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Developing Country Studies www.iiste.

ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

The Pattern of Occupational Accidents, Injuries, Accident Causal
Factors and Intervention in Nigerian Factories

Nnedin( )(eo*+or,- .ostis /vggelinos- S0un 1undy- Dvid Is2- Sturt 3lln

S20ool o+ 3r20ite2ture% Design 4 Constru2tion% )niversity o+ 5reenwi20. ).

#ge20u*wu Igweg6e- .osi )(eo*+or
Nedselite S+ety Interntionl% 36u7% Nigeri

8oni+2e )(edi
Nno9ind IDC% Co((uni2tions :ouse% 1ondon% ).
Corresponding ut0or; /(il; nnedin(i*<0ot(il.2o(

)nderstnding t0e sttus =uo o+ o22uptionl in2idents in Nigeri in reltion to 22ident rtes% +tlity rtes%
22ident 2usl +2tors nd intervention is vitl in developing e++e2tive strtegies +or i(proving t0e pro6le(ti2
stte o+ o22uptionl 0elt0 nd s+ety (#:S! in Nigeri. 3s su20% t0is study e>plores t0e pttern o+ reported
22idents% in7uries% ner (isses% 22ident 2usl +2tors nd intervention in Nigeri. It reviews nd dis2usses
22idents reported to t0e 2ustodin o+ #:S in Nigeri% t0e ?ederl 9inistry o+ 16our nd Produ2tivity
Inspe2torte Division (?91PID! over n &&-yer period (2002-20&2!. 3nlysis o+ t0e dt 2olle2ted ws lso
2ondu2ted% t0e +indings +ro( w0i20 pro(pted interviews o+ &0 st++ out o+ 4@ st++ e(ployed 6y ?91PID. #ver
t0e && yer period% t0is study +ound t0t o+ t0e reported 22idents; @0A o22urred t nig0t- (nu+2turers o+
ru66er produ2ts 22ounted +or t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ in7uries t "B.@A nd 6BA +or det0- t0e totl 2se +tlity
rte ws 4'."% 0en2e signi+i2nt in2rese in 2se +tlity rte 2o(pred wit0 t0e lst study in 200& 6y /Cenw.
?ire resulted in "BA o+ t0e det0s% w0ile (nge(ent +2tors 22ounted +or '&.BA o+ t0e re(ote or 2ontri6utory
22ident 2usl +2tors in w0i20 '0A were due to l2* o+ trining. 3lso% wit0 not6le redu2tion in 22ident
reporting in Nigeri nd t0e ?91PID reportedly +iling to penlise o++enders s spe2i+ied 6y t0e #:S legisltion
s est6lis0ed in t0is study% n over0ul o+ t0e opertions o+ t0e ?91PID is t0ere+ore re2o((ended. D0is is in
ddition wit0 develop(ent nd doption o+ +ree (o6ile 22ident reporting syste( +or vi2ti(s.
Keyords! 322idents% 22ident 2usl +2tors% +tlity% in7uries% intervention nd Nigeri.

Background of Study
D0ere is 2onsensus t0t o22uptionl 0elt0 nd s+ety (#:S! is poor in t0e developing 2ountries (Diugwu% 86%
4 /gil% 20&2- Idoro% 200@- )(eo*+or% Is2% Eones% 4 )(edi% 20&B- )(eo*+or% )(edi% 4 Eones% 20&4!.
D0is is on t0e grounds t0t; o22uptionl 22idents re under-reported- t0e #:S regultory nd en+or2e(ent
syste(s (w0i20 re intervention strtegies! re ine++e2tive nd dys+un2tionl- 22ident nd in7ury rtes re on t0e
in2rese. Conse=uently% developing e++e2tive strtegies +or i(proving #:S is 20llenging. )nderstnding t0e
trend% distri6ution nd ris* +2tors o+ 22idents% in7uries% +tlities% 22ident 2usl +2tors nd intervention
re(ins pertinent in developing e++e2tive strtegies +or t0e i(prove(ent o+ #:S glo6lly. D0is e>plins w0y
:(linen% D*l% nd Srel (2006! report; B"0%000 +tlities glo6lly in &''@- 2se +tlity rte o+ &&." per
&00%000 wor*ers nd n 22ident rte o+ @700 per &00%000 wor*ers +or Indi- +tlity rte o+ &0." per &00%000
nd n 22ident rte o+ @02@ 22ident per &00%000 +or C0in. Si(ilrly% study in /gypt 6y 3de (&''B! in
/Cenw (200&! s0ows signi+i2nt 2se +tlity rte o+ "2." A% w0ere &2B in7uries nd 64 det0s were reported%
w0ile study nlysing rod 22idents in .eny 6y #dero (200"! s0ows n in2rese in +tlity rte per &0%000
ve0i2les +ro( "0.7 in &'62 to 64.2 in &''2. 3lso% s0owing +tlity per &00%000 popultion o+ 6etween 7.B nd @.6
nd 66A o+ t0e 22idents o22urring during dyti(e. In Nigeri% study o+ t0e nture nd e>tent o+ +tl in7uries%
nd +tlities 2uses +ro( &'@7 to &''6 o+ Nigerin +2tories 6y /Cenw in 200&% indi2tes; t0t B&@B in7uries
were reported o+ w0i20 7& or 2.2A were +tl- t0e 0ig0est nnul 2se +tlity rte o+ ".4& in &''4- t0e lowest
2se +tlity rte o+ 0.'4 in &''0. In generl% t0ese studies 6ove i( t providing reli6le in+or(tion nd
*nowledge to so(e e>tent nd 0elping in poli2y(*ing nd prevention o+ 22idents. Correspondingly% dopting
de=ute intervention strtegies is essentil in 22ident prevention nd #:S i(prove(ent (3yres 4 8rit0wite%
&''2- ?ir(n 4 Fpp% 200"-)(eo*+or et l.% 20&B!% 6ut t0is re re(ins under e>(ined 6y reser20ers. D0e
Nigerin ?2tories 32t ?& 1?N 2004 re=uires every +2tory to report o22uptionl 22idents (w0i20 *eep ny
wor*er out o+ wor* +or (ore t0n B dys! to t0e ?ederl 9inistry o+ 16our nd Produ2tivity Inspe2torte
Division (?91PID!% e(powering t0e (inistry to en+or2e t0e 32t. It lso e(powers t0e 6ove (inistry to
overseeGintervene in #:S relted issues- it stipultes (esures t0t s0ould 6e t*en 6y orgnistions to prote2t
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

