Lady Gaga Interview Video Exercise

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Listen to the interview and complete the sentences:

You are so a!tast"c # $ust have to te%% you how &&&&&#
&&&&& %ove you. # %ove' you s"!ce you were o! the
show you are so&&&&.. "! every way a!' #
$ust&&&&&&&.. (hat)s a%%.
(here "s !obo'y %"*e you+ but # $ust th"!* you are+ you are
$ust &&&&&&.a!' &&&&&&&&.# see you 'o a!'
every !ew &&&&that you go "!+ th"s !ew &&&&&&.that
you '"'+ where your &&&&&&."s ama,"!g.
(ha!*s. We%%. You *!ow #)m !ot &You *!ow+ # a%ways &.
Whe! # ta%* about &&&&&. #)m a%ways surpr"se' that
&&&&&. as*s me to &&&&&&&.
You have a!y "'eas o what &&&&&&&.'o.
# 'o!)t rea%%y *!ow. # &&&&&&&& my 'ream wou%' be to
be "! %"*e a Woo'y A%%e! &&&&&& or &&&&&&&&.
(hat wou%' be &&&&&&&&&&.my 'ream.
We%%. -et)s ma*e that happe!. .aybe he w"%%
A!' # hear' /the !e0t art"st !ee's !o "!tro'uct"o!1a!' the!
she $ust &&&&&&&&.. the stage.
2o!gratu%at"o!s&&&&.your three 3rammy !om"!at"o!s.
# am $ust so &&&&&... (he a!s are+ you *!ow+ %"tt%e
&&&&&&&&. are so ama,"!g.(hey have $ust bee! the
most wo!'eru%&&&&&. a!' supporters over the past
three years.
#t $ust ee%s so goo' to be recog!",e' as a
&&&&&&&.because that)s rea%%y what "t)s about.
# %ove 4%%e! so much because she watches my
&&&&&&&.# get so e0c"te'. (he 5rst t"me she watche'
my rehearsa% my boom poppe' out.
A!' there "s the v"'eo /.arry the N"ght1 #t)s rea%%y very
"!sp"r"!g a!' you '"recte' the &&&&&&. th"!g r"ght?
(h"s "s the 5rst t"me that "t was rea%%y &&&&&&me a!'
the '"rector o photography.
Yes+ the v"'eo "s graph"ca% so "t "s about my &&&&&& a!'
my $our!ey+ ma!y o the obstac%es that # we!t through
'ur"!g my r"se to hav"!g a $ob !ow+ wh"ch "s great&
We%% /.arry the N"ght1 "s about marry"!g the 'ar*!ess.
# wa!te' to ma*e a boo* that rea%%y was or the a!s so "t)s
&&&&&or me a!' "s more or a%% o you.
# %ove "t a!' the! a%so "t)s $ust !ot so '"6ere!t rom my
&&&&&&&&&&. %"e because # 'o!)t have a home
We were %augh"!g+ everybo'y was %augh"!g )cause whe! #
s"g!e' my&&&&&&&&"s year # ha' to get comp%ete%y
You are so a!tast"c # $ust have to te%% you how much # co!t"!ue to %ove you. #
%ove' you s"!ce you were o! the show you are so abu%ous "! every way a!'
# $ust a'ore. (hat)s a%%.
(here "s !obo'y %"*e you+ but # $ust th"!* you are+ you are $ust everyth"!g
a!' everyth"!g # see you 'o a!' every !ew area that you go "!+ th"s !ew
v"'eo that you '"'+ where your act"!g "s ama,"!g.
(ha!*s. We%%. You *!ow #)m !ot &&&.You *!ow+ # a%ways &. Whe! # ta%*
about act"!g #)m a%ways surpr"se' that !o o!e ever as*s me to au'"t"o!
You have a!y "'eas o what you)' wa!!a 'o.
# 'o!)t rea%%y *!ow. # mea! # guess my 'ream wou%' be to be "! %"*e a Woo'y
A%%e! mov"e or someth"!g (hat wou%' be &&&&&&&&&&.my 'ream.
We%%. -et)s ma*e that happe!. .aybe he w"%% ma*e you au'"t"o!.
A!' # hear' /the !e0t art"st !ee's !o "!tro'uct"o!1a!' the! she $ust wa%*e'
o6 the stage.
2o!gratu%at"o!s o! your three 3rammy !om"!at"o!s.
# am $ust so happy. (he a!s are+ you *!ow+ %"tt%e mo!sters are so
ama,"!g.(hey have $ust bee! the most wo!'eru% r"e!'s a!' supporters
over the past three years.
#t $ust ee%s so goo' to be recog!",e' as a so!gwr"ter because that)s rea%%y
what "t)s about.
# %ove 4%%e! so much because she watches my rehearsa%s # get so e0c"te'.
(he 5rst t"me she watche' my rehearsa% my boom poppe' out.
A!' there "s the v"'eo /.arry the N"ght1 #t)s rea%%y very "!sp"r"!g a!' you
'"recte' the e!t"re th"!g r"ght?
(h"s "s the 5rst t"me that "t was rea%%y $ust me a!' the '"rector o
Yes+ the v"'eo "s graph"ca% so "t "s about my %"e a!' my $our!ey+ ma!y o the
obstac%es that # we!t through 'ur"!g my r"se to hav"!g a $ob !ow+ wh"ch "s
We%% /.arry the N"ght1 "s about marry"!g the 'ar*!ess.
# wa!te' to ma*e a boo* that rea%%y was or the a!s so "t)s %ess or me a!' "s
more or a%% o you.
# %ove "t a!' the! a%so "t)s $ust !ot so '"6ere!t rom my 'ay to 'ay %"e
because # 'o!)t have a home
We were %augh"!g+ everybo'y was %augh"!g )cause whe! # s"g!e'
my&&&&&&&&"s year # ha' to get comp%ete%y waste'

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