o an'thing about that. +hose gu's still probabl' have
their suspicions.?
0ougen( looking as i* he was eno'ing himsel* somewhat( stroke his bear# an#
:9bout whether or not the one who burnt 'our ol# boss( was 9kaba'ashi( % mean.?
+here was a certain rumour about 9kaba'ashi.
9lthough he was now a higher up o* the 9wakusu( he ha# not alwa's been one o*
their members.
7nce( there ha# been an organisation in %kebukuro that was at o##s with the
9wakusu >roup. 9kaba'ashi ha# been one o* their hitmen.
%n actual *act( he was onl' a hitman in name( an# was closer to some sort o* )all8
purpose weapon).
+he stor' went( that he ha# been completel' in#ispensable to their operations( in
man' wa's.
:urrentl'( that group no longer exists.
4ecause the boss o* that group ha# been kille# b' someone.
9t the same time( it was con*irme# that the group ha# been running a large8scale
#rug smuggling business. @ost o* their members were arreste#( an# the group was
*ull' #isban#e#.
.owever( the man who was *amous even within that organisation( 9kaba'ashi #i# not
get caught up in these arrests.
Eurthermore( at the time o* his #eath( the person who ha# been guar#ing the boss o*
that group( was 9kaba'ashi.
+his *act brought about a certain suspicion in the min#s o* the ones who ha# been
+he suspicion that the one who ha# kille# their lea#er( an# the one who ha# leake#
in*ormation about the #rugs( was 9kaba'ashi.
+he' ha# their #oubts( but there was no proo*.
9n# now( 9kaba'ashi was a top8#og o* the organisation that ha# once been his
+his was enough to earn the hate o* his *ormer colleagues( whether or not he ha#
been the one to kill their boss.
.owever( the 9wakusu >roup ha# o**iciall' become a branch o* the @e#ei
:onglomerate( an# with their organisation in pieces( the' were no longer able to
conten# with their might.
9lthough he ha# now been given the nickname )9wakusu)s 6e# 0emon)( mostl' in
praise o* his past achievements( an# even become an important part o* their arsenal(
most o* the sol#iers saw him as a relativel' gentle personalit'.
4ut there were some( like 5hiki( who saw this vagrant attitu#e as a metho# to hi#e
his true thoughts( an# remaine# war' o* the man.
:1ell( most o* the gu's who were involve# with the unk are still in the can( but i*
some o* the ones who recentl' got out have hear# about 9kaba'ashi becoming one
o* our top men... 1ell it prett' much con*irms those suspicions( #oesn)t it.?
:%n this worl#( somebo#' who kills their own boss #oesn)t get awa' with it. Fven ust
the rumours make it prett' har# to be aroun# that gu'...... 4ut 'ou still brought
someone like that into our group( boss.?
:1ho cares. %n this worl#( %)m seen as being a #espicable person too. % #on)t exactl'
have the *ree#om to #ecline a mone' tree( ust because he woul# be har# to get
along with. +hat gu'( he)s strangel' well connecte# amongst 'oung people these
#a's( 'ou know,?
+he ol# boss laughe# at 9ozaki)s wor#s.
%n response( 9ozaki state# a #oubt o* his own to 0ougen.
:4ut boss( in that last phone call... /ou ust cut #own that mone' tree with 'our own
:% guess % #i#.?
:,e want to ay our 'de"t' to Aka"ayas!i.&
+his was the proposal o**ere# to him moments ago( b' the )Fmergent 7rganisation).
9 proposal *rom their *ormer enemies( who ha# been release# *rom prison.
Bsuall' he woul# reect such an o**er instantl'( but *rom their manner o* speaking( it
was as i* the' were rea#' to throw awa' their lives *or this.
:9t this point( % have no intention o* scheming with 'ou people. .owever( % know that
'ou won)t stop until 'ou)ve taken revenge *or 'our boss. %* we were to protect that
gu'( we woul# have to prepare ourselves *or an honourable #e*eat.?
+hen( in the en# 0ougen ha# given them that answer.
:%* it happens as an )acci#ent)( or i* he simpl' )#isappears)( something that won)t hurt
our group in an' wa'( we won)t inter*ere.?
.owever( he #i# not sa' this out o* some sense o* honour( or s'mpath'.
.e wasn)t thinking about their #esires *or revenge at all.
9ll 0ougen ha# taken into account( was that he coul#n)t besmirch the name o* the
@e#ei :onglomerate b' starting an unnecessar' war( an# that he coul#n)t show an'
weaknesses to the 9suki >roup( who the' were currentl' in #eals with.
7n top o* that( it was sa*e to assume that ever' one o* the men who ha# been
release# *rom prison( ha# been marke# b' the police.
+o stir up trouble with a group who was set on taking revenge even when the' likel'
knew that themselves( even i* the' )crushe# them within a #a') as 9ozaki ha# sai#...
%t woul# be a #angerous bri#ge to tr' an# cross.
+heir new organisation( was not lenient.
%n the en#... Fven the' were an existence create# *rom the #arkness o* this cit'.
:/ou know( % coul# never betra' m' subor#inates...... 4ut % can watch them burn.?
J 'ears earlier( somewhere in the cit'( in the vicinit' o* 5onohara 9nti"ues.
Eor that man( this was suppose# to be a night not unlike an' other.
Preten# to be a mugger( an# shake up the shop owner.
+hat was all. 9 simple ob.
.is heart ha# been close# o** since long ago.
.e #i#n)t even think about things like guilt.
.e #i#n)t believe it was worth it to be overl' cautious about a simple anti"ue *urniture
store owner.
.e took pri#e in the *act that he was a s'mbol o* violence.
.e ha# no real interest in mone'( or women.
7* course( this #i#n)t mean he ha# no nee# *or mone'( an# he certainl' wasn)t a
.e simpl'( an# purel' love# exhibiting violence.
)%* necessar'( 'ou can #o something about the wi*e an# chil# as well.)
+his was what he ha# been tol#( but he #i#n)t reall' care( he thought it woul# be
enough to shake up the owner himsel*.
%t woul# be correct to sa' that he ha# never use# his violence on women an#
chil#ren( but that was not out o* kin#ness or chivalr'. .e simpl' ha# no interest in
violence towar#s women an# chil#ren( because he *elt no pri#e in breaking
something so weak.
%t was unknown where an# how he ha# begun to learn his violent techni"ues.
+he onl' certain thing was( that he ha# been training his bo#' through live combat(
time an# time again.
%n the *irst place( he ha# no real interest in his own( human bo#'.
.e un#erstoo# that he ha# to become stronger in or#er to better use his violence(
an# that was all.
9n# so to#a'( he woul# again clench his *ists( in or#er show his power( an# carve out
his own existence as a scar in his opponent.
.owever( as he began to be able to see the 5onohara)s shop( he realise# he coul#
see the *igure o* a person stan#ing on the roa#.
%n the #arkness o* the new moon( the street light which was shining on this *igure was
repeate#l' *lickering.
4ecause o* this( the man coul# not "uite see the *ace o* the person.
:7i( who are 'ou,?
.e coul#n)t ust ignore them an# keep moving.
+he reason was( grippe# in the han# o* this *igure was a long( silver( Aapanese bla#e.
:...... /ou came out her to kill me, %* 'ou think 'ou can take m' li*e with ust a bla#e
like that( it)s gonna cost 'a.?
:racking his neck( the man walke# towar# the *igure.
-ormall'( he woul#n)t even talk to his opponent( an# tr' to take the *irst move b'
throwing something at him( but *or some reason to#a'( he #i#n)t. +here was
something strangel' ominous about the *igure( an# it ha# chille# the man)s heart.
+hen( as he began to close the alrea#' short #istance between himsel* an# the *igure
hol#ing the bla#e...
+he bla#e hel# b' the *igure began to waver( as i* caught in a summer)s heat haze.
%n the #arkness o* night( the #istance between the two seeme# to become in#istinct.
%t *elt as i*( in the time it took *or the street lights to *licker ust once( the *igure ha#
approache# him b' 5 more steps.
-o... %n actual *act( there was something which ha# trul' #ecrease# their #istance.
That blade....... it extended......
%t starte# at aroun# the length o* a normal Aapanese bla#e( but it ha# trans*orme# in
that instant( an# was now close to two times its original length.
+here were certain bla#e techni"ues which use# optical illusions like that( to con*use
the opponent.
+he man ha# enough experience to un#erstan# that this was not one o* those
1hat he #i#n)t un#erstan#( was the inescapable truth that the bla#e ha#( in *act(
+he next moment( the street light *lickere# once more( an# the man was *inall' able
to clearl' see the *ace o* the *igure.
A girl,%
+he true i#entit' o* the *igure( was a girl wearing p'amas... .er e'es shone a *ier'
re#( reminiscent o* the re# light on a police car.
3ould this be... Those rumours,......
%t was as i* she ha# two re# moons in place o* her e'es.
4lazing( brilliant.
The +ipper......
+he next moment that the street lights *lickere#( the man)s thoughts were engul*e# in
even more con*usion.
-ot onl' *rom her han#s( but *rom both shoul#ers( appeare# bla#es similar to the
*irst( the tips o* which were approaching the man as i* the' #esire# to sink into him.
+he man "uickl' #ove si#ewa's( an# rolle#( escaping the two approaching bla#es b'
a hair)s brea#th.
4ut as he returne# his line o* sight to the girl( thinking to begin a counter8attack( his
whole bo#' became sti**.
&hat am I seeing right now%
-ot onl' *rom her shoul#ers.
&hat the hell is this.
Erom her han#s( her *eet( back( ab#omen( even *rom the tips o* her long hair. 5he
was hi##en in bla#es.
+he' were not springing up ran#oml' an# inexhaustibl' like a mushroom colon'.
+here were even bla#es appearing on moving parts( like the tips o* her elbows( like
the' were part o* some sort o* armour.
&hat. Am. I. eeing.
%t ha# to be some sort o* mechanical #oll( *ille# with bla#es.
5urel'( the re# glow in her e'es was ust because her e'eballs were ma#e *rom
some re# light8bulb.
9n )abnormalit') so absur# that it coul# give people such nonsensical i#eas( was right
be*ore this man)s e'es.
Is this... 8ven real%.....
9 @onster.
%n ever' sense o* the wor#( this 6ipper 0emon( was a )@onster).
Aapanese bla#es growing *rom ever' part o* its bo#'( superhuman movements( re#8
e'e#. @onster.
+he man #i# not know the name o* this monster.
+he name o* the human8loving #emon swor#( )5aika).
:/ou( what the hell are 'ou2,2 0ammiiitt2?
1ithout answering the screams o* the man.
+he )@onster) hel# b' the re#8e'e# human( ma#e its owner ump towar#s the
sti**ene# man( an# swoop #own on him in a straight line.
Dike the heroine o* a manga( seeing her lover *or the *irst time in man' #a's( an#
umping into the chest o* that man with the *ull *orce o* her love.
4ut this bla#e woul# not kiss the man on his lips( or his cheek...
+he man( having somehow broken *ree o* the shock o* this abnormal situation( trie#
to move his bo#'.
4ut the tip o* the bla#e stretche#( once more...
9n# without an' hesitation( split the man)s right e'e open.
Present #a'( somewhere in the cit'( in *ront o* a vacant lot.
+he shop ha# a somehow unusual atmosphere about it.
+he location was "uite *ar *rom the business #istrict an# train station. +his ol#( vacant
buil#ing serve# as both a home an# a store8*ront( an# was place# in amongst normal
resi#ential buil#ings.
+here was a sign hanging *rom the *ront o* the store which ha# written )5onohara
9nti"ues)( but the letters ha# begun to *a#e( an# it was mostl' unrea#able.
1hile the exterior continue# to look like an anti"ue *urniture shop( all that coul# be
seen o* the showcase insi#e( was a thick la'er o* #ust.
+he shop ha# absolutel' no signs o* li*e( so it was obvious that it was aban#one#( but
the empt' showcase an# strangel' #esigne# supports gave the buil#ing an ominous
presence which went be'on# mere strangeness.
9t the *ace o* this buil#ing( stoo# a man who seeme# una**ecte# b' this *eeling. 1ith
a somehow serious voice( he sai# to himsel*.
:%t)s alrea#' been more than 5 'ears( an# this place still hasn)t sol#... 9s % thought.?
9*ter showing 9kane to the g'm owne# b' his ac"uaintance( 9kaba'ashi ha# come
to this aban#one# shop b' himsel*.
.e ha# not planne# to #o an'thing( an# was onl' absent8min#e#l' looking at the
shop *rom a*ar( but...
:...... 9kaba'ashi8san...... %s that 'ou,?
5u##enl'( a "uiet voice# reache# him *rom behin#.
1hen he turne#( he saw a single girl stan#ing be*ore him.
5he was a meek looking girl with glasses( who wore the uni*orm o* 6aira 9ca#em'.
5eeing the girl who seeme# to be timi#l' waiting *or him to continue( 9kaba'ashi)s
*ace unintentionall' broke into a smile.
:...... 7hh2 %t)s 9nri8chan2 /ou)ve grown( huh. 1hat)s it been( 2 'ears,?
:/es( it has been a while....... 0i# 'ou come to visit,?
+he girl name# 9nri was keeping her hea# #own sh'l'( but it #i#n)t seem that she
was scare# o* 9kaba'ashi.
:-ah( % ust happene# to be passing b'. 9nri8chan( aren)t 'ou suppose# to be on
:% ha# a *ew obs to#a' as the presi#ent o* the school committee...... %)m ust on m'
wa' back *rom that.?
:% see( % see. Fven on 'ou long8awaite# holi#a's( the stu#ent)s li*e is a tough one(
9s 9kaba'ashi spoke with a smile( 9nri once again lowere# her hea#.
:Bmm...... +hanks *or ever'thing 'ou #i# back then( reall'.?
:9hh( 'ou sa' something like that ever' time % see 'ou( reall'( #on)t mention it. +he
la#'...... /our mother ha# #one a lot *or me( 'ou know.?
:4ut...... %* 'ou ha#n)t helpe# me *in# an apartment an# such back then( 9kaba'ashi( %
#on)t know what % woul# have #one...... 1ith m' *ather an# mother gone( an# having
to let go o* the house 3...?
9long with her genuine wor#s o* gratitu#e( a rare( so*t smile *orme# on 9nri)s *ace.
9 long time ago( 9nri 5onohara lost her parents in a certain inci#ent.
9*ter that( 9nri was passe# aroun# between #i**erent relatives *or a time( but
eventuall'( the remaining stock o* 5onohara 9nti"ues was sol# o**( an# 9nri inherite#
seemingl' enough *un#s to see her through to a#ulthoo#.
9t her parents) *uneral( she met the one who ha# #ealt with the shop)s assets(
1hen 9nri was still being looke# a*ter b' relatives( 9kaba'ashi ha# also been the
one to help her *in# a new apartment( where she coul# live b' hersel*. 9lthough he
sai# it was because he was in#ebte# to her parents( towar#s 9kaba'ashi who #i# so
much *or her *ree8o*8charge( 9nri seeme# to *eel such a strong #ebt o* gratitu#e that
no matter how much she thanke# him( it woul# not be enough.
9s 9nri continue# to bow her hea# to him( 9kaba'ashi scratche# his hea#( an#
change# the topic.
:9hh( that)s 6aira)s uni*orm( isn)t it, +hat)s right( 'ou)re in high school alrea#'( aren)t
'ou 9nri8chan. .m( what woul# 'ou be now( secon# 'ear,?
:/es( thanks to 'our support......?
9kaba'ashi showe# a wr' smile( an# scratche# his cheek in exasperation as 9nri
began to bow her hea# again.
+hen( he su##enl' remembere#.
.e remembere# what @iki'a ha# talke# to him about in the car( earlier that #a'.
:In any case, I dunno if it's their 'game-sense' or what, but I hear that the leaders of
that 'circle' are pretty dangerous guys. And they're pretty confident if they think they
won't be caught by professionals like us...... I've heard they even attacked another
group that they had a beef with./
:)ou should be careful too. 7on't hang around Akane too much, either. &e'll get
some other guys to pick her up from that do.o, from tonight on./
:8ither way, after what happened yesterday, we've started putting hidden bodyguards
on Akane. &e don't have the freedom to put any on you though, so your life is in your
own hands./
9s @iki'a)s wor#s *loate# across his min#( something starte# to bother 9kaba'ashi(
an# he #eci#e# to ask 9nri.
:.e'( 9nri8chan( % nee# to ask 'ou something( about the )*a#s) at 'our school...?
:78ok..... Bmm...... -ot that % reall' know all that much about that sort o* thing......?
:-o( it)s *ine i* 'ou)ve ust hear# o* it or something. 5o......?
+hinking that she woul# probabl' have no i#ea( 9kaba'ashi casuall' use# that wor#.
:9nri8chan( at 'our school( have 'ou hear# the name )0ollars) pop up an'where,?
.er breath caught slightl'.
-oticing this( 9kaba'ashi aske# in a slightl' more serious tone.
:...... 5o( 'ou know something,?
:-8no...... %t)s ust( %)ve hear# some *rien#s talking about it be*ore( that)s all...... % #on)t
reall' know an' #etails.?
%t was instantl' apparent that she was l'ing.
.e ha# no intention o* pulling her up on it( but there was no wa' he coul#n)t ignore it(
9kaba'ashi simpl' sai# )% see)( smile#( an# patte# 9nri on her shoul#er.
:5eems like the')re a prett' #angerous bunch( so 'ou shoul#n)t get involve# with
them( ok, %* an'thing happens( come straight to little ol# me.?
:% coul#n)t...... % can)t bother 'ou more than % have alrea#'......?
:%t)s *ine( it)s *ine( look( 'ou know how man' *rien#s % have( right, 5o( well( it #oesn)t
matter what kin#( i* 'ou get into an' trouble( ust give that phone number % gave 'ou a
while ago a ring..... 4ut( well... % know that no matter how man' *rien#s as % might
have( % have about as man' enemies. 5o( i* 'ou happen to see little ol# me when
'ou)re walking aroun# town( an# 'ou #on)t nee# m' help *or an'thing( % #on)t min# i*
'ou have to ignore me.?
Perhaps the girl was unaware o* 9kaba'ashi)s particular line o* work( as she seeme#
to think that he ha# sai# something "uite strange.
%n response to the girl who was looking at him con*use#( 9kaba'ashi smile# lightl'(
an# starte# to open his mouth to speak( but...
+hose wor#s stoppe# be*ore the' ha# begun( as a thir# part' spoke.
:7h( is that 'ou( 5onohara,?
+urning aroun# to *ace the voice( there stoo# a 'oung man.
:9h...... /agiri8kun.?
%t was the bo'*rien# o* 9nri)s closest *rien# @ika .arima < 5eii /agiri.
9*ter con*irming that it was 9nri( 5eii began to look aroun# his surroun#ings.
:Fh( huh,..... .ave 'ou alrea#' *inishe# 'our stu** with @ika,?
1ith 9nri looking con*use#( the 'oung man looke# curious.
5eeing that the two seeme# to know each other( 9kaba'ashi wave# to 9nri( an#
turne# awa'.
:7ke' #oke( little ol# me will par#on m'sel* here. 1ell( sta' cheer'( ok,?
:9h..... 787k2 +hank 'ou ver' much2?
1ith that( 9kaba'ashi #isappeare# *rom the *ront o* 5onohara 9nti"ues( with 9nri
seeing him o** the whole wa'.
:...... 1ho was that gu',?
9nri "uietl' replie# with a smile to 5eii)s "uestion.
:.is name is 9kaba'ashi( he was a goo# *rien# to m' mother...... .e helpe# me out a
lot( some time ago.?
:1hat #oes he #o,?
:Bmm...... .e tol# me that he #oes a lot o* #i**erent things...... Dike #elivering crabs(
an# managing ca*es an# stu**.?
:% see...... .e ha# a strange *eeling about him......?
5eii seeme# to have something on his min# about 9kaba'ashi( but then( as i*
su##enl' remembering something( he aske# 9nri a "uestion.
:7h( right( more importantl'... :oul# it be that the one who calle# @ika be*ore wasn)t
'ou( 5onohara,?
9 *ew minutes later( 5eii woul# learn something( an# woul# en# up procee#ing
towar#s the warehouse o* a certain pharmaceutical compan'.
4ut that)s a #i**erent stor'.
J 'ears earlier.
9n impact ha# run straight through his right e'e.
+he man un#erstoo# this much.
.owever( he coul# not un#erstan# what began to happen a*ter that.
A voice.
'I love you.'
9 simpl' overwhelming )voice) ha# taken control o* the man)s brain.
+he voice# seeme# to be coming *rom where his e'e ha# been impacte#.
Ahh, I see.
Erom this( he un#erstoo#.
That blade..... (y right eye.....
%t was as i* the e'e itsel* was screaming in pain.
+he voice was sprea#ing out *rom his right e'e( shre##ing apart his nerves( his
bones( his muscles( an# his brain.
+he wor#s ma#e him *eel as i* he might lose his ver' sel*.
%t *elt as i* the wor#s ha# taken *orm( an# were rampaging about his bo#'( as heav'
as lea#.
9s he *elt as i* his min# an# *lesh were being eaten at *rom the insi#e( the man *elt
*ear *or the ver' *irst time in his li*e.
+his voice( preaching its )love)( ma' erase me completel'.
%t might turn me into something completel' #i**erent.
+his strange t'pe o* *ear( was taking control o* the man who ha# live# his li*e through
onl' violence.
9si#e *rom *ear( a #i**erent impulse was rising up insi#e the man)s bo#'.
%t was another overpowering impulse that the man ha# never *elt in his li*e.
&hy now%
&hat the hell am I thinking%
.owever( completel' ignoring the impulses o* this man( the voice continue# to
gra#uall' appl' pressure.
Fventuall' gaining signi*icance( the voice spoke )wor#s o* love) to
so, you c
l, love, L
Love them] [Soo muc
love all Humans] [Don't ask stupid q
[Don't ask a sad question, like w!o do I lov
g, you're !"#$% I love humans, &LL&LL&LL&LL&L'
hut up for a sec.
ove, you ask( Don't ask stupid questions% )verything.
ve their *lood] [love their *ones] [+ure love] [So so,t, I lov
k, I'll ,orgive you] [So, can't you all ,orgive me(] [#)-)! ."!$I
go so ,ar] [&h] [/utting into their ,lesh, 0ust as they clima
love stringy muscles, so so,t, yet so hard, split so easily] ["h,
ove *ones too% So supple, yet *rittle, sharp, rough] [love islove
shaking so so,tly, silky, sloppy, coil it around, coil it around, coil it
1hen you touch them, they chirp on and on a*out love, right( I'm so
*ut there aren't enough 1ords ,or this love so I 1ant you to love me and only
me *ut really there
really 1ant to *ut you kno1 and ummm I love you *ut Im really 0ealous o, you
and even death is
,orm o, love and even lust is a ,ine ,orm o, love oh you shouldnt say you 1ant
me to de,ine love something like that is an insult against my nature it needs no
de,inition you 0ust need that one 1ord I love y
hut up.
I lov.......e........( 2....ve( 2...I lov......lov........lov......love(
:% tol# 'ou to shut the hell up22 0amn e'e2?
+he wor#s o* love echoing aroun# the man)s hea# seeme# to pause with a )pop)
9t the same time( a similar popping noise came *rom aroun# his right e'e.
.owever( the latter was a real soun#( which reverberate# in the man)s ear#rum.
5eeing the state o* the man( the )6ipper 0emon) was the one to be surprise#.
+he reason was( that the man ha# rippe# out his own right e'eball.
+he man crushe# the e'e hel# in his han#( then stoo# to *ace the 6ipper 0emon
1ith the *ear he hel# until now gone somewhere( the man glare# *iercel' at the
6ipper 0emon with his remaining le*t e'e( un#er the street light which ha# stabilise#
%* it were a normal person( the' probabl' woul# have raise# a scream ust upon
seeing that glare.
4ut instea#( the 6ipper 0emon starte# to speak to the man.
:...... /ou)re prett' amazing( huh.?
:+his is the *irst time %)ve seen someone escape *rom this girl)s voice. +hat 5aika...
looks like she hi# #eeper insi#e me a*ter 'ou surprise# her like that. % won#er i* it)s
the same kin# o* shock as being #umpe#.?
+he woman)s voice was calm( an# almost seeme# to be relieve#( somehow.
1ith a voice that #i#n)t seem at all like that o* a )6ipper 0emon)( she slowl'
approache# the man.
9t some point( the countless bla#es coming *rom her bo#' ha# #isappeare#( an# the
onl' one she ha# le*t was the normal size# Aapanese bla#e in her han#.
:+hank goo#ness...... % thought there was nobo#' who woul# be able to stop her.....?
Erom the woman)s glowing( re# e'es( a large tear #rop *orme#( an# *ell.
6e*lecting the light o* her e'es( the tears #'e# her cheeks re# like tears o* bloo#.
:1ill 'ou...... 4ring me to m' en#,?
%n *ront o* the 6ipper 0emon( whose wor#s tol# that she #esire# #eath( 9kaba'ashi
silentl' shook his hea#.
:-ah...... 5orr'( but % have absolutel' no i#ea what 'er talkin) about.?
+hen( without an' *ear o* the bla#e in the woman)s han#s( the man walke#
energeticall' up to her.
:%...... % ust ha# somethin) % nee#e# to tell 'a. 5o % ma#e 'ou shut up. +hat)s all.?
+he man ha# alrea#' steppe# within range o* the bla#e.
4ut the woman #i# no tr' to cut him.
:1hat)s 'a name,?
:-ah( #on)t worr'. /a name #oesn)t matter.?
9t last when he was within arm)s reach o* the woman( he stoppe#.
+hen( be*ore the woman who ha# turne# her hea# slightl'( the man began to speak.
%n or#er to clearl' conve' the impulse which ha# been rising up within him *or the *irst
time in his li*e.
:...... % love 'ou.?
+he three wor#s the man ha# spoken( ha# le*t the 6ipper 0emon)s re# e'es staring
in won#er.
%n *ront o* the 6ipper 0emon( the man ha# sai# the wor#s which he ha# put his li*e
on the line to sa'.
.e ha# create# himsel* b' piling up the scars that he ha# le*t on others. .e spoke
now with such vigour( it was as i* he was spitting up all o* those #ark8re# pieces o*
:%t)s the *irst time in m' li*e that %=ve thought a girl looke# beauti*ul. +he *irst time %)ve
wante# to hol# one in m' arms.?
:% #unno i* 'ou)re human( or i* 'ou)re a monster( no( that)s got nothin) to #o with it.
1hether 'ou)re human or not( %)ve *allen *or 'ou( the woman.?
9lthough he was tr'ing to maintain a calm composure( the man coul#n)t seem to hi#e
his excitement( as his wor#s began to get *aster an# *aster.
:% onl' ust met 'a( an# 'ou ust choppe# out m' e'eball( so % realise 'ou think it)s
stupi# *or me to be sa'ing this stu**( but that #oesn)t matter now. Please( marr' me2?
%t ha# onl' been a *ew minutes since the' ha# met.
@oreover( she ha# ust slice# his e'e open( an# it was likel' that he woul#n)t be
getting it back now.
9n'bo#' woul# think that this man was insane.
.owever( even while bearing with the pain an# loss o* losing his right e'e( the man)s
min# was excee#ingl' close to its normal state.
%t was a while a*ter this that the man woul# realise that this was because o* )love at
*irst sight).
+he man she ha# onl' inten#e# to cut open( the man she ha# thought was weak(
was now stan#ing in *ront o* the woman( as an )e"ual existence)( able to kill her.
