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Prepre! "#$ B%!e& B'(r
P'e N,.
1. I-2r,!3+2.,- 142

1.1. R./e ,5 +,-/3%er 6re-e//
1.2. O"7e+2.&e/ ,5 2(e S23!#
1.8. Me-.-' ,5 +,-/3%er 6re-e//
1.9. F,r%/ ,5 +,-/3%er E:p;,.22.,-/
1.<. F+2,r/ +3/.-' e:p;,.22.,- ,5 2(e +,-/3%er/
2. R.'(2/ -! D32.e/ ,5 2(e C,-/3%er/ 848
2.1. R.'(2/ ,5 2(e C,-/3%er/
2.2. D32.e/ ,5 2(e C,-/3%er/
8. C,-/3%er Pr,2e+2.,- A+2 ,5 1=>? -! C/e /23!.e/ ?4?
9.1. C,-/3%er Pr,2e+2.,- A+2 1=>?
9.2. C/e S23!.e/
9. D2 B/e -! Me2(,!,;,'# @4>
<.1. C,;;e+2.,- ,5 D2
<.2. S%p;.-' Te+(-.A3e 3/e!
<.8. S22./2.+; T,,;/ 3/e!
<.9. L.%.22.,-/ ,5 2(e S23!#
<. A-;#/./ -! I-2erpre22.,- ,5 D2 =419
?.1. S,+.,4e+,-,%.+ Pr,5.;e ,5 2(e (,3/e(,;!/
?.2. C,-/3%er A6re-e// ,5 2(e Pe,p;e
?. S3%%r# -! C,-+;3/.,- 1<41<
1.1. R./e ,5 C,-/3%er A6re-e//
In the globalization, liberalization and privatization era, most of the economic decisions are
taken by the market. Though, the government has withdrawn itself from many economic activities, it
interferes very often when the market mechanism fails due to structural rigidities in the economy and other
factors, to provide goods and services to the people. Consumption is one of the important economic
activities, which requires regular government intervention, as market is unable to promote security and
welfare aspects of the consumers. On the other hand, consumers has to be aware not only of the commercial
aspects of sale and purchase of goods but also of the health and security aspect also. esides this, they
should be aware of their rights and duties being as rational human beings.
Though, the first consumer movement began in !ngland after the "econd #orld #ar, a
modern declaration about the consumer$s rights was first made in %"& in the year '()*, where four basic
consumer rights i.e. choice, information, safety and right to be heard were recognized. R;p( N!r, a
consumer activist is considered as the father of +Consumer M,&e%e-2. ',th -arch is now celebrated as
the W,r;! C,-/3%er R.'(2/ D#. The %...O. also adopted in the year '(/,, certain guidelines to achieve
the ob0ectives of maintaining protection for consumers and to establish high level ethical conduct for those
engaged in production and distribution of goods and services. In India, *1th 2ecember is celebrated as
C,-/3%erC/ D# every year.
1.2. O"7e+2.&e/ ,5 2(e S23!#

The "tudy based on following ob0ectives3
a) To study the level of consumer awareness of the consumers in the study area
b4 To make the students habituated about the survey work
c4 To make the students acquainted how different statistical tools can be
applied in different socio5economic problems.
1.3. Me-.-' ,5 C,-/3%er A6re-e//
Consumer awareness means awareness of consumers in different aspects of consumption
activities. Consumer awareness is a broader and wider concept. It covers the followings$

a4 Consumer awareness about M:.%3% Re2.; Pr.+e *MRP0.

b4 Consumer awareness about F.r Pr.+e S(,p.

c4 Consumer awareness about price, quality and e6piry date of the product.

d4 Consumer awareness about their rights and duties.

e4 Consumer awareness about the certified products like ISI, A'%rD, ISO42EEE e2+.
1.9. F,r%/ ,5 C,-/3%er E:p;,.22.,-

Consumer e6ploitation is a type of e6ploitation in which the consumers are e6ploited or
cheated by the business community in terms of poor quality of product, underweight, under5measurement,
duplicate articles etc.

