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1. Tender document is to be down loaded from the Internet, printout is to be taken

on A4 size paper, and details are to be entered by the tenderer at the various
locations in the document. It is advisable that the downloaded tender document
is printed through laser/ inkjet printer only. Submission of Xerox or photocopy
of the tender document is prohibited.

2. This downloaded Tender document (in full – Volume-I, Volume-II and Volume
III) along with the various documents are required to be submitted as per the
tender conditions in a sealed cover duly subscribing the name of the work,
tender notice no. and date etc and the same shall be dropped before the
stipulated date and time in the tender box as specified in the tender notice.

3. The cost of the Tender document as indicated in the Tender Notice will have to
be deposited by the Tenderer in the form of bank draft in favour of Financial
Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer/Construction/Southern Railway, Egmore
along with the Tender document. This should be enclosed as a separate
Demand Draft. A single demand draft for the cost of tender document and
Earnest Money Deposit will not be accepted. Tenders not accompanied with
the demand draft towards the requisite cost of the tender document will be
summarily rejected.

4. The Earnest Money Deposit required for this work as stipulated in the tender
document is to be submitted separately.

5. Tenderers are advised to download the tender documents well in advance and
submit the tender before the stipulated time. It is the responsibility of the
tenderer to check any correction or any modifications published subsequently
in Web site and the same shall be taken into account while submitting the
tender. The Tenderers shall download corrigendum (if any), print it out, sign
and attach it with the main tender document. Tender documents not
accompanied by published corrigendum(s) are liable to be rejected. Railways
will not be responsible for any postal delay/ delay in downloading of tender
document from the internet.

6. The tenderers may please note that the rates/ single percentage for schedule
items shall be written in figures and words. Each page of the tender document
shall be signed by the tenderer.

7. Tenderers are free to download the tender document at their own risk and cost,
for the purpose of perusal as well as for using the same as tender document
for submitting the offer. Master copy of the tender document is available in the
Railway office as specified in the tender notice. After the award of work an
agreement will be prepared based on the master copy of tender document
available in the above office. In case of any discrepancy between the tender
document downloaded from the Internet and the master copy, the latter
shall prevail and will be binding on the tenderers. No claim on this
account will be entertained.

8. If any change/ addition/ deletion is made by the Tenderer/ Contractor and the
same is detected at any stage even after the award of the tender, the full
earnest money deposit will be forfeited and the contract will be terminated at
his/ their risk and cost. The tenderer will also be liable to be banned from doing
business with Railways and/ or prosecuted.

9. The following declaration shall be given by the Tenderers while submitting the


(a) I/We have downloaded the tender form from the internet site, or
and I/we have not tampered/ modified the tender forms in any manner. In
case, if the same is found to be tampered/ modified I/we understand that
my/our tender will be summarily rejected and the full earnest money deposit
will be forfeited and I/we am/are liable to be banned from doing business with
Railways and/or prosecuted.

(b) A demand draft No.__________________ dated _______ for Rs._________

issued by _____________________________________________________
has been enclosed towards the cost of the tender document.

Signature if the Tenderer :

Date :

Address :


TENDER NOTICE No. PTJ/SG/CN/2009-10/OT/01 dated


DUE ON : 28.12.09 UPTO 11:00 hours


Executive Signal and Telecommunication

Engineer, Construction ,
Southern Railway,

This page is to be pasted on top of the sealed cover used for

submitting the tender without which the tender will not be
nùÊIÉhÉ ®äú±É´Éä
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ʺÉMÉxÉ±É EòɪÉÉç Eäò ʱÉB ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉnùÉiÉÉ+Éå EòÉä +xÉÖnäù¶É
Name of Work:

“Signalling and telecom arrangements in connection with inspection and stabling

facilities for BGAC-MEMU at PGT .”

ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäVÉ ºÉÆ0

ÊnùxÉÉÆEò :
TENDER NOTICE NO. PTJ/SG/CN/2009-10/OT/01 dated

DUE TO BE OPENED ON : 28.12.2009

ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉEòÉ®ú EòÉ xÉÉ¨É :

Name of the Tenderer:
Page 1 of 33

i) Name of the Tenderer to :

whom the Tender document is :

ii) Address :

iii) Serial No.assigned to the :

Tender document :

iv) Date of Sale :


v) Signature of the Upper :

Subordinate of the branch :
concerned. :
[Name to be shown in :
Page 2 of 33



1 Meaning of Terms 3

2 Contract Documents 6

3 Condition of Tender 7

4 Annexure I 11

5 Acceptance of Tender 12

6 Annexure II 13

7 Chapter I 14

8 Instructions to Tenderers & conditions of tendering 15

9 Earnest Money Deposit 16

10 Eligibility Criteria 17

11 Errors, Omissions & Discrepancies 19

12 Completion Period 20

13 Chapter II 21

14 Schedule 22 to 25

15 Chapter III 26

16 Annexure B2 29

17 Chapter IV 30

18 Statement of Deviation 31

19 Volume II

20 Volume III
Page 3 of 33





1. In these Regulations for Tenders and Contracts the following terms shall have
the meanings assigned hereunder except where the context requires otherwise :-

a) "Railway" shall mean the President of the Republic of India or the Administrative
Officers of the Southern Railway or of the Successor Railway authorised to deal with any matters
which these presents are concerned on his behalf.

b) "General Manager" shall mean the officer in administrative charge of the whole of
Southern Railway and shall mean and include the General Manager of the Successor Railway including

c) "Chief Engineer" shall mean the officer-in-charge of the Signal and

Telecommunication Department of Southern Railway and shall mean and include the Engineer-in-
Chief and Chief Engineer (Construction/ Projects/ Planning & Projects).

d) "Tenderer" shall mean the person, the firm or company who tenders for the works with
a view to execute the works on contract with the Railway and shall include their personal
representatives, successors and permitted assigns.

e) "Limited Tenders" shall mean tenders invited from all or some Contractors on the
approved list of contractors with the Railway.

f) "Open Tenders" shall mean tenders invited in open and public manner with adequate

g) "Works" shall mean the works contemplated in the drawings and schedules set forth in
the Tender forms and required to be executed according to specifications.

h) "Specifications" shall mean the specifications for materials and works, Southern
Railway, with up to date correction slips issued under the authority of Chief Engineer and as
amplified, added to or superseded by special specifications/conditions if any, appended to the Tender

i) "Schedule of Rates of Southern Railway" shall mean the schedule of rates issued under
the authority of the Chief Engineer from time to time with up to date correction slips.

j) "Drawings" shall mean the drawings, plans and tracings or prints thereof annexed to the
Tender Forms, and/or issued for the execution of the work.

2. Words importing the singular number shall also include the plural and vice versa where
the context requires.

3. These Regulations for Tenders and Contracts shall be read in conjunction with the
General Conditions of Contract which are referred to herein and shall be subject to modifications,
additions or super session by special conditions of contract and/ or special specifications, if any,
annexed to the Tender Forms.
Page 4 of 33

4. A contractor who has not carried out any work so far on this Railway should furnish
particulars regarding:

a) His position as an independent Contractor.

b) His capacity to undertake and carry out works satisfactorily, as vouched for by a
responsible official or firm.

c) His Previous experience on works similar to that to be contracted for, in proof of

which original certificates or testimonials may be called for and their genuineness verified, if need
be, by reference to the signatories thereof.

d) His knowledge from actual personal investigation of the resources of the zone or zones
in which he offers to work.

e) His ability to supervise the work personally or by competent and duly authorised

f) His financial position.

5. Should a Tenderer find discrepancies in, or omissions from the drawings or any of the
Tender Forms or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the authority
inviting tenders who may send a written intimation to all Tenderers. It shall be understood that
every endeavour has been made to avoid any error which can materially affect the basis and scope of
the tender and the successful Tenderer shall take upon himself and provide for the risk of any error
which may subsequently be discovered and shall make no claim on account thereof.

6.(a) The Tenderer shall be required to deposit the full earnest money deposit with the
Tender as a security deposit for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open till such
date as might be specified in the tender. It shall be understood that the tender documents have been
sold/issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on
his part, that after submitting his tender he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and
conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Chief Engineer/ Dy.Chief Engineer/ Executive
Engineer (Construction/ Projects) of Southern Railway. Should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply
with the said stipulation, the full earnest money amount shall be forfeited to the Railway.

b) If the tender is accepted this earnest money will be retained as part security for the due
and faithful fulfilment of the contract in terms of Clause 16 of the General Conditions of Contract. The
earnest money of other Tenderers shall, save as herein before provided, be returned to them, but
the Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen thereto while in their
possession, nor be liable to pay interest thereon.

c) Applicable to Tenderers who have deposited lump sum Deposit. The Tenderer shall
hold the offer open till such date as may be specified in the tender. It is understood that the tender
documents have been sold/issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in
consideration of the stipulation on his part, that after submitting his tender he will not resile from his
offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Chief Engineer/
Dy.Chief Engineer /Executive Engineer (Construction), Southern Railway. Should the Tenderer fail to
observe or comply with the said stipulation the full earnest money deposit shall be forfeited to the
Railway from the lumpsum earnest money deposited by him with the Railway and he will be
debarred from tendering further unless he replenishes the amount of so forfeited to the Railway and
maintains his lumpsum deposit. (NOT APPLICABLE)
Page 5 of 33

7.(a) Before submitting a tender, the Tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by
actual inspection of the site and locality of the works, that all conditions liable to be encountered
during the execution of the works are taken into account and that the rates he enters in the Tender
Forms are adequate and all inclusive to accord with the provisions in Clause 37 of the General
Conditions of Contract for the completion of the works to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.

(b) When work is tendered for by a firm or company of Contractors, the tender shall be
signed by the individual legally authorised to enter into commitments on their behalf.

The Railway will not be bound by any power of attorney granted by the Tenderer or any
changes in the composition of the firm made subsequent to the execution of the contract. It may,
however, recognize such power of attorney and changes after obtaining proper legal advice, the cost of
which will be chargeable to the Contractor.

8. Tenders received will be opened and, if practicable the names of the Tenderers and
rates will be read out by the Chief Engineer (Construction/ Projects) or his representatives at the
stipulated date and time mentioned in the tender notice, in the presence of such of the Tenderers, or
their agents as may choose to attend.

9. The Railway reserves the right of not to invite tenders for any work or works, or to invite
open or limited tenders, and when tenders are called, to accept a tender in whole or in part or reject any
tender or all tenders without assigning any reasons for any such action.
Page 6 of 33


10. The Tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be required to attend the Office of the
Chief Engineer/ Dy.Chief Engineer, Executive Engineer (Construction/ Projects) as the case may be
in person, or if a firm or corporation, a duly authorised representative shall so attend, and to execute
the contract documents within 7 days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him/them.
Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of the contract effected by the acceptance of the tender in
which case the full value of the earnest money accompanying the tender shall stand forfeited without
prejudice to any other rights or remedies.

In the event of any Tenderer whose tender is accepted refuses to execute the contract
documents as herein before provided, the Railway may determine that such Tenderer has
abandoned the contract and thereupon his tender and the acceptance thereof shall be treated as
cancelled and the Railway shall be entitled to forfeit the full amount of the earnest money and to
recover liquidated damages for such default.

11. The Tenderer, whose tender is accepted shall sign the agreement in the proforma at
page 11.

12.(a) The tender shall be submitted in the prescribed form annexed hereto duly
quoting the offer as stipulated in the Special Conditions of Contract. The quotations will be subject to
the general instructions contained in Pages I to III of the Schedule of Rates and Special Conditions of
Contract attached to the tender to which the Tenderers' special attention is drawn. The percentage
and rates quoted must be clearly written in figures and in words, and the percentage (In case of BSR
items) will apply to all the items in all the chapters covered in the schedule of BSR items. (NOT

(b) In the case of tenders for collection and training out of ballast, the percentage quoted
will apply to all the items in Chapter XX only. Tenderers are not permitted to quote different percentages
for different chapters or different items, and in the percentage quoted no fraction is permitted. The
percentage/rates quoted must be firm, precise and unconditional. (NOT APPLICABLE)

(c) If any item is excluded by the Tenderer while submitting his tender, the Chief Engineer
(Construction/ Projects) may reject the tender. In the case of tenders for collection and training out of
ballast 14 of stone ballast shall be submitted as sample alongwith test certificate as required by
the specifications for ballast to show the quality from each of the depots concerned alongwith the

13. A copy of the printed Basic Schedule of Rates, (2000) Southern Railway may be had
from the Office of the Chief Engineer (Construction) on payment of Rs.300.00 (all inclusive).

Place Signature of Tenderer / Tenderers

Date :
Page 7 of 33


1. The drawings for the works can be seen in the Office of Chief Engineer, Construction/
Projects, Southern Railway, Chennai - 600 008 or the concerned Dy.Chief Engineer/ Executive
Engineer, Southern Railway as mentioned in the special conditions of contract during office hours.

2. General Conditions of Contract, Basic Schedule of Rates and Specifications for

Materials and Works of Southern Railway can be seen at the Office of Chief Engineer, Construction/
Projects, Southern Railway, Chennai - 8

3. The Tenderer/Tenderer(s) shall quote rate as mentioned in the special conditions of

contract. The quantities shown in the attached Schedules are given as a guide and are approximate
only and are subject to variation according to the needs of the Railway. The Railway accepts no
responsibility for their accuracy. The Railway does not guarantee work under each item of the

4. Tenders containing erasures and alterations of the tender documents are liable to be
rejected. Any corrections made by the Tenderer/Tenderers in his/their entries must by attested by

5. The works are required to be completed within the time period stipulated in the special
conditions of contract. The work is deemed to commence from the date of issue of letter of acceptance.
The work other than earthwork will have to be maintained for the period as mentioned in the special
conditions of contract after the completion of the work.

6.(A) The Tenderer/Tenderers is/are required to deposit as Earnest Money amount in

any one of the following forms (Refer Volume III):

(i) In cash paid to the Railway Administration's Chief Cashier at Chennai - 3.

(ii) By Money Order in favour of the Railway Administration's Chief Cashier at Chennai -
600 003.

(iii) By Pay Orders or Demand Drafts in favour of Financial Advisor and Chief
Accounts officer, Metropolitan Transport Project , Southern Railway, Egmore,
Chennai - 600008.

(iv) By Deposit Receipts in favour of Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts officer,
Metropolitan Transport Project , Southern Railway, Egmore, Chennai - 600008.

No interest shall be payable on the Earnest Money deposit.

Note: (1) Cash and Money Orders will not be accepted by the Chief Cashier after 14.00 hrs.

(2) Cheques, Guarantee Bonds, War Bonds and Government Securities (Stock
Certificates, Bearer Bond, Promissory Notes, and Cash Certificates) will not be
accepted towards earnest money.

(3) Pay Orders, Demand Drafts, and Deposit Receipts should be enclosed along with the

6-B) The Tenderer shall hold the offer open till such date as may be specified in the tender. It
is understood that the tender documents have been sold/issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is
being permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his part, that after submitting his tender
he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to
the Chief Engineer (Construction/ Projects) of Southern Railway. Should the Tenderer fail to observe or
comply with the foregoing stipulation the amount deposited as security for the due performance of the
above stipulations shall be forfeited to the Railway. If the tender is accepted the amount of earnest
money will be held as security deposit for the due and faithful fulfilment of the contract. The earnest
money of other Tenderers will save as hereinbefore provided, be returned to the unsuccessful
Page 8 of 33

Tenderers but the Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen to
security for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open for the period specified in
the tender documents or to the earnest money while in their possession, nor be liable to pay interest

7. It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowest tender and no
Tenderer/Tenderers shall demand any explanation for the cause of rejection of his/their tender.

8. If the Tenderer deliberately gives/Tenderers deliberately give wrong information in

his/their tender or creates/create circumstances for the acceptance of his/their tender, the Railway
reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage. The entire EMD with Railway will be forfeited. In
addition, action will be taken to suspend the business with the tenderer for a specified period of not less
than six months at the discretion of the Administration.

9. If a Tenderer expires after the submission of his tender or after the acceptance of his
tender, the Railway shall deem such tender as cancelled. If a partner of a firm expires after the
submission of their tender or after the acceptance of their tender the Railway shall deem such tender as
cancelled, unless the firm retains its character.

10. The earnest money including the amount taken as security deposit for the due
performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open till the date specified in the tender will be refunded
to the unsuccessful Tenderer/Tenderers within a reasonable time. The earnest money deposited by
the Successful Tenderer/Tenderers will be retained towards the security deposit for the due and faithful
fulfilment of the contract but shall be forfeited if the Contractor fails/ Contractors fail to execute the
Agreement or start the work within reasonable time (to be determined by the Engineer-in-charge) after
notification of the acceptance of his/their tender.

11. The Tenderer is / Tenderers are required to produce along with his/their tender an
authorised copy of the Income-Tax Clearance Certificate or a sworn affidavit duly countersigned by
the Income-tax Officer to the effect that he has/they have no taxable income. Documents
testifying to the Tenderer/Tenderer's previous experience and financial status should be produced when
desired by the Chief Engineer, Construction/ Projects, Southern Railway, Chennai - 600 008.

12. Tenders must be enclosed in sealed covers, superscribing name of work for which it is
tendered and must be sent by Registered Post to the address of the Executive Signal &
Telecommunication Engineer, Construction/ Southern Railway, Podanur so as to reach his office not
later than 11:00 hrs on the date mentioned in the tender notice or deposited in the special box
allotted for the purpose in the Office of the Executive Signal & Telecommunication Engineer,
Construction/ Southern Railway, Podanur . This will be sealed at 11:00 hrs on the same date.

13. Non compliance with any of the conditions set forth hereinabove is liable to result in the
tender being rejected.

14. The authority for the acceptance of the tender will rest with the Chief Engineer,
Construction/Projects, Southern Railway, Chennai - 600 008, who does not bind himself to accept the
lowest or any other tender nor does he undertake to assign reasons for declining to consider any
particular tender or tenders.

15. The successful Tenderer/Tenderers shall be required to execute an Agreement with the
President of India acting through the Chief Engineer/Dy.Chief Engineer/ Executive Engineer
(Construction/ Projects) of the Southern Railway for carrying out the work according to the General
Conditions of Contract and Specifications for Works and Materials 1969 of the Railway including the
corrections slips from time-to-time.

16. The tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period stipulated in the tender
from the date of opening of the tender within which period the Tenderer cannot withdraw his offer,
subject to the period being extended further if required, by mutual agreement from time-to-time.
Any contravention of the above condition will make the Tenderer liable for forfeiture of his initial security.

17. The Administration does not agree to pay Sales tax in addition to the price quoted.
Page 9 of 33

18. Should a Tenderer be a retired Engineer of the gazetted rank or any other gazetted
officer working before his retirement, whether in the executive or administrative capacity, or whether
holding a pensionable post or not, in the Engineering Department of any of the Railways owned and
administered by the President of India for the time being, or should a Tenderer being partnership firm
have as one of its partners a retired Engineer or a retired gazetted officer as aforesaid, or should a
Tenderer being an incorporated company have any retired Engineer or retired officer as one of its
directors, or should a Tenderer has in his employment any retired engineer or retired gazetted officer
from the said service and in cases where such Engineer or officer had not retired from Government
service at least two years prior to the date of submission of the tender as to whether permission for
taking such contract, or, if the Contractor be a partnership firm or an incorporated company, to
become a partner or Director as the case may be or to make employment under the Contractor, has
been obtained by the Tenderer or the Engineer or the officers as the case may be from the President
of India or any officer duly authorised by him in this behalf, shall be clearly stated in writing at the time
of submitting the tender. Tenders without the information above referred to or a statement to the
effect that no such retired Engineer or retired gazetted officer is so associated with the Tenderer, as the
case may be, shall be rejected.

19. Should a Tenderer or Contractor being an individual on the list of approved Contractors,
have a relative employed in gazetted capacity in the Signal and Telecommunication Department of
the Southern Railway, or in the case of partnership firm or company incorporated under the Indian
Company Law should a partner or a relative of the partner or a shareholder or a relative of a
shareholder be employed in gazetted capacity in Signal and Tele communication Department of the
Southern Railway, the authority inviting tenders shall be informed of the fact at the time of
submission of tenders, failing which the tender may be rejected, or if such fact subsequently comes
to light, the contract may be rescinded in accordance with the provision on Clause 62 of the General
Conditions of Contract.

Place : Signature of Tenderer.

Date :
Page 10 of 33

Proforma to be filled in and signed by the Tenderer and submitted along with the tender with
reference to Clauses 18 and 19 of the Conditions of Tender

Strike out whichever is not applicable

I. The undersigned :

(a) is a retired gazetted officer holding prior to retirement a pensionable/non-pensionable

post in Signal and Telecommunication Department of ________________ Railway.

(b) is a partnership firm having as one of its partners a retired Engineer or a retired
gazetted officer as aforesaid.

(c) is an incorporated company having any such retired Engineer or retired officer as
aforesaid, as one of its directors.

(d) is having in my employment any retired Engineer or retired gazetted officer as


(e) has no such retired Engineer or retired gazetted officer so associated with me as
stated above.

II. If falling under any of the above categories (a) to (d) particulars of the officer may be
furnished hereunder :

(1) Post held before retirement …. _________________________________

(2) Date of retirement …. _________________________________

(3) If not retired at least two years prior to date of …. _________________________________

submission of tender state whether permission
for taking such contracts has been obtained from
the President of India or any officer duly
authorised in this behalf.

III. If the Tenderer or in the case of a firm or company, any of the

shareholders has a relative or relatives employed in gazetted capacity in the Engineering
Department of the Railways, particulars of such relatives in the Railway may be furnished
hereunder :-

(1) Name .. ____________________________

(2) Designation .. ____________________________

(3) Relationship .. _______________________________

Signature of Tenderer
Page 11 of 33




Name of Work:


The President of India,

Acting through the Executive Signal &
Telecommunication Engineer, Construction/
Southern Railway, Podanur

1. We ______________________________________________________ have read the

various conditions of Tender attached hereto and hereby agree to abide by the said conditions.
We also agree to keep this Tender open for acceptance for a period of __________ days from
the date fixed for opening the same and in default thereof will be liable for forfeiture of our
“Earnest Money Deposit”. We offer to do this work at the rates quoted in the attached schedule
and hereby bind ourselves to complete this work within ______ months from the date of issue
of execution of agreement or date of issue of letter of intent whichever is earlier. We also
hereby agree to abide by the General and Special conditions of Contract and to carry out the
work according to the specifications for materials and works laid down by the Railways for the
present Contract.

2. A sum of Rs.________ is herewith forwarded as “Earnest Money Deposit”. The full

value of the same shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other rights or remedies if,

a. We do not execute the Contract document within 14 days after receipt of notice issued by
Railways that such documents are ready, or

b. We do not commence the work within 7 days after receipt of orders to that effect.

3. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, we agree that the letter of acceptance of
the Tender shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications, as may be
mutually agreed to between us.

Signature of the Contractor Contractor’s address & date

Signature of witnesses


Page 12 of 33



I accept the Tender and agree to pay the rates mentioned by Railways, enhanced

by ...........................percent/ AT PAR in respect of schedules in Annexure ‘A ‘ and at the rates

as entered in respect of schedules of Annexure ‘B’(items not covered by Annexure-‘A’). Based

on these rates the value of contract works out to Rs.............................................

(Rupees ........................................... only)

Executive Signal and Telecommunication Engineer

Construction), Southern Railway.Podanur
on behalf of President of India

Witnesses Division __________________

1. _________________________

Date : __________________
2. _________________________
Page 13 of 33




MADE This ____Day of ________ Two Thousand and Nine between the “President of India" acting
through the Executive Signal & Telecommunication Engineer, Construction,Podanur-641023 of
Southern Railway Administration hereinafter called the "Railway" of the one part
and .....................................,hereinafter called the "Contractor" of the other part.

II. WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed with the Railway for the performance of the work setforth
in the schedule hereto annexed and in conformity with specifications of the Southern Railway and
special conditions and special specifications and drawings hereto annexed, if any, and General
Conditions of Contract AND WHEREAS the performance of the said work is an act in which the public
are interested.

III. AND WHEREAS the contractor has deposited a sum of Rs. .

(Rupees .................................... only) vide dated issued by i, towards the Earnest money AND
WHEREAS the balance of security deposit after adjustment of Earnest money of Rs. , Originally paid
by the contractor is at the instance of the Contractor recovered at 10 percent of the value of the running
bill till all the amount of Security deposit of Rs............................... is fully recovered.

IV.AND WHEREAS the contractor has submitted a Performance guarantee for Rs.......................
(Rupees ..............................................................) vide............................... dated ................., .issued
by .................................. and valid till 5% of the contract value to the Railways for due
fulfilment of contract conditions .

V. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSTH that in consideration of the payments to be made by the
Railway, the Contractor will duly perform the said works in the said schedules setforth and shall execute
the same with great promptness, care and accuracy in a workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the
Railway and will complete the same in accordance with the said specifications and said drawings and
said conditions of contract within ............... the stipulated period as mentioned in the special
conditions of contract from the date of issue of letter of acceptance and will maintain the said works as
stipulated in the schedule attached from the certified date of their completion and will observe, fulfil
and keep all the conditions therein mentioned (which shall be deemed and taken to be part of this
contract as if the same had been fully set forth herein), AND the Railway doth hereby agree that if the
Contractor shall duly perform the said works in the manner aforesaid and observe and keep the said
terms and conditions, the Railway will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor for the said works on
the final completion thereof the amount due in respect thereof, at the rates set forth in the annexure

VI. It is hereby agreed and declared that all the provisions of the said specifications, conditions
of contract which have been carefully read and understood by the Contractor, and the printed Schedule
of Rates including the General Instructions contained in Pages I to III thereof, shall be binding upon the
Contractor and upon the Railway Administration as if the same had been repeated herein and shall
be read as part of these presents.

VII. The cost of stamp duty on the agreement shall be borne by the Railway Administration.

Signature of witnesses with {1. __________________ Contractor ______________________

address to signature of Contractor {2. __________________ Address ______________________
Date : ________________________

Designation ________________
Southern Railway
for President of India.
Page 14 of 33


Name of Work:


The President of India,

Acting through the Executive Signal &
Telecommunication Engineer, Construction,
Podanur, Southern Railway,
Podanur – 641023.

1. We ______________________________________________________ have read the

various conditions of Tender attached hereto and hereby agree to abide by the said conditions.
We also agree to keep this Tender open for acceptance for a period of __________ days from
the date fixed for opening the same and in default thereof will be liable for forfeiture of our
“Earnest Money Deposit”. We offer to do this work at the rates quoted in the attached schedule
and hereby bind ourselves to complete this work within ______ months from the date of issue
of execution of agreement or date of issue of letter of intent whichever is earlier. We also
hereby agree to abide by the General and Special conditions of Contract and to carry out the
work according to the specifications for materials and works laid down by the Railways for the
present Contract.

2. A sum of Rs.____________ in the form of Cash/ Banker’s Cheque/ Demand Draft/

Fixed Term Deposit Receipt No.____________ dated ______ issued by Bank
_____________________________________ branch ______________ is herewith forwarded
as “Earnest Money Deposit”. The full value of the same shall stand forfeited without prejudice to
any other rights or remedies if,

a. We do not execute the Contract document within 14 days after receipt of notice issued
by Railways that such documents are ready, or

b. We do not commence the work within 7 days after receipt of orders to that effect.

3. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, we agree that the letter of
acceptance of the Tender shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to
modifications, as may be mutually agreed to between us.

Signature of the Contractor Contractor’s address & date

Signature of witnesses


Page 15 of 33



XSTE/Construction/ Podanur invite Sealed Tenders for the work as mentioned below:

“Signalling and telecom arrangements in connection with inspection and stabling

facilities for BG AC—MEMU at PGT .”


2.1 The scope of this work along with the list of stations where the works are to be carried out and
the relevant signaling plan/sketch No. are furnished in Chapter IV of Volume-I.

2.2 Clarification about the latest policies/ practices for execution can be received from the Office of
CSTE/Construction, Egmore, Chennai-600 008.


3.1 All offers in the prescribed forms ( Vol.I , Vol.II &Vol.III ) should be submitted before the time
and date fixed for the receipt of the offers. Offers received after the stipulated time and date
will be summarily rejected.

3.2 In case the date of opening happens to be a holiday, the tender will be received and opened at
the same time on the next working day.

3.3 All offers shall be either type written or written neatly in indelible ink in English. Each page of
the offer must be numbered consecutively. A reference to total number of pages comprising the
offer must be made at the top right hand corner of the top page.

3.4 All copies of the tender paper (Vol.I,Vol.II & Vol.III) shall be signed in ink by the tenderer, on
each page including closing page, in token of his having studied the Tender papers carefully.

3.5 RATES IN FIGURES & WORDS:- All prices and other information like discounts, etc.
having a bearing on the price shall be written both in figures and in words in the prescribed
offer form. In case of difference in words and figures the amount written in words will be taken
into consideration.

3.6 ATTESTATION OF ALTERATION:- No scribbling is permissible in the tender documents.

Tender containing erasures and alterations in the tender documents are liable to be rejected.
Any correction made by the tenderer in his entries must be self-attested.

3.7 The tenderer shall submit his tender duly filled up along with the following in a Sealed Cover:

i) Offer letter complete.

ii) The rates/ Single percentage for the complete schedule of works as detailed in Chapter-II of
Volume-I (both in figures and words).

i. A Receipt for having deposited the Earnest money for Rs.21,560.00.00. The EMD
submitted should cover the entire validity period of the offer. Tenders not accompanied by
the requisite EMD will be summarily rejected. Use of discharged instruments towards
EMD for other tenders is prohibited.

iv) Turnover:

Documentary proof of turnover shall be submitted in any of the following means: (If stipulated in
the eligibility criteria of Tender Notice).

(a) ITCC submitted along with the tender. The contract amount of the latest three years will be
taken for verifying the credentials.
Page 16 of 33

(b) Documentary evidence duly certified by Chartered Accountant/Company Auditor, audited

balance sheet, certificate issued by Railway Officers not below the rank of JA grade.

v) A copy of partnership deed and affidavit for proprietorship.

vi) Tenderer's credentials.

vii) If the tenderer wants to give any deviation, the statement of Deviations for any clause or sub-
clause of “General Conditions of Contract”, “Special Conditions of Contract”, “Instructions to
tenderers and conditions of tendering”, which he proposes with detailed justification for
deviation proposed should be submitted in the format given as Form No.I in Vol.I.

viii) Similar works executed. Particulars regarding supplies of similar equipments, testing and
commissioning and details of project or major works executed of similar nature.

(a) For the purpose of single similar nature of work, the Experience Certificate should be
attached to the tender document as per proforma given as Form No.II in Vol.I, which
can be filled up and signed by the tenderer, in case the format issued by the Executive
is different. The certified copies of relevant Experience Certificate are also to be

(b) With respect to Railways, the experience certificate should have been issued by atleast
a JA Grade Officer. With respect to other Government departments and PSUs, the
certificate issued at the level of Executive Engineer and above can be taken as valid.

ix) Solvency Certificate issued by Bank/Revenue authority: (If stipulated in the eligibility criteria of
Tender Notice).

a) Solvency certificate should be issued either by revenue authorities not below the rank of
Tahsildar/Sub-Divisional Officer and/or by Manager of Scheduled/ Nationalised banks. The
solvency certificate should not be older than one year from the date of opening of the

b) The solvency certificate should be in the proforma (format enclosed as Form No.III of Vol.I)
particularly when issued by other than Revenue Authorities.

x) Should a tenderer be a retired Engineer of the Gazetted Rank or any other Gazetted Officer
working before his retirement, whether in the Executive or Administrative capacity or whether
holding a pensionable post or not in the Engineering Department of any of the Railways owned
and administered by the President of India for the time being or should a tenderer being
partnership firm have as one of its partners a retired Engineer or a retired Gazetted Officer as
aforesaid, or should a tenderer being an incorporated company have any such retired Engineer
or retired Officer as one of its Directors, or should a tenderer have in his employment any
retired Engineer or retired Gazetted Officer as aforesaid, the full information as to the date of
retirement of such Engineer or Gazetted officer from the said service and in case where such
Engineer or Officer has not retired from Government Service at two years prior to the date of
submission of the Tender as to whether permission for taking such contract, or if the contractor
be a partnership firm or an incorporated company to become a partner or Director as the case
may be, or to take employment under the contractor, has been obtained by the Tenderer or the
Engineer or the Officer as the case may be from the President of India or any Officer duly
authorized by him in this behalf shall be clearly stated in writing at the time of submitting the
tender. Tenders without the information above referred to or a statement to the effect that no
such retired Engineer or Retired Gazetted Officer is so associated with the Tenderer, as the
case shall be rejected.

xi) Complete technical data and particulars of the equipment offered, as specified in the Tender
papers together with descriptive literature, leaflets, etc.

3.8 Non-compliance with all or any of the condition said forth therein above is liable to result in the
tender being rejected.
Page 17 of 33

3.9 Tender Committee may at their discretion call for the originals of the credentials for verification
from the tenderers or any clarifications/confirmations on the contents of the documents

3.10 In case the Certificates/Documents produced are proved to be false/ fabricated, the entire
earnest money is liable to be forfeited in addition to banning their business with the organisation
for a specified period of not less than six months at the discretion of the Administration.


4.1 Tenderers are required to satisfy the following eligibility criteria (for advertised tender
value exceeding Rs.20 lakhs and upto Rs.5 Crores :-

Sl.No. Certificate Minimum Criteria

1 Should have completed in the last three

At least one similar single work, for a minimum
financial years (i.e. current year and three
value of 35% of advertised tender value of
previous financial years) work.
2 Total contract amount received during the
Should be a minimum of 150% of advertised
last three financial years and in thetender value of work. The tenderer has to
current financial year. produce attested certificate from the
employer/client, audited balance sheet duly
certified by the chartered accountant etc., with
the tender offer.
Note: One single similar nature of work means:

MACLS with Route Relay Interlocking/Relay interlocking

4.2 Documentary proof (in the form of attested copies of certificates) of satisfaction of eligibility
criteria should be furnished along with the tender documents. The offers of tenderers who do
not pass the prescribed eligibility criteria will be rejected.

4.3 The tender committee shall examine the overall financial soundness of the tenderers based
upon the volume of work handled, turnover balance sheet etc.


5.1 Need of tenderer’s careful study of conditions & site conditions:

The intending tenderer is advised to study tender papers, concerned specification and other
instructions carefully. The tenderer shall inspect the proposed site of work and acquaint himself
with the site conditions, working hours, layout of land, trees and shrubs that he will have to cut,
type of strata likely to be met while excavation, stacking space for materials, approach roads,
pathways available etc. and all relevant items connected with execution for the work. No claim
shall be entertained for the contractors making his own arrangements for approach roads from
outside Railway Land and contractors will bear entire expenses such as road taxes, payment
for right of way, etc. to outsiders and for constructions of approach roads, etc. The submission
of tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender
papers with full understanding of the implication thereof, unless otherwise, specifically
commented upon by the tenderer in his quotation. Failure to adhere to any one or all these
instructions may render his offer liable to be ignored without any reference.

5.2 No request for the change of price or time schedule of delivery of stores shall be entertained
after the offer is accepted by the Railways on account of any local condition or factor.

5.3 In the event of the tenderer desiring to have an independent field survey before
furnishing his quotations, he may apply to Railways for permission in this regard. Such
permission will be given in writing by the Railways but the expenses in this regard will be borne
by the tenderer completely.
Page 18 of 33

5.4 Should a tenderer find discrepancies in, or omission from the drawing or any of the Tender
papers or he has any doubt to their meaning, he should at once notify the Railway who
may send a written clarification to all tenderers.


6.1 Tenderer should advise the number of Engineer, Supervisors and Cable Jointers/Artisans
employed by him or going to be employed with their names, qualifications, bio-data and
experience in this particular trade under consideration along with the Tender.

6.2 Irrevocable letters of commitment of the said supervisors and key technicians/artisans for doing
the works shall be furnished along with tender papers, if they are not already in employment of
the tenderer.


Consortium/Joint ventures will not be accepted and all the credentials in proof of fulfilling
eligibility criteria specified in the tender documents have to be in the name of sole tenderer only.


8.1 The tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of
opening of tender. Within that period, the tenderer cannot withdraw his offer subject to the
period being extended further if required by mutual agreement from time to time.
Any contravention of the above condition will make the tenderer liable for forfeiture of
his Earnest Money Deposit.


9.1 The unit prices quoted by the Contractor should be inclusive of all Taxes, viz. Octroi and
levies imposed by the Central and State Governments and taken into consideration of all
relevant factors unless otherwise authorised by the concerned State Government Sales Tax

9.2 The description of items are given as a guide and the quantities given are approximate
only and are subject to variation according to the needs of the Railways. The Railways
accept no responsibility for their accuracy. The Railways do not guarantee work under each
item of schedule.

9.3 The unit prices offered against the various items will include besides Labour the following
elements of cost:

9.3.1 Cost of all materials required for laying the cables, casting of foundations, erection of Signals,
Apparatus cases, Junction Boxes, Installation of track circuits and Point machines including
their transport to site and all other incidentals connected therewith excluding the materials
supplied by the Railways.

9.3.2 Cost of transportation of materials including loading, unloading, handling charges, etc. supplied
by the Railways from place of delivery to the site of work.

9.3.3 Collection of balance cables, materials left over after the work, if any and materials released
and handing over to the Railway Engineers at specified location.

9.3.4 All other miscellaneous expenses necessary for the execution of the work and fulfilment of the
contractual obligations.

9.4 The contractor shall be responsible for undertaking repairs if any, to crates, cable drums
packing cases, etc. for safe transport of materials from Railway’s specified depot to the site of
work. The contractor should also undertake necessary repairs to crates drums etc. in respect
of unused materials required to be returned to the purchaser. No extra payment will be made
on this account.
Page 19 of 33

9.5 Materials to be supplied by the tenderer and by Railways are indicated separately in Vol.I.
However, any particular item of material not included in the Contractor’s list or in the Railway’s
list, but if still required to complete the works, the tenderer shall include such items of materials
in his tender and quote for the same.


The tenderer shall not increase his quoted rates in case the Railway Administration negotiates
for reduction of rates. Such a negotiation shall not amount to cancellation or withdrawal of the
original offer and the rates originally quoted will be binding on the tenderer.


The tender documents are not transferable. The cost of tender paper is not refundable


The Contractor(s) shall not take any advantage of any mis-interpretation of the
conditions due to typing or any other error and if in doubt, shall bring it to the notice
of the Engineer, without delay. In case of any contradiction only the printed rules and
books should be followed and no claim for the misinterpretation shall be entertained.


If the tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his tender, creates

circumstances for the acceptance of his tender, the Railway reserves the right to
reject such tender at any stage.


The authority for the acceptance of the tender will rest with the competent authority of the
Southern Railway on behalf of President of India. It shall not be obligatory on the said authority
to accept the lowest or any tender or to assign any reason for non-acceptance or rejection of a
tender. The Railway reserves the right to accept any tender in respect of the whole or any
portion of the work specified in the tender paper or to sub-divide the work among different
Tenderers or to reduce the work or to accept any tender for less than the tendered
quantities without assigning any reason whatsoever.

It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowest tender and no tenderer shall
demand any explanation for the cause of rejection of his tender.


The successful tenderer shall be required to execute an agreement with The President of India
acting through the Executive Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/ Construction,
Southern Railway, Podanur -641023 or his accredited officer for carrying out the work
according to the General Conditions of the Contract and specifications of contract including
the correction slips issued from time to time.


No foreign exchange and/ or import license will be released/ provided to the contractor in
connection with this contract.


