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Under the Guidance of:

Mr.N.R Khadenga

Submitted By:
Roll No: 11MBAS21529

Submitted To:

I do hereby declare that this summer training report submitted by me, in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the MBA under DDCE, Sambalpur University
is conceptualized by me and is not given to any other institution or published
anywhere at any time before.

Akshaya Kumar Das
Roll No. : 11MBAS21529

This project is submitted by Akshaya Kumar Das of MBA bearing the Roll No.
11MBAS21529 under DDCE, Sambalpur University and forwarded for

Internal Examiner External Examiner

This is to certified that this project report titled A market research on
work of Biswajit Mishr bearing Roll No 11MBAS21529, who carried out the
summer training under my supervision. That to the best of my knowledge the
work reported herein does not from part of any other project report on the basis
of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any
other candidate.

Mr. N.R Khadenga,
Marketing Manager

I express my deep gratitude to our faculty guide Mr. Manik Chand Ghosh
allowing me to develop this project. It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge
my sincere thanks to Mr. Manoj Swain (Dirctor, RD Computer & Management,
Talcher) for her valuable advice in the completion of this project.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr.N.R Khadenga (Marketing
Manager) Omfed helped me a great deal in enhancing my knowledge about the
market and the Company as well. Their guidance and support carried me all
through the preparation of this project.
I am thankful to all the respondents as well as retailers of the survey, who
helped me intellectually in preparation of this project, directly or indirectly.

Akshaya Kumar Das

This project is focused on determining and understanding the factors which are essential in
order to create a brand and maintained the brand as a market leader among its competitors.
The study was performed within the duration of two months by visiting the market area of
Bhubaneswar as it was a purpose of research on Omfed flavored Milk.
The study included conversation and interaction with the respondents in order to get the
relevant answers of the questions from the questionnaire behalf to extract knowledge about
the pros and cons about the market. The information taken from (100) respondents. and (40)
In course of the prescribed duration, it yielded sufficient amount of result for its further
development and subsequently the report was submitted to the company as a part of my
sincere effort in performing the project, which is a part of my curriculum.


This is to certify that the Summer Training Report entitled:
A Market Research On Omfed Flavored Milk In Bhubaneswar Market

Submitted by Akshaya Kumar Das (Roll No. 11MBAS21529), Sambalpur
University, Burla towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a bona fide record
of the work carried out by her under the able guidance of Manik Chand
Ghosh, Faculty, RD Computer & Management, Talcher.

(Approval of the center director)
Center Director

Sl. Name
1. Introduction
2. Industrial Profile
3. Company Profile
Omfed Vision
Omfed Mission
Product Profile
Future Prospects And Plans
4. Main Theme of the Project
Objective of the Study
Statement of Problem
Scope of the Study
Limitation of the Study
5. Research Methodology And Literature Review
Research Methodology
Literature Review
6. Analysis Of Data
7. Result Interpretation

The role of professional in management has occupied a special importance in the present
century. But theoretical knowledge in management is not sufficient in professional success
and excellence. There should be real life experience about the concept. To emphasize this
aspect, the system of project work has been introduced.This project consists of 2 months
practical training in OMFED, Bhubaneswar.In the instant case, OMFED has accepted the
sponsorship and kindly allowed me to complete the project work within 2 months on the
topic MARKET RESEARCH at their Regd. Office, Bhubaneswar.
OMFED has seven dairy plants at Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Balasore, Dhenkanal,
Keonjhar, and Jeypore to process milk received from approximately 1-lakh farmers through
10 chilling centers of District Milk Producers Union. Under the brand "OMFED" these
dairies are involved in processing of milk products in various packing sizes for marketing the
same inside and outside the state of Orissa. OMFED as a brand name has become an integral
part its existence. This project work is undertaken in the OMFED, Bhubaneswar division.
This division of OMFED is the highest revenue generated one among all other branches. This
has also highest capacity all among other branches.
FLAVORED MILK is one of the best products of OMFED among all other products. Its
popularity remains unbeaten among the people of Orissa till today. It is a soft drink cum
health drink product of OMFED, which is very proteinus, homogenized, sterilized and a
healthiest product of OMFED.

This project work is undertaken in the OMFED, Bhubaneswar division. This division of
OMFED is the highest revenue generated one among all other branches. This has also highest
capacity all among other branches.
FLAVORED MILK is one of the best products of OMFED among all other products. Its
popularity remains unbeaten among the people of Orissa till today. It is a soft drink cum
health drink product of OMFED, which is very proteinus, homogenized, sterilized and a
healthiest product of OMFED.
OMFED has seven dairy plants at Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Balasore, Dhenkanal,
Keonjhar, and Jeypore to process milk received from approximately 1-lakh farmers through
10 chilling centers of District Milk Producers Union. Under the brand "OMFED" these
dairies are involved in processing of milk products in various packing sizes for marketing the
same inside and outside the state of Orissa. OMFED as a brand name has become an integral
part its existence.
OMFED is organizing marketing facilities for whatever milk is produced in villages and
hence to give the farmers and incentive to produce more milk. The farmer producer is paid on
the basis of quality of milk i.e. two axis milk pricing structure based on fat (Ghee) and Solid
not fat (cheese) contain of milk.




