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The design of tracks shown in Diagram 1 is the track that is usually used in the tracks

tournament. There are another two designs of tracks which has a measurement of 400m in
Lane 1 and width of the line is the same.

Question 1:
Using your own creativity, create two designs of tracks which has a measurement of 400 m
in Lane 1 and width of each lane is the same.


The track fulfils the following specifications:
o The running distance from the inner edge of the inner lane is 300mm.
o There are 8 lanes.
o Each lane is 1.22m wide.
o The track is consists of two straight sections joined by two semi-circular sections.

Lane 1
On the curved section has a radius of 36.5m,
but we need to add 300 mm for the "running position",
for a total of 36.8 m.
The radius is 36.8 m
So the Circumference = 2 radius = 2
36.8 m = 231.221 m
Add the 2 straight section of 84.39m:
231.221m + 2 84.39 m = 231.221m + 168.78m = 400 m

Lane 2
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 2 will be 36.8m + 1.22m = 38.02 m
The radius of lane 2 is 38.02 m
So the Circumference = 2 38.02 m = 238.887 m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
238.887 m + 2 84.39 m = 238.887 m + 168.78 m = 407.65 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 1.
So, Lane 2 should start 7.65 m after Lane 1 to be fair.

Lane 3
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 3 will be 38.02m + 1.22m = 39.24 m
The radius of lane 3 is 39.24 m
So the Circumference = 2 39.24 m = 246.552 m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
246.552 m + 2 84.39 m = 246.552 m+ 168.78 m = 415.332 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 2.
So, Lane 3 should start 7.65 m after Lane 2 to be fair.

Lane 4
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 4 will be 39.24m + 1.22m = 40.46 m
The radius of lane 4 is 40.46 m
So the Circumference = 2 40.46 m = 254.218 m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
254.218 m + 2 84.39 m = 254.218 m+ 168.78 m = 422.998 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 3.
So, Lane 4 should start 7.65 m after Lane 3 to be fair.

Lane 5
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 5 will be 40.46m + 1.22m = 41.68 m
The radius of lane 5 is 41.68 m
So the Circumference = 2 41.68 m = 261.883m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
261.883 m + 2 84.39 m = 261.883 m+ 168.78 m = 430.663 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 4.
So, Lane 5 should start 7.65 m after Lane 4 to be fair.

Lane 6
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 6 will be 41.68m + 1.22m = 42.90 m
The radius of lane 6 is 42.90 m
So the Circumference = 2 42.90 m = 269.549m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
269.549m+ 2 84.39 m = 269.549 m+ 168.78 m = 438.329 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 5.
So, Lane 6 should start 7.65 m after Lane 5 to be fair.

Lane 7
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 7 will be 42.90m + 1.22m = 44.12 m
The radius of lane 7 is 44.12 m
So the Circumference = 2 44.12 m = 277.214m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
277.214m+ 2 84.39 m = 277.214 m+ 168.78 m = 445.994 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 6.
So, Lane 7 should start 7.65 m after Lane 6 to be fair.

Lane 8
Each lane is 1.22m wide, the radius for Lane 8 will be 44.12m+ 1.22m = 45.34 m
The radius of lane 8 is 45.34 m
So the Circumference = 2 45.34 m = 284.880m
Add the two straight section of 84.39 m:
284.880m+ 2 84.39 m = 284.880 m+ 168.78 m = 453.660 m
That is 7.65 m longer than Lane 7.
So, Lane 8 should start 7.65 m after Lane 7 to be fair.

Design 1
Presentation of data:
Lane Radius(m) Circumference(m)
Staggered Start(m)
1 36.80 231.221 400.00 0.00
2 38.02 238.887 407.667 7.67
3 39.24 246.552 415.332 7.67
4 40.46 254.218 422.998 7.67
5 41.68 261.883 430.663 7.67
6 42.90 269.549 438.329 7.67
7 44.12 277.214 445.994 7.67
8 45.34 284.880 453.660 7.67

Track Design 2:

The track fulfils the following specifications:

o The distance around the inside edge of the inner lane is 300mm.
o There are 8 lanes.
o Each lane is 1.20m wide.
o The track is consists of two straight sections joined by two semi-circular sections.
o Each of the straight sections is curve for the 120m race, as shown below).