t0e 0elt0% s+ety nd wel+re o+ wor*ers. )n+ortuntely% due to in2tion% in7ury rtes nd 22ident rtes re on
t0e in2rese.
Significance of Study
Noted elsew0ere in t0is pper is study 6y /Cenw in 200&% w0i20 e>(ines t0e pttern o+ o22uptionl
(ortlity rtes nd 2uses o+ det0 in Nigerin +2tories% &2 yers on% t0ere 0s 6een lot o+ 20nges in Nigeri
e.g.% e2ono(i2 growt0% in+rstru2turl growt0% nd 20nges in regultions. Spe2i+i2lly% t0e #rgnistion +or
/2ono(i2 Co-opertion nd Develop(ent (#/CD! (2002! reports gross do(esti2 produ2t (5DP! growt0 o+
&.@ A in &''@ to B.@ A in 2000. 8esides% 22ording to t0e Nigerin Ntionl 8ureu o+ Sttisti2s 20&4 5DP
re6se results% Nigeri is presently t0e lrgest e2ono(y in 3+ri2 wit0 5DP o+ ppro>i(tely H"&0 6illion.
D0us% overt*ing Sout0 3+ri2Is 5DP o+ HB'0 6illon. D0e rgu(ent 6eing t0t Nigeri is 2urrently t0e 26

lrgest e2ono(y in t0e world s ginst its +or(er 40
position in &''0. #+ 2ourse% t0e 6ove rgu(ents
de(onstrte t0e rte o+ e2ono(i2 develop(ent in Nigeri. 3s su20% it 2n 6e rgued t0t t0is (y 6ring 6out
in2resed in+rstru2turl develop(ent nd in turn n in2rese in 22idents% in7uries nd det0s. Se2ondly% +ro(
&''7 to dte% t0ere 0s 6een develop(ent o+ vrious wor*pl2es t0t re not re2ognised 6y t0e #:S regultions-
t0ere+ore% so(e regultions were reviewed. ?or instn2e% t0e Jor*(nIs Co(penstion 32t o+ &'@7 ws
updted to t0e Jor*(nIs Co(penstion 32t o+ 2004 nd +urt0er updted to t0e /(ployeeIs Co(penstion 32t
o+ 20&&. D0e S+ety% :elt0 nd Jel+re 8ill o+ 20&2 ws pssed in Septe(6er 20&2 6ut still wits t0e
presidentil ssent% 0en2e repeling t0e ?2tories 32t o+ 2004. /=ully i(portnt is understnding t0e pttern o+
intervention nd 22ident 2usl +2tors% w0i20 0s 6een undere>(ined 6y previous reser20. In t0t i+;
inde=ute intervention ptterns re dopted% 22idents proli+erte ()(eo*+or et l.% 20&B!- 22ident 2usl
+2tors- t0e root o+ 22idents% re e>(ined% t0e inter2tion 6etween t0e events nd 2usl +2tors will 6e
understood (Inel 4Inel% &''"!. D0is t0ere+ore% 0ig0lig0ts prts o+ t0e 20in o+ events leding to n 22ident (Inel
4Inel% &''"!. 3s result% studies su20 s /Cenw (200&!% w0i20 is now (ore t0n &2 yers old% need to 6e
repeted to provide updted nd reli6le in+or(tion nd *nowledge. 3nlogi2lly% it will 0elp in; developing
e++e2tive strtegies +or redu2ing 22idents in Nigeri- understnding 0ow industries 0ve +ired sin2e t0e lst
study 6y /Cenw- unp2*ing pertinent issues s per en+or2e(ent o+ #:S regultions. 3s result% t0is pper
e>plores t0e pttern o+ reported 22idents% det0s% in7uries% ner (isses% 22ident 2usl +2tors% nd intervention
(en+or2e(ent! in Nigeri% over period o+ && yers (2002-20&2! in detil. In doing t0is% it reviews nd dis2usses
22ident reports 2olle2ted +ro( t0e Inspe2torte Division o+ t0e ?ederl 9inistry o+ 16our nd Produ2tivity
+ro( 2002 to 20&2% w0i20 in+or(ed t0e se2ond stge o+ t0e study.
Keported 22ident dt +or period o+ && yers (2002 - 20&2! ws 2olle2ted +ro( t0e Nigerin ?91PID%
nlysed nd presented 6elow. Do deter(ine t0e let0lity o+ t0e in7uries% t0e nnul 2se +tlity rte ws
2l2ulted t0us;
The number of deaths X 100
Number of injured workers
Do understnd t0e p0eno(enon (i.e.% t0e underlying deter(innts o+ so(e +indings +ter t0e nlysis! nd +or
2ross-vlidtion (DenCin% &'70- .ipo% 20&B!% &0 st++ out o+ t0e 4@ st++ o+ t0e ?91PID were interviewed% 0en2e
(et0odologi2l tringultion (DenCin% &'70- .ipo% 20&B!. D0e reser20 popultion ws restri2ted to 4@% s t0ey
were wor*ing in t0e ?91PID during t0e &&-yer period% 0en2e 2n provide de=ute in+or(tion. D0e +2e-to-
+2e se(i-stru2tured interviews were re2orded% trns2ri6ed nd nlysed- t0e results se2tion 6elow 0ig0lig0ts
0ow t0e t0e(es e(erged.
Results of Accident Data Collected from the FMLPID (!! " !#$
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