"ome of the common ways by which the consumers are e6ploited by the business community are as
a) %nderweight and under5measurement
b4 "ub5standard quality
c4 8igh prices
d) 2uplicate articles
e) &dulteration and impurity

f) 9ack of safety devices
g) &rtificial scarcity
h) 7alse and incomplete information
i) %nsatisfactory after sale services
j) :ough behaviour
1.<. F+2,r/ +3/.-' e:p;,.22.,- ,5 2(e C,-/3%er/
The following are the factors that cause e6ploitation of consumers3
a) 9imited information
b) 9imited supply
c) 9imited competition
d) 9ow literacy
2.1. R.'(2/ ,5 2(e C,-/3%er/
The following are the rights of the consumers as coded in the Indian laws, which the business
community has to keep in mind3
a) :ight to safety
b) :ight to choose
c) :ight to seek redressal
d) :ight to consumer education
e) :ight to be heard
f) :ight to be informed.
2.2. D32.e/ ,5 2(e C,-/3%er/
In order to secure rights, the consumers have to fulfill the following duties3
a) #hile purchasing goods, consumers should look at the quality of the products as well as
on the warranty of the product.
b) They should ask for C/( Me%, for the item purchased.
c) They should form consumer awareness organizations.
d) They must complain for their genuine grievances.
e) The must know their rights and duties.

9.1. C,-/3%er Pr,2e+2.,- A+2 ,5 1=>?
The industrial revolution and the development in the international trade and commerce
has led to the vast e6pansion of business and trade, as a result of which variety of consumer goods have
appeared in the market to cater the needs of the consumers and a host of services have been made available
to the consumers like insurance, transport etc. The advertisement of goods and services in T.; and other
media influence the demand of same by the consumers, though there may be manufacturing defects or
shortcomings in quality and purity of products or deficiency in services rendered. In spite of various
provisions made providing protection to the consumers against adulterated and sub5standard articles in
different enactments like C,!e ,5 C.&.; Pr,+e!3re, 1=E>, MRTP ACT, 1=?=, IPC, 1=?E etc., very little
could be achieved in the field of consumer protection.
In order to provide for the better protection of the interest of the consumers, Consumer
<rotection ill '(/) was introduced in 9ok "abha in ,th 2ecember '(/). The ill was passed by both
8ouses of <arliament and got the assent of the <resident on *1 2ecember '(/), popularly known as the
C,-/3%er Pr,2e+2.,- A+2 ,5 1=>?.
The &ct of '(/), seeks to provide better protection to the interests of the consumers and
for the purpose that there is Consumer Councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumer
disputes and for matter connected therewith. To provide quick redressal of consumer disputes, a quasi5
0udicial institution is set up at all the three levels. These bodies have been empowered to give relief of a
specific nature and to award, wherever appropriate, compensation to the consumers. <enalties of non5
compliance of the orders given by the quasi50udicial bodies have also been provided.
4.2. C/e S23!.e/
1. Mr. S.L.P2. VS. P,/2%/2er, B;.'r(, Or.//*1==80
-oney order not delivered in time to the concerned person, is a case f deficiency in service of worst
category. If this would be the normal act of the <ost Office and the office, which belong to the %nion
=overnment, no one would have faith in services rendered by them. &s a result, an amount of :s*,>?5 plus
the money order amount of :s.'>>>?5 along with interest @ '/A was the compensation awarded to the
deprived person.
2. Mr. K.C. P-! VS SDO,Te;e+,% Depr2%e-2, Ber(%p3r, Or.//*1==90
Telephone line was disconnected even if bill was paid. <roceeding before 2istrict 7orum, Telecom
2epartment made an apology for the mistake occurred inadvertently. ut, in spite of apology, an amount of
:s. *>>>?5 was the compensation awarded to the person concerned by the Telecom 2epartment.
5.1. C,;;e+2.,- ,5 D2
The pro0ect report is based on primary data collected by the students of Class ''th Commerce,
B; .o. *, C:<7, ":. 2ata collected by the investigator for his own purpose, for the first time, from
beginning to end is called primary data. &ccording to We//e;, + 2ata originally collected for the purpose of
the investigator are known as primary dataC. #hen data collected by the others are used by others for their
use or investigation then it is known as secondary data.

