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August 2014
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 Transmittal Day MCA Unavailable
4 5 6

7 8

12 13

14 15


19 20 21 22

25 26

27 28 29 9:00-1:00 How to take
90 LISTINGS... in 90 Days
with Craig Reger!
At Johnston LIONs Club.
Mastermind Session After with ALC &
Interested Agents
Sign up at:

Shannon Thome 515-210-9244
Market Center News
August Lead-Gen Alphabet Code

Week 31 (4th-8th): Letters H & Z
Week 32 (11th-15th): Letters J & E
Week 33 (18th-22nd): Letters L & K
Week 34 (25th-29th): Letters M & X

Mega Camp will be Here SOON!
Mega Camp is the event where top-
producing agents across North America
unite to learn, gain motivation and network
with the industrys most esteemed leaders!
Register at:

Sept 15th16th: MEGA Leadership Camp
Sept 16th: Leadership Masterminds
Sept 17th AM: Cultural Summit
Sept 17th PM: Mega Tech Camp
Sept 18th19th: MEGA Agent Camp
Sept 19th: Mega Agent Masterminds

eEdge Ambassador
Office Hours

eEdge Ambassadors are available to help with eEdge
questions. Sign up for a 30 minute appointment at the
front desk to reserve a time.

Rochelle: Tuesdays 2:00-4:00
Daphane: Every Other Thursday 1:003:00

Warranty Enrollment:
Mastermind DayDiscussion on Words and
Phrases to Avoid in Advertising
11:00-11:30 Green Sheet Training w/
April in the Family Room
9:00 -11:00 Scripts/Lead Gen
9:00Noon Market Center Orientation
For ALL Associates New to KW!
1:002:00 eEdge Step 2Agent
Website Setup/UsageRochelle
9:00-11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
23:00 eEdge Tech Set-Up Step 1
Your Profile & OverviewPaige
9:00 - 11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
Agent Billing Arrives Sunday
9:00-11:00 Scripts /Lead Gen
9:00 11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen 9:00-11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
Agent Billing Is Due Today!
2-3:00 pm State Fair Meeting RE-
QUIRED for those working! - Erin Iowa State Fair Starts: Aug 7th-17th
9:00 11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
NO DMAAR Board of Directors Meeting!
9:00 11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
23:00 eEdge Tech Set-Up Step 1
Your Profile & OverviewPaige
23:00 eEdge Tech Set-Up Step 1
Your Profile & OverviewPaige
9:00-11:00 Scripts/Lead Gen 9:00-11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
2:00 - 3:00pm eEdge Step 3My
Marketing SetupDaphane
9:00-11:00 Scripts /Lead Gen 9:00-11:00 Scripts /Lead Gen
23:00 eEdge Tech Set-Up Step 1
Your Profile & OverviewPaige
KW Cares to Benefit Ruby Van Meter School

Your August donations of cash, and supplies (flash drives,
color pocket folders, sweatpants, 3 ring binders, adult socks,
backpacks, fine point markers, dry erase markers, paper
plates & napkins & Kleenex) benefit the children and
Teachers of this school!

Put all donations in Marcia Mungers Office.
9:00 -11:00 Scripts/Lead Gen 9:00 -11:00 Scripts/Lead Gen
1:00-2:00 Mortgage Cents ~ Must
Know Mortgage ProductsShannon
11:00-11:30 Green Sheet Training w/
April in the Family Room
1:00-2:00 Mortgage Cents w/Shannon
PreApprovals & PrePlanning
Office Closed on Monday, September 1
For Labor Day!!
1112:30 OPEN Houses with a PUR-
POSE! Bring Lunch! Jacque & Amy!
1112:30 Grow your PROFIT Share
Tree & Passive InvomeKacy Bell
9:00 -11:00 Scripts/Lead Gen
9:005:00 PM Growth Initiative
Recruit SelectSmokey Garrett
Overland Park MC 11005 Metcalf,
Overland Park, KS.
9:004:00 PM Growth Initiative Recruit Se-
lectSmokey Garrett Overland Park MC
9:00 - 11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
1112:00 Tech Toolbox and Tips for
your BusinessSean Crow
Iowa State Fair & KW Booth
11-1:00 Master Your Purchase Agree-
ments! - Doug Burnett (All New to
KW Agents SHOULD attend!)
1:30-3:30 Master Your Listing Agree-
ments! - Doug Burnett (All New to
KW Agents SHOULD attend!)
11-1:00 CMAsPrice it right EVERY
time! - Beth Ernst (All New to KW
Agents SHOULD attend!)
11:00-12:00 Everything you NEED to
know about Home Inspections
1:002:00 eEdge Tech Set-Up Step 2
Agent Website Set Up & UseRochelle
9:00 11:00 Scripts / Lead Gen
9:004:00 PM Build a TOP Team!
- KWU Event Doubletree10100
College Blvd, Overland Park, KS.
2:153:15 eEdge Step 4 Dotloop and
My TransactionsRochelle
1:00-2:00 Mastering Exclusive Buyer
Agency (All New to KW Agents
SHOULD attend!) - Jeanne & Andy
9:00 - 11:00 Scripts /Lead Gen
9:00-11:00 Scripts /Lead Gen
Dylan Whitney: Aug 5th
Ken Nead: Aug 5th
Danielle Seifert: Aug 7th
Valerie Ashley: Aug 12th
Brenda Long: Aug 14th
Tamara Flaig: Aug 16th
Paris Boehm: Aug 18th
Steve Ferguson: Aug 20th
Nathan Erickson: Aug 21st
Deb Mitchell: Aug 22nd
Rob Brewer: Aug 23rd
Deb Church: Aug 24th
Mia Anania: Aug 25th
Kelly Schall: Aug 28th
Jacque Sackett: Aug 29th
Bob Wadell Aug 20th
Megan VanderWeed: Aug 20th
Top 20% Consultation Day Group 2. Arrive on
time for your session and bring your pipeline &
411 for August.
Top 20% Consultation Day Group 1.
11:00-12:15 PC Group Session
11:00-12:15 PC Group Session

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