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ACVA Journal 1:2

Car Accidents
Linda Johnsen

Cars tremble when they see him coming. What does Johns Vedic chart reveal about his extraordinary
talent for transforming shiny new automobiles into scrap metal?

My friend John destroys cars. John has totalled more vehicles than most people own in the course of
their lifetimes. He left a crushed jeep overturned in a mountain ravine after driving over a country bridge
which no longer existed. He ripped the transaxle out from under a Hyndai plowing it into a chain link gate.
He wiped another car out of existence by blithely ignoring a stop sign as he powered into a busy intersection.
He has laid motorcycles down in heavy traffic. Miraculously, no one has ever been injured in any of Johns
numerous accidentsso farthough several of Johns devoted friends refuse to get into a car if he is at the
wheel. John does not drink or use drugs, nor is he an unskilled driver. He simply destroys cars.
I suspected there was trouble when I tried to reach John at work last week, and learned he hadnt shown
up yet. Sure enough, it turned out he was at the AAA having the damage to his station wagon assessed after
his latest auto collision. John called me up later and asked me to have a look at his chart and figure out, for
once and for all, what the heck is going on.
Many jyotishis consider the single most sensitive degree in a birth chart to be the 64th navamsa. This
point is notorious in Vedic astrology. To instantly locate the 64th navamsa in a natal chart, identify the exact
degree of the birth Moon, then find the point exactly 210% away. (In other words, you are looking for the
degree exactly 8 house positions from the Moon.)
Johns birth Moon is positioned at 14% 12 Libra. Therefore his 64th navamsa lies at 14% 12 Taurus.
Note that Johns natal Mars (the planet governing accidents) at 14% 17 Scorpio is permanently locked in
exact opposition to this sensitive point in the 4th house (the house governing vehicles). Mars is particularly
powerful here because it is in its own sign, in a kendra (quadrant), is dik bala (has optimal directional
strength), is vargottama (in the same sign in the navamsa), and is in a strong degree.
Note also that Venus, the lord of the 4th house (governing vehicles), is in Johns Ascendant, conjunct
Mercury, the lord of Johns 8th house (governing accidents). A lifelong predisposition to motor accidents is
explicitly evident.
My next question was, why isnt John dead? Jupiters benefic presence in the 4th house may have an
impact; however, Jupiter is weak for an Aquarian Ascendant and in this case is also in an enemys sign,
afflicted by Mars. The real protective power in this chart lies in the extraordinary strength of the Ascendant
lord (exalted Saturn in the 9th house), and the blessing presence of Johns yogakaraka Venus in the Lagna
itself. Venus conjunction with 8th lord Mercury can bring accidents; however, as lord of the 5th house,
Mercury also forms (with Venus) a raja yoga in the 1st house. Johns Ascendant is strongly fortified;
although with 8th lord in the 1st and 1st lord retrograde, I hate to see him push his luck.

1 = 2 3
6 7 8 9
Feb. 23, 1954
7:40 AM EST
Washington, DC
77W02 38N54
Source: Birth Certificate
14 12'
. g 14 17'
s 14 12'
a f d
3 14 12'
s 14
g 14 17'

What transits was John experiencing at the exact moment of his latest car crash? The accident occurred
at 8:45 a.m. on November 30, 1995, in Sonoma California. At that instant Johns major makara or death
giving planet (the Sun, as 7th house ruler) was transitting 14% 12 of Scorpio. The potent accident
producing yoga was activated, and Johns car collided with a Chevy Blazer, as scheduled, to the minute.
I phoned John back and asked if hed noticed any pattern in his record of accidents. He said that going
back over his insurance records, he noticed these mishaps seem to occur in May or November. I hung up
and sat back in my chair, amazed yet again at the phenomenal accuracy of Vedic astrology. Johns accidents
are occuring as his chief makara transits conjunct or opposition his 64th navamsa in the house of vehicles,
locked in perpetual embrace with natal Mars.
I have advised John that a tendency to car accidents is permanently and unmistakely present in his chart,
and is not going to go away. He needs to be careful and conscious when he drives. He needs to pay
particular attention during malefic transits which activate his accident yoga. I suggested that during these
periods, he may benefit by adding the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra (the great tantric protective mantra) to his
meditation routine.
Johns wife purchased a mantra tape for him, but because the dashboard was damaged during the
accident, the cassette has become permanently jammed in the tape player. Now every time John gets in his
car and turns on the ignition, the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra begins to play.
Linda Johnsen

ACVA Journal readers are invited to share chart delineations with fellow readers, especially
delineations which illustrate basic interpretive principles for newer students. Please send the chart,
your delineation, and your source for the birth data.

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