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No Game No Life:Volume 4

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1 Novel Illustrations
2 Preface
3 Prologue - Easy Start
o 31 Part 1
o 32 Part 2
! "hapter 1 - Encounter#l$
o !1 Part 1
o !2 Part 2
o !3 Part 3
o !! Part !
o !% Part %
o !& Part &
% "hapter 2 - Strategist#'he Sun
o %1 Part 1
o %2 Part 2
o %3 Part 3
& "hapter 3 - "harmer#ss (
o &1 Part 1
o &2 Part 2
o &3 Part 3
o &! Part !
) "hapter ! - *il( "ar(#'he +ool
o )1 Part 1
o )2 Part 2
o )3 Part 3
o )! Part !
, Epilogue - Interrupt En(
o ,1 Part 1
o ,2 Part 2
- .fter/or(s
10 1eferences
Novel Illustrations
'hese are the novel illustrations that /ere inclu(e( in Volume 4

Table of Contents

Page 22

Page 27

Page 54

Page 78

Page 1!

Page 1"8

Page 185

Page 248

Page 2!1
It /as farther than the sea
So far that it ha( 2ecome unreacha2le, a part of 3fairy tales45
In a certain place there e6iste( a 2eautiful princess
She ha( 2eautiful gol(en hair that even the moon /oul( a(mire
7er shining eyes coul( oversha(o/ stars
Even the 2ir(s /oul( 2e hum2le( 2y her ama8ing voice
'he fame of her 2eauty ha( sprea( across the seven continents
9en from all over the /orl( :ept coming to propose to the princess
'he princess sai(:
;*hoever can give me the 2est present in the /orl(5I shall give my love to him;
'hus many a man came to propose /ith (a88ling treasures
Nee(less to say that there /ere gol( an( <e/els
'he princess even receive( hun(re(s of territories, thousan(s of castles, an( tens of thousan(s of
=ut the princess /asn>t even one 2it satisfie(
;I /ant things that are more 2eautiful, more valua2le;
So there /ere more men /ho sent uni?ue treasures to her
Not to mention uni?ue vo/s of love in the /orl(
'he princess even receive( secret treasures uni?ue in the /orl(, heavenly o2<ects that (i(n>t even
have another among go(s
=ut the princess /as still not satisfie(
No matter /hat (egree the 2eauty, they coul( not rival the princess> 2eauty
No matter /hat (egree the love, they /ere li:e grante( to the princess
No matter /hat (egree the treasure, the princess ha( alrea(y gotten them
5'here /ere no more treasures in the /orl( that coul( ama8e the princess
Even so, the princess still sai(:
;Someone come5is there a treasure that>s even more ama8ing@;
5'hings /ent li:e this until one (ay
. prince came 2efore the princess
7e /as (ifferent from any man the princess ha( ever met
7e /as young an( strong, 2ut (resse( poorly
Ai(n>t seem li:e he /as carrying any treasure too
=ut the prince gave a ;little treasure;, an( sai(:
;I am going to give the princess a treasure that she has a2solutely never seen 2efore;
Bpon seeing /hat the prince gave5the most 2eautiful treasure in the /orl(
'he princess coul( not stop 2eing ama8e(
.n( thus she gave her promise of love to the prince
.n( that treasure /as55

;5'hat>s itC It /as >true love>C;
3She4 close( the 2oo: in her han(s, an( screame(
In this manner, 3she4, in or(er to loo: for her >true love>, entere( a long, long sleep
*aiting for the (ay that the man /ith that >little treasure> in the fairy tale /oul( appear
5*ithout any consi(eration for any possi2le conse?uences that might 2e 2rought 2y her actions
*hat 3she4 ha( rea( /as really a 3fairy tale4
=ut the story of 3her4 falling into a (eep sleep for the fairy tale, isn>t a 3fairy tale4
'hat>s farther than the sea, so far it /as ,00 years ago5
So silly that any of the E6cee( /oul( 2e laughe( at for this5>$istor%&
Prologue ' (as% )tart
Part 1
'he *ere2eastsD nation EE the Eastern Bnion 'he countrysi(e of Fannagari "ity
'here is a 2uil(ing /here the former Eastern BnionDs am2assa(or resi(es EE 7atsune I8unaDs
In a /oo(en room /hich has architecture resem2ling a "hashitsu
, the smell of incense (rifte(
over the ne/ly lai( tatami mats
'he room /as so silent, one /oul( thin: that only unmoving plants /ere present /ithin . single
silhouette /as seen shivering insi(e
IJJShiro, are you a/a:e@K
'he figure ?uietly clim2e( out of his 2e(, an( /hispere( to his si(e
JJNo reply
Lnly her smooth an( stea(y 2reathing coul( 2e hear( ne6t to him
"onfirming /hat he hear(, the figure no((e( his hea(, an( snuc: into action
Aespite 2eing in a rush, he /as hol(ing his 2reath, /hile hol(ing tightly onto his pillo/ an( not
ma:ing any soun(s
'hen, his han( gra22e( the item he ha( targete(, an( at once, he ?uietly move( to the corner of
the room
INo2o(y on the right, no2o(y on the left Lther than Shiro, no one else is presentK
'he figure recite( these /or(s, an( 2egun his operation 7is face 2egan to emerge through the
It /as a 2lac:-eye( an( 2lac:-haire( teenager, /ho ha( (ar: circles un(er his eyes /hich
(ecrease( his attractiveness greatly
7e /as Sora, 1, years ol(, an( ImanityDs latest Fing 7e /as one of the t/o rulers of Elchea
'he :ing carefully investigate( his surroun(ings 7e use( his left han( to hol( his ta2let P" an(
his right han( to hol( a 2o6 of facial tissues 7e 2egan his (eclaration as softly as possi2le
INo/ is the time EE I can (ischarge the long accumulate( to6ins in my 2o(yCK
EE 'ruly a pervert
If the citi8ens /ere to /itness their Fing in his current manner, they /oul( pro2a2ly
sorro/fully cry out /ith a long ILhJJK
=ut, please first /ait a /hile
It has 2een t/o months since he an( his sister ha( 2een summone( to this foreign /orl( name(
Ais2oar(, a /orl( /here everything /as (eci(e( 2y games
In that short perio( of time, not only ha( he ascen(e( the throne of the Imanity /ho /ere on the
verge of (estruction, together /ith his sister, he ha( /ent through several (eath matches EE
su2(uing those /ith the a2ility to use magic, surpassing various cheats, an( recapturing the
territory of the Imanity 'o(ay, they merge( their country /ith so many lan(s that they have
2ecome the thir( largest country in the /orl(
Sora EE (uring these series of fierce 2attles /ith countless /omen EE not limiting to the Imanity,
2ut also inclu(ing the +lMgel, Elves, an( *ere2easts EEthere ha( 2een several times /here
people /ere practically na:e(, 2e it in games or (uring 2aths Auring all these times, he /as
force( to turn his hea( a/ay 7e /as li:e a man playing in a san(2o6 *ithin his ta2let P" an(
smartphones /as the resi(ue of these para(ises in the form of vi(eos he ha( recor(e( 7o/ever,
as he is al/ays 2y his sisterDs si(e, he ha( never once ha( a chance to vie/ theseJ
So it is to sayJ
7e /as never a2le to vent his urges EEC
+or a man in such a situation, /oul( accusing him of 2eing a pervert 2e reasona2le@
EE .hh, thatDs right *omen, you can (espise me for all you /ant
=ut fello/ men, you shoul( 2e a2le to relate to thisC
+or an eighteen year ol( virgin to en(ure to this very (ay, <ust thin: of his iron /illpo/erC 7o/
can it not 2ring you to tears@C
'hat shoul( 2e a/e-inspiring enough, no@
'hat shoul( 2e enough to call it EE Nove, no@
I nee( not spea: for my sister /ho is still so young
In or(er to protect the several mai(ens aroun( him, he ha( to resist all of his urges EE
Such no2le am2itions EE /hat /oul( it 2e if not Nove@
JJIs there anyone out there /ho can refute this EE No, there is notC
I thin: there isnDtJ pro2a2ly@
II (onDt care if youDre going to scol( me as a pervert, IDm alrea(y at my limits an( on the verge
of 2ursting EE No, this is in(ee( a no2le act of the highest or(erCCK
*ith such tragic thoughts in his consciousness, SoraJ put his han( to his crotchJ
IBm, BmJ E6-E6cuse meJK
Bpon hearing that voice 2ehin( him, Sora let out a scream li:e a girl, so scare( that he fell on the
. sigh /as let out EE there /ere three people /ho /ere respon(ing
IJJNiJJAo it more ?uietlyJJK
Oetting up an( no longer preten(ing to 2e asleep, a pure-/hite haire( sister /ith re( eyes col(ly
stare( on at him EE Shiro
IBghJ there are other people right, (es@ I8una /ants to sleep together, (esK
Stic:ing her hea( out from the si(e of the ceiling /as a 2lac: haire( *ere2east girl /ith animal
ears EE 7atsuse I8una
I*ho (ares to offen( my master@ "an I cut it off@ "an I cut off this thiefDs hea(C@K
.ppearing out of thin air /ith an a2stract halo floating on her hea( /as a +lMgel girl EE Ji2ril
'he o/ners of these three voices ha( an air of (iscontent aroun( themJ
Sora, /ho ha( fallen on the tatami, coul( not resist shouting /hile he /as putting his pants 2ac:
IAoesnDt this /orl( have any concept of privacy@C I <ust suffere( a serious violationCCK
'hen, /hen he /as in the mi((le of pulling up his 8ipperJ
I*ho are you to say thatC@ 7o/ (are you act li:e a sage /hile peeping on othersCK
*hile Sora /as pointing an( shouting in their (irection, everyone else ha( finally reali8e( that
something /as amiss, an( re(irecte( their ga8es onto that person
Lnly a figure coul( 2e seen 'he person sat ?uietly on the floor, as if the person ha( merge( /ith
the night s:y
'he room /as (ar: an( ha8y EE 2ut even so, the person gave off an unnatural sense of lac:ing a
*ith light illuminating from her finger tips through magic, Ji2ril unhappily tilte( her lips to the
II /as /on(ering /ho /as capa2le of approaching master this closely /hile avoi(ing my notice
EE a Ahampir, I seeK
Bpon hearing Ji2rilDs /or(s, everyone loo:e( to/ar(s that figure once more
'hrough the illumination of light, a girl /earing a 2lac: (ress emerge( It /as as if she /as
/earing the night s:y on her 2o(y
She ha( short 2lue hair, an( her glo/ing purple pupils shone 2rightly through 7er teeth /ere
/hite, an( on her 2ac: /ere small 2at-li:e /ings
.lthough she loo:e( to 2e aroun( 1% or 1& in human age, that /oul( not 2e so since she /as a
7er appearance matche( Sora an( ShiroDs impressions of vampires e6actly, as it /as completely
li:e /hat /as (epicte( in a regular vampire story
EE 'hose /ho transcen( (eath PNosferatuQ, 'he rulers of the un(ea( PNo Nife FingQ,
Aominators of the night PNight/al:erQJJ
.s sho/n in these countless (ifferent names, they /ere a race that /ere greatly feare( 2y
humans EE 2ut, as for this girlDs caseJJ
IJJ I, I canDt (o this anymoreJJ PleaseJJ Please save meJJK
7er face /as haggar( an( she spo:e in a /ea: voice /hich completely offset any prior
impressions of terror
IRou lot are still the same Bsing your illusions to stay hi((en EE surreptitiously snea:ing aroun(
to hi(e from place to place, an( using your a2ility of 2right eyesK
IItDs such a pityJK Ji2ril then laughe( as she sarcastically continue( on
I.n( I thought your race ha( finally ma(e goo( use of your a2ilities, 2ut youDve silently (ie( out
/ithout a soun( Such a sorry state youDre inK
IJ-Ji2rilJ youDre still spea:ing as sharply as everK
Even Sora coul( not help 2ut fin( it terri2le /hile he /atche( her scol( the (ying girl
7o/ever, I8una lightly <umpe( (o/n from the ceiling /ithout ma:ing a soun(, an( tilte( her
hea( /hile sho/ing a pu88le( e6pression
II8una hear( from gran(pa, that the Ahampirs ha( alrea(y (ie( on the roa(si(e, (esK
So Ji2rilDs 2itter /or(s /ere actually the 2latant, unsparing truth
=ut I8una /as merely using the /rong choice of /or(s She meant no ill /ill
So that meansJ the race /as suppose( to have alrea(y perishe(J@
IJJ the E6cee(DsJJ t/elfth ran:e( raceJJ the AhampirsJJK
Seeing Sora /as at a loss, Shiro steppe( in to help
She cra/le( out of 2e(, an( 2egan rea(ing out the information she memori8e(
IJJ'he race thatJJ suc:s on the 2loo( of the rest of the E6cee( EE for their soulsJJ to
continue livingK
Shiro continue( to spea:
I.n( /ithJJ the 'en LathsJJK
Shiro let out an e6clamation an( her mouth t/itche( slightly
EE 'en Laths
'hat /as /hat the sole go( ha( set, an( these oaths /ere to 2e a2solutely o2eye( in this /orl( of
Lne of /hich state( I.ll mur(er, /ar an( ro22ery is for2i((en in this /orl(K
If these /ere the vampires that Sora /as familiar /ith, that /oul( mean that un(er these oathsJ
.ttac:ing others or 2iting themJ /oul( inflict harm on the other party, an( thus a race that
nee(s to /in in or(er to suc: othersD 2loo( /oul(J
IEh@ Is that so@ So that means the AhampirsJ /oul( not 2e a2le to suc: 2loo( /ithout the other
partyDs consent, right@K
'he (ying girl (i( not even nee( to spea: for Sora to :no/ the ans/er
J+rom this, Sora coul( un(erstan( /hy her face /as so haggar( Ji2ril then no((e( an( spo:e
I'o a(( on to /hat master has sai(, if a Ahampir suc:s the 2loo( of anotherJK
I'hey /oul( turn into a AhampirJ Nothing unusual thereK
.s a result, unless the other party /ante( to 2ecome a Ahampir, it /oul( 2e impossi2le to o2tain
consent to suc: anyoneDs 2loo(J
IJJ7uh@ No, that isnDt the caseK
IEh@ 'hatDs /eir( It (oesnDt al/ays turn out li:e that@K
IAhampirs o2tain soul essence from 2loo( an( 2o(y flui(s, an( /hen (ra/ing these flui(s,
their o/n soul /oul( 2e mi6e( /ith the otherDs 'hat /oul( promote a AhampirDs gro/th an(
enhance their strength, /hile the one /ho gets 2itten /ill have a mi6e( soul an( catch a specific
So that meansJ
Ji2ril smile( an( asserte(, IIt typically (oes a hun(re( times more harm than it (oes any goo(K
IJJ7o/ can there 2e such hopeless vampiresK
EE Net me offer to you the po/er to 2e ageless an( the strength of the night
=eing una2le to use this as a slogan to persua(e others, they /ere <ust a race that /oul( 2ring
a2out illnesses
7earing their helpless situation /oul( ma:e one /eep Sora turne( to face the Ahampir girl, an(
sighe( /ith nothing to say
I seeJ ItDs not surprising that they /oul( go e6tinct /ith the implementation of the 'en Laths
=ut thenJ if that is soJ Sora felt rather confuse(
JJ*hy havenDt they gone e6tinct yet@
IPlJJ Please JJ I, IDm at the 2rin: of (yingJJ give me your soul essenceJJK
'he girl /as practically 2egging *ith (isor(erly 2reaths an( a /ea: voice, she sought the help
of Sora /ho /as currently in (eep thought
.s she spo:e, her voice got more hoarse an( /ea: She /as 2asically a2out to (ie ifJJ
IJJNo, after hearing that youD( catch some (isease after sharing their soul, only ghosts /oul(
agree to that .re you an i(iot@ Just (ie alrea(yK
7e sai( that 2utJ his conscience /as not prepare( to /atch her (ie in front of his eyes
Sora /as trying to fin( a /ay to save her 2utJ
.s he /oul( 2ecome a sic: virgin, it /as particularly (ifficult for him to promise her Sora
scratche( at his hea( in great annoyance 'hen, all of a su((enJ
I.hC 9aster, I (i(nDt ma:e myself clear .s long as you (onDt get 2itten, you /ill not get the
I.lthough /ithout 2iting, Ahampirs /oul( not 2e a2le to gro/ from their soul essence /ithout
using their teeth to suc: the 2loo( 7o/ever, if it is <ust to sustain their lifeJ (irect oral
a(ministration of the 2o(y flui(s /oul( suffice for emergency situationsK
IJJRou mean@K
ISecon( to 2loo(, the 2o(y flui( /here the soul essence is most highly concentrate( in, an(
not 2iting to ingest the flui(s, that /oul( 2e theJK
JJ*hen he hear( /hat Ji2ril /as a2out to say ne6t, SoraDs ne6t action /asJJ
I9iss, are you alrightC@ IDll save you right no/CC I (efinitely /onDt let you (ieCCK
Everyone present at the scene /as stunne(J EE not to mention Shiro
Even the vision of the *ere2easts or the +lugel coul( only catch his after-image
EE 7is attitu(e change( so ?uic:ly that even a 2lin: of an eye /oul( suffice at (escri2ing his
Sora carrie( the Ahampir girl to the corner of the room, an( carefully lai( her (o/n thereJJ
7e no((e( his hea( in (eep ac:no/le(gement
INo/ I see, you arenDt vampires, you are succu2iCK
'hatDs /hy they havenDt gone e6tinct
*ho /oul( let such a /on(erful race go e6tinct EEC
Sora crie( out in his heart, an( prepare( to un(o the 2uttons of his trousers, 2ut thenJJ
IJJ*hat is semen, (es@
IJJ NiJJ 91, sceneJJ NOJJK
'he t/o chil(ren un(er 1, years ol( loo:e( to/ar(s him, an( that /oul( meanJJ
EE 'he heart-poun(ing scene ha( <ust 2een force close(
IJJ .h, not this againK
Sora loo:e( up to the s:y /ith hope in his eyes, /ith tears almost a2out to fall
Eighteen-year-ol( virgin Sora, (onDt tell me youDre going to (o as usual an( not move any
groun( for/ar(@
7aving to turn my 2ac: countless times on these other/orl(ly para(ises, 2ac: to 2eing a man
playing in a san(2o6JJ AonDt tell me itDs really going to stay li:e this forever@
PJJ No, it canDtCCQ
Sora 2it his lip tightly
*hatever the case, you must use this 2rain of yours to get out of all :in(s of (ifficulties for your
'he moment that I must concentrate all my 2rain <uices to cross over a heavy o2stacle EE isnDt
that time upon me right no/@C
EE .fter this thought, he recollecte( on the events that ha( happene(
7is sister loo:e( on /ith resolute an( col( eyes
IJJ Shiro, please imagine a fully-clothe( man (ro/ning in a riverK
IImplementing the appropriate "P1, an( removing the /et clothes that /oul( (rop his 2o(y
temperature to a fatal (egree, an( giving that person your 2o(y heatJJ /oul( that 2e rate(
I1ight .n( /hyDs that so@ =ecause that is helping another, an( saving that personDs life ItDs the
most no2le of actionsCCK
Sora no((e( e6aggerate(ly in agreement /ith /hat he ha( <ust sai(, an( /ith very sincerely
clear eyes, he loo:e( to the girl lying at the corner of the room EE She seeme( so haggar( an(
/ea: that no /or(s coul( properly (escri2e ho/ she loo:e(
IIn(ee(, for us humans, it can easily 2e (eeme( as irrational, 2ut this is to save a lifeJ itDs a
no2le actC 'herefore, your 2rother is force( to a2an(on his shame, an( entrust my entire self to
the cultures of other races in or(er to save her lifeCC .n( so, can you please turn aroun( an( avert
your eyesC@K
EE 'he most perfect an( fla/less reasoning has 2een state(C
EE 'hat is, I am starting a re2ellionC
IJJ since itDs 2o(y flui(s JJ then saliva /oul( also /or:JJ@K
Shiro gently /or(e( her speech, /hich imme(iately let his perfect reasoning PlaughsQ en( its life
in less than a secon( Sora coul( not help 2ut free8e in his place
Ji2ril thought for a moment, an( smile( /ith compassion to/ar(s the pitiful race
II thin: there shoul( 2e no pro2lems /ith that 'hough there /oul( 2e less soul essence /ithin,
2ut it shoul( suffice for an emergency situation, I thin:@K
IJJ Bn, allo/ Shiro toJJK
In this /ay, Shiro /al:e( to/ar(s the Ahampir girl lying at her 2rotherDs feet
'hen, she put her face close to the girlDs face EEE
I*a-*ait a secon(, ShiroC 'hatJJ isnDt ?uite rightC Nii (oes not agree to thisCK
IJJ "P1JJ a no2le actJJK
Sora hurrie(ly trie( to stop her, 2ut Shiro col(ly stare( as she re2utte( him /ith his o/n /or(s
Sora hurrie(ly use( all his functioning 2rain cells to thin: of a vali( argument, 2ut EEE
PEEE no, shoul(nDt a :iss 2et/een girls 2e perfectly fine@Q
It is not 91,, an( it is also in a very healthy 8one 'o top it off, it is a genuine act to save a life
Inci(entally, Sora EE in fact ha( no (iscrimination to/ar(s the yuri genre, 2ut stillJJ
PEEE I <ust never /ant to see Shiro (o such a thingQ
EEE .n( /hy is that so@
'hat ?uestion came to his min( in a flash, 2ut Sora shoo: his hea( straight-a/ay
INoC . +rench :iss is not goo( for a chil(Ds e(ucationC I veto against thisCCK
Sora ha( yet to thin: /hat /oul( happen after his statement, so he hastily loo:e( to his
I8una loo:e( particularly 2ore(, an( Shiro still ha( her eyes half-open, not to mention EEE
IJi-Ji2rilC Rour 2o(y flui(s EEEK
I8una /as still young, an( Shiro /as a no-go, an( it /as greatly regretta2le that Steph /as not
present at this momentJJ
IBn(er masterDs comman(, I (are not to (iso2ey EE even though freely 2loo(suc:ing mos?uitoes
are still a2ove this pathetic race 2y a fe/ points, 2ut to :iss EE though since you /ish to save her
life, master, I (onDt really recommen( (oing it this /ayK
7er chillingly poisonous tongue ma(e even Sora a little scare(, 2ut Ji2ril still continue(
IIf I /ere to give her my 2o(y flui(s, she /oul( li:ely evaporate, as the (ifference in the ?uality
an( concentration of our soul essences is too largeK
EE7igh in their position /as the mighty si6th ran:e( race of the E6cee(
'his race of +lugel-sama is <ust soJJ ha6, totally ha6C
IJJ thenJJ let ShiroJJK
Shiro use( a finger to lift her hair, an( inche( her face to/ar(s the girl EEE
IEEEEEEEEEELh, oh rightC 'hereDs also Ss/eatD, rightCCK
SoraDs 2rain /as on the verge of 2oiling 7e spo:e the SalternativeD he <ust thought of /ith no
IS/-S/eat is also consi(ere( a 2o(y flui(C 1ight@ Ji2rilC@K
IJJ ItDs har( to sayJ S/eat contains the most minimal amount of soul essenceJJK
IN-N-N-No other choiceC *eDve got to at least give it a tryCK
=efore Sora coul( leap into actionJJ
Shiro slo/ly too: off her soc:, an( e6ten(e( her foot to/ar(s the Ahampir girlDs eyes
IJJ:neel on the floorJJ an( lic:K
ImanityDs ?ueen, Shiro
EE She smile( a sa(istic smile un2efitting of a ?ueen
ILh my sister, although I ha( long reali8e( ho/ you hi(e a/ay your S ten(encies, 2ut for you to
(o so /ithout any hesitationJ your 2rother (oes feel rather shoc:e(JJK
SoraDs chee: t/itche(, an( he (e<ecte(ly collapse( onto the groun(
7o/ever, at the other si(e, the Ahampir girl, /ho loo:e( almost li:e a corpse, su((enly move(
She sniffe( a fe/ times, an( her eyes su((enly /i(ene( /hile she <umpe( up
./aiting the right time to pounce from her position, she poppe( ShiroDs foot into her mouthJJ
IEE 'hisC *hat is thisC *hat a (elicious taste, so (eliciousCCK
JJ Everyone /ho /as /atching the scene loo:e( on /ith a col( ga8e, thin:ing:
EE the E6cee(Ds t/elfth ran:e( race, the AhampirJ
.lthough it /as far from the si6th ran:e( +lugel an( the seventh ran:e( Elves, it /as still ran:e(
a2ove the fourteenth ran:e( *ere2easts
=ut, she /as :neeling on the floor 2efore a si6teenth ran:e( girl an( EEE en(lessly praising the
taste of her foot
IAoes that soun( rightJJ@K
EE In(ee(, this is not 91,
=ut yet for some reason, it feels li:e something is very /rong
'he Ahampir girl loo:e( li:e she /as a character in a comic 2oo:, tasting the most gourmets of
cuisine an( /ith flo/ers filling the 2ac:groun( as she /il(ly lic:e( his sisterDs foot /hile
en(lessly praising it for 2eing (elicious
IJJ Ji2ril, are Ahampirs perverts@K
Sora (irecte( his ?uestion to Ji2ril, as if his consciousness ha( <ust ascen(e( 9t Everest
IRupJJ 2ut since it is masterDs soul essence, /oul(nDt it naturally 2e (elicious@K
IEEEh@ *hy@K
I'hat, of course, is 2ecause master isJJ tough, strong, an( an e6tremely rare, uni?ue an( no2le
soul that any common person /ho searches the entire /orl( for such a presence /ill still never
meet itK
Bpon hearing Ji2rilDs comments, I8una, /ho /as originally force( to /atch from the si(e,
vigorously no((e( her hea( in agreement
IJJSora an( ShiroDs soul essenceJJ(oes not have a contaminate( taste I (o not (isli:e it,
7o/ever, Sora respon(e( their remar:s /ith a /eary sigh
IJJ am I 2ecoming (elusional@ I al/ays get the feeling that people are looping the /or(s
Sstu22ornD, Sonly concerne( for his o/n goo(D, San a2ruptly changing characterD, S/ith(ra/nD,
an( not to mention Sa virginDCK
INone of that sort EEE (oesnDt that <ust sho/ that you possess un:no/n soul essence@ 'here
is not a thing that can compare to the greatness of thatJJ honestly spea:ing, I also /ant to try a
taste of it, fuhuhuK
IJJJJJJSora, SoraJJ"an I have a 2ite to try, (es@K
'he t/o loo:e( up e6pectantly at Sora at the same time, /ith a stream of saliva (ripping from
each of their mouths
II say, is there not a normal person in this room@K
IJJ is Nii ?ualifie(JJ to say that@K
EEE the people /ith common sense PStephanieQ /ho /ere not present at I8unaDs house, /ere
2eing ?uietly ri(icule( 2y ShiroDs /or(s
*ith her strength restoring an( her s:in starting to 2ecome shinier, the Ahampir girl spo:e
I7uuJJ It really /as very tastyJJ than: you for the mealK
IJJ uggghJJ itDs /etJJ nee( to /ash itJJ uggghhJJ 2aths are so trou2lesomeJJK
"ompare( to the girl /ith an a2sent-min(e( e6pression on her face an( her han(s claspe(
together, Shiro /as fille( /ith regretJJ 2ut first, leaving that asi(eJ
.s he coul( finally 2egin to ?uestion her, Sora loo:e( to/ar( the girl
IEEE /eDve 2een at this for so long an( /e still (onDt :no/ /ho the hec: you are@K
I.h, I /as late in intro(ucing myself 9y name is Plum, an( as you can see, I am a AhampirK
Sitting in an upright posture on her :nees, the girl EE Plum EE continue( spea:ing /ith a stern
II have something to, ughJJ re?uest of you to(ayK
She stuttere( /hile ta:ing out a thing that loo:e( li:e a cheat sheet
I.hemCK She cleare( her throat
'hen she slo/ly 2ent her three fingers as if (ra/ing a 2o/, an( rea( her script in a clumsy tone
IP-Please forgive me for my laugha2le appearance in our first meetingJJ the ones /ho <oine(
/ith the +lugel an( the Eastern Bnion, ElcheaDs :ing an( ?ueen, Rour 9a<esties Sora an( Shiro
EEE please save my raceCK
JJ7aving hear( her /or(s, Sora seeme( to un(erstan( everything
I.aaahhh, 2eing a2le to replace 2loo( /ith semen 2ut re?uiring the otherDs consent to procee(
EEE an( no/ coming to us for helpK
'he con(itions to the entire scenario /ere li:e that of a fantasy
EEE .n( so@ Is this fantasy upon us no/@
Sora imme(iately gave his <u(gement, an( a hearty smile appeare( on his faceJJ
I'he con(itions are that you have to move to an 7-game Psome/here elseQ =ye =e careful on
your /ay 2ac:K
I7o/ (i( this even happen, aaaaahhhhhC@ *ait a minute youuuuuCCK
JJ Nee(less to say, the 91, scenario /as imme(iately re<ecte(
Part 2
EEE Nong after the inter-racial /ar
Sora 2rought up his gran( plan to overturn the entire /orl(
*ithin their /orl( /ere very many races, /hich hel( a myria( of pro2lems <ust from their
(ifferent histories, i(eologies an( cultures
Ret, Sora /ante( to 2rea: all the 2oun(aries 2et/een races 7e 2egan to reali8e ho/
un(ou2te(ly ri(iculous his plot /as
.n( that /as to pro(uce a single country of many races
In a /orl( /here everything is (eci(e( 2y games, it is possi2le to achieve it in theory
=ut it is still only a theory at the en( of the (ay
IJJ is it really o:ay to give it to them@K
.s she thought a2out the t/o si2lings /ho /ere planning to 2ring the races together an( o2tain
all their race pieces in or(er to challenge the Lne 'rue Oo(, her mouth slante( to a si(e
*ith that ri(iculous (ream of o2taining a piece in min(, /oul( they really 2e a2le to escape
from this chess 2oar(@
*oul( they really 2e a2le to fulfil every one of those con(itionsJJ@
'he girl /ho /as (eep in thought ha( animal ears of a fo6 an( long hair, as /ell as t/o flitting
gol( tails
She /as the Eastern Bnion an( the *ere2eastsD sole representative, 9i:o
*ithin the courtyar( of her shrine, she /as stan(ing on a small re( 2ri(ge that /as 2uilt across a
pon( .s she loo:e( across the railing to the reflection of the moon on the /ater, she /as
engrosse( in thought
There are far too many obstacles.
=rea:ing the 2oun(aries 2et/een races /as a (ifficult situation even /hen it /as <ust 2et/een
t/o races EEE the Imanity an( the *ere2easts
Even if all their citi8ens /ere from the same race, in or(er to unite them to/ar(s the same goal,
it /as as impossi2le as ascen(ing past the stars
'here e6iste( countless /ere2east tri2es, an( they ha( previously 2een in civil strife for over
thousan(s of years
It /as 9i:o, /ho 2et her everything an( even forgot her o/n real name, in or(er to finally
unite the entire Eastern Bnion
JJ =ut 2ecause she ha( (one this, she :ne/ very (eeply ho/ long an( (ifficult that such a
roa( /oul( 2e
In a((ition, containing si6teen (ifferent races /ithin a single country (efinitely cannot 2e
achieve( through normal means
=ut if it /ere possi2le, then, 2y those t/o, it /oul( have alrea(y 2eenJJ
I*ell /hatever, IDll loo: into it once moreJ hahahaK
EEE In the past, even she ha( foun( the (ream of uniting the /ere2easts to 2e so ri(iculously
high an( uno2taina2le, 2ut she still manage( to achieve it in the en(
"ompare( to myself in the past, they might actually 2e a little more conservative@ 9i:o
(eprecate( herself in that very thought, /hile she poure( /ine into her glass
I*eDre playing together peacefullyJJ are /e not@K
9i:o recite( the 'en Laths /hile ta:ing a sip of her /ine
EEE In the past, /hen she ha( issue( challenges, she ha( pretty much given up on her (ream
No/ those t/o, /ho /ere 2rimming /ith confi(ence, /ere alrea(y spea:ing of ho/ they
/oul( follo/-up after their (ream ha( 2een achieve( EEE /hich /as an even more (istant future
than /hat /as impen(ing on them EEE 2ut in contrast, she ha( alrea(y given up on this ne/
IIf theyDre loo:ing to/ar(s go( /hen there are only flo/ers 2efore them, they are most li:ely to
stum2le over a stone on the /ayK
.nyone can (ream 2ig
=ut if they /ish to tal: a2out their (ream, they must 2e ?ualifie( to (o so
When they finally show all the cards in their hand to the public, while displaying that they are
fully qualified, and do all this in time
9i:o raise( her han( to/ar(s the s:y, an( something 2egan shining in her palmJJ 'he
race piece of the *ere2easts ha( appeare(
'hat /as /hat the Lne 'rue Oo( ha( allocate( /hen he set the rules of the /orl(
.long /ith the implementation of the 'en Laths, he ha( given each race a chess piece
Lnly the sole representative of each of the E6cee( ha( the po/er to ma:e it appear It shone
2rilliantly, as if it /as /oven from light itself
EEE She finally reali8e( the true meaning of these pieces
9i:o place( her empty /ine cup on the railing of the 2ri(ge, an( playe( /ith the pa/n /ith her
fingers She loo:e( up hopefully to/ar(s the s:y
EEE In her heart, she loo:e( for/ar( to the moment that /oul( arrive in the near future
C$a0ter 1 ' (n#ounter1l2
Part 1
Fing(om of Elchea
It /as locate( on the /estern part of the continent of .n(alusia, an( the last country of Imanity,
/ho /ere the si6teenth-ran:e( of the E6cee(
.fter their 2attle /ith the Eastern Bnion less than half a month ago, Gthe :ing an( ?ueenH ie
Sora an( Shiro /on their matches an( restore( their territory to (ou2le its previous si8e
JJ+ollo/ing /hich, the pro2lems of the country also (ou2le(
'here /ere t/o ma<or issues
'he first /as the i(ea of forming a fe(eration /ith the Eastern Bnions that Gthe :ing an( ?ueenH
ie Sora an( Shiro ha( propose(
Esta2lishing a country across the racial 2arriers /as simply unhear( of, an( thus a huge pro2lem
Even though they ha( regaine( a portion of their territory, Elchea still lac:e( the technology to
properly utili8e these lan(s
'he other pro2lem /as that, /hile the Eastern Bnion ha( lost its mainlan( territories, its national
strength still remaine( one of the top in the /orl(
JJ their national strength, currency, not to mention social structures, ethnicity an( language
/ere totally (ifferent, yet they /ere e6pecte( to have e?ual access to resources
Since it is such an obviously difficult situation, I believe there isnt any need to further elaborate.
'his /as the first time in history that Imanity /as face( /ith such an impossi2le tas:
.n( the secon( pro2lem /asJJ
Noo:ing at the car(s in her han(, the re( haire( girl 2reathe( a long sigh
Stephanie Aora
Bsually a22reviate( as Steph
She /as a mem2er of the previous royal family EEE a girl /hose (isposition /as totally
contrasting /ith /hat a previous :ingDs gran((aughter shoul( 2e Even though she /as harshly
lac:ing in sleep an( severely fatigue(, her usually 2eautiful face JJ /as no/ fille( /ith a
sco/l an( she /as emitting a (angerous aura
'he reason /as the Gsecon( pro2lemH
.n( that /asJJ
I.t such an important time, /hen the hec: (o those t/o 2astar(s inten( to come 2ac: C@K
EEE Fing "ity of Elchea, main conference room
7er rant resoun(e( through the entire conference room an( it shoc:e( everyone present
, I un(erstan( ho/ you feelJ 2ut it isnDt very goo( for a la(y to say the /or(
S2astar(D, right@K
'he one /ho spo:e to a(vise Steph /as stan(ing 2y her si(e 7e /as a mostly /hite figure, /ho
loo:e( ol(er than any normal el(erly man
7is face /as mostly similar to StephDs, as it /as fille( /ith a 2itter e6pression
7is (og ears an( tail /ere slightly (rooping .lthough he /as (rape( in a :imono, his ro2ust
physi?ue /as still unmista:a2le 7e /as one of the *ere2easts, 7atsuse Ino
7e /as the gran(father of the former Eastern Bnion am2assa(or P7atsuse I8unaQ 'he currently
a2sent :ing an( ?ueen PSora an( ShiroQ ha( force( him to han(le the pro2lems of the
countryJJ another victim follo/ing Steph
IAora-:ouJJ@ Eh@ *ere you tal:ing to me@K
Steph lagge( in respon(ing Ino no((e( his hea(
IRes .s this is a formal occasion, I shoul( use my 2etter <u(gment an( use this suffi6 Is there a
I.n( I /as /on(ering /ho you /ere referring toJJ please a((ress me as Gthe erran( girl of
the :ing an( ?ueenH instea(K
Seeing StephDs smile of lo/ self-esteem, Ino shrugge( his shoul(ers
IIDm afrai( that if I /ere to a((ress you so impolitely, others /oul( also a((ress me in a similar
mannerJJ =ac: to the topic though, Aora-:ou, shoul(nDt you 2e putting your focus onto the
things at han(@K
+ollo/ing InoDs line of sight, Steph 2egan to remem2er the present situationJJ she then 2egan
to spea: in/ar(ly to herself
ISighJJ *ell sai(JJK
ust tell yourself that youre !ust going through an important game right now.
'he game /as not anything particularly special, as it /as <ust normal po:er
Lther than the fact that Jo:ers /ere inclu(e( in this game, it /as <ust a regular game of po:er
EE Elchea ha( esta2lishe( a fe(eration /ith the Eastern Bnion, /ith the former as the lea(er
*ith ElcheaDs territory (ou2le(, there /as still the matter of /ho it shoul( 2e (istri2ute( to an(
/hat it shoul( 2e use( to (oJ
'he po/erful feu(al lor(s /ere the ones /ho /ere reaping tremen(ous 2enefits
+rom the current situation, the so-calle( Ge?ual an( multi-racial countryH /as <ust an illusion
No matter ho/ comple6 the system, the massive gap 2et/een the t/o nationDs strength coul( not
2e offset
'he (ay a free mar:et economy is implemente(, Elchea /oul( pro2a2ly 2e totally an( utterly
'hus, they /ere trying to allocate the Gcontinental resourcesH that the Eastern Bnion ha(
re?ueste( for
.lthough it is relevant to say that such is simply ElcheaDs fate
EEEE It is inevita2le that /hoever has the po/er to (o so /ill clump together to try to ma6imi8e
their 2enefits (uring these times
+or these reasons, there /as a constant stream of ElcheaDs feu(al lor(s challenging Steph, /ho
currently hel( legislative po/er, to a game /ith the intention of fulfilling their (eman(s
'he result /asJ Steph coul( not sleep properly for the past t/o /ee:s, an( /as force( to
continue playing games against them
POetting challenge( to a game is such a goo( thingJ yeahQ
Steph muttere( in her heart, 2ecauseJ it /as a trap
"verything is moving smoothly as planned
Thats right all is good e#cept for the volume that Im up against.
I.ll inEEE please hurry up an( strip off your clothes@K
JJ /hat happene( to her la(y manners@
=ecause she /as immensely fatigue(, (eep (ar: circles emerge( un(er her eyes, an( rage ha(
(istorte( her e6pressionEEE it /as simplyJ
7er face gave reminiscence to their fear of the :ing 'he feu(al lor(s loo:e( to each other
'hen they selecte( fol( EEE /hich means that they /ere no/ force( to o2ey StephDs
7o/ever EEE Steph use( her lou( voice to ren(er them speechless She :ic:e( asi(e her chair
an( stoo( up
IJJ Since you /ere /illing to accept my proposal from the 2eginning, /hy (i( you ma:e me
/aste all my timeC@K
She thre/ the car(s on the ta2le an( sprea( them 7er han( /asJJ
EEE +ive of a :in(

