The Ministry of The Environment Expert Meeting: Witnesses Propose "A Drastic Overhaul of Medical Checkups and Dose Assessment"

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The Ministry of the Environment Expert Meeting:

Witnesses Propose A Drastic Overhaul of

Medical hec!ups and Dose Assessment"
(This is a translation of an article on the website of OurPlanet-TV, a Japanese independent
media, which summarized the eighth session of the Ministry of the n!ironment "pert
Meeting #egarding the $tatus of %ealth Management of #esidents &ollowing the To'yo
lectric &u'ushima (aiichi )uclear Power Plan *ccident which was held on July +,, -.+/0
To'yo $himbun article regarding the same session is translated here10
At the Expert Meeting Regarding the Status of Health Management of Residents Following
the Tokyo Electric Fukushima aiichi !uclear "ower "lan Accident# held on $uly %&# '(%)#
fi*e witnesses# including Fukushima Medical Association +ice "resident ,oichi ,ida# stated
their opinions# proposing the implementation of medical checkups to -e conducted -y the
central go*ernment as well as a drastic o*erhaul of dose assessment.
Fi*e witnesses at this session included Fukushima Medical Association +ice "resident ,oichi
,ida# okkyo /ni*ersity Associate "rofessor Shin0o ,imura# Matsumoto 1ity Mayor Akira
Sugenoya# 2kayama /ni*ersity "rofessor Toshihide Tsuda# and the /ni*ersity of Tokyo
"rofessor 3uichi Moriguchi. First# Fukushima Medical Association +ice "resident ,oichi ,ida
claimed that the health management of residents following the nuclear accident should -e
handled directly -y the go*ernment. He also pointed out that the current Fukushima
"refectural Health Management Sur*ey 4now called 5Fukushima "refectural Health Sur*ey67
includes different items for medical checkups for the e*acuation 0one and the non8e*acuation
0one. He proposed that a drastic o*erhaul would -e necessary# stating the $apan Medical
Association is formulating its own medical checkup data-ase
Associate "rofessor Shin0o ,imura# who has a wealth of experience from field in*estigations
in 1herno-yl# reported that currently there are many cases of thyroid cancer in those who
were children at the time of the accident in the 9rest region of 9elarus# more than ':( km
away from the 1herno-yl !""
. He explained that medical checkups are conducted twice a
year and medical records are kept for :( years in 9elarus. He asked for securing a system for
long8term storage of diagnostic data.
Meanwhile# Matsumoto 1ity Mayor Sugenoya# who has pro*ided medical care to children with
thyroid cancer in 9elarus o*er the years# re*iewed his experiences *isiting 9elarus ' years
. He stated that e*en in areas contaminated with low8le*el radiation with an annual
radiation le*el -elow % mS*# residents showed a depressed immune function# hematopoietic
disorders# and perinatal a-normalities. He reported that children get tired easily# necessitating
shortened class periods and fre<uent -reaks during 4athletic7 clu- acti*ities. He also explained
that under the 9elarussian dictatorship# medical personnel are not allowed to refer to the
1herno-yl accident.
=n %>)> the =nternational ?8ray and Radium "rotection 1ommittee @=?R"A# a precursor to
=1R"# concluded 5There is no threshold for cancer occurrence originating from radiation#6 and
this hasnBt changed for o*er half a century. 2kayama /ni*ersity "rofessor Tsuda pointed out
that there is no end of the num-er of researchers who say# 5!o cancer occurrence is
expected from radiation exposure dose under %(( mS*#6 after the Fukushima accident. Tsuda
candidly said researchers should refrain from making such statements.
=n addition# "rofessor Tsuda analy0ed the results of thyroid cancer examinations currently
-eing conducted within Fukushima "refecture
. The results of the comparison of detection
rate of thyroid cancer -y regions# re*ealed that there was dispersion of data -y regions#
making it difficult to attri-ute it to a screening effect. As of the end of March '(%)# comparison
of the num-er of detected thyroid cancer cases in Hamadori 4eastern region# : to :( km from
Fukushima aiichi !uclear "ower "lant @F!""A7 and !akadori 4central region# )( to C( km
from F!""7 against Ai0u area 4western region# o*er C( km away from F!""7 as a control
region# where o*er D(E of the secondary examination results ha*e -een confirmed# found
that a part of !akadori had the highest detection rate as much as %% times higher than Ai0u.
Moreo*er# when the analysis was -ased on data from !ational 1ancer 1enter# with the
duration of disease set as ; years
# thyroid cancers from municipalities other than Ai0u region
showed rates which were %: to )( times higher. He sounded an alarm that undue fixation on
determining cause @exposure and exposure doseA will delay contermeasures 4such as
securing of medical resources# offering thyroid examination to ages %> to )(# and expanding