+he suspicion in her re# glowing e'es( her *eminine outline( her hair *luttering as i*
tr'ing to hi#e itsel* in the #arkness o* night... 9ll o* it became an attraction to him( an#
put pressure on the man)s heart.
%t was the *irst time he ha# experience# con*essing.
+he naPve passion o* *alling in love *or the *irst( time experience# b' men an# women
o* all ages( ha# sent the )pri#e) calle# )violence) which the man ha# cla# himsel* in(
*l'ing somewhere *ar awa'.
.is *irst con*ession en#e# in honourable #e*eat.
:...... +hank 'ou. +hank 'ou *or sa'ing 'ou love me even when %)ve become like this.?
+he woman giggle# happil'... 4ut there was a touche# o* sa#ness mixe# within her
:4ut( %)m sorr'.?
9s she shook her hea#( the wor#s that the woman spoke next( in some wa's(
stabbe# the man #eeper than the bla#e ha# be*ore.
:%)m al rea#' marrie#.?
:% have a husban# an# a #aughter( both o* which % still love. 9n# so( % can)t
reciprocate 'our *eelings.?
Eace# with the #ecisive truth( the man knew that his knees ha# starte# to shake.
%t ma' have been sa#ness( anger( embarrassment( or perhaps he even *oun# beaut'
in the wor#s o* reection she ha# spoken to him.
+he man smacke# his own cheeks with both han#s( as i* to wake himsel* *rom a
trance. 9s he #i#( the bloo# running *rom the right si#e #'e# his han# re#( an# a
raging pain rushe# into his *ace.
.owever( the man #i# not raise a scream( instea# mustering up all o* his willpower(
an# putting a stop to the shaking in his knees.
:%s that right...... +hat)s a #amn shame...... 9ctuall'( #o 'a min# telling me 'our
:0on)t worr'. % ain)t askin) so % can #o something about 'our husban# an# #aughter.?
+he woman hesitate# *or a little while( but seeing the man)s e'e seeme# to make her
think about something.
Ein#ing some kin# o* resolve( the woman slowl' opene# her mouth.
:...... %* 'ou do happen to la' 'our han#s on m' #aughter or husban#( %)ll slice 'ou up
with all o* m' power.?
:/eah...... % #on)t min#.?
:@' name is...... 5a'aka 5onohara.?
.earing that name( the man *linche#.
%t was the name o* the store8owner he was on his wa' to beat up.
:...... +his must be *ate or somethin). Da#'( 'ou ust save# 'our husban#)s li*e.?
:-ah( it)s nothin).?
1ith a bitter smile( the man turne# his back to the )6ipper 0emon)( an# slowl' le*t the
:+he name)s 9kaba'ashi. 1ell( i* 'a get sick o* 'our husban#( be sure to look me up.?
:%)ve got enough goin) *or me to look a*ter that precious #aughter o* 'ours too.?
Present #a'( %kebukuro( insi#e a taxi.
:-ey$ Aka"ayas!i%&
Picking up the phone which ha# rung while he was in transport( 9kaba'ashi hear# a
*amiliar voice.
:%* it isn)t 9ozaki8san. /ou reall' #o love calling me while %)m taking the taxi( #on)t
:Like I (are a"out your (ir(u)stan(es.&
:5o( what)s up( 9ozaki8san, %* it)s about the Princess( ever'thing is settle#( *or now.?
:3a!$ I #ust t!oug!t I s!ould (all to say )y farewells to you.&
9 #eep laughing soun# leake# through *rom the other si#e o* the phone.
:Fhh, /ou)ve *inall' #eci#e# to kill me( huh, 7r #i# 'ou ma'be commit some
treason( an# have to leave the 9wakusu >roup,?
:Idiot. 'ou know doing so)et!ing like t!at wouldn't get )e anyt!ing&
:+hat is true. %* 'ou)re goo# at an'thing( it)s being in the boss) goo#8books.?
:S!ut u and listen.&
.is wor#s mixe# with a tint o* anger( 9ozaki began to calml' speak.
:'ou really went wild$ !u!. Too wild.&
:0or t!ose g!osts fro) 6 years ago to (o)e "a(k to !aunt you.&
@a' 5
( night( unknown aban#one# buil#ing.
9 single buil#ing( consi#erabl' #istant *rom the cit' centre.
0ue to certain circumstances( the construction on the buil#ing which ha# been in the
mi##le o* remo#elling( ha# been halte#.
+ill the secon# *loor( the buil#ing seeme# "uite normal( but the *loors be'on# that ha#
been those un#er construction. 9bove these *loors( bare steel *rames stretche# out
o##l' into the night sk'.
.ere... )+he') stoo#( calml' surroun#ing the buil#ing.
:%s it him,?
:/eah( no #oubt.?
Eigures o* men in parka coats( with ban#anas an# the like wrappe# aroun# their
hea#s. Peeking out *rom un#er their sleeves an# collars( the' all ha# the same tattoo
seal stuck on.
%n their han#s( the' each hel# various weapons( like steel pipes( knives( or planks o*
timber with nails hammere# into them. 6ather than a group o* ki#s on a #are( who
believe# a monster live# within the aban#one# buil#ing( the' looke# closer to
monsters themselves.
:+he' reall' gonna give us 2!(!!! 'en ust ta beat the li*e outta this ol# man,?
:+hat ain)t all. +he' sai# we can split the goo#s however we wanna.?
:% hear# the')re ust gonna up the ratio we get when the' sell it.?
9mong the mess o* var'ing in*ormation the' all seeme# to have hear#( the men
wearing tattoo seals all ha# one truth in common.
+heir ob right now( was to kill the man who ha# entere# the aban#one# buil#ing a
moment ago( 9kaba'ashi.
@ost o* them ha# no i#ea that the man the' were a*ter( was on o* the top8#ogs o* the
9wakusu >roup.
Eurthermore( most o* them likel' #i#n)t even know o* the existence o* such an
U.owever( the' were part o* a #rug tra#ing crew( an# ha# come on boar# this
operation a*ter hearing that the' woul# be rewar#e# simpl' *or killing a man. %n all
likelihoo#( even i* the' ha# known o* the 9wakusu >roup)s involvement( the' woul#
have thought )1e)ll be *ine i* the' #on)t *in# out)( an# come to this place an'wa'.
Put simpl'( amongst their #rug tra#ing group( these men were consi#ere#
%n the en#( the' ha# manage# to track #own their target( 9kaba'ashi.
:@an( that )0ollars) crap is so han#'.?
7ne o* the men was looking at the screen o* his phone.
Farlier that evening( this man ha# poste# a message on the 0ollars bulletin boar#(
sa'ing( )%)ve been searching *or this man( m' bene*actor( but % can)t *in# him2 %*
an'bo#' sees him( please tell me2)( along with a photo o* 9kaba'ashi which the' ha#
been given b' their superiors.
+hen( soon a*ter( he ha# receive# in*ormation about the location he ha# been sta'ing
at. +his aban#one# buil#ing.
:@an( this was alrea#' weir# enough( turns out he)s a homeless gu' now,?
:4ut( % hear# he)s prett' #amn strong.?
:Tuit 'er whinin).?
9s one man soun#e# #oubt*ul( the other brought his attention to the thing he ha#
been hol#ing.
%t was a home8ma#e @olotov cocktail.
:1e got heaps)a these things( let)s ust burn this place to the groun#.?
+he man ha# no hesitation in his voice( an# the other 'oung men aroun# him all
smile# as i* the' agree# with his plan.
@an' o* them were more heavil' involve# in #rugs than ust #ealing( an# the' looke#
aroun# with un*ocuse# e'es as the' picke# up their cocktails.
:5o( once he starts runnin) we ust nee# to grab )im an# take )im up to some
mountain...... +hen we)re #one( 'eah,?
:0amn right.?
:Det)s *ire it up2?
+he 'oung men all began to cackle laughter( inclu#ing those with normal e'es.
U%n some wa's( this coul# be taken to mean that at the time the' put those tattoo
seals on themselves( the' were not without hesitation.
5ame time( insi#e the aban#one# buil#ing.
:...... /ou almost look happ' to be here( 9kaba'ashi.?
9n aggressive looking man spoke as he sat insi#e the aban#one# buil#ing( on a
#rum turne# on its si#e.
9roun# him there were about ten other men( none o* whom coul# be regar#e# as
respectable looking people.
Eacing them( looking the same as alwa's( with his cane in han#( was 9kaba'ashi(
%n response to them men who were looking at him with e'es *ull o* hatre#(
9kaba'ashi spoke with an aloo* attitu#e.
:.e'( when m' *avourite ol# seniors call me out( there)s no wa' % can)t come( right,?
:...... +he wa' 'ou talk reall' has change# a lot( huh. 4ack in those #a's( were 'ou
acting aroun# us to #eceive us, 7r are 'ou acting all obe#ient now so 'ou can #o the
same to the 9wakusu as 'ou #i# to us,?
:/ou got it all wrong( humans( 'ou know( the' grow up. 9lthough % #i# alwa's think
that a*ter % turne# 2! m' personalit' woul# stop changing. 4ut % guess shocking
experiences can change a gu'( 'ou know,?
+apping his cane on the *loor( 9kaba'ashi continue# to speak in#i**erentl'.
:5tu** like getting attacke# b' a 6ipper 0emon( or *alling in love at *irst sight( *or the
*irst time in 'our li*e.?
:1e #on)t wanna hear this crap.......?
:4' the wa'( 'ou sai# 'ou)# like to talk one8on8one( so am % ust imagining all those
other gu's stan#ing aroun# 'ou, 7r am % having #elusions o* something,?
9s 9kaba'ashi cracke# his neck an# looke# aroun# the room( the tough looking man
slowl' began to speak.
:/eah( %)ll be the onl' one speaking. % #i#n)t sa' an'thing about things other than
:% see( % see. 9lso( % #i#n)t see an' cars aroun# the buil#ing( #i# 'ou gu's walk all the
wa' here,?
9kaba'ashi pai# no hee# to the #angerous situation he was in( an# maintaine# his
compose# smile.
1hile he was suspicious about 9kaba'ashi)s attitu#e( the man respon#e# to him.
:......-ah( we #i#n)t want 'ou getting scare# an# running o**. 1e le*t them somewhere
else. .onestl'( we #i#n)t think 'ou)# actuall' come. 1ell( i* we ha# to( we)# planne#
to *in# one o* 'our bu##ies( an# snatch )em.?
:% came because % #i#n)t want 'ou #oing that. 1ell( an'wa'( %)m gla# 'ou #i#n)t bring
an' cars.?
9s 9kaba'ashi scratche# his cheek( his smile #arkene# slightl'.
:9h( it)s ust( i* there were a lot o* cars( % thought the' might get scare# an# run o**.?
:1hat...... are 'ou talking about,?
:% ha# the same thought as 'ou. % #i#n)t min# talking one8on8one( but when it comes
to killing( % ain)t gonna preten# %)m some hero an# take 'ou all on b' m'sel*.?
+ension rushe# into the *aces o* the men.
&hat, have the Awakusu betrayed us%
.is bo#' ha# sti**ene# upon thinking o* the possibilit'( but tr'ing to probe out the true
meaning o* his wor#s( the man aske# 9kaba'ashi a "uestion.
:...... .uh( it looks like 'ou haven)t realise# that the 9wakusu have thrown 'ou awa'.?
:...... 9hh( b' an' chance( have 'ou alrea#' talke# to m' boss about this,?
1ith 9kaba'ashi)s "uestion( the man onl' became more con*use#.
:.e sai# that the 9wakusu >roup will absolutel' not inter*ere in our little chat. /ou
might have calle# *or help or something( but 'ou ain)t got nobo#<?
+he man ha# been tr'ing to shake up the opposition( but( as i* to put a stop to it(
9kaba'ashi tappe# lou#l' on the *loor o* the buil#ing with his cane.
:98hah8hah. % never sai# an'thing about the 9wakusu( #i# %,?
:0i# 'ou reall' think...... that % ha# no connections( outsi#e o* the 9wakusu,?
:/ou can)t have2.....?
+heir boss) killer.
+he' knew this when the' calle# him out to this place.
4ut now( *inall' realising what it meant( a col# sweat began to run #own their backs.
4e can't have... teamed up with another group%......
:...... /ou)re blu**ing.?
:%* 'ou think so( wh' #on)t 'a take a peek out that win#ow,?
.earing this *rom 9kaba'ashi( the man signalle# one o* his comra#es to #o so.
+he skinhea# who ha# been tol# to look out the win#ow hel# his breath an# hea#e#
towar#s it.
.e was probabl' being cautious o* snipers( as he hi# his bo#' *rom view while
moving towar#s the glass8less win#ow( but...
+he soun# o* glass breaking coul# be hear# insi#e the room.
4ecause o* construction( there was no glass in that win#ow 'et.
4ut there was no real nee# to won#er where the soun# ha# come *rom.
1ithout even time to scream( the skinhea# ha# been engul*e# in raging *lames.
:>ahhhhh8h...hhh82 9aaa99...hhh2?
9t the same time( some sort o* li"ui# ha# #isperse# across the *loor( an# burst into
*lames soon a*ter the man ha#.
%t #i#n)t take long to realise it ha# been a @olotov cocktail.
4ut( be*ore being able to move base# on this un#erstan#ing...
4ottles carr'ing re# *lames appeare# *rom the win#ow( one b' one( an# the soun# o*
glass shattering echoe# throughout the room( almost rh'thmicall'.
:7utsi#e2 +here)s a heap o* )em outsi#e2?
+he skinhea# was rolling aroun# on the groun#( an# ha# almost manage# to put out
the *ire burning awa' his *ace.
6ight be*ore the cocktail ha# hit( he was able to con*irm the existence o* man'
people surroun#ing the buil#ing.
.earing his in*ormation( some o* the men retreate# *urther into the room( while some
o* them rushe# over towar#s the win#ow.
1hile hi#ing himsel* with the wall( one o* the men peeke# through the win#ow... an#
starte# pulling a gun out *rom his *ront pocket.
+hen( without hesitating( he began to open *ire on the men surroun#ing the buil#ing.
.earing the lou# )bang) soun# *rom outsi#e the buil#ing( the #rug pushers thought
some sort o* explosion must have occurre# insi#e.
.owever( the' soon realise# this was not true... 9s one o* their number *ell(
trembling( to the groun#.
:@8m' leg... %t h8hurts......?
Dooking at him( the' coul# see a small hole opene# up in the leg o* his eans( an# a
re# stain which ha# begun sprea#ing aroun# it.
9t aroun# the same time that the' realise# this was a bullet hole( the' hear# the
same explo#ing soun# two more times.
::rap2 %t)s a gun2 +hat bastar#2 .e)s carr'in) heat2?
:Gill him2?
9t the time( the' still *oolishl' believe# that the' were onl' *acing one man.
%* the' were the t'pe o* experts who were use# to this kin# o* attack( the' woul# have
at the ver' least con*irme# the number o* their opponents( an# #one some scouting
be*ore the' arrive#. 7n top o* all being amateurs( hal* o* them coul#n)t think properl'
through the #rugs the' ha# taken( so the' weren)t in a state where the' were able to
take such obvious actions.
+he 'oung men among them who coul# still think straight starte# to run awa'( but
most o* them who were overcome with excitement rushe# towar#s the buil#ing to
exact their revenge.
9t this time( a small #ispute broke out.
%nsi#e a buil#ing awa' *rom the cit' centre...
:ertain *actions *ought each other( without even knowing each other)s true i#entities.
%nsi#e the buil#ing( in a state o* con*usion( the men who ha# come to meet
9kaba'ashi shoute# *rom across the *lame8*ille# room.
:9kaba'ashiiiii22 /ou bastar#2 /ou set us up22?
.e searche# through the *lames( but coul#n)t spot 9kaba'ashi)s *igure an'where.
+o put it more accuratel'( when the *irst skinhea# ha# caught on *ire( while the rest o*
them ha# their vision *ocuse# on that one point( 9kaba'ashi ha# hi##en himsel*
:5o it reall' was 'ou that kille# our boss( huh2 9kaba'ashiii2?
.earing that scream( so lou# it seeme# as i* the man was tr'ing to cough up bloo#(
9kaba'ashi whispere# to himsel*.
:% #i#n)t kill our boss...?
9kaba'ashi ha# walke# out the back #oor o* the buil#ing( as i* nothing ha#
:9ll % #i# was let him #ie.?
9t his *eet were the two tattooe# men who ha# been assigne# to watch the back
9*ter he was somewhat #istant *rom the buil#ing( he was passe# b' several patrol
:7h( here the' are( per*ect timing. %)m gla# % reporte# this be*orehan#.?
9kaba'ashi #eci#e# to hi#e in the sha#ows while the patrol cars passe# him( then
continue to #istance himsel* *rom the scene.
%nsi#e one o* the cars( he coul# see a policeman hol#ing a wireless receiver( perhaps
con*irming the burning buil#ing an# the gunshots.
+urning his back to the patrol cars( 9kaba'ashi took out his phone.
.e opene# the 0ollars home page( an# starte# to press the button to #elete one o*
his own posts.
)+hat gu' is sta'ing in this aban#one# buil#ing( it)s on the map % ust linke#.)
9*ter #eleting this post( which was accompanie# with a picture o* the buil#ing(
9kaba'ashi put his own stealth8phone back into his pocket.
+hen( he looke# towar#s the night sk'( an# spoke to himsel*( with his usual aloo*
:0ollars ma' be prett' han#'( but reall'( the' can be a scar' bunch sometimes.?
@a' J
( morning( 9wakusu >roup .ea#"uarters.
'A disute !as "roken out "etween a violent gang$ and a grou of young )en.
Si7teen killed or wounded. A s!o(king$ dra)ati($ late5nig!t arrest.'
5eeing this hea#line on a sporting newspaper( an age# man murmure#.
:7i( look at this( 9ozaki. %t sa's the')re putting out a photo8album o* 6uri .iiribe.?
Dooking at a completel' #i**erent column than the hea#line( the age# man laughe#
:5a's the')re onl' gonna print out 3!!! copies( this is premium stu**. 0on)t 'ou think
we coul# make a killin) i* we bought )em all up( then sol# them o** on Fba' or
:1ho knows...... /ou)# have to ask 5hiki or Gazamoto. %)m not reall'......?
:% see...... 1ell( coul# 'ou tell one o* the 'oung gu's to bu' three copies *or me( at
:Please( think o* 'our position( boss. 1hat will the 'oung gu's think o* 'ou( asking
them that.....?
5haking his hea# silentl'( 9ozaki looke# towar#s the hea#line o* the newspaper the
ol#er man ha# been looking at( an# spoke lowl'.
:...... 5o( boss( #i# 'ou know that it woul# turn out like this,?
7* course( he was talking about the conclusion o* the two inci#ents 9kaba'ashi ha#
*oun# himsel* entangle# in.
%n the en#( the men who share# their line o* work( an# who ha# onl' ust been
release# *rom ail( were charge# with various o**ences an# arreste#. +he 'oung men
wearing tattoo seals ha# also been arreste#( an# were likel' being thoroughl'
interrogate# about their universit' organisation( which ha# been unknown to both the
police an# the me#ia.
9s *or the 9wakusu >roup( though the' coul# not be counte# as true enemies( two
anno'ing organisations ha# been #ispose# o* in one *ell swoop( an# as an a##e#
bonus( the e'es o* the police woul# be awa' *rom them *or a time.
0ougen 9wakusu continue# to look at the newspaper as he respon#e# to 9ozaki)s
:1ell( ma'be hal* o* it. % knew 9kaba'ashi coul# at least wipe his own ass... 4ut it
seems like somebo#' ma' have helpe# him out somewhere along the line.?
:...... 1hat #o 'ou mean,?
:% mean( % think somebo#' tol# him he was being targete#. %* not( % #on)t think he
woul# have been able to plan ahea# so well.?
9*ter looking over the whole newspaper( his e'es turne# towar#s 9ozaki.
:...... % #unno who it coul# have been( but %)m sure the' ust tol# him some things( an#
#i#n)t ph'sciall' help him.?
:9hh. % #i#n)t think 'ou were that goo# at okes( 9ozaki. 5o( 'ou reall' wante# to
settle 'our score with 9kaba'ashi on 'our own( huh,?
:-ow 'ou)re the one telling okes( boss.?
9ozaki shook his hea# an# laughe#( in response to 0ougen)s "uestion.
:%* it were the ol# him( then ma'be. 4ut it woul#n)t be worth m' time( killing him now
that he)s gone all so*t.?
:)5o*t) can be a goo# thing... 5o*t things can be easil' moul#e#...... 9h.?
%n the mi##le o* their conversation( the phone sitting on his #esk began to ring.
0ougen rushe# to pick up the receiver( an# brought it to his ear while clearing his
Eor some reason( a shout mixe# with sorrow coul# be hear# through the receiver.
%t seeme# to be a call *or help *rom the members o* the Fmergent 7rganisation( who
ha# been arreste# the #a' be*ore.
+hen( with a completel' #i**erent tone *rom that he ha# been using till now( 0ougen
spoke with a col# voice.
:+his is a problem. 1e #i# sa' that we woul# absolutel' not inter*ere with 'our
actions( #i# we not, %t is no problem o* ours i* 'ou picke# a *ight with 9kaba'ashi(
an# en#e# up getting burnt.?
+heir organisation was not a lenient one.
%n the en#... +he' were( as alwa's( an existence create# *rom the #arkness o* this
9*ter putting #own the phone( 0ougen began rea#ing the newspaper once again...
9n# he spoke to 9ozaki( with a col#8hearte# smile on his *ace.
:/ou know( we coul# never betra' someone we)ve ma#e a #eal with..... 4ut
we can watch as the' burn.?
Eive 'ears ago.
9*ter he met the 6ipper 0emon( the man change#.
.e ha# reporte# that he ha# )been got b' the 6ipper 0emon)( but he also tol# a
straight8out lie( that it ha# been )an ol# man( with white hair( over two meters tall). .e
was actuall' #escribing something *rom a comic book he ha# been rea#ing at the
time( but nobo#' notice# that. +he' all simpl' laughe#( an# sai# )1ow( so even that
gu' is onl' human)( an# he was allowe# to remain in their group.
4ecause o* his inur'( the work relating to 5onohara 9nti"ues was put on hol#.
+his was a ob he ha# taken on b' himsel*( so he woul# *inish it himsel*.
+hough he tol# them this( an# began to investigate the 5onohara *amil'( reall' he
was tr'ing to *in# some wa' to help that *amil'( to help that beauti*ul )6ipper 0emon)(
7ne #a'( he *oun# out that the parents o* that shop ha# been kille#( b' the 6ipper
+he husban#)s hea# ha# been cleanl' cut o** at the neck( an# the wi*e ha# been
stabbe# through the stomach( as i* per*orming ritual suici#e.
.e ha# not hear# i* the remaining #aughter was still in a state o* shock or not.
1hen he *irst hear# about this( he coul#n)t believe it.
.is bo#' was wrappe# up in an unshakable *eeling o* loss an# grie*.
.e *ell into a moo# o* #espair( much( much #eeper than that which he *elt when he
lost his right e'e.
4ut at the same time... he realise# something.
+he wi*e... 5a'aka 5onohara ha# committe# suici#e.
%n an' case( she was the 6ipper 0emon. .e #i#n)t know what ha# happene#( but it
seeme# she ha# #ecapitate# her husban#( who she ha# sai# she love#( an# then cut
open her own stomach.
4ut( wh' woul# she #o such a thing.
0i# she not value her #aughter on the same level as her husban#,
Fxactl' what was going on in her hea# that ma#e her mur#er her own husban#( an#
hersel*( while leaving her #aughter behin#...
1hile he continue# to worr' about this( he was tol# something bv the man who was
the boss o* his organisation at the time( in the cit' at night.
:.e'( 9kaba'ashi. 9bout that 5onohara shop( 'ou can stop worr'ing.?
:...... .uh,?
+he man... 9kaba'ashi was being use# as a bo#'guar# *or that boss more an# more
o*ten recentl'.
+o#a'( he was ignoring all o* his group)s members( an# was hea#ing towar#s the
house o* his *avourite mistress( but...
:+he owner an# his wi*e went an# #ie#. 1ith that( we #i#n)t even have to #o an'thing
to get that plot o* lan# in our han#s. 9ll thanks to our saviour( the 6ipper 0emon2?
:7ops( guess % shoul#n)t sa' stu** like that to 'ou( when it was that #emon that took
'our e'e.?
1ith a vulgar smile on his *ace( the boss continue# to speak.
:1ell in the *irst place( that shop was gonna go un#er( even i* that #i#n)t happen.?
:+hat owner( he ha# been tr'ing out some o* our special me#icine.?
%t was imme#iatel' obvious what he ha# meant b' )me#icine).
9s a person who live# *or violence( 9kaba'ashi ha# alwa's hate# narcotics an# the
like( sa'ing )Dike % wanna take something that)ll ust make m' bones weaker)...
.owever( he ha# never trie# to stop the large8scale #rug business that their
organisation was a part o*. .e #i#n)t let it concern him( either.
4ut( as a result( he was having this conversation now( with his boss an# his
#isgusting smile.
:.e was alrea#' in enough #ebt to us to pa' *or the lan#. % thought % might be able to
wring some more outta him though...... so % propose# an i#ea to him. )1h' not get
some insurance pa'outs *rom 'our *amil'( make a little mone',)( % sai#.?
:1ell( *rom what % hear#( he)# been beating up his *amil' *or a while be*ore that. 9n#
a*ter he starte# #rugs( it onl' got worse. 9bout as much as his hea# #i#( % guess.?
Perhaps he ha# been #rinking( as he was reciting the #etails o* the inci#ent to his
bo#'guar#( with some kin# o* pri#e in his wor#s.
:+his probabl' won)t make the news( but % hear# that the brat the' le*t behin# ha#
choke8marks aroun# her neck. +he police sai# somethin) about the 6ipper 0emon(
but %)ve been thinkin)( ma'be not on that #a'( but some other time( the ol# #u#e
might)ve trie# to strangle his own #aughter to #eath2 9ll so he coul# make enough
mone' to bu' our me#icine2?
:5ee( see, 1asn)t he an i#iot, 9s i* he)# get a pa'out *or killing his own #aughter2 7r
#i# he think he woul#n)t get *oun# out, Fither wa'( it)s prett' #amn hilarious.?
+he boss seeme# to be so engrosse# in his own stor' that he was not even aware o*
his surroun#ings.
:9lso( that #aughter o* theirs( she looks like she might grow up to be a real *ine
woman2 1e might even be able to use her( i* we make up some *ake %7B note2 7r
ma'be( ma'be % coul# even have a go at her, +hough( she)s onl' like 12( %)ve never
experience# #oin) it with a brat like her 'et2 >ahaha2?
4ecause o* this( there were a *ew things he #i#n)t notice. +hings he completel'
Eirstl'( the *act that the atmosphere aroun# the bo#'guar# at his si#e( was rapi#l'
becoming col#er.
5econ#( the *act that their current location was a back alle'( without an' signs o*
+hir#... +he *act that be*ore them( stoo# a man hol#ing a large kitchen kni*e( #rawing
closer to them with intent to kill.
7* course( it wasn)t long be*ore he came to realise that last *act.
+he man hol#ing the kni*e was glaring at the boss( with e'es *ille# with strong hatre#.
:1ho the hell are 'ou2 1hich group are 'ou *rom2,?
%n response to the threatening voice o* the boss( the 'oung man hol#ing the kni*e
spoke( with tears in his e'es.
:/ou...... /ou #i# that...... +o m' big sis......?
:.uh,...... 9hh( % see( 'ou( 'ou)re the little brother o* that girl *rom be*ore. 6ight( %
remember seeing 'ou in that *amil' photo she ha#.?