D6le &; 3nnul distri6ution o+ in7uries% det0s% ner (isses% 2se +tlity rtes nd nu(6er o+ 22idents reported
F/3K N#. #?
A o+
N#. #?
A o+ det0s N#. #?
A o+ ner
N#. #?
A o+
2002 "0 "B.@ 2' 6B & 2" & 2." "@
200B & &.& & 2.2 - - & 2." &00
2004 - - - - - - & 2." -
2007 4 4.B & 2.2 & 2" B 7." 2"
200@ @ @.6 6 &B - - 2 " 7"
200' B B.2 2 4.B - - &6 40 66.7
20&0 " ".4 & 2.2 & 2" B 7." 20
20&& @ @.6 2 4.B - - 7 &7." 2"
20&2 &4 &".& 4 @.7 & 2" 6 &" 2@.6
D#D31 'B &00 46 &00 4 &00 40 &00 4'."
Table structure, partly adopted from Ezenwa (001! and modified by authors" content from accident reports
collected from the #$%&'( (00)01!*
D0e +indings suggest (ssive under-reporting o+ 22idents +or t0e &&-yer study period% w0ere 40 22idents were
reported. D6le & s0ows t0e nnul distri6ution o+ in7uries% det0s% ner (isses% 2se +tlity rtes nd nu(6er o+
22idents reported during t0e &&-yer study period (2002-20&2!. ?or t0e entire && yers% totl o+ +orty (40!
22idents were reported out o+ w0i20 t0ere were ninety-t0ree ('B! in7uries. 46 (4'."A! o+ t0ese in7uries were +tl
nd 4 ner (isses were reported. D0e nnul 2se +tlity rtes o+ t0ese in7uries do not s0ow de+inite rnge o+
in2rese or de2line s it indi2tes 2se +tlity rtes o+ "@A in 2002% &00A in 200B% no +tlity in 2004% 2"A in
2007% 7"A in 200@% 66.7A in 200'% 20A in 20&0% 2"A in 20&& nd 2@.6A in 20&2. D0is is in 2ontrst to t0e
study 6y /Cenw (200&!% w0i20 s0ows n in2rese in nnul +tlity rte +ro( 0.'A in &''2 to ".4A in &''4.
:owever% t0is (y 6e due to t0e de2line in reported 22idents in Nigeri t t0t ti(e. D6le & lso s0ows t0e
nnul distri6ution o+ det0% ner (isses nd reported 22idents in t0e yer 2002 w0i20 re2orded 2' det0s
(6BA!% w0i20 is t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ det0s% & (2"A! ner (iss nd & (2."A! 22ident report +or t0e yer. D0is
ws +ollowed 6y 6 det0s (&BA!% no ner (iss nd 2 ("A! 22idents reports in t0e yer 200@. D0e 22idents
w0i20 led to t0e 0ig0est nd se2ond to t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ lives lost in t0ese yers o22urred s result o+ +ire
22ident in ru66er +2tory% w0i20 2li(ed 2' lives in 2002% nd t0e +ll o+ storge tn*% w0i20 trpped 6
wor*ers in 200@. 9ention (ust lso 6e (de o+ 200" nd 2006 w0ere no re2ord o+ reported 22idents were
+ound. D0is lso prtly in+or(ed t0e interview sessions o+ t0e study.
Results of Death and In%ury Pattern& and Causes of the Accidents Re'orted (!!"!#$
D6le 2; Det0 nd in7ury pttern% nd 2uses o+ t0e 22ident (2002 - 20&2!
C3)S/S #? D/3D:S 3ND 3CCID/NDS N#. #?
A o+
N#. #?
A o+
?IK/ "2 "".' 2' 6B "'.6
IN:31IN5 #? P#IS#N#)S 53S/S & &.& & 2.2 &00
?311 #? 3 :/3$F #8E/CD D)KIN5 1I?DIN5 &0 &0.@ 6 &B 60
93C:IN/KF DKI$/N 8F P#J/K &B &4 & 2.2 7.7
:#D D:/K931 ?1)ID & &.& & 2.2 &00
DK3PP/D 8F 3 9#$IN5 P3KDS #? 93C:IN/S 2 2.2 2 4.B &00
/XP1#SI#N " ".4 4 @.7 @0
/1/CDK#C)DI#N & &.& & 2.2 &00
931?)NCDI#N #? 3 93C:IN/ 2 2.2 & 2.2 "0
D#D31 'B &00 46 &00 4'."
Table structure, partly adopted from Ezenwa (001! and modified by authors" content from accident
reports collected from the #$%&'( (00)01!*
?ro( D6le 2 6ove% t0e det0 trend nd 2uses during t0e &&-yer period indi2te t0t t0e 0ig0est
nu(6er o+ det0s o22urred s result o+ +ire out6re*s% w0i20 led to "2 in7uries ("".'A! nd 2' det0s (6BA!
wit0 2se +tlity rte o+ "'.6A. Ne>t re det0s s result o+ t0e +ll o+ 0evy o67e2ts during li+ting% w0i20
2used 6 det0s (&BA!% &0 in7uries (&0.@A! wit0 2se +tlity rte o+ 60A. 3not0er (7or 2use o+ det0 during
t0e yers o+ study. ws e>plosions% w0i20 led to 4 det0s (@.7A!% " in7uries (".4A! nd 2se +tlity rte o+ @0A.
Drpping o+ wor*ers 6y (oving prts o+ (20ines led to 2 det0s (4.BA!% 2 in7uries (2.2A! w0ile in0ling o+
poisonous gses% (20inery driven 6y power% 0ot t0er(l +luids% ele2tro2ution nd (l+un2tion o+ (20ine ll
led to & det0 e20 (2.2A!
?urt0er(ore% 22ording to D6le 2% t0e t0ree 0ig0est 2uses o+ in7uries were +ire out6re*s% (20inery
driven 6y power nd +ll o+ 0evy o67e2ts during li+ting w0ile t0e t0ree 0ig0est 2uses o+ det0 were +ire
out6re*s% +ll o+ 0evy o67e2ts during li+ting nd e>plosions. D0is is in 2ontrst to si(ilr study 2ondu2ted 6y
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

