Lembar Latihan Scientific Paper Appraisal Fulfill

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Nama / kelompok : kelompok 18
Judul paper : California collaboration in HIV prevention research : dissemination
Instruksi :
1! isilah kolom"kolom di ba#ah ini
$! beri %aris ba#ah den%an tinta merah atau stabilo pada ba%ian paper &an% telah anda telaah
Item telaah 'da / tidak (sebutkan halamann&a)
Judul (Title)
Ada ( page 1 )
'bstrak dan/atau * in%kasan (Abstract and or Summary)
Ada ( page 1 )
Red sig
+endahuluan ( Introduction, background )
Ada ( page 1 ! " )
Gree sig
,ahan dan Cara ( Method )
Ada ( page " # $ )
B%&e sig
Hasil ( Result )
Ada ( page $ # ' )
-iskusi ( Discussion )
Ada ( page ' # ( )
.capan terima kasih/ pen%har%aan ( acknowledgement )
Ada ( page 1 )
-aftar +ustaka ( Reference )
Ada ( page 1) )
/esimpulan : *+r,a- %eg.ap/-ida. %eg.ap
0uuan penelitian : to disseminate information about prevention intervention projects and
to serve as a resource to be used by California local health
departments and community- based organizations.
Metode penelitian
Item telaah 0emuan (sebutkan berikut halamann&a)
-isain/rancan%an (design) S3s-e,a-i4 re5ie6
1 0in%katan dalam hierarchy of evidence 1
2ampel (sample) 7+8+r- s-&dies 68i48 evaluate the
efects of behavioral prevention
interventions for HIV in
heterosexual frican mericans in
the !nited "tates. # page $ %
.kuran sampel (sample sie) 34 ournals &ere selected for revie&'
( )* studies &hose samples &ere
composed of )++, frican
mericans participants
( )- studies &hose samples had at
least *+, frican merican
participants. &ith no separate
analyses for the frican merican
( )/ studies &hose samples &ere
less than )++, frican merican.
&ith separate analyses for the
frican merican population.
# 0age / %
/riteria inklusi (eligibility criteria! 1or inclusion. study samples had to
meet at least one
of the follo&ing criteria'
( )++, of the sample &as frican
( t least *+, of the sample &as
frican merican.
( frican merican participants
&ere examined
separately if less than )++, of the
( page " )
Metode penentuan sampel (sampling frame) +urposive
Metode pen%umpulan data 2earchin% from the center of disease control
(C-C) and prevention5s prevention research
s&nthesis proect! ( pa%e 1 )
Cara pen%ukuran (measurement and or assessment) 2bserving studies that reported
any type of outcome measure
related to HIV transmission &ere
included' 3no&ledge. attitudes.
intentions. self-reported ris3
behavior. biological outcomes. and
4he 5uality of the studies &as
assessed in several &ays. ta3ing
into account the inclusion criteria
and methods used in previous
systematic revie&s. 4he
researchers then assessed the
follo&ing four criteria. &hich &ere
those deemed most
appropriate for the types of studies
included in the revie&')6
( 7andomization
( ttrition
( 0rotection against contamination
( 4raining8ma3eup of the
facilitators of the intervention
( pa%e 3 )
Instrumen &an% diper%unakan (instrument) C-C5s documents
Metode randomisasi (randomiation) "
Intervensi (intervention) "
Metode analisis / pen%olahan data (analysis method) 2corin% and comparin%
7andomization &as assessed
according to the standards of
the Cochrane Collaboration.)6 If the
method of randomization
&as clearly described #e.g.. the use
of random number
tables or coin 9ips%. the study &as
given full credit for this
category #: points%. If the study
merely mentioned the &ord
;random< but did not give an
ade5uate description. it
received partial credit for this
category #) point%. If the
authors did not give any
description or described using such
allocation methods as a day of the
&ee3 or dates of birth. the
study did not get credit for this
If attrition #the number of
participants &ho dropped out
bet&een baseline data collection
and follo&-up% &as less than
:+, of the subjects randomized.
the study &as given full
credit for this category #) point%. If
more than :+, attrition
occurred or if the information
regarding attrition &as
unclear. the study did not receive
If proper methods &ere utilized to
protect against any contamination
of the intervention #such as the
possibility that
participants in diferent groups
could have signi=cant contact
&ith each other. thereby adversely
afecting the integrity of the
intervention% the study received
full credit for this category
#) point%. If proper methods &ere
not ta3en or if the methods
ta3en &ere unclear. the study did
not receive credit. If the
C>I127?I C2>>@274I2?" I?
HIV 07AVA?4I2? 7A"A7CH'
BI""ACI?4I2? 072DAC4
7A"A7CH "!CC7E
study design did not &arrant a
protection against contamination.
this criterion &as not used. and the
study could
receive a maximum of / points.
Training and Makeup of
If the study included information
regarding the training or
ma3eup of the facilitators. credit
&as given to the study for this
category #) point%. If this
description &as not included. credit
&as not given. #4his issue is not
applicable to all studies.%
"tudies that received -FG)++, of
possible points &ere
deemed ;good< studies. 4hose that
received F+G-F, of possible
points scored ;fair.< nd studies
that received less than
F+, of possible points &ere rated
as having signi=cant
methodological limitations.
/esesuaian antara disain dan tuuan penelitian : sesuai / tidak sesuai
/esesuaian cara pen%ukuran dan instrument &an% diper%unakan : sesuai / tidak sesuai
/esimpulan : valid / tidak valid (H'N7' ,8*-'2'*/'N /8-.' /*I08*I' -I '0'2)

/omentar men%enai kesesuaian nilai ** den%an disain &an% diper%unakan
0idak dapat dievaluasi importancen&a karena nilai Confidence Interval tidak ada dalam urnal ini!
+er%unakan item pertimban%an di ba#ah ini untuk menilai kemamputerapan paper dalam
kasus anda
+ertimban%an applicability : 3 ,
Item pertimban%an /eputusan
burden of illness (pasien9 kota) sama/ tidak sama
barriers to treatment (ekonomi9 %eo%rafi) sama/ tidak sama
behaviours needed (perilaku kita dan pasien kita) untuk
men%adopsi -:9 0:
+erlu ban&ak perubahan
perilaku/ tidak perlu ban&ak
perubahan perilaku
balance (pertimban%an untun% ru%i antara men%aplikasikan den%an
cara &an% ada di paper dan cara &an% ada dalam kasus)
.ntun% / ru%i
,a%aimana applicability penelitian ini terhadap kasus anda ;
Applicable"tidak applicable

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