:/ou...... 'ou gave those #rugs to her2...... %t)s all 'our *ault2...... @' sister...... 5he)ll
probabl' never wake up again now2......?
5omehow( it seeme# the 'oung man #espise# the boss because o* something to #o
with narcotics.
:.aa. 1ell( in the en#( those #rugs let her see heaven( so reall' %)# expect a bit o*
gratitu#e. .e'( 9kaba'ashi( 'ou got a ob to #o. +ake this ungrate*ul little prick
an#............ an........ #...... #.......?
.e ha# turne# his hea# to look at 9kaba'ashi as he gave his or#ers( but...
9s he #i# so( his entire bo#' *roze.
%t almost looke# like he ha# seen a spi#er on 9kaba'ashi)s shoul#er...
4ut the wa' 9kaba'ashi was looking at his boss( it was as i* he was the one who ha#
seen a spi#er( an# ha# procee#e# to crush it un#er his *oot. +he' were e'es *ille#
with strong contempt( an# anger.
+he wa' he was looking #own on his boss( it *elt as i* his gaze was ph'sicall'
pushing #own on the boss) shoul#ers.
Fven *rom his *ake right e'e( a strong( strong( overwhelming pressure coul# be *elt.
:/8'ou( what...... 1hat)s with...... that look....... huh......?
9s he was being overpowere# b' 9kaba'ashi( the boss was tr'ing to speak( without
thinking... 4ut un#er the intense pressure o* 9kaba'ashi)s glare( he *orgot about one
ver' important thing.
.e *orgot that right now( he coul#n)t reall' a**or# to be looking behin# him.
9 *ew minutes later.
7n the groun#( was the boss( l'ing *ace #own( convulsing slightl'. 9 pool o* re# li"ui#
was sprea#ing out *rom the centre o* his upper bo#'.
%n a #i**erent place( not too *ar awa'( a shaking 'oung man was hol#ing a kitchen
kni*e( which ha# bloo# #ripping *rom it.
9kaba'ashi took a step towar#s the 'oung man( an# in response( he raise# his kni*e.
4ut( seeing the atmosphere surroun#ing 9kaba'ashi( the 'oung man thought )% have
no chance)( an# instea# o* *ighting( *loppe# to the groun#.
:Gill me...... Aust kill me2 % #on)t... % #on)t care an' more...... gah.?
5lapping the 'oung man( 9kaba'ashi spoke.
:%* 'ou #ie( who the hell is gonna look a*ter 'our sister, .uh,?
:.....2 ......, ...... Fh,?
-ot un#erstan#ing what 9kaba'ashi was sa'ing( the 'oung man looke# up at him(
an# continue# shaking.
:...... 5cram. .i#e 'our kni*e somewhere an# go. %* 'ou)re luck'( the' might sa' it was
the 6ipper 0emon.?
:......2, 9h... 9hh( th...... +hank...... +hank 'ou so much2?
+he 'oung man rushe# to his *eet( hi# the kni*e in his *ront pocket( an# procee#e# to
run *rom the scene.
+here was no wa' he coul# have un#erstoo# wh' he ha# been allowe# to leave.
.owever( con*use# as he ha# been( hearing the wor# )sister) brought back some o*
his reason( an# he broke into a run( to escape *rom the scene.
:)+hank 'ou so much)( he sa's.?
9kaba'ashi looke# #own on the corpse o* his boss( an# spoke as i* he was spitting
out his wor#s.
:/ou shoul#n)t be thankin) me( ki#...... /ou shoul# hate me.?
:%...... Aust let 'ou become a mur#erer......?
Present #a'( in the vicinit' o* an unknown station on the /amanote line( a back alle'
o* the shopping #istrict.
:7h( 6uri8chan is putting out a photo8album( huh, %)m gonna have to or#er me one o*
6ea#ing the same sports newspaper that 0ougen ha# been( 9kaba'ashi strolle#
#own the back alle'.
+hen( his e'es stoppe# on a certain wor# in the article.
:9hh( that)s right( she)s with a new pro#ucer now( huh. +he' still haven)t *oun# that
/o#ogiri gu'( either. @ister 5hiki sure #oes have it tough( huh.?
+he wor# he saw( was the name o* the new entertainment pro#uction o**ice that 6uri
.iiribe was now emplo'e# un#er.
:)Aack8o)8Dantern)( huh.?
5eeing the uni"ue name o* the o**ice( a somehow sel*8#eri#ing smile *orme# on
9kaba'ashi)s lips.
)eah, that's me.
9 )Aack8o)8lantern) was a t'pe o* spirit( with a *ace ma#e out o* a pumpkin( use# *or
things like .alloween.
9 legen# originating in %relan#( it was something like a ghost( who ha# committe#
crimes in their li*e( an# coul#n)t go to the lan# o* the #ea#( but who ha# also #eceive#
the 0evil( an# so was not allowe# in .ell either. +he' were there*ore *orce# to
wan#er the earth *or eternit'( hol#ing a lantern ma#e out o* a vegetable.
%n a worl# o* chivalr'( he ha# committe# the taboo o* letting his boss #ie.
.e ha#n)t kille# him #irectl'( but the inescapable truth was that he ha# watche# as
the man #ie#.
5o( it was obvious he woul# not be going to .eaven an' time soon.
.e was like a ghost( *orce# to wan#er aimlessl' about the normal worl#( an# the
un#ergroun# o* this cit'.
&ell, calling myself a =ack-o'-lantern might be a bit try-hard .
9s he thought about these things( a small *igure approache# 9kaba'ashi *rom
%n the han# o* this *igure( the' hel# a sharp kni*e.
%t was unclear exactl' when he ha# notice# them... 4ut as he turne# aroun#( he
grabbe# the person)s han#( an# skil*ull' took their kni*e *rom them.
0oing so( he coul# see that the person was actuall' a 'oung bo'( who looke# to be
aroun# 15 'ears ol#.
::ome now( ki#s shoul# act like ki#s( not go about wavin) to's like this aroun#. 5hut
'oursel* up in 'our room an# pla' some vi#eo games or something. 5omethin) that
won)t en# up hurting an'one.?
:Fe...... 989hhhhh2?
+he bo' imme#iatel' ran awa'.
:hoosing not to run a*ter the bo'( 9kaba'ashi put the kni*e into his pocket.
:...... 5mall knives( % won#er #o the' count as non8burnable trash, 7r ma'be steel8
1hile he sai# this( he thought about the 'oung bo'.
.e ha# seen a tattoo seal stuck to his neck( so he was probabl' a remnant o* the
group *rom 'ester#a'.
7r he ma' have been tol# that the' woul# make him a member( i* he stabbe#
4ow very distasteful. If he didn't have that seal, I wouldn't be able to tell him apart
from a normal kid.
9t the same time( he thought about 0ollars( an# 9nri)s reaction to that wor# the #a'
be*ore( an# he coul#n)t help but *eel that a strange atmosphere ha# begun #ri*ting
aroun# the cit'.
+eally, are kids these days so confused that they can't even tell day from night%
&ell, I spose a pumpkin monster like me can't talk.
+hinking this( he murmure# to himsel*.
:1ell( % can at least pra' *or their sa*et'.?
If possible, I'd like to keep (iss Anri and *rincess Akane out of any stupid trouble,
and at least let them know the border between night and day.
.e remembere# the *ace o* his *irst love.
Fver' time he saw the 'oung girl who ha# grown to be so much like her mother( he
remembere# the *ace o* that )6ipper 0emon).
%*( like a Aack8o)8lantern( he was unable to go to hell( an# was *orce# to wan#er the
)horizon) without ever re#eeming himsel*( ma'be some#a'( woul# he be able to meet
with that 6ipper 0emon once more,
4ow stupid.
I've been reading too much manga.
7nce again smiling in sel*8#erision( 9kaba'ashi tappe# his cane on the groun#( an#
starte# to walk awa' *rom that place.
:1ell( i* those girls were to sa' )4ut we like the night)...... Dittle ol# me an# m' *rien#s
woul# have no wa' to stop them.?
.e continue# to walk.
% that night cit'( he walke# the un#ersi#e o* the boun#ar' between the normal worl#(
an# the un#ergroun#.
1ith the shock he *elt upon *irst *alling in love re*lecte# in his missing right e'e...
1ith his usual light smile( the man vanishe# into the #epths o* the cit' once more.
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes
:hapter 4
Everyday Life 1 S!ylo(k's 8!asody
9t *irst( the rumours ha# all been true.
;.e'( have 'ou hear#,..?
;+hat gu'( 5hizuo .eiwaima...? ;5hizuo( he...? ;+hat
;.e was walking aroun# with some little girl...? ;5hizuo .eiwaima is...?
;5he was onl' about 9 'ears ol#...?
:% hear# he got into trouble with the /akuza...? ;.e climbe# a buil#ing with his
bare han#s2...?
;.e sent a car rolling with ust a kick...? ;.e got stabbe# b' some
;4ut the kni*e woul#n)t go in( it ust *ell straight to the groun#2?
:... saw him ump out o* a moving truck( carr'ing a girl...? ;.e threw a motorbike with
one arm2?
;+hat gu')s superhuman.?
+hese rumours were sprea#ing through the net( an# through wor# o* mouth.
9mongst all o* the things that happene# over the holi#a's( a certain tren# appeare#.
+he topic o* a single man ha# starte# to stan# out amongst the rest( as i* he ha#
been raging about ever' part o* %kebukuro *or the entire holi#a'.
.e was an existence which( *rom the start( stoo# out in that cit' as )+he man wearing
a barten#er)s uni*orm)( whether one like# him or not.
%* it was ust his uni*orm( one might simpl' think he was a customer puller( an# all
woul# be well. 4ut his blon#e hair an# sunglasses( along with the wa' he woul#
alwa's be walking aroun# with a man with #rea#locks( create# an# image that sai# )%t
woul# be better to sta' awa' *rom him).
.owever( the more a person got to know him( the more the' woul# start to reassess
their attitu#e towar#s him.
Erom )4etter to sta' awa' *rom him)( people woul# change to various opinions( like
)-ever FCF6 go near him)( ).e)s a nicer gu' than % thought)( )%* 'ou see him( run)(
)Pra' to 'our go#s)( )>ive up)( but these evaluations were alwa's extreme.
1ith a certain vigour( as i* the' were explaining some kin# o* monster the' ha# never
seen be*ore( their extreme opinions woul# invite *urther extreme rumours( which
woul# then twist the truth into some even more extreme.
;.e'( have 'ou hear#,..?
;+hat gu'( 5hizuo .eiwaima...? ;+hat monster...?
;% hear# he #ie#...?
;.e got hit b' a car( an# was sent *l'ing...? ;.e was tr'ing to protect
that girl...?
;.e en#e# up in some #ump somewhere...? ;5hizuo( he...? ;+hat
:% hear# he got hit b' a motorbike...? ;.e got into trouble with the /akuza( an# *ell o**
a buil#ing...?
;-o( he got stabbe# b' some la#'( an# #ie#...? ;5eriousl',..? ;+he ki#
was there...?
;5o he was human( then,?
Btter nonsense.
% their own wa'( the' were extreme rumours... 4ut the particular phrase )5hizuo is
#ea#) became a great shock to certain people( an# the rumours sprea# like wil#*ire.
9mi#st all this( one o* the rumours ha# receive# an amen#ment.
1oul# getting hit b' a car trul' kill 5hizuo .eiwaima,
+he answer is )no).
+hose who knew 5hizuo( an# those who were more intereste# in the rumours about
him( coul# sa' this with some conviction.
:5hizuo .eiwaima woul# not bite the #ust "uite so easil'.?
+hat absolute belie* brought about a change in this rumour.
9s it was moul#e# b' peoples reason( preu#ices( an# #esires( the rumour became
more an# more *ocuse#( till it came to a unite# )*orm).
9 rumour which has sprea# too *ar( can sometimes become an urban legen#.
1hen an urban legen# is given a clear )*orm)( it sprea#s even *urther( an# #eeper.
Eor example( amongst these 'oung #elin"uents( who ha# gathere# insi#e a club.
:7i( have 'ou hear#,?
:.ear# what,?
:9bout 5hizuo .eiwaima.?
:...... 1hat)s that monster #one now,?
:+hat gu'...... % hear# he got hit b' a truck( an# was inure# prett' ba#.?
:...... 5erious,?
:/eah. .e was being chase# b' /akuza( an# umpe# o** a buil#ing an# it ust
went...... )bang)( straight into him.?
:@eaning...... .e)# be prett' beat up right now,?
Eor example( amongst the #rug #ealers who ha# wante# to crush 5hizuo
themselves( to make their name known.
:4ut( knowing that gu'( woul#n)t he ust stan# up an# walk awa' like nothin)
:-o matter how hurt he is( % woul#n)t pick a *ight with that gu' as long as he can
:% ain)t scare#( it)s ust... %)# wanna make sure he was reall' #ea#( 'ou know,?
:%n that case( % have hear# one other thing...?
:9pparentl' he got himsel* a woman.?
:/eah( soun#s like he)s been walking aroun# town with some la#' all the time
Eor example( amongst the remnants o* a team who ha# been #estro'e# b' 5hizuo
once be*ore.
:...... 5hizuo being weakene#( surel' this is a once in a li*etime chance......?
:1ell( that woman coul#a ust been showing him aroun# or something...?
:-o( listen to this2 +hat la#'( apparentl' there was a ki# *ollowing her aroun# too2?
:/ou shoul# take a seat *or this. %t soun#s like that 5hizuo has a ki#2 9n# she)s
alrea#' aroun# primar' school age2?
:/ou)re oking2?
:% mean( that gu' too 'oung isn)t he,?
:% hear# that it)s ust some girl he use# to go out with in high school( who came up to
him one #a' an# sai# )this girl is 'our #aughter).?
%t was all ust utter nonsense( but in the en#( the' all completel' believe# it.
+he reason the' #i#( was because these rumours manage# to stir up some sort o*
)#esires) *rom #eep within their hearts.
6ather than actual belie*( it was more like the' were clinging to some sort o* hope. 9s
i* the' were thinking )% reall' hope this is true)( the whole time.
9n# the result o* the #esires o* these people who believe# in rumours...
:...... 6ight now( even we coul#......?
:Fven we coul# take out 5hizuo .eiwaima( coul#n)t we,.....?
+hese rumours *lowe# through the cit' in ust one #a'.
9n# the' stirre# part o* the communit' into action.
9ction( which an'bo#' who knew the *ull truth woul# know( woul# onl' lea# them to
their #estruction.
@a' 5
( noon( somewhere in %kebukuro( an ol#8looking apartment.
+he apartment buil#ing appeare# to have been built aroun# thirt' 'ears ago.
7utsi#e o* one particular apartment( the soun# o* a #oor being knocke# coul# be
:@r. 5ugawa. % know 'ou)re in there( @r. 5an#a'uu 5ugawa2?
%n rh'thm with the )knock knock) soun# he was making( a 'oung man calle# out.
9*ter some time( the #oor clicke# open( an# a see#' *ace peere# out *rom within.
:.e'( hi there. %)m sure 'ou alrea#' un#erstan# wh' we)re here to#a'.?
+he man with #rea#locks spoke with a stern *ace an# a strict voice.
4ehin# him stoo# a man wearing a barten#er)s uni*orm( 'awning lou#l'.
+he man ha# blon#e hair( wore sunglasses( an# ha# "uite a )bo#'guar#) aura about
9s the 'oung man became *rightene# upon seeing these two( the man with
#rea#locks in#i**erentl' began to speak his business.
:5o( wh' #on)t 'ou ust han# over the cash( huh.?
+om +anaka was a #ebt collector.
.owever( he was not involve# in an' sort o* sha#'( illegal loans.
.e belonge# to a compan' which manage# a wi#e range o* normal things( like
brothels( telephone #ating services( #ating websites( an# )vi#eo) rentals.
.is ob was to collect the late8*ees which ha# to be pai# b' people who ha# #ela'e#
their normal pa'ments... %n the en#( his work was all within the law.
4ut then( there are certain cases o* #ebt repa'ment which technicall' shoul# be le*t
to actual law'ers( an# in the case o* )vi#eo) rentals an# the like( it wasn)t alwa's
con*irme# whether the' were an o**iciall' certi*ie# business or not.
:onse"uentl'( his line o* work was in a )gre'8zone) slightl' closer to black than( sa'(
the mone' conversion s'stem use# b' pachinko parlours. 4ut to#a'( +om continue#
this work without a care.
%* their ob was to collect #ebts *rom lonel' ol# pensioners( then +om( an# the man
behin# him wearing a barten#er)s uni*orm... 5hizuo .eiwaima( woul# have "uit a
long time ago.
4ut( no matter how one looke# at it( people who ha# *aile# to pa' mone' *or erotic
vi#eos( or phone8sex lines #i#n)t reall' #eserve their s'mpath'.
7* course( i* the' were tol# )% was using that phone service to tr' an# search *or m'
long8lost little sister2)( then the' woul# at least take the time to con*irm or #en' it( but
the person in *ront o* +om right now was not one o* these cases.
5o( he #i#n)t tr' to *ool himsel* into thinking this was a particularl' honest ob( but he
also #i#n)t think it was that much worse than an' other line o* work.
Eurthermore( amongst those who ha# #ela'e# their pa'ments( there were man' who
ha# ha# no intention o* pa'ing in the *irst place( an# there were even some amongst
them who were engage# in illegal activities( so their ob constantl' place# them in
some amount o* #anger.
%t was *or this reason that he was alwa's accompanie# b' his helper( the bo#'guar#
stan#ing behin# him( 5hizuo .eiwaima( but...
:9s % sai#( we can straighten this out in court i* 'ou reall' want to #o that. 4ut
woul#n)t that be wasting ever'bo#')s time, 1e ain)t ripping 'ou o** or an'thing( an#
we ain)t asking *or more than we tol# 'ou *rom the start. 9ctuall'( *irst 'ou nee# to
return that #amn vi#eo 'ou borrowe# *rom our place2 5eriousl'( how #o 'ou even
rack up a #ebt o* 15!(!!! 'en( when the late *ee is onl' 2!! 'en a #a'2,?
:.e'( wait a sec2 % ain)t sai# an'thin) about not pa'in)2 % ust put the #ub % ma#e up on
a net auction2 % pa' the #amn *ees as soon as it sells2?
:0ub......2 7i( 'ou( are 'ou ki##ing me right now, +hat)s #irectl' inter*ering with our
business there... 1ell( whatever( %)ll put that asi#e *or to#a'( but 'ou gotta choose
now. +he vi#eo( or the mone',?
%t seeme# he ha# con*irme# that the man he was talking to was an even more
#espicable human than he ha# *irst thought( an# #eci#e# that talk was going to be
useless. %n or#er to *inish his business as "uickl' as possible( +om began tr'ing to
walk into the house.
Dooking as i* he was about to cr'( the man pushe# +om back( an# raise# his voice.
:18w8wait( % sai#2 % get it2 %)ll pa'2 %)ll pa'( all right,?
:%)m gla# 'ou un#erstan#. 1hatever 'ou #on)t have on 'ou( 'ou can ust borrow *rom
some loan shark( ok,?
4e folded nice and easily.
+om began to think this( but...
1ith a vulgar expression rising to his *ace( the man looke# over +om)s shoul#er( an#
spoke towar#s the man stan#ing on the walkwa' which lea# to the apartment.
:1ell( what % mean is... /ou)ll pa' it all *or me( won)t 'ou, 5hizuo .eiwaima,?
:1ai8 what are '8......?
:...... .aa,?
9t the su##en mention o* 5hizuo)s name( +om)s bo#' *roze( an# the man himsel*
turne# his hea# towar#s them with a scowl on his *ace.
This is bad.
I have a bad feeling about this.
+om coul# see 5hizuo snapping an' secon# now( an# took a step awa' *rom the
+hen( as he backe# awa'( he calml' aske# 5hizuo a "uestion.
:Aust so % know( is this gu' a *rien# o* 'ours,?
:...... -ope...... %)ve never met him be*ore.?
9s 5hizuo tilte# his hea#( with a cross look on his *ace( the man insi#e the apartment
grinne#( an# starte# to talk.
:9hh( it)s ust( 'ou)re a prett' *amous gu'( 'ou know. % knew who it was as soon as %
saw that barten#er)s uni*orm.?
5hizuo was clearl' becoming more an# more agitate#( an# +om was #istancing
himsel* *rom the two o* them at the same rate.
1ithout noticing an' o* this( the in#ebte# man continue# to step towar#s all the pains
o* .ell.
:5o( % hear# 'ou)re the big brother o* that /uuhei .aneima( huh,?
.earing the man)s wor#s( +om almost screame# out lou#.
4ey, I heard nothing about this,
:7hh...... 9n#( i* % reall' was that gu')s big brother( what)s it to 'ou,.....?
:/our little brother is super8rich( right, 5urel' he)s sharing a bit o* that cash with 'ou(
so 'ou shoul# have mone' l'ing aroun#( right,?
If I knew this guy wanted to die so badly, I would have made hi-uo wait somewhere
further away,
9*ter +om ha# walke# #own the stairs o* the buil#ing( an# *oun# shelter on the *loor
+he man spoke his *inishing blow.
:5o( i* 'ou #on)t want the whole worl# knowing that a hooligan like 'ou is his big
brother( 'ou)ll get 'our mone'( an#......?
7* course( he woul# be the one being )*inishe#).
8crack8 +he soun# o* a part o* something being pulle# out o* place.
9t the same time( the man)s wor#s su##enl' stoppe#.
+his was o* little won#er( as 5hizuo had ust grabbe# the man)s *ace with his right
han#( at the same time completel' #islocating his aw.
:...... 9n#, /ou were sa'ing something about mone',?
5hizuo brought his han# awa'( an# the lower aw o* the man hung there loosel'.
%t was opene# so wi#e that a *ist coul# easil' *it. +he lower hal* o* his wi#e8opene#
mouth was swa'ing slowl'( si#e to si#e( like a :at)s :ra#le. .e timi#l' *elt his *ace
with both han#s( but it seeme# as i* the man still ha#n)t realise# what ha# been #one
to him.
:98( a8ga8ga8ga, 98ga,?
:9h( it probabl' #oesn)t matter. 5hut that vulgar mouth.?
:98( a8gaa( a8ga8ga8ga8ga2?
5hizuo took one step towar#s the man who was in no state to close his mouth( even
i* he wante# to...
:...... 0i#n)t % tell 'ou...... +o shut 'our go#8#amne# mouth alrea#'2,?
+om coul# hear his angr' voice *rom outsi#e o* the buil#ing.
9n# ust a moment a*ter( he hear# some sort o* violent noise...
+om looke# up( an# at almost the same time( a win#ow on the secon# *loors was
+he reason the win#ow ha# broken nee#n)t be aske#( as the answer was alrea#'
re*lecte# in +om)s e'es.
+he bo#' o* the in#ebte# man ha# broken through the win#ow( an# *ell straight
#own... :olli#ing with several branches o* a tree plante# in a gar#en outsi#e the
buil#ing( he *ell straight to +om)s si#e.
.owever( on his wa' #own( one o* the branches caught on his clothes( an# the man
en#e# up swinging on the tree right in *ront o* +om.
:.e'( 'ou have prett' goo# luck.?
:-8( n8noo...... +he p8police...... %)ll t8tell th8the( t8th......?
Perhaps 5hizuo ha# relocate# his lower aw *or him( as the man)s mouth seeme# to
be working again( miraculousl'.
9s he looke# up at the man who ha# complaine# about 5hizuo in a "uivering voice(
+om calml' aske# a "uestion.
:9n# 'ou)re going to tell them what( exactl',?
:...... F8( eh,?
:...... /ou gonna sa'( )% borrowe# a naught' vi#eo( then trie# to sell copies o* it
illegall'( so the' got angr' at me. +hen when % trie# to blackmail one o* the #ebt
collectors( he beat me up), +hat shoul# be an interesting court case. /our mumm'
an# #a##' might even come to watch( huh.?
:1ell( i* 'ou make the wise #ecision that 'ou #on)t wanna become so *amous over
this( then %)m sure we can at least pa' *or the broken win#ow.?
9s he brushe# awa' one o* his locks which ha# been brushing against his ear( +om
shrugge# an# murmure# to himsel*.
:+hough( % guess we)ll ust be taking it o** 'our late *ees( an'wa'.?
+en minutes later( somewhere in %kebukuro.
:>oo# grie*( the' can sa' things like that( because 'ou never actuall' kill them.?U
:...... %)m sorr'( +om8san.?
+he' were on their wa' *rom the last collection site( to the %kebukuro 5tation.
%t seeme# that +om was lecturing 5hizuo about what he ha# #one.
::oul#n)t 'ou ma'be ust( % #unno( #o something a bit more sa*e, Dike crush a 5!!
'en coin in *ront o* their *ace( to scare them or something, /ou coul# #o something
like that with ust one *inger( surel'.?
:/eah...... 4ut( % #on)t think 'ou)re allowe# to ust mess aroun# with coins like that( it)s
against the law.?
:1hat,...... 1ell then( 'ou probabl' shoul#n)t. Det)s think o* something else.?
1ith their strange conversation somehow meshing together( the two o* them
continue# walking through the crow#s( while thinking.
:6eall'( that gu' *rom be*ore was the real i#iot. Picking a *ight with 'ou( when he
obviousl' knew who 'ou were...... 6ather( it actuall' seeme# like all he knew about
'ou was that 'ou)re Gasuka)s big brother( huh.?
:...... 5eeme# like it.?
:%* it were those punks over there( ust seeing 'ou woul# have enough o* an e**ect......
4ut latel' there have been a lot more people who #on)t know( like that i#iot ust now.?
:...... %)m sorr'.?
+om turne# back with a con*use# look on his *ace( to see 5hizuo looking back at him
:.uh, 1h' are 'ou apologising,?
:Fh...... 1ell( % mean... %* onl' % was better at m' ob...?
:+hat is completel' unrelate# when it comes to *ools like him. .onestl'( % was
scol#ing 'ou be*ore( but reall' 'ou)re #oing a great ob. %)ve alwa's *elt reall' ba# *or
#ragging 'ou aroun# to #angerous obs like this( *rom the start.?
+om spoke in#i**erentl'( while turning awa' *rom 5hizuo.
5hizuo( looking at the back o* his emplo'ee...
:...... +hank 'ou ver' much.?
2 murmure# his gratitu#e( but somehow he himsel* #i#n)t reall' seem satis*ie#.
-oticing 5hizuo)s #iscontent( +om sighe#( looke# at his wristwatch( an# spoke.
:%t)s a little earl'( but let)s go *or lunch.?
:% guess we can treat ourselves once in a while( so let)s go to 6ussian 5ushi.?
9t 6ussian 5ushi.
+his woman was trul' #isplease#.
9s a result o* her *orcing all o* her *eelings < #espair( anger( *rustration < #eep #own
insi#e hersel*... .er *ace was now sullen( almost to the point o* being expressionless.
4ut( with her naturall' well8sculpte# looks( her expression almost *elt laz'.
1hether or not he knew her true *eelings( the :aucasian shop owner behin# the
counter spoke( while looking at her scowling *ace.
:7i( Carona. 1e serve actual customers here( so "uit 'our *rowning.?
:...... -egative. @' *ace has *orme# no such melancholic expression. %t is as normal.?
+he woman he ha# calle# Carona answere# with slightl' strange speech patterns.
.earing their exchange( the #ark man who ha# been cleaning tables spoke up with a
re*reshing smile on his *ace.