5.2. S%p;.-' Te+(-.A3e U/e!
Total number of households selected for the pro0ect is />. These household has been selected
by sampling method. There are two statistical enquiry methods3
a) Census -ethod
b) "ampling -ethod
Census method is that method is that method in which data are collected covering every item
of the universe or population relating to problem under investigation. "ampling method is that method in
which data are collected about samples or a group of items taken from the population. There are different
types of sampling techniques such as3 random sampling, quota sampling, stratified sampling, deliberate
sampling etc. ut for the pro0ect concerned deliberate sampling method is used. This is also called 0udgment
sampling. &ccording to this method, for selecting a sample no specific procedure is used, rather the
investigator, according to his own desire selects those households which represent the universe fully.
<.8. S22./2.+; T,,;/ U/e!
7or analysis of data simple percentage method and arithmetic average is used.

Per+e-2'e .-+re/eF!e+re/eG DDDDDDDDD E '>>
=tF ;alue of the ;ariable in time period t
=t5'F ;alue of the ;ariable in time period t5'
Ar.2(%e2.+ A&er'e*Me-0$

"um of all the values of different items in the series
Total number of items
F Ei i F ', *, IHHHH.n
esides mean and percentage, different types of diagrams like bar diagram, pie5diagram etc. has been
used to represent data in a simple and systematic manner.
P.e D.'r%$
P.e !.'r% is a circle divided into various segments showing the values of a series.
De'ree %e/3re ,5 - .2e%G H &;3e ,5 - .2e% B 8.?
5.3. L.%.22.,-/ ,5 2(e S23!#
The study is based on primary data, collected by the "tudents ''th Commerce,
B.;..o.*, C:<7, Campus ,":. !ach "tudent of the Class interviewed two consumers, one representing
his?her father?mother and the other representing his neighbor. The study area of the pro0ect is limited to
hubaneswar city only. The sample size of the pro0ect is /> only. "o, the sample of the pro0ect is very small.
"ince the study is limited to hubaneswar city only, all the respondents are of urban background.
S,+.,4e+,-,%.+ +,-!.2.,-/ ,5 2(e H,3/e(,;!/
a) T"3;r pre/e-22.,- ,5 D2
Total number of households surveyed for the purpose is />. !ach student of ''th
Commerce conducted survey work. !ach student interviewed to the head of the family relating to different
aspects of consumer awareness mentioned in the questionnaire.

Table .o. ' represents total family members of the surveyed households. Table .o.*
represents the occupational status of the head of the household. Table .o.I represents educational
qualifications of the head of the household. Table .o.1 represents educational status of total households
surveyed. Table .o., represents income level of surveyed households.
Total family members of the surveyed households are 1*>, out of which **> are female
and *>> are male. The average family size of the household ,.I,. Total number of persons interviewed is
/>, out of which )/ belong to service class. Out of these )/ families, I female members are interviewed for
the purpose as male members are staying outside the station. Two families are from big business class
whereas '> are from small business family out of '* business family interviewed.
Out of total /> of the families interviewed ,, are highly qualified. They are =raduate,
<ost =raduate and even some posses <rofessional and Technical qualifications. Out of total, *I are at
<rimary and "econdary level, whereas * are illiterate. Out total family members '(> are =raduate, <ost
=raduate, and <rofessionally and Technically qualified. &gain, 'J> members are at <rimary and "econdary
or 8igher "econdary level, whereas '> are illiterates. :est *> belong to below , years and hence are not
mentioned in the educational status. Table .o. , represents the distribution of income levels of surveyed
households. Out of total /> families '>, )>, '> belong to low income, medium income and high income
group respectively.
T";e N,. 1
Se:46./e F%.;# Me%"er/ ,5 2(e H,3/e(,;!/
"e6K-?74 7amily -embers &verage family "ize
-ale *>> *.,
7emale **> *.J,
Total 1*> ,.*,

