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Read the text below and choose the word that best fits each space. Mark the correct
letter A, B, C or D- on your exa sheet for each !uestion"
#xaple" $-A
%he &ake District is 'ery popular for holidays all year round. Roads leadin( into the
area ha'e been ipro'ed in))*))years. +nside the area itself, howe'er, any roads
are)),))and windin( with steep hills and it ay not be safe to dri'e))-))roads like
this when they are)).))in ice. /or the ountain walker a word of warnin( e'ery
season 'isitors))0))lost or are in1ured and))2))to be rescued by the Mountain
Rescue teas. %his kind of proble can be))3))by followin( a few siple rules.
4hen explorin( the ountains, wear war clothin(, sensible boots, take a ap,
copass and whistle and a sall))5))of food. Don6t (o ))7))alone and always tell
soeone where you))*$))to (o to.
*. A recent B- next C- last D- close
,. A- thin B- sli C- narrow D- shallow
-. A- alon( B- abo'e C- by D- in
.. A- wrapped B- co'ered C- drowned D- filled
0. A- ha'e B- be C- ake D- (et
2. A- ust B- should C-need D- ou(ht
3. A-encoura(ed B- pre'ented C- arran(ed D- or(anised
5. A- !uantity B- wei(ht C- len(th D- liit
7. A- for B- by C- with D- off
*$. A- look B- see C- plan D- know
Choose the correct 'ariant"
*. %he roo needs8
A-to dust B-dusted C-dustin( D-to be dustin(
,. 9e doesn6t like8by his rooates.
A-bein( ade fun of B-bein( ade fun C-to ake fun of D- akin( fun of
-. De ce insist: p:rin;ii lui ca el s: ear(: la aceast: <coal: =
A-4hy his parents insist to (o to this school =
B-4hy do his parents insist on his (oin( to this school =
C-4hat for do his parents say that he should (o to this school =
D-4herefore do his parents insist that he went to this school =
.. >ane had her house8into last ni(ht.
A-broke B-broken C- been broken D-bein( broken
0. ?he walks as if she8a wooden le(.
A-has had B-had C-will ha'e D-would ha'e had
2. +f she isn6t at school, she8be at hoe. ?he can6t be anywhere else.
A-ay B-i(ht C-need D-ust
3. +t6s 1ust struck idni(ht. +t6s hi(h tie we8
A-to lea'e B-left C-lea'e D-ha'e left
5. +6 sorry they don6t 'isit e anyore.
A- + wished they 'isit e
B- + wish they didn6t 'isit e anyore
C- + wish they 'isited e
D- + wish they 'isit e
7. ?he asked e if + ...... the books yet.
A- had bou(ht B- ha'e bou(ht C- bou(ht D- will ha'e bou(ht
*$. @lease let e know your ............
A- address B- adress C- adres D- addres
**. 9e ....... arrested.
A- will be certainly B- will certainly be C- will certanly be D- will be certanly
*,. + could ha'e (i'en hi an answer if he ....... e.
A- had asked B- asked C- would ha'e asked D- would ask
*-. ?he ade e ..... the letter a(ain.
A- to write B- writin( C- write D- to be writin(
*.. Ao er(e Bn excursie cCnd 'o a'ea destui bani.
A- 4eDll (o on a trip when we ha'e enou(h oney.
B- 4eDll (o in a trip when we ha'e enou(h oney.
C- 4eDll (o on a trip when weDll ha'e enou(h oney.
D- 4eDll (o in a trip when weDll ha'e had enou(h oney.
*0. M-a Bntrebat unde sunt banii ei.
A- 9e asked e where was y oney
B- 9e asked e where y oney was.
C- 9e asked e where were y oney.
D- 9e asked e where the oneys were.
*2. 9ardly had they looked at the pictures....... their parents entered the roo.
A- than B- then C- while D- when
*3. ?he speaks #n(lish ..... .
A- fluently B- fluency C- fluent D- accurate
*5. 9ow lon( ............. in the (arden=
A- are you workin( B- were you workin(
C- ha'e you been workin( D- will you ha'e been workin(=
*7. %he fil was ..... borin( that + fell asleep.
A- that B- such C- that 'ery D- so
,$. +f the proble........ iportant, it wouldnDt cause us concern.
A- will be B- would be C- had been D- werenDt
EF%A" %oate subiectele sunt obli(atorii. /iecare ite corect se noteaG: cu dou:
puncte. ?e acord: *$ puncte din oficiu. @uncta1ul axi la proba scris: este de 3$
puncte. %ip de lucru" * or:.

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