Since its launching period in 1991-92, it had generated maximum profit till recent years. But
the more competition among its rivals in the soft drink category in the market bound it to
suffer some loss in comparison to previous years.

The Orissa State Co-operative Milk Producer's Federation Ltd. (OMFED), started in 1980. Its
affiliated to District Co-operative Milk Producers Union and hundreds of village Milk
Producers Co-operative Societies provide a three tier co-operative organizational setup for
milk enlarge scale
OMFED is organizing marketing facilities for whatever milk is produced in villages and
hence to give the farmers and incentive to produce more milk. The farmer producer is paid on
the basis of quality of milk i.e. two axis milk pricing structure based on fat (Ghee) and Solid
not fat (cheese) contain of milk.
OMFED has seven dairy plants at Bhubaneswar, Rourkela, Sambalpur, Balasore, Dhenkanal,
Keonjhar, and Jeypore to process milk received from approximately 1-lakh farmers through
10 chilling centers of District Milk Producers Union. Under the brand "OMFED" these
dairies are involved in processing of milk products in various packing sizes for marketing the
same inside and outside the state of Orissa. OMFED as a brand name has become an integral
part its existence.
Thus its effectiveness as a co-operative organization in handling rural milk procurement,
processing and marketing has been proved beyond doubt in the state of Orissa. OMFED is
providing good, fresh pasteurized, homogenized and vitaminized clean milk, both toned and
double toned in hygienic polythene sachets of half liter and one liter to the consumer at
reasonable price from their modern hygienic dairy plants.
OMFED is practicing high ethical standards in its business. OMFED milk and milk products
are very nutritive, tasteful, delicious, digestive, and adds to satiety. It is sweet and appetizing
and can be consumed directly. The chilled OMFED milk helps in prevention of hyper acidity,
stomach disorders and eye ailments. It is also good for brain development of growing

To be a leading milk producing organization at international level of efficiency with widest
and satisfied customer base , maximizing wealth of stake holders and contributing to the state
1. Increase in capacity of milk processing facilities.
2. Change in urban markets from traditional raw milk supplies to modern dairies
milk supplies.
3. Resettlement of city base cattle in rural areas.
4. Development of long distance milk transport and storage facilities.
5. Improvement in Dairy Farming Standards.
6. To be learning organization and responsive to changing environment
A Liquid Milk (In 500 ml and
1000 ml. polythene packets
(i) Double Toned Milk (1.5% fat & 9% snf)
(ii) Toned Milk (3% fat & 8.5% snf)
(iii) Full Cream Cow Milk (4% fat & 8.5% snf)
B Milk Products (i) Ghee 1kg, 500gm, 200gm, 100gm, 50gm, Polythene jars
(ii) Sweet curd- 500gm and 100gm packs
(iii) Plain curd- 500gm and 200gm packs
(iv) Flavored milk- 200ml bottles
(a) Elaichi (b) Pista (c) Cold coffee
(v) Table butter- 500gm and 100gm packs
(vi) Butter milk- 300 ml packets
C Other Milk Products (i) Chennapoda
(ii) Vaccum packed paneer
(iii) Lassi

INSTALLED CAPACITY 60,000 liters per day
PROJECT EXECUTED BY National diary development board.
December 1985
INAGURATED BY Honble President of India Late Giani Zail Singh on 9th
February 1986.
EXPANSION 75,000 liters per day
PROJECT EXECUTED BY Projects division of OMFED (2nd phase expansion of
1.25 lakh liters per day already started on)
EMPLOYEES STRENGTH 1500 (Regular) 1200 (Temporary)
SECURITY By Private Agency
LAND 19.25 Acres
MACHINES Pasteurizer, Homogenizer, Sterilizer, Automatic-packing

1. Expansion of Bhubaneswar Dairy from 1.25 lakh LPD to 2 lakh LPD
2. Establishment of 10 MT powder plant at Bhubaneswar dairy with Govt. of India
assistance. (Rs.11 crores)
3. Establishment of packaging station and cold storage at Kolkata (Howrah) to market
surplus milk of Bhubaneswar Diary.
4. Implementation of Integrated Dairy Development Program in Jeypore, Ganjam,
Anugul and Keonjhar with a total cost of Rs.7.83 crores.
5. Establishment of 20,000 LPD Dairy plant at Berhampur under Integrated Dairy
Development Program (IDDP).
6. Installation of 30 bulk coolers for preservation of milk and 10 milk tankers for
transportation of milk shall be put into use with the help of PanchayateeRaj Dept.
7. Establishment of ICE-CREAM plant at Bhubaneswar dairy (1000 LPD).
8. Introduction of calf raising scheme to generate 5000 crossbreed milky animals per
year through selective milk producers societies in operation flood districts.
i) Establishment of 10 highway parlors through private agents.
ii) Installation of 50 exclusive parlors and 200 milk booths in urban areas
during the year, which will employ nearly 1000 urban youths in the state.

