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The Aga Khan Award for Architecture The Aga Khan Award for Architecture

Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Kerry Hill Architects
Teluk Datai Resorts Sdn Bhd
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date of Completion:
Table of Contents
2001 Technical Review Summary (17 pages)
1998 Architects Record (9 pages)
Nomination Forms (4 forms, 8 pages)
Architects Presentation Panels (7 panels on 4 pages)
Thumbnail Images of Scanned Slides (8 pages)
List of Visual Materials (10 pages)
List of Additional Materials (1 page)
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia

I. Introduction

Jalan Teluka Datai is a five-star resort hotel in Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia, situated on a ridge
within a lush rainforest near the sea. The hotel contains 124 guest modules, arranged as rooms
within blocks of accommodation and as free-standing villas. The design of the resort is
extremely sensitive to the fragile environment in which it is set, and demonstrates how a
fairly large intervention can be built within a tropical rainforest which allows nature to
reclaim the terrain after construction. The buildings themselves are fine examples of a
synthesis between traditional forms and materials and the rigour of modern architecture.

II. Contextual Information

a. Historical background

Langkawi is a popular tourist resort island in northern Malaysia, with numerous hotels. The
Datai is isolated from other hotels on the island and was built with support from the
Malaysian Tourism Ministry, who were keen to develop an upper-end hotel resort. The
governments support took the form of a 30-kilometre stretch of concrete road, built
specifically to open up the northern part of the island, which was otherwise inaccessible.

b. Local architectural character

The local Malaysian buildings are usually built on stilts or on a heavy stone base to protect
them from damp in the ground. Pavilion-like in composition, these buildings have sloping
roofs with generous overhangs to keep off the rain. The demarcation of interior and exterior
spaces is flexible, in order to enable breezes to pass through the building and allow
adaptability for a multiplicity of uses according to the time of day and season. Timber is
extensively used due to the great natural resources of the forests, where an array of good
building woods are readily available.

c. Climatic conditions

The region is characterized by a very hot and humid climate, with little variation throughout
the year. Temperatures average 30
C, and typically there are tropical showers every
afternoon. During the monsoon season, stretching from November to February, rain might fall
throughout the day. In a local city such as Bandar the microclimate varies marginally between
the coastal areas, hill locations and valleys that comprise the landscape. Within the adjoining
tropical forests, the humidity levels are extremely high and the penetration of light is often
limited due to both the dense foliage and the generally overcast sky conditions.

d. Immediate surroundings and topography of the site

The site comprises 750 hectares of untouched rainforest and has four important natural
features: the sea and coral reef, the beach, the rainforest itself, and a well-developed and
sensitive ecosystem of swamps, streams and wildlife. A distinctive feature of the site is a
ridge, on which the major portion of the hotel was eventually situated.

The site drops sharply from the ridge to the waterfront. The height of the trees in the
rainforest makes it difficult to discern the topography, as the foliage invariably grows to a
consistent level. As a result, the topography and the abrupt fall of the land in some parts of the
site only become apparent within the forest itself.

III. Programme

The programme was essentially that of a five-star resort built within a lush rainforest. The
hotel contains 124 guest modules, of which 40 are free-standing villas and 84 are rooms and
suites arranged around a swimming pool and linked by open walkways.

Besides the guest rooms, the resort contains three restaurants, a spa, a beach house with
changing rooms, shops, an office, and a library, as well as the usual service areas, such as
generator rooms, kitchens, a store, a water-purifying plant and an air-conditioning plant.
These facilities are distributed around the site, the majority being located close to the ridge
where the bulk of the functions are situated.

The programme was evolved simultaneously with the design development to ensure a
programmatic fit between the requirements necessary to make the hotel viable and the
architects quest to distribute the buildings in a way that would minimize their bulk. Thus the
objective of the programme was to create a functioning and efficient luxury resort in an
isolated setting, while leaving the tropical forest as undisturbed as possible.

