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Admission and Discharge 9/1/10

Admission is the care a patient receives when he/she enters the hospital.
Objective is to make the patient feel welcome and facilitate adjustment to the hospital
ensure comfort and safet! of patient
institute primar! diagnostic measures
preserve person"s individualit! #give privac!$
prepare patients both ph!sicall! and mentall! #emotionall!$ for e%amination as treatment
and other e%periences.
&nderl!ing 'rinciples
entering a health care facilit! ( main crisis for most
each health care facilit! needs to maintain certain routine procedures and needs speci)c
info about incoming patients to facilitate the performance of each function.
best approach is an ade*uate e%planation which will result in a decrease in the fear of the
some people value cleanliness and beaut! ver! highl!
ever! societ! maintains beliefs with regards to illness and death which serves as the
guidelines in the behavior of its members.
inconsistentencies #verbal and nonverbal$ in communication ma! result to problems.
hospitali+ed patient is sensitive to some verbal and nonverbal communication
famil! centered approach enhances the therapeutic atmosphere and facilitates patient
acceptance of their current e%perience.
1. Open ,ed
-. Admission pack. face towel/ towel0/ soap/ calibrated drinking glass/ toilet paper/
silverware#spoon/ fork/ teaspoon$/ pack of detergent/ thermometer/ mineral water
1. 2ra!
3. 4idne! basin or emesis basin/ bed pan/ or urinal '56
7. 8ace mask '56
9. ,' apparatus/ stethoscope
:. Documentation forms. patient"s chart with admission pack slip
;&<= Admission 8low
:am11pm/ information will be the ones to admit the patient o>ciall! 11pm:am
11pm:am ?5 sta@ will do the admission
A'?DBA Cith Orders Bnformation
,usiness O>ce
AOthers Cithout Dr. Orders
?mergenc! 5oom ?5

Cheeled to the room

5oom 'rep
1. Admission packoptional/ digital thermometer is used('100/ thermo probe('D/use/
funnelused for re)lling water
-. ;uction machine/O- tank. inform nurse ward ahead of time.
1. 5outine EA,/ Diagnostic ?%ams
-. =,5 #complete bed rest$
1. Freet the patient and the famil!
-. Bdentif! self
1. Assess the general appearance of the client
3. Assist in changing into hospital gown
7. Assist to bed/ weight is taken before placing in bed
9. =heck the ph!sician"s order for procedure/ tests/ or treatments to be initiated
:. Assess vital signs if not taken in the ?5 or if re*uested b! the ph!sician
D. Assess the client and famil!"s ps!chological status
9. Obtain nursing histor!
10. =onduct ph!sical assessment
11. 'rep patient for ph!sical e%am and assist ph!sician/
Orient 'atient
A=all ;!stem
-1:O, Card
010<ed Card
011'ed Card
=all Eight=lean 6eeds
Gisiting Hours ;<=
101- 6oon
D'<=ut O@ 2ime
I10 !ear sj. not allowed
<eal 2imes
A,reakfast.until 9am
bathroom facilities
use of electrical appliances
care of hospital properties
bringing of food and lines from home
aspect of doctor"s order that needs client"s
admission pack
shifting of hospital personnel
nurses station
AChen documenting valuables/ make sure to
use words likeJ.
have a witness
have nurse and patient sign valuables list
don"t forget dentures/ glasses/ etc.
when transferring patient/ sign o@ with
know !our facilit!"s valuables polic!
termination of care from a health care agenc!
<ethod #acron!m$
HHealth 2eachings
OOutpatient 5e@eral
ADA<A #discharge against medical advice$ patient leaves prior to obtaining written order.
6urse re*uests patient to sign form/ if patient refuses/ nurse must let patient leave and note
refusal to sign A<A in chart
6urses 5esponsibilities 8or Discharging A 'atient
gather belongings/check inventor!
arrange transportation
inform patient of checkpoint time to avoid being billed for an e%tra da!
escort until patient safel! inside vehicle
written discharge summar!
terminal cleaning/ strip bed/ disinfectant used/ cabinet restocked/cleaned
discharge a patient from one unit or agenc! and admitting them to another unit
inform patient/famil!
complete transfer summar!
speak with nurse on transfer unit
transport patient belongings/supplies and chart
check orders/make newaddress or graph card with new room number.

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