the examinaion -eyond Fukushima "refecture to areas where the highly radioacti*e plume
passed o*er], thus increasing the harm.
Table + 2omparison of thyroid cancer detection probabilities within &u'ushima Prefecture
(Pre!alence Odds #atio determined against *izu and $oma areas as the control10
F of
F of
for primary
2dds Ratio
@>:E 1.=.A etection
H'; Most exposed areas %) )%#>C% &.%% @%.(C# %;(.:;A %G '#>>C.&
H') !orth @Fukushima 1ity# etc.A %' :(#DD; ).;; @(.D:# >;.)CA %G )#';%.%
H') Middle @!ihonmatsu 1ity# etc.A %% %D#>&> %%.'' @%.>'# ');.C;A %G %#&;;.:
H') ,oriyama 1ity '; :)#>:% D.&D @%.);# %D>.D&A %G '#;C>.'
H') South @Shirakawa 1ity# etc.A C %&#>%' C.&D @%.;># %>).(%A %G '#%%).(
H': =waki 1ity %) )D#:%> :.)( @(.>&# %%:.;%A %G ;#;>).'
H': SE area excluding =waki 1ity & ':#CD& ).': @(.&;# >C.):A %G )#;%'.D
H': Rest excluding Ai0uwakamatsu % %C#;'D % %G%C#;'D
The final witness to speak# the /ni*ersity of Tokyo "rofessor Moriguchi# pointed out the
current situation lacks sufficient aggregation and analysis of data# -eginning with the early
exposure data# necessary to conduct dose estimation. He introduced newly found direct
measurement data for radionuclides from the air pollution continuous sur*eillance system that
measures air-orne particulate matter
. He stated dose reconstruction from the early exposure
could -e performed -y analy0ing hourly data -eginning from March %'# '(%%# immediately
after the accident. He called for the need to aggregate and archi*e radionuclide data from
e*ery possi-le exposure route.
A e-ate Heats /p 9etween Mem-ers and "rofessor TsudaH
uring the latter part of the meeting# a heated de-ate emerged# especially regarding
"rofessor TsudaIs analysis of thyroid cancer data. Jen Su0uki# the clinic director at
=nternational /ni*ersity of Health and Kelfare# asked if Tsuda compared the odds ratio with
those from the M2E sur*ey in three prefectures# Aomori# 3amanashi and !agasaki.
"rofessor Tsuda answered that it would -e difficult to make a comparison with the M2E
sur*ey due to different age structures of the two cohorts# -ut if he were to compare the two#
thyroid cancer cases in the Fukushima cohort would likely -e statistically significant. Mr.
Su0uki then asked another <uestion a-out the need for age adLustments within the
Fukushima cohort. "rofessor Tsuda answered that# 5The data is pro*ided in age groups of :
years. = did confirm that each region had the same age groups# so the age adLustment was
-arely necessary#6 and claimed that 5=tIs only -een ;.% to ;.' years 4since the accident7 -ut
there are so many cases o-ser*ed in Fukushima. Ke need to take immediate
Ji*en this statement# 1hairman !agataki made a comment# 5=t would -e disastrous for this
meeting to come to a conclusion that 4thyroid7 cancers are increasing.6 !ext# 2saka /ni*ersity
"rofessor So-ue critici0ed that ; years would -e too short for the onset of disease. Howe*er#
"rofessor Tsuda insisted that the statistical significance holds e*en if the duration of disease
were set as &( years. He argued that the odds ratio of ; to ) would -e considered <uite high
from the standpoint of countermeasures for general en*ironmental issues.
"rofessor Tsuda continued# 5The su-Lects of this sur*ey are humans. They are still exposed
to radiation. Ke canIt wait until the results come out.6 Mr. !agataki <uestioned# 5Khat do you
mean they are still exposed to radiationM6 "rofessor Tsuda answered# 5All of us as well as
Fukushima residents are -eing exposed to radiation. Fukushima residents are exposed to
higher air dose rates#6 and demanded the implementation of expanded medical checkups and
4other7 countermeasures.
1onclusions Expected uring the Month of AugustH
Audiences are selected -y lottery at expert meetings. Seats are assigned# and -ooing is
se*erely reprimanded. uring this session# the audience applauded se*eral times when
witnesses spoke. Kith each applause# a staff mem-er# o*erly cautious# ga*e a *er-al
The next session is scheduled for : pm on August :th. There would -e two sessions during
the month of August -efore the final recommendations are made. Although one of the
witnesses# "rofessor Moriguchi# proposed a drastic o*erhaul of dose assessment# the three8
page summary
@outlinesA of dose assessment is expected to -e appro*ed without any further
corrections. =n addition# the Expert Meeting aims to adopt /!S1EARIs approach for the
health risks -ased on the exposure dose.N
2riginal articleH httpHGGwww.ourplanet8t*.orgGM<OnodeG%C(&
1 (Japanee!
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" Tsuda uses a formula# "re*alence @"A P =ncidence @=A x A*erage duration of disease @A# to o-tain incidence
ratios to compare the pre*alence rate of thyroid cancer -eing disco*ered in Fukushima "refecture with the
national incidence of pediatric thyroid cancer. Here# he showed an example with O; years# as it has -een ;
years since the accident.
#".pdf (Japanee!
$ (Japanee!

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