To find out the causes of decrease in sales of Flavored milk of OMFED.
To determine customers preference towards that product of OMFED.
To find out retailers preference towards that product of OMFED.
To study the market position of OMFED.

The problem of OMFED survey in Bhubaneswar market on Flavored Milk shows a dramatic
change, in that particular product, in the means of demand and supply which ignores to
develop in its selling process starting from manufacturing till end up to reaching consumers
hand. Associating with proper environmental scanning, the product fails to meet customers
level of expectation.
The company is not dealing with any societal and political factors. The company is not
associated with any local issue and local demand of the product. The customers are not
interested to make the product suitable in the market, so that it is not satisfying the customer
level of satisfaction. The company investing so much financial support in the market research
which will forecast the product position, demand and customer requirement.

The scope of this study is not very broad and mainly concentrated on a particular product
survey. But it was possible to find out more reliable information about the OMFED. The
scope also covered reaction to OMFED and perception level of retailers and customers.
Though the scope of this study is concentric but due to the lapse of time, it is not possible to
cover details and bound me for consulting limited persons in relation to this project purview.
This division of OMFED is the highest revenue generated one among all other branches. This
has also highest capacity all among other branches. FLAVORED MILK is one of the best
products of OMFED among all other products. Its popularity remains unbeaten among the
people of Orissa till today. It is a soft drink cum health drink product of OMFED, which is
very proteinous, homogenized, sterilized and a healthiest product of OMFED.

1. Lack of environmental support
2. Less sample size.
3. Basically based on primary data.
4. Short time duration
5. Restricted area.
6. Lack of customer support.

Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the
method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process,
analyses, and communicates the findings and their implications. This definition highlights
the role of marketing research as an id to decision making
For the kind of research study sampling plan must be designed for appropriate result. A part
of the population is known as a sample. When researcher thinks about the sampling plan,
researcher must have clear idea about the following things:-
Sampling unit
Sample size
Sampling method
Population: -
The aggregate of elementary unit to which conclusion of the study apply is formed as
population. The population of this study is the retailer and customers of the Bhubaneswar
The search of answer to research questions called of collection of data are facts, figures, and
other relevant materials, past, and present servings as based for study and analysis.
In the research study two types of data has been collected.
a) Primary data b) Secondary data
a) Primary data has been collected through survey method by personal interview through a
questionnaire to customers and retailers of various areas within BHUBANESWAR region
those deals with Flavored milk, the product of OMFED.
b) For the Secondary data, the instruments are used: -
OMFED newsletter.
OMFED magazines.
Local Newspaper.
The various methods of data gathering involve the use of appropriate recording forms. These
are called tool or instruments of data collection. They consists of : -
Observation schedule.
Interview schedule
Rating scale
Interview guide
Questionnaire method
The major part of Indian population is youth now and hence they are considered as the target
customers of many companies. The emergence of nuclear family has changed the spending
habits. The customer-population is becoming educated, better informed and quality
conscious. They will have greater purchasing power.
Brand positioning is coming up. POP displays and personalized marketing are being
emphasized. Shop displays, contests, cooperative advertisements etc. are forming an
important part of declare promotion. Both in rural and urban areas, hoardings and wallings
are becoming a leading media. Exhibitions and fairs are common in urban areas for
promoting the products. Marketing is expected to become more consumer-based with an
added social concern.
Marketing strategy defines the broad principles by which the business unit expects to achieve
its marketing objectives in a target market. Mainly marketing strategy aim to cope with
competition. This marketing strategy is the link between a product and the market, it provides
the much desired direction for allocating the marketing effort.
The marketing plan is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing
effort. The marketing plan operates at two levels: strategic and tactical. The strategic
marketing plan lays out the target markets and the value proposition the firm will offer, based
on an analysis of the best market opportunities. The tactical marketing plan specifies the
marketing tactics, including product features, promotion, merchandising, pricing, sales
channels, and service.
Today, teams develop the marketing plan with inputs and sign-offs from every important
function. Management then implements these plans at the appropriate levels of the
organization, monitors results, and takes necessary corrective action.
It is translated into an action plan through the tools of marketing management. These tools
together are called as marketing mix. These tools are 4ps like Product-Price-Promotion-
Place. According to Philip Kotler, the firms task is to find the best solution for its marketing
decision variables; the setting constitutes its marketing mix. Marketing mix is a lucrative
formula of modern marketing operations
Marketing Management is the leading marketing text because its content and organization
consistently reflect changes in marketing theory and practice. The very first edition of
marketing management, published in 1967, introduced the concept that companies must be
customer-and-market driven. But there was little mention of what have now become
fundamental topics such as segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Concepts such as brand
equity, customer value analysis, database marketing, e-commerce, value networks, hybrid
channels, supply chain management, and integrated marketing communications were not
even part of the marketing vocabulary then. Marketing Management continues to reflect the
changes in the marketing discipline over the past forty years.
Firms now sell goods and services through a variety of direct and indirect channels. Mass
advertising is not nearly as effective as it was, so marketers are exploring new forms of
communication, such as experiential, entertainment, and viral marketing. Customers are
telling companies what types of product or services they want and when, where, and how
they want to buy them. They are increasingly reporting to other consumers what they think of
specific companies and products using e-mail, blogs, podcasts, and other digital media to
do so. Company messages are becoming a smaller fraction of the total conversation about
products and services.
In response, companies have shifted gears from managing product portfolios to managing
customer portfolios, compiling databases on individual customers so they can understand
them better and construct individualized offerings and messages. They are doing less product
and service standardization and more niching and customization. They are replacing
monologues with customer dialogues. They are improving their methods of measuring
customer profitability and customer lifetime value. They are intent on measuring the return
on their marketing investment and its impact on shareholder value. They are also concerned
with the ethical and social implications of their marketing decisions.
As companies change, so does their marketing organization. Marketing is no longer a
company department charged with a limited number of tasks it is a company-wide
undertaking. It drives the companys vision, mission, and strategic planning. Marketing
includes decisions like who the company wants as its customers; which of their needs to
satisfy; what products and services to offer; what prices to set; what communications to send
and receive; what channels of distribution to use; and what partnerships to develop.
Marketing succeeds only when all departments work together to achieve goals; when
engineering designs the right products, finance furnishes the required funds, purchasing buys
high quality materials, production makes high quality products on time, and accounting
measures the profitability of different customers, products, and areas.
To address all these different shifts, good marketers are practicing holistic marketing Holistic
marketing is the development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes,
and activities that recognize the breadth and interdependencies of todays marketing
environment. Four key dimensions of holistic marketing are :
1. Internal marketing ensuring everyone in the organization embraces appropriate
marketing principles, especially senior management.
2. Integrated marketing ensuring that multiple means of creating, delivering, and
communicating value are employed and combined in the best way.
3. Relationship marketing having rich, multifaceted relationships with customers,
channel members, and other marketing partners.
4. Performance marketing understanding returns to the business from marketing
activities and programs, as well as addressing broader concerns and their legal,
ethical, social, and moral values.

Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and
findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
Define the problem
A marketing research starts with the what is the problem faced by the company. What are the
main problem faced in procuring omfed milk and to know whether the consumer are satisfied
or not.
Research objective
There are various aspect of the operation such as production, accounting, marketing, welfare
activities, etc. of omfed. The chosen topic Consumer perception towards OMFED milk in
Burla town-to know the satisfactory level of omfed milk. More specifically the objective of
the study are as follows:-
To anlyse the customer behaviour.
To obtain suggestions for improvement of the product and service.
To find out whether the omfed has monopoly over the Burla market.
To know the consumer perception towards omfed brand.
To find out the satisfaction levels of the customers and dealers and agent.
To know the various areas where omfed milk are being used.
To know the perception about attributes of good quality milk.
The research study has wider scope about the consumer perception about the omfed milk &
its product. The main thrust area of the concern report is the pre orientation towards the what
are the problem faced by the consumer in procuring the omfed milk & to what extend they
are satisfied with milk currently being purchased.
Through this study the researcher as well as the company itself can know about the consumer
perception & ractify the problem & implement effective & efficient plan for future

Product under study
There are various product offered by omfed but due to insufficient time & data insufficiency
we have to study only the consumer perception about omfed milk.
Area under study
In this project the sample size of the project is 60 household,10 hotels and restaurants,& 15
retailers of Burla in Sambalpur district.
Working definition
An individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or
resale. A consumer is someone who can make the decision whether or not to purchase an
item at the store, and someone who can be influenced by marketing and advertisements. Any
time someone goes to a store and purchases a toy, shirt, beverage, or anything else, they are
making that decision as a consumer.
An individual or person who buys goods or service from a shop or business.
Retailers and appointment procedure
Retailing includes all the activity involved in selling goods or services directly to final
consumer for personal, non business use. A retailer or retailing store is any business
enterprise whose sales volume comes primarily from retailing.
Criteria for Allotment of Milk Booth For Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Jajpur, Puri, Jatni,
Nimapada and Khurda, application in plain paper is to be submitted to Dy. Gen. Manager
(Marketing), Bhubaneswar Dairy through respective Marketing-ln-Charges of that area. For
other places application should be submitted to Plant Manager of respective dairies enclosing
Photo Identity Card / Driving License and Sketch map of the proposed location / site. After
receipt of the application, field verification is to be done by field supervision staff and if
report goes in favour of the applicant, he has to submit the following document for
consideration of his application.
In case of Private land, the applicant has to furnish land document on ownership of
land / house
In case of rented house Xerox copy of the agreement is to be furnished.
In case of Govt. / municipality land permission is to be obtained by the applicant from
the concerned Department. Allotment of booth will be considered on the basis of
following criteria:-
Substantial distance from one booth to another booth is to be maintained looking the
sale potentiality of location / area.
Applicant should have sound financial background to deposit the cost of the required
milk in advance.
Allotment is to be done provisionally for a period of one year which will be renewed
after reviewing the performance
After allotment, Rs. 1000/- is to be deposited towards security deposit and an
agreement is to be executed on Non-Judicial stamp paper amounting Rs.5/-.
For Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Jajpur, Puri, Nimapara, Jatni and Khurda, application in plain
paper is to be submitted to Dy. Gen. Manager (Marketing), Bhubaneswar Dairy through
respective Marketing-ln-Charges. For other places application should be submitted to Plant
manager of respective dairies enclosing Photo Identity Card / Driving License and Sketch
map of the proposed location / site.
After receipt of the application distributorship will be considered on the basis of the
following criteria:-
Applicant should have sound financial background along with business experience.
Applicant should have valid SHRIN/TIN from Commercial Tax authority.
Applicant should have required manpower and own distribution vehicle for
distribution of products.
Allotment will be done for a particular area as per the requirement / feasibility.
Product will be supplied against 100% payment(Cash/DD), EX-Dairy/Godown.
After allotment Rs.5000/- is to be deposited for distributorship of all OMFED
Products and Re.2000/- for fresh Milk products only as refundable Security amount.

A marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited
resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage. A marketing strategy should be centered around the key concept that customer
satisfaction is the main goal.
A marketing strategy is a written plan which combines product development, promotion,
distribution, and pricing approach, identifies the firm's marketing goals, and explains how
they will be achieved within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines the choice of
target market segment, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most
effective when it is an integral component of firm strategy, defining how the organization
will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market arena.
Corporate strategies, corporate missions, and corporate goals. As the customer constitutes the
source of a company's revenue, marketing strategy is closely linked with sales. A key
component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company's
overarching mission statement.
A marketing strategy can serve as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan
contains a set of specific actions required to successfully implement a marketing strategy. For
example: "Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our organization, via our low
cost product, has established a relationship with consumers, our organization will sell
additional, higher-margin products and services that enhance the consumer's interaction with
the low-cost product or service."
A strategy consists of a well thought out series of tactics to make a marketing plan more
effective. Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans
designed to fill market needs and reach marketing objectives Plans and objectives are
generally tested for measurable results.
A marketing strategy often integrates an organization's marketing goals, policies, and action
sequences (tactics) into a cohesive whole. Similarly, the various strands of the strategy ,
which might include advertising, channel marketing, internet marketing, promotion and
public relations can be orchestrated. Many companies cascade a strategy throughout an
organization, by creating strategy tactics that then become strategy goals for the next level or
group. Each one group is expected to take that strategy goal and develop a set of tactics to
achieve that goal. This is why it is important to make each strategy goal measurable.
Primary source of information
In primary source of information are collected from the consumer, dealer & retailers in direct
Secondary source of information
In secondary source of information, the information are collected from the company website,
from the company office & company annual report.
Consumer survey
Forecasting is the art of anticipating what consumer likely to do under a given set of
conditions. Because consumer behavior is so important, consumer should be surveyed.
several questioner is prepared for the survey opinion to study for the intension to purchase the
milk e.g for tea, drinking, curd, sweet etc.& what extend they are satisfied or dissatisfied
with milk currently being purchased by them e.g quality, price, taste, odour, smell, hygiene,
freshness, cream content etc.
Retailer survey
Retail shop is the place where the packed milk is sold. To know about the consumer
perception about omfed milk it is important to know about the retailer view.


1. Milk
2. Ghee
3. S.F.M. 1 2 3
4. Sweet Curd
5. Butter
6. Plain Curd 4 5 6
7. Butter Milk
8. Paneer
9. Chennapoda 7 8 9
10. Lassi
11. Khira
12. Skimmed Powder Milk 10 11 12
The milk is collected from the village based milk producers through the village Dairy
cooperative Societies. The farmers of society villages bring their surplus milk to the society,
where it is tested, quantified and the value of the milk is being fixed. Again from the society
level the milk being lifted to nearest chilling plant where it is chilled to 5c and the same milk
after chilling is transported to the nearest Dairy for processing, packing and marketing. After
marketing of milk and milk products, the realization is routed back the producers once in 10
days in the same manner. This organization establishes linkage from producers to consumers
The urban consumer is the last point of the Milk Flow System of Operation Flood Program.
The first point is the rural milk producer, who produces milk. Thus Omfed not only plays a
vital role to link both the points through its activities but also Channelize corers of rupees
from urban sector to rural sector in this system. Out of the five Flood Districts, only
Dhenkanal & Keonjhar Milk Unions market Milk through their respective Dairies
(Dhenkanal & Keonjhar Dairy) in the brand name of "Omfed". The Dhenkanal Milk Union
markets its milk, in towns like Dhenkanal, Talcher, Nalco Nagar, and Angul etc. And
Keonjhar Milk Union markets milk in towns Like Keonjhar, Joda, Badbil, Anandpur etc. and
supply surplus milk to Omfed. Generally Milks are being marketed by Omfed, from its
dairies by it's authorized retailers in different towns of the state.

Previously the milk was bought by farmer by the omfed. The various grievances of omfed
dairy farmers were solved after five year. The govt. asked omfed to take all milk unions in
uncovered area. By march 2004 omfed as in charge of the entire state. The milk procured by
these unions was low varying between 100 to 1000 lpd. There was no testing of milk at the
society level. As a result the milk union received low quality milk. The processing facility of
milk union was inadequate, imbalanced and economically unviable at such low level of
operation. This level of operational could not support of technically competent people.