/Cenw (200&! 6etween &'@7 nd &''6% w0i20 +ound t0t t0ere were 7& det0s out o+ w0i20 (20inery driven
6y power 2used &2 (&6.'A! w0i20 rn*ed 0ig0est. D0is ws +ollowed 6y e>plosions &0 (&4.&A! nd t0en people
+lling ' (&2.6A!. It s0ould 0owever 6e noted t0t during t0e ten yers o+ t0e study 6y /Cenw (200&!% B&@B
in7uries were reported w0ile during t0e period o+ t0is study only 'B in7uries were reported. D0is re++ir(s t0t
22idents re presently under-reported in Nigeri s stted elsew0ere in t0is pper. D6le 2 lso s0ows 2se
+tlity rtes due to in0ling o+ poisonous gses% 0ot t0er(l +luids% trpping 6y (oving prts o+ (20ines nd
ele2tro2ution ll s0owing e=ul nd 0ig0est 2se +tlity rtes t &00A e20. D0is is +ollowed 6y e>plosions
(@0A!% +ll o+ 0evy o67e2ts during li+ting (60A!% +ire out6re*s ("'.6A!% (l+un2tioning o+ (20ines ("0A! nd
lstly (20ines driven 6y power (7.7A!.
D6le B s0ows t0e det0 sttisti2s 6sed on t0e type o+ industries during t0e &&-yer period. D0e ru66er
produ2ts (nu+2turing industry topped t0e list wit0 2' det0s (6BA!% "0 in7uries ("B.@A! nd 2se +tlity rte
o+ "@A wit0 totl nu(6er o+ & 22ident (2."A!. D0is ws +ollowed 6y t0e +ood pro2essing industry% w0i20
re2orded totl nu(6er o+ ' 22idents (22."A!% &2 det0s (26.&A!% 20 in7uries (2&."A! nd 2se +tlity rte o+
60A. Ce(ent produ2tion% +o( produ2tion nd t0e non-(etl (nu+2turing re2orded & 22ident e20 (2."A!
wit0 no +tlities. Petrol sttions re2orded & 22ident (2."A!% & det0 (2.2A!% & in7ury (&.&A! nd 2se +tlity
rte o+ &00A. Plsti2 re2y2lingGprodu2tion nd 6uilding 2onstru2tion sitesG2o(pnies re2orded totl nu(6er o+
B 22idents (7."A! e20. D0e plsti2 re2y2ling 22ounted +or & det0 (2.2A!% " in7uries (".4A! nd 2se +tlity
rte o+ 20A w0ile 6uilding 2onstru2tion sitesG2o(pnies 22ounted +or 7 in7uries (7."A!% nd no +tlities.
Result of Accidents in (arious Industries
D6le B; Ke2ord o+ 22idents nd det0s nd t0e type o+ industries involved +ro( 2002 to 20&2.
A o+
N#. #?
A o+ in7uries N#. #?
A o+
?##D PK#C/SSIN5 ' 22." 20 2&." &2 26.& 60
93N)?3CD)KIN5 #?
& 2." "0 "B.@ 2' 6B "@
P/DK#1 SD3DI#NS & 2." & &.& & 2.2 &00
B 7." " ".4 & 2.2 20
SD//1GPIP/ 9I11S 4 &0 " ".4 - -
B 7." 7 7." - -
93N)?3CD)KIN5 (DI1/S!
& 2." & &.& - -
?#39 PK#D)CDI#N & 2." - - -
& 2." & &.& & 2.2 &00
?38KIC3D/D 9/D31
& 2." 2 2.2 2 4.B &00
C/9/ND PK#D)CDI#N & 2." & &.& - -
)N.N#JN &4 B" - - -
D#D31 40 &00 'B &00 46 &00 4'."

Table structure, partly adopted from Ezenwa (001! and modified by authors" content from accident reports
collected from the #$%&'( (00)01!*
D0e 0ig0est 2se +tlity rte o22urred in t0e petrol +illing sttions% 2ooperte est6lis0(ent nd
+6ri2ted (etl produ2tion industry wit0 &00A +tlity rte e20. D0ese were +ollowed 2losely 6y +ood
pro2essing industry (60A!% ru66er produ2ts industry ("@A! nd plsti2 produ2tion nd re2y2ling (20A!.

Result of Accident Causal Factor
D6le 4; 322ident 2usl +2tors (2002-20&2!
322ident 2usl +2tors ?re=uen2y Per2entge
)ns+e 2ts 9gt. ?2tor @ 40
:u(n +2tor &2 60
)ns+e 2onditions 9gt. ?2tor B' 7@
:u(n +2tor && 22
Ke(ote or 2ontri6utory +2tors 9gt. ?2tor 42 '&.B
:u(n +2tor 4 @.7
(esi+ned by authors
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

?ro( D6le 4% it 2n 6e seen t0t t0e 60A o+ uns+e 2ts t0t were reported during t0e && yer period
were due to 0u(n +2tors nd t0ese in2lude; e(ployees 0urrying up to +inis0 t0e ts* on ti(e% 2utting 2orners to
in2rese produ2tivity et2. :owever% t0is (y 6e due to pressure +ro( (nge(ent or 0ig0 wor*lod% designting
untrined or ine>perien2ed e(ployees to 2tivities t0t t0ey re not 2o(petent +or. D0e ltter 22ounts +or 40 A
o+ t0e 22idents reported to t0e ?91PID% 0en2e (nge(entIs uns+e 2t.
9oreover% it 2n 6e seen +ro( D6le 4 t0t under uns+e 2onditions% 7@A o+ t0e 22idents reported
during t0e &&-yer period were due to (nge(ent +2tors. D0ese 2ould 6e due to (nge(ent using uns+e
e=uip(ent% using o6solete (20ines% +ilure to isolte (l+un2tioning li+t or restri2t t0e use o+ t0e li+t. #n t0e
ot0er 0nd% (intenn2e wor*s 6eing 2rried out wit0out (20ine 6eing swit20ed o++% w0i20 is one o+ t0e 0u(n
+2tors reported% 22ounted +or 22A.
In ter(s o+ re(ote nd 2ontri6utory 2uses o+ t0e 22idents reported% (nge(ent +2tors 22ounted +or
'&.BA nd t0ese in2lude; inde=ute trining% 0en2e low level o+ wreness% l2* o+ supervision. In ddition%
0u(n +2tors% w0i20 22ounted +or @.7A in2lude; +ilure o+ e(ployees to ttend trining sessions. 12* o+
trining ws t0e 0ig0est o22urring re(ote or 2ontri6utory +2tors o+ t0e reported 22idents (t0is prtly in+or(ed
t0e interview sessions!% +ollowed 6y l2* o+ supervision. D0e use o+ o6solete (20ines 22ounts +or 6out "0A
o+ t0e (nge(ent +2tors in ter(s o+ uns+e 2onditions.

Inter)ention Pattern
D0e dt 2olle2ted in+or(ed t0e en+or2e(ent pyr(id o+ t0e ?91PID in ?igure &. It s0ows t0t
t0roug0out t0e &&-yer period 2overed 6y t0is study% t0ere ws 7ust one prose2ution% &0 wrnings issued to
o++enders% @ s+ety pre2ution re2o((endtions% & 2se t0t ws yet to 6e investigted% nd no re2orded 2tions
t*en +or t0e rest. ?ro( t0e pyr(id 6elow (?ig. &!% it 2n 6e seen t0t t0e ?91PID dopts t0e lower sn2tion
6se level in t0e pyr(id% w0i20 is 2onsistent wit0 (ost +ood s+ety en+or2e(ent gen2ies (lo2l ut0orities! s
posited 6y ?ir(n nd Fpp (200"!. ?ro( t0e 2riti2l nlysis o+ t0e dt 2olle2ted% it is evident t0t (ost i+ not
ll t0e o++enders +or t0e &&-yer period 6re20ed se2tion B o+ t0e ?2tories 32t ?& 1?N 2004$