IV. Description

a. Building data

The hotel contains 84 rooms and 40 villas totalling 124 guest modules. The buildings are of
varying scales according to their location on the site. The bulkiest element is the guest-room
accommodation, located on the ridge and broken up into four large blocks connected by
walkways. The various restaurants and other facilities, such as the spa and beachside
changing rooms, are housed in medium-sized buildings, configured as pavilions so that they
are transparent and their bulk and impact on the site are minimized. The smallest buildings
are the villas, which are individual units on the scale of small houses, located on the lower
slopes of the site between the ridge and the beach.

A typical room is 56 square metres in area, with independent access via a detached open
walkway. Accessing the rooms through individual walkways creates a great sense of privacy.
The walkways are architectural elements in themselves and are open on each side to admit

generous shafts of light, again creating a sense of transparency and blurring the boundaries
between inside and outside.

The public areas of the hotel sit on the ridge overlooking a plaza created by the swimming-
pool deck. This clearing in the forest is the heart of the resort and is exquisitely designed with
water features, natural vegetation and paved connections to the various functions. Below the
decks is enclosed accommodation arranged over a number of levels, according to the slope of
the site, and housing indoor services such as the health club and gym.

The total built area of the resort (at all levels) is 32,850 square metres, on a site area of
220,000 square metres.

b. Evolution of design concepts

Besides fulfilling the requirements of a luxury hotel, the single most important issue that the
project confronted was how to make a responsible design intervention within untouched
tropical rainforest. The proprietors chose to locate the hotel in the heart of the forest and the
architect was involved in the selection of the site. He clearly appreciated its features the
ridge, the forest, the beach, the streams and other natural features and went to great lengths
to safeguard these. Early in the design process the architect decided to move the hotel away
from the waterfront in order to minimize its impact on the beach. He chose instead to place
the complex on the ridge, not only providing spectacular views but also leaving a greater
portion of the forest undisturbed. As a result, the hotel is in the heart of the topical forest yet
with easy access to the waterfront. This has been an extremely successful strategy as it forces
the visitor to walk through the rainforest and enjoy the remote seclusion of the site,
reinforcing the quality of the hotel as an exclusive resort.

Another important design decision was to fragment the hotel into free-standing buildings,
some in the form of open pavilions, and to introduce a number of isolated villas, reducing the
mass of the buildings by spreading them across the site and minimizing their visual impact on
the forest. This also allowed for easy adjustments on site to avoid the felling of trees and
enable the accommodation to work naturally with the topography of the land.

The buildings sit either on solid stone bases or on stilts. They are layered horizontally through
the use of different materials or structural systems, and this gives them a sense of lightness in
the way they sit on the site. The visual bulk of the buildings is essentially broken down
through dispersal of their massing and also through layering in terms of detail and scale. The
level of intricacy of the detailing varies greatly according to the space and this helps to create
a sense of visual fragmentation as well as individual identity.

Generous use is made of overhangs, verandas and open pavilions and this was an appropriate
response climatically as well as visually. The villas have their own patios, decks and
verandas. In the guest rooms, the introduction of a transitional alcove between the veranda
and the room creates a sense of spaciousness and allows for adjustments to the climate. This
space can either be closed off from the veranda to become a sitting area within the room or
closed off from the room to make a large seating platform that is part of the veranda. This

allows the space to be used flexibly at different times of day and to be adjusted for air-
conditioning or natural ventilation depending on the season and the weather.

The task of building in a tropical forest is a difficult responsibility. When trees are cleared to
make way for a building, there is a festering wound effect whereby species on the perimeter
that are not resistant to ultraviolet rays begin to burn out. This effect can be mitigated through
the planting of pioneering species trees that grow very fast, blocking the ultraviolet rays to
the adjoining trees and allowing existing (often slow-growing) species to survive. Once the
other trees have taken root, the pioneering species usually give way re-establishing the
ecology of the forest. The architect designed and modulated the buildings in the resort in
consideration of this process.

c. Structure, materials, technology

The larger buildings, which accommodate the guest rooms and some of the restaurants, are
built on stone bases with reinforced cement concrete (RCC) frames and timber verandas,
walkways and roofs. Free-standing units such as the restaurant pavilions, the swimming pool
facilities and the spa, are built in stone and timber. Often trees that were felled on site were
used as columns or stilts to support these structures. In many cases, the tree trunks have been
left in their original form, with only the rough edges finished, so that visitors experience
colonnaded areas as extensions of the forest. The roofs are framed entirely in timber,
supporting timber boarding and shingles. The load-bearing walls are constructed in rubble
excavated from the site or brought in from local quarries. The use of concrete and steel is
minimal and visually these materials have no presence. The brick walls that are used for infill
panels are finished and rendered in plaster.