Even if they ha( not fol(e(, it /oul( have the same result Everyone /as eliminate( at one go
Noo:ing at that han( of car(s, the feu(al lor(s turne( pale
=ut Steph chose to ignore them, an( turne( to /al: a/ay IIf you (onDt /in everything, you lose
everything Pall or nothingQC Please only return once all your hopes are shattere(, o:ayC@K
+ollo/ing /hich, 7atsuse Ino too: over from Steph, an( smile( pleasantly at them
I'hen, as Sple(ge( to the LathsD earlier, I /ill no/ eliminate your memories Sorry a2out thatK
Part 2
EE 'o put it 2luntly, it /as a Sconflict of interestsD
9anaging the recovere( territories properly /oul( profita2ly contri2ute to the countries in the
"ven if were unwilling to hand them over, we still have to let our territories be managed by
somebody. $aturally, benefits would be reaped if there is a successful outcome.
EEEE Lr rather, /e cannot (o it any other /ay, so this is for the 2est after all
'he pro2lem lay /ithin the fact that the no2les /oul( move against the original proposition of
/hose lan( is /hose
'hin:ing further, those /ere the territories that the former :ing EE StephDs (ecease( gran(father
EE ha( lost in his gam2les
Since he ha( 2et /ith them on his o/n volition, there /oul( certainly have 2een some of the
opposition that /as left (issatisfie(
%ut if that was the case, why hadnt they used a game to stop the former &ing bac& then'
I7o/ irresponsi2le of themC *henever they lose out, theyDll cry that itDs the :ingDs faultC =ut
once Sora an( Shiro ta:e the territories 2ac:, theyD( rush to sei8e a slice for themselvesJJ Ao
these no2les not have an ounce of shame in themC@K
I.ristocracy is such a system *oul(nDt anyone turn out li:e that after 2eing li:e that for so
Steph unhappily /al:e( through a corri(or in Elchea "ity =ehin( her /as Ino, /ho /as smiling
/hile he spo:e
The problem isnt that they are aristocrats.
No matter ho/ corrupt they are, they are still rulers /ith e6cellent :no/le(ge on ho/ to operate
an( manage territory
.s long as they have the heart an( capa2ilities to (o so, entrusting the territories to them to
manage /as unavoi(a2le EEE that /as /hat Steph /as thin:ing
'he pro2lem /asJJ
IJust thin: of the no2les /ho /ere protesting earlierJ each one of them practically ha( the
/or(s IDm only here to gain profit AonDt thro/ any trou2le my /ay .77777JJCCK
EEEE .n( those /ho (eli2erately act that /ay are all feu(al lor(s /ho hol( po/er that is
impossi2le to overloo:
If it is not manage( /ell, a po/er struggle may resultJJ .n( once a revolt has 2een instigate(,
it /oul( give them an e6cuse to interfere in national affairs
.t that timeJ
I*oul(nDt that 2e easyJJ easy to (eal /ith, that isK
'he one /ho ha( come up /ith that plan /as /al:ing 2ehin( Steph /ith a sinister smile on his
face EEE 7atsuse Ino
*hen Sora an( Shiro /ere a2sent, the one left in charge of national affairs /as the former :ingDs
gran((aughter PStephQJJ Such a rumor /as sprea( on purpose
Su2se?uently, this situation 2rought a2out a great opportunity 'he challengers earlier, /ho /ere
pursuing their o/n interests, ha( lost an( /ere punishe( in accor(ance to the oaths 'hey ha(
promise( to Glose all their memories (uring the gameH, an( to put it flatly, it /as a Gclean s/eepH
.s a result, the policies an( 2eneficial punishment implemente( 2y Steph /ere a2le to procee(
smoothly /ith no resistance
It /as very effective, an( ha( InoDs style em2e((e( in the plan EEE /hich /as a style (evelope(
2y the multi-tri2al Eastern Bnion to ma:e others fall into their trap
7o/ever, once they thought a2out the reason the plan /as procee(ing smoothly an( ho/
fre?uently it /or:e(JJ
IJust ho/ much (o they loo: (o/n on meC@ 'hey practically treat me li:e I am an i(iotCK
EEEE It /as easy to see that those people loo:e( (o/n on her an( her gran(father
I.lright, alright no/ Aora-:ouJJ than:s to this, everything coul( procee( smoothly 'hat is
the truth *e shoul( instea( 2e /elcoming these ignorant peoplesD contempt EEE an( smile /hile
/e ma:e use of them, no@K
IEEE Ino-san, can you please not a((ress me li:e thatJ Just Steph is fineK
EEE Steph /as the hea( of the Aora family, /hich /as the former royal family Naturally, that
means her title is GAuchessH
Nevertheless, Steph continue( spea:ing /ith a /eary face
IIDm <ust an erran( girl "all me that /hich (oesnDt soun( li:e the position of any person /ith
I=ut, /hen Sora-(ono an( Shiro-(ono are a2sent, Stephanie-(ono is essentially the
representative of the royal family EEEE so if /e /ere to say you are the prime minister, then
(oesnDt that give you the status of the no2lest person in Elchea@K
Ino continue( spea:ing /ith his actor-li:e tone
IEEEE Auchess Aora is the prime minister of Elchea, ImanityDs last remaining country, an( the
former :ingDs gran((aughter She (elivere( such a large-scale an( unprece(ente( plan to
construct a multi-racial country that merge( /ith the Eastern Bnion un(er ElcheaDs lea(ership
'ruly a 2eautiful, young an( talente( /omanJJC 7o/ /oul( such a person 2e a((resse(@K
EEEE *ho /oul( that 2e@
Steph loo:e( up 2lan:ly to the ceiling
I'he female protagonist of this heroic story is actually <ust an erran( girl 'he rich ironic t/ist to
this story isnDt half 2a(, ehK
Steph follo/e( up 2y saying, IAo you inten( to /rite the story an( pu2lish it@K Bpon hearing
this, Ino smile( /ryly an( procee(e( to change the topic
I=ut, /ithin these t/o /ee:s, Steph (i( not even lose a single time 'hat is truly a great feat to
I'hatDs only 2ecause the opponents /ere /ea:lingsK
*hile Ino ha( given a sincere compliment, he /as imme(iately shot (o/n in a sentence Steph
/rin:le( her 2ro/
I'hose guys are <ust some foolish i(iots /ith cru(e /ays of cheating If the opponent /as Sora
or Shiro, IDll (efinitely 2e ri(icule( to their 2est a2ilities, an( then ta:en a(vantage ofJJ
Surely I nee(nDt say moreK
I*ell, that is in(ee( trueJJK
Nonetheless, Ino thought to himself
Initially, Steph relie( on InoDs assistance as a *ere2east to accelerate her five senses
=ut Steph continue( her /inning strea: EEE an( no/, Ino /as only escorting her aroun(
.lthough this girl greatly un(erestimate( her o/n strengthJJ the fact is that she is in(ee( EE
very strong
In comparison /ith those t/o PSora an( ShiroQ, they are simply too strong to spea: of
.s for normal Imanity, very fe/ /oul( 2e a2le to 2eat her s:ill
Steph ha( no i(ea /hat Ino /as thin:ing a2out, an( continue( complaining
I.n( they totally (i(nDt reali8e I /as cheating *as it those feu(al lor(s true motive simply to
ma:e me suffer from lac: of sleep an( (ie of fatigueC@K
IJJ Stephanie-(ono, youDre starting to soun( more an( more li:e Sora an( the li:eK
EEE Wham(
Steph stompe( on the floor, an( stoppe( /al:ing
IEEE *hat (i( you <ust say@K
7er 2o(y /as motionless /hile she turne( her hea(, an( emitte( a soun( li:e her 2ones /ere
IAi( you <ust sayJJ IDm similar to that loose :ing /hoDs playing aroun( in the Eastern
IPl-Please calm (o/nC I only meant that your style of gameplay is very similarCK
EEE 'he /ays Steph ha( a(opte( to /inJ
'hey /ere to calculate the opening attac:, hi(e her car(s, s/ap her car(s, an( shuffling s:illsJ
'hen to see through the opponentDs cheat an( use it against him, an( even to 2luff an( min(-
the opponent
'hose tactics /ere all learnt from EEE challenging Sora an( Shiro, after having faile( time an(
time again
'he fact /as that Steph /as initially so afrai( that if she /ere to lose, she /oul( ma:e the
implementation of a fe(eration even har(er 'hus, she /as so nervous that she /as a2le to reali8e
/hat Sora an( Shiro /oul( (o in such a situation /hile in her games
7o/ever, her lac: of sleep couple( /ith the fact that those t/o ha( yet to come 2ac: ha( ignite(
a flame /ithin her, thus easing all her nerves Eventually, Steph 2egan to unconsciously play as if
she /as playing against Sora an( Shiro in her games
7o/ever, the opponent /as too /ea: an( practically <ust trash Steph coul( not tolerate herself
thin:ing of those people as Sora an( Shiro for even a secon(
EEE She an( her gran(fatherJ
EEEEEE /ere 2eing loo:e( (o/n upon 2y such trash
EEEEEEEEE 'hat fact ma(e it EEE even har(er to tolerate EEEEEE I.hK
Su((enly, Steph loo:e( as if she ha( su((enly 2een enlightene( 7er e6pression change(
I.ahh, thatDs right 'he no2les are <ust trying to get in the /ay of the esta2lishment of a
fe(eration 'hatDs /hy itDs 2een so (ifficultK
Seeing her change into a (ifferent person, Ino uneasily calle( out to her
=ut, she (i( not seem to hear a thingJJ rather, she seeme( to 2e loo:ing at something that /as
not there
StephDs eyes su((enly lit up /ith 2rilliance an( e6citement She happily turne( on the spot
IEEE Ino-san, regar(less of /hether /eDre approache( 2y no2les, merchants or guil(s, letDs /in
a/ay all their possessions, an( force them to step (o/n from their positions /ith nothing left on
them Everything can <ust 2e manage( 2y the government instea(C@ If /eDre short on manpo/er,
/eDll <ust gra2 some of the citi8ens an( appoint them as officials If anyone (ares to (o anything
corrupt, /eDll <ust force them to spit out their guts till theyDre nothing 2ut 2ones If they continue
to 2e rotten, /eDll <ust arrest them an( get all of them (eporte( 'his /ay, /e can ma:e the
treasury rich, an( negotiations for la/s an( policies can <ust 2e (eci(e( 2y ourselves .ll our
pro2lems /oul( 2e solve(, right@ IDm such a geniusC I, IDm not an i(iotJJ Not an i(iot
EEE .n( then she collapse(
ISt-Stephanie-(ono, please get ahol( of yourselfC Such is an act of a2olishment EEE an act of
Steph /as shouting /hile crying an( smiling She then hit a /all /ith her forehea(
.ll of a su((en, she felt something moveJ as she loo:e( to the moving sightJJ in front of her
/as EEE
EEE Sora /as there
Where had you run off to slac& around at'
7e thre/ all the preparatory /or: to me, an( /ent off to have fun 2y himself
.lthough there /ere many feelings in her heart, /hat she /as feeling most /as so much <oy that
she /as 2lushing 2ecause of the fact that Sora /as right there
She ha( no /ay of hi(ing the <oy in her chest, an( many comple6 feelings starte( s/elling
ISo-SoraC RouDre 2ac:EEEE 7IOIIEEC@K
Steph /as rushing for/ar(, 2ut her face hit a pole an( her nose starte( 2lee(ing /hile she ma(e
strange /ailing soun(s
7er 2o(y lai( on the floor li:e a stic: figure
, an( she stare( at the ceiling a2ove herJJ then,
she su((enly reali8e(J
'he SSoraD that she sa/ /asJJ
*as a reflection of something in the shiny polishe( mar2le column EEEEE Gher o/n faceH
Bpon reali8ing this, Steph mustere( a single sentence /hile in painJ
IJJJJJJJJJ I canDt go on any longerK
IStephanie-(ono, you shoul( get some sleep No, I shoul( say, please, you must get some sleep I
2eg of youK
Ino proppe( up Steph /ho /as lying paraly8e( on the floor /hile he continue( spea:ing
IJJ Ao not /orry Sora-(ono an( Shiro-(ono areJ in(ee( t/o people /ho are (ifficult to
7e put in his 2est effort to thin: optimistically a2out the si2lings /ho /ere impossi2le for
anyone to comprehen(
I=ut since they are stran(e( in the Eastern Bnion, they are pro2a2ly ar2itrating upon certain
con(itions /ith 9i:o-samaJJ pro2a2ly@K
*hile the fe(eration /as esta2lishe( /ith Elchea as its lea(er, it /as still not enough to rely only
on ElcheaDs efforts
II also thin: that thatDs /here they areJJ they (efinitely shoul( 2e progressing through a
EEE )aybe it was li&e that.
'he actions of Sora an( Shiro /ere al/ays never on trac:
7o/ever, their actions EEEE ha( al/ays playe( a huge role in Elchea
'hat /as the truth
.n( so they shoul( put their faith in them EEEE 2ut EEEE
IJJ *ho :no/s@ Ju(ging from the /ay that those t/o usually spea: an( act, theyDre sure to
confuse pu2lic an( private matters, ahJJK
In(ee(, the fact /as that their actions /ere al/ays in line /ith their o/n (esires
Noo:ing in the (irection of the Eastern Bnion, Steph complaine( angrily
IJJ In any case, theyDre (efinitely fooling aroun( /ith the Femonomimi girls right no/,
holing up in a room engrosse( in their games, or (oing something that any human 2eing /oul(
(eem incorrigi2leK
JJ Ino ha( no /ay of (enying that statement
Part "
EEEE No/ changing location 'he Eastern BnionDs capital, Fannagari Similar to ElcheaDs Fing
"ity, the representative of the *ere2easts lives in 9i:oDs Shrine
'he courtyar( of the central
e(ifice It /as fille( /ith a lavish natural lan(scape, an( /here there /ere gaps, it /as painte(
/ith either re( or 2lac: Lne cannot help 2ut thin: that it is a Japanese gar(en
'his area /as normally prohi2ite( to unrelate( people an( the li:e 7o/ever, at that moment,
there /as a mass of people gathere( ne6t to the sacre( pon(
IJJ 9i:o-sama, /hat is love@K
IJJ'ell us, 9i:o-samaJJK 'he one /ho /as as:ing these ?uestions seriously ha( a hea( of
2lac: hair an( 2lac: eyes 7e /as a teenager /ho /ore a shirt /ith I T Imanity on it Sitting
on his lap /as a girl /ith /hite hair an( re( eyes
'hey /ere the :ing an( ?ueen of Elchea EEEE the sole representatives of Imanity, Sora an(
'he truth 2ehin( the cro/( /as that those t/o /ere petting several species of *ere2easts EEE
Femonomimi girls EEE /hile ma:ing (elicate an( charming soun(s In a((ition, there /as a
long ?ueue of Femonomimi girls loo:ing on /ith faces that /ere 2ursting /ith envy
IJJ *hat shoul( I say@ Even though thereDs so much to sayJJK
Spea:ing /ith a voice that soun(e( li:e /in( chimes /as a /oman /ho /as sitting on the
opposite si(e of the game 2oar(
No one :ne/ her real name, an( she /as a gol(en fo6 /ith t/o lush tails
She /as the *ere2eastsD representative /ho ha( total authority over the race EEEE G9i:oH
IJJ IDve 2een meaning to as: the t/o of youJJ *hat on earth is in your hea(s@K
'he three people /ere in the mi((le of a game calle( G"orner Sparro/H It /as a uni?ue
tra(itional game of the Eastern Bnion
EEE .lthough it /as some aspects in common /ith G9ah<ongH, it /as essentially a completely
(ifferent game
I*hat@ .h, o:ay, I /in againK
IJJ 'his gameJJ is prettyJJ interestingJJK
EEE 'hey /ere petting the countless *ere2east girls /hile as:ing the flippant ?uestion of S/hat
love /asD
EEE Ret, they ha( easily mastere( this game, /hich they ha( <ust seen for the first time an( hear(
the rules of only a fe/ tens of minutes ago
In that very short perio( of time, they ha( formulate( strategies that ma6imi8e in efficiency an(
countless arrangements EEEE an( even /or:e( out a fe/ /ays to cheat
=ut that /as not the 2iggest pro2lemJJ 9i:o ha( mi6e( feelings, an( smile( 2itterly /hile
she sighe(
I7o/ the hec: (i( your cheat escape my notice@ 'ell me@K
EEE Even though she /as (epen(ing on her five senses, 9i:o coul( not perceive the slightest of
fla/s in their movements
Sora smile( li:e a hippie /hile replying her
ILh@ RouDre going as far as to say that /e cheate(@ 7o/ (isgraceful =ut, Shiro (i( memori8e
all the car(s that /ere facing (o/n /hile tracing their positions, an( I only preten(e( to shuffle
so that I coul( control the car(s that Shiro might nee( EEEE 'his isnDt to 2e calle( a cheatK
In(ee(, one of the t/o reasons /hy /hat they (i( coul( not 2e (eeme( as a cheatEEE
EEE /as that those t/o ha( not seen their opponentDs car(s at all, an( /ere only speculating /hat
/as in each otherDs han(
I.lso, 9i:o (i( the same *eDre 2oth in the same 2oat, eh@K
'he secon( reason /as that she still lost to them /hen un(er the same con(itionsJ
'hey ha( only chatte( /ith her for a /hile, yet they ha( alrea(y 2eaten her in a game that she
/as playing for over fifty years
EEEE 7er opponents ha( face( her (irectly /ith the strength to /in, an( ha( e6cee(e( her in
terms of pointsJJ 'here /as nothing she coul( (o a2out that
She ha( 2een so thoroughly (efeate(, yet she felt over<oye(
9i:oDs chee:s per:e( up as she force( a smile, /hile Sora 2egan to state his (eman(s
I.lright, Sas ple(ge( to the oathsD, I may re?uest of three things from you EEEE no pro2lems
there, right@K
+acing the helplessly smiling 9i:o, Sora continue( his speech
I+irstly, I as: you to ta:e into account the interests of 2oth nations, an( to o2<ectively create a
ta6 ta2le in accor(ance /ith the import an( e6port of (ifferent goo(sK
"ompare( to Elchea, the Eastern Bnion :ne/ their mainlan( resources li:e the 2ac: of their
han(s 'hat shoul( have 2een o2vious enough
'hen, the only person /ho coul( accurately evaluate the gap 2et/een the t/o countriesD national
strength, an( also to strive to meet the interests of 2oth si(es, /as G9i:oH, the sole representative
of the Eastern Bnion 'here /as not a more appropriate can(i(ate aroun(
Since it is to implicitly Sta:e into account the interests of 2oth countriesD, the 2enefits cannot go
unilaterally to the Eastern Bnion
9i:o a(mire( in her heart the fact that there /ere never any holes in their plans, 2utJ
IJJ In other /or(s, you guys are thro/ing all the /or: onto me once againJJK
In the past half a month, Sora an( Shiro /ere really har( at G/or:H
'hey visite( 9i:oDs resi(ence every (ay, an( 2et for the interests of 2oth countries in games
JJ In(ee(, they /ere remar:a2ly efficient in their /or: 'hey ha( 2een victorious over 9i:o
in every single game If you /ere to overloo: ho/ they thre/ all of their su2stantive /or:loa(
onto 9i:o, it /as an impecca2le feat
ISpeciali8e( /or: shoul( 2e assigne( to those /ho speciali8e in it Since 9i:o-sama only spent
half a century to unite this huge country, I 2elieve in your a2ilities U K
Bpon hearing ho/ easily Sora replie( her, 9i:o laughe( /hile scratching her hair
'he fe(eral system use( 2y the t/o com2ine( nationsJ
It seeme( to 2e a reference to their original /orl(Ds Bnite( States of .merica 'his move /as
unprece(ente(, an( thus involve( numerous o2stacles /hich nee(e( solutions an( compromises
to 2e ma(e 'he friction 2et/een the t/o countries also nee(e( to 2e re(uce( to a minimum So,
they (eci(e( to thro/ all of these things to 9i:o to get resolve(
In truth, that /as the most correct approach .lthough Sora an( Shiro /ere super gamers, they
/ere no politicians
7o/ever, 9i:oDs force( smile /as for a (ifferent reason
.s of that (ay, she ha( attempte( to /in against Sora an( Shiro several times EEE an( faile(
'his time, she thought she /oul( 2e a2le to /in /ith a game they ha( never seen 2efore, 2ut she
still suffere( a 2eautiful (efeat
In a((ition, she ha( use( a lot of tric:s, hoping to /in some 2enefits for the Eastern BnionJJ
2ut the result /as that she completely faile( to tric: or /in against them
7o/ever, to formulate the policy in this /ay, as Sora an( Shiro sai(, it /oul( thoroughly meet
the Sinterests of 2oth countriesD 7o/ever, 2e it Elchea or the Eastern Bnion, there /oul( 2e
some short-term losses, 2ut long-term 2enefits /ill (efinitely 2e reape( on 2oth si(es EEEE
loo:ing at the recor(s of these (ocumente( policies, 9i:o coul( not help 2ut sigh
She ha( no complaints
7o/ever, since she /as al/ays trying to (eceive those t/o /ith cheats, she 2egan to feel a little
'he pro2lem lay /ith their secon( re?uest /hich /as inci(entallyJ
IL:ay, the secon( re?uest is as usual EEEE let us stro:e 9i:o-samaCK
IJJ stro:eJJK
EEE In(ee(, they /oul( senselessly 2et for the rights to stro:e 9i:o every time 2efore starting
the game
I*ell, since you are seriously consi(ering government policies, IDll let you have a touchJJK
9i:o sighe( /hile loo:ing at the stac: of (ocuments that /as constantly piling up
'hen, she slo/ly s/ung her t/o gol(en tails over to them to let them touch
ILF.RC ItDs hereC NetDs go, ShiroCK
IJJ 'o(ay /e must (efinitelyJJ ma:e 9i:o moanJJK
*ith shining eyes, Sora an( Shiro pounce( onto 9i:o 9i:o laughe( 2itterly /hile she thought
EEE the *ere2easts /ho are the E6cee(Ds fourteenth ran:e( raceJ
'hey coul( e6cee( the limits of their 2o(yDs physical capa2ilities
'his /as naturally impossi2le for humans to achieve, an( nee(less to say, it (efie( the la/s of
'he /ay they use( to ma:e this possi2le EEE /as to rely on the elementals /ithin their 2o(y
JJ .ll life in this /orl( ha( some amount of SElementalD /ithin their 2o(ies
'here /ere elemental corri(ors to retain strength or ma:e connections that /ere li:e nerves EE
an( the Ge6ternal elementals PmagicQH /as /hat (etermine( the ran:s .s the fourteenth ran:, the
*ere2easts ha( a meagre connection, an( /ere thus incapa2le of using magic
=ut as for Gthe elementals /ithin each 2o(yH, the only race /ho /oul( 2e unconscious to their
use /as the Imanity
'he *ere2easts utili8e( the strength of their 2o(yDs elementals to achieve heights that humans
/oul( 2e ama8e( at
. goo( e6ample /oul( 2e G=a( =loo(H /hich /as use( 2y I8una an( 9i:o
=y controlling the elementals /ithin their 2o(y, they coul( enhance the performance of their
2o(y an( cast a fiel( of self-(estruction 'hat /as the s:ill of the *ere2easts
=ut the price pai( for circulating elementals through their 2o(ies /as a special phenomenon that
en(lessly causes (isor(er
.n( that specific phenomenon ha( a greater impact (epen(ing on ho/ /ea: the 2o(y of the
*ere2east is
'he result on the *ere2east race /as a chronic (isor(er of the elementals /ithin oneDs 2o(y,
especially seen in /omen an( chil(renJJ /hich /as follo/e( 2y (iscomfort
It /as not easy to solve this pro2lem alone
JJJJ after saying so much, /hat /as trying to 2e conveye( /asJJ
IJJ +luffy fluffy JJ pet petJJ heheJJK
Bn(er ShiroDs touch, 9i:o almost let out an ecchi soun(, 2ut manage( to :eep it in 2y (ispersing
her attention
Sora an( ShiroJJ those t/oDs techni?ue of lea(ing aroun( the elementals /ithin her 2o(y /as
EEE a2normally clever
Imanity shoul( not 2e a2le to see elementals though
Even if they /ere from another /orl(, the techni?ue to lea( aroun( Elementals 2elonge( to the
fiel( of high magic
.n( yet, those t/o /ereJJ
IEEE 7ng, right hereCK
JJ 'he reaction /as instantaneously capture( /ith the touch that ha( su2stantially lea(e(
aroun( the elementals
'he result /as ina(vertently the elimination of the chronic (isor(er in the *ere2easts (ue to the
(isor(er in their 2o(yDs elementals
'his isJ ho/ /oul( you call it EEEE pro2a2ly an e6cee(ingly charismatic masseur@
EEEE ItDs only natural that this /oul( attract such a long ?ueue, right@
IJJ *hat else@ Rou (i( say that you /ante( SthreeD re?uests to(ayJJ .hK
=ecause of the accurate touch, she almost let out an ecchi soun( 9i:o forci2ly represse( it an(
2et on this opportunity to as: the t/o of them a ?uestion
IJJ ItDs a2out time to state it, right@ Lf course, I thin: it has something to (o /ith this
situation, right@K
She loo:e( to Sora an( Shiro /ho /ere 2eing hugge( 2y *ere2east girls /ho /ere strangers to
them, /hile they alternate( 2et/een petting the cro/(
'o this point, 9i:o ha( 2een pretty much (ying to say that =ut, first putting that asi(eJJ
'he t/o of them ha( their mouth an( nose covere(, an( each /rappe( /ith a to/el that seeme(
to 2e 2orro/e( from I8una
Sora /as /earing /hat loo:e( to 2e cat ears, an( Shiro /as /earing ra22it ears Ji2ril stoo(
2ehin( them, an( for some reason or another, she ha( slightly (rooping (og ears on her hea(
I8una stoo( 2y her si(e, /ith eyes eagerly loo:ing onto Sora an( Shiro /ho /ere petting
*ere2east girls, as if /aiting for her turn
9i:o then narro/e( her eyes to loo: at the last person
In her line of vision /as a Ahampir girl /ho crouche( in the corner of the room /hose 2o(y /as
constantly shivering
INast night, after I re<ecte( the re?uest issue( 2y Plum, EE the Ahampir over there EE she /ent
all over Fannagari to a(vertise the petting s:ills of Shiro an( meK
'he result seeme( to 2e the long ?ueue of *ere2east girls /aiting to 2e stro:e(
'hey ha( clearly covere( their faces an( use( the space to (ivert othersD attention /hile going to
9i:oDs shrine, 2ut the moment they steppe( out an( /al:e( a little, the scenario completely
change(JJ Sora shrugge( his shoul(ers an( laughe( 2itterly
IShe threatene( to :eep up this trou2lesome 2ehavior until I promise( to rescue the Ahampir
IJJJJ Is that soJJK
I9aster, this shoul( 2e enough Rou shoul( <ust use a game an( 2et for her hea(, /in, then chop
her hea( off TK
IIDm s-s-sorryJJ 2-2ut this is an important matter /hich involves the survival of an entire
. single glance 2y Ji2ril /ho /as emitting a mur(erous aura cause( Plum to hu((le in her corner
an( let out a cry of misery
IEEEE 'hat is, regar(ing my thir( re?uestJJK IBnK
IPlease use your status as the /ere2eastsD sole representative to or(er them that, /henever /e
ta:e the initiative to go out, they are not to come loo:ing for us If not, theyD( <ust line up outsi(e
the main (oor of I8unaDs house, an( /eD( 2e too scare( to enter their line of sight that /e
/oul(nDt even touch the (oor, an( thus 2e una2le to state the original purpose of our visitK
EEE 9i:o loo:e( as if she ha( much to say
=ut, in or(er to hear /hat his original purpose /as, she use( a sharp tone an( spo:e
IEEE Step (o/nK
*ith only that sentence, the Femonomimi girls /ere imme(iately so scare( that their hair stoo(
on e(ge'hey then repeate(ly 2o/e( their hea(s /hile scram2ling to escape from the shrineDs
9oreover, Shiro /as /aving goo(2ye in the (irection of their 2ac:s
I'hat shoul( 2e it EEEE So, /hat /as it you /ante( to tal: seriously a2out@K
9i:o ha( an intolerant e6pression /hen she as:e( Sora no((e( solemnly in response
IRup, EEEE itDs a ma<or issue that puts 2oth Elchea an( the Eastern Bnion at sta:eK
Sora starte( the topic, an( no longer ha( his usual slovenly appearance 7e /ore a very serious
loo: on his face, li:e he ha( encountere( a pro2lem /hich /as e6tremely (ifficult to solve
.ccor(ingly, 9i:o procee(e( to sit opposite Sora
Sora sai(, IRou :no/ the capital in the sea thatDs south of the Eastern BnionV the country calle(
I'hatDs our neigh2ouring country Lf course I :no/ of it ItDs the nation of the SeirensK
EEE Seirens
'he E6cee(Ds fifteenth ran:e(, /hich /as a2ove Imanity 2y a single ran:, an( 2elo/ the
*ere2easts 2y a single ran:
'heir capital /as locate( 2eneath the (eep sea, an( 2ecause they coul( only live un(er/ater,
they /ere not intereste( in ac?uiring territories
'hey /ere also a race /ith a special ecology, an( thus they have minimal transactions /ith other
nations an( /ere close( off to the rest of the /orl(
*hat on earth is the purpose of 2ringing up the country compose( of those peopleJJ@
9i:o stare( /ith that ?uestion in her eyes Sora respon(e( /ith a vigorous no( IIn(ee( 'his is
something that involves them, 9i:o-samaJK
Sora inhale( (eeply
IJ Ni:e I /as saying, 9i:o-sama, /hat is love@K
IIDll say this one more time If youDre as:ing for a fight, I can ta:e you on TK
9i:oDs smile stretche( through her face EEE 2ut she e6u(e( an aura /hich loo:e( as if she /as
preparing to activate G=a( =loo(H
7er fur turne( slightly re((ish, an( she let out a lo/ gro/l
Part 4
EEE 1eturning to a time some time 2ac:: last night
'he 7-game /as set at a (ifferent location, so as Sora ha( (eclare(, he col(ly re<ecte( all
Plum clung onto SoraDs feet, 2egging /il(ly /hile on the verge of 2ursting into tears
IP-Please /aitC I can only as: this of you, Rour 9a<estyCK
IRouDre irritatingC I (o not inten( to get involve( /ith something that clearly rate( 9-1,C Please
get yourselves ac?uainte( /ith these limitsCK
'he race :no/n as the GAhampirsH use( a /hite tur2i( li?ui( to su2stitute for 2loo( as foo(
EEE 1egar(less of /hatever manner it /as to 2e implemente(, it /oul( 2e sent to the restricte(
area of the room /ith no e6cuses
INo, itDs EEEEE .hh, no, some people also 2ecame li:e thatJJK
I'his has in(ee( turne( into an 7-game storyCK
IP-Please listen to my e6planationC If /e go on li:e this, our race /ill perishCK
Sora an( Shiro su((enly stoppe( /hat they /ere (oing 7earing those /or(s ma(e it impossi2le
for them to ignore the situation
'he line of vision of those t/o intersecte( to confirm something
EEE . race perishing is a /orrisome issue
IJJ IDll listen to /hat you have to say =ut hear this If I <u(ge the topic to touch on hentai,
/eDre en(ing this conversation imme(iatelyK
Sora reluctantly sat on the floor cross-legge(, an( sighe( /hen he finishe( his sentence
Shiro sat on SoraDs lap, an( Ji2ril follo/e( to sit 2esi(e them
.s for I8una EEE perhaps (ue to fatigue, she hu((le( ne6t to SoraDs 2o(y, an( no((e( off into
I'h---'han: you very muchCK
Plum /ore a teary eye( e6pression, an( repeate(ly 2o/e( at Sora
IBghJJ Please hol( on a momentJJK
Some irregular patterns emerge( out of her purple pupilsJJ
.ll of a su((enJ
EEE *hat on earth /ere they (oing@
In that short time, Ji2ril appeare( 2efore PlumDs face, an( I8una <umpe( in a spiral to go 2ehin(
'he actions of those t/o resulte( in a surplus of air, /hich /as still 2lo/ing through the room
Plum screame( /hile staring 2lan:ly at Ji2rilDs sharp eyes /ho /ere staring 2ac: at hers
IAonDt thin: youDre something great <ust 2ecause you manage( to get close to 9aster =ut if you
really thin: I /ill 2e silly an( let you succee( a secon( time, let me tell you this EEE :no/ your
place, you little /ormK
IOran(pa sai( that once I sense the scent of the magic of Ahapmirs, I must imme(iately avoi(
the other partyDs eyes, (esK
I8una gro/le( 7er voice /as col( an( fille( /ith /ariness
.t this point, Sora trem2le( in fear an( trepi(ation 'o the t/o people /ho ha( their guar(s up,
he sai(, II-I thin:JJ 2ecause of the G'en LathsH, she shoul( not 2e a2le to cause any harm,
IEven if it (oes not result in harm, it is possi2le to (isguise anotherDs cognition 'hat is to sayJK
7er hostile ga8e shifte( to PlumDs Gsi(eH
I"oncealing over there, a gigantic luggage EEE or suchK
Ji2ril stare( to an empty space as if there /as something there Plum /ave( frantically /hile she
tearfully e6plaine( the situation
I'h-'his is a misun(erstan(ingC I ha( only applie( the (isguising of cognition to myselfCK
EEE *ith a thun(erous soun(, numerous suitcases appeare( from no/here
I8una sniffe( /ith her nose, an( then let her (o/n her guar( an( returne( to Sora an( ShiroDs
I.s I ha( too much luggage, 2ecause of thatJ I <ust (isguise( the e6istence of the 2ags so that it
/oul( 2e easier to carryJJK
It /as at this time that Sora an( Shiro graspe( the situation an( /i(ene( their eyes in surprise
IIn other /or(sJ you hi( the Ge6istenceH of your luggage, thus eliminating their /eight@K
INo, it only removes the feeling of the volume an( /eight It (oes not imply the luggage
ISo, /hen you first appeare(, you /ere so fatigue( 2ecause ofJK
IJJ 'his reasonJJ@K
IS-SorryJJ Scu8 itDs too heavyJJK
Plum constantly 2o/e( to apologi8e, 2ut Ji2ril on the other han(J
I'he AhampirsD G(isguises an( illusionsH EEE they are at times superior to the Elves in regar(s to
affecting oneDs cognition through magic 'hose trun:s of luggage ha( al/ays 2een hereJJ /e
/ere <ust not a/are of themK
IB/a, 2ut Ji2ril /as a/are of them@K
IIt ma:es me sa( to a(mit this 2ut if I /as not paying attention, I /oul( have overloo:e( it
'here /ill never 2e a secon( timeK
Ji2ril spo:e /ith clenche( fists an( a lo/ere( hea( Nonetheless, SoraDs ga8e move( to her si(e
IJJ I8una, /hy (i( you (rop your guar(@K
IJJ@ =ecause I (i( not smell the scent of lies, (es@K
Perhaps she ha( 2ecome fatigue( from moving so su((enly I8una ha( curle( up into a 2all, an(
ya/ne( /hen she replie(
IBnK EEE Sora an( Shiro narro/e( their ga8e
In front of their eyes /as Plum She ha( flippe( over her luggage an( loo:e( as if she /as
searching for something
'hen, she sai(, II-I foun( itCK She unfol(e( a (ocumentJ
IBmm, ughJJ rumor has it that Sora-sama inten(s to unite all the racesK
'hat /as the e6ternal reason
'hey ha( merge( /ith the Eastern Bnion an( /ere preparing to create a fe(eration EEE such a
large matter shoul( have alrea(y 2een e6pose( to the pu2lic =ut as for /ho /as controlling the
race pieces, it shoul( 2e a secret :ept 2et/een Sora, Shiro an( 9i:o
.s he (i( not feel any special nee( to mention this, Sora simply e6presse( his affirmation
INet me get right to the pointJK
+eeling satisfie( at SoraDs reply, Plum continue( her speech
I"urrently, /e, the Ahampirs an( Seirens, are on the verge of e6tinction .lthough /eDve trie(
every possi2le /ayJJ /e are still po/erless So /e hope to rely on the assistance of Sora-
sama an( his companionsK
IJi2ril, can you e6plain to me ho/ the Ahampirs are relate( to the Seirens@K
Bpon hearing SoraDs in?uiry, Ji2ril ?uietly accepte( his or(er an( lo/ere( her hea( She 2egan
her e6planation to Sora
I.fter the implementation of the G'en LathsH, the Ahampirs coul( not a2sor2 the 2loo( of others
/ithout permission 'hus, they have to live relying on others EEE the Seirens are also in a similar
IJJ 7eh@K
IJJ the GSeirensHJJ the fifteenth ran:e(JJ are a race that can onlyJJ live in the oceanK
Shiro 2egan to procee( /ith her e6planation
'he E6cee(Ds fifteenth ran:e( Seirens EEE to simply put it, they /ere a race of Gmermai(sH
'hey live( in the shallo/ portion of the ocean, an( ha( the upper 2o(y of a human an( ha( a fish
tail instea( of legs
'heir ecology ha( certain particularities 'he first of /hich /asJ that they coul( not leave the
ocean for a long time
=ecause of this, they 2uilt an un(ersea city name( GLcean(oH /hich /as a vast maritime
'he secon( particularity /as that they /ere a race /ith only females
In other /or(s, their /ay of repro(ucingJ
IJJ re?uiresJJ Ga male of a (ifferent raceHJJK
.fter hearing ShiroDs e6planation, Sora loo:e( to Ji2ril /ith half-open eyes
II say, 2e it the GAhampirsH or the GSeirensH, arenDt the 2iological (efects of this /orl( too
I'here /ere no issues in the 2eginningJ only after the implementation of the G'en LathsHK
Ji2ril continue( her speech
I.s the Seirens only nee(e( to catch another raceDs male an( eat him, an( the Ahampirs can <ust
suc: 2loo( /ithout saying anything, there /ere no pro2lems =ut, they cannot (o harm to others
2ecause of the G'en LathsH EEE perhaps other races ha( 2een hurt EEE 2ut they shoul( 2e the
ones /ho /ere most (eeply hurtK
Ji2ril ha( a smile on her face, an( emitte( a mur(erous aura /hile tal:ing a2out the past Sora
(irecte( a ?uestion to her IJJSigh, /hat (o you mean 2yJJ catching to eat@ E6actly as it
.t that moment, a grim image of girls, /hose lo/er half /as that of fishes, ta:ing 2ig 2ites an(
che/ing up other races flashe( through his min(J 'his may have fallen un(er the 9-1, 2an for
a (ifferent reason Sora shu((ere( at the thought
7o/ever, Ji2ril shoo: her hea(
INo, 2ecause 9aster sai( to 2e healthy, so I put it su2tly It has a se6ual meaningK
I7o/ can there 2e such a heaven in e6istence@C I /ant to goC Ji2ril, letDs set off imme(iatelyCK
Sora <oyfully stoo( up, 2ut Ji2ril replie( in surprise
IRouD( 2e e6tracte( until e6haustion or even (eath Is that really o:ay@K
I7o/ can there 2e such a hell in e6istenceJ I (onDt /ant to goJJ ID( never go there in my
JJ 'he mermai(s coul( not repro(uce unless they (raine( the life of someone of another race
*ow much does this world want to betray my hopes and common sense until it is satisfied
SoraDs moo( instantly hit 2ottom 7e sighe( an( sat 2ac: (o/n
Not un(erstan(ing /hy Sora /as (e<ecte(, Ji2ril continue( her e6planation
I.ny/ay, the Ahampirs an( Seirens are races that cannot live /ithout causing harm onto others
*ith the G'en LathsH hurting their survival, at such a time, the Ahampirs must have set their
target on the SeirensK
Sora no((e(
IReah, ran:ing them as fifteenth 2et/een Imanity an( the *ere2easts /as a fitting choice 'hat
means they cannot use magic either, right@ No /on(er the Ahampirs, /ho are e6perts at illusions
an( (isguise magic, unilaterally inten( to 2ait them out for foo(K
%oth races which were on the verge of e#tinction would not be worried about bets, I suppose.
'he atmosphere /as still full of mur(erous intent, 2ut as it pertaine( to a matter of survivalJ
Ji2ril /as smiling happily instea(
IBnfortunately, this matter seems to have turne( a right angle an( (ramatically change(JJ it
has 2ecome an issue /ell :no/n all over the /orl(K
EEE 1ather than going up a ramp, they /ere gro/ing in the (irection of a right angle Ji2ril
continue( her speech happily
IOetting 2itten 2y a Ahampir /ill result in a G(iseaseHJJ I 2elieve IDve sai( this 2eforeK
I'o simply put it, the (isease is that Gyou /ill (ie if you get e6pose( to sunlightH Since they are
alrea(y una2le to go ashore an( have al/ays live( un(er the sea, the (isease (oes not constitute a
pro2lem to the SeirensK IEEE Bn@ Eh, that is to say@K
.t that point, Plum smile( /ea:ly an( replie(, IJJRes, /e Ahampirs EEE ma(e this
Gsym2ioticH proposalJJK
Ji2ril continue( spea:ing I'hey a(opte( a strategy for the Seirens to provi(e 2loo(, an( the
Ahampirs to provi(e magic to 2ait out other races for foo( 'he Ahampirs inten(e( to put up a
Gunite( frontH /ith the SeirensK
I'hat is reallyJK
IJJ .ma8ingJJK
Sora an( Shiro praise( them together in their hearts
Even though they /ere facing the crisis of e6tinction, an( it /as impossi2le for them to pull any
tric:s EEE
'o thin: they manage( to come up /ith the perfect escape route that ta:es each otherDs interests
into account, an( it /as a correct an( pro2lematic proposal EEE
IReah, they really are a race that greatly stupefies others EEE IDm referring to the SeirensK
+++ What'
Ji2ril then smile( to/ar(s the pitiful Plum /hile she continue( spea:ing
I=ecause, to the Ahampirs /ho they are coe6isting /ith EEE the Seirens have actually Gta:en a
2iteH WUK
I'he result is that the Ahampirs lost tragically to the Seirens 'he Ahampirs are no/ force( to
fin( males to help the Seirens repro(uce, an( the males of the Ahampirs are for2i((en from
suc:ing the 2loo( of any race other than the Seirens *hat a 2affling contractK
Perhaps even /ith ShiroDs intelligence, she ha( not foreseen such a situation She loo:e( to/ar(s
Ji2ril an( coul( not help 2ut suspect that she mishear( those /or(s IJJ 7ahaJJ this is
really so hilariousK
Lpposite them, Plum ha( some/hat of an e6pression of (espair
I9y ancestors pro2a2ly (i( not e6pect that EEE the Seirens (i( not un(erstan( the conse?uences
of the G'en LathsH, an( unconsciously contri2ute( to their o/n e6tinction, I thin:JJ hahaK
EEE *ith her face full of misfortune, a gloomy smile emerge( on her consi(era2ly fatigue( face
IJJ BghJJ@ JJ NiiJJ *hatDsJJ going on@K
Shiro tilte( her hea( in confusion, as if she ha( <ust 2een han(e( someone elseDs 2ig mess
Sora respon(e( to her an( sai(, IEEE .hhW In other /or(s, I hope it isnDtJJK
.lthough it /as an incre(ulous thoughtJ Sora still procee(e( to say it
I'he Ahampirs (i( not use their magic an( ma(e a fa:e game, an( propose( that if there /as a
tie, they /oul( have a sym2iotic relationship /ith each otherJ =ut, the Seirens (i( not
un(erstan( the intentions of the Ahampirs an( /on the game unilaterally, an( /ere so happy
/ith the outcome EEE am I right@K
+rom Ji2rilDs pitying smile an( PlumDs e6hauste( smile, one coul( tell it /as Gtotally correctH
IJJSigh, the Seirens are i(iots after allJK
I'heir reputation rever2erates to the heavens 'he super i(iots of three thousan( /orl(s T K
I'hey really are a race thatDs stupi( to the e6tremeJJhahaK
IOran(pa sai( that they /ere more stupi( than hairless apes, (esK
Ji2ril /ho loo:e( full of contempt, Plum, an( even I8una /ho shoul( have 2een asleep,
ans/ere( SoraDs ?uestion /ithout hesitation
IJJ 'his is too much 'o thin: there /as a race that coul( 2e loo:e( (o/n on more than the
ImanityJJ I am a little touche(K
7o/ever, Ji2ril continue( her speech /ith a smile on her face
I*ell, that /ay, things get very interesting too UK
+irst, she put up a finger
I'o 2egin /ith, the Ahampirs can GsurviveH 2y consuming 2o(y flui(s other than 2loo(K
'hen, she put up t/o fingers
I=ut Ggro/thH re?uires 2loo( EEE if they (o not mi6 their souls, they /ill al/ays maintain a
chil(-li:e appearanceK
'hen, three fingers /ere put up
I=ecause the Seirens nee( to suc: the 2loo( of only the males of other races, 2ut are 2arre( from
(oing so 2ecause of the Laths 7o/ever, 2ecause they /ill maintain the appearance of a chil(,
the Ahampirs /ill 2e una2le to repro(uce amongst themselves 'hus, in or(er to o2tain 2loo(,
the males have to o2ey the Seirens, an( in or(er to give 2irth, the females also have to o2ey the
+ollo/ing /hich, she put up four fingers
IEven if a Seiren /ere to (iso2e(iently flee from the city, they /oul( still carry a G(iseaseH EEE
that shoul( 2e enough to un(erstan(, right@K
+inally, /ith a smile, Ji2ril put up five fingers
I=ecause the Ahampirs have such i(iotic opponents, they have 2een acci(entally 2een (riven to
a corner UK
Shiro ha( alrea(y lost interest in this foolish story an( /as playing /ith her nails
Sora /as also loo:ing confuse( at the ceiling Su((enlyJ
*hat Plum sai( flashe( through SoraDs min(
EEE I.hh, no, some people also 2ecame li:e thatKJ
,ets try to sort out this information and thin& through before !udging them.
+irst of all, the Ahampir females have no o2ligation to o2ey the Seirens, so they can leave
ItDs <ust that they /oul( continue to have a chil(Ds appearance
=ut as long as they have the 2o(y flui(s of other races, they can survive
Bn(er such con(itions, the appropriate 2o(y flui( ran:e( 2ehin( 2loo( is GthatH@
.n( she sai( that EEE some people also 2ecame li:e thatJJ@
EEE *ait, <ust /ait a moment
EEEEEEJJJJ then thatDs a EEEEEE legitimate loli
I=-=ut, /e have solve( this issue once in the pastJJK
IEh, aha, ihh@ *hat (i( you say@K
Sora ha( <ust 2ecome completely 2iase(
Everything Plum sai( seeme( to some/hat confusing so she pulle( 2ac:
I*hat /e sai( after spea:ing a2out the G'en LathsHJ 'he Ahampirs have 2een successful in
esta2lishing a sym2iotic relationshipK
Ji2ril no((e(, an( continue( spea:ing
I'he essence that the Seirens re?uire from males EEE the Gsoul essenceH must 2e /on an(
(eplete( 2efore repro(uction EEE ho/ever, /hen Ga single generation comes from a single
personH, an( the rest are still living, the amount of soul essence re?uire( for 2ree(ing that is to 2e
e6tracte( /ill not cause the (eath of the ingeste( in(ivi(ual, soJK
I'he Ahampirs are only /ith a2solute compliance to GherH for Gassistance /ith repro(uctionH
EEE *ith her i(entity as the G?ueenH, every generation of Seirens come from the sole
representative 'hey ta:e the approach to Gonly have the Xueen repro(uceHK
IJJ a clever tric:JJK
Sora clappe( his han(s to e6press his a(miration, an( Shiro clappe( similarly as if she /as
presenting an offering to the Oo(s
I'he Ahampirs are pretty much <ust Gassisting the Seirens /ith repro(uctionH, an( it isnDt in
violation of the Laths Ln the other han(, they can also (eny the Seirens if they mean to e6tract
energy from them until they (ie 'he Ahampirs also have 2loo( they can suc:J *o/, is this not
a perfect situation to 2e in@K
So it /as li:e thisJ although ma<or mista:es /ere ma(e, this gorgeous (rama ha( a nice plot
'hey manage( to ma:e it such that neither /ill perish /hile esta2lishing a system that ensures
the continuity of 2oth races
In other /or(s, they ha( successfully achieve( the Ginterracial coe6istenceH that Sora an( his
companions /ere trying to achieve, an( (i( so earlier than them
IJ 'his is sure enough of a great feat 'he Ahampirs arenDt ran:e( t/elfth for nothingK
IBnfortunately, 9aster, that system ha( collapse( 2ecause of the ?ueen of that generationK
+++ ust how many plot twists are there in this story'
IJJ 'hen /hat goo( (i( the ?ueen of that generation (o@K
Sora as:e( /ith col( eyes, 2ut Ji2ril remaine( smiling, though this time she ha( her fingers on
2oth han(s stretche( open
SEEE Nothing-at-allW TD /as Ji2rilDs reply
Plum, /ho originally /ore an e6pression of misfortune, no/ loo:e( as if her soul /as a2out to
come out of her, an( she laughe( 2itterly for a /hile
IShe left me /ith the message, SNet me sleep until my prince comes I /ill not /a:e up till thenD
JJ .n( then she /as out col(K
Ji2ril /as grinning ma(ly What made her smile that much'
IIn other /or(s, the Ahampirs can un(ergo repro(uction /ith the SeirenDs Gcurrent ?ueenH as
long as they (o not (ieJ =ut /hen her mother /as still the ?ueen, she /as affecte( 2y some
fairytale an( ple(ge( to the 'en Laths then left that sentence an( entere( an eternal sleepK
*ey, hey, are you &idding me'
IBntil the prince that ma:es her fall in love appears EE in other /or(s, only if someone Gple(ges
2y the LathsH through the GgameH that she ha( set /oul( she ever /a:e up .lso, this G"ol(
SleepH that she is in is similar to the G=a( =loo(H a2ility of the *ere2easts It is an a2ility of the
Seirens to continue sleeping for a thousan( years or more =utCK
Ji2ril sai( this /hile sitting /ith goo( posture, then starte( fanning herself
IL:ay, my au(ience 'he /orl(Ds stupi(est GtruthH is finally coming to an en( UK
-id she ta&e herself for a storyteller'
Ji2ril happily continue( on /ith her uni?ue manner of speech
I.h, /ell thenCC 'he ?ueen (i( set a certain GgameH EE =utCK
IIn the en(, ho/ /oul( one ma:e her fall in love /ith him /hile she /as sleepingCCK
EEEJJ Everyone ha( nothing to say
Plum <ust /atche( from afar /ith a /ea: smile
Sora loo:e( li:e he /as en(uring a hea(ache, an( Shiro /as alrea(y ya/ning, /hile I8una /as
sleeping soun(ly
Ji2ril, /ho /as the only one in high spirits, continue( her speech
I'he original e6cuse that the Ahampir males use( to re<ect repro(uction /as that they /oul(
only help 2y un(ergoing repro(uction /hen the other party, Gthe ?ueenH, /as on the verge of
(eath EEE =ut, here comes the ?uestionC *hat /oul( happen if the ?ueen sleeps an( never /a:es
She then opene( the fanJJ an( acte( as if she ha( 2ecome limp
I'he current ?ueen has entere( Gcol( sleepH for eight hun(re( years no/, an( the former ?ueen
has alrea(y passe( on 'hey /aite( for the current ?ueen to see if she coul( /a:e up naturally
after a fe/ hun(re( yearsJJ the result /as EEE the Ahampir males gra(ually got eaten EEEK
+ollo/ing /hich, Ji2ril 2o/e( (eeply
I'his infamous situation rever2erate( throughout the seven continents as the stupi(est history to
have ever e6iste( in the /orl( *hat (o you thin: a2out this, my au(ience@ EEE the ne6t
performer seems to 2e rea(y to perform no/ Net me ta:e a 2o/, an( a(ieuK
IJJ IDm not particularly rea(y, 2ut /hateverJJ I get /here this is goingK
It /as no /on(er /hy everyone thought those races ha( perishe( long ago
EEE 7o/ever, there /as still a single (ou2t
I.fter the last Ahampir male ha( 2een eaten, /oul(nDt that result in the SeirensD e6tinction@K
IJJ If the Seirens even ha( a 2rain to un(erstan( this situationJJ I /oul(nDt have to go
through all this trou2leJJK
IJJEh@ AonDt tell me EEE they (i(nDt (o this intentionallyJJ@K
Seeing PlumDs voi(e( eyes stare 2lan:ly at him, Sora coul( not help 2ut feel a little scare(
So thats how it turned out li&e this'
IEEE 'ruth 2e tol(, there is only one male remainingJJ an( he is still too youngJJK
Which means theres only five seconds to their e#tinction. Sora un(erstoo( that, 2utJJ
I7o/ are /e suppose( to help in such a situation@ +rom /hat I <ust hear(, all the car(s are
alrea(y (o/n on the ta2leK
I.h, the story tol( 2y the +lugels actually has a follo/-upCK
Since they /ere finally getting to the topic, PlumDs e6pression su((enly 2rightene( up
I.lthough the ?ueen is currently in the state of Gcol( sleepH, she still retains her consciousnessC
So if /e /ere to gather all the fragments of her conscience EEE an( intervene /ith a spell in her
G(reamsH so that she can meet her love /ithin her (reams EEE such a GAating SimH /oul( thus 2e
.h +++ so now its a /dating sim0, ehJJ Sora coul( not help 2ut laugh
IJi2ril, (oes interfering /ith (reams violate the G'en LathsH@K
IRes, if no harm is inten(e( an( no (anger /ill 2e cause( (irectly EEE an( more so in this case,
the ?ueen is /aiting for her 2elove( prince 'he fact is that this counts as her consent to the
Plum no((e( an( procee(e( to rene/ her re?uest
IEEE Please let the G?ueenH fall in love /ith youC In or(er to (o this, IDve prepare( a
Sora an( Shiro loo:e( to each otherDsD faces EEE they alrea(y ha( their ans/er
Sora an( Shiro ha( the goal of Gcon?uering the si6teen racesH EEE so helping out /as the only
option from the 2eginning
=ut Sora e6presse( that even so, there /ere still things that must 2e confirme(
I*hen /e /in that game, /hat /ill 2e our re/ar(@K
Plum remove( her cheat sheet once again
IBhJJ GProvi(ing 3Y of the un(er/ater resources of Lcean(o, an( esta2lishing permanent
frien(ly relationsHK
Plum /as sighing /hile reciting that sentence
IJJ it too: me a /ee: to ma:e the Seirens un(erstan( the reality of the situation, ma:e them
accept an( o2tain this con(itionJJ sighJJK
.s it turne( out, this con(ition /as not too 2a(
=ut SoraDs stern e6pression sho/e( he /as very concerne( a2out one thing
IJJ .n(, an( alsoJJ thatJJK
Plum coyly playe( /ith her fingers EEE an( then aime( /ith her eyes
Noo:ing to/ar(s her great volume of luggage, she 2o/e( her hea( /hile her face /as fully
flushe( re(
II, I can 2e at your (ispositionJJ so, so I 2rought all my househol( items PluggageQ along /ith
IXuit stuttering EveryoneC *eDre gonna step in earlier an( save the people on the 2rin: of
EE Sora complete( his preparations an( loo:e( li:e he /as rea(y to run out the (oor
*ith loving eyes, he spo:e to Plum
IPlease rest your /orries, 9iss 'here is no GAating SimH game I have not mastere(K
So hurry and tell me the details.
Then well leave as soon as possible for me to obtain my legitimate lolis +++ (
Noo:ing at ho/ intense SoraDs ga8e /as, Plum e6pose( an e6pression of <oy
IR-ResC Bh, 2ecause of the G(ream interferenceH, you can freely set the location, an( 2asicallyJ
the aim of the game is to ma:e the ?ueen fall for you an( confess to youCK
*hat flashe( through SoraDs min( /as EEE G'o:ime:i 9emorialH