Tenderer shall state in the tender his postal address fully and clearly. Any communication sent
to the tenderers by post at his said address, shall be deemed to have reached the tenderer
duly & timely, not withstanding the fact that the communication could not reach the tenderer at
all or in time for whatever reason. Important documents shall be sent by Registered post.
Page 20 of 33

The tenderers shall go through the instructions contained in the “Regulation for tenders and
contracts and conditions of Tender” before submitting their offers. All the relevant blank
spaces in the booklet must be suitably filled in and returned with the tender documents
duly signed by the tenderers.


Indicated in Chapter-II of Volume-I


The schedule of works are indicated in Chapter-II of Volume-I. The tenderer should quote the
rates for all the schedules of work in both words and figures.

20 COMPLETION PERIOD OF WORK: The work is to be completed within FOUR months from
the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance.


List enclosed in Chapter III of Vol.I as Annexure B-1.


List enclosed in Chapter III of Vol.I as Annexure B-2.



Indicated in Chapter-II of Volume-I.


a. List of personnel, organisation available on hand and proposed to be engaged for the subject

b. List of plant & machinery available on hand (own) and proposed to be inducted (own and hired
to be given separately) for the subject work.

c. List of works completed in the last three financial years giving description of work, organisation
for whom executed, approximate value of contract at the time of award, date of award and date
of scheduled completion of work. Date of actual start, actual completion and final value of
contract should also be given.

d. List of works on hand indicating description of work, contract value, approximate value of
balance work yet to be done and date of award.

1) In case of items (c) and (d) above, supportive documents/ certificates from the
organisations with whom they worked/ are working should be enclosed.

2) Certificates from private individuals for whom such works are executed/ being executed
shall not be accepted.

Page 21 of 33



Name of Work: “Signalling and telecom arrangements in connection with inspection and
stabling facilities for BG AC –MEMU at PGT”

Tender Notice No. PTJ/SG/CN/2009-10/OT/01 dated 02.12.09

Executive in-charge: XSTE/CN/PTJ

Stores depot for collecting Railway materials: Calicut/Palghat/Podanur

Railway assessed value of the Tender for the

Rs .1 0 ,6 5 ,2 23 . 60
50 items of schedule in Annexures-A

Single percentage quoted by the Tenderer

(in figures and words)

Tenderers to note:

1. Tenderers are requested to quote in the above tabular column only the Overall Single Percentage in
figures and words in comparison with the estimated value of the Tender.

2. Tenderers shall not quote individual item wise rates for schedules in Annexures-A



If the Tenderer intends to quote on par with estimated rates, he shall write “RATES ON PAR”.

If the Tenderer intends to quote IN EXCESS OVER the estimated rates, he shall write “+[PLUS] %”.

If the Tenderer intends to quote LESS than the estimated rate, he shall write “- [MINUS] %”.
Page 22 of 33

Name of work: “Signalling and telecom arrangements in connection with inspection
and stabling facilities for BG AC-MEMU at PGT”

Executive in-charge: XSTE/CN/PTJ

Materials supplied by Railways shall be collected by the Contractor from the stores depot at
Calicut/Palghat /Podanur
The tenderers are requested to quote only one overall single percentage for the schedule items in
Annexure-A and individual item wise rate for Annexure-B. For detailed description of schedules in
Annexure –A, refer Chapter II enclosed.


Excavation of cable trench 1 m depth x 0.3
1 1001 Mtrs 2000 25.80 51600.00
m width
Construction of masonry duct in hard rocky
2 1003 Mtrs. 30 293.40 8802.00
Excavation of cable trench across
3 1004 mtrs 50 325.50 16275.00
metalized/mechademised roads
Provision of RCC pipe at 1 m depth for per RCC
4 1007 40 417.60 16704.00
track/road crossing pipe
Provision of GI pipe 100 mm dia 4.5mm
5 1010b Mtrs. 150 783.60 117540.00
Laying of
6 1011 Mtrs. 5500 7.80 42900.00
signalling/power/telecommunication cables
7 1013 Placing of one rows of country bricks Mtrs. 2000 42.40 84800.00
Refilling of cable trench 1m depth by
8 1015 Mtrs. 2000 6.20 12400.00
0.3m width
9 1017 Supply of RCC cable marker Nos. 70 144.60 10122.00
Placing of cable marker and concreting
10 1018 Nos. 70 113.20 7924.00
(RCC type)
Excavation of cable coil pit to a size of
11 1019 Nos. 4 389.70 1558.80
1.0m depth x1.0m length 1.0m of breadth
Excavation of pit, casting concrete
12 2001 foundation and erection of apparatus case Nos. 5 8,367.00 41835.00
full size
Excavation of pit, casting concrete
13 2002 foundation and erection of apparatus case Nos. 5 5836.00 29180.00
half size
Erection of CJ box and concreting(for cable
14 2004 Nos. 4 2782.00 11128.00
Erection of CJ boxes and concreting ( for
15 2005 Nos. 2 2804.00 5608.00
point machine )
Page 23 of 33

16 2008 a) shifting apparatus case (full) Nos. 2 2281.00 4562.00

17 c) shifting apparatus case (quarter) Nos. 1 1183.00 1183.00
Termination of new main /tail cables on the
18 2009 Termina 200 29.70 5940.00
existing terminals
l Block
2010 Termination on 25/60mm PBT terminals
19 Termina 500 74.10 37050.00
a (new location)(Phynolic sheet)
l Block
2010 Termination on PBT fuse block (new Per Fuse
20 10 98.10 981.00
b location) (Phynolic sheet) Block
2011 Termination of cables on 25/60mm PBT
21 Termina 100 62.50 6250.00
a terminals (existing location)
l Block
Termination of cables on PBT fuse block Per Fuse
22 2011b 10 86.60 866.00
(existing location) Block
2012 Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit
23 Set 2 3647.00 7294.00
b (up to 8 relays)
Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit
24 2012 c Set 1 4707.00 4707.00
(up to 12 relays)
2016 Alteration to painting particulars
25 Nos. 1 863.00 863.00
a (apparatus case - Full size)
Excavation of pit, casting concrete
26 2018 Nos. 2 4455 8910.00
foundation for cls up to 4 aspects
Erection of surface base, signal pole,
27 2019 Nos. 2 4066.00 8132.00
mounting of CL signal up to 4 aspects
28 2021 Erection of Ground type shunt signal Nos. 1 1574.00 1574.00
29 2022 Erection of post type shunt signal Nos. 2 1218.00 2436.00
30 Installation of stencil type route indicators Nos. 1 1483.00 1483.00
31 2025 Erection of calling on signal Nos. 1 1115.00 1115.00
2031 Provision of track circuit in RE area (point
32 Nos. 1 10487.00 10487.00
a zone)
33 Alteration track circuit at feed end Nos. 1 1938.00 1938.00
34 Alteration track circuit at relay end Nos. 1 1844.00 1844.00
35 2034 Provision of rail joint insulation Nos. 4 261.20 1044.80
Supply and provision of earth electrodes
36 2036 Nos. 10 1763.00 17630.00
37 2038 Installation of point machine(IRS/5E type) Nos. 2 7259.00 14518.00
a. Fixing of PBT terminal blocks
38 3002 Termina 60 71.30 4278.00
(25mm/60mm centre) and termination
l Block
b. Fixing of PBT fuse block with ND fuses Per Fuse
39 10 95.20 952.00
and termination Block
Page 24 of 33

Fixing and wiring of additional relay in relay Per

40 3005 125 341.60 42700.00
rack/location Relay
Carrying out alterations to the existing Per
41 3006 700 320.90 224630.00
relays wiring Relay
Carrying out alterations to the existing
42 3010 LS. 1 7049.00 7049.00
control panel
Provision of signaling arrangement during
43 3011 LS. 1 16635.00 16635.00
noninterlocked working
Supply and installation of DTMF way
44 3013 station equipment with control phone and set 2 12971.00 25942.00
power supply
Installation and wiring of electric key
45 4014 Nos. 2 2463.00 4926.00
Erection and painting of boards with
46 4016 Nos. 1 1844.00 1844.00
4019 Supply and installation of magneto telephone
47 Nos. 4 5409.00 21636.00
a with NiCad pack
4029 Testing and commissioning of station more
48 LS. 1 27775.00 27775.00
b than five roads
Preparation and submission of as made per 'A3'
49 4030 240 167.80 40272.00
drawings size sheet
50 5029 Transportation of signaling materials /ton km 2.37 47400.00
Annexure 'A' total 1065223.60

Single percentage quoted

Annexure 'A' total

Supply and installation of telecom cable termination

1 Nos. 2
box 20pair and terminating the cable in the box fixed
on TW plank of 25mm thickness

Supply of heat shrinkable cable jointing kit for quad

2 Nos. 3
cable confirming to RDSO spec:IRST6-77-2006(Rev-

Shifting of boom locking arrangement at LC.This

work includes leveling of ground, erection of
additional trestles, concreting of ‘A’ base and fixing
of cranks and rod run to extend the rod up to the
newly erected boom as required at site and painting
3 of rods, cranks and trestles. Welding of rods/joints is Nos. 1
to be done as required.
{32mm MS rods, trestles, cranks, MS pin and ‘A’
bases will be supplied by the Railways. Cement, sand,
Jelly, Paint , spit pins, bolts with nuts and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the
Page 25 of 33

Annexure 'B' total

Annexure 'A' total

Grand total

Signature of the tenderer

with address
Page 26 of 33

Chapter – III

Materials to be supplied by the Contractor


1. Track feed battery charger to charge up to 4 cells

2. Cable markers – RCC type
3. ‘E’ type locks with keys.
4. GI earth pipe to drawing No.SG/CN/9.& SEE/ 60C
5. RCC pipes with collars
6. Wire PVC 16/0.2mm, 3/0.75mm and 7/1.4mm copper.
7. Insulations for Points and crossings
8. Cement
9. Enameled number plates/ marker boards
10. EWS locks with keys (one key for 10 locks)
11. Foundation bolts, nuts & washers for apparatus cases of size 20mmx460mm to Drg.No.SA 112

12. Foundation bolts, nuts & washers for Colour light Signals 24mmx915mm conforming to Drg.No
SA 116 A/M.

13. G.I. Pipes 35mm dia with check nuts for CT Boxes
14. G.I. wire for earthing
15. GI Pipes 50mm dia-3.65mm thick and 100mm dia-4.50mm thick conforming to IS-1239 amended
up to date, with coupling and bends for cable laying on bridges and for tail cables on signal post
telephones etc.

16. Hard wood shelf plank 37mm thick for apparatus cases and CT boxes
17. DTMF way station equipment.
18. ND fuses & HRC fuses of required ratings
19. Laminated Termite proof particles board - Exterior Grade 25mm thick
20. Control telephone.
21. Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm thick to IS
specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5 sheet of 6mm thick for termination of cables in apparatus cases and
diagnostic panel, and 3mm thick for FTOT/ relay rack blanking.

22. Rubber mat not less than 6mm thick to withstand 650V.
23. Battery charger-12V for DTMF equipment.
24. Magneto telephone
25. T.W. planks 25mm thick, for fixing track feed resistance, anti-tilting arrangements for shelf type
relays, for fixing EKT and for manufacturing Termination Box, Tool Box.

26. TW planks 50X150mm, 50mmx50mm, 25mmx100mm and 25mmx150mm thick for control panel
frame, cable clamps and fixing cables.

27. 2BA Terminals with clips.

28. Acid/Salammoniac.
Page 27 of 33

29. Adhesive paste.

30. Alca `P' solder eyre flux.
31. Aluminium name plates for cable tags.
32. Bricks of size 220mmx100mmx60mm.
33. Cable compound.
34. Charcoal.
35. Clamps for fixing PVC pipes.
36. Coal Bengal.
37. Coloured twine balls.
38. Common salt for earthing.
39. Copper Battery lugs and eye lugs.
40. Copper eyelets for 16/0.2mm and 1/1.5 wires
41. Copper tape 20mm x 1.5mm for Bus Bar.
42. Cotton waste.
43. Decolum sheet for decorative purposes.

44. Electrolytic condensers of rating depending on the circuitory requirements. The voltage rating
shall not be less than twice the working voltage of the circuit.

45. Emery and sand papers.

46. Fire wood
47. Fixing bolts and nuts (brass) for Terminal blocks and Fuse Blocks in FTOT & for fixing plug in
type relays, 50 Way terminal board etc.

48. Flexible conduit Pipes

49. Grease yellow.

50. Honey bee wax.
51. Insulating tapes.
52. Kerosene Oil.
53. Lead wool for packing signal poles.
54. Lens guard for colour light signal units.
55. MS angles 75X75X10mm and 50X50X8mm for providing interconnections.

56. MS angles 25mmx25mmx6mm, 50mmx50mmx6mm for manufacturing relay fixing frames.

57. MS flats 50mmx6mm & 25mmx6mm for manufacturing relay frames, Signal collar rings, clamps
for bridges, boards, for fixing equipments in apparatus cases and also for fixing `E' type locks on doors
of apparatus cases, and for latching arrangement.

58. Oil axle mineral.

59. Paints of all kinds for IS Specification including anticorrosive paints.
60. Petroleum jelly.
61. Pipe locks/G.I. Locks/NAVTAL locks-6 levers/Padlocks - 50mm with keys.
62. PVC hose pipes of sizes.
63. PVC sleeves of sizes.
64. PVC/Nylon sleeves (Sq.type) for writing cable core particulars
Page 28 of 33

65. Raw wood varnish.

66. River sand (Coarse/Fine)
67. Rosin core best quality 80/20.
68. Rubber gromites.
69. Solder soft high grade.
70. Split pins for all mechanical fittings.
71. Stone Jelly (20-25mm)
72. Tags for terminals.
73. Terminal lugs (copper) for all sizes of wires.
74. Turpentine
75. Wire netting arrangement for CLS units
76. Wood screws (Brass of sizes & nails of sizes)
77. Track feed resistance
78. ‘B” type choke
79. CT Box 20 pair
80. Thermo shrinkable jointing kit to Spe.:IRS,TC-77-2006{Rev.I}
Note: (i) All materials have to be supplied as per specification and drawings referred in chapter in
chapter V, Volume.II.

(ii) The inspection of materials will be governed by para.19 of special conditions of Contract
chapter-I, volume.II.

(iii) The dimensions of teakwood, hardwood, plywood and termite proof particles board are
for finished products only.
Page 29 of 33


Materials to be supplied by Railways

1. All types of plug-in type relays with plug boards, fixing bolts and nuts, and retaining
clips except those supplied by the Contractor.

2. Annunciator

3. Apparatus cases – Full/ Half/ Quarter size

4. Boards without legends

5. Electrical detector

6. Gate warning equipment for LC gates

7. Offset bracket – small and large size

8. Control panel

9. Magneto telephone with cells for NI working

10. Rails of different lengths for fixing CT Boxes

11. SM Slide instrument

12. Illuminated diagram board

13. Underground cables except those supplied by the Contractor

14. Block instruments of required type

15. Colour light signal units

16. CLS pole 3.6 & 4.6 m length along with ladder and platform

17. PBT terminals and fuse blocks

18. Track lead junction box

Page 30 of 33

Chapter – IV

Name of Work: “Signalling and telecom arrangements in connection with inspection and
stabling facilities for BG AC –MEMU at PGT”

Executive in-charge: XSTE/CN/PTJ

Stores depot from where the materials supplied by Railways are to be collected by the
Contractor: Calicut/Palaghat/Podanur

Scope of work:

The scope of this work is broadly for the laying of signalling and telecommunication
cables, erection of colour light signals, apparatus cases, wiring of shelf type/ plug-in type relays
at apparatus cases, erection of cable termination rack and termination, erection and wiring of
Control Panel, erection of relay rack and wiring of relays and provision of interconnections
including wiring of spare contacts for data logger and terminating in the 50 way terminal
boards, installation of secondary cells and power equipments, supply of Signalling equipments,
releasing of existing Signalling gadgets, testing and commissioning the entire installation.

The station, where the works are to be carried out and the type of Signalling proposed
are given below:

Sl.No. Name of station Type of Signalling

1. Palaghat MACLS
Page 31 of 33




1. The following are the particulars of deviations from requirement of the

Instructions to Tenderers, General & Special Conditions of Contract.

1.1 Instructions to Tenderers



1.2 General Conditions of Contract.



1.3 Special Conditions of Contract.



2. The following are the particulars of deviations from requirement of the

technical specifications:

(Separate statement for each specification)




Where there is no deviation, the statement should be returned duly signed with an endorsement
indicating “No deviations”.

Page 32 of 33



Name and address of Department Agreement No.& Date

Name and address of Unit Value of Agreement
Name and Address of Contractor Original Currency
Name and Type of Work Actual date of completion
Nature of work executed No. of extensions granted.

S.No. Nature of work Value as per Value as per actual Remarks

(major sub work) Agreement (*) execution (based
Details of work on payments made
(tick items which so far) (*)
are applicable)

1. Cable laying and jointing.

1.1 Signalling cable
1.2 OFC
1.3 Quad 4/6
1.4 PUF cable
2. Signal Installation
2.1 Mechanical/Relay Interlocking.
2.2 MACLS/Mechanical MAUQ/LQ
3. Track Circuiting
3.1 DC
3.2 Axle Counter
3.3 AFTC
4. Point gear installation
4.1 Point machine
4.2 Mechanical FPL
5. Interlocking of LC gate
6. Interlocking of Siding point
7. Installation of OFC indoor equipment
8. Designing of Signalling circuits
9. Whether any penalty is imposed
10. General Remarks about performance
(*) Details under relevant columns are to be filled up.

Date: Signature & Seal of Authority issuing Certificate
Page 33 of 33



(Issued by Scheduled/Nationalised Banks)

This is to certify that …………………………………… (name of the tenderer) is a

customer in our bank maintaining …………………. Account (Nature of Account).

The party is financially sound and is considered respectable and solvent to the extent of
a sum of Rs. ……… (amount both in figures & words) as disclosed by the information and
records which are available with us.

Date: (Signature of the Manager)

Name of the Bank

Page 1 of 113










Page 2 of 113



Page 3 of 113




0.1 The Special Conditions Of Contract contained herein shall be supplemented to the
“General Conditions of Contract”. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between
them, the Special Conditions of contract contained herein shall prevail.

0.2 The technical specifications of contract as incorporated in this contract document and
drawings supplied with tender will form the basis for execution of the work.


Civil Engineering works of Southern Railway as amended upto date will form part of
the contract Agreement and for all purposes be treated as if the same have been
incorporated herein. The contractor shall obtain copy of the STANDARD GENERAL
Chief Engineer, Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai - 600 003, on production of
Cash Receipt for the sum of Rs.40/- plus tax as leviable paid to the Chief Cashier,
Southern Railway, Chennai - 600 003, or any Station Master on Southern Railway.

0.4 SCOPE OF WORK: Specified in chapter IV of Vol. I



The intending tenderer is advised to study tender papers, concerned specification and
other instructions carefully. The tenderer shall inspect the proposed site of work and
acquaint himself with the site conditions, working hours, layout of land, trees and shrubs
that he will have to cut, type of strata likely to be met within the borrow pits, stacking
space for materials, approach roads, pathways available etc. and all relevant items
connected with execution for the work. No claim shall be entertained for the contractors
making his own arrangements for approach roads from outside Railway Land and
contractors will bear entire expenses such as road taxes, payment for right of way, etc. to
outsiders and for constructions of approach roads, etc. The submission of tender shall be
deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender papers with
full understanding of the implication thereof, unless otherwise, specifically commented
upon by the tenderer in his quotation. Failure to adhere to any one or all these instructions
may render his offer liable to be ignored without any reference.

1.1.2 No request for the change of price, or time schedule for completion of works shall be
entertained after the offer is accepted by the Railways on account of any local condition or
Page 4 of 113


1.2.1 In view of nature of work covered in the tender documents, it is anticipated that
some of the intending bidders will pool their resources and experience to form
consortia. In their own interest, the bidders who form such consortia are advised to
investigate capabilities, availability of resources, experienced personnel, financial
soundness, past experience and concurrent engagements of constituting partners.

1.2.2 Consortia of bidders, if any must clearly define role/scope of work of each
partner/member. Further the legal agreement for a consortium must accompany the bid
and should clearly define the leader of such a consortium who will be the prime
contractor and will be responsible for timely completion of work as also during execution
of work, if awarded, coordinate with Railways on behalf of the consortium, receive
payments for the works executed and be liable for due performance of the contract in all

1.2.3 Qualification documents, details etc., must however, be provided for each member firm
complete in all respects strictly in requisite proforma.

1.2.4 A consortium formed will not be subject to alteration with regard to change in
constituting firms and/or re-orientation of roles. Any changes, if proposed by
consortium to take advantage of certain developments during evaluation stage will
render the bid liable to be rejected. As all details are required to be furnished along
with the bids and should be critically examined during evaluation of bids, it is
imperative that such details should have been thoroughly examined as a safeguard
against a possible disqualification of bids on these grounds.

1.2.5 All partners of the consortium shall be jointly and severally liable to the purchaser for
the execution of the entire contract in accordance with its terms.


2.1 For the execution of the works, the contractor shall procure items of materials inclusive of
miscellaneous and consumable items of Stores as detailed in Vol.I

2.2 All signalling and telecom. materials to be supplied by the contractor shall be subject to
inspection by Railway’s nominee as per Clause 19 of Special Conditions of Contract.

2.3 All the materials and equipments to be supplied and used for execution of work shall be to
IRS wherever available, or to ISS, if IRS is not available. In case of materials for which
neither IRS nor ISS is available, detailed specifications with drawing have to be supplied
by the contractor for approval of the Railway Administration.

2.4 Materials not covered in RDSO’s approved list of items and to be supplied by the
contractor shall be of the best quality and from manufacturers of reputed establishments.
The contractor shall produce test, warranty certificates from the manufacturers and the
pamphlets in four copies to the Railways. Materials covered
under RDSO’s approved list of items should be procured from those firms approved by
RDSO only.
Page 5 of 113

2.5 Materials to be supplied by the tenderer/contractor and by Railways for the execution of
work are indicated in Vol.I separately. However, any particular item of materials not
included in the contractor’s list or in the Railway’s list, but if still required to complete the
works, the tenderer shall include such items of materials in his tender and quote for the

2.6 The specification for each material to be procured and used by the tenderer shall be as
indicated against each item of material vide Chapter III of Vol.II

2.7 The contractor, will however have to procure all the tools and plants required for
executing the labour portion of the work and before the actual commencement of the
work, the contractor will satisfy the Railway engineer that he has procured all the
necessary tools and plant required of good quality. The contractor shall engage his own
labour and supervisor for the execution for work covered in the contract.



Materials as indicated in Annexure B-2 in Vol.I shall be supplied to the contractor by the
Railways free of cost at the stores depot indicated therein. The rates quoted by the
contractor should include the cost of transportation of materials supplied by the railways
from the place of delivery to site of work..


4.1 EARNEST MONEY: (Refer Volume III)

The tenderer shall deposit in favour of the Railway official, the required sum as indicated
in the Tender Notice/Vol.I towards EMD as per the slab given below.


Value of the tender EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT

Upto Rs.5 Lakhs 2.5% ad-valorem subject to maximum of

Rs.5 Lakhs to Rs.20 Lakhs 2.00% - maximum of Rs.20,000/-
Rs.20 Lakhs to Rs.50 Lakhs 1.00% - maximum of Rs.35,000/-
Above Rs.50 Lakhs 0.75% - maximum of Rs.50,000/-

Tenderer should submit, along with the tender, requisite Earnest money deposit and
tenders unaccompanied by requisite Earnest Money deposit will be summarily rejected.
Earnest Money in form of Guarantee Bonds shall not be accepted.

The Earnest Money may be furnished either in cash (paid to the Chief Cashier) or in any
one of the following:
Page 6 of 113

4.1.1 Deposit receipts, Pay Orders, demand drafts: These forms of earnest Money could be
either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalised banks. No confirmatory
advice from the reserve Bank of India will be necessary.

4.1.2 Deposit receipt executed by the Scheduled banks (other than the State Bank of India and
the Nationalised Banks) approved by the Reserve Bank of India for this purpose. The
Railways will not, however, accept deposit receipt without getting in writing the
concurrence of the Reserve Bank of India.

4.1.3 The Earnest Money deposit in cash should be made to the Chief Cashier, Southern
Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003 or to any Station Master of Southern Railway and
cash receipt obtained from him should be furnished along with the tender.




4.2 Tenderer shall hold the offer open for a period as indicated in Vol.I from the date fixed for
opening the same, it being understood that the tender documents have been issued to the
tenderer and the tenderer has been permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation
on his part that after submitting his tender he will not resile from his offer or modify the
terms and conditions thereof, in any manner not acceptable to the Chief Signal &
Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Southern Railway, Egmore, Chennai-600



4.3 The Earnest Money including the amount taken as Security deposit for the due
performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open till the date specified in the tender
will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers within a reasonable time. The Earnest
Money deposited by the successful tenderer will be retained towards the Security deposit
for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract but shall be forfeited if the contractor
fails to execute the Agreement Bond or start the work within the reasonable time (to be
determined by the Engineer-in-charge) after notification of the acceptance of his tender.
Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen to the
Security for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open for the period
specified above, nor be liable to pay interest thereon.

4.4 SECURITY DEPOSIT: (Refer Volume –III)

4.4.1 After awarding the contract, the successful tenderer has to pay the Security deposit as per
the rates shown in the table below:
Page 7 of 113

Value of the contract SECURITY DEPOSIT

Upto Rs.1 Lakh 10% of the contract value
Rs.1 Lakhs to Rs.2 Lakhs 10% of the first Rs.1 Lakh and 7 .5% of the balance
Rs.2 Lakhs to Rs.2 Crores 10% of the first Rs.1 Lakh, 7.5% for the next Rs.1 Lakh
& 5% for the balance subject to a maximum of
Rs.3 Lakhs
Above Rs.2 Crores 5% of the contract value
(Not applicable) Refer Volume – III.

4.4.2 The total security deposit recoverable from the contractor including the amount of Earnest
Money deposited with the tender as given in Vol.I will not exceed the Security amount
recoverable at the rate mentioned above. Contractor may either deposit the balance
amount in cash or in the form of Government Securities or the same can be deducted if he
so desires from his “on account” bill at the rate of 10% of the value of the said bills until
the sum of deduction plus the amount of Earnest Money deposited taken together equal to
the requisite amount of Security deposit.

4.4.3 The Tenderer/Contractor shall sign against the mode chosen by him for furnishing security
deposit and strike off other options. The discretion of accepting the chosen mode will
however be with the Railway.

(a) In cash in Indian Currency to be paid to the Chief Cashier, Southern Railway, Park Town,
Chennai- 600 003
(b) Approved Banker’s bond from any Nationalised Bank as per specimen obtainable from
the office of the Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer, Construction,
Southern Railway, Park Town and executed on stamp paper of sufficient value.

(c) Deposit receipts of approved bankers for the required amount and period.
(d) Government of India Securities at market value or National Savings Certificate or
Treasury Savings Certificate at 5% below par.
(e) Recovery at 10% from each of the running bills of the contractor.
(f) Twelve year National Defence Certificate/or Ten Year Defence bonds at their surrender
(g) Railway bonds issued by Indian Railway Finance Corporation, New Delhi.

Signature of Tenderer/Contractor.

(NOTE): In the case of Government Securities a margin shall be allowed for possible
fluctuations in the market value and the tenderers will be called upon to mode good
any deficiency in this respect, if necessary. No interest will be payable on the security
deposit but Government Security deposited in terms of those mentioned above will be
repayable with interest accrued thereon if those carry any interest.

Page 8 of 113

It will not be binding on the Railway Administration to give the works at all the stations
or all the items of work at a station on contract and the Railway Administration may
decide to do any or all the items of supply or work involved at a station in the above list
departmentally without assigning any reason for the same. Also, the Railway
Administration may give the work at different stations to different tenderers or different
items of work at the same station to different tenderers without assigning any reason for
the same.


All documents to be submitted in connection with this contract shall be written in



Dimensions, weights etc., shall be quoted in Metric system.



Definition of technical terms and symbols used in circuits shall be as per Indian
Standard Specifications and where such specifications are not available, they should
be of British Standard Specification.


Copies of the IRS drawings and specifications according to which the works have to be
executed, have to be obtained by the Tenderer direct from the Director General,
RDSO, S&T Wing, Alambagh, Lucknow-5.


Any clarification required by the Contractor may be obtained from the Chief Signal
& Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Southern Railway, Egmore, Chennai-
600 008. After award of contract, the field executive who is incharge of the work as
indicated in Vol.I may be referred.


The tenderer shall carry out at his expense any alteration of the work due to any
discrepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings or other particulars submitted by him.
Any approval given by the Railway for this purpose shall in no way absolve the contractor
from any or all responsibilities for the correct function of the equipment. In this regard,
the sole responsibility rests with the contractor in all respect. Any fittings or accessories
which may not be specifically mentioned in the specification of tender documents or the
letter of acceptance of the tender or the agreement executed thereof but which are usual or
necessary as per normal Signal Engineering practice are to be provided by the contractor
without extra charge so that the plant is complete in all respects.
Page 9 of 113


The Railway shall provide single phase LT power supply for soldering, lighting and minor
drilling works, wherever electric supply is available. The charges for electric consumption
at site in connection with the erection, have to be borne by the contractor at the rate
specified by the Railway.


With his tender the tenderer shall submit a note stating his interpretation of the
specification wherever he desires to clarify any aspects of his offer. In respect of matters
or issues not covered by this note, it shall be assumed that the quotation conforms to the
specifications laid down in the tender documents. The interpretation of the Railway where
such interpretation found necessary shall be final and binding on the tenderer.


If during the period between the date of tender and signing of the contract, there have
been any developments resulting in improvements or advancements, technical or
mechanical in regard to the equipment to be installed, its designs or fabrications, the
tenderer shall make available to the Railway all information pertaining to the same. In
the light of such information the Railway may modify the orders to take advantage
of these developments on the basis of mutually agreed terms.

15 MOBILISATION ADVANCE(Only if the estimated value of the work exceeds Rs.1


15.1 The contractor may be granted a recoverable interest bearing mobilization advance upto
10% of the Contract Value provided he specifically applies for it while Tendering. If the
Tenderer fails to apply specifically for mobilization advance while giving his offer in the
tendering stage in cases where grant of mobilization advance is permissible, no subsequent
requests from him for grant of this advance will be entertained. The rate of interest is 18%
per annum.

15.2 The advance will be granted in two instalments, viz., 5% of the contract value on signing
of the Contract Agreement and the balance 5% after mobilization of site establishment,
setting up Offices, bringing in equipments and actual commencing of works. Each
instalment will be released on submission of an irrevocable Guarantee Bond from a
Nationalised Bank in a form acceptable to the Railways for the amount of the instalment
together with interest charges calculated to the end of the Contract period. The Tenderer
who seeks mobilisation advance should be specific about the course of action proposed to
be followed in producing Guarantee Bonds in satisfaction of Railways. Each Guarantee
bond should be for not less than Rs. One Lakh. These Guarantee Bonds shall be returned
as and when the value of the advance and interest is recovered from the running bills.

15.3 The recovery of the advance and interest thereupon will be made through the `On
Account’ bills, pro rata commencing when the value of the work executed under the contract
reaches 15% of the contract value and completed when the value of the work executed under
the contract reaches 85% of the contract value, or the assessed value of the work whichever is
Page 10 of 113

15.4 Interest will be recoverd on the advance outstanduing for the period commencing from the
date of payment of advance till date of particular on account bill(through which recovery of
principal is effected) and adjusted fully against such on acount bills along with pro-rata
principal recovery. In the event of any shortfall the same will be carried forward to the next on
account bill and will attract interest at 18%.
15.5 The Bank Guarantee for advance should clearly cover principal plus interest.
NOTE: The various instruments as listed for Performance guarantee will also be acceptable
for Mobilization Advance.


16.1 Materials required for installation at the station shall be made available to the contractor at
the Railway’s depot as indicated in Vol.I and the contractor shall take delivery of such
materials at this depot and make his own arrangements for the transport of the materials at
the works spot at his own cost. The contractor shall be responsible for checking before
taking delivery that all the materials given to them are in good condition. The contractor
shall be responsible for undertaking repairs if any, to crates, cable drums packing cases,
etc. for safe transport of materials from Railway’s specified depot to the site of work. The
contractor should also undertake necessary repairs to crates drums etc. in respect of
unused materials required to be returned to the purchaser. No extra payment will be made
on this account. Extra care should be taken in the transportation of sophisticated Electrical
and Electronic equipments like relays, SSI equipment, power equipments, etc. to prevent
from damage during transit. Further, these equipments should be stored in a covered place
to protect from heat, dust, water, etc. These equipments should be installed and brought
in use before the expiry of the shelf life.

16.2 The rates quoted by the Contractor in the schedule shall be inclusive of all the charges
viz., labour and transportation of materials including loading, unloading and shifting from
the Stores depot to work spot, etc. and all the materials to be supplied by them as indicated
in Vol.I. No other charges shall be payable by the Railway.

16.3 The materials that shall be handed over to the Contractor at any time for execution of the
work shall depend upon the particular item of work in the Schedule to be done at a
particular time and also the progress of work. The contractor shall furnish an indemnity
bond for a sum equal to the cost of materials proposed to be taken by him. The quantity of
materials that shall be given by the Railway at a time shall not exceed the value of the
indemnity bond that is furnished by the contractor.

16.4 The materials issued by the Railways shall be used solely and economically for the
purpose of the works covered under this contract only. The materials shall be used in such
quantities and manner as indicated in the relevant specifications or drawings or as
approved by the Engineer whose decision thereon shall be final. Waste or damage to such
materials in any manner shall not be caused by the Contractor.

16.5 The contractor will be liable to render full accountal for all the materials issued by the
Railway. If any quantity of Railway materials is consumed in excess or wasted or
damaged or lost or otherwise not satisfactorily accounted for, recovery shall be made from
the contractor at the book rate or last purchase rate or the prevailing market rate whichever
is higher plus 5% on account of initial freight, 2% on account of incidental charges
together with supervision charges at 12.5% on the total cost inclusive of materials, freight
Page 11 of 113

and incidental charges. Freight between the Railway sources of supply and the site of
work shall be to the contractor’s account.

16.6 If at any time, any material which the contractor would normally have to arrange for
himself for executing the works, is supplied by the Railways, either at the contractor’s
request or suo-moto in order to prevent possible delay in the execution of the work due to
contractor’s inability to make adequate arrangements for the supply thereof or otherwise
such materials will be made available to the contractor in the Railways Stores as indicated
in Vol. I . All handling thereof will be the contractor’s responsibility. Recovery of the
cost of such supply materials will be made from the contractor’s bills as per extant rules of
the Railway.


16.7.1 The drawings referred to in the list of plans, if any, are intended only to give a rough and
general idea of the location and rough details of work to be done. No claim whatsoever
will be admissible in respect of any alteration/addition/change in the type of works.

16.7.2 The quantities of various items given in the schedules for the works to be executed are
only approximate and are only for the guidance of the contractor. As far as possible, they
have been assessed correctly but are likely to vary during the execution of the work. The
contractor’s attention is drawn to Clause 42 of the General Conditions of Contract dealing
with variation in quantities.

16.7.3 For increase upto 25% of the quantities indicated in schedule, the contractor shall not be
entitled for any compensation and will be paid for such increase in the quantities at the
agreement rate.

16.7.4 In the event of reduction in the quantities to be executed for any reason whatsoever, the
contractor shall not be entitled for any compensation but shall be paid only for the actual
quantity of work done, at the agreemental rates.

16.7.5 When the gross value of the work to be executed is likely to increase in excess of 25% of
the original value of the agreement, the contractor should notify the Engineer in-charge
atleast THIRTY DAYS before such necessity arises.

16.7.6 When the operation of the quantities results in the agreement value exceeding by 25% to
50%, for the first 15% increase, the payment will be reduced straightaway by 2% in the
incremental value of the agreement and for the next 10% increase in the value the payment
will be reduced straightaway by an additional reduction of 2% in the further incremental
value of the agreement.

16.7.7 Notwithstanding the above adhoc reduction, Railway reserves the right to refix the rates,
by mutual consent, of those items in the schedule, where the quantities have exceeded by
25% of the agreemental quantities.

16.7.8 Execution of quantities beyond +50% of overall value shall not be generally permitted.
The rate for quantities in excess of 50% of the items shall be decided between the Railway
and the contractor in advance of execution of the quantities involved, if in the opinion of
the Railway, such quantities are also to be executed by the same contractor. In the event
Page 12 of 113

of mutually agreed rate not being arrived at, the Railway shall be entitled to execute the
excess work by other means and the contractor shall have no claims on this account.


In the event of Vitiation occurring due to increase or decrease in quantities, among the
first, second and third lowest valid tenderers, the vitiation shall be to contractor’s account.
The total value of the work done shall be calculated at the rate offered by those tenderers
and the amount payable shall be limited to the lowest aggregate value as worked out.
Vitiation as above shall be worked out as a whole for agreement including all variations in

16.10 The contractor shall give written notice of 15 days to the Engineer before commencement
of any particular item of work, at any station so that the engineer can make adequate
arrangements for supply of the materials required and for supervising that work. The
contractor will programme his work in such a manner so as not to interfere in the working
and movement of trains. No extra payment shall be allowed on this account and for taking
any precaution or wastage of contractor's labour, time, etc. due to train working.


The contractor has to return any cut pieces of cables, wires, etc., that may be left out and
surplus materials from the drums and other packing materials that might have been handed
over to him. No extra payment will be made for this and the unit price quoted against the
various items should include this work also. The surplus materials have to be handed over
to the Stores of the Engineer-in-Charge of the work as mentioned in Vol.I. Failure on the
part of the contractor to return the empty cable drums will entail the contractor to pay the
charges as indicated against various sizes of empty cable drums at the time of final
payment, indicated as hereunder:

16.11.1 Empty Signalling cable drums upto 12 Core capacity Rs.100/- each (Rupees One
Hundred only).

16.11.2 Empty Signalling cable drums above 12 Core and upto 31 Core capacity and
Telecommunication cable drums Rs.150/- each (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only).

16.11.3 Empty Power cable drum Rs.125/- each (Rupees One Hundred and twenty Five only).
16.12 The contractor shall take proper written acknowledgement from the Engineers
Representative for all the materials returned by him.

16.13 All tools that are required by the contractor for the purpose of transportation of the
materials, digging, concreting and erection, wiring and painting works shall be brought by
the contractor himself. This shall include spare parts, fuel and consumable and
miscellaneous stores-details furnished in Vol.I .The rates quoted by the contractor shall be
deemed to be inclusive of all charges for such items and inclusive of labour required to
ensure efficient and methodical execution of work.


Page 13 of 113

The tenderer shall not increase his quoted rates in case the Railway
Administration negotiates for reduction of rates, such a negotiation shall not
amount to cancellation or withdrawal of the original offer and the rates
originally quoted will be binding on the tenderer.


If during the execution of the work the contractor is called upon to carry out any new item
of work not included in accepted Schedule, if any, it should not be executed before a rate
has been agreed to by the Railways in the manner as indicated in General Conditions of
Contract and Instructions for tenderers.


Before casting of foundation, the contractor’s representative and the Engineer’s

representative shall jointly inspect the quality and depth of pits, quality of bricks, concrete
mixture, etc. and ensure compliance with the Drawings and Specifications.


Before the cable are actually laid, the Contractor’s representative and the Engineer’s
representative shall jointly inspect the quality and depth of trenches, chases, for temped
filling. The measurements for all these items will be suitably recorded by the Engineer’s
representative who will permit the laying of cables after issuing the certificate in Form 8
that the above work have been done as required by the specifications.

16.18 Due care shall be exercised to ensure that while doing the dismantling work, no released
material is damaged by the contractor. Proper account is to be taken at the field jointly
with Railway Representative before releasing. After releasing the materials, the released
materials can be stocked neatly at a place indicated by Railways (preferably near road
approach) at the station. The released unwanted materials may be watched and guarded
till the same is auctioned. The Contractor shall take proper written acknowledgement from
the Engineer’s Representative for all the materials returned by him.