The complex is designed to minimize the effluents that go out into the sea or the jungle. A
recycling plant has been created as well as localized soak pits and septic tanks to allow
filtered seepage of water back into the forest. The hotel does not use any alternative methods
of power, such as solar panels, and relies on the government grid for electricity and other
utilities. The resort has its own bore wells to supply water, and some rain is harvested.

d. Origin of technology, materials, labour, professionals

The technology employed for the buildings is a sophisticated combination of traditional
methods of construction and contemporary approaches. The synthesis of these vocabularies is
achieved with great elegance. For example, the unplaned tree trunks used for columns, trusses
and beams are assembled with more care than they would be in a traditional building it is
clear that there is an aspiration to achieve perfection in putting together traditional materials.
Alignments, levels of finish, joinery, the materials used and the way they are combined all
coalesce to create an incredibly elegant and sophisticated structural vocabulary.

All the materials are locally available. Wood is one of the main components and much of it
was either felled on site or bought locally. A variety of hardwoods available in Malaysia is
used for finishing as well as for structural elements.

Local Malaysian contractors built the project using local skilled and unskilled labour from
Langkawi. Others in the profession have noted that it is extremely unusual in Malaysia to
achieve the level of finish evident in this complex. This has set an important precedent in
construction quality for the region.

The principal consultants, the architect and interior designer, were based in Singapore and
France respectively, while a local firm, Akitek Jururancang Sdn Bhd, handled the project site,
coordinating the engineering and construction. The architect, Kerry Hill, posted assistants to
the area throughout construction to ensure that details were correctly translated.

V. Construction Schedule and Costs

The project commenced in 1991 and the hotel was occupied in 1993. Considering the location
of the project and the logistical problems of building in the forest, the construction schedule
achieved is remarkable. As with any resort hotel, additions and expansions continue, and
villas and other facilities such as the spa are still being added. The clients have referred to the
original architects for all of these works to date.

The total cost of the project was USD 35,000,000. While the resort is extremely well
maintained with regular painting of the interior, it was not possible to ascertain the exact cost
of annual maintenance from the architect or the management.

VI. Technical Assessment

a. Functional assessment

The complex works exceedingly well as an exclusive resort set in the thick of a tropical
forest. Because it is spread out over such a large area and fragmented over the site, it affords a
great deal of privacy to its occupants. Furthermore, as most circulation paths are within the
tropical forest, they are well-shaded and pleasant areas to walk and create dramatic visual
connections between buildings. The site planning also allows the user to see many beautiful
vistas and experience moments within the forest, as well as engaging with views of the larger

Architecturally, as most public spaces (restaurants, the beachside facilities, etc.) are located in
pavilions, they remain cool with an open interplay between inside and outside space. The
buildings are well situated in their context in terms of both their style and use of material so
that, while experiencing the tropical forest, users can also enjoy an elegant and sophisticated
architectural statement.

b. Climatic performance

Having employed a traditional vocabulary that has evolved over the years in response to its
particular climate, this complex quite naturally works very efficiently in climatic terms.
Although the rooms and some of the restaurants are air-conditioned, they also function
exceedingly well as naturally ventilated rooms because they are designed for cross-

ventilation. Even elements such as the approach corridor or walkways are bathed in light and
air, being treated as bridges between light wells. As a result, users enjoy not only a great
sense of ceremony like traversing a large stage-set but also well-lit and ventilated spaces.

The large overhangs and generous roofs over all the spaces protect them very efficiently from
rain as well as the sun. Even during very heavy rainfall virtually all windows can be kept
open and the interiors remain dry. Rain is channelled through some of the natural streams on
the site and fed into a creek. The verandas that wrap around all the units act as wonderful
buffers from both the rain and the sun, making the buildings climatically adaptable.