T";e N,.2
O++3p2.,-; S223/ ,5 2(e He! ,5 H,3/e(,;!/
Occupation .o. of 8ouseholds <ercentageKA4
"ervices )/ /,
ig usiness >* *.,
"mall usiness '> '*.,
Total /> '>>
T";e N,. 8
E!3+2.,-; Le&e; ,5 He! ,5 5%.;.e/
Lualification .o. of 8ouseholds <ercentageKA4
Illiterate >* *.,
<rimary 'I ').*,
"econdary '> '*.,
Tertiary ,, )/.J,
Total /> '>>
T";e N,.9
E!3+2.,-; S223/ ,5 F%.;# Me%"er/
Lualifications .o. of <ersons <ercentageKA4
Illiterate '> *.,
<rimary I> J.,
"econdary 'J> 1*.,
Tertiary '(> 1J.,
Total 1>> '>>
T";e N,.<
I-+,%e Le&e; ,5 2(e H,3/e(,;!/
Income level .o. of 8ouseholds <ercentageKA4
elow ,>>>K9ow4 '> '*.,
,>>>5*>>>>K-edium4 )> J,
*>>>>5and aboveK8igh4 '> '*.,
Total /> '>>
"0 D.'r%%2.+ Pre/e-22.,- ,5 D2

2ifferent type of diagrams are used to represent the data. 2iagram .o. ', a ar 2iagram
represents se65wise family members of the households. 2iagram .o.*, a <ie Chart represents occupational
structure of the head of the households. 2iagram .o.I and 1 are the <ie Charts represents income level of
head of households and educational status of head of households respectively. 2iagram .o., and ) are the
ar diagrams represents educational status of whole family and income level of head of households.

D.'r% N,.1 D.'r% N,.2
Se:46./e F%.;# Me%"er/ O++3p2.,- S2r3+23re

D.'r% N,.8 D.'r% N,. 9
I-+,%e Le&e; ,5 He! ,5 H,3/e(,;!/ E!3+2.,-; S223/ ,5 He! ,5 H,3/e(,;!/

T";e N,.< T";e N,.?
E!3+2.,-; /223/ 6(,;e 5%.;# I-+,%e ,5 (e! ,5 H,3/e(,;!/

?.2. C,-/3%er A6re-e// ,5 2(e H,3/e(,;!/

a) T"3;r Pre/e-22.,- ,5 D2
Table .o. ) represents the preferred use of soaps, Table .o. J represents the
influence of different agencies on families while purchasing different brand of soaps used by the surveyed
households and Table .o./ represents different aspects of consumer awareness in day to day life of the
surveyed households.
T";e N,.?
Pre5erre! 3/e ,5 S,p/
rand .o. of 8ouseholds <ercentageKA4
9u6 I> IJ.,
2ettol ** *J.,
<ears '* ',
9ifebuoy >) J.,
Others >/ '>
Total /> '>>
T";e N,.@
S,3r+e ,5 .-5;3e-+e ,- 2(e P3r+(/e ,5 !.55ere-2 Br-! ,5 S,p/
"ources .o. of 8ouseholds <ercentageKA4
T; ,) J>
.ewspaper >) J.,
-agazine '> '*.,
Others >/ '>
Total /> '>>

T";e N,. >
D.55ere-2 /pe+2/ ,5 C,-/3%er A6re-e//
Consumer &wareness Mes .o
Bnowledge about Certified
),K/'.*,A4 ',
Check -:<, !6piry and
-anufacturing date
)/K/,A4 >/
Bnowledge about 7air <rice "hop )>KJ,A4 *>
Check ingredients used I,K1I.J,A4 1,
Bnowledge about Consumer Courts JJK().*,A4 >I
!ver gone to Consumer Court '>K'*.,A4 J>
Insist cash -emo for Consumable
goods purchased
,JKJ'.*,A4 *I
7rom table .o.), it is evident that highest percentage of families i.e. IJ.,A prefer 9u6 followed by
2ettol with *J.,A. Income and occupation factor did not influence the purchase or consumption of soap of
9u6 or 2ettol. 8owever, in case of lower income group, out of '>, ) families use either <ears or 9ifebuoy
and they prefer to it as its cost less than other brand of toothpastes. On the other hand, quality of product is
important for high and medium income group, using 9u6 and 2ettol. esides, quality of product and price,
choice of children also taken into account while using the 2ettol or 9u6 for about *>A of the households.
-a0ority people come to know about the product through advertisement on T;, followed by magazine,
newspaper and other agencies as evident from Table .o.J.
Table .o./ depicts different aspects of consumer awareness i.e. about standardization, -:<,
date of manufacturing and e6piry, knowledge about Consumer Courts, rights and duties of the consumers
etc. Out of total families, /'.*,A of families check -:<, date of manufacturing and e6piry. 8owever,
,).*,A of people interviewed, check the ingredients used in the product. &s far as Consumer Court is
concerned, ma0ority of them K().*,A4 have knowledge about it but only '> out of total respondents have
gone to the Consumer Court to redress their problems on different occasions.. 9astly, it is clear from Table
.o. / that ma0ority of householdsKJ'.*,A4 surveyed, insist for Cash -emo at the time of purchase.
8owever, it is limited to non5consumable durable items and some consumable items when large quantity is
b) D.'r%%2.+ Pre/e-22.,- ,5 D2
%se of different brand of soap used by the surveyed households depicted in 2iagram
.o.J and source of influence on the purchase of different brand of soap is depicted in 2iagram .o./. in the
form of a <ie5Chart.
D.'r% N,. @ D.'r% N,.>
U/e ,5 !.55ere-2 Br-! ,5 S,p S,3r+e ,5 .-5;3e-+e ,- !.55ere-2
r-! ,5