:7hh( no goo# Carona. +hat *ace is no goo#. +he customer is go#( 'es, +he go#s
surel' have big hearts( 'es, %* we visit the 4u##ha three times( we must pra' to the
go#s one hun#re#( 'es. Pra' to Fbisu one hun#re# times( great *or business2 +his is
wh' 'ou shoul# make an Fbisu8*ace( 'es,?
:%ncomprehensible. /our Aapanese goes be'on# bizarre( 5am'a.?
4ehin# the counter( the che* murmure# )3... :oming *rom you%'( but Carona onl'
ignore# him( an# turne# her e'es awa'( keeping the sour look on her *ace.
:4esi#es...... % ust stoo# b' as m' partner was kille#. 6eaching that state o* min# at
this point in time( is impossible.?
Carona was a *reelance Aill8o*8all8tra#es.
9*ter coming to Aapan( she ha# been hire# b' man' people( an# ha# staine# her
han#s with various crimes.
Fver'thing *rom assassination( to smuggling weapons( an# eventuall' even
ki#napping... Fnough that i* she were caught b' the police( she woul# likel' be living
the rest o* her li*e in ail( or be extra#ite# back to 6ussia.
9long with her partner( 5lon( the' ha# per*orme# man' obs like this in %kebukuro(
+he' ha# set their e'es on a /akuza gang( calle# the 9wakusu >roup( an# as a
result( 5lon ha# been shot in both legs( an# carrie# o** somewhere. %t was best i* she
#i#n)t continue to hope *or his survival. 9t least( that was what she ha# #eci#e#.
7n the other han#( she was...
9t this point( she realise# something.
5he realise# that the reason she was *eeling so #isplease# right now( was not
because she was mourning 5lon.
+he owner behin# the counter aske# Carona a "uestion( as he sharpene# a large
:Erom the start( 'ou must have been prepare# *or it to en# up like this( no,...... 0i#n)t
'ou alrea#' lose three other comra#es on 'our wa' to Aapan, % can)t reall' believe
that a person who still came here a*ter all o* that( without taking revenge( woul# now
start raging about as some sort o* revenge *or her partner.?
:...... 1hen it came to #eath( % was to be *irst. % ha# *irml' believe# this...... %n the
motherlan#( as % was a woman( m' more *oolish enemies woul# let their guar#s
#own. 9s a result( 5lon an# % were able to survive.?
Carona spoke so*tl'( as % talking to hersel*( an# cast her e'e)s #ownwar#.
:+his time was more humiliating. 9t the moment when we were both suppose# to #ie(
m' li*e was permitte# to continue( onl' because o* the in*luence o* m' *ather......
%n realit'( her heart was being attacke# b' an overwhelming sense o* stress.
-ot in relation to the loss o* her comra#e.
%* she were the t'pe to value another person)s li*e so highl'( she woul# have avoi#e#
this sort o* inci#ent in the *irst place.
5he simpl' coul# not *orgive hersel*.
I want to destroy, anything and everything.
Including myself.
7nl' a *ew hours ago... 6ight a*ter she ha# woken up( her heart ha# been taken over
b' this impulse.
9s this impulse took control( an# cause# her to begin acting violentl'( she was
imme#iatel' sub#ue# b' the two workers o* 6ussian 5ushi( an# it "uickl'
:3alm down. It's your choice if you want to start some sort of revenge against the
Awakusu 6roup, but don't start messing up my shop./
0enis repriman#e# her as she was being hel# #own easil' b' 5am'a.
.owever( her impulse en#e# up being hel# #own along with her.
:Am I...... &eak%/
9s she aske# the two o* them this( with 0enis repl'ing '&eaker than (aster 7rakon,
at least'( an# 5am'a sa'ing 'That isn't something for us to decide, is it%'( she thought
upon the meaning o* their answers( an# her usual calm composure began to return to
Gnowing hersel* that it was impossible( she aske# an'wa'( ''&ill we be able to save
lon%'... 7* course( the answer she receive# was not a *avourable one. 9n# with this(
she un#erstoo# something.
:It's because you're not doing anything that you think such stupid thoughts./
+elling her this( 0enis began tr'ing to get her to help with the shop.
Carona #i#n)t think o* their attitu#e as being particularl' col#8hearte#.
4ack when she was un#er the comman# o* Dingerin( even on o**icial #uties( the
#eath o* her comra#es was almost an ever'#a' occurrence( an# even i* the' #i#
have time to mourn their *allen( it was alwa's #one while the' continue# *orwar#.
Eeeling that letting her actions be taken over b' her rage woul# bring her no bene*it(
she #eci#e# to listen to the wor#s o* the two men be*ore her *or now( but...
I really don't look good as a waitress.
1earing a women)s uni*orm( Carona patrolle# the store.
+his place #i# strongl' remin# her o* home( but the *act that the main interior #esign
was that o* a sushi shop( gave her a strange( out o* place *eeling that she ust
coul#n)t shake.
%t gave a slightl' mistaken impression o* 6ussia( as i* it were a scene *rom a movie
ma#e in some countr' *ar awa' *rom 6ussia itsel*.
?ingerin would probably en.oy it, but father would find it shameful.
9s she breathe# a sigh insi#e that peculiar scene( she turne# her e'es towar#s the
two 6ussian men( continuing their work.
2... &hy are these two even doing this% 7enis and amya... etting up a shop in a
place like this, I can't help but think there's something wrong with them.
5he ha# hear# that be*ore the' starte# working with Dingerin( the two o* them ha# not
worke# together( but a *ew 'ears ago( the' both su##enl' move# to Aapan.
I'm sure 7enis would have been making a killing working under ?ingerin, but......
tarting up a shop her, in such an expensive are, must have already depleted most
of those savings.
!o, I won't pry into it.
+his morning( a*ter sub#uing an# calming her #own( the two o* them ha# not trie# to
ask *or an' #etails about her actions. %* the' were not going to pr' into her a**airs(
then she thought she shoul# #o the same.
.owever( upon turning her *eelings awa' *rom that tri*le matter( she coul#n)t help but
recall her memories o* the last *ew #a's.
2... &hat...... am I doing.
5he ha# onl' wante# to test the limits o* humans.
%t was a "uestion which she was never able to answer b' rea#ing books since her
'ounger #a's.
+his "uestion she hel#( be*ore she knew it( ha# become her reason *or living.
4ut there was one thing that she ha# been taught over these last *ew #a's.
1ithin hersel*... 5he ma' not have the power nee#e# to *in# the truth to this "uestion.
I am weak.
5he ha# been shown this.
+he 4lack 6i#er was a true monster( so that was *ine.
5he ha# thought that( *or her( the barten#er uni*orm wearing man( woul# be the
opponent most worth testing.
4ut that night( she ha# been unable to even la' a han# on those top8#ogs o* the
9wakusu >roup.
&hich means, everything I've done up till now, has been......
%t *elt as i* her pleasures( her past( an# her hopes *or the *uture ha# all been #enie#(
an# the weakness o* min# she showe# b' thinking this( an# the ph'sical weakness o*
not being able to rescue 5lon( brought to her a #eep anger.
4ur#ene# b' these thoughts( she continue# to stan# aroun# the shop.
0enis ha# sai# to her( )Eor now( 'ou can ust watch us work( then go ahea# an#
plagiarise)( but how( an# what exactl' he wante# her to )plagiarise)( was not sai#. Eor
starters( she ha# absolutel' no shre# o* experience in customer service. 5he ha#
learne# man' tricks o* the tra#e( simpl' *rom rea#ing books( but she ha# never
learne# an'thing about a shop that combine# 6ussia an# sushi( in books or real li*e.
In any case...
5ince the shop ha# opene# to customers *or the #a'( she ha# been stan#ing in the
same spot( watching the other two work( but...
5he realise# that the glances o* the customers who ha# walke# in ha# starte# to
gather on her.
Are they .ust surprised to see a foreigner%
5ut they don't seem too bothered by 7enis and imon.
5he #i#n)t take into consi#eration the *act that she was a woman( an# her ph'sical
appearance( at all.
%n the e'es o* regular customer( an unknown *emale emplo'ee ha# su##enl'
appeare#. 9n# in the e'es o* a new customer( the' coul#n)t help but take notice o*
the glamorous *emale stan#ing intimi#atingl' in the corner( with a sullen look on her
5u##enl' 5imon sai# something strange to a pair o* customers( who still looke# to be
;7hh( 5eii m' 'oung man( are 'ou intereste# in that girl, +hat one is calle# Carona(
'es, +aking her home with 'ou( is 7G. /oung bo'( 'ou coul# have 'our girl*rien#( an#
a lover. 9 *lower in each han#2 6ice gets more #elicious when 'ou eat with people
'ou love2 1! people have taken her home with their sushi be*ore( 'es,?
I never heard anything about this.
I see, so this shop has that kind of service%
2...I don't mind them paying for my skills, getting me to do a .ob like normal, but......
I'll humbly decline any offers to buy my body itself.
1ithout realising that 5imon ha# simpl' been making a oke( Carona *rowne# even
more than usual as she spoke.
;...... -egative. % have no obligation to save 'our business b' selling m' bo#'. % will
bo'cott this operation. .owever( i* 'ou)re telling me to #o this at the re"uest o* a
client( % shall acce#e.?
:7hh( is this one o* the Aapanese sexual harassment trials, 5exual harassment is
ba#( 'es, People who #o that must remove their stomachs2 +ake out 'our stomach(
an# 'ou can not eat sushi an' more( 'ou will sen# me bankrupt2?
5imon laughe# as he sai# this( but Carona #i#n)t "uite un#erstan# what he was
talking about.
+he' both ha# their own special( strange wa's o* speaking Aapanese( an# the
customers who overhear# their exchange smile# wr'l'( simpl' looke# con*use#( or
ha# various similar hal*8hearte# reactions be*ore returning to their meals.
7bserving these reactions( Carona #i#n)t "uite un#erstan# them( but began to think
that she probabl' wasn)t suite# to customer service. +hen...
:7i( Carona. %* some bill collectors come to our back #oor( han# that white envelope
on the #esk over to them( oka',?
:Fven i* 'ou can)t serve customers( 'ou shoul# be able to at least han# over some
:...... 9**irmative.?
1ithout being able to sa' an'thing more in return( Carona began to walk through the
shop)s kitchen( in the #irection o* the back #oor.
5he ha# picke# up the thick envelope( which was on a #esk in the o**ice locate# next
to the back exit( an# opene# the back #oor( but...
+here( stoo# a man( one who she coul# remember.
Carona imme#iatel' raise# her guar#( an# move# to kick the man where it woul# hurt
him most.
+he man stoppe# the kick which was aiming *or him( with one han#( an# then
*orce*ull' pushe# it back awa' *rom him.
9t the same time( he ha# swept her remaining leg out *rom un#er her( an# be*ore she
realise# it( Carona ha# lan#e# on her rear.
+he reason she *elt no pain( was likel' because the man ha# regulate# his *orce such
that she woul#n)t.
If only I had a weapon.
1hile #espising hersel* *or being unable to think o* an' plans that #i#n)t rel' on her
e"uipment... Carona glare# at the man stan#ing be*ore her( in his garish suit.
:5o scar'. % onl' came to get the crab8mone' we were owe#( an# thought % coul#
check up on the sleeping beaut' at the same time( but % #i#n)t think 'ou)# come out to
greet me 'oursel*. % thought 'ou)# still be *ast asleep... 1ell( % guess this means %)ll
have to leave m' caviar sushi *or another time.?
:7h, /ou remembere# m' name, +hat makes me happ'. .aving m' name
remembere# b' such a beaut' like 'ou.?
+he lightl' smiling man... 9kaba'ashi( with completel' unguar#e# movements( took
the envelope straight *rom Carona)s han#s( then turne# awa' *rom her.
:/ou must par#on me. %)# love to sta' an# pla' with 'ou *or a little while longer( but %
have to go an# escort a #i**erent little princess now. @a'be next time( ok,?
:% re"uest that 'ou maintain 'our position2 /ou must tell me( has the execution o* 5lon
alrea#' been per*orme#2,?
:7i( oi( gimme a break. 1hat woul# happen i* somebo#' hear# 'ou sa'ing stu** like
+urning to *ace her in a rush( 9kaba'ashi respon#e#( while shrugging his shoul#ers.
:1ell( in the en# it)s all up to him( whether we bur' him( or spare him.?
:+he *act is( 'our #ebt to us has gotta be pai# somehow. 4ut @iki'a8san an# 9ozaki(
the')re both prett' practical gu's( 'ou see. +he')re probabl' thinking seriousl' about
whether it woul# be better to *inish him o**( or to make him #o some work *or us.?
+apping the cane in his han# rh'thmicall' on his shoul#er( 9kaba'ashi again turne#
his back to Carona( still sitting on the groun#( an# began to walk awa'.
:+hough( % think the one to pass #own u#gement in the en#( will be the boss. 1ell( i*
he spills the beans about 'our emplo'er...... that ol# gu'( /o#ogiri( then %)m sure the
scales will tip in his *avour( at least a little.?
5houl# she simpl' be happ' that 5lon coul# still survive( or shoul# she take up arms
an# bring the *ight to the 9wakusu imme#iatel'( in or#er to rescue 5lon.
Carona continue# to sit there( aimlessl'( without even knowing how to react to what
9kaba'ashi ha# tol# her.
Aust how long ha# it been...
Erom behin# Carona( who ha# been glaring in the #irection 9kaba'ashi ha# le*t( she
hear# a cheer*ul voice.
:7hh( so here 'ou were2 1hat)s the matter( 'ou have stomach ache,?
:...... -egative. /our concern is unnecessar'.?
9s Carona starte# to stan# up as i* nothing ha# happene#( 5imon shrugge# his
shoul#ers an# aske# her a "uestion.
:/ou get into a *ight with 9kaba'ashi, Eighting is ba#( it ust makes 'ou hungr'( 'es,
9n# that 9kaba'ashi brings us lots o* cheap crab. /ou kill 9kaba'ashi( an# crab gets
expensive( then we an# our customers ust get more an# more hungr'( 'es,?
:+hose crabs woul# be smuggle# goo#s( woul# the' not,?
:9s we sa'( our crab is grown nationall'( 'es, 4ut we never sa' which nation( no.?
9lthough his wor#s #i# not relieve her #oubts( the' #i# serve to bring her min# back
to the present( an# she #eci#e# to return to the shop.
o...... I guess this is the end.
7n the short walk back( #ark thoughts rose into her min#.
8ven though I stood by as countless comrades were struck down, .ust to get here......
To end up being rescued by my father, and ?ingerin, who I severed any connection
with, and betrayed......
I wonder how they would look upon me now. &ith contempt maybe% 'r perhaps pity.
There may not even be any reason for me to continue living now......
9*ter her recent successive #e*eats( what 9kaba'ashi ha# ust sai# to her( ha# taken
awa' her motivation o* )avenging 5lon)s #eath).
!o, that's .ust an excuse.
>rom the start, I was more disappointed with my own weakness, than I was that lon
had been killed.
&hat should I even do from now on......
1hile thinking this( she passe# through the kitchen( back into the store( an# when
she got there...
5he saw two men sitting in the seats which ha# previousl' been occupie# b' the
'oung couple.
5he knew the *ace o* one o* those men.
@ore than ust the *ace( she remembere# him easil' b' his out*it.
).is) characteristic( was one which was overl' obvious to even Carona( who coul#n)t
easil' tell the #i**erence between the *aces o* Aapanese people.
9*ter all( on top o* his blon#e hair an# sunglasses( the man was wearing a
barten#er)s uni*orm.
:1ell( 'ou an# Gasuka are both overl' *amous in 'our own wa's( so it)s no surprise
that gu's like that will pop up ever' now an# then. 6ather( 'ou shoul# be prepare#
*or that *rom the start.
:...... /eah.?
:7* course( % realise 'ou haven)t become so *amous because 'ou wante# to. %)ll make
sure to prepare *or this sort o* thing next time( but it won)t be eas'.?
:+hat)s true......?
9rriving at 6ussian 5ushi( +om an# 5hizuo ha# or#ere# a serving o* sashimi( an#
while waiting( the' ha# restarte# their conversation *rom be*ore( but...
:7h( b' the wa'( have 'ou sai# 'our thanks 'et to that un#ergroun# #octor *or what
he #i# 'ester#a',?
:...... 9h( no( not 'et.?
:+hat)s no goo#. .e #i# a lot *or 'ou( it #oesn)t matter i* 'ou)re chil#hoo# *rien#s or
whatever( 'ou reall' shoul# thank him *or it.?
:/ou)re right. 1e)ve been bus'( so % ust #i#n)t think.?
Bpon sa'ing this( 5hizuo brought out his phone( an# began calling his ac"uaintance(
the un#ergroun# #octor.
:...... 9h( 5hinra, /eah( about 'ester#a'... % thought % shoul# thank 'ou again *or
that...... .uh, 9hh...... % see( ok then( %)ll call 'ou again sometime.?
9s he was about to leave his seat to take his call outsi#e the shop( 5hizuo su##enl'
sat back #own( an# cut the call.
:1hat happene#,?
:9h( he seeme# bus'( tol# me to call again tomorrow...... 1ell( he #i# almost soun#
like he was about to cr'( though.?
:7h, 1ell( guess there)s no nee# to rush then( ust call ag8......8ain,?
5eeing a woman who ha# appeare# *rom the #epths o* the shop( +om)s wor#s
stoppe# partwa' out o* his mouth.
:.e'( isn)t that woman over there staring at us right now,?
:...... /eah( true. 1ait( the' never ha# a worker like that here be*ore( #i# the',?
5eeing the :aucasian woman staring at them with her mouth wi#e open( +om aske#
the owner behin# the counter a "uestion.
:.e'( chie*( exactl' when #i# 'ou start emplo'ing such a prett' 'oung la#', 5he)s
6ussian( right,?
:/eah. 5he)s still ust observing though. 5he)s too useless to even carr' plates at the
moment( so please ust think o* her as some 6ussian ornament.?
+om laughe# at the owner)s blunt response( an# aske# another "uestion.
::hie*( how #o % sa' something like( )'ou)re beauti*ul)( in 6ussian,?
:...... )Ci ocharovateln').?
:Frr... 4ee( acherabatennen.?
.owever( hearing this( the :aucasian woman looke# con*use# at +om( an# spoke to
the owner behin# the counter.
:...... 1hat is this man sa'ing, %t is unintelligible. % "uestion its relation to the
Aapanese language.?
1ith a bitter smile( the owner turne# his hea# towar#s the woman( an# spoke to her.
:)Ci ocharovateln').?
:...... 1h' #o 'ou su##enl' speak these social compliments, Please concisel'
explain 'our reasoning.?
:+hat)s what that 'oung man over there ust trie# to sa' to 'ou.?
:%n which language( exactl',?
Distening to their conversation( +om tilte# his hea#( an# starte# speaking to 5hizuo(
besi#e him.
:1as m' pronunciation ust now reall' that ba#,?
:1ell( % #on)t reall' know i* it was all that ba#( but to a native speaker it might have
seeme# like it( % guess.?
:%)ve gone an# embarrasse# m'sel* now.?
9s +om blushe#( an# sippe# his tea( a combination plate o* sashimi was brought to
them *rom behin# the counter.
1hile stretching his chopsticks towar#s the sashimi( +om *lashe# a glance towar#s
the 'oung la#'( but...
:.e'( isn)t that woman actuall' glaring at us this time,?
.e hesitate# *or a moment be*ore asking( but #eci#e# even 5hizuo wasn)t enough o*
an i#iot to get angr' at the woman an# shout )1hat the hell are 'ou looking at,)( so
he ust spoke in a low voice.
:%s that so, 7h( this stu** is spic'2?
Fating a +ear#rop 6oll loa#e# with plent' o* wasabi( 5hizuo was being brought to
tears himsel*.
Perhaps he coul#n)t make out his surroun#ings through the tears( as he wasn)t reall'
looking in the #irection o* the woman.
:Probabl' because 'ou were making weir# moves on her be*ore( +om8san.?
:% won#er...... /ou)re probabl' right.?
9s +om breathe# a sigh( an# went back to his lunch( the owner raise# his voice to
him *rom behin# the counter.
:...... 4' the wa'( 'ou gu's sai# be*ore that 'ou were short on workers( #i#n)t 'ou,?
:Fh, 9hh( 'eah( well it)s true that it)s getting a bit har#er with ust 5hizuo an# %( a lot
more people seem to be shirking their bills latel'.?
9s +om laughe# while answering( the owner sai# )% see)( then...
.e glance# over in the #irection o* the woman( an# sai# something unbelievable.
:5o( an' chance 'ou)# want to tr' using our little ornament over there,?
5omewhere in %kebukuro( in *ront o* a #oo.
%t was an area near Roushiga'a :emeter'( line# with various #i**erent apartment
buil#ings( *amil' homes( an# *actories.
%n *ront o* a buil#ing on one stretch o* this roa#( a mismatche# pair were speaking to
each other.
:7k( so( % ust brought 'ou to have a look to#a'. %* 'ou #on)t reall' like it( ust sa' so(
4esi#e the man( 9kaba'ashi( stoo# a hesitant( nervous looking 'oung girl( 9kane
9wakusu( wearing casual clothes.
9kane wante# to become strong.
7ver the last *ew #a's( 9kane ha# been wrappe# up in inci#ents that no normal
primar' school stu#ent... -o( that not even a normal a#ult woul# ever experience.
Eurthermore( rather than ust being wrappe# up in it( it coul# be sai# that she was
one o* the *orces that starte# that whirlpool o* inci#ents.
%mme#iatel' a*ter returning home( a*ter being gone *or a *ew #a's( she was
embrace# b' her tear*ul mother( an# then lecture# "uickl' a*ter.
4ut #uring this lecture( her mother crie# out the wor#s )%)m so gla# 'ou)re ok2)( so
man' times that 9kane #i#n)t reall' *eel her anger( an# onl' *elt extremel' sorr' *or
what she ha# #one to her mother.
7n the other han#( 9kane was hol#ing some complex *eelings #eep within her.
5hizuo .eiwaima.
.e was the a#ult that she ha# been tr'ing to kill( 'et also the man that ha# save# her.
9kane hersel* coul# no longer un#erstan# how she *elt towar#s that man.
%t was true that she ha# been save# thanks to 5hizuo( but... as to whether or not she
shoul# still be tr'ing to kill him( 9kane ha# not *oun# the answer 'et.
6ight now( 9kane coul# not *in# an' answer( no matter how strange the "uestion
itsel* ma' seem.
+he worl# she ha# believe# in( was all a lie( ma#e b' the people who *eare# the
name o* the organisation which supporte# her( )9wakusu). 9*ter learning this truth(
her entire worl# ha# been groun# into #ust.
9n# with what happene# a*ter this( it seeme# as i* she woul# not be allowe# to begin
reconstructing that worl#.
+he girl who ha# been *alling apart at the seams receive# a *inishing blow( when she
ha# been ki#nappe#.
7n top o* this( she ha# met with things that shoul# not have existe# in this worl#( like
a hea#less ri#er( an# her hea#less horse.
Eor the worl# o* the girl which ha# alrea#' been breaking apart( this was enough to
melt it into mu#.
9s a result( this girl was( even to this #a'( broken somewhere insi#e.
+his was what she ha# sai# to 9kaba'ashi( when he ha# been calle# to their house
earlier that morning b' her *ather.
:.ow can % become better at killing people,?
.earing this( the man who was her *ather)s subor#inate seeme# shocke#( but he
soon hi# this *rom his *ace with a wr' smile( an# aske# her a "uestion.
:1hat)s wrong( is there somebo#' 'ou #on)t like,?
:-o( that)s not it( but...... 4ut there)s somebo#' who % have to kill.?
:+hat #oesn)t soun# too goo#. 1ho exactl' are we talking about here,?
:...... % can)t sa'.?
9s 9kane shook her hea#( 9kaba'ashi showe# no anger( or even a trouble# look. .e
simpl' smile# an# continue# "uestioning her.
:1h' is that,?
:%* % sai#( 'ou an# the other men woul# go an# kill that person( woul#n)t 'ou,?
:%* we #i#( woul# that be ba#,?
+o this( the most obvious o* "uestions( 9kane no##e#.
:+he')re a nice person. 4ut still( % have to kill them.?
%t wasn)t a ver' in*ormative answer( but 9kaba'ashi patientl' continue# his "uestions.
:5o little princess( #o 'ou want this person to #ie,?
:+hat)s not it. % #on)t want to kill them.?
:...... 7k( so wh' are 'ou still tr'ing to,?
:4ecause i* % #on)t( someone ver' important to me might be kille# b' them......?
:9n# who tol# 'ou that this might happen,?
:...... %)m sorr'.?
5he looke# #ownwar#s( with sa#ness in her e'es.
Erom this( he conclu#e# that she was sa'ing )% can)t tell)( an# #eci#e# to tr' asking a
#i**erent "uestion.
:%s it possible that the one who tol# 'ou might have been l'ing,?
:...... % #on)t know.?
:4e*ore( 'ou sai# something( like the person 'ou must kill( is a nice person...... 9re
'ou certain about that,?
:...... % #on)t know.?
9kane shook her hea# again.
4ut she wasn)t ust tr'ing to #o#ge his "uestions.
:6ight now( % #on)t know. Fver'bo#'( ever'bo#'( even m' *rien#s...... even m' *rien#s)
mothers...... m' teachers...... m' #a#...... ever'bo#' has been l'ing to me( so...... %
#on)t even know i* % can trust you an' more 9kaba'ashi8san......?
:5o( even i* % think that the' are a nice person( %... % can)t even trust m'sel* about
that...... Bm( %... Bmm......?
5he coul#n)t even sort out her own thoughts. 9kane was looking #own( seemingl' on
the verge o* tears( but she continue# to choke out her wor#s.
:4ut( it)s no goo#. % nee# to be stronger.?
:1h' is that,?
:4ecause( i* that person reall' is a ba# person...... %* %)m weak( %)ll ust en# up being
kille#. % can)t even think o* what % shoul# #o i* the' are reall' a ba# person...... 4ut %
can)t ask #a# an# the others *or help. 4ecause( the')re /akuza( right, 5o the' woul#
probabl' ust en# up killing the person be*ore even tr'ing to *in# out i* the')re nice or
:...... 1ell this is a shock. 0o all primar' school girls nowa#a's( think about this a#ult
stu** like 'ou #o,?
5peaking as i* in #eep a#miration( 9kaba'ashi thought *or a moment( the spoke with
his light smile.
:1ell( % guess %)ll know some #a'. Eirst thing)s *irst( in the case that the' reall' are a
ba# person( i* 'ou #on)t get stronger than the' are( it)s not even worth talking about.
4esi#es( princess( at 'our age...... 1ell( % like to think that even little ol# me an# m'
bu##ies bother to *in# out whether who we)re killing is a ba# person or not( be*ore we
#o it......?
5hrugging in sel*8#erision( 9kaba'ashi ma#e on proposal to 9kane.
:1ell( 'ou know. Aust because 'our opponent is a killer( that #oesn)t reall' mean that
'ou 'oursel* have to become better at )killing).?
:%t)s calle# )the art o* sel*8#e*ence). 6ather than learning how to kill ba# people( 'ou
can become stronger in a wa' that lets 'ou protect 'oursel*( an# the people important
to 'ou.?
+hen( a *ew hours later.
4rought along b' 9kaba'ashi( 9kane now stoo# be*ore this buil#ing.
Erom the buil#ing( hung a sign sa'ing )+raugott >eissen#or*er 9**iliation 8 6akuei
>'m)( an# on the wall next to the entrance( a poster #epicting a brawn' looking
*oreigner was stuck.