The designer has been extremely responsible in dealing with the problems of making an
intervention within the rainforest and was acutely aware of the damage that some inevitable
felling might cause. As a result, not only have the buildings been carefully positioned to
minimize tree felling but also supplementary planting was immediately carried out to mitigate
the effects of the buildings and of clearing the site. Pioneering species were generously
planted beside the buildings where an opening had been made in the forest in order to protect
exposed older species that were not tolerant of the ultraviolet rays of the sun. This process has
been extremely successful and the older species are beginning to stabilize around the edges of
the complex.

Water has been intelligently channelled through the site and is collected in natural creeks and
runaways. These features were safeguarded and, when building over a creek was unavoidable,
the structure was designed as a bridge to allow the creek to pass below it. The natural
topography and storm water drainage system of the site has been left undisturbed, allowing
the original catchment and flow patterns to be sustained.

The trees that were felled from the site were recycled for use within the structures. Trained
elephants were used to fell the trees because they can penetrate the forest with minimal
damage in comparison to, say, a bulldozer.

The hotel has taken maximum advantage of its location in the rainforest and an in-house
horticulturist/naturalist takes guests on tours to see the local flora and fauna. This activity is
supplemented by publications sponsored by the hotel to make occupants aware of the
diversity and richness of the plants and wildlife in the forest.

The hotel has been supporting many environmental causes in the area and is in the process of
setting up a project to compare the productivity of 0.4 hectares of forest and 0.4 hectares of
agricultural land. This includes experimenting with honey tapping, using fallen branches for
handicrafts, etc. The hotel and its horticulturist are confident they will prove that tropical
forest can be as productive in economic terms as agricultural land.

c. Ageing and maintenance

The complex has been designed to weather naturally. The patina of age is already evident on
railings and exposed wooden members, which are not painted or polished on a regular basis
but allowed to age gracefully a natural characteristic of the hardwoods in the area.

Similarly, the stone used for the base of the buildings not only allows creepers to grow
naturally over it, but is also hardy in terms of weathering and requires minimal maintenance.

The areas that require maintenance, such as the plaster and painted wall surfaces, are well
protected by the generous overhangs of the roofs and have been weathering extremely well.
On the whole, the maintenance of the complex is impeccable assisted by the intelligent
design, which has mitigated the effect the weather would naturally have on buildings located
in the tropics and in a rainforest.

d. Design features

The outstanding design features of the Datai resort are as follows:

The decision not to build on the waterfront but to pull the hotel back to the ridge a
great risk for a hotel that markets itself as a beach resort. Building on the highest
point allowed the slopes of the hill to be left intact.
The breaking down of the building massing in order to minimize the bulk at any one
point on the site a design strategy that has resulted in an excellent fit between the
programme and the site.
The creation of naturally lit and ventilated walkways (in preference to enclosed,
double-loaded corridors) a feature that allows visitors to experience the periphery of
the forest as they approach their rooms.
The use of wood and materials that bind the textures of the buildings to their locale,
resulting in an extremely humane complex.

The only criticism that could be made of the design approach is the extreme contrast between
the main block and the villa area, further emphasized by the grand stair connecting the two
levels. The gesture of the grand stair seems excessive and is actually detrimental to the
otherwise quiet configuration and scale of most elements on site. The staircase also
accentuates the level difference between the ridge and the villa area below, making the climb
up to the main building seem extremely cumbersome.

The interior design and furnishing of the buildings not only complements but enhances the
architecture. The interior designer was involved from the inception of the design process and
actually initiated some of the architectural elements, such as the principal railing that forms a
motif throughout the hotel. Local woods have been extensively used in the interiors and, as
these woods also form the predominant building material, the interiors pick up the textures of
the structure itself. At the same time, the styling of the interiors, the furniture and the
accessories in the rooms and restaurants extend the palette of materials used in the complex.
There is a positive synergy between the interiors and the architecture, creating a seamless
integration between the two.

VII. Users

The users of the hotel are rich tourists from all over the world. Germans, Australians and
Japanese make up the greater part of the clientele but visitors also come from other countries

in South-East Asia and Europe and from the United States. There are not many local tourists,
but the resort does provide employment for local people from Langkawi. The staff of the
hotel is generally from Langkawi, with the exception of the manager and senior staff, who
have been sourced from other countries because of their specific expertise.