+or a O-rate( (ating sim, Sora confirme(J that there /oul( 2e no pro2lems
S'here are no characters that I cannot con?uerD /as /hat Sora affirme( in his heart, 2utEEE
I'hatDs for a (ating sim /here there are con(itions set to fulfil an( all (ialogues an( actions are
Sora an( Shiro e6change( glances, an( smile( /hile no((ing at each other EEE then, they
(eci(e( that their original ver(ict shoul( 2eJJ
JJ Lverthro/n
INo nee( to (iscuss any further, I refuse Please returnK
IJJ 2ye2yeJJ gam2atteJJ (onDt go e6tinctK
'he t/o of them laughe( /hile saying those /or(s
Part 5
IJ =ut /hy@ 'he con(itions arenDt 2a(, are they@K
9i:o, /ho ha( 2een ?uietly listening to the situation, 2riefly e6presse( her feelings
I*ell, I ha( long /ante( the un(ersea resources of the Sirens, so /hatDs the pro2lem@ Rou
shoul( go save them an( esta2lish frien(ly relations EEE /oul(nDt that 2e a pretty goo( con(ition
for the Elchea +e(eration Pof yoursQ@K
In(ee(, she /as 9i:o EEE a faint smile surface( on her face, an( she un(erstoo( everything
*hat Plum ha( sai( a2out Gonly 2eing a2le to 2eg Sora an( his companionsH ha( come to 2e
sprea( aroun(
'he Ahampirs an( Sirens EEE /ere left /ith nothing to gam2le
In general, the frien(ly relations alone or that (egree of resources (i( not constitute enough of a
reason to help them
If one /ante( their territories or resources, theyD( get it as long as they ignore( them an( let
them perish
.s 2eing su2(ue( (i( not a(( any harm on their si(e or affect the raceDs survival, there /as
nothing to 2e earne( to 2egin /ith
=ut EEE
*ith the goal of uniting the Ge6cee(H EEE Sora an( Shiro /ere the e6ceptions
It /oul( 2e 2othersome even if a single race /ere to perish
'he Eastern Bnion /ants their resources, an( it can also 2e use( to lessen the gap 2et/een the
national strength of the t/o nations
.lsoJ if they /ere successful, the Elchea +e(eration /ill have t/o races a((e( in
Impecca2ly, it /as in(ee( goo( terms
EEE Sora shoo: his hea( in anguish an( stare( at Plum
IJJ =ut this is impossi2le, 9i:o-samaJJ (i(nDt you hear earlier@ 'he GgameH that Plum /as
spea:ing a2outK
I9hmm, Ga romance gameH, right@ *hatDs the issue@K
'he perple6e( loo: on 9i:oDs face remaine(, an( she soun(e( surprise( /hen she as:e( that
?uestion =ut Sora clutche( his hea( in irritation, an( revise( /hat he ha( sai(
IEEE No, it is a Gromance game /here the li:a2ility factors are uncertain /ith real-time (ialogue
an( actionsHK
IJJ*hatDs the (ifference@K
IZery much of itC 'hatDs not a (ating simC 'hatDs an Gactual romance gameHCK
Sora e6aggerate(ly /ave( his han( an( shoute(
INo, a real romance gameJJ Is that even a gameC@ .n( then againJ /hat is loveC@K
It /as a really philosophical ?uestion
J7o/ever, since it /as propose( as a game, Sora naturally (i( some incompara2ly serious
investigation on it
7e sai(, IIf it /as li:e usual romance games, things /oul( 2e easier 'o put it simply, all you
nee( to (o is reach the con(itions an( increase your Gli:ea2ilityH =ut /hat a2out this situation@
'his guy actually <ust casually sai( that this is /here the li:ea2ility factors are not certain, an(
the (ialogue an( actions are unrestricte(, an( itDs even going to happen in real timeC IDll as:
again Is that even a GgameHC@K
JJ.ncient Oreece
'he philosophers an( (e2aters of that time /oul( pro2a2ly have as:e( themselves ?uestions
similar to this
Sora gave off an aura similar to them *ith fist still (ramatically raise(, he 2egan an unceasing
torrent of lou( (eclarations
I*hat is the reality of GloveHC@ "an games /ith such an am2iguous concept 2e calle( a game@
*ith no meaningfully stipulate( car(s, com2os, or playing style, can a po:er li:e this even 2e
calle( a gameC@K
J 'o a(( on, /hat is love PQ@
Nove E is longing PQ an( affection PQ
JJ itDs t/o /or(s
+irst, the forms of these /or(s are (ifferent
Since theyDre of (ifferent forms, the pronunciations are also (ifferent
*ith (ifferent pronunciations, the meaning is (efinitely (issimilar
Nonging an( affectionJ .t the en( of the (ay, /hat e6actly are they@
'he sages of the past ha( sai( 2efore to love thy neigh2or =ut he (oes not tell you to go sleep
/ith your neigh2orDs /ife
JJSora spo:e /ith sincere eyes
In contrast, 9i:oDs eyes /ere icy col( /hen she replie(
IJIsnDt that <ust nice for you@ Rou can use your silver tongue to (eceive her into falling in love
/ith you, yeah@ IsnDt constructing frau(s something youDre a master at@K
7o/ever, /hen Sora an( Shiro hear( /hat she sai(, they loo:e( in pain as they shoo: their
hea(s in reply
IJJ"anDt (o itJJK
IReah, seems li:e thereDs still something I must state, 9i:o-samaK
'he sharpness of their ga8e increase( intensely
IJ No matter /hat the game, Fuuha:u is un(efeata2le 'here are only Gt/oH gamesJJ /e
have never 2ro:en through, no, /e have never un(erstoo( the rules of, an( thus never playe( it
.n( those areJ
IEEEGreality life simulation gamesH an( Greality love simulation gamesHJCK
In the /orl( of the past, /hat /as at the pea: of over t/o hun(re( an( eighty games /as a 2lan:
'his ma(e the si2lings 2ecome an ur2an legen( only passe( on 2y /or( of mouth 'hey /ere the
fla/less t/o-man team EEE ImanityDs strongest games
EEE =ut please (o not forget thatJJ
In reality, they are <ust t/o virgin ota:us /ithout frien(s an( /ith communication (isor(ersJCC
Bpon saying this, Sora an( Shiro ha( an immaculate ga8eJ an( their upright figures e6u(e( an
immense amount of pri(e
'urning their 2eliefs into a reality, they change( to gran(eur e6istences
.lso, the aura they /ere emittingJJ ma(e the particles in the air trem2le
IR-Rou certainly are my masters EEE so shoc:ing an( gran(eurCK
II (onDt really get it, 2ut, you t/o are really cool, (esK
Ji2ril an( I8una s/allo/e( a gulp of saliva in surprise
I=eing prou( of 2eing amateurs at something ma(e you guys into this state, ehJJ It feels
rather a/e-inspiringK
IJJ +or me, having such a state of min( is greatly perple6ingJJK
9i:o an( Plum gave their calm opinions
I'husly, /e /ish to (iscuss the con(itions /ith 9i:o-sama, an( :eep our stance of giving no
reply to the re?uest for no/K
IJJ Lh, is that soJJK
ISo 9i:o-sama, please tell us /hat love is@K
IJJ tell usJJ 9i:o-samaJJK
'hey as:e( /ith serious faces, 2ut 9i:o only sighe(
She returne( to her seat an( playe( /ith her tails as if she /as grooming herself
IJ*ell, /hat is love@K 9i:o replie( col(ly
I+rom /hen I coul( first thin: sensi2ly, I ha( only ever consi(ere( the *ere2easts EEE that is to
say, the Eastern BnionDs matters IDve 2een struggling /ith that till no/JJ So to say /hat love
is@ Lnce upon a time, I ha( even forgotten to thin: a2out such a thingJJK
*ith /ith(ra/n eyes, 9i:o murmure( as if she /as recalling her (istant past
J .n( /hy is that@
Sora an( Shiro /ere tremen(ously familiar /ith /hat she /as going through
IIs that soJJK
IJJthen /eDre left /ith no optionsJJK
.fter saying that, the t/o sighe( simultaneously an( then turne( to face Plum
ISorry, Plum .ll /e can (o no/ is as: you to give up 7ope you (onDt go e6tinctCK
IJJ persevere an( surviveCK
=eing so easily (iscar(e( for the thir( time, she 2egan crying /ith (istresse( shouts
IPlease <ust listen to /hat I have to say@ I ha( sai( I ha( prepare( a GcountermeasureHCK
Plum shoute( /ith tears in her eyes /hile pointing to her cheat sheet
I'-'he Ahampirs (i(nDt <ust get eaten a/ay /ithout (oing anythingJJ *e have 2een
analy8ing the ?ueen for many yearsJ an( at last /e came up /ith an a2solute strategy for this
7o/ever, Sora an( Shiro loo:e( to have no interest in it
'hey /ere follo/ing 9i:o /hile trying to fin( the 2ifurcation of their o/n hair It loo:e( li:e
they ha( no intention of replying
IJJ thereDs a metho( to /in on your o/nJJ so gam2atteJJK
Plum groane( an( /ent S*aaaaD, then shoute( at the top of her lungs
I rather than <ust spea:ing a2out it, /hy (onDt you loo: at my evi(enceC Sora-samaCK
'hen, she e6ten(e( her han( an( pointe( at Sora /hile shouting
IPlease name anyone /ho can never fall in love /ith youCK
Sora playe( /ith his nails 7is reply /as calm an( imme(iate *hen Plum hear( it, she fro8e in
that moment
In contrast, Sora /as ga8ing in the (istance EEE li:e a mon: giving a sermon, he loo:e( calm
an( at peace
IIf not for the use of the Gple(gesH, no one /oul( fall in love /ith me even if the /orl( /ere to
.s if he ha( <ust set forth the truth of impermanenceJ he continue( preaching his situation li:e
he /as an enlightene( one
IJ'h-'hatDsJ I really sympathi8e /ith youK
'he gran(eur-turne(-=u((ha-li:e Sora ha( in(irectly force( Plum into saying that
'hen, she trie( to put for/ar( alternative solutionsJ
I'h-'hen, can /e use that on Sora-samaJJ@K
IBse a magic to ma:e the ?ueen EE Gforci2ly fall in loveHCK
EEE Sora unconsciously let out an SLhD
Lf course Since the con(ition for her to a/a:en /as for her to fall in love, if there /as that :in(
of magic, it (oes count as a victory
If thatDs the case, the situation is (ifferentJ
Ln the other han(, Ji2ril 2egan to har2or (ou2ts an( suspicions in her eyes after hearing that
IJ*hat (oes it mean to forci2ly fall in love@ =ecause of the G'en LathsH, that shoul( not 2e
=ut Plum loo:e( li:e she ha( long /aite( for that ?uestion to 2e as:e(
IRup, it shoul( not 2e possi2le un(er normal circumstancesC 7o/ever, the ?ueen intentionally
fell asleep hoping for someone G/ho can ma:e her fall in loveHJ in other /or(s, it is her
GconsentH 'hus, /e can use this to interfere /ith her feelingsCK
7er reasoning follo/e( the same reasoning /ith interfering in the (reamJ Plum ha( 2oth han(s
on her hips /hen she spo:e
Seeing Plum stan( tall, it a((e( a sense of confi(ence to her face that /as usually oo8ing /ith
misfortune Sora <u(ge( thatJ she actually loo:e( confi(ent
'hus, he /in:e( at Ji2ril an( no((e( his hea(
I*ell, if even I, /ho (oes not un(erstan( the feelings of love, can 2e effective in this, I guess
there is in(ee( a /ay to emerge victoriousK
Sora spo:e /hile he /al:e( for/ar(
I'hen /hy (onDt you try it out on me, an( let Shiro 2e the <u(ge of its effectivenessJK
Seeing Sora /al: for/ar(, Shiro pulle( his shirt to stop him
IEh@ *hat is it@ ShiroK
IJJ canDtK
ShiroDs ga8e /avere( for a split secon(J an( really only a very short split secon(
.n( Sora coul( not (etect the reason /hy
'husJ ShiroDs min( /as currently running at full spee( to thin: of a reasonJJ to thin: of an
.n( then, /hen Shiro finally foun( an e6cuse, she spo:e it choppily
IJJ NiiJJ if I fall in loveJJ I (onDt :no/JJ /hat ID( (oJJK
ISh-ShiroJ .re you (ou2ting your 2rotherDs iron /illC@K
Sora asserte( his grief, as he too: sufficient pri(e in his a2ility to maintain self-control
=ut EEE for 9i:o, /ho ha( the *ere2eastsD a2ility to e6cee( stan(ar( practices, an( even loo:
into the changes in anotherDs heartJJ
Bnli:e Sora, she seeme( to 2etter un(erstan( the changes in ShiroDs emotions 9i:o 2egan to
IEEE .lright, /hy (onDt you try it on me@K
9i:oDs ga8e seeme( as if she ha( <ust seen something amusing She continue( spea:ing
II, too, (o not un(erstan( the feelings of love, so this shoul( not 2e a pro2lem, right@K
=ut Shiro /as still on high alert, so she as:e( Plum, IJJ can it JJ 2e un(one@K
IEh@ It-It canC No pro2lems at allCK
I7ahaha, feel at ease 'he type I li:e is (ifferent from thatK
Shiro an( 9i:o seeme( to mutually un(erstan( the meaning 2ehin( their /or(s, an( Sora /as
the only one /ho coul( not :eep up /ith /hat their conversation
IJJ Ao you guys :no/ /hat those t/o are tal:ing a2out@K
I9y (eepest apologies, 9aster, I (o notK
IJJ@ Sorry, I /asnDt listening then, (esK
Ji2ril (i( not get the reasons 2ehin( it
.n( it /as naturally impossi2le for I8una, /ho /as alrea(y ya/ning, to :no/ /hat /as going
Ignoring the three of them, 9i:o stoo( upJ an( too: a step
'hen she silently an( imme(iately appeare( in front of Plum
I"ome on, /erenDt you going to try it out on me@K
IR-Res 'hen, Sora-sama, an( everyoneJK
Plum ha( instantly flinche( in reaction to 9i:oDs actions, 2ut she imme(iately pulle( herself
together, an( sprea( her /ings /hile she spo:e
I*hen lac:ing the supply of 2loo(, this magic cannot 2e use( too many times, so please pay
"omple6 patterns emerge( in PlumDs eyes, an( concurrently, a 2ree8e 2le/ /ithin the room
PlumDs /ings loo:e( li:e they /ere /oven from the night 'he light circles that appeare( ha(
completely (ifferent geometrical patterns than Ji2rilDs *ith irregular vi2rations an(
uncounta2le re( lines scuttling, the room /as (ye( re(
'he irregular strea:s of re( loo:e( li:e veins 'hey gra(ually corro(e( until they reache( PlumDs
right han(
'hat han(J 2egan to move again, slo/ly an( comple6ly
+eeling the elemental particlesJ the compilation of techni?ues turne( into a smell of magic 'he
ears of I8una an( 9i:o ha( su2tle reactions
Nonetheless, the magic /as completely un(etecta2le 2y ImanityJ so Sora an( Shiro (i( not feel
a thing
'he only one /ho coul( correctly i(entify the magic, an( even see through the meaning of the
compilation of techni?ues /as Ji2ril, 2utJ
IJ*hatJJ it canDt 2e, can it@K
+rom her tone, it seeme( that she /as surprise(
.fter a fe/ secon(sJ Plum slo/ly 2rought her palm to 9i:o
JIn a flash
It soun(e( as if things /ere e6plo(ing, an( the space surroun(ing 9i:o gave of a re( glo/, as if
a /hirlpool /as scattering in all (irections
IJJ *hat@ *as the magic /as carrie( out /ell@K
9i:o (i( not loo: to feel any changes to herself
=ut Plum smile( in fatigue an( sai(, I1ightC .fter this /oul( 2eJ Sora-sama, pleaseJCK
I1u2 9i:o-samaDs chestCK
Sora an( 9i:o e6claime( at the same time
I.fter this Gcomman(H EEE the spell /ill 2eJJ completeCK
Plum (i( not seem to notice the implications, an( /as still spea:ing /hile fille( /ith confi(ence
In a flash, Sora an( Shiro e6change( glances
Seeing Shiro no( in agreement, SoraJ
I.h'hen 9i:o-sama, can I@K
IJJ *ell, I agree( to try it outJ =ut IDm very unhappy that none of this /as state( in
9i:o loo:e( reluctant, an( she sighe( /hile s/aying her chest a/ay
IJJ If it (oesnDt feel goo(JJ I /oul( lose faceJJK
Sora sai( that, then /ith fear an( trepi(ation, he covere( 9i:oDs 2reast /ith a han(
'hen, loo:ing (etermine(J he applie( some pressure
J Sora almost let out a gasp of a(miration to/ar(s the elasticity of it 2ouncing for/ar( then
sin:ing 2ac:
*hile Sora felt touche( 2y the feeling of something (ifferent than StephDsJ
9i:o, /ho /as originally fro/ning /ith (ispleasureJJ
Jfelt as if something in her 2o(y ha( 2een unleashe( 7er e6pressionJ change(
+ollo/ing /hich, she slo/ly shifte( her ga8e( to/ar(s SoraJ
She sai(, I*h-*hat is this@ 'his feeling that ma:es all the hair on my 2o(y stan( on e(geJJ
'his sic:ening 2arf-/orthy smile, from 2eing in a 2a( moo( then no/ /ith a fire 2urning
insi(eJ Lh-Lh right, is this EEE is this /hat GloveH isC@K
IIt canDt 2eC 'hat really hurts my feelingsCK
J 9i:o /as loo:ing into the (isgusting thingDs eyes /hen she spo:e, an( Sora imme(iately
shoute( 2ac: in response
Still, 9i:o continue( spea:ing as though she ha( not hear( SoraDs yells
I'h-'his is pro2a2ly love ItDs o2viously impossi2le, 2ut I can assert that IDve GfallenH for Sora,
an( soJJ this nauseating feeling is calle( loveJJ /hat a /on(erful /orl( /eDre inK
IJI say, Plum, havenDt you faile(@K
No matter ho/ youD( loo: at it, itDs a mista:e SoraDs mouth t/itche( uncontrolla2ly
=ut Plum still stoo( tall an( replie( confi(ently
I7ahaha, please listen to my e6planationJJ 'his is the main pointK
EEE .s if spea:ing of the AhampirsD only technology, her usually misfortunate face /as presently
gleaming /ith shining eyes
IGNove 9agic Pplug-inQH EEE although there /ere rumors of it in past an( present, no one has
ever implemente( itJK
IJJ Is that so@ Ji2rilK
Nove potions an( love magicJ /ere fre?uently use( in the plot of fantasy stories
IJReah, although IDm reluctant to a(mit it, /e have no lea(s on the principles of love magicK
Ji2ril ha( (ifficulty concealing her ama8e( face /hen she spo:e
Aespite her reluctance to loo:, she /as still no((ing in recognition of PlumDs great un(erta:ing
I'o interfere /ith the emotions of love is something that practitioners of magic /ere never a2le
to (efine the am2iguous :ey constituents to +rom my :no/le(ge, this magic is something even
the Elves have yet to achieveJJK
'hough they /ere prominent in their illusionary magic spells, the Ahampirs /ere still only
ran:e( in t/elfth place
'he seventh ran:e( can practically 2e a((resse( as a magic spell itself 'hey /ere a synonym to
comple6 techni?ue compilations PmagicQ
It /as something the Elves coul( not accomplish, 2ut Plum coul( Aespite this, she still no((e(
her hea( in agreement
IRes, the (ifficulty lies in (efining Gfeelings of loveH 2ecause itDs never fi6e( EEE as everyone has
a (ifferent (efinitionK
Plum /as happily flapping her tiny /ings /hile she spo:e
She ha( a triumphant loo: an( straightene( her chest 2efore she /ent on /ith her speech
I*hen Gthe uncertainty factor is impossi2le to 2e setH, no matter /hat spell is cast, itD( 2e
meaningless 'hat is /hy /hat the /orl( terms as the spell of GNove 9agic Pplug-inQH is at most
<ust a cause of Gestrus magicHJ 2utCK
I.h, /ait a secon(, Plum, IDm more intereste( in Gestrus magicHJK
=ut Plum ignore( SoraDs concern an( /as stan(ing so prou( an( tall that it loo:e( as if he /as
a2out to 2en( 2ac:/ar(s I*e Ahampirs have finally succee(e( in thisCK
'hen she 2egan her storyJ
.2out something the Elves /oul( never 2e a2le to reachJJ
J.n( the truth EEE a2out the magic that /oul( even ma:e a +lugel marvel at
ISure itDs uncertain, 2ut /e can <ust set it as something Since everyone has a (ifferent feeling
/hen in GloveH, then let that (efinition 2e ar2itrarily 2e (eci(e( 2y usCK
+++ What &ind of preposterous reasoning is that'
7aving playe( games /hich often have the appearance of love magic, Sora ha( never felt such a
strong sense of violation till to(ay
Sora glance( to/ar(s 9i:oJ 9i:oDs ga8e loo:e( as if she /as staring at gar2age /hen (irecte(
at Sora
IJJ No, 2ut this shoul( not 2e a state /here sheDs in love /ith me, right@K
Sora rolle( his eyes an( murmure(
INo, if 9i:o-sama i(entifies such a feeling as GloveH, then that is GloveHC .fter allJ love is <ust a
Plum /as fille( /ith confi(ence
Aisguises an( illusionsJ this /as /hat /as so categorically asserte( 2y the race /ho is the most
a(ept at the manipulation of oneDs spirit an( cognition
IJJ Shiro, I no/ feel a totally unprece(ente( (isappointment to/ar(s the feeling of loveK
IJJ NoveJJ /hat is itJJK
In spite of the philosophical contemplation of the pro2lem at han( 2y the si2lings, Plum gre/
even more e6cite( as she spo:e
I.lright, Sora-sama, 9i:o-sama must have i(entifie( G(isgustH as the feeling of loveC No/, if
you stri:e /hile the iron is hot, an( tell her the most (isgusting of (isgusting lines you haveCK
=eing calle( (isgusting time an( again, although Sora ha( many things to sayJ he temporarily
s/allo/e( his /or(s
I.hJJ GI really /ant to lic: 9i:oHJJK
Bpon hearing the ran(om line that Sora ha( <ust thought of, 9i:oDs reaction /asJ that she
coul( not retreat
I.hhhJJ you canDt, Sora Rou canDtC If you tal: li:e thatJ /oul(nDt that ma:e me fall for you
even har(er TK
I7eyC PlumCC .renDt her /or(s totally inconsistent /ith her attitu(eC@ She loo:s to 2e incre(i2ly
(isguste( at meCC No, I shoul( say instea( that those eyes are o2viously telling me to Ggo to
Sora /as gleaming /ith tears 7e loo:e( li:e he /ante( to gra2 Plum an( scream into her chest
7o/ever, Plum still shoo: her hea( /ith immense pri(e in herself /hile she spo:e
I'hat is 9i:o-samaDs form of love It turne( into such a thing, isnDt that terrific@K
IItDs too great, so hurry up an( cancel itC 9y spirit is on the verge of collapsingCK
J 'his canDt 2e right Nove 9agic Pplug-inQ shoul( not 2e as suchJJ
I.hhh, such an interesting e6perienceJJ Niving for such a long time has its per:sK
*ith the spell 2ro:en, 9i:o /as (elighte( an( laughing out lou(
Sora move( to the si(e EE in an effort to prevent others from seeing ho/ hurt his heart /as EE
then he spo:e to Plum
ISo as it turns out, no/ I :no/ your Gcountermeasure for victoryH Ret, /hy (o you not <ust use
this 2y yourself@K
With such a means to ma&e another fall in love unconditionally, the -hampirs should be able to
manage this by themselves, right'
=ut, Plum (roppe( her shoul(ers an( replie( (e<ecte(ly
I=ecause the AhampirsD last male is still a chil(JJ an( the ?ueen re?ueste( for a GprinceHJK
Plum (re/ a circle /ith her han(, an( something seemingly magical emerge( She continue( her
I'his magic is an illusion that feigns oneDs cognitionJJ it /or:s 2est /hen use( /ith a male
/ith repro(uctive capa2ilitiesK
EEE .t that moment, Shiro /as still /or(lessly pulling at the hem of SoraDs shirt She passe( her
phone to him
Sora glance( at the /or(s type( onto the phoneJ
IJJ BnJJ G'hat (oesnDt soun( li:e Nii has to (o itH *ell sai(K
EEE 7earing SoraDs /or(s, 9i:o an( I8unaDs ears move(
IPlum, let me as: you, can the ?ueenDs game 2e challenge( 2y multiple people at once@K
IEh@ .h, it can It shoul( 2e possi2leJJ 2ecause the interference spell /ith the ?ueenDs (ream
/ill 2ecome large scale, so it may result in pro2lemsJJ 2ut, conversely, /hy canDt Sora-sama
<ust challenge the game 2y himself@K
ISorry to say this, 2ut since Gplug-inH is our final measure, an( /e (o inten( to issue the
challenge, a frontal attac: shoul( 2e launche( *e must first raise our chances of victoryK
I'he s/in(ler still has the chee: to say thatJJK
I7ey hey, /hy is 9i:o-sama saying something I cannot ma:e hea(s or tails ofJ In Gplug-inH,
frau(s are specifie( to /in ItD( 2e (ifferent if the cheat to pull /as to Gensure that /e have a
tric: if /e are caught cheating to prevent a lossH, right@K
EEE 9i:o an( the rest (i( not un(erstan(, 2ut in Sora an( ShiroDs original /orl(J
'hough they use psychological /arfare an( pull cheats, they :ept a consistent principle to never
use Gplug-insH
IOames in particular re?uire one to e6haust all means of /inning in the range of the rules *hen
the fun(amental rules are ignore(, it cannot 2e calle( a game ItDs fine to ma:e use of a gameDs
2ug, or an LP
character, as long as it is Gofficially recogni8e(H that it can 2e use( for the sa:e of
an unscrupulous victoryJ =ut using a means that (efies the rules is a2solutely out of the
.fter that, Sora no((e( an( en(e( his topic
.t that instant, Sora su((enlyJ shifte( his line of sight to 9i:o, an( no((e( again
IEEE I say, 9i:o-sama, canJ you s/im@K
'o this ?uestion, 9i:o shoo: her hea( in response
IJ Since you (onDt :no/ ho/ to s/im, you can <ust /al: a2out in the /ater, someho/@K
I.s long as 9i:o-sama agrees, I /ill agree to her re?uest EEE to a(vance to Lcean(oK
IJJ Bn, that ma:es sense 'he remuneration is not 2a(, an( it /ill 2e a Gsure-/inHK
IJ9i:o-sama, among the people you :no/, arenDt there any suita2le can(i(ates@K
Bpon hearing this ?uestion, 9i:o stoppe( for a /hile to thin: a2out it
.n( then, she stoppe( her mouth from spea:ing 2y covering it /ith her han(
=ut after thin:ing of ho/ SoraDs e6pression /oul( change, 9i:o conceale( her smile /hile she
IEEE G7atsuse InoH, that man shoul( have a2out Gt-h-i-r-t-y /ivesH, yoK
Part !
ElcheaDs Fing "ity, the FingDs 2e(room
Steph /as gree(ily en<oying a comforta2le sleep she ha( long 2een missing She /an(ere( a2out
in her (reamJ
ILl( man hear me /hen I say thisC I (amn you to hellCCK
Su((enly, soun(s of e6plosions shoo: the city, an( further muffle( e6plosions roare( through
Steph rolle( off the 2e(
I*h-*hat happene(C@K
Steph crie( in pain for she ha( <ust 2umpe( her hea(, 2ut once she reali8e( /hat she ha( <ust
hear(J the soun( she <ust ma(e /as more of a scream Steph even forgot that she /as still in
pa<amas She lifte( her ?uilt, an( imme(iately ran to/ar(s the (irection of the soun( EEE /hich
/as the (irection of the main conference room She practically fle/ out the room
1ight on cue, it loo:e( as if the (oor to the main conference room ha( 2een :ic:e( (o/n *hat
Steph, /ho /as frantically rushing over, sa/ /asJ
'he cause of the earlier e6plosion EEE shoul( 2eJJ no, it (efinitely /as EEE none other than
Perhaps it /as 2ecause of the soun( of an e6plosionJ
I7-7o/ (i( this horror come a2outJJK
7atsuse Ino, /ho /as su2stituting for Steph in a game, an( his opponent EEE /ho /as pro2a2ly
one of the feu(al lor(s EEE /ere there 'heir car(s /ere fluttering in the air /ith a large num2er
of (ocuments Smo:e fille( the main conference room, an( one of the /alls /as utterly
(estroye( 'he source /hich cause( this heaven-an(-earth surprise seeme( to have notice(
Steph IIyaa, Aora-chan, hi 9aster comman(e( for his space to 2e transferre( right no/ to
Elchea, 2ut 2ecause there /ere too many people, I ha( to open a slightly larger hole in this
spaceJ .re you o:ay@K
1ctually, I might not be o&ay'
%ut compared to this Steph su((enly starte( tearing up as she stare( on
'he smo:e /as torn through *ith great momentum, Sora close( in on Ino /ith groun(-piercing
paces, an( 2egan to yell at him
IAefen(ant 7atsuse InoC Not only are you a 1ia<uu, youDve even ta:en more than a single
mai(en as your /ifeC I have simply trie( this great sin through my 2rain, an( 2ase( on my
pre<u(ice( (ecision alone, your ver(ict is fully an( a2solutely guilty, an( you are henceforth
sentence( to (eathC =y the la/s of the gala6y, I /ill no/ o2literate you into the (ust of the
universe, gaaaahhhhhCCCK
IJJ .hJJ Sora-(ono, the mass of /hat I have to say to you has pile( up all the /ay to the
*hen face( /ith the :ing /ho ha( <ust returne( after roaming aroun( for half a monthJ an(
came 2ac: as a ma( :ingJ
Ino loo:e( li:e he /as suppressing the fire of his anger, 2utJ
I8una une6pecte(ly appeare( from 2ehin( SoraDs 2ac: 7er /or(s ma(e Ino imme(iately free8e
in his place
IJJ gran(paJJ are you a Gse6-craving monsterH, (es@K
IE7C@ I8una, /here (i( you learn such /or(sJCK
"onversely, as she may not have un(erstoo( the meaning of the /or(s, I8una tilte( her hea( to a
si(e an( /i(ene( her eyes
IJJ 'hatDs ho/ Sora calls gran(pa, (esK
ILiC Rou (amn mon:eyCC Not only ha( you thro/n a mountain of /or: onto others, you even
instille( strange voca2ulary to my gran((aughterC@K
Ino coul( not help 2ut reveal his true nature, an( 2ro:e the ta2le /ith an angry roar
=ut Sora /as literally loo:ing up to/ar(s the s:y, an( /ave( his han( then pointe( to InoDs face
I.hC Noo:, I8unaC 'his is the face of a great sinner /hose immoral thoughts /ere <ust e6pose(
Bgly, isnDt it@K
I8una ha( a loo: of (efeat on her face
IJJ Oran(pa, ?uit ma:ing a scene, (esK
I*ha EEEEEEE No, no, itDs not li:e that, I8unaC Oran(pa is honestly in love /ith these girlsJJK
I.h.hh Shut up, shut up, you lo/er 2o(ie( slaveC AonDt ma:e e6cuses, an( <ust get rea(y
to (ie EEE aarrghCCK
IJJ NiiJJ noisyJJK Shiro sai( this /hile 2eing carrie( on SoraDs 2ac:
7ol(ing his nec: /ith her arms, the then noisy Sora /as su2tly force( to shut his mouth
EEE .n( then, /hen the smo:e 2egan to (isperse JJ
I7ahaha, it sure is a ruc:us every timeJJK
*ith a voice li:e the ringing of 2ells, her footsteps /ere hear( as she steppe( to the floorJ .
gol(en fo6 ha( appeare(
I*haEEEE 9i-9i:o-samaC@K Seeing her figure, Ino instantly lay prostrate to greet her
9i:o sai(, I7atsuse InoJ *e are no/ to Ghave everyone togetherH an( a(vance to Lcean(oK
*ith her crisp an( pleasant voice, she continue( on
ILn the /ay there, please ta:e your time to ela2orate on your romantic nature I ta:e it there are
no issues@K
I9i-9i:o-samaJJ Even 9i:o-sama is loo:ing at me li:e thatJK
Ignoring that Ino /as a2out to /et the groun( /ith his tears, 9i:o chose to lo/er her voice an(
repeat herselfJ
IJ 'here are no issues@K
J Such a ?uestion
J Ino raise( his hea( to o2serve his surroun(ings .lthough he (i( not fully un(erstan(
everythingJ he coul( only give this reply
IJJ .s you /ish, please leave it to meK
Steph coul( not :eep up /ith /hat /as happening, an( <ust innocently stoo( 2y the front of the
I7ey, Steph, you loo: ?uite /ell *e havenDt seen each other in t/o /ee:s, yeah@K
EEE SoraDs tone rela6e( /hen he spo:e, may2e 2ecause he finally notice( her there
Noo:ing at his faceJ the countless emotions in StephDs chest /ere li:e /aves surging forth
.nger, 2lame, accounta2ility, interrogationJ
=ut compare( to all of those, seeing SoraDs face after such a long timeJ 7er vision /ent 2lur
'he many lines she ha( originally (eci(e( to say /hen she met Sora ha( alrea(y flo/n 2eyon(
the topmost clou(s
Steph close( 2oth eyes tightly, an( (eli2erately (i( not /ipe a/ay the tears emerging in her eyes
She /as not thin:ing a2out /hat the feeling the tears /ere stemming from, 2ut <ust letting her
emotions out 2efore she spo:eJ
ILh, ElcheaDs policies have alrea(y 2een implemente( to such a state, ahJ *as it un(er 7atsuse
InoDs (irective@K
IIt /as Steph She left Ino /ith only the restrictions an( recommen(ations of the <o2K
EEE Not spea:ing
7earing 9i:o an( Sora converse, she ma(e that soun( as she fell into a 2lan: stare
Steph /i(ene( her eyes in surprise at SoraDs une6pecte( ans/er 9i:o, on the other han(, smile(
as she intuitively :ne/ /hat /as going on
IEEE So thatDs /hat happene( .fter unveiling your slogan that a fe(eration /oul( 2e
constructe(, the t/o GrulersH /ent to leisurely stay in the Eastern Bnion, an( cause( such a
situationJJ Such a (evious man you areK
9i:o state( this 2ol(ly, 2ut Sora smile( all the same /hen replying
IProfessional issues shoul( 2e han(le( 2y professionalsJ Politics is something Steph can han(le
/ith a2solutely no pro2lemsK
IJJ .((ing on the fact that Gyou t/o /ere not presentH is even more of a 2lo/K
IReah, 2ecause /e /ere /orrie( that other countries might ta:e the opportunity to interfere /ith
stately affairsK
EEE Ino an( Steph /ere shoc:e( 2ac: from their fro8en states /hen they hear( that statement
7o/ever, it /as Shiro /ho continue( the speech /hile she loo:e( over several (ocuments
IJJ G/hen Nii an( Shiro are a2sentHJJ no matter ho/ you thin: of itJJ GitDs a trapHJJK
'henJ she continue( spea:ing
IJJ only an i(iotJJ /oul( <ump straight into such a trapK
I'hat cro/( of i(iots /as comparing you against the game matches they usually have /ith Shiro
an( IJ =ut Steph ha( continuously learnt from her (efeats, so they (i(nDt have even a 10,000 to
1 chance of (efeating her 'hatDs /hy /e coul( feel at ease /hen /e focuse( our efforts on the
Eastern Bnion UK
Steph an( Ino /ere at a loss for /or(s 'hey stoo( stunne( an( speechless
=ut SoraDs e6pression turne( more serious than ever
I=ut thatDs too many, right, Steph@ *hy (i( you accept all those challenges@K
EEE 7earing those /or(s ma(e Steph fro8e in that moment
In other words if that really was true then why did I accept all of those challenges'
'he contents of the game an( the choice of /hether to accept it /ere all to 2e (eci(e( 2y the
party /ho /as challenge(
Why did I force myself to be so busy
StephDs eyes /ere /i(e open /hile she ?uestione( herself, 2ut Sora continue( /ith his ne6t
IStephJ although I rely greatly on you, you (onDt have to push yourself too har(, an( alsoJ
ho/ (o I put thisK
Sora /as scratching his hea( an( slightly em2arrasse( /hen he spo:e
I'han: youK
EEE 'he very line she /ante( to hear
She ha( /or:e( so (esperately to her current state <ust for him to thin: that /ay
*hen her min( 2egan to un(erstan( the meaning 2ehin( her falling tears, she felt her
temperature riseJ an( her chee:s flushe( concurrentlyJ
IN-NoJJ ItDs 2ecause you guys are such an unfathoma2le mystery so IDm <ust trying to (eal
/ith all the /or: as fast as I canJ 'hatDs all there is to itCK
Steph spo:e in stammers as Sora /as moving closer to her
'he rate of her heart2eat /as increasing en(lessly
Sora sai(, I'hen, Steph, IDm sorry to trou2le you /hen youDre alrea(y so tire( .s 9i:o-sama
sai(, /e have to a(vance to the capital of the SirensK
IEh@ .h, o:JJ th-then /hat@K
Steph avoi(e( his line of sight
=ut Sora /as glancing in a (ifferent (irection
Lver there /as a 2lac: girl /ith an appearance of great misfortune on her face she never seen
I'he Sirens an( the Ahampirs are a2out to go e6tinct, so /eDre going to save them, or rather ID(
'hen, he resume( his usual (eemphasi8e( tone /hen spea:ing
I*eDre going to get the resources an( territoriesJ /hich are /hat /e are fatally lac:ing to
construct a fe(eration /ith the Eastern BnionK
7earing SoraDs (eclaration, StephDs eyes felt slightly hot
Sure enoughJ this man /as thin:ing for the sa:e of all of ElcheaJ
It /as ShiroDs turn to close in on her
IJJ StephJJ Ao you :no/ ho/ to se/JJ@K
IEEE *hat@K
I'o put it simply, /e /ant to go to the 2each "an you please ma:e a s/imsuit for everyone@
*eDll pass the (esigns to youK
EEE In other /or(s, more /or:
*ith a smile on her face, Steph fainte( /ithout spea:ing a /or(EEEJJ
C$a0ter 2 ' )trategist1T$e )un
Part 1
- 'he sea
*hen it comes to vacation spots, they coul( pro2a2ly 2e (ivi(e( into t/o main categories,
mountain regions an( areas close to seas or oceans
Auring summer, many people /ill instinctively floc: to these places, li:e moths gathering at a
- 'o 2e honest, the stu22orn grains of san( that refuse to get off the 2o(y, oneDs s:in 2eing
e6pose( to the sun for long perio(s of time, such that it 2rings pain an( (iscomfort to the 2o(y,
/hile the sea /in( corro(es oneDs hair every secon(V thin:ing a2out it, itDs har( to un(erstan(
/hy e6actly people come to places li:e these
=ut E a hateful place li:e this, once certain con(itions change, itDs an entirely (ifferent matter
I- Phe/J ho/ 2lissfulK
Bn(er a parasol that loo:e( li:e a Japanese oil-paper um2rella, Sora lay on a grass-/oven 2e(,
/ith a glass in his han(
.t 2oth si(es of Sora, /ere multiple *ere2easts that appeare( to 2e 9i:oDs follo/ers /ho /ere
fanning him /ith giant leaves
'heir hanten
that /ere sprea( open at the chest area E /hich apparently /as the preferre(
s/imsuit of the Eastern +e(eration E reveale( their 2reasts, an( their s:in reveale( un(erneath
the cloth that covere( only the lo/er half of the 2o(y, in comparison /ith their ears an( tails
covere( in animal fur, appeare( even more flashy an( attractive than the sun itself
Sora shoo: the cup in his han(, an( thought E 'his is 7eaven
IJSora-san, to thin: that you can remain unfa8e( un(er this sort of heatJ you must 2e en<oying
IReahC IsnDt this all 2ecause of Ji2rilDs secret sun2loc: concocte( from light spirits@ 9oving on