?ig; &; /n+or2e(ent pyr(id o+ Nigeri 6sed on reported 22idents (2002-20&2!.
,tructure, adopted from -yres and .raithwaite (1//! and modified by authors*

It re=uires t0e registrtion o+ pre(ises wit0 t0e Dire2tor o+ ?2tories 6e+ore t0e 2o((en2e(ent o+
6usiness or t lest 6 (ont0s +ter 2o((en2e(ent% 6ut no re2ord o+ penlties ws +ound +or t0is violtion.
3dditionlly% t0e nlysis lso +ound t0t @0A o+ t0e 22idents 0ppen t nig0t nd (ost resulted to +tlities or
revo2tion; 0

revo2tion; 0
1i2ense suspension; 0
Cri(inl penlty; & re2orded
Civil penlty; none re2orded
Jrning letters; &0 wrnings issued
Persusion; @ s+ety pre2ution re2o((endtions

Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

s result o+ lone wor*ing. '2A o+ t0e 22ident reported *ept t0e vi2ti(s out o+ wor* +or (ore t0n " dys or
even per(nently out o+ wor*. In generl% t0e dt 2olle2ted s0ows lower rte o+ reported 22idents 2o(pred
wit0 w0t /Cenw (200&! presents% w0eres t0ere 0s 6een no re2ord o+ redu2tion in t0e rte o+ 22idents in
Nigeri% rt0er n in2rese. D0is se2tion o+ t0e result lso prtly in+or(ed t0e se2ond (et0od o+ t0e reser20
w0ere &0 o++i2ers were interviewed so s to understnd t0e underlying deter(innts o+ t0e level o+ sn2tions.

Results of Selected Inter)ie*s
D0e su6-se2tion 6elow presents t0e results o+ t0e interviews so s to understnd t0e intervention pttern.
IntervieweesI responses to w0y orgnistions t0t 6re20ed t0e se2tion B o+ t0e ?2tories 32t o+ 2004 were not
prose2uted vried. 3lso% l2* o+ trining in t0e wor*pl2es reported% is 0ig0ly 2ontri6utory +2tor to 22idents%
6ut t0e interviewees 2ould not de(onstrte de=ute provisions in pl2e to re2ti+y t0e 6ove. In ter(s o+
en+or2e(ent% t0e pyr(id 6ove s0ows greter 2on2entrtion on low levels o+ sn2tions. D0e interviewees
6l(ed it on t0e legl syste( on2e gin nd prose2ution syste(% opining t0t t0e pro2ess o+ prose2ution is not
+riendly. Jorse still% (ost o+ t0e interviewees were un6le to de(onstrte t0e rtionle 6e0ind t0e non-
sn2tioning o+ t0e o++enders.
#ne o+ t0e respondents 0owever% stted%
L0e lea1e the sanctions to the mana+ement of the ministry" the #actories -ct stipulates just 000 Naira (i.e
M7.40 w0ere M& N 270 Nir! for the offence2% w0ile not0er stted% LThe process of prosecution is the problem* '
can remember that sometime a+o, durin+ enforcement, the then $inister, called our (irector and told him to
pull his men out of site as he has interest in the site2*
D0e site in =uestion ws 6eing inspe2ted nd 0d violted (ost o+ t0e regultions. 3not0er respondent stted;
LThe decision to prosecute is on the mana+ement, the mana+ement decides who will be prosecuted2
#n t0e ot0er 0nd% not0er respondent e>pnded;
L0e do not want to scare off those that co)operate with us a little* 0e want to +et them to do what we want
+radually* 'f we are hard on them, they would not co)operate with us a+ain* They can e1en lea1e us at the +ate if
we 1isit for inspections, after all, we do not ha1e police men with us durin+ inspection*2
D0e pro2ess o+ reported 22idents (y 6e 2ontri6utory +2tor to t0e low level o+ 22ident reporting in Nigeri.
D0ere+ore% to understnd t0e p0eno(enon% t0e interviewees were s*ed 6out it nd t0e low level o+ reported
22idents. D0e intervieweesI responses de(onstrted de=ute o++i2il pro2edure +or 22ident reporting. D0e
=uestion s to t0e e++i22y o+ t0e pro2edure re(ins n issue t0t is wort0 investigting. In reltion to t0eir
per2eption +or t0e low level o+ reported 22idents% one respondent stted;
LThe low le1el of accident reported is due to low le1el of publicity* -lso, most times companies do not report
accidents because they want to a1oid compensatin+ 1ictims* 't is the affected employee that comes to inform the
ministry and then the ministry writes the company2.

3nlogous to% 3de (&''B! in /Cenw (200&!% w0i20 presents 0ig0 2se +tlity rte o+ "2." +or /gypt%
is t0is study w0i20 s0ows t0t +ro( 2002 to 20&2% 40 22idents were reported to t0e ?91PID in w0i20 t0e
+ollowing were re2orded; 'B in7uries% 46 det0s% 4 ner (isses nd 0ig0 2se +tlity rte o+ 4'.". 3lt0oug0 t0e
6ove is 7ust tip o+ t0e i2e6erg o+ t0e level o+ 22idents in Nigeri (/Cenw% 200&!% t0e +indings s0ow
signi+i2nt in2rese in 2se +tlity rte in Nigeri% in t0t /Cenw (200&! s0ows 2se +tlity rte o+ 2.2 +or
&0-yer period (&'@7-&''6!. Nevert0eless% it s0ould 6e noted t0t vil6ility o+ dt re(ins 0indrn2e to
#:S in developing 2ountries (Diugwu et l.% 20&2- /Cenw% 200&- Idoro% 200@- Idu6or 4 #si(o7e% 20&2-
)(eo*+or et l.% 20&B!% t0us ++e2ting 20ieving one o+ t0e o67e2tives o+ t0is reser20. Nevert0eless% t0e
+indings +ro( t0is study suggest signi+i2nt redu2tion in t0e rte o+ 22idents reported to t0e ?91PID
2o(pred wit0 w0t /Cenw (200&! reports.
In prti2ulr% t0e dt in D6le & de(onstrtes t0t t0ere re no re2ords o+ reported 22idents +or 200"
nd 2006. #6viously% 22idents re 0ig0ly li*ely to 0ve o22urred 6ut (y not 0ve 6een reported- i+ reported%
t0ey were not do2u(ented 6y t0e relevnt ut0ority. 3rgu(ents (ust 6e rised in ter(s o+ 22ident nd det0
trend in D6le 2% w0ere ele2tro2ution% trpping o+ persons 6y (oving prts o+ (20ines% in0ltion o+ poisonous
gses% 0ot t0er(l +luid 22ount +or 2se +tlity rte o+ &00A e20- de(onstrting t0e 0ig0 degree o+ +tl
potentility o+ t0ese ris*s. 3lt0oug0 t0ey 22ount +or lower nu(6er o+ det0s nd in7uries% t0e li*eli0ood o+
survivl on e>posure to su20 0Crds is sli(. D0ere+ore% it is suggested t0t industries wit0 e(ployees t ris* o+
in7ury or det0 due to t0e 6ove s0ould develop e++e2tive strtegies to 2ontrol t0e ris*s. 3lt0oug0 +ire does not
re2ord 2se +tlity rte o+ &00% it re(ins n re o+ 2on2ern s t0e d(ges in ter(s o+ lives nd properties
re dunting. D0e s(e 2n 6e sid o+ industries li*e petrol sttions% 2ooperte est6lis0(ents% +6ri2tors o+
(etls produ2ts% w0ere 2se +tlity rtes o+ &00 were re2orded (D6le B!. D0is de(onstrtes t0e 0ig0-ris* levels
o+ t0ese industries- not +orgetting t0e (nu+2turers o+ ru66er produ2ts% w0ere t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ in7uries ws
re2orded nd t0e +ood pro2essing industry% w0ere t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ det0s ws re2orded. 3lt0oug0 t0e
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