:)9**iliation)( huh, +his ol# +raugott gu' has his han# in the bare8han#e# combat
scene o* so man' places. +his is one o* those places( but o* course( the')re onl'
a**iliate# with him b' name. -ot that the' seem to min#( % suppose.?U
Erom 9kane)s answer( it seeme# as i* her min# was somewhere else at the time.
5he coul#n)t un#erstan# what 9kaba'ashi was talking about( but even be*ore that(
her heart ha# been caught b' a strong anxiet'.
+his was a new place( an# she was likel' to meet new people.
7* course( she was anxious about the new environment( but... 4e*ore that( the thing
she most worrie# about( was that even in this new environment( all she woul# ever
see woul# be the same *ake smiles that she ha# seen her whole li*e. +hat the' woul#
all be ust as scare# o* the sha#ow calle# the )9wakusu >roup). 7r the' coul# even
hate her *or it.
9kane)s 'oung heart was tr'ing to accept this anxiet'( which rose up *rom her mature
.er bo#' was shaking( an# ust as she starte# to won#er i* she shoul# sa' that she
wante# to leave...
Erom behin# them( the' hear# the voice o* an innocent soun#ing 'oung girl.
:9hh2 % ust spotte# an 9wakusu scoun#rel ki#napping a little girl2?
9kane)s bo#' began to shake against her will( upon hearing mention o* the 9wakusu
4ut at the same time( she realise# something was strange.
Fven though that 'oung girl ha# use# the wor# )9wakusu) out lou#( she spoke it with
the same overl' cheer*ul voice.
9s 9kane timi#l' turne# aroun#( 9kaba'ashi spoke with a straine# smile.
:9h( 'ou got me. Dittle miss @airu. 9re 'ou tr'ing to sa' % look that evil,?
:4ut 9kaba'ashi( % can)t help it( 'ou ust look soo suspicious2?
:1ell % guess % give up then.?
9s 9kaba'ashi smile#( the 'oung girl cackle# laughter.
5he looke# to be aroun# *ive or six 'ears ol#er than 9kane( an# while she ha# clean
twin8plaits in her hair( an# was wearing glasses( her energetic personalit' seeme#
completel' opposite to her looks.
Erom the uni*orm she was carr'ing aroun#( it seeme# that she must be a regular at
this g'm.
:+he truth is( this little one is calle# 9kane8chan( an# she)s the gran##aughter o* m'
:Fh2 5o( wait( some#a' this little girl will turn into a big *emale boss2,?
:......2 ......2?
+he matters about her *amil' which she ha# assume# the' were going to keep a
secret( were spilling out o* 9kaba'ashi)s mouth right be*ore her.
1ith her mouth opening an# closing in con*usion( an# not knowing exactl' what she
shoul# #o( 9kane starte# tapping on 9kaba'ashi)s back.
5eeing 9kane like this( the girl who ha# been calle# @airu took a step towar#s her...
:98hah8hah( it)s times like these( when 'ou gotta aim right *or the ewels2?
5a'ing this( she su##enl' trie# to kick 9kaba'ashi sharpl' in his crotch.
9kaba'ashi #o#ge# the kick( then retreate# a step( while smiling.
:0amn( this is the *irst time %)ve ever ha# two #i**erent girls aiming a kick at m' crotch(
in one #a'.?
:9hh( i* that makes this the secon# time( then that means 'ou ma#e some girl cr' this
morning( right, +hat means 'ou reall' are a scoun#rel2?
9*ter a care*ree smile rose to her *ace( @airu turne# back to 9kane an# spoke
:1ell( whatever. 9n'wa'( 'ou)re a new unior( huh, %* 'ou make sure to #o ever'thing
% tell 'ou( then %)ll make 'ou m' special si#ekick2 % might even teach 'ou m' super
secret move( the +humb8+ack 5pecial2?
:5imple name( simple learning re"uirements.?
:9kaba'ashi8san( 'ou shut up2?
9kane coul# sa' nothing to @airu( as she continue# her one8si#e# conversation. +o
9kane( seeing someone like this( who woul# sa' these kin#s o* things even while
knowing she was )the gran##aughter o* the 9wakusu boss)( was re*reshing.
:1ell( in an' case( 'ou)re m' #arling little #isciple now( so i* 'ou get into an' trouble(
ust come tell 'our big sis( ok, 7k( %)m gonna intro#uce 'ou to our master now( come
:9hh( ok then( %)ve talke# to the #irector here( so % guess %)ll leave the rest up to 'ou.
9hh( m' recommen#ation woul# be pole techni"ues o* course( but 'ou shoul# start
with the basics *irst. 1hen 'ou)re #one( ust call up 9kane8chan)s #a#( an# he sai#
he)ll sen# over someone to pick 'ou up( so #on)t worr'.?
:9h( umm( huh,?
4eing unable to catch up with this overl' su##en #evelopment( 9kane coul#n)t even
sa' her thanks to 9kaba'ashi( who was waving goo#b'e to her( an# she was
#ragge# into the buil#ing b' the 'oung girl name# @airu.
1ith ever'thing un*ol#ing completel' #i**erentl' *rom her expectations( she starte# to
*eel something burning #eep within her heart.
%kebukuro( an unknown apartment.
:...... even the #irector ust straight out oka'e# it( what on earth are the' thinking,?
1hile grumbling( +om walke# up the stairs o* an ol# apartment buil#ing.
9s alwa's( he was on his wa' to retrieve unpai# mone' *rom a man living on the
*ourth *loor( but this time( behin# 5hizuo was one more backup helper.
:% raise one problem. % have not 'et been in*orme# o* the #etails o* our group)s
+he one speaking in slightl' strange Aapanese( was a :aucasian woman( name#
+his situation ha# come about( a*ter the' ha# been tol# b' the owner o* 6ussian
5ushi( )5he)s so unsociable it)s ba# *or business. /ou gu's take her( an# use her *or
'our obs. %)ll call up the #irector an# tell him).
I thought he might have meant she could do clerical work in the office or something,
he's coming with us,%
1hen +om thought o* a woman #oing bill collection( the image it brought up was o*
an# apartment buil#ing)s lan#la#'( or the owner o* a bar( at most. .e certainl' ha#n)t
imagine# a woman as a colleague in his sh'lock business.
5he ha# change# into her own clothing be*ore leaving( but he coul#n)t tell i* she was
aware that her change o* out*it ha# accentuate# her bo#'8line in such a captivating
Ahhh, working together with such a sexy lady certainly soun#s nice, but......
1ith her stone col# *ace( the la#' in "uestion #i# not seem the t'pe to open up her
heart to men( in the slightest.
+hinking things like this( +om answere# Carona)s previous "uestion.
:Bmm. 1ell( we go aroun# collecting mone' *rom ba# people( who aren)t pa'ing bills
that the' reall' shoul# pa'. 7k,?
4ecause o* her #ubious use o* Aapanese( +om trie# his best to use simple language.
9s i* she ha# un#erstoo# the explanation( Carona no##e# her hea#( then rea**irme#
her knowle#ge.
::ollection o* protection mone'. Bn#erstoo#.?
:1ell( it)s not reall' protection mone'( but...... 9h( whatever.?
eriously, will this be ok%
+he' coul# en# up being un#erestimate#( bringing a woman along with them.
+om himsel* meant absolutel' no #isrespect to women( but he #e*initel' coul#n)t sa'
the same *or the kin# o* people that the' were about to be collecting bills *rom.
-o( it #i#n)t matter i* he was un#erestimate#( but i* the' #i# the same to 5hizuo as
well( that woul# likel' result in a ver' angr' 5hizuo killing the other part'( which was a
result that he must tr' to avoi#.
Aside from that, this girl... it looks like she's been glaring at hi-uo for a while now. Is
it .ust my imagination%
+he man in "uestion( 5hizuo( ha# looke# like something was troubling him since
some time ago( an# ha# *ol#e# his arms in thought. %t ma' have been that he was
tr'ing to think i* there was an' reason *or him to be glare# at like that.
1hile +om was thinking these things( the' ha# arrive# at their obective location.
+r'ing out the #oorbell( the' soon hear# the soun# o* the #oor being unlocke# *rom
+hen( *rom the opening #oor( a man with a tight )punch perm) hairst'le appeare#.
:...... 1ho the hell are 'ou gu's,?
:.e'( hi there( i* we sai# we)re *rom the #ating site( )9lcheni)( woul# 'ou un#erstan#
wh' we)re here,?
.earing +om)s wor#s spoken so in#i**erentl'( the perme# man)s *ace *roze su##enl'.
:...... 982 -ope( no i#ea.?
:7k( that)s *ine( even i* 'ou #on)t know( 'our phone number shows us that 'ou)ve
alrea#' racke# up 1Q!(!!! 'en. +here was a *ormal contract( so reall' we shoul# be
leaving this to a law'er( but % think we know that woul# be a bother to both parties(
:5hut 'er trap2 Geep talkin) crap like that an# %)ll beat the li*e outta 'a).?
:1ell( i* 'ou reall' can)t un#erstan# what %)m talking about( % guess %)ll nee# to call in a
translator( huh.?
9s +om sai# this in exasperation( the perme# man)s *ace *orme# a #isgusting smile.
:Eine...... %)ll call out some )translators) *or 'a.?
:7i2 /ou gu's2?
9s the man 'elle# back into his apartment( several men starte# appearing in the
entrancewa' o* the room.
1ith their clearl' #elin"uent appearances( the men looke# completel' opposite *rom
+om an# his colleagues( as the' stoo# in the corri#or to block their exit.
Erom their atmosphere( the' #i#n)t seem to be pro*essionals. +om)s 'ears o*
experience tol# him that much.
1ith a triumphant look on his *ace( the perme# man looke# at +om an# the others(
an# spoke.
:5o( what #i#'a wanna tell me now, 1as it that 'a wante# me an# m' *rien#s to #o
that prett' la#' over there some service,?
'h man...
+om breathe# a sigh( an# thought.
@sually I'd .ust let hi-uo beat the hell out of them and it would end there, but we've
got our newbie, little miss #arona along with us today, so I guess we should retreat...
+hinking this( +om starte# to turn towar#s Carona( but...
And if they aren't gonna let us leave so easily, we have to at least let her.......
%t looke# to him as i* Carona( who ha# been behin# 5hizuo up until then( ha#
:.ah, 1hat( where)s the gir8...... guah2,?
+om ha# hear# the perme# man cr' out *rom behin# him.
Aust as he was turning aroun# in the #irection o* the voice( +om saw a look o*
surprise rise on 5hizuo)s *ace.
+he same look which rose to +om)s *ace once he ha# turne# aroun#.
:1ha8? ;1ait a8...... /ou bast8...... 9h2,? ;>eh2,? ;Bahh2,?
1hat the' saw( was Carona moving about amongst the men( an# those men *alling
over with a groan( one b' one.
%t was almost like a scene *rom some action vi#eo game.
+ogether with Carona)s ph'sical appearance( it *orme# a trul' vivi# spectacle.
5he was striking the men with her elbows an# the tip o* her *oot( in their chin an#
throat areas( an# was taking awa' their consciousness( one a*ter the other.
9*ter this( she took several wallets out o* the *ront pockets o* the men she ha#
knocke# out( an# han#e# them over to +om( then she spoke in her usual( *ar *rom
per*ect Aapanese.
:Please in*orm me o* the correct amount o* mone' we must collect. %n the case that
this is insu**icient( shall % con#uct a search o* the premises,?
Fven as +om an# 5hizuo looke# towar#s each other in shock...
+hroughout the cit'( rumours continue# to sprea#.
;7i( #i# 'ou see,?
:5hizuo( he...? ;5hizuo .eiwaima was...? ;.e ha# some woman
*ollowing him...?
;5o his inur' was all a lie,...? ;% #unno...?
;4ut( there reall' was a woman...? ;5he wasn)t ust with that gu' with
;-ah( the')ve been seen all aroun# town...? ;5he)s a prett' *ine looking
woman too...?
:9n# the whole time the' walke# together...... 5he was staring at 5hizuo.?
5everal hours later( %kebukuro( in *ront o* the Gishiboin +emple.
:0amn( % guess % shoul# have known this woul# happen( seeing as she)s an
ac"uaintance o* 5imon an# the chie* o* the sushi shop.?
9*ter that( the' ha# gone to a *ew more collection sites( but each an# ever' one o*
them woul# either show their lecher' an# tr' to put their han#s on Carona( or else tr'
to threaten her... 4ut even be*ore 5hizuo coul# get angr'( Carona continue# to G.7.
ever' single one o* them.
:+his is onl' making the clean8up har#er on me( too......?U
:):lean8up), %n other wor#s( 'ou mean turning them into corpses( an# #isposing o*
them, % have hear# that the Aapanese stan#ar# is to sink them into +ok'o 4a'.?
:1e #on)t have a stan#ar# like that. 5hizuo( can)t 'ou sa' something,?
:...... -o( it)s not reall' m' place to sa' an'thing.?
1hile the' ha# this exchange( the' ha# arrive# at a certain shrine at the Gishiboin
+he' were on their wa' to the main %kebukuro station( a*ter getting o** a #i**erent local
+heir next )workplace) was "uite near here( but the' ha# #eci#e# to take a "uick
break be*ore going there( an# so ha# come here( to Gishiboin.
%t was a "uiet plot o* lan#( right in the mi##le o* a resi#ential area. %n the open
groun#s( man' trees were growing( an# the light o* the sun( which ha# ust begun to
turn re#( was spilling through the leaves. +his place was like the cit')s oasis( an#
o**ere# healing upon its people.
+he' ha# #eci#e# to rest their bo#')s here *or the time being( but there was a
strangel' unexplainable moo# surroun#ing the three o* them.
-ot reall' knowing what to talk about( +om continue# to think to himsel*( however...
5urprising +om( 5hizuo was the *irst to speak( as he aske# Carona a "uestion.
:/ou seem prett' strong( huh. 0o 'ou #o some kin# o* martial arts,?
Carona looke# at 5hizuo with a complicate# expression. +om( who #i#n)t know
Carona)s personal circumstance( coul# not un#erstan# exactl' what sort o* emotions
la' behin# that strange expression.
5he sta'e# silent *or a time( but a*ter taking one #eep breath( Carona respon#e#.
:% was taught the ver' basics o* various things be*ore coming here. %n m' chil#hoo#( it
was *rom books. Erom pubert'( through actual combat. % learne# the *un#amentals o*
sel*8#e*ence *rom 0enis an# 5am'a...... +he man that 'ou call 5imon.?
:Erom those two( huh...... /ou sa' *rom 'our chil#hoo#( #oes that mean 'our *ather
an# such also know some martial arts,?
:...... @' *ather is an expert at a t'pe o* martial art calle# )5'stema)( however( this was
the onl' art % #i# not learn...... +he reason was basicall' as #e*iance towar#s m'
*ather. % woul# pre*er i* 'ou #i# not press that matter *urther.?
:% see. 7k then( % won)t ask. Fither wa'( % think 'ou)re prett' amazing.?
:...... .earing that *rom 'ou( % can onl' see it as being a oke.?
+om reacte# to Carona)s wor#s( even be*ore 5hizuo himsel*.
:.m,...... 1ait( little la#'( 'ou know about 5hizuo,?
:...... %* 'ou)re in %kebukuro( 'ou hear the rumours whether 'ou like it or not.?
+his was a lie *rom her.
+he reason she knew o* 5hizuo)s strength( was because she ha# seen it with her
own e'es( the previous #a'.
%t seeme# that 5hizuo ha# not realise# this( as she ha# been wearing a *ull helmet at
the time( an# ha#n)t talke# much.
7* course( she ha# hear# rumours about )the barten#er uni*orm wearing man) in the
past. 4ut *or things like )he can throw a ven#ing machine with one han#)( she ha#
most likel' ust passe# them o** as a oke.
.owever( the #a' be*ore( she ha# *ull'( personall' experience# that strength. 5he
ha# been ma#e to experience it.
If it was this man...
Carona remembere# that moment.
+he spectacle which ha# overturne# her common knowle#ge( o* that man kicking a
car over.
I had thought, that this man would be able to prove it to me.
I had thought that he would be able to answer, once and for all, if humans were truly
a fragile existence.
.owever( the excitement she ha# *elt at that time( ha# been turne# into #eep
#epression( in onl' one night.
To think that I didn't even have the capabilities.
I...... am weak.
To figure out if metal is truly strong, or brittle... )ou don't stirke it with a clay hammer.
The people who I have broken up until this point...... All .ust happened to be even
weaker than clay.
9s she thought these "uite irrational things( Carona starte# to glare towar#s 5hizuo
5he #i# not hate him. +he *eelings behin# her expression( were all aime# towar#s
hersel*( not him.
7n the other han#( 5hizuo( without realising he was being glare# at again( spoke as
he looke# towar#s the part o* the sk' he coul# see through the trees.
:% #unno what kin#a rumours 'ou)ve hear# about me( but % reall' #o think 'ou)re more
:...... % *ail to un#erstan# what 'ou are sa'ing.?
:6eall'( % ust happene# to be strong. @' power has nothing to #o with whether
humans are weak or strong. 6ather( people like 'ou( who become strong b' training(
an# training( in m' e'es( people like 'ou are much stronger humans. %t)s worth' o*
m' respect.?
I'm more ama-ing%
&hat is he talking about%
!o, I must have heard something wrong.
%n place o* the su##enl' silent Carona( +om spoke up.
:7h right( wasn)t there some martial artist gu' 'ou reall' like, .mm( what was his
:+raugott >eissen#or*er. .e)s awe8inspiring( that gu'.?
:/ou reall' are a strange gu'. %n our e'es( 'ou)re so much more craz'. %* 'ou reall'
wante# to( 'ou coul# go an# easil' win gol# in weight8li*ting. %* 'ou got a whole heap
o* gol# me#als( 'ou coul#...... 1ait( are gol# me#als actuall' ma#e o* gol#,
:...... +he me#allions use# in the 7l'mpics are not entirel' ma#e o* gol#. 1e must
think about what woul# occur i* a countr' with an unstable economic situation were to
host. +he' use a me#allion ma#e o* at least !.925 gra#e 5terling silver( coate# with
at least J grams o* pure gol#. Bp until 19$!( the -obel Prize was a 1!!M pure gol#
me#al. +hese #a's( even the -obel Prize uses a me#allion o* !.Q5 gra#e silver(
coate# in pure gol#.?
+he one who ha# answere# +om)s "uestion( was Carona.
5he ha# been tr'ing to change the subect with her answer( but hearing her smooth
repl'( +om raise# his voice in surprise.
:...... % *eel like % ust saw the amazing si#e o* this little la#'.?
:1h' #i# the -obel Prize stop using gol#, +he' run out o* mone',?
Carona was remin#e# slightl' o* 5lon b' 5hizuo)s "uestions( an# her heart wavere#...
4ut still( as i* it were habit( she answere# the "uestion given to her.
:+he price is not the problem. %t was change# because a gol# me#allion was too
*lexible. Aust biting it with ones teeth will leave marks. Aust a small acci#ent can
trans*orm the me#al greatl'. 9n allo' is use# to protect it against this.?
:7hh( so that)s wh'......?
:5trong( smart( an# a beaut'. /ou got all bases covere#( huh.?
+om was smiling hal* in #isbelie*( but Carona)s heart clou#e# with his wor#s.
:...... -egative. % am not beauti*ul( or smart( an# % am certainl' not stro8......?
.er wor#s were mostl' aime# at hersel*( but the' were su##enl' #rowne# out.
4' the lou#( overl' innocent voice o* a girl( *rom the entrance to the groun#s.
:9h2 5hiizuuoo8saan2 .ow)s it goin),?
+he three o* them turne# aroun#( an# saw a 'oung girl with brai#e# hair( wearing
glasses( an# carr'ing a martial arts uni*orm on her back. 4ehin# her( stoo# a girl who
looke# ust like her( but gloomier( an# another girl who looke# to be aroun# *ive or six
'ears 'ounger than the two.
5eeing this group( 5hizuo seeme# slightl' surprise#( as he spoke.
:%* it isn)t @airu an# Gukuri...... 1ait( an# 9kane2,?
+he 'oung girl who looke# like she was still in primar' school( was stan#ing behin#
the twins as i* tr'ing to hi#e in their sha#ow( but... 9s soon as she con*irme# 5hizuo)s
prescence( she came pattering over to them( an# #ove straight into his arms.
:@ister 5hizuo2?
;7i( it)s me. Disten to this...?
:+hat rumour was true2...? ;% was ust watching 5hizuo *rom *ar
;5ome little primar' school ki# ust ran over to 5hizuo( an# then hugge# him or
:5eriousl',? ;5hizuo)s ki#,?
;5o it wasn)t ust the woman( even the ki# was real2?
+hese rumours sprea#( like wil#*ire( through a certain portion o* the population.
+he rumours took *orm in real time( through me#ia like cell phones( an# the net... 9n#
the men who saw these rumours became abnormall' excite#.
:.ow man' people can 'ou get here( right now,......?
+he rumours which ha# been mixe# with a hint o* #esire( ha# come true.
%n realit'( the' ha# not exactl' come true( but these men believe# it to be so.
+he' needed it to be true( so the' #i#n)t take an' other possibilites into account.
+hat excitement woul# eventuall' push them to #ispla' greater energ' than the'
woul# ever normall' be able to.
-o matter what kin# o* obective it was that the' were seeking.
:% #unno how this)ll en# up( but ten shoul# #o. >ather ten people( an# get over here.?
:9s soon as those women are separate# *rom 5hizuo( let)s get in there an# grab
&hy is Akane Awakusu here%
Carona was #eepl' con*use# as she surve'e# her surroun#ings.
5he #i# this because she suspecte# that there ma' be people *rom the 9wakusu
It's no use.
%t was certainl' possible that the' were being watche#( but i* so( the watchers
woul#n)t easil' show themselves.
9s she #i#n)t have an' e"uipment on her right now( i* an'bo#' on the same level as
9kaba'ashi showe# up( she woul# have no chance an'wa'.
&e've already talked about this.
As long as I don't lay a hand on Akane from now, the Awakusu won't make any
moves either...... 5ut then, I don't know whether the Awakusu will keep their end of
that deal, so I have to keep my guard up.
8ither way...... I don't intend to become relaxed in the temporary peace my father
gave me.
9s Carona thought this( the three girls in *ront o* her were talking in lou#( boisterous
:.e'( he'2 1ho)s that prett' la#'2, :an % give her a hug2,?
:5top it.?
+he girl with the brai#s was picke# up at her collar b' 5hizuo( an# was now #angling
in the air.
7n the other han#( the gloom' twin was bowing her thanks to +om.
:...... K4e*oreL 9bout last time...... K5carvesL *or that mone' purse...... K9polog'L +hank
'ou ver' much......?U
:9hh( it)s *ine( it)s *ine.?
:+his morning we got about 3!!(!!! 'en( so we put it in that bag an# took it home(
right Guru8nee2?
:+hree hun#re8......#2,?
5urprise# b' what the' ha# sai#( +om place# his han#s on the girls) shoul#ers( an#
spoke to them with a serious expression.
:1ell...... %)m in no real position to tell 'ou this( but...... /ou reall' shoul#n)t #o things
that woul# make 'our parents sa#( ok, /ou girls are ver' cute. /ou)re worth a lot
more than that. 1ell( no( % guess 3!!(!!! 'en is a lot( but reall' 'ou can)t put a price
on such things......?
:,? ;,?
9s +om ha# the wrong i#ea( an# was lecturing them( the twin girls looke# towar#s
each other in con*usion.
9kane ha# completel' *orgotten about those two( an# was clinging tightl' to 5hizuo)s
trousers( looking up at him with a smile.
:+hank 'ou ver' much *or ever'thing 'ester#a'( @ister 5hizuo2......?
:.m, 9hh( #on)t worr' about it. %t)s a lot cuter when ki#s ust *orget about their #ebts
to people.?
1ith a wr' smile( 5hizuo pet 9kane)s hea# roughl'.
5eeing the little girl laughing as she trie# to stop 5hizuo)s han#( Carona thought to
he's so carefree. 8ven though we kidnapped her .ust yesterday.
2... !o, it .ust means that she has enough strength to overcome something like that.
In the end...... I'm the weak one again......
5hizuo( not noticing the #epresse# Carona( spoke to the twin girls.
:4' the wa'( wh' were 'ou gu's hanging out with 9kane,?
:Fhh( we)re more surprise# that 'ou know 9kane8chan( 5hizuo8san2 +o#a'( this little
one became our unior at the #oo we go to2 % alrea#' *inishe# up m' training *or
to#a'( so when Guru8nee came to meet me( we #eci#e# to take her on a tour o* the
:7hh, +he' teach sel*8#e*ence at 'our #oo( #on)t the' @airu, % see( % guess there)s
no harm in 'ou learning some o* that.?
:/8'ou think so, 7k then( %)ll tr' m' best.?
9kane smile# at 5hizuo)s wor#s.
5hizuo however( seeme# to remember something( an# his smile *a#e# slightl' as he
aske# the twins something else.
:4' the wa'...... 1here)s that *lea o* a brother o* 'ours gone to,?
:...... K5hockL Fh,......?
:.uh( 5hizuo8san( #i#n)t 'ou watch the news or an'thing,?
:.m,...... -o( we ha# to start work prett' earl' this morning. 1h'( was there
something interesting % misse#, Dike that gu' *inall' getting arreste#.?
:%t)s a secret. :heck out a newspaper or the net or something when 'ou get home(
%)m sure 'ou)ll be surprise#2?
:...... K4roL %za'a8niisan...... K5tomachL -arrowl' escapes #eath......?
5hizuo was about to ask what she was talking about( but...
:9h( 5hizuo( we better get going to the next place prett' soon.?
.earing +om)s voice( 5hizuo change# to work mo#e.
:+he next place has a wi*e an# ki#s( so it)s kin#a sensitive. /ou might have to hang
back *or a while( little miss Carona.?
:...... 9wait *urther or#ers,?
:/eah( it)s ust( it might be ba# i* 'ou put on a big show like last time( so ust sta' here
an# have a tea part' with the girls *or now. +hough we #on)t have an' tea.?
%* there was something goo# to sa' about the man +om +anaka( it was that he was
able to "uickl' a#apt to #ealing with an' new people. 1here an' normal person
woul# tr' their best to keep awa'( a*ter seeing these )special cases)... Eor example(
5hizuo an# Carona... +om was the t'pe o* person who coul# "uickl' think up
countermeasures to their personalities( an# learn to get along with them.
9s one o* his wa's o* #ealing with her( +om ha# #eci#e# that it woul# be best to
leave Carona behin# in some certain cases. +he wa' that he ha# 5hizuo *ollowing
him aroun# so closel' as insurance o* his own sa*et'( coul# be seen as another o* his
more cunning pla's.
:1ell( an'wa'( %)m gla# we ran into 'ou girls. 5hizuo an# % shoul# be *inishe# up in
about ten minutes. 9n#( while it woul#n)t matter too much i* she waite# b' hersel*( %)#
rather not give her an' sa# memories o* her *irst #a' at work. 5o can leave it to the
three o* 'ou,?
:-o probs.?
:...... K0elighte#L %t)s our pleasure......?
:%)ll be waiting *or 'ou to come back( @ister 5hizuo2?
1ith three out o* three in agreement( it was #eci#e# that the *our la#ies woul# sta'
behin# in the temple groun#s.
7* course( the' ha# no i#ea that the' were being observe# the whole time.
:7i( it looks like 5hizuo)s leaving the women behin#2 1here are 'ou2,?
:,e'll "e t!ere in under a )inute. Don't worry.&
:4' the wa'( it probabl' #oesn)t matter( but...... +here are two high school girls here
too( look like the')re *rien#s.?
