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Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12

Choose the word which is stressed different! from the rest.
1. A. hospital B. mischievous C. supportive D. special
2. A. family B. whenever C. obedient D. solution
3. A. biologist B. generally C. responsible D. security
4. A. confident B. important C. together D. eciting
!. A. possible. B. university C. secondary D. suitable
Choose a" #" c" or d that #est competes each sentence.
". #ach of us must ta$e $$$$$$ for our own actions.
A. probability B. ability C. possibility D. responsibility
%. &hese 'uic$ and easy ((((((( can be effective in the short term) but they have a cost.
A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability
*. +ohn is ((((((( only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
,. According to the boss) +ohn is the most ((((((( for the position of eecutive secretary.
A. supportive B. caring C. suitable D. comfortable
1-. .he got up late and rushed to the bus stop.
A. came into B. went leisurely C. went 'uic$ly D. dropped by
11. Billy) come and give me a hand with coo$ing.
A. help B. prepared C. be busy D. attempt
12. /henever problems come up) we discuss them fran$ly and find solutions 'uic$ly.
A. happen B. encounter C. arrive D. clean
13. /hat are the ((((((( of that country0 1 2 thin$ it is some $inds of cheese and sauces.
A. drin$s B. beverages C. grains D. special dishes
14. 3eter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first (((((((.
A. try B. attempt C. doing D. aim
1!. /here is +immy0 1 4e is (((( wor$. 4e is busy (((( his monthly report.
A. on 5 for B. in 5 about C. to 5 through D. at 5 with
1". /ith greatly increased wor$loads) everyone is ((((((( pressure now.
A. under B. above C. upon D. out of
1%. /e are not allowed ((((((( 6eans at school.
A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. worn
1*. .ometimes 2 do not feel li$e ((((((( to my sibling about my troubles.
A. tal$ B. to tal$ C. tal$ing D. tal$ed
1,. &he wor$er was ((((((( his boss epected) so he was offered a raise.
A. more hard1wor$ing B. as hard1wor$ing than
C. more hard1wor$ing than D. more hard1wor$ing as
2-. +ohn ((((((( a respectful and obedient student.
A. said to be B. is said C. is said being D. is said to be
21. 2 love ((((((( films but 2 seldom find time to go the cinema.
A. see B. saw C. seen D. seeing
22. 2n the last hundred years) traveling ((((((( much easier and more comfortable.
A. becomes B. has become C. became D. will become
23. 2n the 1,
century) it ((((((( two or three months to cross 7orth America by covered wagon.
A. too$ B. had ta$en C. had ta$en D. was ta$ing
24. 2n the past the trip ((((((( very rough and often dangerous) but things ((((((( a great deal in the last
hundred and fifty years.
A. was 5 have changed B. is 5 change
C. had been 5 will change D. has been 5 changed
2!. 7ow you ((((((( from 7ew 8or$ to 9os Angeles in a matter of hours. [not more than]
A. are flying B. would fly C. will fly D. can fly
2". /hen Carol ((((((( last night) 2 (((((( my favorite show on television.
A. was calling 5 watched B. called 5 have watched
C. called 5 was watching D. had called 5 watched
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2%. By this time net summer) you ((((((( your studies.
A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have
2*. :ight now) +im ((((((( the newspaper and ;athy ((((((( dinner.
A. reads 5 has coo$ed B. is reading 5 is coo$ing
C. has read 5 was coo$ing D. read 5 will be coo$ing
2,. 9ast night at this time) they ((((((( the same thing. .he ((((((( and he((((((( the 7ewspaper.
A. are doing 5 is coo$ing 5 is reading
B. were doing 5 was coo$ing 5 was reading
C. was doing 5 has coo$ed 5 is reading
D. had done 5 was coo$ing 5read
3-. /hen 2 ((((((( home last night) 2 ((((((( that +ane ((((((( a beautiful candlelight dinner.
A. had arrived 5 discovered 5 prepared
B. was arriving 5 had discovered 5 was preparing
C. have arrived 5 was discovering 5 had prepared
D. arrived 5 discovered 5 was preparing
Choose the sentence which has the cosest meanin% to the ori%ina one.
31. &hey are not allowed to go out in the evening by their parents.
A. &heir parents do not want them to go out in the evening.
B. &heir parents never let them to go out in the evening.
C. <oing out in the evening is permitted by their parents.
D. Although their parents do not allow) they still go out in the evening.
32. Although my parents are busy at wor$) they try to find time for their children.
A. =y parents are so busy at wor$ that they cannot find time for their children.
B. Busy at wor$ as my parents are) they try to find time for their children.
C. =y parents are too busy at wor$ to find time for their children.
D. =y friends rarely have time for their children because they are busy at wor$.
33. 4is eel soup is better than any other soups 2 have ever eaten.
A. >f all the soups 2 have ever eaten) his eel soup is the best.
B. 2 have ever eaten many soups that are better than his eel soup.
C. 4is eel soup is the worst of all soups 2 have eaten.
D. 4is eel soup is good but 2 have ever eaten many others better.
34. .he gets up early to prepare brea$fast so that her children can come to school on time.
A. Despite her getting up early to prepare brea$fast) her children cannot come to school on time.
B. Because she wants her children to come to school on time) she gets up early to prepare brea$fast.
C. 2f she does not get up early to prepare brea$fast) her children will not come to school on time.
D. ?nless she gets up early to prepare brea$fast) her children will not come to school on time.
3!. &he last time 2 went to the museum was a year ago.
A. 2 have not been to the museum for a year.
B. A year ago) 2 often went to the museum.
C. =y going to the museum lasted a year.
D. At last 2 went to the museum after a year.
&ead the passa%e caref'! and choose the correct answer.
+ean spent her first few years in 4ooper and her family moved to >tsego early in her life. .he was only
ten when her father died unepectedly) leaving her mother to raise and support their family alone. 4er mother
soon went to wor$ outside the home to provide for the family) and +ean) being one of the oldest) had to help
care for her younger siblings. Although she had much responsibility at home) +ean thoroughly en6oyed school
and was an ecellent student. .he went on to graduate 1-th in her class at >tsego 4igh .chool in 1,!3.
/hile still in high school) +ean met a young man named Charles @Chuc$@ 4olly) at a dance in AlamoA and
they were 'uite ta$en with each other. >ver the net few years) their love for each other blossomed and they
were married on Bebruary 24) 1,!3) while +ean was still in school. At the time) Chuc$ was serving his country
in the military) and had come home on leave to marry his sweetheart. ?nfortunately) shortly thereafter) he was
sent overseas to serve in ;orea for the net fifteen months.
?pon his discharge) the couple settled into married life together in the 3lainwell) >tsego area. &o help
make ends meet) +ean went to wor$ at the collection bureau in ;alamaCoo for a while) before ta$ing a 6ob at
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the cheese company in >tsego. 2n 1,"4) Chuc$ and +ean were over6oyed with the birth of their son) Chuc$)
who brought great 6oy into their lives. +ean remembered how her mother was always gone so much wor$ing
after her father died and she did not want that for her son) so she left her 6ob to devote herself to the role of a
mother. [be taken with sb/sth: find sb/sth attractive or interesting;
on leave: absent with permission; blossom: develop; make (both) ends meet: earn enough money to live
without getting into debt]
3". After +eanDs father passed away) her mother used to (((((((.
A. wor$ outside the home B. be a housewife
C. support the family alone D. wor$ as a secretary
3%. /hich is not referred to +ean0
A. .he was a responsible girl.
B. .he never helped her mother with household chores.
C. .he often did well at school.
D. .he went to high school.
3*. +eanDs husband was a (((((((.
A. teacher B. dancer C. soldier D. servant
3,. +ean (((((((.
A. served in the military B. lived in ;orea for fifteen months
C. had a daughter D. got married when she was a student
4-. /hich is not &:?# about +ean0
A. .he disli$ed staying at home and ta$ing care of her child.
B. .he wor$ed outside the home before she had a child.
C. .he was very happy when she got a baby.
D. .he 'uit her 6ob to loo$ after her baby.
Fi in each n'm#ered #an( with one s'ita#e word or phrase.
>n December 1-) 2--") 2 was going through some hard time. &he landlady did not want to release the
house any more so 2 had to E41F ((((( and only had one month to find a place. Because Christmas was
coming and it was difficult for me to E42F ((((( a suitable accommodation. 2 had only some money E43F
(((((. 2 could not buy a Christmas tree and some presents for my three boys) E44F ((((( 2 had to use the
money to find a place to live. &ome) it bro$e my heart as 2 could not prepare the Christmas for my three boys.
2 have been their only parent since my husband E4!F ((((( away two years ago. 2 was so sad and everything
was getting on my nerves. Although 2 managed to solve the problem myself 2 could not help E4"F ((((( my
sons about the things. /hen 2 suddenly wo$e up at midnight) 2 found my eldest son was sitting E4%F (((((me.
4e $issed me and said) @DonDt worry) =um. /e love you very much and always stand by you E4*F ((((
happens.@ At the moment 2 started weeping) grabbed him and $issed him. 4is words and love made me E4,F
((((( all about what 2 was stressing about.
2n fact ever since that moment) 2 have realiCed that 2 can overcome any problems than$s to my sonsD love.
&he most important thing of my life is that my boys are safe and healthy) and they bring me 6oy all the time.
&he memory E!-F ((((( me that nothing really matters) when 2 have the love of my children.
41. A. transfer B. convert C. move D. change
42. A. notice B. watch C. find D. see
43. A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left
44. A. because B. although C. as though D. if
4!. A. passes B. passed C. has passed D. was passing
4". A. tell B. to tell C. told D. telling
4%. A. by B. net C. over D. up
4*. A. whenever B. whatever C. whoever D. however
4,. A. forget B. to forget C. forgot D. forgetting
!-. A. remembers B. minds C. reminds D. misses
Choose the word whose main stress s!a#e is p't different!.
1. A. maintain B. attitude C. determine D. develop
). A. brilliant B. different C. secretary D. attractive
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest.
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.. A. bride B. fridge C. bridge D. driven
/. A. borrow B. neighbour C. stapler D. harbour
0. A. boo$ed B. pushed C. caused D. matched
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
4. (((((((() women are responsible for the chores in the house and ta$ing care of the children.
A. /ith tradition B. >n tradition C. &raditional D. &raditionally
5. All of the students are ((((((((((to pass the entrance eamination in order to attend the university.
A. obsessed B. obliged C. obtained D. observed
6. 2t is important to have someone that you can((((((((((in.
A. tal$ B. spea$ C. confide D. $now
7. =ost ad6ectives can be used to ((((((((((a noun.
A. precede B. advance C. occur D. stand
18. /hich of the following sentences has the correct word order0
A. .he wal$s usually past my house in the morning.
B. .he in the morning wal$s usually past my house.
C. .he usually wal$s past my house in the morning.
D. .he wal$s usually in the morning past my house.
11. 2Dm very tired now because (((((((((( more than *-- $ilometers today.
A. 2Dm driving B. 2Dve driven C. 2 drive D. 2Dve been driving
1). /hen she returned home from wor$) she ((((((((((a bath.
A. ta$es B. too$ C. has ta$en D. was ta$ing
1.. 8our car is 'uite old. 2tDs the same as((((((((((.
A. us B. our C. ours D. weDre
1/. =y father didnDt go to collegeA ((((((((((did my mother.
A. none B. either C. so D. neither
10. >ur #nglish teacher would li$e ((((((((((.
A. that we practicing our pronunciation B. us practicing our pronunciation
C. us to practice our pronunciation D. we to practice our pronunciation
14. >ur relatives((((((((((meet us at the station this evening.
A. are being B. are going to C. go to D. will be to
15. 4e ((((((((((for that company for five months when it went ban$rupt.
A. has been wor$ed B. has wor$ed
C. had been wor$ing D. was wor$ing
16. At this time net wee$) all of the students((((((((((for their eaminations.
A. will be sat B. have been sitting C. have sat D. will be sitting
17. :achel is good at badminton. .he(((((((((( every game.
A. wins B. winning C. have won D. is able win
)8. 1@9etDs have a piCCa.@ 1@((((((((((@
A. 7ot again B. 2t doesnDt matter C. 2tGs a good idea D. 7ot really
)1. 2 didnDt need ((((((((((anything. 2 6ust sat there and listened.
A. say B. saying C. to say D. having said
)). .he prefers carnations ((((((((((roses. 2n fact) she disli$es roses.
A. to B. from C. over D. than
).. =y mother made a birthday ca$e((((((((((.
A. about me B. for me C. to me D. to 2
)/. 4e canDt go out because he ((((((((((his wor$.
A. doesnDt finish B. hasnDt finished C. didnDt finish D. hadnDt finished
)0. >ur neighbours are normally very noisy) but theyDre((((((((((this evening.
A. unusual 'uiet B. unusual 'uietly C. unusually 'uiet D. unusually 'uietly
)4. 2 saw him hiding something in a ((((((((((bag.
A. plastic small blac$ B. small plastic blac$
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C. blac$ small plastic D. small blac$ plastic
)5. 2f &an .on 7hat Airport ((((((((((clear of fog weDll land there.
A. is B. was C. will be D. could be
)6. Did he tell you ((((((((((0
A. where could we meet him B. we would be able to meet him where
C. where would be able to meet him D. where we would meet him
)7. 2f she had $nown how awful this 6ob was going to be) she((((((((((it.
A. would accept B. wouldnDt accept
C. wouldnDt have accepted D. would have accepted
.8. 2Dll see you ((((((((((.
A. at the moment B. in an hour C. last night D. usually
.1. 8ou((((((((((write to her for sheDll be here tomorrow.
A. donDt B. mustnDt C. neednDt D. havenDt
.). 8ou((((((((((to spend more time in the library.
A. must B. should C. had better D. ought
... Carol is ecited((((((((((her new 6ob.
A. for starting B. to starting C. about starting D. for start
./. ((((((((((if they had feathers instead of hair0
A. Can people possibly fly B. Could people be able to fly
C. /ill people possibly fly D. /ould people be able to fly
.0. &he 6eans are too longA you should have them((((((((((.
A. shorten B. to shorten C. shortened D. being shortened
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
.4. Caroline refused ta$ing the 6ob given to her because the salary was not good.
.5. 2 finished college last year) and 2 am wor$ing here for only eight months now.
.6. 2f you thin$ carefully before ma$ing your decision) you will avoid to get into trouble later.
.7. #ach of the members of the group were made to write a report every wee$.
/8. 9ast wee$ =ar$ told me that he got very bored with his present 6ob and is loo$ing for a new one.
Choose the option 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each of the fooein% sentences.
=y aunt is one of those people who can tal$ to anyone about anything. 2f she goes to a party where she
doesnDt $now any of the people) she 6ust wal$s up to the first person that she sees and introduces herself. And
yet she doesnDt seem to tal$ about deeply important things li$e politics or religion. .he always starts off on
something very obvious li$e the other personDs 6ob. Hery soon sheDs tal$ing as if sheDs $nown the other person
for years. 2 as$ed her once what her secret was. .he said that the most important thing in a conversation was
listening. 3eople love to tal$ about themselves) so if you allow them to do so) itDs very easy to $eep a
conversation going. 8ou have to listen very carefully and as$ 'uestions. And you have to loo$ interested) too.
.o donDt $eep loo$ing at other things in the room while youDre tal$ing to someone.
Another thing that 2Dve noticed is that she only pays people compliments. .he saysI J2 li$e your hair.
/hich hairdresser do you go to0K or J8ou loo$ very well. 4ave you been on holiday0K Briendly messages
li$e this seem to provide an easy way into a conversation.
/1. According to my aunt) the most important thing in a conversation was((((((((((.
A. spea$ing B. discussing C. loo$ing D. listening
/). At parties where she does not $now anybody) my aunt normally((((((((((.
A. feels embarrassed and stays away from people
B. as$s people to introduces themselves to her
C. comes over to the first person and introduces herself
D. sits alone and avoids tal$ing to other people
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/.. =y aunt thin$s that itDs very easy to $eep a conversation going if you((((((((((.
A. let people tal$ about themselves
B. let people hear about yourself
C. tal$ about politics or religion
D. as$ people about their secrets
//. /hat should you 7>& do when you have a conversation with someone0
A. 9oo$ing very interested in his or her story
B. 9oo$ing at other things in the room
C. 9istening very carefully and as$ing 'uestions
D. 3aying him or her compliments
/0. According to the passage) my aunt often starts a conversation by tal$ing about((((((((((.
A. the other personDs wealth
B. the other personDs health
C. the other personDs daily activities
D. the other personDs 6ob
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
2n <ermany) itDs important to be serious in a wor$ situation. &hey donDt mi wor$ and play so you
shouldnDt ma$e 6o$es E4"F(((((((you do in the ?; and ?.A when you first meet people. &hey wor$ in a
very organiCed way and prefer to do one thing at a time. &hey donDt li$eL interruptions or E4%F(((((((changes
of schedule. 3unctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments. At meeting) itDs
important to follow the agenda and not interrupt E4*F(((((((spea$er. 2f you give a presentation) you should
focus E4,F(((((((facts and technical information and the 'uality of your companyDs products. 8ou should
also prepare well) as they may as$ a lot of 'uestions. Colleagues normally use the family names) and title 1 for
eample DDoctorD or D3rofessorD) so you shouldnDt use first names E!-F(((((((a person as$s you to.