in2ident in t0e 2ooperte est6lis0(ent is not regulr o22urren2e (use o+ dys+un2tionl li+t t0t ws le+t
unse2ured!% t0e degree o+ negligen2e re(ins 2onspi2uous nd poses gret 2on2ern.
Consistent wit0 #dero (200"!% w0i20 +ound t0t 0u(n +2tors were responsi6le +or @"A o+ t0e 2uses
o+ t0e rod 22idents in .eny% is t0is study% w0i20 +ound t0t @0A o+ uns+e 2ts% 22A +or uns+e 2onditions nd
@.7 +or re(ote or 2ontri6utory +2tors. D0e 2ontention 6eing t0t t0e 2ontri6ution o+ 0u(n +2tors to 22idents
re(ins signi+i2nt. D0is study lso reports t0t @0A o+ t0e 22idents o22urred t nig0t.
In ter(s o+ t0e level o+ sn2tions s seen in t0e en+or2e(ent pyr(id in ?igure &% t0e ?91PID
2on2entrtes (ore on issuing wrnings nd s+ety pre2ution re2o((endtions% w0ile one reported 22ident s
seen elsew0ere in t0is pper is yet to 6e investigted. D0us% de(onstrting t0t t0e ?91PID does not t*e
22ident investigtion seriously% s t0e eviden2e in reltion to t0e in2ident (y 0ve 6een t(pered wit0 or even
destroyed 6y t0e o++enders. 3lso% t0e results s0ow t0t t0ere is no re2ord o+ sn2tionGprose2ution +or violtion o+
se2tion B o+ t0e ?2tories 32t ?& 1?N 2004% w0i20 (ost o+ t0e o++enders violted. Conse=uently% rgu(ents 2n
6e (de t0t lt0oug0 t0e ?2tories 32t ?& 1?N 2004 stipultes penlities o+ i(prison(ent nd +ines or ny o+
t0e two depending on durtion o+ 2ontrvention o+ t0e legisltion% t0e dt 2olle2ted s0ows no re2ord o+ t0e
?91PID sn2tioning t0e o++enders% w0i20 t0ey 2on+ir(ed during t0e interview. D0is re++ir(s #*o7ie (20&0!
+indings t0t en+ro2e(ent 2tions% in prti2ulr t0e issuing o+ pro0i6ition noti2es is rre in Nigeri. ?2toring in
t0t t0e interventions e>plored re re2tive ones% t0us does not report pro2tive ones% gree(ent (ust 6e (de
t0t i+ re2tive interventions 22ount +or t0e result in ?igure &% t0en little 2n 6e sid o+ pro2tive interventions
(i.e. i+ it o22urs!.
?urt0er(ore% t0e responses o+ t0e interviewees do suggest l2* o+ (nge(ent 2o((it(ent% w0i20 is
2onsistent wit0 Idu6or nd #si(o7e% (20&2!- )(eo*+or et l. (20&4!. D0is is on t0e grounds t0t (ost
respondents ttest to t0e prose2ution de2ision 6eing on t0e (nge(ent% w0o 2n 6e seen s lgging 6e0ind. D0e
6ove rgu(ents +2tored in% llude t0e in+eren2e o+ t0e signi+i2nt evident de2y in t0e upstre( pu6li2 entity
se2tor o+ #:S in Nigeri- t0is is irrespe2tive o+ rgu(ents t0t (y 6e in +vour o+ t0e ?91PID. /=ully
i(portnt is response 6y respondent t0t t0ey void s2ring o++ orgnistions t0t 2o-operte wit0 t0e(
little (see results se2tion!. 3lt0oug0 t0is is 2onsistent wit0 8enign 8ig 5un p0ilosop0y 6y 3yres nd 8rit0wite
(&''2!% w0i20 re2ognises t0e prospe2ts o+ t0e regultor 2rrying 6ig sti2*s (ie.% 0ving enor(ous power! 6ut
spe*ing so+tly% 0en2e 0rdly using t0e sti2*s- it s0ould not pply to 2ornerstone regultions nd w0ere #:S is
pro6le(ti2. In t0t sele2tive 2o(plin2e wit0 #:S regultions is tnt(ount to non-2o(plin2e% 0en2e
2o(plin2e s0ould 6e non-negoti6le. :owever% it 2n 6e rgued t0t t0e ?91PID plys down uns+e pr2ti2es
s t0e 6ove ug(ents de(onstrte. D0e poor stte o+ #:S in Nigeri (Idu6or 4 #si(o7e% 20&2- )(eo*+or et.
l.% 20&4! re=uires (ore t0n s+ety pre2utions% re2o((endtions nd wrning. D0is en+or2e(ent ppro20 (y
6e de=ute in situtions were #:S syste( is +un2tionl nd t0e level o+ #:S is not poor% 6ut it s0ould 6e +or
s0ort period o+ ti(e nd (onitored to void 6eing 6used. It (ust 6e (entioned t0t t0e interviewees 6l(e
inde=ute pu6li2ity s deterren2e to 22ident reporting- t0is is in line Diugwu et l. (20&2!% w0o +ound t0t
7'."A o+ t0eir respondents re not wre o+ t0e 2ustodin o+ #:S in Nigeri. 3s result% little is e>pe2ted o+
t0ese orgnistions in ter(s o+ 22ident reporting ()(eo*+or et l.% 20&B!. Nevert0eless% it is evident t0t t0e
?91PID needs regenertion o+ ttri6ute.
9enw0ile% it is not enoug0 to identi+y t0e 2uses o+ 22idents% s 2usl +2tors w0i20 en2o(pss; uns+e
2ts% uns+e 2onditions nd re(ote or 2ontri6utory +2tors re t0e root o+ 22idents- ll o+ w0i20 re (nge(ent
(de or 0u(n (de. D0ere+ore% i+ situtionl nlysis 0ig0lig0ts t0e(% t0e 20in o+ events nd t0e inter2tion
6etween t0e events nd t0e 2usl +2tors will 6e understood% t0us digging deep into 22ident investigtion (Inel
4Inel% &''"!. Conse=uently% re+erring to D6le 4% t0e 2se studies 6elow de(onstrte t0e 22ident 2usl +2tors%
w0i20 in2lude re(ote +2tors nd 2ontri6utory +2tors.
&. "0 wor*ers were in7ured% 2' o+ w0i20 lter died o+ severe 6urns s t0ey were trpped during +ire%
w0i20 strted t t0e rw (terils store o+ ru66er +ootwer +2tory% 2onse=uently resulting in series o+
e>plosions. D0e es2pe routes were 6lo2*ed. )ns+e 2onditions +or wor* provided 6y t0e (nge(ent
su20 s lo2ting o+ ste( 6oilers wit0in t0e (in produ2tion 0ll% 6sen2e o+ +ire dete2tors% +ire lr( nd
wter 0ydrnt were reported +ter investigting t0e 22ident. D0e (7or uns+e 2ondition noti2ed ws t0e
+ilure o+ t0e (nge(ent to isolte nd prtilly 2o(prt(entlise t0e +l((6le (terils store% w0ile
poor 2o((uni2tion due to lnguge 6rrier 6etween t0e supervisors (C0inese! nd t0e wor*ers
(Nigerins! ws t0e re(ote nd 2ontri6utory +2tor.
2. 3 wor*er su++ered 2rus0 in7ury to t0e 0ed nd ws 2erti+ied ded upon rrivl t t0e 0ospitl. D0e
s(e wor*er ws e(ployed in (etlising nd p2*ging 2o(pny nd ws deployed +ter " dys to
wor* wit0 6low-(olding (20ine during nig0t s0i+t wit0out prior trining% w0i20 is (7or 2usl
+2tor o+ t0e 22ident. #t0ers in2lude; leving t0e wor*er to wor* lone- 6sen2e o+ +irst id% w0i20 (y
0ve 0elped sve t0e li+e o+ t0e wor*er s stted in t0e report- l2* o+ supervision- no s+ety instru2tions
on t0e (20ine. D0ese t0ere+ore rein+or2e t0e role o+ (nge(ent 2usl +2tors in t0e in2ident.
B. 3 lone wor*er in n tte(pt to re(ove dirty prti2les +ro( (20ine 0e ws wor*ing wit0 lost 0is rig0t
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