The response by the users of the resort has been extremely good and there are a number of
repeat clients, with some families using the hotel as an annual retreat. Most of the users and
clients say that this is their favourite of all the many resorts in South-East Asia.

VIII. Persons involved

Besides the owners of the hotel, who acted as patrons, the driving force in this project was the
architect, Kerry Hill, and his colleagues in the firm Kerry Hill Architects. He was involved in
the selection of the site as well as in assisting the management in developing the
programmatic content of the complex. The structural engineer, Rahulan Zain, also played an
important role in negotiating the terrain and working out the logistics of building in a remote
location such as this. The integration of recycled wood into the structure of the hotel was also
an important contribution.

Didier Lefort, (Principal, Didier Lefort Architects) designed the interiors of the hotel and also
contributed many ideas for the architectural detailing. The interiors have made a considerable
contribution in harmonizing with and enhancing the architecture.

Administration is largely handled by the manager, Jamie Case, who has been running the
hotel since its inception. He has been extremely influential in making the hotel function
efficiently as a set of buildings. His contribution in maintaining the complex and in
encouraging its users to fully experience the hotel and site is crucial to the projects success
and popularity.

From the environmental perspective, a key person in the evolution of the site development
was Dr Appanah, a scientist with the Malaysian Forest Research Institute. Dr Appanah
advised the architect and owners on which trees should be felled and how the replacement
process should be implemented and was responsible for re-establishing areas of forest where
felling was necessary.

