Double Trend Trap Strategy Guide

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The 6 Simple Steps to Our

Ultimate Intra-Day Strategy

(The Strategy We Use in our Trading Room Every Day)
**Please Note:
This is a Made Simple report o! our strategy" There is no #ay #e $ould e%plain the
intri$a$ies o! our $omplete trading strategy& methodologies& e%$eptions& $hanges& et$" in
one 'asi$ report"
This is #hy #e highly en$ourage people to $ontinue their edu$ation #ith us"
( Strategy""" That )O*+S,
In this Strategy Report, we are going to teach you a simple and effective strategy that will work in the
Forex Market.
It works because it uses fundamental principles in trading that have been proven over time. hat!s
why we use this in our rading Room, our Signals and our own personal accounts.
"ere!s a simple shot of how the Market moves.
It trends& $onsolidates and 'rea-s through again" This happens $onstantly in the Mar-et"
he Report explains how we take advantage of the structural market movement on an every
day basis.
Step One:
De!ine the trend on the Daily and . /our 0hart"
#$efining the rend% seems like a simple and obvious step, but it is &M&'I() how many people get
caught up in the moment of whatever chart they are looking at and don!t even think to check the
other ime Frames to see if longer term momentum is on their side.
So (1)(2S -no# #hat dire$tion the Trend is on the ./* and Daily 0hart""" (l#ays,
*emem'er& #e $an3t Trap the trend i! #e don3t -no# #hat the trend is"
$efining the trend does not have to be a complicated set of rules. & simple look at the charts and
determining whether *rice is consistently going +*, consistently going $,-(, or moving in an overall
sideways direction will tell you what the trend is.
If you are someone who really likes rule.based thinking, you can do this/
*ut a 011, 211, and 31 Simple Moving &verage on your chart. If the *rice is above all 4 of those on the
$aily and 5"R, it is an uptrend. If it is below all 4, it is downtrend, and if price is back and forth
between them and crossing in and out, it is a sideways market.
(ot surprisingly, we are only looking for trades in the direction of the $efined rend.
If the trend is +* 67ullish8 we are looking for 7uys.
If the trend is $,-( 67earish8 we are looking for Sells.
&gain, it seems simple, but 9ust sticking to the :2 Rule of defining the rend and sticking to that
direction gives you a big ;dge... and we still have four more steps to go<
Step T#o:
1oo- !or the Opportunity
==(ote/ Step 0 may come off a bit confusing at first, but when you understand the whole pu>>le, it
makes a lot of sense, so 9ust bare with us and keep on reading /8
( trading opportunity o$$urs #hen the Mar-et starts mo4ing in the opposite dire$tion o! our
de!ined trend" I! the de!ined trend is Up 5or 6ullish7& an opportunity #ould 'e #hen #e see the
mar-et 'egin to mo4e do#n"
In short, the opportunity is the area that!s circled in red/
-hy is that an opportunity?
7ecause that means we have a chance to get a )ood *rice 6buying at a lower price8 in the direction of
the trend.
In other words, if we 9ust buy in an uptrend, we may get in at too high of a price so there is not
enough #room% for the market to keep pushing the price higher 6which means it would move down
and we would lose money8@ however, if we wait for the market to move down, we A(,- there is
room for it go higher because it has 9ust recently been higher. Simple, yes, but very powerful.
(ow, 9ust because it is moving down in an uptrend, does (, mean we are buying@ it!s only the 0

