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IT Disaster Recovery

IT Disaster Recovery
IT Disaster Recovery
IT Disaster Recovery
1. Why Have a IT Disaster Recovery
2. Goals of a IT Disaster Recovery Plan
3. Components of a IT Disaster
Recovery Plan
. !ac"#p $e%ia
&. !ac"#p Proce%#res
Why Have a Disaster
Why Have a Disaster
Recovery Plan
Recovery Plan

$ore vital %ata is 'eing store% in

comp#ter systems

Instant access to electronic %ata

has 'ecome more cr#cial in %ay(
to(%ay '#siness

).*. '#sinesses lose over +12

'illion per year 'eca#se of %ata

,ir#ses are more prevalent- more

costly- more %estr#ctive- an%
ca#se% more real %amage to %ata
an% systems than in the past.
Why Have a Disaster
Why Have a Disaster
Recovery Plan
Recovery Plan

.3/ of companies that lost their

%ata center for 10 %ays or more
%#e to a %isaster 1le% for
'an"r#ptcy 2ithin one year of the

&0/ of '#sinesses that fo#n%

themselves 2itho#t %ata
management for this same time
perio% 1le% for 'an"r#ptcy
Why Have a Disaster
Why Have a Disaster
Recovery Plan
Recovery Plan

Reasons for %ata loss

0/ Har%2are 3ail#re
2./ H#man 4rror
13/ *oft2are Corr#ption
./ Theft
5/ Comp#ter ,ir#ses
3/ Har%2are Destr#ction
Why Have a Disaster
Why Have a Disaster
Recovery Plan
Recovery Plan

If yo#r comp#ter6s7 %ie% to%ay8

Ho2 m#ch %ata 2o#l% yo# lose
forever 'eca#se yo#9ve never 'ac"e%
it #p:
Ho2 long 2o#l% it ta"e yo# to get ne2
har%2are;soft2are into yo#r han%s:
Ho2 long 2o#l% it ta"e yo# to %o all
the set#p yo# nee% to get 'ac" 2here
yo# 2ere 'efore the crash:
Why Have a Disaster
Why Have a Disaster
Recovery Plan
Recovery Plan

DRP is <#st as important as

ins#rance policy to protect

=o#r har% %rive WI>> crash one

*o 'ac" it
Goals of an IT Disaster
Goals of an IT Disaster

To minimi@e interr#ptions to the

normal operations of the '#siness

To minimi@e the economic impact

of the '#siness

To esta'lish alternative means of

operation in a%vance

To train personnel 2ith

emergency proce%#res

To provi%e for smooth an% rapi%

restoration of service

To recover lost %ata

Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Personnel contact

!ac" #p site

$an#al plan


*oft2are inventory


Data !ac"#p an%


Disaster Action

Test the Plan

Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Personnel contact information

Who is in charge
Where is a copy of the DR plan
Who has 2hat responsi'ilities
Ho2 to get in contact 2ith
everyone involve% 2ith plan
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

!ac" #p site
If facility is %amage%- 2here 2ill
everyone assem'le
Ho2 2ill 'ac"#p facility 'e
What s#pplies an% eB#ipment
2ill 'e nee%e%
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

$an#al plan
Ho2 %oes the '#siness f#nction
man#ally #ntil systems are restore%
What are paper 'ac"#p proce%#res
What paper forms are nee%e%
Processes %oc#mente%
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Har%2are inventory
What har%2are is #se% in '#siness
What are speci1c specs of har%2are
Ho2 can har%2are 'e B#ic"ly
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

*oft2are inventory
What soft2are applications are
'eing #se% in the '#siness
Are there speci1c con1g#rations
of the soft2are
Ho2 can the soft2are 'e
replace B#ic"ly
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

What ven%ors are nee%e% to
replace har%2are an% soft2are
Ho2 to contact them
Who an% ho2 2ill replacements
'e p#rchase%
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Data !ac"#p an% recovery

What proce%#res 2ere #se% to
'ac"#p %ata
What proce%#res are nee%e% to
restore %ata
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Disaster Action Chec"list