/4. A. while B. as if C. such as D. as
/5. A. sudden B. suddenly C. abruptly D. promptly
/6. A. other B. others C. another D. the other
/7. A. on B. to C. at D. in
08. A. if only B. as C. unless D. since
UNIT .: 9*-, OF ,OCI*LI,IN:
Choose the word which is stressed different! from the rest.
1. A. attract B. person C. signal D. instance
2. A. verbal B. suppose C. even D. either
3. A. eample B. consider C. several D. attention
4. A. situation B. appropriate C. informality D. entertainment
!. A. across B. simply C. common D. brother
Choose *" 2" C" or + that #est competes each 'nfinished sentence.
". .he is a $ind of woman who does not care much of wor$ but generally ((((((( meals) movies or late
nights at a club with her colleagues.
A. supposes B. discusses C. attends D. socialiCes
%. 2 didnDt thin$ his comments were very appropriate at the time.
A. correct B. right C. suitable D. eact
*. 8ou should ((((((( more attention to what your teacher eplains.
A. ma$e B. get C. set D. pay
,. Body language is a potent form of ((((((( communication.
A. verbal B. non1verbal C. tongue D. oral
1-. >ur teacher often said) @/ho $nows the answer0 ((((((( your hand.@
A. :ise B. 9ift C. :aise D. 4eighten
11. &his is the instance where big) obvious non1verbal signals are appropriate.
A. matter B. attention C. place D. situation.
12. &hey started) as ((((((( gatherings but they have become increasingly formaliCed in the last few years.
A. informal B. informally C. informaliCe D. informality
13. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ((((((((.
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A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator
14. &he lecturer eplained the problem very clearly and is always ((((((( in response to 'uestions.
A. attention B. attentively C. attentive D. attentiveness
1!. 3ay more attention ((((((( picture and you can find out who is the robber.
A. to B. for C. at D. on
1". .he loo$ed ((((((( me) smiling happily and confidently.
A. on B. over C. forward to D. at
1%. 1 /hat an attractive hair style you have got) =aryM 1 (((((((
A. &han$ you very much. 2 am afraid B. 8ou are telling a lie
C. &han$ you for your compliment D. 2 donDt li$e your sayings
1*. 2n ((((((( most social situations) ((((((( informality is appreciated.
A. N 5 N B. the 5 an C. a 5 the D. the 5 a
1,. 1 /hat((((((( beautiful dress you are wearingM 1 &han$ you. &hat is ((((((( nice compliment.
A. N 5 N B. the 5 N C. a 5 a D. the 5 the
2-. (((((( you wanted to as$ your teacher a 'uestion during his lecture) what would you do0
A. As B. As if C. #ven of D. suppose
21. +ohn as$ed me ((((((( in #nglish.
A. what does this word mean B. what that word means
C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant
22. &he mother told her son ((((((( so impolitely.
A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave
23. .he said she ((((((( collect it for me after wor$.
A. would B. did C. must D. had
24. .he said 2 ((((((( an angel.
A. am B. was C. were D. have been
2!. 2 have ever told you he ((((((( unreliable.
A. is B. were C. had been D. would be
2". 2 told him ((((((( the word to +ane somehow that 2 ((((((( to reach her during the early hours.
A. passing 5 will try B. he will pass 5 tried
C. to pass 5 would be trying D. he passed 5 have tried
2%. 9aura said she had wor$ed on the assignment since (((((((.
A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the net day
2*. +ohn as$ed me ((((((( interested in any $ind of sports.
A. if 2 were B. if were 2 C. if was 2 D. if 2 was
2,. 2 ((((((( you everything 2 am doing) and you have to do the same.
A. will tell B. would tell C. told D. was telling
3-. +ohn as$ed me ((((((( that film the night before.
A. that 2 saw B. had 2 seen C. if 2 had seen D. if had 2 seen
Error Identification.
31. According to =ehrabian in1,%1) only %O of the information we communicate to others depends upon the
words we sayingA ,3O of that depends on non1verbal communication. Ewe sayF
A. According to B. only %O C. we saying D. to others
32. Body language is 'uiet and secret) but most powerful language of all. Ethe mostF
A. most B. and secret C. Body language D. of all
33. >ur bodies send out messages constantly and sometimes we do not recogniCe that we are using many
nonverbal language. Ea lot ofF
A. would B. did C. must D. had
34. >ur understanding and use of non1verbal cues in facial epressions and gestures are familiar to us nearly
in birth. EfromF
A. >ur understanding B. in facial epressions
C. in D. are familiar
3!. A personDs body postures) movements but positions more often tell us eactly what they mean. EandF
A. A personDs B. eactly C. what D. but
&ead the passa%e caref'! and choose the correct answer.
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&he body language people use often communicates more about their feelings than the words they are saying.
/e use body movements) hand gestures) facial epressions) and changes in our voice to communicate with
each other. Although some body language is universal) many gestures are culturally specific and may mean
different things in different countries.
2f you want to give someone the nod in Bulgaria) you have to nod your head to say no and sha$e it to say yes
P the eact opposite of what we doM 2n Belgium) pointing with your inde finger or snapping your fingers at
someone is very rude.
2n Brance) you shouldnGt rest your feet on tables or chairs. .pea$ing to someone with your hands in your
poc$ets will only ma$e matters worse. 2n the =iddle #ast) you should never show the soles of your feet or
shoes to others as it will be seen as a grave insult. /hen eating) only use your right hand because they use
their left hands when going to the bathroom.
2n Bangladesh) the Qthumbs1upG is a rude sign. 2n =yanmar) people greet each other by clapping) and in 2ndia)
whistling in public is considered rude.
2n +apan) you should not blow your nose in public) but you can burp at the end of a meal to show that you
have en6oyed it. &he Q>;G sign Ethumb and inde finger forming a circleF means Qeverything is goodG in the
/est) but in China it means nothing or Cero. 2n +apan) it means money) and in the =iddle #ast) it is a rude
3". 2t is mentioned in the passage that many gestures ((((((((((.
A. may mean different things in different countries
B. are not used to communicate our feelings
C. can be used to greet each other in public
D. are used in greeting among men and women
3%. 3eople nod their head to say no in ((((((((((.
A. Belgium B. Bulgaria C. Brance D. +apan
3*. 2n the =iddle #ast) people do not use their left hands for eating because they use their left hands((((((((.
A. when going to the bathroom B. when preparing the meal
C. to put in their poc$ets D. to clean their tables and chairs
3,. /hich of the following is 7>& true according to the passage0
A. 2n Brance) people shouldnGt rest their feet on tables.
B. 2n Belgium) snapping your fingers at someone is very rude.
C. 2n China) the Q>;G sign means money
D. 2n =yanmar) people greet each other by clapping
4-. &he word JothersK in paragraph 3 refers to ((((((((((.
A. other people B. other shoes C. other soles D. other feet
Fi in each n'm#ered #an( with one s'ita#e word or phrase.
:esearchers in communication show that more feelings and intentions are E41F((((((( and received
nonverbally than verbally. =ehrabian and /ienerfollowing have stated that only %O E42F((((((( message is
sent through words) with remaining ,3O sent nonverbal E43F(((((((.
4umans use nonverbal communication becauseI
1. /ords have limitationsI &here are E44F((((((( areas where nonverbal communication is more
E4!F((((((( than verbal) especially when we eplain the shape) directions) personalities which are
epressed nonverbally.
2. 7onverbal signal are powerfulI 7onverbal cues primarily epress inner E4"F((((((( while verbal
messages deal basically with outside world. [primarily: mainly]
3. 7onverbal message are li$ely E4%F((((((( more genuineI because nonverbal behaviors cannot be
controlled as easily as spo$en words.
4. 7onverbal signals can epress feelings inappropriate to stateI .ocial eti'uette5Geti$et5 R nghi thScT limits
E4*F((((((( can be said) but nonverbal cues can communicate thoughts.
!. A separate communication channel is necessary to E4,F((((((( send comple messagesI A spea$er can
add enormously to the compleity of the verbal message through simple nonverbal E!-F(((((((.
41. A. sent B. posted C. mailed D. thrown
42. A. through B. in C. of D. for
43. A. thought B. epressions C. gestures D. postures
44. A. sum B. great deal C. amount D. numerous
3age *
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
4!. A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness
4". A. feelings B. words C. shows D. sorrows
4%. A. be B. being C. to be D. been
4*. A. what B. that C. why D. when
4,. A. get B. have C. ma$e D. help
!-. A. signs B. signals C. sight D. signatures
Choose the word whose main stress s!a#e is p't different!.
1. A. remain B. seaman UsailorV C. contain D. retain
2. A. control B. patrol C. idol D. etol
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest.
3. A. parallel B. label C. vessel D. chapel
4. A. typist B. typical C. typing D. stylish
!. A. vein B. reign C. foreign D. main
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
1. /ith blac$ hair and eyes) she is(((((((((of the people from her country.
A. the same B. typical C. similar D. identical
2. =ilitary is(((((((((in this country. #very man who reaches the age of 1* has to serve in the army for two
A. compulsory B. optional C. illegal D. unnecessary
3. 3eople tend to wor$ hard at this(((((((((of life.
A. distance B. stage C. space D. level
4. Concern for the environment is now at the(((((((((of many governmentsD policies.
A. core B. aim C. target D. purpose
!. /hy donDt you have the document(((((((((0
A. photocopy B. to photocopy C. photocopying D. photocopied
". &he strange disease(((((((((to have originated in Africa.
A. thin$s B. is thin$ing C. is thought D. thought
%. 8ou can use my phone if yours (((((((((.
A. wonDt be wor$ed B. wonDt wor$ C. isnDt wor$ed D. doesnDt wor$
*. /e were rather late) but fortunately there were some tic$ets(((((((((.
A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. having left
,. 2tDs a beautiful photo. 2Dm going to(((((((((.
A. get it enlarging B. have it enlarging C. have it enlarged D. set it enlarged
1-. (((((((((these plants regularly or they will die.
A. /ater B. 2f you water C. ?nless you water D. Because you
11. 2 too$ off my shoes before entering the room (((((((((.
A. in order to not dirty the floor B. so that 2 not dirty the floor
C. in order not dirtying the floor D. so as not to dirty the floor
12. /hat (((((((((if you saw a pic$poc$et steal money from someone in the street0
A. do you do B. did you do C. will you do D. would you do
13. &he living conditions of the population (((((((((in the past years.
A. has been improved B. have been improved
C. improved D. were improved
14. 4is father used the money he won to set(((((((((his own company.
A. on B. about C. up D. forward
1!. Although 2 was very tired) (((((((((.
A. but 2 helped to clear up the mess after the party
B. 2 helped to clear up the mess after the party
C. and 2 tried to clear up the mess after the party
D. 2 didnDt help to clear up the mess after the party
1". /e hope to have the law (((((((((by December.
3age ,
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
A. pass B. to pass C. passing D. passed
1%. @4ow does the washing machine wor$0@@ (((((((((@
A. 7ot often B. 9i$e this C. &oo much D. A little
1*. 2(((((((((li$e that dress. 2tDs really nice.
A. do B. very C. am D. have
1,. /e couldnDt find (((((((((could ta$e over his 6ob.
A. anyone B. whom C. someone D. anyone who
2-. #verything(((((((((turned out to be imaginary.
A. she said it B. she said C. which she said it D. that said
21. 2 $eep sneeCing because 2 got wet(((((((((the way home yesterday.
A. in B. from C. on D. during
22. DonDt you $now what happened(((((((((the people who went on holiday with us0
A. to B. with C. for D. at
23. .pain(((((((((once a very powerful country.
A. was B. is C. used to D. has been
24. 2 (((((((((tired. 9etDs find somewhere to have a rest.
A. got B. am getting C. get D. was getting
2!. By the end of this wee$) 2(((((((((here for ten days.
A. stay B. am staying C. will stay D. will have stayed
2". 2 found this wallet on the street while 2 (((((((((to school.
A. wal$ B. am wal$ing C. have wal$ed D. was wal$ing
2%. &he washing1machine has bro$en down again. 2 thin$ we should get(((((((((.
A. a new B. a new one C. other new D. new one
2*. 1 2 donDt feel li$e(((((((((home. 1 /hat about(((((((((out for a wal$0
A. to stay5to go B. to stay5going C. staying5to go D. staying5going
2,. (((((((((we were lost) he offered to show us the way home.
A. &hought B. &hin$ing C. &o thin$ D. &hin$
3-. 4e (((((((((missed the train. 4e was 6ust in time to catch it.
A. near B. nearly C. nearest D. mostly
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
31. &he oil price is believing to be rising again.
32. /hile the Brows were away on holiday) their house was bro$e into.
33. /hy donGt you congratulate our son about passing his final eam0
34. 7ow that 2Gve become old) 2 canGt read as 'uic$ as 2 used to.
3!. &here have been a report of several bombings by terrorist groups.
Choose the item 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each of the foowin% sentences.
2n 1,**) for the first time in British history) a 7ational Curriculum was introduced. &he 7ational
Curriculum tells pupils which sub6ects they have to study) what they must learn and when they have to ta$e
assessment tests. RassessmentI WXnh giXT
Between the ages of 14 and 1") pupils study for their <C.# E<eneral Certificate of .econdary
#ducationF eams. 3upils must ta$e #nglish 9anguage) =aths and .cience for <C.#) as well as a half <C.#
in a foreign language and &echnology. 2n addition) they must also be taught 3hysical #ducation) :eligious
#ducation and .e #ducation) although they do not ta$e eams in these sub6ects.
At the age of 1") pupils can leave school. 2f pupils stay on) they usually ta$e A EAdvancedF levels) A.
EAdvanced .upplementaryF level or <7HYs E<reater 7ational Hocational YualificationsF. 2t is 'uite common
to combine) for eample) two A levels with one A. level) or one A level with one <7HY.
3upils ta$ing A levels study traditional sub6ects) such as Brench) 3hysics or 4istory. &o go to university)
pupils usually need two or three A levels.
3age 1-
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
A. levels are the same standard as A levels) but only half of the contentI A. level <erman pupils ta$e
the A1level <erman language eam) but do not ta$e the A1level <erman 9iterature eam.
<7HYs are vocational 'ualifications. 3upils usually ta$e on <7HY in sub6ects such as Business)
9eisure and &ourism) =anufacturing) and Art and Design. >ne <H7Y Eat advanced levelF is e'ual to two A
3". Britain began to have a 7ational Curriculum (((((((((.
A. one hundred years ago B. in the nineteenth century
C. in 1*,* D. in 1,**
3%. /hich of the following sub6ects do British students 7>& ta$e eams in0
A. .cience B. 3hysical #ducation C. =aths D. #nglish 9anguage
3*. 3upils need(((((((((A levels to continue to study at university.
A. one or two B. two or three C. four or five D. five or si
3,. /hich of the following sub6ects do pupils 7>& ta$e on <7HY in0
A. <erman 9iterature B. Business
C. Art and Design D. =anufacturing
4-. 3upils normally study for their <C.# between the ages of (((((((((.
A. 12 and 14 B. 14 and 1" C. 1! and 1% D. 1" and 1*
Choose the word or phrase that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
A tiny village school is soon to celebrate its 11- birthday 1 against all epectations. Bive years ago it
seemed certain to close but parents and other villagers fought the local education authority and raised funds to
$eep it E4"F(((((((((. 2t is now ending its first term as a school E4%F(((((((((by the village community
and the villagers are 6ust proud of their achievement.
&hey were furious when education chiefs tried to ma$e them send the village children to other schools
further away because the number of pupils at the village school was too E4*F(((((((((. &he villagers started
a huge campaign to E4,F(((((((((money. &hey collected enough to hire a teacher and begin to help with
school cleaning) lunch supervision and lessons. 7ow the school is doing well and it seems E!-F((((((((it
will continue to run in the future.
1.A. open B. opened C. to opening D. for opening
2.A. run B. running C. has run D. to run
3.A. little B. less C. few D. small
4.A. rise B. raise C. pay D. deal
!.A. in case B. even though C. as if D. if only
Choose the word whose main stress s!a#e is p't different!.
1. A. average B. candidate C. severely D. applicant
2. A. insurance B. reference C. consider D. available
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest.
3. A. course B. courtesy C. source D. force
4. A. legal B. level C. league D. leader
!. A. choice B. charge C. chase D. chaos
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
". /hat is minimum entrance (((((((((for this course0
A. condition B. re'uirement C. certificate D. ability
%. &he writer could not be at the ceremony) and his wife accepted the priCe on his(((((((((.