Rahul Mehrotra
May 2001

Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S089479
VM Title:
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
Location: C1
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S089481
VM Title:
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
Location: C1
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S089482
VM Title:
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
Location: C1
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S089486
VM Title:
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
Location: C1
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S089490
VM Title:
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
Location: C1
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S112816
VM Title:
Date: 01.01.1993
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118770
VM Title: Datai bay langkawi
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118771
VM Title: Datai seen from bay
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118772
VM Title: Resort from beach club
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118773
VM Title: Restaurant pavilion and public area
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118775
VM Title: Pavilion restaurant
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118776
VM Title: Pavilion restaurant and pool deck
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118777
VM Title: Pavilion restaurant and pool deck, night
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118778
VM Title: Port Cochere
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118779
VM Title: Entrance colonnade
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118780
VM Title: Lobby, interior view
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118781
VM Title: View to lobby across water garden
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118782
VM Title: Lift lobby in guest wings
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118783
VM Title: View to guest wing from lobby lounge
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118784
VM Title: Wate garden, seating area
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118785
VM Title: Lobby lounge, interior
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118786
VM Title: Column base
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118787
VM Title: View to lobby lounge across water gaden
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118788
VM Title: Lobby bathroom
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118789
VM Title: Hotel shop
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118790
VM Title: Reception area
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118791
VM Title: View to guest wing from lobby lounge
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118792
VM Title: View to restaurant from guest room suite
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118793
VM Title: Guest wing
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118794
VM Title: Guest wing, balustrade detail
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118795
VM Title: Guest room wing, facade
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: HILL Justin
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118796
VM Title: Typical balustrade
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: HILL Justin
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118797
VM Title: Guest wing courtyard
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118798
VM Title: Guest wing courtyard
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118799
VM Title: Guest wing stairwell
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118800
VM Title: Guest wing, lift lobby
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118801
VM Title: Typical villa bedroom
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118802
VM Title: Typical villa bedroom
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118803
VM Title: Typical guest room bathroom
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118804
VM Title: Beach club from boardwalk
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118805
VM Title: Beach club restaurant from pool terrace
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118806
VM Title: Beach club restaurant
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
Acc No: S118807
VM Title: Beach club restaurant
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118808
VM Title: Beach club pool showers
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Acc No: S118809
VM Title: Beach club changing room
Date: 01.06.1994
Photographer: LIM Albert
Copyright: Y
Technical Infos:
VM Link: 1687 Datai Hotel
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
1 D003014 Site plan LIM Albert A3 Y
2 D003015 Plan entrance level LIM Albert A3 Y
3 D003016 Section through entrance and public area LIM Albert A3 Y
4 D003017 Typical villa plan LIM Albert A3 Y
5 N003461 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
6 N003462 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
7 N003463 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
8 N003464 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
9 N003465 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
10 N003466 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
11 N003467 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
12 N003468 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
13 N003469 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
14 N003470 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
15 N003471 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
16 N003472 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
17 N003473 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
18 N003474 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
19 N003475 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
20 N003476 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
21 N003477 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
22 N003478 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
23 N003479 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
24 N003480 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
25 N003481 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
26 N003482 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
27 N003483 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
28 N003484 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
29 N003485 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
30 N003486 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
31 N003487 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
32 N003488 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
33 N003489 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
34 N003490 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
35 N003491 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
36 N003492 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
37 N003493 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
38 N003494 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
39 N003495 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
40 N003496 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
41 N003497 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
42 N003498 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
43 N003499 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
44 N003500 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
45 N003501 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
46 N003502 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
47 N003503 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
48 N003504 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
49 N003505 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
50 N003506 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
51 N003507 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
52 N003508 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
53 N003509 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
54 N003510 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
55 N003511 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
56 N003512 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
57 N003513 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
58 N003514 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
59 N003515 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
60 N003516 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
61 N003517 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
62 N003518 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
63 N003519 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
64 N003520 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
65 N003521 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
66 N003522 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
67 N003523 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
68 N003524 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
69 N003525 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
70 N003526 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
71 N003527 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
72 N003528 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
73 N003529 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
74 N003530 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
75 N003531 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
76 N003532 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
77 N003533 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
78 N003534 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
79 N003535 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
80 N003536 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
81 N003537 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
82 N003538 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
83 N003539 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
84 N003540 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
85 N003541 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
86 N003542 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
87 N003543 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
88 N003544 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
89 N003545 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
90 N003546 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
91 N003547 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
92 N003548 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
93 N003549 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
94 N003550 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
95 N003551 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
96 N003552 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
97 N003553 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
98 N003554 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
99 N003555 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
100 N003556 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
101 N003557 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
102 N003558 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
103 N003559 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
104 N003560 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
105 N003561 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
106 N003562 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
107 N003563 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
108 N003564 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
109 N003565 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
110 N003566 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
111 N003567 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
112 N003568 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
113 S089464 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
114 S089465 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
115 S089466 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
