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Direwolf / Wolf Pattern

Chunky/Bulky Yarn (You shouldn't need a full 100g ball.)
Stuffing of Your Choice
Hook ! ""
Finished Size: #$$ro%. 10& fro" snout to tail and '.'& tall
Gauge: (ot terribly i"$ortant so long as you do not ha)e large ga$s bet*een stitches.
Note: +ieces are *orked in continuous rounds. ,o not -oin at end of rounds.
Magic Ring (For SC as indicated in attern!:
Ste ": .ake a loo$ about / inches fro" the end of your yarn. 0ras$ the -oin of the loo$ *here the
1 strands of yarn o)erla$ bet*een your left thu"b and inde% finger.
Ste #: 2nsert hook into the loo$ fro" front to back and dra* u$ a loo$. Ch 1. 3his is a locking ch.
2t does (43 count as a st.
Ste $: 2nsert hook into the loo$5 so you are crocheting o)er the loo$ and the yarn tail. ,ra* u$ a
loo$ to begin your first st.
Ste %: Co"$lete the sc. Continue to crochet o)er the loo$ and the yarn tail until you ha)e the
re6uired nu"ber of sts for your first round.
Ste &: 0rab the tail of your yarn and $ull to close the ring.
Ste ': Continue $attern as indicated belo*.
(ead starting with Snout
Rd ": .ake a .agic 7ing for ! sc. (! sts)
Rd #: 1 sc in each st around. (11 sts)
Rds $)&: 1 sc in each st around. (11 sts)
Rd ': 81 sc in ne%t st5 1 sc in ne%t st9 re$. fro" 8 around. (1: sts)
Rd *: 1 sc in each st around. (1: sts)
Rd +: ;1 sc in ne%t st5 1 sc in ne%t st< %!5 1 sc in ne%t ! sts. (1= sts)
>(ichole .agnuson '(ic.ags' 101/
Rd ,: ;1 sc in ne%t st5 1 sc in ne%t 1 sts< %!5 1 sc in ne%t ! sts. (/0 sts)
Rd "-)"#: 1 sc in each st around. (/0 sts)
Rd "$: ;Sc1tog5 sc in ne%t 1 sts< %!5 1 sc in ne%t ! sts. (1= sts)
Rd "%: ;Sc1tog5 sc in ne%t st< %!5 1 sc in ne%t ! sts. (1: sts)
Rd "&: 81 sc in ne%t st5 sc1tog9 re$. fro" 8 around. (11 sts)
**Fasten Off. Leave a Long Tail for Sewing to Body. Stuff Head**
Rd ": .ake a .agic 7ing for ! sc. (! sts)
Rd #: 1 sc in each st around. (11 sts)
Rd $: 81 sc in ne%t st5 1 sc in ne%t st9 re$. fro" 8 around. (1: sts)
Rd %: 81 sc in ne%t 1 sts5 1 sc in ne%t st9 re$. fro" 8 around. (1= sts)
Rds &)"%: 1 sc in each st around. (1= sts)
Rd "&: 81 sc in ne%t 1 sts5 sc1tog9 re$. fro" 8 around. (1: sts)
**Stuff Body**
Rd "': 81 sc in ne%t st5 sc1tog9 re$. fro" 8 around. (11 sts)
Rd "*: 8Sc1tog9 re$. fro" 8 around. (! sts)
** Fasten Off. Leave a Tail. Weave Tail Through Rem 6 sts. ull Tight to !lose.**
0ars 1Ma2e #3
Rd ": .ake a .agic 7ing for = sc. (= sts)
Rd #: 1 sc in each st around. (: sts)
Rd $: 1 sc in each st around. (: sts)
Rd %: 81 sc in ne%t st5 1 sc in ne%t st9 re$. fro" 8 around. (11 sts)
**Fasten Off. Leave a Long Tail for Sewing to Head.**
4egs 1Ma2e %3
Rd ": .ake a .agic 7ing for ' sc. (' sts)
Rd #: 1 sc in each st around. (10 sts)
Rds $)"-: 1 sc in each st around. (10 sts)
**Fasten Off. Leave a Long Tail for Sewing to Body. Stuff Legs.**
Rd ": .ake a .agic 7ing for ' sc. (' sts)
Rd #: 1 sc in each st around. (10 sts)
Rds $)"#: 1 sc in each st around. (10 sts)
**Fasten Off. Leave a Long Tail for Sewing to Body. Stuff Tail**
Ma2ing u:
#ttach each $iece in its correct location. 2 found it easiest to attach his ears before attaching
his head to the body. #s the body should be sy""etrical5 you can attach the head to either
the starting end or to the finishing end. You "ay *ant to attach it to the finishing end if your
decreases caused any noticeable ga$s as so"eti"es occurs.
#ttach the four legs to the botto" of the body and the tail to the rear. 3o kee$ the tail fro"
sticking straight out5 2 tacked it do*n by se*ing a fe* ro*s do*n fro" the initial -oin . You
can $osition the tail to your choosing.
?or facial features5 2 si"$ly e"roidered the face on using black yarn after $utting hi"
together. You "ay choose to use safety eyes or cut out $ieces of felt and se* the" on. 2t's all
u$ to ho* you $refer to style your *olf. You can "ake hi" as fancy or as si"$le as you
like@ Aust ha)e fun *ith hi"@
>(ichole .agnuson '(ic.ags' 101/
665his attern has not 7een tested8 Please let 9e 2now if /ou find an/ issues8 5han2 /ou:66
; ha<e 7een crocheting for /ears now 7ut ha<e onl/ recentl/ decided to tr/ 9/ hand and
utting out atterns8 When ; started out= free atterns are what heled 9e learn new things
and 9ade it ossi7le for 9e to 9a2e gifts for 9/ fa9il/ and friends= so it see9s fair that ;
share 9ine with /ou8
5hat said= lease do not sell this attern8 >ou 9a/ sell ite9s 9ade fro9 this attern= 7ut
lease credit 9e when as2ed a7out the attern8
5o see 9ore of 9/ wor2= /ou can find 9e on Ra<elr/ and Face7oo2:
>(ichole .agnuson '(ic.ags' 101/

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