RED ALERT Lesson Plan On Volcanoes

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Kellie Thompson

RAFT Lesson Plan

EDRL 427

RED ALERT Lesson Plan on Volcanoes

1. Write to Learn Objective: Students will learn and demonstrate their knowledge about the
Mayon and Pacaya volcanoes.

2. Text: RED ALERT! Last week thousands fled as volcanoes on opposite sides of the world
blew their tops. See appendix A.

3. Define RAFT: Role, Audience, Format, Topic
Role: Volcanologist
Audience: The worried public
Format: A Public Service Announcement on television
Topic: Seismic activity and warning signs
GOAL: Students will need to create a PSA regarding the dangers of the Mayon and Pacaya
volcanoes and the warning signs that precede an eruption. They will need to include their
research to convince the public to leave their homes and town when necessary. Students will
organize their research using a tree map.

4. Students will work with classroom partners to research these volcanoes and their dangers.
This will guide their research, whether that be with library books or the internet. Teacher will
work with students on how to prioritize facts about volcanoes using their tree map. See appendix
A & B.

5. Teacher will provide an example of a public service announcement. Using RAFT as a writing
format, the teacher will guide the students through the example of a PSA. See appendix C.
Teacher completes a circle map about the dangers of volcanoes. See appendix D.

6. Teacher completes a shared writing of her public service announcement from the point of a
volcanologist. Teacher must demonstrate how to incorporate information from the circle map
into the PSA. See appendix E.

7. Allow students time to write a rough draft. Instruct the students to use their thinking map to
create their rough draft.

8. Create a rubric as a whole group for student and peer evaluation. Teacher will guide students
through the making of a rubric. See appendix F.

9. Have students trade PSAs with a partner for editing using the class rubric.

10. Complete a final draft after peer editing.

Kellie Thompson
RAFT Lesson Plan
EDRL 427

Appendix A
Time for Kids 2000

Last week thousands fled as volcanoes on opposite sides of the world blew their tops
Glowing red lava shot straight into the sky. A towering cloud of smoke and ash stretched miles
high. About 200 miles from the Philippine capital of Manila, Mayon Volcano was erupting. On
February 24 it exploded 14 times!
Two more blasts followed on February 28 and yet another on March 1. The eruptions from the
Philippines' most active volcano sent lava racing down its 8,100-foot slopes. Hot rocks and thick
landed on nearby towns. More than 83,000 people within the five-mile danger zone fled to
evacuation centers, mostly schools.
As Mayon Volcano blew its stack, farmers raced to harvest and protect their crops. A haze of ash
made it hard to see or breathe. The dusty ash "is everywhere," said Pedro Oribiana, a village
The heavy ash killed fish and destroyed rice fields. It shorted out power lines, leaving thousands
of villages without electricity. According to Cedric Daep, a disaster-management official, 49
villages are threatened by superheated clouds of debris that burn objects in their path.
In its deadliest eruption, in 1814, Mayon Volcano killed 1,200 people. Filipino scientists warn
that fierce eruptions may continue for weeks. U.S. officials promised to set up tent cities and
provide clean water for refugees.
Another Danger Spot
A second volcano on the Pacific Ocean's explosive "Ring of Fire" cut loose last week too. Near
Guatemala City, Guatemala, 8,371-foot Pacaya volcano sprayed ash over neighboring villages in
its second eruption this year. Dozens of families near the crater had to flee.
Kellie Thompson
RAFT Lesson Plan
EDRL 427

Luckily, volcanologists can listen to early rumblings from volcanoes and warn people living
nearby to get out of the way.

Appendix B

Appendix C

This is an important message from the National Weather Service. A flash flood warning is being issued
for Clark County, Nevada for the next two hours. There is a slow moving storm headed east. One should
expect an inch of rain in less than one hour. Watch for fast moving currents and debris, particularly in
low-lying areas. Please do not attempt to drive through these areas. Turn around, dont drown.

Appendix D

Kellie Thompson
RAFT Lesson Plan
EDRL 427

Appendix E

RED ALERT: This is an announcement from your National Volcanologist. Volcanoes can produce ash,
toxic gases, lava flows, and fast-moving debris that could cause great damage and catastrophe. Some
dangers from volcanoes can be predicted ahead of time, while others occur with little warning prior. Each
volcano is unique. Warning signs of an impending eruption includes earthquakes, increased smoke
output, land and rock slides, and changes in land forms. Stay tuned to your local station. Prepare for
possible immediate evacuation and take only essential items, such as medications and important
documents. Turn off gas, electricity, and water if time permits. Follow designated evacuation routes, as
other may be blocked, and expect traffic with possible delays.

Appendix F

Limited Developing On Target
PSA includes facts
regarding the dangers
of volcanoes

PSA includes warning
signs of an eruption

PSA is formal and
professionally written

PSA is convincing
about the dangers and
need to evacuate in
case of eruption

PSA gives instructions
about evacuation

PSA contains no
spelling or grammar

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