A. absence B. remembrance C. behalf D. reminder
*. /hen the post finally fell (((((((((. &hey offered it to Brian.
A. vacant B. vacantly C. vacancy D. vacancies
,. 2s #nglish a compulsory sub6ect or aEnF (((((((((one at high school here0
A. obligatory B. mandatory C. obliging D. optional
1-. 2f you understand a matter thoroughly) that means you understand it(((((((((.
A. hardly B. hard C. completely D. scarcely
11. 4ad you told me that this was going to happen) 2 (((((((((it.
A. would never have believed B. donDt believe
3age 11
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
C. hadnDt believed D. canDt believe
12. (((((((((anyone call) would you please as$ them to call bac$ later0
A. 2f B. .hould C. /hen D. ?nless
13. 2 wish 2 (((((((((Bob the moneyA he spent it all gambling.
A. didnDt lend B. wouldnDt lend C. hadnDt lent D. werenDt lending
14. &he plane would have landed easily (((((((((the thic$ fog. [but for: except for/without]
A. unless B. but for C. because of D. due to
1!. (((((((((you $nown he was a liar) would you have agreed to support him0
A. 2f B. .ince C. 4ad D. Did
1". /ithout the traffic 6am on the high way this morning) 2 (((((((((late for the meeting.
A. would be B. would have been C. hadnDt been D. wouldnDt have
1%. 1@2 have a headache.@ 1@ (((((((((you ta$e an aspirin0@
A. /hy donDt B. /hy should C. /hat should D. /hat must
1*. /ithout (((((((((it) he hindered us instead of (((((((((us. [hinder: prevent]
A. realiCe 1 help B. realiCing 1 helping C. to realiCe 1 to help D. realiCing 1 to help
1,. 4aving read the passage three times) (((((((((.
A. it was difficult for me to understand B. 2 still couldnDt understand its main idea
C. the main idea of it was not clear to me D. it made me confused about its main idea
2-. &here was no one else at the post office. 2(((((((((in a 'ueue.
A. didnDt need to wait B. mustnDt wait
C. neednDt have waited D. neednDt wait
21. 2f 2 (((((((((my passport) 2Dll be in trouble.
A. lose B. Gll lose C. lost D. would lose
22. (((((((((you pass the final eamination) youDll be given a holiday in Dalat. Ras soon asT
A. >nce [when] B. .ince C. &hough D. .o
23. &his shopping center gets(((((((((crowded with shoppers at the wee$end.
A. always more B. more and more C. from more to more D. crowded and
24. 4e would still be alive today if he(((((((((that drug.
A. wouldnDt ta$e B. didnDt ta$e C. werenDt ta$ing D. hadnDt ta$en
2!. 1@2s your name 3eter0@ 1@8es) (((((((((@
A. 2 am B. itDs me C. 2 do D. it is
2". 4e only read for short periods each day(((((((((. [strain: inure or weaken]
A. in order not to strain his eyes B. so as to ma$e his eyes more tired
C. so that he wouldnDt to strain his eyes D. in order wonDt strain his eyes
2%. .he has been promoted three times(((((((((she started wor$ing here.
A. when B. for C. as D. since
2*. &he resort was full of people. 2 wish it (((((((((less crowded.
A. was B. were C. would be D. had been
2,. 7ot only did he win the first priCe) (((((((((.
A. and he was given a place at the university
B. so he was given a place at the university
C. but he was also given a place at the university
D. for he was offered a holiday abroad
3-. &he 'uestions on the test were too long and difficult. 2 found it(((((((((to finish them on time.
A. possible B. impossible C. possibility D. possibly
31. =ost of the people(((((((((to the wedding ban'uet arrived late.
A. invited B. who inviting C. whom were invited D. invite
32. &here was a (((((((((table in the middle of the room.
A. +apanese round beautiful wooden B. beautiful wooden round +apanese
C. beautiful wooden +apanese round D. beautiful round +apanese wooden
33. Burning garbage pollutes the air with(((((((((ordours. !ordour["]: smell#
3age 12
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
A. pleasant B. unpleasant C. pleasure D. pleasing
34. 2t was very $ind (((((((((us to your party.
A. of you to invite B. of you invited C. for you to invite D. to you that invited
3!. &he old woman spent her (((((((((life living with her only daughter.
A. entire B. total C. complete D. 'uite
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
3". 2f Al had come sooner) he could has eaten dinner with the whole family.
3%. 2f my father hasnDt encouraged me to ta$e the eam) 2 wouldnDt have done it.
3*. 2f you give me more time and 2 will successfully finish this pro6ect.
3,. .ome of the pictures he painted them were sold for millions of dollars.
4-. &here are many another people who are members of the swim club.
Choose the option 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each of the foowin% sentences.
9ast wee$ 2 went to visit Atlantic College) an ecellent private college in /ales. ?nusually) it gives
people much needed eperience of life outside the classroom) as well as the opportunity to study for their
eams. &he students) who are aged between 1" and 1* and come from all over the word) spend the morning
studying. 2n the afternoon they go out and do a really useful activity) such as helping on the farm) loo$ing
after people with learning difficulties) or chec$ing for pollution in rivers.
>ne of the great things about Atlantic College students is that they come from many different social
bac$grounds and countries. As few can afford the fees of Z2-)--- over two years) grants are available.
A 'uarter of students are British) and many of those can only attend because they receive government
J2 really admire the college for trying to encourage international understanding among young people@)
as Barbara =olen$amp) a student from the 7etherlands) said. DD8ou learn to live with people and respect them)
even the ones you donDt li$e. During the summer holidays my mother couldnDt believe how much less 2
argued with my sister.@
&o sum up) Atlantic College gives its students an ecellent education) using methods which really seem
to wor$.
41. /hat is the writer trying to do in the tet0
A. give an opinion about a particular student
B. give an opinion about a special type of education
C. describe the activities the students do in their free time
D. describe his own eperience of education
42. /hat can a reader find out from this tet0
A. how to become a student at Atlantic College
B. what $ind of programme Atlantic College offers
C. what the British education system is li$e
D. how to get along better with other people
43. /hat is the writerDs opinion of Atlantic College0
A. 2t doesnDt allow students enough study time.
B. 2ts students are taught to li$e each other.
C. 2t doesnGt give good value for money.
D. 2ts way of teaching is successful.
44. 4ow has Barbara changed since being at Atlantic College0
A. .he $nows a lot about other countries.
B. .he is more confident than her sister now.
C. .he finds it easier to get on with other people.
D. .he prefers her new friends to her family.
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4!. &he word "argued" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to(((((((((.
A. 'uarreled B. respected C. admired D. regarded
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
&he relationship between students and teachers is E4"F(((((((((formal in the ?.A than in many other
countries) especially at the college level. American college students do not stand up when their teacher enters
the room. .tudents are generally encouraged to as$ 'uestions in class) to stop in the professorDs of lice for
etra help) and to phone if they are absent and need aEnF E4%F(((((((((. =ost teachers allow students to
enter class late or leave early) if necessary. Despite the lac$ of formality) students are still epected to be
polite to their teacher and fellow classmates. /hen students want to as$ 'uestions) they usually
E4*F((((((((((a hand and wait to be called on. /hen the teacher or a student is spea$ing to the class) it is
rude to begin whispering E4,F(((((((((another classmate. /hen a test is being given) tal$ing toD a classmate
is not only rude but also ris$y. =ost American teachers consider that students who are tal$ing to each other
E!-F (((((((((a test are cheating.
4". A. much B. most C. a little D. less
4%. A. assignment B. homewor$ C. information D. housewor$
4*. A. raise B. hold C. hang D. rise
4,. A. with B. for C. to D. at
!-. A. at B. during C. by D. for
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the others.
1. A. casual B. case C. cashier D. cash
2. A. admit B. advance C. advent D. admire
3. A. command B. compose C. complain D. comment
4. A. humor B. honest C. human D. horror
!. A. reserved B. loc$ed C. forced D. touched
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
". 2t was 6ust a friendly get1together. #veryone was wearing(((((((((clothes. 7o one needed to be well1
A. formal B. casual C. unimportant D. unfriendly
%. (((((((((candidates are li$ely to succeed in 6ob interviews.
A. 7ervous B. .elf1conscious C. .elf1doubt D. .elf1confident
*. 2n his latest speech) the .ecretary <eneral(((((((((the importance of wildlife conservation.
A. stressed B. ecused C. etorted D. remained
,. 7obody seemed to be interested in the news. 2t was greeted with a lac$ of (((((((((.
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiasm C. enthusiastically D. enthusiast
1-. 2 donDt li$e(((((((((6obs. 2n fact) 2 never want to wor$ under high pressure.
A. stress B. stressed C. stressing D. stressful
11. &he voters were overwhelmingly against the candidate(((((((((proposals called for higher taes.
A. who his B. who he had C. whose D. that his
12. /as(((((((((2 said a moment ago clear 0
A. when B. which C. that D. what
13. &he medicine (((((((((had no effect at all.
A. the doctor gave it to me B. the doctor gave me
C. which the doctor gave it to me D. which given to me by the doctor
14. =y bi$e) (((((((((2 had left at the gate) had disappeared.
A. when B. which C. that D. P
1!. &he new shopping mall is gigantic. 2tDs advertised as a place(((((((((you can find 6ust about anything
you might want to buy.
A. which B. where C. in where D. in that
1". Annie has three brothers) (((((((((are pilots.
A. who they all B. who all of them C. that all of them D. all of whom
1%. 1@2s April twenty1first the day (((((((((0@ 1DD7o) the twenty1second.@
A. youDll arrive then B. on that youDll arrive
C. when youDll arrive D. when youDll arrive on
3age 14
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
1*. &hey have an apartment (((((((((the par$.
A. overloo$ing B. that overloo$ing C. overloo$s D. overloo$ed
1,. @(((((((((having a swim in the river0@ 1@&hatDs a good idea.@
A. /hy donDt B. 4ow about C. /hy arenDt D. .hall we
2-. &hereDs nothing you can do (((((((((me change my mind.
A. to ma$e B. ma$e C. ma$ing D. ma$es
21. @=y uncle has been a writer for many years.@ @4ow many boo$s(((((((((so far0@
A. did he write B. has he been writing C. has he written D. was he writing
22. 4ousewor$ is (((((((((shared between them.
A. e'ually B. e'ual C. e'uality D. e'ualiCing
23. @/ould you li$e a drin$0@ @>h) yes. (((((((((a Co$e. &han$ you.@
A. 2 have B. 2Dll have C. 2Dm having D. 2Dm going to have
24. 4ard (((((((((he tried) the second runner could not catch up with the first one.
A. as B. for C. so D. that
2!. Do you $now (((((((((this handbag might be0
A. whom B. whoDs C. to whom D. whose
2". &he weather was very nice) so he found(((((((((a raincoat with him.
A. it necessary to ta$e B. it unnecessary ta$ing
C. unnecessary to ta$e D. it unnecessary to ta$e
2%. (((((((((these lessons carefully or you wonDt understand the information on the test.
A. 2f you read B. /hen you read C. ?nless you read D. :ead
2*. +oe) who is one of my elder sisterDs sons) is my favorite(((((((((.
A. nephew B. niece C. grandson D. uncle
2,. Angela is not only a capable reporter(((((((((a promising writer.
A. and B. or C. but also D. as well as
3-. 4er husband is a writer and (((((((((.
A. so she is B. neither is she C. so is she D. she is neither
31. 2 wish 2 (((((((((more time to study before last eam.
A. could have B. had C. had had D. have had
32. 4e solemnly promised(((((((((in our business.
A. not interfering B. to not interfere C. wouldnDt interfere D. not to interfere
33. 2f you put your money into that business) you ris$(((((((((every penny.
A. lose B. to lose C. losing D. lost
34. /endy got a part1time 6ob (((((((((she would be able to pay for school epenses.
A. unless B. although C. so that D. but
3!. (((((((((did it ta$e you to get used to wearing glasses0
A. 4ow long B. 4ow much C. 4ow far D. 4ow often
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
3". 9i'uids ta$e the shape of any container which in they are placed.
3%. &wo out of three people stri$ing by lightning survive.
3*. .ome of the houses had been wrec$ed by the storm belonged to the poor villagers.
3,. &he noteboo$ list every opportunities for handicapped wor$ers in the area.
4-. 2n my opinion) the new foreign coach does his 6ob relative well.
Choose the option that #est competes each of the foowin% sentences.
Computer programmer David +ones earns Z3!)--- a year designing new computer games) yet he
cannot find a ban$ prepared to let him have a che'ue card. 2nstead) he has been told to wait another two years)
until he is 1*.
&he 1"1year1old wor$s for a small firm in 9iverpool) where the problem of most young people of his
age is finding a 6ob. DavidDs firm releases two new games for the epanding home computer mar$et each
3age 1!
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
But DavidDs biggest headache is what to do with his money.
Despite his salary) earned by inventing new programs within tight schedules) with bonus payments and
profit1sharing) he cannot drive a car) ta$e out a mortgage) or obtain credit cards.
4e lives with his parents in their council house in 9iverpool) where his father is a bus driver. 4is
company has to pay Z1!- a month in tai fares to get him the five miles to wor$ and bac$ every day because
David cannot drive.
David got his 6ob with the 9iverpool1based company four months ago) a year after leaving school with
si >1levels and wor$ing for a time in a computer shop. @2 got the 6ob because the people who run the firm
$new 1 had already written some programs)@ he said.
@2 suppose Z3!)--- sounds a lot but actually thatDs being pessimistic. 2 hope it will come to more than
that this year.@ 4e spends some of his money on records and clothes) and gives his mother Z2- a wee$. But
most his spare time is spent wor$ing.
@?nfortunately) computing was not part of our studies at school)@ he said. @But 1 had been studying it in
boo$s and DmagaCines for four years in my spare time. 1 $new what 1 wanted to do and never considered
staying on at school. =ost people in this business are fairly young) anyway.@
David addedI @2 would li$e to earn a million and 1 suppose early retirement is a possibility. 8ou never
$now when the mar$et might disappear.@
41. /hy is David different from other young people at his age0
A. 4e earns an etremely high salary. B. 4e is not unemployed.
C. 4e does not go out much. D. 4e lives at home with his parents.
42. DavidDs greatest problem is
A. =a$ing the ban$s treat him as an adult. B. inventing computer games.
C. spending his salary. D. learning to drive.
43. 4e was employed by the company because
A. he had wor$ed in a computer shop. B. he had written some computer programs.
C. he wor$s very hard. D. he had learnt to use computers at school.
44. 4e left school after ta$ing >1levels because
A. he did not en6oy school.
B. he wanted to wor$ with computers and staying at school did not help him.
C. he was afraid of getting too old to start computing.
D. he wanted to earn a lot of money.
4!. /hy does David thin$ h[ might retire early0
A. 8ou have to be young to write computer programs.
B. 4e wants to stop wor$ing when he is a millionaire.
C. 4e thin$s computer games might not always sell so well.
D. 4e thin$s his firm might go ban$rupt.
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
=anuel <onCaleC comes from .pain. 4e usually lives in =adrid and wor$s E4"F((((((((a 6ournalist for
a .panish newspaper) but two years ago he decided to ta$e a year E4%F((((((((wor$ to live in different
countries in #urope and write a boo$ about #uropeans. 4e spent the first two months in .candinavia
E4*F((((((((information and then moved to <ermany for a month. At present he is staying in 3aris) where
he is renting a flat for five wee$s. Bour years ago he wrote a E4,F((((((((travel guide to .pain and now he is
wor$ing hard to have the same E!-F((((((((with his boo$ about #uropeans.
4". A. in B. for C. by D. as
4%. A. off B. to C. away D. from
4*. A. collected B. to collect C. collecting D. collection
4,. A. best1sell B. best1sold C. best1selling D. best1to1 sell
!-. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. successfully
Choose the word whose main stress is p't on a different s!a#e from that of the rest.
1. A. effect B. event C. emerge D. even
2. A. insecticide B. fertiliCer C. pesticide D. herbicide
3. A. efficient B. communist C. impatient D. delicious
4. A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economically
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!. A. renovate B. domesticate C. initiate D. eliminate
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
". &he authorities are determined to ta$e tougher((((((((((to reduce crime.
A. situations B. measures C. re'uirements D. interests
%. &he old theater is in need of complete((((((((((.
A. renew B. rebuild C. renovation D. review
*. 3rior to the economic reform) the country had eperienced many years of a (((((((((( economy.
A. stagnant B. fluent C. fluently D. smoothly
,. #ducation is our first((((((((((now. /e are trying to do what we can to ma$e it better.
A. prior B. prioritiCation C. priory D. priority
1-. &hey have made a substantial changeA that means) they have made aEnF ((((((((((change.
A. economic B. considerable C. steady D. subtle
11. =.D. played much better than their opponentsA they almost((((((((((the match.
A. dominated B. eliminated C. activated D. terminated
12. &he company was((((((((((because of a shortage of orders.