(Operational area)
The overall evolution of companys strength, weakness, opportunities and threat is called
Swot Anlysis.It is the way of monitarin external and internal marketing environment.
Internal environment analysis (Strengths/Weaknesses analysis)
It is one thing to discern attractive opportunities and another to have the competencies to
succeed in these opportunities. Each business needs to evaluate its internal strength and
weaknesses periodically. Clearly the business does not have to correct all its weaknesses, nor
should it gloat about all its strengths. The big question is whether the business should limit
itself to those opportunities where it might possesses the required strengths or should
consider better opportunities where it might have to acquire or develop certain strengths.
External environment analysis (Opportunity/Threat)
A marketing Opportunities is an area of buyer need in which a company can perform
profitably. Opportunities can be classified according to their attractiveness and success
probability. The company success probability depends on whether its business strengths not
only match the key success requirements for operating in the target market but also exceed of
its competitors. An environmental threat is a challenge posed by an unfavourable trend or
development that would lead, in absence of defensive marketing action, to deterioration in
sales or profit.
SWOT Analysis is a tool for analyzing the strategy of a business. This tool can be used to
analyze the companys position with respect to its competitors and also to formulate
strategies to outperform them.
The company become successful by rigorously pursuing its core philosophy of cost
The advantages of swot analysis are as follows:-
A. It is a simple tool and can be readily used.
B. It required no special skills or technical resources .
C. It can be used along with both quantitative and qualitative information.
D. It can be used in condition of in depth knowledge and as well as in ambiguous
E. It is a flexible tool that can be used in a formal or informal organizational structure.
A swot analysis consist of two key lists-one of strength and weakness and another of
opportunity and threats. The S.W. lists the major strength and weakness of the company,
while the O.T list the key opportunity and key list and potential threat in the environment.
The S.W deals with internal factor of the company and O.T deals with external factor of the
The SWOT start by analyzing the OT. The idea behind this is that the OT analysis help in
identifying the area of the business which require more attention. It also help to exploit the
opportunities by using the strength of the company. While conducting this analysis, if the
manager do not find any potential opportunities for a product, they should question the
motive behind managing the product. If the product has no immediate opportunities , the
manager must use the innovative idea to create opportunities in the market.
In order to make SWOT analysis more effective the following steps have to be taken:-
STEP 1- Focusing on critical area.
STEP 2- Developing teams.
STEP 3- Focusing SWOT analysis on the customer
STEP 4- Explanations
STEP 5- Ranking the SWOT analysis.
After conducting a SWOT analysis, The result can be used to formulate strategies and for
planning marketing activities. The strategy formulating involves the flowing-
SWOT analysis of omfed
The major strength of the omfed is the different variety of Milks and a recognized
BRAND name.

The increasing demand for these products presents a great opportunity for the omfed
to increase and scale up the production.
Assured supply throughout the year
The packed milk cannot be black marketing
Other milk product to strengthen its main product that is liquid milk.
The poor farmer of Orissa can get directly benefitted through out the year by getting
marketing facility.
The product is emergency in nature, so it cannot detained on the way
Scarce omfed Outlets.
Less Margin given to the Outlet owners to match the existing competitors.
Lack of credit facility

Lack of door delivery
Perceived high price
Lack of interface with customers
Perception about packed milk perse
Perception about OMFED MILK as mixed milk of powder ,cow, buffalos etc.
Lack of market penetrations
There is a scope of business as there is a demand for dairy products.
Omfed should open more outlets to get the maximum advantage of the demand.
Need to put more stress in the face-to-face direct marketing to reach to the customers.
The increasing demand for these products presents a great opportunity for the omfed
to increase and scale up the production.
Institutional customer like hostel in near by NACs
Hostels and restaurants
Capturing ice cream parlor for strengthening distribution system
Entering into other market
Strengthen evening supply
Increasing door delivery
There is a provision of grand from govt of india for capital expenditure
Increasing competition from the other brands.
Strong supply chain management by the competitors.
Strong marketing strategy by competitors by offering the discount coupons to
consumers and providing healthy commissions to the retailers.
Some of the steps taken, being plagiarized by other branded milk competitors
In ability to provide the quality to the customer,as claimed in the absence of adequate
plant and mechianery infrastructure