116 S089467 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
117 S089468 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
118 S089469 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
119 S089470 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
120 S089471 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
121 S089472 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
122 S089473 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
123 S089474 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
124 S089475 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
125 S089476 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
126 S089477 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
127 S089478 01.09.1994 Courtesy of Architect 24x36 Y
128 S089479 CT00132 IMG0018 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
129 S089480 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
130 S089481 CT00132 IMG0014 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
131 S089482 CT00132 IMG0015 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
132 S089483 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
133 S089484 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
134 S089485 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
135 S089486 CT00132 IMG0017 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
136 S089487 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
137 S089488 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
138 S089489 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
139 S089490 CT00132 IMG0016 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
140 S089491 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
141 S112815 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
142 S112816 CT00633 IMG0005 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
143 S112817 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
144 S112818 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
145 S112819 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
146 S112820 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
147 S112821 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
148 S112822 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
149 S112823 01.01.1993 HILL Justin 24x36 Y
150 S112824 01.01.1993 HILL Justin 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
151 S112825 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
152 S112826 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
153 S112827 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
154 S112828 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
155 S112829 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
156 S112830 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
157 S112831 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
158 S112832 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
159 S112833 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
160 S112834 01.01.1993 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
161 S112835 AKAA 24x36
162 S112836 AKAA 24x36
163 S112837 AKAA 24x36
164 S118770 CT00633 IMG0001 Datai bay langkawi 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
165 S118771 CT00633 IMG0002 Datai seen from bay 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
166 S118772 CT00633 IMG0003 Resort from beach club 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
167 S118773 CT00633 IMG0004 Restaurant pavilion and public area 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
168 S118774 Pavilion restaurant 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
169 S118775 CT00633 IMG0006 Pavilion restaurant 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
170 S118776 CT00633 IMG0007 Pavilion restaurant and pool deck 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
171 S118777 CT00633 IMG0008 Pavilion restaurant and pool deck, night 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
172 S118778 CT00633 IMG0009 Port Cochere 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
173 S118779 CT00633 IMG0010 Entrance colonnade 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
174 S118780 CT00633 IMG0011 Lobby, interior view 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
175 S118781 CT00633 IMG0012 View to lobby across water garden 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
176 S118782 CT00633 IMG0013 Lift lobby in guest wings 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
177 S118783 CT00633 IMG0014 View to guest wing from lobby lounge 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
178 S118784 CT00633 IMG0015 Wate garden, seating area 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
179 S118785 CT00633 IMG0016 Lobby lounge, interior 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
180 S118786 CT00633 IMG0017 Column base 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
181 S118787 CT00633 IMG0018 View to lobby lounge across water gaden 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
182 S118788 CT00633 IMG0019 Lobby bathroom 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
183 S118789 CT00633 IMG0020 Hotel shop 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
184 S118790 CT00633 IMG0021 Reception area 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
185 S118791 CT00633 IMG0022 View to guest wing from lobby lounge 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
186 S118792 CT00633 IMG0023 View to restaurant from guest room suite 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
187 S118793 CT00633 IMG0024 Guest wing 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
188 S118794 CT00633 IMG0025 Guest wing, balustrade detail 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
189 S118795 CT00633 IMG0026 Guest room wing, facade 01.06.1994 HILL Justin 24x36 Y
190 S118796 CT00633 IMG0027 Typical balustrade 01.06.1994 HILL Justin 24x36 Y
191 S118797 CT00633 IMG0028 Guest wing courtyard 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
192 S118798 CT00633 IMG0029 Guest wing courtyard 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
193 S118799 CT00633 IMG0030 Guest wing stairwell 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
194 S118800 CT00633 IMG0031 Guest wing, lift lobby 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
195 S118801 CT00633 IMG0032 Typical villa bedroom 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
196 S118802 CT00633 IMG0033 Typical villa bedroom 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
197 S118803 CT00633 IMG0034 Typical guest room bathroom 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
198 S118804 CT00633 IMG0035 Beach club from boardwalk 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
199 S118805 CT00633 IMG0036 Beach club restaurant from pool terrace 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
200 S118806 CT00633 IMG0037 Beach club restaurant 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
201 S118807 CT00633 IMG0038 Beach club restaurant 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
202 S118808 CT00633 IMG0039 Beach club pool showers 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
203 S118809 CT00633 IMG0040 Beach club changing room 01.06.1994 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
204 S208155 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
205 S208156 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
206 S208157 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
207 S208158 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
208 S208159 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
209 S208160 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
210 S208161 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
211 S208162 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
212 S208163 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
213 S208164 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
214 S208165 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
215 S208166 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
216 S208167 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
217 S208168 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
218 S208169 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
219 S208170 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
220 S208171 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
221 S208172 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
222 S208173 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
223 S208174 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
224 S208175 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
225 S208176 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
226 S208177 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
227 S208178 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
228 S208179 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
229 S208180 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
230 S208181 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
231 S208182 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
232 S208183 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
233 S208184 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
234 S208185 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
235 S208186 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
236 S208187 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
237 S208188 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
238 S208189 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
239 S208190 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
240 S208191 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
241 S208192 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
242 S208193 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
243 S208194 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
244 S208195 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
245 S208196 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
246 S208197 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
247 S208198 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
248 S208199 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
249 S208200 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
250 S208201 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
251 S208202 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
252 S208203 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
253 S208204 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
254 S208205 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
255 S208206 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
256 S208207 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
257 S208208 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
258 S208209 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
259 S208210 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
260 S208211 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
261 S208212 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
262 S208213 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
263 S208214 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
264 S208215 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
265 S208216 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
266 S208217 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
267 S208218 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
268 S208219 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
269 S208220 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
270 S208221 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
271 S208222 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
272 S208223 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
273 S208224 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
274 S208225 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
275 S208226 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
276 S208227 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
277 S208228 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