inde> +inger to t0e (20ine w0ile 0is pl( ws prtly in7ured. D0e 2usl +2tor o+ t0e 22ident is t0e
uns+e 2t on t0e prt o+ t0e wor*er w0o s0ould 0ve swit20ed o++ t0e (20ine 6e+ore tte(pting to
re(ove t0e prti2les. D0e re(ote or 2ontri6utory +2tors re t0e ignorn2e o+ t0e wor*er in reltion to
6si2 0elt0 nd s+ety w0ile using t0e (20ine nd t0e l2* o+ supervision o+ wor*ers 6y t0e
3s regrds 2se &% (ost o+ t0e 22ident 2usl +2tors re (nge(ent +2tors. D0is is on t0e grounds t0t
de=ute 2o((uni2tion% (7or ingredient +or e++e2tive (nge(ent s0ould 6e in pl2e in t0e orgnistion- t0e
t0ree ste( 6oilers s0ould not 6e lo2ted in t0e produ2tion 0ll% s t0ey endnger t0e lives o+ t0e wor*ers in ny
2se o+ e>plosion- +ire dete2tors% +ire +ig0ting e=uip(ent li*e +ire e>tinguis0er nd wter 0ydrnts nd sprin*lers
s0ould 0ve 6een in t0e +2tory. 3s (u20 s (ost o+ t0ese re due to (nge(ent +ilures% t0e ?91PID s0ould
0ve o6served (ost o+ t0ese% espe2illy t0e ltter point 6ove i+ t0ere 0s 6een de=ute #:S (nge(ent
(onitoring 6y t0e(. Si(ilr to 2se & is 2se 2% w0ere t0e 22ident 2usl +2tors re due to (nge(ent +2tors
in t0t newly e(ployed st++ s0ould not 6e lone wor*er- de=ute supervision nd trining% de=ute +irst id
s0ould 0ve 6een in pl2e. D0e uns+e 2ondition o+ t0e (20ine% w0i20 0s no s+ety instru2tion% suggests t0t
t0e (20ine (y 0ve 6een n old (20ine or (y 0ve +llen o++% s new (20ines will 0ve s+ety
instru2tions s spe2i+ied in interntionl stndrds. ?urt0er rgu(ents re (de in +vour o+ t0e (nge(ent s
per 2se B% in t0t 0u(n +2tors% w0i20 re non-d0eren2e to instru2tions% trying to 2ut 2orners re to 6l(e +or
t0e 22ident. :owever% l2* o+ supervision% w0i20 is t0e responsi6ility o+ t0e (nge(ent% is lso 2ontri6utory