:,e (an #ust gra" t!e) as well.&
:9re 'ou sure that)s a goo# i#ea,?
:'ea!$ look$ I !eard a ru)our......&
:... Aarently yesterday$ t!e girlfriend's or so)et!ing of five different gang
leader's were kidnaed$ "y Dollars.&
5everal minutes later.
:Fhh( so i* 'ou)re a *rien# o* 5imon an# 0enis( #oes that mean 'ou know %gor as
:...... 5urprising. +hat 'ou woul# be cognizant o* %gor goes be'on# m' expectations.?
:...... K5hockL 9mazing...... K5trangeL coinci#ence( huh......?
5ince +om an# 5hizuo ha# #isappeare#( the girls ha# manage# a health'
9s Carona ha# not sai# an'thing( she ha# thought that the' woul# also remain silent(
but the girl wearing glasses an# brai#e# hair( an# even her gloom' twin sister( both
spoke without a hint o* hesitation.
9s the' ha# *oun# this strange connection( Carona ha# #eci#e# to go along with the
a#vice o* her current )emplo'er)( an# remain here on stan#b' *or now.
5ut...... &hat should I do next time......
I'm glad I got on good terms with the bartender so easily. I learned his name too. 5ut,
what should I do.
hould I attack him from behind when I get the chance%
>or what purpose%
4' now( Carona ha# lost sight o* even her own #esires.
9kane su##enl' starte# to pull on the sleeve o* her out*it.
:...... @iss( are 'ou one o* @ister 5hizuo)s *rien#s,?
+he girl that the' ha# ki#nappe# the #a' be*ore.
%t seeme# that she somehow ha# not realise# who Carona was.
Carona hersel* onl' saw the girl as a single element o* one o* her past obs( an# *elt
nothing in particular towar#s her.
:...... Erien#,...... -egative. 5hizuo an# %. 1e are nothing more than simple
:%s that so...?
Eor some reason( 9kane looke# slightl' relieve# to hear this( an# Carona tilte# her
hea# in con*usion.
+he next moment( she sense# a strange presence somewhere in their surroun#ings.
5everal vehicles stoppe# ust outsi#e the groun#s( an# at almost the same time( their
#oors all began to open.
9n alarm starte# to soun# insi#e Carona.
5he imme#iatel' brought up her guar#( an# watche# the surroun#ings o* the temple
9s she #i#( *rom the man' vans( appeare# men( wearing balaclavas an# looking like
bank robbers.
+he' weren)t carr'ing an' weapons( but the' #i# have some straw rope( an# large
:.uh2, 1hat, 1hat, %s something ba# happening,
:...... KFvilL Gi#nappers,......?
:on*irming what Gururi ha# sai#( the men began running straight towar#s them.
Dike a sprinter( the' ran at their top spee#. +he bags the' hel# were waving about in
the air( an# woul# make an'bo#' who saw them become anxious.
7* course... +hat woul# be i* the' were normal people.
Dike this( the men surroun#e# the girls( an# trie# to cover their hea# in the bags.
4' taking their vision( the' woul# cause the girls to panic( then take them #own( carr'
them to the vans( an# escape.
%t woul# be an eas' ob.
4ut there was little margin *or error.
6ight now( nobo#' was aroun#( but the' coul# never know when somebo#' might
pass b' the surroun#ings.
1hile #oing their best to re#uce an' risks( the men were attempting to roughl'
capture the girls.
+he' #i# it because( as long as the' coul# complete this one ob( the' woul# be able
to control the )lethal weapon) known as 5hizuo .eiwaima( whether it be to #estro'
him( or use him.
4ut the' coul# never have imagine#...
+he girls who ha# been with 5hizuo( though the' ma' not be on the level o* 5hizuo
+he' were also humans who coul# be calle# )weapons).
+he woman in the group o* girls who seeme# to be the most strong.
+he one man who trie# to cover her in a large bag.
.e became the *irst sacri*ice to taste the sharpness o* that particular )weapon).
:...... 9m % 'our target,?
Detting out a small breath( Carona pushe# o** the groun#... an# with movement
reminiscent or a :hameleon)s tongue( her right leg shot out towar#s the man)s chin.
5lipping through his arms( which ha# been hol#ing up his bag( her sa*et' boots( with
an iron plate inserte# into them( pushe# straight towar#s him.
1ith *lowing movements( she #rew out a per*ect high8kick.
1ith that one blow( as i* he was being stabbe# b' her toes( the man)s e'es rolle#
back( an# he *ainte# without even knowing what ha# been #one to him.
5eeing this spectacle be*ore them( a large empt' space *orme# in their hearts.
%t wasn)t because the' ha# learne# o* Carona)s strength( an# were scare# b' it.
%t was because the' simpl' coul# not un#erstan# what ha# happene#.
5o( while their hearts #i# stop( the' coul#n)t stop their actions.
+he men who ha# waite# *or an opening( then rushe# towar#s the seemingl'
#e*enceless women( ha# been met with a severe counter8attack.
-ot ust *rom Carona( but *rom ever' girl there.
:0amn 'ou( ust sit still( an8......#2,?
+he man who ha# been tr'ing to hol# #own @airu( ha# been poke# in the e'es b'
+he' ha# not been crushe#( but he still starte# to ben# backwar#s *rom the *orce.
1ith the same *ingers she ha# use# to poke him( @airu grabbe# the man)s
balaclava( an# use# her opponent)s momentum to tear the *abric o** o* him. +hen(
aiming *or his now bare ears... @airu use# both han#s to slap him.
+he kin# o* slap which was aime# to tear his ear#rums apart.
.earing the screams o* his companions rolling aroun# on the groun#( another man
looke# towar#s them re*lexivel'. 9t that moment( Gururi took a small can out o* her
pocket( an# began spra'ing.
%t was a spra'8can about the size o* a #eo#orant spra'( an# *it per*ectl' into her palm.
%nsi#e the can... 1as an original creation o* hers( a sel*8#e*ence spra'( base# o** one
which was sol# commerciall'.
.owever( her version was ma#e to be much more power*ul than the one she ha#
base# it o**.
:1h8...... 1ha8......2,?
9*ter seeing his companions *alling one a*ter the other( the man among them with the
largest buil# began to realise that something wasn)t "uite right.
:0ammit( the')re taking us lightl'2......?
+he man thought it woul# be best to grab one o* the girls at ran#om( an# use her as
a hostage against the others.
9s he #eci#e# that the girl with the sel*8#e*ence spra' looke# the most #ocile out o*
the lot( #ue to the man)s tall *igure( he #i#n)t notice something...
+he *act that at his *eet( the smallest o* the girls was walking up to him.
:...... 9h,?
.earing a buzzing soun# *rom below him( the man looke# #own( an# saw...
:+8take this2?
http://postimg.org/image/rpeoQclx#/ http://postimg.org/image/inv*z'm9/
9t the exact same time( 9kane 9wakusu ha# pushe# the stun8gun she hel#( straight
towar#s him.
+he stun8gun which 9kane ha# receive# *rom )-akura) the #a' be*ore( in or#er to kill
Duckil' *or both 9kane an# the man she was aiming *or( while 9kane was sleeping(
5hinra ha# lowere# the voltage on her stun8gun to the point where it woul#n)t kill a
normal person.
7* course( )woul#n)t kill)( #i#n)t change the *act that it was at an overl' power*ul
+he large man #i#n)t even have time to scream( as he *oame# at the mouth an#
Carona thought( as she watche# 9kane "uickl' turn the stun8gun o**( then hi#e in
@airu)s sha#ow.
&hy does she have that%
2... After yesterday. he must have been given it for self-defence.
Although, she does seem to know how to use it already......
Fven while she thought these things( Carona continue# knocking out men one a*ter
the other.
9t *irst( she ha# thought the' must have been sent b' somebo#' who hel# a gru#ge
against her( or perhaps a group who ha# been hire# to ki#nap 9kane 9wakusu in her
stea#( but...
:08#ammit2 1hat the hell are these gu's2,?
:1ho was it2, 1ho was the i#iot that sai# we coul# use them against 5hizuo2,?
1hen she hear# the irritate# shouts o* the men( Carona un#erstoo#.
o that's what it was.
They want to use us, as hostages against hi-uo......
(eaning, these guys wanted to take hi-uo 4eiwa.ima out, huh.
1ithout realising it... Carona ha# begun to smile.
7on't make me laugh.
9s a man starte# to approach her( Carona steppe#( har#( on his *oot.
4e*ore the now #ouble#8over man coul# cr' out( her elbow *lew towar#s the bri#ge o*
his nose( tracing out a grace*ul arc be*ore it struck him.
*eople of your level...... taking him out%
+he people she ha# )broken) up till now.
+he people be*ore her now... 0i#n)t even come close to those she remembere#. +he'
were as so*t as cla'.
4ut as she continue# to knock these men out bare8han#e#( something else gra#uall'
rose to her min#.
+hat which she ha# begun to *orget( a*ter her recent #e*eats. .er true #ut'.
+he abnormal impulse that even she hersel* ha# no hope o* stopping.
They are lacking.
These people, are lacking.
That's right, humans...... are not so fragile.
hi-uo 4eiwa.ima...... is not so fragile,
1hether or not humans were trul' weak beings.
5he *oun# pleasure in her )#estructive impulse)( which ha# begun un#er the pretence
o* con*irming this.
.owever( this pleasure which she ha# once been able to obtain simpl' b' breaking
normal humans... ha# un#ergone a subtle trans*ormation.
I want to become stronger.
tronger even than that man, harder than a diamond, and more grand than the
If only I could destroy hi-uo 4eiwa.ima......
Aurely...... &ouldn't I be able to obtain unwavering perfection%
1hile she thought this( Carona kicke#( an# punche#( an# knocke# out( an# simpl'
overwhelme# the men.
1ith an uncontrollable smile stuck to her *ace( she overwhelme# them.
.er trul' happ' smile( she ha# #eci#e# to keep *or the time that she manage# to
#e*eat 5hizuo.
::8crap2 1e gotta retreat *or now( oi2?
1ith the situation becoming be'on# what the' ha# expecte#( the men rushe# to
escape *rom the temple groun#s.
+he' ha# planne# to escape with the vehicles( but those vans ha# alrea#' begun to
:.8he'2 18wait( wh'......?
9s the' panicke# an# trie# to run a*ter the vehicles... +he' realise# ust wh' the' ha#
#eparte# without them.
+he' saw( *rom the other si#e o* the roa#( the man with his characteristic barten#er)s
uni*orm( an# the man with #rea#locks( returning.
:5h85...... %t)s 5hizuo2?
:>et 'our ass in here2?
9s i* the' ha# seen a carnivorous #inosaur( the men began to panic( an# the van
en#e# up #eparting with several o* them still *orcing themselves through the #oors.
5eeing the screaming men leave in their vehicles( +om tilte# his hea#( an# spoke.
:1hat the hell, 0i# the' have a *ight or something,?
9t +om)s wor#s( 5hizuo looke# towar#s the temple groun#s... 9n# a*ter con*irming
9kane an# the others sitting aroun# like normal( looke# towar#s the men with a
#isguste# expression.
:6eall'( getting into a *ight in *ront o* Gishiboin( the')re going to hell.?
%n realit'( the' ha# been tr'ing to ki#nap chil#ren in *ront o* Gishiboin( a #ee# much
more likel' to put them in hell( but... Duckil' *or them( perhaps( their plan ha# en#e#
in *ailure.
-ow( the' woul# not have to be *oun# b' 5hizuo. +he men however( #i#n)t reall'
have time to celebrate this luck' result( as the' *inall' escape# the *iel# o* vision o*
5hizuo an# +om.
:...... % committe# a small error in m' response to 'our previous "uestion.?
Carona was speaking "uietl' while looking the man wearing a barten#er)s uni*orm(
who was walking towar#s them.
.er *ace ha# returne# to its usual sour look( an# the onl' one who hear# her "uiet
whisper( was 9kane( who was stan#ing next to her.
9s 9kane seeme# con*use#( Carona spoke her true thoughts( hi#ing nothing.
:5hizuo .eiwaima. .e is m' pre'. 7ne #a'( he will break( b' m' han#. +his is the
:......2 -8no2 /ou can)t2?
1hen she hear# this( 9kane raise# her voice in panic( an# starte# pulling on the leg
on Carona)s out*it.
:%..... %)m gonna be the one to kill @ister 5hizuo2?
1hat exactl' the *eelings rising in 9kane)s heart were... being a chil#( even 9kane
hersel* #i#n)t "uite un#erstan# them.
4ut( the moment she hear# Carona sa' she woul# )break) 5hizuo... the complicate#
*eelings towar#s 5hizuo which that girl hel#( all mixe# together... an# she ha# arrive#
at one answer.
I have to kill (ister hi-uo. 5ut, I don't want to kill him......
@mm... @mm......
.owever( she was unable to convert that answer into wor#s( an# all that she coul#
come out with( was this vague response.
:...... % have to be the one to #o something about @ister 5hizuo2?
:...... %llogical. Please explain to me wh' 'ou believe 'ou have sole ownership rights
to m' pre'.?
:%8% #on)t know2?
9s 9kane an# Carona ha# su##enl' starte# their argument( @airu an# Gururi ha#
silentl' watche# them with shocke# expressions... but then +om arrive#.
:.uh( where)s 5hizuo8san,?
%n response to @airu)s "uestion( +om gesture# behin# him with his chin( an#
:7hh( he sai# he was getting a can o* co**ee *rom the ven#ing machine over......
+om ha# notice# the #ispute between 9kane an# Carona( an# starte# listening
:5hizuo is mine.?
:%s not2 /ou)re not allowe# to touch @ister 5hizuo( ok2?
:...... 3... 3... 3... 3..., 3...2,?
9t this all too su##en #evelopment( behin# his glasses( +om)s e'es went as roun# as
&h- wait a-...... 8h,%
&hat's going on,% &hen the hell did this happen,%
9s +om stoo# there( #umbstruck( 5hizuo entere# the temple groun#s( a*ter having
*inishe# his co**ee.
:@ister 5hizuo2?
:/o( #i# 'ou pla' nice,?
9*ter she ran up to him( 5hizuo roughe# up 9kane)s hair.
9kane then looke# behin# her( an# starte# glaring at Carona( who glare# right back(
%n the en#( 5hizuo never even notice# the sparks *l'ing between the two o* them.
:0amn2 % #i#n)t hear about this2 +hose women were #amn monsters2?
9*ter the hoo#lums ha# returne# to their hangout( one o* them spoke in an irritate#
voice as he threw o** his balaclava.
U%t seeme# the ki#nappers were part o* the remnants o* a team 5hizuo ha# once
#estro'e#( an# several o* their companions who ha# sta'e# behin# in their hi#eout
ha# gathere# to *in# out what happene# to them.
:1hat the hell( 'ou gu's *aile#2,?
:0amn( we shoul# have known 5hizuo)s woman woul# be like that...... 1hat the hell
was up with them2?
:1ell( it)s no problem. %t)ll be *ine i* we ust take that girl with the stun8gun( once she)s
alone( right,?
:/eah( we #i# sen# some lookouts back to the area. %* the' keep watch on the girls(
we can ust ki#nap them one b' one next time.?
9s the men starte# to show *oolish smiles( it seeme# the' ha# not learne# *rom their
+he' ha# been beaten b' 5hizuo once alrea#'( but were turning him against them
again. %t seeme# that the men gathere# her were all *un#amentall' obstinate.
.owever...... +his time( the' woul#n)t be receiving another secon# chance.
:4' )lookouts)( 'ou mean these gu's,?
%n the entrance to that hi#eout( two bo#ies were thrown to the groun#( with a )thump).
+he' were unconscious( an# their *aces were bloo#' an# swollen. %t looke# like the'
ha# been beaten up substantiall'.
+hen... the men who ha# brought those two to the hi#eout( continue# on insi#e.
:1hat2 /ou bast8......ar8....... Fh,?
Erom the entrancewa'( appeare#... more than ten *ierce looking men.
+he' wore various out*its( like black suits( erse's( an# work clothing( but... 9t *irst
sight( one coul# tell *rom their ominous( intimi#ating air( that the' were men who
worke# in )that kin# o* occupation).
:/ou sai# something about ki#napping,?
:9h( eh,......?
:+r'ing to la' 'ou han#s on our princess 9kane...... /ou reall' wanna be an iron8man
so ba#l', 9h, 4ecause i* 'ou #o( we got a blast *urnace rea#' an# waiting( want us
to help 'ou out, .e'.?
:Fh,...... Fhh2,......?
+he' were all members o* the 9wakusu >roup.
5ome o* them ha# been looking out *or 9kane *rom the sha#ows( but a*ter seeing her
come into contact with Carona( the' ha# #eci#e# to call *or backup( ust in case( but...
9*ter the men ha# attacke#( their companions ha# then returne# to the scene( right
when their backup ha# arrive#.
+he' ha# capture# the lookouts without letting 9kane notice( an# then ha# the
hoo#lums gui#e them to this hi#eout( but...
7* course( these punks ha# no i#ea about 9kane)s true i#entit'( so the' coul#n)t
un#erstan# what was going on.
:1ai8...... Aust a s8...... 1hat the hell...... 1e( we ust wante#( 5hizuo...... um,?
:/eah( 'eah. 1e)ll listen to 'our stor' back at our o**ice. +ake 'our time thinking up
'our excuses.?
:9n# i* 'our excuses aren)t goo# enough( 'ou might en# up thinking o* last wor#s(
instea#. 1ell( even i* it comes to that( it)s not like we)re gonna rela' them to an'one(
1ithout reall' caring about the #etails behin# these 'oung men( the members o* the
9wakusu >roup each began their work.
0ragging these 'oung men( who ha# onl' ust been overwhelme# b' the *emale
group( back to their o**ice( turne# out to be no trouble *or them. +he' simpl'(
relentlessl'( took them out( one b' one.
9n# so... 9 simple rumour( ha# #riven this one team to their certain #estruction..
5omewhere in %kebukuro.
9*ter parting with 9kane an# the twins( the group o* three sh'locks move# onto their
next workplace.
7ccasionall'( +om woul# look towar#s 5hizuo( an# sa' strange things to himsel*.
:...... 1ell( % guess his little brother does have a prett' popular *ace......?
:.m, 1hat)s up( +om8san, /ou)ve been acting strangel'.?
:-o...... %t)s nothing. 0on)t worr' about it.?
9*ter tilting his hea# in con*usion( 5hizuo then aske# Carona a "uestion.
:4' the wa'( Carona...?
:1hat is it,?
:.ave we met be*ore( b' an' chance,?
:...... 82,?
4as he...... realised%
Carona)s bo#' became sti** with caution.
.e ha#n)t seen her *ace( an# all she ha# sai# to him was )+hat bike( it)s mine).
+hough he ha# procee#e# to throw sai# bike( an# she ha# shot at him( the entire
time( she ha# been wearing a ri#ing suit( an# a *ull8*ace# helmet( so she ha#n)t
shown him her *ace at all.
4ut even then( a perceptive person ma' have notice#.
:ontinuing her caution( she care*ull' answere# him.
:...... :on*i#ential. %)# like to re*use to respon#( i* it #oesn)t concern 'ou.?
-ot sa'ing an'thing( 5hizuo walke# over to a nearb' ven#ing machine( an# purchase
a can o* co**ee.
5he thought he was about to #rink another a*ter onl' ust *inishing one earlier( but...
5hizuo gave this can o* co**ee to Carona.
:.ere( m' treat.?
:%t)s ust...... %)ve been working in a lot o* places up till now( 'ou know...... 4ut this is
the *irst time %)ve ever ha# a unior to look a*ter.?
5a'ing this( 5hizuo looke# somehow happ'.
:1ell( % guess % can ust ignore the #etails. /ou seeme# to get along prett' well with
9kane( an# *rom 5imon an# 0enis) intro#uction( the' seem to think 'ou)re an ok
4e's like a completely different person from the time when he was kicking that car
&hether or not he's figured out who I really am...... I really can't tell.
:5o( % hope we can keep working well together.?
5hizuo lightl' pushe# the can o* co**ee onto Carona)s cheek.
1hile her cheek s"uashe# inwar#s slightl'( Carona remaine# expressionless as she
:...... +hanks.?
hi-uo 4eiwa.ima.
2... &hat a strange guy.
9ll she ha# known( was that he was an extremel' )strong) man.
4ut reall'( she still #i#n)t know an'thing about him.
I should take my time to learn as much about him as I can.
Then, once I know everything, I should destroy him.
That is my reason for living.
Carona #eci#e# this( then #raine# the can o* co**ee.
+he co**ee was ma#e to be "uite bitter( with a strong scent.
Eeeling something "uite sweet( Carona spoke to 5hizuo expressionlessl'.
:+hank 'ou ver' much...... 5enpai.?U
;78oi( have 'ou hear#2,?
;% hear# the gu's who trie# to go a*ter 5hizuo got taken b' the 9wakusu >roup.?
:5eriousl', ;1h'2,? ;5oun#s like 5hizuo)s woman is relate# to the
;1hat the hell,? ;@eaning( 5hizuo is the successor o* the 9wakusu
+hese absur#( un*oun#e# rumours *lew aroun# the cit' o* %kebukuro.
;.ave 'ou hear#2, .ave 'ou hear#( #ammit2,?
:5hizuo is the illegitimate son o* the hea# o* the 9wakusu2,? ;>ehh2
:.e has a ki# with some 6ussian la#'2? ;5o that)s wh' he has that
blon#e hair2,?
:Fh( wait( that wasn)t ust #'e#,? ;%sn)t this ba#2,? ;7k( % give up on 5hizuo
:%)m not scare# or an'thing.? ;Aust( 'ou know... the 9wakusu as m' enem'
soun#s troublesome.?
9s these rumours became more an# more unreasonable...
+he hal*8bake# punks believe# them without a secon# thought.
+he' coul#n)t help but believe them.
@ost o* them( wishe# *rom the #epths o* their heart.
If I can help it, I don't ever want to get involved with a monster like hi-uo.
+his *eeling was much stronger than their hope o* )winning against 5hizuo)... an#
coul# be sai# to be more like an instinct.
+hat was wh' these men umpe# on boar# such rumours.
4ecause i* these rumours were true( it gave them a goo# reason *or their *ear o*
+he one thing that the' coul#n)t give up on i* the' wante# to keep *ace( that the'
)woul#n)t get involve# in their private matters)( ha# become this reason once the
9wakusu ha# gotten involve#.U
5o to#a'( along with their personal #esires( the' continue# to create these rumours.
5everal months later( a thir# rate magazine which ha# believe# these rumours(
publishe# an article with the hea#line )/uuhei .aneima)s >ran#*ather is a /akuza
4oss2,). +he publishing house which then sue# their main o**ice( an# even turne#
their e'es towar#s the 9wakusu >roup were then #riven to near8bankruptc'. 4ut that
is a #i**erent stor'.
9n# so( in or#er to bri#ge the gap between the ever'#a' an# the stranger #a's(
between the cit' an# its people...
+o#a'( new rumours continue to circulate aroun# the cit' o* %kebukuro.
;.e'( have 'ou hear#,?
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes
:hapter 5
Everyday Life D 8o)anti(ist's 1!aka5Poko
8chaka8poko chaka8poko8
5'nchronise# to the galloping o* a horse( a single carriage race# #own a roa#.
+his silhouette race# through the light scattere# b' the trees( an# like a lea* being
swept along in the great passage o* time( it was re*lecte# ever so gentl' on the
sur*ace o* this worl#.
.owever( i* one were to raise an' kin# o* issue with this silhouette( it ma' be that...
+he silhouette itsel*( was the onl' thing that actuall' existe#.
%t was a black that swallowe# up even the light itsel*( an# re*lecte# nothing.
Erom level *ooting( this roo*e# carriage looke# as i* it was ma#e out o* a )sha#ow)
which ha# somehow transitione# to a higher #imension.
5imilar to the vehicles use# b' nobles in an earlier time( it looke# as i* it ha# been
taken straight out o* a chil#ren)s stor'.
+hat is( i* that stor' were tol# with sha#ow puppets.
1hat was even more out o* place... was that the hea# o* the single horse which was
pulling the carriage( was covere# with black( 1estern looking armour( so like the rest
o* the carriage( it re*lecte# no light.
%n the win#ow o* this carriage taken straight out o* a sha#ow theatre( coul# be seen
the upper halves o* two highl' contrasting bo#ies.
+he *irst was a 'oung man( wearing a coat so white it seeme# to #irectl' oppose the
image o* the vehicle.
+he secon# looke# as i* the' coul# easil' pass as the #river o* the carriage... as the'
were wearing a et black out*it which coul# onl' be explaine# as a )sha#ow) given
7ne o* them... +he woman wearing the black out*it( turne# towar#s the man( an#
hel# out a P09.
N+his is the *irst time %)ve turne# it into a roo*e# carriage( % guess % can #o it i* % tr'.O
5eeing these wor#s #ispla'e# on the screen( the ma #resse# in white spoke with a
broa# smile.
:7* course( that)s because 'ou can #o an'thing( :elt'.?
N...... /ou alwa's compliment me like that( so it)s kin#a starting to lose its e**ect.O
:-o wa'2 7k( % get it :elt'2 %n or#er to prove how great 'ou are( % must challenge
even the limits o* human strength( right, 5o( go ahea# :elt'. +ell me what % must #o
*or 'ou2 %* 'ou wish it( % coul# even write an epic poem( spanning more than a
thousan# pages( about 'our antics in %kebukuro( an# then sprea# to the *arthest
corners o* the worl#( even *urther than the 4ible2?
%n response to his stupi#it'( the woman in black clothing starte# t'ping on her P09
N5hut up *or a bit.O
:2... /eah.?
+he man she ha# calle# 5hinra ha# #e*late# like a chil# a*ter being scol#e#.
+hen the woman he ha# calle# :elt' relaxe# her shoul#ers( an# nu#ge# 5hinra with
her elbow.
N0on)t look so #own. /ou reall' are bipolar aren)t 'ou.O
:...... 7* course % woul# be this excite#2?
1ith his e'es sparkling once again( 5hinra looke# towar#s :elt')s neck.
:+he last time we went on a trip together( was when % was a ki#( an# 'ou took me out
on the back o* 'our bike2?
N1as that reall' a trip,O
:1ell( even i* 'ou #on)t recognise it as such :elt'( that ust means this is #e*initel'
our *irst time2 9mazing( this is a big #a' *or us2 %s it ok i* % take this to be our
N...... 0on)t get too carrie# awa'( or this hone'moon o* 'ours might not last long.O
:7k( ok.?
4eing scol#e# again( 5hinra)s shoul#ers #roope#( an# he looke# #ownwar#s( but...
:...... 3..., ......2,?
5u##enl' realising something( the man rose up *rom his seat in the carriage( an#
:18wait( ust now( 'ou #i#n)t sa' this wasn't a hone'mo8...... 8gah2?
0oing so( he bumpe# his hea# on the roo* o* the carriage( an# was now hol#ing it
while moaning.
N78oi( are 'ou ok2,O
:7wowowow...... %)m *ine...... % saw stars though......?
N9re 'ou sure 'ou)re ok, %)m sorr'. % probabl' ma#e the roo* too low. % #on)t have m'
helmet on( so % coul#n)t reall' tell where to put it.O
5eeing her write these wor#s with her P09( 5hinra)s expression became gentle.
:-o( it)s *ine. % think this height is per*ect. %t)s m' *ault *or su##enl' stan#ing up like
N1ait( are 'ou reall'( reall' ok, 5orr'( % ust #on)t reall' know how much hitting 'our
hea# hurts......O
:%t)s *ine( it)s *ine. %t)s better i* 'ou #on)t know. @ore importantl'( 'ou ust aske# me
three times i* % was ok. +hat kin#ness o* 'ours is the best me#icine *or me( :elt'.?