16.19 Following field Books of supervisors shall be maintained:

i) Site Order Book – For all instructions issued to the contractor or his representative
with their replies.
ii) Note Book – For recording progress of work, satisfactory or unsatisfactory
working of contractors, matters for reference to supervisors, dates of all inspection,
details on various points considered worthy of remarks.

These books are considered as official records to be produced whenever required by the


16.20.1 As soon as the materials are accepted by the Railway from the contractor, DMTR entries
are to be made immediately. While taking materials from the contractor, delivery challans
Page 14 of 113

issued by the firm who has sold the materials to the contractor/trader and inspection
certificate shall be insisted upon.

16.20.2 Fabricated items which are to be supplied by the contractor are to be checked thoroughly
with the drawings regarding quality of the materials, gauge dimensions, etc. as per the
schedule. Wherever any material is received from field/contractor, the detailed
nomenclature shall be entered in the DMTR. In case of an equipment, the details of
manufacturer’s name, year of manufacture, RDSO Test Certificate No., Serial No.,
Contractor’s name and Agreement No. and place of installation shall be mentioned both in
the DMTR and the ledgers.

16.20.3 Materials are normally to be delivered at designated Stores by the contractor. If they are
delivered at site due to logistics/exigencies, the supervisor/officer receiving such materials
(after verification of due inspection) shall arrange for necessary entries in the designated
Stores’ DMTR within a week.

16.20.4 Issue of materials to the contractor:

Whenever any material is issued to the contractor for carrying out a work, the particulars
are to be entered in the DMTR.


16.21.1 The Engineer or his representative may inspect and test the various portions of the work
at all stages and shall have full power to reject all or any portion of the work that he may
consider to be defective or inferior in quality of materials workmanship or design in
comparison to what is called for in the specification. In the event of rejection of any work
already executed and not in accordance with specification as in this tender and/or as
determined by the Engineer or which the Contractor has been apprised, the contractor
shall carry out alterations/ replacements to such works to the satisfaction of the Engineer
for which no additional expenses will be borne by the Railway.

16.21.2 The contractor shall submit detailed test procedure for each equipment, sub-system and
system as a whole to the Railways. The Railways shall discuss with the contractor and
modify the test procedure as may be required to ensure that the requirement of tender
specifications are complied. The finalized test procedure shall, only, act as a broad
guideline and Railway shall be free to carry out any other tests that may be considered
essential. The test procedure shall give details of all equipment, test and measuring
instruments required to perform the tests which shall be provided by the contractor free of


The contractor shall rectify defects that may arise in the work executed for a period of
three months after completion of work, such defects being due to bad workmanship on the
part of the contractor or otherwise. Should any dispute arise so as to correctness of the
defect pointed out, the Engineer’s decision in this regard is final and binding.
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18.1 The contractor shall guarantee satisfactory working of the installation erected by him for a
period of twelve calendar months being from date of issue of completion certificate as
stated in Clause 47 of the General Conditions of the Contract.

18.2 During this period, the contractor shall keep all materials, tools and other requisite
equipment readily available and shall carry out at his own expense all modification,
additions or substitutions that may be considered necessary for satisfactory working of the
contract work or equipments. Final decision in respect of unsatisfactory working of the
contract work or equipments or faulty use of designs or workmanship, etc., shall rest with
the Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Southern Railway,
Egmore,Chennai-600008 and the same shall be binding on the contractor.

18.3 During the aforesaid period of Guarantee, the contractor shall be liable at his own cost for
all repairs or replacements of any parts that may be found defective in the contract work or
equipment irrespective of whether any defect arise as a result of faulty design, materials,
workmanship, installation or otherwise provided that such defective parts are not
repairable at site are promptly removed to the contractor’s works, for repairs if so replaced
by him by new ones in order to remove the defects at his own expenses. In case minor
repairs are carried out by the Railway at site, the cost of such repairs plus departmental
charges shall be borne by the contractor.

18.4 In support of this guarantee the contractor shall furnish a Bank Guarantee for the value of
Security deposit of the contract from a Nationalised Bank fully indemnifying the Railway
against all losses incurred by the Railway during the guarantee period. If the security
deposit is furnished in the form of Bank Guarantee as prescribed in Clause 16 of the
General Conditions of Contract, the same Bank Guarantee shall be valid to cover not only
the whole period of supply and installation of the equipment on order but also to cover a
period of guarantee for twelve months from the date of issue of completion certificate. If
the security deposit is paid in cash or in the form of Government Securities, the same shall
be paid to the contractor after the expiration of the period of maintenance as specified
above and after the contractor furnished Bank Guarantee for the value of Security Deposit
of the contract amount to cover the period of Guarantee for twelve months from the date
of issue of completion certificate.


19.1 Materials to be supplied by Contractor shall be of best quality and shall conform to the
relevant specifications, Designs and Drawings. The materials shall be procured by the
Contractor/s from manufacturers of repute or their authorised dealers as approved by the

19.2 The Contractor/s may be required to produce test certificate from the Manufacturer,
wherever called for by the Engineer-in-Charge.

19.3 The contractor should procure signalling/telecom items which appear in the RDSO
approved list normally from the Part I suppliers. The contractor shall take prior approval
of the Railways before placing orders on the firms. In case, there are no firms in Part-I
list. Prior approval of Railways should be obtained before placing order on Part-II firms.
Page 16 of 113

19.4 The items which are included in the list of RDSO approved suppliers (Electrical
Signalling items) shall be inspected by RDSO and Mechanical Signalling items shall be
inspected by RITES except petty items which shall be inspected by representative of the
Engineer-in-Charge. In case the value of Electrical sigg. items is less than Rs.One Lakh,
the inspection shall be carried out by RITES. In exceptional cases, the consignee
inspection shall be carried out by an Officer nominated by the Engineer-in-charge of the
work. Even in these cases, the materials shall be procured from RDSO approved sources.

19.5 The following critical items will continue to be inspected by RDSO irrespective of its


(a) All types of signalling relays

(b) Block instruments
(c) Axle Counter equipments
(d) Signal machines
(e) Point machines
(f) Colour Light Signal transformers
(g) Electrical signal lamps
(h) Voltage stabilizers and other power supply equipment
(i) Electric signal reversers
(j) Signal roundels and lenses
(k) Electric lever lock and circuit controller
(l) Circuit controller
(m) Electric key transmitter
(n) Terminal blocks (PBT type)
(o) Electric Point and lock detector

19.6 All materials that are not covered under specification, designs and drawings of RDSO,
Railway Board, etc., will be procured by the Contractor from the manufacturers of
repute/their authorized dealers, after the approval of the Engineer-in-charge.

19.7 Materials to be supplied by the contractor shall be put up for inspection of Engineer or his
representative for checking its quality/suitability before they are finally used/installed by
the Contractor and necessary inspection certificate to be obtained. The Contractor shall
therefore arrange to get the material inspected in advance, preferably in bulk and not in
piece-meal. The Contractor shall give the Railway 10(Ten) days notice, when the
materials are ready for inspection.

19.8 The inspection charges levied by RDSO/RITES will be on Railway’s account.

19.9 All materials to be supplied by contractor should be offered by him/them for

RDSO’s/RITES inspection, well in time, so as not to delay the progress of work at any
stage at any of the stations in any way on this account.
19.10 If required, the Contractor shall provide at point of production, apparatus and labour for
making required tests under the supervision of the Railway. Tests may be made either at
point of production, on samples submitted or at the destination.
Page 17 of 113


The contractor shall provide, without any extra charges, all materials, equipments, tools and
labour of every kind which the RDSO/RITES or their nominee may consider necessary for
any tests and examinations which they or their nominee shall require to be made on the
contractor's premises and shall pay all cost attendant there upon. The contractor shall also
provide and deliver free of charge at such places as the RDSO/RITES or their nominee may
nominate such materials as they or their nominee may require for the independent testing
organisation. The cost of any such tests will be defrayed by the Railways unless it is stated
in the specification that it is to be paid by the Contractor.


21.1 No stores will be considered ready for delivery until RDSO/RITES or their inspecting
officer nominated by them have certified in writing that the material has been inspected
and approved by them.

21.2 Facilities must be provided by the contractor to the Railway or their nominee for
inspection of the stores, equipments and structures at all stages of their assembly,
manufacture and fabrication.


22.1 The contractor shall take out and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance against all
liabilities of the Contractor or the Railway at common law or under any statute in respect
of accidents to persons who shall be employed by the Contractor in or about the site or the
Contractor’s Office for the purpose of carrying out the contract works on the site. The
contractor shall take about and keep in force a policy or policies of Insurance against all
recognized risks to their office accommodation and storage for which he is liable. Such
insurance shall in all respects be subject to the approval of the Railway.

22.2 The Contractor shall take out and keep in force a policy or policies or insurance for all
materials handed over to him irrespective of whether used up in the portion of work
already done or kept for use for the balance portion of the work until such works are
handed over to the Railway. For this purpose, the works are deemed to have been handed
over when final acceptance certificate is issued by the Engineer after the completion of
all the acceptance test to be conducted on the works. The contractor shall not be liable for
losses/damages to the materials either used up in the portion of work done or the materials
kept for use at site, in consequence of mutiny or other similar causes over which the
contractor has no control and which cannot be insured. Such losses or damages shall be
the liability of the Railway.

22.3 The Contractor should, however, insure the stores brought to site, against risks in
consequence of war and invasion, as required under the Emergency Risk(Good) Insurance
Act in force.

22.4 The Contractor shall take out all insurance covers in connection with this contract with the
General Insurance Corporation of India.


Page 18 of 113

23.1 This tender falls under Civil Works Contract / All other works contract which attracts
specific percentage of sales tax under the concerned act. Sales Tax on the Works
Contracts, as applicable in terms of the concerned state Government Sales Tax Act, as
amended from time to time shall be deducted from the running bills of the e contractors
for payment to the State Government. The Railway administration will give a certificate
towards the tax deducted at source to enable them to file Sales Tax Return before the
concerned authorities. No refunds of Sales tax deducted at source will be made by
Railway. The Sales Tax elements that might have gone into prices of various raw
materials used by the contractor in the works concerned, distinct from the Sales Tax
deducted as above, will also not be reimbursed by the Railway. The percentage of tax to
be recovered shall be indicated by the Bill Passing Units.

23.2 The tenderer should quote prices inclusive of Sales Tax, Octroi and all other levies and
duties imposed by the State and Central Governments and other miscellaneous expenses
unless otherwise authorised by the concerned State Government Sales Tax Authorities.

23.3 No foreign exchange and/or import license will be released/provided to the

contractor in connection with this contract.

23.4 Form of certificate for making Government purchases (Form ‘D’) will be issued for all
supply items of the contract, if specifically demanded by the tenderer, while submitting
the tender.


Railway is not agreeable to any price/wage escalation clause.



25.1 The contractor shall take all precautionary measures in order to ensure protection of his
own personnel moving about or working on the Railway premises and shall have to
conform to the rules and regulations of the Southern Railways. While the work under the
contract is in progress, if and when, there is likely to be any danger to the persons
employed by the contractor due to running of traffic or while working on Railway
premises, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Railway to provide flagmen or look-
out men for protection. The Railway will, however, decide as to whether it is necessary to
post such flagmen and look-out men for various types of works and also the number of
such men required to protect the contractor’s staff working at site. The flagmen and look-
out men will be Railway Servants and no expenses on this account will be recovered from
the contractor.

25.2 The contractor’s employees and workers shall not for any reason operate any appliances or
installations of the Railway concerning the Safety of train movements, but they should
whenever necessary notify to the appropriate Railway staff who will then take necessary
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25.3 Suitable ladders for climbing the posts and slings for supporting men on the post shall be
used. Ropes as required shall be used for erection of the poles. The size of the rope shall
be adequate. The contractor shall take necessary precautions for working near the power
lines. If at any time the Railways find the safety arrangements are inadequate or
insufficient, the contractor shall take immediate corrective action as directed by the
Railway’s representative at site. Any direction in the matter shall in no way absolve the
contractor of his sole responsibility to adopt safe working methods.

25.4 Necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer-in-charge

should be kept available for the use of the persons employed at the site and maintained in a
condition suitable for immediate use and the contractor should take adequate steps to
ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned.

25.5 No electrical apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger, used by the operator shall
remain electrically charged.

25.6 Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when paint is applied in the
form of spray.


Blasting of rocks for foundation work shall be done only after due notice is given to the
Railway’s time/s and dates for blasting operations agreed to by the Railway. Blasting, if
required to be done in vicinity of the track shall not be undertaken until the Railway
flagmen on duty, take necessary steps to protect trains and the track, to be protected by the
contractor against damage by blasted rocks. The contractor shall follow detailed
instructions which will be issued to him regarding blasting operations in the vicinity of



While working within station limits especially on passenger platforms, the contractor shall
ensure that at all times sufficient space is left for free movement of passenger traffic. He
must cover and or barricade the excavations carried out in such areas and continue to
maintain these, till the work is completed with a view to avoid any accident of public or to
a Railway staff.


The works must be carried out most carefully without any infringement of the Indian
Railway Act or the General and subsidiary rules in force on the Railway, in such a way
that they do not hinder Railway operation nor affect the proper functioning of or damage
any Railway equipment, structure or rolling stock except as agreed to by the Railway,
provided that all damage and disfiguration caused by the contractor to any Railway or
Public properly must be made good by the contractor at his own expenses failing which
cost of such repairs shall be recovered from the contractor.


Page 20 of 113

If safety of track etc., is affected, as a consequence of works undertaken by the contractor,

the contractor shall take immediate steps to restore normal conditions. In case of delay
the Railway shall, after giving due notice to the contractor, in writing take necessary steps
and recover the cost from the contractor.

25.11 No work on the points, track circuits, equipments involving working signalling gears,
internal wiring, cable termination, etc., should be done unless and until contractor’s
technical supervisors are present at site.


26.1 Any work done by the contractor prior to the approval of the contractor’s drawings will
be done at the risk of the contractor unless previously authorized in writing by the

26.2 The tenderer shall be responsible for the correctness of the drawings furnished by him.
The contractor shall carryout any alterations of the works due to any
discrepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings or other particulars, submitted by
him. Any approval given by the Railway for this purpose shall in no way absolve the
tenderer from full responsibility for the execution of the contract in all respects.

26.3 After the contract is awarded, the contractor shall furnish to the Railway as
required, prints of contractor’s drawings that form an essential part thereof. No
change shall be made in any approved drawings without the written consent of the

26.4 After completion of the execution of the contracts, the contractor shall submit to the
Railway all corrected R.P. Film/cloth tracings of drawings furnished by him and six sets
of copies of final drawings for each stations.

26.5 Not withstanding the fact the Railway might have approved or the contractor’s design,
drawings and specifications the contractor is responsible for the correctness of the
entire scheme as a whole and its satisfactory performance to the specifications as laid
down by the Railway. The Railway’s responsibility is only for the correctness of the
signaling plans.

26.6 In the event of any breach of the aforesaid conditions, the contractor shall in addition to
throwing himself open to action for contravention of terms of the agreement and or for
original breach of trust, be liable to account to Government for all moneys, advances or
profits resulting or which in the usual course would have resulted by reason of such


27.1 The quoted rates would be deemed to include charges for any and all site facilities that are
considered necessary for the execution of the work unless otherwise indicated in the
contract. In this connection specific attention is drawn to stipulation in clause 6 of the
General Conditions of the Contract and intending tenderer are advised to acquaint
themselves well with site conditions.
Page 21 of 113

27.2 The land that can be made available by the Railway free of charge for the use of the
contractor or his field office, stacking yard, stores depot and workshops may be
ascertained by inspection at site. No assurances can be given regarding the vulnerability of
such land to flooding during high floods. The Railways undertakes no responsibility or
liability in this regard.

27.3 Land required for contractor’s labour camps, staff colony or for any purposes other than
those mentioned in ParaNo.27.2 will have to be arranged by the contractor at his own


No petroleum, spirit within the meaning of the Indian petroleum Act shall be stored at site
or adjacent land until the approval of the Railway and necessary license under the Act has
been obtained by the contractor.


The contractor will be permitted to make use of existing service roads free of cost. New
Service roads, required by the Contractor in connection with the work whether within or
outside Railway Land for carriage of materials or for other purpose whatsoever, will have
to be constructed and maintained by the contractor at his own cost. For the purpose of
construction of service roads on Railway land, permission will be given to the contractor
at Railway’s discretion free of any charges. If any land other than Railway’s land is
necessary to be acquired or entered upon for the purpose, then such land acquisition or
permission to enter upon the land will have to be arranged for by the contractor at his own
cost. The contractor will indemnify the Railway against claims for any damages
whatsoever on this account. Railway however, reserves the right to make use of such
serviceable roads without any charges.


The Contractor shall defray the cost of all royalties, fees and other payments in respect of
patents, patent rights and licenses which may be payable to patentee, licensee or other
person or corporation and shall obtain all necessary licenses. In case of any breach
(whether willfully or inadvertently) by the contractor on this provision, the contractor
shall indemnify the Railway and their office servants, representatives, against all claims,
proceedings, damages, cost, charges, expenses, loss and liability which they or any of
them may sustain, incur or be put to by reasons or in subsequence directly or indirectly or
any such breach and against payment of any royalties, damages or other money which the
Railway may have to make to any person or holder entitled to patent right in respect of the
users of any machine, instrument, process, article or things constructed, manufactured,
supplied or delivered by the contractor or to his order under this contract.

31 COMPLETION PERIOD :- Indicated in Vol.I


The provision in clause 23 of the General Conditions of the contract should be noted
regarding execution of work between sunset and sunrise. If the Railway is however,
Page 22 of 113

satisfied that the work is not likely to be completed in time except by resorting to night
work by special order, the contractor would be required to carryout the work even at night,
without conferring any right on the contractor for claiming compensation.


33.1 The Contractor shall be entitled to be paid from time to time by way of `On Account'
payment as per clause 46(i) of General Conditions of Contract. The “ON ACCOUNT”
Payment shall not exceed 95% of the total on account payment due to the contractor on the
rates indicated in the Schedules. For this purpose, the payment to the contractor at each on
account stage shall be restricted to 95% of the amount calculated on the basis of rates
indicated in the Schedules.

33.2 Such ‘On Account” payments will be made for each item of schedule at each station as per
the accepted schedule of rates provided that such works are completed in all respects to the
satisfaction of the Engineer except for such items of schedules which involve only supply
of materials for which payment shall be made at 90% of the rates of the schedules
provided an indemnity bond is executed by the Contractor duly indemnifying the Railways
against all damages, costs, charges, expenses, loss and liability, which the Railways may
sustain, incur or be put to by reasons or in subsequence directly or indirectly due to the
Contractor not fulfilling the portion of the Contract involving the installation, testing and
commissioning of the items supplied by the Contractor. The supply of the material will be
deemed to have been completed only on physical receipt of the material by the Railways'
representative duly inspected by the authorised Inspecting agency as stipulated in clause
19. The balance 5% payment will be released after installation and testing of the

33.3 On account payment in respect of other than supply items shall not exceed 95% of the
total payment due to the Contractor on each On account bill, of the rates indicated in the
Schedule of work. For this purpose, the payment to the Contractor at each On account
stage shall be restricted to 90% of the amount calculated on the basis of the rates indicated
in the Schedule of work. The balance 5% payment shall be made after submission of all
`As-made' documents of the relevant Schedules.

33.4 ‘On Account’ payment in respect of items involving supply and installation, 70% of the
accepted rate for the schedule item will be paid on complete supply of the equipments
listed in the schedule after due inspection, against production of indemnity bond and other
formalities as applicable to other supply items in the schedule. The remaining 25%
payment will be released only after successful installation and testing of the equipment.


On the basis of completion certificate issued by the Engineer for all the works in all the
sections covered in this contract, the final bill for the balance payment for each item/sub-
item of work shall be submitted by the Contractor along with a clear “NO CLAIM
CERTIFICATE’. The completion certificate shall be issued by the Engineer only when he
has accepted the work wholly after conducting the acceptance tests on each item of work.


Page 23 of 113

Income tax and surcharge, if any, as notified y the Income Tax department will be
deducted at source from each bill, unless otherwise authorized by Income Tax


The Tender must be accompanied by an authentic and current valid ITCC. If for any
reasons, the tenderer/contractor is unable to submit the ITCC along with the tender, he
shall clearly understand that no payment will be released to him even if tender is accepted
in his favour till such time he produces the current ITCC. Till such time, he shall neither
claim any payment nor the Railway will make him any payments. The intention is that no
payments will be released without a current ITCC during the entire period of Contract
unless so authorised by the Income Tax authorities.


36.1 The Contractors are required to produce licence as enjoined in the Government of India
Contractor labour(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1978. They shall not be allowed to
undertake or execute any work through contract labour except under and in accordance
with a licence issued under the said act in that behalf by the authorized Licencing Officer.

36.2 In terms of Child Labour(Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986, any child below the age of
14 should not be engaged for the work by the contractor.


At the end of the work in each section the contractor shall as a part of his contractual
obligation leave the area completely cleared of rubbish and obstructions of all kinds
according to the instructions of the Railway’s representative. Besides, he shall take all
necessary steps in the course of the execution of work to avoid the presence of loose earth
and ballast on platforms, in drains, on the track formation and pathways in the vicinity. If
within a fortnight of completion of the particular item of site work the refuge is not cleared
the Railway will arrange to get them moved at the cost of the contractor. However, before
the Railway actually gets the site cleared. Intimation in writing shall be sent to the


If at any time, during the continuance of this Contract, the performance, in whole or part,
by either party, of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or delayed by
reason of any war, hostility, act of the public enemy, Civil Commotion, Sabotage, Fires,
Floods, Earth quakes, explosions, strikes, epidemics, quarantine, restrictions lockouts, any
statute, statutory rules, regulations, order of requisitions issued by any Government
Department or Competent Authority or acts of God (here-in-after referred to as event)
then provided notice of the happening of any such event is given by either party to the
other within twenty one days from the date of occurrence thereof neither party shall by
reason of such even be entitled to terminate this Contract nor shall either party have any
claim for damage against the other in respect of such non- performance or delay in
performance, and the obligations under the Contract shall be resumed as soon as
practicable after such event has come to an end or ceased to exist, PROVIDED
Page 24 of 113

FURTHER that if the performance in whole or part of any obligation under this Contract
is prevented or delayed by reason of any such event beyond a period as mutually agreed to
by the Railways and the Contractor after any event or 60 days in the absence of such an
agreement whichever is more, either party may at its option terminate the Contract
provided also that if the contract is so terminated under this clause the Railways may at the
time of such termination take over from the Contractor at prices as provided for in the
contract, all works executed or works under execution.


Arbitration in this tender will be governed by the Arbitration and Reconciliation

Ordinance 1996, laid down in Para 63 & 64 of General Conditions of Contract.


All disputes or differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the
contract, whether during the progress of the works or after its completion and whether
before or after the determination of the contract, shall be referred by the contractor to the
Railway and the Railway shall within 120 days after receipt of the contractor’s
representation make and notify decisions on all matters referred to by the contractor in
writing provided that matters for which provision has been made in clauses 8(a), 18, 22(5),
39, 43(2), 45(a), 55, 55-A(5), 57, 57A, 61(1), 61(2) and 62(1)(b) of the General conditions
of the contract or in any clause of the Special Conditions of Contract shall be deemed as
“excepted matters” and decisions of the Railway authority thereon shall be final and
binding. on the contractor provided further that `excepted matters’ shall stand specifically
excluded from the purview of the arbitration clause and not be referred to arbitration.


(i) In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto as to the construction
or operation of this contract, or the respective rights and liabilities of the parties on any
matter in question, dispute or difference on any account or as to the withholding by the
Railway of any certificate to which the contractor may claim to be entitled to, or if the
Railway fails to make a decision within 120 days, then and in any such case, but except in
any of the “excepted matters" referred to in clause 63 of these conditions, the contractor,
after 120 days but within 180 days of his presenting his final claim on disputed matters,
shall demand in writing that the dispute or difference be referred to arbitration.

(ii) The demand for arbitration shall specify the matters which are in question or subject of the
dispute or difference as also the amount of claim item-wise. Only such dispute(s) or
difference(s) in respect of which the demand has been made together with counter claims
or set off shall be referred to arbitration and other matters shall not be included in the
(ii)(a) The Arbitration proceedings shall be assumed to have commenced from the day, a written
and valid demand for arbitration is received by the Railway.

(b) The claimant shall submit his claim stating the facts supporting the claims along with all
relevant documents and the relief or remedy sought against each claim within a period of
30 days from the date of appointment of the Arbitration Tribunal.
Page 25 of 113

(c) The railway shall submit its defence statement and counter claim(s), if any, within a period
of 60 days of receipt of copy of claims from Tribunal thereafter, unless otherwise
extension has been granted by Tribunal.

(iii) No new claim shall be added during proceedings by either party. However, a party may
amend or supplement the original claim or defence thereof during the course of arbitration
proceedings subject to acceptance by Tribunal having due regard to the delay in making it.

(iv) If the Contractor(s) does/do not prefer his/their specific and final claims in writing, within
a period of 90 days of receiving the intimation from the Government that the final bill is
ready for payment, he/they will be deemed to have waived his/their claim(s) and the
Railway shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of
these claims.


shall, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, continue during the arbitration
proceedings, and no payment due or payable by the Railway shall be withheld on account
of such proceedings, provided, however, it shall be open for Arbitral Tribunal to consider
and decide whether or not such work should continue during arbitration proceedings.

39.4.1 In cases where the total value of all claims in question added together does not exceed
Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only), the Arbitral Tribunal consist of a sole arbitrator
who shall be either the General Manager or a gazetted officer of Railway not below the
grade of JA grade nominated by the General Manager in that behalf. The sole arbitration
shall be appointed within 60 days from the day when a written and valid demand for
arbitration is received by Railway.

39.4.2 In cases not covered by Clause 39.4.1, the Arbitral Tribunal shall consist of a panel of
three Gazetted Rly. Officers not below JA grade, as the arbitrators. For this purpose, the
Railway will send a panel of more than 3 names of Gazetted railway Officers of one or
more departments, of the Railway to the contractor who will be asked to suggest to
General Manager upto 2 names out of the panel for an appointment as contractor’s
nominee. The General Manager shall appoint at least one out of them as the contractor’s
nominee and will, also simultaneously appoint the balance number of arabitrators either
from the panel or from outside the panel, duly indicating the ‘presiding arbitrator’ from
amongst the 3 arbitrators so appointed. While nominating the arbitrators it will be
necessary to ensure that one of them is from the Accounts Department. An Officer of
selection grade of the Accounts department shall be considered of equal status to the
officers in SA grade of other departments of the Railways for the purpose of appointment
of arbitrators.

39.4.3 If one or more of the arbitrations appointed as above refuses to act as arbitrator, withdraws
from his office as arbitrator, or vacates his/their office/offices or is/are unable or unwilling
to perform his functions as arbitrator for any reason whatsoever or dies or in the opinion of
the General manager fails to act without undue delay, the General Manager shall appoint
new arbitrator/arbitrators to act in his/their place in the same manner in which the earlier
arbitrator/arbitrators had been appointed. Such re-constituted Tribunal may, at its
discretion, proceed with the reference from the stage at which it is left by the previous
Page 26 of 113

39.4.4 The arbitral Tribunal shall have power to call for such evidence by way of affidavit or
otherwise as the Arbitral Tribunal shall think proper, and it shall be the duty of the parties
hereto to do or cause to be done all such things as be necessary to enable the Arbitral
Tribunal to make the award without any delay.

39.4.5 While appointing arbitrator(s) under sub-clause 39.4.1, 39.4.2 and 39.4.3 above, due care
shall be taken that he/they is/are not the one/these who had an opportunity to deal with the
matters to which the contract relates or who in the course of his/their duties as Railway
Servant(s) expressed views on all or any of the matters under dispute or differences. The
proceedings of the Arbitral Tribunal or the award made by such Tribunal will, however,
not be invalid merely for the reason that one or more arbitrator had, in the course of his
service, opportunity to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or who in the
course of his/their duties expressed views on all or any of the matters under dispute.

39.4.6 The arbitral award shall state intenwise, the sum and reasons upon which it is based.

39.4.7 A party may apply for corrections of any computational errors, any typographical or
clerical errors or any other error of similar nature occurring in the award and interpretation
of a specific point of award to tribunal within 30 days of receipt of the award.

39.4.8 A party may apply to tribunal within 30 days of receipt of award to make an additional
award as to claims presented in the arbitral proceedings but omitted from the arbitral

39.5 In case of the Tribunal, comprising of three Members, any ruling of award shall be made
by a majority of Members of Tribunal. In the absence of such a majority, the views of the
presiding Arbitrator shall prevail.

39.6 Where the arbitral award is for the payment of money, no interest shall be payable on
whole or any part of the money for any period till the date on which the award is made.

39.7 The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the respective parties. The cost shall inter-alia
include for the arbitrator(s) as per the rates fixed by the Railway Administration from time
to time.

39.8 Subject to the provisions of the aforesaid Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and the
rules there under and any statutory modification thereof shall apply to the arbitration
proceedings under this clause.

Page 27 of 113


SOR Rate
Brief description of work Unit
No. Rs. P.
1001 Excavation of cable trench in all kinds of soil except hard rocky Mtrs 25.80
areas including clearing of roots of trees, rocks, bushes etc. to a depth
of 1.0 Mtrs and to a width of 0.3 Mtrs. Laying of cables is not
included in this schedule.
1002 Excavation of cable trench in all kinds of soil except hard rocky Mtrs. 32.10
areas including clearing of roots of trees, rocks, bushes etc. to a depth
of 1.0 Mtrs and to a width of 0.5 Mtrs. Laying of cables is not
included in this schedule.
1003 Excavation of cable trench in hard rocky area to a depth of 0.5 Mts. Mtrs. 293.40
and to a width of 0.5 Mtrs. construction of masonry duct as per
drawing No.SBC/SG/CN/SK/343-A for cable laying and filling the
inner space with river sand. Laying of cables is not included in this

[Bricks, river sand, cement and all other miscellaneous materials

required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
1004 Excavation of cable trench across Metalised/Mecademised Roads to Mtrs. 325.50
a width of 0.3 and a depth of 1m, laying of RCC pipes 100mm inner
dia and 150mm outer dia with collars, for laying of cables, refilling the
cable trench made across Metalised/Mechanised roads and re-surfacing
to its original position. Laying of cables is not included in this

[RCC pipe 100mm ID, 150mm OD, 2 mts. long with collar and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied
by the Contractor].
1005 Removing/breaking of existing RCC slabs on the Passenger Mtrs. 142.80
Platform, trenching to a depth of 0.6m to accommodate the additional
cables, replacing the slabs removed after the cables are laid and
replastering with cement mortor, refilling the trench by ramming and
consolidating it as per the instructions of Railway Represntative at site.
Laying of cables is not included in this schedule.
[Cement, river sand and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
1006 Excavation of trench along route of existing cable duct, opening the Mtrs. 93.30
slabs to accomodate additional cable laying, replacing the slabs
removed after the cables are laid and replastering with cement mortor,
and refilling the trench by ramming and consolidating it as per the
instructions of Railway Represntative at site. Laying of cables is not
included in this schedule.

[Cement, river sand and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 28 of 113

1007 Excavation of trench to a depth of 1 Mtr. from ground level for track/ Nos. 417.60
road crossing of cables, supply and laying of RCC pipes 100mm inner
dia, 150mm outer dia 2 Mtrs. long with collar, refilling of trench by
ramming and consolidating it as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site. During excavation of trench it has to be ensure
that the excavated soil does not mix with the ballast available. Laying
of cables is not included in this schedule.
[RCC pipes 2m long, 100m inner dia & 150mm outer dia with collar
and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
1008 Excavation of trench to a depth of 0.5 Mtr. from ground level for track/ Nos. 339.90
road crossing of cables, supply and laying of RCC pipes 100mm inner
dia, 150mm outer dia 2 Mtrs. long with collar, refilling of trench by
ramming and consolidating it as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site. During excavation of trench it has to be ensure
that the excavated soil does not mix with the ballast available. Laying
of cables is not included in this schedule.
[RCC pipes 2m long, 100m inner dia & 150mm outer dia with collar
and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
1009 Excavation of trench to a depth of 1 Mtr. from ground level for track/ Mtrs. 292.80
road crossing of cables, supply and laying of double walled corrugated
pipes (103.5mm inner dia & 120mm outer dia), refilling of trench by
ramming and consolidating it as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site. During excavation of trench it has to be ensure
that the excavated soil does not mix with the ballast available. Laying
of cables is not included in this schedule.
[Double walled corrugated pipe - 103.5mm inner dia & 120mm outer
dia conforming to specification No. IS 14930(Part 2) : 2001 with
socket/ coupler and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
1010 Provision of GI pipes-(50mm dia-3.65mm thick)/ (100mm dia-
a. 4.5mm thick) for cable laying with off set at both ends and with
coupling wherever required as per site requirement over the Bridges/
Drainage/ Culverts with brick masonary supports of size 300mm x 300
mm x 300 mm at an interval of 2M in box type bridges and suitable
MS Clamps at an interval of 2 Mtrs. in Girder bridges in and closing
the ends with brick masonary abutments of size 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5 m,
as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. Laying of
cables is not included in this schedule.
[GI pipes (50mm dia-3.65mm thick)/ (100mm dia-4.5mm thick),
bricks, sand, cement, MS fixing clamps, bolts and nuts and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
a. Provision of GI pipes 50mm dia-3.65mm thick Mtrs. 386.80
b. Provision of GI pipes 100mm dia - 4.5mm thick Mtrs. 783.60
1011 Laying of signalling/power/telecommunication cables as per cable plan Mtrs. 7.80
in cable trenches, masonary ducts, RCC Pipes, DWC pipes, GI Pipes
Page 29 of 113

(Supply of cables is not included in this schedule).

1012 Placing of one layer of country bricks of size approximately 220mm x Mtrs. 20.80
100mm x 60mm lengthwise vertically in the trench
[Country bricks of size 220mm x 100mm x 60mm (approximately)
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
1013 Placing of one row of country bricks of size approximately 220mm x Mtrs. 42.40
100mm x 60mm breadthwise horizontally above the cables in 0.3m
width trench.
[Country bricks of size 220mm x 100mm x 60 mm (approximately)
shall be supplied by the Contractor].

1014 Placing of two rows of country bricks of size approximately Mtrs. 80.90
220mm x 100mm x 60mm breadth wise horizontally above the cables
in 0.5mm width trench.
[Country bricks of size 220mm x 100mm x 60mm (approximately)
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
1015 Refilling of cable trench 1m depth by 0.3m width throughout, with Mtrs. 6.20
earth after laying of cables, and consolidating the trench by ramming
and levelling.
1016 Refilling of cable trench 1m depth by 0.5m width throughout, with Mtrs. 7.80
earth after laying of cables, and consolidating the trench by ramming
and levelling.
1017 Supply of RCC cable markers as per drawing No.CSTE/CN/OFC/1. Nos. 144.60
The lettering on the cable marker shall be "SIG" / "TELE" / "OFC" as
per the instructions of Railway representative at site.
1018 Digging of pit to a depth of 800mm of size 300mmX300mm, casting Nos. 113.20
of concrete foundation of size 300mmX300mmX300mm and Placing
of RCC cable markers on top of the foundation and refilling the pit and
consolidating it by ramming. The cable markers shall be provided at an
interval of 20 Mtrs. within station limits and 50 Mtrs. outside station
limits throughout the cable route, diversions and also at every
1019 Excavation of cable coil pit to a size of 1.0mx1.0m and depth of Nos. 389.70
1.0m for coiling the signal/power cable in rear of relay rooms/ AFTC
huts, apparatus cases etc., as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site. The work includes coiling the underground
cables, and placing closely one layer of country bricks of size approx.
220mm x 100mm x 60mm breadth wise above the cables to cover all
the cables in the cable pit, closing and consolidating the pit by
ramming and leveling.

[Country bricks of size 220mm x 100mm x 60mm (approximately)

shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 30 of 113

2001 Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation and erection of Nos. 8367.00
apparatus case full size as per Drg. No.SG/CN/02/6 and fixing of 2
Nos. of 'E' type locks, one for the front door and another for the back
door, fixing of one hard wood shelf plank 37mm thick and painting the
apparatus case inside and outside with one coat of red-oxide and two
coats of aluminium paints.
(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule).
[Foundation bolts & nuts, 'E' type locks, cement, river sand, stone jelly
of size 20/25 mm, hardwood plank of 37mm thick, paints, varnish,
fixing bolts & nuts and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the Contractor.]
2002 Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation and erection of Nos. 5836.00
apparatus case half size as per Drg, No.SG/CN/02/7, fixing one 'E' type
lock for the front door and latching arrangement for the back door, and
fixing of one hardwood shelf plank 37mm thick and painting the
apparatus case inside and outside with one coat of red-oxide and two
coats of aluminium paints.
(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule).
[Foundation bolts and nuts, cement, 'E' type locks, river sand, stone
jelly of size 20/25mm, 37mm hard wood planks, latching arrangments,
paints, varnish, fixing bolts & nuts and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor]
2003 Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation and erection of Nos. 5068.00
apparatus case Quarter size as per Drg. No.SG/CN/02/8 and fixing of
one hardwood base plank 37mm thick, provision of one EWS lock, and
painting the apparatus case inside and outside with one coat of red-
oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.
(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule).
[Foundation bolts and nuts, cement, river, sand, stone jelly of size
20/25mm, 37mm hard wood planks, EWS locks, paints, varnish, fixing
bolts and nuts and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor]
2004 Excavation of pit, erection of cable termination boxes on rails and Nos. 2782.00
concreting as per Drg. No.SG/CN/02/8, drilling of suitable holes in the
box, fixing of 2 Nos. of GI pipes 32mm dia and 300mm long at the
bottom with clamp nuts - 12 mm thick, one at the inner side and
another at the outer side for each pipe for cable throughing, fixing of
hardwood plank 37mm thick on the bottom, provision of one EWS
lock, and painting the boxes inside and outside with one coat of red-
oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.
(Supply of CT boxes is not covered in this schedule. Rails of different
length shall be supplied by Railways. The contractor shall cut lengthy
rails wherever required.)
[Cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm, paint, varnish, GI
Pipes 32mm dia with clamp nuts - 12mm thick - 2 Nos. for each pipe,
fixing bolts and nuts with washers, EWS locks, paints and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 31 of 113

2005 Excavation of pit, erection of cable termination boxes on rails and Nos. 2804.00
concreting as per Drg. No.SG/CN/02/8, drilling of suitable holes in the
box, fixing of 2 Nos. of GI pipes 32mm dia and 300mm long at the
bottom with clamp nuts - 12 mm thick, one at the inner side and
another at the outer side for each pipe for cable throughing and one GI
pipe 150mm long 32mm dia for drawal of jumper wires for Point
machines etc., fixing of hardwood plank 37mm thick on the bottom,
provision of one EWS lock, and painting the boxes inside and outside
with one coat of red-oxide and two coats of aluminium paints.
(Supply of CT boxes is not covered in this schedule. Rails of different
length shall be supplied by Railways. The contractor shall cut lengthy
rails wherever required.)
[Cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm, paint, varnish , GI
Pipes 32mm dia - 300mm long - 2 Nos and 150mm long - 1 No.,
clamp nuts - 12mm thick - 2 Nos. for each pipe, fixing bolts and nuts
with washers, EWS locks, paints and all other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
2006 Fabrication and erection of rail staging, concreting, construction of Nos. 11788.00
stock brick, masonry support, supply and provision of concrete slabs 3
Nos. of size 300mm x 1700mm x 80mm for platform on stage support
for erecting apparatus case full size on embankment and casting
concrete foundation and erection of apparatus case full size over the
compacted earth and masonary , fixing 2 Nos. of 'E' type locks, one for
the front door and another for the back door, supply and fixing of one
hardwood shelf plank of 37mm thick and painting the boxes inside and
outside with one coat of red-oxide and two coats of aluminum paints.
(Supply of apparatus case is not included in this schedule. Rails of
different lengths will be supplied by Railway and the Contractor has to
cut the rails to required lengths).[Cement river sand, jelly of size 20/25
mm, stock bricks, MS base plates, fixing bolts and nuts, fabricating
materials, MS Clamps for fixing rails, MS rods for reinforcement of
slabs, hardwood plank 37mm thick, 'E' type locks, paints and varnish
and all miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied
by the Contractor].
Page 32 of 113

2007 Fabrication and erection of rail staging, concreting, construction Nos. 8333.00
of stock brick masonry support, supply and provision of concrete slabs
for platform, 3 Nos. of size 3000mm x 1000mm x 80mm for platform
stage support for apparatus case half size on embankment and casting
concrete foundation and erection of apparatus case half size over the
compacted earth and masonary work. Fixing one No. 'E' type lock for
the front door and the latching arrangements for the back door and
fixing one H.W shelf plant of 37mm thick and painting the boxes
inside and outside with one coat of red-oxide and two coats of
aluminium paints.
(Supply of apparatus cases is not included in this schedule. Rails of
different lengths will be supplied by Railways and the Contractor has
to cut the rails to the required lengths).