278 S208229 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
279 S208230 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
280 S208231 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
281 S208232 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
282 S208233 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
283 S208234 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
284 S208235 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
285 S208236 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
286 S208237 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
287 S208238 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
288 S208239 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
289 S208240 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
290 S208241 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
291 S208242 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
292 S208243 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
293 S208244 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
294 S208245 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
295 S208246 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
296 S208247 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
297 S208248 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
298 S208249 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
299 S208250 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
300 S208251 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
301 S208252 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
302 S208253 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
303 S208254 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
304 S208255 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
305 S208256 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
306 S208257 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
307 S208258 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
308 S208259 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
309 S208260 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
310 S208261 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
311 S208262 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
312 S208263 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
313 S208264 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
314 S208265 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
315 S208266 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
316 S208267 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
317 S208268 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
318 S208269 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
319 S208270 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
320 S208271 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
321 S208272 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
322 S208273 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
323 S208274 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
324 S208275 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
325 S208276 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
326 S208277 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
327 S208278 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
328 S208279 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
329 S208280 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
330 S208281 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
331 S208282 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
332 S208283 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
333 S208284 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
334 S208285 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
335 S208286 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
336 S208287 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
337 S208288 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
338 S208289 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
339 S208290 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
340 S208291 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
341 S208292 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
342 S208293 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
343 S208294 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
344 S208295 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
345 S208296 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
346 S208297 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
347 S208298 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
348 S208299 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
349 S208300 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
350 S208301 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
351 S208302 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
352 S208303 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
353 S208304 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
354 S208305 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
355 S208306 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
356 S208307 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
357 S208308 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
358 S208309 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
359 S208310 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
360 S208311 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
361 S208312 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
362 S208313 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
363 S208314 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
364 S208315 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
365 S208316 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
366 S208317 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
367 S208318 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
368 S208319 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
369 S208320 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
370 S208321 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
371 S208322 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
372 S208323 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
373 S208324 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
374 S208325 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
375 S208326 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
376 S208327 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
377 S208328 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
378 S208329 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
379 S208330 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
380 S208331 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 24x36 Y
381 S208789 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
382 S208790 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
383 S208791 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
384 S208792 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
385 S208793 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
386 S208794 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
387 S208795 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
388 S208796 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
389 S208797 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
390 S208798 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
391 S208799 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
392 S208800 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
393 S208801 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
394 S208802 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
395 S208803 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
396 S208804 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
397 S208805 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
398 S208806 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
399 S208807 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
400 S208808 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
401 S208809 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
402 S208810 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
403 S208811 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
404 S208812 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
405 S208813 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
406 S208814 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
407 S208815 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
408 S208816 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
409 S208817 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
410 S208818 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
411 S208819 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
412 S208820 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
413 S208821 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
414 S208822 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
415 S208823 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
416 S208824 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
417 S208825 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
418 S208826 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
419 S208827 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
420 S208828 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
421 S208829 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
422 S208830 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
423 S208831 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
424 S208832 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
425 S208833 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
426 S208834 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
427 S208835 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
428 S208836 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x6 Y
429 S208837 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
430 S208838 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
431 S208839 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
432 S208840 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
433 S208841 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
434 S208842 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
435 S208843 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
436 S208844 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
437 S208845 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
438 S208846 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
439 S208847 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
440 S208848 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
441 S208849 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
442 S208850 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
443 S208851 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
444 S208852 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
445 S208853 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
446 S208854 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
447 S208855 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
448 S208856 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
449 S208857 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
450 S208858 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
Datai Hotel
Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
List of Visual Materials
Datai Hotel, Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia
No VM Num CD Id IMG Ord VM Title Date Photographer Format Copyright
451 S208859 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
452 S208860 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
453 S208861 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
454 S208862 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
455 S208863 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
456 S208864 15.04.2001 LIM Albert 6x12 Y
457 S218665 15.04.2001 MEHROTRA Rahul 24x36 Y
458 S218666 15.04.2001 MEHROTRA Rahul 24x36 Y
459 S218667 15.04.2001 MEHROTRA Rahul 24x36 Y
460 S218668 15.04.2001 MEHROTRA Rahul 24x36 Y

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