Lane 1
[Using =3.142]
On the curved section has a radius of 25.461m
The radius is 25.461 m
So the Circumference = 2 radius = 2 25.461 = 160m
Add the 2 straight section of 120m: 160m + 2 120 m = 160m+ 240m= 400m

Lane 2
Since each lane is 1.20m wide, so the radius for Lane 2 will be
25.461+ 1.2 = 26.661m
The radius of lane 2 is 26.661m
So the Circumference = 2 26.661 m = 167.538 m
Add the two straight section of 120m:
167.538m + 2 120 m = 167.538m + 240 m = 407.538 m
That is 7.538m longer than Lane 1.
So, Lane 2 should start 7.541 m after Lane 1 to be fair.

Presentation of data:
Lane Radius(m) Circumference(m)
1 25.461 160.000 400.000 0.00 m
2 26.661 167.538 407.538 7.538
3 27.861 175.079 415.079 7.541
4 29.061 182.619 422.619 7.541
5 30.261 190.160 430.160 7.541
6 31.461 197.701 437.701 7.541
7 32.661 205.242 445.242 7.541
8 33.861 212.783 452.783 7.541

The radius of the curved section is 73.2484/2= 36.6242.You get
this answer by taking away 85 twice from 400M so the answer is
230M. 230M is the circumference of the two semicircles and so
working out the radius of the two circles, you do 230M divided by
=3.14 and so you get the diameter of 73.2484M. The radius is
half of that and so the radius is 36.6242M

400 M RACE
400 403.925 36.6242 0 DISTANCE
407.85 411.775 37.8742 7.85M FROM
415.70 419.625 39.1242 15.7M FROM
423.55 427.475 40.3742 23.55M FROM
431.40 435.325 41.6242 31.4M FROM
439.25 443.175 42.8742 39.25M FROM
447.10 451.025 44.1242 47.1M FROM
454.95 458.875 45.3742 54.95M FROM
462.8 466.725 46.6242 62.8M FROM
Radius of the curved sections:

As the straight sections of the track are both 85m long, 170m of the track is
straight. That means that the remaining 230m of the track is comprised of
the two semicircular sections. As there are two semicircular sections, each of
equal radii, the sum of their inside edges (of the inside lanes) is equal to the
circumference of a circle that would fit neatly into the inside curves of the

The circumference of a circle, c, is given by the equation: c=2 r,
where r is the radius.

Therefore, as we have deduced that the circumference of this imaginary circle
is equal to the sum of the inside curves of the track, we can
write: 230=2 r, so r=2302 =36.606 metres (to 3 d.p.)

This measurement is only the measurement of the radii of the semicircles
which comprise the inside edge of the inside lane on the curved section. We
want to find a measurement for the radii of the semicircles which comprise
the whole of both curved sections; there are 8 lanes that we must consider in
order to do this. As each lane is a constant 1.25 metres, the sum of the
thickness of the lanes is equal to 8 x 1.25 = 10 metres. Therefore, the radius
of the curved sections, in order to produce a scale drawing, is equal to:
36.606 + 10 = 46.606 metres (to 3 d.p.)

The 200m Staggered Start:

As it is mentioned in the problem for the 400m start that the measurement
for the length of a given lane is that of its inside edge, I will assume that it is
the inside edges of each lane that must be made constant in the 200m race in
order to make the race fair. The runner in lane 1 starts at the curved section
on the bottom right of the track, so I will use that lane for comparison with
the others. The straights do not need to be compensated for in the staggered
start, as the runners would all run the same distance here. Therefore, we only
need to consider the 115m of track that the runners will run on before they
hit the straight; in this time, all runners will be running on the curved section
of track.

The runner in lane 2 is running on a track with an inside edge that is 1.25m
further outwards than that of lane 1. Therefore, the radius of runner 2's track
is equal to 36.606+1.25=37.856 metres. Thus, the circumference of the
semicircle that makes up the curved section is equal
to: 2 r2 = r=118.927 metres This is 3.927 metres longer than the inside
edge of lane 1, so the rune in lane 2 will start 3.927 metres in front of the
runner in lane 1.