['E' type locks, foundation bolts, Cement, river sand, stone jelly of size
20/25 mm, stock brick, MS base plates, fixing bolts and nuts,
fabricating materials, MS clamps for fixing rails, MS rods for
reinforcement of slabs, hardwood plank 37mm thick, paints, varnish
and other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].

2008 Excavation of pit in and around the existing location boxes very
carefully without damaging the working cables and shifting and
turning the location boxes to clear of the infringement as instructed by
the Railway representative at site. The work includes ensuring the
safety of the signalling system, releasing the cable coils to give access
for shifting/ turning the location boxes. Necessary masonary work and
earth work in and around the location boxes to the required lever shall
be done as instructed by the Railway representative at site. If the
existing earth connections to the location boxes are disturbed, the earth
wires shall be properly re-connected.[All materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].

a. Shifting of apparatus case (full) Nos. 2281.00

b. Shifting of apparatus case (half) Nos. 1494.00
c. Shifting of apparatus case (Quarter) Nos. 1183.00
Page 33 of 113

2009 Termination of new main/ tail cables on the existing terminals/ fuse Per 29.70
blocks in apparatus cases/ battery boxes/ CT boxes/ cable termination Term
tacks as per approved circuit diagram. The terminal particulars are to inal
be repainted/corrected on the doors of apparatus cases/ battery boxs/
cable termination boxes and FTOT index board as instructed by
Railway representative at site. This work includes closing the opening
created for entry of new cables in the apparatus cases with masonary
brick work and sealing the bottom of the apparatus cases/ cable
termination racks with cable compound.
[Paints, wire PVC 3/0.75mm and 16/0.2mm copper, sealing
compound, bricks, cement, river sand and all other required
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
2010 Termination of main, tail, Signalling and power cables and internal
wiring on terminal/ fuse blocks in new apparatus cases, cable
termination boxes and in gate lodges excluding cable termination rack
at relay room. The work includes fixing of all new cables by teakwood
clamp on teakwood base plank, fixing of Phynolic synthetic industrial
fibre base fine weave cotton fibre board 6mm thick for terminal board
to suit each apparatus case, varnishing all teakwood items, fixing of
terminals/ fuse blocks on the terminal board, drilling of necessary
holes, termination of cables, wiring, identification of cables using
aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as per approved circuit
diagram and cable plan, painting of particulars on sleeves and also on
the inner side of the doors of apparatus cases. After terminations are
over, the side openings of apparatus case foundation shall be closed
with brick work, cement plastered, the inter-space filled with river
sand up to base level and the bottom surface shall be sealed with
sealing compound.

(Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse blocks is not covered in this


[Cement, teakwood cable clamp 50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x

25mm, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre
sheet - 6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5,
PVC/Nylon sleeves, varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers, Non-
deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities, Aluminium cable tags,
sealing compound, country bricks 220mm x 100mm x 60mm, copper
bus bars, brass screw, river sand, wire PVC3/0.75mm copper and other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Termination on 25/60mm PBT terminals (new location)(Phynolic Per 74.10
sheet) Term
b. Termination on PBT fuse block (new location) (Phynolic sheet) Per 98.10
Page 34 of 113

2011 Termination of main, tail, Signalling and power cables and internal
wiring by fixing additional terminals/ fuse blocks on the existing
terminal boards of apparatus cases, cable termination boxes etc. The
work includes fixing of all new cables by teakwood clamp on
teakwood base plank, varnishing all teakwood items, fixing of
terminals/ fuse blocks, on the existing terminal boards, drilling of
necessary holes, termination of cables, wiring, identification of cables
using aluminium tags with letters punched neatly, as per approved
circuit diagram and cable plan, painting of particulars on sleeves and
also on the inner side of the doors of apparatus cases. After
terminations are over, the side openings of apparatus case foundation
shall be closed with brick work, cement plastered, the inter-space filled
with river sand upto base level and the bottom surface shall be sealed
with sealing compound.
(Supply of PBT terminals and Fuse blocks is not covered in this

[Cement, teakwood cable clamp 50mm x 50mm, base planks 100mm x

25mm, PVC/Nylon sleeves, varnish, paints, bolts, nuts and washers,
Non-deteriorating type of fuses of various capacities, Aluminium cable
tags, sealing compound, country bricks 220mm x 100mm x 60mm,
copper bus bars, brass screw, river sand, wire PVC3/0.75mm copper
and other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Termination of cables on 25/60mm PBT terminals (existing Per 62.50
location) Term
b. Termination of cables on PBT fuse block (existing location) Per 86.60
2012 Manufacture and supply of M.S. relay frames of suitable size to
hold upto 4/ 8/ 12/ 20 relays as required by Railways and fixing them
in apparatus cases for all types of signal control circuits, LC gate
control circuit, lever lock control circuits and Point control circuits,
fixing of plug boards, relays, resistors and electrolytic condensors on
Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet -
6mm thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, wiring and
termination as per approved circuit diagram and painting the
(Supply of all types of relays, plug boards, connectors, retaining clips
and 50 way terminal boards is not covered in this schedule).
[Wire PVC copper, 3/0.75mm and 16/0.2mm copper, Phynolic
synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet - 6mm
thick to IS specification 2036 - 1995 - Type F5, for fixing resistors and
condensors, MS flats 25mm x 6mm brass bolts and nuts, paints,
soldering materials, resistors, condensors and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor.)
a. Wiring of Signal/ point/ LC control circuit (upto 4 relays) Set 2104.00
b. Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit (upto 8 relays) Set 3647.00
c. Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit (upto 12 relays) Set 4707.00
Page 35 of 113

d. Wiring of Signal/ Point/ LC control circuit (upto 20 relays) Set 5666.00

2013 Painting of existing apparatus cases with out disturbing the
terminations and equipments inside. The work involves scraping of old
paint, applying one coat of Red oxide and two coats of Aluminium
paint on the inside and outside the apparatus cases, as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
[Aluminium paint, red-oxide and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Painting of existing apparatus case - Full size Nos. 916.00
b. Painting of existing apparatus case - Half size Nos. 871.00
2014 Fixing and wiring of platform repeaters. The work involves fixing of Nos. 2886.00
platform repeater using suitable fixing arrangements at places
indicated, wiring the same and painting as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site. The signal shall be connected to the
apparatus case using cables neatly clamped. The work also includes
provision of one EWS lock
(Supply of repeater signals and cables is not included in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, paint, EWS lock and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
2015 Painting of existing colour light Signals as per standard practice. The Nos. 977.00
work involves scraping of old paint, applying one coat of Red oxide
and two coats of Aluminium/ enamel paint on the Signals - complete
as instructed by Railway representative at site.
[Aluminium paint, red-oxide and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
2016 Alterations to painted termination/ wiring particulars of functions in
the existing apparatus cases, cable termination boxes, etc., on the PVC/
nylon sleeves and painting of new nomenclature on the existing
signalling gadgets. This work includes carrying out alterations of
particulars on the inner side of the doors of apparatus cases, re-
numbering of apparatus cases and cable termination boxes.
[Paints and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Alteration to painting particulars (apparatus case - Full size) Nos. 863.00
b. Alteration to painting particulars (apparatus case - half size) Nos. 449.00
c. Alteration to painting particulars (apparatus case-quarter size/ CT Nos. 311.00
2017 Filling earth around location boxes/signal foundations for a width of cum 93.30
0.5m on all sides, up to a level 150mm below the foundation top. This
work includes consolidation of earth by watering and ramming.
Page 36 of 113

2018 Excavation of pit, casting concrete foundation as per Nos. 4455.00

Drg.No.SG/CN/02/9 using metallic templates, for erection of colour
light signals up to 4 aspects.

[Foundation bolts, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm dia
and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
2019 Erection of surface base, signal pole, mounting of colour light signal Nos. 4066.00
upto 4 aspects complete on Signal pole/ Off-set bracket, (for LED/
filament bulbs) with lenses, triple pole lamp holder, filament switching
units, CLS transformer, current regulators (whichever is applicable),
fixing of ladder with platform complete and concreting of ladder shoe,
fixing of number plates, marker board, lens guard, termination of tail
cables, wiring of signal unit with PVC wire 3/0.75mm copper,
provision of EWS locks, and painting of one coat of red oxide and two
coats of aluminium/ enamel paints. When the aspect is fixed on Off set
bracket using 'U' bolts and nuts through bolts shall be provided by
drilling a hole in the signal pole to prevent the offset bracket from
sliding down.
(Supply of surface base, Off set bracket, CLS pole, CLS aspect
complete, ladder with shoes and platform, LED aspects, current
regulators, lamp holders, lamps, filament switching unit and CLS
transformer is not covered in this schedule).
['U' bolts and nuts, through bolts and nuts, cement, stone jelly
20/25mm dia, river sand, Signal Collar Rings, wire PVC 3/0.75mm
copper, lens-guard, all fixing bolts and nuts, lead wool, paints
PVC/Nylon sleeves, enameled number plates. enameled marker
boards, EWS locks, and all other miscellaneous materials for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
2020 Excavation of pit and casting concrete foundation as per Drg, Nos. 2128.00
No.SG/CN/02/10 using metallic templates, for erection of ground type
colour light shunt signal.
[Foundation bolts and nuts, cement, river sand, stone jelly of size
20/25mm and all other miscellaneous materials for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
2021 Erection of Ground type shunt signal complete including surface base, Nos. 1574.00
signal pole, lenses, bulbs with holders, fixing of lens guards, number
plate, termination of tail cables, wiring of signal unit with PVC wire
3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS locks and painting of one coat of
red oxide and two coats of Aluminium/ enamel paint.
(Supply of Ground type shunt signal complete including surface base,
signal pole, holder, bulbs, and lenses is not covered in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, lens guards, EWS locks, Enamelled
number plates, bolts and nuts, lead wool, paints and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor.]
Page 37 of 113

2022 Fixing of Off set brackets using 'U' bolts and nuts, erection of Post Nos. 1218.00
type shunt Signals, termination of tail cables and wiring using wire
PVC 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS lock and painting of one
coat of red-oxide and two coats of aluminium/ enamelled paint. The
work also includes drilling suitable holes on the CLS post and
provision of a through bolt with nut to prevent the Off-set bracket from
slipping down.
(Supply of Post type Shunt Signals and Off set brackets is not covered
in this schedule).
['U' bolts and nuts, through bolts with nut, wire PVC 3/0.75mm
copper, EWS lock, Enamelled number plates, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon
sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied
by the contractor].
2023 Fixing Multi lamp/ Stencil type route indicators - complete,
termination of tail cables, wiring as per approved circuit diagram using
wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS - required Nos., and
(Supply of route indicators is not covered in the schedule)
[Fixing bolts and nuts, EWS locks, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, wire
mesh, PVC/Nylon sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Fixing and wiring of Multi lamp route indicator Nos. 1758.00
b. Fixing and wiring of Stencil type route indicator Nos. 1483.00
2024 Fixing of junction type route indicators - 1 way to 5 way - complete/
fixing of additional limb to the existing route indicators, termination of
tail cables, wiring as per approved circuits diagram using wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper, provision of required No of EWS locks, wire mesh,
and painting.
(Supply of junction type Route Indicators - complete, and additional
limb is not covered in this schedule).
[3/0.75mm wire PVC, fixing bolts and nuts, EWS locks, wire mesh,
PVC/Nylon sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall
be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Fixing and wiring of direction type route indicator - 1 way Nos. 1186.00
b. Fixing and wiring of direction type route indicator - 2 way Nos. 1376.00
c. Fixing and wiring of direction type route indicator - 3 way Nos. 1565.00
d. Fixing and wiring of direction type route indicator - 4 way Nos. 2370.00
e. Fixing and wiring of direction type route indicator - 5 way Nos. 2558.00
f. Fixing and wiring of additional limb to existing route indicator Nos. 559.00
Page 38 of 113

2025 Fixing of Off set brackets using 'U' bolts and nuts, erection of Calling Nos. 1115.00
On Signals/ 'A' marker lights, termination of tail cables and wiring
using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, provision of EWS lock, number
plates/ marker boards and painting. The work also includes drilling
suitable holes on the CLS post and provision of a through bolt with nut
to prevent the Off-set bracket from slipping down
(Supply of Calling On Signal/ 'A' marker light and Off set brackets is
not covered in this schedule).
['U' bolts and nuts, through bolts with nut, wire PVC 3/0.75mm
copper, EWS lock, Enamelled number plates, wire mesh, PVC/Nylon
sleeves, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied
by the contractor].
2026 Releasing of existing tail cables and drawal of new tail cables for Per 631.80
colour light signals upto four aspects with or without route indicator, Cabl
post type shunt signal and Calling on signals, termination of new tail e
cables and wiring using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper. This work
includes drawal of new tail cables into the signal post duly releasing
the existing tail cables from the relevant signals.
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, paints and all other miscellaneous
matrials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
2027 Excavation of pit in and around the existing signals very carefully Nos. 1619.00
without causing damage to the working cables and shifting the Signals
along with the concrete foundations to a nearby position so as to clear
the infringement from the nearest track centre as instructed by Railway
representative at site. The existing cable coils shall be released
carefully so as to give access for shifting. Necessary masonary work
and earth work shall be carried out in and around the signals after
shifting as instructed by Railway representative at site.
[All materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
2028 Removal of existing CLS units, fixing of new CLS units upto four Nos. 4629.00
aspects, directly or using off set brackets duly drilling holes on the
signal poles, provision of EWS locks wherever necessary, termination
of tail cables and wiring using wire PVC3/0.75mm copper and painting
of aspect. The new tail cables shall be taken through the signal poles
and the unwanted cables duly released.
(Supply of CLS unit is not included in this schedule).
[EWS locks, Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper lense guard, wire netting
arrangements, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
2029 Manufacture and supply of Enameled Number plates with fixing Nos. 266.20
arrangements and fixing them on the existing Signals as per the
instructions of Railway representative at site.
[Enamelled number plates with fixing arrangements with bolts and
nuts shall be supplied by the Contractor].
2030 Supply and provision of Screening arrangement for Signals in RE area Nos. 777.70
as per standard practice and as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site.
[All materials required for this work shall be supplied by the
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2031 Provision of Single rail track circuit to suit RE Standard as per

approved signalling plan using Plug-in type track relays. This work
includes provision of double bonding, and parallel jumpering,
provision of bond wire clips, provision of track lead connections with
8 SWG GI soft wire with necessary arrangements for fixing lead wires
to the sleeper, provision of TLD boxes 2 Nos. at Relay end, 2 Nos. at
Feed end and 2 Nos for parallel jumpering for each Track Circuit, and
termination of jumpers and tail cables in track lead junction boxes,
installation of relays, track feed battery chargers to charge upto 4 cells,
track feed resistance, 'B' type choke' and charged secondary cells - 80
AH capacity in apparatus cases and wiring with wire PVC 3/0.75mm
copper. The work also includes painting of track cct No. with Feed
end/ Relay end details on the TLD boxes. The work also includes
provision of insulations for gauge tie plates and nose crossing plates.
Provision of rail joint insulation is not covered in this schedule.
(Un insulated gauge type place and nose crossing plate will be supplied
by Railways. Supply of track relays, secondary cells (2V - 80AH),
TLD boxes with stumps is not covered in this schedule).
[Track feed battery charger(to charge upto 4 cells, track feed
resistance, 'B' type choke, Gauge tie plate and nose crossing plate
insulations, PVC/Nylon bushes for TLD boxes, PVC sleeves, all types
of fixing bolts and nuts with spring and flat washers, teakwood stand
for fixing track feed resistance, GI bond wire 8 SWG, Channel
bond pins, bond wire clips, paints and all other miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the contractor. Secondary cells-80 AH
capacity shall be charged by the contractor through reputed charging
a. Provision of track circuit in RE area (point zone) Nos. 10487.00
b. Provision of track circuit in RE area (other than point zone) Nos. 9444.00
2032 Provision of DC double rail track circuit to suit Non-RE Standard as
per approved signalling plan using Plug-in type track relays. This work
includes provision of double bonding, and parallel jumpering,
provision of bond wire clips, provision of track lead connections with
8 SWG GI soft wire with necessary arrangements for fixing lead wires
to the sleeper, provision of TLD boxes 2 Nos. at Relay end, 2 Nos. at
Feed end and 2 Nos for parallel jumpering for each Track Circuit, and
termination of jumpers and tail cables in track lead junction boxes,
installation of relays, track feed battery chargers to charge upto 4 cells,
track feed resistance, and charged secondary cells - 80 AH capacity in
apparatus cases and wiring with wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper. The
work also includes painting of track cct No. with Feed end/ Relay end
details on the TLD boxes. The work also includes provision of
insulations for gauge tie plates and nose crossing plates. Provision of
rail joint insulation is not covered in this schedule.
Page 40 of 113

(Un insulated gauge type place and nose crossing plate will be supplied
by Railways. Supply of track relays, secondary cells (2V - 80AH),
TLD boxes with stumps is not covered in this schedule).
[Track feed battery charger(to charge upto 4 cells, track feed
resistance, Gauge tie plate and nose crossing plate insulations,
PVC/Nylon bushes for TLD boxes, PVC sleeves, all types of fixing
bolts and nuts with spring and flat washers, teakwood stand for fixing
track feed resistance, GI bond wire 8 SWG, Channel bond pins,
bond wire clips, paints and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the contractor. Secondary cells-80 AH capacity shall be
charged by the contractor through reputed charging agencies].
a. Provision of track circuit in Non-RE area (point zone) Nos. 6124.00
b. Provision of track circuit in Non-RE area (other than point zone) Nos. 5082.00
2033 Alteration to existing DC Track Circuit to suit RE/Non RE standard as
per approved signalling plan. This work includes provision of double
bonding and parallel jumpering, provision of bond wire clips,
wherever required, shifting of relay end and feed end equipments and
re-wiring them, provision of track lead connections wherever
necessary using 8 SWG GI soft wire with necessary arrangements
for fixing lead wires to the sleeper, provision of TLD boxes and
termination of jumpers and tail cables in track lead junction boxes,
shifting of Track feed/Track relay set wherever required and wiring
with PVC 3/0.75mm copper wire.

(Supply of TLD boxes and stumps for fixing TLD Boxes is not
covered in the schedule. Existing Track relays, Track Feed Resistance,
Track feed battery chargers, `B' type Chokes and Charged secondary
Cells shall used for this work).
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm, PVC/ Nylon bushes for TLD boxes, PVC
sleeves, all types of bolts and nuts with spring and flat washers,
teakwood stand for fixing track feed resistance, GI bond wire 8
SWG, Channel bond pins, bond wire clips, paints and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Alteration to existing track circuits at feed end Nos. 1938.00
b. Alteration to existing track circuits at relay end Nos. 1844.00
2034 Provision of Rail Joint Insulations. This work includes milling of fish Set. 261.20
plates, provision of rail joint insulation with MS backing plates etc.,
and insulating the joints as per Railway standard.
(Supply of Rail Joint insulations, un milled fish plates, fish bolts and
nuts is not covered in this schedule).
2035 Supply and provision of Rail Joint Insulations. This work includes Set. 801.80
milling of fish plates, provision of rail joint insulation with MS
backing plates etc., and insulating the joints as per Railway standard.
(Supply of Un milled fish plates, fish bolts and nuts are not covered in
this schedule).
[Rail joint insulation complete set with MS backing plates shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
Page 41 of 113

2036 Provision of earth electrodes as per drawing No.SG/SN/02/13 and Nos. 1763.00
earthing of metallic sheath and armor of all cables in all apparatus
cases, relay room, equipment room, SM's room for block and control,
and earthing of all equipments in apparatus cases, power room, relay
rack, cable termination rack, control panel, signals, lever frames with
GI- 4 SWG soft wire and soldering the earth wire. The work includes
painting of earth resistance value on the earth pit.
[GI wire - 4 SWG, cement, GI earth electrodes, common salt, charcoal,
country bricks, river sand, soldering materials and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
2037 Provision of earthing arrangement for AFTC locations etc. The earth Nos. 13865.00
electrodes shall be similar to model SEE 60/C (of Safe Earth
Electrode) of GI pipe 60.4mm Outer dia and 4.5mm thick, with a
length of 3 mtrs. Copper strip of 32mmX4mmX2mm cross sectional
area of Primary conducting area of 256 shall be used. The earth
electrode shall be erected in a pit of dia 300mm & depth of 3mtrs. The
pit shall be filled with anti corrosive conductive compound
surrounding the earth electrode. The pit shall be watered adequately for
5 days. A brick chamber surrounding the earth shall be constructed
with a dimension of 450mmX450mm outer and 300mmX300mm
inner. The height shall be 350mm with 150mm below the ground.
[Earth electrode similar to model No.SEE 60/C, bricks, cement, river
sand, GI earth wire 4 SWG, solder, nuts, bolts and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
2038 Installation of combined type point machine - 5E/ IRS type and Nos. 7259.00
connecting all ground connections including wiring and termination in
point machine and interconnections between point machine and CT
box through PVC hose pipe with 3/0.75mm and 7/1.40mm copper wire
and painting. This work includes provision of insulation to stretcher
bars, switch extension pieces and throw bar lug/"D" bracket wherever
required, cutting of notches on the pinions of point machines to suit
crank handle configuration.
(Combined type point machine with ground connection, un insulated
stretcher bar, throw bar lug and switch extension pieces without holes
will be supplied by Railways.
[All types of insulations connected to point work, pipe lock of square
spigot, coal bengal, all type of bolts and nuts, washers spring/flat wire
PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC hope pipe, paints, PVC/nylon sleeves and
all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
2039 Supply of Colour light Signal pole 140mm dia, 4.6m/ 3.6m tall with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of colour light Signal pole (4.6m) Nos. 2860.00
b. Supply of colour light Signal pole (3.6m) Nos. 2059.00
Page 42 of 113

2040 Supply of surface base to suit CLS Signal pole 140mm dia with Nos. 2746.00
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
2041 Supply of ladder with platform and shoes to suit CLS pole 4.6m/ 3.6m
tall, with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of ladder with platform and shoes for 4.6m CLS pole Nos. 2631.00
b. Supply of ladder with platform and shoes for 3.6m CLS pole Nos. 2517.00
2042 Supply of post type shunt signal - complete with lens, hood etc., with Nos. 2517.00
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
2043 Supply of Ground type shunt signal - complete with surface base, Nos. 2860.00
signal pole, lens, hood etc., with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
2044 Supply of Colour Light Signal Multi Unit type - complete for 4/ 3/ 2
aspect with mounting socket, with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of colour light Signal unit - 4 aspect Nos. 9724.00
b. Supply of colour light Signal unit - 3 aspect Nos. 8580.00
c. Supply of colour light Signal unit - 2 aspect Nos. 6864.00
2045 Supply of Junction type route indicator – 5 unit arm – 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5
way with mounting sockets, Lamp holder for SL 33 lamps and Lenses
for route indicators with necessary inspection as per specification/
drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of Junction type route indicator - 1 way Nos. 10296.00
b. Supply of Junction type route indicator - 2 way Nos. 13156.00
c. Supply of Junction type route indicator - 3 way Nos. 16016.00
d. Supply of Junction type route indicator - 4 way Nos. 18876.00
e. Supply of Junction type route indicator - 5 way Nos. 21736.00
2046 Supply of Calling On Signal / 'A' marker light - complete with lens and
holder with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of Calling On Signal Nos. 1716.00
b. Supply of 'A' marker light Nos. 1716.00
2047 Supply of Off-set brackets - large/ small made of cast iron with
necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of Off-set bracket (large) Nos. 1716.00
b. Supply of Off-set bracket (small) Nos. 1144.00
2048 Supply of cable termination box made of cast iron with MS sheet iron Nos. 4235.00
door, with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
Page 43 of 113

2049 Supply of track lead junction box - FRP type with terminals and stump Nos. 915.00
with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
2050 Supply of PBT terminals 25mm/ 60mm centre and PBT Fuse blocks
with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of PBT terminal - 25mm center Nos. 40.00
b. Supply of PBT terminal - 60mm center Nos. 60.00
c. Supply of PBT fuse block (without ND fuse) Nos. 80.00
2051 Supply of Low maintenance secondary cells of the following capacities
with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of secondary cells-2V-80AH capacity Nos. 1384.00
b. Supply of secondary cells-2V-120AH capacity Nos. 2076.00
c. Supply of secondary cells-2V-200AH capacity Nos. 3460.00
d. Supply of secondary cells-2V-300AH capacity Nos. 5190.00
e. Supply of secondary cells-2V-400AH capacity Nos. 6920.00
2052 Supply of lamp proving relays for Off aspect with plug boards, Nos. 3992.00
connectors and retaining clips with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
2053 Supply of electronic time delay units (120/60 secs) with plug boards, Nos. 2422.00
connectors and retaining clips with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
2054 Supply of apparatus cases (full/ half/ quarter size) to suit Southern
Railway standard with necessary inspection as per specification/
drawing/ description enclosed in this document:
a. Supply of apparatus case - Full size Nos. 8115.00
b. Supply of apparatus case - Half size Nos. 5172.00
c. Supply of apparatus case - Quarter size Nos. 3543.00
2055 Supply of Signal aspects - LED type with current regulator for the
following types, with necessary inspection as per specification/
drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
a. Supply of LED aspect for main signal (Green) Nos. 8237.00
b. Supply of LED aspect for main signal (Yellow) Nos. 7207.00
c. Supply of LED aspect for main signal (Red) Nos. 7207.00
d. Supply of LED aspect for shunt signal Nos. 4221.00
e. Supply of LED aspect for junction type route indicator Nos. 4221.00
f. Supply of LED aspect for Calling On signal Nos. 5148.00
g. Supply of LED aspect for "A" marker light Nos. 5148.00
Page 44 of 113

2056 Supply of lamp proving relays for LED aspects with plug boards, Nos. 3850.00
connectors and retaining clips with necessary inspection as per
specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
2057 Supply of QBCA1 - heavy duty contact relays with necessary Nos. 3593.00
inspection as per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this
2058 Supply of QTA2 - track relays with plug boards, connectors and Nos. 2395.00
retaining clips with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
2059 Supply of QSPA1 type relays with plug boards, connectors and Nos. 3327.00
retaining clips with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
2060 Supply of Electric key transmitter - rotary type of required ward Nos. Nos. 4004.00
with keys, with necessary inspection as per specification/ drawing/
description enclosed in this document.
2061 Supply of cable termination rack to hold 500 terminals - 60mm centre, Nos. 14500.00
with necessary inspection, as per specification/ drawing/ description
enclosed in this document.
2062 Supply of relay rack to hold 168 relays, with necessary inspection, as Nos. 14550.00
per specification/ drawing/ description enclosed in this document.
2063 Supply of 'A' type foundation made of cast iron, as per specification/ Nos. 1350.00
drawing/ description enclosed in this document, with necessary
3001 Concreting and erection of cable termination rack 500/210/140
Terminals capacity on teakwood base frame of size 50mmx150mm of
suitable length and width with rectangular slt in the centre for taking in
the cables, and painting as per standard practice.
(Supply of cable termination racks is not included in this schedule).

[Foundation bolts and nuts with washers, cement, sand, stone jelly,
teak wood base frame 50mmx150mm of suitable length and breadth,
paints and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the contractor]
a. Concreting and erection of cable termination rack - 210/140 terminal Nos. 4597.00
b. Concreting and erection of cable termination rack - 500 terminal Nos. 6660.00
Page 45 of 113

3002 Fixing of PBT terminal block/ PBT fuse block, rubber gromites,
clamping of cables using teakwood cable clamps and base planks,
termination of cables, provision of ND type fuses of required
capacities, provision of copper bus bar for supply terminals, wiring,
provision of termination particulars diagram board using plywood of
thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of size 1800mm x 1200mm with
Aluminium grooved channel frame in the relay room. The blank
spaces over the top of the cable termination rack shall be covered with
phynolic sheet of thickness 3mm wherever required. The termination
and cable core particulars shall be painted on the PVC/ nylon sleeves.
The work also includes identification of cables using aluminium tags
provided on each cable with letters punched neatly.
(Supply of PBT terminal blocks 25mm & 60mm centres and PBT Fuse
blocks is not covered in the schedule).
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, brass bolts and nuts and washers, for
fixing PBT terminal/Fuse Block, other fixing bolts and nuts, rubber
gromites, PVC/ Nylon sleeves, copper bus bars, teakwood 50mm x
50m for cable clamps, 25mmx 100mm for base planks, termination
particualars board - plywood of thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of
size 1200mm x 1800mm with aluminium grooved channel frame,
phynolic sheet 3mm thick, paint and all other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Per 71.30
a. Fixing of PBT terminal blocks (25mm/60mm centre) and
Per 95.20
b. Fixing of PBT fuse block with ND fuses and termination
3003 Concreting and erection of Relay racks- 68/56-relay capacity using 'J'
type bolts and painting of relay rack as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site.
(Supply of relay rack is mot covered in this schedule).
['J' type bolts and nuts with washers, nylon bushes, concreting
materials, paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Concreting and erection of Relay Rack - 168 relay capacity Nos. 3128.00
b. Concreting and erection of Relay Rack - 56 relay capacity Nos. 1350.20
Page 46 of 113

3004 Fixing of plug boards, 50 way terminal blocks and wiring of relays as Per 503.00
per the approved circuit diagram using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper. Rela
Suitable wire supporting tray with cover made of PVC shall be y
provided horizontally and vertically in the relay racks shall be
provided. While running the wires on the aluminium ladder proper
care shall be taken to provide smooth materials like rubber beading in
the openings on phynolic sheets, to avoid damage to wires. The work
also includes wiring of contacts for data logger and terminating them
in 50 way terminal boards for future use, provision of relay index
board made of plywood of thickness 12mm - teakwood finish of size
1200mm x 1800mm with aluminium grooved channel frame, provision
of hard wood stand of decolumn finish of size 500mm x 700mm x
25mm fixed on MS angles grouted on the walls for keeping 'As made'
sheets. The work also includes provision of Double Key Door lock
arrangement for the Relay room. After the completion of bell testing
the relays shall be individually tested and plugged carefully without
disturbing the wiring.
(Supply of relays, plug boards, connectors and retaining clips and 50
way terminal boards is not covered in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, 2 BA terminals, hard wood plank of
size 500mmx 700mmx25mm with decolumn finish, MS angles of size
25mmX25mmX6mm, relay fixing bolts and nuts, teakwood plank
25mm thick for fixing resistors and condensors, Plywood of thickness
12mm-teakwood finish of size 1200mmX1800mm with aluminium
grooved channel frame for relay index board, paints, soldering
materials, bunching thread, wire wound resistance, condensor, wire
supporting tray with cover of suitable size made of PVC, double key
door lock arrangement, paint, varnish and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3005 Fixing of additional plug boards, 50 way terminal blocks and wiring Per 341.60
of additional relays as per the approved circuit diagram using wire Rela
PVC 16/0.2mm copper. Additional wire suporting tray with cover y
made of PVC shall be provided wherever required. Alterations to
Relay particulars shall be incorporated in the relay Index board.
(Supply of relays, plug boards, connectors and retaining clips and 50
way terminal boards is not covered in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, 2 BA terminals, teakwood plank 25mm
thick for fixing resistors and condensors, soldering materials,
bunching thread, wire wound resistance, condensor, wire supporting
tray with cover of suitable size made of PVC, paint, varnish and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied
by the Contractor].
3006 Carrying out alterations to the existing relays in the relay Per 320.90
racks/apparatus cases as per the approved circuit diagram using wire Rela
PVC 16/0.2mm copper. The work includes releasing the unwanted y
wires carefully without disturbing the wiring.
Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, soldering materials, bunching threads,
condensors, resistances and teakwood plank for fixing them and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied
by the Contractor].
Page 47 of 113

3007 Erection and concreting of SM's control panel on teakwood base frame
50mm x 150mm of suitable length and breadth, varnishing, termination
of cables and wiring of knobs, buttons, indications, counters, etc., as
per the approved circuit diagram with wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper.
The work includes manufacture and provision of extension tables using
hardwood with decolumn finish, fixing of one voltmeter, required No.
of buzzers and wiring. The termination particulars shall be painted on
the back doors of the panel.
(Supply of SM's control panel is not included in the schedule).
[Foundation bolts and nuts with washers, concreting materials, wire
PVC 16/0.2mm copper, 50mmx150mm teakwood base frame,
hardwood extension table with decolumn finish using 25mm thick
planks and 75mmx75mm reapers, soldering materials, buzzers to work
on 24VDC, one voltmeter 0-300V AC and all other consumable
materials required shall be supplied by the Contractor].
a. Erection, concreting and wiring of SM's control panel (upto 5 roads) Nos. 20279.00
b. Erection, concreting and wiring of SM's control panel (more than 5 Nos. 30331.00
3008 Provision of Interconnections between relay racks, cable termination
racks, SM's control panel, battery room, power room, termination and
wiring. The work involves laying of underground cables in the duct
as wells as with clamping arrangements on the walls, supply and fixing
of aluminium ladders and supports with 3mm thick phynolic sheet for
running the cables in the relay room. Interconnection shall be carried
out with signalling multi core cable (skinned/ unskinned) and power
cables as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. The
work also include termination of the interconnection cables on 50 way
terminals in the relay rack/ control panel, cable termination rack etc.
After the interconnection cables are laid, the ducts shall be filled with
river sand and closed. Wherever required the cables shall be taken to
other floors in the building by clamping them on MS angles and flats
grouted on the walls.
(Supply of interconnection cables is not included in this schedule).
[2BA terminals, Aluminium ladder arrangements using
37mmx37mmx5mm aluminium angles and 25mmx6mm aluminium
flats, aluminium supports, phynolic sheet - 3mm thick for bottom of
aluminium ladders, MS angles and flats, bolts and nuts, concreting
materials, and all other materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the contractor].
a. Provision of interconnection at stations (upto 5 roads). LS 34268.00
b. Provision of interconnection at stations (more than 5 roads). LS 73744.00
Page 48 of 113

3009 Installation of power equipments like battery chargers, transformers, Nos. 785.30
transformer rectifiers, invertors, DC-DC converters etc., in the
apparatus cases and wiring the same using wire PVC 7/1.4mm and
3/0.75mm copper as per the approved wiring diagram and painting of
particulars in the inside of the doors of the apparatus cases. The work
also includes provision of protective arrangements in bare terminals
carrying high voltages.
(Supply of power equipments is not included in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, protective arrangements,
paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall
be supplied by the Contractor].
3010 Carrying out alterations to the existing SM's control panel. The work LS 7049.00
includes drilling of holes on the Top plate wherever required, fixing
and wiring of LEDs with holder, closing of unwanted holes, carrying
out painting alterations on the panel, termination of additional cables
and carrying out alteration to the existing wiring as per approved
circuit diagram, releasing of unused wires, and painting of particulars
as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.
[LED lamps with holder, paint, soldering materials and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
3011 Provision of signalling arrangement during Non-Interlocked working LS 16635.00
of Signals and Points, such as erection and wiring of temporary relay
racks and wiring of relays, SM's slide instruments, wiring alterations
in the cable termination rack, apparatus cases, signals, Control panel
etc, as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This work
includes temporary provision of PA system and Magneto telephone
communication at places required which will be returned to the
Contractor after the completion of NI working.
(Supply of relay rack, relays, and SM slide instrument is not included
in this schedule).
[All other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
3012 Supply and wiring of LEDs with resistance on cable termination Per 28.80
rack for indicating "FUSE BLOWN OUT" for each circuit. The LEDs Fuse
and resistances shall be fixed on a phynolic sheet 50mm width and
3mm thick. The phynolic sheet shall be fixed by the side of the
corresponding Fuse Blocks. Separate switch shall be provided for each
[LEDs 10mm, holders, resistance, switch, phynolic sheet, soldering
materials and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 49 of 113

3013 Supply and installation of 4 wire DTMF based way station Set. 12971.00
equipment complete as per RDSO specification No.IRS.TC-60/93 and
4 wire control telephone with audio visual indication and reset button
fitted on telephone conforming to specification No.IRS-TC-38/97. This
work also includes supply and wiring of power supply arrangements
for way station equipment conforming to specification IRS.TC.72/97.
[All the materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
3014 Supply and provision of Rubber mat of not less than 6mm thick sft 73.40
and with an insulation to withstand 650VAC, on the floor at places as
indicated by railway representative at site.
3015 Supply, fabrication and provision of suitable battery stand in the
battery room using M.S.Angles 65mmx65mmx8mm and MS flats
50mmx6mm covered with 100mmx50mm hardwood reapers, and
installation of secondary cells. The work involves charging of
secondary cells, fixing and connecting the batteries with strips,
manufacture and fixing of teakwood terminal box, termination of
cables, wiring with suitable wire PVC 7/1.40mm and 3/0.75mm copper
through suitable PVC pipes/ casing properly clamped, provision of
battery particulars board - 12mm thick plywood - teakwood finish with
aliminium grooved channel frame, painting of battery particulars, and
provision of hydrometer -1 No. on a stand and battery tester-1 No.
Charging of secondary cells shall be done by the contractor through
reputed agencies.
(Supply of secondary cells is not covered in this schedule).
[MS angles 65mm x 65mm x 8mm, MS flats 50mm x 6mm, teakwood
plank 25mm thick for manufacturing termination box with locking
facility, hardwood reapers 100mmx50mm of required lengths, wire
PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, anti-corrosive paint, varish,
PVC pipes/ casing, and all other miscellaneous materials required for
this work shall be supplied by the contractor].
a. Provision of battery stand and installation of 2V-400AH cell per 791.00
b. Provision of battery stand and installation of 2V-300AH cell per 696.60
c. Provision of battery stand and installation of 2V-200AH cell per 584.00
d. Provision of battery stand and installation of 2V-120AH cell per 484.40
e. Provision of battery stand and installation of 2V-80AH cell per 445.50
Page 50 of 113

3016 Charging and installation of secondary cells of the following

capacities, on existing battery stand/ RCC slabs in the battery room.
The work involves charging of secondary cells, fixing and connecting
the batteries with strips, manufacture and fixing of teakwood terminal
box, termination of cables,wiring with suitable wire PVC 7/1.40mm
and 3/0.75mm copper through suitable PVC pipes/ casing properly
clamped, provision of battery particulars board - 12mm thick plywood
- teakwood finish with aliminium grooved channel frame, painting of
battery particulars, and provision of hydrometer -1 No. on a stand and
battery tester-1 No. Charging of secondary cells shall be done by the
contractor through reputed agencies.
(Supply of secondary cells is not covered in this schedule).
[Teakwood plank 25mm thick for manufacturing termination box with
locking facility, wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, anti-
corrosive paint, varish, PVC pipes/ casing, and all other miscellaneous
materials required for this work shall be supplied by the contractor].
a. Installation of 2V-400AH on existing stand/slabs per 619.70
b. Installation of 2V-300AH cell on existing stand / slabs per 525.30
c. Installation of 2V-200AH on existing stand/slabs per 430.80
d. Installation of 2V-120AH on existing stand/slabs per 358.60
e. Installation of 2V-80AH on existing stand/slabs per 319.70
3017 Installation of charged secondary cells of the following capacities in
apparatus cases, connecting them with strips, wiring with wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and termination. This work also includes charging of
cells through reputed agencies. The details of the batteries shall be
written on the inside of the doors of the apparatus cases.
(Supply of secondary cells is not included in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, connecting strips, paint and all other
miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
a. Installation of 2V-120AH cell in apparatus case per 258.60
b. Installation of 2V-80AH cell in apparatus case per 219.70
3018 Supply and installation of Battery chager 110V/24V-15A in the Nos. 24147.00
apparatus cases, and wiring the using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper as
per approved circuit diagram. The work also includes painting of
particulars on the inside of the doors of the apparatus cases.
[Battery charger 110V/24V-15A, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, fixing
materials, paint, and all other miscellaneous materials required for this
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 51 of 113

3019 Supply and installation of Battery chager 110V/24V-10A in the Nos. 19647.00
apparatus cases, and wiring the using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper as
per approved circuit diagram. The work also includes painting of
particulars on the inside of the doors of the apparatus cases.
[Battery charger 110V/24V-10A, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, fixing
materials, paint, and all other miscellaneous materials required for this
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3020 Supply, installation and wiring of Transformer rectifier 110VAC/24V Nos. 5315.00
DC - 2A capacity at Power room/apparatus cases and connecting it to
the relevant circuit as per approved circuit diagram using wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and painting of particulars as per Railway practice.
Transformer rectifier 110V AC/24VDC - 2A capacity, wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
3021 Supply, installation and wiring of Transformer 110VAC/110VAC - Nos. 4182.00
500VA capacity at Power Room/Apparatus cases and connecting it
to the relevant circuit as per approved circuit diagram using wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and painting of particulars as per standard Railway
[Transformer 110V AC/110VAC - 500VA capacity, wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
3022 Supply, installation and wiring of Transformer 400VAC/110VAC - Nos. 4213.00
500VA capacity at Power Room/Apparatus cases and connecting it
to the relevant circuit as per approved circuit diagram using wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and painting of particulars as per standard Railway
practice. The work also includes provision of protective arrangements
to cover the bare terminals with high voltages.
[Transformer 400V AC/110VAC - 500VA capacity, wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper and all other miscellaneous materials shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
3023 Supply, fabrication and provision of suitable power equipment stand in Set. 101359.0
the power room at stations (with more than 5 roads) using 0
M.S.Angles 65mm x 65mm x 8mm and MS flats 50mmx6mm covered
with 100mmx50mm hardwood reapers, as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site, installation of power equipments and
wiring the same using wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper as per
approved wiring diagram, fabrication and installation of Power panel
Box type using powder coated 16G MS sheet with inbuilt locking
facility with a power distribution board fitted inside made of Phynolic
synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet of size
1200mm X 1200mm X10mm. Terminations using circuit breakers,
HRC fuse blocks and PBT terminals shall be provided on the phynolic
sheet. Voltmeters, ammeters and by pass switches shall be fitted on the
front side of the MS power panel. This work includes installation of
power distribution diagram board using plywood of thickness 12mm-
teakwood finish of size 1200mmX1800mm with aluminium grooved
channel frame and painting of particulars on power distribution
diagram board. The work also includes provision of single key door
lock arrangement for the power equipment room.
Page 52 of 113

(Supply of power equipments is not covered in this schedule).

