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Introduction of Major Government Schemes

It was im!emented and e"tended in three hases i.e.# from $%&&' ( %&&)*# $%&&) ( %&1%*# $%&1%+
It is centra!!- sonsored scheme for the rura! deve!oment of India started in %&&'.
There are / o.jectives in this scheme.
a* To rovide a!! weather road connectivit- to the vi!!a1e which have more than 1&&& ou!ation
in !ain areas and '&& ou!ation in hi!!- areas.
.* To .rin1 1& mi!!ion hectares of !and under irri1ation faci!it- and to ma2e 1., mi!!ion hectares of
additiona! !and for ara.!e !and $for the use of a1ricu!ture*.
c* To rovide c!ean drin2in1 water to a!! vi!!a1es .- the end of %&1% under Rajiv Gandhi a-ja!
d* To e!ectrif- 1# 3/#&&& vi!!a1es .- the end of %&1% under Rajiv Gandhi 4id-uti2aran -ojna.
e* To construct 5a22a houses for B56 house+ ho!ds under Indira Awas 7ojana $Now from Ari! 1st
%&18 cash assistance Rs. 3&&&& for !ain areas and Rs. 3'&&& for hi!!- areas* revious!- it was Rs.
,&&&& for !ain areas and Rs. ,'&&& for hi!!- areas.
f* To rovide te!ehone connectivit- to a!! vi!!a1es and a!! B56 ho!ders .- %&1%.
1* Note: A!! these o.jectives are e"tended ti!! %&1,.
%. 9NN:RM: 9awahar!a! Nehru Nationa! Renewa! Mission
It was im!emented and e"tended in two hases i.e.# $%&&' ( %&1%*# $%&1% ( %&1,*
Started in the -ear %&&' to ma2e mi!!ion !us cities s;uatter $S!am area* free.
There are % comonents
a* To construct a22a houses for oor dwe!!in1 in s;uatter under Rajiv Awas -ojana. .* To
ma2e transortation s-stem faster and 1reener.
8. NRHM: Nationa! Rura! Hea!th Mission
It was started on 1%th Ari! %&&' to enhance the hea!th faci!ities in rura! areas.
The aointment of ASHA wor2ers $Accredited socia! hea!th activist* in An1onwadi <endra to
rovide .asic information on hea!th and h-1iene conditions as we!! as to 1uide eo!e re1ardin1
conservation of water.
,. MGNR=GA: Mahatma Gandhi Nationa! Rura! =m!o-ment Guarantee Act
It was on started on %nd >e. %&&/ to rovide minimum 1'& da-s from 1st Ari! %&18 $revious!-
its is 1&& da-s* of em!o-ment to B56 house ho!d.
This scheme is .oth for and Rura! areas.
The o!d name of this scheme is NR=GA and it was chan1ed to MGNR=GA on %nd 0ct %&&).
The wa1es under the scheme is fi"ed on the .asis of ?5I+A6 $?onsumer 5rice Inde" for
A1ricu!tura! 6a.ourers* which is ca!cu!ated .- the state 1overnment on the .asis of their 5er
caita Income.
'. :I@AI: :ni;ue Identification Authorit- of India.
It was started in the -ear %&1& to rovide mu!tiurose nationa! identit- card $MNI?* to ever-
citiAen a1ed a.ove ' -ears.
Its name has .een chan1ed to Aadhar.
Its mode! state was <arnata2a $started*
The retina! identification is ta2en from the a1e 1rou of 1, and a.ove.
Scheme has 3 comonents !i2e address# 5AN no.# 5assort no.# retina! identit- etc# It consists of 1%
?hairman: Nandan Ni!2ani
/. N>SM: Nationa! >ood Securit- Mission
This scheme is to reduce the overt- in India under nationa! socia! assistance ro1ramme.
:nder 5u.!ic @istri.ution S-stem $5@S*# 1overnment wi!! rovide rice B Rs. 8C21# wheat B Rs.
%C21 to the B56 househo!ds.
3. IGN0A5S: Indira Gandhi Nationa! 0!d a1e 5ension Scheme
This Scheme is for the eo!e who a1ed a.ove /' -ears.