N0on)t be stupi#.O
1ith this short response *rom her P09( :elt' turne# towar#s the win#ow( in a hu**.
That 3elty, I bet her cheeks are turning red right now. he's so cute.
5hinra thought so( but o* course( there was no wa' he coul# con*irm she was
blushing *or sure.
9*ter all... she #i#n)t even have the cheeks *or blushing in the *irst place.
:elt' 5turlusson was not a human.
5he was a t'pe o* *air' *rom 5cotlan# an# %relan# commonl' re*erre# to as a
)0ullahan)( who woul# go aroun# visiting the resi#ences o* people who were close to
passing awa'( an# in*orm them o* the time the' ha# le*t.
5he woul# visit them while carr'ing her own hea# un#er her arm( an# ri#ing a coach
#riven b' a hea#less horse known as the :oiste84o#har. 9n' who were *oolish
enough to open their #oors as she passe#( woul# have a bucket o* bloo# poure#
over them... +his was the #rea#e# legen# o* the 0ullahan( which ha# been passe#
#own throughout the histor' o* Furope along with that o* the 4anshee.
5ome theories compare# it to the -orse legen# o* the Calk'rie( but she hersel*
coul#n)t tell 'ou the truth o* it.
%t was not that she #i#n)t know.
+o put it accuratel'( she coul#n)t remember.
4ack in her homelan#( her hea# ha# been stolen *rom her( an# along with it( her
memories ha# #isappeare#. %n or#er to get it back( she ha# *ollowe# the signs( an#
eventuall' came to %kebukuro.
5he ha# turne# her horse into a bike( an# her armour into a ri#ing suit( an# till now
she ha# wan#ere# this cit' *or #eca#es.
.owever( she ha# not been able to recover her hea#( an# so her memories ha# not
returne#( as o* 'et.
5he ha# *igure# out who ha# stolen her hea#.
5he knew who it was who ha# been obstructing her search.
4ut in the en#( she still #i#n)t know where her hea# was.
Eor now( :elt' was ok with this.
%t meant that she coul# spen# time together with the one who love# her( an# the
*rien#s who ha# accepte# her *or what she was.
5he believe# that this was happiness( an# that she coul# continue to live like this.
Geeping her strong #etermination hi##en in her heart( the hea#less woman showe#
her intentions through her actions( in place o* her non8existent *ace.
+his was... the existence known as :elt' 5turlusson.
/et( even *or this incarnation o* the absur#( she ha# her own version o* ever'#a' li*e.
9s a courier o* %kebukuro( upon re"uest( she woul# #eliver various goo#s( to man'
#i**erent places.
5he was treate# as somewhat o* a Aill8o*8all8tra#es( but she onl' saw it as a casual
ob( at best. 5he #i#n)t reall' have a sense o* pro*essionalism.
+ill aroun# a 'ear ago( her reason *or putting e**ort into this ob( was because she
thought #elivering all over %kebukuro might increase her chances o* *in#ing her hea#(
but... 6ecentl'( she ha# begun to work more #iligentl'( thinking )%* % #on)t #eliver this(
somebo#' ma' be trouble#).
1hile be*ore she woul# be ok with han#ling less law*ul goo#s( she ha# trie# to cut
back on this kin# o* ob latel'.
%t woul# be *ine i* it was onl' her getting involve# with the police( or illegal
organisations( but now( she ha# man' *rien#s who she #i#n)t want to get wrappe# up
in that sort o* trouble.
7* course( the *irst on that list( 5hinra Gishitani... he himsel* was "uite closel'
involve# in that kin# o* trouble *rom the start( in his work as an un#ergroun# #octor.
9t her root( :elt' was an earnest person( an# woul# be bus' almost ever' #a'(
whether it be #oing her normal work( or helping other people with their own problems
on her #a's o**.
7n her true holi#a's( she woul# usuall' en# up #oing the same things she woul#
normall' #o a*ter work( like lazing about the house( or pla'ing games with 5hinra.
4ecause o* this( to#a')s trip was trul' the closest she ha# come to a true holi#a'.
7n a mountain( *ar *rom the cit'.
9 trip along a promena#e( swa'ing in the carriage( an# looking upon a lake outsi#e.
+here were no other people aroun# o* course( as the' ha# investigate# this
+he place the' ha# come to was *re"uentl' use# as a courage8testing course in
summer( an# there were rumours about ghosts appearing in the surroun#ing
aban#one# buil#ings.
%n some wa's( the hea#less woman ri#ing the black carriage suite# this environment(
but reall'( a 1estern carriage #riving aroun# Aapan was too much o* an absur#it' in
9t *irst( the' ha# been a bit worrie# about this( but... %n the en#( the' chose this place
because o* its lack o* people( an# en#e# up sharing a #a' trip( ust with each other.
9s she was alwa's being looke# a*ter b' 5hinra( thinking he nee#e# a rest( :elt' ha#
been the one to suggest the' take a trip together.
.er current out*it was a >othic st'le #ress( which *it "uite well with the carriage. %n
the place o* her usual helmet( she was wearing a la#'like hat( along with a cape.
%* the out*it was completel' white( it might look almost like a we##ing #ress( but... the
#ress an# cape( which were arrange# like sha#ows( gave the same impression as a
1estern mourning #ress.
.owever( 5hinra ha# been constantl' in high8tension next to :elt'( who looke# like a
9nswering 5hinra)s wishes( to#a'( instea# o* her ri#ing suit( :elt' ha# ma#e various
out*its out o* )sha#ows)( an# ha# been changing into them appropriatel' since that
morning... 4eing solel' #evote# to :elt'( it was no surprise that 5hinra ha# been
excitable all #a' because o* this.
5hinra ha# also #one awa' with his usual lab coat( an# ha# change# into casual
travel clothing *or to#a'. 7* course( he ha# maintaine# his regular pure8white image
5ince this morning( his e'es ha# been shining even more than usual( an# ever' time
:elt' got change#( he woul# cr' out in #elight at her new out*it.
+hough( *or her( )getting change#)... 7nl' meant that she stoo# in the same spot
while the sha#ows crawle# aroun# her into a new *orm.
@a' 5
( noon.
:.e'( :elt'. 1hen 'ou)re changing clothes( can)t 'ou( 'ou know... % want to see 'ou
taking o** each piece o* clothing one b' one( then slipping 'our long( white arms
through the sleeves o* a new out*it( but...... bhogh2?
:elt' answere# 5hinra)s proposal with her elbow.
N/ou pervert. 1hat woul# happen i* somebo#' were to see me changing in here,O
:0oes it reall' matter i* the' seeeowowowowowow.?
1ith his cheek being pinche# with all *orce( an# his *ace #istorting( 5hinra still trie# to
*orce a smile.
:%)m sorr'( % was oking( % reall' #on)t want an'one to see. /our changing scene
belongs to me( an# onl8ouch2?
+aking a *ull *orce poke to the temple( 5hinra was le*t #aze# an# #izz'.
1hile he was like this( the sha#ows aroun# :elt' crawle# about( an# change# into a
new out*it.
N%)m #one.O
9s he ha# the P09 shove# in *ront o* his *ace( 5hinra turne# *rom the #evice to look
towar#s :elt'...
9n# he saw :elt' sitting there( seemingl' embarrasse#( wearing a et8black school
N% brought this re# scar* *rom home to tr' it out( but( when % wear it % probabl' look like
% came *rom some brothel or something( #on)t %......O
9s she was missing her hea#( rather than a street walker( she looke# more like the
victim o* some strange m'ster' crime( but 5hinra)s *ace su##enl' turne# serious( an#
he knelt on top o* his seat in the carriage.
N1hat)s wrong, %8it looks weir#( #oesn)t it,O
5he #i#n)t reall' know what her partner was #oing( an# starte# won#ering i* she
shoul# change back into her usual ri#ing suit( but then 5hinra( looking like he was
about to cr'( bowe# his hea# to her.
:%)ve love# 'ou since the *irst time % saw 'ou. Please go out with me( % beg 'ou.?
N/ou)re being weir#( 5hinra. 1hat on earth are 'ou #oing,O
@a'be she shoul#n)t have hit him so har# be*ore.
5u##enl' becoming "uite worrie#( :elt' thought about turning the carriage aroun#
an# hea#ing to a hospital( but... 5hinra wipe# awa' his tears( an# grabbe# :elt')s
arm lightl'.
:-o( %)m sorr'. %t)s ust( since % was in high school( %)ve alwa's wante# to( 'ou know...
con*ess like this( to 'ou( preten#ing we were in the same high school......?
5hinra was speaking in circles. :elt')s shoul#ers #roppe# as she t'pe# her
N/ou)re prett' anno'ing( 'ou know.O
:1ahh. % woul# even reect an' girls who con*esse# to me( b' sa'ing )4ut( 'ou have a
hea#( so...)......?
N>o an# apologise to those girls( on 'ou knees( right now. 4ut more importantl'( is
an'one *ine *or 'ou as long as the' #on)t have a hea#,O
%n response to the c'nical sentence she ha# t'pe#( 5hinra vigorousl' shook his hea#
back an# *orth.
:7* course not2 %t woul#n)t matter what 'ou ha# above the neck :elt'( be it human( a
car#boar# box( even an earthworm( or a slug( % woul# still love 'ou2?
N5top sa'ing #isgusting things like that2O
Actually, it's more surprising that there is a girl who actually loves a freak like this.
This goes beyond having strange preferences.
:9lthough( once that stor' starte# sprea#ing( girls kin#a *oun# me gross( an#
woul#n)t come a*ter me an' more. 5hizuo even sai# unreasonable stu** like )%t)s 'our
*ault that girls even sta' awa' *rom me now).?
N% #on)t think that)s reall' unreasonable.O
:6eall',...... /eah( % guess so. /ou)re probabl' right( :elt'.?
5eeing 5hinra smiling an# laughing like a chil#( :elt' thought to hersel*.
'trange preferences', huh%
)ep, that's me all right.
The strange man who fell in love with a headless woman, and the strange woman
who fell in love right back.
5miling wr'l' on the insi#e about her relationship with 5hinra( :elt' starte# t'ping on
her P09.
N9n'wa'( wh' were 'ou getting so worke# up over this kin# o* out*it, 5eems like it)s
not ust 'ou( but most other men as well.O
:% #on)t reall' know about other gu's( but at the ver' least( % have a reason. +o me(
we have limitless potential together. Fven i* % was born somewhere an# sometime
completel' #i**erent( %)m sure we woul# have met through a #i**erent situation. % want
to experience ever' single possibilit' that % can with 'ou2?
N7h( 'ou reall' ha# such gran# thoughts,O
:1ell( that)s the o**icial reason. 6eall' % ust want to #rown m'sel* in #esire b' seeing
'ou in as man' #i**erent wa's as possible( then......?
9s he was speaking( 5hinra ha# brought up his guar# an# close# his mouth.
N1hat)s wrong, 9re 'ou *inishe#,O
:98ah( it)s ust( usuall' b' now % woul# have an elbow coming at me...... .uh,
5peaking o* which( % *eel like % remember something like this happening a *ew months
9s 5hinra murmure# this( :elt' also remembere#.
+ight, we did have this kind of mood back then, I guess.
&hen 8milia rang the chime on our door, then barged in.
It shocked me when she suddenly .umped at hinra and hugged him.
Dooking back on it now( it seeme# sill'( but she ha# actuall' been "uite ealous back
5he ha# surprise# hersel* when she su##enl' realise# that she love# the man be*ore
her e'es.
5ut, really......
4ow on earth did I end up in love with a guy like this.
Perhaps( within the memories store# in her )hea#)... 1oul# the :elt' who live# her
li*e as a *air' in %relan# have this sort o* experience,
>oing on a #a' trip with the one she loves.
+hat kin# o* )human) happiness. %n the past( woul# she ever have *elt something
similar to this, Aust what kin# o* li*e #i# she have,
%t woul# be a lie to sa' she wasn)t curious.
:1hat)s up( :elt', 9re 'ou *eeling sick2,?
5eeing 5hinra)s *ace( :elt' thought.
%n the en#( the ever'#a' li*e she was living right now( was more important than that
:elt' wrote teasing wor#s on her P09( then so*tl' place# it on 5hinra)s lap.
N5o( what was it 'ou were planning to #o...... a*ter )#rowning 'oursel* in #esire),O
:Fh......, 3...2?
N%* 'ou start buil#ing up 'our #esires in this carriage( what exactl' is going to happen
to me,O
4uh% 4e went 9uiet.
:elt' ha# thought he woul# start rambling in panic as he normall' #i#( an# she
peeke# towar#s him as he sat silentl'( staring at the P09.
.is expression ha# vanishe#( an# he now looke# somehow serious.
&hat should I do% I wonder if he's angry that I teased him so much.
+he moment she trie# to take back her P09( so that she coul# t'pe an apolog'...
5hinra grabbe# her arm tightl'.
5hinra was #i**erent *rom usual( more serious.
%t was slightl' unpleasant( when that serious *ace began turning re#.
:Bmm( well...... +hank 'ou.?
:+hank 'ou...... :elt'.?
4e's thanking me,%
:%)ll tr' m' best2?
4is best at what,%
5he was tr'ing to t'pe out a retort( but she still coul#n)t get back her P09.
%* she were to calm #own( she coul# have easil' stretche# a sha#ow out to grab it(
but currentl'( the wor# )calm) was a completel' *oreign concept to :elt'.
9t this point( :elt')s entire bo#' was an expression o* )con*usion).
5hinra was starting to reach out his han#s towar#s :elt')s shoul#ers( with a glint in
his e'es.
&ait a- seco-......
%* 5hinra ha# been oking aroun# like normal( :elt' coul# ust sen# him *l'ing an# that
woul# be the en# o* it. 4ut with his current serious expression( :elt' #i#n)t even know
what she wante# to #o an' more.
At least let me close the window......,
+he moment she shoute# this *rom the #epths o* her heart...
Erom 5hinra)s breast pocket came the soun# o* his phone)s ringtone.
%t was the newest hit *rom the i#ol that the' both supporte#( 6uri .iiribe.
5eeing this as a chance( :elt' took the phone an# pushe# it towar#s 5hinra)s *ace.
%gnoring 5hinra( who coul# no longer speak #ue to the phone in his mouth( :elt'
*inall' manage# to pick up her P09( an# starte# t'ping on it "uickl'( with several
sha#ow ten#rils.
N%t)s 'our phone( 5hinra.O
:%t)s ok( % can leave it.?
N+hat)s ba#( 'ou ma' be an underground #octor( but it still means 'ou have people)s
lives in 'our han#s.O
:%* 'ou sa' so( :elt'......?
+hough he seeme# #epresse# upon being hin#ere# like this( 5hinra picke# up his
phone an# put it to his ear.
1hile 5hinra was on the phone( :elt' thought to hersel*.
Ahh that was a shock.
It's not the first time this kind of thing has happened, but......it was still a shock, in a
place like this.
I mean, it's embarrassing in front of hooter as well......
;9hh2 9hh( ahh2 %t reall' has( hasn)t it2 0o 'ou min# i* % congratulate 'ou on still being
'till being alive', he must mean......
*robably someone from the Awakusu, or related to them.
;7h #ear( 'ou haven)t been shot b' somebo#'( have 'ou, +hough( *rom 'our voice
'ou seem *ine( at least.?
)eah, must be.
;...... 9h( well( that shoul#n)t be too much trouble( but can we leave it till tomorrow
o he'll be working tomorrow night, huh. I guess we can't stay here overnight then.
;Bn*ortunatel'( %)m o** to#a'( an# %)m actuall' outsi#e o* +ok'o at the moment.?
I suppose it's fine. &e can .ust wait for another chance, then borrow a bungalow and
come back.
;...... Eor her,?
4uh% hinra's face .ust changed colour a little.
I wonder what they're talking about.
;9s a *ellow human( % shoul# probabl' recommen# that 'ou #on)t #o that.?
!o, really, what are they talking about,%
Is it someone like hiki telling him that they're going to bury someone,% 5ut why tell
;1ell( that girl is kin#a :elt')s cooking teacher( so...?
&hy did my name come up,%
Teacher,% 3ooking teacher,%
Ah, wa-, wait a second......
;7h, 5he cut the call.?
N1hat was that( 5hinra2, 1ho was on the phone2, @' )teacher)( #o 'ou mean @ika8
5eeing :elt' asking "uestions in a panic( 5hinra thought.
&hat do I do.
If I tell her exactly what the call was about, she might say she has to run off and save
!o, 3elty would definitely do that.
That is what I'd expect from 3elty. That is why I love 3elty,
5hinra recon*irme# his love( but he still hesitate# to speak the truth.
9*ter all( the person he ha# ust been on the phone to( was the mastermin# behin#
the plan to take :elt')s hea# *rom her.
+here was a chance( that b' some miracle( :elt')s hea# might be returne# to her.
And )agiri-san even clearly said that her 'ob.ective is not to kill her'.
+aking these various #etails into consi#eration( the result was...
:%t was 5eii /agiri. 5oun#s like the' ha# a *ight or something( #on)t worr' about it.?
.e ha# lie# with a smile( an# with absolutel' no sense o* guilt or hesitation.
:7h( was that all.?
:elt' ha# gone out o* her wa' to t'pe out her silence( an# show it to 5hinra.
1ith the screen still pointe# towar#s 5hinra( the hea#less school8uni*orme# girl
skil*ull' presse# ke's on the P09.
+he ever increasing ellipses shown o* the screen continue# putting pressure on
5hinra)s heart.
:...... .ahah( :elt'.?
9s a sti** smile *loate# to his *ace( :elt' stretche# out her sha#ow over 5hinra( an#
hel# #own his bo#'.
N5top l'ing( 'ou liar2 %t was her( wasn)t it2 +hat -amie /agiri or whatever her name is2O
:9hhhh( :elt'( 'ou can tell %)m l'ing ust b' looking in m' e'es now( huh2 +hat in itsel*
makes me *eel like we)re connecte#( %)m so happ'2?
N1oul# 'ou sa' )were 'ou shot,) or )still alive) to 5eii8kun2,O
::elt'( are 'ou a #etective2, 3... 7k( % get it( %)ll tell 'ou the truth.?
5hinra sighe# like he ha# given up( an# then continue# to speak.
:9pparentl'( -amie8san is planning to change @ika8chan)s *ace back to how it was.
4ut( 'ou see( @ika8chan likes her new *ace( #oesn)t she, 5o( she aske# me i* % coul#
#o some plastic surger' on her again while she)s sleeping or something. +hat)s what
% was sa'ing she probabl' shoul#n)t #o.?
N% see.O
:% woul#n)t want to #o something like that an# en# up being hate# b' her( right, %
mean( she)s 'our cooking teacher. 1hen % tol# her that( she shoute# about how % was
)useless)( then cut the call. +he reason % lie# is because % thought when 'ou hear# her
name( 'ou might start chasing her to look *or 'our hea#( so % got scare#......?
9t this point( :elt' began with#rawing the sha#ows she ha# been using to hol# #own
N0on)t be sill'( 5hinra. % alrea#' tol# 'ou that % #on)t care about m' hea# an'more(
#i#n)t %,O
:% know that( but %)m still scare#. 5care# that 'our hea# might start #rawing 'ou to it
or something like that.?
N/ou worr' too much. @ore importantl'( % won#er what the woman is thinking. 5he
coul#n)t su##enl' start having *eelings o* guilt about tampering with a girl)s *ace a*ter
all this time( coul# she, +hough % guess it)s prett' ironic that @ika #oesn)t even want
to go back to her ol# *ace.O
9s :elt' t'pe# this to him( 5hinra looke# at her an# thought to himsel*.
I'm sorry, 3elty.
)ou don't know this because you don't understand .ust how dangerous !amie )agiri
can be, but......
The truth is, it seemed like she was planning something a lot worse than that.
5ut, in the end, I want to keep you as far away from her...... as far away from your
head as possible.
9*ter making it so she woul# see through his *irst lie( 5hinra ha# then been able to
*ool :elt' b' telling her something as close as possible to the truth. 6ather than l'ing(
he ha# reall' onl' )le*t out a #etail)( but it ha# enough o* an e**ect to stop :elt' *rom
getting involve# with -amie *or now.
2... I'd say the atmosphere isn't right for continuing what we were doing.
And I kinda feel like I've forsaken (ika-chan.
&ell, she did say that she didn't plan to kill her.
Eeeling as i* his previous excitement ha# been showere# with col# water( 5hinra
looke# towar#s his phone with hatre#( then trie# to stealthil' press the power button(
NEor a change o* moo#( how about % change into another out*it,O
1ith :elt')s line o* text( @ika .arima an# -amie /agiri both #isappeare# *rom
5hinra)s min#.
:Fhhh2, 9lrea#'2,?
%n the *irst place( he #i#n)t give a #amn about the mastermin# who ha# #eceive#
:elt'( b' having him tamper with a girl)s *ace.
:1ait ust a secon#( :elt'2 Please( ust let me immerse m'sel* in this stu#ent8like
moo# *or a little longer2 %)m at that awkwar# age where( % want to call 'ou 5enior
5turlusson( but % also want 'ou to call me 5enior 5hinra......?
%n *ront o* 5hinra( as he sai# this nonsense... :elt' su##enl' stoppe# moving( then
boun# 5hinra with her sha#ows once again.
:1ah( what2, 1hat2,?
N5orr'( ust wait *or a secon#.O
+hen( :elt' gave some sort o* signal to her hea#less horse( 5hooter( an# ha# him
stop at the en# o* the roa#.
+hen( leaving a con*use# 5hinra behin#( :elt' got out o* the carriage.
:1ai8...... 1here are 'ou going( :elt'2, 1ait2 0on)t leave me2 % ma' have m' *aults(
but *or 'ou % can change2 %)m sorr' that % so carelessl' tape# over that )1orl#
@'steries 0iscovere#) 'ou recor#e# last week2?
.is sorrow*ul shouts echoe# aroun# the *orest( but :elt')s uni*orm8cla# *igure
continue# to #isappear into the trees.
1! minutes later.
+o 5hinra( it seeme# he ha# spent an eternit' insi#e the carriage...
1hen su##enl' :elt' returne#( as i* she ha#n)t even been gone.
::elt'''2 /ou came back *or me2?
N1hat an overreaction.O
:4ut( but...... % reall' thought that 'ou might have been leaving me here.?
N% #unno about 'ou( but % woul#n)t leave 5hooter behin#( woul# %,O
9s she t'pe# out these heartless wor#s( :elt' release# 5hinra *rom his sha#ow
N9n'wa'...... % *elt the prescence o* a *air' *or the *irst time in a while( so % went to sa'
N% suppose 'ou call them spirits( or mountain go#s or something in Aapan. 4ut( seems
like even in Aapan( 'our *orests are *ull o* them. 6emin#s me o* the woo#s back
:elt' seeme# to *eel somehow nostalgic( but as most o* her memories ha# been
taken along with her hea#( those memories o* the woo#s in her homelan# were "uite
vague. 5hinra #i#n)t venture to sa' this out lou#( an# instea# aske# her a "uestion
with a gentle smile.
:Fhh( so( #i# 'ou sa' hello,?
N/eah...... @m...... +he' #i#n)t seem to be ba# gu's or an'thing( but...... +he' ust
welcome# me to Aapan...... an# then......O
+'ping out her wor#s with some hesitation( :elt' seeme# somehow embarrasse#.
N+he' sai# it was the *irst time the')# met someone who was so close to a human(
an# wishe# me goo# luck......O
:1ell o* course 'ou #o 'our best2 .e soun#s like a nice gu'2 9h( wait...... 0oes that
mean the' were watching us,?
N-o...... +he' sai# that when a man is being so row#'( the' hear it whether the' want
to or not......O
%* she were human( this woul# be where she starts blushing. 1ith her school uni*orm(
an# the wa' she was looking timi#l' towar#s 5hinra( she looke# to him like a unior at
:.ahaha( rather( wh' #on)t we let them seegebuh8...... 1h'2,?
5hinra( who ha# been tr'ing to calm :elt' #own b' putting his han#s on her
shoul#ers( ha# receive# a hellish blow to his throat.
N@ore importantl'( 5hinra...... 1hat...... #i# 'ou sa' 'ou #i# to the vi#eo %
1ithout even the time to make an# excuse( 5hinra was restraine# b' sha#ows *or
the thir# time that #a'.
N% was so excite# when % recor#e# that...... % wante# to watch it with 'ou( an# have
some *un seeing who woul# get the most answers right2......O
:9hhhh( %8%)m sorr' :elt'2 %n it)s place( how about % get 'ou a >ol#...... no( a :r'stal
.itoshi8kun( will that make 'ou happ'2,?
N:on*iscate#2 9n# now( the tickling2O
:1ai82 1hile %)m all boun# up like this2, %)m sorr'( :elt'2 % know it must be har# *or
'ou( but i* 'ou keep tickling me % might go to .eaven but please stop but please #on)t
+en tickling tentacles ma#e o* sha#ow were hea#ing towar#s the si#es o* a con*use#
5hinra( but then...
Eor the secon# time( the soun# o* 5hinra)s ringtone echoe# through the air.
N/ou can take that.O
+he ten#rils she ha# exten#e# took 5hinra)s phone out o* his pocket( then brought it
to his ear( while pushing the )receive) button.
Dooking hal* relieve# an# hal* #isappointe#( 5hinra starte# talking into the phone.
:/eah( hello...... 9h( it)s 'ou 5hizuo.?
hi-uo, huh% 4e had a pretty rough time yesterday too.
6emembering what that *rien# o* hers ha# #one 'ester#a'( throwing a motorbike(
kicking a car( saving a little girl( :elt' laughe# internall'( in spite o* hersel*( an# the
anger that ha# been rising within her cease#.
:-o( #on)t worr'( 'ou #on)t have to thank me. 9ctuall'( %)m kin#a in the mi##le o*
something right now...... /eah( 'eah( ahh( ok then( c'a tomorrow or something.?
%t looke# like he ha# *inishe# his call( as 5hinra breathe# a #eep sigh( then spoke to
:...... %)m sorr'( :elt'. 5o sorr'.?
N5trange timing *or an apolog'.O
1ith her poisonous moo# #isrupte#( :elt' maintaine# her imprisonment o* 5hinra(
an# looke# towar# the scener' outsi#e the win#ow.
+he lake in the mi##le o* the *orest was re*lecting sunlight( an# creating brilliant(
wavering beams.
+he )prescence) she ha# *elt be*ore ha# *a#e#( an# now there #i#n)t even seem to be
signs o* an' animals aroun#( let alone humans.
1ith inappropriate timing( 5hinra...
:1ell( % kin#a #i# want 'ou to punish me( ust a little.?
2 sai# this perverte# line( so :elt' #eci#e# to tease him a little bit.
N%* 'ou want it that much( then %)ll make sure to punish 'ou plent'.O
+'ping this in her P09( :elt' covere# the win#ows o* the carriage with )sha#ows).
:Bwah( it)s pitch black2?
4ehehe, he's so scared.
:1hat are 'ou going to #o2, 1hat)s going to happen to me2,
I'll .ust leave him like this, and do nothing.
:9ctuall'( being all alone in the #arkness( with a girl wearing a black school uni*orm(
is making me prett' excite#2?
I see. (aybe I should get changed then.
+he surroun#ings were completel' black( so :elt' coul# relax slightl' as she move#
her sha#ows aroun#.
%t was normall' "uite har# to trans*orm her clothing without letting her skin be seen(
but using the #arkness to her a#vantage( :elt' bravel' began to #o so...