[MS angles 65mmx65x8mm, Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base
fine weave cotton fibre sheet of size 1200x1200x10mm, Hard Wood
planks for reapers 100x50mm, Power coated 16G MS sheet, teakwood
base planks 25mm x 150mm and 50mm x 50mm for fixing cables,
50mm, bolts & nuts required for manufacturing power panel & power
rack, circuit breakers, HRC Fuses with base and carrier, ammeters,
voltmeter- 3 Nos., by-pass switches for stabilisers-63A capacity - 3
Nos., power distribution diagram board using Plywood of 12mm
thickness - TW finish of size 1200X1800mm with Aluminium grooved
channel frame, paints, wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper,
Single Key Door lock arrangement, and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor].
3024 Installation of power equipments on the existing stands/ RCC slabs in Set. 90822.00
the power room stations (with more than 5 roads) and wiring the
same using wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper as per approved
wiring diagram, fabrication and installation of Power panel Box type
using powder coated 16G MS sheet with inbuilt locking facility with a
power distribution board fitted inside made of Phynolic synthetic
industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet of size 1200mm X
1200mm X10mm. Terminations using circuit breakers, HRC fuse
blocks and PBT terminals shall be provided on the phynolic sheet.
Voltmeters, ammeters and by pass switches shall be fitted on the front
side of the MS power panel. This work includes installation of power
distribution diagram board using plywood of thickness 12mm-
teakwood finish of size 1200mmX1800mm with aluminium grooved
channel frame and painting of particulars on power distribution
diagram board. The work also includes provision of single key door
lock arrangement for the power equipment room.
(Supply of power equipments is not covered in this schedule).
[Phynolic synthetic industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre sheet
of size 1200x1200x10mm, Power coated 16G MS sheet, teakwood
base planks 25mm x 150mm and 50mm x 50mm for fixing cables,
50mm, bolts & nuts required for manufacturing power panel & power
rack, circuit breakers, HRC Fuses with base and carrier, ammeters,
voltmeter- 3 Nos., by-pass switches for stabilisers-63A capacity - 3
Nos., power distribution diagram board using Plywood of 12mm
thickness - TW finish of size 1200X1800mm with Aluminium grooved
channel frame, paints, wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper,
Single Key Door lock arrangement, and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor].
Page 53 of 113

3025 Supply, fabrication and provision of suitable power equipment stand in Set. 76766.00
the power room at stations (up to 5 roads) using M.S.Angles
65mmx65mmx8mm and MS flats 50mmx6mm covered with
100mmx50mm hardwood reapers, installation of power equipments
and wiring the same using wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper
as per approved wiring diagram, manufacture of power panel using
phynolic sheet 1200mm x 1200mm x 10mm and erecting it using MS
angles 25mm x 25mm x 6mm and fixing of meters, stabilizer and
ammeter by pass switches, HRC fuse blocks, PBT terminals 60mm
centre and connecting the power equipments to the power panel. as per
approved power diagram, in the power room. This work also includes
provision of power distribution diagram board using plywood of
thickness 12mm-teakwood finish of size 1200mm x 1800mm with
aluminium grooved channel frame and painting of particulars on power
distribution diagram board. The work also includes provision of single
key door lock arrangement for the power equipment room.
(Supply of power equipments like battery charger, transformers,
transformer rectifiers, voltage stabilizers, DC-DC converter, invertors
etc., is not included in this schedule).
[MS Angles 50mm x 50mm x 8mm and 25x25x6mm, MS flat 50mm x
6mm, hardwood reapers 100mm x 50mm of required lengths, phynolic
sheet of size 1200x1200x10mm, teakwood planks 25x150mm for
fixing cables, teakwood cable clamps 50x50mm, bolts & nuts required
for manufacturing power panel, HRC Fuses base and carrier,
Ammeters, Voltmeters, main switch, by-pass switches for ammeter and
stabilisers-63A capacity, power distribution diagram board using
Plywood of 12mm thickness - teakwood finish of size 1200X1800mm
with Aluminium grooved channel frame, paints, PBT terminal blocks
60mm centre wherever required, wire PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm
copper, Single Key Door lock arrangement, and all other
miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
3026 Installation of power supply equipments for stations (upto 5 roads) on Set. 66728.00
existing equipment stand/ RCC slabs and wiring the same using wire
PVC 7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, manufacture of power panel
using phynolic sheet 1200mm x 1200mm x 10mm and erecting it using
MS angles 25mm x 25mm x 6mm and fixing of meters, stabiliser and
ammeter by pass switches, HRC fuse blocks, PBT terminals 60mm
centre and connecting the power equipments to the power per
approved power diagram, in the power room. This work also includes
provision of power distribution diagram board using plywood of
thickness 12mm-teakwood finish of size 1200mm x 1800mm with
aluminium grooved channel frame and painting of particulars on power
distribution diagram board. The work also includes provision of single
key door lock arrangement for the power equipment room.
(Supply of power equipments like battery charger, transformers,
transformer rectifiers, voltage stabilisers, DC-DC convertor, invertor
etc., is not included in this schedule).
Page 54 of 113

[MS Angles 25x25x6mm, Hylum Sheet of size 1200x1200x10mm,

teakwood planks 25x150mm for fixing cables, teakwood cable clamps
50x50mm, bolts & nuts required for manufacturing power panel, HRC
Fuses base and carrier, Ammeters, Voltmeters, main switch, by-pass
switches for ammeter and stabilisers-63A capacity, power distribution
diagram board using Plywood of 12mm thickness - teakwood finish of
size 1200X1800mm with Aluminium grooved channel frame, paints,
PBT terminal blocks 60mm centre wherever required, wire PVC
7/1.4mm and 3/0.75mm copper, Single Key Door lock arrangement,
and all other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the
3027 Installation of double line SGE type block instruments on the block Nos. 5357.00
counter. The work involves termination of cables on the test panel and
block counter, block wiring, interconnection between test panel and
block instrument by underground signalling cable and painting the
instrument as per the instructions of in consultation with Railway
representative at site.
(Supply of block instruments, block counters and underground cables
is not covered in this schedule).
[Phynolic sheet for fixing terminals, wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper,
3/0.75mm, paint, and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the contractor].
3028 Installation of single line push button token less block instruments on Nos. 7522.00
teakwood base frame. The work involves termination of cables on
the test panel, block wiring including duplicating switch for "Train
Arrival" and interconnection between test panel and block instrument
by underground signaling cable and painting the instrument in
consultation with Railway representative at site.
(Supply of block instrument and underground cables is not included in
this schedule).
[Wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, 3/0.75mm, Teak Wood base frame of
size 50mmx 150mm, foundation bolts, paint, concreting materials
and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the contractor].
3029 Installation of single line token block instruments on the block Nos. 6223.00
counter. The work involves termination of cables on the test panel
and block counter, block wiring, interconnection between test panel
and block instrument by underground signaling cable and painting the
instrument as per the instructions of in consultation with Railway
representative at site.
(Supply of block instruments, block counters and underground cables
is not covered in this schedule).
[Phynolic sheet for fixing terminals, wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper,
3/0.75mm, paint, and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the contractor].
Page 55 of 113

3030 Installation of single line FM type token less block instruments on the Nos. 8107.00
block counter. The work involves termination of cables on the test
panel and block counter, block wiring, interconnection between test
panel and block instrument by underground signaling cable and
painting the instrument as per the instructions of in consultation with
Railway representative at site.
(Supply of block instruments, block counters and underground cables
is not covered in this schedule).
[Phynolic sheet for fixing terminals, wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper,
3/0.75mm, paint, and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the contractor].
3031 Manufacture and fixing of glass fronted TW Test panel, lightning Set 5220.00
dischargers with base, DPDT switches etc. This work includes
bringing of control and block wires separately for each block and
control from wall brackets to the test panel through PVC pipes of
size 25mm dia suitably clamped and terminating them in the test panel
as instructed by Railway representative at site with PVC 3/0.75mm
copper .
[Glass fronted test panel made of 25mm thick TW with individual
locking facilities for block and control, 4 Nos. of DPDT Switches,
PBT Terminal 60mm centre, lightning discharger with base, PVC
tubes 15/20mm of size, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper and all other
required miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the contractor].
3032 Installation of SM's slide instrument (upto 24 slides) in station/ cabin Nos. 6910.00
on block counters/ hard wood plank (not less than 25mm thick)
supported by MS angle 65 x 65 x 8 mm duly grouted on wall. This
work includes provision of a teakwood termination box with locking
arrangement, termination of cable inside the box and wiring of SM's
control instrument. The cable shall be taken through GI pipe duly
clamped the wall.
(Supply of SM slide instrument is not covered in this schedule).
[Brass screws, paints, GI lock, phynolic sheet 6mm thick, wire PVC
16/0.2mm and 3/0.75mm copper, and other required miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3033 Supply, erection and wiring of diesel generator set, 6KVA, 230VAC, Nos. 200542.0
single phase - KIRLOSKAR make with CPCB type approved Acoustic 0
enclosure as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This
work includes supply of control panel, exhaust pipe, changeover
switch, phase selection switch and provision of interconnections
between the DG set, control panel, changeover switch, phase selection
switch, and painting.
[Diesel generator set with CPCB approved acoustic enclosure, iron
clad changeover switches 2 pole 3 position - 63 amps capacity, phase
selction switch 4 pole, 2 position - 63 amps capacity, exhaust pipe,
asbestos rope, wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC pipes and bends,
clamps and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 56 of 113

3034 Supply, erection and wiring of diesel generator set, 7.5KVA, 230VAC, Nos. 211399.0
single phase - KIRLOSKAR make with CPCB type approved Acoustic 0
enclosure as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This
work includes supply of control panel, exhaust pipe, changeover
switch, phase selection switch and provision of interconnections
between the DG set, control panel, changeover switch, phase selection
switch, and painting.
[Diesel generator set with CPCB approved acoustic enclosure, iron
clad changeover switches 2 pole 3 position - 63 amps capacity, phase
selction switch 4 pole, 2 position - 63 amps capacity, exhaust pipe,
asbestos rope, wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC pipes and bends,
clamps and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3035 Supply, erection and wiring of diesel generator set, 10KVA, 230VAC, Nos. 250470.0
single phase - KIRLOSKAR make with CPCB type approved Acoustic 0
enclosure as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This
work includes supply of control panel, exhaust pipe, changeover
switch, phase selection switch and provision of interconnections
between the DG set, control panel, changeover switch, phase selection
switch, and painting.
[Diesel generator set with CPCB approved acoustic enclosure, iron
clad changeover switches 2 pole 3 position - 63 amps capacity, phase
selction switch 4 pole, 2 position - 63 amps capacity, exhaust pipe,
asbestos rope, wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC pipes and bends,
clamps and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3036 Supply, erection and wiring of diesel generator set, 15 KVA, 230VAC, Nos. 256485.0
3 phase - KIRLOSKAR make with CPCB type approved Acoustic 0
enclosure as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This
work includes supply of control panel, exhaust pipe, changeover
switch, phase selection switch and provision of interconnections
between the DG set, control panel, changeover switch, phase selection
switch, and painting.
[Diesel generator set with CPCB approved acoustic enclosure, iron
clad changeover switches 4 pole 3 position - 63 amps capacity, phase
selction switch 4 pole, 2 position - 63 amps capacity, exhaust pipe,
asbestos rope, wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC pipes and bends,
clamps and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 57 of 113

3037 Supply, erection and wiring of diesel generator set, 20KVA, 230VAC, Nos. 298151.0
3 phase - KIRLOSKAR make with CPCB type approved Acoustic 0
enclosure as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This
work includes supply of control panel, exhaust pipe, changeover
switch, phase selection switch and provision of interconnections
between the DG set, control panel, changeover switch, phase selection
switch, and painting.
[Diesel generator set with CPCB approved acoustic enclosure, iron
clad changeover switches 4 pole 3 position - 63 amps capacity, phase
selction switch 4 pole, 2 position - 63 amps capacity, exhaust pipe,
asbestos rope, wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC pipes and bends,
clamps and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3038 Supply, erection and wiring of diesel generator set, 25KVA, 230VAC, Nos. 345204.0
3 phase - KIRLOSKAR make with CPCB type approved Acoustic 0
enclosure as per the instructions of Railway representative at site. This
work includes supply of control panel, exhaust pipe, changeover
switch, phase selection switch and provision of interconnections
between the DG set, control panel, changeover switch, phase selection
switch, and painting.
[Diesel generator set with CPCB approved acoustic enclosure, iron
clad changeover switches 4 pole 3 position - 63 amps capacity, phase
selction switch 4 pole, 2 position - 63 amps capacity, exhaust pipe,
asbestos rope, wire PVC 7/1.4mm copper, PVC pipes and bends,
clamps and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
3039 Supply and wiring of Diagnostic panel in the relay room similar to Nos. 27704.00
control panel for dispalying aspects and conditions of signals, points,
track circuits, LC gates etc., by using LEDs and phynolic sheet of size
600mmx900mmx5mm.Wiring to be done similar for control panel.
[Phynolic sheet of size 600mmx900mmx5mm, LED-5mm/ 3mm size,
with holders, wire PVC, soldering materials, paint, frame for the
boards, fixing bolts and nuts with washers and all other miscellaneous
materials required for the work shall be supplied by the contractor)
3040 Supply and installation of distilled water plant similar to `KILBURN' Nos. 13822.00
make capacity 3.5 to 4.5 Lits. per hour, with two detachable heating
elements of 1500W each to work on 230VAC, single phase, fitted
with automatic cut-outs and removable connectors, with Stainles Steel
boiling chambers, condensor pipe, toughened glass lid; The
work includes supply and installation of fibre tank `SINTEX'
make - 200 lts, capacity, provision of water supply connection from
water tap to water tank, water tank to distilled water plant using G.I
Pipes 25mm dia and with regulating valves, provision of separate
power supply socket and wiring. This work includes fixing of 2 Nos.
of rails on the wall and grouting as instructed by Railway
representative at site.
(Cut rails will be supplied by Railways).
[Distilled water plant, sintex tank 200 Litres capacity, GI pipe 25mm
dia, power plug with socket, regulating valves, jelly, cement, sand
and other materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 58 of 113

4001 Installation of 2 Slide SM's control Instrument at LC gate on a hard Nos. 3172.00
wood plank (not less than 25mm thick) supported by MS angle 65 x 65
x 8 mm duly grouted on wall. This work includes provision of small
termination box with locking arrangement, termination of cable inside
the box and wiring of SM's control instrument. The cable shall be
taken through GI pipe duly clamped the wall.
(Supply of SM slide instrument is not covered in this schedule).
[Brass screws, paints, GI lock, PBT terminals, phynolic sheet 6mm
thick, wire PVC 16/0.2mm and 3/0.75mm copper, and other
required miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4002 Installation of Illuminated Diagram Board above the SM's control Nos. 2768.00
Instrument at Level Crossing gates, wiring the same including
interconnections and painting.
(Supply of Illuminated Diagram board is not included in this schedule).
[wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, soldering materials, LEDs, resistances
and all other required miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by
the Contractor.].
4003 Excavation of pit, concreting `A' type foundation and fixing ground Nos. 3896.00
lever frames single/double as per Drg.No.SG/CN/02/11 complete
with ground connection. The work includes concreting of `A' type
foundations and fixing of HP lock and connecting the ground lever
frame with the HP lock using MS rod as instructed by Railway
representative at site.
(Supply of ground lever frames, hand plunger locks and `A' type
foundations is not covered in this schedule).
[cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm, `E' type locks,
fixing bolts and nuts with washers and all other miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the Contractor.}
4004 Interlocking of level crossing gate with Swing Gates: This work Nos. 4549.00
consists of fixing of gate locks on the gates and fixing of `E' type
locks - 1 No. for each gate as per instructions of Railway
representative at site.The arrangement shall be painted as per standard
Railway practice.
(Supply of gate locks is not covered in this schedule).
[`E' type locks with keys of required ward, MS plates, paints, all
types of bolts and nuts and all other miscellaneous materials shall
be suuplied by the Contractor]
Page 59 of 113

4005 Interlocking of level crossing gate with Lifting Barrier: This work Nos. 11137.00
consists of fixing of one `E' type lock on the Lifting barrier winch
with suitable plate, cutting of notches on the drum of the plate, fixing
and levelling of trestles, rod roller assembly, levelling and concreting
of `A' type foundations, fixing of rod diversion cranks, vertical
cranks, running of rods (app. 30mtrs.) and connecting them to lever
tail at one end and boom locking arrangement at the other end, and
painting as per standard practice.

(Supply of rods, `A' type foundations, trestles, segments, rod roller

assembly complete and cranks is not covered in this schedule).
[cement, river sand, stone jelly of size 20/25mm dia, coal bengal,`E'
type locks with keys of required ward, MS plates 20mm thickness,
paints, all types of bolts & nuts and all other miscellaneous materials
shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4006 Casting concrete foundation of size 900mmX900mmX900mm for per 9507.00
pedestal, 400mmX400mmX600mm for meeting post, fixing of lifting boo
barrier boom, contact makers, termination of cables, wiring and m
painting as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.
(Supply of pedestals, meeting posts, contact maker, electric lifting
barriers, rail posts, cranks and ‘A’ type foundation is not covered in
this schedule).
[Concreting materials, bolts and nuts, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper and
all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
4007 Provision of of boom locking arrangement for both the lifting barrier per 5624.00
which involves running of about 30m to 50m of rodding with a spacing LC
of 2m interval between trestles with rod roller segments, fixing of
about 8 Nos. of cranks on 'A' type foundation/ MS plates and
concreting of 'A' bases to a size of 1mX0.6mX0.5m as instructed by
Railway representative at site. Solid joints shall be provided wherever
required and joining of rodding/ joints shall be done by smithy
(Supply of MS rods cranks, trestles, segments, rollers etc., is not
covered in this schedule).
[All other materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
4008 Fixing and wiring of Two Nos. of Electronic Gate Warning equipment Set 1938.00
for each level crossing gate, one on each road warning signal, amplifier
in the apparatus case with wire PVC 3/0.75mm and 16/0.2mm copper,
and painting.
(Electronic Gate Warning Equipment and amplifier will be supplied by
[All wiring, fixing and painting materials shall be supplied by
Page 60 of 113

4009 Design, fabrication and supply of Gate Indication Panel of 16 SWG, Nos. 6319.00
powder coated MS sheet of size 390mm x 240mm x 100mm
approximately consisting of different colour LEDs with holders
suitable to work on 12VDC supply. Indications on the front panel shall
be as per typical diagram supplied by Railways. All descriptions on the
front panel have to be screen printed. The Panel shall then be wired
using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper as per the approved circuit diagram
and installed in the gate lodge as instructed by Railway representative
at site.
[All materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
4010 Installation of hand plunger lock with "E" type locks and keys
[single/double] on gauge tie plate for locally operated siding point/trap
point, connecting the point to ground frame and adjusting them. The
work includes cutting suitable notches on split stretcher bars, provision
of suitable MS cover of 3mm thick for the hand plunger lock,
provision of point/trap indicator and painting.
(Supply of hand plunger locs and point/ trap indicator is not covered in
this schedule).
[Un-cut split stretcher bars for HP Lock Single/Double, "E" type lock
with keys, MS cover 3mm thick, coal bengal, fixing bolts and nuts
with washers, paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the contractor].
a. Installation of H.P.locks (double) Nos. 6909.00
b. Installation of H.P.locks (Single) Nos. 5470.00
c. Fixing of point/ trap indicator Nos. 995.00
4011 Fixing of electrical detectors on extended gauge tie plate, providing Nos. 2908.00
insulations, connecting ground connections, wiring with wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper, connecting the detector and TLD box through a
hose pipe, drawal of jumper wires from the detector to TLD box and
(Supply of Electrical detectors complete, switch extension pieces,
ground connections, extended gauge tie plate, TLD boxes with stumps
is not covered in this schedule).
[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, PVC hose pipe, all fixing bolts and nuts,
all types of insulations, paint and all other miscellaneous materials
required for this work shall be supplied by the contractor).
4012 Supply and installation of teakwood glass fronted box of size 300mm x Nos. 2748.00
600mm x 75mm with hooks to keep various keys with description
engraved on the tags.
[TW Glass fronted box of size 300mmx600mmx 75mm with built in
lock, hooks, engraved tags and all other miscellaneous materials
required for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 61 of 113

4013 Manufacture and supply of teak wood tool box of size Set 14400.00
1000X750X100mm made of 25mm thick teak wood persplex sheet
fronted 6mm (Colourless) fixed on the wall at a convenient location
as instructed by Railway representative at site. The board should
have provision of pad lock and locking arrangements and shall be
equiped with the following tools:
c. Digital Mulltimeter similar to Model No.Rish Multi 15S
with suitable carrying case and test probes.

b. Multimeter similar to Model No.HM 102 BZ Hungchung

with test probes with suitable carrying case.- 1 No.
c. Centre zero ammeter 30-0-30 Amps - 1 No.
d.. Screw drivers of different types and sizes with common
handle - 1 set

e. Spanner double ended 33mm - 1 No.

f. Spanners double ended 3/8x1/2" - 1 No.
g. Spanners double ended 5/8x3/4" - 1 No.
h. Spanners double ended 7/8x1" - 1 No.
i. Hammer 1 1/2 lbs ball pane - 1 No.
j. Hacksaw frame - 1 No.
k. Adjustable screw spanner 12" - 1 No.
l. Insulated cutting pliers- 1 No.
m. Insulated nose plier- 1 No.
n. Electric soldering iron 230V 60W Soldron/Philips make -
1 No.
o. Megger 500V/ 500Mohms. with Probe - 1 No.

The above tools shall be purchased from Reputed manufacturers only

in consultation with the Railway representative at site.
[Teak wood tool box made of 25mm teak wood plank, Perspex sheet,
all the tools mentioned above, padlock and other miscellaneous
items shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4014 Fixing of EKT instrument with (or) without crank handle or on suitable Nos. 2463.00
fixtures at station/apparatus case, provision of economizer push
switch with locking facility, wiring with wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper,
termination of cables and jumper wires on PBT terminal in a teakwood
terminal box covered with decolum along with locking facility and
(Supply of electric key transmitter and crank handles is not covered in
this schedule).
[wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, wire wound resistance, decolum covered
terminal box with locking facility by using 25mm thick teakwood,
bolts and nuts, paints, push switches, padlocks and other
miscellaneous materials required for this work shall be supplied by the
Page 62 of 113

4015 Fixing of 'E' type lock in the emergency gate key contact box to be Nos. 2707.00
fixed on suitable fixtures at station/ LC gate lodges in a separate box
covered with decolum finish with sealing and locking facility, wiring
with 3/ copper wire, termination of cables and jumper
wires on PBT terminals and painting.
[E' type lock with long plunger for emergency gate key, PVC
3/0.75mm copper, teakwood planks 25mm thick, bolts and nuts,
decolam sheets, paints, padlocks, 1 NO + 1 NC limit switch and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied
by the contractor].
4016 Casting concrete foundation and erection and painting of boards with Nos. 1844.00
`LEGEND' such as "Draw close if signal is at on" at the required
places as per the Signalling plan. The work involves concreting of rail
post to a size of 600mm x 600mm x 900mm, and fixing the board to
the rail using MS clamps, bolts and nuts.
(Supply of boards is not covered in this schedule. Rails of different
lengths will be supplied by Railways and the Contractor has to cut
them to the required lengths)
[Stone jelly of size 20/25mm dia, river sand, cement, M.S.flats, fixing
bolts and nuts, paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4017 Painting, erection and concreting of Goods warning boards on rails as Nos. 2491.00
per the Signalling plan. The work includes manufacturing of clamps
and fixing the board to the rails, supply and fixing of scotch lite
reflectors and concreting the rail post to a size of
(Supply of goods warning boards is not covered in this schedule. Rails
of different lengths will be supplied by Railways and the Contractor
has to cut them to the required lengths).
[Stone jelly of size 20/25mm dia, river sand, cement, M.S.flats, scotch
lite strips (14 Nos) for each board, fixing bolts and nuts, paint and all
other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4018 Installation of post type telephone on home signal post inside post Nos. 6939.00
type telephone box, provision of Limit switch, as required by
Railways and wiring. The tail cable for Signal Post Telephone Box
shall be taken through GI pipe of 50mm dia properly clamped.

[Post type telephone box, Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, Nicady

power pack 4v-2.2AH with suitable charger to work on 110v Ac,
Magneto Telephone, Limit Switch having configuration of 1NO+1NC,
fixing bolts and nuts, GI pipe 50mm dia and all other miscellaneous
materials shall be supplied by the Contractor].
Page 63 of 113

4019 Supply and installation of magneto telephone handle type alomg with
Ni-cad power pack 4V-2.2AH with charger to work on 110VAC, at the
station house, LC Gate and top points. For telephones connected in
pair with Signal Post Telephones, the work involves provision of
teakwood box with locking facility for fixing the magneto telephone
and provision of buzzers to work on 24VDC.
[Magneto telephone handle type with Ni-cad power pack 4V-2.2AH
with charger to work on 110VAC, wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, and all
other miscellaneous materials shall be supplied by the Contractor. For
sub-item (b) the Contractor shall also supply a teakwood box with
locking facility mounted on the wall and buzzer to work on 24V DC].
a. Supply & wiring of magneto telephone at station/ LC gates/ Nos. 5409.00
apparatus cases
b. Supply and wiring of magneto telephones in pair with SPT Nos. 6089.00
4020 Fixing of Annunciator at SM's Room as required by Railways, wiring Nos. 5703.00
it as per circuit diagram and painting of particulars. The work
includes connecting 1 No. of magneto telephone with Ni-cad power
pack 4V-2.2AH with charger to work on 110VAC and connecting the
annunciator to the different telephone circuits. The particulars of the
circuits and the ringing codes shall be painted on the top of the
annunciator box.

(Supply of annunciator is not included in this schedule).

[Magneto telephone handle type with Nicad power pack 4V-2.2AH

with charger to work on 110VAC, wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper, paint
and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be
supplied by the Contractor].
4021 Installation and wiring of existing Way station equipment DTMF and Set. 3656.00
control telephones. The work involves fixing the released way station
equipment on the wall at an appropriate place in consultation with
Railway representative at site, wiring and interconnecting the same
with test panel, control telephones and batteries.

(Supply of way station equipment, control telephones and batteries is

not included in this schedule).

[Wire PVC 3/0.75mm & 16/0.2mm copper, MS clamps for fixing

arrangements, PVC tubes 25mm dia for interconnections and all other
miscellaneous items required for the work shall be supplied by the
Page 64 of 113

4022 Supply and installation of Signal post telephone with facility of paging Set. 8211.00
and talk-back including voice communication equipment with suitable
switching arrangement at the Signal post and at SM's room as per
specification enclosed in this document. This includes drawal of tail
cable through GI pipe 25mm dia and 2 mtrs long duly clamped to
Signal post with bend as required at site, termination of tail cable at
one end in the apparatus case and other end in the console. In the SM's
room, console shall be fixed on a table top. The wiring shall be done
using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper.

[Talk-back equipment complete including housing box, wire PVC

16/0.20mm and all other miscellaneous materials required for the
work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4023 Excavation of pit and construction of masonary platform as per Nos. 2314.00
drawing No. SG/CN/02/12 with bricks of size
200mmx100mmx60mm (app) at the foot of signal post telephones as
per the instructions of Railway representative at site.
[Country bricks of size 220mmx100mmx60mm (app), cement, river
sand and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall
be supplied by the Contractor].
4024 Painting of existing boards like LEGEND boards, warning boards, Nos. 528.00
STOP boards etc., as per standard practice and as per the instructions
of Railway representative at site.
(Supply of boards is not included in this schedule).
[Paint and all other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall
be supplied by the Contractor].
4025 Alteration to existing Illumination diagram board. The work involves Nos. 1710.00
drilling of holes and fixing of LEDs and wiring using wire PVC
16/0.2mm copper, removing the unwanted LEDs and wires, closing the
holes, and carrying out painting alterations as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site.
[All materials required for this work shall be supplied by the Contract].

4026 Supply and installation of yard layout diagram board in the station Nos. 7238.00
master's room. The board shall be made of Phynolic synthetic
industrial fibre base fine weave cotton fibre board (matt finish) 6mm
thick size 1800mm X 1200mm with aluminium channel frame. The
yard layout shall be neatly painted and fixed as instructed by Railway
representative at site.
[All materials required for the work shall be supplied by the
Page 65 of 113

4027 Provision of fire fighting equipments. The work involves supply and Set. 28367.00
installation of the following equipments at places as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
a. Photo Electric Smoke Detector (similar to Vigilant Model : DS-7001
of M/.s.Naveen Alarm Systems) - 8 Nos.
b. Two Zone Fire alarm panel (similar to Model : NSB 400 of
M/s.Naveen Alarm Systems) - 1 No.
c. ABC 5 Kg. capacity stored pressure fire extinguisher - 2 Nos.
d. Hooter to work on 24 VDC - 1 No.
Wiring shall be done using underground cable as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site.
(Supply of underground cable is not covered in this schedule).
[Photo electric smoke detector, 2 zone fire alrm panel, fire
extinguisher, hooter and all other miscellaneous materials required for
the work shall be supplied by the Contractor].
4028 Supply of 2 pin socket - 5A with switch, fixing the same on the Nos. 291.00
hardwood plank available and extending the 110VAC using wire PVC
3/0.75mm copper, in al the apparatus cases, as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site.
[2 pin socket - 5A with switch, wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper and all
other miscellaneous materials required for the work shall be supplied
by the Contractor].
4029 Testing and commissioning the entire signalling installations jointly
with the Railway representative at site at the stations/ LC gates covered
under vaious scheduls of the Contract, and ensuring that all the
signalling gears are installed and adjusted as per the existing rules. The
work also involves supply of required number of bound registers with
good quality papers with all updated details of cable meggering, relays,
batteries, block joints, route cancellation, relay room key entries, block
instrument key, earth resistance etc., and handing over to Railways.
(Supply of 'As mades' is not covered in this schedule).
a. Testing and commissioning of stations (upto 5 roads) LS. 15915.00
b. Testing and commissioning of stations (with more than 5 roads) LS. 27775.00
c. Testing and commissioning of LC gates LS. 6061.00
4030 Submission of all relevent final `Asmades' of circuit diagrams, contact Per 167.80
analysis charts, termination particulars of apparatus cases and cable 'A3'
termination rack, power supply arrangements, relay index board, cable size
plans, cable route plans, red boundary plans and all other particulars negat
covered under various schedules. All 'As mades' shall be prepared by ive
the Contractor in AUTOCAD 2000 and submitted in CDs. One copy of sheet
the 'As mades' shall be submitted before Bell Testing the circuits. The
final negatives shall be made in R.P film. All 'As mades' except cable
plan and cable toute plan shall be prepared in A3 size.On approval the
contractor shall submit along with the negatives, 8 copies in each, duly
making booklet neatly bound. Out of 8 sets, 2 sets of drawings and
other plans shall be kept in thick plastic cover with hanger
arrangements for each cover (2 sheets back to back in one plastic
cover) and handed over to Railways. The approved circuit diagram will
be issued by Railways in soft copy as well as two sets of hard copies.
Page 66 of 113

Wherever alterations to existing circuits are involved, the existing as-

made circuit diagrams will be supplied by Railways either in CDs or
RP film. The Contractor shall incoporate the details of all the new
wirings and alterations in the CD/ RP film and submit them to
Railways. On approval 8 copies shall be made for As-made circuit
diagrams also as mentioned above.
4031 Designing of Signalling plan in AUTOCAD 2000 and submission of per 3341.00
negatives in 85/90 gsm tracing paper in 'U' size along 2 copies and also 'U'
the soft copy in compact disks induplicate. First, 2 sets of prints shall size
be supplied to Railways for checking. One set will be returned by sheet
Railways to the contractor for making corrections in AUTOCAD. The
final corrected drawings shall be supplied to Railways on 85/90 gsm
tracing paper and 2 CDs.
(Approved permanent way plan will be supplied by Railways).

4032 Designing of circuits diagrams/ table of control in AUTOCAD 2000 per 380.00
(including contact numbers on the circuit) and submission of negatives A3
in 85/90 gsm tracing paper in 'A3' size along 2 copies and also the soft size
copy in compact disks induplicate. First, 2 sets of prints shall be sheet
supplied to Railways for checking. One set will be returned by
Railways to the contractor for making corrections in AUTOCAD. The
final corrected drawings shall be supplied to Railways on 85/90 gsm
tracing paper and 2 CDs.
Approved Signalling plan will be supplied by Railways for preparing
table of control. Approved table of control will be supplied by
Railways for preparing circuits diagrams).

5001 Releasing of existing relay racks/ cable termination racks along with Per 826.50
all the terminals, fuse blocks, relays, with jacks, holding clips etc., 50 rack
way boards, terminals, connecting wires, cables etc., carefully without
causing any damage, accounting and stacking them neatlty at a place
as instrutrc by Railway representative at site. After releasing, the floor
shall be levelled and cement plastered.
Page 67 of 113

5002 Releasing of existing Route Indicators of different types including tail Nos. 623.50
cables, carefully without causing any damage, accounting and stacking
them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
5003 Breaking of concrete and releasing of STOP board/Warning board/ Nos. 625.00
LEGEND boards along with rails, accounting and stacking them
neatly at a place as instructed by Railway reoresentative at site. Also
the resultant pits shall be re-surfaced and consolidating by ramming
and levelling.
5004 Releasing of existing point lay-out with facing point lock, split Set 1140.00
stretchers, electrical detector, lock bars, point/trap indicators
cranks, rods etc., carefully without damaging the materials
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
5005 Releasing of hand plunger lock single/double along with switch Set 952.50
extension pieces, stretcher bars, point/ trap indicators and other
fixtures carefully without damaging the materials accounting and
stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative
at site.
5006 Releasing of Protection bar with all other connected accessories Nos. 616.50
carefully without damaging the materials accounting and stacking
them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
5007 Releasing of S.M's Control instrument upto 24 Slides, Set 1919.00
Illuminated Diagram, block counter and other connected gadgets
without any damage to the materials, accounting and stacking them
neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
5008 Releasing of existing apparatus cases (Full/ Half/ Quarter size) without Nos. 1202.50
damage after releasing the shelf planks, Terminal blocks, Fuse
Blocks, Terminal Boards, Relays of all types EKTs, Secondary
Cells, power equipments, 'E' type locks, etc., and breaking the
concrete foundation. After releasing, the resultant pits are to be closed
and consolidated by ramming and levelling. The released materials
shall be accounted and stacked at a place as instructed by Railway
representative at site.
5009 Releasing of existing sheet iron battery boxes without damage after Nos. 1062.50
releasing the shelf planks, Terminal blocks, Fuse Blocks, Terminal
Boards, Relays of all types EKTs, Secondary Cells, power
equipments, 'E' type locks, etc., and breaking the concrete foundation.
After releasing, the resultant pits are to be closed and consolidated by
ramming and levelling. The released materials shall be accounted and
stacked at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.

