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Compressor Operation Risk Assessment (CO1)

ClubHuddersfield BSAC 18 Location Huddersfield Sports Centre.. Date20/5/04.

Hazard Who Likelihood Seerit! Risk
Controls #mmediate measures to deal $ith
conse%uences i& risk does occur
Cylinder O rin
All 2 1 2 C"e#$ / inspe#t O rin %efore
#onne#tin #ylinder to #"!rin "ose.
&e!rin of S!fety 'l!sses
)urn off #ylinder *!l*e.
)urn off #"!rin *!l*e.
All in+uries to %e tre!ted !t "ospit!l.
,r!#tured (et!l
pipe or ,le-i%le
All 1 2 2 .outine / pre*ent!ti*e (!inten!n#e of
.epl!#e /orn or d!(!ed p!rts %y
#o(petent person.
S"ut do/n syste(.
0r!in off !ny !ir in syste(.
All in+uries to %e tre!ted !t "ospit!l.
.e(ote e(eren#y stop %utton fitted.
1nse#ured #ylinders
f!llin o*er
All 2 1 2 Cylinders to %e l!id do/n or se#ured in
r!#$. S!fety s"oes re#o((ended.
3n+uries referred to "ospit!l.
,irst !id $it to "!nd.
Spr!ins / Str!ins
durin "!ndlin
"e!*y e4uip(ent
All 2 1 2 5!re / "e!*y t/in sets et#. to %e lifted
or (o*ed in proper (!nner. S!fety
s"oes re#o((ended.
3n+uries referred to "ospit!l.
,irst !id $it to "!nd.
H!ndlin (et"ods !d*i#e referred to.
,ire All 1 2 2 Oils !nd ot"er fl!((!%le (!teri!l to
%e stored !/!y fro( (!#"inery.
Co(pressor roo( to %e $ept #le!n of
oil spill!e !nd /!ste (!teri!ls.
S"ut do/n syste(.
Corre#t e-tinuis"er used to put out t"e fire.
Buildin e*!#u!ted
,ire Bri!de #!lled on 666
Hazard Who Likelihood Seerit! Risk
Controls #mmediate measures to deal $ith
conse%uences i& risk does occur
Hi" 7oise 5e*els All 2 1 2 All oper!tors !nd personnel to /e!r
8!r 0efenders.
,it e-"!ust !ir silen#er.
5i(it e-posure.
S/it#" off #o(pressor.
,irst Aid !pplied !s re4uired
3n+uries referred to "ospit!l
Cylinder ,!ilure.
All 1 2 2 Oper!tors fully tr!ined for t!s$.
Oper!tors to ensure only #ylinders
(eetin le!l re4uire(ents !re filled
9in test:.
3n e*ent of !n e-plosion; #!ll e(eren#y
ser*i#es. C!rry out first !id tre!t(ent to !ny
8le#tro#ution All 1 2 2 Corre#t inst!ll!tion /it" periodi# fi-ed
!ppli!n#e testin.
3sol!tor /it" lo#$ out.
A(%ul!n#e < ,ire Bri!de #!lled on 666
Co(pressor =
All 1 2 2 >re*ent!ti*e (!inten!n#e; u!rdin
utilised !nd (!int!ined.
S/it#" off #o(pressor.
,irst Aid !pplied !s re4uired
3n+uries referred to "ospit!l
Air 4u!lity 9in
All 2 2 4 Air dr!/n fro( un#ont!(in!ted
>eriodi# !ir 4u!lity #"e#$s
>re*ent!ti*e (!inten!n#e
0o not use #o(pressor until ser*i#ed
,irst Aid !pplied !s re4uired
5one /or$in
All 1 2 2 Allo#!ted p!irs of #o(pressor
C"e#$ on st!tus of #o(pressor
S/it#" off #o(pressor.
,irst Aid !pplied !s re4uired
3n+uries referred to "ospit!l
Assessed %y ?
7!(e >osition 0!te.

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