4ut at the exact time where most o* her skin woul# have been visible( on top o* the
table in *ront o* his seat( 5hinra)s phone began to ring again.
%n the mi##le o* the #arkness( the phone)s #ispla' shone brightl'( illuminating the
9n# the image o* :elt')s *air skin began burning into 5hinra)s retinas.
%n a great panic( :elt' re*lexivel' hi# 5hinra)s e'es behin# a wall o* sha#ow( then
rushe# to cover her entire bo#' the same wa'.
7n the other han#( unable to see( 5hinra *umble# about till he manage# to *in# his
phone( then in his slow( con*use# state( he receive# the call.
:/eah...... .ello...... 9hh...... %t)s 'ou...... /eah( % know...... % think the')re probabl' in
the /agiri Pharmaceuticals 1arehouse 3...... /our sister sai# something about calling
her out to that place...... /eah( c'a.?
5hinra answere# each "uestion like he was in a trance( but :elt' wasn)t listening to
the #etails.
+here was no wa' she coul# have( in her state o* semi8panic.
9s she wrappe# hersel* up in more sha#ows( an# manage# to calm hersel* #own(
:elt' *inall' opene# the win#ows o* the carriage.
4athe# in the so*t light coming *rom the *orest( it seeme# she ha# been in "uite a
rush... *or she was now #resse# in the same outi*t she use# to wear in %relan#( et8
black armour an# a matching helmet.
1ith her in this *orm( hol#ing out a P09( something seeme# ver' much out o* place(
%n 5hinra)s e'es( that armour was nowhere to be seen.
N08#i# 'ou see( 5hinra,O
N-8no( % mean( obviousl' 'ou)ve seen me like that in m' be#room an# stu**( but
having m' skin seen in a place like this is kin#a... % mean % sai# it be*ore( but 5hooter
is here too( an#...... %t)s kin# o* embarrassing( or something......O
9s :elt' t'pe# out her con*use# wor#s( the smile o* an enlightene# man rose to
5hinra)s *ace( an# he spoke.
:%t)s all ok( :elt'.?
N1hat)s ok,O
::elt'( 'ou)re so cute. Eu*u.?
4e broke,
hinra is broken,
5hinra was laughing maniacall'( an# :elt' trie# to bring him back to his senses with
a slap.
N1ake up2 :ome on( get a hol# o* 'oursel*2O
:4uah. 4oh....... .8huh( :elt', 1h' are 'ou wearing armour,?
NFh, 78oh( umm...... +his is......O
:9rmour...... % see( this ma' be the *un#amental out*it o* a 0ullahan( but this was
unexpecte#2 +his *orm #oesn)t exactl' scream *emininit'( but mixe# with :elt')s
cuteness( it)s per*ect2?
9*ter ust returning *rom that worl# o* #elusions( it appeare# that 5hinra ha# *allen
into a #i**erent one.
+hough( :elt' #i#n)t look completel' #iscontente# with 5hinra)s compliments. Aust
*rom putting on the out*it o* her ol# sel*( it *elt as i* that past sel* ha# been accepte#.
9s i* that was too embarrassing *or her( :elt' starte# tr'ing to trans*orm her out*it
once more.
:9hh( wait a sec( :elt'2 Det me take a picture2?
1ith the crawling sha#ows in *ront o* him( 5hinra rushe# to prepare the camera o* his
+he moment she was changing into a new out*it( though not to the same extent as
be*ore( her arms an# legs woul# come in an# out o* view... 9n# thinking this was a
per*ect photo opportunit'( 5hinra pushe# the camera button.
2... 4ut( an instant be*ore he #i# so( the phone starte# to ring( an# camera mo#e
was *orce*ull' cancelle#.
1ith a voice nearing a scream( 5hinra picke# up the phone angril'.
:18who is it2,
:',!o is it'%...... T!at's t!e first ti)e I've !eard su(! a dyna)i( '!ello'.&
:7h( it)s 'ou %za'a. 4'e.?
:+i$ don't !ang u. I') kinda stu(k !ere$ so I got "ored. T!ey finally let )e
"orrow t!e !osital !one$ #ust now.&
:.ospital, 0i# something happen to 'ou,?
:So you didn't wat(! T2 9ing t!is )orning$ !u!% ,ell$ I got )yself sta""ed
:7h( % see. 4'e.?
5hinra( completel' one8si#e#l'( cut o** the conversation.
N3... 1ho was that,O
5hinra rea#il' answere# this "uestion *rom :elt'.
:%za'a. .e got stabbe# or something( an# now he)s in hospital.?
NFhh, 1ill he be ok,O
5hocke#( :elt' wrote this last sentence into her P09( but...
9*ter thinking about it( she #elete# it an# t'pe# something else.
N3... 1ell( % #on)t know the #etails( but he probabl' brought it upon himsel*( no,O
:7* course he #i#.?
N9n# i* he took the time to call( then he must be prett' livel'.O
:/eah. .e soun#e# prett' energetic to me.?
6ealising that neither her nor 5hinra were at all worrie#( :elt' thought about %za'a.
That guy...... !ot in the same way as hi-uo, but he is still the type who you don't
really have to worry about if they get in.ured......
N4ut still( are 'ou sure 'ou weren)t a bit rough on him ust then,O
:%t)s *ine( %za'a is the t'pe o* masochist who still loves humans even i* the' treat him
N/ou)re no better. 4ut( with stab woun#s 'ou have to worr' about in*ections an# bloo#
clots an# things. % think 'ou shoul# apologise to him later. Fven now( 'our onl'
*rien#s are 5hizuo an# %za'a( 'ou shoul# tr' to keep them at least......O
:/eah...... % guess so. %* 'ou sa' so :elt'.?
9s he sai# this( 5hinra)s phone rang once more.
N7h( speak o* the #evil. Dooks like even %za'a gets anxious a*ter being stabbe#.O
:/eah % know...... .ello,?
:elt' smile# on the insi#e( as she watche# over 5hinra taking his call( but...
:/es...... /es...... Fh...... /es( % am %za'a)s *rien#( but...... %)m sorr'( %)m kin# o* on a trip
at the moment( so...... @otives,...... % can think o* so man'( it woul# be har# to
pinpoint ust one... 5ince high school( that gu' has never been up to an' goo#. -o( %
m'sel* am per*ectl' unimpeachable( thank 'ou.?
5omehow that conversation ha# turne# strange.
%t #i#n)t seem like he was talking to %za'a at least.
9n# hearing him use a wor# like )unimpeachable)( :elt' su##enl' thought to hersel*.
?ooking back now, hinra hasn't shown off any of his usual big words, or proverbs
today, huh.
@sually he would be using them all over the place to remind me how smart he is.
2... I wonder if he's .ust nervous, or maybe he's en.oying the trip so much that he
If it were the latter, then I guess I'd be relieved.
1hile she was thinking this( it looke# like the call ha# en#e#.
N1ho was it this time,O
:...... 5omeone *rom the police.?
:+he' were asking i* % knew an'thing about %za'a)s inur'...... % think the' must have
use# the re#ial *unction on the hospital)s phone or something. 9hh #ammit( % was so
worrie# thinking that the')# *oun# out about m' un#ergroun# #octor)s business2......
1e *inall' get a real holi#a'( an# now % *eel like %)ve been #ragge# back into realit'.?
9s 5hinra)s shoul#ers #roppe#( his phone rang again.
1ith a sti** *ace( 5hinra picke# up the phone... an# hear# %za'a)s voice *rom the other
:'o. Did you #ust get a (all fro) t!e oli(e$ "y any (!an(e%&
:+hanks to 'ou( 'es.?
:I see. I') retty "ored !ere$ you know. ,!en I t!oug!t a"out you$ out t!ere$
en#oying your !olidays$ I got all irritated. So$ I t!oug!t it )ig!t "e fun to !ave
t!e oli(e (all u an underground do(tor. -ow was it% Did your little !eart ski
a "eat% 'ou're ro"a"ly savouring your !olidays along wit! 1elty$ so I !oe I
!eled si(e u your relations!i a "it.&
:98hah8hah. %za'a( % hope 'ou #ie in a horrible acci#ent involving ceramics.?
9*ter this( 5hinra cut the call( an# his shoul#ers #roope# #eepl'.
+hen... .is phone began to ring again.
:7%2 %* 'ou #on)t stop this( %)ll tell ever'one about that thing 'ou #i# back in mi##le
school( %za'a2?
%t was rare *or 5hinra to show his anger( but... there was no reaction *rom the other
en# o* the call.
9s he starte# to *in# this suspicious( 5hinra notice# something.
.e notice# that( besi#e him( :elt' ha# raise# her own phone to the spot ust above
her neck.
.e checke# the screen o* his own phone.
9long with a number( the wor#s N:elt' @' .one'O were line# across the #ispla'.
Dooking back an# *orth between his phone an# :elt'( 5hinra guesse# at the intention
o* his partner...
9*ter letting out a simple8min#e# laugh( he smile# an# spoke "uietl'.
:+hank 'ou( :elt'. +his is wh'...... % love 'ou.?
+he' were wor#s she ha# hear# hun#re#s( no( thousan#s o* times.
9n# now she hear# them both *rom 5hinra)s mouth( an# the phone( at the same time.
%n between these two voices( :elt' su##enl' realise#.
Ahh. I see.
This is what they call happiness.
+hinking like a true romanticist( she continue# to listen to 5hinra)s wor#s( without
t'ping an'thing on her P09.
:elt' was lost in his wor#s( an# 5hinra spoke( while rea#ing her emotions... an#
sometimes the' woul# simpl' stop( an# look at each other.
%t ma' have looke# like 5hinra was onl' having a one8si#e# conversation( but he was
rea#ing :elt')s ever' emotion with true skill as he talke#( an# it *elt as i* the' were
having a *ull conversation.
9t some point( 5hinra stoppe# speaking( an# the' ust presse# their shoul#ers
together in silence( but...
Eor some reason( :elt' thought to hersel*.
Ahh, I see.
5he thought something which woul# usuall' be obvious( an# woul# not nee# to be
thought about.
4ut( she ha# been able to con*irm this *eeling... an# that ma#e this holi#a' o* hers all
worth it.
I really do...... love hinra.
9*ter this( the' woul# get wrappe# up in a lot more )abnormal) things than usual( like
coming across a mur#er attempt #eep in the mountains( getting attacke# b' a bear
which ha# escape# *rom the zoo( an# getting mixe# up in a #ispute between two
groups who were both a*ter a prize *or *in#ing the suppose#l' extinct Aapanese
1ol*........ 4ut that( as the' sa'( is another stor'.
1ithout knowing about this near *uture o* theirs... :elt' an# 5hinra bathe# in their
own happiness.
1ith the two ri#ing insi#e it( burie# in each other)s shoul#ers( the et8black carriage
ma#e its noise. 8chaka8poko8 8chaka8poko8 8chaka8poko8
9s i* tr'ing to interrupt their time together...
5hooter( pulling the carriage along( let out a #eep( #eep breath *rom a hole in the
helmet shape# to *it his hea#.
9s i* he was heaving a big sigh about the two romanticists sitting behin# him.
8chaka8poko8 8chaka8poko8 8chaka8poko8U
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes
Fpilogue X -ext Prologue
Eilogue : 3e7t Prologue Everyday 0ugue
%kebukuro( insi#e a vehicle.
:1hat %)m sa'ing is that this also applies to voice actors themselves( not ust the
pro#uction. 5peaking ill o* another voice actor ust to *latter the one 'ou like( is a
#isgusting thing to #o( not ust as a *an( but as a human.?
:-ot much we can #o about it. People like that are ust slow in the hea#( so when
the' can)t think o* an' wa' to praise their *avourite( all the' can #o is #rag #own
others. 1e must ignore their nonsense( while looking upon them with e'es o* pit'.?
:Garisawa8san( % *eel like 'ou ust took this too *ar( no,.....?
:4elieversY.eathens( or .eathensY4elievers( which #o 'ou think soun#s better,?
:9re we talking 4D( or /uri, +hat)s an important #etail. 5uper important.?
%nsi#e a van( /umasaki an# Garisawa were having a normal conversation. -ormal *or
:...... +o#a' was prett' non8event*ul( huh.?
Ga#ota spoke( l'ing #own in the passenger seat he ha# *ol#e# backwar#s( an#
+ogusa( gripping the steering wheel( answere#.
:9in)t that a goo# thing,?
:9hh( it)s ust( we ha# so much crap going on 'ester#a'( % thought something or other
might happen to#a' as well......?
:%t shoul# be more normal to not have stu** like that going on.?
:/eah( well( 'ou)re right( % guess...... 4ut( % mean( in the past 'ear...... we)ve met so
man' weir# things( like the hea#less ri#er( an# that #emon swor#( right,?
9s Ga#ota laughe# bitterl'( a smile also rose to +ogusa)s *ace.
:/eah( that kin#a thing changes 'our view on li*e( seriousl'. % coul# even believe in
ghosts( or aliens at this point. +o me( those things rank secon# in level o* shock( right
a*ter getting a *ront seat at 6uri .iiribe)s concert.?
:...... +hat meant more to 'ou, % still won#er where the hell Gaztano got those tickets
Ga#ota stretche# slightl'( an# looke# out the win#ow towar#s the changing scener'
o* the cit'.
:1ell( in an' case( it *eels kin#a like the balance o* the worl# has been tippe# through
this an# that. Fven while we)re relaxing like this...... 7* course( %)# rather not use a
war in some other countr' as an example( so... % guess it *eels like somewhere in
Aapan right now( there)s gotta be some kin# o* trouble going on.?
:1hat are 'ou on about,?
:1ell( we)ve concerne# ourselves with people like the hea#less ri#er( an# 0ollars.?
Ga#ota smile# an# put on his hat( then spoke as he returne# the seat back to its
original position.
:1hat %)m tr'ing to sa' is..... 1e nee# to at least be prepare#( in case we en# up
mixe# up in that kin# o* trouble.?
+ohoku 6egion( unknown hospital.
:...... 1ho are 'ou,?
%t was aroun# mi#night( insi#e the silent hospital.
.ere( the one who ha# appeare# in *ront o* %za'a 7rihara... was a girl( with a look
over*lowing with bloo#8lust in her e'es.
7bviousl'( she was not here to wish *or his recover'.
%n *act( the kni*e in her han# sai# something more like )%)m here to *inish 'ou o**).
.owever( there was one problem.
%za'a 7rihara trul' coul# not remember this girl)s *ace.
:)1ho,)...... )1ho,)( 'ou ask,...... % see. 1ell( % suppose to someone like 'ou( % reall'
must be a worthless human......?
:Erom the *act that % can)t remember 'ou( it #oes seem that wa'( 'es.?
.e was onl' speaking his honest thoughts( but it was har# not to think he was
provoking her.
.owever( the girl #i#n)t get angr'. 6ather( a smile rose to her *ace as she kicke# the
:4ut...... -ot matter how worthless % might be to 'ou( % can still kill 'ou.?
9s soon as she sai# this... +he girl umpe# straight on top o* the be#( lan#ing on both
+he impact ran through %za'a)s bo#'( an# reopene# his woun#( *orcing a cr' out o*
:B*u*u...... +his *eels great...... %t)s the opposite o* last time...... /ou)re the one who
can)t be save#. %)m the one who will live on.?
?ast time...... meaning...... when%.......
5omething was pulling at his min#( *rom #eep within the #oor to his memories.
4ut he coul#n)t "uite retrieve that )something).
1hile %za'a searche# *or that #oor to his memories( the girl put the kni*e she hel# up
against the nape o* his neck.
:% won)t let 'ou #ie easil'...... /ou)re thinking that once 'ou go to the next worl#( there
won)t be an'thing( so 'ou won)t have to *eel an' pain( right, 5o( % have to hurt 'ou as
much as possible before'ou go there( right, 7k,?
+he girl with the kni*e tilte# her hea# with a smile( as i* seeking agreement.
%* he were an average man( he woul# probabl' be shaking in *ear o* her ma#ness b'
now( but...
4e*ore he coul# even begin to *eel *ear( %za'a ha# been shocke# b' the girl)s
previous wor#s.
+his impact shook the sea o* his memories( an# brought together the *ragments o*
his past which ha# been caught between the waves.
&hy is she talking about what I feel about the next world......
!o, wait...... I've had that kind of conversation before.
It was... If I remember correctly......
2... That's right,...... It was one year ago,......
'n the night that I first met (ikado +yuugamine,......
:7h( or are 'ou going to scream *or help, % #on)t min#...... +aking 'ou as a hostage(
then embarrassing 'ou on the news tomorrow morning soun#s like a goo# i#ea. +he
-ake# Ging( who *ancie# himsel* an in*ormation broker o* 5hinuku( kille# b' a
girl2...... 7r something like that. 0on)t 'ou think that barten#er gu' 'ou hate so much
woul# be overo'e# about it,
+he girl smile# as she "uestione# him...
9n# %za'a( *orgetting about the pain running through his open woun#( smile#
cheer*ull'( an# spoke back.
:-ah( 5hizu8chan #oesn)t even watch the news( an'wa'. 4ecause i* something
happene# that pisse# him o**( he)# en# up breaking the +C( 'ou see,?
9t that moment... -ot caring about the pain in his stomach( %za'a umpe# up( an# *ell
*rom the be# along with the girl.
+he nee#le o* his %C #rip came out( an# the transparent li"ui# *lew about the semi8
#arkness o* the room.
+he girl starte# tr'ing to reposition hersel* straight awa'... 4ut it was here that the
#i**erence in their *ighting experience was ma#e apparent.
%za'a ma' have specialise# in using his min# to get his wa'( but he ha# experience#
man' *ights which came close to #eath( with people like 5hizuo .eiwaima( an# other
ran#om punks.
.e imme#iatel' hel# #own the girl( an# then stra##le# her( while taking her kni*e
1hile *i##ling aroun# with the kni*e he ha# taken( %za'a looke# #own at the girl with a
:5o( 'ou)ve been practising( huh,...... 9lthough( obviousl' not enough.?
:...... >o ahea#( kill me. +hen 'ou)ll be a mur#erer. % #on)t know i* the next worl#
exists or not( but at the ver' least( until the moment that % #ie( % want to imagine 'ou
being chase# aroun# b' the police( like a rat.?
:)Gill), 0i# 'ou sa' )kill), 9s i* % woul# #o that2?
:ackling lou#l'( %za'a shoute# in a volume that might have even reache# the room
next #oor( or might not have.
:Dike % woul# #o something like that2 %)m not over*lowing with such a sel*less spirit(
that % woul# volunteer to kill a suici#e can#i#ate2?
:...... 7h( 'ou remembere# me( huh,?
+o put it accuratel'... %za'a 7rihara ha# not remembere# the girl)s *ace( or her name.
4ut he had remembere# ust what kin# o* person she was.
5pring o* last 'ear... +he little )game) that he was caught up in at that time.
+he extreme( unseeml' )game) o* using the han#le8name -akura( to win over the
men an# women he met on a suici#e site... an# to take ever'thing *rom them but
their lives( while observing them the whole time.
+his girl( was one o* two suici#e can#i#ates who he ha# met on the #a' that he got
bore# o* this little game... on that last night.
+he girls he met that #a'( an# their *aces. 9n# how the' looke#. 9n# whether the'
were beauti*ul( whether the' were ugl'( whether the' were *ashionable( whether the'
looke# strange( what their voices soun#e# like( wh' the' were tr'ing to #ie( an# in
the *irst place( whether the' actuall' inten#e# to #ie... %za'a 7rihara shoul# have
alrea#' *orgotten all o* this.
4ut the one thing that was etche# into his memories( the one thing he coul# recall(
was that the girl be*ore him now( was one o* those he ha# met.
5he certainl' ha# been a worthless existence.
.owever( she ha# appeare# be*ore him now as an almost entirel' #i**erent person.
9n# this truth... Dit an explosive burie# #eep insi#e %za'a)s heart.
:haha...... hahaha.9.9.2 .
%n a voice that coul# be hear# *rom next #oor( %za'a laughe#( an# laughe#( an#
:+hat)s right. 9hh( ahh( that)s right2 /ou( 'ou were worthless2 4ut 'ou( who were
nothing more than a hal*8asse# suici#e can#i#ate( 'ou harboure# killing intent
towar#s me( 'ou hel# onto it *or over a 'ear( then 'ou *igure# out where % was ust
*rom some in*ormation on the news( an# 'ou came all the wa' here in ust hal* a
-ot knowing what her opposition was smiling about( the girl looke# at %za'a)s *ace
:+hat)s right( 'ou came here2 9ll the wa' here2 % #on)t know how 'ou manage# to
pinpoint this place( but #o things this amazing reall' happen2, /ou( 'ou have
betra'e# m' expectations2?
%za'a stoo# up( then grabbe# the girl)s arm an# brought her up with him.
9s i* he was meeting with a lover who he ha#n)t seen *or man' 'ears( he hel# the
con*use# girl tightl'( so tightl'.
:+hanks to 'ou...... +hanks to 'ou( % remembere#2 %)ve remembere# what % once
Ahh, that's right, that's right.
After I got that 'head' in my hands... I started to underestimate humans.
I got wrapped up in thinking there were existences greater than humans.
:4ut that)s right2 Dook at this( me2 0o 'ou remember now( me2, .umans can be this
1oul# a man who ha# ust won the lotter' even be this overo'e#,
+he girl *elt something terrible was about to happen( as she watche# %za'a being so
merr'... 4ut her over*lowing hatre# *or him overcame that *ear( an# she spoke.
:% #on)t reall' un#erstan#( but there)s one thing % can sa'.?
:9n# what is that,?
:/ou are the worst person.?
:+hat)s *ine b' me.?
Dike a chil# who ha# *oun# his belove# to'( %za'a smile# innocentl'.
:-o matter how much 'ou all hate me...?
:% can)t help m'sel*( it)s completel' irrational( but 'ou will alwa's be.... the things %
love @75+ @75+ @75+ %- +.F 176D02?
5everal minutes later...
9 nurse( receiving a complaint *rom the room next #oor about a )#isturbance)( entere#
%za'a)s hospital room...
%n the room( there was no sign o* %za'a( or the girl( an# even his extra clothes an#
luggage ha# #isappeare#.
1here ha# %za'a 7rihara vanishe# to,
+he people who were relate# to %za'a woul# learn this... 1ell( that)s another stor' *or
a little later on.
Gawagoe main roa#( unknown apartment buil#ing.
N9hh( %)m so tire#.O
:1ho woul# have thought things woul# turn out like that( huh,?
%nsi#e an ol# elevator( text an# spoken wor#s were exchange#.
N/ou can)t even make this stu** up( like how ust when we thought we)# *oun# the
extinct Aapanese wol*( it turne# out to be a werewol*. 9n# those shrine mai#ens at
the shrine we went to were kin#a suspicious( #on)t 'ou think, +he' *elt like vampires(
to me.O
:%t)s the *irst time %)ve seen an'thing like that outsi#e o* 'ou an# 5aika( but in the en#(
'ou)re still number one( :elt'2?
1hile the' were exhauste#( 5hinra an# :elt' were speaking as i* the' ha# eno'e#
to#a')s trip thoroughl'.
Aust how much the' ha# experience# that #a'... +he' ha# been unable to #iscuss it
with each other while the' were returning home on bike8*orm 5hooter( so the' likel'
planne# to talk about it at their leisure *rom now onwar#s.
9s the elevator stoppe# rising( an# the #oors opene#( :elt' put a temporar' stop the
their conversation.
N1ell( % think %)m gonna go have a shower.O
:1h' #on)t we save some water,?
N0on)t get carrie# awa'.O
Poking 5hinra)s hea# lightl'( :elt'( in high spirits( steppe# out into the corri#or.
+omorrow( her ever'#a' li*e woul# be waiting *or her( as usual.
Bsing her memories *rom to#a' as *uel( she coul# #o her best( at her ob as a courier
again *rom tomorrow.
9s she thought this( an unexpecte# voice calle# out to them.
:>oo# evening.?
+he voice... 1as one :elt' knew.
+hese wor#s came *rom the mouth o* the bo'( sitting in *ront o* 5hinra an# :elt')s
:% was starting to think 'ou woul#n)t come back tonight. % was going to go home a*ter
about another ten minutes.?
.is *ace was even more chil#like than that o* @ika#o 6'uugamine.
:elt' coul# clearl' remember that *ace.
This guy is,......
7ne 'ear ago... this bo' ha# come to an aban#one# *actor'( to propose a #eal to
:@ika#o8senpai woul#n)t tell me where the 4lack 6i#er was... 5o % ha# to *in# out
:1ho are 'ou,?
%n the *ace o* 5hinra)s suspicion( the bo' spoke his name( with a ten#er smile on his
:@' name is 9oba Guronuma. % won#er how man' times we)ve met now( 4lack
:% came to#a'... to become *rien#s with 'ou gu's.?
:elt' ha# been observing humans *or man' 'ears now( so she knew.
5he knew that when somebo#' sa's the' want to )become *rien#s) when the' *irst
meet people( it means the' are either ver' innocent( or the' have some secret
9n# that this bo'( 9oba Guronuma... was without a #oubt( one o* the latter.
+he ban#age wrappe# aroun# the bo')s right han#( staine# re#( onl' serve# to
*urther :elt')s worr'.
.er worr' that *or now... +he' woul#n)t be returning to their )ever'#a' li*e) *or a while
9s i* he was sneering at that *ear o* hers( 9oba let his bloo#staine# right han# swa'
in the win#.
5winging( swa'ing( as i* it were mimicking the instabilit' o* this cit'...
Dike this( his right han# was blown b' the lukewarm win# o* the cit'( an# continue# to
silentl' swa'.
4ack( an# *orth( 4ack( an# *orth.
.oli#a's are not something we use to rest our bo#ies.
-or are the' to rest our min#s.
-ot the bo#'( or the min#... +he' are use# to give a rest to that ver' state, which we
call monoton'.
% sai# this *rom the beginning.
4ut( there is something we must not *orget.
5a' we taste as much o* the )absur#) as we can on our holi#a's( to re*resh our moo#(
so we can ump back into our ever'#a' lives with spirit.
Fven i* 'ou believe this( an# welcome the next #a'...
%t is not certain that our precious( normal ever'#a' li*e will be there waiting *or us.
% tol# 'ou( #i#n)t %, +he cit' itsel* makes no #istinction between routine #a's(
abnormal #a's( work #a's( an# rest #a's.
+he ones who watch an# #eci#e are the humans.
Bs humans.
5o( the )new #a's) that this cit' grants upon 'ou( ma' not be the same as the ones
'ou were given be*ore 'our holi#a'.
7* course( even our week#a's ma' un#ergo evolution( or progression... 4ut not on
this level.
5a' 'ou eat health' *oo# ever' #a'( an# then on 'our rare holi#a's( 'ou treat
'oursel* to a steak. %t)s as i*( even when 'ou think to 'oursel*( )7k( back to health'
*oo# *rom now)( 'ou are su##enl' *orce# to eat a *ull course o* poisonous mushrooms
%* that ever'#a' li*e 'ou were expecting never comes back( an# 'ou become unable
to live without swallowing up this strange state which was *orce# upon 'ou...
1ell( all 'ou can #o is pra'.
Pra'( an# believe... +hat 'our stomach is at least as strong as this cit' is.
9n excerpt *rom the a*terwor# o* ;%kebukuro 4ites 4ack < 3: 9
+raveller=s >ui#e to %kebukuro?.
1ritten b' 5hinichi +sukumo'a( publishe# b' @e#ia1hacks Aapan.
Publishe# b' >oogle 0rive<6eport 9buse<Bp#ate# automaticall'
ever' 5 minutes

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