5010 Breaking of concrete and releasing the existing cable termination Nos. 797.00
boxes, after releasing the base plank, Terminal blocks, Fuse Blocks,
Terminal Boards, cut rails, pipes, etc., closing the resultant pits and
consolidating it by ramming and levelling. The released materials shall
be accounted and staled neatly at a place as instructed by Railway
representatice at site.
Page 68 of 113

5011 Releasing of existing SM's control panel including base plank, and Set 2180.00
other gadgets connected very carefully without causing any damage to
the panel, acounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed
by Railway representative at site. The resultant pit in the flooring shall
be removed of all cable bits, levelled and cement plastered.
5012 Dismantling and releasing of existing Colour light Signals complete Nos. 1233.00
(upto 4 aspects) with or without Route Indicators, calling on signals,
shunt signals etc., carefully without any damage to the gadgets,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site. The work includes breaking the
concrete foundation, closing the resultant pit and resurfacing it by
ramming and levelling.
5013 Dismantling and releasing of existing Point machines (all types) Nos. 1077.50
including ground connections and other accessosories available
complete without any damage to the gadgets, accounting and stacking
them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
5014 Dismantling and releasing of ground lever frame along with all Set. 2216.00
connected gadgets like lever locks, `E' type locks, HP locks, etc.,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site. The work also involves breaking and
removal of concrete foundation and the resultant pit shall be filled and
consolidated by ramming and levelling.
5015 Releasing of Secondary cells and battery stands available in the battery Set 2155.00
room along with connecting strips, wires and terminal boxes carefully
without causing any damage to the batteries, accounting and stacking
them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
After releasing any holes in the walls/ flooring shall be filled with
cement mortar and plastered.
5016 Releasing of existing Block Instruments (all types), Block counters, Nos. 716.50
batteries, block filter, block bell equipment etc., carefully without any
damage, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed
by Railway representative at site.
5017 Releasing of existing block/ control wiring along with DPDT Set 1497.00
switches, Lightning dischargers, wires, boards including the
junction box in station buildings, accounting and stacking them neatly
at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
5018 Releasing of point rods with rod roller trestles, complete assembly.
This includes releasing of all cranks, compensators and 'A' type
concrete foundation on the rod run. The resultant pits are to be
covered with earth and consolidated by ramming and levelling.
a. Releasing of tressles 1/2 way Nos. 34.90
b. Releasing of tressles 3/4 way Nos. 47.30
c. Releasing of point roddings Per 5.90
d. Releasing of 'A' type foundations Nos. 250.00
Page 69 of 113

5019 Releasing of rail post, aerial line wires, cross arms, insulators, stay
rods etc., accounting and stacking them at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
a. Releasing of cross arms Nos 10.30
b. Releasing of insulators with stalks Nos. 5.80
c. Releasing of line wire per 0.90
d. Releasing of rail post Nos. 313.00
e. Releasing of stay set complete Set 109.40
5020 Dismantling and releasing of existing single arm semaphore signal Nos. 1233.00
along with signal mechanism/ machines and all other fittings
complete carefully, accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as
instructed by Railway representative at site. The work also includes
breaking and removal of signal foundation and refilling the resultant
pit by ramming and levelling.
5021 Releasing of existing 2/3/4 doll bracketed semaphore signals
along with fittings complete, including signal dolls, signal machine,
signal arms complete with lenses, contact maker etc., carefully,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site. The work also includes breaking and
removal of signal foundation and refilling the resultant pit by ramming
and levelling.
a. Releasing of 2 doll semaphore signals Set 2778.00
b. Releasing of 3 doll semaphore signals Set 4166.00
c. Releasing of 4 doll semaphore signals Set 4633.00
5022 Releasing of existing single wire/ double wire lever frame in the
cabins along with complete fittings like levers, compensators, locking
tray, lever locks, contact makers, 'E' type locks, floor board planks,
stantions, ladder, leadin, lead out, terminations, interconnections, etc,.
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site.
a. Releasing of cabin (10 - 16 levers) Set 8121.00
b. Releasing of lever frame (upto 8 levers) Set 3750.00
c. Releasing of cabin (17 to 24 levers) Set 8621.00
d. Releasing of cabin (25 to 36 levers) Set 10777.00
e. Releasing of cabin (37 to 42 levers) Set 12932.00
5023 Releasing of single wire/ double wire transmission wires, winding
them on kreels, releasing of stumps and bridge stakes, accounting and
stacking them at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site.
a. Releasing of transmission wires Per 0.90
b. Releasing of single wire/ double wire bridge stalks Nos 8.70
Page 70 of 113

c. Releasing of single wire/ double wire stumps Nos 5.80

5024 Releasing of all the S & T gadgets at LC gates like SM slide Set 3839.00
instruments, illuminated diagram board, block counter, termination
box, telephones, emergency key box, etc and concerned wiring,
accounting and stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by
Railway representative at site. After releasing any holes on the walls/
floor are to be filled with cement mortar and plastered.
5025 Releasing of existing ground type shunt signals along with surface Nos. 875.00
base, signal post etc carefully without any damage, accounting and
stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative
at site. The work also includes breaking and removal of concrete
foundation and refilling of the resultant pit by ramming and levelling.
5026 Releasing of existing TLD boxes with stumps and terminals after Nos. 64.50
releasing all the bond wires. The released materials shall be accounted
and stacked neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative at
5027 Releasing of all power equipments including equipment stands, Set 5111.00
terminal boards, power panel etc., in the power room carefully without
causing any damage to the equipments after disconnecting all the
supply wires. The released equipments shall be accounted and stacked
at a place as instructed by Railway representative at site. After
releasing any holes in the walls/ flooring shall be filled with cement
mortar and plastered.
5028 Releasing of existing control equipments - complete including way Set. 2428.00
station equipments, telephones, power supply foe way station
equipment and telephones, along with all wiring, accounting and
stacking them neatly at a place as instructed by Railway representative
at site.
5029 Transportation of Signalling materials by road as per the instructions per 2.37
of Railway representative at site. The work also includes loading and ton.
unloading of the materials. Km.
5030 Engaghing mechanical excavators like JCB or other machinaries for per 650.00
regrading and levelling the formation, dismantling any infringing hour
structures, clearing and removing debris etc., with all leads and lifts
etc., complete and as per the instruction of Railway representative at
Page 71 of 113


Page 72 of 113




0.1 The detailed specification for the works which are to be carried out by the contractor are
as stipulated hereunder:-

0.2 The work shall be carried out according to the drawings approved by the Railways and
shall conform to the provision in Signal Engineering Manual and Schedule of Dimensions.
The contractor shall be solely responsible for the proper execution of the work as per



Excavation of cable trench shall be made in all kinds of soils including clearing roots of
trees, rocks bushes etc., to a depth of 1.0M and a width of 0.3M/ 0.5M as required, for
laying cables. Trenches shall be straight as far as possible and steep angles shall be
avoided. Alignment of the main cable route as well as track/ road crossing will be given
by Railways. While taking the trench, all the roots of trees, bushes, rocks, if any, should be
cleared. The bottom of the trench shall be leveled and got rid of any sharp materials.
Proper protection to cables to be given while crossing power cables, pipe lines etc., as
required by Railways.

a. Signalling/power cables will be laid as close to the track as possible. The cable, track
separation distance both within station limits and in the block section shall generally not
exceed 6 Metres.

b. It is desirable that the excavation of trenches is not done in long lengths and does not
remain uncovered overnight. It is preferable that trenches are dug, cables laid and refilling
done on the same day.

c. The contractor who supervises the excavation work shall have the shoring materials ready
on hand so that on banks where ashes or loose materials are encountered, shoring can be

d. During excavation, the earth of the trenches should not be thrown on the ballast. The earth
should be thrown by the side of the trenches away from the track. Plastic sheets/gunny
bangs may be used wherever necessary to cover the ballast.

1.1.2 In RE area the following clear distances shall be maintained between the signalling cables
and the OHE mast or other structures likely to develop high potentials or switching
stations earth.
Page 73 of 113

a) Minimum distance between the signalling cables and OHE masts or other structures likely
to develop high potential or switching stations earth.

Upto 0.5 1.0 Provided cable is laid in
0.5 concrete pipe for 3M on
More than 0.5 3.2 either side of the

b) Minimum distances between signalling cables and OHE mast or switching station earth.


Switching station viz., 5.0 Provided cable is laid in
feeding posts, sectioning 1.0 concrete pipes.
post or sub-sectioning post
Earth, OHE mast or sub- 1.0
station earth


1.2.1 Before the cables are laid, a visual inspection of cable shall be made and it shall be tested
for insulation and continuity of the cores. The insulation resistance of a new cable shall
not be below 500 M.Ohms per Km. at 20 deg C. The cable insulation should be measured
using a 500V insulation Tester (Megger). If there is wide disparity between insulation of
different conductors, the condition of the cable should be thoroughly checked before
permitting its use. Bedding and armouring shall be inspected to see that there has been no
damage during transit or in storage. In case where the wheels are not available or the area
is not convenient for rolling the wheels, along the routes, the drum shall be mounted on
the axle at one end of the trench and cable payed out. It should be carried out by adequate
number of men, ensuring that the insulation of the cables is not damaged and no kink/twist
is formed. In no case shall the drum be rolled on the road for laying of cables and the
cable dragged on the ground for laying purposes. The cables shall be laid gently into the
trench and not thrown out under any circumstances. Before laying of cable in the trench, a
visual inspection shall be adequate for any damage or defect throughout its length.
Normally cable laying should be commenced only after the relay room and apparatus
cases, cable termination box on the route at the respective stations are ready and the
cable should be duly brought inside at the relay room/apparatus cases immediately after
the cables are laid, however, if for any reasons the cable is be laid in advance, special
care should be taken to ensure that the coiled cable near the relay room/apparatus cases
is fully protected before and during the construction of the relay room/apparatus cases and
during final termination. The coiled cable shall be buried well in the ground such that the
depth from the ground level to the top layer of the coil shall not be less than 1 M and shall
be fully covered with a layer of bricks horizontally in its entire length and provided with
adequate number of the cable markers. On no occasion, the ends of the cable should be left
unsealed unless terminated properly.
Page 74 of 113

1.2.2 Cable laying shall commence after the depth and width of the cable trench, quality of
bricks are jointly inspected by Railway Engineer's representative and contractor's
representative and approved.


When several cables of different types have to be laid down in the same trench, they shall
be as far as possible in the following order starting from the track side.

i) Telecommunication cables.
ii) Signalling cables.
iii) Power cables.

1.2.4 Cable shall not be normally taken over the running track at the time of cable laying by the
contractor as this is likely to cause accident to trains and damage to cables. If at any time
the cable has to be taken across the track either in full drums or in spread out conditions it
shall be done only in the presence of Railway's Supervisory staff and also after safety
precautions have been taken to post flagmen on all the sides as may be required to stop
any trains approaching the site of the fouled line.

1.2.5 At each end of the main cable/tail cable/power cable an extra coil length of 6 to 8 Metres
should be kept.

1.2.6 At the time of commissioning of the cable, the insulation values of the cable should again
be checked and the value obtained shall not be below 500 Meg.Ohms per Km at 20 deg.C.
If there is wide disparity between insulation of different conductors, the condition of the
cable should be thoroughly checked before permitting its use. The reading shall be
recorded in a register based on Annexure `C' for all power cables, main and tail cables.

1.2.7 The contractor shall furnish the final as made cable plan and cable route plan and in R.P
film with eight prints showing the distance of cables from the nearest track centre.


Excavation of cable trench to a depth of 0.85M and width of 0.85M and placing of the
RCC cable supplied by Engineering Department. Also the inter-spacing between the ducts
should be cement plastered. After laying of cables, the cable duct shall be filled up with
river sand upto the edge of the pre-cast partition level and covered with RCC slabs as per
the instructions of Railway Engineer at site. Any balance excavated earth shall be cleared
well away from the existing tracks.


1.3.1 One layer of country bricks of size of approximately 220mm x100mmx60mm shall be
placed closely in breath-wise horizontally in the 1m X 0.3m trench over the cables.
Two rows of country bricks of size of approximately 220mm x100mmx60mm shall be
placed closely in breath-wise horizontally over the cables in the 1m X 0.5m trench.


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The signalling cable shall be separated from the power cable carrying 230V or above by a
row of bricks placed vertically lengthwise between them wherever required.


After the bricks are placed over the cable without any gap between two bricks properly,
the excavated earth shall be again put up in the trench. It shall be ensured that there are no
stones or any sharp materials present. The refilled earth shall be consolidated and extra
earth also shall be placed on the trench to compensate the sinkage and consolidation of


1.5.1 Wherever signalling/power cable has to cross the track/road it shall be ensured that:

I. The cable crosses the track/road at right angles.

II. The cables do not cross in between or inside points and crossings.

III. The track/road crossings to be carried out as per the instructions of Railway
representative at site.

1.5.2 In case of track crossing, work includes removal of ballast, excavation of trench 1m/0.5m
below the ground level and across the track at places indicated by the Railways and
covering, resurfacing the trenches and ballast to the original condition after placing RCC
pipe/pipes in position.

1.5.3 RCC Pipes 100mm I.D & 150mm O.D or DWC pipe, shall be provided for track/ road
crossings as per Drg. No. SG/CN/02/1. For each track crossings two numbers of RCC
pipes with collar each 2M long shall be provided. For each road crossing required number
of RCC pipes each 2m long with collar shall be provided depending upon the width of the

1.5.4 In cases where more than one RCC pipe is used for track/road crossing, the bottom-most
RCC pipe should be 1m below the ground level.


On bridges, the cables are to be laid through GI Pipes 50mm dia- 3.65mm thick/100mm
dia-4.5mm thick/DWC pipe with off-set both ends and with coupling wherever required as
per Railway requirement. The pipes shall be suitably supported over the
bridges/drainage/culverts with brick masonary works of size 300x300x300mm at an
interval of 2M in box type bridges and suitable MS clamps at an interval of 1M in Girder
bridges. The end of pipes will be closed with brick masonary abutments of size
0.5x0.5x0.5 Metre.


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Excavation of trench 0.35M width and 0.8M depth, covering the cable laid with RCC
trough (cable protector) as per Drg.No. SG/CN/02/2 and closing and leveling the trench.


The work includes removing/breaking of existing RCC slabs on the Passenger Plat form,
trenching to a depth sufficient to accommodate the additional cables laid, covering the
trench after the cables are laid, replacing the slabs removed or re-plastering with cement
mortar and restoring to the original condition as per the instructions of Railway
Representative at site.


In Rocky area, Cable trenching and construction of masonary duct shall be carried out as
per Drg. No. SG/CN/02/3 or 4.

1.10 Wherever the cable coil pits are required to be provided, the cable coil pit shall be
excavated to a size of 1.0mx1.0m and a depth of 1.0m in rear of location boxes and to
a size 2.0m X 2.0M and a depth of 1.5M in rear of Relay room and cable huts. After all
the cables are drawn and coiled, over the coiled cable one layer of country bricks of
size 220mmx100mmx60mm shall be placed throughout entire area of the bottom of the
pit without any gap and then refilled with earth and consolidated.


Cable markers have to be supplied and concreted as per Drg.No.SG/CN/02/5. Cable

markers have to be placed and concreted at an interval of 20M throughout the cable route,
diversions and also on either side of track crossing along the cable route.


2.1.1 The work consists of pit excavation, casting foundation with bolts of adequate size having
cement concrete of ratio 1:3:6 as per:-

i) Drg.No. SG/CN/02/6 (Apparatus case full size)

ii) Drg.No. SG/CN/02/7 (Apparatus case Half/ Quarter size)

The position of apparatus case will be indicated by Railways.

2.1.2 Two `E’ types locks on the doors of full size apparatus case and one `E’ type lock on the
front door for half size apparatus cases shall be firmly fixed and tested with `E’ type
key . Locking and unlocking shall be smooth with least force. Suitable fixing
arrangements for `E’ type lock on the door of apparatus case shall be fabricated by the
contractor, if such arrangements does not exist. One hard wood shelf plank 37mm thick,
planed and varnished shall be firmly fixed for all types apparatus cases/ battery boxes.
Also latching arrangement for the back door shall be provided, if required.
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2.1.3 All the apparatus cases (Full/Half/Quarter) are to be painted with Aluminium on the
outsides and the location numbers are to be painted in 'Bold' letters.


2.2.1 Excavating earth and casting concreted foundation as per Drg.No. SG/CN/02/8 and C.T.
boxes are to be erected on Rail vertically by using suitable size of bolts and nuts. The
cables shall be taken through 2 Nos. of G.I. Pipes of size 32mm inner dia and 300mm
length fixed at the bottom of the CTB with suitable fixing arrangements. It shall be
ensured that there should be no break in the cable core during the process of taking the
cables through pipes.

2.2.2 In case of CTB for Point machine and Lever lock, one no. of GI pipe 150mm long shall be
fixed at the side of the CTB for drawal of jumper wires from point machines/lever locks
with proper fixing arrangements. The CTB should be provided with EWS lock.

2.2.3 CT Box shall be painted with Aluminium paint and rails with black paint. The circuit
particulars shall be painted neatly on the CT Box cover and the location number have to be
painted in ‘BOLD’ letter.


The work consists of excavation of pit around the existing apparatus cases full/ half size
and CT boxes, shifting of the location box along with foundation clear of infringement
from the track. The pit shall be excavated with maximum care to avoid any possibility of
damage to the existing cables. The location box shall then be shifted carefully along with
the foundation and cable termination, equipments etc., without disturbing the wiring.
While shifting apparatus cases of full size, the brick wall covering the cables shall be
broken before shifting the location box. After the location box is shifted, brick masonary
walls shall be constructed on the front and back sides of the location box foundation. River
sand shall be filled upto to the floor of the location and the bottom shall be sealed with
sealing compound.


2.4.1 At each apparatus case/CTB, the work consists of fixing all cables, fixing of laminated,
termite proof particles board - exterior grade 25mm thick termination board along with
terminal blocks and termination of cables/cores (conductors) using PVC/Nylon sleeves.

2.4.2 The underground signalling cable-main, tail and power shall be properly secured by
wooden clamps of 50mm x 50mm teak wood inside apparatus case on 25mm x 100mm
base plank. The cables shall be neatly skinned duly mending and taping of cable ends
for termination bunched and terminated on the terminal board at the required place in
order as per approved apparatus case circuit diagram. All the aluminium power cables of
size 10 and above shall be provided with Aluminium lugs using crimping tool of
appropriate size.
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2.4.3 Railway will indicate approximate total number of cable core, terminations to be made in
the apparatus cases/cable termination boxes. The contractor shall fix Laminated,
Termite Proof Particles Board - Exterior Grade termination board of not less than
25mm at each apparatus cases/C.T. box as required by Railway. Terminal blocks with
links, fuse blocks with fuse shall be fixed on the terminal board pertaining to each
apparatus case and cable termination box using proper size of wood screws. Two suitable
holes shall be made on either side of terminal block and fuse block for bringing cable for
termination. The contractor shall prepare cable termination and wiring details of apparatus
cases and C.T. boxes and obtain the approval of the Railway Engineer before execution as
per the approved cable plan. Termination of main cables, tail cables, power cables,
core/cores shall be made at the proper terminal as per approved wiring diagram pertaining
to each apparatus case and C.T. Boxes. Before final termination, each cable shall be tested
for continuity, insulation etc. and readings recorded and jointly tested and signed.

2.4.4 As per site conditions, the termination of new cables may be required on the existing
terminal blocks or by fixing new terminal/fuse blocks in old apparatus cases which shall
be done as per approved circuit diagram wherever required. The terminal particulars are to
be re-painted or corrected on the doors of apparatus cases as instructed by Railways.
Suitable clamping arrangements have to be made for the new cables and also the bottom
the opening of the apparatus cases shall be closed with masonary brick work and sealed
with cable compound.

2.4.5 After fixing all the signalling cables inside the apparatus case, the side opening shall be
closed with masonary work and plastered. The inner side is filled with Sand and finally the
bottom is sealed with sealing compound.

2.4.6 All the underground cables shall be provided with punched name plates showing total no.
of cores, cross section of each core, Aluminium or copper conductor and from and to
details etc. and also painted inside each apparatus case.

2.4.7 The contractor shall submit final `As made' details for each apparatus case and C.T. box in
R.P film duly signed. As made shall also show the position of various equipment fixed in
each CT Box, apparatus case and battery box, cable details, from and to etc. PVC/NYLON
sleeves shall be provided on each cable and cable core number and name of circuit shall be
painted on them.



2.5.1 Relays, transformers, heavy duty contactors and other gadgets controlling the above
functions shall be firmly fixed on suitable relay frames using MS Angles of size
25mmx25mmx6mm and MS Flats of size 25mmx6mm inside respective apparatus cases.
The MS relay frame shall be painted before fixing. Laminated Termite Proof Particles
board of 25mm thick of requisite size shall be fixed in side the apparatus case for fixing
Resistance and Electrolytic condensers. In case of shelf type relays, the relays shall be
mounted on shelf planks with suitable anti-tilting arrangement. If plug in type relays
are used, 16/0.2mm flexible copper wire shall be used for wiring. For shelf type relay
and point motor circuit, 3/0.75mm copper wire shall be used. There shall be no joint in the
wire. For soldering the wire to relay clips of Plug-in-type relays in relay racks, best quality
Page 79 of 113

rosin core solder shall be used. The complete wiring shall be tested jointly and linked to
tail cable.

2.5.2 The description of all relays, fixed in each apparatus case shall be painted inside apparatus
case doors. PVC/Nylon sleeves shall be provided on each wire before termination on
terminal block. The name of the circuit and wire where connected shall also painted on the

2.5.3 Wire should be soldered to relay clips and suitable copper eyelets crimped with crimping
tools shall be adopted before the termination. The wiring and termination shall be carried
out as per the approved circuit diagram. The relays details shall be painted. PVC/Nylon
sleeves shall be provided for each wire before termination and the details of circuit and
where the wires connected etc., shall be painted on the sleeves. The complete wiring shall
be tested.


Consequent to introduction of new circuits or alterations to existing circuits in apparatus

cases/CTB’s, new nomenclature should be painted on the cable sleeve. And also the new
particulars should be painted on the inner side of the doors at apparatus cases/CTB’s.


The work consists of filling of earth around the foundations of signals and apparatus cases
for a width of 0.5m on all sides from 150mm below the foundation top to ground level.
The earth shall be consolidated after filling.



3.1.1 The work includes excavation of pit and casting of colour light signal foundations with
M.S foundation bolts as per Drg.No. SG/CN/02/9. The position of signals will be
indicated by Railways.

3.1.2 The foundations are to be plastered on all sides. Necessary earth work shall be made
around the signal foundation and sufficient earth work shall be made upto the required
level in the normal terrain and the cable entries shall be closed as per the instructions of
Railway Representative at Site.


3.2.1 Signal pole shall be securely fixed to surface base and erected on signal foundation and
plumbed. The gap between the signal pole and surface base shall be filled with suitable
putty to avoid tilting. Soon after installation, the pole shall be painted with two coats of
Aluminium paint after a coat of primer and the signal unit shall be provided with two coats
of black enamel paint.
Page 80 of 113

3.2.2 Multi unit colour light signals upto 4 aspects shall be properly mounted on the top of
signal pole where there is no route indicator. If required, LED type signal aspect shall be
fixed for signals. If there is route indicator a large off set bracket shall be fixed firmly
with 2 nos. of `U' bolts 3/4" thick on the signal pole for mounting multi unit colour light
signals. One 22mm through hole shall be drilled on signal pole just below the off set
bracket and a 20mm through bolt shall be the provided to prevent offset bracket from
sliding down.

3.2.3 Signal ladders with platform complete fittings, cast iron shoe and adequate number of
support to suit signal pole 3.6/4.6m, shall be firmly fixed clear of infringement with
suitable bolts and nuts and painted in black. The ladder shoes shall be concreted. This
work also includes fixing of marker boards, enamelled number plates with suitable clamps
at the required place. Speed board if any, shall be fixed on the pole with proper clamp
clear of infringement as required by Railways.

3.2.4 Signal tail cable shall be taken through the signal pole without damaging insulation and
armour, skinned and terminated on signal units. If the signal units are mounted on large
offset brackets a vertical slotted hole of 50mmx50mm in size shall be made on signal pole
for taking signal tail cable. Suitable protection shall be provided on the slotted hole to
avoid damage to insulation of cable. Necessary lense guard shall be provided for CLS/
Route Indicator/ Calling-on signal.

3.2.5 This work includes fixing of filament switching units, Triple pole double filament lamp
holders in each aspect of Colour Light Signal Unit and wiring lamp circuit between Signal
Transformer and Signal Aspect as per the approved circuit diagram. The Signals shall be
focussed for correct visibility after fixing the Signal lamps. The unwanted aspects shall be
blanked using MS sheets of 3mm thick.

3.2.6 All the multi unit colour light signals shall be wired with 3/0.75mm copper wire and
terminated. For each aspect 2 separate wires shall be used from the terminals and the
wiring shall be tested jointly. The signal shall be focussed in day time and at bright light at
90% of rated voltage. The outside `V' cut prism section shall be correctly fixed to the
respective track side for close up visibility to drivers.


In case of signals with a horizontal clearance between 2.21m and 2.36m (in B.G) from the
nearest track center, blanking arrangement shall be provided. MS plate not less than 8mm
thick, 30cm length shall be fixed on the ladder at a height of 6.3 feet from the rail level.
The end portions of the plates should be folded and made smooth so that it will not harm
the person climbing the ladder. This plate shall be painted with black.

3.2.8 The signals shall be properly earthed in RE area only.

3.2.9 Necessary wooden cross shall be fixed on the newly erected signals before being brought
into use.


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All types of Route Indicators shall be mounted on the top of signal pole firmly. Necessary
lens and guarding shall be provided as required by Railways. The tail cables for route
indicators shall be taken through signal pole without any damage to the insulation and
armour, skinned and terminated on route indicators. Route indicators shall be wired with
Wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper as per the approved circuit diagram. Hoods shall be fixed
properly and examined during day time and if required extension of hoods shall be made
to have proper visibility. The route indicator lamps shall be fed at 90% of rated voltage
and focussed in bright day light. The route indicators shall be painted as required by


Calling on signals/’A’ marker shall be fitted on the signal posts at required height using
off-set bracket. Suitable hole shall be drilled on the signal poles to bring the cable/jumper
wires. The cable/jumper wires shall be taken to calling on signal/ ‘A’ marker through
suitable steel hose pipes and wired by using 3/0.75mm copper wire. The calling on
signals shall be provided with `C' marker and ‘A’ for ‘A’ marker. Number plates to be
fixed and signals/’A’ marker, shall be energised at 90% of the rated voltage and focussed.


Wherever necessary the existing tail cables shall be released from the existing signals and
new tail cables shall be drawn to the aspects and terminated. The termination particulars
shall be painted.


Wherever required the existing Colour Light Signals shall be shifted to clear any
infringement from the tracks as instructed by Railway representative at site. The earth
surrounding the foundation shall be excavated and the cable coils shall be loosened very
carefully without causing any damage to the cables. The Signal shall be moved along with
the foundation slowly to the new position and earthwork shall be done around the
foundation. The loosened cables shall be buried at 1m depth.


The existing CLS units shall be removed from the signal post duly disconnecting the
cables and new signal units (required as per signalling plan) shall be mounted on the
existing signal pole. The tail cable is to be terminated and the signal aspect shall be wired
by providing FSU, Lamps, etc. and focused. If there are any blank aspects, the same shall
be covered with round MS plate. Lens guard should be provided to the new CLS unit and


For the Colour Light signals in RE area which are coming in the infringing zone,
screening arrangement shall be provided as required by Railways. The screen made of MS
wire-mesh will be fixed on MS angles of size 25x25x6mm with suitable fixing clamps,
bolts and nuts and finally painted with black.
Page 82 of 113



4.1.1 The work involves excavation of pits and casting of shunt signal foundations as per
Drg.No. SG/CN/02/10. The position of shunt signals will be indicated by the Railways.
Foundation for shunt signals shall be casted with cement concrete in the ratio 1:3:6 using
stone jelly of size 20/25mm. The foundations are to be plastered on all sides. Necessary
earthwork shall be made for each position light shunt signals as required by the Railways.

4.1.2 The position light shunt signal shall be properly mounted and plumbed.

4.1.3 The cables are to be taken through the unit, skinned and terminated. The post type/Ground
type shunt signals shall be wired with 3/0.75mm copper wire and terminated and the
wiring shall be tested jointly. The shunt signal shall be focussed in day time and at bright
light at 90% of rated voltage.

4.1.4 This work includes fixing of lens guard and number plates. The post shall be painted with
Aluminium while the signal unit and surface base with black enamel paint.

4.1.5 The CLS units, Route Indicators, Calling-on signals, position light shunt signals post
type and ground type shall be provided with EWS locks.


Small off-set bracket shall be firmly fixed with `U' bolts of suitable size on signal pole for
mounting Post type shunt signals. One 22mm through hole shall be drilled on signal pole
just below the off set bracket and a 20mm through bolt shall be the provided to prevent
offset bracket from sliding down. A vertical slotted hole of 50x50mm in size shall be
made on signal pole for taking the signal tail cable. Suitable protection shall be provided
on the slotted hole to avoid damage to insulation of cable. The cables are to be taken
through the unit, skinned and terminated. The post type/Ground type shunt signals shall be
wired with 3/0.75mm copper wire and terminated and the wiring shall be tested jointly.
The shunt signal shall be focussed in day time and at bright light at 90% of rated voltage.
This work includes fixing of lens guard and number plates. The post and signal unit shall
be painted with Aluminium and enamel black respectively. One EWS lock shall be
provided for the signal.



5.1.1 The work includes drilling of holes, bonding of rail joints with 8 SWG GI soft solid wire,
7.2mm holes are to be drilled close to Fish Plates on the web of rail and the bond wires are
to be fixed by driving channel bond pin tightly. Two bond wires are to be provided for
each joint in parallel. One bond wire clip is to be provided for each joint to keep the bond
wire intact. In point track circuit, parallel jumpers/ bond wires/cables shall be provided as
required by the Railways with proper supporting arrangements.
Page 83 of 113

5.1.2 Four TLD boxes, two each at track feed end relay end shall be fixed clear of
infringement and the respective track circuit tail cables 2 x 2.5 PVC copper
conductor from the apparatus case shall be terminated in these boxes. In Point zones
additional TLD boxes shall be provided for parallel jumpers as per the instruction of
Railway representative at site. The connection from the TLD boxes to the rail should be
through 8 SWG GI soft solid wire which should be taken through PVC sleeve if required
and fixed to the rail both at feed and relay ends. The GI Wire should be clipped on to the
sleepers to prevent shorting with rails.

5.1.3 Wherever Glued joints are not provided, Rail Joint insulation RDSO type shall be
provided with long bolts and nuts at places marked by Railways. In case of point zone
track circuit, necessary insulation shall be provided for switch extension pieces/‘D’
brackets, throw bar lugs, gauge tie plates, crossing plates, stretcher bars, etc., as per site
conditions and fixed by the contractor in the presence of Railway representative. Only non
insulated gauge tie plate/crossing plate/stretcher bar for the above work, will be supplied
by Railways. Contractor shall use proper 10mm thick MS flat, bolts and nuts for
insulating them. All the insulation shall be tested jointly. Wherever the rodding crosses
track circuit zone, it shall be provided with rod joint insulation and tested.

5.1.4 Polarity bonding in each point track circuits shall be provided using 8 SWG soft wire,
insulated and clipped on to sleeper. Parallel bonding shall be done wherever required. In
RE area transverse bonding should be provided at both feed and relay ends by connecting
2GI 8SWG wire across the block joint as per the bonding plan.

5.1.5 Track circuit work includes fixing of track feed and track relay equipments in the
apparatus cases as indicated by the Railway. The shelf type track relay shall be provided
with suitable anti-tilting arrangement. Track relay details shall be painted on the inner
side of the apparatus case door. Suitable flexible copper wire shall be used for wiring the
track relay, track feed equipment, batteries, chokes, etc. and finally terminated at the
terminal block. For each track circuit, secondary cell 80 AH shall be charged and installed
in the apparatus case. The no. of cells and chokes to be used for each track circuit will be
as per the following table:



Upto 450M TWO ONE
450M to 700M THREE TWO
Above 700 M FOUR TWO

5.1.6 The secondary cells shall be charged by the contractor through reputed agencies. The
charging of secondary cells shall be done as indicated under Item No.43.

5.1.7 All the TLD boxes shall be painted and Track Circuit numbers along with feed end or
relay end particulars shall be neatly painted as required by Railways.
Page 84 of 113


5.2.1 Alterations to the existing track circuits involves by shifting the Feed end equipments/
Relay end equipments/block joints and installing them at a different locations and re-
wiring them.

5.3 After completing the installation/alteration of track circuit, it shall be energised, tested,
adjusted and readings recorded in track test record.



6.1.1 Electrically operated point machines shall be fitted in level to all facing points as per
standard drawing on long sleepers on extended gauge tie plate, clear of infringement.

6.1.2 The point machine shall be installed after cleaning the machine (both inside and outside)
and greasing/oiling all the moving parts. The point machines shall be hand operated,
detection and motor controlling contact adjusted before taking to site. All unwanted
openings shall be covered with MS Sheets.

6.1.3 The point machines shall be fixed with proper size of bolts and nuts and flat/spring
washers with correct size of holes on special sleepers to avoid lateral play.

6.1.4 All point connecting rods shall be connected to point machines as per standard
layout/drawings without any strain and with minimum offset. All connecting rods shall be
in level and correct size of pins shall be used to avoid longitudinal play. Any changes in
the connecting roddings during installation which necessitates welding and off sets shall
be carried out by the contractor at site. The welding shall be by smithy process. Lengthy
roddings shall be supported suitably.

6.1.5 All the wooden sleepers on which the point machine is installed shall be strapped on both
side with 2"x3/4" MS strap. Necessary holes [22mm] be drilled on the strap and 20mm
bolts and nuts shall be used for fixing to the sleepers.

6.1.6 Suitable eyelet shall be used for termination of power cables using crimpling tool. The
jumper wires from the point machines to the CT boxes shall be taken through flexible
conduit PVC pipes and securely fixed with suitable clips. The wiring inside the point
machine for motor and detector circuit shall be tested for insulation and earth and the
connections tightened. 7/1.4mm 3/0.75mm PVC copper wire shall be used for wiring
point machines. PVC/Nylon sleeves shall be used for identification of cable cores/jumper
wires and marked with paint. Necessary grooves/wards shall be cut on the point machine
at the place of insertion of crank handle, for crank handle interlocking purpose.


Page 85 of 113

6.2.1 The point machines shall be worked by hand crank and the housing of switch rail with the
stock rail shall be checked. All the electrical wiring shall be carried out neatly.

6.2.2 The point machines shall be worked both ways with proper feed. It should work without
undue friction and working current shall be recorded.

6.2.3 The point stretcher bar and lock connections should be adjusted in such a way that with a
5mm thick obstruction piece placed between the switch and stock rail at 150mm from the
toe of switch,

a. The point does not get locked.

b. The point detection circuit is not completed.
c. The friction clutch disengages.
d. The tripping current does not exceed 200% of normal working current.

6.2.4 The point machine shall be provided with EWS locks/pipe locks. A long necked lock shall
be provided for commutator cover in the case of 5E only.

6.2.5 Necessary notches shall be cut on the pinion of point machine to suit crank handle
configuration in the case of 5E only.



7.1.1 Cable termination racks shall be erected on suitable teak wood base frame of size 50mm
x 150mm in the relay room/ Cable Hut at the required location as directed by Railway
with suitable foundation bolts and concreted. The cable termination racks shall be painted
soon after installation before cable termination work is taken up. Suitable cable ducts
wherever required shall be provided to bring all outside cables to the termination rack. All
the cables are to be neatly skinned, fixed by wooden clamps, bunched individually and
terminated in order. The cable armours and the rack shall be earthed. PVC/Nylon
sleeves/indication sleeves shall be used for each cable and internal wiring termination and
particulars written with paint on the PVC/Nylon sleeves.

7.1.2 The un-used space over the top of the cable termination rack meant for fixing NA
transformer shall be blanked using Hylum sheet of 3mm thick and suitable bolts and nuts.


7.2.1 The PBT terminal and fuse blocks shall be fixed firmly on the cable termination racks and
serially numbered with paint for easy identification. Tags shall be provided for each
terminals and painted, giving description of the circuit. Suitable rubber gromite shall be
provided on the holes of termination racks. Copper tape of width 20mm x 1.5mm shall be
used for providing bus bars. Suitable holes shall be drilled in copper tape for this purpose.

7.2.2 All the cables shall be identified by a punched label, tied on to each cable. Painted cable
termination index board using Plywood of thickness 12mm – TW/rough finish as per
instructions of site incharge with Aluminium grooved Channel frame of overall size
Page 86 of 113

1200mmx1800mm –1no. shall be fixed in the relay room showing the terminal numbers
circuit-wise. In case sufficient space is not available for fixing the board in one piece, it
may be provided in parts retaining the overall size as per instructions of site incharge. `As
made' terminal particulars shall be prepared in RP Film duly signed and handed over to the
Railway at the time of commissioning.

7.3 For fixing indication transformers on cable termination racks / relay frames, suitable
arrangements using Teak Wood planks - 25mm thick of requisite size shall be provided
wherever required. Signal number, name of aspect shall be letter painted in each indication
transformers wherever required. The indication transformers shall be tested for insulation
and earth before fixing. The indication transformer will be wired using PVC 3/0.75mm
copper wire as per approved circuit diagram. The wiring shall be neatly bunched and



8.1.1 Podanur type Relay racks shall be mounted on T.W base frame of size 50x150mm as
required by Railways in the relay room with suitable foundation bolts and cement

8.1.2 Siemen’s relay rack, (to accommodate 56Nos. of ‘Q’ series relays) shall be anchored using
‘J’ type foundation bolts and nuts (12mmx100mm) with washers. In places where ‘J’ type
bolts can not be used, special headed bullet type foundations shall be used. An insulator
shall be provided for each foundation bolts and also to the ladders for carrying the cables.
A MS wall angle of size 35x35x5mm shall be provided- one end grouted to wall and the
other end fixed to the relay rack as tie.

8.1.3 The relay rack shall be painted soon after the installation before plugging of the Plug
8.2.1 Based on the circuit diagram, contact analysis chart shall be prepared by the contractor.
The required number of 50 way terminal boards, plug boards and plug in type relays shall
be fixed on the new/existing rack in the nominated places as instructed by Railway
representative. The configuration of plug boards should be checked with the contact
analysis chart. The nomenclature both on the rear and the front side of the plug board and
on front side of the relays in the relay frame shall be painted.

8.2.2 Suitable arrangements shall be made in the relay rack for fixing condenser and resistance
unit, required for slow to pick up or slow to release feature. Letter painting shall be made
against each unit to identify the circuit for which it is used. Suitable wire supporting Tray
made of PVC shall be provided for each row in relay rack to accommodate the complete
bunch wherever the new wiring is carried out.

8.2.3 The wiring shall be carried out as per approved circuit diagram. The wiring shall be done
on connectors and terminated on terminal clips by soldering process neatly, using high
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grade solder. PVC flexible wire 650V grade 16/0.20mm copper conductor shall be used.
Potential free contacts of various relays required to be monitored by the Data logger
should also be wired on the tag block of the data logger. In case of alteration to existing
wiring, the wires and relays not required shall be removed. After completing the alteration
work, the new wires have to be bunched neatly and brought to original condition. The
relay rack wiring shall be tested initially by the contractor and then jointly with Railway
Representative. Any addition/alteration to wiring in the course of testing shall be carried
out free of cost by the contractor. Different colours of wire shall be used for identify the
power supply circuit wiring. In case of alteration, a different colour of wire from the
existing one shall be used for easy identification.

8.2.4 Before plugging, the relays shall be checked visually and defective ones noticed shall be
replaced duly reporting the same to the railways.

8.2.5 The painted Relay Index board using plywood of thickness 12mm T.W/rough finish as per
instructions of railway representative with Aluminium grooved channel of size
1200x1800mm – 2 Nos. shall be manufactured and fixed in the relay room giving the
details of the relays and their position in the relay rack. In case of alteration/additional
relay wiring, the relay particulars shall be incorporated in the existing relay index board
available in the relay room. If sufficient space is not available for fixing the board in one
piece, it may be provided in parts retaining the overall size as per instructions of site

8.2.6 Hardwood stand with decolum finish of size 500mmx700mm of 25mm thick shall be
fixed on M.S angles grouted to wall at relay room for keeping ‘As made’ circuit diagram
at suitable height as required by Railway Representative. In case of additional/alteration to
existing relay wires, the latest ‘as made’ circuit diagram shall be kept in the relay room on
the existing hardwood stand.