Ino spo:e calmly, /hile Sora replie( /ith a hint of suspicion in his voice /ithout even turning
ILl( man, IDm not intentionally loo:ing at you, 2ut you aren>t /earing <ust a loincloth again,
ISora-san, /hat you <ust sai( /as pretty strangeJ 2esi(es loinclothsV (o men have any other
clothing choices /hen it comes to /ater-relate( activities@K
.s Sora ha( pre(icte( E /earing only a loincloth E a muscular ol( man replie( /hile tilting his
Sora sighe( in frustration, then spo:e /hile pointing at himself:
INet me tell you something ol( man, loo: at me, /hat (o you thin:@K
I- Sora-san, you have that sort of fetish@K you senileC@ Ll( manWWCC Shorts an( a shirtC 'his is stan(ar( s/im/ear as /ellCK
Sora stoo( up an( 2ac:e( (o/n a fe/ steps, then yelle( after hearing the reply fille( /ith
Ino shoo: his hea( helplessly
IRou (onDt /ish for other people to see your frail 2o(y, 2ut that>s fine, Sora-san, since itDs plain
manners to cover up oneDs em2arrassing spotsK
II <ust (onDt /ant to 2ecome a muscular guy li:e youC .lso, (onDt call me frailC Since the +PS
match I ha( against I8una, I reali8e( that stamina is important as /ell, I may not loo: li:e it, 2ut
I have 2een trainingCK
Sora yelle(, cho:e( slightly, then lay (o/n again
- 7e /as surprise( himself as he coul( only (o fifty push-ups an( sit-ups each, 2ut he (i(nDt nee(
to say that
IJNetDs change the su2<ect, arenDt they (one yet@K
IOirls ta:e a long time to change you :no/, Sora-san E par(on me, havenDt you hear(@K
IItDs har( tal:ing to Ll( 9an 9uscles, canDt you (etect my sarcasmC@ "anDt youC@K
Sora yelle( col(ly, then loo:e( 2ehin( him
I7ey, Shiro, youDre not (one yet@K
IJ9m, I nee(J a 2it more timeJK
=ehin( Sora E ShiroDs reply (rifte( from the sha(e 2ehin( a clump of trees
Something that soun(e( li:e clothing scraping a2out coul( 2e hear(, it seeme( that she /as
having trou2le /earing her clothes 2y herself
I*oul(nDt it 2e fine if sheD( change( /ith the other girls in the changing room@K
IRes, that /as /hat I suggeste(, after /hich I /as chase( out 2y someoneJ an( that someone
/as youCK
Sora an( Shiro cannot 2e apart, not even /hen changing clothes
'hat /as an unspo:en fact, so Sora as usual, naturally, automatically, attempte( to enter the
female changing room /ith Shiro E
=ut then he /as chase( out, /hich resulte( in the current situation
I'rying to pee: at 9i:o-sama na:e(, even if that sort of thing /ere to 2e permitte( 2y Oo( P'etQ,
I /oul( still refuseCK
I9i:o-san alrea(y sai( she (oesnDt min( -CK
Sora felt only remorse at retreating from the changing room only (ue to a menacing glare from a
loincloth-/earing muscular ol( man
- No/ letDs thin: of a /ay to cheat Ino, an( snea: into the changing room
Just as Sora 2egan to formulate his master plan E
IJIDm (one, (esK
ILh itDs I8una in(ee(, you loo: cute no matter /hat you /earK
- 7earing the voice of a young girl, Ino su((enly too: on the voice of a compassionate
gran(father an( turne( aroun(
Bpon seeing I8una /ho /as the earliest to finish changing, Ino sighe( in relief
II hear( the s/imsuit /as suggeste( 2y Sora-san E I initially thought it /oul( 2e some immoral
IRouDre too shallo/, ol( man, firstC ItDs common sense that young girls have to /ear School
I8una /ave( her large tail aroun( /hile stepping lightly on the 2each
'hat s/imsuit /as E from SoraDs /orl(J an ol(-fashione( school s/imsuit
Lf course, that /as something that (i(nDt e6ist in this /orl(
'o ela2orate further, even the Eastern +e(eration (i(nDt possess a chemical fi2er li:e polyester
=ut E school s/imsuits /ere originally /oven /ith sil: 2efore the Secon( *orl( *ar
So this /as a perfectly /oven pro(uct create( 2y Steph, closely follo/ing the (etaile(
instructions liste( on SoraDs ta2let
Steph E youDve really out(one yourself
IJ=ut it really (oesnDt reveal a lot of s:inK
INet me say this again, youDre too shallo/, ol( man *ithout the seasoning of culture, ho/ coul(
this 2e consi(ere( romanticC@K
- Res, on top of the school s/imsuit I8una /as /earing, she also ha( on a long-sleeve( :imono
resem2ling a hanten not unli:e /hat the *ere2easts aroun( her /ere /earing
Femonomimi, young girls, school s/imsuits, not to mention the seasoning of the Eastern
+e(erationDs culture -C
- 'his is E - SoraDs - SolutionJ
I8una /al:e( in front of Sora, then as though /anting to see ho/ she loo:e( li:e from 2ehin(,
t/irle( aroun( in a circle
IIs this alright, (es@K
IItDs perfectJ you /ere almost criminally cute in the first place, 2ut no/ you coul( 2e classifie(
as a national treasureK
Noo:ing at Sora /ho ha( a smile of a normal,cheerful teenager on his face an( /as giving a
thum2s-up of approval, Ino E
II (onDt really un(erstan( 2ut, I give my sincerest approval of this since you (i(nDt let my
gran((aughter /ear any immoral clothingK
- spo:e
IB, umJ IDm (one changingK
ILh, Steph, you really (i( a great <o2 EI
7earing StephDs em2arrasse( voice, Sora turne( aroun( to than: her E 2ut fro8e momentarily
StephDs chee:s /ere 2right re(, <ust li:e the impression her normal clothes left on others, the
s/imsuit she /as /earing /as a mo(ifie( t/o-piece /ith a((e( ruffles an( a 2elt ma(e from
semi-transparent material, an( her eyes continually (arte( from si(e to si(e
+rom /hat Sora :ne/, Elchea shoul(nDt have possesse( that sort of S/imsuit
Spea:ing of ElcheaDs s/imsuits there /as only E that
Ni:e 1)th-century Eastern Europe, their s/imsuits /ere full-2o(ie( female lingerie an( loo:e(
ol(-fashione(, /hich /as the only s/imsuit Elchea possesse(
=ecause of that, Sora ha( to plea( Steph to ma:e a ne/ s/imsuit
+rom her e6pression, she ha( pro2a2ly selecte( a s/imsuit she li:e( from Sora an( ShiroDs
catalogue as /ell
=ut the reason /hy Sora fro8e on the spot /asnDt the s/imsuit
'he real reason /as 2ecause he sa/ 'hat /hich /as large enough to the point of almost
2ursting from the s/imsuit E an( the num2ers en(lessly flashing in his 2rain ma(e him free8e
I- I, impossi2leC Eighty-nine, fifty-eight, eighty-nineJ the po/er levels are at five hun(re(
thousan( -C@K
IRou E ho/ (i( you :no/ E NoC *hat are you tal:ing a2outCCK
'he po/er level scanner /ithin his hea( calculate( StephDs stunningly high =ust
measurements, ma:ing Sora tremor uncontrolla2ly
'hings li:e this e6iste(C
Ai( I miss it since the steam /as too (ense earlierC@
IJBgh, ughJ to thin: that a mere Steph /oul( have such high stan(ar(s -CK
IEh, ahC 1, really@ I, itDs nothingJK
Steph /iggle( nervously, appearing rather gla( /ith herself
Sora /as a2out to say something else to her, 2ut E
II apologi8e, 9aster, 2ecause it too: a long time to *eave this into a fashion of your
I7aha, itDs fine, ma:ing men /ait is a custom of a goo( /oman as /ellCK
7earing the t/o voices, everyone turne( aroun( at once E su((enly, SoraDs po/er level scanner
e6plo(e( an( fle/ a/ay
Sora an( Ino (i(nDt have the time to thin:, instea( follo/ing their instincts, 2oth of them :neele(
on the floor in a /orshipping fashion, as though it /as o2ligatory for them to (o so
*hat they sa/ /hen they turne( aroun( /as E t/o go((esses
'he t/o go((esses E one of them /as Ji2ril
7er hair that /as changing colors seemingly en(lessly accor(ing to the rays of light shooting
(o/n from the s:y /as /aving aroun( in the sea-/in( an( sun, appeare( even more 2eautiful
an( (a88ling
'hat structural 2eauty almost at the point of perfection /oul( ma:e any sculptorDs heart melt
upon first sight
.n( that art/or: of a 2o(y, /as /earing the s/imsuit Sora ha( recommen(e(
Ji2ril normally /ore e6tremely revealing clothes as /ell, so Sora ha( selecte( a s/imsuit
resem2ling a coverall /ith the a2(ominal area /oven /ith sil:
She ha( use( a large female sha/l as a sort of 2elt /rappe( aroun( her /aist, an( her faintly
glo/ing /ings protru(e( from it
'he halo spinning aroun( on her hea(, a((e( a sort of holy aura to her
7er in(isputa2le 2eauty /oul( un?uestiona2ly convince others that she /as a go((ess (escen(e(
from the heavens
'he t/o go((esses E the secon( one /as 9i:o
7er gol(en hair, ears, tail an( sno/-/hite s:in, un(er the 2right glo/ of the sun, /as e6actly li:e
E a =u((ha
*ith her su2tle 2o(y curves, if Ji2ril /as consi(ere( an e6treme 2eauty E then she /oul( 2e a
supreme one
7er (elicate s:in that /as usually hi((en un(er a :imono /as no/ completely coate( /ith a
s/imsuit resem2ling another hanten
=ut the s/imsuit /as sprea( out li:e a 2utterfly in the night, revealing her pin: an( ten(er
shoul(ers, ma:ing her appear un2elieva2ly 2eautiful
7er gol(en hair an( t/in tails /oul( sha:e as she steppe( along the 2each, along /ith the
flirtatious smile on her face /oul( convince anyone that an immortal, go(li:e fo6 (emon E a
heavenly fo6 presi(ing over one actually e6ists
'he t/o men still :neeling on the groun(, ha( tears flo/ing (o/n their chee:s
'hey /ere praying to an un:no/n e6istence for reasons they themselves (i( not :no/
IJ7atsuse Ino, has finally reali8e( /hy he lives an( e6ists upon this earth - CK
ILh, (ear go(C I (onDt :no/ /here you are, nor /ho you are, 2ut you are a Oo( of e6ceptional
tastes for creating Ji2ril an( 9i:o upon this earth E ah, please ta:e me in as your (iscipleJK
- 'he creation of a religion
Steph an( I8una /itnesse( this precious moment, ho/ever E
I- *ell, itDs true that something li:e this /oul( happen /hen compare( to themJ 2ut isnDt the
/ay /eDre 2eing treate( a 2it too far off@K
IJ@ Ai( they get san( in their eyes, (es@K
Noo:ing at the t/o men /ho /ere still :neeling in complete reverence, I8una tilte( her hea( in
I.h, 9aster, I am not /orthy of such praise, please get upCCK
I9m, rise, ho/ a2out you lift up your hea(s, an( properly en<oy the privilege of /itnessing me
in a s/imsuit@K
Ji2ril imme(iately :nelt an( 2egan :o/to/ing upon seeing SoraDs actions, /hile 9i:o laughe(
alou( instea(
7earing the /or(s spo:en 2y the t/o /omen, Sora an( Ino stoo( up in trepi(ation
.gain setting their eyes upon the t/oDs sacre( figures, Sora an( Ino loo:e( up to the s:y at once
IJI feel li:e IDve en<oye( myself immensely alrea(yK
IJRes, I feel accomplishe( as /ellK
INetDs go 2ac:K
IJItDs rare that /e see eye-to-eye, Sora-sanK
- =oth of them /ere 2ecoming philosophical
'he t/o that /ere usually li:e fire an( /ater, at that point, (i(nDt have any 2arriers 2et/een
them, an( the gap 2et/een races ha( 2een 2ri(ge(
'hey /ere instea( 2oth men, loo:ing up at the same s:y, carrying the same thoughts /ithin
themselves, sympathetic to/ar(s each other
- *hy (oes everyone have to fight amongst each other@
'he /orl( is such a 2eautiful place E
INo, please /aitC *hy (i( /e come here in the first place@K
Steph yelle( at the t/o men /ho /ere still un(ergoing revelations in the hori8on
- Eh@
IJ*hy is that@K
IPlease allo/ me to ans/er, 9aster, I 2elieve /e /ere here to pay a visit to the capital of the
J.h, right, Sora finally remem2ere(
- Res, e6actly as Ji2ril ha( sai(, they ha(nDt come here to play in the ocean
It /as Plum /ho ha( sai( that the Seirens /oul( sen( a 2oat to fetch them, /hich /as /hy they
=ecause the capital of the Seirens E Lcean(o /as at the 2ottom of the sea
Ji2ril ha( never 2een there an( she coul(nDt see it as /ell, so she coul(nDt teleport them there
So, accor(ing to their earlier arrangement, Plum /oul( gui(e them from here, 2ut E
I7mm@ *hat happene( to Plum /ho sai( sheD( gui(e us earlier@K
II, IDm hereJK
. soft voice (rifte( up from near his feet, ma:ing Sora <ump in surprise
7e (i(nDt :no/ /hen it ha( appeare(, 2ut a pair of eyes loo:e( up at him from a /oo(en crate
/hich presence he coul(nDt (etect until earlier ne6t to his legs
IJEh, is this Plum@ *hat are you (oing, this is the sea, the sea you :no/K
IA, (onDt 2e so inconsi(erateJ t, this is alrea(y my limitCK Plum ans/ere( Patterns 2egan
appearing aroun( her not unli:e those /hen she use( magic E an( tears appeare( in her eyes
I9aster, sunlight is fatal to the Ahampir, even /hen sheDs hi(ing in the 2o6, she still nee(s to
avert the rays of the sun EI
7earing Ji2rilDs /or(s, Sora recalle( the Aisease
Since it /as transmitte( through 2loo(-suc:ing, it /oul( mean that the Ahampir themselves
/oul(nDt 2e a2le to see the sun
IJLcean(e only sen(s their 1eception =oat at nightC *hy (i( /e have to come (uring the
- 'hatDs right
She ha( sai( earlier, the 2oat /oul( only come after sunset
Plum complaine( in frustration, /hy ha( they come in the (aytime /hich /as li:e a hellish
frying pan to her
INo, 2ut this is the sea, you /ant me to s:ip the s/imsuits in a situation li:e this, are you for
- If not for Ji2rilDs secret Sun2loc:, Sora /oul(nDt have come in the (ay either
ILh yeah, Ji2ril, is the sun2loc: useless on Plum@K
ISa(ly, 9aster, for the Ahampir, =eing hit 2y sunlight is the cause of (eathK
Ji2ril state( that there /as no possi2le solution, 2ut /as correcte( 2y Plum
I.h, noJ itDs fine if an even stronger spell is castJ 2ut it /oul( use up too much energyK
'hey remem2ere( ho/ e6hauste( she ha( loo:e( /hen she ha( first came to SoraDs an(
everyone elseDs resi(ence
*hich means, for her to /al: aroun( unfa8e( un(er a 2la8ing sun li:e this, she /oul( pro2a2ly
en( up in that state again
IBm, a2out thatJ 2ecause of the ?uality of the SeirensD 2loo(, /ell, IDm una2le to use too much
of my strengthJ soJK
Su((enly, a s/eet smile appeare( on PlumDs face
I.gainC .s long as you let me lic: Shiro-samaDs feet, I can successfully use magic W ehehe W K
I.2solutely not, youD( 2etter stay ?uietly in that 2o6K
*ith her suggestion imme(iately re<ecte(, Plum coul( only shut the 2o6 again /hile sighing
IJ7ey, consi(ering that theyDre ran:e( t/elfth place, arenDt the Ahampir a 2it too /ea:@K
- Even /hen comparing /ith the preset a2ilities of the vampires 2ac: in his /orl(, Sora still
thought this /ay
I'he a2ility of the Ahampir correspon(s /ith the 2loo( that they have consume( E the thic:er
the soul essence, the stronger their po/erK
Ji2ril replie(
IIf com2ine( /ith something that has a high affinity /ith confusion or concealing magic E li:e
letDs say, the 2loo( of an Elf, .ssassins that are e6tremely har( to (eal /ith /oul( 2e
2irthe(, an( those actually (o pose a large threat on the 2attlefiel(K
JSo thatDs ho/ it is, Sora remem2ere( the first night
It /as a moment of carelessness, 2ut even Ji2ril /as tric:e( 2y her, an( no/ E
I- No/ itDs 2een re(uce( to thisJK
Noo:ing (o/n at the 2o6 at his feet, Sora spo:e /ith his eyes half open
It /as o2vious that she /as still trem2ling /ithin the 2o6, /ith more tears in her eyes
I- I /as thin:ing since earlier, the Elves an( the +lMgel, have only a one-ran: (ifference, so
/oul(nDt your strength 2e a2out the same@ She can (rin: the 2loo( of an Elf, 2ut she /oul(
evaporate upon (rin:ing Ji2rilDs 2loo( right@K
Sora as:e( /hile pointing to the /oo(en 2o6 at his feet, /hile Ji2ril replie(:
IRes, 2ecause on the ran:ings there is a SegmentationK
IEssentially spea:ing, those 2elo/ the seventh ran: are Niving =eings, /hile those a2ove
are classifie( as NifeK
IJ*hich means@K
I'hose that possess a physical 2o(y of flesh, an( use typical metho(s of repro(uction are
commonly classifie( as Niving =eings, /hich en( at the Elves that are ran:e( seventhV
/hile those a2ove possess the strength of /ill or concept, /hich you coul( thin: of those as
- 9m, so essentially spea:ing E
'hat /as a /atershe( incomprehensi2le using common sense, /as ho/ Sora interprete( it
I.lso, the ones ran:e( <ust a2ove Ji2ril E are the Oigants right@ *hatDs the (ifference in strength
2et/een you an( that race@K
IJNet me thin:, for a stan(ar( Oigant, it /oul( 2e too ina(e?uate to :ill it /ith the strength of
<ust one, so more realistically spea:ing, I thin: ID( nee( five other companions E eh@ Ao you
have plans of hunting one@K
INo, I (onDt, so stop loo:ing so e6cite(CK
'his person over here /ith a (isappointe( e6pression on her face E coul( single-han(e(ly ta:e
(o/n an Elf at the top of those classifie( as Niving =eings
=ut she nee(e( the strength of si6 to ta:e (o/n a Oigant ran:e( in the fifth position
- It /as a miracle that those 2elo/ the seventh survive( the Oreat *ar
Especially the Imanity, or shoul( I say us E ah, right
ISpea:ing of usJ heyWC Shiro, are you still not (one@K
Su((enly, Sora reali8e( a long perio( of time ha( passe(, so he (irecte( his ?uestion to the
shru22ery 2ehin( him
1eacting to SoraDs voice, Shiro stuc: her hea( out from 2ehin( a tree
She loo:e( hesitant as though she (i(nDt (are to come out
I*hat is it@ Shiro, (o you still hate the sunlight@ If youDre uncomforta2le you (onDt have to force
.lthough she ha( Ji2rilDs special sun2loc: on, Shiro still hate( the sunlight
Not to mention ShiroDs hatre( of it /as even greater than SoraDs, /hich of course Sora :ne/ E in
response to Sora that care( for her, Shiro E
Sha:ing her hea( continually, although still hesitant, she still slo/ly /al:e( out from 2ehin( the
IJLhW ho/ 2eautifulK
I.h, isnDt this cute@K
IJShiro, youDre really pretty, (esK
Ino, 9i:o an( I8una ha( e6presse( their o/n opinions E 2ut Sora fro8e yet again instea(
'he one stan(ing there /as un?uestiona2ly his (ear sister
- 'hatDs ho/ it /as suppose( to 2e, 2ut E
'he one that /as nervously /al:ing out /as - . gemstone-li:e young girl
7er long hair that /as alrea(y as /hite as sno/ usually, /as tie( up at the 2ac: of her hea( after
careful preening
Bn(er the rays of the sun her hair /asnDt li:e sno/ anymore E 2ut /as more li:e a crystal or a
'he s:in that /as reveale( 2et/een her /hite 2i:ini an( re( cap, /as as though to compliment
her 2eautiful hair or ru2y-li:e eyes E
- Just li:e her chee:s, that flushe( slightly re( as /ell
I-Eh@ Strange@ Eh@K
'he sense of violation from loo:ing so (reamily at his Sister, ma(e Sora mum2le ?uestions
*hile those mum2lings ma(e Shiro appear some/hat uneasy
IJSo it reallyJ(oesnDt loo: goo(J@K
Bpon seeing Shiro say this /hile loo:ing (o/n an( preparing to retreat again into the trees, Sora
appeare( to return to normal again
7e hurrie(ly E he himself ?uestione( as to /hy he /as 2eing so panic:y E shoo: his hea(
IN, noC NoCC I /as <ust surprise( since ShiroDs so 2eautiful E no, /ait, Shiro is a completely
fla/less 2eauty, this your 2rother :ne/ since long agoC Rou :no/ thatJ right@ Eh@K
Sora tilte( his hea(, curious as to /hy he /as so shoc:e( earlier
Ji2ril an( Steph /ho /ere 2esi(e him loo:e( immerse( in her 2eauty as /ell
- Shiro loo:e( (o/n in em2arrassment
.s her heart rate increase(, her e6pression hinte( at something else E a tiny, appease( smile
IJ1eally@ 'hatDsJ goo(JK
I9aster really is /orthy of his titleJ isnDt this an un2elieva2ly precious piece of eye can(y@K
INo, thatDs not ho/ it is, itDs normal to react to cute things ahhhhK
Ji2ril appeare( refreshe(, /ith her s:in pale an( smoothJ let out a 2reath of air
Steph /rappe( her han(s aroun( her hea(, appearing to 2e un(ergoing some sort of internal
ILh, hmm@ 9m, yes, you loo: greatC Rou, my sister, are my greatest pri(e after allC;
Shiro /al:e( closer to Sora, /hich /as /hen Sora returne( to his normal self
=eing patte( on the hea( 2y Sora, Shiro no((e( her hea( as though finally appease(
I-Bh, right, Plum, can you give us an estimate of /hen the 1eception =oat /ill arrive@K
Sora felt slightly a/:/ar(, an( remem2ering his original aim, ?uestione( Plum
7earing SoraDs /or(s, everyone at once E loo:e( over at Plum
Plum reveale( her face slightly from /ithin the 2o6, an( replie(:
IBm, a2out mi(night or so EI
I-Lh, /e have ?uite a lot of time leftK
Plum replie( in a (efeate( voice:
I'hatDs /hy /e (i(nDt nee( to come so earlyJ /aaaahhhhK
.fter finishing her sentence E may2e 2ecause the sunlight /as too uncomforta2le E Plum close(
the 2o6 again
IItDs fine, /hat (ifference (oes this ma:e@K
9i:o spo:e casually, an( un(etecte( 2y everyone else, she ha( alrea(y lay (o/n on the grass
2e( Sora /as using earlier, allo/ing her follo/ers to fan her /ith the giant leaves, she gave an
elegant reply
IJust ta:e this as a /ell-(eserve( vacation, rela6 an( /ait for the 2oat, after all one al/ays nee(s
a 2rea: in life right@K
Sora an( Shiro scratche( their hea(s /hile smiling 2itterly, an( e6change( a :no/ing glance
Shiro no((e( her hea(
I'hin:ing closely, this is the first time Shiro an( I have 2een to the seasi(eK
SoraDs eyes s/ept over Steph, Ji2ril, I8una an( Ino each 2riefly, then spo:e /ith a laugh
I*anna try having some fun suita2le for the seasi(e@K
Part 2
'he 2lin(ingly /hite 2each
Night shimmere( on the surface of the ocean, reflecting the s:y li:e a mirror
'hrough the 2lue s:y that appeare( as though sprin:le( /ith paint, sunlight pierce( through, an(
the clou(s s/am in the (istance
'here /ere only the noisy soun(s of the /aves an( in the scenery /ith seagulls chirping, a fe/
ripples spraye( a2out
. group of people appeare( to 2e playing on the section of the 2each /here the /ater /as only
up to their an:les, an( Shiro tosse( the 2each 2all they 2rought to the others
II <ust nee( to pass this (o/n right@ IDm going to pass LF, I8una@K
Nim2ly catching ShiroDs pass, Steph passe( the 2all high in the air to I8una
I8una stretche( her han( out to catch the 2all flying in her (irection
She tilte( her hea(
IJ@ I (onDt :no/ the rules, (esK
9ay2e 2ecause she /as (ifferent from Steph /ho coul( rea( the situations 2ase( on the actions
of others, as she (i(nDt un(erstan( the point of the entire affair, I8una spo:e some/hat in a
confuse( manner
I.hW /e /erenDt really going to play games in the first placeJ 2ut ho/ a2out this, you canDt
catch the 2all, <ust touch it once an( ta:e turns passing the 2all to each other, /hoever canDt catch
it /ill 2e consi(ere( the loser E something li:e thatK
IJI un(erstan(, (esJK
Steph smile( an( loo:e( at I8una /ho no((e( her hea( in agreement
I'his really gives off a rela6ing sensationJ isnDt it great to <ust play rela6ing games li:e this
once in a /hile@K
- Just li:e that, Steph still ha( a cheery e6pression on her face, 2ut she still ha(nDt reali8e(
Sora, Shiro an( I8unaDs ga8es, ha( 2ecome as sharp as :nives
Since the rules ha( alrea(y 2een set an( ela2orate( upon, this E is no/ a Oame
*hich means E
P-I must /in-CQ
Just li:e that, asi(e from Steph /ho /as still as rela6e( as ever, the three of them E release( a
2urning fighting spiritJ
IJ'henJShiro /ill startJK
Shiro spo:e /hile as:ing for the 2all 2ac:, silently e6changing a glance /ith Sora
- Shiro /ho too: the 2all 2ac:, nonchalantly (ippe( it in the sea/ater
IJ7ereJSteph, catchJK
Just li:e that, the paper-ma(e 2each 2all /ith only its 2ottom (renche( in /ater fle/ to/ar(s
Steph /ithout t/irling in the air even the slightest
It ha( even accurately E graspe( the instant /here there /as no /in(
ILF, IDm going to passW@K
It /as a /or(less e6change of schemes, 2ut Steph passe( the 2all <ust the same /ithout reali8ing
Shiro ha( messe( /ith the 2all E if Steph /ere to pass the 2all (irectly, the 2all /oul( slightly
veer from the point she /ere to aim at
.s a result, the 2all passe( 2y Steph to I8una spun slightly in the air
- =ecause only the un(ersi(e of the 2all ha( a2sor2e( the /eight of the /ater, the path of the 2all
/oul( shift irregularly
I8una instantly spotte( the slight shift of the 2all
She :ic:e( the floor, creating a small spray of sea/ater, caught up to the 2all an( save( it
It /as a normal save, lightly caught 2y I8unaDs arm
=ut, I8unaDs petite 2o(y ha( release( the over/helming strength of a *ere2east /hen saving the
- =ecause of that, the 2all fle/ at an a2normal spee(, approaching closer to Sora
7o/ever Sora remaine( calm, an( grum2le( to himself
PSo she really /onDt let us /in so easilyCQ
I8unaDs save 2ecame as if it /as a (ea(ly smash from a professional volley2all player, an( /hen
face( /ith the approaching 2all, Sora intentionally (ove into the sea, creating a pillar of /ater
'he 2all /ent through the pillar of /ater E an( continue( to move for/ar(, 2ut /hen it reache(
SoraDs position, it ha( no/here near the original spee(
Sora 2arely manage( to use his foot to putt the 2all to/ar(s Shiro
- 'hat /as an e6tremely heavy 2all that /as completely a2sor2e( /ith /ater
IJ9mC StephJ :eep it upJK
Shiro passe( the soa:ing 2all that ha( 2ecome heavy in an instant to Steph /ith some effort
IEh@ .h, ehC@K
Res E she ha( impecca2ly accurately passe( the 2all over to a position /here Steph coul( <ust
catch it
Ju(ging from the angle of inci(ence an( the turning angle, even if Steph coul( catch it E
I.h, IDm sorry I8una EI
Even if she coul( catch it, it /oul( only fly to a position a fair (istance from I8una
- "anDt catch it
'he 2all fle/ to/ar(s a (irection /here it /oul( 2e impossi2le to catch, 2ut E
- Bpon seeing Sora an( Shiro /hose mouths /ere curle( up in victory an( /ere muttering *e
/inun(er their 2reaths, I8una clenche( her teeth
IJAonDt loo: (o/n on this little girl E (esCCK
She :ic:e( the floor an( steppe( for/ar( E creating a pushing force
'he /ater originally s/irling aroun( her feet e6plosively sprea( out, revealing the surface 2elo/
I8una 2ooste( for/ar( as though inten(ing to rival the force she ha( <ust create(
"hasing the 2all that /as almost hovering over the ocean surface, I8una maintaine( her spee(
an( stretche( out her arms
'he ripples create( 2y /aving her arms a2out /ere strong enough to create /aves E 2ut E
*ith a 2oomJ
'he surroun(ing /ater evaporate( into mist, an( as he sa/ the 2all in I8unaDs han(s e6plo(e,
Sora yelle( lou(ly:
ILF, I8una has lostCK
I-@ JC R, you cheate(, (esC RouDre (espica2le, (esCK
Lnly reali8ing /hat ha( happene( a 2eat slo/er than the others, I8una proteste( in
Shiro replie( only after e6changing a high-five /ith Sora
IJ'he person una2le to catch the 2all /ill 2e consi(ere( the loserJ as long as I8una-tan /ere
to use her full strengthJ she /oul( loseK
'hatDs right, if I8una as a *ere2east /ere to hit the 2all that ha( 2ecome heavy (ue to the
a2sor2e( /ater /ith her full strength, the 2all /oul( 2urst as it /oul(nDt 2e a2le to ta:e the
impact, thus it cannot 2e passe( to the ne6t person E
Aespite un(erstan(ing that this /as /hat Sora an( others ha( planne( since the very 2eginning,
I8una continue( to protest
- If the 2all ha(nDt 2urst /hen it (i(, /hat /oul(Dve happene(@
Bn(er the noise of the violent /aves an( ripples that I8una ha( create( from stepping an(
/aving her arms a2outJ Steph as:e( as though complaining:
IJRou guysJ (onDt you ever thin: of <ust having fun normally@K
IEh@ Since itDs a game, then of course notK
IJNotJat allJK
ISince itDs a game, isnDt it normal to strive for victory /ith oneDs goals, (es@K
7earing the unhesitant, some/hat chil(ish replies from the three, Steph coul( only allo/ herself
to 2e s/ept a/ay /ith the /avesJ
9i:o /ho /as /atching them from a (istance spo:e reverently:
ILhJ they manage( to 2eat I8una in sports, thatDs really somethingJ even though they /erenDt
planning on using legitimate /ays, 2ut itDs really some-C@K
- 7er sentence /as interrupte(
+eeling a presence 2ehin( her, 9i:o imme(iately shifte( her han(s to her 2reastsC
=ut even /ith the superhuman refle6es of a *ere2east, she /as still a fe/ millisecon(s too slo/
*ith her s/imsuit su((enly strippe( a/ay, she coul( 2arely shiel( her 2reasts, 2ut 9i:o
manage( to glare sharply at the "ulprit
I-*hat is the meaning of this@ 'he vermin over there@K
Ji2ril /ho /as facing the 2runt of her ga8e feigne( ignorance instea(
She /as fi((ling /ith the s/imsuit she ha( strippe( from 9i:o
I.ccor(ing to 9asterDs literature, to E6pose oneDs 2reasts at a place li:e this /oul( 2e fate
ILhW reallyJ so you must a(here to the same fate as /ell then@K
9i:o shiel(e( her chest, 2ut E she slightly lo/ere( her center of gravity
9i:o ha( un?uestiona2ly ta:en on a =attle Stance, /hile Ji2ril chuc:le( in response
I+ine, no pro2lem, 2ut if you thin: a (og that can merely cra/l on the floor can ta:e a/ay
something from me E then I a(vise you to ?uic:ly change your min(-set@K
I7uh@ It appears youDre in the /rong here, I clearly (onDt merely cra/l on the floor you :no/@K
She ha( a smile on her face
*hile their :illing intents impossi2le to (etect /ith the na:e( eye clashe( an( pro(uce( spar:s E
I.h, Shiro you canDt s/im@K
IJEh@ StephJ you can s/im@K
She ha( initially thought that Shiro /as omnipotent, 2ut the shoc: stemming from that an
astoun(ing truth li:e that e6iste(, cause( Steph to ?uestion her
=ut instea( Shiro /as shoc:e( 2y the fact that Steph coul( s/im E
IJ.ma8ing, (esK
IIn(ee( Stephanie-san is truly /orthy of her name, youDre capa2le of not only politics, coo:ing,
se/ingJ 2ut even proficient at s/imming, ho/ever I have a simple ?uestion E for a lan(-
(/elling animal, is there a nee( to s/im in the /aterC@K
ILl( man, youDve spo:en the 2est sentence of the centuryC . lan(-(/elling animal shoul(
remain on lan(CCK
- 'he group that coul(nDt s/im replie( as one
Steph smile( 2itterly an( graspe( ShiroDs han(
II really (onDt :no/ ho/ to (eal /ith you, itDs more fun to :no/ ho/ to s/im, here, IDll teach
I7ere, IDll hol( on to your han(, <ust start from :ic:ing the /ater /ith your feetK
Steph comforte( the unintereste( Shiro an( 2egan teaching from the 2asics
Steph too: hol( of ShiroDs han(
=ut E
. su((en huge /ave reele( in, s/eeping everyone onto the 2each in an instant
Seeing Shiro /ho /as a2out to 2e s/ept a/ay 2y the /aves, Sora (ashe( up to gra2 her
Shiro gaspe( for air /hile gra22ing onto her 2rother, an( mum2le(:
IJNiiJShiro /ants to learnJ to s/imCK
9ay2e 2ecause the sea/ater got into her eyes, Shiro spo:e (etermine(ly /ith tears strea:ing
(o/n her chee:s
=ut Sora yelle( to/ar(s 'he ones that create( the /aveinstea(:
IRou t/o over thereC "an you at least respect E or at least o2ey the la/s of physicsJ can you@K
7is emotional voice gra(ually got /ea:er after seeing the scene that lay 2efore him
*hat /as 2efore him /as E
Ln the (istant sea /ere t/o 2attling E monsters
I7ah, (espite 2eing so arrogant, youDre only at this stan(ar(, right, huh@K
Ji2ril moc:e( /hile flying across the /ater surface
1ight 2elo/ her, 9i:o /ho ha( <umpe( out 2elo/ from 2elo/ the /ater surface turne(
completely re( in an instant, an( stretche( out her han( to gra2 her
- 9i:o even use( =loo( Aevastation, 2ut Ji2ril still manage( to (o(ge that outstretche(
han( 2y a fe/ millimeters
=ut 9i:o (irectly E ran on the surface of the /ater E /hile shiel(ing her 2reasts /ith 2oth han(s
9i:oDs clothes that she ha( /orn on her s/imsuit, an( even her hanten appeare( to have 2een
snatche( a/ay, so she release( a mur(erous aura unreserve(ly, chasing after Ji2ril in an attempt
to get her s/imsuit 2ac:
I7eheh Say your prayers, IDm gonna s:in you alive K
So this is 9i:o, the representative of the *ere2easts - 'he strongest *ere2east@
She ran on the surface of the /ater E an( occasionally (espite only for an instant, even soare( in
the air
Every time she (ove into the sea, 9i:o /ho 2as:e( in the /ater an( /in(, ha( her 2o(y change
from re( to gol(en E
IJ9i:o-sama (oes live up to her nameJ ho/ po/erful, (esK
- Bpon seeing the events unfol(ing 2efore her, even I8una coul(nDt 2elieve her eyes, it /as
un?uestiona2ly a situation /ith no room for others to 2utt in
Sora (eci(e( to give up, an( instea( turne( aroun(, ignoring them
I9mJ /hat a 2eautiful sightK
Sora spotte( Ino as he turne( aroun(, an( follo/e( his line of sight
*hat he sa/ /as a group of people s/ept to the shore E not only Steph an( I8una
'he /aves ha( appeare( to stri:e the shore as /ell, (ragging 9i:oDs follo/ers into the chaos as
/ell, all of them /ere completely (renche( E
'heir su2tly transparent s/imsuits, create( an in(escri2a2le scene
ILhJ I see, itDs still unforgiva2le on their part to almost let Shiro (ro/n, 2ut this is pretty
stunning as /ellK
Sora carrie( Shiro 2ac: onto the shore
I.h, this really is a treat for our eyes, Sora-sanK
IReah, it /oul( 2e perfect /ithout youK
'rying his 2est not to let him enter his fiel( of vision, Sora complaine( to the muscular ol( man
/earing only a loincloth
*atching the group of noisy people 2eing s/ept a/ay 2y the /aves, Steph smile( cheerfully
I7ahJ IDve 2een so 2usy /ith /or: recentlyJK
'he (a88ling sunlight an( the /hite 2each
Steph returne( to the /atersi(e, an( :ic:e( the /ater surface lightly
'he /aves create( 2y her feet, an( the /in( 2lo/ing in from the sea, seeme( to (rive a/ay the
fatigue from her (aily routine E
IJI guess I nee( a rest once in a /hileK
Steph spo:e passionately
Smelling the salt of the sea 2ree8e, Steph su((enly thought to herself /hen /as the last time she
ha( got the chance to rela6 li:e this@
Since SoraDs 2unch came along E no, since her gran(father passe( a/ay
It felt li:e she ha(nDt rela6e( in a fe/ years E Steph 2reathe( (eeply
IIsnDt it great to 2e a2le to come hereJ@K
Steph spo:e, seemingly see:ing approval from no-one
- =eep2eep2eep
ILFWC "utWW pac: upC 'han:s for everyoneDs har( /or:CCK
Sora yelle( /ith 2oth his eyes half open
JLne after the otherJ everyone (ragge( themselves from the sea 2ac: to the shore /ith the
spirit an( energy of half-(ea( 2o(ies
IJBghJmy hairDs san(yJsan( every/hereJK
IPhe/J I apologi8e, 9aster, I really canDt en<oy the oceanJ /hen the sea 2ree8e gets into my
/ings it ma:es me feel ine6plica2ly unhappyK
I9y tailDs so heavy after a2sor2ing all the /ater, (esJ ho/ trou2lesome, (esK
IPhe/W this feels terri2le, /ho e6actly thought of thalassotherapy
, itDs <ust plain ri(iculousK
I9y sincerest apologies, 9i:o-sama, for trou2ling you to play along /ith Sora-sanDs tric:sK
EveryoneDs moo(s seeme( to have ta:en an a2out turn for the /orse, <ust li:e a group of actors
after finishing a performance E
IJEh@ Eh@K
Steph /as the only one that coul(nDt :eep up /ith the situation an( /as left in the mi((le of the
sea alone, /atching everyone else return to shore
I-7mm@ *hat are you (oing@ Steph, the filmingDs (one, you can come 2ac: to the shore no/K
Sora spo:e /hile closing the recor(ing applications of the smartphone an( ta2let computers set
up at the trees along the shore
IJEh@ 7uh@ *hatDs going on@K
I-7mm@ Sigh, Steph (onDt tell me you /ere actually having fun earlier@K
.fter moving into the sha(e, everyone ha( shoc:e( e6pressions on their faces /hile massaging
their 2o(ies
IJ.h, sorry, a2out that, StephJ actuallyK
9ay2e 2ecause he (i(nDt thin: that she /oul(nDt notice at all, Sora spo:e some/hat a/:/ar(ly:
IJ.mong everyone hereJnone of us li:e the ocean at allJK
- J9mJ
Everyone agree( /hile no((ing vigorously
.mongst them 9i:o loo:e( particularly (istur2e(
She spo:e /hile grooming her gol(en fur:
I.lthough I /as trying to play along /ith the "ommon practices that Sora /as tal:ing
a2outJ I still (onDt really un(erstan(J thereDs a ton of san( on my tailJ ho/ am I going to get
this off@K
IShiro-san E no/CK
Ji2rilDs eyes lit up all of a su((en, an( she ?uic:ly passe( something to Shiro
- .t the same time, ShiroDs eyes lit up as /ell an( gave Ji2ril a thum2s-up, saying IOoo( <o2K
IJ9i:o-sanJI suggest that you useJthis 2rush an(Jhair con(itionerK
I1, really@ 'han: you very muchK
Ingeniously fin(ing an e6cuse to achieve her goal, Shiro let out a conniving laugh, an( 2urie( her
hea( in 9i:oDs gol(en tail
.n( Sora /as hol(ing the e6act same thing that ha( mysteriously appeare( in his han(s
IRaWhooWC 'hen IDll help I8una as /ell EI
IIDll help I8una groom her fur, here, I8una come over hereK
Ino 2loc:e( his path instea(
'heir eyes met E an( 2oth men glare( at each other
IJLl( man, ho/ a2out you go clean your o/n tail@K
IIf Sora-san /ere to groom her fur I8una /oul( 2e contaminate( 2y your malicious air, ho/
a2out Sora-san you ta:e care of your frail 2o(y instea(C@K
I8una ignore( their ?uarrel, an( unhesitatingly /al:e( for/ar( E
.n( sat (o/n in front of Ino
I7urry up, (esK
ILl( man, 2eing a2le to incur the :illing intent of others /ithout spea:ing, is that sort of
e6pression a special a2ility of the *ere2easts as /ell@K
Noo:ing at InoDs e6pression that /as so cheerful he coul( almost hear cries of pleasure coming
from him, SoraDs veins 2egan to pulsate violently on his forehea(
J*ith a /hishing soun(, the /aves 2rushe( against StephDs feet
- It seeme( that everyone ha( forgotten a2out StephDs e6istence completelyJ
Part "
- 'he sun /as a2out to sin: 2elo/ sea level
IJ7eheh, the sunset is so 2eautifulJ hehehehJK
Sitting on the 2each /hile hugging her :nees, as though she ha( escape( into a /orl( of her o/n,
/hat /as on StephDs face /asJ a smile
- Su((enly Sora shoute(
I- IDm 2ore(K
7earing that, everyone turne( to loo: at Sora
IBgh, ho/ (espica2le to run a/ay after youDve /on, (esK
.ll this time until sunset, Sora an( I8una /ere playing /ith the ASP, Shogi, tic-tac-toe an( other
games in the sha(e of the trees, all these activities that /oul( ma:e one ?uestion /hy theyD(
2other to come to the sea in the first place, an( upon hearing SoraDs e6clamation, I8una proteste(,
refusing to give in
I.h, itDs not that, itDs not 2ecause IDm 2ore( of playing games /ith I8unaK
Sora stoo( up /hile spea:ing an( shoute( at the /oo(en 2o6:
I7ey, Plum, shoul(nDt the 1eception =oat 2e here 2y no/@K
- It appears that everyone ha( forgotten their original purpose, an( crie( out in surprise
Plum stuc: her hea( out from un(er the 2o6
9ay2e 2ecause she /as using magic continuously for a perio( of time, PlumDs e6hauste(
e6pression once again remin(e( everyone of her e6pression /hen they first met She replie(:
IBm, I, (i(nDt I say that theyD( only 2e here a2out mi(nightJK
I'he 2attery po/er of my han(hel(s an( my ta2let computer is running out, an( IDm getting
I'hatDs /hy I sai( /e came too earlyJK
'he still-e6hauste( Plum complaine( (issatisfie(ly
*hile Sora 2ehave( li:e a :i( thro/ing a tantrum
INo, IDm 2ore(, I /ant to go no/, either that or IDm going 2ac:K
I*hyDre you saying something chil(ish li:e thatJK
Plum appeare( (efeate(, /hile Sora ignore( her an( e6change( a glance /ith 9i:o an( Shiro
Ever since they reache( the shore, 9i:o /as 2eing stro:e( 2y Shiro in the sha(e of the trees, an(
Shiro /as stro:ing 9i:o all this time as /ell
- 'hey no((e( slightly, an( spo:e at once
IE6actlyJ it is pretty 2oring hereK
IJ9mJShiro isJtire(JK
IEhJ /hyDre even you t/o saying such capricious thingsJK
Plum appeare( heart2ro:en, /hile Sora opene( his mouth to spea:
.t his call, Ji2ril imme(iately appeare( from thin air
I7ave you got the position@K
IRes, the position calculate( 2y the 9asters shoul( 2e correctK
- "alculate(@
Plum appeare( confuse(, /hile Sora too: out his ta2let P"
Ln the map (etailing the perimeter of the Eastern +e(eration, the recor(s of their tra(ing /ith
Lcean(e ha( 2een recor(e( as /ell, an( thus he ha( (e(uce( the rough position of the "ity
Pointing to the (irection in(icate( 2y its position E Sora loo:e( to/ar(s the hori8on an( sai(:
ILF, thatDs enough E (o itK
I- I o2ey@CK
7earing SoraDs /or(s, Ji2ril /as una2le to hi(e the <u2ilant e6pression on her face /hile
:neeling on the floor to accept his or(er
IEh@ *, /hat are you (oingJ@K
Plum as:e( uneasily, 2ut Ino /as a2out to as: the same ?uestion
InoDs Instinctas a *ere2east /arne( him of something
'o ela2orate, it seeme( that the situation nee(e( to 2e stoppe(
*hatever these people /ere a2out to (o E it (efinitely /oul(nDt 2e something goo(
So Ino glance( si(e/ays at 9i:o
7e let out a 2reath of relief only after seeing 9i:o no( her hea( slightly to in(icate ItDs all
=ut as he sa/ 9i:o smile as though to say =e careful though, InoDs face pale(
Sora lifte( up Shiro, an( spo:e a single sentence
I*eDll go off ourselves, everyone 2ac: offK
.fter /hich, Sora an( others left the /atersi(e, /hich /as /hen Ji2ril as:e(:
I- 9aster, is it really LF to 2e (oing this@K
She appeare( impatient E 2ut she still ma(e the final confirmations e6cite(ly
IItDs fine, 2esi(es /onDt the po/er of the 'en Laths come into effect@K
'he +irst of the 'en Laths
- .ll 2loo(she(, /ar an( pillage is for2i((en throughout the /orl(
I.ny actions /ith harming intent, an( any actions seen as involving violence, /ill 2e cancele(
(ue to the limitations of the oaths E conversely spea:ing, actions not involving harming intent
/onDt 2e cancelle( *hich means the Lnly Oo( P'etQhas guarantee( that /hen /e (o it, that
action /onSt 2e consi(ere( as violating the rights of anyone, so EI
Sora reveale( a (aring smile, an( gave a thum2s-up
I9a:e it as large as you canK
7earing his response, Ji2ril as though receiving a sacre( or(er ceremoniously 2o/e(, 2ut her
facial e6pression contraste( /ith her actions as she smile( in relief Ji2ril stoo( up
I7ahah, hahahahahW I (onDt :no/ ho/ many years itDs 2een since IDve last use( this, heheheW
IDm loo:ing for/ar( to thisWJK
Ji2ril ha( an into6icate( e6pression on her face, an( mum2le( to herself so .t this time her
surroun(ings E
- Su((enly (istorte(
.pparently the light E no, as though space itself ha( t/iste(, everything 2ecame (istorte( /ith
their shapes changing
- 'he 'en Laths
'he usage of violence in this /orl( E any actions inten(ing to cause harm /ill 2e prevente( 2y
the po/er of the oaths
1egar(ing this, Ino un(erstoo( perfectly, 2ut /hen personally face( /ith those events,
goose2umps still appeare( on his s:in
ILF, everyone get 2ac:CK
9i:o or(ere( calmly 2ut sharply
'his sentence, ma(e all present *ere2easts, as though their 2o(ies an( free /ill ha( separate(
from themselves, refle6ively leap 2ac:/ar(
IJEh@ *hatDs happening@K
Aue to 9i:oDs lou( yell, Steph finally snappe( 2ac: to reality