We can also generate an nth term sequence for the lanes. The nth term for
this sequence is: (36.606+1.25(n1)) I arrived at this conclusion because
the formula for the arc of a semicircle is pi x r, hence the reason for
multiplying the sequence by pi, and the section in brackets is the way to
determine the radius of the inside edge of any given track. Each runner, as
we move from lane 1 to lane 8, will start 3.927 metres (3 d.p.) in front of the
previous runner.

The 400m Staggered Start:

The obvious conclusion for this problem would be to say that each runner
starts twice as far behind the runner in the next inside lane as they did in the
200m race, but I will investigate this mathematically.

Each runner is running 400 metres, but 170 metres of the track they will run
(85 x 2) is made up of straight sections, where the runners will run the same
distance regardless of the lane they are in, so this does not need to be
compensated for. Thus, 230m of the track they will run on is comprised of a
curved section, which must be compensated for. When the runner in lane 2
reaches a curved section, the radius of the inner edge of his/her lane is equal
to 36.606+1.25=37.856 metres. Thus, the arc lengths of both semicircles
together is equal to: 2 37.856=237.854 metres (3 d.p.) This is 7.854
metres longer than the length of curved track in lane 1, so the runner in lane
2 will start 7.854 metres in front of the runner in lane 2.

We can also generate an nth term sequence for the lanes. The nth term for
this sequence is: 2 ((36.606+1.25(n1)) pi). I arrived at this conclusion
using the nth term formula I generated before to calculate the arc length of
one of the semicircular pieces of track, then multiplied it by 2 (for the two
semicircles involved in the 400m. As we move from lane 1 to lane 8, each
runner starts 7.854 metres in front of the runner on the next inside lane to

Question 2:
Based on your track designed in question (a) and Diagram 1, which design would you choose
for your school tournament?
State your justification.

Based on the track designed in question (a) and Diagram 1, I will choose field track question
(a) of design 1 in for my school tournament.

This is because an outdoor track measures 400 meters (m) around, with standard
measurements of 84.39m for the straights and 115.611m for the curves.
These distances are typically measured either 20 centimetres (cm) from the inside of
the track (if no rail or curb exists on the inside), or 30cm from the inside (if there is a
rail or curb in place). One straightaway is extended for the start and finish of sprint
This track will have eight lanes. Six and nine lane tracks are also common, while two
and four lane tracks are occasionally made. A tenth lane becomes too wide and gives
too much advantage to the outside athlete in the 200m, since running a turn is less
efficient than running a straight. Tracks used for international competition will
always be either eight or nine lanes.
Each lane is 1.22m wide.
A common finish line exists for all running events. Consequently, there are many
starting lines on a track.
Runners experience centrifugal force which slows their progress.
Circular tracks have a constant curvature, and so runners get
no relief from this force.
Curvature is greatest in lane 1 which puts that runner at a
The javelin event is held in the middle of the track. The
longest throws are 100 m, which rules out circular and
long/thin tracks for safety reasons.
When running around curved sections:

A straight stretch is required for events
There are a number of reasons:

Why dont they simply make running tracks circular?
Total distance of the running track
= total distance of lane + distance of running track border + distance
of finishing line + distance of starting line
2 (100) + 2r

Total distance of lane
The distance of the 8 lane (obtained from Activity 1) are added
400.000 + 407.542 + 415.082 + 422.624 + 428.908 + 437.708 + 445.246 + 452.786
Distance of running track border
The distance of the running track border is same as the distance of the 9
Thus, using = 3.142, the formula below is used:

To find radius, r, formula used:

Where, a= 31.827,
d = 1.2
= 31.827 + (9 1) (1.2)
= 41.427m
Therefore, the distance of the running track border
Tn = a + (n-1)d
=2 (100) + 2 (3.142) (41.427)
= 460.327m
Distance of finishing line
Since there are 8 lanes with 1.2m wide each, the distance of finishing line is:
8 x 1.2m = 9.6m
Distance of starting line
Although there are 8 starting line, there is 1 line overlap with the finishing line. So, we
assume that there are only 7 starting line.
Since the width of each lane is 1.2m, the total distance of starting line is:
7 x 1.2m = 8.4m
Therefore, the total distance of running track
= 3409.896m + 460.327m + 9.6m + 8.4m
= 38888.223

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