8.2.7 The new relay room shall be provided with Double Key Door Lock arrangement.

8.3 Rubber mat having sufficient width should be placed in front and rear of all the relay rack
and FTOT. The mat should not be less than 6mm thick and it should withstand 650V AC.


Fuse Blown out indication shall be provided using Hylum sheet 5mm thick and 50mm
width and fixing of 5mm LEDs and resistance. The Hylum sheet shall be fixed by the side
of the corresponding Fuse Blocks. Separate switch shall be provided for each circuits. This
arrangement shall be made near FTOT inside the relay room.



The control panel shall be erected on suitable teak wood base frame of size
50mmx150mm in the SM's room at suitable place on proper foundation bolts and
cement concreted. Before erecting the control panel, suitable duct shall be made for
bringing the jumper cable into the control panel from relay room/power room if
Page 88 of 113

necessary.The interspace of the cable duct after placing all the cables, shall be filled with
river sand, before closing the duct with slabs.

9.1.1 The cables shall be clamped using TW 25mmx150mm base plank and 50mmx50mm TW
clamp and the cable entries sealed using cable compound.


9.2.1 The control panel shall be wired including all thumb switches, Push buttons, indicators,
counters, bell/buzzers and emergency push, etc. The wiring shall be done with flexible
PVC copper wire 16/02mm or by switch board cable by soldering the wire to the terminal
clips. High grade solder wire should be used. The wiring shall be done in such a manner
that enough working space is available for replacement of knobs/buttons and attend to
wiring. The wiring shall be neatly bunched.

9.2.2 Spare contacts in thumb switches and push buttons shall be paralleled. The contractor
shall protect the control panel top plates while doing the wiring. The terminal particulars,
power supply points, thumb switch/push button numbers, signals/track numbers shall be
neatly painted on the inner side of the top plate. Before commencing wiring, all thumb
switches, push buttons, indications shall be tested for proper contact and defectives shall
be replaced in the initial stage itself. The indication lamp details shall be painted on the
inner side of the top plate at respective places. Precautions shall be taken such that there is
no break in the wires and damage to the insulation. There shall be no joint in the
connecting wires. Each wire shall be identified properly.

9.2.3 One Voltmeter 0-300V AC for signal supply shall be mounted in panel/panel room.

9.2.4 The required number of buzzers operating on 24V DC as per approved circuit diagram for
low voltage monitoring, signal blanking and approach warning, etc. shall be provided in
the panel and wired.

9.2.5 One TW stand/tray shall be manufactured and kept at the Panel room for keeping different
types of caps.

9.2.6 During the course of work, any modification to the panel/panel wiring shall be done by the
contractor at site as required by the Railways at free of cost before final commissioning.

9.2.7 The work of alteration to control panel wiring includes drilling of holes on the Top plate
wherever required and fixing of switches, push buttons, LEDs/ indication lamps with
holder, termination of cables and carrying out alteration to the existing wiring as per
approved circuits diagram, releasing of wires, and painting of particulars on the panel. If
there are any small holes after releasing the switches or buttons, etc., the same may be
plugged, covered with putty and painted neatly.

9.2.8 The cable termination and internal wiring terminal particulars of control panel shall be
made on R.P Film duly signed by the contractor and handed over to the Railways.

9.2.9 The frames and the back doors shall be painted as required.
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Monitoring Device Multimeter like external 1 & 2, internal, block, indication, etc., should
be procured and installed inside Relay/Power Room as required by Railways. Necessary
connections are to be made to various circuits and wired with 3/0.75mm wire. The
description of the circuit shall be painted neatly.


10.1 Interconnection arrangements between the cable termination rack, relay rack, control
panel, power and battery room shall be carried out as follows:-

10.1.1 Interconnection between relay rack and FTOT, relay rack to control panel shall be
carried out with cable having plain, annealed copper, multi core/single core conductor
of 1/1.5 PVC insulated, unarmoured, unsheathed 1100v grade cable.

10.1.2 Relay rack to relay rack wiring shall be done with 16/0.2mm PVC copper conductor by
soldering process.

10.1.3 The inter-connection between the relay rack and power room, power room and FTOT,
Block Instruments and FTOT shall be carried out with underground, armoured, sheathed,
power/ signalling cables of adequate length. The termination shall be carried out using
suitable size of copper eyelets/sockets. Inter-connection between power rack and battery
room, shall be carried out by using suitable underground cables.

10.2 All the interconnecting wires shall be supported by means of Aluminium ladder. Ladder
of suitable capacity shall be manufactured using Aluminium angles of size
50mmx50mmx6mm and Aluminium flats of size 25mmx6mm. The inter spacing between
two rods of the ladder shall not be more than 125mm. The corners of the ladders as well
as the inner path of the ladders shall be of curved shape and shall not damage the
insulation of the inter-connection wire. The bends also shall not be steep. The bottom of
the ladders shall be provided with hylum sheet of 3mm thickness. The ladder shall be
fixed firmly with proper Aluminium flats.

10.3 The interconnection arrangement includes laying of signalling cables in ducts wherever
necessary as indicated by Railways. Wherever cables are taken through cable ducts inside
relay room/ battery room etc., the ducts shall be filled with river sand upto the floor level
and covered with RCC slabs.

10.4 All connections/terminations shall be tested by the contractor and after satisfying himself
jointly with Railway Representative. Any alterations required shall be carried out by the
contractor free of cost.

10.5 Cable details, functions allotted to each core and terminal numbers shall be prepared in
standard size RP film and handed over to Railways.



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Transformers, battery chargers, transformer rectifiers, voltage stabilizers, inverter, etc., as

detailed in the schedule shall be installed and wired as per approved power diagram in
power room. The list of materials to be supplied by Railways and contractor is given in

11.2 The contractor shall manufacture a power supply panel using 1200x1200mm hylum sheet
not less than 10mm thick for mounting meters, switches/fuses, etc. as required by
Railways. It shall be installed on a frame made of MS angles of size 25x25x6mm, MS flat
of size 50x6mm and grouted to the wall after leaving sufficient space from the wall for
testing and replacement. The cable shall be fixed on TW base plank of size 25x150mm
using TW cable clamps of size 50x50mm and terminated on PBT Terminal blocks.

11.3 For mounting transformers, battery chargers, voltage stabilizers and other power supply
equipments, a suitable stand made of MS angles of size 65mmx65mmx8mm and MS flats
50mmx6mm and with Hard Wood reapers of size 100mmx50mm shall be grouted to the
wall and at floor. The power supply arrangements wiring shall be carried out using 7/1.4
mm PVC Copper wire as per the approved circuit diagram. The voltage stabilizer shall be
installed at a suitable place as required by Railways and arrangements shall be made to
isolate and put through the stabilizers if it becomes defective without disconnecting the

11.4 Ammeter and Stabiliser by-pass arrangements shall be provided on the panel to prevent
ammeter being always in the circuit. After wiring, the power rack shall be tested jointly.
The power rack shall be energised to its rated capacity and kept in that condition for not
less than a week before commencement and any defect notice shall be rectified by the
contractor. The Guarantee Certificates and Technical Pamphlets for the power supply
equipments shall be handed over to Railways. Any addition/alteration to power supply
arrangement shall be carried out during Testing and Commissioning.

11.5 The power rack and power supply equipments shall be painted suitably and uniformly
before installation as required by Railways. Schematic diagram of power supply
arrangement and distribution details shall be painted on plywood 12mm thick-TW/rough
finish as per instructions of site incharge with Aluminium grooved channel frame of size
1200x1800mm and fixed in the power room. As made power diagram shall be submitted
in RP film duly indicating the power supply details and position of the equipments.

11.6 The power panel and power rack should be provided with separate earth.

11.7 The power room shall be provided with single door lock arrangement.


This work involves supply and erection of integrated power supply units conforming to
RDSO Specification No.RDSO/SPN/195/2000 with latest amendment as required by
Railways and wired.


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The power equipments like Transformer Rectifier, Isolation Transformer, transformers,

etc. as mentioned in the schedule should be procured by the contractor and the same shall
be installed at the apparatus cases/LC gates as indicated by Railways. The equipments
should be wired with 3/0.75mm copper wire. On 400V/230V side, the terminals should be
protected suitably to avoid any shock. The particulars of equipments and the description
of the circuit should be painted inside the Apparatus case as well as on inner doors.
Sufficient HW planks (25mm thick) shall be provided for fixing equipments inside the
apparatus case. In case of LC gates, one changeover switch shall be fixed on a hylum
board and mounted on the wall inside the gate lodge using MS angles and suitably painted.
As per the circuit, the required capacity of HRC Fuse should be provided and wired.


12.1 This work includes manufacturing of battery stand, charging and installation of the cells
as specified in the schedule. Secondary cells shall be initially charged by reputed firms
only and shall undergo not less than 3 cycles of charges and discharges as detailed under
Item No.41.

12.2 The various sets of charged secondary cells for different circuits shall be installed on
battery stands in the Battery room/ Cable Hut of the station. The battery stand will be
manufactured using MS angle 65x65x8mm, MS Flats 50x6mm and covered with
100x50mm Hardwood reaper. It shall be painted suitably with anti-corrosive black paint
before installation of battery.

12.3 Battery links (copper/lead) with copper lugs crimped and suitable bolts and nuts shall be
used for connecting cells. The charged Cells shall be fixed leaving sufficient working
space for taking specific gravity reading and distilled water topping. Cells are to be
connected with suitable copper lead links sufficient to carry the full load. Immediately
after connection, petroleum jelly shall be applied on battery terminals.

12.4 In the Battery room/ Cable Hut wiring of the batteries shall be carried out by PVC
7/1.40mm copper wire with colour codes through PVC Pipes properly clamped and
terminated in the T.W terminal box with locking facility in the battery room.
12.5 The details of batteries and the capacity, circuit, date of installation, etc., shall be painted
on a board using water proof Plywood of thickness 12mm - TW finish with Aluminium
grooved Channel frame of size 1200mmx 1800mm. The specific gravity and voltage
reading shall be recorded for each cell in a separate register along with the Guarantee
Certificate of the supplier and handed over to the Railway duly signed.
12.6 One Hydro Meter on suitable TW Stand and one battery tester shall be kept in the battery

12.7 In case of installation of secondary cells at location boxes, anticorrosive black paint to be
coated inside the apparatus case. Additional ventilation arrangements shall be made. The
date of installation, capacity serial No. and circuit particulars shall be painted on each cell
and inner side of the door.
12.8 All connections/termination shall be tested by the contractor and after satisfying himself
then to be tested jointly with Railway Representative. Any alterations shall be carried out
by the contractor during testing and commissioning of installation.
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13.1 Double line block instruments, Neale’s Token instruments and Daido single line block
instrument FM type shall be mounted on a block counter. All the outer sides and top of the
counter shall be pasted with decolum sheets of required colour as indicated by railways.

13.2 Podanur type single line push button tokenless instrument shall be fixed on the ground as
indicated by Railways.

13.3 Necessary Terminal Blocks and Fuse Blocks shall be fixed inside the Block Counter for
termination of jumper wires and cables. Cable shall be fixed properly inside block counter
and terminated. The Block relays shall be placed inside the Counter and shelf type relays
shall be fixed firmly using anti-tilting arrangements. The relays shall be wired and
properly identified.

13.4 In case of overhead alignment, the control and block lines shall be brought separately to
the glass fronted test panel and terminated using wire PVC 3/0.75mm copper, through
PVC tubes of 15/20mm, clamped to the wall. The test Panel shall be manufactured using
T.W 25mm thick and separate doors shall be provided for block and controls. 4 Nos. of
DPDT switches and required number of Lightning Discharger shall be fixed. The lead-in
wires shall be soldered to the Block and Control Lines at the Wall Bracket.

13.4.1 From the termination box, block wires should be taken through PVC tube of suitable size
suitably clamped in the wall and terminated inside the block counter.

13.4.2 The inter connection between the instrument and line battery (provided in the battery
room) shall be done with underground cables.

13.5 In RE area block filters and block bell equipments should be installed and wired. The
work involves installation of Block Filters and Block Bell equipments on a stand made
with MS angles 50mmx50mmx6mm grouted to wall with T.W top plank of 25mm thick,
termination of jumper wires in T.W Terminal box of size 300mmx450mmx100mm, wiring
including interconnection between Terminal Box.

13.6 The block counter shall be provided with a suitable lock with 2 keys.

13.7 Separate block earth shall be provided for each section on either side.


The way station equipment such as selector, selector bell box shall be fixed at appropriate
places and wired. The control telephone and battery shall be installed in suitable place and
battery boxes manufactured out of TW. The wiring between the test panel/termination box
and telephone cum battery box shall be carried out with PVC copper wire 3/0.75mm. The
wiring from the equipment and telephone shall be carried out by using signalling cable.


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14.1 One set of Distilled water Plant capacity- 3.5 to 4.5 Litres/Hr., with two detachable
heating elements of 1500W each to work on 230V AC, single phase, fitted with automatic
cut-outs and removable connectors, with stainless steel boiling chambers, steel condenser
pipe, toughened glass lid shall be installed at Distilled Water Plant Room on suitable

14.2 For water supply, a fibre tank similar to ‘SINTEX’ make – 200 litres capacity shall be
installed on cut rails, grouted to wall at suitable place indicated by Railway

14.3 The water supply connection from water tap towards fibre tank and Distilled Water tank
shall be made using good quality of GI pipes, bends, taps and valves of 25mm dia
wherever required.

14.4 The water pipe lines shall be clamped at required places using proper size of clamps. One
separate power socket with fuse indication shall be provided and wired for distilled water

14.5 The Distilled water plant shall be tested for its satisfactory working jointly with Railways.


15.1.1 SM's Slide Instruments shall be installed at the Station on suitable block counters. T.W
plank 25mm thick shall be fixed on the top of the Block counter over which the S.M's
Slide control instrument shall be fixed. Sufficient working space shall be left for carrying
out wiring. Wiring shall be done with 3/0.75mm copper wire. Care shall be taken to keep
the wiring free from the slides. The spare contacts shall be paralleled.

15.1.2 Wiring leads brought out from SM's Control Instrument shall be terminated inside the
counter. The signalling cables shall also be terminated inside the counters using PBT
terminals fixed on laminated termite proof particles board - Exterior Grade - 25mm thick.
The terminals particulars shall be neatly painted on the inner side of the doors. No wiring
shall be exposed. Suitable colour decolum sheets shall be pasted on all outsides and top of
the block counter.

15.2 At LCs the SM slide instrument shall be installed on a shelf made using hardwood plank
of size 25mm thick. The plank shall be fixed on 2 MS angles 50x50x6mm of suitable
length and grouted on the wall. The cable shall be taken through GI pipe from ground
level. For termination of cables, a termination box of size 50cmx60cm made up of HW
with decolum finish fitted with PBT terminals shall be fixed below the SM’s slide
instrument. The SM’s control instrument shall be wired as per the approved circuit
diagram. The particulars of the terminal shall be painted on the inside door of the
termination box.

15.3 The SM's Slide Instrument shall be painted suitably as desired by Railways.

15.4 The SM's Control Instrument shall be earthed.

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16.1 The work consists of fabrication of MS frame of suitable size for the Solar Panels and its

16.2 The frame shall be fabricated using MS angles of size 65mmx65mmx6mm and MS slotted
angles of size 40mmx40mmx5mm, MS flats of size 40mmx10mm and MS plates of size

16.3 The fabricated stand shall be erected and fixed on top of the Station building/LC gate rigid
to withstand any adverse weather condition and the frame shall be fixed in slanting

16.4 The frame shall be painted before the Solar panels are fixed on the frames.

16.5 Suitable Number of Solar Panels (mono Crystalline Silicon, Solar Photo-Voltaic(SPV)
Panels of required ratings shall be fixed in one frame using bolts and nuts.

16.6 The Solar Panels shall be connected in series/parallel as per the approved circuit diagram
using wire PVC 3/0.75mm and 16/0.2mm copper.

16.7 The wiring from the Solar Panel to the cells shall be done by using cables taken through
50mm GI pipes fixed firmly using MS clamps.


17.1 The Illuminated diagram shall be installed firmly above the S.M's slide instrument as
indicated by the Railways on suitable supports. Before commencing wiring, the indication
lamp details shall be painted in the inner side of the illuminated diagram. The illuminated
diagram shall be wired with 16/0.2mm PVC flexible copper wire by soldering process
using best quality of solder. The wires shall be taken through suitable PVC pipes from the
Terminal box of the SM's slide control instrument to the illuminated diagram. Precautions
shall be taken such that there is no break in the wire and damage to the insulation for the
connecting wires. Each wire shall be identified properly. Sufficient spare wires shall be
run and terminated duly identified.

17.2 The wiring shall be done in such a manner that enough working space is available for
replacement of indication lamps and attend to wiring. The wiring shall be neatly bunched.
The frames and board doors shall be painted as required.



18.1.1 Excavation of pit, concreting foundation as per Drg.No.SG/CN/ 11 and erection of ground
lever frame using suitable bolts and nuts. Casting of A type foundations for mounting the
cranks is included in the scope of this work. All the foundations will be plastered on the
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18.1.2 Making rodding connection from the Ground lever frame to the boom locking mechanism
through cranks, adjusting and testing the boom locking from ground lever frame. The rod
run shall be at rail level and gap of not less than 40mm shall be maintained while crossing
the track. All the joints of rod connecting cranks and levers shall be smithy welded. The
rod run between the tracks shall be insulated while crossing the track circuited portion The
Lengthy roddings shall be run on roller stands fixed on trestle located not more than 2.2
Metres between adjacent supports.

18.1.3 The gate interlocking arrangement shall be carried out as per the standard practice of
S.Rly. as per the instructions of the Railway representative at site. Necessary interlocking
shall be carried out in the locking tray of the ground frame wherever required by the
railways. The locking tray is to be locked and sealed.

18.1.4 The lifting Barrier will be painted with two coats of enamel paint of approved quality as
given below:

(A) Stands-Black
(B) Boom with fringes: Black and Yellow stripe 300 mm wide alternatively
(C) Stop Disc on the boom: Red

18.1.5 Florescent paper strips should be pasted on both the lifting barrier boom.


This work consists of fixing of gate locks on the each gate. The gate lock consists of 2
Nos. of `E' type locks. for each gate fixed on suitable MS flat min.10 mm thick as
instructed by Railway representative at site. The arrangement shall be painted as per
standard Railway practice.


The work includes fixing of Gate warning equipment on suitable fixtures as per Railway
standard for LC gates - 2 Nos. one on each side of the track, fixing of amplifier at
apparatus case and hooter at Road warning signal post, wiring as per approved circuit
diagram and painting.


19.1 This work includes excavation of pit, concreting of rail post vertically, fixing of electric
lever lock and circuit controller on the rail, wiring, provision of MS Cover for EL&CC,
provision of fabricated `FREE’ indication box, painting and concreting. The lever lock
and circuit controller shall be connected to the lever through crank and 32mm/20mm MS
rods/ joints through smithy welding. Free indication box shall be provided and all these
equipment shall be wired with wire PVC 3/0.75mm as per the approved circuit diagram.


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The Electric Lever Lock and Circuit Controller should be fixed vertically on the rails
inside the cabin below the concerned lever. The fixing rail is to be concreted. Also
Counter motion crank is to be fixed on lever mounting channel and the same is to be
connected with lever as well as lever lock circuit controller. The rods should be adjusted
to correct length by smithy welding. Necessary notches are to be cut on the plunger of the
lever lock and circuit controller as desired by Railways. The same should be wired with
3/0.75mm copper wire as per circuit diagram. The bands of the circuit controller are also
to be cut as per the circuit diagram. The correct functioning of the lever lock and circuit
controller is to be tested in presence of Railway representative. The lever lock and circuit
controller, cranks and the connecting rods should be painted neatly.


20.1 The stand by diesel generator plant with control panel shall be installed in the generator
room as per standard practice adopted by the Railways using anti-vibration packing to
minimise the vibration. The exhaust pipe to be extended outside the room with minimum
number of bends and the silencer is fixed towards the off side of the SM's Room. Required
number of anti-vibration mounting (cushy foot) shall be provided by the contractor.

20.2 Necessary asbestos rope should be wrapped around the exhaust pipe. The control panel of
the Diesel Generating set should be properly mounted. The wiring of generator and the
control panel shall be carried out using PVC 7/1.40mm copper wire, through PVC Pipes,
PVC bends and terminated. An Hour meter shall be provided as required by Railways.
The changeover switch and phase selector switch shall be provided and connected for
changing over, from normal power to stand by and vice-versa or from one phase to
another on suitable fixtures as instructed by Railway representative at site.

20.3 The stand by generating plant and control panel shall be earthed.

20.4 Secondary cell of required capacity shall be installed and connected for self- starting
facility, wherever required.

20.5 After installation, for initial commissioning, the procedure given in the firm's manual
should be strictly followed. Each diesel generating set should be tested on full load
continuously as per the rating of the generator, defects noticed if any, shall be rectified by
the contractor.

20.6 The generator room shall be provided with a good quality of lock. The work involves
supply, fixing and interconnecting phase selector switch and changeover switch for DG
sets wherever required.


21.1 The work includes manufacture, installation and wiring of Diagnostic Panel. The
diagnostic panel will be fabricated from plywood 25mm thick of suitable size depending
on yard layout and covered with white decolum sheet. The sides will be covered with
Aluminium grooved channel. The yard lay out will be painted on the decolum sheet.
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21.2 The interconnections between independent relay contacts wired and terminated and 50
way terminal board on the diagnostic panel will be as per the approved circuit diagram
using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper. The interconnection wires shall be taken through
ladders already available. The indications of points, signal, track, slots, LC gate if any,
and important relays like LR, ASR, UCR, CHR, etc. shall be indicated in the panel by
providing LED. The work also includes provision of (30 - 0 - 30) voltmeter for the internal
supply and wiring the same. Test pin and sockets are to be provided and wired.


22.1 Electric key transmitter with/without crank handle fixed to the key shall be installed firmly
on suitable angle supports and teakwood boards in the place indicated by Railways, with
economiser push switch and wired. The cables shall be terminated on a terminal box made
using 25mm thick T.W. planks with decolumn finish and locking facilities. Required
number of terminal blocks shall be fixed inside the terminal box for termination of cables
and jumper wires. The wiring shall not be exposed. The cables shall be taken to the
terminal box using HDPE pipes of 50mm dia. The crank handle shall be welded to the
key in such a manner that there is no undue strain to the EKT contacts. The EKT should
be painted and the circuit particulars and ward nos. are to be painted in bold letters.


22.2.1E' type lock having long plunger and key contact shall be assembled and shall be kept in a
glass fronted decorated box and wired. The box shall have the locking and sealing facility
using 6 levers NAVTAL LOCK with duplicate keys.

22.2.2The contacts shall be made when the key is `IN' and contacts shall break when the key is
disturbed or taken `OUT' using a limit switch.


23.1 For siding points with succession key lock arrangements and trap points, hand plunger
lock fitted with "E" type locks shall be provided on gauge tie plates with suitable bolts and
nuts. This work includes fixing of switch extension pieces and split stretcher bars.
Notches on split stretcher bars shall be cut at site.

23.2 It shall be ensured that, it is not possible to lock the points with an obstruction of 5mm test
piece placed between switch and stock rail at 150mm from the toe of the switch.

23.3 `E' type lock shall be fitted to the hand plunger locks with proper bolts and nuts. After
ensuring the free as well as the full movement of the plunger, marking shall be done and
notches cut on the plunger.

23.4 Proper lubrication shall be done for the smooth operation of points, HP locks and `E' type


Page 98 of 113

24.1 For points single end and double end, the required Facing point locks should be fixed on
the gauge tie plats. Necessary holes are to be drilled for fixing FPL. On split stretchers,
necessary notches are to be cut for correct functioning. The FPL is to be connected to the
Rod Transmission through cranks. Necessary smithy work, if required, should be carried
out for achieving correct length of the rods. For facing point lock, the lock bar also is to be
fixed. All the fittings like FPL, split stretchers are to be painted with black. A MS cover
is to be provided for FPL.


The protection bar/lock bar, if required, should be fixed close to the stock rail as per
Signalling plan. The required lock bar clips (12 Nos.) and stops (4 Nos.) are to be fixed
correctly. Necessary holes are to be drilled on the protection bar/lock bar for fixing lock
bar clips and the lock bar driving arrangement should be riveted. The same is to be
connected to the crank through 32m solid rods and solid joints. Necessary cranks are to be
fitted on the sleeper and connected. The protection bar, clips, stops, etc. are to be painted
with black paint. Finally, it should be tested for correct functioning.


Point indicators and Trap indicators shall be provided at places indicated in the Signalling
plan. These indicators shall be firmly fitted on indicator stand on long sleepers/CI stands
concreted firmly to the ground through suitable bolts and nuts complete with all ground
connections, clear of infringements. Proper size of pins shall be used to avoid longitudinal
play. All joints shall be smithy welded only. The indicators shall be adjusted properly
and painted suitably.


25.1 The electrical detector shall be fixed on the extended gauge tie plate firmly. The switch
extension piece shall be fixed on the switches and the point is to be connected with
electrical detector by using ground connections. If any smithy work is involved, the same
shall be carried out on the ground connection rods.

25.2 A TLD box shall be fixed near the electrical detector and the cable is terminated inside the
TLD box. The electrical detector shall be wired with 3/0.75mm copper and the jumper
wire shall be taken through hose pipe between electrical detector and TLD box.

25.3 The electrical detector shall be painted with Aluminium paint and the point ground
connections, TLD box with black paint. The working of electrical detector shall be tested
in presence of Railway representative to conform to obstruction test.



Paging and talk-back facility in lieu of Signal post telephone shall be supplied as per
specification and installed including voice communication equipment with suitable
switching arrangement at Home Signal post and at SM's room. This includes drawal of tail
cable through GI pipe 25mm dia and 2mtrs long duly clamped to Signal post with bend
Page 99 of 113

as required at site, termination of tail cable at one end in the apparatus case and other
end in the console. In the SM's room, console should be fixed on a table/wall. The wiring
shall be done using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper.


Desk type magneto telephone shall be supplied and fixed at station house/ apparatus
case/LCs. /apparatus cases near top points/siding points and securely fixed on shelf planks.
It shall be ensured that no other gadgets is kept in that apparatus case and separate door
lock arrangement made to protect the Telephone battery.

26.2.1 Nickel-Cadmium power pack 4V - 2.2AH, with battery charger 110V AC/4V DC shall be
supplied and provided for telephone.


Excavation of pit, construction of masonary platform as per Drg.No.SG/CN/02/12 with

bricks of approx. size 220mmx100mmx60mm to operate signal Post Telephones near
Home Signals and plastering as per the instructions of Railway representative at site.


Fixing of Annunciator in the Station house on a suitable HW stand fixed to the table/wall
by MS angles, wiring the same using wire PVC 16/0.2mm copper and painting. The hard
wood plank shall be pasted with coloured Decolum sheets on all sides. The work also
includes supply and wiring of magneto telephone - 1 No. and Ni-cad power pack 4V
DC – 2.2AH with battery charger 110V AC/4V DC and painting of various circuit
particulars on the Annunciator as instructed by Railway representative.



This work involves manufacture, supply and installation of Glass fronted Teakwood Key
box of size 300mmx600mmx75mm with built in lock arrangement. Plastic tags duly
engraved giving the particulars of various keys are to be provided along with the keys.


A tool box of size 1000mm x750mm x100mm (inner dimensions) made of 25mm thick
teak wood, perplex sheet fronted 6mm( Colourless) shall be manufactured and fixed on the
wall at a convenient location as instructed by Railway representative at site. The box
should have provision of padlock for locking arrangements and shall be equipped with the
following tools:
Page 100 of 113

a Multimeter manufactured by Reputed firms similar to 1 No.

Model No.DM 352 of MOTWANE MAKE with
suitable carrying case and test probes
b Multimeter Model No.HM 102 BZ Hungchung with 1 No.
test probes with suitable carrying case.
c Centre zero ammeter 30-0-30 Amps 1 No.
d Screw drivers adjustable with common Handle for 1 Set
different screw drivers (TAPARIA make)
e Spanner double ended 33mm (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
f Spanners double ended 3/8x1/2" (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
g Spanners double ended 5/8x3/4" (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
h Spanners double ended 7/8x1" (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
i Adjustable screw spanner 12" (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
j Insulated cutting pliers (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
k Insulated nose pliers (TAPARIA make) 1 No.
l Hammer 1 1/2 lbs ball pane (GEODRE make) 1 No.
m Hacksaw frame (GEODRE make) 1 No.
n Electric soldering iron 230V 60W (Soldron/Philips 1 No.
o Megger 500V/ 500Mohms. with test probes 1 No.


30.1 Boards with Legends/Warning boards shall be fitted on to the Rails, erected and concreted
to a size of 600mmx600mmx900mm at location indicated by Railway representative and
as per approved signalling plan, clear of infringements.

30.2 Necessary legends such as "DRAW CLOSE IF SIGNAL IS AT ON" shall be letter
painted as per standard practice of this Railway and as per Signal Engineering Manual.

30.3 For Goods Warning Board about 12 Nos. of Scotch light reflectors/strips shall be provided
by the contractor.

30.4 Rail posts and other fittings shall be painted as required by Railways.


31.1 All apparatus cases, battery boxes, CT boxes, armours of cables, battery chargers,
transformers, power panels, Control panel, Block Instruments/Control test panel/Cable
Termination Rack/Relay Racks, etc., shall be earthed. If number of apparatus cases are
grouped at a place, one earth shall be provided for all. Otherwise, separate earth is to be
provided for each apparatus case. The earth resistance shall not be more than 10 Ohms.

31.2 This work includes excavation of pit at a given location as per Drg.No.SG/CN/02/13 on
natural soil, supply and fixing earth pipe covering the same with the mixture of 2kgs. of
charcoal, 2 kgs. of common salt and earth. A concrete enclosure has to be provided around
the earth pipe as per drawing.
Page 101 of 113


Universal locks (EWS Locks)/GI locks/Navtal Locks shall be provided for CLS units,
Route Indicators, point machines, apparatus cases, battery boxes and C.T. boxes
wherever necessary.


33.1 Block instruments, Block counters, control panel, EKT’s and all signalling gears installed
shall be painted in accordance with the standard practice of Southern Railway and as per
Signal Engineering Manual.

33.2 While painting, initially one coat of primer and afterwards 2 coats of enamel paint shall be

33.3 The details of paints to be used on the signaling gears are shown below.

S.No. Signalling Gadgets Colour to be painted (outside)

I Signal(Colour Light Signal) & Shunt Signal:
(i) Surface base Black
(ii) Post Aluminium
(iii) Aspect unit complete
II All types of apparatus cases and cable Aluminium
termination box

III Track Lead Disconnection Box Black

IV SM’s Control Frame Instrument Green Enamel
V Point machines Black
VI Electrical Detectors Aluminium
VII Electrical Lever locks & Circuit Controller Black
VIII Key Transmitters Red or Black
IX (i)Double line SGE Block Instrument Green Enamel
(ii)Single Line Token Instrument Grey Enamel
(iii)Single Line Tokenless Instrument Green Enamel
X (i)Interlocking frame supports, quadrants, Black
lever below quadrants, locking trough, catch
handle connection & Indication plates
(ii)Down rods between Lever tail and crank
(iii)All types of cranks, compensators,
Facing point Locks, lock bars & Detectors.
Page 102 of 113

(iv)Roddings & Rod Rollers Black

Red Oxide Paint

XI (i)Point Lever Black
(ii)Lock Lever Blue
(iii)LC Gate Control Lever Chocolate
(iv)Spare Lever White
(v)Signal Lever Red
XII Rails Black


34.1 Erection and wiring of temporary relay rack, SM's slide instrument, wiring alteration in
the FTOT, apparatus cases, signals, Control panel etc., as per the instructions of
Railway representative at site for operating signals and points during non-interlocked
working.. The work also includes provision of Magneto Telephone communication
between Top points /location goomties and SM's Room.

34.2 The SM’s control instrument shall be wired as required by Railways as per the temporary
circuit diagram prepared in connection with N.I working. Necessary wooden crosses shall
be fixed for the signals put out of use as indicated by railways. Special warning
boards/stop/speed boards may be fixed temporarily as per the NI plan.


35.1 The installation and commissioning of Data Logger includes wiring between Data logger
equipment and relay rack/power equipment room. The potential free contacts of relays to
be monitored will be made available on the tag block of the data logger.


36.1 An inventory of all the S&T gears to be released in the yard should be taken up jointly
with Railway’s representative duly indicating as serviceable or unserviceable before NI
working commences. The same should be submitted and approved by the Engineering in-

36.2 The S&T gears as mentioned in the schedule should be released carefully without damage
and stacked at a place indicated by the Railway representative.

36.3 All the concrete foundation of the released gears like signals, location boxes, ‘A’ type
bases, etc. should be broken completely. The resultant pit shall be refilled with earth,
rammed and re-surfaced. In case of releasing the stands grouted on the walls/floor should
be restored to original condition and neatly plastered.
Page 103 of 113

36.4 All the unserviceable released materials shall be guarded by the contractor till they are


The released serviceable materials shall be transported from the work spot to the Stores
Depot as mentioned in Vol. I. Loading and Unloading of materials shall be done by the
contractor. The released material shall be stacked neatly by the contractor in the Railway


38.1 Cement for use in the works shall be procured by the contractor from the main
producers/their authorised dealers/ authorised stock yards which shall conform to BIS

38.2 Cement bags preferably in paper bag packing should bear the following information in
legible marking:

(i) Manufacturer's name

(ii) Registered Trade Mark of manufacturer, if any
(iii) Type of cement
(iv) Weight of each bag in kgs. or No. of bags/tonne.
(v) Date of manufacturer, generally marked as week of the year/year of manufacturer,
e.g., 30/93 which means of 30th week of 1993.

38.3 To ensure quality control, test certificates from the manufacturer should be produced by
the contractors, which should confirm to the relevant specifications [latest may be

38.4 Railways may also take samples during the course of the work and get the cement tested to
ascertain their conformity to specifications.

38.5 When such sampling is done, it shall be as per IS Specifications.

38.6 Test on the cement as per IS:4301 shall be carried out in the field level. Some of the tests
which may be carried out are:

(i) Compressive strength

(ii) Initial and final setting time
(iii) Consistency
(iv) Soundness


Page 104 of 113

The size of various wires/cables to be used for the wiring of signalling and
telecommunication gadget is indicated below:

S.No. Size of wire Circuits/Equipments

1 16/0.2 mm Copper Relay rack wiring
Panel wiring
Plug-in type relay wiring at location
S.No. Type of wire Circuits/Equipments
2 7/1.4mm Copper Power equipments
Point control wire(NW, RW & CW)
3 3/0.75mm Copper Power equipments in locations
Relays other than plug-in type
Block instrument
Rotary key transmitter
All Signals
Electrical detector
SM’s control instrument
Point machine
Loop wire at locations


40.1 The entire installation shall be tested by the contractor and after satisfying himself, the
railway shall jointly test along with the contractor. Any alteration during testing shall be
carried out at free of cost as required by Railways before commissioning. All ‘As made’
documents have to be submitted before commissioning. Each installation shall be tested in
the presence of the supervisory officials deputed by the Railways as soon as the particular
installation/equipment is installed and unless the working of the equipment is actually
ensured, it will not mean that the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the
railway. This work involves testing and commissioning of the entire installation.


Before testing and commissioning of the entire installation, eight copies of final `as made'
details as hereunder shall have to be supplied duly incorporating all particulars for the
station. Circuit diagrams prepared in Autocad 2000 will be supplied by Railways in
compact discs. All ‘As mades’ shall be prepared by the contractor in Autocad 2000 and
submitted in compact discs in duplicate. All ` As made' documents/plans shall be made by
the contractor in R.P Film to RAILWAY STANDARD only as laid down in the Special
Condition of Contract and shall be handed over to the Railways, duly signed.
a) `As made' circuit diagram
b) `As made' Cable Plan
c) `As made' Cable Route Plan/Red boundary plan
d) `As made' track bonding plans
e) `As made' power supply layout diagram
f) `As made' contact analysis chart
g) `As made' relay disposition chart
h) `As made' Termination particulars of all locations & FTOT
Page 105 of 113

40.2.1 However, contractor shall hand over along with the negatives, 8 copies in each, duly
making book-let neatly bound. Out of 8 sets, 2 sets of individual circuit and other plans
shall be kept in thick plastic cover (2 sheets back to back in one plastic cover) duly filled
in plastic folder and handed over to Railways. 2 copies of the above `as made' details
before joint testing is taken up with Railways. Any correction made during testing shall be
incorporated before submitting `FINAL' `As made' plan.

40.2.2 The contractor is required to supply the following bound registers 200 pages with good
quality papers duly filled.
(i) Cable meggering register,
(ii) Relay Register,
(iii) Block Joint Register,
(iv) Route Test Register,
(v) Lamp Replacement Register,
(vi) Relay Room Key Register,
(vii) Battery Register,
(viii)Route Cancellation Register and
(ix) Earth resistance register.


The Signalling Plan will be given by Railways to contractor. Based on the Signalling
plan, the contractor should prepare Locking Table/Table of Control and submit to
Railways within a week’s time for correctness. The railways will correct the same and
hand over it to the contractor within a week’s time. After receiving the corrected Locking
Table/Table of Control, the contractor shall prepare Circuit Diagram as per S.Rly practice
and hand it over to Railways within two weeks for checking. The contractor can take a
specimen copy of any approved circuit diagram to acquaint himself with the S.Rly
interlocking practices. The Railways will check and make necessary corrections and hand
it over to the contractor for final preparation of circuit diagram. About six copies shall be
prepared and hand it over to Railways along with the negative within 15 days. The
contractor should also give a hard disc duly copying all the circuits.


1 All the cells in the battery set shall be of the same type and capacity.

2 Electrolyte shall be prepared by mixing battery grade Sulphuric Acid and distilled water in
the ratio 1:5 in a glass/Porcelain container by adding Acid to water and not vice-versa.

3 The new cells shall be cleaned with distilled water and filled with this electrolyte upto 12-
15mm above the plates.

4 Allow the plates of cells to soak in the electrolyte for 12 hours.

5 Charge shall be applied at the rate of 4% of AH value of the cells to the correct terminals of
the battery set duly interconnected.

6 Specific Gravity and voltage of each cell shall be measured and recorded once in 8 hours.
Page 106 of 113

7 Charging shall be stopped when specific gravity becomes 1210 +/ -5

8 If the specific gravity does not attain this value, little quantity of electrolyte shall be taken out
and with electrolyte of higher value (1400 – obtained by adding acid and added water in
the ratio 7:11) and charging shall be started afresh.

9 On charge, the cells shall be discharged with lamp load upto the limit when the specific
gravity becomes 1190 and voltage 1.85 volts.

10 Charge and discharge cycle shall be repeated once again.

11 Final charge shall be given for putting the cells to use.

Page 107 of 113

Note: The above drawings may be obtained from the office of the Deputy Chief
Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Southern Railway,
Ernakulam Junction.
Page 108 of 113




The Signalling & Telecom Materials to be supplied by the contractor will be to the following
specifications/drawings with the latest amendments:


1 PVC Insulated, armoured, unscreened Underground Signalling Cable ------- Core as

per Specification No.IRS-S-63-89(Amendment-5). The core of the cable shall be
given in Vol. I.
2 PVC Insulated, armoured, unscreened, Underground Power cable to Specification
NO.IRS.63/89(Amendment-4) and IS.1554.
3 PVC Insulated, Railway signalling indoor Multi core/Single Core cable/wire to IRS
Specification No.IRS-S-76/89(Amendment-1).


