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Heart Attacks

What You Should Know

Elizabeth Rojas
Heart Attacks: What You Should Know
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, about 1.1 million Americans have a heart
attack each year. About 40 ercent o! heart attacks are !atal. Because heart attacks o!ten haen about
one hour a!ter symtoms !irst start, eole tyically can seek medical care.
What is a heart attack?
A heart attack is caused by coronary heart disease "#H$%. #H$ occurs &hen the coronary arteries
narro&, &hich decreases blood suly to the heart. A blood clot usually !orms, &hich terminates blood
!lo&. 'hen this occurs, a erson is having a heart attack. I! not treated immediately, ermanent muscle
damage can occur, or the erson can die.
What are the signs of a heart attack?
(ome o! the main signs o! a heart attack include the !ollo&ing)
*ncom!ortable ressure, ain, s+uee,ing sensation, or discom!ort in the center o! the chest,
tyically lasting more than a !e& minutes.
-ain or ressure in the chest, uer abdomen, neck, .a&, or arms.
Lightheadedness, !ainting, s&eating, or nausea.
Heartburn or indigestion.
Increased or irregular heart rate.
(hortness o! breath.
How can you reduce the risk of a heart attack?
(ome !actors, such as age and history o! heart disease in a !amily are uncontrollable/ ho&ever, you can
take stes to reduce the risk o! having a heart attack. (ome o! these stes include the !ollo&ing)
Stop smoking cigarettes. #igarette smoking dramatically increases the risk o! heart attacks.
Lo&er your blood ressure. High blood ressure !orces your heart to &ork harder, &hich
increases the risk o! a heart attack. 0he otimal blood ressure is 110230. 0o revent or
control high blood ressure, do the !ollo&ing)
o Lose e4tra &eight.
o Become hysically active.
o 5ollo& a healthy eating lan, including reducing sodium intake.
o Limit alcohol intake.
6educe high blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol causes your arteries to become
narro&er, thus slo&ing do&n or blocking the !lo& o! blood to your heart. 0o reduce high
blood cholesterol, do the !ollo&ing)
-age 1
o 7at healthy !oods.
o 8et lenty o! hysical activity.
o Lose e4tra &eight.
'ork to&ard a healthy &eight. Being over&eight or obese increases the robability o! a hart
Lead a hysically active li!e. -hysical activity hels lo&er your blood ressure and hels
control high blood cholesterol. Increasing your hysical !itness increases overall health,
&hich can minimi,e the risk o! a hart attack.
9anage diabetes. $iabetes damages blood vessels, &hich leads to heart diseases. $iabetics
must adhere strictly to doctor:s orders to control the diabetes. (ome guidelines !or diabetics
include the !ollo&ing)
o 7at at regular times each day.
o 0ake rescritions as directed and at consistent times each day.
o #heck your blood sugar level every day.
9edicineNet, Inc. "n.d.% Heart attack (Myocardial Infarction). 6etrieved Aril 1;, 100<, !rom
National Heart, Lungs, and Blood Institute. "n.d.%, Heart attacks. 6etrieved Aril 1;, 100<, !rom
National Heart, Lungs, and Blood Institute. "n.d.%, Reducing heart attack risk. 6etrieved Aril 1;, 100<,
!rom htt)22&&&.nhlbi.nih.gov2actintime2rhar2rhar.htm.
0ri8enesis #ommunications Inc. "n.d.%. Heart attack symptoms and warning signs. 6etrieved Aril 1;,
100<, !rom htt)22&&&.heartin!
-age ;

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