- Su((enly, she reali8e( she /as the only one that /as particularly close to the ocean
"rash E a soun( outsi(e of the au(i2le range cause( the area to tremor
'he san( on the 2each even ignore( gravity an( 2egan (ancing a2out, /hile space continue( to
'he space that /as slo/ly (istorting an( changing shape 2egan to gather at Ji2rilDs han(s
Plum /as the only other one there /ho coul( see magic E the only other one that coul( see
=ut as she loo:e( at /hat Ji2ril /as (oing, she still appeare( completely confuse(
Ju(ging from SoraDs e6planation earlierJ it /asnDt surprising
*hat Ji2ril /as (oing /as E .2sor2ing all Spirits in the area
*hen the Spirits that are suppose( to 2e in a place are remove(, then one naturally /oul(nDt 2e
a2le to see anything, <ust li:e a 2lac: hole
.n( E in Ji2rilDs han(s, the a2sor2e( Spirits /ere 2eing compresse(, s?uee8e(, con(ense(,
minimi8e(, concentrate(, an( finally let out a glo/ of light
Even though Imanity that canDt see spirits, Sora an( Shiro /ere a2le to see clearly /hat /as
going on
In Ji2rilDs right han(, a s/irling vorte6-li:e pillar of light gra(ually 2egan to form
1egar(ing things relate( to magic or Spirits, Sora an( Shiro coul( neither comprehen( nor (etect
them, 2ut E
'he halo on Ji2rilDs hea( ha( 2ecome a 2all of light from spinning /ay too fast
*hich coul( only mean one thing
IJ7ey, eh@ RouDre <o:ingC Eh@ EhWWC@K
Plum /ho ha( finally reali8e( /hat /as going on, hurrie(ly trie( to see: shelter, yet yelle(
instea( as she /as una2le to free herself from the 2o6
Res, this scene coul( only mean one thing
.n( that is Ji2ril /as preparing to cast a spell that /as, at least 2y Sora an( ShiroDs stan(ar(s,
never-2efore-seen, at a completely inhuman an( irregular (imension
.s the shape /as not fi6e( at all, It coul( neither 2e classifie( as a s/or( or a spear
=ut Ji2ril /as grasping tightly onto it /ith her right han(
.n( she E slo/ly raise( it E revealing a s/eet smile
ISo then 9asterJK
II /ill use - . = L B ' + I Z E P E 1 " E N ' of my full po/er then@K
Ji2rilDs right han( (escen(e( /ith a spee( as though to leave her previous sentence in the (ust
'hat /as all Sora an( others coul( /itness
It /as li:e hearing thun(er only slightly after lightning stri:es
.fter a fe/ secon(s, along /ith an e6plo(ing soun( lou( enough to ?ua:e the earth, a huge /ave
s/ept up tall enough to reach the heavens E
It /as almost as if <o:ingly - 'he sea parte(
.n( then E
'he aftershoc: from the impact, s/ept Steph an( Plum still in the 2o6 over to Sora an( others
- 'his is /hat they sa/ after that
IPhe/J@ ItDs such a great feeling to 2e a2le to use my po/ersK
.s though greatly rela6e(, Ji2ril ha( an invinci2le, cheerful smile on her face
II hope the time /ill come E /here I get to use 100Y full po/er@K
7earing that, even Sora an( Shiro release( a col( s/eat
Lnly %Y /as enough to part the ocean, shaming even 9osesJ they su((enly recalle( E
Ji2ril ha( previously unleashe( full force upon the Elves, /hich means a 100Y .irstri:e
'hey ha(nDt completely 2loc:e( it, 2ut they (i( manage to (eflect it partially E
IJ'he ElvesJ+iiDs 2unch really is ama8ingK
'he 2oth of them coul(nDt resist commenting E /hile Shiro no((e( in respect for her /ho /asnDt
present at the time
.s for their inner thoughts, Ji2ril of course :ne/ nothing
I.ny/ay /e can no/ See the capital of the Seirens, so I can teleport you anytimeK
J'he five senses of the *ere2easts /ere at their physical pea:s
"ertainly not to say Ino, I8una an( even 9i:o coul( only see the hori8on
9ay2e 2ecause the previous stri:e ha( 2ent the light, for Ji2ril that ha( sai( she coul( See it
earlier, everyone remaine( speechless
- Sora loo:e( at everyone /ho ha( 2ac:e( a/ay earlier
ILF, everyone, letDs go, gra2 onto Ji2rilK
9i:o an( the *ere2easts appeare( (efeate(, an( returne( to the 2each in trepi(ation
II ha( :no/n this since earlierJ 2ut to see it myself, itDs <ust li:e a 2a( <o:eK
IJBghJ the 2est course of action /oul( 2e not to get involve( /ith the +lMgel at allJK
Plum clim2e( out from the 2ro:en /oo(en 2o6, an( spo:e after 9i:o, luc:ily, the sun ha(
alrea(y set
Ino then yelle( in panic:
ISora-sanC Please (onDt let 9i:o-sama hear 'hat noiseCK
Ino calle( out, apparently afrai( of the soun( of space (istorting create( 2y long-(istance
I.h, heDs right, Ji2rilK
IRes, I un(erstan(, so E everyone please gra2 tightlyJ ah, hey, Aora-chan stop sleeping alrea(y,
get upK
IJEh@ 7uh@ *hat happene( E /, /hat is thisC@ 'he sea parte(C@K
Steph yelle( alone, /hile everyone else ignore( her reaction an( gathere( aroun( Ji2ril
ISo /eDll teleport no/, off to the capital of the Seirens E Lcean(eK
Ji2rilDs /ings 2egan glo/ing again, an( her halo spun faster an( faster
I'he (istance is three hun(re( an( seventy-eight point t/enty-three :ilometers, 2ut the parte(
ocean /aters are a2out to return to normalK
.s though in response to her /or(s, the sea/ater rum2le( an( 2egan to return to their original
ISo, I pre(ict that Lcean(e /onDt have any airK
I.h, I, itDs fine, I have a spell for 2reathing un(er/ater EI
It /as unclear /hether they (i(nDt hear Plum, or /hether they /ere simply ignoring her E
ISo E IDm going to teleport the air in a ra(ius of t/o hun(re( meters along /ith us then@K
IOet 2ac:CK
9i:oDs voice rang out once again
7earing this, asi(e from Ino an( I8una E even the *ere2easts that /ere /ith them at the seasi(e
previously hurrie(ly left as /ell
- In an instant
Neaving 2ehin( only the e6plo(ing noise at an e6tremely high fre?uency create( 2y space
shattering, the group (isappeare(
.s the air that /as remove( refille( itself, an e6plosively lo/ air pressure /as create(
. miniscule torna(o 2egan 2lo/ing, an( the remaining *ere2east females gra22e( onto tree
trun:s in (efense E /hile any /ho coul( /itness that sceneJ /ere gone
C$a0ter " ' C$armer1ss3
Part 1
- Lcean(oJthe un(er/ater city /here 2oth the Seirens an( Ahampir resi(e
It (i( not carry out tra(e /ith any other nation, 2eing a truly self-provi(ing hermit country
=eing at the 2ottom of the sea, it cannot 2e reache( through normal means
.n( e6actly 2ecause of this, a 2unch of people came forth /ith a2normal means
Ji2ril parte( the sea, an( the place she teleporte( to /as a to/er high enough to overloo: the
/hole of Lcean(o
'he (epth /as a2out t/o hun(re( meters, an( if that amount of sea/ater /ere to flo/ 2ac: inJ
ISomething li:e this /oul( happenJK
9i:o, /ho /as stan(ing 2ehin( Sora let out a sigh, an( /hat she /as loo:ing at /as E the other
si(e of the air 2u22le Ji2ril ha( create(
'he san( an( roc:s at the 2ottom of the ocean /ere violently tosse( an( turne( as though they
/ere in a gigantic 2len(er
No matter ho/ po/erful Ji2ril /as, she /oul( 2e una2le to use violence (ue to the limitations of
the Laths
If the Laths (i( e6ercise their po/er, then no harm shoul( have 2een cause( to anyoneJ
IJRouDre sure that this /onDt hit the city or anyone else, right@K
INo, not at all 'he 'en Lathsare a2solute, so itDs fine 'here /onDt 2e a pro2lemJ
Sora attempte( to comfort himself as the ti(es calme( aroun( him 'he san( settle(, an( the
sea/ater 2ecame clear once again
I- Lh, this really is somethingK
Sora an( Shiro spo:e their thoughts regar(ing the huge an( /i(e city 2elo/ them
"ompletely (ifferent from ho/ fairytale-li:e an( simplistic Sora thought it /oul( 2e, it /as
really a great "ity
Immeasura2le amounts of 2uil(ings that appeare( to 2e 2uilt from stones from the 2ottom of the
sea stoo( si(e 2y si(e
'he /alls that /ere giving off a pearly glo/ ha( shells an( corals paste( on them li:e 2ric:s,
creating /on(erfully 2right an( fresh colors Possi2ly (ue to the 2uoyancy of the /ater, comple6
formations an( reverse cone-shape( 2uil(ings coul( 2e seen E /hich /as /hen Sora spo:e:
IJ7mm@ *hy isnDt everything 2lue@K
.t the 2ottom of the sea, only 2lue rays of light from the sun shoul( 2e a2le to reach 'he person
to ans/er his ?uestion /as Shiro
IJNii, itDs pro2a2lyJ thoseK
Shiro pointe( to the countless glo/ing sea/ee(s an( <ellyfish E completely natural
- It /as no /on(er that the city itself /as glo/ing
ILh come on, (onDt treat me li:e an i(iot .ny/ay, isn>t this a great-loo:ing city@K
IJ7ah, than:s for the complimentJK
Plum replie( /ith a 2itter smile that carrie( hints of (efeat an( humiliation
I=ecause this place /as 2uilt an( maintaine( 2y the AhampirsJ hahaJK
JSora coul(nDt fin( any /or(s to say to her, an( instea( turne( aroun(
Ji2ril, I8una an( Steph /ere surveying their surroun(ings curiously, /hile 9i:o appeare( as
compose( as ever
.n( E
I- Sora-sanJ/hat is the meaningJof thisJ@K
Ino as:e( painfully, apparently impacte( 2y the noise from their teleportation
II (i( a(here to your re?uest since I8una an( 9i:o appear to 2e fine, so you have to than: Ji2ril
for thisCK
IJ.hW I have no pro2lem /ith that, 2ut coul( you <ust let me say something@K
9i:o loo:e( at Sora, Shiro an( Ji2ril in turn, an( too: a (eep 2reath
I- Rou people, thereDs got to 2e a limit to your ignoranceJK
IJIs thereJa pro2lem@K
ILh, (oes the carnivorous su2genus of a mutt have something to say@K
'he three ignorant people tilte( their hea(s in curiosity at once
*hile the fe/ /ith some common sense E Steph spo:e lou(ly as though representing 9i:o:
IP-parting the sea li:e that, no matter ho/ you loo: at it it <ust seems li:e an act of hostility
(oesnDt itC@ So, ho/ are you planning to get us to their ?ueen at this rate@K
I'hey invite( us in the first place, an( it /as they as /ell /ho ma(e us /ait, so since /eDre
running out of time an( in a hurry /e came here ourselves "onsi(ering Ji2rilDs har( /or:, they
shoul( 2e than:ing us an( receiving us /ith song an( (ance, shoul(nDt they@K
9i:o an( I8unaDs senses tol( them that Sora /as spouting lies yet again, an( they shut their
mouths half-hearte(ly
'he remaining *ere2east E Ino continue( to ru2 his ears /hile moaning in pain
IJ.hW a2out that (onDt you /orryJ loo: over thereK
=ut as they hear( Plum spea:, everyone loo:e( in the (irection she /as pointing at once
"ountless people 2egan (arting out of the city an( hurrie(ly 2egan procee(ing in their (irection
- +emales /ith the lo/er half of their 2o(ies covere( /ith scales an( resem2ling fish tails, an(
the upper half of their 2o(ies human-shape(
'heir 2reasts /ere shiel(e( /ith small /raps of cloth, an( their nec:s an( han(s ha( /hat
appeare( to 2e leftover <e/elry on them
'heir resem2lances /ere e6actly the same as fairytale 2eings - 9ermai(s
IJ.h, so those are the Seirens@ Oreat, luc:ily everythingDs going as planne(K
If the things that came out /ere 2eings li:e "thulhu Sora /oul( 2e more than rea(y to flip
ta2les, 2ut he felt relieve( at this (evelopment

IO-guys loo: over there, all those people are panic:ingJ they really must 2e angryK
Steph spo:e uneasily /hile loo:ing at the Seirens stan(ing in front of their air 2u22le, after
/hich E
IEh, ehJ@K
Steph opene( her eyes /i(e in shoc:
'he Seirens /ere gracefully s/imming /hile spinning roun( an( roun( in the /ater, (isplaying
their glittering scales
'heir incre(i2ly colorful <e/elry ma(e of corals an( pearls (isplaye( on their smooth, sno/-
/hite s:in s/aye( a2out along /ith the current
No fi6e( rhythm coul( 2e (etecte( from their movements
'he glo/ing <ellyfish /ere lit up 2y 2lue rays of light, the schools of fish of varying colors, not
to mention the mermai(s gracefully s/imming E
Such a (reamli:e sight /oul( attract anyoneDs attention, /hich pro2a2ly meant E
IJNii, this is their grateful an( /elcomingJ(anceK
I- .pparently soJ l-loo: here, Steph, (i(nDt I say there /asnDt a pro2lemCK
I'hese people really are magnanimous as the ocean is (eepJK
.fter a /hile, a Seiren that appeare( to 2e /earing the most 2eautiful <e/elry s/am forth E
She /ave( 2oth her han(s, an( her mouth opene( an( close( ran(omly
L2serving her motions, Steph tilte( her hea(, not un(erstan(ing /hat /as going on, /hile Sora
reali8e( /hat /as going on
I*eDre in the air Ji2ril create( for us, an( theyDre out there in the /ater E soun( pro2a2ly /onDt
IReahJ IDll go e6plain an( (rin: some 2loo( along the /ay so I can use the po/er from that to
cast a spell that /ill allo/ all of you to 2reathe in the /ater, so please remove this air 2arrier
after thatJK
.s she finishe( her sentence, Plum imme(iately sprinte( for/ar(, 2ro:e through the air 2u22le
an( s/am into the /ater
'hey glance( at her as she left
IEven if /e really are saviors of their speciesJK
I- 'hey still /elcome( us this /armly after the gates to their city /ere force( open /ith an
attac: li:e that@K
7earing Ji2ril an( 9i:oDs /hispers /ith sharp glances on their faces, Sora laughe( col(ly as
IJ'he Seirens, are they really i(iots@ Lr EI
Part 2
I7elloW everyoneW, hehe I am 7er 9a<esty the XueenDs representative, .miraWC EverythingDs
'heyDre i(iots
Sora manage( to s/allo/ his 2latantly honest thought
.fter Ji2ril remove( the air 2u22le, a Seiren ha( rushe( up imme(iately
'his Person /ho calle( herself .mira, if her /or(s coul( 2e truste( E 2ut the scary part /as
they pro2a2ly coul( 2e E she /as the sole representative over all the e6isting Seirens at the
She ha( sil:y green hair, sno/-/hite s:in that /as almost transparent, an( clear 2lue eyes
She /ore coral <e/elry all a2out her, 2ut she (i(nDt give off a vulgar air
"onsi(ering she /as a mermai(, it /oul( pro2a2ly 2e a legitimate form of (ressing, 2ut her
personality /as E
I'han: you all for coming specially, li:e really than:s a lotW WWW1eally, the only /ay I can
e6press my feelings right no/ /oul( 2e through a :issWC +ufu 1ight@K
INo than:s, IDll cherish your /ell /ishes thoughJK
It /asnDt a matter of honorifics or anything li:e that, although /hat she spo:e coul( 2e
consi(ere( as Imanity, everything a2out it /as strange
Sora an( the others /ere gaping in shoc:, /hile .mira continue( to s/im aroun( 2usily
IEven in the (epths of the ocean, rumors of the con?uests of 2oth of you have reache( here as
/ellW 'he miraculous :ing here to save the Imanity soun(s li:e an incre(i2ly han(some
person <ust 2y hearing a2out him, an( your loo:s suit .miraDs preference as /ellWCC 1ight K
IJLh, really@K
It /as the first time that he /as calle( han(some 2y a girlJ 2ut /hy /as it@
7e /asnDt happy at allJ thin:ing of those miscellaneous things, Sora no((e( in agreement
I.ha Rour voice is so cool as /ellCC .miraDs so /etW ah, 2ecause IDm in the oceanW heheK
Sora glance( at Plum /or(lessly, /hile she silently returne( his ga8e /hile sha:ing her hea( in
.mira (i(nDt seem to min( that sort of attitu(e at all, an( instea( continue( /ith a smile
plastere( on her face:
ILhW /eDve prepare( a feast, hehe *oul( you li:e to have the foo(@ Lr[perhaps[have [me@
.mira shoo: her 2o(y in an attempt to se(uce Sora
*hile Ino acci(entally reveale( a lecherous e6pression on his face, an( his temperature rose E
I+irst let us see 'he Empress, your /elcome can /ait until after thatK
7earing SoraDs o2vious re<ection, Ino per:e( his ears up in surprise
=ut .mira (i(nDt seem to min(
I.h, you really are as focuse( as they say =ut if so .mira might li:e you even more, you
:no/ K
IJ1eallyJany/ay please lea( us thereK
ILFW So letDs s/im into the cityW follo/ me, over hereW phe/W TK
*ith .mira lea(ing the /ay, Sora an( others (escen(e( the to/er an( hea(e( in the (irection of
Sora hear( Ino spea:ing 2ehin( him
IJSora-san, itDs ama8ing that you coul( re<ect her so ?uic:lyK
INo, in the ocean even the senses of us *ere2easts /ill 2e limite(, so I canDt grasp Sora-sanDs
true intentionsJ 2ut consi(ering that even /hen 2eing se(uce( 2y such an attractive /oman you
still can remain compose(, Sora-san, (o you have superhuman self-control EI
7o/ever Sora glare( at Ino col(ly in response, an( he spo:e as though spitting:
ILl( man, are you that (esperate, even though IDm a virgin, /hat (o you e6pect me to feel a2out
someone of that stan(ar(J letDs go, ShiroK
Neaving 2ehin( the speechless Ino, Sora s/am to/ar(s the city /hile carrying Shiro E
Part "
Imme(iately as they steppe( into Lcean(o, they /ere /elcome( 2y e6travagant cheers
Every single Seiren ha( <oyful smiles on their faces, an( /ere (ancing se(uctively /hile playing
completely out-of-tune music
.s for the language E there /as pro2a2ly no nee( for them to spea: Imanity any/ay, as although
they coul(nDt un(erstan( the Seirens, they coul( (efinitely sense their /elcoming intent
In the mi(st of the <oyfully frolic:ing cro/(s of Seirens, /hat appeare( to 2e female Ahampirs
coul( 2e seen occasionally
'heir facial e6pressions /ere in contrast /ith the Seirens, not all that (ifferent from PlumDs
'hose /ere pitifulJ tire( smiles, an( their e6pressions as they /elcome( SoraDs 2unch seeme(
to say 'han: you for coming this far
- In e6change for a constant source of 2loo( from the Seirens, the Ahampirs /ere to assist the
Xueen in repro(ucing
=efore their Xueen /as hi2ernating the t/o races /ere in a state of perfect mutualism, 2ut no/
their relations /ere li:e a can(le in the /in( E ho/ever E
IIDm curious, ho/ can these people remain so cheerful an( lively even /hen their race is nearing
Res E leaving out the Ahampirs, the Seirens (i(nDt appear gloomy in the slightest
I- Ai(nDt I e6plain 2efore J they completely (onDt un(erstan( /hat is happening to themK
Plum replie( /ith a /eary smile, /hile Ji2ril continue(:
I=ecause the Seirens are so incre(i2ly (um2 that their stupi(ity has reache( legen(ary status,
an( in the languages of all the nations the very mention of their species have 2ecome
synonymous to I(iots, an( even that term itself has 2een use( to refer to the Seirensas
/ell, even 2eing use( as ver2s in sentencesK
Sora an( others /al:e( along the sea floor /ith .mira lea(ing them
- *al:ing in /ater
It (i(nDt feel li:e /al:ing nor s/imming, /hich cause( Shiro to feel curious at this ne/
sensation, /hile Sora /al:e( for/ar( /hile carrying her <ust the same
Ino an( I8una, not to mention 9i:o E they truly /ere *ere2easts
'hey ha( ?uic:ly mastere( the act of /al:ing un(er these circumstances, an( /ere 2oun(ing
for/ar( naturally
Even /hen in the ocean Ji2ril still +le/ aroun(
I- Lr shoul( I say, Imanity are even more inferior to the i(iot Seirens@K
'o 2e perfectly honest, the ones there that /ere clearly unsuite( to moving un(er/ater /ere
o2viously Sora an( Shiro
I=efore I met my 9asters, I /oul( reply Res - 2ut to put it more elo?uently, theyDre only
ran:e( higher 2ecause they have special a2ilities, 2ut other/ise theyDre a really stupi( speciesK
Ji2ril spo:e all smiles, /hile Plum continue( /earily:
I'hese people only :no/ ho/ to eat, sleep, have se6 an( play, nothing moreJ fish (o contain
nutrition that can ma:e people smarter, 2ut the fish themselves are rather stupi(J isnDt it
- 'his /orl( really (oesnDt have species that can get along /ith each otherJ Sora thought an(
loo:e( into the hori8on
IJ'hatDs trueJ even their representative is someone li:e thisK
INoJ the fact that .mira-sama can spea: Imanity is alrea(y goo( enoughJK
Ooo( enough - Sora loo:e( to/ar(s Plum sympathetically
*hen face( /ith SoraDs ga8e, PlumDs e6pression imme(iately turne( into that of someone that
has accepte( his#her fate an( spo:e:
I=ecause /eDre all in the same 2oatJ I sincerely plea( Sora-(ono an( others to help them fin(
/ays to solve this pro2lem E even the ones that suggeste( previous metho(s /ere AhampirsJ
since the Seirens (onDt have any sense of urgency, theyDre only goo( at matingJ hahahJ
IJItDs really 2een har( on youJK
*ith .mira at the lea(, they entere( a particularly tall 2uil(ing in Lcean(o
Auring the course of their <ourney, Sora raise( a ?uestion that ha( come to him su((enly
ISpea:ing of mating, Ji2ril, the Seirens mate /ith males of other species right@K
IRes, youDre a2solutely rightK
I'he si6teen races (onDt have any 7y2ri(s 2et/een races@K
- .lthough Sora an( Shiro /ere only in this /orl( for a short perio( of time, 2ut regar(ing things
li:e half-elves commonly seen in fictional /orl(s - 7y2ri(s, they ha( yet to hear of
I'hatDs perfectly normalK Ji2ril replie(
I'he reason /hy they (onDt e6ist is 2ecause although the si6teen races all have certain
similarities /ith each other, their souls are completely (ifferentK
- Souls again@
Souls that /ere yet to 2e proven to e6ist in SoraDs original /orl(, appeare( to 2e
commonplace :no/le(ge in this one
'hose /ere pro2a2ly something li:e chromosomes, Sora tol( himself, an( continue(:
I=ut (onDt the Seirens mate /ith other species@ *onDt their offspring 2e Seiren hy2ri(s@K
INo, their offspring /ill 2e pure SeirensK
IEven though they are t/o (ifferent types of souls@K
IItDs <ust li:e ho/ the Ahampirs a2sor2 souls 2y (rin:ing 2loo(, Seirens o2tain souls from
mating an( carry out 9etamorphosis, creating their o/n clones, so their metho(s of mating
are even more ineffective than Niving 2eings, sapping the other party (ry in the process as
IJ'hat really is lethalK
I1eally@ .ccor(ing to te6tual recor(s E the act itself 2rings Joy paralleling assumptionK
ISo they really go through assumption ?uite literallyJ an( itDs a Journey of no returnK
=ut forget it E no matter ho/ you put it
I=ecause of that, to pro(uce hy2ri(s E to pro(uce offspring carrying characteristics of t/o
(ifferent species is impossi2leK
Sora thought for a moment, an( figure( E 'et pro2a2ly let there 2e Si6teen 1aces since they
canDt pro(uce hy2ri(s
I- Ji2ril, is there something on my face@K
Sora notice( that Ji2ril /as staring at him intently
II thin: IDve tol( you 2efore that the +lMgel arenDt Niving 2eingsK
IReah, you sai( that your species arenDt Niving 2eings 2ut Nife rightK
IRes, an( itDs 2ecause of that that souls have no fi6e( shape, so as long as you e6tract a part of
someone elseDs soul an( com2ine it /ith mine, you coul( pro(uce an offspring 2elonging to the
other partyDs species E itDs li:e physical coitus, 2ut in theory itDs still possi2le to transcen( species
an( pro(uce a hy2ri(K
I- I still (onDt get /hat youDre trying to sayK
.t this point she lo/ere( her hea( reverently, move( her halo to the 2ac: of her hea(, an( fol(e(
up her /ings E
'his /as a gesture of loyalty to her 9aster alone, an( Ji2ril claspe( her han(s together tightly
an( spo:e as though a prayer:
I.s long as 9aster /ishes to have a chil(, the inferior Ji2ril is /illing to (o it anytime EI
IJJi2rilJshut upJK
ShiroDs ra8or-e(ge( /or(s, force( Ji2ril to shut her mouth
I*eDreWWWW hereWCK
Sora hear( a lou( an( 2right voice all of a su((en, an( loo:e( up
ISorry to :eep you all /aitingC 'his is the EmpressD roomW UK
.mira stretche( out one han( an( pushe( open the (oor slo/ly E
- Night spille( out from the opening
'he EmpressD room /as rather /i(e, an( the carpets an( atrium /ere pin:
+aintly glo/ing sea/ee(s /ere place( on the /alls, an( /hat appeare( to 2e (ecorative /oven
patterns lit up the room
Painte( glass /as etche( onto the tall ceiling, causing sunlight that ha( reache( the floor of the
ocean to spill into the room
.lthough the faint sunlight seeme( unnecessary E as on the glo/ing throne right 2elo/ them,
there /as a gigantic, 2eautiful crystal glo/ing noticea2ly
No, it /as a pretty-loo:ing transparent imitation crystalJ a 2loc: of ice
Everyone /as speechless /hen face( /ith that sight
.t this point .mira solemnly E or at least attempte( to act solemnly E announce(:
INo/ I /ill intro(uce to everyoneJ this is the Empress of the SeirensJ Neila[Norelei-(onoK
- . 2eautiful /oman /as sleeping /ithin the 2loc: of ice
*ave-li:e 2lue hair fell on her youthful face
7er sno/-/hite 2o(y /as (ecorate( /ith 2lin(ing strips of gol( an( the lo/er half of her 2o(y
ha( attractive scales on it
'hose scales reflecte( the light in the room, appearing e6tremely colorful
'he Empress ornamente( in light an( gol( an( encase( /ithin the coffin of ice, silently sat
on the 2ivalve throne /ith her eyes close(
Plum an( .mira /ere ?uietly (iscussing 2ehin( everyone /ho /as still speechless
I.-.mira-samaJ regar(ing them a/a:ening the EmpressJ Sora-(ono an( the rest sai( that
they /ish to challenge everyone here to a gameJ is that all right@K
7earing PlumDs /or(s, .mira appeare( momentarily trou2le(, 2ut then she replie(:
I.lright, no pro2lem =ut (o you have any issues over your si(e@K
INopeJ s-so I /ish to get the help of a2out thirty people to help /ith the spells involve(K
I9mK .mira no((e( her hea(
ILF So IDll 2e off to ma:e preparations for 7er 9a<estyDs a/a:eningW Since you /ant
everyone to use magic at once, youDll nee( 2loo( rightW 7ehe .mira /ill go get everyone
else, so IDll leave everything to Plum for no/ K
I.lrightJ t-then IDll ma:e preparations for the spell to enter 7er 9a<estyDs (ream stateJK
She too: a 2o/ an( left the room /ith .mira
- =ut everyone else (i(nDt seem to have notice( her (eparture
'hey /ere merely focusing on the 2loc: of ice /ith the Empress sleeping /ithin
I*-/hat a 2eautiful /omanJK
Steph seeme( to have forgotten that she /as a /oman herself, an( complimente( her
*hen face( /ith her stunning appearance, no ela2oration /as nee(e( for InoDs reaction, /hile
Ji2ril, 9i:o an( even I8una felt the same /ay
'heir ga8es /ere 2lin(ly attracte( to her, 2ut E
I7mmJ@ Is she that pretty@ Shiro@K
IJIJ(onDt really un(erstan(JK
Everyone else /as stunne( 2y their reactions
I.-are the 2oth of you not right in the hea(C@ I-if this /oman isnDt a 2eauty, then /ho isC@K
IJRouDre the one that nee(s to calm (o/n, sheDs not 2eautiful to the e6tent /here you have to
2e this shoc:e( right@K
+ace( /ith StephDs protests, Sora merely spo:e /ith his forehea( /rin:le( in impatience
7e loo:e( at the Empress once again
- Neila Norelei, the Empress of the mermai(s asleep /ithin a coffin of ice
7er appearance /as certainly 2eautiful
=ut Sora coul( confi(ently say E she /as Aifferent
+or e6ample, her 2eauty /as (ifferent from Ji2rilDs that coul( shame even a /or: of art
It /as (ifferent from 9i:oDs 2e/itche(, almost holy 2eauty un(er the moonlight as /ell
It /as (ifferent from I8unaDs pure, untainte( cuteness as /ell, not to mention E
IJ@ NiiJ@K
Sora loo:e( 2esi(e him E at his confuse(-loo:ing sister, an( he confirme( his thoughts
I- SheDs no contest at all, or shoul( I say, even Steph is superior to her@K
IJ+-flattering me that o2viously, even IDll get angry you :no/C@K
INo, /hat use is there even if I flatter youJK
Sora loo:e( at her in irritation, /hile Ino patte( him on the 2ac:
ISora-san, no, itDs fine, (onDt /orryK
7e continue( :in(ly:
IAonDt /orry a2out it at all E impotence is cura2le, IDll ta:e you to eat soft-shelle( turtle
steam2oat ne6t timeJK
IItDs not li:e that at all, stop ruining my reputationCCK
Sora pointe( to the 2loc: of ice an( yelle(
I"an you all calm (o/nCC IDm not calling her ugly, 2ut /hen compare( to the li:es of 9i:o-san,
Ji2ril, I8una an( Shiro, is she really something to fa/n overC@ I mean /hat I say, everyone here
are all supreme 2eautiesCCK
Steph an( Ino continue( to loo: at Sora pitifully, 2ut E
7earing SoraDs /or(s, only Ji2ril an( 9i:o came 2ac: to their senses
I.ma8ing, 9asterJ this is /hat I /as referring to earlier, the SeirensD .2ilityK
I- .h@K
9i:o an( Ji2ril tore their ga8es from the 2loc: of ice, an( Ji2ril continue(:
I'he Seirens (onDt have special 2o(ies or magic, 2ut the fact that theyDve manage( to survive for
this long can 2e attri2ute( to their greatest an( only /eapon, /hich is EI
Ji2ril too: a (eep 2reath
I.s long as theyDre in the /ater E they have 'he a2ility to attract anythingK
I'he Seirens are a species that have receive( the 2lessings of the /ater E the reason /hy they
stay in the ocean an( cannot leave it is 2ecause of the large amount of Spirits in their 2o(iesJ
*ater Spirits, an( they can .ttract all other spiritsK
I.h, I seeK
Sora an( Shiro no((e( their hea(s in un(erstan(ing, seeming to have un(erstoo( /hat /as going
=efore the 'en Laths, the Seirens repro(uce( 2y consuming males of other species
Since they (i(nDt have any superhuman strength nor any magic an( coul(nDt leave the sea, ho/
(i( they survive@
'he ans/er /as E they Se(uce others an( attract them
'his /oul( e6plain /hy they coul( s/im along /ith the fishes an( coul( /ithstan( the /ater
pressure of the (eep sea /ithout magic
IIsnDt that li:e se(uction magic@K
IRes, to put it simply they control the movements of spirits E something li:e using magnets to
attract them, /hich is the a2ility of their speciesJ /hich /asnDt something particularly
important originally, 2ut EI
Ji2ril glare( over at the Empress, an( once again averte( her eyes
I=ut, this mermai( over here E the amount of spirits she possesses can 2e consi(ere( an
Ji2ril spo:e unhappily as she /as una2le to resist the EmpressD charms
*hile the other person /ho shoul(Dve :no/n /hat /as going on as /ell E 9i:o scratche( her
hea( /ith a helpless e6pression on her face
"hanging the su2<ect E
I=utJ /hy (oesnDt it /or: on the 9asters@K
Ji2ril as:e( curiously
IJ7mmJ@ Ji2ril sai( it herselfJ/e (onDt haveJspiritsK
IReah, you (i( say that, everyone in this /orl( has spirits /ithin them, 2ut Shiro an( I (onDtK
*hen they ha( first met, to prove to her that they /ere from another /orl(, they ha( let Ji2ril
scan their 2o(ies for spirits
If their a2ility /as to attract spirits li:e magnets, the fact that it (i(nDt /or: on Sora an( Shiro
shoul( have 2een o2vious, 2ut E
INo, as long as there are souls, there shoul( 2e spirits presents 9ay2e 9asterDs spirits are too
faint for me to (etect, or may2e your spirits are un(etecta2le E 2ut if so, /hy /oul( there 2e no
effect E this is strangeK
Ji2ril muttere( to herself, /ith her interest once again returning to Sora an( Shiro, an( she
loo:e( at them e6cite(ly
- *hile Ino /ho /as stan(ing 2esi(e her spo:e:
ILr is it simply 2ecause Sora-san canDt get erect as a man@K
IRou shut the hell up, ol( man, you only thin: a2out the lo/er halves of the 2o(y, (onDt you, 2ut
I am a man of reasonK
ISorry to :eep you all /aitingWCK
- Plum an( .mira returne( noisily
*as the spell to enter the EmpressD (ream state rea(y@
'he t/o of them approache( the 2loc: of ice /here the Empress /as sleeping
ISo no/ /eDll use PlumDs magic to let you all into 7er 9a<estyDs (reamsK
'hat cheerful smile /as still on her face
.mira nonchalantly continue(:
I'o all of you /ho /ish to a/a:en the Empress, please S/ear to the Laths an( 2et all that
you have, then touch the crystalWK
I7uh@ 7ey, /hat (i( you say@K
Steph 2ro:e the silence an( as:e(
.mira replie( /ith another ?uestion in shoc::
IEh@ Is there a pro2lem@K
ILf course thereDs a pro2lem, /hat are you tal:ing a2outC@K
J=et all that you have@
Aoes that mean in the sense /here the personDs /ealth, i(entity, free(om, life E everything is put
on the line@
IIs there a nee( for that@ *e came to help you upon your re?uestCCK
ISighW Plum, (i( you 2ring them here /ithout telling them everything@K
IBmJ IDm sorryJK
.mira pro((e( her chee: /ith a trou2le( e6pression on her face, /hile Plum insistently
*hile the one that interrupte( them /as E
I"alm (o/n, Steph, youDre the one that (oesnDt un(erstan(K
SoraDs tone /as calm as al/ays
Seeing ho/ calm he /as, Steph turne( aroun( an( o2serve( everyoneDs reactions
Not <ust Sora an( Shiro E 2ut 9i:o, Ji2ril, Ino an( even I8una ha( e6pressions of un(erstan(ing
on their faces
I*e /ere invite( here to E a/a:en the Empress through the EmpressD Oame, right@K
I'he thir( of 'he 'en Laths states that in games, /agers /ill 2e ma(e on /hat 2oth parties
(eci(e to 2e of value E /hile the Empress S/ore on the Laths to hi2ernate, since the
re?uirements of the Oame to a/a:en her is to ma:e her fall in love /ith the other party, a
=et of e?ual value is nee(e( for her love E right@K
I"ompletely right, han(some man, not only your appearance, 2ut your 2rain is han(some as
.mira laughe( an( no((e( her hea( in agreement, 2ut E
Lnly Sora ha( notice(, /hich /as /hen 9i:o an( Shiro reveale( thin smiles on their faces
Steph /ho ha(nDt notice( still coul(nDt agree
I'-that sort of thing is <ust too /eir( EI
- She continue( to ?uestion them
I'heyDre the ones that are on the 2rin: of e6tinction, /eDre here to help, so /hy (o /e have to
face that :in( of ris:C@K
Sora replie( as rela6e( as ever
IPlum (i( say earlier, to interfere /ith relationships an( (reams shoul(Dve 2een impossi2le
un(er the 'en Laths, it /as only possi2le 2ecause the Empress agree( on it E 2ut her
agreement is merely /ithin the game itselfK
- *hich is to say E
IIf /e (onDt 2egin the EmpressD Oame, all sorts of spells /oul(nDt 2e a2le to 2e use(, so
there /oul( 2e no other /ay to a/a:en her, an( to o2tain the rights to play a game against her,
the =et she re?uires is EI
Sora loo:e( over at Plum an( .mira an( spo:e in a <o:ing tone:
IIf you /ant my love you must have the (rive to sacrifice everythingCJsomething li:e that
Steph remaine( stunne(, /hile everyone else appeare( (efeate(
Lnly .mira continue( to ram2le on
I"oWrrectW anWs/erC .hW I really (onDt /ant to give you to the Empress, are you sure you (onDt
/ant to 2e /ith me instea(@K
Ignoring .mira, Sora spo:e:
I.ny/ay since /e have magic that /ill allo/ the Empress to fall in love /ith us, there shoul(nDt
2e a pro2lemK
IR-yesC I can confirm it, leave everything to meCK
IS-something li:e that E /hat if the magic (oesnDt /or:C@K
Steph still coul(nDt lose her sense of apprehension, 2ut E
IJust leave that to .miraWK
.mira spo:e clearly:
IEven if you guys can get into the game successfully, the Empress in charge of the 2ets is still
hi2ernating, so her possessions /ill 2e in my careC If the magic (oesnDt /or: IDll return
everything, so there /onDt 2e any ris: UK
INo, that sort of ver2al promise EI
Sora interrupte( her mi(-sentence
ILF, thereDs no pro2lem E letDs 2egin the gameI
Steph felt something /as amiss
She felt that something /asnDt right some/here, /hy /oul( such high-ris: con(itions only 2e
mentione( no/@
Steph loo:e( at Sora, /hy (i(nDt Sora feel any suspicion a2out the entire affair@
'his /asnDt li:e the usual Sora, to accept such a suspicious-soun(ing game E
Steph once again surveye( her surroun(ings
.si(e from her, everyone else (i(nDt seem to have any ?ueries, an( (i(nDt have anything to say
P*-/hatDs going onJ@ *hatDs happening here@Q
Plum then 2egan e6plaining the rules of the game
ISo E after all of you 2et everything you have, please S/ear on the Lathsan( touch the
2loc: of iceJ after /hich the Ahampirs un(er the platform an( I /ill cast a spell an( lea( all of
you into 7er 9a<estyDs (reamJ to perform the Nove 9agic PcheatQ IDll follo/ you as
Plum 2egan planning out the spell accor(ingly /hile e6plaining at the same time:
ISince itDs a (ream, the surroun(ings can 2e set accor(ing to /hatever all of you /antJ so E
Sora-(ono /ill (eci(e right@ I /ill try an( go accor(ing to Sora-(onoDs imagination an(
construct 7er 9a<estyDs (ream correspon(inglyJ no matter the situation E the victory con(ition
Sora helpe( Plum continue her sentence:
I.s long as someone ma:es the Xueen fall in love /ith him an( a/a:en her it /ill 2e a
Zictory, 2ut if you get (umpe( it /ill 2e consi(ere( a Noss- /hile the loser /ill leave
the game an( give a/ay Everything accor(ing to the 2et E so /e <ust have to s/ear to the
oaths along the lines of this right@K
IR-yesJ 2-2utJK
Sora interrupte( her in un(erstan(ing:
II get it, /e have PlumDs love magic PcheatQ, an( even if /e lose /e can <ust get everything 2ac:
from .mira E thatDs /hat you /ere planning to say right@ 'a:e it easyK
Sora smile( fearlessly
Steph sense( something amiss a2out that smile, ho/ever, /hile Sora continue(:
I*ith our current lineup an( the con(itions provi(e( the possi2ility of us losing is 8ero, so hurry
up an( start the game alrea(yK
I.-alright E so Sora-(ono, please imagine ho/ you /ant the (ream /orl( to 2e li:e, an( then EK
7earing her /or(s, Sora 2egan imagining it
.s long as (ating games /ere mentione(, he /oul(nDt ma:e the normal :in(
IPlease s/ear to the oathsCK
I - .schenteCK
Sora, Shiro, Steph, Ji2ril, 9i:o, Ino, I8una an( Plum
.s all of them spo:e that single /or( at once, their surroun(ings turne( /hite