A. solved B. resolved C. dissolved D. involved
13. 2t loo$s li$e theyDre going to succeed ((((((((((their present difficulties.
A. because of B. despite C. yet D. even though
14. Although (((((((((() .ue drives to wor$ every day in the middle of rush hour.
A. her car is in good condition B. traffic is always heavy
C. she is a very careful driver D. she isnDt in a hurry
1!. (((((((((() youDll probably get poor mar$s in the final eam.
A. ?nless you pay more attention to your wor$
B. 2f you try to wor$ harder
C. Because youDre ma$ing efforts in your studies
D. Although your mar$s on the tests are not very good
1". 2 couldnDt use the pay phone ((((((((((2 didnDt have any coins with me.
A. so B. so that C. because D. although
1%. &hey had to wor$ overtime((((((((((they could finish wor$ on time.
A. because B. so that C. although D. however
1*. 8our mother is a very good coo$) ((((((((((we all $now.
A. as B. but C. though D. then
1,. Biona stayed at wor$ late ((((((((((.
A. so that to finish some wor$ B. although she wasnDt very tired
C. so as to complete the report D. because she didnDt li$e wor$ing late
2-. 2 canDt go on picnic with you net .aturday. 2((((((((((my grandparents with my sister.
A. visit B. will visit C. Dm going to visit D. visited
21. 2t was a shameful thing to say in front of((((((((((a lot of people.
A. so B. such C. too D. very
22. &his town is((((((((((li$e my hometown.
A. a bit B. more C. as D. the same
23. 2f you have difficult problems) you should discuss them with someone((((((((((.
A. whom you can trust him B. that can trust
C. you can trust him D. you can trust
24. 4e was late because his alarm cloc$ didnDt ((((((((((that morning.
A. go off B. ring out C. brea$ off D. come out
2!. ((((((((((or youDll get overweight.
A. 2f you donDt eat too much B. ?nless you eat too much
C. DonDt eat too much D. /hen you eat too much
2". 2Dm epecting to have this boo$((((((((((soon this year.
A. published B. publishing C. to publish D. publish
2%. (((((((((( your advice) 2 was able to avoid lots of trouble on my trip abroad.
A. &han$s to B. Despite C. #ven though D. 2nstead of
2*. By the time you come bac$ here net year) this new plaCa building((((((((((.
A. has been completed B. will be completed
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C. has completed D. will have been completed
2,. 1@ ((((((((((do you use your1computer for0@
1@&o type lesson plans for my classes and to loo$ for information on the 2nternet.@
A. /hat B. /hen C. /ho D. 4ow
3-. .urfing) an etreme sport that originated in 4awaii) ((((((((((more popular recently.
A. become B. has become C. are becoming D. have become
31. &he car began to ma$e an etraordinary noise so 2 stopped((((((((((what it was.
A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. for seeing
32. ?nless you stopped((((((((((in that unfriendly way) nobody would li$e to ma$e friends with you.
A. behave B. to be behaved C. to behave D. behaving
33. &he film is based on a (((((((((( novel about the effects of war.
A. move B. moved C. moving D. movement
34. 2 distinctly remember ((((((((((you. 2 gave you \ 2-.
A. paying B. to pay C. paid D. to have paid
3!. &he man saw a notice ((((((((((to the door by a $nife.
A. pin. B. pinned C. pinning D. having pinned
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
3". /hen she heard the loud crash) =arge ran outside in the snow despite she wasnDt wearing any shoes.
3%. &hey sang as they marched so that to forget how tired they were.
3*. &here is so few in$ that it will be impossible to finish addressing the envelopes.
3,. =y brother and me are planning a party for our parents.
4-. All planes will be chec$ing before departure.
Choose the item 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes the foowin% sentences.
&echnology has come to the rescue of those who hate to be out of touch. Birst there were beepersA now
there are cellular phones. &hese small telephones can go anywhere with you. Anyone who may need to reach
you can simply call your cellular number. >f course) the numbers for most cellular phones wor$ only in a
specific city. .ome companies have formed networ$s with other cellular phone services in other cities to try to
ma$e numbers wor$ for their customers no matter here the! are$ But customers who travel fre'uently to the
same city have come up ith their own solution 1 they simply get a second cellular phone number for the
second city.
41. /hy do people li$e cellular phones0
A. &hey can use them in the office. B. &hey fit in a briefcase.
C. &hey li$e technology. D. &hey can them anywhere.
42. /hat is the disadvantage of cellular phones0
A. &he sound is not clear. B. &hey do not ring loudly.
C. &hey are epensive. D. &hey wor$ only in one city.
43. 2f people visit another city often) what is the simple solution to ma$e their cellular phone wor$0
A. <et a second number in that city B. ?se a regular telephone
C. Communicate by fa D. Buy a beeper
44. &he sentence %no matter here the! are" in the passage is closest in meaning to((((((((((.
A. they donDt care where they are
B. wherever they are
C. they have no idea where they are
D. where they are is not $nown
4!. &he phrase "come up ith" in the passage is closest in meaning to((((((((((.
A. found B. confronted C. accepted D. crested
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
Communication can be in the form of words) pictures) or actions. /ords are the most commonly usedI
we spea$ or write to communicate ideas. 2t is) E4"F((((((() essential for people to use words effectively.
3ictures are useful) also. Businesses use them successfully in posters) charts) and blueprints. Companies
3age 1*
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should be careful that the pictures E4%F((((((on posters and charts) as well as in brochures and
advertisements) and the words compliment) rather than conflict) E4*F((((((each other.
Action is an important communication mediumI actions spea$ E4,F(((((((than words. &his medium is
the most important when dealing face1to1face with employees) colleagues) and clients. A frown) a handsha$e)
a win$) and even silence have meaningA people will attach significance E!-F((((((((these actions.
4". A. therefore B. because C. although D. despite
4%. A. use B. using C. used D. useful
4*. A. for B. with C. in D. of
4,. A. noisier B. louder C. alouder D. loudlier
!-. A. to B. by C. for D. with
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest.
1. A. burden B. bureau C. burning D. stgrn
2. A. device B. servile Eof servantF C. entice D. service
3. A. terrorism B. tertiary C. terrible D. terrify
4. A. blood B. food C flood D. enough
!. A. tried B. laughed C. typed D. li$ed
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
". DD8ou must have had a very good time on holiday.@ @(((((((((() it was a disaster. #verything went wrong.@
A. By tradition B. 2n short C. >n the condition D. >n the contrary
%. &here are (((((((ways of spending your free time) so you can choose to do whatever you li$e.
A. scanty B. various C. ridiculous D. variety
*. &hey are trying to persuade the rich to((((((((((their money to the charities.
A. provide B. invest C. finance D. contribute
,. 9ocal authorities have to learn to allocate resources((((((((((.
A. efficient BI efficiency C. inefficient D. efficiently
1-. &housands of factory wor$ers are attending evening classes in an attempt to((((((themselves.
A. better B. be better C. being better D. better than
11. 4e eats nothing ((((((((((hamburgers.
A. but B. unless C. despite D. apart
12. 4e wor$ed hard ((((((((((a mechanic for ten years before being appointed manager.
A. li$e B. ali$e C. as D. same as
13. &his organiCation is 'uic$sending relief goods to the flooded areas.
A. with B. at C. for D. about
14. /hen are you leaving((((((((((.ingapore0 &his wee$ or net wee$0
A. for B. in C. to D. at
1!. 4e suddenly saw Cindy((((((((((the room) so he pushed his way((((((((((the crowd of people to get
to her.
A. across5through B. over5through C. over 5 over D. through5 across
1". &he doctor will not give the patient the test results((((((((((tomorrow.
A. until B. from C. at D. on
1%. Can you help me) please0 2 canDt see the difference((((((((((these words.
A. from B. in C. between D. about
1*. 2 donDt understand this point. Could you please((((((((((0
A. eplain to me it B. eplain me with it C. eplain it to me D. eplain it for me
1,. &hat house reminds me ((((((((((the one where 2 used to live.
A. of B. for C. about D. with
2-. 2t was very $ind((((((((((you to lend me the money 2 needed.
A. for B. of C. to D. with
21. &he bus hit a truc$ coming ((((((((((the opposite direction
A. in B. at C. for D. by
22. &he company made very good profit in ((((((((((.
A. the 1,,- B. 1,,-s C. the 1,,-s D. 1,,-Ds
23. Ale failed his #nglish eam) but his teacher is going to give him ((((((((chance to .pass it.
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A. another B. the other C. the others D. other
24. 4er eyes are different colors. >ne eye is gray) and is green.
A. another B. the other C. the others D. other
2!. ((((((((((him the whole truth or heDll get angry with you.
A. 2f you donDt tell B. ?nless you tell C. DonDt tell D. /hen you tell
2". &his is the strangest case that the detective((((((((((.
A. has ever investigated B. is ever investigating
C. ever investigates D$ has never investigated
2%. &o reduce air pollution) ((((((((((.
A. all automobiles necessary to be banned from the city center
B. banning all automobiles from the city center should be done
C. it is necessary banning all automobiles from the city center
D. the authorities should ban all automobiles from the city center
2*. Bred refused to travel by air because he was afraid of ((((((((((.
A. long B. lengths C. heights D. high
2,. DonDt worryM &he plane ((((((((((at the airport right now.
A. arrives B. arrived C. has arrived D. is arriving
3-. ((((((((((about the good news) .arah seemed to be indifferent.
A. 2n spite of eciting B. 2n addition to eciting
C. 2n stead of being ecited D. Because of being ecited
31. 4e ((((((((((for that company for five months when it went ban$rupt.
A. has been wor$ed B. has wor$ed
C. had been wor$ing D. was wor$ing
32. @ ((((((((((does +oe li$e his new motorbi$e0@ @4eDs craCy about it.@
A. 4ow B. /hat C. /hen D. /hy
33. .ome people thin$(((((((((( to master a foreign language. 4owever) it isnDt.
A. itGs easy B. easy C. easily D. it is easily
34. /hen his parents died) they ((((((((((him a house in which he still lives.
A. continued B. from earning C. inherited D. saved
3!. =ost people prefer spending money ((((((((((it.
A. than earning B. from earning C. to earn D. to earning
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
3". .cientists sent an epedition to the =ars during the 1,,-s.
3%. =r. Carlos) along by his cousins from =eico City) is planning to attend the festivities.
3*. Do you thin$ you could lend me good pair of gloves to wear to the wedding0
3,. 8ou had better to tell her the truth or sheDll get angry with you.
4-. =any superstitions and symbols are connected for 4alloween.
Choose the item 1*" 2" C or +3 that #es.t competes the foowin% sentences.
>ne of the greatest advantages of robots is that they can wor$ in situations that are dangerous or harmful
for human wor$ers. Bor eample) the continuous smell of paint has a harmful effect on painters) but it doesnDt
""other" a robot. :obots can wor$ in nuclear power plants and in undersea research stations that might be
dangerous for humans. Already) robots are wor$ing in the plastics industry and in chemical and industrial
e'uipment industries. >ne of the most common uses of robots is still in automobile factories. &hey can do the
heavy) unpleasant) or dangerous wor$. &hese $inds of industrial robots are not usually "mo"ile"# &he wor$
they need to do is brought to them) li$e cars on an assembly line) for eample.
&he robot industry is a big business. By the middle of the 1,,-s) +apanD led the world in robot production
with more than %1)--- industrial robots at wor$. Both the ?nited .tates and +apan) as well as other countries)
continue to develop more advanced robots. :obots can now be made to perform more comple 6obs. :obots
can ma$e decisions while they are wor$ing and learn from their mista$es. :obots can now see with &H
camera @eyes.@ &hey can easily hear and can even spea$ using a voice made by a computer. But it is difficult
3age 2-
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to ma$e a robot @understand.@ &hin$ing. and understanding are very human 'ualities. &he robots of the future
will probably be very comple. &hey will be able to perform many humanli$e tas$s. :obots and other
technology will ma$e the future a very interesting placeM
41. /e can infer from the passage that by the middle of the 1,,-s((((((((((.
A. only +apan had used robots in production
B. +apan and the ?.A were the only countries to use robots
C. some countries had used robots in industrial production
D. +apan led the world in production than$s to robots
42. /hich of the following are robots 7>& be able to do0
A. &o spea$ using a voice made by a computer
B. &o thin$ and understand
C. &o ma$e decisions at wor$
D. &o learn from mista$es
43. According to the passage) which of the following is 7>& true about the robots of the future0
A. &hey will probably be very complicated.
B. &hey will be able to do humanli$e tas$s.
C. &hey will contribute to ma$ing the future more interesting.
D. &hey will replace human wor$ers in all $inds of wor$.
44. /hich of the following is closest in meaning to the word %"other% in the first paragraph0
A. cancel B. change C. upset D. terminate
4!. /hich of the following can "e the opposite o$ the word %mo"ile% in the first paragraph0
A. stationary B. movable C. unthin$able D. repairable
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
/e $now that there is no life on =ars. &he Hi$ing robot missions to the :ed 3lanet proved that. &he
mission was E4"F((((((((to one man for the most part. 3ercival 9owell) a rich American businessman)
suggested that =ars contained life. 4e was fascinated by =ars. 4e spent 23 years studying it. 4e was so
E4%F((((((((involved in the search for =artian life that he built his own laboratory. 2t housed a huge
telescope. At %)--- feet E2.13$mF E4*F((((((((sea level in a dry climate) it was a perfect site to view =ars.
9owell believed that he saw a networ$ of lines E4,F((((((((=ars. 4e also thought that the lines were built
by intelligent life. &here was also the chance that water was on the planet. 4e drew many maps in his
noteboo$s. 4is idea E!-F((((((((the publicDs attention. 3eople soon believed that life on =ars could eist.
4". A. due B. because C. ecept D. instead
4%. A. deep B. deeply C. depth D. deepen
4*. A. on B. over C. above D. up
4,. A. cross B. crossing C. to cross D. crossed
!-. A. made B. achieved C. absorbed D. drew
<<<<<<THE EN+<<<<<<
UNIT 7: +E,E&T,
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the others:
1. A. circle B. center C. census +. cancel
2. A. area B. arise C. arrange D. arrive
3. A. dessert B. desert C. deserve D. prefer
4. A. roughly B. tough C. enough D. though
!. A. gently B. germ C. gear D. gene
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each of the foowin% sentence.
". &hey made an aerial surveyA that is) they made a survey(((((((((.
A. by ship B. by plane C. on foot D. by telescope
%. 4ummoc$ grasses grow in loose sand on the crest.
A.side B. bottom C. top D. inside
*. #ight $ilometers is((((((((( e'uivalent to five miles.
A. eactly B. roughly C. rarely D. precisely
,. >lder people((((((((( a large proportion of those living in poverty.
A. comprise B. consist C. compose D. compound
1-. .he has the windows open) (((((((((it is cold outside.
A. however B. therefore C. athough D. so
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11. &here is still much to discuss. /e shall) ((((((((() return to this item at our net meeting.
A. therefore B. moreover C. although D. so that
12. &he sea was dangerous) (((((((((we didnDt go out for a swim.
A. since B. but C. so D. as
13. &he new trains have more powerful engines and areA ((((((((() faster.
A. therefore B. however C. nevertheless D. nonetheless
14. 2t was cold and wet. ((((((((() 3aul put on his swimming suit and went to the beach.
A. Although B. &herefore C. 4owever D. Because
1!. 2 had no choice(((((((((sign the contract.
A. despite B. but C. without D. unless
1". 8ou can dress(((((((((you li$e.
A. whatever B. therefore C. however D. nevertheless
1%. (((((((((hard he tried) he couldnDt open the door.
A. &herefore B. 4owever C. Although D. Despite
1*. /e too$ a map with us(((((((((.
A. so that we would get lost B. so that we wouldnDt get lost
C. so that we wonDt get lost D. in order to get lost
1,. /eDll buy everything you produce(((((((((itGs reasonable.
A. provided B. so C. only D. ecept
2-. .unglasses come(((((((((many different colors) shapes) and strengths.
A. with B. from C. by D. in
21. 8ou are epected(((((((((the safety regulations of the school.
A. $now B. to $now C. $nowing D. being $nown
22. ((((((((( his father) he is a biologist.
A. 9i$e B. Ali$e C. &he same D. As
23. #veryone(((((((((happy at the last meeting.
A. are B. were C. was D. is
24. Did you paint it yourself or did you((((((((( it painted0
A. ma$e B. do C. have D. as$
2!. /e(((((((((drive fastA we have plenty of time.
A. canDt B. neednDt C. mustnDt D. oughtnDt
2". 2f you(((((((((there what would you have done0)
A. were B. had been C. would be D. would have been
2%. &heyDll be able to wal$ across the river(((((((((.
A. if the ice will be thic$ enough B. unless the ice is thic$ enough
C. if the ice is thic$ enough D. when the ice will be thic$ enough
2*. 3lease call if youDre going to arrive(((((((((.