Present milk market
As per the consumer perception people use different kind of milk offered by variety of
competitors. The present milk market in the town mainly offered by Doodhiya (loose milk) .
They serve the door delivery for the consumer. some of the people use milk from the cow
shed(private dairy). In case of packed milk kamadhanu offered some of the market share.
Powdered milk available in the grocery store purchase by some of people for purpose tea.
Mean while omfed is trying its level best to maintain its quality forever. Omfed quality is so
perfect that people marked huge difference between omfed and other brand milk. Omfed has
an ever green business.
Market share of omfed
Almost omfed have 80% market share in Sambalpur & Burla as a whole. This mean the
major persons or people of Sambalpur & Burla are interested in using omfed products.
Balance 20% is provided by the local milk men. Similarly in milk products 90% of omfed
products are used and 10% of Amul are used.
Besides Sambalpur town in Bargarh from the total consumption the share of omfed is 60%
and that of local milk men is 40% similarly in Jharsugda & IB Thermal the share of omfed
products products is highest i.e 65% and that of local milk men is 35%.
As for future growth and prospects omfed have a very bright future. No organised
competitors are there to omfed products. It is better to say there is negligible percentage of
competitors. Only local milk men are present distributing in the specific areas.
In between local competitor have arrived i.e Kamadhenu milk, Shanti milk & anjali and so
on. But quality is perfect that people marked a huge difference between omfed and other
Consumer preference
Consumer preference is an important parameter for consuming the milk.
Time of purchase
Milk is perishable in nature, so the purchasing time is very important.
The graph showing timing is an important paremeter.

0 0 0 0
It shoes that timing is an important parameter that effect the buying decision of consumer.
Majority of people were buying milk in morning.
Payment period
The payment period whether the consumer is payment for the milk purchase in advance,
daily, weekly, monthly.
The graph showing the payment period.

.(Payment period in case of packed milk) (Payment in case of loose milk)
In case of packed milk (omfed) most of the consumer purchased daily & some of monthly by
the retailer. But in case of loose milk the payment period is monthly because of the Doodhiya
supply door to door for the consumer
Pattern of use
The purpose for which milk is consumed
The graph show the pattern of use

(Showing usage of milk for different purpose)
Majority of consumer uses milk for tea & drinking purpose. Some of are use for curd. The
hotel and restaurants use for making sweet and paneer.

Important of door delivery
Many of the consumer need door delivery. So it is an important factor.
The graph show the importance of door delivery.

(Door delivery)
Most of the consumer want to door delivery. This is due to people dont go to outside for the
Perception about good quality of milk
Quality is an important parameter it means the quality, fat, price, whitness, odour, hygine,
taste, freshness, cream content & so the milk contain.

Most of the people conscious about milk quality, hygine, taste,freshness. They want high
quality freshness and pure milk.
In case of packed milk most of use omfed.& they are satisfied with its quality, whiteness,
odour, cleanliness, purity, taste, freshness, thickness etc. while in fat content and cream
content some are not satisfied & some what with price. Over all the satisfaction level towards
omfed is high. In case of loose milk people are satisfied with its pricing.
The graph showing the perception about omfed & loose milk.

(Omfed milk)
(loose milk)
Consumer perception about omfed v/s kamadhenu
In case of quality, price, & avalibility as compaired to kamadhenu omfed is much more
better. The consumer and institutional consumer satisfied with omfed milk.

Earlier omfed has followed very complicated price regimes involving difference of 25
and 50 paisa and one rupee for different township. These prices were printed in very small
letters and certainly in urban Orissa households where typically a man servant or a maid went
to buy milk, the buyer couldnt read the price. Besides, there was a price difference during
the day at a single place like say Bhubaneswar. Even the name of the product was written in
The changes were introduced were that languages change to Oriya, made the price uniform
throughout the state, wrote down the prices in bold fonts.
Institutional customer
omfed 0
From the institutional like hostels consumer mainly purchase omfed milk. The quality
offered by omfed is satisfactory. The main problem in procuring omfed milk is its shelf life.
As in hostel there is no refrigerator it is not possible to store milk. So if the company try to
Exploring the possibility of 200 ml pack mainly for the institutional customer it will be better.
As per the institutional survey the over all marketing of omfed is good.
Hotels and restaurants
About 10 hotels and restaurants surveyed in Burla town they mostly use omfed milk for the
making of sweets, paneer, curd and for other purpose. As per the survey the consumer are
satisfied with the realibility quality, easily available and value for money.
Tea shops
Near about 15 tea shop surveyed in this project and mostly 95% were use omfed milk and the
fitness for making tea & coffee is satisfactory as compared to other loose or packed milk.
Distribution system
Channel of distribution of omfed products
Meaning of channels of distribution
In todays economic system, not all manufacture and producers sell their output to final users
or consumer. The producer and final users are linked by a bridge of intermediaries that make
possible and profitable movement of goods and services from producer to users. These
intermediaries are merchant and agent middleman and facilitators. These from a pipe-line or
pipelines for the flow called as channel of distribution.
The terms a channel of distribution or trade channels signifies various trade links connecting
the manufactures or producers and ultimate consumer or users. A channel is a live organ of
marketing. A channel of distribution is a pathway directing the flow of goods and services
from producer to consumer composed of intermediaries through from producer to consumer
composed of intermediaries through their functions and attainment of mutual objectives.
Various channels of distribution for omfed in sambalpur
Omfed have direct channel of distribution i.e better to say omfed follows the two stage of
marketing channels. It involves two person who are distributors and agents.
This mean the distribution channels is as follows:-
Producer distributors dealers consumer
Omfed products from sambalpur dairy goes to various places of undivided sambalpur through
various vehicle with the help of distributors to consumer with the help of two peoples
distributors and dealers/agents.
Agents are the intermediaries who are given the exclusive franchise only for a limited market
segment. He perform the functions of an independent middlemen taking over all the selling
activities of producer