- .fter /hich it turne( from /hite to 2lue instantly
.s though <ust /a:ing up from a (ream, they slo/ly regaine( their consciousness
'hroughout their lethargic 2o(ies, 2loo( 2egan circulating normally, their senses returne( to
them, an( E
- 'hey /ere (ro/ning
In the mi((le of the sea, Sora an( Shiro, I8una, Ino an( even 9i:o /ere 2eing tosse( aroun( 2y
the /aves
'hey coul( only smell the 2urning o(or of the ti(es, an( pain assaulte( the (eepest parts of their
.s their calm thoughts /ere 2eing flung into a (istance E a vi(eo 2egan playing /ithin their
I-*ith every en( there is a 2eginning-I
'here /ere overly flashy special effects, an( soun( effects that soun(e( li:e stars collapsing
. narrator that soun(e( li:e it /as rea(ing off a script continue( 2lan(ly
I'here are meetings an( there are separations EI
Sora struggle( to raise his hea( a2ove the /ater level, an( roare( angrily
I*hich 2loo(y universeDs version of 'o:i 9emorial starts /ith the protagonist
(ro/ning@ 9y heart isnDt e6actly 2eating har( right no/CK

No, their hearts /ere 2eating violently
=ut Sora (i(nDt /ant to use the term 7eart2eat to (escri2e the (ying throes of oneDs heart
/hen face( /ith a life-threatening situation
I.h, s-sorryJ I confuse( Sora-(ono an( 7er 9a<estyDs imaginations of /hat the (ream /orl(
shoul( 2e li:e, it ta:es time to create the sceneJ please /ait a /hile moreJK
'hin:ing closely, this /as rather unavoi(a2le
Since they /ere a2le to interfere /ith the EmpressD (reams, this /orl( coul(nDt have a
Schoolyar( setting li:e in SoraDs /orl(
Lf course, SoraDs imagination nee(e( to 2e com2ine( /ith the EmpressD :no/le(ge, an( E
IJNiiJI live(Ja goo( lifeJK
IPlumWC 9y sisterDs alrea(y giving up on survival, so hurry up alrea(yWWCK
Shiro close( her eyes /ith a 2lissful e6pression on her face, /hile Sora hugge( her an( yelle(
I- .h, ah, the spell is complete, IDll construct the setting no/CK
- In an instant
'he original Setting PsceneQ of them (ro/ning in the ocean /as remove(, an( change(
imme(iately li:e flipping the pages of a 2oo:
'he Stage s/itche( from the ocean itself to the sea floor, an( unnecessary Settings li:e
2reathing /ere remove(
Ni:e flipping over po:er car(s face (o/n one 2y one, various changes to ma:e the game run
smoothly /ere implemente(, an( the (ream /orl( /as a2le to accept Bnreasona2le settings
I- 9aster, are you alright@K
7earing Ji2rilDs lou( cries, Sora returne( to his senses E not reali8ing that he /as no/ on soli(
IJ'-that /asJhorrifyingJK
In the clear 2lue ocean, Sora spat out a single 2reath, an( /ipe( off the s/eat on his
Shiro /as shivering in fear (ue to nearly (ro/ning early, an( Sora hugge( her /hile complaining
I'he game ha(nDt even starte( an( /e /ere alrea(y facing a (eath en(, can you please not use
that sort of /eir( plot settings here@K
IJI stillJhate the oceanJK
I'he Sea that cause( the 9asters harmJ it appears there is a nee( to remove it
I*oul(nDt it 2e fine if you /ere to <ust learn to s/imJK
.t this point, Steph /ho appeare( to 2e the only rela6e( one spo:e /ith her eyes half open
=ut 9i:o an( others 2esi(e her E all the *ere2easts in frustration E agree( /ith Ji2rilDs /or(s
IJReah, /ho cares a2out the ocean, /ho create( these /eir( pu((les any/ay@K
II have to agree /ith Ji2ril-san for once, <ust let the sea (ry off alrea(yK
I.lso the sea is so stin:yJ if only the sea coul( <ust (isappear an( leave 2ehin( all the fishK
Everyone ha( completely entere( the (ream, an( even though they /ere cursing, they /ere
gra(ually returning to their usual calm selves
- Sora, Shiro, Steph, Ji2ril, 9i:o, Ino an( I8una
'hey steppe( on the floor in(ivi(ually, an( the Setting PsceneQ in front of them constructe(
Even though they /ere at the 2ottom of the sea the s:y coul( 2e seen, an( clou(s /ere moving
a2out on the /aterDs surface
'he uneven terrain /as re-flattene(, an( School 2uil(ings appeare( on the sea floor
originally fille( /ith roc:s an( corals
'he schools of tropical fish s/imming aroun( them gra(ually transforme( into nameless normal
stu(ents PNP"Q
In the 2lin: of an eye a virtual stage :no/n as the Bn(er/ater school /as 2uilt
'hat /as a 7igh school 2uilt in the same style as the other 2uil(ings aroun( Lcean(o E
Olancing at their surroun(ings, 2esi(e Sora E
I*hat shoc:s me is that 7er 9a<esty actually :no/s a2out SchoolsJ (i( she rea( a2out
them in 2oo:s@K
Plum /ho ha( appeare( to have snuc: into the game P(reamQ successfully, spo:e
Bn(erstan(ing the meaning 2ehin( SoraDs glance, Plum smile( /earily, an( e6plaine( 2itterly
I7ahaJ Lcean(o (oesnDt have anything li:e schoolsJ /hat /oul( those people nee( to learn
.s the scene aroun( them stoppe( changing, Sora an( others 2egan sho/ing changes instea(
+irst E countless signs lit up, entering their fiel( of vision
IJ@ *hat is this@K
Steph /ante( to touch the signs that appeare(, 2ut gra22e( air instea(, an( Sora e6plaine(:
I'hatDs the BI PBser InterfaceQJ the "omman( Selection ScreenK
- It /as e6actly li:e a status screen in a stan(ar( (ating simulator
It 2rought 2ac: memories, li:e the title screen of 'o:i 9emorial, 2ut Sora complaine(
IJSince you coul( generate something li:e this this perfectly, then you shoul(nDt have let us
(ro/n in the first place
I=ecause this only causes any effect on the playersJ /hen the scenes are 2eing constructe(, itDs
actually the process of com2ining Sora-(ono an( 7er 9a<estyDs memories, something that too:
us ?uite a lot of effort to (o, 2ut EI
Plum spo:e in shoc: all of a su((en:
I*here (i( Sora-(ono get your information@ IDve never seen anything li:e that 2eforeK
Plum (i(nDt :no/ that Sora came from another /orl(, an( in(icate( curiosity at ho/ he /as a2le
to imagine such things E 2ut Sora merely ignore( her
ISpea:ing of /hich since /hat youDre (oing is reflecting the imaginations of the players, the
settings shoul( 2e rather easy to change right@K
I.h, yes, 2ecause the spell is 2eing constructe(J so as long as Sora-(ono /ishes it anything can
2e change(K
Plum continue(:
I=ut oneDs appearance, age an( se6 are unchangea2leJ please ta:e careK
- 'he Empress /as hi2ernating in /ait of a Prince
If she /ere to fall in love only to reali8e that the person that ha( a/o:en her /as completely
(ifferent from the character in her (ream, li:e a photo scam E she /oul( pro2a2ly resume
'hey (i(nDt have any pro2lem /ith that, 2ut /hat /as important /as:
ISince /e can change our names, please set my name as Fo manK
IJNii, setting all 2ase statsJto %)3 is cheatingJK

+acing his sisterDs accusing ga8e /ith her eyes half open, Sora shoo: his han( /hile chuc:ling in
IBsing official cheats are technically allo/e( accor(ing to the rules, an( also if this cheat is use(
as long as you perform any actions you /ill 2e afflicte( /ith neurosis, causing you to miss the
entire first year an( all the flags in itJ so it (oes have its negative si(e effectsCK P'N note: See
/hat I mean 2y negative stats@Q
IJ'hen Shiro /illJ use the nameSe ponumeK

IBmJ is there any particular reason for thatJ@K
.s they /ere conversing E Sora an( othersD appearances change( accor(ing to SoraDs
imagination ma(e reality 2y the spell
SoraDs (ressing /as merely an e6tra uniforme( suit over his usual '-shirt saying I T7umans
IJLof, this clothing is rather stuffyK
*earing a male school uniform as /ell E a ninety-eight year ol( man /ith 2ulging muscles
spo:e 2esi(e him
IJ. uniform that 2ulges tightly (ue to overly large musclesJI thin: IDm going to have
nightmares tonightK
Sora spo:e /hile averting his ga8e from hell PInoQ over to heaven Pplaygroun(Q E /hich /as
essentially the female mem2ers of their posse
Shiro /ho /as stan(ing on the other si(e of him /asnDt /earing her usual full 2lac: uniform E
2ut instea( a 2rightly colore( female uniform
- 9ay2e 2ecause it /as mi6e( in /ith the EmpressD impressions as /ell, it /as a sailor uniform
slightly more revealing than Sora ha( e6pecte( it to 2e
.n( aroun( her /ere I8una, Ji2ril an( 9i:o /ho /ere /earing the same uniforms E
IJ9i:o-sanDs sailor uniform, really (oes loo: ama8ingJK
IAo you have something to say a2out it@K
Stro:ing her long gol(en hair, 9i:o spo:e /hile /earing a sailor uniform i(entical to ShiroDs
7er t/in tails lifte( her s:irt slightly as they shoo: a2out, an( her 2eautiful legs un(erneath /ere
e6tremely attractive, 2ut E
IJ9i:o-san, ho/ ol( are you@K
IAi(nDt anyone tell you that as:ing for a la(yDs age is e6tremely ru(e@K
ILh, rightJ spea:ing of /hich the one that create( the Eastern +e(eration /as 9i:o-san right@K
9i:oDs ears t/itche( slightly
IRou :ept saying things li:e since you /ere mature( or /hatever, I8unaDs eight years ol( 2ut
sheDs alrea(y mature(, /hile the Eastern +e(eration prospere( rapi(ly /ithin fifty years Phalf a
centuryQ E even /hen you leave out the time ta:en to ta:e care of the entire Eastern +e(eration,
you at least have to 2e a2out fifty-eight EI
INet me give you a piece of goo( ne/s LF@ Imanity P2al( mon:eyQ *ere2easts E especially in
their =loo( Aevastation form, age e6tremely slo/ly
9i:o interrupte( SoraDs accurate (e(uction, an( spo:e /ith a (a88ling smile
- .fter /hich a (angerous smile appeare( on her face, an( she spo:e clearly:
IIf you (are to call me .untie, you :no/ /hat /ill happen, (onDt you TK
I- Phe/J an( I /as the one a2out to tell 9i:o-san some goo( ne/sK
Sora met her smile hea( on, an( replie(:
INoo:s are everythingC 9i:o-san gives off an air li:e sheDs ol(er than she actually is 2ecause of
her actions an( tone of voice, 2ut appearance-/ise you loo: no ol(er than a 2eautiful t/enty-
year-ol( la(y E/hich means actual age is no more than a title, /hich is /hat /e Imanity
IJ'hat is /hat you 2elieveK
Aespite clearly hearing StephDs /or(s, Sora e6cellently ignore( her, an( pointe( 2esi(e him
I.lso thereDs someone here /ho is Lver si6 thousan( years ol(, so thereDs nothing to /orry
a2out right@K
I.h, 9aster, to 2e precise IDm Si6 thousan( four hun(re( an( seven years ol(K
Ji2ril /ho /as loo:ing at her gar2 curiously since earlier, replie( /ith a smile on her face
7er shirt /as lifte( up slightly 2y the /ings on her /aist, revealing a short snatch of 2elly2utton,
/hile the rest can 2e omitte(
Ln the other han( E
IJSpea:ing of /hich, may I as: a ?uestion@K
I7mm E is there a pro2lem@ StephK
I*hy am I the only female along /ith you an( Ino E thatDs /earing male clothes@K
- 'hat /as true
Shiro, Ji2ril, 9i:o an( I8una
'hey /ere all /earing sailor uniforms, 2ut only Steph /as E /earing a male uniform i(entical to
Sora an( InoDsK
Sora no((e( his hea( meaningfully, an( e6plaine( his reasoning
IOoo( ?uestion E this is /hat is :no/n as 'o :ill a general, first shoot his horseK
Sora spo:e /ith a serious e6pression, an( everyoneDs eyes /ere on him
I- +irst, there are '/o reasons /hy I (i(nDt let everyone /ear male clothingK
Sora continue( /hile lifting up a single finger
I+irst, if /eDre going to con?uer the female lea(, I /ant to have help from her frien(s E the
IJRou really say all these (astar(ly things /ithout hesitationK
9i:o spo:e her thoughts on everyone else /ho /as glaring at Sora col(ly
7o/ever Sora ignore( her an( raise( another finger:
ISecon(ly E I consi(ere( the possi2ility that a trap li:e the Empress Never /as intereste( in
men in the first place might e6istK
IJI (i( say earlier that the Empress /as loo:ing for a fertile maleJ@K
I'hereDs insufficient evi(ence to prove thatK
Sora re2utte( Plum /ho o2<ecte( /hile staring (aggers at him as /ell, an( continue(:
INe6t up is the reason /hy I let specifically Steph /ear male clothing E Steph has strong
communication s:ills, so she can 2e our scout for informationK
If they /ere only loo:ing at political po/er, 9i:o coul( 2e a stan(-in for her as /ell
=ut accor(ing to SoraDs instinct, Steph /as the correct choice as she coul( ma:e frien(s easily
II /ant a male comra(e that has the social s:ills an( a2ility to collect information li:e Saotome-
:un E 2utJK

Sora turne( to Steph an( sighe(
IJ=ut compare( to Saotome, youDre more of aJ someone li:e I<uuinJK

I- *hat@ I (onDt really un(erstan(JK
- . re(hea( /ith rather proper loo:s
She loo:e( li:e a rather high-classe( han(some teenager E the male-(resse( Steph tilte( her hea(
in confusion
7er attitu(e /as nonchalant as she ha(nDt particularly notice( her appearance, 2ut she /as
proficient in 2oth physical a2ility an( stu(ies, even 2eing a (ecent homema:er
She ha( social s:ills, a (rive to get things (one E an( ha( a set of (etermine( 2lue eyes
.n( (eep in her eyes, one coul( even get a glimpse at her over/helming gentleness an( resilient
personality E she /as ?uite literally a mo(el teenager
- 'o 2e honest
Sora /ante( to punch her, as she /as the enemy of unpopular people Pthe /orl(Q E once again
glancing at her ria<uu appearance, Sora sighe(

IJI<uuin@ *hoDs that@K
IJItDs first-genJ (onDt 2other a2out itJK

IJSpea:ing of /hich, ho/ a2out /e not 2other a2out Oramps over here an( <ust let Steph go
tal: to the girls@K
I*hat@ No, for me to go tal: to the girls E an( a2out thatJ S-Sora an( I EI
IJ.h, it appears the spell is completeK
Part 4
I7mm, so letDs play the opening cutscene all over again E after /hich IDll infiltrate the EmpressD
+ollo/ing PlumDs announcement, a giant screen appeare( in the mi((le of the air
'he 2a(ly ma(e a(vertising clip that ha( <ust playe( in their min(s once again ma(e an encore
accompanie( /ith rela6ing 2ac:groun( music
+ollo/ing the narratorDs (escriptions, after photos of the school 2uil(ings an( classrooms /ere
sho/n on screen, the image cut to the courtyar(, /here a giant ma((er-re( colore( piece of coral
that seeme( to have 2ranches e6ten(ing in all (irections /as sho/n /ith the camera angle
slightly tilte(
'he narrator e6plaine( calmly
I9arinal Fagaya:i 7ighJ there is a legen( that as long as one confesses un(er the magical
coral, one /ill ac?uire 'rue NoveK

7earing these recycle( /or(s, Sora complaine( /ith his eyes half-opene(:
IJ7ey, I /oul(nDt care if it /as li:e a magical tree or something, 2ut /hat the hell is a magical
'o confess un(er an ancient tree /as some/hat un(erstan(a2le
"onfessing in the mi(st of 2ells ringing or on a slope /ith Sa:ura 2lossoms 2lo/ing aroun(
/oul( 2e accepta2le as /ell
=ut no matter ho/ you thin: a2out it, Bn(er the magical coral <ust seems a 2it too over-the-
top, (onDt you thin:@
IEven if you say that I canDt (o anything a2out itJ there arenDt any trees in the oceanJK
- Spea:ing of /hich stuff li:e corals /oul( pro2a2ly loo: (isgusting up close
'he opening cutscene continue( to play, (isregar(ing SoraDs inner thoughts an( protests
- .fter a /hile
'he 2oring narration en(e(, an( pop music 2egan playing
Bn(er the pin:-colore( 9agical coral, a mermai( /ith 2lue hair flo/ing along /ith the
/aves appeare(
- 'he empress
'he uniform-/earing empress E Neila s/am ?uietly un(er the giant re( coral as though (ancing
7er colorful uniform covere( up her firm 2o(y that /as sha:ing from si(e to si(e unpre(icta2ly
in the /ater 2rought out her natural se6iness an( charisma even more, an( the very action of her
scaly tail stic:ing out from her short s:irt /hile flapping a2out in the /ater /as attractive
'he EmpressD eyes carrie( a hint of melancholy, an( she stretche( her han( out to the s:y as
though earnestly /aiting for something E
INa - UK
She 2egan singing
- Bpon hearing her voice, everyone simultaneously inhale( sharply
ILh, this isJ she really is a 2eauty, even her voice is e6ceptionalK
Steph an( Ino 2egan praising her
.n Empress that coul( 2e/itch anyone through a single glance
7er 2eautiful voice 2rought a sensation to the listenerDs soul that /as almost li:e ta:ing (rugs
JE6cept for Sora an( Shiro
Sora an( Shiro stare( at the screen in 2ore(om
IEven IDm 2eginning to thin: that thereDs something /rong /ith our tasteJK
Ignoring her voice for no/ E
'he song an( vi(eo that /as playing /ere completely mismatche( /ith her sensual actions an(
melancholic e6pression
=ut 2efore that, the Empress /asnDt suita2le to /ear sailor uniforms at all 2ecause sheDs too se6y
It /as li:e a thirty-year-ol( /oman PlaughQ preten(ing to 2e a female high school stu(ent E
I*ell itDs true that everyoneDs preferences are (ifferentJ 2ut you /ant me to con?uer her@K
I canDt seem to get e6cite(J Sora too: a small 2reath
\'he +irst Aay\
- .ll of a su((en, the /or(s 'he +irst Aay appeare( in front of everyone
Sora an( Shiro /ere un(ou2te(ly alrea(y use( to it, 2ut Plum continue( to e6plain it to the
IBm, I 2elieve a fe/ "omman(s shoul( have appeare( in front of everyone, if you use
those you can perform specific actionsJ li:e giving presents an( things li:e thatK
7earing PlumDs e6planation, Sora tilte( his hea( in curiosity instea(
IItDs li:e that in theory, 2ut this is a realistic romance game right@ So there shoul(nDt 2e a hi((en
affection meterJK
.s Sora /as complaining, Shiro ?uic:ly passe( something to him
IJ"omman(JpresentJNii, (i( your affection gauge rise@K
ShiroDs eyes appeare( to 2e e6pecting something, /hile Sora smile( 2itterly an( replie(:
ISorry, sis, my affection for you is alrea(y at ma6imum levels, so even if you try nothing /ill EI
ISo 9aster, if you allo/ me to, I /ill EI
Ji2ril gave him a gift as /ell
Plum loo:e( a/ay from them an( continue( her e6pression
I.lsoJamong the comman(s (isplaye(, there shoul( 2e t/o heart shapes as /ellK
Everyone carrie( out in(ivi(ual confirmations an( foun( them almost imme(iately
It /as in the lo/er-half corner of a screen /ith multiple signs on it
'here /as a normal heart shape an( another heart shape /ith a ]mar:e( on it
I'hat heart is the confession comman(JitDs up to you ho/ you /ish to confess, 2ut if you
choose this an( get Aumpe(, it /ill 2e regar(e( as a NossJ /hile the one /ith a ] on
it isJK
IRour Nove 9agic right E a cheat comman( right, LF, I thin: IDve got itJ yepK
Sora ha( figure( out the system since earlier, an( turne( to/ar(s Ino
ISo Oramps, since youDve marrie( thirty /ives, the amount of people youDve slept /ith must 2e
more than that right@ So ho/ a2out you use those s:ills that even Fa 'a:a canDt 2eat to
?uic:ly con?uer the Empress an( get her heartK

I'he /ay you put it is rather (ispleasingJK
Ino /rin:le( his forehea(, 2ut after that E
IIDm loo:ing for/ar( to your loverDs s:ills that seem to 2e your pri(e, 7atsuse InoK
IJOoo( luc: Oran(pa, (esK
IResC .s 9i:o-sama or(ersJCK
7earing the t/o /omenDs encouraging /or(s, Ino replie( respectfully an( turne( to/ar(s Sora
IJ=ut Sora-san, I /as ?uietly listening to you since earlier, all that stuff a2out shooting generals
an( horses, helpers, scouts for information an( others seems pretty har( to comprehen(K
Sora replie( /ith his forehea( /rin:le(, an( Ino shrugge( his shoul(ers an( continue(:
IJ"oul( it 2e that Sora-san 2elieves that ignoring /omenDs preferences an( forcing oneDs o/n
preferences onto them E even stooping to the point of changing oneDs appearance to suit them is
J7e got me, Sora thought
I'o 2e precise, thatDs ho/ it is in a 1omance OameK
Noticing that Sora /as una2le to ans/er, Ino loo:e( at him solemnly
IPhe/J so thatDs ho/ it is, it /as a goo( i(ea after all to leave it to me after all, it seems that
<ust li:e ho/ 2eing goo( at fighting games (oesnDt ma:e one a goo( fighter, mastering romance
games (oesnDt allo/ one to tal: a2out real romance an( loveK
- 7e /as right, 2ut Sora someho/ felt angry as he reali8e( that his self-confi(ence pro2a2ly
came from the fact that heD( slept /ith many /omen
ISora-san (o you :no/ /hy youDre a virgin E an unpopular, antisocial, incura2le man no/@K
IJLl( man, (onDt ma:e me get Ji2ril to teleport you to the en(s of the universeK
Ino (i(nDt appear to 2e the slightest 2it threatene( 2y SoraDs (evilish glare
ISome say that Nove is the art of rea(ing hearts- if so, /hy canDt Sora-san (o it@K
- If it /as 1ea(ing hearts
'hen Sora /ho /as /ay a2ove himself PInoQ shoul( 2e a2le to (o it
InoDs /or(s carrie( a2solute confirmation at SoraDs a2ility /ith it as /ell, leaving Sora
II see, there are many (ifferent /ays to love, 2utJ the en( result is al/ays to "onvey oneDs
feelings to the other, an( EI
Ino stare( at Sora sharply
- 7is eyes (i(nDt carry any hint of con(escension
It /asnDt a loo: of sarcasm, hate, pity, nor un(erestimation
It /as a loo: that Sora E :ne/ all too /ell
*ith the loo: in his eyes that Sora never /ante( to see again in his original /orl( E Ino
I'he /or(s spo:en 2y a liar that lives on mountains of lies (o not have the po/er to convey
oneDs feelings at allCK
No (ou2t a2out it, it /as E a loo: of Aistrust
I=ut, itDs true, if it really is a2out rea(ing hearts, thereDs only one /ay, /hich is EI
Ino spo:e /hile glancing to/ar(s his o/n comman( screen
ISei8e the upper han(K
Bnhesitatingly choosing the "onfession "omman(- Ino (ashe( for/ar(
Neaving 2ehin( Sora an( others /ho /ere still fro8en in shoc: E
Bsing his physical a2ility as a *ere2east to the fullest, Ino launche( a surprise attac: /ith a
2lin(ing spee(
7is footsteps even cause( lou( 2ooming noises, /hile his eyes /ere focuse( only one thing
*hich /as the Empress that /as a2out to step into the school gates E Neila
Ino yelle( at the figure that /as 2eing surroun(e( 2y several NP"s:
I'he pretty la(y over thereC Please /aitCK
7is voice /as li:e a :night reporting his name on the 2attlefiel(, an( hearing his 2ooming voice,
the Empress turne( aroun( slo/ly
7er sapphire colore( eyes spotte( Ino E an( she replie(: you tal:ing a2out meJ@K
- 'hose fe/ /or(s alone /ere li:e a force of nature
IJC Lf courseCK
+or a moment, Ino forgot he /as in a game
Every /or(, sentence, action, an( smile of the 2eauty in front of him /as melting his soul
=ut he shoo: his hea( in self-/arning, an( focuse( his strength at his a2(omen

- 'here /oul(nDt 2e a pro2lem if he /as to fall in love /ith her, or more appropriately, he nee(e(
to fall in love /ith her
7e clenche( his <a/ an( focuse( his energy /ith a (etermine( loo: in his eyes
- =ut he coul(nDt 2e consume(V he nee(e( to consume the other E
ILh 2eautiful la(y, please forgive me for interrupting you su((enly, if itDs convenient for you E I
/oul( li:e you to hear a fe/ /or(s of mineK
I.h E an( /hat /oul( those /or(s 2e@K
'he Empress smile( s/eetly
InoDs heart felt li:e it /as 2eing gra22e( onto tightly <ust from those /or(s
7e /ante( to forget everything E at least, he /as tempte( to
'he EmpressD eyes, the EmpressD voice, the EmpressD e6pression, her sno/-/hite nec:
'he angle at /hich her fingers touche( her 2reasts unintentionally, the sha(o/s create( 2y her
/aving hair E
'hose things, he consi(ere( them priceless treasuresJC
- Ino thought, there /as a possi2ility E
'he previous challengers /ere all consume( 2y the EmpressD 2eauty an( /ere una2le to even
She ha( that stan(ar( of 2eauty, a ra(iance that /as almost violent in nature
In conclusion, in front of this /oman, a normal young man /oul(nDt even 2e a2le to open his
=ut InoJ replie( /ith a smile
- 7e /asnDt at easeV he /as alrea(y at his limit
Nove isnDt a2out rea(ing hearts E yes, love is a 2attle
'he action of Naughing /as an act of /ar
- It originate( from ho/ 2easts /oul( 2are their <a/s at their pray
Ino calmly, carefully, solemnly :neele( on the groun(
- Nove
7e raise( his t/o palms to/ar(s the heavens an( 2eat them on the groun( violently as though in
- 'he so-calle( love
7e loo:e( at the girl /ith a po/erful ga8e E it /asnDt a threat, 2ut a silent (eclaration of /ar
- 9ust 2e /on /ith oneDs o/n han(s
7e claspe( his han(s that /ere plastere( onto the floor onto his :nees, an( presse( his forehea(
sharply (o/n onto the concrete, hea(, 2ones an( allJC
- It /as J
. glorious E
IPleaseC I 2eg you to spen( a passionate night /ith me -CK
- 7e :neele( an( :o/to/e(
- *hose voices /ere those@
Lr /ere those possi2ly everyoneDs voices@
Sora an( others (i(nDt nee( mentioning, as even the Empress /as fro8en in shoc:, ho/ever Ino
continue(, ignoring everyone elseC
ISince the first time I sa/ you, my heart has 2een 2oiling li:e lava, please loo:C 9y s/or( is
har( an( erect li:e steel -CCK
'he Empress 2reathe( sharply, an( 2ac:e( a/ay continuously /ith a flustere( e6pression
*hile Ino increase( his volume, an( presse( his attac:JC
ILh, please forgive me, (ear Empress of the oceanC ItDs all 2ecause youDre too 2eautifulC Since
the first time I sa/ you, IDve 2een having this overflo/ing, unstoppa2le urge to hol( you an(
penetrate youC Please forgive my 2urning feelingsCK
IItDs a straight-up :o/to/ing strategy that (oesnDt give the other party time to 2ac: (o/n at all
- C@K
Sora felt a sense of immense trepi(ation
*as this the sure-/in tactic of a man that has marrie( thirty /omenC@
.s the surroun(ing atmosphere (roppe( to a2solute 8ero temperatures, InoDs passionate
:o/to/ing strategy /as still 2eing carrie( out in full
IPleaseC I 2eg youC Please carry out intercourse /ith meC Please have passionate intercourse /ith
IEh@ No, /ait, umJ thatJK
Since she ha( 2egun hi2ernating, the EmpressD (reams ha( 2een interrupte( countless times, an(
she ha( receive( countless confessions as /ell
Even if she /as really an Empress that ha( re<ecte( all sorts of men, it /as pro2a2ly her first
time receiving such a (irect confession She hurrie(ly attempte( to run to/ar(s the school
=ut -C
IPlease /aitCK
InoDs muscular han( gra22e( onto the EmpressD arm, stopping her in her trac:s
INo, hey, let go -CK
IIDm not going toC I /onDt let goC I /ant you to feel the 2eating of my heart, the 2urning heat of
my loinsC 9y 2o(y is ol( an( insignificant, 2ut I /ill ma:e you satisfie( even if it costs me my
- 'hey /ere speechless
It /as literally a crime E no, /hat /as occurring in front of them /as an act of complete
If a temperature 2elo/ a2solute 8ero e6iste(, Sora an( others spectating /oul( (efinitely feel
li:e they /ere in it
IJNo, 2utJK
Sora /ho /as /atching the events unfol( from a safe (istance as:e( 9i:o nervously:
IAi( that ol( man use this metho( to get himself thirty /ivesJ@K
IJNo, I (onDt :no/, /hy are you as:ing me@K
INo, unless those metho(s /hen use( on *ere2easts actuallyJK
P7o/ coul( it possi2ly /or:C@ IDm not even there an( I feel li:e refusing myselfCCQ
INo, /ait, let go of meC I sai( let go of meCCK
'he Empress 2egan crying out mournfully, an( finally manage( to sha:e off InoDs grasp
.fter /hich she turne(, cut through the cro/(s an( (isappeare( into the school 2loc:s /ith her
tail flailing a2out
IPlease /ait, EmpressC E9P1EESSSSSSCCK
.hJahJ -
.hJ -
J.h E
InoDs mournful cries echoe( in the clear 2lue ocean E an( (isappeare( su((enly
'he re<ecte( Ino lay motionless, appearing e6tremely (epresse(
- Seeing his current state, everyone else ha( the /or( SAisappointmentD engrave( in their hearts
IJ7e canDt ma:e it anymore right@K
- No one 2othere( to re2ut SoraDs /or(s
IJ=-2ut that (oesnDt count as 2eing (umpe( yet, (oesnDt it@K
Ino (i( :neel (o/n in pursuit of her love earlier, 2ut the Empress (i(nDt officially re<ect his love
So accor(ing to the system, the game E the (ream shoul( still continueJ
1egar(ing SoraDs ?uestion, Plum replie( some/hat hesitantly:
IJ=efore that, I thin: the real pro2lem is /hether that sort of action shoul( 2e consi(ere( as a
confession or notJK
7earing PlumDs /or(s, Sora no((e( an( sai(:
I- .ny/ay, letDs have some fun normally, select comman(JNeave the schoolK
IJ*hy (i( you people choose this setting any/ay@K
7o/ever, no one 2othere( to ans/er 9i:oDs ?uestionJ
\'he Secon( Aay\
Imme(iately after they /o:e up, the (ate an( the .tten( School comman(s appeare( in
front of them
.s they selecte( the comman(, the scene imme(iately change(
*hen they returne( to their senses E Sora /as alrea(y /al:ing on the /ay to school /ith Shiro
'he activities that they ha( all (one so far E eat 2rea:fast, change into their uniforms, get out of
the house
'hose /ere completely shortene( out, an( their memories of actually (oing those tas:s merely
remaine( fu88ily in their hea(s
IJNii, goo( morningJK
IOoo( morningJsince in this game /eDre un(er the Si2ling Setting as /ell, /eDre allo/e(
to 2e together from morningK
Not to mention that they /ere set to 2e in the same gra(e
.n eighteen-year-ol( an( an eleven-year-ol( in the same gra(e E it coul( 2e some/hat (ismisse(
as a result of continuous gra(e-hopping
Just li:e that, as Sora, Shiro an( the NP"s /ere going to school together, someone calle( out to
Sora from 2ehin(
I- .h, Sora, g-goo( morningK
'urning aroun(, Steph Pmale-(resse(Q /as stan(ing 2ehin( him
Sora raise( one han( in response to her greeting, an( then spo:e /ith his forehea( /rin:le(:
IJOoo( morning, spea:ing of /hich the fact that youDre (resse( li:e that 2ut youDre still
spea:ing li:e a girl is some/hat (isgustingK
IAi(nDt you set this yourselfJK
StephDs eyes narro/e( in a (evilish glare, an( she too: out a thic: stac: of papers from her 2ag
an( passe( them to Sora
IJ*hat is all this@K
IItDs the EmpressD personal information in this game an( also her contactsJ IDve also (one some
slight research on the characters that may 2e acting as her frien(s in-gameK
I- Eh@ RouDve alrea(y (one researchC@K
SoraDs eyes /i(ene( in shoc: as he 2egan flipping through the information
Steph (i( say it /as merely rough research, 2ut /hat Sora sa/ /as Information regar(ing
tens upon tens of characters from their contacts to their ho22ies
- 'o have such staggering amount of information in only the secon( (ay of school
She ha( a spee( that even Saotome /oul( envy, an( Sora continue( half-suspiciously:
I7o/ (i( you research a2out this sort of thing@K
Steph /i(ene( her eyes as /ell in response, an( replie( nonchalantly:
IItDs e6actly the same as a Social Net/or:, as long as you get close to a fe/ of her
atten(ants, you get all their information, inclu(ing things from interests, (isli:es, in<uries, even
relationships theyDre in .lso there apparently /onDt 2e any conse?uences for tal:ing a2out
private matters here unli:e in the real /orl(K
- "hehC
I*hat /as that forC@ *hy (i( you go SchehD at me earlierC@K
7er communication a2ilities /ere stunning
.lthough it ha( achieve( the effects he ha( inten(e( it to, 2ut Sora felt anger first instea( of
gratitu(e at her superhuman social s:ills
I.h, IDm sorry, it /as an acci(entJ I-IDll 2e using these as references, than:s for everythingK
Sora rallie( once more an( 2egan comforting her
I- .-a2out that, spea:ing of /hich, <ust no/, earlier, thatJ (i( the .ffection Oauge rise@K
Steph Pmale accor(ing to the settingsQ as:e( /hile t/i((ling her fingers shyly
INo, the gift comman( earlier E IKKKSteph-samaUKKKK E .hC@K
. flirtatious voice soun(e( from 2ehin( her, an( Steph let out a cry, falling onto the floor
.s she hurrie(ly turne(, she sa/ a group of girls /ith heart shapes in their eyes struggling an(
fighting amongst each other to get to her
ISteph-samaC NetDs /al: to school togetherCK
I7ey you, (onDt as: so chummy /ith herC 7ere, Steph-sama, this /ay EI
IEh, /aitJI havenDt finishe( E someone, someone help me ahhhhhhhh -C@K
Bpon seeing Steph 2eing (ragge( a/ay 2y a group of girls, Sora respon(e( 2y half-closing his
IJJust let yourself 2e chase( to the en(s of the earthK
7e let out a small cho:ing noise, then left her 2ehin( an( resume( his /al: to school
.s he reache( the school gates, he notice( Ino /as still there in a :o/to/ing position
\'he 'hir( Aay\
I8una use( the Oift comman( on Sora
*hat she gave /as a can of mac:erel
7o/ever I8una /as (rooling /hile staring at the can of mac:erel, an( she appeare( to 2e
un(ergoing an internal struggle
Sora coul(nDt help 2ut consi(er giving up an( going on the I8una route instea(, 2ut he manage(
to control his urge
- In school, he 2umpe( into the Empress an( Steph at the school gates, /as there a flag 2eing
=ut Sora (i(nDt :no/ her yet, so he ignore( her an( continue( to/ar(s the classroom
Imme(iately as he reache( E pro2a2ly 2ecause she /as set in the same gra(e as /ell E Plum
/al:e( over in a female uniform
IB-umJ /hy is everyone ignoring the EmpressJ@K
I=ecause /e nee( to 2egin our assault only after /e achieve the stats re?uire( to con?uer the
character in or(er to easily gain affection pointsK
IJEarly gameJe6cept for scripte( flagsJignore everythingJfocus on raising statsJK
Shiro an( Sora raise( their opinions /ith focuse( e6pressions, /hile Plum loo:e( some/hat
IJ'hatDs ho/ it /or:sJ@K
Ino /as still :o/to/ing at the school gates
\'he +ourth Aay\
9i:o use( the .s: on a Aate comman( E on Sora
7e /as stoppe( on the /ay to school, an( 9i:o too: the initiative
IIDm pretty intereste( in this Sa:ura "oral Par: set in the spring season, so /oul( you li:e
to go together@K
She appeare( to 2e reciting lines off of the BI PBser InterfaceQ, 2ut it /as the first time Sora ha(
hear( of the place
IEh@ *hatDs that@ *here (i( you see that@K
I1eally, you ha(nDt notice(@ 'hereDs an icon shape( li:e a small 2oo: in the lo/er right cornerK
I.hJ really 'he Lcean(o 9essenger E I actually fell 2ehin( 9i:o-san in a romance game of
all thingsJK
I7ehehJ so@ "oul( it 2e that youDre not intereste( in /hat Sa:ura corals may 2e@K
I+ine, IDll go, Shiro can follo/ along right@K
IJ9m, I /ant toJ seeK
ISince /eDre going, letDs invite everyone else as /ell, I8una, Ji2ril, Steph E (oes Plum /ant to
I9aster, thereDs a 9a:e =ento comman( un(er the 7o22ies comman( section, IDll
ma:e some for our visitK
IJBm, are you sure all of you havenDt forgotten /hat /eDre here forJ@K
Ino /as still :o/to/ing at the school gates
\'he +ifth Aay\
'o(ay /as the (ay that they /ere to select their clu2s, an( everyone chose the go-home clu2