A. as late B. late C. lately D. later than
2,. 7obody $new that ?ncle Ben was coming to see us. 4e arrived(((((((((.
A. unepecting B. unepected C. unepectedly D. epectantly
3-. D4e is bac$ already.D D4e(((((((((very early.D
A. should have started B. must have started
C. shouldnDt have started D. canDt have started
31. /e epected that our team((((((((() but it didnDt.
A. will win the game B. can win the game
C. would win the game D. will be winning the game
32. 8ou can see the details(((((((((the computer screen.
A. in B. on C. at D. by
33. DonDt wal$ too fast. 2 canDt $eep(((((((((you.
A. on to B. on with C. up to D. up with
34. :ita is not used (((((((((on her own.
A. for living B. to live C. with living D. to living
3!. 4e bought a tic$et(((((((((.
A. and his brother did either B. but his brother didnDt) too
C. and so his brother bought D. and so did his brother
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Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that needs correctin%:
3". A study of the difference between synthetic and natural vitamins are needed.
3%. 8ou must ta$e 'uic$ly the test in order to finish in time.
3*. =ost vacationers canDt stand traveling in pac$ed cars or stay in dirty hotel rooms.
3,. &hatDs the best ehibition 2Dve never seen.
4-. +ac$ is loo$ing for another 6ob for he says he is really fed up of doing the same thing every day.
&ead and choose the etter 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes the tas(s that foow:
&he siCe and location of the worldDs deserts are always changing.
>ver millions of years) as climates change and mountains rise) new dry and wet areas develop. But
within the last 1-- years) deserts have been growing at a fri%htenin% speed. &his is partly because of natural
changes) but the greatest desert ma$ers are humans.
2n developing countries) ,- percent of the people use wood for coo$ing and heating. &hey cut down
trees for firewood. But trees are important. &hey cool the land under them and $eep the sun off the smaller
plants. /hen leaves fall from a tree) they ma$e the land richer. /hen the trees are gone) the smaller plants
die) and there is nothing but sand. 8et people must use firewood) raise animals) and grow crops in order to
4umans can ma$e deserts) but humans can also prevent their growth.
Algeria planted a green wall of trees across the edge of the .ahara to stop the desert sand from
spreading. =auritania planted a similar wall around 7oua$chott) the capital. 2ran puts a thin covering of
petroleum on sandy areas and plants trees. &he oil $eeps the water and small in the land) and men on
motorcycles $eep the sheep and goats away. >ther countries build long canals to bring water to desert areas.
8et land that will probably become desert in the future e'uals the siCe of Australia) the ?nited .tates) and the
former .oviet ?nion together. Can people stop the growth of the worldDs deserts and save the land that is so
essential to life0
41. =ost people in developing countries(((((((((.
A. planted trees on the edge of the deserts B. coo$ on wood fires
C. put oil on sandy areas D. raise sheep and goats
42. /e can infer that men on motorcycles $eep the sheep and goats away so that(((((((((.
A. they wonDt eat the small trees B. they wonDt destroy the covering of oil
C. they wonDt drin$ water in the canals D. they wonDt blow the sand away
43. /hen all the trees in an area are cut down) (((((((((.
A. their leaves ma$e the land richer B. the smaller plants can grow better
C. they cool the land under their leaves D. there is nothing left but sand
44. &he word fri%htenin% speed in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to(((((((((.
A. awful B. etremely fast C. powerful D. wonderful
4!. According to the passage) which of the following is the most important cause of desertification0
A. &he change of climate B. &he spread of deserts
C. 4uman activities D. Cattle destroying trees
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
&he .ahara Desert is growing by 1-$ms each year. &he whole earth gets "--$m
of desert area more
every year. &his process is called @desertification@. &his term started being E4"F((((( in the 1,!-s.
&he idea of desertification was first $nown in the 1,3-s. =uch of the <reat 3lains grew very dry
E4%F(((((( a result of drought and poor farming techni'ues. 2t was called the Dust Bowl. =illions were
forced to leave their farms and their ways of life. .ince then) E4*F((((( have been great improvements in
farming practices in the <reat 3lains. &hese have prevented the Dust Bowl disaster E4,F(((((( again.
<raCing is one worry. Cows do two things to the soil. Birst) they eat grasses and plants that hold the soil
in place. .econd) their hooves brea$ down the top layer of soil. &he result is that the good soil can be blown
away by the wind. &he dirt E!-F(((((( behind is not good for growing.
4". A. use B. used C. to use D. using
3age 23
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
4%. A. as B. for C. by D. with
4*. A. it B. they C. there D. those
4,. A. to occur B. to occurring C. of occurring D. from occurring
!-. A. leaves B. to leave C. left D. leaving
UNIT 18: EN+*N:E&E+ ,=ECIE,
Circe the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the others
A. bamboo B. good C. foot D. coo$
A. ca$e B. panda C. face D. late
A. social B. science C. sour D. sure
Circe the word whose stress part is paced different! from that of the others
A. reserve B. schedule C. wildlife D. beauty
A. derive B. contain C. leopard D. prevent
Ma(e the correct choice:
=any plants and endangered species are now endangering of (((((((.
A. epression B. epulsion C. etinction D. etension
((((((( is destroying larger areas of tropical rain forests.
A. Disforestation B. Deforestation C. Anti1forestation D. forests
A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to((((((((endangered species.
A. save B. $ills C. ma$e D. do
&he raw sewage needs to be (((((((( treated.
A. chemically B. chemical C. chemist C. chemistry
&here are more than 2- (((((((( wor$ing on the water treatment pro6ect.
A. researches B. researcher C. researchers D. research
=ore and more people (((((((((( of food poisoning nowadays.
A. eits B. survive C. die D. starve
&he government ((((((((( the flood victims with food) clothers and money.
A. gave B. provided C. offered D. presented
=any people ((((((((( that natural resources will never be used up.
A. view B. consider C. believe D. regard
Conservation is the protection of the ((((((((( environment.
A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. naturaliCe
&here are many (((((((( of pollution in our modern world
A. resources B. sources C. foundations D. bases
8ou (((((((( as$ a woman about her age. 2tGs not polite.
A. must B. need C. musnGt D. neednGt
3ay attention (((((((( all traffic signs when you are travelling in the street.
A. for B. on C. to D. from
&heir plans were cancelled ((((((( of a bad storm.
A. in spite B. because C. instead D. in place
2Gll lend you the money and you (((((((( pay me bac$ till net month.
A. neednGt B. mustnGt C. need D. must
8ou should change your wet shoes)(((((((( youGll catch cold
A. therefore B. or C. if D. unless
&he twins used to play rugby when they were four year old) (((((((( 0
A. donGt they B. didnGt they C. didnGt used they D. did they
8ou would rather ((((((((( tal$ing in class so as not to ma$e your teacher angry.
A. stops B. stopping C. to stop D. stop
2Gve got (((((((((( money to lend you now. 2 thin$ you can as$ 9yn for some.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
&o tell the truth) Aim frightened (((((((( ghosts.
A. for B. on C. with D. of
&ell her that she (((((((( be here by si. 2 insist on it.
A. may B. must C. ought to D. might
4e hurried ((((((((( he wouldnGt be late for class.
A. since B. as if C. unless D. so that
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&here should be no discrimination ((((((( grounds of se race or religion
A. onB. at C. of D. in
4e has refused) but he ((((((((( change his mind if you as$ed him again
A. might B. may C. can D. must
&wo parallel white lines in the millde road meant that you ((((((((( not overta$e.
A. must B. might C. may D. need
&hereGs ((((((( university in my neighborhood.
A. anB. a C. the D. ]
Choose the 'nderined words that need correctin%.
&he bus will be leaving on five minutes so youGd better hurry up.
=any teachers have devoted their lives to teaching) therefore teaching is not a well1paid 6ob.
=y parents often ta$e careful of me when 2 am ill.
.he passed the board eam) who made her parents proud.
9ac$ of properly physical eercise cause tiredness and poor health.
&ead the passa%e and choose the #est answers.
/orld /ildlife Bund E//BF safeguards hundreds of species around the world) but we focus species
attention on our flagship speciesI giant pandas) tigers) endangered whales and dolphins) rhinos) elephant)
marine turtles and great apes. &hese species not only need species measures and etra protection in order to
survive) they also serve as JumbrellaK speciesI helping them helps numerous other species that live in the
same habitats.
2n addition to our flagship animals) we wor$ to protect numerous species in peril around the world that
live within our priority eco1rigions. 9aree predators li$e snow leopards and griCCly bears) migratory species
li$e whooping cranes and songbrids) and a host of other species facing threats also benefit from //BG s
conservation efforts. >ur wildlife trade eperts at JtrafficK wor$ to ensure that trade wildlife products) doesnGt
harm a species) while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable trade.
//B is $nown for acting sound science. .cience leads and guides us strategies and approaches) from
the way to restore tigers in viable) breed population to decide which areas need protection the most.
/hat does //B stand for0
A. /orld /ildlife Bood. B. /orld /ildlife Bormation.
C. /orld /ildlife Bund. D. /orld /ebsite Bund.
4ow many species do we pay much attention to0
A. ! B. * C. % D. ,
/hat is the meaning of the world habitats in pharagraph 10
A. &he place where animals or plants are normally found.
B. &he place where animals or plants can drin$ and sleep.
C. &he place where animals or plants can eat find their enemy.
D. &he place where animals can find and $eep their body warm.
/hat can science help us in safeguarding endangered species0
A. Bind the way to $ill all species easily. B. 9ead and guide strategies and approaches.
C. Discover another habitat of animal. D. .earch for a food source for animals.
/hich of the following is not stated in the passage0
A. //B safeguards hundreds of species around the world.
B. //B is $nown for acting on sound science.
C. these above species need etra protection so as not to be etinct.
D. All species are so fierce that scientists canGt ta$e care of them.
&ead and choose the appropriate option:
9H- +O *NIM*L, :O E>TINCT?
Different $inds of animals have appeared and disappeared throughout #arthGs history. .ome animals go
etinct because the climate E41F((((((( they live changes. &he climate may become wetter or drier. 2t may
become warmer or cooler. 2f the animals cannot change) or adapt) to the new climate) they die.
3age 2!
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.ome animals go etinct because thay cannot E42F ((((((( with other animals for food. .ome animals go
etinct because they are $illed by enemies. 7ew $inds of animals are always evolving. #volving means that
the animals are changing E43F ((((((( from generation to generation. .mall differences between parents)
children) and grandchildren slowly add up over many) many generations. #ventually) a different $ind of
animal evolves. [evolve: ti&n h'a]
.ometimes many of the animals on #arth go etinct at the E44F ((((((( time. .cientists call this a mass
etinction. .cientists thin$ there E4!F ((((((( at least five mass etinctions in #arthGs history. &he last mass
etinction happened about "! million years ago. &his mass etinction $illed off the dinosaurs.
A. where B. which C. when D. what
A. complete B. find C. compete D. eist
A. accidentally B. suddenly C. 'uic$ly D. slowly
A. same B. similar C. different D. various
A. has been B. have been C. will be D. are
Choose the sentence which is cosest in meanin% to the ori%ina one.
&he gate was closed to stop the children running into the road.
A. &he gate was closed so the children running into the road.
B. &he gate is closed so that children donGt run into the road.
C. &he gate was closed so that the children couldnGt run into the road.
D. &he gate is closed that the children couldnGt to run into the road.
=y 2ndian friend finds using chopstic$s difficult.
A. =y 2ndian friend is not used to using chopstic$s.
B. =y 2ndian friend canGt use chopstic$s.
C. =y 2ndian friend didnGt use to using chopstic$s.
&oo tired to continue) David stopped wal$ing.
A. David couldnGt carry on wal$ing because he was too tired.
B. David couldnGt stop wal$ing because he was to tired.
C. David was too tired to carry out wal$ing.
D. David canGt continue to wal$ when heG stirred.
2 havenGt met old #nglish teacher since 2 left school.
A. 2 didnGt have a chance to meet my old #nglish teacher because 2 left school.
B. this is the last time 2 met my old #nglish teacher at shool.
C. 2 last met my old #nglish teacher when 2 left school.
D. =y old #nglish teacher hasnGt met me since 2 have left school.
&om didnGt begin to read until he was eight.
A. 2t was not until &om was eight that he began to read.
B. /hen &om was eight) he didnGt $now how to read.
C. &om had read when he was /ight to read. D. 7ot until &om read) he was eight.
<<<<<<<<<<<THE EN+<<<<<<<<<<<
UNIT 11: 2OO@,
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest
1. A. same B. taste C. swallow D. page
2. A. sleep B. $eep C. pleasure D. people
3. A. too B. boo$ C. loo$ D. good
4. A. described B. pic$ed C. swallowed D. informed
!. A. words B. reviewers C. describes D. types
Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the rest.
". A. sub6ect B. swallow C. story D. digest
%. A. eample B. holiday C. careful D. interest
*. A. describe B. chapter C. wonder D. easy
,. A. understand B. television C. improvement D. introduce
1-. A. imaginary B. advantageous C. information D. incredible
Choose the most s'ita#e word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 to compete each sentence.
11. =y parents........they will move to the seaside when my father retires net year.
A. thin$ B. thin$ing C. will thin$ D. thought
12. 2 couldnDt resist reading the boo$ even........ 2 was very sleepy.
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A. though B. although C. however D. otherwise
13.........that the hope for cancer control may lie in the use of vaccine.
A. &o believe B. 2t is believed C. Believing D. &he belief
14. 2 went to........ some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A. watch B. see to C. loo$ at D. visit
1!. =y roommateDs handwriting was very bad) so he had me........ his paper for him last night.
A. to type B. type C. to have typed D. typed
1". &he boo$ is so interesting that 2 canDt........
A. put down it B. put it down C. put down D. be put down
1%. /ould you hold the door open0
A. too $ind B. as $ind C. $ind enough D. so $ind
1*. /hat do you mean) heDs watching television0 4eDs........ to be washing the car.
A. hoped B. epected C. supposed D. thought
1,. Children watching cartoon films.
A. interested B. $een C. fond D. concerned
2-. &he ........thing about travelling by train rather than by car is that you can sleep or read during the 6ourney.
A. en6oyment B. en6oyed C. en6oying D. en6oyable
21. 2 wonder who dran$ all the mil$ yesterday. 2t........ have been +ane because she was out all day.
A. must B. could C. neednDt D. canDt
22. Boo$s in the home are a wonderful....... of $nowledge and pleasure.
A. source B. resource C. list D. sum
23. :eviewers describe boo$s ....... @hard1to1put1down@) or @hard1to1pic$1up1again@.
A. as B. for C. into D. in
24. Boo$s are still a cheap........ to get $nowledge and entertainment.
A. means B. way C. method D. measure
2!. A fine tomb)........) mar$s the grave of the poet Chaucer.
A. which in the fifteenth century was erecting B. erecting in the fifteenth century
C. erected in the fifteenth century D. being erected in the fifteenth century
II. Choose the 'nderined part amon% *" 2" C or + that needs correction.
2". 3eople respected him because he was a honest man.
2%. &oday the number of people whom en6oy winter sports is almost double that of twenty years ago.
2*. =y uncle has 6ust bought some epensive furnitures for his new house.
2,. 4ave you ever read any novels writing by +ac$ 9ondon0
3-. 4e studied very hard) so he passed the eam easy.
Choose the correct sentence
31. (e last had his car repaired ) weeks ago$
A. 4e has had his car repaired for 2 wee$s.
B. 4e had repaired his car ^ wee$s before.
C. 4e had not repaired his car for 2 wee$s then.
D. 4e didnDt have any repair to his car in 2 wee$s.
32. *ohn lent me this book$
A. &his boo$ was lent to me by +ohn. B. 2 lent this boo$ to +ohn.
C. &his boo$ is lent to me by +ohn. D. 2 was lent by +ohn this boo$.
33. +hey had seen the man in a parking lot$
A. &he man was seen in a par$ing lot. B. &he man has been seen in a par$ing lot.
C. &he man was to be seen in a par$ing lot. D. &he man had been seen in a par$ing lot.
34. ,eople say that prevention is better than cure$
A. 2t is said that prevention is better than cure.
B. 3revention is said to be better than cure.
C. 3revention is to have said to be better than cure.
3age 2%
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D. - and . are correct$
3!. /y mother gave a watch to me$
A. =y mother was given a watch by me. B. A watch was given to me by my mother.
C. A watch was given my mother by me. D. A watch was given to my mother by me.
&ead the passa%e #eow and decide which answer 1*" 2" C or +3 #est fits each space.
oday there are libraries in almost every towns in the world. #ven in areas E3"F(((((( there are no
libraries) there are often mobile libraries which ta$e boos from one village to E3%F((((((. But in the days
when boo$s were copied by hand E3*F(((((( than printed) libraries were very rare. &he reason is simpleI
boo$s too$ a very long time to produce) and there were far fewer coppies of any given wor$ around. &he
greatest library E3,F(((((( all) that in Aleandia) had !4)--- boo$s.