step in the process telling us we MI)" have a trade possibility soon.
o summari>e, the opportunity is 9ust the simple step of recogni>ing that the Market could be giving
us a better price to trade in the direction of the rend Soon.
Remember, step 0 is still a long way from the trade, it!s only alerting us to keep our eyes open on a
given pair.
Step Three:
)at$h !or 8ilters
,nce we spot an opportunity in the Market, the next thing we need to do is Bualify that opportunity.
In other words, we might get a whole bunch of #*otential rades% but only a small percentage of
those will be high Buality trades.
he Filtering *rocess helps us eliminate many of the bad trades that would 9ust get us into trouble.
(o matter how many filters you have, you will still lose trades, but having good filters can mean the
difference between a (et -inning System or a (et Coser.
,ur most important filter is M,M;(+M. If momentum is on our side, that R;&CCD helps the odds
that we!ll win the trade. -e!ve designed a custom indicator called the S.M.I. to Bualify the
momentum for us. his is our most important filter<
Some other filters to consider/
2. Fibonacci Cevels
Since we are using trends in this strategy, there should always be a swing that you can draw a Fib on.
his will help you determine whether or not there is a critical level you should be concerned about. In
other words, you don!t want to take a 7uy *osition when there is a Fib level acting as resistance 9ust a
few pips above your entry price. hat!s an easy way to put the probability on the losing side.
0. Support and Resistance 'ones
Fibs are already support and resistance levels, but another thing to watch out for are ',(;S of
support or resistance. hese occur when there is a certain level or area of price in the Market that has
re9ected or supported price tons of times in the past. Many times this creates a cluster or a >one and
you don!t want to trade into these areas.
4. (ews
(ews is another filter to consider. ;ven if a trade opportunity is looking great, (ews can easily throw
off your opportunity. (ot all news has to be avoided, but be careful of ma9or events.
Remember that filters are something that comes with experience more than 9ust reading an ;.7ook.
It will take time in the market 6or in our trading room8 to really understand how to navigate the
market and avoid bad trades. +sing filters can minimi>e your losses, especially with some experience
in the Market.
2ou #on3t a4oid e4ery losing trade& 'ut i! you $an a4oid enough o! them& you3ll 'e a pro!ita'le
Step 8our:
)ait !or the 6rea-
Since we know that the #,pportunity% in this strategy comes when price is moving in the opposite
direction of our defined trend, you may have guessed that the rade comes when price BREAKS BACK
into the direction of our trend
Remember when we defined opportunity with this graphic?
he reason that is the #opportunity% is because we know price is likely to break back at any time.
-hen it does, we have a trade.
De!ining the 6rea-:
&ll you need to do is draw a rough trend.line on the bearish move circled in the image above6use a
lower time frame like 41 Minute or 2 "our to draw your line8. -hen price breaks that #mini.trend%
and starts going back in the direction of the 7igger rend, we will have more than 9ust an opportunity
Ewe!ll have a trade<
So Step . is this:
Anowing that the opportunity is a Buality one 6no ma9or filters8, having your trend line in place 641
Minute or 2 "our Fhart8 and -&II() for the 7R;&A 7&FA into the direction of our defined trend
6candle close on whatever time frame you have drawn the rend Cine on8.
Remember, a little trend line and break doesn't mean much if you don't know what direction the
market is likely to go on the bigger time frames. Using a break on a smaller time frame that is
demonstrates continuation on the Larger time frame is an easy way to cheat :)
Step 8i4e:
Stri-e 9ntry
The entry is $alled the Stri-e"
-e call it that because it is typically a Buick and powerful move when the Market breaks back into
the direction of the longer trend. &s a trader, there is nothing better than getting on board 9ust as the
Market is ready to make a Strong move in your favor which is why we love this strategy so much.
hat!s what makes momentum and using the S.M.I. so important.
Trade Management:Setup:
For a 7uy Strike ;ntry, Stop Coss will be 7;C,- recent lows and ake *rofit will be a few pips 7;C,-
recent "ighs. he ,pposite of what!s shown below is true for a Sell Strike/he strike is a powerful
strategy. Most traders don!t have an understanding of what the Market is trying to do and how to
implement a strategy to take advantage of it.
he #Strike ;ntry% is designed to take advantage of the structure that the Market naturally and
constantly works in and is a very profitable strategy when paired with patience, discipline and
Step Si%:
The 6oomerang 9ntry
The se$ond entry o! the Dou'le Trend Trap Strategy is the 6oomerang 9ntry
he 7oomerang ;ntry is an additional entry that we take if *rice #"ooks 7ack% toward the break point
or the old trend line. ,ften, price will do this to confirm the level we are trading and then continue in
the original direction of the trade.
,nly take the boomerang trade if your strike trade moved with momentum in the direction of the
break before hooking backEif not, the #boomerang% could, in fact, be a reversal against you and you
do not want to add a position in that case.
"ere is how a 7oomerang ;ntry Cooks/
In the example above, you will see that we had a strong strike entry and price moved up through the
trend line, but it hooked back to test the #break level% before continuing.
his happens constantly on trend continuation breaks, so we use it to our advantage by utili>ing the
7oomerang ;ntry in many of our trades.
&fter the boomerang entry, the only thing left to do is manage your trade.
o make sure that you are using this strategy more effectively, $ownload our S.M.I. Indicator.
-e hope you have en9oyed this free report<
If you have any Buestions or want to learn more about us, we are always available at/

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