Lnly Steph <oine( the stu(entsD council, an( for some reason she /as glaring hatefully at Sora
- .fter school, Shiro /as tugging on his sleeve, an( he loo:e( up E
IJNii, over thereK
She pointe( at the Empress that appeare( to 2e going home as /ell
I. go-home flagJ@K
II thin: so, forget it, itDs too trou2lesome, letDs go homeK
IJOoing home togetherJif anyone /ere to sprea( rumorsJ it /oul( 2e very
I7ey sis, can you not say that line again@K

- 9emories from his past a/a:ene(
'he other party /as his chil(hoo( frien(, an( as he nonchalantly invite( her to /al: home
together, he hear( that line instea(
I'hin:ing a2out it, I thin: that /as the time /hen I stoppe( trusting people
Plum appeare( to 2e hurrie(ly saying something, 2ut Sora ignore( her an( replie( /ith ILF
yeah itDs very funnyK (ismissively
Ino /as still :o/to/ing at the school gates
\'he 'enth Aay\
'hey /ere having a meeting in preparation for the sports meet ne6t month
Since it /oul( pro2a2ly en( up /ith Ji2ril performing alone, they reache( an unanimous vote
that they /oul( select the leave school comman( imme(iately after classes en(e(
.s they /ere stepping out of the school gates, Sora finally trie( to use the Aate "omman(
- .n( his target /as 9i:o
I.hW um, ho/ a2out /e all Oo shopping together@K
I*hy (o you soun( li:e youDre rea(ing from a script@K
INah, itDs <ust a ha2itK
ISpea:ing of /hich /oul(nDt it 2e no fun if /e /ere to go shopping /ithout having anything to
IJI thin: thereDsJa foo( festJK
I.lright, letDs go, there shoul( 2e /ine right@ .h, (oes I8una /ant to come along as /ell@K
I.s long as thereDs meat or fish then (efinitely, (esK
I.h, IDll (efinitely go as /ell, 9asterK
7e ha( planne( to invite Steph, 2ut possi2ly 2ecause she /as 2usy /ith council activities, they
(i(nDt see her after school at all
- .lthough they spent all their 9oney, everyone got to try pretty (elicious foo(
Ino /as still E never min(
\'he +ifteenth Aay\
I- Everyone, (o /e really nee( to go to school@K
7earing SoraDs /or(s, everyone reali8e( something
.fter /hich their actions /ere very fast-pace(
Everyone 2egan ma:ing plans in or(er to try out all the (ating spots /ithin their reacha2le
Sora an( Shiro (resse( up carefully, /ore (ress suits an( /ent to their meeting point, 2ut E
Shiro sagge( her shoul(ers in (isappointment, /hile Sora helpe( her as: her ?uestion
IJ9i:o-sanJ allo/ me to as:, /hy are you /earing that@K
9i:o /ho ha( arrive( on time /as /earing a trac:suit an( a pair of slippers, appearing
particularly pathetic
It /as no (ifferent from an ol( manDs home clothing, 2ut 9i:o shrugge( her shoul(ers
I=ecause there arenDt any stra/ shoes or s:irts or pants .lthough these may loo: cheap, theyDre
easy to move a2out in, an( theyDre comfy as /ell Shoul(nDt I 2e the one as:ing you /hy youDre
/earing suits an( (resses off for a hi:e@K
I7ey Ji2ril, coul( you tell me /hy youDre /earing a s/imsuit over@K
IEh@ =ecause there /as a clothing selection, so I <ust chose something that /as the closest to
/hat I usually /earK
JLn another note, accor(ing to Steph /ho /as still going to school (iligently, Ino /as really
stillJ never min(
\'he '/entieth Aay\
- Everyone /as <ust a2out 2ore( of playing
Ln a spur of the moment, Sora attempte( to actually 2egin going to school
Imme(iately after that, he notice( that for some reason a rumor ha( sprea( that Sora hurt
Steph PmaleQ
In or(er to fin( out /hat e6actly /as going on, he /ent to fin( Steph (uring recess, an( E
Bpon seeing Steph, she glare( at him fiercely an( ran off
I*hatDs going on here@K
IJ'he gameDsJli:e this in the first placeJK
'he fact that =om2s /oul( appear /ithout the player (oing anything /as really the /ay the
game /as (esigne(

=ut /hy /oul( the 2om2 icon E appear on a male P2y setting onlyQ@
I7ey, Plum, there seems to 2e a 2ug /ith the system of the gameK
IJ"ompare( to that, youDve really forgotten the main aim of the game, havenDt you@K
Sora complaine( to her that the game shoul( 2e properly (e2ugge(
Plum loo:e( to the hori8on an( let out a long, sa( sigh instea(
- *hile E Ino, /as still, :o/to/ing, at the school gatesJ
\'he '/enty-fifth Aay\
Nothing much happene(
It /as almost as if the entire affair ha( 2ecome the secon( half of a summer holi(ay
\'he 'hirtieth Aay\
Nothing much happene(
\'he 'hirty-fifth Aay\
Nothing much, 2asically
\'he 'hirty-ninth Aay\
- NetDs <ust go chec: out the school tomorro/
Ino someho/ 2egan regaining reali8ation of /hat /as going onJ
\'he +ortieth Aay\
- 'he s:y /as (ye( /ith the (a/n sunlight
In front of the school gates that /ere 2athe( in the sunlight as /ell, there /as a frail-loo:ing,
thin, stone statue that /as covere( in 2arnacles an( appeare( to have 2ecome one /ith the
'his solemn, serious, memorial that even let out a saintly air /as E
IJ"-coul( it 2eJ the ol( man@K
Everyone too: a 2reath in shoc: as they finally /ent to school once again
- Sora an( others /ho ha( retreate( from the scene earlierJ ha( nothing to say at that point
7is 2ac: even appeare( to 2e emitting lightJ
7e E un?uestiona2ly /as more of it than anyone else E li:e a real man
J'his man ha( (one it ever since the (ay the game starte(, to the Empress that passe( 2y him
/ithout a /or( (aily E
Fneele( an( :o/to/e(
Ni:e a statue, he (i(nDt 2u(ge at all
Even until no/, he continue( to re?uest
No, his very appearance /as his very 2est articulation, an( he /as letting out a single sentence
*hich /as E
Net me have you - CC
+ace( /ith his a/e-inspiring image, Sora coul(nDt help 2ut a(mit that he truly ha( the (ignity of
a man E
.hJ so love isnDt a2out rea(ing hearts
- ItDs the act of proving oneDs love
'he ol( man succee(e( in (oing that
If so E the fact that he (i(nDt un(erstan( love /asnDt surprising any more
Sora s/aggere( to/ar(s the stone effigy E no, the true man /ithin it, an( his 2o(y /as trem2ling
I'oo small E IDm so incre(i2ly insignificantK
"ompare( to that man, /hat /as he@
+or a mere E he coul(nDt help 2ut thin: of it so - 1omance, coul( he 2ear :neeling for forty
Sora coul( only say no
7e E Ino (i(nDt (isguise himself, an( shamelessly, fearlessly pulle( out his heart an( gave it to
*as there a love more sincere than this E no, there /asnDtC
ISoJ so this isJ this is NoveJK
Sora spo:e /hile almost at the point of tears as though he ha( reache( some sort of spiritual
a/a:ening, /hile Shiro imme(iately re2utte( him
=ut E su((enly
.s though it /as hi(ing from the sun E a sha(o/ fell upon that holy statue
Noo:ing at the o/ner of the sha(o/ that /as s/imming through the /aters gracefully an(
appeare( to 2e on the /ay to school E
It /as E the Empress
7er line of sight 2rushe( past Sora an( focuse( upon the sacre( statue E no, focuse( on Ino
- "oul( it 2e@
IJImpossi2le E it canDt 2eJ@K
9i:o /ho /as loo:ing from a (istance coul(nDt help 2ut mum2le to herself
'he Empress continue( to approach Ino
.n( then she claspe( InoDs chee:s lightly
In that instantJ as though it ha( finally recalle( that it /as a human 2eing, the statue move(
'he 2arnacles, the floor an( even the roc:s an( stones on it 2egan to peel off
'he EmpressD han(s gently support InoDs chee:s an( raise( his hea( up, an( as though receiving
some (ivine gui(ance, Ino raise( his hea(
.fter /hich E she spo:e /ith a voice that /oul( enchant any listener E
She smile( a smile that /as more valua2le than any treasure on earth
She spo:e a single sentence
IJItDs impossi2le for us to 2e togetherK
- I :ne/ itWJ
EveryoneDs inner thoughts seeme( to overlap
I- .hJK
7o/ever Ino clenche( his teeth an( thought, it canDt en( li:e this
It /as true E his love /as re<ecte(
It /as crushe( into (ust
=ut no/ E since itDs come to this, thereDs no other /ay -C
In or(er to fulfil 9i:oDs or(ers E Ino selecte( a comman( from the BI PBser InterfaceQ
- 'he heart shape /ith a ] sign on it
*hich /as E the comman( for PlumDs Nove 9agic PcheatQ
.n( then E
I- +orgive me, EmpressC 7nngWWWCCK
7e e6erte( a force strong enough to rival a sumo /restler
- 7e graspe( onto the EmpressD 2reasts firmly
Res E in or(er to complete PlumDsSpell, he use( the comman(
I- EhC@K
In an instant, a re( light 2egan glo/ing aroun( the Empress, an( she opene( her eyes /i(e in
- .t the same time
I- .h, ugh -CK
"omple6 patterns forme( in PlumDs eyes, an( she let out cries of pain
9ay2e 2ecause her po/ers /ere 2eing ta:en from her, her 2lac: /ings 2ecame 2loo(-re( in an
instant, an( she fell onto the floor in a sitting position
IJ.h, aahhhJK
Ln the other han( the Empress let out /ea: noises /ith her 2reasts 2eing fon(le( 2y Ino
7er face /as 2eet-re( E even Sora an( others coul( tell o2viously that her heart rate /as rising
I*e, /e (i( it E no/ /e can E CK
Plum spo:e in a convincing manner
IN-no/, no matter ho/ appalling of a person Ino-sama is, even /ith the fact that he only cares
a2out the lo/er 2o(y, an( no matter /hat :in( of feelings the Empress may haveJ she /ill ta:e
those feelings E an( recogni8e them as NoveCK
Plum sei8e( her opportunity to insult Ino to the point of /orthlessness /hile spea:ing tire(ly
- Sora /as grum2ling to himself that it /as a really lo/ form of magic as /ell
=ut no matter 2y hoo: or 2y croo:, the Empress /oul( +all in Nove
*hich means Oame Lver
.n( then E
I- No, nonono, even if you /ant love it shoul(nDt 2e this /ay, this is impossi2le, sorryCCK
- Just li:e that, she clearly re<ecte( Ino
'he Empress /ave( her fins, an( almost fle/ E to/ar(s the school 2uil(ings
- J
JSa(W (epressingW melancholicWJ -
'hat sort of 2ac:groun( music 2egan playing in SoraDs min(
'hat man /as re(uce( to ashes
7e /as 2urne( /hite E no, his fur /as /hite in the first place E 2urne( into a /hite pile of ash
'he /or(s 7atsuse Ino[Nose appeare( in the /orl(
*hile in front of the gates, although he ha( 2een shattere( an( 2urnt E
- 'he man /ho /as still maintaining his posture from s?uee8ing the EmpressD 2oo2s earlier E
7atsuse Ino turne( into ashes
Sora stum2le( over
7e (i(nDt :no/ /hat to say to him,
- =ut (espite that, Sora felt li:e he ha( to say something
ILl( man E noJ 7atsuse Ino, IDve misun(erstoo( you all this timeK
SoraDs voice /as trem2ling as he searche( for the correct /or(s to say
IRou are truly a E great man, <ust for that /omanJ for that /oman that canDt appreciate truly
great things, youDre too great for herJK
=ut, even though Ino /as a2out to turn into ashes an( (isappear E
7e still spo:e E
I- No, Sora-sanJ it /as my love that /asnDt enough, for love is /ithout sinK
.fter finishing his sentence E as he /as 1e<ecte(, Ino /oul( lose all his rights an( 2e
remove( from the game
7e gra(ually 2egan slo/ly changing colors from a (ar:, charre( gray until he appeare( almost
transparent, an( then E
IInoJ@ Ino, hey, /aitC RouDre <o:ing rightC@K
Sora yelle( /hile grasping onto InoDs shoul(ers, 2ut InoDs 2o(y ignore( him an( gra(ually 2egan
(isappearing from the game
- Just li:e that, 7atsuse InoDs high school life /as over
It /as a high school life that /as rather eventful, 2ut en(e( up /ith him :o/to/ing all the /hile
If he coul( go through it again, he /oul(nDt leave 2ehin( any regrets E
- .t this time, some /ea:-soun(ing closing transcript along the lines of that /oul( pro2a2ly 2e
hear(, 2ut Ino instea( E
IPhe/J I have no regretsJ if thereDs a ne6t time, IDll (o it, all over again EI
*ith a 2lissful smile on his face, 2latantly refusing to spea: such /ea: /or(s, an( (isappeare(
from SoraDs arms
- In complete silence, Sora loo:e( up to the s:y
7is face /hich /as that of real manDs /as covere( in tears
I7atsuse InoJ ho/ coul( a man li:e you E ughCK
Ignoring the emotional Sora, everyone else appeare( col(
- 'his /asnDt <ust an a/:/ar( moment
Ino /asnDt (ea(, nor ha( he (isappeare(
7e /as merely 2rought out of the (ream E an( returne( to the /orl( outsi(e the game
=ut Sora /as so emotional that his 2o(y /as sha:ing uncontrolla2ly as though he ha( lost an
irreplacea2le 2rother-in-arms
I7o/ coul( this 2e -JCCK
Sora yelle( to Plum /ho /as loo:ing at him col(ly as /ell /ith a tone that suggeste( he /as
a2out to vomit 2loo(
I*hat is thisC@ *asnDt that a sure-fire /ay to /inC@ 'hat man E he even sacrifice( his
aestheticsCC *hy (i( this happen even after using "heats, /hyJ /hy E (i(nDt the Empress
let him inCCK
I- No, itDs not thatJ /-/ith the /ay he /as acting any sort of magic /oul(nDt 2e a2le to help,
- PlumDs /or(s (i( ma:e a lot of sense
9i:o su((enly recalle( something Plum ha( sai(
'o fall in love /ith someone li:e that, even a roc: /oul( have a 2etter chance against him
=ut -J
Just as 9i:o reveale( a thin smile, Sora :nelt an( 2egan poun(ing the floor 2esi(e her
I*hat :in( of <o:e is thisC@ Is there anyone thatDs more of a 9an li:e him E (o you agree@
Shiro, 9i:o-san, Ji2rilCK
Sora yelle(, almost roare( at them
'he three of them that /ere calle( out merely E
- No((e( in approval
IJEh, ehWW@K
Steph /as so shoc:e( that she steppe( 2ac: upon seeing them no( their hea(s
Ln the other han(, Plum /as utterly stunne( 2y SoraDs angere( stance E
She hurrie(ly attempte( to comfort him
IP-please calm (o/nJ t-this is <ust a really e6treme e6ampleJ IDll as: .mira-sama to return
Ino-sama, I <ust /ant Sora-(ono to try the game properly one more time EI
Spea:ing those /or(s E
She loo:e( over at SoraDs face E
.n( Plum E
7er heart /as crushe(
No, more correctly she thought it ha( 2een
'he person there /as E not the Sora from earlier
It /asnDt the emotionally charge(, 2egging, plea(ing man from earlier
It /asnDt the cheerfully laughing, carefree man that ha( listene( to PlumDs re?uest
'he person there /as E someone else that Plum (i(nDt :no/
. man /ith the eyes of a hunter that pitie( the Prey that ha( fallen into the trap
'he man spo:e a single sentence /ith a cruel, strange tone:
I.gain@ E *hy@K
- =ecause E
IJ*eDveJalrea(y /onJK
I- EhJ@K
'he man stoo( up nim2ly /ith a ga8e that (i(nDt carry any /armth, an( Shiro follo/e( suit
No E Shiro as /ellJPlum (i(nDt :no/ her E she /as a girl /ith eyes at a2solute-8ero
+ace( /ith their su((en, (rastic change E Plum too: a step 2ac:
Plum (i(nDt un(erstan( the t/o of them
*hile Steph, Ji2ril, 9i:o an( I8unaJ they all :ne/
'he ones that (i(nDt :no/ coul( <ust (ie E
'hey <ust ha( to stum2le upon them of all people E Sora an( Shiro E these t/o si2lings E
.n( those un:no/ing ones /ere Plum an( others that stoo( against them
'hey /oul( only appear /hen their plan to (rive the enemy into the corner has 2een complete(
- 'he most vicious enemy- Fuuha:u
I- 'hatDs enough, 9i:o-san, Ji2rilK
Sora turne( aroun( an( as:e( /hile loo:ing 2ehin( him
IReah, /eDre (one playing, itDs completeK
IIDve alrea(y confirme( itV IDm rea(y anytime E <ust /aiting for your comman(K
Seeing the t/o of them no( in approval, Sora spo:e in an emotionless voice:
IAo it, Ji2rilK
I- Rour /ish is my comman(K
Ji2ril too: a (eep 2o/, an( sprea( her /ings
- Just li:e that
'he spell that ha( 2een hel( together 2y tens upon tens of Ahampirs E the 9agic POameQ
that /as interfering /ith the EmpressD (reams
Just li:e 2lo/ing (affo(il see(s into the /in(, it /as scattere( easily E an( the scenery aroun(
them shattere(
C$a0ter 4 ' 4il3 Car31T$e 5ool
Part 1
'he surroun(ing space e6plo(e(
.n( .mira, /ho /as spectating the game from the real /orl(, got the 2runt of the impact
- Plum an( .mira /ere fro8en in shoc: as they sa/ that everyone ha( 2ro:en out of the (ream
/orl( an( /o:en up
'he reason /hy they /ere surprise( /asnDt simply 2ecause Ji2ril ha( easily shattere( a spell that
ha( 2een constructe( 2y tens upon tens of Ahampirs that ha( recently consume( 2loo( /ith the
force of her /ill alone
It /as 2ecause of /hat Sora sai( as he stoo( up
I- .lright, chec:mate, /e /inK
IJEh, a2out that, .mira (oesnDt really get the situationW K
.mira spo:e /ith a stiff smile
7o/ever, Sora an( Shiro tol( her nonchalantly:
IJ'he rules (i(nDt say /e canDtJ Save an( XuitJK
IIn other /or(s you never sai( that /e coul(nDt leave the game until every one of us /as
re<ecte(, so there shoul(nDt 2e a pro2lem /ith us Xuitting the game for no/J you have to
uphol( the Ple(ges as far as you can, you :no/CK
Sora replie( impatiently, an( spo:e to everyone else /ho ha( <ust /o:en up:
I.lright, Ji2ril, /eDre (one here so restore the airK
I- I o2eyK
Ji2ril nonchalantly 2egan (ra/ing out the outline of a spell /ith her fingertips
- Su((enly, a gust of strong /in( attac:e( the EmpressD room
In an instant, the /ater parte( an( insi(e the room E air 2egan e6pan(ing
Plum an( .mira /ere completely stunne(, /hile Ji2ril smile( thinly
IPar(on meJ I <ust restore( the air that I compresse( into a 2u22le earlier to its original stateK
In the room, the air continue( to e6pan(, pushing an( splashing apart the /aters
I- "ough -C JPhe/JughJhahK
- She ha(nDt sai( anything since earlier, /hen they /ere in the (ream
9i:o /ho ha( 2een preten(ing to 2e calm since earlier, su((enly reveale( an e6pression as
though she /as in pain
=reathing fresh air that she ha(nDt got the chance to 2reathe in a long time, her shoul(ers heave(
up an( (o/n almost as if she /as laughing
In an instant, steam 2egan rising from her completely 2loo(-re( 2o(y
- She reveale( the truth straightfor/ar(ly
I'o 2ear /ater pressure t/enty times higher than normal /ith a 2o(y of flesh an( 2loo( for such
a long perio( of timeJ it feels pretty uncomforta2le even after using =loo( AevastationK
9i:o appeare( to 2e at the verge of collapsing, e6periencing a li2erating reaction from the
over2earing pain instea(
7o/ever, she strengthene( her /ill, sat cross-legge( an( cuppe( her face in her han(s /hile
I- Eh@K
Plum, .mira an( Steph appeare( completely clueless as to /hat /as going on
Sora (i(nDt appear to pay any attention to them, an( instea( he continue( emotionlessly as if he
/as /earing a mas::
I- =ut Aue to the /ater pressure, 2loo( /onDt flo/ out of the 2o(y - so even if she use(
=loo( Aevastation it /oul( 2e un(etecta2le, /hich /as /hy /e /erenDt notice( an( /e
/ere a2le to listen to your heart2eats to our heartDs content E than: you very much, 9i:o-san,
please give us your ver(ictK
- 9i:oDs e6pression /asJ
IJRou really li:e or(ering people aroun( huhJ ah, forget itK
9i:o thought from the (eepest recesses of her heart Nuc:ily these people are on our si(e,
an( replie( /ith a thin smile
I'hat Seiren over there E she (oesnDt /ant to a/a:en the Empress at allK
- 7earing her /or(s, .mira appeare( visi2ly sha:en
.n( thenJ hearing her ne6t sentence, she positively fro8e in place
INe6t up /e have SoraDs (e(uction E all that a2out complying /ith the EmpressD =et /as a
lie as /ell E ahW an(JK
Bpon seeing Plum an( .miraDs reactions, she appeare( genuinely happy, an( smile( 2itterly
9i:o loo:e( to/ar(s Sora gently an( continue(:
I.ll that stuff a2out you 2eing <ust her type, 2eing a han(some guy an( all that, those /ere all
lies as /ellK
II reali8e( that long ago - J(ammitK
9i:o laughe( cheerfully upon seeing his reactions
.n( then E as though she /as loo:ing (o/n upon Plum an( .mira
IJAi( you really thin: 2eing in the sea /oul( 2e a2le to seal off my senses@K
She spo:e painfully, 2ut /ith the highest (egree of moc:ery, an( laughe( /ith a t/iste( smile on
her face
I- 'he fact that IDm the +ull 1epresentative PStrongestQ of the *ere2easts isnDt a flu:e, you
Sora trie( e6tremely har( so as to not sho/ ho/ hurt he /as, an( loo:e( a/ay instea(
IRes, 9aster, same goes /ith meK
Ji2ril replie( /hile :neeling reverently at SoraDs feet an( meeting his ga8e
IPlumDs spell actually (i( /or: properly, as in that it (i( ma:e the Empress fall in love /ith
- .fter /hich E it /as PlumDs turn to free8e
I- 'hereDs no ?uestion that it /or:e( properly, an( the Empress /as actually affecte(K
- *as there a possi2ility that it /as a fa:e@
Sora confirme( it /ith her /or(lessly, 2ut Ji2ril laughe( an( replie(:
IPlease (onDt /orry, thatDs the reason /hy you let 9i:o-sama e6perience it herself, (i(nDt you@K
Sora replie( her /ith a smile, an( lastly E turne( to/ar(s Shiro
'hey (i(nDt nee( any form of ver2al communication E
- *ith this sentence alone, Shiro fulfille( all of her 2rotherDs re?uests
Seemingly satisfie( /ith everyoneDs ans/ers, Sora no((e(
7e still ha( a cheerful smile on his face
.2ove that smile ho/ever E /as a sinister sha(o/ create( 2y his fringe an( an un2elieva2ly
sharp ga8e
*ith a ga8e that coul( ma:e anyone feel as if they /ere 2eing glare( at 2y a /il( 2east, he
I- 7ey you, Ahampirs an( Seirens Pyou 2astar(sQ, (i( you really thin: that you coul( use us as
7earing those /or(s, Plum an( .miraDs ga8es shifte( slightly
If they really thought that sort of suspicious action /oul(nDt 2e notice( 2y Sora that he /as
E6actly correct- that /oul( 2e too E
IEh@ 7uh@ Bm, /ell, /hatDs going on@K
Steph an( I8una still (i(nDt appear to un(erstan( /hat /as going on
'hey loo:e( at each other in (is2elief
=ut Sora (i(nDt appear to /ant to e6plain any further, an( instea( clappe( his han(s an( turne(
to leave
I.lright, /eDre going 2ac:, Ji2ril, ta:e us to the 2eachK
II o2eyK
Ji2ril sprea( her /ings an( her halo 2egan spinning, /hile everyone hurrie(ly got in contact /ith
IEh@ BmC P-please /aitCK
Plum hurrie(ly ran over as /ell E
IRouDre pretty o2servant, Ahampir E can you stop acting the erran( girl PvictimQ no/@K
*hat /elcome( her /as E SoraDs thin smile, /hich cause( a chill to run (o/n her 2ac:
- .mira spo:e
IEhW@ Ino-samaW Is Still hereWC Is it really alright to leave this earlyW TK
=esi(e .mira, Ino /as lying motionless, an( everyone loo:e( over at him
I8una 2egan loo:ing uneasily at Ino an( Sora E
=ut Sora replie( casually:
IReah, itDs fineK
I=ecauseJthe conse?uences if you (o anything to Ino E you :no/ them very /ell, (onDt you@K
.miraDs eyes gre/ /i(e in shoc:, an( Sora laughe( moc:ingly
I.cting li:e an i(iot in front of me E youDve got to have a limit some/here /hen you
un(erestimate others, outsi(erK
Sora turne( aroun(
I- *eDll 2e 2ac:, Seirens, an( (onDt forget that the price for loo:ing (o/n on Bs - is great
.fter /hich Ji2ril teleporte( them out, only leaving 2ehin( .mira an( Ino
Part 2
'hey /ere 2ac: at the seasi(e
'he sun ha( set long ago, leaving 2ehin( a re((ish moon an( countless stars E an( a 2each lit up
2y 2onfires
.mongst the crashing of the /aves an( the e6plosions of the fire/or:s on the 2onfires, Sora
spo:e cheerfully:
ILh, Shiro, itDs almost (one roasting right@K
IJ'ropical fishJcan /e eat itJ@K
IItDs a salt/ater fish calle( Nelite, I hear( it tastes pretty goo(K