The amount of Rs. ,&& er month $?entra! 1ovt D State 1ovt E Rs. %&& D Rs. %&&* wi!! .e rovided
.- .oth ?entra! 1overnment and State 1overnment who a1ed .etween /' ( F& -ears.
Rs. '&& er month $?entra! 1ovt D State 1ovt E Rs. %'& D Rs. %'&* for the eo!e who a1ed more
than F& -ears.
F. IGNG5S: Indira Gandhi Nationa! Gidow 5ension Scheme
The .eneficiar- is in .etween a1e 1rou of ,&+/, -ears in this scheme.
Assistance of Rs. ,&& er month $?entra! 1ovt D State 1ovt E Rs. %&& D Rs. %&&* wi!! .e 1iven to
articu!ar erson.
). N>BS: Nationa! >ami!- Benefit Scheme
:nder this scheme a 1rant of Rs. 1&&&& is 1iven in case of natura! and accidenta! death of the
rimari!- .readwinner of the fami!- $heCshe* of B56 househo!ds.
1&. ANNA5:RNA:
:nder this scheme 1& 21 of food 1rains are rovided to B56 househo!ds free of cost ever- month.
But for this scheme the articu!ar .eneficiar- shou!dnHt .e re1istered with IGN0A5S.
Iuestion As2ed in RBI mornin1 shift 8 Au1ust %&1,
1. 0!dest in the modi ca.inet
%. Address of of rime minister modi where -ou can contact him
8. Secretor- deartment of economic affairs# finance ministr-
,. ?=0 of A!e
'. 4enue of >I>A %&1,
/. 0r1aniAation who won N0B=6 eace riAe %&18
3. IM> chief
F. Ghich out of the fo!!owin1 five is not an or1an of Gor!d Ban2
). Ghich of the fo!!owin1 five is not correct re1ardin1 GT0
1&. Ghich of the fo!!owin1 statements isCare correct a.out S6R
11. Ghich of the fo!!owin1 can .e used for ti1hten the !i;uidit- .- RBI
1%. Ghich of the fo!!owin1 countries is not havin1 ruee as their currenc-
18. Ghich of the fo!!owin1 not correct air of countr-+caita!(
1,. Ghich of the fo!!owin1 is not a function of RBI
1'. ?aita! mar2et is a!so 2nown as
1/. A science re!ated indian award 1iven to whom# donHt the name of award
13. 0ne ;uestion re!ated to how RBI contro! !i;uidit-
1F. Gho recent!- articiated in resident e!ections of Af1hanistan
1). Gho wrote ta!es of two cities
%&. Gho !a-ed deductive ro!e in .o..- jasoo
%1. Gho !a-ed !ead ro!e on Mr Beans
%%. 6ar1est therma! ower !ant in India
%8. After increasin1 the hei1ht of Narmada dam# what has .ecome its ran2 in the
%'. India fore" reserve as on 81 mar %&1, as er economic surve-
%/. How much ercent investment a!!owance in .ud1et %&1, after investment of %'
carore in !ant n machiner-
%3. How much a!!ocation to .u!!et trains in rai! .ud1et
%F. Re!ated to definition of .a!ance of a-ment
%). Internationa! women da- ce!e.rated when
8&. Most cost!- cit- in the wor!d accordin1 to some wor!d !ive!ihood inde" reort
81. Air Asia a!!iance with which indian coman-
8%. Recent!- .an2in1 !icense 1iven to which J ans .andhan
88. Ghich amon1 the fo!!owin1 not a 5S:( ans .andhan
8,. Hi1hest of ministers in the ca.inet from which state
8'. Ajit dova! recent!- aointed as K
8/. >irst indian to .e aointed as chief of Intero!
83. >@I !imit in rivate sector .an2s
8F+ca!! mone-
8)+ceo of infos-s
,&+2ochadai-aanHs star
,1+detective in .o..- jasus
,%+chance!!or of 1erman-
,8+.ifr re!ated
,,+r.iHs 1iro advisor- committee head
,'+which countr- dont have ruee as its currenc-
,/+fmc fu!! form
,3+o.ama is 1ettin1 unou!ar !i2e
,F+mono rai! in
,)+one on se.i re1u!ations
'&+!astic notes+not introduced in which cit-

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