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Membership Application Form

Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)

The Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) is open to all interested parties.
To become a member of the forum, please complete this form carefully. The
completed and signed form should be sent to the secretariat of WWRF. The
applicant (Individual or organization) ill become a WWRF !ember on
acceptance of the application by the WWRF "eneral #ssembly,
Four different member categories are available. The annual membership fee is
payable as per the calendar year. It amounts to $%% &uro for Individual
!embers. For organizational members, it is '(% &uro for #ssociate !embers,
$%%% &uro for Full !embers and $% %%% &uro for )ponsor !embers. *lease
refer to notes $, ' and + at the end of this page.
!eeting participation costs ill be additional to the membership fee. !ore
information ill be given in connection to every meeting.
Please note: the application form includes a short ritten statement identifying
the applicant describing its interest in participating in the WWRF.
Name of Applicant Individual

or !r"ani#ation:

% &
*lease specify hat ,ind of WWRF membership is intended.
Individual Member Associate Member
Full Member 'ponsor Member
(alendar )ear of membership applied for:
(*lease fill in -r '%$+, etc.)
Release of name.
/pon becoming a !ember of the WWRF, the #pplicant (Individual or
0rganization) agrees that the WWRF may, in connection ith the membership,
and so long as the #pplicant is a !ember, publish the applicant1s name, the
!embership status and the date on hich the #pplicant became a !ember.
Website address to appear in WWRF membership listing and applicant2s
(individual or organization2s) homepage, if any.
Individual membership is available for 3ualified individuals. For further details, please refer to
article 4.' of WWRF #rticles of #ssociation.
'. 0nly )mall and !edium &nterprises ()!&s) are eligible for #ssociate !embership. *lease
refer to &5 definition of )!&s for further details.
*lease note that one membership may be used to represent multiple6affilliate companies
ithin a group.
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Membership Application Form
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
I, Name
as a 3ualified individual or an authorized person of the #pplicant 0rganization
mentioned above, hereby apply for membership of the Wireless World
Research Forum (WWRF), and further declare that the #pplicant .
- #grees to respect all legal provisions and statutes concerning the WWRF
as described in the #rticles of #ssociation, signed version, dated #ugust
(available on WWRF homepage.
- or its representative(s) named overleaf shall be the official contact
person(s) for receiving formal notices, voting papers, and invoices,
- shall become a member of the WWRF upon payment of membership fees
after the acceptance of this application by the "eneral #ssembly.
*lease send the application form to the WWRF )ecretariat (Further details are
available on page 4). #n invoice for the annual membership fee ill be sent to
you after approval of the membership application.
8ame in Full.
9ate 7 *lace.
5ompany stamp.
Page 2 of 4
Membership Application Form
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
*esi"nated Representative (+otin" (ontact):
*lease fill in all the fields belo.
First 8ame
:ast 8ame
*ostal 5ode or ;I*
,illin" (ontact (To be filled in if different from the 9esignated Representative)
*lease fill in all the fields belo.
First 8ame
:ast 8ame
*ostal 5ode or ;I*
Page 3 of 4
Membership Application Form
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
9escription of #pplicant (Individual or 0rganization).
Reasons for the #pplicant to apply for WWRF membership.
*lease fa< the completed application form(s) to WWRF )ecretariat.
Fa-: . && &/ 00 1 00
WWRF secretariat contact person.
8ame, :ast 8ame 9r. =inod >umar
*ostal #ddress #lcatel6:ucent France
5entre de =illarceau<
Route de =ille?uste
@$ A'%, 80;#-
&6mail vinod.,
Telephone C ++ $ +% DD 'D +D
Telefa< C ++ $ +% DD A$ DD
The #rticle of #ssociation for WWRF can be re3uested through the secretariat
contact person or donloaded from the WWRF homepage on Internet.
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