Conclusion and reco&&endations
Co(pred to /Cenw (200&!% t0is study de(onstrtes t0t in Nigeri; 22idents re still under-reported-
+tlity% in7ury nd 22ident rtes re in2resing- (nge(ent 2o((it(ents to 22ident prevention re(in poor.
D0e ltter rgu6ly 2ontri6utes 0ugely to 22ident 2ustion. It goes +urt0er to de(onstrte t0t t0e 2ustodin o+
#:S in Nigeri dopts insigni+i2nt sn2tions +or o++en2es. In t0t irrespe2tive o+ o++en2e% (inly s+ety
pre2ution re2o((endtions nd wrnings were issued 6y t0e ?91PID% overloo*ing (ny 2ses o+ violtion o+
#:S legisltion. 3lt0oug0 t0e legisltion is inde=ute% s 2ustodin o+ #:S% nd wit0 t0e 0ig0 2se +tlity
rte in t0e 2ountry% t0eir opertions s0ould i( t 6est pr2ti2es. 9ost signi+i2ntly% t0is study revels t0t +or t0e
&&-yer study period; +ire 22ounted +or t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ det0s nd in7uries% (nu+2tures o+ ru66er
produ2ts 22ounted +or t0e 0ig0est nu(6er o+ det0s nd in7uries- l2* o+ trining ws t0e 0ig0est o22urring
22ident 2usl +2tor. D0e +indings t0t t0e intervention strtegies dopted 6y t0e ?91PID re(ins inde=ute
nd t0t t0e #:S legisltion is inde=ute re well 0ig0lig0ted in t0is pper. ?2toring ll t0t t0is pper 0s
de(onstrted so +r% nu(6er o+ (ngeril nd poli2y i(pli2tions re set +ort0. D0ese in2lude; doption o+
(ore prg(ti2 en+or2e(ent ppro20% w0ere deterren2e 6sed ppro20 (i.e.% severe sn2tion oriented! nd
syste( (nge(ent ppro20 re 2o(6ined- stipulting dedline +or d0ering to post-inspe2tion
re2o((endtions set-out 6y ?91IPD- develop(ent nd doption o+ +ree (o6ile 22ident reporting syste( +or
vi2ti(s nd t0eir 7o6s prote2ted upon reporting 22idents. 1i*ewise% 2tive govern(entl involve(ent is soli2ited
in developing de=ute strtegies +or 22ident prevention. 3lt0oug0 li*e every study% t0is study 0s en2ountered
so(e li(ittions t0t in2lude dert0 o+ #:S dt% (et0odologi2l tringultion ws dopted +or 2ross-vlidtion
o+ dt nd +or 6etter understnding o+ t0e p0eno(en. :owever% +uture reser20 2n +o2us on i(proving
22ident reporting in Nigeri nd understnding t0e intervention pro2ess o+ ?91PID.

D0e ut0ors wis0 to t0n* t0e ?ederl 9inistry nd 16our nd Produ2tivity (Inspe2torte Division! Nigeri +or
providing t0e dt +or t0e study nd Nedselite S+ety Interntionl +or 0elping in dt 2olle2tion.

3yres% I. nd 8rit0wite% E. (&''2!. 3esponsi1e re+ulation4 Transcendin+ the dere+ulation debate* New For*;
#>+ord )niversity Press.
DenCin% N... (&'70!. The research act in sociolo+y4 - theoretical introduction to sociolo+ical $ethods* 1ondon;
Diugwu% I. 3.% 86% D. 1.% nd /gil% 3. /. (20&2!. /++e2tive regultion nd level o+ wreness; 3n e>pose o+
t0e NigeriIs 2onstru2tion industry. 5pen 6ournal of ,afety ,cience and Technolo+y. 2% pp &40-&46.
/Cenw% #.3. (200&!. 3 study o+ +tl in7uries in Nigerin +2tories. 5ccupational $edicine. "&(@!% 4@"-4@'.
?ir(n% K. nd Fpp% C. (200"!. /n+or2ed sel+-regultion% pres2ription% nd 2on2eptions o+ 2o(plin2e wit0in
s(ll 8usiness; D0e i(p2t o+ en+or2e(ent. %aw and &olicy% 27 (4!.
:(linen% P.% D*l% E.% nd Srel% ..% 1. (2006! 5lo6l esti(tes o+ o22uptionl 22idents. ,afety ,cience.
44% &B7O&"6.
Idoro% 5. I. (200@!. :elt0 nd s+ety (nge(ent e++orts s 2orreltes o+ per+or(n2e in t0e Nigerin
Developing Country Studies
ISSN 2224-607X (Pper! ISSN 222"-0"6" (#nline!
$ol.4% No.&"% 20&4

2onstru2tion industry. 6ournal of 7i1il En+ineerin+ and $ana+ement. &4 (4!% 277-2@".
Idu6or% /. /.% 4 #is(o7e% 9. D. (20&B!. 3n e>plortion o+ 0elt0 nd s+ety (nge(ent issues in NigeriIs
e++orts to industriliCe. European ,cientific 6ournal% ' (&2!% &"4-&6'.
Inel E.K. 8. nd Inel% E.1. C. (&''"!. /vents nd 2usl +2tors nlysis. De20ni2l 3esearch and -nalysis 7enter
,7'ENTE78, 'nc. Ketrieved +ro( 0ttp;GGwww.7*ltd.netGtr2&4.pd+
#dero% J. (&''"!. Kod tr++i2 22idents in .eny; 3n epide(iologi2l pprisl. East -frican medical
6ournal 72 ("!% 2''-B0".
#C/D #rgnistion +or /2ono(i2 Co-opertion nd Develop(ent. (2002!
L-frican Economic 5utlook2. Ketrived +ro( 0ttp;GGwww.oe2d.orgG2ountriesGnigeriG&@2620@.pd+
#*o7ie% #. (20&0!. Syste( +or reporting o22uptionl diseses in Nigeri. -frican Newsletter on 5ccupational
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.ipo% D.D. (20&B!. 9i>ed reser20 (et0ods; Ke+le2tions on so2il poli2y. -sian ,ocial ,cience ' (&7!% 2"'-26@.
Nigerin Ntionl 8ureu o+ Sttisti2s (20&4!. $easurin+ better4 presentation of preliminary results of the
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)(eo*+or% N.% Is2% D.% Eones% .. 5.% 4 )(edi% 8. (20&B!. Enforcement of occupational safety and health
re+ulations in Ni+eria4 -n e;ploration* Pro2eedings o+ t0e &st Interntionl S2ienti+i2 ?oru(% B; '2-&0B.
)(eo*+or% N. I.% )(edi% 8.% 4 Eones% ..5. (20&4!. 7ompliance with 5ccupational 8ealth and ,afety
3e+ulations4 - 3e1iew of Ni+eria2s 7onstruction 'ndustry. In /7o0wo(u% #. 4 #s0odi% #. (eds! pro2eedings o+
t0e Brd Interntionl Con+eren2e on In+rstru2ture Develop(ent in 3+ri2 ICDI3 20&4% pp 70-@4.

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