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A problematic tie

It seems that in the Gaza war (sorry, operation, the Israeli government does not
want to call it war, because then they will have to pay for all the damage done
in Israel by the Hamas rockets) is, if you allow me to use a soccer metaphor, in
its injury time. The war ends in a tie (unless a surprising goal arrives in the last

In the world cup knockout stage, there was a period of extra time if the draw
persisted till the end. I estimate that we will have some extra time here too. The
Israeli administration headed by Bibis government and the mighty army, headed
by general Gans, have no operative plans and are being dragged by the events
and most of all (for Bibi and those who hope to inherit him) by public opinion
polls. But close to 70% of the public is now in an abnormal state that only a
psycho-social scientist could perhaps understand. Tens of year of hatred
propaganda by Bibis establishment have matured. Many are ready to physically
kill people and leaders who think differently for them

Well, since Bibi is playing kindergarten games of not talking to diplomats, who
wait for Israel in Cairo and labels as antisemitic the whole wide world, I suppose
that this extra time will end in another draw. By the way the world was not at all
antisemitic, when Israel fought the 6-day war in 1967. It was overtly pro Israeli.

Who will chose the players for the penalty shootout? I wonder.

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