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Marketing mix is an imperative concept in modern marketing and academically it is referred
to as the set of controllable tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the
firm can do to influence the demand for its product (Kotler and Armstrong, 200!"
#o give a clear picture of marketing mix, this assignment uses the $oca%$ola multinational
enterprise to examine the operation under international market mix in its overseas" #his
assignment more consider about the &ndian market to explain the companies overseas
Mostly many '"(" companies are considering moving their manufacturing overseas to take
advantage of low labour rates in countries such as $hina, #aiwan, &ndonesia and &ndia" )ther
companies are considering moving closer to home, in Mexico, where wages are a bit higher,
but they can import their products duty%free under *A+#A" And here the assignment
examines two countries to evaluate $oca%$olas overseas operation ('(A&,, 200-!"
+urthermore this assignment contains the reasoning that, the $oca%$ola $ompany has made
in its international marketing mix operations" Apart from that this assignment has suggest
some changes it might make to the international marketing mix over the next few years"
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#he $oca%$ola $ompany is first established in .--/ by ,r 0ohn (tyth pemberton" #oday, the
company is the world1s leading manufacturer in the beverage industry, and focuses mainly on
non%alcoholic beverage market" #he company is operating globally in more than 200
countries with its head office located in Atlanta, '(A, with the help of directly controlled
subsidiaries, partnerships and franchising, thus making it a truly global company" &t produces
more than 200 beverage brands and over ."0/ billion drinks are consumed per day around the
world through four 31s of the Marketing Mix which are4
." 3roduct
2" 3romotion
2" 3lace
" 3rice
&t is now the most recogni5ed trademark in the world, with 67 recognition" $oca%$ola
$ompany has been successful based on the concept of customer convenience" #hey have
made efforts to make their products accessible in more places than 3epsi which is their main
competitor4 $oke is in a million more places than 3epsi according to online information
(3apers 3lanet, 20068.0!"
1.0 Appendix 1
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Kotler" 3", 9 Armstrong" :", 200" Marketing: An Introduction. ;
ed" 3rentice <all"
&=$ (&ndian =esource $entre!" 2006" Coca-Cola Destroys Indian Villages, Despite Warning
by Coca-Cola study. >)nline? ('pdated on 06 March 2006! Available at@
http@88www"indiaresource"org8campaigns8coke820068cokedestroysvillages"html >Accessed 20
*ovember 2006?"
'(A&," 200-" Midterm Assessment of te program to support en!ironmental compliance
under CA"#A-D$. >&nternet? ('pdated on (eptember 200-! Available at@
http@88pdf"usaid"gov8pdfAdocs83,A$)2;2"pdf >Accessed .- *ovember 2006?"
3apers 3lanets" 20068.0" % &'s of Coca-Cola Company. >)nline? Available at@
cocacola%company9catidCD2@business9&temidC;/ >Accessed 20 *ovember 2006?"
$oca%$ola" 2006" About te Coca-Cola Company. >)nline? Available at@ http@88www"coca%
cola"com8index"Esp >Accessed .D *ovember 2006?"
A*)*", 2006" Coca Marketing plan (trategy. >&nternet? Available at@
http@88www"docstoc"com8docs8.60;//28coca%cola%marketing%plan%strategy >Accessed 22
*ovember 2006?"
Page | 5
(cribd, 2006" A $eport on Coca-Cola )**+. >)nline? ('pdated on .2 +ebruary 2006!
Available at@ http@88www"scribd"com8doc822D0D./8A%=eport%on%$ocacola%2006 >Accessed
0. ,ecember 2006?"
#uck (chool of Fusiness at ,armouth (#(F,!", n"d" Coca-Cola India. >&nternet? Available at@
http@88mba"tuck"dartmouth"edu8pdf8200%.%00-D"pdf" >Accessed 2; *ovember 2006?"
A*)*", 2006" %&s of Marketing- ,ic one is te most important in Indian conte-t.
>)nline? Available at@ http@88www"dare2compete"com8debate"phpBidCD >Accessed 26
*ovember 2006?"
eFlogger #emplates" n"d" Marketing &lan /Coca Cola0. >)nline? Available at@
http@88someclick"blogspot"com8200680.8marketing%plan%coca%cola"html >Accessed 02
,ecember 2006?"
8.0 I!IO"RAP#Y
Argenti, 3aul" A", Collaborating ,it Acti!ists: 1o, (tarbucks Works ,it 234s. $alifornia
Management =eview, Gol" ;, *o" ., +all 200"
Page | 6
Fhatia, :auri" Multinational Corporations: &ro or Con. )utlook &ndia" ('pdated 26 )ctober
Fusiness Heek )nline, #ings Aren't 3oing 5etter Wit Coke. >)nline? ('pdated 2- 0une
$entre for (cience and Invironment ($(I!" Analysis of &esticide $esidues in (oft Drinks.
>)nline? ('pdated 0 August 2002!"
$oca%$ola &ndia" Marketing: 6uestioning &aradigms. &nternal $ompany 3resetation"
$oxMedia :roup" 2006" Coke, &epsi Callenge India pesticide claim. >)nline? Available at@ [Accessed 22 November 2009].
Forbes. 2007. Coke Pepsi India deny pesticide in soft drinks. [Online] Available at:
ttp:// [Accessed 10 November
Dawar, Niraj & Nancy Dai. Cola Wars in China: The future is here. HBS Case. [Online] (Updated 21
August 2003).
=ichard" M"<", 9 Alan" M"=", International 5usiness. 2
ed" +inancial #imes 3rentice <all"
Page | 7
3hilip" ="$", Mary" $":", 9 0ohn" J":", International Marketing. .
ed" Mc :raw <ill &rwin"
Fritton" $", 9 Horthington" &", 2002" #e 5usiness 7n!ironment.
ed" 3rentice <all"
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