- Everyone /as teleporte( from Lcean(e 2ac: to the seasi(e 2y Ji2ril
Since they ha( teleporte( a large amount of sea/ater /ith them, they /ere currently grilling the
fish that /ere s/ept along as /ell
I7ah -C J'his stuff is usually /hat I eat as si(e-(ishes /ith alcohol after /or: any/ayJ if only
it /as EI
9i:o finishe( her (rin: in one gulp, ate her entire fish after /hich Sora continue( her sentence
IIf only it /as +rie( tofu s:in - am I right@K
I- 7o/ (i( you :no/ thatDs my favorite foo(@ Ai( I mention it@K
Ignoring the shoc:e( 9i:o, Sora an( Shiro 2egan laughing
.n( a fe/ paces 2ehin( that peaceful scenery E
I*-/hat is thisJ /hatDs going on@K
Steph still appeare( to not have un(erstoo( /hat /as going on, an( /as as:ing herself this
=esi(e her I8una /as loo:ing (o/n, speechless
*hile further ahea( E Plum /as silent as /ell
Sora glance( at Steph, an( spo:e /hile che/ing on a piece of grille( fish:
IItDs nothing E itDs <ust that Plum /ante( to tric: us, thatDs allK
- .s Steph /as loo:ing /i(e-eye( over at Plum, Sora continue( as though in reply to her ?uery:
IRouDre going to as: /hen (i( I reali8e that E right@ PlumK
JNo, he /as spea:ing to Plum /ho /as loo:ing at the groun( E an( he continue( moc:ingly
Bpon seeing Plum lift her hea( up in trepi(ation, he smile( 2itterly an( continue( nonchalantly:
IIt /as +rom the 2eginning - your story /as pretty suspicious from the startK
.s though imitating Sora, Shiro, 9i:o an( Ji2ril sneere( as /ell
- 'he Ahampirs an( Seirens ha( a relationship of mutualism
.n( their relationship /as crum2ling (ue to the Empress entering hi2ernation
Plum (i( not re2ut Ji2rilDs /or(s at the time E 2utJ
Sora smile( 2itterly again as though he ha( <ust hear( a 2a( <o:e, an( continue(:
ISince /eDve create( a form of magic to a/a:en her, please help us- hah, thatDs
IJEh@ *-/hy is that@K
Steph /as the only one that ha(nDt caught on, /hile Sora passe( a stic: of grille( fish (o/n E
IPreten(ing to have a sure-/in metho( in or(er to cheat us into playing a game /here /e have
no chance of /inning, causing us to lose everything, (oesnDt this soun( li:e an e6tremely
profita2le metho( to you@ *oul(nDt you (o the same@K
StephDs face t/itche( instinctively upon hearing Sora /ho /as uttering such cruel metho(s /ith
a smile on his face
I'hatDs true, 2ut thereDs still something that *orries meK
Sora spo:e /hile che/ing a grille( fish:
II coul(nDt seem to tell /hether Plum /as lying, an( I8una /ho /as in the same room coul(nDt
(etect it either E ah, I8una, arenDt you going to eat the fish@K
Sora hel( out a stic: of fish /hile recalling the night /hen they first encountere( Plum
IJNo than:s, (esK
I8una shoo: her hea( slightly
9i:o /ho /as (rin:ing /ine opposite them E close( her eyes an( shoo: her hea( as /ell
ISo <ust in case she really /as lying I even too: her to 9i:o E 2ut she still /asnDt lyingK
If Ji2ril /as on alert, magic that coul( conceal a personDs lies /oul( 2e reveale( instantly
So in front of the strongest *ere2east 9i:o, any lies /oul( 2e completely e6pose(, or at
least that /as /hat Sora ha( thought
Sora 2egan grilling another piece of fish over the fire
I=ut /hat Plum caste( 2ac: there really /as - . magic that coul( ma:e people fall in loveK
Bn(er the glo/ of the fire, Sora appeare( to 2e genuinely en<oying himself
7o/ever, he then too: on a sinister smile an( continue(:
ISo she really ha( a spell that coul( guarantee victory E 2ut /hy as: for our help then@K
IEssentially, /-/hat that means is, she really /asnDt lying@K
So that /oul( mean that she really nee(e( Sora an( the othersD help -@
7earing StephDs ?uestion, Sora 2egan t/irling a fish stic: an( replie(:
IRes, she /asnDt lying E an( thatDs 'he source of the pro2lemK
- Sora loo:e( (o/n at Shiro /ho /as at his :nee-height, an( she replie(:
IJB'" PBniversal 'ime "oor(inate(Q &#20 22:!2JNiiJK
.s though she /as a recor(er, she recite( his /or(s out perfectly E
IJIf /e /in the game, /hat /ill /e get in return@JK
Shiro a(here( to the accurate time (isplaye( on her phone from their Lriginal *orl(- to
organi8e her memories, even "ompletely memori8ing his pitch as he spo:e those /or(s
She spo:e SoraDs previous /or(s completely accurately, <ust li:e a 1eplay, causing
everyone there to /i(en their eyes in shoc:
I- .n( in reply to this, /hat (i( Plum say@K
IJB'" PBniversal 'ime "oor(inate(Q &#20 22:!3JPlumJK
She emotionlessly, calmly E
IJBmJ /e /ill re/ar( you /ith thirty percent of Lcean(eDs un(er/ater resources, an(
permanent goo( relations 2et/een our nationsJ a-an(J umJ I-I /ill (o /hatever you
'his time she 1eplaye( PlumDs /or(s an( Sora smile( 2itterly upon hearing it
IE6actly E right 7ere, she /asnDt lying E 2ut 'here /as also no truthK
Sora pointe( the stic: he /as playing /ith previously at Steph
ISteph, (i(nDt you have something to say a2out us having to 2et Everything in their game@K
IR-yeahJ 2ecause theyDre re?uesting for our help, arenDt they@K
IRes, youDre correctK
I- Eh, huh@K
Sora che/e( on his fish /hile nonchalantly uttering shoc:ing revelations, an( continue(:
II shot your protests (o/n only 2ecause I nee(e( to gather the necessary information In
apology, IDll e6plain /hy youDre feeling such incongruityK
.t that moment StephDs incongruity coul( only 2e (escri2e( as she felt Something /asnDt
right, an( that /as E
I'his Oame- is li:e a 7orse raceK
I7-horse race@ 'he :in( /here you 2et money for horses to /in@K
Sora no((e( in relief at the fact that this /orl( ha( horseracing as /ell
I7orse racing is to let horses race, a Oame POam2leQ to pre(ict /hich one /ill /inJ 2ut in
its most 2asic form itDs <ust the act of letting horses race against each other E /hich is also a
"ontest 2et/een the ri(ers isnDt it@K
'o 2e precise, /hat he meant /as E
I7orse racing is - . gam2ling sport create( from a ri(erDs sport- a (ou2le-layere( gameK
I'he ri(ers PusQ race against each other Promance gameQ to /in the EmpressD loveK
.n( E
ILn the other han(, the resources an( relations given as re/ar(s 2y .mira an( Plum is a
Pri8e merely (irecte( at the aim of./a:ening the Empress- racing an( horse racing
Pgam2lingQ are clearly t/o (ifferent games, 2ut /e /ere force( into the game as 2oth horses an(
gam2lers E of course /e /oul( feel something /asnDt rightK
JSteph inhale( sharply, reali8ing /hat /as going on
.ccor(ing to SoraDs e6ample, they /ere the ri(ers in a horse race
=ut they /ere force( to 2et all they ha( on themselves - .lso 2eing force( to ta:e part in a
secon( game
.n( Sora appeare( to rea( StephDs thoughtsJ
- 7e shoo: his hea( an( sai( I'hatDs not the pro2lemK
ISo if this is a horse race, /here (i( the ri(ersD PourQ E Pri8e for the competition go@K
Sora loo:e( evilly at Plum
IJ7uh, itDs the love of the Empress of courseJ allo/ing her to /a:e up@K
I- If you ma:e the Empress fall in love /ith the person, the Empress /oul( love the person
forever@ .n( she /oul( /a:e up for her prince@ E 'his (oesnDt ma:e sense at all, an( only the
Empress 2enefits right@ *hereDs the E?ual re/ar( for the /inner@K
+inally, Steph foun( the Source of her incongruity
1esources, goo( relations, an( PlumDs free /ill E none of them soun(e( li:e /hat the Empress
/oul(Dve 2et
So, the game that allo/e( the Empress to hi2ernate after S/earing 2y the Ple(ges
'he =et of e?ual value to 2oth parties E to 2e given to the victorious ri(er E
- 1egar(ing that re/ar( E
- She ha(nDt mentione( it allC@
9i:o laughe( 2itterly an( 2egan playing /ith her fish stic: as /ell
I'his series of games has t/o si(es to it, 2ut /hen Sora mentione( 'he re/ar(s for
/inning, the Ahampir over there intentionally avoi(e( the t/o-face(ness of it, so she (i(nDt
She smile( an( continue(
I=ut even though she (i(nDt lie E it (oesnDt mean she /as telling the truthK
9i:o imme(iately sense( something in PlumDs heart2eat that tol( her I /as foun( out, an(
she smile( again thinly
Sora spo:e in an e6aggerate( fashion as though (eep in thought E
I.lright, hereDs /here the Pro2lem comes in E /hy coul(nDt she mention the t/o-face(ness
of the game@K
Sora loo:e( at Plum /hile t/irling the stic: in his han(s an( continue(:
I=efore /e reache( the sea floor E the place /here you thought you coul( seal 9i:o-san an(
I8unaDs senses, you ignore( the topic, /hy coul(nDt you <ust say something li:e .mira sai(
there /onDt 2e any ris:@K
.t this time Ji2ril /ho /as 2usily preparing the fish an( piercing them on stic:s 2ehin( Sora
passe( him a fish stic: that /as coate( in salt, an( continue( for him:
I- =ecause as long as she /ere to say that it /oul( 2e NyingJ right@K
She smile( thinly, having ans/ere( the ?uestion
Sora no((e(, so /hat that meant /as E Sora glance( at Shiro meaningfully
IJB'" PBniversal 'ime "oor(inate(Q &#20 0!:2,JPlumJPlease save our speciesC
Ni22ling on her fish lightly, Shiro s:ilfully - 1eplaye( PlumDs initial /or(s
IIf the /or(s Lur species /asnDt a lie E that /oul( mean she really /ante( us to save the
*hich /oul( mean E
I*hich means E only E save the Ahampirs E so /hat shoul( /e (o@K
Sora ignore( Steph /hose eyes /ere /i(e as mar2les
7e flic:e( the stic: he /as playing /ith earlier E to/ar(s Plum /ho /as sitting on the 2each,
an( it stuc: in the san( 2esi(e her
I.lright, so /e have all the materials /e nee( for the ver(ict, (onDt /e@K
Sora 2egan thro/ing stic: after stic: in her (irection in the same fashion
I'here are three ?uestions .n(, only one conclusionK
Noo:ing over at the 2each san( that ha( three stic:s lo(ge( in it, Sora spo:e to Plum
I- .re you prepare( for this@ PlumK
.s though in reply to SoraDs /or(s
- Bn(er the light of the 2onfire, the re( moon an( the stars
+our pairs of e?ually mysterious eyes each 2egan e6hi2iting a uni?ue glo/
'he first to react /as 9i:o
I- *hy /oul( you avoi( tal:ing a2out anything relate( to the t/o-face(ness of the games@K
9i:o thre/ out a stic: at a spee( that 2ro:e the soun( 2arrier, hitting the first stic: Sora thre/,
causing it to split into halves
I=ecause you canDt lieK
.fter Sora replie(, Ji2ril /as the ne6t to act
I*hy /oul( you re?uest for our help even if you clearly have love magic@K
Ji2ril shot out a stic: that 2ro:e the soun( 2arrier as /ell, hitting SoraDs secon( stic: E crushing it
into pieces
I=ecause Plum canDt lieK
Sora replie(, an( the last to react /as Shiro /ho /as sitting on his lap
IJOetting to the 2ottom of itJ /hy E canDt youJ tell a lie@K
'he stic: Shiro thre/ (re/ an arc in the air an( hit the center of SoraDs thir( stic:J connecting
the t/o
I=ecause if she lies E she /oul( 2e e6pose(K
- E6actly
IIf this is a 7orse race, then one mustnDt forget E each of us is 2etting on (ifferent horsesK
'he Seirens 2et on E the Empress
'he Ahampirs 2et on E Sora an( the others
'/o games, t/o aims
"om2ining all the conclusions they ha( ma(e
Res, there /as - Lnly one conclusion
I'he Seirens plan to use 'he EmpressD hi2ernation game to +ee( on the ImanityK
I*hat -CK
Steph /as the only one shoc:e( 2y this
'he Seirens ha( (one /hat Sora ha( sai( initially
Preten(ing that the game they /ere participating in /oul( 2e a sure /in, to lure Sora an( the
others E the full representatives of Imanity into their game
In or(er to get ne/ 9aterials for repro(uction- in this case the Imanity, to avoi( the crisis
their species /as in
=ut E
I'he Ahampirs too: a(vantage of this plan to 2etray the Seirens E they plan to +ree the
Res E Plum (i( /ant the Empress to fall in love an( a/a:en from her slum2er
*hile .mira E (i( not
ISince *ere2easts /ere present she coul(nDt lie, 2ut since she ha( another plan entirely she
coul(nDt reveal the truth eitherK
Lnce again, Steph /as the only one /ho remaine( speechless
=ut E as though re?uesting everyone to stop, Sora raise( up one han(
- .s though to say 'he fun has only <ust 2egun
I.lright, so letDs all recall, /hat /as the Pri8e if the Empress /ere to /in the game@K
Sora smile( at Plum genuinely, an( he loo:e( a/ay
.fter /hich E un(er the glo/ of the moonlight, four pairs of sharp an( unusual eyes 2egan
I*oul( that 2et let .mira E let the Seirens choose maintain their current situation over
a/a:ening their Empress@K
. pair of 2e/itching gol(en eyes, 9i:o smile( thinly
I*oul( that =et let Plum E let the Ahampirs achieve free(om if they /ere to /in it@K
. pair of col( am2er eyes, Ji2ril smile( moc:ingly
IJ1egar(ing the survival of the SeirensJsomething that coul( return the rights of the
. pair of emotionless ru2y eyes, Shiro smile( sympathetically
Each one of them spo:e in or(er, an( a pair of o2si(ian eyes, Sora emotionlessly E reveale( his
I*hat the Empress 2et /as EEverything she ha(J am I right@K
- Plum 2ent her hea( (o/n /hile Steph inhale( (eeply
=ac: /hen the current Empress first entere( her hi2ernation, she /asnDt the Empress yet E /hich
meant she /asnDt a +ull 1epresentative
=ut no/ it /as (ifferent
No/ regar(ing the =et, as long as they /ere to fulfill the victory con(itions E they /oul(
/in all the Seirens ha( as /ell
- Inclu(ing the 1ace Piece as /ell, /inning Everything <ust as the 2et implie(
Sora smile( 2itterly again, completely ignoring Steph
7e casually uttere( /or(s that ma(e Steph ?uestion her o/n hearing
IIDve (e(uce( everything up to this point 2efore /e even reache( the 2eachK
I- *hat@K
I=utJsince I (i(nDt have enough evi(ence, I (eci(e( to go to Lcean(e any/ayK
Sora soun(e( li:e he /as <o:ing, 2ut his voice carrie( a hint of seriousness as /ell
I*e (onDt get to go to the 2each very often, so /e (efinitely have to en<oy it E /hich is to sayJK
.s he sai( this, Sora flashe( an un2elieva2ly cruel smile in the (irection of Plum
In a single 2reath E he provi(e( the solution to the rest of the ri((le
I*e 2rought you to the 2each in 2roa( (aylight to /ea:en youK
I*e let 9i:o-san an( Ji2ril preten( to fool aroun( to test /hether =loo( Aevastation coul(
2e (isa2le( un(er/aterK
I*e also ma(e Ji2ril venture forth to the oceans in or(er to confirm the location of Lcean(eK
I'he strain of using =loo( Aevastation the entire (ay /as partly alleviate( 2y Shiro /ho
/as fon(ling 9i:o-san until nighttimeK
I*e (i(nDt /ait for the 1eception =oat that coul( very li:ely 2e a trap, an( instea( /e
procee(e( using Ji2rilDs teleportation
I*e force( you, Plum, into a situation /here you ha( to top up on fresh Seiren 2loo( to allo/ us
to 2reath un(er/ater an( part /ays /ith usV /hile Ji2ril use( that time to compress an( save the
air that /e 2rought thereV casting e6tra preventive metho(s on 9i:o-san as /ell to prevent your
un(er/ater 2reathing magic from ta:ing effectV allo/ing us to meet .mira /ith her *ere2easts
senses fully a/a:ene(
I- 'hatDs it Ao you get it no/@K
J -
- Steph an( Plum /ere 2oth shoc:e( to the point of speechlessness
*hile Sora /as nonchalantly chec:ing on /hether his fish /as grille( properly
IIt /as impossi2le for you to Not lie at all 2efore the game starte(, since you ha( to ma:e
us s/ear Everything /e ha( on the ple(ges, an( to e6pose your lies 9i:o-san ha( to 2e E in
a con(ition /here she coul(nDt 2e affecte( 2y your suspicious magicK
. magic that allo/e( them to spea: an( tal: un(er/ater E
.n( the caster /as Plum /ho /as confirme( to 2e an Enemy as /ell, so there /as a high
ris: of her managing to cheat their sensory (evices
.fter uncovering all the solutions, Sora continue(:
I'he Seirens an( Ahampirs may 2e (ifferent E 2ut have you forgotten@ 'hey ma(e us 2et
everything /e have on ourselves, ta:ing part in 2oth a horse race an( a gam2le E so /e have a
s/eepsta:e as /ellK
- E6actly
I- . s/eepsta:e of "heating all of you an( allo/ing us to ta:e victoryK
I.h, Plum, youDre ?uite something, thatDs a strategy rather suita2le for a /ea:ling, no (ou2t a
level of intelligence only achieva2le 2y the race that ha( all their po/er ta:en 2y the 'en
Ple(ges Since even if .miraDs evil plot /ere to succee( an( Imanity /ere to 2e use( as
+oo(, the Ahampirs coul( still survive, as letDs say the Empress /as actually a/a:ene( EI
Sora clappe( in genuine a(miration, not carrying any malice
I*hat ma(e the Empress fall in love /as your magic an( not us, so you alone /onK
- Even managing to (e(uce PlumDs reason for <oining in the game as /ell, Sora continue(
IJust a (isclaimer, I (onDt praise others, I <ust genuinely thin: that E this is a great strategyK
She ha( manage( to create a situation /here she /oul( /in no matter /hat happene(
.lso she virtually (i(nDt nee( to (o anything e6cept sit 2ac: /hile others (o the /or:
It /as an i(eal metho( of victory, 2ut E
IRou left out one thingCK
I- Eh@K
Plum lifte( her hea( up
IAi(nDt you reali8e@ 'he pro2lem here isnDt 2ecause your plan /as reveale(, nor /as it 2ecause
you hi( the fact a2out the true 1e/ar(/e receive /hen /e /in the game in or(er to free the
AhampirsV an( neither is it 2ecause E your magic canDt a/a:en the EmpressK
SoraDs mouth t/itche( at a corner
.n( then he spo:e as ironically as he coul(:
IIt /as 2ecause .mira assure( us that /e .2solutely coul(nDt a/a:en the EmpressK
Plum inhale( sharply
=ecause of that, everything ma(e sense
*hy E Ino coul(nDt 2eat the game E
PlumDs magic /or:e( properly
Ji2ril confirme( as /ell that the magic un?uestiona2ly achieve( its effect on the Empress
=ut (espite this, the Empress (i( not a/a:en
*hich /oul( mean E
I'he con(ition to a/a:en the empress - IsnDt ma:ing her fall in loveK
-JLnly gna/ing noises coul( 2e hear(
'hose /ere the soun(s of Plum clenching her <a/, /hile Sora continue(:
I.mira :ne/ that from the start, as no matter ho/ much you 2eg her she /oul( never give you
.n actual opportunity to a/a:en the Empress, 2ecause it /oul( 2e a huge 2lo/ to the
Seirens E you un(erstan( that right@K
Sora even :ept his smug smile
I'he Seirens that youDve 2een loo:ing (o/n on since earlier E even too: your 2etrayal into
Plum collapse( onto the 2each in a sitting position, una2le to 2elieve that the Seirens that she ha(
al/ays loo:e( (o/n upon on ha( tric:e( her
7o/ever Sora continue( to a(( fuel to the fire
I. strategy 2efitting of a /ea:ling, an e6cellent strategy =ut E in the en( itDs all <ust futileK
- E6actly
Even if the strong /ere to use the :no/le(ge P/eaponQ of the /ea:, they /oul(nDt 2e a2le to
e6ercise its full potential
=ecause the /ea: ha( something they (i(nDt stemming from self-pity E
Stemming from their /ea:ness E co/ar(ice
SoraDs e6pression change( once again as he stoppe( smiling, instea( continuing solemnly:
I'he natural enemy of the strong is the /ea:, 2ut the natural enemy of the /ea: is not the strong
E it is the ones that are even /ea:erK
'he /ea: E the man that /as the very personification of this term 2egan approaching Plum
7e crouche( (o/n, meeting her e6act line of sight, an( spo:e softly an( (irectly:
I.n i(iot that :no/s heDs an i(iot E is even har(er to (eal /ith than an i(iot that thin:s he isnDtK
- *hoever that /as referring to, Sora chose not to reveal
I.lright E chec:mateK
- PlumDs face /as pale
Lriginally only SoraDs 2unch ha( accepte( her terms
=ut since they ha( sa/ through her (eception an( interrupte( the game, Plum ha( no other
In or(er for the Seirens to survive, they coul( only (evour the AhampirDs 7i((en last living
Since they ha( confirme( that the Ahampirs ha( 2etraye( them, they /oul( (efinitely (o it
- If so, the Ahampirs /oul( 2e the first to "hec:mate
.n( after the Ahampirs turn e6tinct, the ne6t up /oul( 2e the Seirens
'he Seirens E nee(e( to fin( a partner that /oul( allo/ them to carry out repro(uction
=ut /hat they nee(e( in return for that /as the partnerDs Nife, so of course no one /oul(
agree to it
- Just li:e that, the Seirens /oul( reach "hec:mate as /ell
In or(er to survive, they coul( only uncon(itionally surren(er an( 2ecome -Aomestic
IPlum, (o you :no/ /hat the ultimate /ay to /in a game is@K
7e ha( a (evilish smile on his face E that coul( ma:e anyone trem2le in fear
I- ItDs 'o /in /ithout fighting Even if /e (onDt /in the EmpressD game, /e still /inK
.fter /hich it /as something that (ragge( Plum into the (epths of hell E a smile
I'rying to 2eat the Imanity /ith . /ea:lingDs strategy, you all are too ine6perience( E
roo:ies P2eginnersQK
- Lne move
7e /as a man that ha( the survival of t/o species in his control in <ust one move
7e laughe( creepily, sinisterly an( continue(
Part "
I.lright, you shoul( have got the gist of it, soJK
Sora appeare( restless
Noo:ing closely, Shiro /ho /as sitting in his lap appeare( a/:/ar( as /ell E
I7mm@ 9aster, is something the matter@K
I- *-/hereDs the toilet@K
Sora as:e( /ith a pitiful e6pression that completely shattere( the serious situation from earlier
I'he toilet you spea: ofJ is the cham2er /here Imanity e6crete EI
I*hat :in( of toilets are there other than thatCK
Sora yelle( /hile pointing at everyone else
ISpea:ing of /hich /hat :in( of inhuman 2la((ers /ere you all 2orn /ithC =eing 2y the sea for
an entire (ay, (iving into the ocean itself, coming 2ac: to the 2each at night, even eating fish, a
normal person /oul( 2e at his limit 2y no/CK
IJN-NiiJS-Shiro isJK
Shiro signale( /ith tears in her eyes, /hile 9i:o laughe( heartily:
I=eautiful la(ies (onDt (o that sort of thing, although I (onDt really un(erstan( ho/ you feel, 2ut
shoul(nDt it 2e alright as long as you fin( some/here near2y to ta:e care of 2usiness@K
- Not counting Ji2ril for no/, 9i:o-san is a Niving =eing right E
Sora stoo( up, sensing that it /asnDt the time for such comments
I*-/e E no, IDm going to the toilet, ShiroDs going to pic: flo/ersCK
Sora su((enly ran off /hile carrying Shiro
IJN-Nii E (-(onDtJ sha:eJK
I.hC 'his is the 2each so there shoul( at least 2e some Seasi(e 'eahouseC *here is itC@K
Sora an( Shiro noisily ran off
Neaving 2ehin( the perfectly silent 2each
'here /ere only the noises of the /aves an( fire/or:s e6plo(ing
I.lright, no/ /e <ust have to /ait for them to surren(er uncon(itionally IDm tire(, so IDll 2e
hea(ing 2ac: firstK
9i:o appeare( e6tremely tire(, an( she stoo( up in preparation to leave
I.h, /ait a minuteC *hat shoul( /e (o a2out Ino-sanCK
Steph as:e( hurrie(ly, having finally come to terms /ith the situation
- She un(erstoo( that the Seirens /ante( to ta:e the Imanity as foo(
She un(erstoo( that Plum /ante( to ta:e a(vantage of their plan to free the Ahampirs as /ell
She also agree( /ith the fact that Sora ha( sa/ through everything an( /as on a /hole ne/ level
a2ove them
=ut E
'he Seirens still possesse( a car( :no/n as 7atsuse Ino
Steph yelle( lou(ly as this pro2lem /as yet to 2e solve(
.n( E 9i:o turne( aroun(
She appeare( even more enchanting un(er the moonlight E an( she spo:e /ith a monster-li:e
sinister smile:
I*e /onDt (o anything Just li:e that /e get t/o races E isnDt it a goo( (eal@K
9i:o in(icate( that there /as None of that sort of option, allo/ing Steph to finally
un(erstan( everything
*hich is to say E she coul( summari8e the inci(ent
PNeither Sora an( the others or 9i:o-san planne( to save anyone from the start -CQ
Sora an( 9i:o an( the others ha( (iscusse( E a single move that coul( put the t/o races in
Just for this purpose, only for this purpose, they ha( actually so easily
- 'reate( Ino as a sacrifice - C
IJ'hat sort of thingJ I (onDt approve of itK
Ool(en E e6actly li:e a 9onster, even though 9i:oDs 2eastly eyes /ere causing StephDs
:nees to /o22le
=ut, even if so E Steph continue( to survey her surroun(ings, s?uee8ing out her voice /ith all
her might
In an Elchea /ithout Sora an( the others, the only *ere2east that ha( supporte( Steph /as E
7atsuse Ino
.lthough he ha( only 2een /ith them for t/o /ee:s, playing together an( struggling to re2uil(
Elchea, he ha( spent a tremen(ous amount of effort on the esta2lishment of the Elchean

+e(eration, /ithout him, they might not even :no/ /here to 2egin
No matter to the Eastern +e(eration or to Elchea E to Steph, he /as (efinitely not a cheap talent,
an( if a sacrifice /ere to occur for the sa:e of uniting multiple races E it /oul( cause
un2elieva2ly negative repercussions
9i:o coul(nDt possi2ly fail to un(erstan( this unspo:en rule E
I7atsuse Ino is un(ou2te(ly a man of great talent, a man /ho ha( supporte( me since the very
2eginning of the Eastern +e(eration, an( a man /ho /oul( un(ou2te(ly reply I o2ey if he
/as given the or(er to (ie for it E this sort of man really cannot 2e consi(ere( /orthless E 2ut in
the en( he still remains an impecca2le man that has achieve( great thingsK
9i:o spo:e regretfully /hile loo:ing up at the moon
+or their o/n 2enefits, they coul( even sacrifice someone li:e that so easily -C
P'hen I might 2e sacrifice( at any time then E /ho coul( trust someone li:e thatCCQ
*ithin the emotionally charge( StephDs fiel( of vision
I8una appeare(, sitting slightly further a/ay from them
- Lf course, I8una coul(nDt possi2ly come to terms /ith a situation li:e this
*ith her o/n gran(father 2eing sacrifice(, even for the sa:e of I8una, 9i:o still E
II-Is I8una -@K
- +ine /ith this@ =efore Steph coul( finish her sentence, I8una 2egan hugging her :nees as
though attempting to hol( herself in, ren(ering her una2le to continue
Even though she coul(nDt see her properly in the (us: E she coul( still hear I8unaDs voice
IJOran(pa /as prepare( long ago, (esJK
+ar a/ay from the 2onfire, un(er the faint glo/ of the moon an( stars, I8unaDs e6pression
coul(nDt 2e seen
IJNo matter it 2e Oran(paDs heart2eat or smell, they are goo( soun(s an( goo( smells, (esK
7o/ever, I8unaDs voice
It carrie( soun(s of her crying as /ell E (espite the pitch (ar:ness, her emotions /ere
sufficiently conveye(
II (onDt /ant Oran(pa to (ieJ 2ut itDll 2e fine as long as I8una 2ears it alone, so E s-soC 9ore
peopleJ can 2e save(J (e, (es EI
Steph recalle( a scene from the 2each earlier
.fter the ruc:us at the seasi(e E /hen she /as (eci(ing /hether to let Sora or Ino help /ith her
I8una /ho shoul( have 2een sic: of 2eing fon(le( 2y Ino, instea( E /al:e( to/ar(s him /ithout
- She un(erstoo(J it /oul( 2e the last time
I8una ha( accepte( this outcome from the start
*ere2easts E they ha( supernatural senses, an( they /ere (one communicating 2y then
Steph /as the only one not in the :no/, 2ut E
I- Still, (onDt you feel sa(@K
IIDm not sa( E I <ustJ (onDt un(erstan( some things, (esK
She clenche( her teeth, appearing to e6hale
I8una as:e( a ?uestion /ith a sha:ing voice
IJ=ecause Sora sai( E no one /ill (ie, no one /ill suffer, (esC J=-2ut then, /hy E is I8una
suffering, (es@ Is I8una /eir(, (esJC@K
- 7er tears fell li:e rain
Even in the (ar:ness, it /as o2vious from I8unaDs voice that she /as crying large tears
7o/ever Steph E felt the 2loo( that /as concentrate( in her hea( (issipate slo/ly
7atsuse I8una E this chil( /as too young
'oo o2e(ient, too pure, too smart E too clever
'o ma:e a girl li:e that, a girl merely eight years ol( ta:e part in games she (oes not /ish to,
even causing her to feeling guilt to/ar(s pleasura2le things, ma:ing her shoul(er the 2ur(en of
the lives on an entire continent 'his truth ma(e Steph reali8e:
- 'he Eastern +e(erationDs actions E (i(nDt start from here
- Sacrificing the minority for the greater goo( E /as normal for them
IRou create( the Eastern +e(eration /ith such /ays that ma:e chil(ren cry li:e this, (i(nDt you E
youDre (espica2leK
- 'he *ere2easts ha( previously split into many small tri2es an( continue( their (isputes
. metho( li:e this that unite( them /ithin the short time of half a century an( ma(e the Eastern
+e(eration a great po/er E
Steph su((enly felt that she ha( a small glimpse of the 2ig picture, an( she E even scol(e( 9i:o
in an un(erestimating fashion
9i:o met her ga8e hea( on, an( replie(:
ISacrificing some for the greater goo( E itDs not even a necessary evil, 2ut a Natural one If
you /ant to care a2out every single person E then every single person /oul( e6press his#her
opinion, ho/ are you going to run a government li:e thatJ little /enchK
JSteph ha( no /ay to re2ut that
'o 2e honest, ElcheaDs no2les acte( the same /ay
'hey ha( trie( their 2est to not let anyone suffer any losses, 2ut completely e?uality /as
impossi2le in the en(
Steph clenche( her fists, /hich /as /hen Ji2ril 2egan attac:ing her
9ay2e 2ecause she /as una2le to un(erstan( StephDs opinion, her e6pression /as that of
genuine curiosity
IAoes Aora-chan have something to say@ Just 2y sacrificing one person, /e can save t/o (ying
speciesV an( /e might even move one step closer to/ar(s uniting /ith the Eastern +e(eration
through strengthening ElcheaDs forces E /hat else is there to 2e (esire(@K
- Steph still /as una2le to re2ut them
I"oul( it 2e EI Ji2ril continue(
IRou thin: that /ithout sacrifice an( unhappiness, /e can con?uer the /orl( E no, ta:ing a step
2ac:, /e can reclaim Elchea@K
ILr may2e you simply EI
Ji2ril continue( /ith an even more provocative smile:
IRou simply (onDt /ant to hurt those close to you E ho/ selfish of you TK
Steph clenche( her teeth E she un(erstoo( clearly
Just 2y sacrificing one person, they coul( unite t/o races
'hey coul( save t/o races that /oul( go e6tinct if they (i( nothing
If it /as not goo( of her to feel 2a( for sacrificing Ino alone, then E
I- So /hatJCK
Steph spo:e (etermine(ly
Noo:ing at I8una /ho /as trem2ling in shoc:, she yelle( E as though she /as a/a:ene(
II (onDt care /hat you call me, 2e it selfish or self-intereste(, 2ut (espite this, thereDs only one
thing I truly :no/C ItDs that using this metho( to unite all the races E is impossi2leCK
- She ha( no concrete evi(ence
9i:o an( Ji2rilDs /or(s /ere very true, an( /hat they spo:e of sa(ly /as the un?uestiona2ly
more realistic thing to (o
=ut, Steph /as confi(ent that it *asnDt the /ay
.s for /hy E pro2a2ly 2ecause E it /as "ommon sense
'he t/o of them ma(e perfect sense, an( it /as a proper metho( of attac:ing hea(-on
- =ut, getting (o/n to it
.ttempting to unite all the races 2y attac:ing hea(-on E /oul( pro2a2ly 2e an impossi2le feat E
Part 4
Sora an( Shiro returne( calmly after /iping their han(s
*hat they /ere met /ith /as 9i:o /ho /as returning home an( a solemn atmosphere
.n( E StephDs ga8e pierce( them li:e a nee(le
I.hJ /hatDs up /ith this atmosphere@K
IEssentially spea:ing you choose to run a/ay right@K
I- *hat@K
II get it, you /ant to sacrifice Ino-san alone to get t/o races E thatDs <ust a 'hreatJ IDve
overestimate( youC 7o/ (o you still have the guts to say you /ant to unite all the races after
youDve use( this sort of metho(CCK
+ace( /ith StephDs harsh /or(s an( e6pression, Sora scratche( his hea( an( loo:e( at Shiro in
confusion instea(
IEh, um, Shiro, /hy am I 2eing scol(e(@K
IJ=ecauseJyou too: too longJ@K
ILf course I (i(nDt ta:e long, I <ust /ent to ta:e a pissCC +-forget it, I (onDt really un(erstan( 2ut
my 2la((erDs empty no/K
- *ith a grunt, he cleare( his throat, an( Sora sai( INetDs get 2ac: to the original topicK E
ISo letDs start over E to a/a:en the Empress, letDs get movingK
J- 7uh@
Everyone /as speechless, /hile Sora continue( calmly:
I*ithout PlumDs magic, as long as /e actually a/a:en the Empress the Ahampirs an( Seirens
/onDt go e6tinctV an( /e can use that as a con(ition for them to release Ino as /ell, /hich /oul(
resolve the entire situation E spea:ing of /hich /e only Interrupte( the game,Oiving
up is against my personal policy, so /eDre going to try again EI
Ignoring the stunne( masses, Sora stro:e( his chin an( spo:e:
I'he pro2lem is 7o/ (o /e a/a:en herK
Sora loo:e( sharply at Plum:
II can <ust a2out guess E no one :no/s the con(itionJ right@K
I7uh@ Rou sai( no one :no/sJ ho/ is that@K
Steph pee:e( at I8una
I8una /ho /as crying since earlier loo:e( up attentively, seemingly transfi6e( 2y SoraDs /or(s
She closely o2serve( PlumDs reactions E then she no((e( her hea(, in(icating she /asnDt lying
7o/ever Sora no((e(, as though he ha( e6pecte( that
I'he Seirens canDt use magic /hile the Ahampirs can E if anyone :ne/ the plan /oul(Dve faile(
a long /hile ago, an( .mira only :no/s -ItDs not a game to ma:e the Empress fall in loveK
IJ7o/ can you 2e sure@K Steph as:e(
I'he Empress /ent into hi2ernation 2efore she 2ecame the EmpressJ 2ut in her stan(point she
/oul( 2ecome an Empress sooner or laterJ if someone li:e that sai( she /oul( give all her
rights to youJ /hat /oul( you (o@K
Plum sighe( an( spo:e, originally thin:ing that she ha( foun( the real con(ition
Sora an( Shiro no((e( an( continue(:
IIf such a (angerous truth /ere to 2e mentione( /ith someone li:e .mira in the vicinity, she
/oul( (efinitely conceal it E an( /hat is the ultimate metho( of (oing so@K
IJIf no one :no/s the truthJthenJno one /ill fin( outJK
- E6actly, /hich is to say
'o 2eat the EmpressD gameJ
Lne ha( to fin( the victory con(ition that no one :ne/ e6cept for the Empress herself
It /as E a game calle( Zictory "on(ition
It /oul( 2e nearly impossi2le to 2eat, an( coul( 2e (escri2e( as e6tremely (ifficult
=ut E
I.s long as it isnDt a 1ealistic 1omance Oame-Fuuha:u /onDt loseCK
'he t/o of them po/erfully E uttere( their ma6im that /as 2oth relia2le an( em2arrassing
=ut upon seeing the si2lingsD actions E Steph as:e( nervously:
IJ.-a2out thatJ Sora, (i(nDt you E /ante( to sacrifice Ino-san@K
I7uhW@ *hat are you tal:ing a2out, youDre such a StephK
7earing SoraDs /or(s, they carrie( an unmista:a2le Aenial
She (i(nDt care even though her o/n name /as 2eing use( as an insult
II canDt possi2ly let a living cultural artifact li:e I8una get (epresse(, an( Ino E that real man
among men, ho/ coul( I leave himJ Steph, itDs not possi2le to not get tire(, 2ut you nee( to
/a:e up 2efore you start sleeptal:ing nonsense li:e thisCK
JSora spo:e as though InoDs value to him ha( risen multiple fol(s li:e a profita2le company in
the stoc: mar:et, an( he (i(nDt seem as though he /as fa:ing it
I.lso E I sai( I /oul( come 2ac:, (i(nDt I@ .mira canDt lay a han( on Ino since heDs the only
/ay they can get us to re<oin the game, an( if they (o they can only 2ecome SlavesK
Steph spo:e once more:
I=-2ut a2out Ino-san, 9i:o-san sai( *e /onDt (o anything-I
ILf course, 9i:o-san let us use Ino as Proof, /hile the rest is our <o2K
7earing SoraDs crisp an( 2lunt response, StephDs eyes gre/ even /i(er
Res, 9i:o E (i(nDt nee( to (o anything
=ecause after this E Sora an( the others *ante( everything
I9i:o-san continuously use( an a2ility =loo( Aevastation that might cost her life, even
offering an important su2or(inate of hers to us E no/ itDs our turn to (o our 2est E e6actly /hat it
soun(s li:e, /e nee( to put our lives on the lineK
Sora announce( cheerfully, /hile Shiro no((e( in agreement
7o/ever E the process of un(ergoing a chilling revelation an( their ne6t /or(s cause( Steph to
inhale sharply
I'hatDs calle( -*or:ing together right@K
. small sha(o/ passe( 2y Steph
I8una loo:e( up /ith her eyes re( an( s/ollen at Sora an( Shiro some/hat uneasily
IRou all are planning to save Oran(pa, (es@K
Sora an( Shiro (i(nDt :no/ /hy she /as crying
=ut E Sora place( his han( on I8unaDs hea(, fon(ling it some/hat forcefully, then spo:e /ith a
I=ut of course, IDll (efinitely get the ol( man 2ac: E IDll ma:e a Promise /ith youK
'he uneasy ga8e shifte( to/ar(s Shiro E an( /hat /elcome( it /as "onfirmation
IJI8una-tanJ2elieve in NiiJK
It /as unavoi(a2le that I8una (i(nDt :no/
It /asJ something only Shiro :ne/
*hen Nii E Sora E sai( the /or( Promise
Even the 'en Ple(ges falter un(er the might of it E for that /or( meant an a2solute oath
=ut E
IJNii a2solutelyJ/onDt go 2ac: on itJK
7earing ShiroDs confirmation, I8una loo:e( up at her once again
'he han( that /as caressing her hea( E I8una smelle( it
.n( then E she /ipe( her /et eyes an( spo:e:
IJ9m, I 2elieve you, (esK
I.lright, someone 2elieves me, (esK
Sora spo:e <o:ingly, /hile Steph loo:e( on from a (istance
Ji2ril stoo( 2esi(e her
ISorry, Aora-chan, I /ent too farK
II /as curious as to ho/ you /oul( react, so I coul(nDt resistJ 2ut Aora-chan is rightK
- 7er e6pression loo:e( li:e she /as going to <ut out her tongue, as the overly curious person
.n( as Steph glare( at her, Ji2ril continue( solemnly:
I'he 9asters /ill un(ou2te(ly change this /orl(K
=ut the metho( E Ji2ril continue(:
I=ecause no currently :no/n metho(s /ill allo/ itK
- So regar(ing the true /ay to a/a:en the Empress E
Steph /as only half listening to SoraDs ne6t /or(s
J.t that time, hearing 9i:o an( Ji2rilDs /or(s E she felt something *asnDt right
.s she /as searching for the reason /hy she felt that /ay E she finally reali8e( /hy as she
loo:e( at the t/o figures stan(ing 2efore her
Sora ShiroJ the t/o of themJ
'hey /oul(nDt use any legitimate metho(s
'hey snorte( an( laughe( at things li:e 1eason
'hey slice( a/ay an( ignore( things li:e "ommon sense
'he t/o ha( sai( E they /ante( to rule over all the races /ithout any (eaths nor 2loo(she(
It /as li:e a (ream E a completely unrealistic goal, impossi2le to achieve through reason an(
common sense
- =ut their sha(o/s tol( people that they "oul( (o it
Ln that (ay E on the (ay of their coronation E Steph might have seen it
She might have seen the same thing Ji2ril /ho /as stan(ing 2esi(e her sa/ E
- .s she 2egan to un(erstan( the future she /as pre(icting for this /orl(, she 2egan feeling
I.hW right, Steph, you sai( something that I canDt ignoreK
Steph snappe( out of her fro8en stance upon hearing SoraDs /or(s
ISacrificing Ino to get t/o races E firstly sacrificing Ino is /rong, an( EI
She once again hear( something that ma(e her free8e
IItDs not t/o races E itDs 'hreeUK
J- 7uh@
(0ilogue ' Interru0t (n3
Part 1
She felt voices conversing 2ehin( her 2y the 2each
9i:o, /ho /as /al:ing alone in the (ar:ness, loo:e( up at the moon an( 2egan mum2ling to
IAi( he reali8e E I /as testing him@K
No9i:o shoo: her hea(, (enying her o/n /or(s
Even if he (i( fin( out, that manDs actions still /oul(nDt change
Sora from the start E never planne( to sacrifice Ino at all
'he soun(s of his heart2eat (i(nDt change at all from the 2eginning, an( it soun(e( incre(i2ly
- Res, 9i:o /as testing Sora an( the others
If 9i:o /as in that position, 2eing force( to ma:e the same (ecision, /hat /oul( she have
It /as very possi2le E no, it /as un?uestiona2le that she /oul( choose to sacrifice Ino
=ecause it /as an unnecessary ris:, an( that <ust 2y one sacrifice they /oul( ac?uire many
=ecause to as: for even more E /oul( 2e I(ealism
.n( to give up on her i(eals -
- *as her limit
I"an /e e6pect them@K
If it /as those t/o, they /oul( simply nonchalantly overcome their limits
Just to confirm this E 9i:o /ho ha( use( the (ecision to Save or sacrifice Ino to test them,
close( her eyes
Sora an( Shiro E /oul( they choose to Sacrifice him li:e she /oul(
She ha( stu22ornly 'este( Sora an( Shiro, attempting to ma:e them surpass limits that even
she coul( not
- 'o punish herself, to force her to live /ith e6treme guilt for the rest of her life, she ha(
intentionally chosen 7atsuse Ino PhimQ as the sacrifice, an( -
I9ay2e /e really can e6pect themK
.t this point, 9i:o finally realise(
'he ruc:us coming from 2ehin( her E Imanity, *ere2easts, +lMgel an( even Ahampirs
- Sora an( Shiro never ha( the concept of 1acial Aiscrimination
IIf itDs them E may2e /e can trust them /ith itK
.s she spo:e, she clutche( her chest
9i:o felt her o/n heart2eat E an emotion long forgotten
She murmure( to herself /hile loo:ing up at the 2loo(-re( moon
Part 2
IIDm hereK
Bpon hearing SoraDs calls, Ji2ril imme(iately teleporte( 2ehin( him
IRou :no/ ho/ the Empress /ent into hi2ernation, an( the con(itions to a/a:en her, (onDt
*hen they met Plum, it /as Ji2ril that ha( e6plaine( the situation to them
IRes E 2ut that /as false informationK
'hin:ing that she /oul( 2e scol(e( again, Ji2rilDs voice softene( slightly, 2ut then Sora sai(:
IItDs not that, /here (i( you get the information@K
I9y hometo/n E .vant 7eimK
Sora continue( half e6pectantly, half helplessly:
I.ny/ay /ith the /ay you +lMgel (o things, you must have gathere( all sorts of /ritten
resources from all over the /orl(, right@K
IRes, of course U I
Ji2ril no((e( prou(ly in confirmation
Noo:ing at her e6pression, Sora coul(nDt help 2ut smile 2itterly in helplessness, thought to
himself INever min(K an( continue( pon(ering the situation at han(
- 'o 2eat the EmpressD game
Zictory con(itions that no2o(y :ne/ an( practically (i(nDt e6ist, an( there /ere e6tremely
limite( /ays to fin( them
=ut E there /ere still /ays
'hey nee(e( E information, an( -
ISteph, please /or: together /ith I8una to search for information in the late :ingDs 2oo:sK
I- 7uh@K
I1egar(ing the continent Elchea originally possesse( that 2or(ere( the SeirensD seasK
.n( then E Sora sai(:
II (onDt 2elieve that the :ing that ha( e6pose( the Eastern +e(erationDs game /oul(nDt (o any
other research regar(ing neigh2oring nationsK
'he man that ha( preten(e( to 2e a foolish :ing /ith no2le aspirations E pro2a2ly /oul(nDt have
a complete ans/er
=ecause if he (i(, the Empress /oul(Dve 2een a/a:ene( 2y no/ E 2ut -
IEven if thereDs no ans/er, there coul( 2e o2servations that might lea( us to themK
Bpon seeing SoraDs eyes that containe( trust in the Fing, trust in her gran(father
IPlease, StephK
I- .lright, leave it to meK
II un(erstan(, (esK
I8una an( Steph no((e( in agreement at once
IBm, a2out that/-/hat shoul( /e (o@K
I.h yes, Ji2ril, Shiro an( I an( Plum, you come along as /ellK
ILh, a-alright huh, /here are /e going@K
IAi(nDt I say it earlier@ - *e inten( on con?uering three races, not t/oK
Sora continue( /ith a smile:
I.lright, hereDs the pro2lem, in or(er to fin( out a2out this game /here the victory con(itions
arenDt clear, the only surefire /ay is to loo: for recor(s of people that have ta:en part in the
game previously, an( (e(uce the victory con(itions 2y comparing them E so /hereDs the only
place /e can go that pro2a2ly has the most recor(s@K
- . secon(Ds pause, an( then
. /hooshing soun( /as hear(, an( another one E 2ut that /as a soun( carrying a completely
opposite meaning
I+inally E finallyC . ne/ 9aster to rule us +lMgel are to sit on the throne E ah, to thin: that such
a gran( (ay /oul( come so earlyCK
IFyaaaaaaahhhhh please noC I (onDt /ant to go to the lair of monsters li:e thoseCK
Ji2ril :nelt on the groun( an( 2egan to pray /ith a force that :ic:e( up all the san( aroun( her
.n( the soun(s of Plum struggling, yelling in an attempt to get a/ay 2ut /as 2eing restraine( 2y
Sora ignore( the commotion, an( graspe( ShiroDs han(
7e no((e( slightly
I.lright, letDs go E /eDre hea(ing to .vant 7eimK
Phe/W IDm really tire( / 'hatDs it for no/C P'N note: Japanese people often a(( S/D to the en(
of /or(s Fin( of ho/ /e say SlolD a lotQ
'o 2e honest, it all starte( /ith my e(itor (iscussing /ith me to turn the episo(e previe/ I ma(e
originally as a <o:e to a reality
7onestly, I never really thought a2out /hat I /as going to /rite ^
=ut I coul(nDt turn (o/n the e(itorDs /ell /ishes, so I (eci(e( to try it out any/ay /
So here are the messages to you rea(ers from our e(itors -
Secon(-generation e(itor S: IFamiya-sensei, please (onDt a(opt such poor /or: attitu(es any
If it /erenDt for the fact that the author an( illustrator is the same person, this novel might even
2e (elaye( for another month
.lso on online message 2oar(s, please limit yourself to a2out three linesK P'N note: 'he authorDs
first fe/ lines came from the Japanese message 2oar( 2ch, as one author there /ent over2oar(
an( got famous on the internet for 2eing overly emotionalQ
- IDm sorry, IDll /or: seriously from no/ on, an( IDm Famiya Ruu
NL O.9E NL NI+E that /as suppose( to 2e pu2lishe( every five months or so E /as
(elaye( 2y one month P'N note: Japanese pu2lishing timeQ
+irst, I (eeply apologi8e for the (elay
ISensei, please reflect on this (eeply Even (eeper than the 9arina 'renchK
.lso, one of the reasons for the (elay is 2ecause the e(itors got my /or: progression completely
IIDm reflecting on this alrea(y, even (eeper than the earthDs mantleK
.lright, no/ regar(ing this timeDs NL O.9E NL NI+E Zolume !
Just li:e /hat I ha( planne(, I attempte( to /rite a volume /ith a rather cheery, rela6ing
=ecause I /ante( to let up on the plot from the first to thir( volumes, an( continue from there
.lso, to help the story progress for the follo/ing volumes, <ust a cheery, happy, rela6ing volume
'hat /as /hat I ha( planne(, so ho/ (i( it turn out li:e this@
II ha( hear( originally that this /as going to have a cheery, rela6ing plot, so /hy is the first (raft
over four hun(re( players long@ I personally really /ant you to e6plain this mysterious scenario
that seems straight out of the _-+ilesK
Res, the truth a2out this entire affair is actually even (eeper than the Outen2ergK P'N note: .
layer locate( 2et/een the earthDs mantle an( coreQ
Ao you /ant to :no/@
IEven (eeper than the earthDs mantle@ Spit it out thenK
IDll 2e honest
*asnDt it 2ecause some e(itor /ante( to ma:e this series into a manga /ith my /ife@
=ecause of that, I en(e( up spen(ing one /ee: of each month on (ra/ing manga instea( E
essentially returning to my roots as a manga artist
IEha2out thatK
.lso it /as 2ecause I too: up one of the series my previous e(itor S sent over
Lver here there isnDt much /or: since everyone cooperates on everything, 2ut <ust as I /as
rushing to finish the volume up my type/riter 2ro:e, an( as I /as going to get a ne/ one I /as
run over 2y a car that smashe( my 2ones to 2its, 2ut luc:ily since I /as short on cash my
insurance helpe( my purse ?uite a 2it so never min(
IIs that all@K
'he pro2lem is after that, 2ecause my lea( e(itor completely messe( up my /or: progression,
/anting me to /or: on three volumes, an( (ue to the process of (ivi(ing the /or:loa( 2eing
rather complicate(, I /as at my limit <ust /riting half a volume
So it 2ecame four hun(re( pages, 2ut since itDs half a volume the structure of the story 2egan to
have pro2lems, /ith the most /orrying one 2eing the story lac:ing a clima6 -
'hus, I 2egan pon(ering an( e(iting the structure of the story /ith regar(s to that
So@ Ai( this e6planation reach the Outen-/hatever@K
IItDs the Outen2erg, ho/ shoul( I put it, um E than: you for your har( /or: T I
Reah, the situation coul( 2e mostly attri2ute( to 7uman error, so please say a fe/ /or(s
a2out this inci(ent T
I'o thin: that such (evilish e(itors e6ist /hat a horrifying /or:ing environmentK
Res, to thin: that a (evil coul( say such /or(s /ith a straight face ho/ scary Ptrem2ling voiceQ
- Never min(, I /onDt mention human error for no/, 2ut actually a lot of other things happene(
that I <ust (i(nDt /rite (o/n
Such as (ia2etes, I /as scol(e( 2y my (octor, an( got foo( poisoning <ust from going out to eat
ya:itori once
- =ut <ust let me say this, all this isnDt ma(e up
IFamiya-sensei, I suggest that you go for an e6orcismCK
I alrea(y haveC
I /ent to 9ei<i Shrine 2efore I got cancer
I visite( +ushimi Inari-'aisha after I got cancer
'his year I /ent to visit Fa/ashi:a Aaishi =ut all this still happene( any/ay
If I ha(nDt 2een to visit all these places, I might even 2e on the other si(e of the San8u 1iver 2y
no/ P'N note: .ll the places a2ove are places significant to Japanese =u((hist 2eliefs San8u
1iver is a river that tra(itionally (ivi(es the 2or(er 2et/een life an( (eathQ
.h, 2ut at the en( of the year I /ent to chec: my 2an: 2oo: only to see that it ha( only the
num2er 0/ritten on it, I (onDt even have money to pay the ferryman across the river /hat
happens if I (onDt pay him@ *ill I come 2ac: to life@
INo, I (onDt thin: those sort of lifelines e6istK
+ine E <ust li:e that, IDll stop here
'he content of this volume is rela6ing, cheerful P/ith a (eeper meaningQ
=ut this is also approaching a sprint E the plot of this series entere( its clima6 in the previous
volume, so to surpass itC I /ill sprint for/ar( even faster, so please support -
I.h, Famiya-sensei, Famiya-senseiK
7uh@ .h, IDm here, /hat is it@ IDm <ust preparing to finish this up
I'he e(itor of .live is here to rush you, is your story2oar( (raft complete( yet@K
I.n( the special volume an( the script for a 2oo:let of some pro<ect, an( (onDt forget E huh@
Famiya-sensei@ 7eyW are you still there@K

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