2n the ancient world) this number E4-F(((((( considered huge. 2t was the first time that anyone had collected
so many boo$s from all around the world E41F(((((( one roof. &here are many theories about why these
boo$s were lost. E42F((((((is that the library accidentally burned down. Another is that one of the rulers of
the city ordered the boo$s to be burned. &hey were ta$en to various places and it too$ si monthsto burn
them. E43F(((((( happened) the collection there was priceless. =any of the libraryGs treasures were lost
forever1sone boo$s were E44F(((((( recovered. /e cannot even $now E4!F(((((( what the library containd.
3". A. where B. who C. the place D. which
3%. A. other B. others C. the other D. another
3*. A. rather B. else C. more D. much
3,. A. of B. about C. in D. over
4-. A. is B. was C. were place D. has been
41. A. in B. under C. over D. below
42. A. >ne B. A theory C. 7one D. All
43. A. /hoever B. /hichever C. whatever D. wherever
44. A. almost B. never C. already D. yet
4!. A. eactly B. really C. detailedly D. yet
&ead and choose the #est answer.
&here are boo$s with fairy tails in many countries. >ften the same stoties are $nown and repeated in
many languages. .ome of the things that happens in these stories are remar$able) although not as remar$able
as things that are truly happening in medicine and science today.
=ost fairy tails begin with J>nce upon a timeK and end with J&hey lived happily ever afterK) so we will
begin in the same way.
>nce upon a time there was a girl calles Cinderella who did all the wor$ in the $itchen while her laCy
sister did nothing.
>ne night) her sister went to a ball at the palace. Cinderella was left home) very sad. After a time her
fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball1 but to return home by midnight.
.o she went to the ball in a beautiful dress in a wonderful coach. .he danced with the prince but at
midnight she ran bac$ home) leaving one of her shoes on the floor. &he prince wanted to see her again and
went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was the right siCe for Cinderella. .he and the
price were married and lived happily ever after.
4". Boo$s with fairy are found in ((((((((((((((((.
A. our country only B. few countries
C. all countries ecept ours D. many countries
4%. According to the passage) things truly happening in medicine and science today are((((((((( things that
happenes in some fairy tails)
A. =ore remar$able than B. less remar$able than
C. as remar$able as D. not as remar$able as
4*. &he word JballK in the first sentence means ((((((((((((((((.
A. a sport e'uipment B. a dancing hall
C. a balloon D. sphere
4,. Cinderella was very sad because ((((((((((((((((.
A. her sister did nothing C. her sister went to a ball and left her at home
C. she did all the wor$ in the $itchen D. her sister was invited to a hall
!-. At the end of the story ((((((((((((((((.
3age 2*
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A. Cinderella could go to the ball and it was so happened that she and the prince was married
B. CinderellaGs godmother came to comfort her
C. one of CinderellaG sisters was married to the prince
D. the prince invited Cinderella to the hall
<<<<<<THE EN+<<<<<<
UNIT 1): 9*TE& ,=O&T,
Choose the word which has the 'nderined part prono'nced different! from the rest
1. A. interfered B. allowed C. visited D. played
2. A. water B. swimming C. between D. rowing
3. A. caps B. meters C. swimmers D. lines
Choose the word which is stressed different! from the rest
4. A. interfere B. penalty C. referee D. competition
!. A. scuba1diving B. swimming C. gymnastics D. s$ating
Choose from the fo'r options %iAen 1mar(ed *" 2" C" and +3 one #est answer
". >ne of the four period of time in which a game of American football is divided is $nown as a .
A. part B. half C. 'uarter D. stage
%. .uddenly) +ulia 6umped out of the car and sprinted for the front door.
A. wal$ed hurriedly B. ran very fast C. move slightly D. ran slowly
*. &he is the official who controls the game in some sports.
A. player B. captain C. referee D. defender
,. &he whole audience ob6ected to their foul play during the football match.
A. clumsy B. dependent C. imperfect D. unfair
1-. &hose two teams played so well and the scores were tied at 111 at last.
A. drew B. put C. $ept D. e'ualed
11. A $ic$ ta$en as a penalty in the game of football is called a penalty $ic$ or $ic$.
A. punishment B. foul C. opposition D. spot
12. 2n water polo) a player is e6ected after committing five personal fouls.
A. punished B. criticiCed C. thrown out D. defeated
13. A is a device that automatically controls something such as speed) temperature or pressure.
A. mas$ B. regulator C. boat D. fin
14. :owing is the sport or activity of travelling in a boat by using .
A. air tan$s B. sail C. boards D. oars
1!. /indsurfing or is the sport of sailing on water standing on a windsurfer.
A. boat1sailing B. sail1boarding C. board1sailing D. wind1sailing
1". &heir play lost them the match against an amateur team.
A. false B. foul C. wrong D. mista$en
1%. DonGt in matters that do not concern you.
A. interfere B. discuss C. 'uestion D. study
1*. 2 donGt $now why he isnGt here at the moment. 4e stuc$ in the traffic 6am.
A. must get B. may be C. should be D. must have got
1,. 7ever agree something you $now to be wrong.
A. doing B. to do C. you will do D. that will do
2-. &he place good films is the >deon Cinema.
A. to see B. seeing C. can see D. we see
21. 2t was my secretary sent the document to =r. .mith.
A. that B. who C. whom D. A _B
22. &hey spent a lot of money their children with the best education.
A. providing B. provided C. to provide D. on providing
23. 2 6ust bought new shirt and some new shoes. .hirt is 'uite epensive but the price of
shoes are reasonable.
A. a5 A5 the B. a5 &he5 a C. the5 &he5 the D. a5 &he5 the
24. 2 would li$e to than$ my supervisor) 2 would never have finished my wor$.
A. with whom B. with him C. with his help D. without whom
2!. DonGt spend time about things that may never happen.
A. worried B. worrying C. to worry D. and worry
3age 2,
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
2". 7ever 2 eperienced such a storm since 2 was a child.
A. had B. have C. did D. was
2%. /e need information about this #nglish course.
A. far B. farther C. further D. most of
2*. /ater polo is played in pool 1.* meters deep.
A. a B. an C. the D. `
2,. &he player was e6ected because he committed a foul.
A. as B. due to C. despite D. provided
3-. 8ou need proper shoes to go hi$ing in the mountain) the ground is rough and hard.
A. though B. due to C. because of D. because
Find the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected
31. &his class has cancelled EAF because too few EBF students had registered ECF before EDF registration
32. &he EAF first nation par$ inEBF the world) calling ECF 8ellowstone 3ar$) was established EDF in 1*%2.
33. A food additive EAF is any EBF chemical that food manufacturers intentional ECF add to EDFtheir products.
34. 2f you had putEAF the plant in a coolerEBF location) the leavesECF have burned EDF.
3!. &he house was EAF very 'uiet whenEBF 2 got home because ofECF everyone had goneEDF to bed.
&ead the passa%e caref'! and choose the correct answers
.ynchroniCed swimming is a h!"rid of swimming) gymnastics) and dance. &his sport has an artistic effect)
and really relates to those three sports. 2t consists of swimmers performing a synchroniCed routine of
elaborate and dramatic moves in the water) accompanied by music.
.ynchroniCed swimming demands first1rate water s$ills) and re'uires strength) endurance) fleibility) grace)
artistry and precise timing) not to mention eceptional breath control while upside down underwater.
Developed in the early 1,--s in Canada) it is a sport performed almost eclusively by women) although there
is some participation by men. 2n its early form it was sometimes $nown as Jwater balletK.
2t is a .ummer >lympic <ames sport. Birst demonstrated in 1,!2) it has been an official event since 1,*4.
>lympic and world Championship competition is not currently open to men) but other international and
national competitions allow male competitors. Both ?.A .ynchro and .ynchro Canada allow men to compete
with women.
Competitors point to the strength) fleibility) and aerobic endurance re'uired to perform difficult routines for
the 6udges) one technical and one free.
3". &he world Qh!"rid Qin the first line could be best replaced by .
A. continuity B. moderniCation C. miture D. succession
3%. .ynchroniCed swimming is a sport that .
A. relates to swimming) gymnastics) and dance
B. began in Canada in the early of the 2-
C. is performed almost eclusively by women
D. All are correct
3*. 2tGs untrue to say that .
A. .ynchroniCed swimming has completely influenced by ballet.
B. .ynchroniCed swimming used to be $nown as Jwater balletK
C. &he re'uirements for synchroniCed swimmers are strength) endurance) fleibility) grace) artistry and
precise timing
D. =en can also ta$e part in synchroniCed swimming.
3,. /hich of sentences is T&UE0
A. Besides demanding strength) endurance) fleibility) grace and artistry) synchroniCed swimming re'uires
eceptional breath control.
B. >lympic and /orld Championship competition allow male synchroniCed swimmers.
C. .ynchroniCed swimming emerged as an ehibition sport at the >lympic <ames in 1,*4.
D. Competition for both events consists of difficult technical routines.
4-. &he best title for the passage is .
A. 4istory of .ynchroniCed .wimming B. Competition .ynchroniCed .wimming
C. &he :e'uirement of .ynchroniCed .wimming D. .ynchroniCed .wimming
Fi in each n'm#ered #an( with one s'ita#e word or phrase
3age 3-
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
/indsurfing is surface water sport using a windsurf board) also commonly called a E41F ) usually two to
five meters long and powered by a E42F sail. &he rig is connected to the board by free1rotating fleible
6oint called the ?niversal +ointE?1+ointF. ?nli$e a rudder1steered E43F a windsurfer is E44F by the
tilting and rotating of the mast and sail as well as titling and carving the board.
&he sport E4!F aspects of both sailing and surfing) along with certain athletic aspects E4"F with other
board sports li$e s$ateboarding) snowboarding) waters$iing) and wa$eboarding. E4%F it might be
considered a minimalist version of sailboat) a windsurfer offers eperiences that are E4*F speed record for
sailing craftA and) windsurfers can E4,F(((((( 6umps) inverted loops) spinning maneuvers) and other
JfreestyleK E!-F that cannot be matched by any sailboat.
41. A. board B. sailboard C. windsurfer D. All are correct
42. A. small B. large C. single D. full
43. A. boat B. sailboat C. sail boarding D. sailing board
44. A. steered B. directed C. shown D. guided
4!. A. refers B. notices C. combines D. develops
4". A. connected B. shared C. involved D. dealt
4%. A. Because B. &herefore C. 4owever D. Although
4*. A. perform B. display C. create D. provide
!-. A. changes B. moves C. activities D. performances
<<<<<<THE EN+<<<<<<
UNIT 1.: THE ))
,E* :*ME,
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the others.
1. A. decision B. precision C. comprehension D. confusion
2. A. arrival B. vital C. tidal D. citadel
3. A. scoreboard B. science C. schedule D. scanner
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
4. A. president B. manager C. spectator D. counsellor
!. A. intelligent B. overwhelming C. imaginable. D. intangible
Choose the word that #est fits #an(.
". (((((((( is a person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of time doing it.
A. #nthusiast B. #conomist C. Commentator D. /or$er
%. Hietnam has a lot of (((((((( players who won many gold medals in &he 22
.#A <ames.
A. outstanding B. outstretching C. outlying D. outgoing
*. &he competitor ((((((((the bar and won a gold medal.
A. touched B. cleared C. threw D. $ic$ed
,. (((((((( is held every two years.
A. &he .outh #astern Asian <ames B. &he .outhern #ast Asian <ames.
C. &he .outheast Asian <ames D. &he .outheast Asia <ames
1-. .pectators had great ((((((((for the amaCing results that HietnamGs sports delegation gained.
A. admire B. admirable C. admiration D. admiter
11. &he results of (((((((( were satisfactory.
A. competitions B. competitor C. competitive D. compete.
12. &hailand (((((((( Hietnam 6ust one goal in the final in &he 22
.#A <ames.
A. won B. beat C. $noc$ed D. scored
13. &he Hietnamese were very satisfied with ecellent performances of the young and ((((((((athletes.
A. energetic B. energy C. energetically D. energiCe
14. &he score in the game or competition is shown on((((((((.
A. scoreboard B. score draw C. score line D. scorecard
1!. >n behalf of the referees and athletes) they swore to an oath of Jsolidarity) (((((((( and Bair 3lay J.
A. 4onest B. 4onesty C. 4onestly D. Dishonest
Choose the word B phrase that #est fits each #an(.
1". #very computer consists of a number of systems ((((((((together.
A. by wor$ing B. wor$ C. they wor$ D. that wor$
1%. 7ot only ((((((((places of beauty) they serve scientific and educational purposes as well.
A. are botanical gardens B. botanical gardens to be
3age 31
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
C. botanical gardens are D. to be botanical gardens
1*. ((((((((cheese is essentially a concentrated form of mil$A it contains the same nutrients as mil$.
A. Although B. Because C. 4owever D. Besides
1,. &he crowd are becoming ecited.
A. less and least B. less and most C. more and more D. more and most
2-. Bric$s (((((((( from many different types of clay.
A. were ma$ing B. can be made C. are to ma$e D. can ma$e
21. /ater polo is a game (((((((( is played in the water by two teams) each with seven players.
A. in which B. who C. which D. why
22. &o be effective) an advertisement must fist attract (((((((( attention.
A. a B. an C. the D. a
23. Although Adlai .tevenson was never elected presidents) he was one of the pre1eminent American
((((((((of the mid1twentieth century.
A. politically B. political C. politicians D. politic
24. &he larger a drop of water) ((((((((((freeCing temperature.
A. the higher its B. the highest C. higher then its D. its higher
2!. &he file cler$ says he canGt afford to live on his salary if he wants (((((((( some money for an
emergency) so heGs going to stop complaining and start loo$ing for another 6ob.
A. saving B. to saving C. to save D. save
2". 2f humans(((((((( two heads) they couldnGt ma$e decisions easily.
A. have B. have had C. had had D. had
2%. =r. 9oganGs instructions were (((((((( clear that no one had any 'uestions.
A. such B. ever C. so D. too
2*. &he contract deadline is (((((((( Bebruary 1-
A. in B. at C. on D. for
2,. Almost everyone has heard the most famous >lympic sayingI J.tronger) 4igher) ((((((((K.
A. Bast B. Bastening C. Baster D. Basten
3-. Although fish can hear) they have neither eternal ears (((((((( eardrums.
A. or B. nor C. and D. any
&ead the passa%e and choose the #est answers.
&he 24
.#A <ames was held from "
to 1!
December) 2--% in three provinces in &hailand) namely
7a$hon :atchsima) Bang$o$) and Chon Buri. 2n fact) the 2--% .#A <ames was to be hosted by .ingapore)
but .ingapore gave up the chance) as its new national sports stadium is under construction and will not be
completed in time for the net .#A <ames. &hailand was then as$ed by &he .#A <ames Bederation to host
this regional sport event in place of .ingapore.
&he .#A <ames ta$es place every two years) with 11 countries in .outheast Asia participating. #ach
member country) in alphabetical order) ta$es turn hosting this event. 9etGs loo$ at the number of sports and
gold medals in &he .#A <anes in recent years. &he 21
.#A <ames) hosted by =alaysia in 2--1) had 32
sports with 3,1 gold medals. &here were 32 sports with 43, gold medals in &he 22
.#A <ames) held in
Hietnam in 2--3. &he 23
.#A <ames) in &he 3hilippines in 2--!) had 4- sports with 43, gold medals.
&he 24
.#A <ames in &hailand this year) featuring 43 sports and 4*! gold medals) had the highest
number of sports and gold medals in &he Asian <ames and &he >lympic <ames. .o &he .#A <ames is
regarded as the largest regional sporting event in the world in terms of number of sports and madals.
31. 4ow long did &he 24
.#A <ames last0
A. A wee$ B. * days. C. 2 wee$s D. 1- days.
32. /hich of the following is not stated in the passage0
A. &he 24
.#A <ames was the largest regional sporting event in the world.
B. &he 24
.#A <ames was the highest number of sports and gold meadals in the history of the .#A <ames.
C. &he 22
.#A <ames was held in Hietnam in 2--3.
D. &he 2--% .#A <ames was to be hosted by #ast &imor.
33. 4ow many sports were there in &he 24
.#A <ames0
A. 44B. 4*! C. 43 D. 42
34. 4ow offen does the .#A <ames ta$e place0 #very (((((((((((.
A. 2 years B. 4 years C. 3 years D. ! years
3!. /here was &he 21
.#A <ames celebrated0
3age 32
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
A. in 3hilippines B. in Hietnam C. in =alaysia D. in .ingapore
Choose the s'ita#e word to fi in each #an(.
Divided into two parts) rites and festivals) the ceremony commenced at 1,I-- with the song) JHietnamP
our BatherlandK. &he surprise appearance of parachutists) carrying the 11 E3"F(((((((flags of the competing
.outheast Asian countries) was greeted with thunderous applause from the audience.