6. S3%%r# -! C,-+;3/.,-
The ob0ective of this pro0ect is to assess the people of different class in the society about
different aspects of consumer awareness viz., price and quality of products used by them, about F.r Pr.+e
S(,p, standardization of products, about C,-/3%er F,r3%, about their R.'(2/ and D32.e/ etc. Consumers
will lead a happy, healthy and prosper life if they fully aware about the above mentioned aspects.
7or the pro0ect report, total number head of households interviewed is /> and all belong to
urban area. Out of total head of family interviewed, J/ are literate whereas only * are illiterate. &ll belong
to different income group i.e. high, medium and low income group. 8owever, ma0ority of them belong to
medium income groupKJ,A4. &gain, on the basis of occupation, /,A of respondents are government
servants whereas other are businessmen.
9u6 is the most preferred brandKIJ.,A4 of soap followed by 2ettolK*J.,A4 among the
surveyed households. 8ouseholds from medium and high income group prefer respective brand of soap
taking into account the quality of the product and wishes of their children also. On the other hand, for the
low income group, the most important factor that determines the use of soap is the price of the product.
&gain, ma0ority of respondentKJ>A4 are influenced by the advertisement about the product and the
important media is Te;e&./.,-.
&s far as consumer awareness is concerned, ma0ority of respondents have knowledge about
certified products, check MRP, date of manufacturing and e6piry at the time of purchase. 8owever ma0ority
of them do not check about the ingredients used in the product. On the other hand, ma0ority of them have the
knowledge of C,-/3%er C,3r2/, but out of total respondents only '> have ever gone to the Consumer
Courts for complaining about different commodities they purchased and consumed. 9astly, it is evident
from the study that, ma0ority of them insist for Cash -emo at the time of purchase, but, it is limited to
consumer durable goods and for consumer non5durable goods when large quantities of goods is purchased.
To conclude, people are concerned about different aspects of consumer awareness i.e. their rights and
duties, certified products, MRP, date of manufacturing and e6piry of the products they used, Consumer
Courts etc as far as urban area is concerned.
!ducational implications of the study is that every students as well as parents should
be aware about different aspects of different commodities they consume in day5to5day life. They should
have knowledge about certified products, Check -:<, date of manufacturing, and e6piry at the time of
purchase of a commodity. They must have awareness about their rights and duties.
'. <rof. ".<. =upta, +"tatistical -ethodsC, ".Chand and Company 9td, '((1, .ew 2elhi.
*. ".-ishra and ;.B.<uri, +Indian !conomyC, 8imalaya <ublishing 8ouse, -umbai,*>>>
1. :uddar 2utt and B.<.-. "undharam, +Indian !conomyC, ". Chand and Company 9td., '((1.
,. "tatistics for !conomics, Te6tbook for Class EI, .C!:T, .ew 2elhi, *>>,.
). Indian !conomic 2evelopment, Te6tbook for Class EI, .C!:T, .ew 2elhi,*>>,.
J. The Consumer <rotection &ct '(/), the 9aw 8ouse, .ew 2elhi.
/. Contemporary India, & "ocial "cience Te6tbook for Class E, .C!:T, .ew 2elhi,*>>I.
(. !conomic "urvey, 2irectorate of !conomics and "tatistics, <lanning and Co5ordination
2epartment, =overnment of Orissa, *>>)5>J.
A. I3e/2.,
E!3+2.,-$JJJJJJJJ O++3p2.,-$JJJJJJJ