Cotify senior management
Contact an% set #p %isaster recovery team
Determine %egree of %isaster
Implement proper application recovery
plan %epen%ent on eDtent of %isaster
Contact 'ac"#p site an% esta'lish
Contact all other necessary personnel
Contact ven%ors
Cotify #sers of the %isr#ption of service
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Disaster Action Chec"list

>ist teams an% tas"s of each
E'tain emergency cash an% set #p
transportation to an% from 'ac"#p
site- if necessary
4sta'lish #ser participation plan
*et #p living B#arters F eat
esta'lishments- if necessary
*et #p the %elivery an% the receipt of
4sta'lish emergency oGce s#pplies
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Disaster Action Chec"list

Rent or p#rchase eB#ipment- as nee%e%
Determine applications to 'e r#n an% in
2hat seB#ence
I%entify n#m'er of 2or"stations nee%e%
Chec" all %ata 'eing ta"en to 'ac"#p
site 'efore leaving an% leave inventory
pro1le at home location
Plan for transportation of any a%%itional
items nee%e% at 'ac"#p site
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Disaster Action Chec"list

4ns#re that all personnel involve%
"no2 their tas"s
Cotify ins#rance companies
Components of an IT
Components of an IT
Disaster Recovery plan
Disaster Recovery plan

Plan Testing
Disr#ptive to the '#siness
Test plan at least yearly
Test proce%#res %evelope%
Go thro#gh as m#ch of the
chec"list as possi'le
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia


Removal %is"s an% tape

Har% Drive

Cet2or" Attache% *torage6CA*7

En line 'ac"#p

Enline %oc#ments

Th#m' Drive;*D car%s

!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

*lo2 for %aily 'ac"#p
$#ltiple %is"s
Great for long archive time
6pict#res- m#sic- vi%eo7
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

Removal %is"s an% tape

Rotate m#ltiple copies %rives
Great for "eeping versions of
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

Har% Drive
Great for imaging
Har% %rives not ma%e for a lot of
Porta'le har% %rive for travel
2ith laptop
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

Cet2or" Attache%
!ac"#p m#ltiple comp#ters to
single %rive
Can 'e more eDpensive
Tape or remova'le %is" can 'e
attache% to CA*
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

Enline 'ac"#p
$#st have 'roa%'an%
Initial 'ac"#p very slo2
Enline 'ac"#p provi%ers


!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

Enline %oc#ments
Google Docs
EGce >ive
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

Th#m' Drive;*D car%s

Great for small %ata amo#nts
Drive si@es are getting smaller
an% cheaper
!ac"#p $e%ia
!ac"#p $e%ia

PDA *ync
!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

The easier the 'ac" proce%#re is

the more li"ely yo# 2ill %o it

Image har% %rive

Incremental 'ac"#p

Ho2 often:

,erify 'ac"#ps

Heep 'ac"#ps oI site

!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

The easier the 'ac" proce%#re is the

more li"ely yo# 2ill %o it
P#t all %ata 1les in $y Doc#ments 3ol%er
I%entify applications 2ith %ata in other

E#tloo" 1le

A#tomate as m#ch as possi'le
!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

Image har% %rive

4Dact snap shot of yo#r har%
Imaging soft2are

Corton Ghost

Acronis Tr#e Image

!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

Incremental 'ac"#p
Enly saves any ne2 or change%
3aster than f#ll 'ac"#p
!ac"#p soft2are

Win%o2s 'ac"#p #tility



!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

Ho2 often:
Image monthly or at least
Incremental %aily
!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

,erify 'ac"#ps
$ost 'ac"#p soft2are can verify
!ac"#ps fail
!ac"#p me%ia fail
!ac"#p Proce%#res
!ac"#p Proce%#res

Heep 'ac"#ps oI site

Ta"e home from oGce
Tra%e 'ac"#p copies 2ith frien%
or '#siness associate
Hire service to come an% pic"
#p 'ac"#p
Heep copy of soft2are CD;D,D;s
oI site
P#t pict#res on D,Ds an% p#t in
safe %eposit 'oD
IT Disaster Recovery
IT Disaster Recovery

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