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Case Number 10-011421 Complaint Exhibit 4
From :
Subject : Case Number 10-011421 Complaint Exhibit 4
To : John Geidenberger <>
Cc : Kenneth Oswalt <>, James Miller
<>, rthorp
<>, Chad Dennis
<>, Mark Weiner
<>, KimBeem
Sun, Jan 23, 2011 06:09 AM
3 attachments
This group includes:
A photo of the damage Sierra did to my car when she keyed it in the field on 06/19/10 when she
arrived at the hay field with Beth and they blocked my car from the rear. Due to the lighting, there
is a great deal of reflection so I will include the actual photo with damage circled in the mailing with
the signed complaint.
A photo of the box of my things that was outside the garage at my parent's home when I arrived on
06/19 and no one was there. It verifies a couple of things. Kay did receive my email that requested
that she have my things there that day so they knew I was coming. It confirms what I have said
that I frequently stayed with Kay when I was in Ohio (no "falling out a few years ago" as Murphy
falsely attributes to me). As indicated in my 10/02 request for correction, the box was heavily duct
taped and she knows I get regular manicures that duct tape would destroy; when opened my things
fit in a large canvas tote (she could have easily used a couple of Kroger's bags) - she probably
assumed I flew since I frequently do and it would be very costly for me to ship this large box; and as
previously shared with my Dad on 06/20 when we spoke alone and in the 10/02 request, which goes
to Kay's state of mind, the box also held my toothbrush which had been soaked in bleach, used
tampons, and used panti-liners (sorry guys, you only had to read it, I had to deal with it). For the
record, I rarely use my camera and the only reason I had it with me was in case I wanted to take
photos at the Gov.'s picnic. It was still in the console of the car from the previous evening. Also,
since I don't always keep the battery charged, the actual time is off so don't do a big ah-ha with the
1:57 time on this photo as I can prove it was off by the next photo.
The last photo in this exhibit is one I took of Linda Harmon, who has always been a friend to Mom
and me, in front of the Gov's mansion, just prior to us leaving, the evening of the picnic (the reason
I was in Ohio, which is precisely what I told Tyo). The photo shows it was taken at 6:36, which is
approximately 3 hours before it was taken. My cell phone records show I called Linda at 5:37 to tell
her I was running late - that call was made while I was getting ready in my room at the Hampton at
Easton. We met at Max & Erma's on Hamilton, just south of Morse sometime between 6:00 and
6:30. It was very hot and humid and we went in to get something to drink. I did have one
margarita on the rocks followed by a couple of Diet Cokes. I think we may have had appetizers too,
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we usually do. We were there well over an hour gabbing away. When we drove to the mansion, we
were talking and I missed a turn and found myself lost but it was easy enough to find Broad Street
and drive thru Bexley to get there (again, further delaying our arrival). There is a horrible photo of
us with Gov. Strickland that we had the option to purchase - I didn't but I still have the
photographer's business card if it is necessary to further prove the time. There are people who can
confirm I was there as I talked with Marcia Phelps, Marc & Connie Guthrie, Phil & Donna Shipley, and
Ed & Naomi Compton. Judge Branstool was present but I don't really know him although I was with
my Mom at their farm when John Kerry spoke. Before we left the event, I took the picture of Linda
in front of the mansion.
Keyed Tail light.jpg
959 KB
My things that had been at Kay's house.jpg
226 KB
Linda at the Gov Mansion.jpg
1 MB
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