All the stadiumGs lights suddenly came on) mar$ing the start of the procession of HietnamGs flag and the
.#A <amesA symbol. &he 11 sporting delegations then marched past the reviewing stand to ecited
applause from officials and spectators. U ritesI nghi lb) parachutistI ngcdi nhey df) delegationsA Wogn Whi biiuV
&he sacred E3%F (((((() which symboliCes the humanity of the games and desire to compete with
burning intensity) was ta$en from &he 4o Chi =inh =useum and passed by some famous Hietnamese
athletes and athletes from 1- regional countries to 7guyen &huy 4ien E wushu artistF who gave it to the 3rime
=inister) who in turn passed it to an athlete dressed li$e national E3*F (((((( <iong. ! sacred: thi0n li0ng#
Brom this athleteGs hand) the official flame was lit at =y Dinh 7ational .tadium and will burn
thoughout the course of the <ames.
.pea$ing at the E3,F (((((((ceremony) =inister1Chairman of the 3hysical &raining and .ports
Committee) who is also the head of the 22
.#A <ames >rganiCing Board) warmly welcomed 3arty and
.tate leaders) delegates) domestic and international guests) and 11 sports delegations E4-F (((((( southeast
Asian countries to the 22
.#A <ames.
3". A. nation B. nationality C. native D. national
3%. A. flashlight B. torch C. lighter D. bulb
3*. A. hero B. student C. communist D. actor
3,. A. closing B. opening C. swimming D. sporting
4-. A. to B. in C.from D. for
Choose the sentence which is cosest in meanin% to the ori%ina one.
41. Besides painting in oil) he also paints in water colors.
A. 7ot only he paints in oil) but also does he paint in water colors.
B. 7ot only can he paint in oil) but also he paints in water colors.
C. 7ot only does he paint in oil) but also he paints in water colors.
D. 7ot only does he paint in oil) but he also paints in water colors.
42. 3lease let me $now if you wish to $eep the boo$s any longer.
A. .hould you wish to $ept the boo$s any longer) please let me $now.
B. .hould you wish to $eep the boo$s any longer) please me $now.
C. 2f you should wish to you $ept the boo$s any longer) please let me $now.
D. /ish you to $eep the boo$s any longer) please let me $now.
43. J 2Gll pay bac$ the money) <loria)K said 2van.
A. 2van apologiCed to <loria for borrowing her money.
B. 2van offered to pay <loria the money bac$.
C. 2van promised to pay bac$ <loriaGs money.
D. ivan suggested paying bac$ the money to <loria.
44. &he weather is too hot for us to go out.
A. &he weather is so hot that we canGt go out.
B. &he weather is so hot us to go out.
C. &he weather is too hot that we canGt go out.
D. &he weather is such hot that we canGt go out.
4!. &om began playing the trumpet 3 years ago.
A. &om has played the trumpet 3 years ago.
B. &om has been playing the trumpet for 3 years.
C. &om played the trumpet for 3 years ago.
D. &om had played the trumpet 3 years ago.
Choose the 'nderined word that needs correction:
4". &heir news about the success of your business it was wonderful for me to hear.
4%. &he board of directors should be deciding now who will get promotion) who may be trained for
managerial positions) and who would be fired.
3age 33
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
4*.&here are thousands of $inds of bacteria) many of whom are beneficial.
4,. 3hysical therapists help patients relearn how to use their bodies after disease or in6ure.
!-. 2 donGt thin$ it would be harder to $eep control on production if we move some
plants out of the country that to leave things as they are.
Choose the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest
1. A. catastrophe B. trophy C. notify D. recipe /1res2pi/
). A. famine B. determine C. mineral D. miner
.. A. mission B. revision C. division D. collision
Circe the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
/. A. inhabitant B. interpreter C. imitation D. initiate
0. A. stimulate B. sharpener C. festival D. disaster
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C or +3 that #est competes each sentence.
4. Bailure to win the championship will (((((((in the dismissal of the coach. !trainer#
A. result B. happen C. affect D. cause
5. 4e tried to(((((((to everyone to support him.
A. ma$e B. appeal C. persuade D. advise
6. &here was a hold1up on the road because a bridge had been(((((((away by the flood.
A. washed B. flowed C. blown D. destroyed
7. 4e(((((((his life to helping the poor.
A. spent B. eperienced C. dedicated D. used
18. &he :ed Cross is a organiCation whose purpose is to help people in war time and ((((((( disasters.
A. commercial B. political C. military D. humanitarian
11..he got angry when they started to(((((((her private life.
A. as$ for B. en'uire after C. as$ about D. en'uire with
1). .he ran in a marathon last wee$ but(((((((after ten $ilometers. UwithdrawV
A. dropped out B. closed down C. bro$e up D. made up
1.. <ertrude ta$es(((((((her motherA she has blue eyes and fair hair)too.
A. in B. up C. after D. down
1/. 2t too$ him a long time to (((((((the death of his wife. UrecoverV
A. ta$e away B. get over C. ta$e off D. get through
10. &here were so many $inds of cameras((((((() and 2 didnDt $now which to buy.
A. to choose B. choosing from C. chosen D. to choose from
14. Billy hasnDt been wor$ingA he wonDt(((((((his eaminations.
A. get off B. get through C. $eep up D. $eep off
15. &hey arrived(((((((the airport(((((((good time for the plane.
A. in5 on B. to5 in C. at5 in D. to5 for
16. Did =r. &an(((((((the class while =iss Biona was ill in hospital0 Uta$e control ofV
A. ta$e away B. ta$e over C. ta$e up D. ta$e off
17. 3aula applied for the post but she was(((((((
A. turned down B. chec$ed out C. $ept under D. pushed ahead
)8. 2f orders $eep coming in li$e this) 2Dll have to(((((((more staff. UemployV
A. give up B. add in C. gain on D. ta$e on
)1. /hy do they(((((((tal$ing about money all the time0
A. $eep on B. side with C. ta$e after D. wor$ off
3age 34
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
)). 2n addition to =r. &homas and =iss /hite) the principal(((((((attend the school party.
A. is li$ely B. is going to C. are li$ely D. are going to
).. @Can 2 help you0@ @ (((((((@
A. At two oDcloc$. B. 2 can help you C. 7o) 2 donDt. D. 8es) please.
)/. =y uncle (((((((until he was fifty.
A. married B. didnDt marry C. would marry D. was not marrying
)0. .he could do nothing(((((((complain about the weather all day.
A. but B. for C. about D. with
)4. 2f a boo$ is really((((((() it will certainly(((((((the reader.
A. interesting5 interest B. interests5 interest
C. interested5 interesting D. interests5 interested
)5. Cigarette smo$ing can (((((((a loss of appetite.
A. cure B. release C. cause D. treat
)6. 2n this case) 2 thin$ (((((((nothing.
A. it is better to say B. it be better to say
C. better@ to say D. better for saying
)7. =ar$) 2 donDt thin$ you(((((((Carol) the new department typist.
A. meeting B. having met C. to have met D. have met
.8. &he (((((((( is an international organiCation that aims to fight and control disease.
A. /orld 4ealth >rganiCation B /ord 4ealth >rganiCation
C. /orld 4ealthy >rganiCation D. /orld 4ealth >rganism
.1. 4e felt ((((((((( when he failed the eams the second time.
A. discouraged B. discouraging C. encouraged D. encourage
.). 4e set out soon after dar$(((((((home an hour later.
A. to arrive B. and arrived
C. in order to arriving D. so that arrived
... 2Dd rather you(((((((anyone else about our plan.
A. not tell B. didnDt tell C. not to tell D. donDt tell
./. &ell the police the truth (((((((youDll be in troubleM
A. if B. unless C. when D. or
.0. According to this schedule) the net train(((((((in ten minutes.
A. leave B. leaves C. left D. leaving
Choose the 'nderined part in each sentence that sho'd #e corrected.
.4. &hat the trees lose their leaves are a sign of winter.
A. lose B. a C. are D. their
.5. >ne of the most popular holiday is &han$sgiving) which is celebrated in 7ovember.
A. holiday B. the most C. is D. in
.6. /ould you mind not to smo$e on the bus0 2t disturbs other people.
A. other B. not C. to smo$e D. disturbs
.7. &he length of the trip will depend on how good are the roads.
A. length B. how C. will D. are the roads
/8. /illiam .amuel +ohnson) who helped write the Constitution) become the first president of Columbia
?niversity in 1%*%.
A. become B. write C. who D. the first
Choose the #est answers the D'estion.
?72C#B is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realiCed. /e
have the global authority to influence decision1ma$ers) and the variety of partners at grassroots [basic] level
3age 3!
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. &hat ma$es us uni%ue among world organiCations) and uni'ue
among those wor$ing with the young.
/e believe that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones [basis]of human progress.
?72C#B was created with this purpose in mind P to wor$ with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty)
violence) disease and discrimination [unfair treatment]place in a childGs path. /e believe that we can)
together) advance the cause of humanity.
/e advocate [support] for measures to give children the best start in life) because proper care at the
youngest age forms the strongest foundation for a personGs future.
/e promote girlsG education P ensuring that they complete primary education as a minimum P because
it benefits all children) both girls and boys. <irls who are educated grow up to become better thin$ers) better
citiCens) and better parents to their own children.
/e act so that all children are immuniCed [mi3n d4ch] against common childhood diseases) and are
well nourished) because it is wrong for a child to suffer or die from a preventable illness.
/e wor$ to prevent the spread of 42H5A2D. among young people because it is right to $eep them
from harm and enable them to protect others. /e help children and families affected by 42H5A2D. to live
their lives with dignity.[nh5n ph6m]
/e involve everyone in creating protective environments for children. /e are present to relieve
suffering during emergencies) and wherever children are threatened) because no child should be eposed to
violence) abuse [inhuman treatment]or eploitation.
?72C#B upholds [stand up for] the Convention on the :ights of the Child. /e wor$ to assure e'uality
for those who are discriminated against) girls and women in particular. /e wor$ for the =illennium
Development <oals and for the progress promised in the ?nited 7ations Charter.[hi&n ch78ng] /e strive
[struggle]for peace and security. /e wor$ to hold everyone accountable to responsible for] the promises
made for children.
/e are part of the <lobal =ovement for Children P a broad coalition [union]dedicated to improving
the life of every child. &hrough this movement) and events such as the ?nited 7ations .pecial .ession
[meeting]on Children) we encourage young people to spea$ out and participate in the decisions that affect
their lives.
/e wor$ in 1,- countries through country programmes and 7ational Committees. /e are ?72C#B) the
?nited 7ations ChildrenGs Bund.
/1. /hat does ?72C#B stand for0
A. &he ?nited 7ational ChildrenDs Bund B. &he ?nited 7ations ChildDs Bund
C. &he ?nited 7ations ChildrenDs Bund D. &he ?nited 7ative ChildDs Bund.
/). &he word uni%ue paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to (((((((.
A. honorable B. only one C. widespread D. good
/.. Choose the word in the passage that means @ the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in
society less fairy than others@D
A. Discrimination B. 3overty C. Disease D. CitiCen
//. &hey wor$ to prevent the spread of (((((((among young people
A. flue B. cold C. stomach1ache D. 42H5A2D.
/0. 4ow many countries does ?72C#B wor$ in0
A. 23 B. 1,- C. 1,2 D. !2
Choose the word or phrase 1*" 2" C" or +3 that #est fits each space in the foowin% passa%e.
?72C#B was created in 1,4" to help bring food and medicine to children who suffered during /orld
/ar 22 in #urope. 2t began as a temporary agency) but became a permanent part of the ?nited 7ations in 1,!3
E4"F((((((( the need for its services around the world. ?72C#BDs primary concern is to help governments of
developing countries improve the 'uality of life for E4%F(((((((( one billion children. ?72C#BDs main office
is in the ?nited 7ations offices in 7ew 8or$ City) but it also has more than 4- offices and 1-- programs
E4*F(((((((. 2n 1,"!) ?72C#B won the 7obel 3eace 3riCe for its wor$ helping children and building
brighter future.
?72C#B wor$s with governments to provide three $inds of services. Birst) ?72C#B plans and develops
programs in developing countries. &hese programs serve the community E4,F((((((( providing health care)
3age 3"
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
information about nutrition) basic education) and safe water and sanitation.[ state of being clean and
conducive to health] &hen ?72C#B trains people to wor$ in these programs. ?72C#B also provides supplies
and e'uipment that E!-F((((((( the programs to wor$.
/4. A. due to B. instead of C. ecept for D. in spite of
/5. A. most B. the most C. almost D. all most
/6. A. in world B. worldwide C. on world D. worldly
/7. A. for B. with C. about D. by
08. A. enable B. let C. ma$e D. suggest
?72& 1!I />=#7 27 .>C2#&8
Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. *. women 2. moAie C. ose +. proAe
). *. inteect'a 2. internationa C. interAiew +. responsi#iit!
.. *. rear 2. #ear C. fear +. dear
Circle the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
/. *. achieAement 2. inAoAement C. confinement +. ar%'ment
0. *. pioneer 2. mo'ntaineer C. s'%%estion +. en%ineer
Choose the word5phrase that best fits each blan$.
4. =eope 'sed to consider women to #e #etter((((((((( for chid#earin% and homema(in%.
*. re%arded 2. s'ited C. 'nderstood +. (ept
5. In the past" men seemed to((((((((( their d'ties at home.
*. eEpect 2. inspect C. ne%ect +. coect
6. Nowada!s" women haAe %ained si%nificant e%a(((((((((.
*. wron%s 2. ri%hts C. responsi#iities +. wor(s
7. The pioneer thin(ers$$$$$$$$$that women sho'dnFt #e discriminated on the #asis of their seE.
*. recommended 2. disapproAed C. showed +. passed
18.The$$$$$$$$$for womenFs ri%hts #e%an in the 16
*. #atte 2. war C. str'%%e +. fi%ht
11.9omen are on! as(in% to #e %iAen eD'a$$$$$$$$$to that of men.
*. state 2. stat's C. sit'ation +. ideas
1).That schoar$$$$$$$$$on peope who haAenFt #een to 'niAersit!.
*. oo(s 'p 2. oo(s at C. oo(s down +. oo(s on
1..Most reations #etween men and women soon$$$$$$$$$in to oAe.
*. deep 2. deepen C. deep! +. depth
1/.The newspaper proAided itte$$$$$$$$$a#o't the ca'se of the war.
*. eni%htenment 2. meanin%s C. reasons +. ideas
10.ItFs$$$$$$$$$to sa! that women are saAes at home.
*. tr'th 2. action C. e%ait! +. r'##ish
14.He didnFt eAen haAe the intei%ence to ca$$$$$$$$$an am#'ance.
*. at 2. on C. for +. a#o't
15.Martha :raham"$$$$$$$of the pioneers of modern dance" didnFt #e%in dancin% 'nti she was )1.
*. one 2. who" as one C. she was +. was one
16.From 1640 to 1650" a remar(a#e Aariet! of inAentions$$$$$$$$$.
*. was prod'ced 2. were prod'ced C. are prod'ced +. prod'ced
17.The French G'arter is$$$$$$$$$ famo's and the odest section of New Oreans.
*. more 2. the most C. the more +. most
)8.The paintin%$$$$$$$$$Ms. 9aace #o'%ht was Aer! eEpensiAe.
*. whom 2. whose C. which +. where
)1.-o'$$$$$$$$$carr! that carpe home !o'rsefH the shop wi send it.
*. canFt 2. co'dnFt C. neednFt +. m'stnFt
)).9i it #e necessar! for 's$$$$$$$$$ this accident to the poice?
3age 3%
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
*. report 2. to reportin% C. to report +. reportin%
)..* #ea'tif' coc( was %iAen$$$$$$$$$ her #! a handsome #o!.
*. for 2. to C. at +. I
)/.The (itchen hadnFt #een ceaned for a%es. It was rea!$$$$$$$$$.
*. dis%'sted 2. dis%'st C. dis%'stin% +. to dis%'st
)0.,heFs Aer! od and canFt iAe aone. ,he needs someone to oo($$$$$$$$$her.
*. for 2. at C. 'p +. after
)4.It was the$$$$$$$$$ da! of m! ife when I heard I faied the 'niAersit! entrance eEamination.
*. sadden 2. saddest C. sad +. sad!
)5.The homeess peope$$$$$stor! appeared in the paper ast wee( haAe now fo'nd a pace to iAe.
*. who 2. whom C. that +. whose
)6.It is o'r d't! to care for$$$$$$$$$sic(.
*. an 2 the C. a +. I
)7.&ache wi #e peased if she$$$$$$$$$ her driAin% test.
*. wo'd pass 2. had passed C. passes +. passed
.8.The$$$$$$$$$ !o' are" the more D'ic(! !o' earn.
*. more !o'n% 2. !o'n%est C. !o'n%er +. !o'n%
#::>: :#C><72&2>7
2dentify the word5 phrase that must be changed to ma$e the sentence correct.