By analysis of data we mean the computation of certain indices or measures along with
searching for patterns of relationship that exist among the data group. Analysis particularly in
case of survey or experimental of data involves estimation the values of unknown parameters
of the population and testing of hypothesis.
Descriptive analysis.
Inferential analysis.
Interpretation of data.
After collection of data, the next task is the analyses and interpretation of data. The
questionnaire formed is processed and edited to make sure that all questions are answered.
After editing, the data are tabulated and analyzed. A survey was conducted in
BHUBANESWAR for the purpose of collecting data. A sample of150 respondents
interviewed out of which 100 were customers and 50 were retailers.
Criteria of Sampling Procedure
The decision process is complicated one. The researcher has to first identify the limiting
factor or factors and must judiciously balance the conflicting factors. The various criteria
governing the choice of the sampling technique:
1. Purpose of the Survey:
2. Measurability:
3. Degree of Precision:.
4. Information about population:
5. The Nature of the population:.
6. Geographical area of the study and the size of the population:
7. Financial resources:
8. The Limitation:
9. Economy:

Tabulation of data is a process, which is adopted for summarizing raw data and displaying the
same in compact form (i.e. in the form of statistical table) for further analyzing. In a broader
sense, tabulation is ordinarily arranged data in columns and rows. Tabulation is the last stage
in the processing of data. It is counting the number of Cases falling into each class. After
classification, it remains to add the data on the questionnaire and to enumerate the difference
response. Putting tally marks as one goes through the response one by one does manual
tabulation. Tabulation is essential for the following reasons:
It facilitates the process of comparison.
It provides a basis for various statistical computations.
It facilitates the summation of items and the detection of errors.
It covers space and reduces explanatory and descriptive statement to a Minimum.

From the market research it is found that :
The market share of flavored milk in the Bhubaneswar market is very low i.e.
approximately 8%. I interviewed 100 customers and 50 retailers in this Bhubaneswar
From 100 customers only 85% are found out to have some knowledge about flavored
milk and from those only 66% have been tasted that Flavored milk. The main reason
for non tasting of this product is as the price (42%).
According to income group variation, the students group depends upon pocket money
does not prefer it for it's price. But other factors like availability can be said to be
reasonable, but it requires further improvement.
More consumption of flavored milk occurs during office hours and hot seasons.
Mostly the middle size shops are keeping OMFED flavored milk (51%) and less
(23%) pure OMFED booths are found.
Packaging of OMFED flavored milk is on average.
Price cut in other competitive brand is the main reason behind less sale of OMFED
flavored milk. Apart from it lack of consumer awareness is also a prime cause behind
the less sale of this product.
Advertisement is the most preferred media (29) of promoting flavored milk. It is
followed by Outdoor Display (24).
Mostly the customers within the age group of 25-40 years, are using flavored milk out
of which 74% are male and 26% are female customers.
Less awareness of products in the market.
Distribution channel is not up to the mark.
The retailers are getting less profit due to high price.

After completing this study I can suggest the following to OMFED for the better performance
in the market. They are like:
More advertisement should be given for the better result in the future.
Special advertisement in TV in the local prime schedule should be given, when the
children can watch it in their favourite serials.
Distribution channels should be improved and product should be made available at the
door step of retailers every day.
Some retailers claim that the crown cork which is used in packaging of Flavored milk
is going rust in few days and the labeling in paper format is get wetted in refrigerator.
So this type of packaging materials should be avoided. Some new technology may be
implemented to improve the packaging.
Present price of the flavored milk should be reduced to compete with the other soft
drink product in the market. The profit margin to the retailers/ dealers should also be
higher from the present amount which will encourage them to store this product at
their store.
It should be promoted as all the seasonal health drink rather than the soft drink. Other
studies have indicated that the cold drinks( carbonated water) are very much injurious
to human body as the composition is the cold drink dissolved the Calcium percentage
from the human bone and gradually weakened the bones. So this flavored milk should
be promoted on this ground for the children.
Special awareness programme should be organized to create awareness and promote
the product.
The company should provide financial support to enhance the franchise of pure
OMFED booth.
The concentration of the flavored milk should be high.
To compete with the competitors , the company should acquire deep knowledge about
the market along the changing environment and technology

OMFED is one of the prominent organization in cooperative sector in the state of Orissa
which is running on profit year after year. The Bhubaneswar diary has proved itself to be a
profit making plant of OMFED. Its distribution of milk and milk product is undoubtedly
clear-cut to its kind. The agents, wholesalers and direct customers are very much cooperative
to the company. The company is also taking utmost care of its various customers. The milk
and milk products are highly accepted among the consumers. The phrase "The Pride of
Orissa" is a justified one to this company.


1. Marketing Management, Phillip Kotler , 13th Edition, Phi Learning Pvt Limited,
Conducting Marketing Research And Forcasting Demand ,Page 90 96.
2. Kings Marketing Management By Dr. M.M.Varma & R.K. Agrawal, 7th Edition,
Research Procedures, Page No 126 - 129

WEBLIGOGRAPHY research service

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