1 Signal Colour Light Multi Unit type 4/3/2 aspect without side light, signal
transformers, lamps and lenses as per RDSO Drg.No.SA-23001 -23003A/M(Adv.)
latest and IRS.S.26/64. The mounting socket should be provided for 140mm dia to
RDSO Drg. No.SA-23005 A/M(Adv.) latest
2 Colour Light Signalling Tubular post 4.6/3.6 metres long conforming to IRS Spec.
No.IRS/S-6-81, .
3 Route Indicator-Direction type, 5 unit Arm, 1 way - 6 way as per Drg.Nos.SA-
23401-23406 and IRS.66/84 complete with fittings, mounting sockets 140mm dia to
RDSO Drg.No.S.23005/M(adv)& IRS-S-66/84 without lamps, lens & signal
transformer. (Suitable arrangement should be provided to fix the Arm as per Unit
Combination ‘a’ and ‘b’ indicated on the drawing)
5 Ladder for colour light signal multi unit type 4.5 Metres as per RDSO Drg.No.SA-
6 Ladder for colour light signal multi unit type 3.5 Metres as per RDSO Drg.No.SA-
7 Signal Base for 140mm dia post as IRS(S) Drg.No.S-2011/M.
8 Offset Signal bracket (large and small) with ‘U’ bolts and nuts for 140mm CLS post
9 ‘P’ /’’G’/’C’Marker (Non-illuminated) as per Drg.No.SA 23455-56/Adv/Alt1
10 Shunt Signal position Light type as per RDSO Drg.No.SA.23840(Adv.)
11 Signal Colour Light Transformer as per IRS Specn. No.IRS-S-59&S-23 and RDSO
Drg.No.SA-23014/M latest, (IRS-59/77 with amendment -1)
12 Lens optical outside step for long range colour light signal, 140mm dia 13mm focal
length ‘Red’ as per Specn. No.IRS-S-7/92 with latest amendments & IRS-S-10 and
Drg.No.RDSO-S-23063/M (Adv.) latest.
Page 109 of 113

13 Lens Optical outside step for long range colour light signal, 140mm dia 13mm focal
length ‘Yellow’ as per IRS-S-10 and drg.No.RDSO-S-23064/M(Adv.)
14 Lens Optical outside step for long range colour light signal, 140mm dia 13mm focal
length ‘Green’ as per Specn. No.IRS-S-7/92 &IRS-S-10 and drg.No.RDSO-S-
23065/M(Adv.) latest.

15 Lens Optical , inside step without Hot Strip for long range colour light signal,
213mm dia, 102mm focal length ‘clear’ as per Specn. No.IRS-S-7/92 &IRS-S-10
and Drg.No.RDSO-S-23060(Adv.) latest
16 Lens Optical , inside step with Hot Strip for long range colour light signal, 213mm
dia, 102mm focal length ‘clear’ as per Specn. No.IRS-S-7/92 &IRS-S-10 and
Drg.No.RDSO-S-23061/M latest
17 Lens Optical outside step 92mm dia, 16mm focal length ‘Lunar white’ as per Specn.
No.IRS-S-7/92 &IRS-S-10 and Drg.No.RDSO-S-23422(Adv.) latest
18 Lens Optical inside step with moulded prism for close up indication 127mm dia
70mm focal length ‘Clear’ as per Specn. No.IRS-S-7/92 &IRS-S-10 and
Drg.No.RDSO-S-23421(Adv.) latest.
19 Lens Optical inside stepped ‘Clear’ 101mm dia as per Specification No. IRS-S-7/92
& IRS-S-10 and drg.No.RDSO-S-2743/M.
20 Lamp Electric for Railway Signalling ‘Clear’ 12 Volts, 33 Watts 3 Pin double
filament, double pole Sl.21 of Specification No.IRS-S-57/93 with Amendment-2.
21 Lamp Electric for Railway Signalling ‘Clear’ 12 Volts, 25 Watts/3 Pin double
filament, double pole Sl.17 of Specification No.IRS-S-57/93 with amendment-2.
22 Lamp Electric for Railway Signalling ‘Clear’ 110 Volts, 25 Watts /3 Pin single
filament, Sl.33 of Specification No.IRS-S-57/93 with amendment-2.
23 Lamp Electric Triple pole for Railway Signalling ‘Clear’ 12V, 24 Watt/3 pin double
filament Sl.35 or 35-A of Specification No.IRS-S-57/93 with amendment-2.
24 LED signalling unit to Specn. No.RDSO/SPN/153/1998
25 Lenses Polycarbonate, Clear, Red & Green to Specn. No.IRS:S-7/92
(Amendment-3)& Drg.No.S-24845
26 Electric Lamp Filament Switching unit to Specn. No.RDSO/SPN/158/2000
27 Lamp Holder Unit for CLS lamps to Drg. No.SA-23030/M(ADV) & for Triple Pole
Lamps Drg. No.SA-24831.


1 Relays - `Q’ series ECRS Metal to Carbon to specn. No.BRS.941 & 942 &
2 Relays – ECRS (Metal-to-Metal Contact) – ON, OFF, ROUTE & SHUNT to Specn.
No.IRS:S-46 Firms’ specification.

3 Relays—‘Q’ series Neutral line Relays to spcn. No.BRS:930A(Non-ACI)

4 Relays— Track--Plug-in type 9&4 ohm (ACI & Non-ACI) to specn. No.BRS:938A,
939A, 966 & Appendix F2
Page 110 of 113

5 Relays – special type to specn. No.BRS:930A, 932A, 935A, 937A, 943, 960 &
RDSO/SPN/84/88, firm’s specification, etc.

6 Point Contactor unit to specn. No.IRS:S-46& Firm’s Specn.


1 Track lead Junction Box as per RDSO Drg.No.SA-20101/M complete with 450mm
long 25mm dia pipe, terminals and stump.
2 Choke Type ‘B’ having annealed enameled copper wire, as per IRS Specn.No.IRS-
3 ‘Disc’ Type Track Feed Resistance as per Drg.No.SA-20161-66/M
4 Surge Discharger Type ‘A’ Non Restoration type as per IRS-S-52-76 with latest
amendments but without hard ware materials, i.e., bolts, nuts, washers, etc. and
connection cables and Aluminium terminal lugs.
5 Track feed battery charger as per IRS Specn. No.IRS:S-89-93 with Amendment-1
6 Channel Pin single Groove 7mm dia (for 4mm dia) Bond wire as per IRS:S-17-75
7 Bond wire clip (52Kg.-90R Rails) as per RDSO Drg. No.S-22167(Adv.)
8 Wire GI soft. 4mm (8 SWG) as per IS Specn. No.IS-280
9 Audio frequency Track circuit equipments to RDSO Specn. No.146/2001


1 Insulated Rod Joint 32mm butt end as per RDSO Drg.No.SA-3637/M(Adv.)Alt.2

2 Insulation for Gauge tie plate (BG)complete with insulating bush and washer each set
comprising of:
(a) Insulating plate for insulated tie plate BG as per RDSO Drg.No.T-10372- 1 No.
(b) Insulating bushing for insulated stretcher bar BG as per RDSO Drg.No.T-10368 –
3 Nos.
(c) Insulating Washer for insulated stretcher bar BG to IRS 40/84 as per RDSO
drg.No.T-10371 – 6 Nos.
3 Insulation for altering stretcher bars(BG) each set comprising of
(a) Insulating plate for altering insulated stretcher bars BG as per RDSO Drg.No.T-
10384 – 2 Nos.
(b) Insulating bushing for altering insulated stretcher bars for BG as per RDSO
Drg.No.T-10535- 4 Nos.
4 Insulation for stretcher bars BG. Each set comprising of:
(a) Insulating side plate for insulated stretcher bars BG as per RDSO Drg.No.T-
10367 – 1 No.
(b) Insulating bushing for insulated stretcher bars BG as per RDSO Drg.No..T-10368
– 2 Nos.
(c)Insulating washer for insulated stretcher bars BG as per RDSO Drg.No.T-10371 –
4 Nos.
Page 111 of 113

5 Insulated Rail joint Nylon (Four channel type) 60 Kg. UTC complete as per RDSO
Drg.No.SA-22181(Adv.) latest.
6 Insulated Rail joint Nylon (Four channel type) 52 kg. Complete as per RDSO
Drg.No.SA-22101(Adv.) latest without iron & steel parts.
7 Insulated Rail joint Nylon (Four channel type) 90R complete as per RDSO
Drg.No.SA-22191(Adv.) latest without iron and steel parts.
8 Insulated Rail joint Nylon (Four channel type) 60R complete as per RDSO
Drg.No.SA-22131(Adv.) latest without iron & steel parts.
9 Insulated Rail joint Fish plate as per RDSO Drg.No.S-22101(Adv.)
10 Rail joint Insulated backing plate 52kg. as per RDSO Drg.No.S-28107(Adv.)
11 Rail joint Insulated backing plate ‘90R’ as per RDSO Drg.No.S-22117(Adv.)
12 Rail joint Insulated ferrule as per RDSO Drg.No.S-22108(Adv.)
13 Throw bar lug insulation for 5 E point machine to Drg. No.SA-9001 and SA-9002
Driving lug insulation for IRS point machine – One set comprises of
(a)Insulating plate to Drg.No.S-8804 - 1 No.
(b)Insulating bush to Drg.No.S-8813 - 2 Nos.
(c)Insulating washer to Drg.No.S-8640 - 2 Nos.

14 ‘D’ bracket insulation for IRS point machine - One set comprises of
(a)Side plate LH to Drg.No.S-3266 - 1 No.
(b) Side plate RH to Drg.No.S-3265 - 1 No.
(c)Insulating bush to Drg.No.S-3199 - 4 Nos.
(d) Insulating washer to Drg.No.S-8640 - 4 Nos.

POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENTS(The rating of these equipments will be indicated

VI in Volume-I):

1 Transformer 230V AC/110V AC as per IRS Specn. No.IRS-S-72/88 with

2 Transformer 230V AC/400V AC as per IRS Specn. No.IRS-S-72/88 except for the
following modification:
Para 1.1: This specification covers the requirement for 230/400V AC 50Hz single
phase transformer used for power supply in colour Light Signal installation
Para 3.2.3: The primary of the transformer 230/400V AC shall have min tappings at
0, 220, 220 & 230V. The secondary winding shall have min tappings at 0, 360, 380,
400 & 420V, being the nominal voltage at no load.
Para 5.9 &5.10: These tests shall be carried out on the secondary winding side
between terminals 0 V and 400V.
3 Transformer 400V AC/110V AC as per IRS Specn. No.IRS-S-72/88 except for the
following modification:
Para 1.1: This specification covers the requirement for 400/110V AC 50Hz single
phase transformer used for power supply in Colour Light Signal installation
Para 3.2.1: The rated input of the transformer shall be 400V AC.
Para 3.2.3: The primary of the transformer 400/110V AC shall have min. tappings at
0, 360, 380, 400 & 420V. The secondary winding shall have tappings at 0, 100, 110
& 120V, being the nominal voltage at no load.
Para 5.8: Open circuit test shall be carried out with 400V AC applied on the primary
winding between terminals 0V and 400V.
Page 112 of 113

Para 5.12: Short circuit test shall be carried out with 400V applied to the primary
winding at terminals 0V and 400V.
4 Indication Transformer for lamp proving as per IRS Specification No.IRS-S-62-92
5 Battery chargers for MFVR batteries to IRS.S-93/96B
6 Battery chargers –SMPS based to RDSO/SPN/160/99
7 Battery chargers self regulating as per IRS Specn.No.IRS-S-86/2000 with
8 Battery chargers Dual Bank as per IRS Specn.No.IRS-S-85/92 with Amendment-1
9 Voltage Stabilizer Ferro resonant type as per Specn.No.IRS-S-74/89 with
10 Inverter for Railway Signalling installations for ‘On Line’ applications (with sine
wave output) as per IRS Specn.No.IRS-S-82/92 with Amendment-2
11 D.G set as per IRS:S-69/86
12 Secondary cell-Low Maintenance to Specn. No.IRS-S-88/93
13 Secondary cell- Maintenance Free to Specn. No.IRS-S-93/96A
14 Solar photo voltaic module to Specn. No.IRS:S-84/92
15 Transformer rectifier set to Specn. No.IRS:S-91/93 with Amendment-1
16 SMPS based IPS to Specn. No.RDSO/SPN:165/2000 with amendment 1
17 DC-DC converter to Specn.IRS:S-96/2000

18 Indication supply transformer(step down) for Railway S&T installations to IRS:S-

19 Dual bank battery charger to Specn. No.IRS-S-85/92
20 High voltage signal feed transformer to IRS:S-92/93
21 Ni-CAD cells with charger to Specn. No.IS-10918


1 Block Bell Equipment to Block instrument as per Specn. IRS:TC-44/88

2 Filter Unit to Block instrument as per specn. No.IRS-S-68/89


1 Terminal Block(M6-Terminals) (1 way-25mm) as per IRS Specification No.IRS-S-

75-91 Amendment-2 and IRS Drg.No.SA-23741/A(Alt.4)
2 Terminal Block(M6-Terminals) (1 way 60mm) as per IRS Specification No.IRS-S-
75-91(Latest) and IRS Drg.No.SA-23745/A(Alt.5)
3 Fuse Link cartridge cylindrical head(2A, 4A and so on) non-deteriorating type, non
indication type as per IRS Specification No.IRS-S-78/92
4 Fuse Block as per IRS(S) Drg.No.SA-23748(Alt.4) IRS.75-91(Amendment 2)
Page 113 of 113


1 Electric Lever Lock and Circuit Controller combined 200mm stroke as per
2 Electric point & lock Detector (with cross protection contacts) to IRS:S-49/74
(amendment-1) (For Single Pair of Point and Lock with In and Out movement),
Drg.No.SA-23331(Adv.) (For Single Pair of Point and Lock with straight through
movement), Drg.No.SA-23332(Adv) (For Double Slip Points), Drg.No.SA-
3 Electric key transmitter to Specn. No.IRS:S-21/64(Amendment-1) & Drg.No.SA-


1 Lock Key ‘E’ type as per IRS Drg.No.SA-3376/M.

2 Interlocking Frame Ground Type Single lever as per IRS:S-30/64
RDSO Drg.No.SA-922(Adv.)
3 Lock facing point(H.P type) with key locks base as per IRS Drg.No.S-3152/M
4 Lock facing point(H.P type) Split stretcher bar (BG) 52kg. Rail as per IRS
5 Lock facing point(H.P type) Split stretcher bar 90R Rail as per
IRS Drg. No.SA-3163/M
6 Indicator point on Trestle with short lamp base as per RDSO Drg.S-5777/2/M(Adv.)

1 Block Section/Shunting Limit Board as per RDSO Drg.No.SA-2373 (Adv) latest.

2 RCC pipe 100mm inner dia 150mm outer dia 2 metre long with collars to IS
3 Earth Leakage detector single channel/Multi-channel suitable to work on 110Voltage
50Hz single phase AC as per RDSO/SPN-256/77 complete with electro-magnetic
4 Magneto Telephone Desk Type to IRS TC-36-85
5 Data Logger to Specn. No.IRS-S-99/2001
6 Paging and Talk Back System in lieu of Post Type Telephone as per details given
(a)System shall be capable of working on two wire only and no separate power
supply to be provided at Home Signal. It should facilitate hand free listening
(b)Audio and Visual indication using LEDs and Piezo Buzzer for power ON and
(c)Easy removal of PCB for replacement in case of any failure
(d)PCB connectors of different sizes to prevent wrong connections
(e)Equipment should be housed in rugged weather proof metal console with a gauge
of 1.6mm for field end and 1.0mm for office end

(f) (i)ASM’s Office equipment:

Operating voltage : 12V DC
Page 114 of 113

Current consumption : <300mA

Audio Power output : >500mW

(ii)Home Signal equipment:

Audio Power output : >500mW
Calling facility : Press button at the bottom of the unit
Mounting : Double clamped on the signal post
Housing : Rugged weather proof metal housing

(No separate Power Supply Arrangement)

(g) Spares to be handed over for each set to Railway:

(i) PCB : 1 No.

(ii) Speakers : 2 Nos.
(iii) Switches : 1 Set
(iv) Fuses : 2 Nos.
Page 1 of 19






(Vol .II)




Para 16.7.1 to 16.7.8 VARIATION IN QUANTITIES







Page 2 of 19



Sl.No. GCC Item No. Existing Revised

1 Earnest Money The tenderer shall be required to The tenderer shall be required to
Deposit deposit earnest money with the deposit earnest money with the
(Clause 5.0) tender for the due performance of tender for the due performance
the stipulation to keep the offer with the stipulation to keep the
open till such dates as specified in offer open tll such date as
the tender, under Conditions of specified in the tender,under the
Tender, ANNEXURE-1. The condition of tender.
earnest money will be as under:

Contract Value Earnest

money for
performance i)For works estimated to cost upto
of stipulation Rs.1 Crore-2% of the estimated
to keep the cost of the work.
offer open till ii)For works estimated to cost
i) for works up to the dater more than Rs.1 Crore- -Rs.2 lakhs
Rs.5 lakh specified plus ½%(Half percent) of the
2½ % ad excess of estimated cost of work
valorem beyond Rs.1 crore subject to
subject to a maximum of Rs.1 crore.
maximum of
ii) for works more Rs.10000/-
than Rs.5 lakhs
but upto Rs.20 2% ad
lakhs valorem
subject to a
maximum of
iii) for works Rs.20000/-
above Rs.20 lakhs
but up to Rs.50 1% ad
lakhs valorem
subject to a
iv) for works maximum of
above Rs.50 lakhs Rs.35000/-

¾% ad
subject to a
maximum of
b) It shall be understood that the No Change.
tender documents have been
sold/issued to the tenderer and the
Page 3 of 19

tenderer is permitted to tender in

consideration of stipulation on his
part, that after submitting his
tender he will not resile from his
offer or modify the terms and
conditions thereof in a manner not
acceptable to the Engineer. Should
the tenderer fail to observe or
comply with the said stipulation,
the aforesaid amount shall be liable
to to be forfeited to the Railway.

c) If his tender is accepted this No Change.

earnest money mentioned in sub
clause (a) above will be retained as
part security for the due and
faithful fulfillment of the contract
in terms of Clause 16 of the
General Conditions of Contract.
The earnest money of other
tenderers shall save as herein
before provided, be returned to
them, but the Railway shall not be
responsible for any loss or
depreciation that may happen
thereto while in their possession,
nor be liable to pay interest thereon
d) The contractors approved for the The practice of allowing Standing
works in various categories will EMD is dispensed forthwith for all
have the option to deposit the tenders. Therefore, Sub-Clause
Earnest Money for each individual (d) stands deleted.
works or furnish standing Earnest
Money at the rates indicated

Contract Value: Amount of

lumpsum Earnest Money

Upto Rs.5 lakhs


Above Rs.5 lakhs

but up to Rs.20 lakhs

Above Rs.20 lakhs

but up to Rs.50 lakhs

Above Rs50 lakhs

Page 4 of 19


2) No part of this fixed lumpsum The Earnest Money should be in

deposit as Earnest Money can be cash or in any of the following
accounted against the Security forms:-
Deposit a contractor has to make
on the acceptance of his tender and
on execution of an agreement. It
may, however, be noted by the
contractors that this Earnest Money
deposited by them is available for
forfeiture to the extent specified, in
cases where they tender but due to
any circumstances fail to keep the
offer open for the period specified
in the tender documents. The
earnest money should be in cash or
in any of the following forms:

i) Deposit receipts, pay orders,

demand drafts. These forms of
earnest money could be either of
the State Bank of India or of any of
the Nationalized banks. No
confirmatory advise from the
Reserve Bank of India will be i)Deposit receipts, pay orders,
necessary. demand drafts. These forms of
earnest money could be either of
ii) Deposit receipts executed by the the State Bank of India or of any
Scheduled Banks (other than the of the Nationalized banks. No
State Bank of India and the confirmatory advise from the
Nationalized banks) approved by Reserve Bank of India will be
the Reserve Bank of India for this necessary.
purpose. The Railways will not,
however, accept deposit receipt ii) Deposit receipts executed by
without getting in writing the the Scheduled Banks (other than
concurrence of the Reserve Bank the State Bank of India and the
of India Nationalized banks) approved by
the Reserve Bank of India for this
b) Standing or permanent earnest purpose. The Railways will not,
money may be accepted in the however, accept deposit receipt
following forms:- without getting in writing the
i) A deposit in cash, concurrence of the Reserve Bank
ii) Government securities of India
at 5% below the market
value, The phrase ``Standing or
iii) Deposit receipts or permanent” stands deleted.
demand drafts of the
Nationalised banks,
iv) A deposit in the Post
Page 5 of 19

Office Savings Bank,

v) National Savings

vi) Twelve years National

Defence certificates,
vii) Ten years Defence
viii) National Defence
ix) National Savings
x) Time Deposit account
which came into force
on 16.03.1970 and
notified under Ministry
of Finance, Notification
No.F53(7) NS/70 dated
xi) IRFC Bonds.

Note: (vi) to (viii) These certificate

/ bonds may be accepted at their
surrender value

2 16(1) Security (1)The Earnest Money deposited The sentence “in the form of
Deposit by the Contractor with his tender Government Government
will be retained by the Railways as Securities” stands deleted.
part of security for the due and
faithful fulfillment of the contract
by the contractor. The balance to
make up the security deposit, the
rates for which are given below,
may be deposited by the Contractor Unless otherwise specified in the
in cash or in the form of special conditions, if any, the
Government Securities or may be Security Deposit/rate of
recovered by percentage deduction recovery/mode of recovery shall
from the Contractor’s “on account” be as under:-
bills. Provided also that in case of
defaulting contractor the Railway (a) Security Deposit for each
may retain any amount due for work should be 5% of the contract
payment to the Contractor on the value.
pending “ on account bills” so that (b) The rate of recovery
the amounts so retained may not should be at the rate of
exceed 10% of the total value of 10% of the bill amount till
the contract. the full security deposit is
(2)Unless otherwise specified in © Security Deposits will be
Page 6 of 19

the special conditions, if any, the recovered only from the

rates for deposit of security amount running bills of the contract
by contractors will be as under:- and no other mode of
collecting SD such as SD in
(i)for contracts up to Rs.1 lakh
the form of instruments like
-10% of the value of the contract.
BG, FD etc. shall be accepted
towards Security Deposit
(ii)for contracts more than Rs.1
lakh and up to Rs. 2 lakhs – 10% Security Deposit shall be
of the first Rs.1 lakh and 7-1/2% of returned to the contractor after the
the balance. physical completion of the work
as certified by the Competent
(iii)for contracts more than Rs.2 Authority. The Competent
lakhs and up to Rs. 2 crore –10% Authority shall normally be the
of the first 1 lakh 7-1/2% of the authority who is competent to
next Rs.1 lakh and 5% of the sign the contract. If this
balance subject to the maximum of Competent Authority is of the
Rs.10 lakhs. The amount over and rank lower than JA Grade, then a
above Rs.3 lakh to be recovered JA Grade Officer(concerned with
from the progressive bills of the the work) should issue the
contractors at the rate of 10% till it certificate. The certificate, inter
reaches the required value. alia, should mentioned that the
work has been completed in all
(iv)for contracts above Rs.2 crore – respects and that all the
5% of the contrct value. The contractual obligations have been
amount over and above Rs.3 lakhs fulfilled by the contractors and
to be recovered from the that there is no due from the
progressive bills of the contractors contractor to Railway’s against
at the rate of 10% till it reaches the the contract concerned. Before
required value releasing the SD, and
unconditional and unequivocal no
claim certificate from the
contractor concerned should be
(3) No interest will be payable No Change
upon the Earnest Money and
Security Deposit or amounts
payable to the Contractor under
the Contract, but Government
Securities deposited in terms of
Sub Clause(1)of this clause
will be payable with interest
accrued thereon.
3 Interest Rate TheTh
for The contractor may be granted a The contractor may be granted a
Advances recoverable interest bearing recoverable interest bearing
extended by mobilisation advance upto 10% of mobilisation advance upto 10% of
Railways the Contract Value provided he the Contract Value provided he
specifically applies for it while specifically applies for it while
Tendering. If the Tenderer fails to Tendering. If the Tenderer fails to
apply specifically for mobilization apply specifically for mobilization
Page 7 of 19

estimated value advance while giving his offer in advance while giving his offer in
of work more the tendering stage in cases where the tendering stage in cases where
than Rs.1 Crore) grant of mobilization advance is grant of mobilization advance is
Clause 15.1 of permissible, no subsequent permissible, no subsequent
SCC-Vol.II requests from him for grant of this requests from him for grant of this
advance will be entertained. The advance will be entertained. The
rate of interest is 18% per annum. rate of interest is 14% per annum

4 Variation in 16.7.1 The drawings referred to in No change

quantirties the list of plans, if any, are
(item 16.7 of intended only to give a
Special rough and general idea of
Conditions of the location and rough
Contract-Volume- details of work to be done.
II) No claim whatsoever will
be admissible in respect of
any alteration/addition
/change in the type of
16.7.2 The quantities of various
items given in the No change
schedules for the works to
be executed are only
approximate and are only
for the guidance of the
contractor. As far as
possible, they have been
assessed correctly but are
likely to vary during the
execution of the work. The
contractor’s attention is
drawn to Clause 42 of the
General Conditions of
Contract dealing with
variation in quantities.

16.7.5 For increase upto 25% of

the quantities indicated in No change
schedule, the contractor
shall not be entitled for any
compensation and will be
paid for such increase in the
quantities at the agreement

16.7.6 In the event of reduction in

the quantities to be
Page 8 of 19

executed for any reason No change

whatsoever, the contractor
shall not be entitled for any
compensation but shall be
paid only for the actual
quantity of work done, at
the agreemental rates.-
deleted No change

16.7.5 When the gross value of the

work to be executed is
likely to increase in excess
of 25% of the original
value of the agreement, the
contractor should notify the
Engineer in-charge atleast
THIRTY DAYS before i)Individual NS items in contracts
such necessity arises.- shall be operated with variation of
deleted plus or minus 25% and payment
would be made as per the
16.7.6 When the operation of the agreeement rate.For this no
quantities results in the finance concurrence would be
agreement value required.
exceeding by 25% to
50%, for the first 15% ii) In case of increase in quantity
increase, the payment will of an individual item by more than
be reduced straightaway 25% of the agreement quantity is
by 2% in the incremental considered as unavoidable, the
value of the agreement same shall be got executed by
and for the next 10% floating a freh tender. If floating a
increase in the value the fresh tender is considered not
payment will be reduced practicable, negotiations may be
straightaway by an held with the existing contractor
additional reduction of for arriving at reasonable rates for
2% in the further additional quantities in excess of
incremental value of the 125% of agreement quantity.
agreement.-DELETED iii)The limit for varying quantities
for minor value items shall be
16.7.9 Notwithstanding the above 100%( as aginst 25% prescribed
adhoc reduction, Railway for other items).A minor value
reserves the right to refix item for this purpose is defined as
the rates, by mutual an item whose original agreement
consent, of those items in value is less than 1% of the total
the schedule, where the original agreement value.
quantities have exceeded by
25% of the agreemental iv)No such quantity variation limit
quantities. shall apply for foundation items

16.7.8 Execution of quantities v)As far as SOR items are

beyond +50% of overall value concerned, the limit of 25% would
Page 9 of 19

shall not be generally permitted. apply to the value of SOR

The rate for quantities in excess schedule as a whole and not on
of 50% of the items shall be individual SOR items .However ,
decided between the Railway and in case of NS items, the limit of
the contractor in advance of 25% would apply on the
execution of the quantities individual items irrespective of the
involved, if in the opinion of the manner of quoting the rate(single
Railway, such quantities are also percentage rate or individual item
to be executed by the same rate)
contractor. In the event of
mutually agreed rate not being vi) The aspect of vitation of tender
arrived at, the Railway shall be with respect to variation in
entitled to execute the excess quantities should be checked and
work by other means and the avoided
contractor shall have no claims
on this account.-DELETED
5 Introduction of The procedure for obtaining
Performance performance Guarantee is outlined
guarantee below:-
(a)The successful bidder shall
submit a performance
Guarantee(PG) amounting to 5%
of the contract value. in any of the
following forms:-
i) a deposit of cash
ii) Irrevocable Bank
iii) Government securities
including State Loan
bond at 5 percent
below the market value
iv) Deposit receipts,Pay
Orders,Demand Drafts
and Gurantee Bonds.
These forms of
Performance Gurantee
could either of the
State Bank of India or
any of the Nationalised
v) Guarantee Bond
executed or Deposit
receipts tendered by all
scheduled Banks.
vi) A deposit in the Post
Office savings account
vii) A Deposit in the
Page 10 of 19

National Savings
viii) Twelve Years Natinal
Defence Cerificates
ix) Ten years Defence
x) National Defence
Bond: and
xi) Unit trust certificates at
5 percent below market
value or at the face
value which ever is
Also FDR in favour of
FA&CAO/C(free from any
encumbrance ) may be accepted.
b)A Performance Guarantee shall
be submitted by the successful
bidder after the letter of
. acceptance has been issued, but
before signing of the
agreement.The agreement should
Nil- normally be signed within 15 days
after the issue of LOA and the
Performance guarantee shall also
be submitted within this time
limit. This guarantee shall be
initially valid up to the stipilated
date of completion plus 60 days
beyond that,. In case the time for
completion of work gets
extended ,the contractor shall get
the validity of Performance
Guarantee extended to cover such
extended time for completion of
work plus 60 days

c)The Performance guarantee

(PG) shall be released after the
physical completion of thework
based on the “Completion
Certificate” issued by the
competent authority stating that
the contractor has completed the
work in all respects satisfactorily.
The security deposit ,however
shall be released only after the
Page 11 of 19

expiry of the maintenance period

and after passing the final bill
based on “No Claims Certificate”
d) Whereever the contract is
rescinded, the security deposit
shall be forfeited and the
Performance Guarantee shall be
encashed and the balance work
shall be got done independently
without risk and cost of the failed
contractor. Thefailed contractor
shall be debarred from
participating in the tender for
executing the balance work. If the
failed contractor is a JV or a
partnership firm, then every
member/partner of such a firm
would be debarred from
participating in the tender for the
balance work either in his/her
individual capacity or as a partner
of any other JV/partnership firm.

e) The Engineer shall not make a

claim under the Performance
Guarantee except for amounts to
which the President of India is
entitled under the contract (not
withstanding and/or without
prejudice to any other provision in
the contract agreement) in the
event of:
i) Failure by the
contractor to extend the
validity of the
Performance Guarantee
as described herein
above in which event
the Engineer may
claim the full amount
of the Performance
ii) Failure by the
contractor to pay
President of India any
amount due,either as
agreed by the
contractor or
determined under any
Clauses/Conditions of
Page 12 of 19

the agreement, within

30 days of the service
of notice to this effect
by Engineer.
The contract being determined or
rescinded under provision of the
GCC ,the performance Guarantee
shall be forfeited in full and shall
be absolutely at the disposal of the
President of India.

6 62.Rescinding of Determination of contract owing to No change in sub-clauses (i) to

contract-Risk & default of contractor –(1)if the (xiii)
Cost Clause. contractor should
(GCC)-Para 40 (i) Becomes bankrupt or
of Vol.II insolvent, or
(ii) Make an arrangement with
of assignment in favour
of his creditors, or
agree to carry out the
contract under a
Committee of
Inspection of his
creditors, or
(iii) Being a Company or
Corporation, go into
liquidation (other than a
voluntary liquidation
for the purpose of
amalgamation or
reconstruction), or
(iv) Have an execution levied
on his goods or
property on the works,
(v) Assign the contract or any
part thereof otherwise
than as provided in
Clause 7 of these
conditions or
(vi) Abandon the contract, or
(vii) Persistently disregard
the instructions of the No change in sub-clauses (i) to
Engineer, or (xiii)
contravene any
provision of the
contract, or
(viii) Fail to adhere to the
agreed programme of
work by a margin of
Page 13 of 19

10% of the stipulated

period, or
(ix) Fail to remove
materials from the site
or to pull down and
replace work after
receiving from the
Engineer notice to the
effect that the said
materials or works have
been condemned or
rejected under Clause
25 and 27 of these
conditions, or
(x) Fail to take steps to
employ competent or
additional staff and
labour and required
under Clause 26 of the
conditions, or
(xi) Fail to afford the Engineer
or Engineer’s
representative proper
facilities for inspecting
the works or any part
thereof as required
under Clause(28)of the
conditions, or
(xii) Promise, offer or give
any bribe, commission,
gift or advantage either
himself or through his
partner, agent or
servant to any officer or
employee of the
Railway or to any
person on his or on
their behalf in relation
to the execution of this
or any other contract
with this Railway.
(xiii) (A)At any time after the
tender relating to the
contract has been
signed and submitted
by the contractor, being
a partnership firm admit
as one of its partners or
employee under it or
being an incorporated
Page 14 of 19

company elect or
nominate or allow to act
as one of its directors or
employ under it in any
capacity whatsoever
any retired engineer of
the gazetted rank or any
other retired gazetted
officer working before
his retirement, whether
in the executive or
administrative capacity,
or whether holding any
pensionable post or not,
in the Engineering
Department of the
Railways for the time
being owned and
administered by the
President of India
before the expiry of two
years from the date of
retirement from the said
service of such
Engineer or Officer
unless such Engineer or
Officer has obtained
permission from the
President of India or
any officer duly
authorized by him in
this behalf to, become a
partner or a director or
to take employment
under the contractor, as
the case may be or

(B) Fail to give at the time of No change in sub-clauses (B) (a)

submitting the said tender: to (e)
(a) The correct information as
to the date of retirement of
such retired engineer or
retired officer from the said
service, or as to whether any
such retired engineer or
retired officer was under the
employment of the
contractor at the time of
submitting the said tender, or
(b) The correct information as
Page 15 of 19

to such engineers or officers

obtaining permission to take
employment under the
contractor, or
( c) Being a partnership firm,
the correct information as
to, whether any of its
partners was such a retired
engineer or a retired officer
(d) Being a partnership firm, the
correct information as to,
whether any of its directors
was such a retired engineer
or a retired officer, or
(e) Being such a retired engineer
or retired officer suppress
and not disclose at the time
of submitting the said tender
the fact of his being such a
retired engineer or a retired
officer or make at the time
of submitting the said tender
a wrong statement in relation
to his obtaining permission
to take the contract or if the
contractor be a partnership
firm or an incorporated
company to be a partner or
director of such firm or
company as the case may be
or to seek employment under
the contractor, and after
expiry of 48 hours notice, a
final termination notice
(Proforma as Annexure V)
should be issued.

Then and in any of the said clause, The sentence “and adopt either or
the Engineer on behalf of the both of the followingcourses read
Railway may serve the Contractor with provisions (x) & (y) stand
with a notice (Proforma at deleted.
Annexure –III) in writing to that
effect and if the Contractor does
not within seven days after the
delivery to him of such notice
proceed to make good his default
in so far as the same is capable of
being made good and carry on the
work or comply with such
Page 16 of 19

directions as aforesaid to the entire

satisfaction of the. Engineer, the
Railway shall be entitled after
giving 48 hours notice (Proforma
at Annexure IV) in writing under
the hand of the Engineer to rescind
the contract as a whole or in part of
parts(as may be specified in such
notice) and adopt either or both of
the following courses:-

(x) to carry out the whole

or part of the work from
which the contractor
has been recovered by
the employment of the
required labour and
materials, the costs of
which shall include
lead, lift, freight,
supervision and all
incidental charges,
(y) to measure up the whole or )
part of the work from )
which the contractor has )
been removed and to get it )
completed by another )
contractor, the manner and )
method in which such work )Deleted
is completed shall be in the )
entire discretion of the )
Engineer whose decision )
shall be final and in both )
the cases(x) and (y) )
mentioned above, the )
Railway shall be entitled(i) )
to forfeit the whole or such )
portion of the security )
deposit as it may consider )
fit and (ii) to recover from )
the Contractor the cost of )
carrying out the work in )
excess of the sum which )
would have been payable )
according to the certificate )
of engineer to the )
contractor if the works had )
been carried out by )
contractor. provided, )
however that such recovery )
Page 17 of 19

can be made only when the )

cost incurred in excess is )
more than the security )
deposit proposed to be )
forfeited and shall be )
limited to the amount by )
which the cost incurred in )
excess exceeds the security )
deposit proposed to be )
forfeited. The amounts thus )
to be forfeited or recovered )
may be deducted from any )
moneys then due or which )
at any time thereafter may )
become due to contractor )
by the railway under this or )
may other contract or )
otherwise. )
Provided always that in any case in )
which any of powers conferred )
upon the railway by sub clause (1) )
of clause 62 hereof shall have )
become exercisable and the same
shall not be exercised, the non
exercise shall not constitute a
waiver of any of the conditions
there of and such powers shall not
withstanding be exercisable in the
event of any future case of default
by the contractor for which his
liability for pasty and future shall
remain unaffected.

(2)Right of Railway after No Change

rescission of contract owning to
62(2) default of Contractor – In the event
of any or several of the courses,
referred to in sub-clause(1) of this
clause, being adopted:-

(a)The Contractor shall have no

claim to compensation for any loss
sustained by him by reason of his
having purchased or procured any
materials or entered into any
commitments or made any
advances on account of or with a
view to the execution of the works
Page 18 of 19

or the performance of the contract

and Contractor shall not be entitled No Change
to recover or be paid any sum for
any work there to for actually
performed under the contract
unless and until the Engineer shall
have certified the performance of
such work and the value payable in
respect thereof and the contractor
shall only be entitled to be paid the
value so certified.

(b)The Engineer or the Engineer’s

The following line is added at the
Representative shall be entitled to
end of sub clause (2) (c) :-
take possession of any materials,
The legitimate amount due to the
tools, implements, machinery and
contractor after making necessary
buildings on the works or on the
deductions and certified by the
property on which these are being
Engineer should be released
or out to have been executed, and
to retain and employ the same in
the further execution of the works
of any part thereof until the
completion of the works without
the Contractor being entitled to any
compensation for the use and
employment thereof or for wear
and tear or destruction thereof.
( c )The Engineer shall as soon as
may be practicable after removal of
the contractor fix and determined
ex-parte or by or after reference to Sub-clause 2(d) is deleted
the parties or after such
investigation or enquiries as he
may consider fit to make or
institute and shall certify what
amount (if any) had at the time of
rescission of the contract been
reasonably earned by or would
reasonably accrue to the contractor
in respect of the work then actually
done by him under the contract and
what was the value of any unused,
or partially used materials, any
constructional plant and any
temporary works upon the site.

(d)The Railway shall not be liable

to the Contractor any moneys on
account of the contract until the
Page 19 of 19

expiration of the period of

maintenance and thereafter until
the costs of completion and
maintenance, damages for delay in
completion (if any) and all other
expenses incurred by the Railway
have been ascertained and the
amount thereof certified by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall
then be entitled to receive only
such sum or sums (if any) as the
Engineer may certify would have
been due to him upon due
completion by him after deducting
the said amount, but if such
amount shall exceed the sum which
would have been payable to the
contractor, then the contractor shall
upon demand pay to the Railway
the amount of such excess and it
shall be deemed a debit due by the
Contractor to the Railway and shall
be recoverable accordingly
Clause51(3) of The payment of Security Deposit Deleted.Since it is already covered
GCC under the revised Security Deposit
Clause 16(1)
7 Clause 17(B) of Extension of time for delay due to The following may be read
GCC-Para 41.0 contractor alonwith the existing clause.
of Vol.II “The competent authority while
granting extension to the currency
of contract may also consider levy
of token penalty as deemed fit
based on the merit of the case”

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