.1.*ct'a!" I stron%! disapproAe of !o'r #ad #ehaAe towards !o'r parents. &"ehaviour'
*. #ehaAe 2. *ct'a! C. of +. parents
.).Modern motorc!ces are i%hter" faster" and speciaiJed than motorc!ces of )0 !ears a%o. &and more
*. motorc!ces 2. and speciaiJed C. i%hter +. Modern
...;o# enrichment is a techniD'e 'sed to increase satisfaction wor(ers #! %iAin% them more
responsi#iities. &satis$actor!'
*. responsi#iities 2. %iAin% them C. satisfaction wor(ers +. techniD'e 'sed
./.In spite of their fri%htenin% appearance" the sD'id is sh! and compete! harmess. &its'
*. In spite of 2. fri%htenin% C. harmess +. their
.0.Vir%in Isands Nationa par( feat'res a 'nderwater preserAe with cora reefs and coorf'
tropica tropica fish. &an'
*. a 'nderwater 2. fish C. coorf' +. cora
Choose the suitable word to fill in each blan$.
he f't're roe of women can #e oo(ed at more optimistica!. Nowada!s" there seems
1.43$$$$$$$$$ reco%nition of the Aita roe women pa! in societ! and more stat's is %iAen to
women. OAera" eEceent pro%ress has #een made 1.53$$$$$$$$$ed'cation. This has pa!ed a powerf'
roe for women sef<esteem. It demonstrates womenFs inteect'a a#iities to %ain eEpertise in the fied
of their choice. HoweAer" this pro%ress has sti to #e refected in the Ko# mar(et. ,ince a more ed'cated
societ! is %ood for ind'str! and societ! 1.63$$$$$$$$$a whoe" it is eAen more 'r%ent for women to %ain
an accepta#e stat's in their profession. The messa%e is that women haAe the a#iit! to chan%e their
roes and that the! wi demand to haAe the means to do it. It is 1.73$$$$$$$$$ accepted #! the new
%eneration of !o'n% men and women that co<operation and m't'a aid are far more prod'ctiAe than
the diAider camp of men and women. ,ociet! is chan%in% and with it the roe of men and women. In
man! fieds women haAe come a on% wa! from K'st their roes as mothers and homema(ers. The! no
on%er thin( that chidren rearin% and home mana%ement are their 1/83$$$$$$$$$d'ties. &rear)ri*)+
"ring up and educate'
.4. *. #e 2. #ein% C. to #ein% +. to #e
.5. *. in 2. at C. on +. for
.6. *. to 2. as C. o't +. for
.7. *. %enera 2. %enera! C. %enerait! +. %eneraiJe
/8. *. soe &single' 2. one! C. aone +. own
3age 3*
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
:ead the passage and choose the best answers.
nti the 17
cent'r!" the denia of eD'a ri%hts to women met with on! occasiona protest and
drew itte attention from most peope. 2eca'se most women ac(ed the ed'cationa and economic
reso'rces that wo'd ena#e them to chaen%e the preAaiin% socia order" women %enera! accepted
their inferior stat's as their on! option. *t this time" women shared these disadAanta%es with the
maKorit! of wor(in% cass men" as man! socia" economic" and poitica ri%hts were restricted to the
weath! eite ,ph-n t. /u t01. In the 17
cent'r!" as %oAernments in E'rope and North *merica #e%an
to draft new aws %'aranteein% eD'ait! amon% men" si%nificant n'm#ers of women L and some men L
#e%an to demand that women #e accorded eD'a ri%hts as we.
*t the same time" the Ind'stria &eAo'tion in E'rope and North *merica f'rther diAided the
roes of men and women. 2efore the Ind'stria &eAo'tion most peope wor(ed in farmin% or crafts<
ma(in%" #oth of which too( pace in or near the home. Men and women 's'a! diAided the n'mero's
tas(s amon% themseAes and their chidren. Ind'striaiJation ed mae wor(ers to see( empo!ment
o'tside of the home in factories and other ar%e<scae ,e2tensivve1enterprises. The %rowin% spit #etween
home and wor( reinforced the idea that womenFs Mri%htf' paceN was in the home" whie men #eon%ed
in the p'#ic word of empo!ment and poitics.
Or%aniJed efforts #! women to achieAe %reater ri%hts occ'rred in two maKor waAes. The first waAe
#e%an aro'nd the mid<17
cent'r!" when women in the United ,tates and esewhere campai%ned to %ain
s'ffra%e , right to vote in political elections13 that is" the ri%ht to Aote. This waAe asted 'nti the 17)8s"
when seAera co'ntries %ranted women s'ffra%e.
/1.9h! did the denia of eD'a ri%hts to women draw itte attention from the societ! 'nti the 17

*. The! co'd not chaen%e the preAaiin% socia order.
2. The! did not haAe an! other option.
C. Most women ac(ed the ed'cationa and economic reso'rces.
+. * are correct.
/).Unti the 17
cent'r!" what was the stat's of the wor(in% cass men in the societ!?
*. The! had the same ri%hts as women.
2. The! had no ri%ht at a.
C. The! did not haAe m'ch power compared to the weath! peope.
+. The! had m'ch power in the societ!.
/..9hen did the womenFs moAement start in 9estern co'ntries?
*. in the 16
cent'r! 2. in the ate 16
C. in the 17
cent'r! +. in the ear! )8
//.9hat did the effect of the Ind'stria &eAo'tion in E'rope and North *merica #rin% a#o't?
*. Mae wor(ers tried to see( empo!ment o'tside of the home.
2. It did not #rin% the eD'ait! to women.
C. 9e<ed'cated" 'pper<cass men controed most positions of empo!ment and power in societ!.
+. * are correct.
/0.9hat was the aim of the womenFs moAement in the United ,tates in the 17)8s?
*. to %ain the ri%ht to haAe m'ch power in the societ!
2. to %ain the ri%ht to Aote
C. to %ain the ri%ht to %o to wor( in the factor!
+. to haAe the compete eD'ait! to men
.#7&#7C# &:A7.B>:=A&2>7
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
/4.MIFm awf'! sorr!" Caro" #'t IFAe #ro(en !o'r watchN" said ;im.
*. ;im apoo%iJed to Caro to #rea(in% her watch.
2. ;im apoo%iJed to Caro to #rea( her watch.
C. ;im apoo%iJed to Caro for #rea(in% her watch.
+. ;im apoo%iJed for Caro to #rea( her watch.
/5.LiAin% in ,!dne! is stran%e to her.
3age 3,
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
*. ,heFs not 'sed to iAe in ,!dne!.
2. ,heFs not 'sed to iAin% in ,idne!.
C. ,he 'sed to iAe in ,!dne!.
+. ,he is 'sed iAin% in ,!dne!.
/6.9hen I heard the teephone rin%" I answered it immediate!.
*. On hear the phone ran%" I answered it immediate!.
2. On hear the phone rin%" I answered it immediate!.
C. On hearin% the phone rin%" I answered it immediate!.
+. On hearin% ran%" I answered the phone immediate!.
/7.If !o' donFt wa(e 'p ear!" !o' canFt catch the first #'s to the cit! center.
*. -o' haAe to wa(e 'p ear! to catch the first #'s to the cit! center.
2. -o' donFt haAe to wa(e 'p ear! to catch the first #'s to the cit! center.
C. -o' haAe to not wa(e 'p ear! to catchin% the first #'s to the cit! center.
+. -o' haAenFt to wa(e 'p ear! to catch the first #'s to the cit! center.
08.The #irthda! ca(e is too #i% for 's to eat.
*. The #irthda! ca(e is so #i% for 's to eat.
2. The #irthda! ca(e is so #i% that we canFt eat it.
C. The #irthda! ca(e is eno'%h #i% for 's to eat.
+. The #irthda! ca(e is too #i% for 's that eatin%.
Circe the word whose 'nderined part is prono'nced different! from that of the rest.
1. A. integration B. international C. immigration D. operation
). A. apprentice B. association C. apprehension 5j5 D. attac$
.. A. deal B. eagle C. instead D. eager
Circe the word whose stress is paced different! from that of the rest.
/. A. stability 5stkGbiliti5 B. immensity5iGmenskti5 C. advocacy5Gjdvk$ksi5 D.
0. A. advice B. 6ustice C. circus D. product
Choose the #est option
4. &he ma6or goal of A.#A7 is to ((((economic growth) social progress and cultural development.
A. cooperate B. accelerate [speed up] C. communicate D. operate
5. /e are trying to control the (((((((( of the dollar on the worldGs money mar$ets.
A. stable B. stabiliCe C. stability [constancy] D. stabiliCer
6. ((((((((( is the unit of money in many 9atin American countries and the 3hilippines.
A. Baht B. :inged C. Dollar D. 3eso
7. &he A.2A7 was (((((((( on August *
1,"% in Bang$o$) &hailand.
A. established B. begun C. seen D. proved
18. /e are ((((((((( to produce unemployment by !-O. [aim: point/focus]
A. aiming B. finding C. approving D. accepting
11. &he ((((((( is increasing faster and faster.
A. <ross Domestic 3roduct B. <ross Domestic 3roduction
C. <rowth Domestic 3roduct D. <eneral Domestic 3roduction
1). All A.#A7 countries are received e'ual rights and((((((((.
A. 6ustification B. 6ustifiable C. 6ustified D. +ustify
1.. .trategic alliances are being (((((((( with ma6or #uropean companies.
A. forced B. formulated C. forbidden D. forged Rmove
1/. &here is a growing (((((((((( that changes must be made to improve national economy.
A. organiCation B. realiCation C. civiliCation D. condition
10. &he aim of A.#A7 is to promote closer economic(((((((.
A. delegation B. integration RcombinationT C. reputation D. migration
14. /e need to concentrate ((((((( our target audience) namely women aged between 2- and 3-.
3age 4-
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
A. on B. at C. in D. about
15. 2 li$e my wor$ because 2 have the (((((((( to ma$e my own decisions.
A. freed B. freely C. freedom C. free
16. ((((((((( he had a suggestion he didnGt raise his hand.
A. because B. Although C. 4owever D. &herefore
17. =r. /atson wants the report (((((((( soon.
A. rewrites B. rewriting C. rewritten D. rewrote
)8. 2f 2 (((((((( you) 2 would ta$e the 6ob and then as$ for more money.
A. had been B. a C. will be D. were
)1. /hereGs((((((( report 2 left on the table net to the &H in the living room.
A. anB. a C. the D. ]
)). &he chairman of the board is not (((((((((A he has been married for 2 years.
A. singular B. single C. only D. sole
).. .ome engineers have predicted that within twenty years automobiles((((((almost completely of plastic.
A. were made B. have made C. will be made D. are made
)/. /hen the passenger (((((((() will you please give him this pac$age0
A. will arrive B. arrives C. would arrives D. arriving
)0. &he .un is (((((((( bright to loo$ at directly.
A. such B. too C. so D. enough
)4. &he ?.. 3resident serves a maimum of two (((((((( terms.
A. four1 years B. four1 year C. fours1 yearsG D. fours1 year
)5. /hat did that man die ((((((((0 PA heart attac$.
A. in B. for C. of D. about
)6. 2 $nown a very nice girl ((((((((( older sister is a famous actress.
A. what B. who C. whose D. whom
)7. &om (((((((( travel a lot. &hese days he doesnGt go away very often.
A. is used to B. used to C. is used for D. used
.8. ((((((((( you finish typing that report) ma$e five copies of it and give it to the officers.
A. /hile B. /hen C. But D. Although
Choose the 'nderined pert that needs correction
.1. Because of him re'uest and his bothering me all the time) 2Gm finishing the pro6ect myself.
A. him B. pro6ect C. bothering D. the time
.). /e have interviewed many people who is interested in the 6ob we have been advertising in the trade
newsletter that is distributed so widely.
A. newsletter B. is C. widely D. have been
... /hen you realiCed you may have difficulty arranging last monthGs conference) you should have told me so
that 2 could have gotten more people to volunteer.
A. so that B. conference C. may have D. to volunteer
./. &he new employees en6oyed their first day at wor$) although everyone agreed that the lunch was the bad
food they had ever eaten.
A. &he new B. their first C. that D. the bad
.0. /hen we were tal$ing about relaing after wor$) +ac$ said he en6oyed to listen to music) Carla said she
preferred 6ogging) and 2 was considering ta$ing up tennis.
A. 6ogging B. to listen C. wor$ D. was
&ead the passa%e and choose the #est option to compete each #an(.
.ingapore has a highly developed mar$et1based economy E3"F ((((((( historically revolves around etended
trade. Along with 4ong ;ong) .outh ;orea and &aiwan .ingapore is one E3%F((((((( the Bour Asian &igers. &he
economy depends heavily on eport) refining) imported goods) especially in manufacturing. =anufacturing
constituted twenty si E3*F (((((((( of .ingaporeGs <D3 in 2--!. &he manufacturing industry is well Pdiversified
into electronic petroleum refining chemicals) E3,F ((((((( engineering and biomedical sciences manufacturing. 2n
2--") .ingapore produced about 1- percent of the world foundry water output. .ingaporeGs the busiest port in the
world in terms of tonnage shipped. .ingapore is &he worldGs fourth largest foreign echange trading centre after
9ondon) 7ew 8or$ City E4-F ((((((( &o$yo.
3age 41
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
.4. A. who B. whom C. why D. which
.5. A. of B. in C. for D. at
.6. A. percentage B. persuasion C. perception D. percent
.7. A. mechanical B. mechanically C. methane UC4
V D. =echanic
/8. A. and B. but C. or D. so
&ead the passa%e and choose the #est answers.
Brunei is one of the smallest countries in the world. 2ts population is only 2!)--- and most of them live in
Bandar .eri Begawan Ethe capital city with the longest name in the worldMF 2t is also the richest country in
Asia and rnaybe the richest country in the world because it has a lot of oil and natural gas which it eports to
+apan. #very wee$ huge tan$ers carry oil and gas from the oil1fields of Brunei to +apan.
&he head of the state in Brunei is .ultan 4a6i 4assanal Bol$iah. 4e is the richest man in the world. 4e has
two wives and each lives in their own beautiful palace. &he first wife lives in the biggest palace in the world
which has 2-- rooms. &he .ultan has more than 2-- cars and he also has hundreds of horses.
/1. Brunei is(((((((((((((((((((((.
A. among the smallest country in the world B. a country with a dense population
C. the smallest countries in the world D. is a capital city
/). &he population of Brunei is((((((((((((((people.
A. over 2!)--- B. 2!)--- C. about 2!)--- D. less than 2!)---
/.. According to the passage) .ultan) the head of the state in Brunei ((((((((((((((.
A. is the richest man in the world
B. has two wives) each of whom lives in their own beautiful palace
C. has more than 2-- cars D. All are correct.
//. Brunei is rich in((((((((((((((.
A. only oil B. only natural gas C. eports of every $ind D. oil and natural gas
/0. /hich of the following is 7>& true about Brunei0
A. 2t eports oil and natural gas to its regional neighbours.
B. .ultan 4a6i 4assanal Bol$iah is the head of state in Brunei.
C. 2t may be the richest country in the world.
D. 2ts capital city is Bandar .eri Begawan.
Choose the sentence which is cosest in meanin% to the ori%ina one.
/4. &he doctor said) J8ou really ought to rest for a few days) +asmineK
A. +asmineGs doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days.
B. the doctor suggested that +asmine should ta$e a short rest.
C. 2t is doctorQs recommendation that +asmine rested shortly.
D. the doctor strongly advised +asmine to ta$e a few daysGrest.
/5. &he teacher made his students wor$ hard for the eam.
A. &he students are made wor$ hard by the teacher.
B. &he student was made to wor$ hard by the teacher.
C. &he students are made to wor$ hard by the teacher.
D. &he student was made wor$ hard by the teacher.
/6. 3lease donGt tal$ so loudly while 2Gm studying.
A. 2Gd rather you donGt tal$ so loudly while 2Gm studying.
B. 2Gd rather you not to tal$ so loudly while 2Gm studying.
C. 2Gd rather you didnGt tal$ so loudly while 2Gm studying.
D. 2Gd rather you not tal$ing so loudly while 2Gm studying.
/7. As he grows older) he becomes increasingly intelligent.
A. &he older he grows) the more intelligent he becomes.
B. &he older he grew) the more intelligent he becomes.
C. &he oldest he grows) the more intelligent he becomes.
D. &he older he grows) more intelligent he becomes.
08. &he doctor spent 1- minutes eamining the patient.
A. 2t too$ the doctor 1- minutes eamining the patient.
B. 2t too$ the doctor 1- minutes to eamine the patient.
C. 2t too$ the doctor 1- minutes eamine the patient.
3age 42
VipLam.Net Bi tp trc nghim Ting Anh lp 12
D. 2t too$ the doctor 1- minutes to eamining the patient.
<<<<<<THE EN+<<<<<<
3age 43

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