8. A'e *I- #er/0 N,. ,5 Per/,-/
M;e Fe%;e T,2;
Be;,6 <
?< -! ",&e
9. Le&e; ,5 E!3+2.,-
N,. O5 Per/,-/
<. M,-2(;# I-+,%e
* I- R/F40
Up 2, 1EEE
<EEEE -! ",&e
?. W(2 !, #,3 3/e 2, +;e- #,3r 2ee2( K
T,,2(p/2eJJJJJ T,,2( P,6!erJJJJJ A-# O2(erJJJJJJ

@. W(.+( "r-! ,5 2,,2(p/2e !, #,3 3/e re'3;r;# K
>. T(e pr.+e 5,r 1EE 'r% p+D ,5 2(e 2,,2(p/2e *3/e! "# 2(e%0.
D, -,2 D-,6JJJJJJ.
=. D, #,3 5.-! 2(e pr,!3+2 +,/2;#K Ye/FN,
1E. D, #,3 +(e+D MRP, !2e ,5 %-35+23r.-' -! !2e ,5 e:p.r#K Ye/FN,
11. D, #,3 +(e+D /2-!r!.L2.,- ,5 pr,!3+2 ;.De ISI, A'%rD, ISO 2EEE K Ye/FN,
12. D, #,3 +(e+D .-'re!.e-2/ 3/e! .- 2(e pr,!3+2 K Ye/FN,
18. Are #,3 /2./5.e! 6.2( 2(e A3;.2# ,5 2(e pr,!3+2 K Ye/FN,
19. Are #,3 6re ",32 2(e F.r Pr.+e S(,p K Ye/FN,
1<. D, #,3 5.-! 2(e &.;".;.2# ,5 pr,!3+2 2 FPS K Ye/FN,
1?. D, #,3 +,%p;.- 2(e /(,pDeeper .- +/e ,5 !.//2./5+2.,- K Ye/FN,
1@. H/ #,3r +,%p;.- "ee- 2.%e;# 22e-!e! K Ye/FN,
1>. W/ #,3r +,%p;.- 22e-!e! 2, #,3r /2./5+2.,- K Ye/FN,
1=. Are #,3 6re ",32 C,-/3%er C,3r2/ K Ye/FN,

2E. H&e #,3 e&er ',-e 2, C,-/3%er C,3r2 .- +/e ,5 -# !.//2./5+2.,- K Ye/FN,
21. D, #,3 .-/./2 C/( Me%, 2 2(e 2.%e ,5 p3r+(/e 2, e-/3re 'e-3.-e Ye/FN,
p3r+(/e -! 2: re&e-3e 2, ',&er-%e-2 K Ye/FN,
22. D, #,3 .-/./2 C/( Me%, 5,r ,2(er +,%%,!.2.e/ 2 2(e 2.%e ,5 p3r+(/e K Ye/FN,
28. H,6 !, #,3 +,%e 2, D-,6 ",32 2(e pr,!3+2 K Ye/FN,
A!&er2./e%e-2 F%.;# .-5;3e-+e!
Ne6/pper JJJJJJJ
S;e/ Repre/e-22.&e/ JJJJJJJ
E:(.".2/ S2;; JJJJJJJ
A-# ,2(er JJJJJJJJ
24. Are #,3 22r+2e! "# pr,%,2.,-; ,55er/ ;.De re"2e/, 5ree 2,,2("r3/(,
"3# ,-e 'e2 ,-e 5ree K Ye/FN,
2<. D, 2(e C(.;!re- .-5;3e-+e p3r+(/e ,5 pr2.+3;r 2,,2(p/2e K Ye/FN,
2?. I5 -e6 2,,2(p/2e "r-! ./ ;3-+(e! .- 2(e %rDe2 6.;; #,3 "3# .2 K
I5 #e/, 2(e- 6(2 +,-/.!er2.,- K Ye/FN,
Pr.+e ,5 2(e Pr,!3+2JJJJJJJJ I3;.2# ,5 2(e pr,!3+2JJJJJJ
Pr,%,2.,-; ,55erJJJJJJJ A-# O2(erJJJJJJ
Mr. Bamdev Baghar, PGT(Economics)

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