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Global Trade/Interactions

Consider the Following: Major players, dominant vs. dominated regions, how goods traded, technological innovations, what was traded (disease, ideology, religion, materials), role of
merchants, currency, routes, cultural exchange
!!! " #!! C$ #!! " %&'! C$ %&'!(%)'! C$ %)'! " %*%& C$ %*%& " +resent
$ast ,sia
China: silk cloth; roads
constructed; Han-Silk Road
trading increased; Iron Age;
modernized army (iron
weapons etc!"; paper accurate
sun dials#calendars use o$
metals o%-drawn plow!
China controlled east trading
zone; traded: silk porcelain&
paper military tech 'uddhism
Islam Christianity; (apan
traded: sil)er; China re$ocused
on Indian *cean trade in +,

century; e%peditions -y .heng
He; /unks; 0ongols; 1ort o$
China: many na)igational
in)entions2sternpost rudder
lanteen sails astrola-e
magnetic compass3; relied on
regional trade; (apan: prohi-ited
$oreign trade
*pium 4rade;+
China greatly
-ene$its $rom trade; China
opens up to 5urope; (apan
industrializes; (apanese ports
open up (+6,7" -#c second
1erry e%pedition!
(apanese silk e%ports reduce;
ru--er e%ports damaged; China
prospered during 8lo-al trade;
9ietnam: leading rice e%porter;
(apan supplied $ood &raw
materials cars electronics etc;
:orea: cheap te%tiles; steel
cars; 4aiwan: te%tiles;
Singapore: 7
largest port!
-estern $urope
Internal trade mostly; trade
&cultural di$$usion -y -oat; wine
and oli)e products $or grain in
8reece; -arter system replaced
w# money system; Hellenism;
roman culture spread; rds!
connected to silk rd!
Crusades; Hanseatic ;eague:
trade monopoly esta-lished;
-egins to trade with Islamic
4rade no longer land -ased
only; Hanseatic ;eague;
5uropean e%ploration and
colonization; new na)igational
technology utilized $or )oyages;
'ritish 5ast India Company;
stole in$o! <rom
5uropean dominance o$ the
world; seized trading networks
$rom local#regional control!
Surrenders e%port dominance to
=S#(apan (>>I"; Common
0arket; =S: huge e%ports;
creditor nation; $ood wheat
corn $ast $ood; ?A<4A;
ad)ertising@ di$$usion o$
products and culture;
de)elopment o$ economic
$astern $urope
not much contact with the
outside world; traded )ery little
Hanseatic ;eague: trade
monopoly esta-lished; 0ongol
5mpires; crossroads o$ 5urope
and Asia; didnAt ha)e much
interest in >estern goods;
Russia: $orced to esta-lish
agencies in 0oscow#St! 1ete;
traded primarily with nomads o$
central asia; *ttoman 5mpire:
5uropean traders $ormed
colonies with Constantinople;
dismissed western tech and
5%ported grain to 5urope $or
western machinery; B 7 in steel
Still agricultural & e%ports to >!
5urope; C*05C*?;
industrialization; cut o$$ $rom
world trade -ecause re$usal to
/oin C'retton >oods SystemD;
.outh ,sia
Indian *cean 4rade; 0auryans:
promoted trade; rds! connected
w# Silk Rd!; 'uddhist
missionaries sent out; 8uptas:
CAra-icD B system inoculation o$
smallpo% sterilization during
surgery astronomy!
Indian kingdoms controlled
0iddle trading zone; ports in
India; trades: gems elephants
salt cotton cloth & cinnamon
India encouraged to trade with
>est -ut was more preoccupied
with imperial e%pansion!
5%clusi)e trade o)er India with
'ritish 5ast India Company;
increase o$ ur-anization due to
'ritish colonialism; roads and
canals -uilt in; raw materials
e%ported to 'ritain $inished
materials imported -ack to
S> Asia /oins in intAl drug trade;
cheap te%tiles; e%ports clothing;
-ecame worldAs largest
/atin ,merica
EidnAt trade much yet! ;ots o$ roads; didnAt really trade! 5%ploration o$ 1ortugal; Spain
headed >est-Colum-usAs
)oyage; ReconFuista delayed
Spanish e%ploration; 9asco de
8ama Eias <erdinand
0agellan; haciendas $ormed;
;A trade increased signi$icantly;
sugar cotton cacao plantations
-ee$ e%ports-re$rigerated
-o%cars; used $or natural
8reat Eepression kills e%port
economy; =S@Cu-aAs leading
trade partner Gtil +H,H; Colum-ia:
intAl drug e%change; 'razil:
e%otic woods; 0e%ico: oil;
9enezuela: mem-er o$ *15C
Middle $ast
8reat traders in 0esopotamia;
traded with 5gypt some; Silk
Road 4rade; trans-Saharan
trade; adopted Sumerian
Ara-s dominated trade;
controlled western trading zone;
traded: te%tiles carpets glass &
Ara-ian horses; Crusades;
4rans-Saharan trade routes;
Islam spread; 0ongols;
Colonies $ormed here -y
western 5urope! 4raded with
>est -ut more interested in
e%panding empire;
4rade with Islamic world
decreased; dependent on
5uropean imports; disco)ery o$
oil gains lots o$ money!
*il; westernization; AS5A? ;
/oins intAl drug trade; migration;
5ast A$rica linked to Southern
China through Indian *cean
4rade; 4rans-Saharan 4rade:
use o$ camel#camel saddle;
e%change o$ salt and palm oil;
?! A$rica supplied Rome with
oli)es wheat and wild animals;
5gyptian culture spread!
4rans-Saharan trade routes;
salt gold honey sla)es i)ory
(e%ports"; copper horses
te%tiles $igs iron (imports";
Internal A$rica not e%plored
5uropeans too scared!
4rans-Atlantic sla)e trade ended
-ut sla)ery still continued
illegally; coastal regions
important $or limited trade:
stopping points $or merchant
ships; center $or sla)e trade;
esta-lished outposts na)al
-ases and small colonies;
diamond deposits; e%ported
cotton to 'ritain;
A$ter >>I no money to
purchase industrial goods S!
A$rican miners prosper $rom gold
mines; a$ter >>II rely on sales
o$ cash crops#minerals; ?iger: oil
producer mem-er o$ *15C;
e%ports nati)e arts
Silk Road; Iron Age Silk Road connected e)eryone;
east to west (+IJJ-+KJJ";
Crusades; 0ongols; Indian
*cean trade; 4rans-Saharan
trade; 0arco 1olo; 8lo-al 4rade
?etwork; Rise o$ Islam
Silk Road connected e)eryone;
east to west (+IJJ-+KJJ";
Renaissance; gunpowder;
5uropean colonization and
e%ploration; Commercial
Re)olution; Atlantic Sla)e 4rade;
ships used $or trade; Crusades
5nd o$ trans-Atlantic sla)e trade;
industrial re)olution; 5uropean
dominance o$ world;
communication and
transportation re)olution!
>>I & >>II; 8reat Eepression;

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