Recount:: 1. Holiday Fun

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1. holiday Fun
Last summer I had a nice holiday. I visited some great places. I went to the airport and will
fly to Cleveland. I spent three days there. I am glad to see some of the Cleveland Cavaliers
basketball game. Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles,
California, nited !tates. It has become world famous as a center for the film industry. "our
ma#or film companies $ %aramount, &arner 'ros., ()* and Columbia $ had studios in
Hollywood. I do not want to leave but I had to leave her. After that, I went to the city of +ew
,ork. I visited the !tatue of Liberty is very beautiful. I went from the bottom of -anhattan to
the top of the crown. It was so The place makes me feel at home but I have to go
home. +e/t time I0ll get back to them very en#oyable.
2. Sunday The Terrible
Last week was a terrible day for me . -y cousin and I were playing football infront of the
house to spend time with us . "irst , it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong , so the
ball leaded me to the window and broke the window . &hen we want to escape , all of a
sudden we all heard a loud voice . After that , the owner of the house came out of the fence ,
he yelled at us . &e are very afraid of her , but we do not know what to do . Then , one of my
cousins told us to run , we all ran , and suddenly we heard the sound of skin . Then we know
that homeowners allow dogs to chase us . And we were struggling to run as fast as her as we
can. 'ut , I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg . It really hurts me .
Then the dog ran back into the house . -y cousin took me to the doctor and told my parents .
In the end, the doctor said that I was e/posed to rabies . Then I was hospitali.ed for one week
more . that0s a terrible day of the week for me , may not happen to me again in his ne/t week
1. How To Make Fruit Ice
Materials 1
sugar water
Steps 1
3. "irst, Cut the fruit round or dice.
4. then, !cratching the flesh of a melon.
5. then, 'oil sugar with water until cooked for about 56 minutes.
7. +e/t, %ut in serving glasses that have been cut round pieces or dice.
8. then, to taste %our the sugar water, put ice cubes and put milk on ice fruit.
9. Last, put the decorations on the glass with a piece of strawberry on it.
2.How to Make Tomato Soup
Materials :
: cups of water
; teaspoon of pepper
small clove garlic
; teaspoon of butter
7 large tomatoes
3 small onion
< teaspoon of salt
Steps :
3. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces.
4. "ry them in a pan with butter for five minutes.
5. Add water, spices, salt and pepper.
7. Heat until the water boils.
8. Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour.
1. Cats bugel
we know, most cats look so cute and clean, so is my cat. My
name is Bugel cat. My cat named Bugel because she looked so cute,
tail Bugel and makes me always want to hug him and hug him every
day. Do you want to know about my cat? Bugel I have gray fur and
white. It is so soft. And makes me always want to hug him. e has
beautiful eyes. Its tail Bugel .. and he also has shar! teeth and of
course my scary. "he whishkers in his mouth to make the funy.
owever, although he looks very cute and funny, when he#s angry or
want to catch !rey such as mice, it is very scary for me. Claws are
shar! and seem so long. er voice sounded like a tiger also changed. I
never a!!roached him when he was angry. "hat cat Bugel.
2. Mount ciremai
Mount Ceremai often mistakenly called $ Ciremai $ is a volcanic cone
that is administratively included in the three districts , namely Cirebon ,
%uningan and Ma&alengka , 'est (ava )rovince . "he geogra!hical
!osition of the !eak is located at * + ,- # -. $latitude and /.0 + 12 # ..
$ 3ast, with an altitude of -,.40 m above sea level . "his mountain is
the highest mountain in 'est (ava .
"his mountain has a double crater . 'estern crater radius 2.. m east
of the crater that was interru!ted by a radius of *.. m . At an altitude
of about 1,5.. m above sea level on the southern slo!es of the
eru!tion are former 6owa called 7wallow .
6. Ceremai now belongs to the 8ational )ark area of Mount Ciremai
9"86C: , which has a total area of a!!ro;imately /,,... hectares .
"he name is derived from the word mountain cereme 9 )hyllanthus
acidus , a kind of small fruiting shrubs is rather sour : , but is often
called Ciremai , a hi!erkorek sym!toms due to the many !lace names
in the region )asundan use the !re<; # ci = # for naming the !lace .
D.News item :
1.Indonesian Maid beheaded; a news item text
An Indonesian housemaid has been e/ecuted in !audi Arabia after being convicted of killing
her employer, the !audi Interior -inister said.
The woman was beheaded in the !outhern Asir province in what was the second e/ecution in
the country.
The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her #ewellery. (ape,
murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert
Last year, !audi Arabia, which follow a strict intepretation of !yaria, Islamic law e/ecuted
more than 356 people.
=Taken from1>
?eneric !tructure Analysis
-ain event@ an Indonesian maid was beheaded in !audi Arabia.
'ackground 3@ the maid was found guilty of suffocating her bos.
'ackground 4@ serious crimes can carry death penalty in !audi Arabia.
'ackground 5@ !audi Arabia e/ecuted more than 356 people last year.
(esource@ the !audi Interior -inister statement.
Language "eature Analysis
"ocussing circumtances@ law of serious crimes.
sing material process@ behead, e/ecute, carry, etc
2.North ulawesi !olcano "rupts in North ulawesi
-anado1 After several days of increased activity, the +ational Aisaster -itigation Agency
='+%'> has announced that +orth !ulawesiBs -ount Lokon erupted at 36146 a.m. on
The height at which lava shot out of the volcano was unknown as clouds blocked the full
view. The agency declared areas within a 4.8$kilometer radius from the mountainBs peak
dangerous and urged nearby residents to stay alert.
There are no residential areas within that .one. CThere might be other eruptions. &e call on
the residents to stay calm,D agency spokesman !utopo %urwo +ugroho said in a statement
sent to The 2akarta %ost. The agency said that the residents living outside the .one did not
need to evacuate yet.

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